How to find a hidden thing in the house. Conspiracy to find a lost thing and money

How to find a hidden thing in the house. Conspiracy to find a lost thing and money
How to find a hidden thing in the house. Conspiracy to find a lost thing and money

It would seem how can you lose anything in your own home? But with such a problem, many people face in their lives. The main thing that such happens is always not on time. That's just the keys were in your hands, and there are no longer. You can, of course, wait until the loss is wonderful way to be detected itself. But often people begin to carry out a complete "revision" of the entire premises. Searches can be delayed for a long time, if you do not know how to find a lost thing.

Activation of intuition and subconscious

Most often, finding a disappearance of some thing, a person begins to blame himself in scattered and disadvantaged. Sometimes it is true, but in most cases people simply do not see where she lies. They look not with the eyes and the brainwhich takes visual signals and decrypts them. But for some reasons, access to information remains closed. Most often, the cause is bad well-being, a feeling of anxiety or tension.

To understand how to find a thing that houses has lost, it is necessary for some time to stop the search and relax. You can simply sleep, drink tea or go out and stroll outdoors. During such a leisure, the internal energy of a person is released., Intuition and subconscious are activated and, coming home, he immediately remembers where the ill-fated loss put.

Accelerate the search process will help recovery in the latest action. For example, scissors were missing and a person remembers that the last time he kept them in his hands, being in the bedroom. If they are not on the windowsill, he also left them mechanically elsewhere. At the moment he sits and drinks coffee in the kitchen at the table. Apparently, hearing the sound of the boiled kettle, he hurried to the kitchen and left scissors in the bedroom.

Numerology search method

You can activate your subconsciously using numerology. This ancient science is based on the magical properties of numbers. A person is always known to know where and what he put. But most people use only 10% of their brain, and information about the lost subject is just in the remaining 90%. This is this part of the brain and will help to use numerology.

If we argue logically, then inanimate objects have very little chance of getting lost on their own. There are only three reasons why it happened:

  • the man himself shifted the thing to another place and forgot about it;
  • the subject fell and therefore disappeared from the field of view;
  • the thing took or shifted someone else.

People do not remember this or do not know, but their subconsciously fix everything completely. With the help of numerology and manage this information from the subconscious.

The principle of action is simple. You need to take a handle and sheet of paper and write nine digits. It is not necessary to think about, since in numerology there are absolutely no logical rules. What numbers came to mind, those need to write down. Next, you need to calculate the Suma of these numbers and add to it 3. The resulting number and will be the code for the cause of the disappearance and its current location. It remains only to read his interpretation on the Internet and successfully find a lost thing.

Homemade pendulum

Often, people do not even realize how strong they are bioenergetic field. The thing that has long been "hidden" in the house, you can try to find with the help of your aura and self-made pendulum. This method is most suitable for the owners of large houses and household plots.

Make a pendulum is easy: you need to bind a piece of a strong thread or a rainfold with a length of 50 cm. Before you begin to basic search, a small test should be held. You need to ask a pendulum question, the answer to which will be unequivocal, and if he answered him correctly. If everything came out, you can start looking for a loss.

First you need to get up and remember what the desired object looks like, why it is needed and wishing it to quickly return. Further slowly go from the room into the room and follow the reaction of the pendulum. In place where it will very much start to swing from side aside and should be sought.

The search technique

For those who often lose different items at home, experts recommend using a kind of search technique. All losses are conventionally divided into several categories:

  • contact, that is, those things that are in everyday life constantly;
  • items that use from time to time;
  • items rarely needed for use.

Based on such a qualification, it will be easier for a person to find out how to find a thing he forgot where he put. After all, no one will look for the player on the antlesol, and the shoes in the kitchen cabinet.

The most difficult thing to cope if the loss refers to the first category. Often these are keys to home or car, mobile phone, flash drive, headphones. The girls are very often forgotten, where they put their favorite ring or earrings. But children often disappear diaries and textbooks, but this, of course, is associated with a bad mark or reluctance to do lessons. Here all the ways finding are useless, you just need quietly talk to the child and find out the reason why he hid them.

Psychologists claim that the first thing it is necessary to calm down and see the usual place for the disappearance. The phone can lie under a blanket or pillow, and the knife is in the unit for the forks. Just because of the nervous excitement, he became "invisible." To calm down, it helps to count out loud from one to one hundred.

House owner houses

Sometimes the thing is really lost, but it is just known that she is in the apartment. This is no longer a brain jokes and therefore, to find out how to find the missing thing in the apartment, it is necessary to use an alternative search way. For example, the elderly often lose their glasses, and in order to quickly remember, they say out loud: "Damn, damn, rushed and give." And no matter how surprisingly, but the glasses are immediately located.

Since ancient times, people believe that the true owner of the dwelling is the house. He is respected, trying to hide in every way, but if something disappears, it is also blamed. The house is a large joker and likes to hide money, documents or other necessary things. He is especially walking in new homes and apartments. While people did not completely dodged their new dwelling, the spirit of the house puts things at their discretion. Therefore, he should ask for help in finding.

To find the item hidden by this joker, you need to tie a handkerchief to the leg of the chair and speak: "House, home! No longer jealous with me. Give what hid. " Some people argue that after these words, the thing appears from nowhere.

And if you bribe the "host" house with a cookie with milk, then you can hope that his jokes will stop forever. Although there is no accurate guarantee.

Rituals with things

An effective ritual for finding lost things can be carried out with various home domestic items. These things people enjoy constantly and do not even guess that they can be used when all the options have already ended, how to find a lost home thing. For the ritual will be useful:

  • handkerchiefs;
  • woolen threads;
  • matches;
  • cups or glasses;
  • consecrated herbs.

The simplest ritual is carried out with a nose handkerchief. It needs to whisper the name of the loss three times, and then to tie a node at one end. As soon as the thing is found, the nodule should be untied, and the handkerchings are hidden in a secluded place until the next time.

Cleaning a cup

Conduct a plot for the lost thing you can use a cup or a glass. This rite is carried out if you believe that the house is to blame. By the way, you need to always remember that it is impossible to contact the spirit of the house by name. He is the master and does not like the Panibrate appeal. The order of the ritual is as follows:

  • go to the kitchen;
  • take a cup;
  • sit down at the table, and turn over the bottom and put on the table;
  • three times read the plot.

And the conspiracy is: "Dear owner. I lost (the name of the loss), help to find. If you took and played, then give. I thank you. "

After a conspiracy, you need to look like the loss is no longer needed and get out of the kitchen. It is necessary to engage in any case, with all its appearance showing that the searches are over. If after a while the missing item appears on a common place for it, it became, the house I heard a request.

Water and matches

One of the strengths of conspiracy is considered a rite spent with matches and water. As you know, all small evil spirits are very afraid of fire and water. Using this fear, you can quickly solve the problem, how to quickly find houses lost thing. For rite needed:

  • bowl;
  • consecrated in church or spring water;
  • matchbox.

Ritual spend, returned in the kitchen. In a bowl with water, you need to throw alternately lit matches, saying the words of the conspiracy three times: "The eaven is noise, he cries the darkness, he to scare the Masta people. Jokes love and leprosy, you don't find things right away. You, items, stay, stand and turn over. Return me loss, evil. May it be so". Having finished the ritual, the kitchen leaves for a few minutes, and on returning the loss is found in the most prominent place.

Woolen threads

In many folk fairy tales, the heroes find the way home thanks to the skin of threads. With their help, you can find and lost the subject in the apartment. The procedure for the ritual is:

Take the tangle of threads and get up on the threshold of the room where the missing thing should be imposed.

To keep the tangle in the left hand, and the tip of the thread shake on the index finger right. Restoring the disappearance in memory, you need to cast a tangle, saying the words of the conspiracy. It is necessary to make such manipulations as long as the tangle stops. In this place and lies "Loss".

Spell Words:

"Tell the girl where to find the missing thing. Where my (the name of the subject) hid, why is it not in his hands? Slowing, breaking, show me the track. My thing, and all your merits are. May it be so".

Purple candle

You can spend the magic ritual and without any spells. Folk "psychics" make a magic force of the usual purple candle. If it is in the house, there will be no problems with the search. Action plan:

  • Before bedtime, light the candle and install it in the center of the room.
  • Looking at the fire, mentally restore the kind of missing item.
  • Contact a candle with a request to help find the desired.
  • Finish ritual a few minutes of meditation.

At the end of the rite, the memory will helpfully tell me where to conduct further search. And the exact direction will indicate the wax, flowing down from the flag - the party on which he ran and there is a hint. This method is only half a magic. Meditation and focus playing an important role. Well, the candle works as a lever, for the awakening of the subconscious.

The most powerful ritual

So far, scientists have never come to an unequivocal conclusion, why people dream of dreams. Some believe that this brain continues to "digest" the earlier information obtained, and for other dreams - this is a way to communicate a subconscious with a person.. If you believe in the last, then you can find a loss by seeing its location in a dream.

Before you go to bed, you need to "order" to yourself a dream about the disappearance. To do this, you need to think about it, draw it on paper and with prayer to ask for help from the Most High. You can contact him with such words: "Ovak Allcomers, help! Specify the thresholds where I am metered (the name of the subject) legs! Amen!".

It is believed that after such a ritual in a dream, man will be a sign. Sometimes this is an accurate information about where the desired subject is located. But it happens that only individual images from it will remain in memory. Bright dreams indicate that the thing will be able to find soon, and dark and terrible offer to be better forgotten about the disappearance.

From the description of the methods of finding a lost thing, we can conclude: all rituals, rites and other attributes are nothing without a person. It lates strength and the opportunity to always do what I want, you just need to try well.

Even the largest and most prominent things have the usual way. Sometimes, how to find a lost thing in the apartment is almost unrealistic. But there are many ways to help cope with this problem. You help you like banal psychology and folk signs and even magic! The main thing is not to lose hope to find your loss and do not fall in spirit.

Our memory removes anything completely. And even if you definitely do not know where the missing thing was put, it can be found. For this it is worth applying several psychological techniques:

  • Try to forget about things. You will relax and accidentally remember where it lies;
  • Restore the chain of events like Sherlock Holmes. Think what you did before the loss of things;
  • Look for a loss in unusual places. After all, usually our searches are limited to one room or one place;
  • Do not panic. The more panic, the less chance of normal search;
  • Set aside. Hurry confuses thoughts, making us strain and look no in those places;
  • Plan actions. Make the plan of those seats that need to be examined.

You also need to think if it could not get lost outside the house. Each third lost thing is lost far beyond the apartment. But it is looking for at home directly, and of course to no avail.

How to find the missing thing in the house with the help of magic

In addition to science, you can apply a magic approach. And now you have a few supernatural ideas:

  1. Say several times "house-house, play and give." This is a conspiracy on the house;
  2. Put an inverted glass on the table. This folk sign that allows you to search for things;
  3. Speak with a thing. Ask her to return. So make those who believe that everything has a soul;
  4. Light a purple candle in the evening and look for a thing in the other side where the wax flows;
  5. Mentally tie ourselves and loss by silver thread. Then pull this thread.

You can also try to lay an apartment incense or put a guard under the pillow. In addition, there are many conspiracies on this topic.

But all this does not work without a serious concentration of attention. Imagine where you could do the desired subject. And sooner or later it will definitely be.

We are looking for the missing right and fast

To seek your searches to be successful, you should search for a thing in a variety of places. Watch out not only cabinets, but behind the cabinets. Look under the sofa, behind the battery, in the storage room, behind the stove. Often, we automatically put the items where it is clearly not a place.

Ask someone from home to help in finding. "Fresh" look will help clarify the situation. It is so many people who find the loss.

If time allows, then sleep a little or a whole night. Sleep does a certain reboot inside us. And it makes it possible to recall many details of the recent disappearance.

The best option is cleaning. Removing the apartment, we look in all possible places. That is what things are. But only it is worth removing carefully and efficiently, otherwise you can not find anything.

Sometimes find a lost thing in the apartment is not possible at all. She can get into the place to which it is impossible to get, for example, under the floor. Turn out with the missing and keep living on. After all, with the loss of something small, we will definitely acquire something more significant.

Each of us loses something in your hometown, even if it is perfect cleanliness. A few minutes ago, we saw the thing, and suddenly, she disappeared somewhere. Or put something mechanically, and then we can not find. Do not be upset, fall into anger. It is better to relax and proceed to the search.

How to organize the search for missing things

More often such missions are quickly and always turn out to be in the most inappropriate places: the roll of toilet paper lies in the kitchen table, bread - in the refrigerator and so on. But even if there are no them, it is necessary to apply the methods of finding missing things by many people. Knowing how to find the missing thing in the house, the time for its search will be much less spent.

Stressed search

You lost the desired thing and now you are looking for it in every corner of the house. It is especially difficult to find a lost shallow thing, her searches lead to a great disorder in the house. Men enjoy this way in this way, even ate, they find the right thing, then they lose something else, scattering everything around.

Waiting when there is a "lost"

If the thing is not very needed, you can wait when it turns out to be in sight. Often wait is long, but the result is, the thing is. Sometimes even faster than with a strengthened search.

Election of search tactics

If you can't find any thing, choose a suitable search tactics:

  • Remember where you could put the desired subject, for this you need to submit the way to which you passed before you lose it. It is better to pass the way again, but you do not need to walk around the circles, being in a tense state. Lost thing is not found.
  • Check the contents of bags and pockets. Do not rush to take out all the contents of them. Do not panic. Look everywhere. Do not mark any absurd ideas.
  • If you live not alone, ask for people living nearby, have not seen the thing you are looking for. Their tip may be useful.
  • If the missing thing is needed not urgently, forget about her, and soon she will definitely fall into your eyes.
  • Very effective, the tactic of finding the missing thing is general cleaning. Performing it, you can find many items that you considered without a trace missing.

There are folk ways to help find the missing thing in the house.

Popular folk ways

There are many people who help you quickly find a lost thing.

  • In the old days it was believed that things in the house hides the house. Seeking during the search: "Grandfather house, played mine (it is necessary to say the name of the thing), and give". Sloves in your hands, and soon you will see your "loss". Psychologists argue that this is due to the concentration of attention. And the old people are confident that the house lives the house, and he is joking with you. Some people appeal to hell: "Damn, the hell played by my keys, and now give, and not that I am your wife behind the tail." There is almost trouble-free.
  • Another popular way to find a missing thing. Try to tie a handkerchief to the leg of the chair, and soon you should see your loss. Psychologists and this is an explanation. They believe that concentrating only for one second on another problem, the decision first will immediately pop up in your head.
  • Try to refer to intuition and imagination. Imagine that in your hand there is a tangle with a thread, the end of which is tied to the missing thing. Mentally sweep the thread on the tangle and imagine that it will soon appear in your hands.
  • Some women turn to the "Loss" and persuade her to seem.
  • If you are a believer, you can turn with a special prayer to your Heavenly patron.

If simple folk methods do not work, it is necessary to turn to more complex - magical.

Magic methods for finding missing things

  • Seeing her home spider, ask him to find a lost thing. During the request for a spider, you must quietly blow. Never offend spiders, because they store homemade hearth
  • If the thing is very necessary, but for a long time is not located, you can pay on maps, beans, runes or other objects, they will give a hint where to find it.
  • Take advantage of the ancient recipe for magicians. For this you need a small copper dishes and bundles of dried herbs: mother-in-law, lavender, wormwood. Put them in a pelvis, Caps of alcohol and climb. Come with the pelvis all over the house, focusing the smoke room, at this time the missing thing should be mentally kept in your hands.
  • Take any subject as a pendulum, mentally ask him a question about the missing thing and passing with him around the house. Where the pendulum is breaking, there it is necessary to seek the missing thing.

If after applying all methods, the thing does not exude, it is better to look out out at home. What ways to search for missing things, do you think you can trust? Do you know any effective ways? Write us about them.

Each have unforeseen situations when the desired thing in the apartment suddenly disappears from its place. Most often it turns out the keys, money, the necessary entries, umbrella, gloves and other "little things". It is especially unpleasant to realize that when the missing subject is urgently needed: for example, the keys when leaving the house.

How to find a lost thing? First of all, it is necessary not to fuss and panic, but try to think about where the last time you saw the "Loss". If numerous searches of bags and bookshelves have never led to Nakhodka, it is worth seeking help for esoteric. It is she who will help find the "culprit" of the incident.

How to find a thing with a pendulum?

This is one of the most effective ways to find the lost thing in the apartment. The pendulum can be made as a small cargo to the thread or chain), so use an ordinary chain with a pendant.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which response the pendulum will mean "yes", and which "no". For example, you can use the following option:

  • the pendulum when answering the answer swung from left to right: the answer "yes";
  • the pendulum when answering the answer swung on the right left: no answer.

After that, it is necessary to use the pendulum in search of "losses". Questions need to be asked as follows:

  • Is this thing in the house?
  • The item is in the bedroom (room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.)?
  • He lies on the shelf (on the bed, under the pillow, under the cabinet)?

Thus, by asking the questions to your pendulum, you can find houses any missing thing.

The pranks of the houses

If unexpected loss began to occur often, perhaps your house is dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the house. The house is the keeper of a family hearth and a helper man. However, often he can show discontent with his households. Hold the little things - one of his favorite ways to indicate a person on his mistakes.

Why does the house come with the owners? There are several good reasons, among them:

  • frequent quarrels in the family, intense atmosphere;
  • in the apartment comes too many guests;
  • the house is poorly cleaned;
  • the houses do not have signs of attention.

To hide the host of the house, you must pour milk in the saucer in the evening and put it overnight in any corner of the kitchen. At the same time it is necessary to pronounce a plot:

"SUSEDUSHKO, BATUUSHKO! Let's live with you in the world, with things will not make more stitch! ".

In the morning, check the saucer with milk. If the amount of milk in it decreased, then the house I heard your request and took offering. Now things will stop disappearing from their places.

There is another way to turn directly to the houses to discover the loss of the house. To do this, you need to go to the place where the last time you saw the "Loss", and say loudly:

"House, house, do not joke so with me! Play the furtively and return back! ".

Then get out of the room. After some time, return to it back. If the house heard and won your request, you will immediately understand where the lost object lies.

Numerology will help in search

This method will help reveal the subconscious, in the depths of which there is information about where the desired thing has hidden. Numerology with the help of digits "wipe" the necessary data from the subconscious and will help find the loss.

It is necessary to take the paper and the handle and write, without thinking, any nine digits (for example, 9, 22, 543, 78, 1). Then count the amount obtained as a result of the addition of these numbers, and add to it 3. The resulting number will tell you exactly where you need to search for a loss.

Deciphering values

  1. This thing took the child.
  2. Look for in the kitchen.
  3. Thing in the hallway.
  4. The subject made someone else's person from home.
  5. In the pockets of clothes in the wardrobe.
  6. How to inspect shoes.
  7. Shifted when cleaning, search in the same room.
  8. On one of the bookshelves.
  9. In the pocket of the old jacket.
  10. In the table.
  11. There is no this thing in the apartment.
  12. In the living room.
  13. In pocket pants.
  14. The subject does not exist today.
  15. Under the sleeping place.
  16. Ask other family members, they will give a faithful prompt.
  17. Among the documents.
  18. Look in the box with linen.
  19. Dropped near the house.
  20. On the floor near the carpet.
  21. On the refrigerator.
  22. On one of the upper shelves.
  23. In a closet with things.
  24. Today it will not be possible to find.
  25. The subject was lost in the bag.
  26. Lost not found in the apartment.
  27. In the car.
  28. Loss will not be found.
  29. There will be a chance, for a while you need to forget about the subject.
  30. Under the sofa in the kitchen.
  31. In bathroom.
  32. In a box with shoes in the hallway.
  33. In the pocket of the outerwear.
  34. In the bathroom closet.
  35. In the kitchen near the stove.
  36. Today, searches are not crowned with success.
  37. Near the pillow where you slept.
  38. Your child has.
  39. Check out the box with working instruments.
  40. Under the cabinet in the largest room.
  41. Near the washbasin.
  42. Forget about the disappearance, I will not be able to find.
  43. In the car relatives or friends.
  44. Look at the shelves in the apartment.
  45. Somebody stole.
  46. On the kitchen floor.
  47. Under the kitchen table.
  48. Suitcase or big bag.
  49. In the children's room among toys.
  50. In the corner of one of the rooms.
  51. In the bathroom.
  52. Someone took mistaken.
  53. There is no object in the house.
  54. Today there will be no loss.
  55. Overall on the street.
  56. Left the thing visiting.
  57. In the storeroom.
  58. In the kitchen on the windowsill.
  59. Among the stock of products.
  60. Put mistaken in the refrigerator.
  61. Under the children's bed.
  62. Not located in the apartment.
  63. Among the clothing, which we recently worn to visit.
  64. Stole from home.
  65. The location will tell the child.
  66. On the floor in the bedroom.
  67. Between the wall and the cabinet.
  68. Between the wall and bed.
  69. The search will not give anything.
  70. Look for in the shower.
  71. Right under your feet.
  72. Close attention to kitchen shelves.
  73. Today it will not be found.
  74. Children's prank.
  75. Invite a friend to visit - it will help to find.
  76. The hole in the pocket of the jacket, under the lining.
  77. In the closet with shoes.
  78. In the table drawer.
  79. Where important documents lie.
  80. Lost forever.
  81. Attention to the toilet room.
  82. Under the plaid.
  83. Look at the balcony.
  84. Wardrobe.

Rituals, prayers and conspiracies

In the people there are many effective means to cope with the trouble and find a lost thing. They were used for centuries and always helped with unexpected disappears.

Here will be helped by famous rituals and conspiracies, as well as prayers to some Orthodox saints.

"Looking for your brother"

This way will tell you where to find the lost thing. For example, if the keys are lost from the car, you need to take any other keys (for example, from the apartment) and throw them up with the words "search for your brother!". After a few minutes there will be an insight, and you will know exactly where to look for lost.

In this way, you can find wedding rings, chains, keys, gloves, umbrellas, consoles from the TV and many other small items that have lost home.

"Play, yes give!"

This ritual of finding a lost thing is as follows. You need to take a clean cup and with the words: "Damn, damn, play yes, give!" turn it over and put the rim down on the kitchen table. After some time, find the subject will not be difficult: he himself will throw into your eyes.

With this real conspiracy, you turn directly to the shallow unclean power so that it does not share and allowed the missing to return to the owner. But there are people who will face such a way to find the quick thing. In this case, it is worth seeking help for the Orthodox Holy, for example, the Holy Trifon.

Prayer martyr Trifonu

Orthodox comes to this saint, when it is necessary to recover from diseases and mental illnesses, as well as with loss of value. If you have lost the right thing and do not want to have any things with small demons, it is worth contacting the holy intercession with a prayer for help:

"Holy Martyr Trifon, hear me, the sinful, honoring your memory! Help me find my loss, I really need! Answer from me is unclean, drive the demons of the devouches from my home, to get rid of their tricks of unkind. Holy Trifon, pray for help you! Amen".

Sincere and pure prayers to this saint, coming from the heart, will necessarily help find the disappearance and relieve such trouble in the future.

How to find an item in 5 minutes

This ritual should be done when the lost thing needs to be very quickly found. To do this, you need to take a black thread and tie her four legs of the kitchen chairs.

Each leg must be tied up three times and tighten the triple knot on it. In the process of the ritual mentally to represent the item you need. Then get out of the kitchen. After a minute, you suddenly see the place in the apartment, where you will find a loss.

How to find money and jewels at home?

If the apartment starts to disappear money or jewelry without reason, and the homemade is not to blame for anything, is a bad sign enough. Thus, the houses warns you that it is necessary to urgently change your lifestyle, otherwise the trouble will happen. It should be seriously listening to this sign of fate.

In order to find missing money or precious decorations, you need to spend the following ritual:

  • prepare a red rope;
  • wait for the sunset;
  • sit in the corner of the room and tie small nodules on the rope;
  • leave a rope with nodules for the night in the corner;
  • in the morning to sunrise, start untying the nodules;
  • when untoing to pronounce such words: "My loss, get! To my eyes to see this day! ";
  • when all the nodes are unleashed on the rope, it must be hidden in a dark place and not shown anyone.

Thus, the rope with unleashed nodes "replaces" lost objects, and the latter are happily detected by their owners.

It is worth remembering that this method will work only once. When reapping money or decorations in the house, it will no longer help.

What if you lost the thing on the street?

If you know exactly what they dropped the lost object somewhere on the street, and it fails to find it, there is one real way to help you, he will prompt the location of "Losses".

To do this, you need to draw the item before bedtime, which you dropped on the street, and put paper with a pattern under the pillow. Before you fall asleep, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

"Sleep, come, tell me where I am lost to find!".

After these words, try to fall asleep immediately. In a dream you will see a lost thing. With the help of tips, you will understand where and how to search for it:

  • in a dream, the subject is in the hands of another person - the search is already useless;
  • lost in water - look for a reservoir;
  • the item in a dream next to you is to look for a "loss" right near the house;
  • the thing is deep underground - the search will not lead to the result.

If you begin to unexpectedly disappear, it doesn't matter, at home or on the street, is a sign that disharmony occurs in your life, some kind of unbalance. It is worth paying close attention to your own health, as well as the health of loved ones, as well as revise its goals and life principles.

How to find a lost thing in the house? There are many people's ways to search for items. Let's study the basic options in our article.

The easiest way to find something is to look good. It seems that this statement is too obvious. But in practice, this method is the most efficient option.

If you believe in magic and fortune telling, you can use alternative ways. Naturally, all methods listed below have no scientific confirmation. But in some cases they turn out to be really helpful.

Methods can be divided into several categories:

  • Folk methods.
  • Ask for household help.
  • Use numerology.
  • With the help of prayer or conspiracy.

How to find houses lost thing: folk methods

Lost phone, earrings, ring, passport and other documents? Then you can take advantage of people to search. Today there is a huge number of techniques, consider them all within the framework of the article is simply impossible. Therefore, we will explore the main options.

The first way is the magic ball. Stand in the room and close your eyes. Imagine a desired subject. It is located at the other end of the invisible thread that you getat on the tangle of wool. Gradually move on it, relying on intuition.

You can try simply call it and ask where she is. But initially make sure that you are alone at home, otherwise relatives can suspect something wrong.

Another option is to tie a shawl to the leg of the chair. Perhaps there is a method of switching attention. The brain temporarily moves to the solution of another task, and then a person becomes easier to recall where the desired subject is.

If you meet a spider in the search process, then you should not be afraid of it and kill the insect. Better ask him for help and jump slightly. Spheres frightened air flow and go away.

Spiders are very useful inhabitants of the apartment. They are safe for humans and destroy other insects, excluding their reproduction indoors.

You can flip a glass or a cup. It is believed that the loss will definitely be found. Naturally, the dishes should be empty.

If you have an ashtray, a cup of copper or a smoking room for incense, then put a lavender, wormwood and dyeing into it. Add some alcohol and burn. Together with the cup, go around the apartment so that the smoke spreads around the room.

This way, how to find a thing that has lost homes may have a scientific justification. It is possible that in combustion of these herbs, substances are distinguished on various brain zones. But official studies were not conducted, therefore it is just the theory.

You can refer to magic. Take a candle of violet light, set fire to it and sit next. Start thinking about the lost subject. Soon the wax will begin to drain from one of the sides, it points to the zone of the apartment in which you need to search.

How to quickly find the missing thing in the house - Numerology

Numerology - the doctrine of numbers. Official science does not recognize it, as it is simply impossible to provide evidence of the arguments of numerologists. But you can still use this teaching to search for items.

You will need to clearly form a question, for example, where are the keys? ". Write it on paper and start replacing the letters to the numbers. Available numbers fold, as a result, a numerological code will be.

We look at this table and looking for an answer under the digit.

How to ask for a bride to return the lost thing?

Lost earrings how to find ? In Russia it was believed that in the disappearance of things it could be involved in the house. This is the essence that lives in the house guards him and follows the order. Sometimes the house is boring, and it uses a similar way to entertain to swallow over the owners.

What to do? Stand in the middle of the room and say loudly: "House, house, play and give." The brownie can be drawn by cookies or sweets, in which case the chances of success increase.

Psychologists say that this method is based on distracting attention. The brain temporarily switches, and then it is easier for him to detect the solution of the previous task. You can believe specialists, though, what if the house actually exist?

How to quickly find the lost thing at home - Prayer

How to find a lost thing in the apartment? It is believed that the subject could hide evil entities. But they are afraid of water and fire, so you can boight them and make him get back.

You will need:

  1. Any cup.
  2. Match .
  3. Water from the spring.

Pour the liquid into the cup and put on the table in front of you. Light the matches, wait until they ran and throw into the water. At this time, repeat the conspiracy three times,

You can try to detect an object with a wool ball. Stand on the threshold of the room in which the thing is supposedly located, imagine it. Muffle on the right hand, and take the ball in the left. Throw it, pull several times, wait until it stops. In the zone where the girl is, it is necessary to search.

To remove the veil from the eye and quickly detect the lost item, you can read the next prayer:

Other methods

Experts in such a situation are advised simply switching to another task. Examples: reading conspiracy, prayer, tieting a handker to the leg of the chair, etc.

As psychologists say, while you are engaged in other things, the brain is still somewhere in the subconscious, trying to find information regarding the lost thing. Therefore, in the future it becomes easier to remember where the subject is.

All methods described above do not help? Then it should be cleaned. Well, if you know about what room is the subject. In the process of cleaning, you are likely to find it.


Most folk methods and magical rituals are explained from the point of view of science. And the point here is not at all in magic or in communicating with otherworldly forces. Just during the execution of some extraneous actions, you activate the subconscious and help the brain in search of the necessary information.

In many cases, it is possible to find the subject within two minutes. But if all the techniques did not help, you will have to organize a real "search operation" - general cleaning.

Also provide several additional advice:

  • Be sure to survey relatives. Perhaps they know where it is a desired subject.
  • Do not panic. It is necessary to relax as much as possible so that the solution itself occurs.
  • Lost phone? Just call him from another number. Detect the device is managed by the sound of the call signal or characteristic vibration.