How to draw a person with a pencil in gradually in full growth. Body structure, proportion, posture

How to draw a person with a pencil in gradually in full growth. Body structure, proportion, posture

Who does not remember the famous work of Leonardo da Vinci, where the art scheme brightly illustrates the proportionality of the human body. Harmoniously designed, it looks incredibly beautiful. But we yourself should figure out how to draw a person. It is worth learn to transfer this harmony of human body proportions. How? Now I will try to show what discoveries in drawing the figure of a person I did for myself.

A certain allowance for how to draw a person's body, a set for creativity from the necessary to every artist, both a professional, and beginner, for example, a preschooler, subjects: paper, pencils, ruler and eraser. I will come to the revenue and my son, to which 7 years. My baby and I decided that we have a man's model is a man in jeans and a T-shirt. His photo was found by us on one of the sites.

But I immediately want to note that this step-by-step instruction suggests that those who will follow these drawing lessons can easily repeat any stage. And even a child will do it easy.

All execution of the drawing of a person distribute into several stages:

  • Auxiliary work;
  • Detailing pictures;
  • "Engineering" drawing of a person's figures.
So we can draw a person in a phased pencil. Go!

Auxiliary work

First of all, we make a schematic sketch, given the proportion of a person.

How to draw people sketches? To do this, start with small. We make an image of oval. It will be head. We measure its size. It turned out in length 2 cm. The proportions of a person are such that you need to measure only 7 such lengths so that it is possible to portray a person of medium height.

Here is a schematic sketch of silhouette. It's hard to see a picture of a person. But that's how we will understand how to draw a person in full growth.

Now we are waiting for exclusively step-by-step work.


A man's neck can be different. But I went to the average indicators. The neck is usually not wider than the head, and at the same time not too thin, about half of the width of the head.

Do not forget that this is a drawing with a pencil for beginners and in it can be any inaccuracies. Practicing, you can achieve good success and even understand how to teach a child to draw a person, no matter how long he would have happened.


To draw the shoulder line it is important to take into account the fact that, on average, men are the same length as the head. And one moment. We draw shoulders with a slight slope down (see figure above).


How to draw a person's figure? The next moment is how to "find" and draw the waist from our man. Marking will help. If I have a head 2 cm, then I will determine the fifth CM, approximately 5.2-5.3. I put the point and I spend a horizontal line from it, which will be larger than the width of the head, but less than the scope of the shoulders. Connect this line with the line of the shoulder.


The fourth mark (from top to bottom) will be the point of the bottom of the body. It is usually wider than the waist, but should not be wider than shoulders. We carry out a horizontal line. We connect her edges with the waist.


The drawing of a person should be supplemented by the "manufacturing" of the legs. How easy it is to do? We divide a few steps this stage:


We are approaching the final stage and complement the drawing of a person by another important detail - hands. And again divide this step of the man's image with a pencil phased:
In general, we figured out how to draw a figure. But that's not all. Now the model needs to study individual details.

Detailing clip art

Our pencil drawn man needs a person "appeared". And therefore, every element we depict in the picture. And it's ears, and hairstyle, and eyes, nose and eyebrows.

We were able to draw a person figure. But it was only a scheme. Now every detail of clothes is working separately. We make folds on clothes, and even some noticeable seams mark.

We erase all auxiliary lines. And now we see that it is more like a human appearance than so far the picture of the robot "on the hinges" was.

"Engineering" our model

We understood how to draw the body. And now we are the body of the dress. In the photo, that we have chosen like a model, a man in jeans and a T-shirt. All this is shown on our image.

Do not forget about the effect of lighting, as it does work more volumetric.

If so far, some moments have been difficult to explain, then even the child who year is to be painted with the painting phase.

My child and I tried and we had a pretty pretty man. Perhaps in the future we will be able to learn to depict a girl and a child. The main thing is the beginning. Successes to you in further practice!

And below, see some more options.

Olga Nagornnyuk

How to draw a person in stages - for beginners

The image of a person is considered the most difficult type of drawing. Artists learn to transfer the feelings and sentiment of people using facial and eye expression. But we do not set themselves such goals. We just need to know how to draw a person without violating the proportions of the body and making it as much as possible to the original.

How to draw a man: a man in full growth

When drawing a person's figure, it is important to comply with the correct proportions.

1. We start drawing from a rectangle: Blacksmith is a fetractor with the parties whose ratio is 3: 4. Through his center we carry out a straight vertical line, the length of which slightly exceeds the height of the quadrangle, multiplied by two. Arc from above - contour shoulders, the lower curve will become a clock circuit.

2. Apply the markup of body parts. Top drew oval - it will perform the role of the heads of the head. Two oval in the upper corners of the rectangle will notify the position of the shoulders, and the lower - knees. The correct form of oval should be observed only in relation to the head. The rest are applied schematically.

3. The next stage is the drawing of the abdomen of the body. At first at the level of the middle of the case, draw two circles not too correct shape, referring to the location of the elbow folds, and then using the same circles, apply the location of the feet. Then smooth lines connect the housing with the pelvis line and extend it to the circles located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees.

4. Start drawing limbs. Using smooth lines, draw hands and legs, guided by the image in the picture. Please note: the feet are deployed in different directions.

5. Draw sleeves T-shirt, bottom trouser and neck. After that, neatly erase the extra touches and bring the main line of the pattern.

It is done!

How to draw a man: ballerina

For drawing a slim and graceful ballerina, a certain skill is required, but we will try to describe this process in detail, simplifying your task.

1. Start drawing the dancer from the pack. Oval, slightly pointed on the left and raised right, then it will become part of the concert dresses. Add two adjacent straight line to it, and at the top - the curve line - the girl's housing, the oval - the head and smooth line under the tilt - hands.

2. Apply the contours of the body. We start with the neck and shoulders, then draw the outlines of your back and waist, then we denote the shape of the legs with light strokes. The ballerina should be slim, so do not overdo it, drawing its body.

3. Holding an image of the ballerina before your eyes, apply foot surface contours and hands. Use smooth lines and carefully follow the dimensions: the dancer should get thin. Drawing of the feet of difficulties will not cause: The girl stands on the pointe, which are easy to portray.

4. Dorisite hand brushes, short strokes indicate the location of the eyes, nose and mouth and give a more believable skirt shape. After that, we will erase unnecessary lines, leaving the outline of the figure.

5. The most difficult stage is the drawing of the face. The picture shows one of the most simple ways to portray the eyes, the nose and lips of the girl. Draw a dress and hair will be easy. Using only two arcuate lines, you can outline the line of smooth combed hair and a rut.

6. Color drawing and smear lighting. We used a blue pencil, you can resort to simple help. The main thing is to scrupulously repeat the strokes applied on our photo.

We hope you all happened.

How to draw a man: girl

1. The image of the girl will begin to draw from the circle denoting the head and smaller to the size of the oval, located vertically. Later, he will turn into a little lady's torso.

2. Slightly rounded lines apply the location of the chin and eye. Lines of chopsticks indicate the handles and legs of the girl.

3. At this stage, we draw eye contours: the upper part of the ovals indicating them should concern the first horizontal line, the lower part is to lie on the bottom.

4. In the queue - hair. Bang portrayed with arcuate lines, and the hair is rearly drawn to the tooth, choose the length to the shoulders.

5. We dress a baby in a dress, the role of which is performing a trapezium, draw a mouth using a small arc, and brushes with steps whose role in our case will perform small ovals.

7. It is time to draw parts. Pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, ears - depict them by following our drawing. Little fingers on her arms and shoes on the legs end up the picture.

8. Will erase the extra touches, and move well well, and at the same time draw extra details: buttons on the dress, shadow on cheeks and small neat spout.

9. Now it remains to paint the figure.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Each of us in childhood did his first sketches. In the drawing lessons, I did not try to fulfill the work qualitatively, did not think about the acquisition of skills. More than adult age, many have the need to create something beautiful, but how to learn to draw a pencil? After all, any drawing techniques are based on the ability to keep the griffel properly, make elementary sketches, create images. In this article you will find useful tips for learning drawing, both in an art school, and on your own.

Fundamentals drawing a pencil

Experts claim to find out how to learn how to draw a correct pencil - any person is able, regardless of age. Painting training always begins with exploring materials that need a novice artist:

  • sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser, he is a rubber grater;
  • simple pencils.

The first steps in drawing begin with a pencil sketch. With the help of stingy lines, general outlines of the signed object are transmitted, a variety of postures, moments of movement. Sketch is the fastest way to fix your first thoughts on paper and impressions from what you draw. During the execution, the outline does not need to pay attention to extra details, it is recommended to draw no more than 10 minutes.

How to learn to draw from scratch

Scientists psychologists have proven that during the process of creating a drawing in a person, both brain hemispheres are actively working on, imagination is included. No wonder there is a technique for calming the nerves called Art Therapy - this is drawing for adults and children. Many want to be able to, but do not know how to learn to draw a pencil. It is not difficult to learn drawing from scratch at all, because the drawing technique with a pencil is available to children and adults.

Art school

How to learn the child to draw a pencil? The best solution is to give it to an art school. It is designed to teach school children from 6 to 17 years. When entering this institution, the level of knowledge and skills in visual art is determined. Depending on the skills of the child, they are determined in the appropriate group of students.

Training in art school is free and is on public financing. This establishment is visited after the main lessons at school three times a week. The course is from two to seven years. After graduation, the graduate receives a diploma that opens the doors to the artistic future: admission to the school or to the highest institution in the specialty.


How to learn adult people to draw a pencil? Trains drawing skills possible with artistic courses. They are paid. The course of study is from several weeks to four years. During this time, the art studio will teach you such skills:

  • How to draw correctly in the phased machinery.
  • Learn to own a pencil and tassel. Teachers in the art studio teach not only the ability to keep the tools correctly, but also choose, distinguishing high-quality from a low variety.
  • Learn how to draw children with a pencil.
  • Learn to many drawing techniques.
  • Learn how to learn to draw various items.
  • Learn to draw from nature, landscapes, still lifes, people, animals, etc.
  • Learn colorist - choose correctly and combine colors.
  • Learn how to draw a cat with a pencil and other animals.
  • You will tell you how to learn to draw portraits.

Lessons online

If you do not have free time, and you do not know how you learn to draw a pencil, then use online courses. They are suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to visit the stationary studio. Approximate plan for passing such a format for novice artists:

  • The teacher gives basic knowledge in drawing in the form of examples of work, pictures.
  • The selected theme of the drawing lesson is detailed.
  • The teacher at the end of the lesson gives the homework that you execute and send by mail to the teacher to check.
  • In the next lesson, the student together with the teacher takes detail the homework, together corrected errors in the figure, if any.

Lessons online, as an option, in order to learn how to draw professionally, are not the only way out. If you do not have financial and territorial capabilities, but there is a big and irresistible desire to learn how to draw cool, then it can be done independently with:

  • textbooks and manuals for drawing;
  • self-tutorials;
  • drawing instructions;
  • training video.

Phased Drawing Technology

Newbie to train drawing is needed from creating sketches. In order for the drawing to be in meaningful, the sketch must be created according to the rules that form the plan:

  1. First select an item that will draw, for example, a kettle or vase.
  2. Consider it from all sides, determine the form, its texture, how the shadows fall on this subject.
  3. Determine the composition of the pattern, i.e. How it will be located on paper, in what format.
  4. After the contours are drawn, draw parts, impose shadows.


In order to draw a person, you need to decide on the composition. This means that you need to analyze the boundaries of the location from the head to the legs. When you mentally presented a figure, start component of the body parts. You need to draw a person with an outline of the contours of the head, dropping below. In the person's image it is very important to immediately find the image, you should define the number of parts required for the finished pattern.


In man drawing, great attention is paid to the face. To draw it correctly, you need to act in stages:

  1. Decide how the face will be located on paper. To do this, mentally hold the axis of symmetry, it should be held in the center of the sheet.
  2. Draw a pencil on paper outlines in the form of an oval (shape of a chicken egg).
  3. Lower the face form, starting from the chin line, moving to the most convex part - the zicky region, then to the narrow - temporal zone.
  4. Align induced lines with an eraser, it will noticeably "facilitate" the outlines of the oval.
  5. The resulting oval is divided into three equal parts with light, barely noticeable lines. The very first feature, located closer to the chin, notes the tip of the nose.
  6. Draw a nose, starting from the tip. It always advocates ahead, therefore it has a round, square, or pointed shape. Then draw the wings of the nose and the bridge.
  7. We draw the mouth, starting with the top bend of the lips, which is located in the middle of the nostril of the nose.


In the portrait of a man's eyes occupy the most important place, they attract attention to themselves, so they need to pay special attention. To draw them in the phased machinery, it is necessary to adhere to such a plan:

  1. Before drawing eyes, it is necessary to designate the eyebrows, which are located at the level of the nose. Their form depends on the nature that the artist wants to convey in the portrait.
  2. Schedule an approximate location of the eyes, we pledge their shape in the form of an oval.
  3. Draw a pupil in the form of a circle.
  4. We bring eyelids and make out eyelashes.

Anime and Manga

Many young artists begin learning drawing with anime and manga, because Picture people in the style of bright characters of Japanese cartoons are much easier than in classic. The greatest emphasis in such cartoon characters falls on the head, eyes and hair. We will analyze the phased diagram of drawing, with which a novice artist finds out how to learn to draw anime:

  1. We start drawing anime with an oval, which will be head.
  2. We divide the circle in half along with a flat line.
  3. We divide my head across three pieces with light lines.
  4. Next, it is necessary to note the location of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  5. Draw big eyes, starting with an arc of the upper eyelid. The distance between them should be equal to one eye. Much attention in painting pupils is given to applying glare. Eyebrows These characters are drawn by a classic style: two smooth arcs.
  6. Nose at anime and manga paint small, expressed with a tick.
  7. Lips are drawn by two small lines.
  8. Anime and manga's hair needs to draw by falling triangles that closely close their eyes.
  9. Anime girls are drawn in bright clothes, mostly in dresses.

3D pictures

Volumetric drawings are fascinated by their realism, thanks to the correct construction of shape, applying shadows and glare in the right places. Learn to portray such pictures follows from simple geometric shapes: cylinder, rhombus, square. To recreate a 3D illusion, it is necessary to draw in isometric when the corners between the coordinate axes are 45 degrees. The volume of the figure is added auxiliary lines, which are drawn inside the figure with an easy press, and the contour is in a fatty, darker color.


Portraits can be drawing both from nature and from the photo. Before drawing up the image, think carefully, which promise will be the future drawing. Learn to draw a portrait of a person correctly not only in terms of proportionality and symmetry, but also to display live emotions. Another task of drawing an image of a person is the maximum transmission of the similarity of the syructured, for its implementation before starting drawing, consider all the details, select those features, "raisins" to which you will emphasize.

Graffiti on paper

Now drawing graffiti is a fashionable movement that is gaining all the big turns. Many buildings die with incomprehensible volumetric inscriptions, but often there are beautiful, professional drawings on the walls. In order for your paintings to do not cause city buildings, and expensive paints did not disappear in vain, it is necessary to train for a long time on paper. To begin with, try to draw the letters of the alphabet using a simple pencil. To give them the volume, use the auxiliary lines.


The ability to draw buildings is useful not only to children, but also to people of any age groups to make it easy to make pictures, for example, a house with a scenery. The buildings draw very simply with the help of lines. You should start with a rectangle, adding a triangle, you will get the image of a house, so children paint it. With the help of simple techniques and additional lines, the house becomes bulk.


To draw a car with a pencil, you need to adhere to a step-by-step plan:

  1. Denote the outdoor outline of the machine, dividing the line in half.
  2. We draw the housing with more fat lines.
  3. Then draw the wheels.
  4. We bring the details of the front of the machine: headlights, windshield, bumper.
  5. Draw windows, doors, mirrors.


Sy the beasts are much more difficult than objects, especially from nature, because they constantly change the pose, are in motion. To draw an animal, for example, a horse, it is necessary to determine its characteristic features: thick mane, elongated muzzle, slim muscular legs. See detailed instructions. Perhaps not from the first attempt, you will be able to correctly portray your favorite cat or a dog, but after several workouts you will have it will work out.

Video tutorials on drawing with a simple pencil for beginners

Video tutorials are a great way to train drawing yourself. Below is a selection of training rollers in which experienced artists clearly show how to create light pencil drawings for beginners. After watching the video, you will learn how to draw the heroes of Japanese cartoons - girls Anime, learn how to depict flowers. If you like landscapes, then look at the third roller to the end, in which the artist draws nature, emphasizing special attention on the trees.

Draw girls

How to draw flowers

Beautiful landscapes

How to draw a person's body

Learn proportionally and beautifully draw a woman in clothing in a static position or in motion.

If you want to improve your drawing skills and learn to depict a female body, figure, hands and feet of a woman, be sure to read this article! Master classes are chosen for you with step-by-step photos of different levels of complexity.

How beautiful to draw a woman's figure of a woman in clothes in full growth in a phased pencil for beginners and children?

A woman is often the first thing that is trying to draw a little child. He wants to portray mom! Children's drawing is only schematic. On him the body - oval, head - a circle, hands and legs - "sticks" or "sausages", and the hair is a simple hatching. Of course, such drawings are touched. But if your child has achieved school age and clearly shows interest in drawing, try to learn how to draw a woman in full growth with him is no longer scenic, but in compliance with proportions and technology.

Important: If you want you or your child to really paint women, do not do without studying the anatomy. It must be remembered that a proportional pattern will be, if you take the head per unit of measurement. So, the height of the woman should be twisted 7-8 heads. And in order for the bends of the female body to be smooth and beautiful, it should be pretty studying the skeleton of women and her naked body.

Draw with younger schoolboy? Then, of course, everything will be easier, go into anatomical details will not be necessary.
Let the child draw an oval, a narrowed down book. It will be a blank for the head. From the center of oval, you need to put a direct line of a long in two heads - the axis of the body.

Once a woman in the picture will be in clothes, more precisely, in the dress, draw hips and legs do not need. Draw a quarter of a circle, divided into three segments.

Focusing on the axis, draw a trapeze with a smaller base of the book, it will be a torso. On both sides of the larger base, draw a semicircles - blanks under the sleeves of the dress.

Detail Figure - Draw a hairstyle of a woman.

Draw a woman's hands. The forearm in length should be equal to one and a half heads, brushes - 1 head.

Add a feet woman on a drawing, detail her dress.

Remove the auxiliary lines. Dorisite the features of the face, if desired.

How to draw a woman's body in a pencil's clothes?

Taketing for a female body drawing, do not be lazy to learn its skeleton and images in nude. Try to mentally or on a sheet of paper split the body on the main figures, mostly triangles.
Imagine a torso in the form of two triangles, at the level of the waist-connecting vertices. These triangles may be the same, since, mostly, the width of the Women's hips is equal to the width of her shoulders.

After it is necessary to betray a female figure of streamlining, since, unlike the shape of the male, there are more smooth bends on it.

The next possible difficulty is drawing a female breast. Imagine that you are sculpted from plasticine. Tell to the torso of your figure two identical semicircles, smash them from above. It turns out as follows how in the figure below.

Draw a female breast is not easy.

Transfer the movements of the female body by moving the axis line.

Now try to draw a woman portrait to a belt.
Draw oval - workpiece under the head, as well as straight lines - the axis of the body, the axis of the arms and legs. Try to abide by the proportions. Little circles notice the places where the joints will be.

Torchish woman with pencil: Step 1.

Draw the contours of the body and the hairstyle of a woman.

In the drawing, the woman will be in the fitting dress, mark its borders. Add a woman decoration - bracelet on the wrist. Draw your hair, let them be in a small disorder, as if they were developing in the wind.

Draw a woman's face, detail her dress. Shadhovka add shadows. Erase the auxiliary lines.

Video: How to draw a female body?

How to draw a woman's hands in a pencil's clothes?

Woman's hands draw especially hard. It is necessary that they are smooth and elegant, with long thin fingers.

IMPORTANT: If you depict a woman in clothes, it will be easier for you - only brushes and parts of the forearm will have to draw. The rest you hide under the sleeves of the clothes.

Try to portray the hands of a woman immediately in several positions.

  1. Schematically accommodate the brushes in the form of oval, and the forearls are in the form of straight lines.
  2. Stripping from oval, draw your fingers. Remember that the middle finger in a woman is the longest.
    Detail the contours of the hands. No straight lines!
  3. Draw nail plates and leather folds in the articulation areas phalange.
  4. Remove the auxiliary lines.
  5. Make shadows, they should not be too dark.
  6. If you draw the hands of the hands of women with the tile sides, special attention is paid to the fingertips. They can be rounded or slightly elongated. Sharp pencil draw nails, thicker lines. Draw skin folds in the articulation areas of the phalange of the fingers.
  7. In the same principle, draw women's hands in other positions.

Woman's hands with a pencil: Step 1.

Woman hands with pencil: step 2.

Woman's hands with a pencil: step 3.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 4.

Woman's hands with a pencil: step 5.

Woman's hands with pencil: Step 6.

Woman hands with pencil: step 7.

Woman's hands with pencil: step 8.

Woman hands with pencil: step 9.

Woman's hands with a pencil: Step 10.

Woman's hands with a pencil: step 11.

How to draw a woman's legs in a pencil's clothes?

Women's feet are also more rounded than the legs of a man. To draw them:

  • picture of her thighs in the form of a triangle lying on the ground
  • in the corners of the triangle, draw a point - a schematic image of hip joints
  • from these points, let the straight lines, the leg axis (they should not be parallel, make it so that they come closer down at the bottom)
  • divide the lines approximately in half, draw the points to mark the knee cups
  • observe the foot contours, remembering the female thighs are denser than shin
  • draw the knee chashes
  • indicate the feet in the form of a trapezoid and large bases at the bottom (if the feet are expanded directly)
  • detail the feet and draw your fingers on the legs

How to draw a person a woman in clothes in motion with a pencil?

When you strained a little and feel more confident, proceed to drawing a female figure in clothes in a static position or in motion.
On the first drawing, a woman in the dress will stand.

  1. Draw an oval for the head. Divide the oval on the uneven left and right half of the vertical line to determine the center of the person. Separate oval in the upper and lower half horizontal line to comply with the proportions of the face. Draw a horizontal line for hair line. Divide the area below it into three equal parts. The first line below the hair growth line is for eyebrows, and the next line shows the position of the tip of the nose. Ears will be located on both sides of the head between eyebrows and nose.
  2. Draw two small oval - sketches of the ears. Curved lines above and below the ears to make a hairstyle. Add ovals - sketch of hats. Expand the curves of the line below the hat for the neck and shoulders. Draw straight lines for the bodice. Use short smooth lines to form chin, right elbow, wrist and ankles. Draw curved and wavy lines to outline the skirt.
  3. Shago Draw your hair. Add a bit curved line below the edge of the hat. Next ears, eyes, mouth. Draw a V-shaped for the neckline. Draw strands of sundresses with straight lines. Detail the sundress - draw the bodice and folds on the skirt. Draw a woman's feet and shoes on them. On one or both hands of women draw bracelets.
  4. Draw your eyes, mouth and nose. Detail dress, add shadows. Erase the auxiliary lines.

Woman in clothing in full height: steps 1-2.

Woman in clothing in full height: steps 3-4. Woman in clothing in full growth pencil.

Now draw a woman in a trouser suit in motion.

  1. Draw a straight line, divide it on 8 identical segments - it is so easier to observe the proportions of the body. The head will be equal to the length of one of these segments.
  2. Draw an oval for the head, make marking for the right place of eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. Straight lines, triangles and circles draw the frame of the female body. Give it the desired pose.
  4. Smooth lines. Draw the contours of the body of a woman.
  5. Go to drawing clothes. Since it sits on a figure, you do not need to add a lot.
  6. Draw a face and hair of a woman.
  7. On the neck of women draw a scarf.
  8. Detail clothing. Draw on it folds and shadows.
  9. Draw shoes - sandals on heels. Optionally, draw a woman accessories, such as a bag.
  10. Will erase all unnecessary lines.

The greatest artists can be considered Leonardo da Vinci. Of course, after him there were artists who could display the reality of the surrounding world significantly better. But it was yes Vinci was the first to understand how to draw a person in full growth. Why were his drawings were so realistic? The answer is simple - for the exact image, he studied human anatomy.

Remember this drawing of a Victorian person. It is so for the first time the proportions of the human body were displayed. Knowing how to draw a person in full growth, you can easily draw the most complex picture.

Step-by-step drawing of a person's figure

The ratio of the height of the head to the human growth is approximately 1: 7 or 1: 8. At high people, the indicator closer to 1: 8, and people have a small growth - 1: 7. Girls have this proportion can be kept the same. It is noteworthy that the head with age increases significantly slower than the rest of the body, so in children the ratio of the head to the body can be made 1: 6, and in babies - 1: 5.

A person can be sketchically displayed with a square. In a thin man, it is equal to half the width of the head, and the full can be equal to the whole width of the head. Men's chest in width takes two heights of the head. In women, this indicator is reduced to one and a half height of the head.

After separation of growth on 7-8 parts, do not erase hatching, they will be useful.

The waist is approximately in the middle of the third segment from above, it is constantly much wider than the head, even in women with "Osin" the waist. The lower part of the torso is located on the border of the third and fourth segment. Of course, all these indicators are not suitable for overly complete people, they have other proportions.

The knee cups in the form of a circle occupy a place from the middle of the second lower segment and to its very top. The ankle joint, connecting the shin and foot, is slightly lower than the middle of the first segment. The man's foot is slightly less than the height of the head.

The waist height can be somewhat changing depending on the floor and the specific configuration.

The elbow joints are always at the level of the waist, the cranky joints are located slightly above the bottom of the torso. The length of the brush is approximately equal to the gap from the chin until the middle of the forehead man. It should turn out so that the hands of the hands hang below the lower border of the torso. Please note that the proportions of the hands do not change regardless of nationality or sex.

Of course, it is possible to draw a human figure very truthfully, but I want to be able to portray people in a variety of poses. It is necessary to display the storyline in the picture.

Draw a figure of a person in motion

After you were able to learn how to draw a person's figure in the correct proportions, you can move to this stage. For this we need such a schematic drawing. Please note that, despite the "toyness" of the little man, all proportions are carefully observed, including the width of the shoulder and pelvic belt.



Try to draw a lot of little men who are engaged in the most different things. All proportions appear exactly. Also correctly depict the position of the pelvic and shoulder belt line. For example, in a picture of a sitting and running person, a pelvic belt is shortened almost to the size of the point.

When the movements are displayed, the center of gravity is of great importance. Please note how the location of the center of gravity is changing (red arrow down) and support points (green arrows up). The center of gravity and the point of the support should be on one vertical line, otherwise a person will fall. The exception is running, the center of gravity is specifically moved forward to create an additional acceleration.
