How and for what is punished by Rodion Raskolnikov? (according to the novel F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

How and for what is punished by Rodion Raskolnikov? (according to the novel F. Dostoevsky
How and for what is punished by Rodion Raskolnikov? (according to the novel F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

Multifaceted novel

Local first book pages, we begin to get acquainted with the way Raskolnikov in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Talking the story of his life, the writer makes us reflect on the whole number of important issues. It is difficult to determine what type of novel is the work of F. M. Dostoevsky. It raises problems affecting various spheres of human life: public, moral, psychological, family, moral. Rodion Raskolnikov is the center of the novel. It is with him that all other plot lines of the great work of the classic are connected.

The main character of the novel


Description Raskolnikova in the novel begins with the first chapter. We get acquainted with a young man who is in a painful state. He is dark, thoughtful and closed. Rodion Raskolnikov is a former university student who has abstrating classes at the Law Faculty. Together with the author, we see a scant atmosphere of a room where a young man lives: "It was a tiny net, steps in six long, having the most pitiful look."

Carefully look at the details of worn out clothes. Rodion Raskolnikov is in an extremely distressed position. He has no money to give debts per apartment, pay for study.


The characteristic of Raskolnikova in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is given by the author gradually. First we get acquainted with the portrait of Raskolnikov. "By the way, he was wonderful good, with beautiful dark eyes, a Tymnurus, height above average, thin and stored." Then begin to understand it in its character. The young man is clever and educated, proud and independent. The humiliating material situation in which he found himself make it sullen and closed. He is annoyed to communicate with people. Any help from a close friend of Dmitry Raulmichina or an elderly mother seems to him humiliating.

The idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikova

The exorbitant pride, patient with pride and a beggar state give rise to a certain idea in the Okolnikov head. The essence of which consists, in the division of people by two discharge: the usual and right of having. Thinking about your great destination, "Creature is I trembling or right I have?", The hero is preparing for a crime. He believes that having committing the murder of the old woman will check his ideas, will be able to start a new life and make it possible to make humanity.

Crime and punishment of the hero

In real life, everything turns out otherwise. Together with the greedy percentage, the wretched Lizovet dies, no one causing an evil. The robbery failed. Raskolnikov could not force themselves to use stolen. He is disgusting, sick and scary. He understands that in vain was counting on the role of Napoleon. Reduced the moral line, having deprived a person's life, the hero in every way avoids communication with people. Rejected and sick, it turns out to be on the verge of madness. Family Skolnikova, his friend Dmitry Raleshin unsuccessfully trying to understand the condition of the young man, support the unfortunate. A proud young man rejects the care of loved ones and remains one on one with her problem. "But why do they like me so if I don't stand it!

Oh, if I were alone and no one loved me, and I myself would not love anyone! " - he exclaims.

After the fateful event, the hero makes himself communicating with unfamiliar people. Takes part in the fate of Marmaladov and his family, giving money sent by the mother to the funeral of the official. Saves a young girl from the plant. Noble gusts of the soul are rapidly replaced by irritation, annoying and loneliness. The life of the hero seemed to divide into two parts: before the murder and after it. He does not feel himself a criminal, not aware of his guilt. Most of all he is experiencing due to the fact that he did not stand the test. Rodion is trying to confuse the investigation, to understand whether his smart and cunning investigator Porfiry Petrovich suspects. Permanent pretense, tension and lies deprive him, devastate the soul. The hero feels what is incorrect, but does not want to recognize his mistakes and errors.

Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladova

Revival to the new life began after the acquaintance of Rodion Skolnikov with Sonya Marmaladeova. An eighteen-year-old girl herself was in extremely distress. Shy, modest in nature the heroine is forced to live on a yellow ticket to give money to his starving family. She constantly tolerate insults, humiliation and fear. "Unrequited she," the author says about it. But this weak creature has a good heart and deep faith in God, which helps not only to stand up, but also to support others. Love Sonya was killing Rodion from death. Her pity initially causes the proud young men protest and indignation. But it is precisely why he believes his secret and it is she who is looking for sympathy and support. Exhausted by the struggle with himself, Raskolnikov, on the advice of a friend, recognizes their guilt and goes to the cautious. He does not believe in God, does not share her beliefs. The idea that happiness and forgiveness should be lined with an unclear hero. Patience, care and deep feeling of the girl helped Rodion Raskolnikov to appeal to God, repent and start living anew.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of F. M. Dostoevsky

A detailed description of the crime and punishment of Raskolnikov constitute the basis of the plot of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky. Punishment begins immediately after committing the murder. The painful doubts, remorse, the gap with close people turned out to be much more terrible than long-year-old cavities. A writer, exposing a deep analysis of Skolnikov, trying to warn the reader from delusions and errors. Deep faith in God, love for neighbor, moral principles should be the main rules in the life of every person.

An analysis of the image of the chief hero of the novel can be used by students of 10 classes in preparation for writing an essay on the topic "The image of Raskolnikov in the novel" Crime and Punishment ".

Test on the work


Chapter 1.

The first thought flashes from Raskolnikov when he wakes up, - that he is "crazy". His shiny. He jumps up and looks like a window to check whether there are no evidence, it repeats the inspection three times. Seeing that the fringe on the pantals is puffwind, he cuts it off. Stolen things hides in a hole under paper. Notes, removing your boot, that the tip of his sock in the blood. After that, everything checks everything several times, but then falls on the sofa and falls asleep.

Wakes up from the knock at the door. A janitor appears with the agenda to the police. Raskolnikov does not recognize, for what reason it is caused. Decides that they thus want to lure into the trap. He intends to confess, if he is asked about the murder.

In the plot The scribe sends it to the Writers. He tells the Raskolnikov that he was called in the case of the recovery of money by an apartment hostess. Raskolnikov explains its situation: I wanted to marry the daughter of an apartment hostess, spent, nasal bill; When the Master's daughter died from Typh, her mother began to demand payments bills. "Writer began to dictate him the form of an ordinary in this case, that is, I can't pay, I promise then (someday), I will not sell property from the city, I will not sell the property."

In the site they talk about the murder of the old-year-older. Raskolnikov loses consciousness. Having come to himself, says that he feels bad. Once on the street, tormented by the idea that he was suspected.
Chapter 2.
Making sure that he did not have a search, the splitters take the stolen things and "loads their pockets." He is heading to the Ekaterininsky Channel embankment to get rid of all this, but refuses this intention, because "there may notice." Goes to the Neva. Going to Square from the Avenue, notes the entrance to the courtyard, "deaf fenced place". Lost things hiding under Stone, without even looking at how much money was in the wallet, for whom "all the flour accepted and for such a petition, a dusty business consciously went." Everything that he meets on the road seems to him hated.

It comes to the Raulmichine, which notes that a friend is sick and rass.Raskolnikov wants to leave, but Ruffle stops him, offers help. Raskolnikov goes away. On the waterfront, he almost fell under the passing stroller, for which Kucher is thrown by his whip on his back. Kupchikha gives him a dowardish, as he takes him behind the beggar. Raskolnikov throws a coin to the Neva.

Houses go to bed. Credit. He seems to him that Ilya Petrovich hits an apartment hostess, but she screams loudly. Opening his eyes, sees in front of him the cook Nastasya, who brought him a soup plate. Asks what the hostess beat. The cook says that no one beat her that this blood shouts in it. Raskolnikov flows into unconsciousness.
Chapter 3.
When on the fourth day of the splitters woke up, the bed was stoodNastasia andyoung guy in Kaftan, with a beard, who "seemed to look like an arteller" . From the door looked hostess which "was shy and with a burden tolerated conversations and explanations, she was forty years, and she was fat and fat, Chernobrov and Chernobiaz, good from the fat Tolls and from tension; And everything is even very lubricated. " Included Rasschin . The guy in Kaftan is in fact turns out to be an arteel from the merchant Shelopyev. The arteel reports that through their office in the name of Skolnikov came translation from mother, and gives him 35 rubles. Rasschin tells the Raskolnikov that he looked at him Zosimov And he said that he had nothing serious that he had no longer here every day, as the hostess, arable land, he had honored him, which he found him and familiarized himself with his affairs, which was instructed for him and gave Chebarov ten villages. He gives Raskolnikov borrowed letter. Raskolnikov asks him what he spoke to delight. He responds that he muttered something about the earrings, chains, about the Cross Island, about the janitor, about Nicodemia Fomich and about Ilya Petrovic, for some reason I was very interested in a sock, fringe from the pantalon.

Rasshyin takes ten rubles and leaves, promising to return in an hour. After examining the room and making sure that everything he was hidden remained in place, the splitters fall asleep again. Raulumihin brings clothes from Fediaev's shop and shows her Raskolnikov, and Nastasya makes his comments on shopping.

Chapter 4.
To inspect the sick-sized Skolnikov comes medic student on the name of Zosimov , "The tall and greasy man, with an outstanding and colorless-pale, a smoothybrid face, with Belobrysi straight hair, with glasses and with a big golden perrsect on the sweeping from the fat of the finger. He was twenty-seven years old ... All those who knew him found him heavy, but they said that he knew her work. "

It comes to talk about the murder of the old woman. Raskolnikov turns out to the wall and considers the flower on the wallpaper, as it feels that he has no hands and legs. Rassakhin meanwhile reports that on suspicion of murder already arrestedmikolai dye , butKokha and Pestryakov who were detained before, let go. Mikolai drank a few days in a row, and then brought a cutter to the cutter Dushkina case with gold earrings, which he, according to him, "on the panel raised." Drinking a couple of cups and taking surrender from one ruble, Mikolai ran away. He was detained after thorough searchs of the "close forehead, at the inn" where he wanted drunk to hang in the barn. Mikolai wives that he did not kill that the earrings found outside the door on the floor where they were painted with Mithri. Zosimov and Rasschin are trying to restore the kill's picture. Zosimov doubts that a real killer is detained.
Chapter 5.
ComesPeter Petrovich Luzhin, "Extraly years already years, pine, ospaneous, with careful and obese physiognomy," and, Lucky "Close and low" maritime cabin "Raskolnikova," reports that his sister and mother come come. "In the general form of Peter Petrovich, he was struck by something special, namely something as it would have justified the name of the" groom ", so unceremoniously this is now this. First, it was visible and even too noticeable that Peter Petrovich had hurriedly hurried to take advantage of several days in the capital, so as to be unfolded and stuffed in anticipation of the bride, which, however, was very innocently and permissible. Even his own, maybe even too complacent, his own consciousness of his pleasant change could be forgiven for such a case, because Peter Petrovich consisted of a lines of the groom. "

Luzhin regrets that she found Solvnikov in such a state, reports that his sister and mother will temporarily stop in numbers who contain a merchant Yushinthat I got an apartment, but temporarily and himself lives in numbers from Mrs. Lippevhelèsel in the apartment of a friend,Andrei Semenich Lebesyatnikov .

Luzhin argues about the progress that moves personal interest. "If I, for example, have so far said:" Love, "and I talked, then what did it come out? She continued Petr Petrovich, maybe with an excessive hasty, "the fact that I ripped the caftan in half, shared with the neighbor, and both were half our goals, along the Russian proverb:" Go for several hares at once, and you will not achieve one. " Science also says: Love, before all, one yourself, for everything in the light of personal interest is based. You will love one of yourself, then our business we own how you should and your caftan will remain intact. The economic is true adds that the more in the society the works of private affairs and, so to speak, whole cabins, especially for it, solid foundations and the more comfortable in it and the common cause. Therefore, acquiring the only and extremely, I exactly, I get it as if all and lead to the Middle to get a somewhat more torn cafetan, and not from private, single generotes, but as a result of universal perfectness. " - Such is the philosophy of Peter Petrovich Study . (Comment My - L.T.)

Again talking about murder. Zosimov reports that they interrogate those who brought the old things. Luzhin argues about the causes of crime growth.Raskolnikov and Lugin quarrel . Zosimov and Raleshin, coming out of the Raskolnikov room, notice that the splitters do not react to anything, "except for one point, from which comes from: murder ...". Zosimov asks Raulmichina to tell him more about Raskolnikov. Nastasya asks Okolnikov, whether the tea will not drink. That convulsively turns away to the wall.

Chapter 6.
Remaining one, the splitters dressed in a dress purchased by muggy, and it takes no one to wander through the streets. He is sure that home will not return, because with the same life you need to donate, he "Does not want to live like that." He wants to talk to someone, but no one is doing to him. He listens to singing womenat the house, which was "all under distributing and other edible institutions." (Pay attention to St. Petersburg Dostoevsky _ L.T.) Gives the girl "on drinking".

It turns out about the one who was sentenced to death: even on a high rock above the ocean, albeit on a small platform, on which only two legs are placed, but only live.

Newspapers read in the restaurant.With Notewov who was in the area during the faint of the Skolnikov and after visiting him during the illness, they start talking about the murder."The stationary and serious face of Raskolnikov was transformed in an instant, and suddenly he walked over again the same nervous laughter, as divecha, as if he was absolutely unable to keep himself. And in one moment he was remembered to the extreme clarity of the feeling of one recent moment when he stood outside the door, with an ax, the constipation jumped, they swear outside the door, and he suddenly wanted to scream them, swear with them, knock them out, tease them , laugh, laugh, laughter, laugh! " Notes notes that he is "or crazy, or ...".

Raskolnikov argues about counterfeiters, and then, when the conversation returns to the murder, he says, no matter how he entered the murderer at the site: would hide stolen things in a blind place under the stone and would not take them a couple of years. Notes again calls him crazy. "That the eyes climbed; He turned terribly pale; The upper lip was trembling and jumped. He leaned towards notation as close as possible and began to move his lips, without uttering anything; So lasted from half a minute; He knew what he did, but could not hold his herself. A terrible word, like the then constipation in the doorway, and jumped on his lips: is about to be angry; That's about to pull it away, just just to say! "

At Zaytova, he asks: "And what if I am an old woman and Lizaven killed?", And then leaves.

On the porch faceswith muggy who invites him to housewarming. Raskolnikov wants him to be left alone, as he cannot recover due to the fact that he is constantly annoyed.

On the Raskolniki Bridge sees a woman who rushes down, in the walled ditch, looks like it is pulled out.Thinks about suicide.

It turns out to be at the "that" house in which he was not from the "that" evening. "An irresistible and inexplicable desire entailed him." He inspects the staircase with curiosity, notes that the apartment in which was repaired, locked. In the apartment where the murders occurred, the walls are covered with new wallpaper. "Skolnikov for some reason did not like it terribly; He looked at these new wallpapers hostile, just sorry it was that everyone was changed. " When employees asked Raskolnikov, what he needed, he "got up, came out in Songi, took the bell and pulled. The same bell, the same tin sound! He pulled the second one, the third time; He listened and recalled. The former, painful-terrible, ugly feeling began to be brighter and more likely to recall him, he shuddered with each blow, and he was all nicer and more pleasant. " Raskolnikov says that "there was a whole puddle", and now the blood was washed.

Going down the stairs, the Raskolnikov goes to the exit, where several people meet, among whom the janitor, who asks him, why he came. "Watch," - answers the splitters. The janitor and others decide that it is not worth contacting him, and drive away.

Chapter 7.

The episode "Wounding Marmaladov under the wheels of the flight and his death".

Raskolnikov sees a crowd of people who surrounded justthe man crushed by horses, "Hoodly dressed, but in the" noble "dress, all in the blood." Barskaya stroller stands in the middle of the street, and Kucher is due to shouting, they say, he is laughing at him, but he was drunk.Raskolnikov learns in unfortunate Marmaladov. He asks to call the doctor and says that he knows where marmalands lives.The crushed carry home, where three children, Litten, Liden and Boy, listen to the memories of Katerina Ivanovna about their past life . Marmaladov's wife strips her husband, and the Raskolnikov sends for the doctor. Katerina Ivanovna sends the field to Sona , shouts at the gathered in the room.Marmalands at death. Separate for the priest. The doctor, examining Marmaladov, says that that is about to die. The priest professes dyingAnd then sees it, everyone pray.

AppearsSonya , "Also in rags; Its outfit was a penny, but decorated in a street, for the taste and rules that have developed in his special world, with bright and disgrace of an outstanding goal. " She was "there was a small height, years of eighteen, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Before the death of marmalades asks for forgiveness from his daughter. Dies on her hands.

Raskolnikov gives Katerina Ivanovna twenty-five rubles and leaves.In the crowd, it stumbles on Nicoda Fomich, with whom he had not seen since the scene in the office. Nicodemus Fomich says Raskolnikov: "As you, however, they frowned with blood," what he notices: "I'm all in the blood." Skolnikova catches the man and Sonya towards him. Raskolnikov asks her to pray for him and promises to come tomorrow. He thought: "Power, power is needed: no power will take anything; And the force must be mined by the same, this is what they do not know. " "Pride and self-confidence increased in it every minute; Already at the next minute, this was not the person that was in the previous one. "
Enters Pazumihina . He escorts him home and during the conversation admits that Zakov and Ilya Petrovich suspected Skolnikov in murder, but notes now repent of this. Adds that investigator Porfiry Petrovich His relative, wants to get acquainted with Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov says that he saw one person died, and that he gave all the money to his widow.

Going to the house, they notice the light in the window. The room is waiting for Skolnikova Mother and sister . Seeing him, they happily rush to him. Rodion loses consciousness. Rassakhin soothes women. They are very grateful to him, since he has heard about him from Nastasya.
FM Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment".

Part of the third
Chapter 1.
Having come to themselves, Raskolnikov asks mother, Pulcher Alexandrovna which intended to stay close to the son to go back where they are with Dunes stopped. Rasschin promises that he will come with him. Raskolnikov tells the sister and mother with whom he had not seen three years, which was kicked out of the pool. He asks his sister not to marry this man, as such a victim does not want her. Mother and sister in confusion.
Rassakhin promises them that everything will be wondering. "He stood with both ladies, grabbing them both by his arms, persuading them and presenting them the resonance with the amazing frankness and, probably, for greater conviction, almost every word of his word, firmly firmly, as in the vice, squeezed them both hands before pain And, it seemed, devoured by the eyes of an Avdot of Romanovna, I don't feel it in any way ... Avdota Romanovna, though not a feasible character, but with amazement and almost even with a fear, I met the views of your brother's friend with wild fire, and only the infinite power of attorney, inspired by Nastasya's stories About this strange man, held it from the attempt to escape from him and drag off his mother. "

Raulumyin escorts both ladies to numbers where they stopped. Dunya says Mother that "you can rely on it."She "was wonderful good - high, surprisingly slim, strong, self-confident, - which was expressed in any gesture of her and that, however, did not take away from its movements of softness and grace. She looked like her brother, but it could even be called beautiful. Her hair was dark blonde, a little light, than a brother; The eyes are almost black, sparkling, proud and at the same time sometimes, minutes, unusually kind. She was pale, but not painfully pale; Her face shone freshness and health. She was a little small, the lower sponge, fresh and allay, a little bit alone. "

Her mother looked younger than his forty-three years. "Her hair has already begun to be gray and rain, small radiant wrinkles have long appeared near the eyes, the cheeks fell and dried away from care and grief, and yet this face was fine. It was a portrait of Dunechin Persons, only twenty years later. " Rasschin leads to women Zosimov, Which tells them about the state of Skolnikov. Rassakhin and Zosimov go. Zosimov notes: "What a delightful girl is this Avdota Romanovna!" It causes an angry outbreak at the Raulmichina.

Chapter 2.

In the morning Rasschin understands that "something unusual with him was made that he accepted one thing, accommodated a completely unknown impression and unlike all her previous." He is afraid to think about yesterday's meeting with Raskolnikov's relatives, as he was drunk and allowed a lot of unability. He sees with Zosimov, who reproaches him in the fact that he chatting a lot.

After that, Raulykhin goes to Numeric Bakaleev, where the ladies stopped. Alexandrovna Pulcheria asks him about his son.

Pay attention to the characteristic, this Skolnikov Raulmichine: "For a year and a half, I know Rodion: the sullen, gloomy, and proud," says Raumichin, "recently (and maybe much before) a miniature and hypochondrik. Great and kind. His feelings do not like to express and soon cruelty will make the words from the words. Sometimes, however, not a hypochondrik, but is simply cold and insensitive until inhuman, the right, exactly in it, two opposite character alternately replaced. Awful sometimes countless! Everything he has no time, everyone interferes with him, and he lies, does nothing. Not mocking, and not because there is not enough sharpness, and for sure his time for such trifles is missing. Does not listen to what they say. Never is interested in what everything is interested in this moment. It is terribly highly appreciated and, it seems, not without some right to then. "

They talk about how the splitters wanted to marry, and the wedding because of the death of the bride did not take place. Pulcheria Alexandrovna says that they got a note in the morning fromLuzhina Who yesterday was to meet them at the station, but sent Lacey, saying that he would come in the morning of the next day.Lugin did not come, as promised, but sent a note in which he insists that "with a general date" Rodion Romanovich "no longer present", and also brings them to their information that Raskolnikov gave all the money to his mother, "Device Behavior ", the daughter of the drunkard, whom the coach crossed. Raulumikhin advises to do so, as Avdota Romanovna decided, according to which it is necessary for Rodion to come to them at eight hours.

Together with the immemircuit, ladies are sent to the Raskolnikov. Lifting up the stairs, they see that the door of the hostess is ajar and someone observes from there. As soon as they are equal to the door, she suddenly slams.
Chapter 3.
Women enter the room where they are met Zosimov. Raskolnikov led himself in order and looked almost healthy, "just was very pale, scattered and sullen. Outside, he looked like a wounded man or muttering any strong physical pain: his eyebrows were shifted, the lips were compressed, the look was inflamed. " Zosimov notes that with the arrival of relatives in the patient appeared "severe hidden determination to transfer an hour or other torture, which cannot be avoided ... He saws, as almost every word of the conversation was exactly touched by some wound of his patient and beaten her; But at the same time, he wondered in a partly today's ability to own himself and hide his feelings of yesterday's Monoman, because of the slightest word in a little yesterday, a little bit of rabies. " Zosimov says Raskolnikov that the recovery depends only on himself that he needs to continue his studies at the university, since "work and firmly set in front of his goal" could help him.

Raskolnikov trying to calm the mother, tells her that she was going to come to them, but "the dress was delayed," since it was in the blood of one official who died and the wife of which received all the money from him, which sent him mother. And adds at the same time: "I, however, did not have any rights, I confess, especially knowing how this money himself got. To help, you must first have the right to have. " Pulcheria Alexandrovna reports that he diedMarfa Petrovna Svidrigailova . Raskolnikov notices that they will still have time to "speak." "One recent horrible feeling of dead cold has passed his soul; Again, he suddenly became completely clear and it was clear that he was now a terrible lie, which would not only never have to have time to come to speak, but no longer anything, never with anyone, can now speak. " Zosimov leaves. Raskolnikov asks for her sister, whether I like Raemichin. That answers: "very".

Rodion recalls his love for the Master's daughter, who was always sick, loved to serve and dreamed of a monastery. Mother compares the sown's apartment with a coffin and notes that because of her he became such a melancholic. Dunya, trying to justify the brother, says that she marries it primarily for himself.

Raskolnikov reads a letter of a nudge, which he shows sister and mother, and notes that Luzhin "illiterately writes." Avdota Romanovna joins him: "Peter Petrovich does not hide that he studied for copper money, and even praised the fact that his own way was paved" . Dunya asks his brother to come to them in the evening. Raulmichina she also invites.
The room includes Sonya Marmaladov. "Now it was modestly and even poorly dressed girl, very young, almost similar to a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with clear, but as if a somewhat intimidated face. It was very simple homely dress, on the head old, the former fashion hat; Only in the hands was, yesterday, an umbrella. " Skolnikov "Suddenly saw that this impressed creature was already presented that he suddenly became sorry."

The girl says that Katerina Ivanovna sent her to invite Raskolnikov on the commemoration. He promises to come. Pulcheria Alexandrovna and her daughter do not descend the eyes with the guest, but when they leave, says goodbye to her only Avdota Romanovna.

On the street, the mother says the daughter, that she looks like a brother is not a face, but soul: "... both you are melancholic, both sullen and hot-tempered, both arrogant and both generous." Dunechka soothes the mother who worries about how today evening will be held. Pulcheria Alexandrovna admits that Sony is afraid.

Raskolnikov in a conversation with Raulmichina notes that the old woman had his silver watches in the mortgage, which moved to him from the Father, as well as the ring, which he gave him a sister. He wants to pick up these things. Raulmikhin advises to appeal to the investigator, Petrovich Porphyria.

Raskolnikov accompanies Sonya to the corner, takes her address and promises to go. Left alone, she feels something new. "A whole new world is unknown and vaguely descended in her soul." Sonya is afraid that the splitters will see her wretched room.

For sonimonthly man . "It was a man of fifty years, an increase in the average, road, with wide and widespread shoulders, which gave him a slightly stubborn look. He was Schegolski and comfortably dressed and looked Ospanish Barin. In his hands, he was a beautiful cane, which he told, with each step, in the sidewalk, and the hands were in fresh gloves. It was quite nice to a wide scoring face, and the complexion was fresh, not Petersburg. His hair, very thick, were completely blonde and a little bit unless with the smarter, and a wide, thick beard, a descended shovel, was still brighter head hair. His eyes were blue and looked cold, intently and thoughtfully; Lips scarlet. " He follows her and, finding out where she lives, rejoices that they are neighbors.

On the way to Porphyria Petrovich, Raleshin is noticeably worried. Raskolnikov teases it, laughs loudly. That's the way, with a laugh, he enters Petrovich's porphyria.

Chapter 5.

The episode of the first meeting of Raskolnikov with Porphyria Petrovich.

Raskolnikov serves Petrovich Petrovich's hand, Raumichin, waving his hand, accidentally overturns a table with a glass of tea stood on it and, concerned, departs to the window. In the corner sits on a stool of notes, which looks at the Raskolnikova "With some confusion."

Portrait of Petrophry Petrovich: "Petrophiry Petrovich was homely, in a bathrobe, in very clean linen and in Stopanted shoes. It was a man of thirty-five years old, the growth of the middle, full and even with the belly, shaved, without a mustache and without Bengnebard, with tightly endless hair on a big round head, somehow especially convex rounded on the back of the head. Chubby, round and slightly smoky face of him was the color of the patient, dark yellow, but rather vigorous and even mocking. It would even be a good-stuffy, if it were not prevented by the expression of the eyes, with some liquid watery glitter, covered with almost white, blinking, accurately winking to whom, eyelashes. The view of these eyes somehow strangely did not harmonize with all the figure, I even had something badly in myself, and gave her something much more serious than at first glance it was possible to expect from her. "

Raskolnikov is confident that Petrofirya Petrovich knows everything about him. He speaks of his grandstanding things and hears that they were found wrapped in one piece of paper, on which his name and number of the month were written in pencil, when the interest officer received them. Porfiry Petrovich notes that all the lockers are already known and that he was waiting for the Okolnikov parish.

There is a dispute about the essence and causes of crimes . The investigator remembers on the article Raskolnikov called "On Crime", which reached "Periodic Speech" two months ago. Raskolnikov is perplexed, where the investigator learned about the author, because it is the "letter". The answer should be immediately: from the editor.

Porfiry Petrovich reminds Raskolnikov that according to his article "Act of execution of a crime is always accompanied by the disease", and all people are "divided into" ordinary "and" unusual. "

Skolnikov theory.
Raskolnikov explains that, in his opinion, "everything is not that the great, but also a little bit of the rut people, that is, a little bit even capable of saying something new," must be criminals. Any victims and crimes can be justified by the value of the target for which they were committed. An ordinary person is not able to behave as the one who "right has". Unusual people are born extremely small, their birth must be determined by the law of nature, but it is still unknown. The ordinary will not go to the end, it will begin to repent.

Rassakhin is terrified from heard, from the fact that the theory of Skolnikov resolves the "blood to shedding."

The investigator asks Raskolnikov a question, whether he would have decided to murder "for consideration to somehow all of humanity." Raskolnikov responds that neither Magomet, nor Napoleon believes. "Who is in our Russia, Napoleon now does not consider himself?" - The investigator grins.
Raskolnikov is interested, whether to interrogate it officially, to which Petrofirya Petrovich replies that "it is not required to be at all." The investigator asks Skolnikov, in which hour he was in the house where the murder had happened, and did he see two dyeers on the second floor. Raskolnikov, not suspecting what a trap is, says that he was there in the eighth hour, but did not see the dyeers. Rasshyin shouts that the splitters were in three days before the murder was in the house, and the dyeers were painted on the day of the murder. Porfiry Petrovich asks for forgiveness for confused the dates.

Rassakhin and Raskolnikov go to the street "Gloomy and frowning". "Raskolnikov deeply translated breathing ..."
Chapter 7.
On the road, Raskolnikov and Raulmichin are discussing a meeting with Petrophry Petrovich. Raskolnikov says that the investigator has no facts to accuse him of murder. Rasschin is indignant by the fact that all this looks offensive.

Raskolnikov understands that Porfiry is not so stupid. " "The taste is in other points!" - He thinks. When they are suitable for Numerals of Bakaleev, Raskolnikov makes the Raulichene to rise to his sister and the mother, and herself hurries home, since he suddenly seemed to him that in the hole where he hid the old things immediately after the murder, could remain. Without finding nothing, it comes out and sees a motleyman who speaks about him with a janitor. Rodion is interested in what is needed. The tradesman leaves, and the splitters runs after, asking him all the same question. He throws him in his face: "Clearman!", And then leaves, the splitters seek him. Returning to his camork, he is half an hour. When he hears that Rassakhin rises to him, pretending to be sleeping, and he barely looked into the room, goes away.

He begins to reflect, feeling his physical weakness: "The old woman was only a disease ... I wanted to step over ... I didn't kill a person, I killed the principle! I killed the principle, and I did not cross it over, it remained on this side ... just managed to kill. Yes, and it failed, it turns out ... "He calls himself in a self, as it turns out about it, since" For a whole month, the all-bad providence worried, calling for witnesses that not for his, they say, the flesh and lust undertakes, but has in The mind is a magnificent and pleasant goal ":" ... I myself, maybe, even foul and gage, than killed by lich, and premeditated in advance that I will say it after killing! " It comes to the conclusion that is "the creature of trembling", as it is thinking about the correctness of what he has committed.
Raskolnikov sees sleep. He is on the street, where many people. On the sidewalk man waves his hand. In Him, he recognizes the renowned tradesman, which turns and slowly removed. Raskolnikov goes for him. Rises the stairs, which seems familiar to him. Finds the apartment where I saw workers. The traders, obviously, came somewhere. Raskolnikov enters the apartment. An old woman is sitting on the chair in the corner, which he beats an ax on the head several times. The old woman laughs. He overcomes rabies, he beats the whole strength and beats an old woman on his head, but that is just that way lash. The apartment is full of people who are watching what is happening and say nothing, waiting for something. He wants to shout, but wakes up.
In his room a man. Raskolnikov asks what he needs. It seems to be Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov .

Which almost immediately became nominable in Russian literature. This character at the beginning of the novel is facing a dilemma - superman he or a regular citizen.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Fedor Dostoevsky holds a reader in all stages of decision and repentance after the deed.

Crime and Punishment

The theory of the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov, which he is trying to solve more global issues, subsequently fails. Dostoevsky in his novel shows not only the questions of evil and good and crime with responsibility. He am against the background of moral disagreements and the struggle in the shower of the young man shows the daily life of the St. Petersburg society of the nineteenth century.

Raskolnikov, the image of which literally after the first yield of the novel became the name of the nominative, suffers from the mismatch of his thoughts and plans with reality. He wrote an article about the favorites, which is allowed to all, and trying to check if he belongs to the latter.

How we will see later, even Katorga has not changed what the splitters thought about himself. The old-year older has become for him just the principle through which he crossed.

Thus, in the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky through the prism of the suffering of a former student, many philosophical and moral and ethical issues are revealed.

The beauty of the work lies in the fact that the author shows them not from the point of view of the monologues of the main character, but in a collision with other characters, acting as doubles and antipodes of Rodion Raspolnikov.

Who is such a splitter?

Rodion Raskolnikov, the image of which is amazingly described by Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, was a poor student. Life in St. Petersburg has never been cheap. Therefore, without constant earnings, this young man rolled into a hopeless poverty.

Rodion was forced to even quit studies at the university, since there was not enough funds to anything. Subsequently, when we figure it out with different faces of his personality, we will make sure that this student lived in the world of illusions for a long time.

So, why did the collection of the murder consider the only right step towards the future? Was it impossible to go to another way? Next, we will deal with the motives of the act and situations in the life, which led to a similar idea.

To begin with, we will give Description Skolnikov. He was a slim young man aged twenty-three years. Dostoevsky writes that Rodion's growth was above average, the eyes are dark, and the hair color is dark blond. Further, the author says that due to the disadvantaged clothing, the student has more like rags, in which the usual person will conscore the street to go out.

In the article, we will look at what events and meetings led to the crime of Raskolnikov. An essay in school usually requires disclosure of his image. This information is able to help execute this task.

So, in the novel, we see that Rodion, reading the Western philosophers, is inclined to share society on people of two types - "Tarry trembling" and "right having". Here is a reflection of the Nietzshean idea of \u200b\u200bsuperhuman.

At first, he even refers herself to the second category, which actually leads to the murder of the old-year older age. But after this rash, the Raskolnikov turns out to be unable to withstand the cargo of the crime. It turns out that the young man originally belonged to ordinary people and was not superman, to which everything was permitted.

Criminal samples

Literary critons argued for many years, where such a character appeared, like Rodion Raskolniki. The image of this person can be traced both in the press reports of the time, in the literary works and in the biographies of famous people.

It turns out that by its appearance, the main character is obliged to various people and reports who were known Fedor Dostoevsky. Now we will cover the criminal samples of Rodion Raskolnikov.

In the press of the nineteenth century, three cases are known, which could affect the formation of the plot line of the main character of "Crime and Punishment".

The first was described in September 1865 in the newspaper "Voice" a crime of a young twenty-semilent clerk. His name was Chistov Gerasim, and among friends, the young man was considered a splitter (if they referred to the dictionary, this term in an allegorical understanding means a person who comes against generally accepted traditions).

He killed the ax of two old servants in the house of one boss, Dubrovina. The cook and the batcher prevented him to rob the room. The offender sentenced gold and silver objects and money that stole a chest from the trunk. Old people found in blood puddles.

The atrocity practically coincides with the events of the novel, but Skolnikov's punishment was a little different.

The second case is known from the second issue of the magazine "Time" for 1861. There was set out the famous "LaSener Process", which took place in the 1830s. This man was considered a serial French killer, for whom the lives of other people did not mean anything even account. For Pierre-Francois Lazener, as contemporaries said, it was the same "that killing a person that drink a glass of wine."

After arrest, he writes memoirs, poems and other works in which she tries to justify their crimes. According to his version, he was influenced by the revolutionary idea of \u200b\u200bthe "struggle with injustice in society", which the Socialists-utopians inspired him.

Finally, the last case is associated with one familiar Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Professor of History, Moskvich, relative of the Kumanina Kumanina (aunt writers) and the second applicant for her inheritance (on a par with the author of "Crime and Punishment").

His surname was neophytes, and he was detained during the process of the release of fake tickets of an internal loan. It is believed that it was his case that he pushed the writer to invest in the thoughts of Rodion Skolnikov an idea of \u200b\u200binstant enrichment.

Historical prototypes

If we talk about the famous people who influenced the formation of the image of a young student, then it will be more about the ideas of real events or personalities.

Let's get acquainted with the reasoning of great people who could form a description of Raskolnikov. In addition, all their treatises are viewed on the pages of the novel in replicas of secondary characters.

So, no doubt, in the first place is the work of Napoleon Bonaparte. His book "Life Julia Caesar" quickly became the bestseller of the nineteenth century. In it, the emperor showed the principles of his worldview in society. Corsican believed that among the total mass of humanity occasionally, "supervasions" are born. The main difference between these individuals from others is that they are allowed to violate all the rules and laws.

In the novel, we see the reflection of this thought constantly. This is the article of Rodion in the newspaper, and reflects some characters. However, Fyodor Mikhailovich shows a variety of understanding of the meaning of the phrase.

The most cynical option to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife from a former student. Who killed the splitters? Stiruha percentage. However, Rodion itself sees an event in different parts of the novel. At first, the young man believes that "this is not a negligible creation" and "killing one being, he will help hundreds of lives." Later, the thought is reborn into the fact that the sacrifice was not a man, but an "crushed by the VShoy." And at the last stage, the young man comes to the conclusion that he killed his own life.

Svidrigaylov and Luzhin also made Napoleonian motifs in their actions, but they will speech later about them.

In addition to the book of the French emperor, similar ideas were in the works "the only and his property" and "murder as one of the elegant arts". We see that during the novel, the student is worn with a "passion idea". But this event is more like an unsuccessful experiment.

At the end of the novel, we see that the Raskolnikov Kathers understand the fallacy of behavior. But finally, the young man does not part with the idea. It can be seen from his thoughts. On the one hand, he crushes on the ruined youth, on the other - regrets what he admitted. If it struck, maybe it would be for myself "superholecom."

Literary prototypes

Description Skolnikova, which can be given a character in the image, accumulates various thoughts and actions of the heroes of other works. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky through the prism of the doubts of a young young man considers many social and philosophical problems.

For example, a lone hero, challenging society, exists with most romantic writers. So, Lord Byron creates handles of Manfred, Lara and Corsair. Balzaka, we learn a similar feature in Rastyanka, and at Standal - in Juliense the Sorell.

If you consider whom the splitters killed, you can draw an analogy with the Pushkin "peak lady." There Germans tries to gain wealth at the expense of the old Countess. It is noteworthy that the old woman at Alexander Sergeyevich was called Lizabeth Ivanovna and the young man kills her morally. Dostoevsky went on. Rodion really takes the life of a woman with this name.

In addition, there is quite a large similarity with Schiller and Lermontov characters. The first in the work "Robbers" is Karl Moor, who faces the same ethical problems. And in the "Hero of our time" Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is in a similar state of moral experimentation.

Yes, and in other works of Dostoevsky there are similar images. Previously, this is the "notes of the underground", later - Ivan Karamazov, Versilov and Stavrogin.

Thus, we see that Rodion Raskolnikov combines opposing society, and a realistic character with their surroundings, origin and plans for the future.

Pulcheria Aleksandrovna

Raskolnikova's mother with its provincial naivety and sophistication shall applies the images of metropolitan inhabitants. She perceives events more simplistic, closes his eyes on a lot, it seems unable to understand. However, at the end of the novel, when her last words broke into the death rack, we see how mistaken in assumptions. This woman perceived everything, but did not show the whirlwind of passions, which he raged in her soul.

In the first chapters of the novel, when the Rodion of Raskolnikov seems to us, the mother's letter has a significant impact on his decision. Information that the sister is preparing to "sacrifice the sake of God for God," plunge the student in a gloomy mood. He is finally approved to the thoughts to kill the old-year-older.

Here, the desire to protect the dunge from the rods is added to his ideas. Dragged, on the argument of Raskolnikov, should be enough to not need financial handouts of the future "husband" of sisters. Subsequently, Rodion meets nudge and Svidrigailov.

Immediately after the first came to him introduce themselves, the young man takes it to the bayonets. Why does the splitters do this? The letter of the mother directly says that a scoundrel and a plow. He developed at the Pulcheria Alexandrovna the idea that the best wife is from the poor family, since she is completely in power of her husband.

From the same letter, the former student learns about the dirty harassment of the Svidrigaylov landowner to the sister, who worked with their governess.

Since the Pulcheria Alexandrovna had no husband, then it becomes the only support of the family. We see how mother takes care and takes care of him. Despite his gross behavior and unreasonable reproaches, a woman seeks to help with all their might. However, she cannot break through the wall that the son built around him in an attempt to protect the family from future shocks.


In Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky illustrates various vital positions and personal philosophies through opposition of characters. For example, Dunya and Raskolnikov. The characteristic of the brother and sisters is similar in many points. They are externally attractive, formed, think independently and prone to decisive actions.

However, Rodion sued poverty. He burned in kindness and sincerity. We see the gradual degradation of his social life. At the beginning of the novel, it is reported that Raskolnikov is a former student, but now he has no plans for "receiving wealth overnight."

Avdota Romanovna, his sister, strives for the best lucky future, but on more realistic positions. She, unlike his brother, does not dream of instant wealth and does not feed romantic illusions.

The culmination of their opposition is expressed in the readiness to murder. If the Raskolnik manages and he goes to it to prove his own superiority, then the Duni is doing things completely different. She is ready to pick up the life of Svidrigaylov, but only because of self-defense.

Punishment Raskolnikova we see for most of the novel. It begins not at the cautor, but immediately after the death of the old woman. Torky doubts and experiences about the course of the investigation are tormented by a student more than the subsequent years in Siberia.
The shower, defending its right to freedom, receives a happy life in St. Petersburg as a reward.

Thus, the sister Skolnikov turns out to be more active than the mother. And its influence on his brother is stronger than what they mutually take care of each other. He sees a certain inventory that helps her to find a soul mate.

Raskolnikov and Marmaladov

Marmalades and splitters are actually the complete opposite. Semen Zakharovich is a widower, a titular adviser. He is quite an elderly for this rank, but his actions explain such a turn of events.

We learn that he drinks godlessly. Taking into his wife Ekaterina Ivanovna with children, marmalands moved to the capital. Here the family gradually falls on the bottom. It comes to the point that his native daughter goes to the panel to feed the family while Semyon Zakharovic "is drunk".

But in the formation of the Raskolnikov image, one episode is important with the participation of this mining character. When the young man returned from the "Recognitive" of the future crime scene, he found himself in a restaurant, where he met Marmeladov.

The key is one phrase from the confession of the latter. He, outlining a blatant poverty, says "there is absolutely no obstacles." Rodion Romanovich turns out in thoughts in the same position. Inaction and gloomy fantasies led him to an extremely distress position, from which he saw only one way out.

It turns out that a conversation with a titular adviser is superimposed on despair, which was experiencing a former student after reading the letter from the mother. Here with such a dilemma is collied.

The characteristic of Marmeladov and his daughter Sony, which will later become the window to the future for Rodion, comes down to the fact that they have submitted fatalism. At the beginning, the young man is trying to influence them, help, change life. However, in the end he dies under the melting press and partly takes the views and life of Sony's vital philosophy.

Raskolnikov and Luzhin

Luban and Raskolnikov are similar in irrepressible vanity and egoism. However, Peter Petrovich is much smaller than a friend and more stupid. He considers him successful, modern and respectable, says he created himself. However, in fact it turns out to be only an empty and false careerist.

The first acquaintance with the nudge is going on in a letter that Rodion receives from the mother. It is from the marriage with this "scound", the young man is trying to save his sister, which pushes him into a crime.

If you compare these two images, both of them suffer from almost the "superhuma". But Rodion Raskolnikov is already young and subject to romantic illusions and maximalism. Peter Petrovich, on the contrary, everything tries to drive into the framework of his stupidity and narrowlessness (although he considered himself very smart).

The culmination of the confrontation of these heroes occurs in the "numbers", where the unlucky groom for their own greed settled the bride with the future mother-in-law. Here in an extremely nasty atmosphere, he shows his true face. And the result becomes the final gap with the dunge.

Later he will try to compromise Sonya, accusing her in theft. This Petr Petrovich wanted to prove the failure of Rodion in the choice of acquaintances, whom he introduces into the family (formerly Raskolnikov introduced the daughter of Marmaladov with his mother and sister). However, his vile plan fails, and he is forced to escape.

Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" of Raskolnikov, the image of which passes the evolution in the process of developing events, faces its antipodes and twins.

However, there is no direct similarity with any character. All heroes act as the opposite of Rodion or have a more developed specific characteristic. So Arkady Ivanovich, as we know from the letter, is inclined to a constant pursuit of pleasure. He is not bent and murder (this is his only similarity with the main character).

However, Svidrigaylov appears a character with a dual nature. He seems to be a reasonable man, but who was concerned in the future. Arkady Ivanovich is trying to coercion and blackmail to force the Dunya to become his wife, but the girl shoots him from the revolver twice. She failed to get, but, as a result, the landowner loses any hope for the ability to start life from scratch. As a result, Svidrigaylov commits suicide.

Rodion Raskolnikov sees in the decision of Arkady Ivanovich its possible future. He has already walked to look at the river from the bridge several times, thinking to jump down. However, Fyodor Mikhailovich helps the young man. He gives him hope in the form of love Sonchiki. This girl makes the former student to confess to a crime, and after he follows him to the catguard.

Thus, in this article, we met with a bright and ambiguous way Rodion Skolnikov. In the novel "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky with surgical accuracy prepares the soul of the criminal to show the evolution of determination, inspired by illusions, to depression, after a collision with reality.

Roman F.M. Dostoevsky, essentially, is a socio-psychological and philosophical work. Dostoevsky showed the bottom of the capitalist city, the world of humiliated and offended. The author exposes society where the money dominates, society that is mercilessly to those who have no money.

The victim of the capitalist world becomes the main character of the novel - Rodion

Raskolnikov. This image is recreated psychologically thin, with characteristic

Dostoevsky's ability to penetrate into the inner world of their heroes. Author draws

Extremely difficult living conditions for their hero.

There lived a splitter in the room that had the most pitiful look with her yellow, dust and everywhere we retired with walls. Raskolnikov himself had the pitiful look that even sometimes came out on the street, because his whole appeal caused a sense of compassion. Raskolnikov was excluded from the university, because there was no money for further training. He could not even pay for the apartment for an apartment.

The conditions in which the splitters live, cause him a protest. The ripen rustle, but it is individual. Raskolnikov believes that all people can be divided into two groups. The first group is ordinary people, others have in themselves

Dar or talent to make a new one in society. This category of people can bear the law, violation of the law for such people is not a crime. By creating your theory, the splitters led themselves to the draw, behind which there was a crime. Under influence

Life circumstances He gradually comes to the idea that his theory

Explains the actions not only historical figures, but also ordinary people. Skolnikov

Finally came to the thought of murder under the influence of the confession of Marmaladov. it

Talk about the seventeen-year-old daughter Marmaladov Sonechke, that a person can reconcile with any circumstances to get used to them.

Raskolnikov was sorry for Sonya, because she sake the family to save the family from hunger

Digging path, but even his father is not ashamed to take money from her. Raskolnikov discarded the idea that a person in nature was sublined, and concludes that this is the law of life, society. There are victims and there are those who use it. And then he comes to the thought that the desire of his sister Duni marry a rich man who would support their family and gave the Raskolnik the opportunity to complete their studies, is essentially the same victim as the sacrifice of the Sonechi. The decision of Rodion was unequivocal - do not suffer passively, but to act.

Raskolnikov makes kill. The victim chosen by him is the old-year-older. He thought about the old woman as unnecessary, evil and greedy man. The arguments were reduced to the fact that such a mean person should not live, and that many people need could be embarrassed. After the murder, the old woman immediately happens the second crime. He kills her sister Lizaven, which was an unexpected witness to the murder.

Tormenting the state of Rodion after committed atrocities. The author shows that the main penalty is not a punishment from society, not a cortex, but deep internal suffering, the suffering of moral. A person who is aware of himself as a killer, is already different

Perceives the world. Raskolnikov trying to fight his condition. Rodion Ne.

Understands the true cause of his torment. It seems to him that the main reason is

That he turned out to be "trending trembling" that life showed his weakness, which is why he says the sister, who invites him to follow the advice of the investigator that he does not consider himself a criminal that he is to blame only that he could not, failed to implement conceived.

The most busy moment of struggle is a conversation with the investigator Porphyria Petrovich, who understood who murder was committed, and is trying to expose Skolnikov. Dostoevsky explores such a problem as the moral revival of the person. That is why the investigator, offering Rodion to the opponent's appearance, asked if he believed the legend of Lazar, who was resurrected to Christ and which made true


Dostoevsky himself was against any riot. The Bunce of the same Skolnikov is egoistic, and this is its weakness and doom. But the riot opp

There are conditions for the purpose of changing unfair conditions

Societies is justified. It is at Katorga

Raskolnikov comes to the conclusion that his theory does not make sense and need to start a new life.

But there are people for whom there is no moral law at all. These are people

We use the power to give them money. The power of the novel is that

It emotionally affects the reader due to deep psychologism and

Realism, causes a protest against an unfair world, where money has power over a person.

Philological science literary studies

Russian literature

Ma Wenin, graduate student of Moscow State University

them. M.V. Lomonosov

Split Rodion Skolnikova

This article discusses the motive of the split hero of Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment". The text is analyzed by three signs of a split of the hero: the split of his personality, the split of his morality and the split of his faith, with the help of which it is easier to understand the motive for the split hero for readers.

Keywords: Rodion Raskolnikov; split; personality; morality; Vera.

Surname Raskolnikov is immediately perceived as "talking." The root of this word is "split". The verb "split" means "to dismember, disrupt unity by making disagreements to any. Wednesday. The usual association calls in the memory of Raskolnikov, split, that is, connects the name with the name of the religious and social movement in Russia of the 17th century. In the explanation of Ozhegova, the "split" has such an explanation: "In Russia, from the middle of 17 V .: Religious and social movement, directed against the official church, heading by the Patriarch Nikon (who changed in Greek images, some rites and texts of liturgical books), and by the end 17 in. The name of the Old Believers. " And "Raskolnik" in the second explanation means "the one who makes a split, dismissed which-n. Organization. "

From here we can guess that our hero is an unusual person. He is a splitter towards people and circumstances of that time. He wants to split something and set something new, which is correct and decent to him. But this does not mean that he goes to extreme measures, because the split is an action on disruption of unity, after which the whole often disintegrates into parts. Therefore, the hero in the novel is a person complex, possessing versatility in person and in the shower. So, his surname itself - Raskolnikov is - to the painful split of his personality. The split of the hero's soul into two parts: one part of his soul - disinterested, compassionate and childish innocent, the other is cold, proud, is overflowing pride and individualism.

As for the split in Raskolnikov, the most typical sign is a split of his personality. We must admit that the splitters are a strange person unlike others. Although his beautiful appearance, but he always looks like an eccentric. He is weak, and he often teased monologues about his own impotence not only because of his feverish disease, but also from his already upset nerves. In most cases, he is sad, the gloomy, as if he had nothing good in life and everything is hard for him. He loses interest to communicate with people, as it is written in the novel: "Raskolnikov is not used to the crowd and, as already mentioned, a society fled, especially lately." He prefers to live in his world, and thus he does not want others to enter His hidden peace. "He resolutely left everyone like a turtle into his shell, and even the face of the maid, who was obliged to serve him and peeringly sometimes in his room, excited bile and convulsions in it. It happens in other monomans, too much focused on something. "

In addition, Skolnikova has nervous fever. He is a sensitive, emotional man. It is easy for him to lose self-confidence in one moment, start feeling excitement, irritation and disorder under the influence of something. Sometimes all this is incomprehensible to readers. For example, after he hid the wallet of the old woman, he went to the moody. On the way to him, thinking that at that moment he is least located face to face with anyone in the world, the splitters almost choke from the malice of themselves. And then all the bile reached it. "The nervous trembling passed him into some kind of feverish; At such a heat he got cold. "

However, in the Raskolnik, we can notice the other side. In fact, under the fever surface, its real human nature is linked. It is essentially a simple, kind and honest person, full of deep love for ordinary people. He helped his poor university comrade from his last funds. When he died, he walked behind his old and relaxed father. During the fire, the Raskolnikov pulled out of one already tanned apartment, two children, and was burned at the same time. He sympathizes such a small man as marmalands, and his poor family. He gives Katerina for the last thirty rubles for the funeral of Marmaladov. He protects the unfamiliar prostitute from Hooligan, refers to Sona not with contempt, but with strong pity. He deeply loves his relatives, disagreering the Duni's wedding, which is ready to sacrifice himself and save his family. He hates the hypocrisy and Fraud of Luzhina, frankly criticizes him and exposes his goats, substitute himself to guard his sister. He does all these not for himself, but for others. This confuses the investigator Petrophry Petrovich. Even the old woman of the splitters killed not for money, but to prove its theories.

It can be seen that the splitters are not one person, but two: external and inner. It lives an angel and demon, good and evil. It clearly formulates this idea of \u200b\u200bVyach. Ivanov: "... The soul seems to be the most unusually multi-brought and omnantic. All the experiences of someone else, I am imposed, finds the appropriate analogy. "

The split of the hero is still manifested in the split of his morality. It is from this that the topic of this work begins - "Crime and Punishment". In the work of the key problem itself is the relationship between Skolnikov to a crime, more precisely, his definition of what is a crime. In fact, his definition of the crime is identified with his definition of its morality. As a general assessment, the murder is an absolutely cruel crime. And this is not allowed on human and public morality. But in the view of the Raskolnikov, it cannot be judged by the usual one. In their theory, he shares people for two discharges: ordinary and unusual. People ordinary live in obedience and love to be obedient. And unusual people have the right to commit a crime, allow themselves to break an ancient law and step over at least through blood and corpses to realize their goal. Taking the example of Newton, Magomet and Napoleon, he even believes that "most of these benefactors and the establishments of humanity were especially terrible bloody structures."

This is the theory of Skolnikov, who gives him the theoretical justification of the killing of the old woman. He does not consider his killing a crime, but on the contrary, some kind of feat, which has made such extraordinary people, because he killed such an evil person, as many people hate. He received an unexpected confirmation of this in one bad tavern, having heard the words of one student: "On the one hand, a stupid, meaningless, insignificant, angry, sick old woman, not necessary for anyone and, on the contrary, all harmful, ... on the other hand, .. . One hundred, thousand of good deeds and undertakings that can be arranged and correct to the stabs money, doomed to the monastery! ... - And all this for her money. What do you think, will one, tiny crimenic, thousands of good deeds? For one life - thousands of lives saved from rotting and decomposition. ... no more than

the life of Versh, Caracan, and not worth it, because the old woman is harmful. " In fact, all these words are crying Skolnikov's heart. This will split it morally.

But it should be noted that his soul is covered by human morality and kindness. That is the reason why he was very worried about his act, fell into the torment of the Spirit and experienced the inner grief, and before the murder, and after that. He fluctuates in this case and long thought about it, even before fever, because it is on the border between moralism and immoralism. He killed an old woman for money, but to testify his theory. After that, he would consider that his conscience does not bite him, but in fact he was subjected to the torment of conscience every day. After receiving an agenda from the office from Nastasya, he felt fear. The legs trembled him, the head was spinning and sick from the heat. In the police, he felt a terrible confusion in all of himself, fearlessly to give himself because of some small negligence. All these prove that in fact the Raskolniki really felt their guilt despite his unconsciousness. And his morality just represents the punishment of his crime. Hence the paradox in the soul of Raskolnikova: a mixture of moral nature and immoral theory.

The last sign of split Raskolnikova is a split of his faith, which is the most key religious issue in this work. This question should be started with his hatred of real reality. First, the city of Petersburg is largely to blame for the soulful split Raskolnikov. The meaning is that the influence of St. Petersburg on Raskolnikova: the hero is cut off from the native soil of this city, which is the brainchild of Petrov, imbued with its anti-people and anti-focused spirit with such a force that the city itself becomes a spirit or ghost, losing contact with real life. As a result, "the inner world of Raskolnikov, who left the native soil, is deprived of integrity, fragmented, split into separate, uncompressive, seemingly part of each other: Ideal and disbelief Ideal get along together; The longing of the world harmony and cold-blooded reflections of the killer converge in the soul of one person in the most incredible way. "