How to get rid of fear and anxiety - tips of psychologists and useful techniques.

 How to get rid of fear and anxiety - tips of psychologists and useful techniques.
How to get rid of fear and anxiety - tips of psychologists and useful techniques.

From birth and until death, a person periodically experiences a sense of fear. Someone is subject to him to a greater extent, someone is smaller, but no on earth such people who would not be afraid of anything. Sometimes quite explained and naturally, and in some cases its nature is unknown. What are the causes of fear and how to get rid of it?

What is fear?

Fear is the negative state of the human psyche, provoked by a real or imaginary threat. Each in his life has repeatedly experienced this feeling in various situations. Even the most brave and brave person can be afraid in the depths of the soul.

In psychology, fear belongs to basic emotional processes inherent to man from birth. He mobilizes the protective systems of the body, prepares it to combat the threat or to escape.

Fear is a kind of danger alarm that promotes the implementation under the influence may make such actions that are not capable of in normal condition. For example, running at a huge speed, jump over high obstacles, show amazing intelligence and resourcefulness.

Nature of human fear

Fear originated with Humanity himself. His roots go to the distant past, when its main function was to preserve the lives of our ancestors. Fear is laid in human nature in order to quickly and accurate danger recognition.

Ancient people were often fear of all unknown and incomprehensible. They were horrified by any unfamiliar sounds, natural elements, invisible animals previously. With the development of science, a person gained knowledge of many phenomena that was afraid before.

To date, the fear no longer carries the functions of the struggle for survival. The exceptions are those cases when a person falls into emergency, extreme situations. However, in the modern world, all sorts of social phobias came to the replacement for real danger. This is due to the fact that at the moment people are very important to be recognized society, to cause respect for his person.

Fear is a feeling or emotion?

Psychology interprets fear as an emotion of a man having a bright negative color. At the same time, some sources consider this concept as a state of a person. So what is fear? Is it a feeling or emotion?

In the word "fear", people in ordinary life are accustomed to call both feelings and emotion. In fact, there is no clear boundary between these concepts. On the one hand, fear more relates to emotions, since it is most often short-term and is intended to activate the protective functions of the human body. And on the other?

If it does not stop for a long time, transformed, periodically repeats, acquires new forms, then we can say that fear is a feeling. In this case, it does not serve for salvation, but, on the contrary, destructively affects the body. The feeling of fear is not an instant reaction to a certain irritant, but the product of human consciousness.

Types of fear

There are quite a lot of all kinds of fear classifications. It all depends on what is caused by this oppressive feeling. So, they allocate real, existential and social fears. Briefly stop at each of them.

Real or biological fear is a fear associated with the immediate threat to life or human health. In this situation, something represents a potential danger to an individual. For example, a huge dog trying to attack a person, or natural elements, such as tsunami or earthquakes.

Existential fear is an unreasonable fear of anything that does not represent real danger to humans. Such fears are molded in the depths of the subconscious of people and cannot be fully explained. This group includes death, aging, closed space.

Social fears are a relatively new group of human phobies who have not existed earlier. They cannot cause real harm, and carry only a symbolic threat. This includes fear of bosses, responsibility, public speeches, failures, strokes on pride. The fear of this type is the most common in the modern world, cause a person a psychological discomfort and lead to the mass of problems.

And their reasons

Fears of children most often do not have real reasons, they are filled and exaggerated. The brass imagination is so rich that even a simple thing may seem to them ominous. For example, the shadow from the toy may seem like a child with a frightening monster.

In addition, children do not have sufficient information about our world, which can also give rise to any fear. It's good if the child shares with their adult fears, asks for help and protection. Parents must try to explain the baby to the nature of frightening his phenomena, calm and generate a sense of security in the crude.

But in some cases, the fears of children are caused by real events that made a huge impression on them. This can happen if, for example, in front of the child, a car knocked down a car, or his dog himself washed. Such phobias can stay with a person for life, at least with time and weaken.

Fear of death

Some people practically do not think that they will live in abundantly, for others the fear of die becomes a real phobia. The fear of death is one of the strongest emotions, it is for a basis basis. It is fear to die quite logical, because everyone fears for his life, seeks to save and extend it.

The reasons to be afraid of death in a person quite a few. This and the frightening unknownness of what will happen after, and the inability to present its non-existence, and the fear of pain and suffering before leaving in another world.

People who have not been thinking about death, getting in situations, really threatening their lives, begin to experience a real fear. This can happen, for example, if a person almost hit the car, or the plane miraculously escaped the crash. At such moments, everyone starts to appreciate their lives and think about that we are all inevitable.

Fear of failure in love

Many people, at least once disappointed in a partner, are afraid to build a new relationship. For them, love is the fear of the fact that negative emotions and suffering repeat again. Now they are difficult for them to believe a person, open their heart to him and begin to trust.

Fear of new failures in love makes closed to communicate and new acquaintances. Very often to overcome this feeling, leaving for many years, and some do not cope with their phobia throughout life.

In such situations, it is important to understand that there are very few people in the world who have never experienced a love failure. Observing one day, you should not consider all men or all women the same. It is important to believe that you will definitely be able to find a person who will make you happy and help forget the previous troubles.

How to get rid of fears?

Fear is emotion, from time to time wearing every person. People are afraid of absolutely different things, so there can be no single recipe from our phobias.

To begin with, try to understand what your fear is called exactly. Sometimes it is very difficult to do, since the fear of certain things is hidden deep in our subconscious. Finding out the original source of his phobia, it is necessary to think if your fear is really life in constant nightmare and experiences, or it, in principle, does not give you special inconvenience. As a rule, fear as a short-term emotion does not require a special struggle, but if he begins to grow into a phobia, then it needs to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Next you need to understand yourself, analyze which moments you start to be afraid of the most. Try to cut into a minimum stressful situations in which you feel discomfort, anxiety and fear.

In the fight against its phobias, you need to learn how to switch attention to something positive and kind, as soon as you feel that fear began to sew to you. If you do not manage to cope with the problem, feel free to seek help from specialists.



1. Psychoanalytic direction

2 Existential Logotherapy

3 Bihevioristic direction

1 fears in childhood

2 fears in adolescents

3 fears in adults

4 fears in the elderly




Subject work: "Psychology of fear."

The relevance of the course of the course work is determined by the fact that the feeling of fear is inherent to all the highest animals and even more in a large extent person. An animal may be afraid of only specific dangers, a man, thanks to his imagination, there are still imaginable misfortunes, most of whom he creates himself. Create a new fear is easy, it is difficult to kill it because of his intangibleness. Fear is an emotional state that anyone can hardly observe anyone every day. Nevertheless, not just to explain what fear is in its essence.

The purpose of this course work: theoretical analysis of understanding and approaches to the study of the psychology of fear.

In accordance with the goal and tasks, it was studied: definitions and types of fear, theoretical directions in research of fear phenomenon, age features of fear, factors affecting the occurrence of fear, fear correction methods.


The phenomenon of fear is one of the most pressing problems that scientists are engaged in and will always remain it, as there is a person, together with him there will be fear.

It is impossible to find a person who would never have experienced a sense of fear. Anxiety, anxiety, fear - the same emotional integral manifestations of our mental life, like joy, admiration, anger, surprise, sadness.

Fear is an emotion, familiar to everyone. It has a much greater influence on us than it seems at first glance. This is an emotion that has a significant impact on perceptual-cognitive processes, on the behavior of the individual. Intensive fear creates the effect of "tunnel perception", that is, strongly limits the perception, thinking and freedom of choice of the individual. In addition, fear limits the freedom of human behavior.

The emotion of fear arises when a person is in a situation that perceives as dangerous for his peace and biological or social existence. Fear is a signal, a warning about threatening danger, imaginary or real, in principle anyway, since our body acts the same.

Fear exists regardless of culture, faith and the level of development of the people; The only thing that changes is the objects of fear as soon as we think that fear won or overcame, another kind of fear appears, as well as other funds aimed at overcoming it.

In our life, fears are a huge set. According to psychologists, each person has its own "set of fears", consisting of several components, many of which come from early childhood. Many people shame their fears and instead of learn how to handle fear, they are looking for funds for its liquidation, such as alcohol, drugs, medicines. In an effort to simply eliminate, ignore, drown out fear, a person inevitably falls into delusion and, promoting such ideas, turns into a dead end of those who want to learn how to treat their fear.

The studies of this problem were engaged in many scientists. This is Z. Freud, A. Freud, V. Frank, E. Erickson, A. Zakharov, Y. Shcherbati and many others.

The purpose of this work is: theoretical analysis of understanding and approaches to the study of the psychology of fear.

Subject of study: Fear phenomenon.

To implement the goal of the course work, the following tasks were developed:

1.familiarize yourself with the definitions and types of fear;

2.familiarize yourself with theoretical directions in the studies of the phenomenon of fear;

.consider the age peculiarities of fear;

.familiarize yourself with the factors affecting the occurrence of fear;

.get acquainted with the methods of fear correction.

Chapter 1. Definition of the concept of fear

Fear - (Him. Angst; Franz. Angoisse; English. Anxiety) The mental state of a person associated with painful experiences and causing actions aimed at self-preservation (Libin V. 2010).

To date, there are many definitions of fear.

W. James considered fear as one of the three strongest emotions along with joy and anger, as well as the "ontogenetic early" person's instinct.

According to A. Freud and 3. Freud, fear is an affective state of expectation of any danger. Fear of some particular object is called fear, in pathological cases - phobia (A. Freud, Z. Freud, 1993). In his work, "Prohibition, Symptom and Fear" Z. Freud defines shats, as above all, what can be felt. This feeling is of character of displeasure. Fears are often the result of unsatisfied desires and needs (Z. Freud, 2001).

According to A. Adler, fear comes from suppressing aggressive attraction, which plays a major role in everyday life and in neurosis (S. Yu. Golovin. 1998).

According to G. Korg, fear is the emotion that a person is trying to avoid or minimize, but at the same time fear, manifesting in a soft form, is able to encourage to learn (Korg, 2002).

E. Erickson describes the fear as a state of concerns focused on isolated and able to be recognized threats, so they can be soberly appreciated and realistically confront them (E. Erickson, 1996).

D. Ike believes that the fear is a mental phenomenon that anyone can hardly observe anyone every day. Fear is an unpleasant emotional experience when a person is aware of one degree or another that he is threatened with danger (D. Ake, 1998).

K. Izard writes that fear is a very strong emotion, experienced as anxious premonition, anxiety. "A person is experiencing more and more insecurity in his own well-being, fear is experiencing as a sense of absolute insecurity and insecurity of its own security."

A person has a feeling that the situation comes out from under control. He feels a threat to his physical and / or psychological "me", and in extreme cases - even the threat of my life. K. Izard determines the fear as the most dangerous of all emotions. Intensive fear leads even to death: animals, and people can be frightened literally to death. But at the same time, fear plays a positive role: it can serve as a warning signal and change the direction of thought and behavior (K. Izard, 1999).

I.P. Pavlov determined the fear as "the manifestation of a natural reflex, a passive-defensive reaction with a light braking of the bark of large hemispheres." Fear is based on the instinct of self-preservation, has a protective nature and is accompanied by certain changes in the highest nervous activity, it is reflected in the frequency of the pulse and respiration, the indicators of blood pressure, the separation of the gastric juice. In the most general form, the emotion of fear arises in response to the action of a threatening incentive. In this case, there are two threats that have universal and simultaneously fatal in its outcome. This is the death and collapse of life values, opposing such concepts as life, health, self-affirmation, personal and social well-being.

E.P. Ilyin considers fear as an emotional state, reflecting a protective biological response of a person or an animal when experienced by actual or imaginary hazards for their health and well-being. However, according to the author, if for a person as a biological creature, the occurrence of fear is not only appropriate, but also useful, then for a person as a social being, fear can be an obstacle to the achievement of the goals set by him (E.P. Ilyin, 2001).

According to A.I. Zakharov, Fear is one of the fundamental emotions of a person who arises in response to the action of a threatening incentive. If objectively consider the emotion of fear, one can state that fear performs a variety of functions in a person's life. Throughout the entire period of the development of the human race, fear acted as an organizer of the struggle of people with elements. Fear allows you to avoid danger, as I played and plays a protective role. Therefore, A.I. Zakharov believes that fear can be viewed as natural support of human development (A.I. Zakharov, 2000). Emotion of fear, like many other emotions, differ in their predisposition to fixing in memory.

It has been proven that the events associated with the experience of fear are better remembered. Fear in relation to objects and deeds who caused pain and trouble, it is useful, which encourages their avoidance in the future. Fear is "a peculiar means of knowledge of the surrounding reality, leading to a more critical, electoral attitude to it," writes A. Zakharov.

According to L.S. Vygotsky: "Fear is a very strong emotion that has a very significant impact on the behavior of the individual and perceptual-cognitive processes. Our attention is sharply reduced when we experience fear, sharpening on the subject or situation that signals us about danger. Intensive fear significantly limits thinking, perception and freedom of choice of an individual, creating the effect of "tunnel perception". In addition, fear sharply limits a person in freedom of behavior. It can be said that in fear, the person stops belonging to himself, she moves by one, the only desire to avoid danger or eliminate the threat "(L.S. Vygotsky, 1983).

Chapter 2. Classification of fears

There are several different classifications of fears.

Sigmund Freud shared fears into two groups: real fears and neurotic. Real fear is a completely normal emotional process. It arises in a hazard situation and helps the body mobilize to avoid this danger. And neurotic fear is what we used to call a phobia; It occurs when a collision with situations and objects that are not really dangerous.

Also, A.I. Zakharov, developing ideas Z. Freud, highlights real and imaginary, acute and chronic fears. Real and acute fears are predetermined by the situation, and imaginary and chronic personality features (A.I. Zakharov, 1995).

Exploring the state of fear, the famous Polish Psychiatrist A. Kempinski allocates four types of fear: biological, social, moral, disintegration. It binds this classification with situations causing the installation of fear. Estimated, situations associated with the immediate threat of life cause biological fear. The threat coming out from the outside is clearly realized by the subject, causing fear, and it is the stronger than the helpless the man in the situation of danger. Fear appears in the event that the threat comes from the inside, but "the awareness of the threat is indefinite, foggy. There is only fear, but the reasons for him are unknown "(A. Kempinski, 2000).

His studies in this area, a scientist, psychotherapist A.I. Zakharov believes that conditionally all fears can be divided into natural and social. According to Zakharov, "Natural fears are based on the instinct of self-preservation, and in addition to the fundamental fears of their death and the death of parents, there are also fears of monsters, ghosts, animals, darkness, moving transport, elements, heights, depths, water, closed space, fire, fire, and blood, injections, pain, doctors, unexpected sounds, etc. " (A.I. Zakharov, 2004). To social fears, the author refers the fear of loneliness, some people, punishment, do not have time to be late, not to cope, not to cope with feelings, be mine, condemnation by peers, etc.

Also, A.I. Zakharov believes that fears in the general form are conventionally divided into situational and personally determined. Situational fear occurs in an unusual, extremely dangerous or shocking adult or child atmosphere. Often, he appears as a result of a psychic infection of a panic in the group of people, anxious premonitions by family members, severe tests, conflicts and life failures.

Personally conditioned fear is predetermined by the character of a person, for example, his disturbing diminity, and is able to appear in a new environment or in contact with unfamiliar (A.I. Zakharov, 1995).

Analyzing children's fears, A.I. Zakharov delimits age fears and neurotic fears. He considers age fears as arising from emotionally sensitive children as the reflection of the peculiarities of their mental and personal development. Neurotic fears have the following significant differences: large emotional intensity and tensions; adverse effect on the formation of character and personality; painful acopeition; relationship with other mental disorders and experiences; avoiding the object of fear, as well as the whole new and unknown; Robust communication with parents' fears and the relative difficulty of elimination (A.I. Zakharov, 1995).

Professor Yu.V. Scherbaty in their classification of fears divides all fears into three groups: natural, social and internal. Natural fears are associated with the threat of a person's life. Natural phenomena inspiring people fear: thunderstorm, solar eclipses, the appearance of comets, eruption of volcanoes and accompanying their earthquakes that are associated with a person with the fear of the end of the world. A special group of natural fears is the fears of animals. The animals causing people especially strong fear undoubtedly include snakes. The second group accounts for social fears - fear for changing their social status. Social fears can flow from baiological fears, but always have a specific social component, which comes out in first place, pushing more primitive survival factors. The third group is internal fears born only by the fantasy and the imagination of a person and have no real basis. The researcher considers not only the fears born by the fantasy of a person, but also the fears of their own thoughts, if they are contrary to the existing moral installations. There are also intermediate forms of fear standing on the verge of two sections, and the author relates fear of spiders. "On the one hand, there are poisonous spiders (Karakurt, Tarantul), whose bite is painful and even mortal, but the chances of meeting them in our latitudes are minimal, and people are afraid of all spiders, even completely harmless.

In the overwhelming number, people are afraid of not a specific animal gone, but the terrible image, which they themselves also created in their consciousness in childhood "(Yu.V. Shcherbaty, 2007).

The phobia is stronger and striking than just fear and the desire to avoid the subject or situation are more large. Phobias are obsessive fears, intense and insurmountable fear, covering a person, despite the understanding of meaninglessness and attempt to cope with it.

People suffering from a phobia experience fear even with thought about the subject or situations that frighten them, but usually they feel quite comfortable until they manage to avoid this subject and thoughts about him. Most of them understand well that their fears are excessive and unreasonable. Some have no idea about the origin of their fears.

CHAPTER 3. Theoretical directions of the study of fear

1 Psychoanalytic direction

In the representation of Z. Freud, the development of fear is closely related to the system of unconscious, with libido. The transformation of libido in fear is carried out due to the process of displacement. Displaced sexual attractions as if find their discharge in the form of fear, and the neurotic fear. So, considering phobias, Z. Freud allocated two phases of the neurotic process. The first phase is characterized by the implementation of the displacement and translating of sexual deposits in fear, correlated with the external danger. In the second phase, the organization of a protection system that promotes the prevention of a collision with this danger is observed when the displacement is nothing more than an attempt to escape "I" from sexual deposits. With other neurotic diseases, other protection systems are used against the possible development of fear (Freud Z.2001). But in any case, according to Z. Freud, the problem of fear occupies a central place in the psychology of neurosis.

In the work "On the other side of the Pleasure principle", Z. Freud said that the concepts of "fear", "fear", "fright" are incorrectly used as synonyms. Conducting differences between fear, fear and fright from the point of view of a danger, Freud expressed the following considerations about this. In his opinion, fear means a certain expectation state of danger and preparation for the latter, if it is even unknown; The fear assumes a certain object that is afraid; Imagon reflects the moment of surprise and is a condition that occurs in danger when the subject turns out to be unprepared to it.

In the work of "braking, symptoms and fear", dedicated to the problematic of fear, Z. Freud stressed that the danger underlying real fear comes from an external object, while neurotic danger - from the requirement of attraction. But the demand requirement does not seem to be contrived, is real, and, therefore, we can assume that neurotic fear has no less real foundations than real fear. This means that the relationship between fear and neurosis is explained by the protection of "I" in the form of a fear reaction on the danger emanating from the attraction. From the point of view of Freud, the demand requirement often becomes internal danger precisely because its satisfaction can lead to external danger. At the same time, in order to become significant for "I", external, real danger should turn into an internal experience of a person (Freud Z.2001). In this work, Freud expressed such an understanding of the nature of fear, which testified to clarifying and revising the ideas of fear previously nominated. The revision of the ideas formulated in the lectures on the introduction into psychoanalysis of ideas about fear was associated with the approach to the analysis of the mental life of a person who was carried out in the work "I and it". In it, Freud stressed that the poor, unfortunate "I" is susceptible to danger from three sides and can be covered by a tripal fear - real fear of the outside world, the fear of conscience before "above-I" and neurotic fear before "it". Indeed, the structuring of the psyche led Freud to a psychoanalytic understanding that the unconscious it does not experience fear, since it cannot judge the hazard situations, and it is "I", and not "it" is the place of concentration of fear. It is not by chance that in the work "I and it", he stressed that "I" is a "genuine focus of fear" and due to the threat of three dangers, the "reflex of flight" develops, resulting in the formation of neurotic symptoms and protective mechanisms leading to phobiams. "We welcomed as a desirable compliance that the three main types of fear: real fear, neurotic and fear of conscience - without any stretching consistent with three dependencies" I "- from the outside world, from" it "and from" super-i "(s . Freud., 2011).

Further development Some ideas of Freud received in the works of K. Horney, which made a lot of new things in understanding the anxiety and nature of fear of psychology.

"All kinds of fear arise from unresolved conflicts. But since we must subjected to their action if we still want to achieve the integrity of your personality, they look like the necessary obstacle in our movement to themselves. They represent, so to speak, purgatory, through which we should pass before you can achieve salvation "(K. Horney., 2007).

The reason for the emergence of personality conflicts, according to K. Horney, becomes, first of all, the impact of social factors, cultural values \u200b\u200b(rivalry, hostility from others, fear of failure, etc.).

As a result of these effects, a person is in front of complex contradictions (a tendency to aggressiveness and a tendency to give up; excessive claims and fear never get anything; the desire for self-exposure and the feeling of personal helplessness.), Impede the satisfaction of the necessary needs and desires, which generates feelings of isolation, helplessness, fear and hostility.

3.2 Bihevioristic direction

At the beginning of the development of behaviorism, John Watson called several incentives causing fear: sudden loud sounds, a sudden loss of supports, shocks and blows at the time of falling asleep. Other incentives that launch the reactions of fear, from its point of view, are a combination of already named.

On the basis of congenital (unconditional) fear reactions in the course of life, new incentives appear, causing fear. In his experiments, Watson found that many incentives, such as animals, darkness, fire, do not cause fear in infancy.

Studying the emotions of babies, John B. Watson, among other things, became interested in the possibility of forming a fear reaction in relation to objects that previously did not cause fear. Together with Rosaliere Reaner (Watson, Rayner, 1920), Watson checked the possibility of forming an emotional reaction of fear of white rat at a 11-month-old baby, who had previously endured a rat in his crib and even played with her. Albert - the Son of the Kormilitsa, who worked in the hospital, was a completely healthy boy, and before the start of the experiment (at the age of 9 months) was not afraid of white rats, rabbit, dogs, wools, monkeys and other animals. They were not afraid of these objects and three other children, which at that time were in the hospital.

The experiment was taken to answer three questions:

Is it possible to teach a baby to be afraid of animals if the animal is presented simultaneously with the incentive causing fear (sound from the blow from the metal plate)?

Will this fear spread to other animals?

How long will the conditioned fear be maintained?

As an unconditional stimulus causing fear, loud sounds were used in the experiment (knocked with a hammer over the iron strip behind the baby's back).

In the first series, the plate was hit only twice every time Albert touched a white rat placed to him in the cradle. Already after two attempts, Albert began to avoid contact with the rat. A week later, the experience was repeated - this time they hit the strip five times, simply putting the mouse in the cradle. The baby began to demonstrate the response of avoidance and crying only at the sight of a white rat.

After another five days, Watson decided to check whether the reaction of fear would be transferred to other objects. Fear was recorded upon presentation of rabbit, dogs, fur coats. Albert also avoided contacts with Vata and Mask Santa Claus. Since the loud sounds did not accompany these objects, Watson concluded that the transfer of fear reactions to similar objects. To control Alberta was given to play with wooden cubes. Cubes of fear did not cause (Watson D.B., 1998). Watson suggested that by analogy with this, very many fears, antipathies and the alarming states of adults are formed in early childhood.

Next, Watson discovered that the conditioned fears in humans are distinguished by amazing resistance, ease of transfer to related situations and require often quite long therapy,. This is due to the fact that the conditioned fears are easily applied to similar situations, but the fastening of fears achieved during therapy is not applied to similar situations.

With the development of B.F. Another (operant) model of causing fears appeared by Skinner the theory of the operant conditioning. In accordance with this model, fears may arise, support and strengthen under the influence of reinforcement, occurring after childish behavior.

It is accepted here to distinguish positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

The possibility of fear as a result of positive reinforcement with pleasant consequences can be illustrated by the following example.

The child who was afraid of something and who came running for protecting parents, receives care from them, affection and protection. With any potentially terrible or unpleasant events, he is now more willing to appeal to parents for their support, demonstrating a resistant strategy of flight.

Sometimes a child may even simulate fear in this case to get reinforcement once again. Fear acquires what the behavioral therapy is called hidden benefits. This kind of fears are particularly strong if it is frightened for a child - the only way to attract the attention of parents. Supported in this way, the reaction of flight occurs more often and often generalizes. A child, for example, asks to the bed to parents, motivating this fear of darkness.

Since fear itself is an unpleasant incentive, then a person strive to prevent fear. Every time it succeeds, operant (negative) reinforcement occurs. Thus, fear begins to reinforce itself than and explains the resistance of fear of fading in the absence of a conditional incentive.

3.3 Existential Logotherapy

V. Francova so describes the mechanism for the formation of a fear reaction: a person has fear of any phenomenon (heart attack, heart attack, onco-scab, etc.), the expectation reaction is fear that this phenomenon or state will come. There may be separate symptoms of the expected state, which strengthens the fear, and the voltage circle closes: the fear of expectations of the event becomes stronger than concerns directly related to the event. At your own fear, the man begins to respond with a flight from reality (from life).

In this situation, V. Franklov proposes to use self-deficiency. The most bright ability to self-default is manifested in humor. Humor allows you to remove from anything (including from yourself) and thereby gain control over the situation itself and the situation.

Fear is a biological reaction that allows to avoid those situations that are dangerous. If a person himself will actively look for these situations, he will learn to act "past" fear, and fear will gradually disappear, as if "atrophically from idleness" (Frankl V., 2001).

In the correctional work with fears, Vaflek uses the paradoxical intention method. This method assumes that the psychologist sends the client exactly what he tries to avoid. Paradoxical intention - a psychotherapeutic method that was proposed by Alfred Adler was helped to cope with their fears, and then developed by Viktor Frankl. The term "intention" (from Lat. Intentio - "desire", "Attention") means an inner desire, the focus of consciousness for any subject or phenomenon, and "paradoxical" - literally "made on the contrary". (Frank BB, 2001).

Fears often arise when a certain incident happens and associated unpleasant experiences. For example, someone has a top-owned performance, he is very worried and suddenly notes that his hands tremble. When he once again has to perform, the fear is added to the usual wiping that the hands be asked again - and this fear comes true. Then the person begins to give up the speeches: he thinks about how hands will again shake and hide it will not succeed. If you do not overcome fear in time, the situation may be aggravated. This is how phobia is formed, which leads to the fact that the symptom is really repeated, and as a result, the initial fears are even more enhanced.

Paradoxical intention helps in such situations. V. Frankon described such a case: the parents of the nine-year-old boy turned to the psychotherapist, which despite all the punishments and ukols, the bed was pushed every night. Psychotherapist surprised the child with an unexpected offer: whenever the bed will be wet, he will receive 50 cents for it. The boy was very pleased, hoping to earn money on his lack of money. But although he did everything possible to get a reward, he did not work. The neurotic symptom disappeared, as soon as the desire for his repetition came to the fore.

For example, if a person is fear of closed premises, he is invited to force himself to be in such a room. And as a result of a long stay, as a rule, fear disappears, and a person finds self-confidence, ceases to be afraid of what was avoided before (Frankl V., 2001).

Chapter 4. Age Features of Fear Experience

1 fears in childhood

Children's fears - emotional reactions of children on the situation of threat (real or imaginary), or on a dangerous in the presentation of children an object experienced by them as discomfort, excitement, desire to escape or hide.

Small children have more fears and phobias than adults, and experience the emotion of fear more intensively. They have fears can be launched and stop without visible reasons, during the development of the child. New, unpredictability and sudden changes can cause fears in children. Adults teach children to be afraid of certain things before the child will face them. Children can "pick up" fears of adults in the family (I M Marks, 1987).

The first year of life

Increased anxiety in children of the first months of life, the most often occurs when there are no vital physiological needs for food, sleep, activity, exemption, the intestines, warmth, i.e., in all that determines the physical and emotional baby comfort. If physiological needs are not fully satisfied, it is possible for a long time to preserve concern caused by them, for example, at the time of falling asleep, eating (A.I. Zakharov, 2004).

Psychological needs as the sources of concern show themselves not immediately. The first manifestation of emotional contact is the toddle's response smile between the 1st and 2nd months, saying not only about the need for positive human emotions, but also to allocate mother from the people surrounding people, and soon and other adults. At the age of 2 months. Anxiety appears in the absence of mother and finding in a new setting (A.I. Zakharov, 2004).

In 7-8 months. Anxiety decreases in a new environment, but the child increases the ability to distinguish it from others. This indicates the formation of the emotional image of the mother.

Anxiety, associated with the department from the mother, and the fear that people are experiencing in empty or verte-free places are very similar to each other. According to many psychiatric theories, this period of the child's life is a decisive moment to determine whether this person will suffer from the fear of "open places" or will be delighted with such a fate.

Age 7-9 months - This is a period of increased sensitivity to the emergence of anxiety and fear.

Starting from 14 months. Life, there is a decrease in anxiety in the absence of a mother and almost decreases the fear of strangers.

From 1 year to 3 years

Already by 2 years, children quite clearly distinguish between the sympathies of parents. This is the age when they cry from resentment and interfere in the conversation of adults, unable to transfer the lack of attention. Anxiety due to the indecompassy of the senses of parents is fully reflected in a dream, filling it with horrors of the disappearance of the mother.

Those parents who prohibit, limit the child's independence, guard, risk preventing the development of activity in the earliest stages, which further contribute to the emergence of fear. If you skip the time for docking the emotional and volitional sides of the developing psyche of the child, they will exist independently of each other. The behavior of such a child - "quiet", "scored" at home and aggressive with peers or anxious. Nozzles Night fears (A.I. Zakharov, 1995).

From 3 to 5 years

This is the age of emotional formation of the "I" of the child. The feeling of generality is formed - "we". The feeling of guilt and empathy appears. Independence is increasing, does not require constant attention of adults and seeks to communicate with peers. From about 3 to 6 years, the period of night fears lasts: darkness tends away with terrible monsters, ghosts. The child is afraid of thunderstorms, lightning, fire, nights. He does not want to stay alone, he needs to be included in the light next to his bed and the door was ajar.

From 5 to 7 years

The peculiarity of preschool age is the intensive development of abstract thinking. At this age, the experience of interpersonal relations is formed, based on the ability of the child to accept and play the role, to foresee and plan the actions of another, to understand his feelings and intentions.

6-year-old children are typical of the fears of devils, as violators of social rules and the established ruins, and for one and as representatives of the other world. Especially susceptible to fear of the devils of obedient children who have experienced a sense of guilt in violation of the rules, prescriptions for them for them, authoritative individuals. And also overwhelms anxiety and doubts about his future - "What if I won't be beautiful?", In 7th year - constancy - "WE DON'T LOVE?" (A.I. Zakharov, 2004).

In 5-7 years, it is often afraid of terrible dreams and death in a dream. Moreover, the fact of the awareness of death occurs most often in a dream. Not rarely in a dream, children of this age can dispel separation with parents, due to the fear of their disappearance and loss.

From 7 to 11 years

By 7 years, the fears of the child are changing: from terrible and indefinite fears, the child moves to more specific - this is a period of anxiety about school and schools at school, relations with peers and a teacher. These fears may be expressed in the child's refusal to go to school.

In this manifestation of fear, there may be two components. First, it is anxiety because of the separation from the mother, from the maternal, home environment, the fear of leaving your mother, fear that something happens to her during his absence. Secondly, this is the fear of the school itself and everything that can happen there. The child is accepted to complain about school and, in the end, refuses to go there. If it is forced to return to school, they are alarming, he loses appetite, he appears nausea, vomiting, headaches. All these diseases allow him not to express his refusal to go to school: he just "sick", increasingly and more often.

In some cases, fear of school is caused by conflicts with peers, fear of manifestations of physical aggression on their part. This is especially characteristic of emotionally sensitive, often ill and weakened boys and especially for those who have moved to another school.

The leading fear of this age is the fear of "not the topics", about whom they speak well, whom they respect, appreciate and understand. In other words, this fear does not meet the social requirements of the nearest environment. Specific forms of fear "be not the one" are the fears of doing something wrong, wrong, not as it should be. They talk about growing social activity, to strengthen the sense of responsibility, debt, duties, i.e. About what is united in the concept of "conscience". The complete absence of a sense of responsibility is characteristic of children of parents with chronic alcoholism leading to the same asocial lifestyle. There is a delay in the development of a sense of responsibility in cases of mental infantilism and hysteria (Zakharov A., 2004).

The overwhelming majority of fears to one degree or another are due to age characteristics and are temporary. Children's fears, if they relate to them correctly, to understand the reasons for their appearance, most often disappear without a trace. If they are painfully pointed or remained for a long time, then it serves as a sign of disadvantaged, speaks of the nervous weakness of the child, the wrong behavior of the parents, ignorance by them of the psychic and age features of the child, the presence of fears themselves, conflict relations in the family.

Fears in the first years are always less and they go faster, if the mother is next to the child, the father dominates the family, the parents do not "war" with stubbornness, develop, and do not suppress or muffle the concern that the "I" of the child themselves is confident In yourself and are able to help children in overcoming imaginary and real dangers (Zakharov A., 2004).

Since fear is one of the protective reactions that ensure avoiding potentially dangerous objects, the learning of fear often acquires the form of intimidation of children, as a result of which fears are generalized and acquired chronic shape, that is, they go into the discharge of pathological phenomena - phobias. So regular intimidation of the child in the context of the struggle for personal hygiene can lead to phobia of infection and insects and accompanied by the development of neurosis of obsessive states (Breslav G. 2004).

2 fears in adolescents

"Teenage age is a responsible period in the formation of a teenager worldview, relationship systems, interests, hobbies and social orientation. Significant development undergoes self-esteem, which is inextricably linked to a sense of self-esteem, confident in itself in the context of real interpersonal relations "(Zakharov A., 2004).

A teenager is always difficult to withstand collisions with the world of adults. One hand he still keeps his parents, and the other is enough for his future.

A.I. Zakharov in his book "Day and night fears in children" writes that if natural fears are dominated in the younger teenage age, these fears are reduced, and social fears increase with maximum increase in 15 years. Compared to boys in girls, more than not only instinctive fears, but also interpersonal fears (social). This not only confirms the great fear of girls, but also points to their more pronounced anxiety. The growing anxiety and social fears is one of the criteria for the formation of self-consciousness in adolescents, increasing sensitivity in the field of interpersonal relations.

"A unstable teenage psyche greedily snags from the context of the surrounding life prudently proposed by the Bougullic Society (death, illness, poverty, pain, cruelty, maniacs, rapists, crisis, war, mafia, isolation, condemnation is impossible to succeed, ugliness, unattractiveness ...). Many bighters. Almost every decade creates new monsters and reconstructs old. And at different times they germinate in the consciousness of adheft children in different ways. "(Zakharov A., 1995).

Fears in adolescents are usually thoroughly hidden. The presence of sustainable fears in adolescence always indicates the inability to protect themselves. The gradual processing of fears in anxious concerns also speaks of insecurity and the absence of an understanding from adults, when there is no sense of security of confidence in the nearest social environment. Thus, the teenage problem "to be among others" turns around both uncertainty in itself and uncertainty in others. The growing uncertainty in itself is the basis of alertness, and uncertainty in others serves as the basis of suspicion.

The alertness and suspicion turn into incredulously, which turns into further bias in relations with people, conflicts or the separation of their "I" and the departure from real reality.

4.3 fears in adults

Adults also worry and worried about many fears, anxiety and phobias.

"Many are trying to hide their fears, since social conditions condemn people who demonstrate their fears, especially for men. Therefore, many people prefer not to say anyone about their fears so as not to damage their reputation "(Shcherbaty Yu. V., 2011).

For example, production male production workers are the most common fears related to the economy, happiness in personal life and political events. Women are both with high and low socioeconomic status - most often indicate concern about relations with other, fear of natural phenomena (thunderstorms, dark places) and political collisions, and often mention fears related to the economy.

Educational fears are minor and in the years of study in college, when men and women are most worried about personal relationships, political events and fear will be structures. Learn-related fears relate to alleged financial costs, not academic achievements. College teachers who were proposed to run their fears, put fear about the economic situation in the country and political conflicts before the concern caused by mediocre students, the burden of regular publications approaching re-election to the position and disadvantage of academic freedoms. Lawyers also put on the first place economic and political fears followed by concern about the too much immigrants and foreigners buying land in the United States. Doctors rank their fears like lawyers, except that in the first place they put fear of legal proceedings (Raymond Corsini, Alan Auerbach 1996).

"Walls Hall interprets the data obtained by him about a significant predominance of the number of fears in the female part of the population in all age groups (in girls on average - 5.46, and boys - 2.58) - For boys unconsciously reproduce samples of ancestors - fearless hunters and fishermen "(Brzlav G., 2004).

4.4 fears in the elderly

One of the main sources of fear in people of elderly and senile age can be considered the lack of a clear life rhythm; narrowing the sphere of communication; care from active work; syndrome "devastation of the nest"; man's care in itself; The feeling of discomfort from closed space and many other life events and situations. The strongest is the fear of loneliness in old age. Loneliness in old age can be associated with a separate accommodation from young family members. However, psychological aspects are more significant in old age: insulation, self-insulation, reflecting the awareness of loneliness as misunderstanding, indifference by others. Especially real loneliness becomes for a person living long. The heterogeneity and complexity of the feeling of loneliness is expressed in the fact that the old person, on the one hand, feels an increasing gap with others, is afraid of a lone lifestyle; On the other hand, he seeks to burn out the surrounding, protect his world and stability in it from the invasion of outsiders. One of the very serious reasons for the violation of communication with the surrounding lies in violation of the ties of old people with young people (crucible g.2005).

In late adulthood, the level of fears increases, this is due to the fact that on the one hand, they accumulate during their lives, on the other, the threat represents the end approximation. The problem of fear of death is quite difficult for discussion. Individual differences in relation to death are caused by their life values, adaptation to life, health status. Deaths are afraid of people who have not taken old age as the inevitable stage of life, unadapped to her.

The fear of death has several sources. Death can communicate with non-irperativeness, hopelessness, she is attributed to suffering and deprivation; Death also associates with the action of all negative emotions, which become incentives of images, words, signs, rituals of death.

The solution to the task of waiting for death implies the ability to say "goodbye" everything that was in life. This ability is far from obvious, the old age of a person can last from one year to fifty years, not everyone can feel the term put it with accuracy.

Chapter 5. Factors affecting the emergence of fear

"Not all contemporaries divided the representation of John Watson about the congenital emotion of fear, most considered fear acquired property" (Brzlav G., 2004).

The first experience of fear in humans occurs at birth, which objectively means the department from the mother, and therefore the state of fear is considered as "reproduction of birth injuries." Some followers of the psychoanalytic destination were also made attempts to associate various phobias with "generic injury." Some, for example, a violation of a happy intrauterine existence during childbirth, as the root ferrocks. Others focused on early ties between the mother and the child and the possibility of transitioning the mother's anxiety to her child (Rank O., 2001).

"The causes of fear Tomkins calls physiological drives, emotions and cognitive processes. Some researchers consider the development of fear emotions as a function of the quality of attachment of the child to the mother. Other researchers, speaking of the causes of fear, allocate specific events and situations "(Isard K., 1999).

Drive acquires psychological meaning when its intensity reaches a critical level when he signals a person about acute physiological deficit. In these cases, the drive activates emotion, and fear may be such an emotion. The need for oxygen is one of the vital needs of a living organism, and a powerful affect accompanying the sensation of suffocation guarantees an immediate concentration of attention to the satisfaction of the need, and therefore is one of the most important safety factors.

Any emotion can activate fear on the principle of emotional infection. According to Tomkins, the reaction of fright and excitement due to the similarity of their neurophysiological mechanisms with mechanisms underlying fear emotions are often activators of the latter. He believes that the basic relationship between the emotions of interest, surprise and fear is due to the similarity of their neurophysiological mechanisms. Tomkins believes that "sudden and complete liberation from a long and intensive fear activates joy, while partial exemption from fear causes excitement." We observe feedback between fear and excitement when the emotion of astonish interest is developing into fear (Isard K., 1999).

"Studies of the 20th century have shown that the formation of fears is socially-conditioned. A small child may be terribly afraid of dolls with unprecedented black eyes, but absolutely not afraid of a train or fire, and parents need to be attached to the famous effort, so you teach it to be afraid of truly dangerous for the life of objects "(Brzlav G., 2004).

Fear (like any other emotion) may be the result of a cognitive assessment of the situation as potentially dangerous. Tomkins calls such a cause of "cognitive-designed". Indeed, cognitive processes constitute the most common class of fear activators. For example, fear can be caused by the memories of a specific object, a mental way of an object. These cognitive processes often reflect not a real threat, but a fictional, as a result of which a person begins to be afraid of situations that do not represent a real threat, or too many situations, or life at all. Memories of experienced fear or waiting for fear can be in itself a fear activator. Thus, a person, subject or situation can be a source of fear as a result:

a) the formation of hypotheses (imaginary sources of harm);

b) expectations of harm;

c) direct collision with a designed (imaginary) object of fear.

Mechanisms that prepare a person to perceive the possible threat are extremely useful in terms of adaptation and survival.

Psychiatrist John Bowlby says that certain objects, events and situations tend to awake fear, that is, the "natural signals" of danger. Alternatively, only four factors call as natural danger signals, namely: pain, loneliness, sudden change in stimulation and rapid approximation of the object. These factors are not necessarily congenital, internal amateur activators, but we seem to be biologically predisposed, respond to them with fear.

J. Bowley allocated two groups of reasons for fear: "Natural incentives" and "their derivatives". He believes that congenital determinants of fear are associated with situations that really have a high likelihood of danger. The derivatives of incentives are more affected by the culture and context of the situation than natural incentives. Bowley considers loneliness the most deep and important cause of fear. It binds it to the fact that both in childhood and in old age probability of danger to get sick with loneliness increases significantly. In addition, such natural fear incentives like stimulus stimulus and its sudden changes are much stronger than loneliness (Ilyin E.P., 2001. Emotions and feelings).

Pain, first and most important of natural fear activators. Any object, an event or situation associated with the experience of pain can become conditional incentives, repeated meeting with which it reminds the individual about the past error and about the experience of pain. However, numerous experiments show that with repeated presentation of a dangerous object, animals successfully avoid it, without showing signs of fear (Ilyin E.P., 2001).

Many scientists are also called a darkness factor as one of the activists of fear. For most people experiencing fear in the dark, this feeling is associated with the feeling of danger emanating from something terrible and invisible. Based on "objective danger", which people at night for many centuries, mankind has given the darkness of the "subjective danger." And thus fear in the dark gradually turned into a more general concept of darkness of darkness. True, there are objective reasons explaining why people are so afraid of darkness. Our senses are poorly adapted to life in conditions of reduced light: sensitive visual cells - columns - in the evening are turned off.

"To the natural activators of the fear of J. Bowlby refers a sudden approach. Important factors of fear in this situation are the appearance, size and speed with which the object is approaching person. Thus, the rapid approximation of the object under certain conditions can serve as a natural hazard signal. Such conditions may include: the unusualness of the object, the high speed of its approximation, the size of the object, as well as the factor of surprise and suddenness "(Isard K., 1999).

Height as a fear activator can also be considered as a natural hazard signal. Under certain conditions, at a certain stage of individual development, children begin to be afraid of heights. The results of the experiments of the American scientist Campos showed that in four months old, children are capable of perceiving depth. Today it is known only that, despite the fact that children begin to crawl at different ages (from seven to eleven months), they detect fear of height and drop from height only after a three-week crawling experience.

Thus, the main factors affecting the occurrence of fear are due to biological (heredity) and social (associative learning and social borrowing) with impacts.

Chapter 6. Fear Correction Methods

Overcoming fear, including the correction of fear, is a very complex process. Ignoring fear will most likely have a negative result. It is more correct to recognize the presence of fear and help him to overcome it.

The main method of fear correction is psychotherapy. Here is used gestaltpsychology, cognitive, behavioral psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, NLP. In the process of conversation, the specialist determines which methods are more suitable for this particular person. It can and combine them with other methods of psychotherapy.

Gestalt Psychology is not very suitable for people who love to "dig in themselves" (neurotic). This type of psychology is one of the reasons for the formation of neurosis calls the accumulation of incomplete situations. Its main idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability of the psyche to self-regulation, to the creative adaptations of the body to the environment and the principle of human responsibility for all its actions, intention and expectations. The main role of the therapist is to focus the attention of a person in the awareness of what is happening "here and now."

The main idea of \u200b\u200bbehaviorism is that the behavior of the body, including an emotional scientific reaction. Consequently, the body can be learned, or teach differently. For example, phobia, from the point of view of behavioral therapy, is a pathologically conditional reaction that arose as a consequence of a threatening person of the situation. The reason for the disorder is looking for in the present patient, and the purpose of behavioral therapy is to replace the inadequate behavior of the patient with adequate behavior. This type of psychotherapy is usually used in obsessive actions, with obsessive thoughts it is practically useless. The method of immersion (exposure) of a person is administered several times into a situation that causes obsessive actions or anxiety, while they are asked not to accomplish the actions that they are obliged to commit in this situation.

Psychoanalysis believes that fear is not a disease, but a conductor to real problems, to the true alarms of man. Treatment of phobia in this case is to search for its true cause. Talking about the symptom, a person perceives him as part of his being. During psychoanalysis and work around this being, signs of phobia are deprived of the status.

The symptom becomes a partner for further life and even helps to cope with the true causes of spiritual pain.

In cognitive psychotherapy, a system of highly efficient technologies, techniques and exercises, aimed at restructuring the non-adaptive thinking and the development of the ability to think more realistic and constructively was developed. The most important advantage of the cognitive direction of treatment of fears is the development of self-regulation skills, i.e. Human training with some techniques that will allow him to independently cope with newly emerging negative experiences and life problems.

Ways to overcome fear in children have their own specifics. One of the effective methods is the game correction of fears. The game there is a new experience of social interaction, the development of imagination and expansion of the circle of communication, acquire new knowledge and skills. Children themselves in the spontaneous game get their fears when they play battles, hide and seek, climb on trees, sheds, attics, depict the "Cossacks of Robbers". In the big city they are often deprived of it. The mobile game is replaced by intelligent classes, besides, if the child is the only one, then it, as a rule, is overly torn and cannot express themselves through the limitations and prohibitions to express himself in the game emotionally, since it would like it. Little or do not play the parents with children, with whom they were also not played in childhood. Such traits such as non-trial, internal tension and conflict, authority and authoritarianism, also deprives living communication. Parents of nervous children can be advised to play as much as possible with children.

Another effective fear correction method in children is drawing. Drawing, like the game, it is not only a reflection in the consciousness of children of their surrounding social reality, but also its modeling, expression attitude towards it. Therefore, through drawings, it is possible to better understand the interests of children, their deep, not always disclosed experiences and take into account this when eliminating fears. Drawing provides a natural opportunity for development, flexibility and plasticity of thinking. Indeed, children who love to draw, differ in greater fantasy, immediacy in the expression of feelings and flexibility of judgments. They can easily imagine themselves at the place of a person or another and express their attitude towards it, as this happens every time in the drawing process.

With the help of drawing, it is possible to eliminate fears generated by imagination, that is, something that has never happened, but can occur in the presentation of the child. Then, according to the degree of success, fears based on real traumatic events, but that have occurred quite a long time and left not very expressed by the currently emotional mark in the memory of the child. No need to be afraid of some revival of fears occurring in the process of drawing, since it is one of the conditions for their full elimination. Much worse if they remain a child, ready to arise at any time.

It will help in overcoming children's fears and modeling. Lrack as a method of correction of children's fears is used mainly in the older preschool age. A specific feature of the modeling is its close connection with the game. The volume of the performed figure stimulates children to play action with it. The educator offers different topics: "good man", "parents", as the complication of the "tag of the whole family." As a correctional method, the "tag and break" is used, the purpose of which is to overcome fear with the help of "physical destruction" made. The child is offered the topic of "tples what scares you, or what are you afraid of", at the end of the modeling a child, a number of questions are asked about the figured figure, then it is proposed by two hands on the shape to squeeze into one big piece.

Conclusion and conclusions

Analysis of the literature review showed that the problem of fear, although he goes back to the distant past, always remains relevant, because there is a person, together with him there will be fear. With the development of society and civilization, it will acquire new forms, and people will invent new ways to combat it.

Fear is not only inevitable, but also necessary. As you know, fear of positive quality when he mobilizes us for some kind of action or stops us. Another thing is that fear may have negative qualities and direct the actions of people in destructive channel. For example, one of the most effective techniques for the displacement of fear is aggressiveness. If a person finds the strength from the passive state of fear to go to the attack, then the painful feeling of fear disappears. So the wars arise, murders occur, etc.

Fear belongs to the basic emotions of a person who has a strong impact on various aspects of its livelihoods. Forming in the earliest stages of ontogenesis, in the future this feeling accompanies man throughout life. Fear is part of our life. A person is experiencing fear in a wide variety of situations, but all these situations have one common line: they are felt, perceived by a person as situations, in which the tranquility and the safety of his people and people close to him are. In the social development of a person, fear acts as one of the means of education: so, the formed fear of condemnation is used as a factor in the regulation of behavior. Since the Individual Protects the Protection of Legal and Other Social Institutions, an increased tendency to fear is deprived of adaptive importance and is traditionally estimated negative.

It should be noted that there are enough volumetric work on the study of the emotion of fear of K. Izard, Ch. Spielberger, Kaplan and B. Satur, other American psychologists. A great place was given to this issue in the works of Z. Freud, S. Kierkegor, F. Riemann, D. Ake, O. Ranka, P. Tilika, Ch. Ricroft, K. Horney, H. Hekhausen, A. Kempinsky.

During this course, it was possible to familiarize themselves with various definitions and types of fear. In the work, I referred to the definition of the concept of fear of K. Isard: "Fear is a very strong emotion, experienced as anxious premonition, anxiety. Fear is experiencing as a sense of insecurity and self-esteem in their own safety. "(Isard K., 1999).

An analysis of the literature showed that there are several different classifications of fears. These are real fears and neurotic; Natural fears and social; Situational and personally determined, age fears.

In the course work, theoretical directions in the studies of the phenomenon of fear were considered. Psychoanalytic direction: Presentations Z. Freud about the nature of fear gives an understanding that the development of fear is closely connected with the system of unconscious. Bihewic selection: John Watson describes the fear as a set of reactions arising from a number of external incentives. Existential logotherapy: V. Frank on the development of fear and using the method of apadoxal intention in the correctional work with fears.

The age characteristics of the experience of fear and factors affecting the occurrence of fear were considered and studied. The first experience of fear in humans occurs at birth, which objectively means the department from the mother, and therefore the state of fear is considered as "reproduction of birth injuries."

Thus, the goals and objectives of this course work are made.

fear of age emotion


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The psychology of fear is very relevant today. Fears and phobias interfere with a person to live fully. Such emotion, as a fear of all living beings inherent. The nature of fear can have a different origin. If the animals are afraid only when their lives threaten danger, the condition of fear of a person can be contrived, irrational, unjustified. Human fears appear often, get rid of them quite difficult. What is fear, it's hard to say, at least a person and faces her almost every day.

Essence of the psychology of fear

Such a definition is known: this is an affective state in anticipation of danger, while the excitement in front of a particular object is called fear, and irrational fear is already a phobia.

Human fears are an internal state, which causes a real or alleged danger. Fears and doubts sometimes overcome all, but not all of all he develops into a phobic disorder, when there is no way to control their emotions and behavior. From the point of view of psychology, it may have positive and negative sides. The lack of fear of a person a priori is impossible: if a person has no feeling of fearfulness, he would not have survived. Negative is the fear of any object. It is impossible to say that this emotion brings irreparable harm to health, but a person tries to displace it in every way out of his consciousness, and the depressed fear can manifest itself in the form of a phobia.

The harm and benefit of fear are incommensurable. The absence of fear can lead to death. At the time of danger, all the forces of the body are activated that allow us to survive the individual in the circumstances. Doubts may not be prevented by an individual's impending danger. Scientists have proven the relationship between genetics and concerns. Some individuals, the connection of gene mutations, which can leave it defenseless before danger. Such mutations are observed in those who have suicidal inclinations. For example, torture with hanging before execution, which led the lack of fear of people.

Groups of fears

Features in people are divided into two groups:

  1. Normal.
  2. Irrational.

For example, for a person is normally afraid to pass around with a tree, which is about to collapse, abnormally - to bypass all the trees in a row. In the first case, the feeling of fearlessness is justified, because a person can perish, and in the second - the feeling is contrived and unjustified. The influence of fear on the human body is pretty much. Due to the constant stay in the stress state, the body and the nervous system are quickly depleted.

Concerns of children's, conscious and elderly

"The normality of fear" is determined separately for each age. So, fear and horror caused by children when the light is turned off, is considered the norm. If in order to avoid children's hysterics, do not turn off the light, you can see that over time the child disappeared the fear of the dark. The psychological picture should not cause too much concern and interfere with the normal life of the child, then this is the norm. Over time, your child will be able to see his eyes to his eyes and learn how to cope with them.

Middle age needs position as a social phenomenon. In a conscious age, people can feel:

  • fear to be poorer of their peers;
  • fear not to justify other people's expectations;
  • fear of mortgage;
  • experiences before performances;
  • fear of unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • concerns to be rejected, incomprehensible;
  • fear of offending another person.

The elderly, most often, there is a fear of death. They are afraid to remain alone, they can cause ambulance without reason. The difference is seen immediately, the difference between normal anxiety from irrational can be easily noticed.

Fears for women

Anxiety in a person's life sometimes plays a decisive role. In some cases, the fear of being worse than the rest, makes a person work not to twist hands. As a result, he reaches its goals. Women's fears Psychologists are considered separately. Because the female organism is subject to hormonal restructures that affect the mental state:

  • in adolescence;
  • after the first sexual contact;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • when climax.

In addition, today there is too many things on the shoulders of the woman: home care, family care, raising children, work. A large load impair the concentration of attention, reduces performance, causes stress. All the urgent problems that a woman constantly thinks, prevent her in life to self-realize in life. Women's fears for the most part are associated with the perception of the surrounding world, themselves in society. The main reason from which the fear of reality begins is a complex of inferiority. Description Emotion Fear in women fully displays their inner world. Women are all perceived through the prism of emotions, sensations.

Research and analysis of the alarms in adult women have shown that most of the experiences are concentrated not near a specific object, but are a system of fantasies, thoughts that are combined into obsessive, uncontrolled experiences. Among the most common female phobias are the following:

  • fear of the girl stay alone after the divorce;
  • women are so afraid to be lonely that they can tolerate the insults, humiliation only should not be alone;
  • fear treason;
  • experiences due to change of appearance (recover, get sick, perceive, become ugly);
  • unrest in front of motherhood (fear of being fruitless, not to carry a baby, get pregnant, childbirth, experiences about baby);
  • phobias associated with insects, rodents and reptiles;
  • emotions from driving a car;
  • fear of the future change.

Causes of phobia

Consider how fear affects a person. We have a stock of sensations that consciousness sometimes does not want to see, admit. Psychotherapists call it displacement. Consciousness is trying to displace everything that brings him discomfort:

  • bad memories;
  • experiences;
  • negative emotions;
  • fear and horror.

A person is not aware of why it comes in this way in a certain situation, because it does not remember when the body has been negative. And in the body, the experience of negative impact has been preserved. Such a manifestation was called fixed fears. All displaced feelings are trying to return through diseases. Most physical agers provoked by a nervous disorder. Where fear lives, the symptomatic picture of the disease begins to manifest. Thus, the body gives a signal to a person to pay attention to his fear. Psychological treatments are not based on the harness of fear, but on acceptance and awareness of it.

Map of pathology

Human phobias cause a variety of sensations and changes in behavior. To determine the essence of your alarm, you need to draw a map. On the sheet of paper, draw the outlines of the human body - it will be your "self-portrait." Close your eyes and go back all the body, determine, it is relaxed or is in tension. Then try to remember the situation that caused you a feeling of anxiety. In the figure, mark the parts of the body in which they felt some changes (shiver, spasm, etc.).

Deciphering fear card

The psychosomatic map of fears will allow you to determine what anxieties and fears are bothering you. Depending on the body part, in which there were changes in sensations, problems are determined:

  • eyes - unwillingness to see and perceive the world as it is;
  • spin - fear of mistake, not to justify other people's expectations, critics in your address;
  • shoulders - fear of showing its weakness, not cope with the entrusted duties;
  • the diaphragm, stomach, solar plexus - embarrassment, horror to be rejected society;
  • brush - Communication Problems: Left Brush - Fear of Women, Right - Men;
  • face - fear of losing yourself: usually such people try to adapt to society, so replacing masks, sometimes forget who are actually;
  • neck - fear of self-expression;
  • chest - fear of staying alone;
  • abdominal cavity - fears for their or someone else's life;
  • pelvis - fear of sexual sphere;
  • hands - fear of contact with the outside world, which is perceived by consciousness as something hostile;
  • feet - uncertainty in tomorrow, their partner, in itself.

Neurolinguistic programming

Neyrolynguistic programming (NLP) is a set of tools that allow you to effectively get rid of phobia. In the terminology of NLP, such a concept is found as anchor. This is a binding to a certain object, smell, taste, feeling. Every day, a person faces this anchor, without even noticing it. For example, the smell of toilet water or musical composition can cause a fleece feeling or, on the contrary, raise the mood. Aroma or music is associated with a certain event, a person is pleasant or unpleasant for you, so the body shows such a reaction. Conditionally, the anchors are divided into positive and negative. According to the intended feelings, the anchors divide:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile;
  • olfactory.

From the point of view of psychology, this state is a training process. With a powerful emotional or physical shock, any previous signal will be anchor, to which the brain will give a feeling of potential danger. With the help of NLP, you can recreate a positive anchor and get rid of the feeling of helplessness. Such techniques in psychology are called "resource". For example, if the student is experiencing a fear of physics, because the teacher is afraid, is unsure of itself. At the right moment it would be nice to open confidence, fearless. With NLP, such actions are possible.

Search anchor and its fixation

To find anchor, sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, imagine an unpleasant situation. Then think what qualities you lack not to feel the negative in this situation. When you decide on the necessary resources, remember the moment in which you have already had to use this resource. If you are not inherent in such behavior, then imagine a superhero or a real person who has this resource.

When the anchor is found, you can begin to fix it. The strongest is body anchor. For example, you can press the point on the palm. The movement should not be familiar to you. The auditory option is fixed on a specific word or phrase repeated mentally. The visual version is attached to any object to which you can always pay your attention (thread on hand, bracelet, ring, handbag) or visualization of a situation when you have to show a conceived resource.

Then you need to fix the resulting skill. Return to the stressor in the subconscious. When the fear will reach its limit, use anchor. Thus, check out which anchors it is best for you.

Groups of phobic disorders

The biggest fear of each person has its own. Pathological fear is divided into groups.

  1. Spatial.
  2. Fear as a social phenomenon.
  3. Fear before the end of the world (death).
  4. Unwillingness to stand out.
  5. Experience in the intimate sphere.
  6. Fear to be dangerous to others.

More accurate is the distribution of phobic disorders into 4 main groups.

  1. Biological (natural cataclysms, fear of gravity).
  2. Social.
  3. Existential.
  4. Childhood fears.

Effect of fear per person

Fear can manifest itself in several forms.

  1. The asthenic form of fear is manifested by means of a passive-defensive reaction, the body mobilizes all its strength for escape or fight.
  2. SHUNICAL FILM. It is manifested by a full stupor or aggression, which delivers pleasure. This explains the actions of extremals. Positive emotions appear due to the elimination of negative experiences, which, in turn, activate the production of opiates causeing the state of the euphoria.

But, not always fear helps a person to escape. Fobies of special situations causing stupor, chills, tremor in the limbs, convulsions, inadequate behavior, provoke the emergence of other systemic diseases.

Programming fear

Many scientists wrote about fear and came to the conclusion that fear is the main psychological engine and the enemy of the human body at the same time. Normal fear differs from the phobia of the presence of a rational source. With the normal work of the psyche of the function of fear, a large role is given, because it can disrupt the work of the whole organism.

With phobic disorders, patients often appeal with complaints that when they fall asleep their head is spinning or they wake up at night from the fear of fear. All this is the consequence of constant stress. Fear programming is aimed at adapting an individual to the stressor.

The purpose of treatment is not to eliminate the feeling of fear, but to redirect the energy spent by the body for fear, in the right direction. Increased level of anxiety reduced with medicines. Very often to get rid of indecision hinder fears and thoughts, converting an individual will be able to engage in habitual affairs without experiencing an awkward feeling.

When programming, it is important to understand how fears work and what causes a feeling of fear. It is important to determine if a person has phobias or it is nervous overvoltage. Fear syndromes in light shape are treated with soft sedatives on a vegetable basis. Affirmations are used - short installations, programming subconscious.

Heavy cases are treated with hypnosis. Patients adjust the behavior line and provide installation for the perception of the world and themselves in it.


Fear in human life plays a big role. Our fears run life, help moving forward or pull back. Scientists have as many as many years asked: why do you need a fear person and what does he do with a person? Fear is the primary instinct inherent in all living beings. Phobias are manifested only in humans, because their fantasy is able to build an illusion that the body will believe.

Fear is interpreted as emotion detected by the body in response to an external or internal stimulus. The phobia means obsessive fear, which is exacerbated under certain conditions, is accompanied by various physiological and psychological symptoms. Complete with psychological disorders is taken comprehensively. In each case, an individual approach is needed.

How many psychologists I went around, fortune-law and psychics - not to read. They promised a lot, talked about the psychology of the victim, "filmed damage", but did not help. And what now? So live? ...

Thirty three misfortunes! Always, my wallet will be taken away, then they will attack, then the handbag is trembling in the subway. Well, how much can you? Why am I? I already have a panic attack begins with the thought of clustering people or dark streets.

And so all your life. With me, at least a portrait of the eternal victim of writing in the chronicle of incidents in a week. If there is a random projectile nearby, believe me, I can definitely tell whom it will fall.

How many psychologists I went around, fortune-law and psychics - not to read. They promised a lot, talked about the psychology of the victim, "filmed damage", but did not help. And what now? So live? ..

We will analyze systemically:

    Who and why is the victim?

    What is fear and whether psychology works with the question "How to get rid of fear"?

    Is it possible to change your life script?

Everything turns out to be simply if there is a real knowledge of a mental person in service. "System-vector psychology" Yuri Burlan for the first time clearly differentiates people in vectors (congenital psychotips). Each of the existing 8 vectors carries certain properties and desires that are responsible for our unconscious thoughts, actions and actions.

If we implement the nature of the properties given to us - we feel joy, live a full, happy life. If this implementation is insufficient or absent, the person falls into negative states, living an unsuccessful life scenario.

So it is with those who constantly fall into trouble. The person who resides the scenario of the victim, literally pulls into the dark alleys towards the "adventure". It even smells like a particular for criminals ... and attracts them to his head (sorry, neck).

Psychology of the victim. Leaded death

The science of psychology of the victim is called Victimology. But before the "system-vector psychology", Yuri Burlan, nobody gave clear descriptions, who exactly and why are prone to victim's behavior. How to recognize it in yourself to avoid dangerous situations.

Victimnoe (it's sacrificial) behavior may arise far from everyone - only some people have (less than 5% of people). Their psychological state is decisive.

This is the most emotional and impressionable people. If their emotions do not receive proper use in life, then the entire undisturbed potential is manifested in the form of emotional ralks. From the feeling of fear and anxiety - in unfortunate joy and exaltation, and back.

In the root of all emotions of the visual vector - the fear of death. This is the emotion with which every visual man is born. Taking on to experience other feelings aimed at empathy, - Empathy, love, compassion - a person is exempt from fear.

In the event that a person does not find applications to his emotions, remains focused on himself and its internal states, then in everyday life it is experiencing many fears. It is unconsciously filled in this way - without giving himself a report, looking for situations provoking fear and anxiety. It goes on the dark alleys, in the cemetery, looks horror, etc.

The victims, as a rule, become the skin-visual people with a visual vector in a state of fear and a skin vector in a state of masochism. The mechanisms of such fixations and the psychology of fear in particular are detailed at the training "System-vector psychology". It helps to see the root of the problem, realize it and change the plus for minus.

Corrector: Natalia Konovalova

The article is written on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»

The life of a modern person is constantly filled with fear. These may be fears who came from childhood, the consequences of forbidden desires, fears that have become the consequence of mental injury, or caused by any unresolved problem. In any case, fear is the protective function of the psyche, which in real life delivers a lot of problems in real life. The fear cannot be defeated, but knowing his psychological origin, you can easily suppress it and it is much easier to ease your life.

The concept of fear of psychology

Fear from the point of view of psychology, this state of the psyche, which arises on the basis of the preservation instinct as a reaction to any danger. The most important moment in the psychology of fear is its reasons. They can be divided into 4 species: external events, needs and deductions, emotions and cognitive processes. The subspecies of these reasons may be congenital or acquired.

Congenital launchers of fear include the unknown situation, a sense of loneliness, a change in incentive and pain. The feeling of fear can be modified from an unpleasant premonition before the sensation of horror and panic. A person becomes insecure in himself and feels a threat hanging over him. Fear that interacts with other emotions is able to have a huge impact on human behavior. When interacting with suffering, it can strengthen the problems arising from the formation of the personality and slow down its development. If the fear is associated with contempt, then a person from simple insecurity can reach the fear of himself.

Human fears Psychology considers as emotions that he would have least would like to survive. People scares the fact of experiencing fear. Psychology of panic and fear studies those forms of anxiety, which manifest themselves in the form of panic attacks and are able to cause significant harm not only the psyche of a person, but also to all its organism. Panic attacks usually happen in large cities, where stress has become the daily state of a person. At the same time, the panic form of fear has somatic roots and can lead to the development of diseases of nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thus, the most frequent forms of manifestation of inexplicable fear in crowded places becomes dizziness, chills, loss of orientation in space and air shortage. Similar symptoms contain phobias - special forms of fear that are manifested only in certain cases or situations. Modern psychology has 29 major fears that are divided into delusional, utasive and obsessive.

Drain fears -this is phobias the reason for which it is impossible to explain. For example, it is not possible to give a logical explanation why the child is afraid to wear socks or refuses there is one or another food. Such fears often indicate the presence of deviations in the psyche. Such people usually become patients clinic neurosis.

Ultra Sundaythey are called fears associated with some ideas (as it is customary to talk with the "Ideas of Fix"). Such ideas are usually associated with a certain life situation, but then they gain such importance that a person cannot think about anything else. Such fears include fear of speeches before the public, stuttering, fear of death, fear of fire and others.

To obsessive fear There are phobias that a person experiences only in specific situations. The most common is the fear of height (gypsophobia), fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia), fear of open spaces (agoraphobia) and fear of eating (sitophobia).

The main reason for these disorders is not the fear itself, but fear of fear. The person is afraid of what can happen to him or those feelings of pain and suffering that he in the future can survive. A person who is aware of this fact can safely start working on his fears and suppress them in his mind.

How to get rid of fear?

Work with the fear of the labor-intensive process. The main problem that prevents a person to overcome his fears is the conviction that is common in society is to be afraid. Therefore, most people are afraid to admit to themselves in their fear of anything, and suppresses them in consciousness, why these fears seem even more than it really is. In the question of how to overcome fear, psychology considers many options. Here are just a few of them: