How to find a thing lost at home. How to find lost things

How to find a thing lost at home. How to find lost things
How to find a thing lost at home. How to find lost things

Probably, every familiar situation is when the very necessary thing is lost at the most inopportune moment. You are late to work, and there are no keys from home, the sun shines in the street, and the glasses are disappeared somewhere, and very important documents unexpectedly disappeared without a trace.

You can lose absolutely anything. "How the cow licked the tongue," and it seems that nothing can be done. But conspiracy come to the rescue to find a lost thing capable of returning back in a short time.

The most simple conspiracies

Breaking your head over how to find a lost thing at home, it is not necessary to immediately resort to strong magical rituals. First, it is worth starting with simple but effective conspiractions:

On milk and matches

It is necessary to purchase new boxes of matches and a little fresh milk of big fat. The houses should be located in the middle of the largest room, set fire to the match and try to completely concentrate on the image of the lost item.

When the match is a knot, it should be drawn in the left palm of the cross. Next, you need to sit down on the floor and sit in full silence.

During this time, you must once again list all the places where the loss can be. After half an hour, take a glass of milk and wash off a cross from his palm with it, saying: "My loss will be found, my hands will rather return! Amen!"

Repeat the words is required 4 times, after which itching the palm with a cut of pure fabric from natural fibers. After a short period of time, the necessary thing will definitely be found.

On a scarf

Purchase in the shop handkerchief. It is necessary that it is large enough and with good smooth edges. Having come home, you should sit on the sofa or bed, cover your eyes and try to mentally imagine the lost thing, tightly by holding a bought a bug in the left hand.

When the image becomes especially clear and bright, you need to open your eyes and tie a small nodule on any corner. At the same time it is necessary to say the name of the disappearance loudly out loud. When the desired thing is found, you should definitely unleash the node on the scarf.

On the thread

It often happens so that they lost an important thing for quite a long time, but I really want to find it. In such situations, you can spend a fairly simple ritual with threads. It will take a coil of threads, best of all red. Before bedtime, you need to measure the thread, the length of which will fully coincide with the growth of the owner of the lost thing.

I cut off the thread, it should be folded three times, mentally presenting your loss.

Then the thread must be folded another 7 times and gently tie a couple of nodules on it. The resulting motility threads should be hidden under the pillow and go to bed. It is in a dream that you can see the place where the right thing is. If this did not happen, you need to get a thread from under the pillow and try to unleash the nodes. And then the loss will accurately.

Presented plots describe in detail how to return the stolen thing, but it is not necessary to hope for their help. It is necessary to try to search for your own loss and carefully check all corners of the house. And when there is a loss, it is necessary to pronounce the words of gratitude for the assistance rendered.

We ask for help from the house

If you find a thing for a long time, it makes sense to seek help to the house. But contacting the small owner of the house, it is very important to believe in his existence, otherwise the plot will not be heard, and the request will be useless. Contact houses in different ways.

A ritual with thread of wool uses great demand. You must purchase a red wool thread, cut off a small piece and tied to any of the legs of the table in the house.

After it is required in a whisper to pronounce:

"Grandfather House, do not joke with me. The thing is lost (call) to return, and the delicacy is in return! " You need to repeat the words 4 times, for each corner of the room, turning to it face.

If the thing was stolen

    I stayed by a friend at the cottage for 3 days. And on the 4th day it was supposed to go back home to Moscow. As I came to her, immediately changed out. Jeans and cloak put on the sofa. Nobody went to our house to us. Its neighbors only in the veranda came. I was comfortable on the veranda. And in the house of the soul did not lie. Davilled the house, just sleep and then slept when the light was turned on. Thank God warm days were. And the departure day ordered a taxi. And I dress, and there is no jeans anywhere. We all overwhelmed, all cabinets, for sofas. Several times broke. And anywhere of my jeans. So left, not finding. I do not know what to think. This house hid, no one more. The village is almost empty, and all old men. And now I'm scary. This is probably not good.

    Tell me, please, what conspiracy can help. At work, it was not charged at the checkout of a certain amount of money. I can not understand where I made a mistake. There is a suspicion that he handed over to the boss, since he asked him in the evening, whether everything was fine with the cash register. But I was afraid to admit. Suddenly, not he, it means you need to figure it out. What conspiracy will help, so that or director admit or did I understand where I made a mistake?

    Lost wallet with all the money, banking and discount cards and a gold chain with a cross ... I will find ... can what conspiracy will help ..?

    People, the method with a match worked for all 100% !!!
    I lost a golden set with diamonds, mother-in-law of gifts is very expensive. I was desperate.
    For a long time I could not find, rummaged the whole house. Already thought she stole a housekeeper ... Because, for 4 years, I have a thing and jewels from home. None so so far and did not find ... I didn't know how to be, to tell her, or not, the conscience did not allow, because, not caught - not a thief ...
    And here I read about the match and decided to try. You will not believe it, found in 5 minutes! And with him and other jewels, about which I and I forget forgotten, that they were together in one package folded. Now it remains to guess to other disappears who are very expensive to me, too, trying to find them in vain for several years now.
    Maybe it will work. I hope !!! So, dare!
    And good luck to you all in search!

To read a plot to find a lost thing - a very ancient way to return lost. Our ancestors did not disappear in this matter: they asked to help the house, God, the feature, guardian angels, other higher and lower entities. The conspiracy on the lost thing was often accompanied by a ritual, but could consist of one phrase. The most amazing thing is that such conspiracies and rites (not always, but in some cases) really help to return to the loss. Let's look at some conspiracies to the lost thing in an apartment or house and beyond them, as well as to return stolen.

What you need to know

First of all, you need to know that there are special conspiracies to find a lost thing in the house and outside the house. In addition, when suspected that the loss - the work of the hand of the thief, should be used by rituals envisaged for this case. The words of the selected conspiracy are better to pronounce alone alone, but if there is no such possibility, it is possible to mentally. It is difficult to say which of the rituals are the strongest - it all depends on the circumstances and the people themselves. In some cases, the rite from Vanga will work better, in others - from Natalia Stepanova, in Third, a simple folk "sticking".

Or rather, when choosing a conspiracy - rely on your own intuition. Just stay alone with you and try to determine how your inner voice is inclined to some rituals. Do our best to calm down and clean the consciousness from anxiety and doubt.

Start reading a plot by creating a detailed image of the missing thing in your imagination, and finishing reading, tune in to the adoption of any result - it may not be possible to return lost things, but it will be better for you.

Read prayers within a few minutes to establish yourself in the adoption of God's Will.

Within the house

Everyone knows that it's easier to find a thing that I lost not somewhere on the street, but just "shoved" somewhere within the house. However, not always. Even in his own house, the desired subject can be so carefully "hide" that the search period is delayed for several months (and for several years). The use of conspiracies and rituals in these circumstances is considered very effective.

We ask for a house

This is a simple, but quite effective ritual, which is familiar with almost everyone.

"House, house, played - Give!"

- These words should be said three times, and for consuming persuasion - to tie the knock of the stool with a nose handkerchief. Sometimes at the same time they are advised to pour out to the domain - put something delicious or even pour milk on a plate. What is the main thing in this ritual? The image of a domain must be present in your head, you must even believe a little in good spirit - the guard of your home.

Knit nodes

You can find a lost thing using a rope or thin scarf (approximately with a long meter). In the regime time on the rope you need to tie as many knots as possible, says every time

"I will buy knots - I'll tell you about the loss."

Identify the western corner indoors and put the rope on the night there, and in the morning, unleash all the nodules, saying

"I will unleash the knots - I find the loss."

Now it is necessary to determine the eastern angle and put the rope without knots in it. Soon you will see that the missing thing unexpectedly found.

Use herbs

In this case, we will need dry weeds: lavender, mother-in-law and wormwood. They need to be folded into cast iron or copper pelvis and carefully set fire, barely riding with alcohol. Outgoing from them smoke you need to lay down the whole house, and after - to ventilate. At the same time I must say

"Everything that is hidden is to show what is lost - come, that is forgotten - remember."

Sometimes for a certain reason, it simply "covers your eyes" and we do not see the necessary thing, even if it is in front of the nose - herbal smoke helps to cope with this problem.

Outside home

The one who has lost a thing outside the house often does not make it find it (especially if the thing is quite valuable). The search for such an item is not easy, because it is not always possible to remember exactly where he was lost. And besides, there may be a valuable thing to choose other people, a small size - to blow away the wind, fall asleep the earth or wash off the rain.

However, the energy field of the missing thing is usually still connected with its owner, and our subconsciously stores information on where the loss has occurred, even if this fact escaped from consciousness. Conspiracies and rituals help "reach" before the subconscious, feeding a bright signal and withdrawing the necessary information into a conscious part of our mind.

We light the candles

To find the thing you lost out at home, buy twelve candles in the church, bring home and burn everything at once. Sitting before candles, read seven times your favorite prayer (if not beloved, resort to the help of the classical Orthodox prayer "Our Father"). For several minutes, in all details, imagine what you lost. Now say

"No, let him come back to me; Lucky Lucky Golden, lights the way home "

and leave the candle to get to the end.

Use dreams

Finding a loss can help the "prophetic" sleep, which directly or hint will indicate where the search should be kept. Before bedtime, read your favorite prayer and imagine the missing item in detail. Take white handkerchiefs, whisper into it

"What is forgotten - remember that gone - returns"

and put under the pillow. Go to bed, and as soon as you wake up - focus on what you have dreamed. Write down in the morning all that you can remember from sleep, even in the evening, re-read - you will find a hint or a clear indication where your thing is located.

How to find a lost thing, signs and conspiracies.

How to quickly find a loss

How to find a lost thing? How to find a loss with magic? Search. Conspiracy. Ritual.

For stolen things

To return the stolen thing, special rites and rituals should be applied. In such cases, the temptation of "revenge" is very large, referring to the unclean strength or using in rituals in rituals, alone, all kinds of misfortunes (and even death). However, do not rush to resort to similar means. Whatever your other person takes, take revenge to him - not your task. And besides, knowing all the circumstances, you may have not wanted to revenge (someone can push away to theft, hunger, kleptomania, etc.).

"Solim" theft

For this ritual, it is better to have a harvested third salt, but if it is not - the usual one is suitable. The place where the one usually lay the stooled object should be thick sprinkled with salt. At the same time, you should read a plot

"Salt pulls evil - the heart became like glass; Salt melts ice - who stole, then everything will return. "

Now burn the candle and pray, including for the thief who stole your thing. Take any result and try no longer thinking about loss.

Help "consequence"

You can contribute to the search for missing things using the next ritual. Take a candle and a magnifying glass, wait for the evening and sit by the window. Light a candle and send a magnifying glass into the flame - consider it a few minutes, soothing consciousness. Then say the words:

"I will return your loss, I will deal with the road; God will help, people will help - that loss, let it arrive. "

Lupus hide, and the candle let the fruit to the end.

Additional ways

  1. A repeatedly proven way to find a thing that has lost somewhere nearby, to say: "I give (the name of the thing) of the hope of Pavlovna Kohanovoy" three times. There is a legend that a woman with this name helped a random fellowship to find an important thing for him, and for the future advised at any loss to pronounce the above phrase. Whatever it was, but this method works.
  2. In the search for a lost item, you can always refer to your angel keeper. Special text for this is not required, simply ask for assistance with the sincere faith by an angel. If the subject is found, be sure to thank the angel and God for concern about you.
  3. If you can't find some things some things, get something similar and try to forget about the loss. After a while, the old thing will definitely be found. Of course, this method is not suitable for all cases, but if the loss is the road for you as a memory or has unique properties, then it is even worth spending on the purchase of "twins".
  4. If you have a cat at home, share a problem with him, no matter how strange it sounds. Explain how the roads have lost the road and how important it is to find it. An animal listens to you very carefully and, most likely, soon you will be surprised by the result. Just do not lead conversations with a cat in the presence of other people - their reaction can be unpredictable.

Probably it happened to each? I just had a small one in your hands, but very necessary thing: glasses, flash drive, keys or at least a pen. Someone dismissed you, and, Voila, what was in hand disappeared in an unknown direction. Where did it disappear? Twenty-fifth time you pass the marathon in the apartment with the hope of finding the loss. Now no one thing lies in its place, you turned upside down every bedside table, every chest of drawers. They looked at the stack of newspapers, and even made an audit in each sneaker and boogle. How to find a lost thingIf you already searched everything?

Another version of the development of events is even more "tragic" - the fifth day you are searching for such a right thing. You are in such despair that even ready to pay a private detective for her search! And she silently flies in some secluded place.

How to find a lost thing without which it is still not to do? Let us turn for advice to our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. They probably know how to find a loss.

How to find a lost thing in the house?

1) Try to include intuition and imagination: you have an imaginary tangle with a thread in your hands, the other end of which is tied to the missing thing. Wash the string on the tank, and the thread will lead you to the necessary thing.

2) Refer to the otherworldly resident of your home or apartment - the house. He probably became boring and he decided to shake with you! In the process of searching, say "the house, played? True, please. " Most likely, the missing thing will immediately be found. And the house for this is rewarding a saucer of jam. For this, he will return to you not only those things that Himself posed, but who are lost because of your abutation!

3) Take an empty glass and turn it over. The same effect will be if you do it with a cup. It is rumble that the method is valid.

4) Take advantage of the ancient recipes of real magicians: put a bunch of dried lavender, dying and wormwood into the copper dishes of a small size. Drip alcohol drip and burning. Lay out this smoke and mentally keep the missing thing in your hands.

5) A very simple way, how to find a lost thing, lies in the following: to tie up a stool with a handkerchief and sit on it. Psychologists explain the find of the subject in that you briefly switch attention to another object, thereby distracting from the main problem. How to know how to know ...

6) Do you talk pets? Try to talk to the disappearance, as with an inspired subject. Call, ask to return. Sounds like nonsense, but who knows about it?

7) The methods of spiritualism with here will be appropriate, because it is necessary to find a refugee. Sit before the violet purple candle and thoughts come back to the lost thing. Here are two answer options: or you abruptly remember where this thing may be, or you will tell you the wax that flows from the candle, in which direction to search.

8) Home spider, by the way, can be excellent Holmes. Ask him to help in search and pour a spider slightly, and then let him crawl along his "home" business.

9) Take any item that will be suitable for the pendulum, and go through the house with him, mentally asking the question of missing things. The pendulum is progress, it means there you can definitely search for something.

10) Well, the last method: thread with nodules. It is necessary to take a thread of approximately your growth, then fold it 3 times, and then in 7 and tie 3 nodes on this thread. Before bedtime, put this complex design under the pillow. In a dream, you will be answered to where to look for the disappeared thing.

All the methods described here did not give the desired result? How to find a lost thing in this case? Here is the answer to this question it is precisely on the surface: you have a general cleaning. You will find a lot of items with whom we have once mentally said goodbye!

How to find a lost thing in the house? There are many people's ways to search for items. Let's study the basic options in our article.

The easiest way to find something is to look good. It seems that this statement is too obvious. But in practice, this method is the most efficient option.

If you believe in magic and fortune telling, you can use alternative ways. Naturally, all methods listed below have no scientific confirmation. But in some cases they turn out to be really useful.

Methods can be divided into several categories:

  • Folk methods.
  • Ask for household help.
  • Use numerology.
  • With the help of prayer or conspiracy.

How to find houses lost thing: folk methods

Lost phone, earrings, ring, passport and other documents? Then you can take advantage of people to search. Today there is a huge number of techniques, consider them all within the framework of the article is simply impossible. Therefore, we will explore the main options.

The first way is the magic ball. Stand in the room and close your eyes. Imagine a desired subject. It is located at the other end of the invisible thread that you getat on the tangle of wool. Gradually move on it, relying on intuition.

You can try simply call it and ask where she is. But initially make sure that you are alone at home, otherwise relatives can suspect something wrong.

Another option is to tie a shawl to the leg of the chair. Perhaps there is a method of switching attention. The brain temporarily moves to the solution of another task, and then a person becomes easier to recall where the desired subject is.

If you meet a spider in the search process, then you should not be afraid of him and kill the insect. Better ask him for help and jump slightly. Spheres frightened air flow and go away.

Spiders are very useful inhabitants of the apartment. They are safe for humans and destroy other insects, excluding their reproduction indoors.

You can flip a glass or a cup. It is believed that the loss will definitely be found. Naturally, the dishes should be empty.

If you have an ashtray, a cup of copper or a smoking room for incense, then put a lavender, wormwood and dyeing into it. Add some alcohol and burn. Together with the cup, go around the apartment so that the smoke spreads around the room.

This way, how to find a thing that has lost homes may have a scientific justification. It is possible that in combustion of these herbs, substances are distinguished on various brain zones. But official studies were not conducted, therefore it is just the theory.

You can refer to magic. Take a candle of violet light, set fire to it and sit next. Start thinking about the lost subject. Soon the wax will begin to drain from one of the sides, it points to the zone of the apartment in which you need to search.

How to quickly find the missing thing in the house - Numerology

Numerology - the doctrine of numbers. Official science does not recognize it, as it is simply impossible to provide evidence of the arguments of numerologists. But you can still use this teaching to search for items.

You will need to clearly form a question, for example, where are the keys? ". Write it on paper and start replacing the letters to the numbers. Available numbers fold, as a result, a numerological code will be.

We look at this table and looking for an answer under the digit.

How to ask for a bride to return the lost thing?

Lost earrings how to find ? In Russia it was believed that in the disappearance of things it could be involved in the house. This is the essence that lives in the house guards him and follows the order. Sometimes the house is boring, and it uses a similar way to entertain to swallow over the owners.

What to do? Stand in the middle of the room and say loudly: "House, house, play and give." The brownie can be drawn by cookies or sweets, in which case the chances of success increase.

Psychologists say that this method is based on distracting attention. The brain temporarily switches, and then it is easier for him to detect the solution of the previous task. You can believe specialists, though, what if the house actually exist?

How to quickly find the lost thing at home - Prayer

How to find a lost thing in the apartment? It is believed that the subject could hide evil entities. But they are afraid of water and fire, so you can boight them and make him get back.

You will need:

  1. Any cup.
  2. Match .
  3. Water from the spring.

Pour the liquid into the cup and put on the table in front of you. Light the matches, wait until they ran and throw into the water. At this time, repeat the conspiracy three times,

You can try to detect an object with a wool ball. Stand on the threshold of the room in which the thing is supposedly located, imagine it. Muffle on the right hand, and take the ball in the left. Throw it, pull several times, wait until it stops. In the zone where the girl is, it is necessary to search.

To remove the veil from the eye and quickly detect the lost item, you can read the next prayer:

Other methods

Experts in such a situation are advised simply switching to another task. Examples: reading conspiracy, prayer, tieting a handker to the leg of the chair, etc.

As psychologists say, while you are engaged in other things, the brain is still somewhere in the subconscious, trying to find information regarding the lost thing. Therefore, in the future it becomes easier to remember where the subject is.

All methods described above do not help? Then it should be cleaned. Well, if you know about what room is the subject. In the process of cleaning, you are likely to find it.


Most folk methods and magical rituals are explained from the point of view of science. And the point here is not at all in magic or in communicating with otherworldly forces. Just during the execution of some extraneous actions, you activate the subconscious and help the brain in search of the necessary information.

In many cases, it is possible to find the subject within two minutes. But if all the techniques did not help, you will have to organize a real "search operation" - general cleaning.

Also provide several additional advice:

  • Be sure to survey relatives. Perhaps they know where it is a desired subject.
  • Do not panic. It is necessary to relax as much as possible so that the solution itself occurs.
  • Lost phone? Just call him from another number. Detect the device is managed by the sound of the call signal or characteristic vibration.

Ancient occult science Numerology uses as the main argument. Her postulates argue that with the help of numbers and their combinations can be found in the subconscious all the answers. There is a technique that allows you to learn how to detect the lost thing at home.

With numerology, you can find a lost thing

Numerical search method

Numerology of lost things does not make it possible to immediately find a lost thing. However, the use of this method helps roughly clarify the situation.

Using numerological search allows:

  1. Install the feasibility of searching.
  2. Find out the cause of the loss.
  3. Understand in whose hands is the lost thing.
  4. Review the approximate location of the subject.
  5. Determine who and when will find a loss.

Search for things with numerology is not 100% working method. However, this does not mean that he will not help detect the missing subject.

Options for obtaining prompts

In numerology, two ways are actively practiced how to find a lost thing at home quickly. The resulting result of each of them is interpreted according to the Special List.

The first method is based on approval that all the answers are stored in the subconscious.

The essence of the method is that a person focuses on his thoughts on the missing subject, after which he writes 9 digits that will come to the mind. Next, they are consistently folded, and the resulting result is added 3. This is the number and indicates where the thing may be.

The second method is slightly different from the first. To use it, the first question will be recorded, which will come to mind when memories of the disappearance. Letters are transferred to the digital code. The figures are folded. When obtaining the result, more than 84, repeat the re-addition operation. The end result and will be the most prompt from the highest strength and subconscious.

To transfer the letter code into digital, the following cipher is used:

  • 1 - a, and, s, b;
  • 2 - b, th, t, s;
  • 3 - in, k, y, b;
  • 4 - g, l, f, e;
  • 5 - d, m, x, y;
  • 6 - e, n, c, I;
  • 7 - E, o, h;
  • 8 - f, p, w;
  • 9 - s, r, sh.

When drawing up the issue, it is not necessary to formulate it for a long time. It can slightly reduce the effectiveness of the tip or and altogether to send a false path.

Numbers will help determine the cause of the loss

Interpretation of the result obtained

Numerology provides 84 options for the prompts used to find lost or missing things. They should be perceived as an indication of what will help find a thing, and not as an accurate prediction.

  • 1 - the loss may be in the living room, close to matter painted in white. The child will help to find it.
  • 2 - The thing is close to Kitchen utensils. There it should be sought there.
  • 3 - when searching is worth paying attention to newspapers and books put in the hallway. The desired thing can be among them.
  • 4 - the subject did not disappear. It was shifted to another place.
  • 5 is a thing that is looking for, there are under clothes on one of the hangers.
  • 6 - the loss is located next to shoes.
  • 7 - The woman shifted the desired during the cleaning of clothes.
  • 8 - The search will bring the results faster after attracting the assistant. Search disappearance is recommended on the upper shelves.
  • 9 - When searching, pay attention to the places where children's clothing is stored.
  • 10 - Loss can be found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace near the office supplies.
  • 11 - The thing remained near the water outside the place of residence (pool or beach).
  • 12 - the missing item remained in the workplace.
  • 13 - when searching it is worth checking hangers with clothes or wardrobe.
  • 14 - best search in the hallway. However, the probability of success is very small.
  • 15 - Loss can be found next to the animals.
  • 16 - About the location of the disappearance can be known to a partner.
  • 17 - In order to find the desired thing, you should double-check the documentation.
  • 18 - Lost is at home, it is recommended to double-check the clothes.
  • 19 - You can find the loss on the street on the road to the place of residence.
  • 20 - someone changed the location of the desired thing. Start looking better near water or on carpets.
  • 21 - Search need in closing places storage: inside the box, chest or bag.
  • 22 - Loss will be able to find above the floor. The location of the finds may be the shelves.
  • 23 - In order to find a subject, it is worth reviewing clean underwear. He is there.
  • 24 - Do not panic about the loss. The thing will soon be found.
  • 25 - To find the desired, it is worth carefully reviewing its belongings.
  • 26 is a lost thing safe and safety. Information about its location has a senior member of the family.
  • 27 - Find the desired will turn out, inspected the garage.
  • 28 - Searches will not give any result, you can stop them.
  • 29 - Now the subject is in foreign hands, but over time he will return to the owner.
  • 30 - The subject could use children during their games, it is worth asking them.
  • 31 - look best in the bathroom area.
  • 32 - Losses Location - a small closed space. They may be a corridor or box.
  • 33 - Lost thing lost among personal belongings. They should be reviewed again.
  • 34 - The subject is in place, near which the temperature level increases. Perhaps he lies near the fireplace or oven.
  • 35 - Loss is worth looking where everyone wash the face.
  • 36 - The loss will be obtained back.
  • 37 - To find a lost, it is worth carefully examining the floor surface.
  • 38 - Inspection of our turn, where the tools are stored, will bring success.
  • 39 - To successfully search you need to double-check the contents of the shelves.
  • 40 - the lost subject was accidentally wrapped in the clothes of the seeker.
  • 41 - The search is worth starting from the storage location.
  • 42 - Lost is located near the water.
  • 43 - the missing item is in step from the garage.
  • 44 - Near the desired thing there is gasoline, it can be in the car.
  • 45 - The product will be found on the servant or on the shelf.
  • 46 - the hotel has information about the location of the spouse.
  • 47 - The subject is kidnapped by a familiar person.
  • 48 - the desired thing is located nearby drinking water.
  • 49 - Get the subject will not work back.
  • 50 - Search the loss in the contents of suitcases or boxes.
  • 51 - lost is in the bathroom.
  • 52 - The thing appeared a new owner. It is worth asking the hostess at home.
  • 53 - lost their own hands, but will soon come back.
  • 54 - searching stands in those places where children play.
  • 55 - Lost will find it from the water source.
  • 56 - Lost is located in the place where the last stop of the owner occurred. Searching is there.
  • 57 - the desired will be found among personal belongings.
  • 58 - the subject is in possession of two people. The probability of finding lost very small.
  • 59 - Searching is in bulk items.
  • 60 - find a thing will not work. Searches can be stopped.
  • 61 - Search need near the walls.
  • 62 - Find the desired hardly possible.
  • 63 - the missing item will be able to find, bringing order in the storeroom.
  • 64 - It is possible to find a thing, searching for dark corners.
  • 65 - A high probability that the loss will not be able to find.
  • 66 - The owner is familiar with people who are the desired thing. It is unlikely to return it, but it is possible to bring references in a weakly ill-friendly person.
  • 67 - The location of the loss must ask the boy from the family.
  • 68 - with the greatest probability, the desired is on the roof of the house.
  • 69 - Search need in a place where the owner of the subject has recently been. There is a possibility that finding the entrance to the house of relatives.
  • 70 - the loss is next to the water.
  • 71 - Attentive inspection and careful study of the floor will help find a thing.
  • 72 - The item is located next to the container that is filled with water.
  • 73 - In order to find the loss, you need to contact the law enforcement agencies.
  • 74 - Lost will find a faithful and devotee friend.
  • 75 - The item is in young people. Return to the owner in a broken form.
  • 76 - Search need where there is food and food.
  • 77 - The lost item will be detected by the guest.
  • 78 - Searches will be complex, but are crowned with success.
  • 79 - There is a great chance that the loss is among the affected things.
  • 80 - Search need in closed spaces - boxes, boxes.
  • 81 - Conduct searches worthwhile in their wardrobe.
  • 82 - find a thing will turn out, looked around the kitchen.
  • 83 - The subject will be found by a girl in water.
  • 84 - To find a loss, you should explore all the boxes and boxes available in the house.

Using the received tip, you can speed up the process of finding what was lost. In Numerology, there is no one hundred percent confidence that the loss will be found immediately. However, the searches will be successful if the subject is not lost irretrievably.


Numerology helps people not only analyze fate and character, but also to find lost things. The main thing is to correctly use the magic of numbers and interpret the supplied universe signs.