How to draw a pencil racing machine in stages. Step-by-step lessons: how to draw cars

How to draw a pencil racing machine in stages. Step-by-step lessons: how to draw cars

Racing cars - the incarnation of power, speed, designer idea. And if you also like these mechanisms, then there is nothing better than learning how to draw a racing car.

Red racing car on the track

The most interesting will be sorting out how to draw a racing car in stages directly during the movement. The car will rush along the highway with a huge speed so that the first cross the finish line and bring the driver honored victory.

Initially, make a common shape of the body. It will be low, wide, the most streamlined.

Then depicting the cabin - a low little elevation in the center of the form.

After that, finish the shape of the hood. She will be something like a hammer fish nose - a wide design on a narrow "leg".

Now add one wheel and anti-cycle. Anticarpus provides a car with a better coated clutch on the road.

At the next stage, you will show two more wheels and add a little small details.

Then move all the extra and auxiliary lines and put the main.

Add colors - the case will make red and white, and around you draw the lubricated, flying in the windows of landscapes with trees and bridge.

That's all - the picture is fully ready.

Car for racing - combination of smoothness and power

Racing machines do not always look like alien ships - often their design is fully accustomed, and only streamlining forms and the presence of anti-anti-stroke indicate that we have a super-fast device. So let's learn how to draw a pencil racing car.

The first thing is depicting the general shape of the car and wheels. All lines must be very smooth, without sharp corners.

Then add the roof of the car.

Then I draw the front and side windows, separated the door.

After that, add details: headlights, side windows, radiator grille, anti-cycle, etc.

For beginners

If you like racing cars, but just start learning from visual art, it is quite possible to learn how to draw a racing machine for beginners. Simple forms and detailed description of each stage of drawing will make it easy and quick to make a pretty sketch or drawing.

Initially, you will show two large wheels and the front of the hood. We will draw a marker immediately, without a preliminary pencil sketch. If you doubt your abilities, you can first still perform an outline with a pencil, and then imagine lines.

Then give the doors, a steering wheel, an anti-car, a cabin and a man sitting in a helmet. The cabin will be open - the pilot is in essence, "on the street".

That's all, but if you wish, you can paint the car into some bright color - so the picture will look much more interesting.

Cheerful cars - draw with kids

If your son or daughter is fond of races, cars and different mechanisms, then a great idea will learn how to draw a racing car to children. The baby will probably like it, especially if we are in advance with bright pencils, wovers or paints. Or, for example, wax shallow or colored handles.

Initially, you will show the bottom of the car and two sufficient large wheels with the knitting needles.

Then Dorisuham the rest of the body - its form will be elongated, with smooth bends and pointed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe edge of the edge.

Then depicting the anti-car and sitting in the driver's cabin. Or, on the terminology of riders, pilot. The pilot will smile having fun.

At the next stage, add the details: all sorts of buttons, panels, rounds.

Now you need to paint the drawing. The body of the machine we made red and blue, but if you wish, you can choose other shades. Only wheels should be black - another color tires are not released. Also, if desired, you can depict the landscape around.

All, drawing is completely ready. Do not forget to praise your little artist and hang his masterpiece in the nursery.

Many children and adults want to know how to draw cars is simple and realistic. With the help of step-by-step lessons, a preschooler will cope with this task.

How to draw cars with children

Let's depict a simple and bright typewriter.

"Mercedes Benz"

Let's go to more difficult lessons and learn how to draw the machines with a pencil. There are several ways to start working on the picture: repeating the main outlines, using the marking of the sheet with lines or starting with the wheels. This lesson will be devoted to the first way.

Learning to draw cars in stages:

Fast and crazy "BMW"

Now consider another way how to draw cars with a pencil. The order of work is:

How to draw racing cars

The boys of all ages are delighted with the barids. How to draw them? Quite just really.

Now you know how to draw cars from the Formula 1 races. Take a photo of your favorite barbell and, using this instruction, depict it.

Cars are one of the favorite for drawing by the guys, especially boys. Often they arrange a tight competition, who has an image of the typewriter and plausible. Not everyone has the art talent for performing such a task, but these skills are trained. If a person shows enough perseverance in the development of artistic wisdom, such a task, how to draw a car, will lose difficulty for him, turn into a completely satisfying and delivering pleasure from anticipation of an excellent result of the applied effort. Help our prompts are designed to help such plans.

How to draw a machine in a pencil in a pencil: some subtleties of the process

Before trying to draw the car in stages, it is worth deciding on its appearance. If a specific model attracted, it is necessary to study its images, study in detail, mentally divided into separate items: it is so easier to distribute the work into individual stages. In the case when the car looks unnecessary to drawing, it is desirable to resort to styling or simplification, leaving only key components, the main lines. Those whose artistic skills are not yet sufficiently high, it is preferable to avoid excessive product detail. The auxiliary lines and strokes carried out in the course of the creative process are necessarily erased when the need for them disappears.

How to draw a machine in stages for children

Difficulties with how to draw a car, for children there are just due to insufficient ease of form. They are not necessarily trying to repeat a certain model - it is necessary to portray a certain conditional chamber, like that. First delays an arbitrary rectangle with a smaller trapezing over it - it will be the body part. The windows are drawn in it, wheels are added, preferably with disks. Approximately in the middle of the rectangle pair of parallel vertical lines are indicated by the edges of the doors. Details are added in bed: peeling edge, bumpers, headlights from the window.

How to draw a racing car

If the task is to draw a racing or sports car, to act permissively as follows. A basic form of this type is created, consisting of the projection of parallelepiped and a volumetric trapezium in the desired perspective. According to it, the contours are specified. The first thing is delineated by the lower part, with recesses under the wheels, and then they are drawn and they themselves, a little oval due to the features of the projection. Now denotes the bottom of the transfer, slightly rounded and with a low fit, and in a similar way - rear. Slightly curls the top, the boundaries of the glasses are stuck, side mirrors are added, then several pairs of headlights. The edges of the doors, the hood, place under the number plate are indicated. Spoiler, other details are added. Detailed phased instructions - on this page.

How to draw a cool car: Dodge Viper

Learn how to draw a car with a pencil, many guys are rushing for the sake of further creating images of steep cars. One of the options, the detailed instructions for which will be found, now consider. First, the workpiece is created, like this, with a two perpendicular lines inside it, one of which will turn into the lower edge of the windshield. Now it is drawn by itself, then the bottom edge of the car, outlining the shape of the body, the top of the headlights, the covers of the hood, places for the wheels. Many details are added: a drawing passing through the body, fog lights, radiator grilles, tires with discs, ventilation holes, mirrors, headlights. Tips for their location will be available on the link to the instruction.

How to draw a police car

With such a task how it is easy to draw a car of this type, not everyone can cope. But it will be simple work if you find the appropriate instructions. Follow permissible instructions given in this video amphibian . The text version of the phased story about the process of creating an image of a similar service car is given on this website. In fact, a policeman will come up as a policeman, except for sports cars. There will be some distinctive signs on a simple body. On the roof, the flashing block, located parallel to the bumpers. Side bands are applied on the body, digital designations 02, the small inscription "Police" with a simple font.

How to draw a fire truck

Such a problem is not easy, and successfully resolve it will allow the following video instruction . It is intended for older people, and if you depict a police car wishes a preschooler, it is advisable for him to turn to another video . There are smaller intricate lines, the image itself is a bit angular. For detailed text explanation, equipped with pictures of each stage of drawing, you need to go here. There, the creation of a similar service car is conducted from the formation of a simple form-blank to the gradual drawing of the contours, adding small elements.

The lesson how to draw the machine in stages already there is already on the site "Draw Easy", but now we will learn to draw a car from another angle - side view. This phased diagram of drawing a car is not complicated, and having mastered it, you can draw a car absolutely any brand.

How to draw a machine in stages

So, how to draw a car Phased side view. Let's start with the wheels. We carry out a line that will be the basis and draw two circles. If you are hard to draw circles "on the eye", use a curly ruler or circula. I used a curly ruler - it makes it very easily drawing, than to sit and remove smooth circles. It is better to draw a simple soft pencil one of the labeling from "3B" to "6B".

Now spend the car lines of the car. Pay attention to what form you draw the car body. If you wondered how to draw a car with a sports body, then it should be streamlined with smooth lines, as in the figure below.

Next, draw the windshield and side windows of the car.

In order for you not to get confused, in the next stage, draw alternately: first the headlights, then the door, and the side mirror. Also do not forget to designate the arches of the wheels.

Well, if everything turns out, then the form of the car is already ready. But we will continue and draw air intakes under the anterior headlight, and on the hood.

We went to the finishing straight lesson how to draw a machine in stages! In the side windows, we draw silhouettes of seats and then carefully work over the wheels. You need to draw two circles inside the wheels. See the drawing below.

When everything is ready, draw wheels wheels of any shape that you like. If extra lines remain, then remove them with eraser. Drawing machine ready!

All that remains to do is to open the car. I leave to do it yourself. I myself will take a black marker and disperse the wheels, seats and rear lamp.

This is the simplest car drawing scheme on the side. I hope you liked the lesson. Waiting for you in the following lessons how to draw a machine in stages In other angles that you can see or.

In this lesson, you will learn how to quickly draw a crossover class car, step by pencil. The machine of this class is slightly larger and harder than other types of passenger cars, so the wheels of this car are higher and wider than that of ordinary passenger cars. For the best passability of off-road, this car has a high suspension, that is, the body of the body and the ground will be more. Modern streamlined machine design of the machine is not very easy to reflect in the picture, so we will draw the car without additional design elements, only the basis of the body of the machine.
If you can correctly draw a car Phased pencil, you can after adding additional design elements, such as air intake and spoiler, etc. The picture drawn by the pencil can be painted with colored pencils in the penultimate step of this lesson.

1. Draw a simple overall car circuit

Draw a car It is not easy, so it is necessary to make the right preliminary marking of the total car circuit. To simplify this task, drew two parallel lines at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. Divide these lines with two sections of 6 and 8 cm. If you draw a car larger, onto the whole sheet of paper, then increase these numbers in proportion. At the same stage of the drawing, next to the straight lines, draw the lines at an angle, and remove the first outline lines.

2. Draw contours of the roof and wheels

Try to make exactly the same marking for the wheels, like on my drawing. Please note the right front wheel is further from the vertical edge of the contour than the left wheel. And the contours of wheels are not square, but rectangular. The roof circuit of the car is easier to draw, however, try to make it as accurate as possible.

3. Begin to draw the body shape of the machine

Initially, it is better to draw the streamlined lines of the body shape along with the hood, and after it is already embarking to draw the contours of the sinks. Between the wheel contours, draw the bottom of the body of the machine. Do not rush to draw everything right away, look carefully on drawing machine Once again before switching to the next step.

4. body shape and wheels

Start this step due to remove all the extra contour lines from the picture. After that, start painting the wheel of the wheel. Maybe ideal circumference immediately you will not work out, so do not press a pencil strongly. Now proceed to draw body parts, glass, headlights. Detailed instructions on how draw a carit is impossible to give, just be attentive.

5. Latest touches in the drawing of the car

Wheels for the car is difficult to draw, because they must be perfect round and the same. But to draw disks is easy. For a disk pattern, any symmetrical figure is suitable, such as a star. When you draw the car side windows, do not forget to draw a side mirror. The remaining parts of the body draw at their discretion, the main thing is that you can correctly and symmetrically draw the shape of the body and wheels.

6. How to draw a car. Final Step

If your drawing of the machine will be performed in a simple pencil technique, then you must definitely sharpen. It will give the picture of the machine three-dimensional appearance, volume. But, probably, any car will look prettier, if it is painted with colored pencils. Be sure to draw the road and the surrounding car landscape, then your car drawing will be a real picture.

Sports machines have a more streamlined dynamic design and low landing. In addition, they have low and wide automotive tires. It is necessary for greater stability on the devices and the best clutch of the car with the road. Otherwise, the picture of the sports car is not different from the drawing of a conventional passenger car.

The tank is one of the most complex military machines. The most important thing in the drawing of the tank, as well as in the drawing of the car, draw its frame correctly.

Nowadays, you can rarely meet wooden sailing ships. But even now they are the object of many drawings. On our site there are many lessons drawing techniques, including cars. In this lesson, we will learn to draw the ship in stages.

A plane draw is not so difficult, much easier than, for example, draw the car. In order to draw an aircraft, you only need to know some of the features of its structure. For example, military aircraft, unlike passenger, do not have a passenger compartment, but only a cabin of pilots.

Let's try to statenly draw hockey player in motion, with a stick and washer. You may even be able to draw your favorite hockey player or goalkeeper.

Figure tram better do on the background of the cityscape. Draw a car, cars, and if you wish, you can draw people coming into the tram.