As the soul spends 40 days after death. Is it possible to remember forty days before

As the soul spends 40 days after death. Is it possible to remember forty days before
As the soul spends 40 days after death. Is it possible to remember forty days before

When a close person has not crossed the threshold of eternity, his relatives are in every way trying to make attention signs, offering their post assistance. This manifests the debt of the execution of love to the neighbor, which is imposed on the mandatory responsibility of Christian creed. But man is not eternal. For everyone comes the moment. However, this transition from one personality state to another should not be marked by leaving the memory of about. The man is alive while he remembers him. A religious duty is to organize memorial dinners in memory of for anyone who knew the latter during life.

Semantic value 9 days after the death of man

According to Orthodox fault, the soul of man is immortal. This confirmed practice in the Christian tradition. The church legend teaches that the first three days after the death of the soul dies on Earth in those places that were especially loved by her. Then she crawls to God. The Lord shows the soul of the heavenly monastery, in which the righteousness is bliss.

Personal self-consciousness of the soul is dying, it is divided into seen, and bitterness from leaving the earth is no longer so strong. This happens for six days. Then the angels of the soul reiterates to the worship of God. It turns out that this is the ninth day, in which the soul is seen for the second time with his Creator. In memory of this, the church establishes the commemoration, on which it is customary to be collected in a narrow family circle. Praying in the temples is ordered, the prayers of the god about the pardon of the deceased. There is a statement that there is not one who lived and not. Also, the semantic value of the number of nine is the memory of the church about the corresponding number of Angelic ranks. It is angels who are accompanied by the soul, showing her all the beauties of Paradise.

Fortieth day - the time of the private court

After nine days, the Hearts are shown by the hellish monastery. She observes all the horror of incorrigible sinners, feels fear and tremble in front of what he saw. Then a day again assumes to God for worship, only this time there is also a private trial over the soul. This date is always revered by the most important focus of the deceased. There is no transfer of transfer, for no matter what day they have come.

The soul is subjected to a court for all the cases committed by man in life. And after that, the place of its stay is determined until the second coming of Christ. It is especially important these days to make prayers and create alms in memory of who left this world a relative or a familiar. A person asks God for pardon, the possibility of taking the blessed fate to the deceased person.

The number 40 has its own value. Still in the Old Testament, it was prescribed to keep the memory of the dead 40 days. In New Testament times, we can conduct semantic analogies with the Ascension of Christ. So, it is on the 40th day after his resurrection, the Lord rushes on the sky. This date is also the memory that the human soul after death goes back to his father heavenly.

In general, the compulsion is the act of mercy to live people. Lunch is offered as alms in memory of about, other rites are performed, testifying to the faith of a person in the immortality of the soul. It is the hope of saving each individual person.

When close and expensive people go out of life, in the souls of their relatives, grief and sorrow are settled. Many believe that the spirit of man is immortal, after losing the physical body, he makes an unknown way to eternal life. But not everyone knows what happens to the soul on the 40th day after the funeral, how to behave in this moment to this significant moment and what words should pronounce. Holy Scripture says that this time is the end of the heavenly way of the deceased, and close people should help him get into paradise and find peace.

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    Where is the soul on the 40th day after death

    After a long journey on the 40th day of the soul of the deceased hits the court. The role of her lawyer is the guardian angel who accompanied a person during his lifetime. He talks about good deeds that the deceased managed to commit, and tries to soften the sentence.

    On the forties, the soul allow you to go down to the ground, visit your relatives and expensive places, forever say goodbye to alive. Rodin of the deceased feels his presence next to him on this day. Returning to heaven, the soul is obliged to take a decision made by the court for his affairs committed during life. It can be sentenced to eternal wrapping in a dark abyss or life with the eternal light.

    If your relatives pray on this day, then for the deceased, this is the best proof of their love and care for him. In the monasteries and churches in which daily services are held, Sorokoust is ordered - this is a daily mention of the name of the deceased for all 40 days. The words of prayers act on the Spirit as a sip of water on a hot day.

    How to make a commemoration

    On the 40th day, relatives and close deceased go to church. All people who come to pray should be baptized, like the deceased himself. In addition to the hike in the temple, it is necessary to observe the procedure for commemoration:

    1. 1. Take with you to church products that need to be put on the memorial table. Candy, sugar, flour, cookies, various fruits, cereals, vegetable oils and red wine are suitable. Fragment meat, sausage, fish and other similar products is prohibited.
    2. 2. Going to the church bench, you need to write a note "about the rest", which indicates the name of the deceased. Order in the church prayer you need on the same day. Under the name of the newly deceased person prescribe everyone ever departed relatives.
    3. 3. Be sure to put a candle for rest and reassure a prayer for the soul of the deceased.
    4. 4. If at this time the service is in the temple, it is necessary to defend it until the end, reading the prayer. The first of the church goes the father, and after - the rest of the parishioners.
    5. 5. On 40 days go to the cemetery, put flowers and light the lamps on the grave. In each brought a bouquet there must be an even number of colors. They can be both alive and artificial.

    The mental state of the loved ones pronounced on this day of prayers and good words about the deceased. That is why it is important to assemble on the 40th day for a common memorial table of relatives and friends of the left relative.

    What do this day

    It is assumed that the soul of the deceased comes to the house where she lived, and stays there for a day, after which it goes forever. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that if not to hold it, it will suffer and can not find peace. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this day and do everything according to the rules.

    No matter how much contradictory opinions existed on how to celebrate this day, there are still certain rules that should be followed by:

    1. 1. Pray for the deceased.It will help relieve the fate of the soul of the deceased. It will also act as a kind of request to the highest forces so that they show their mercy and softened the punishment.
    2. 2. To refuse from bad habits. For the sake of salvation, it is necessary to abandon various addictions at least for a while. It is worth excluding alcohol, smoking and foul language.
    3. 3. I sincerely believe in God. Having gathered at the table should be believers, as those who do not believe in the existence of the Lord will not be able to help their soul and soften her fate.
    4. 4. Behave modestly and sophisticated sorrowful event. You can not perceive a memorial lunch as an opportunity to meet friends and loved ones. It is forbidden to sing, drink alcoholic beverages, having fun.
    5. 5. Duck in dark tones. Also throughout all 40 days you need to look strictly and wear a mourning outfit. It will help to refrain from the worldly bustle and hysterics.

    What is preparing for a memorial lunch

    Preparation of the right lunch is as important as a visit to the church and reading prayers. At the table, commemorate the good owls of the left of life, thereby helping his soul to rest. Food is not the main component on the commemoration, so it is worth refraining from culinary delights. To properly cover the memorial table, you need to know a few simple, but important rules:

    1. 1. On the memorial table must be Casca. According to custom, the dish is prepared from rice or millet. It symbolizes the beaches of the world and carries a sacred value. Replace it allowed pancakes without stuffing.
    2. 2. Drink food is best with jieves, bread kvass, berry plates, lemonade or shot.
    3. 3. It is recommended to bake special memorial pies with a variety of fillings.
    4. 4. If the relatives decided to prepare meat dishes, they should be simple. Make the cabbage rolls, cutlets, walking. You can also put fish on the table. It must be remembered that on the day of the post, it is allowed to prepare only lean dishes.
    5. 5. Salads make full of lean ingredients. You can only refuel them with simple fills, you should not use mayonnaise and various fatty sauces.
    6. 6. On the table it is necessary to put the favorite food of the deceased.
    7. 7. Simple cheesecakes, cookies and candy can be approached as desserts.

    Who is invited to commemorate

    On the 40th day after death in the house of the deceased, native, friends and acquaintances are gathering. They accompany the soul of the deceased and honor his memory with good words, remembering all the bright and most significant moments of his worldly life.

    Not only close people, but also his colleagues, disciples, mentors need to be invited to commemorate. Much really plays who exactly will come for lunch, it is important that a person with respect refers to the late.

    How and what are spoken by 40 days

    At the table it is customary to remember not only the recently gone person, but also of all relatives who died. It is necessary to contact the deceased as if he is at dinner. It is only necessary to utter speech. Christians must honor a person's memory of a minute of silence.

    Before remembering or immediately after them, you need to contact the Lord. You can talk in your own words or read the prayer of the Holy Warru. It will be a question of loved ones that the Most High gave the soul of late freedom from eternal torment.

    In order to commemorate well, you can assign a lead. In his capacity can perform a friend or closest relative. It is important that the person can be able to keep his emotions with him and was able to prevent disorder at the table. It is necessary that all those present told a memorial speech.

    The leading should be prepared phrases that will help to discharge the situation if someone's words cause strong emotions from the gathered. Also, these phrases can be filled with a pause, which may occur because of the tears of the pronounced speech.

    Also, the leading has other duties:

    • make sure that the words say anyone who wishes;
    • hold those surrounding from gossip and prevent quarrels;
    • interrupt the commemoration at the moment when the gathered will stop talking about the deceased and will begin to discuss everyday life.

    Behind the memorial table should not be reported on diseases of other relatives, discuss the inheritance, personal life of those present. Commemoration is a gift for the soul of the deceased, which helps to pass tests and find peace.

    Alms and laying

    According to the Orthodox faith on a fortieth day, afterwards, it is customary to sort out things of the past and attribute to church. You can also distribute them to those in need of people who live nearby. It is necessary to ask to be asked to make alms praying for the soul of the deceased, asking for the Lord to give him eternal light.

    This ritual is considered to be a good matter that helps the deceased person and is counted in his favor. Natives can leave some things that are especially expensive and memorable. It is impossible to end the property of the deceased.

    The church advises to serve alms in the form of treats. They will remember the deceased goodwalk and put on it. It is allowed to give a nourishing and children of various baking, sweets, fruit.

    Can I remember to celebrate before

    Wander between the worlds of the soul begins on the day of death. Her Najaria ends on a fortieth day, when the decision of God's court about her further fate is made. This is the most important day when it is necessary to pray and remember the positive moments from the life of the deceased.

    Purge the deceased all 40 days, therefore, the commemoration of Socokiin can be collected ahead of time. If you invite relatives on this day there is no possibility, then relatives will definitely go to church and ordered a memorial prayer for the deceased.

    The trapes itself does not play any role in the future fate of the soul. It is important not an abundance of dishes on the table, and attention, memories of loving people and prayers. It is forbidden to carry compounds in a cemetery or a memorial.

    What to do if 40 days falls on a great post

    The Great Post is the main and strict of all Christian posts. To remember the deceased relatives in its period is allowed only in special days. This is the second, third and fourth parent Saturdays. If the commemoration fell on the usual day of the Great Post, then they should be transferred to the next Sabbath or Sunday.

    It is also allowed to remember the dead to the Annunciation, Thursday and Saturday on the passionate sadmice. At this time, you can submit a note "about the rest" and order a liturgy. Learn about the possibility of holding a memorial lunch on a specific day best in the church.

    If the 40th day of death falls on the most stringent weeks of the Great Post, then only the closest relatives are allowed for lunch. Do not forget about the prayers for the rest and create good deeds for the sake of the soul of the deceased, and also give alms as on ordinary days.

    It is not prohibited to get together for a commemorating table. But it is worth remembering that according to the rules of the Great Post there is a fish only in the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. You can hide food with vegetable oils on weekends and in the days of the saints.

    If among the guests there are people who strictly follow the rules of the Great Post, then you need to prepare special treats for them. The task of lunch includes strengthening the forces of people to commit prayer.

    According to tradition, the salted cucumbers, sauerkraut, peas, potatoes, various porridges on the water, raisins, nuts should be on the tradition. You can treat those present by the beams, bagels and other lean pastries.

    Who can not commemorate

    There are people for whom the church does not conduct a memorial and forbids to remember them. If a person decided to neglect God's gift and endorse the life of suicide, it is impossible to collect on it. For such deceased, you can pray and serve alms. Also do not eat people who left this world being in a state of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication.

    For dead babes, it is best not to arrange commemoration. It is worth going to the church and pray for his soul. It is believed that so the Lord tries to protect the newborn from severe participation in the future. Parents of the deceased child remain only to take his will and tirelessly pray for her baby.

    Signs and traditions

    Even in ancient Russia, there were rites and traditions that were trying to adhere to within 40 days after the death of a relative. Some of them reached the present day. The most famous of them:

    • forty days after the death of a person is prohibited to cut hair and wash clothes;
    • the table on the memorial dinner is covered, excluding sharp devices, and the spoons are put on the napkin with the back side up;
    • it is impossible to dig up the crumbs from the commemorative table and it is impossible to throw away, they are assembled and carried to the grave of the deceased, so that he knew that he was remembered;
    • it is not prohibited to bring our meals for commemoration;
    • at night, you need to close windows and doors, it is impossible to cry at this time, as the tears of their relatives can attract the spirit of the dead man and prevent him from getting into a different world.

    Also, a lot of superstitions reached our time, which are respected up to 40 days after the death of man. So, at this time it is impossible to include light in the apartment and clean the cleaning in it, you can burn the candles or to light a dull night light. To go to bed at the place of the deceased is also impossible. All reflective surfaces in the house of the deceased need to close with a dense cloth, otherwise the soul can affect them and lead a living person with him.

Mikhail Bersenev

How to spend a commemoration of 40 days in Christian?

"Death is just the beginning!" - spoke Imhotep, the character of the Hollywood film "Mummy" with a branded milling line in the lead role. The resurrection mummy Immechapa died with a smile. This phrase contributed to the frankly entertainment stylist of a film of a certain plaque of philosophy and fatalism, which is why the picture itself only won. "Death is just the beginning!" - Very life-affirming postulate. Although, not everyone believes that for the last feature in this life - there is something else.

Our country from once pagan turned into predominantly Christian with his traditions. Even atheists, and those in one degree or another try to observe them. Including in farewell to the deceased.

Unfortunately, maybe fortunately, with each of us, the living ever will say goodbye. Then when we are there. Socialists are a special, most important date in the commemoration of the departed in our Christian traditions. This date will be discussed, although we will touch some aspects of the aplers and 3, and for 9 days. Yes, the topic is awesome, but even in it some find something comic, as will be indicated below. How to make a commemoration of the 40th day adequately, according to the Christian tradition?

1. Grief

I confess, once I had a little differently than accepted. The opposite "grief". I will explain. Invited me for a commemoration of 40 days. Everything was chin-rank: the sorrowful speeches were uttered, drank, climbed, remembered good about the mustache.

Picture: Men and women with mourning faces squeeze around a huge table. They say a semi-coat, as if afraid to disturb the memory of a buried person. And in his behavior, as I remember, in my life there was a kind of funny feature and I remembered one of the young lady at the table. I will not apply to the essence of this feature, but somehow it happened that I screwed unexpected and really good sharpness regarding the same feature. I will not praise, but the joke came out sparkling and absolutely everything just burned. It happens: you are not waiting for what happens ridiculous, but it comes out supernsno, although I did not plan anything like that.

Here and others began to remember cases from the earthly life of the new-added, associated with its peculiarity of behavior. There was an unexpectedly flow of laughter, jokes, fun, finally. That is, the commemoration turned far from my participation in some "Balagan", as they said after me. Yes, all laughed, and only after a considerable time, many trembled and swept. I am "listed" and soon the guests from all sides became "to bow" to my ears. Meaning: Potache, enough. This disrespect for the dead man.

The Christian tradition says that we still have to mourn away who left us. Severity, sorrow, sadness - that's what the atmosphere is actually appropriate on the forties. Probably, this is true.

Although one day I heard as one cheerful psychologist reasoned. And he agreed that people are often so boring that even when the dead man in the coffin on the belts are lowered into the grave, some of them are boring. Especially those who have been familiar with the departed in reality. Such people are even glad if someone is joking on the commemoration and turn away boredom. Perhaps even the dead man will be happy to laugh alive if you believe in the resettlement of shower and ghosts. But this is only a private opinion, and the religious tradition says that sadness and sadness - the most acceptable atmosphere on the amples of 40 days.

2. How magnificently organize the commemoration of 40 days

Commemoration for 40 days are made wide. If on the collection of guests for 9 days, it is customary to limit the nearly narrow circle of the next relatives, then on the sortsicles are allowed to call all: relatives from the category "Seventh Water on Kisel", all sorts of "poor relatives", colleagues for the service of the new-promoted, neighbors, childhood friends and so Further.

On the 40th day of the Christian tradition, the angels carry the soul of the deceased directly to the Most High for the final decision, where to send it. Therefore, it is not necessary to pinch the top glass of vodka deceased. And guests are also no one to pour and pour everything. If the soul of the deceased will appear before the Most High in the signing, surrounded by drunk relatives, it is unlikely that he will like it. For 40 days, a modest table is appropriate. Without a battery of different-caliber bottles with alcohol and strings, as in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession" (scene of the royal feast).

After all, the one who comes, it is still how abundant there will be a table. But guests can easily "go through" alcohol, remember the old resentment. Especially relatives. Swimming, screams. And then the fight is very likely. There will be participants to beat each other in the face, breaking the chairs, throw food into the faces of the neighbors. As a result - militia, resentment, poisoned atmosphere of commemoration.

The very same thing will be more pleasant, if the relatives, friends will order him in God's temple, a pahi. It is not necessary to go to the cemetery on this day, but if it pulls there (I mean the grave of the deceased to say goodbye), then you can go. Just capture a little bun with you to put on a plate and leave the grave. In general, Kud must be necessarily on the table in the 40th day. It is believed she gives eternal life. She, of course, to an amateur, but each of the guests will be able to eat it on a teaspoon. It is only preliminarily bold to sprinkle with holy water, which should be taken in the church.

3. How long to remember

It happens that while the guests do not eat everything and do not drink, do not quarrel, they do not pay them. Moreover, 40 days a range of guests are very wide. Many people do not see for years, some relatives are decades and are found only when someone went to the world of others. Here, as I have changed more than once, it's good when a person who follows the order from the very beginning of the commemoration. As a rule, they become the most respected, age-related family member. Or the spouse of the departed (spouse).

Such a person determines when the commemoration clearly dragged on, or became in the burden of people. According to my observations, "the moment of truth", that is, when it is time for houses, it comes when he has already forgotten everything and everyone pushes his speech without listening to the interlocutor. And everything pours to yourself and others. All pours. And if there were "disassembly" from the cycle who should and what should in connection with the death of a person, under what interest, who is a guarantor, then all the event will turn immediately.

Well, if the Socialists go peacefully, with good words and innobile persons. It seems to me that the deceased itself, and the Most High take "in the credit", how the most important commemorations passed - 40 days. Let everyone both in this world and in another, will remain a peaceful feeling of farewell to the departed on this day.

The death of a close friend or relative is an event that fills the heart of every person. But believers find consolation in prayers and actions that contribute to the soul of the deceased as easier as possible from earthly life. Therefore, sincere prayers and commemoration are huge help in this.

Value 40 days after death

According to Christian customs, the third, ninth and fortieth dayafter death, it has for the soul of deceased special significance, however, fortieth day - most important For him, because it means that the soul leaves the Earth forever and appears on God's court to determine its further fate. And that is why this date is considered the most tragic than the physical end of a close or native person.

Our body is all his life in unity with the soul, but when a person dies, the soul leaves the body, picking up with him all the existing habits of a person who have been in his life, passion, attachment, as well as good and bad deeds. The soul does not have the ability to forget and should receive a reward or punishment for the deeds in the period of human life.

Fortied she the most difficult testSince before the transition to the edge of earthly life, Solna reports for the past days. It is necessary to understand what is done 40 days after death.

What happens on a fortieth day with soul

Before the onset of the fortieth day, the soul does not leave their habitats, as it cannot receive a proper understanding that she should do without a physical shell.

On the 3rd or 4th day She gradually begins to come to a new condition And it can let go of your body and walk around the neighborhood near the home home.

On the 40th day or in the coming days after that The soul for the last time can go down to the ground to visit your favorite places and forever to say goodbye to them. Many people who lost their loved ones were told that they saw dreams about how their deceased relative came to say goodbye and said that he would leave forever.

It is important to understand that it is impossible after the death of a person loudly cry And, moreover, roll hysteries, because the soul will all hear and will experience with this insurmountable torment. Therefore, it is best to resort to prayers to prayers or read sacrifice.

What do the fortieth after death

On the 40th day, the relatives must visit the Church. It is important that the people who came to the temple were baptized, like the deceased, which should be filed a note "On the rest."

Also on this day you need to adhere to the following rules of church remember:

Important on this day visit the cemetery and bring a person who has passed away flowers and lamps. In each bouquet, which will be put on his grave, the number of colors should be even, and it does not matter artificial flowers or alive.

In Orthodoxy on a fortieth day go through all the things of the deceased And attribute them to church or distribute to people in need. The holding of such a ritual is considered to be a kind act that will help the mustache and will begin when deciding about the fate of his soul. Native can be left to yourself things that will be valuable as memory. You can't throw out things.

The more in the 40th day it sounds good words and sincere prayers About the heart of the deceased, the better will be grieving about him and the very deceased, so an important event is a memorial dinner, for which relatives of the deceased person invite close friends and familiar deceased.

It is important to note that it is allowed to pose a commencement earlier or later the exact date coming for 40 days. The clergymen explain this by the fact that life in itself is unpredictable and often people do not have the ability to carry out planned events, therefore the discrepancy between the date is not considered a sin. However, it is forbidden to carry compounds in the cemetery or on a memorialist.

How to remember the deceased

There are assumptions about what happens on the 40th day with a soul: the soul of the deceased returns home and after the course of the day it goes away. Therefore, Christians believe that if you do not accompany it and do not do "wires", it will be forever to suffer. That is why this event pays special attention. There are many contradictory opinions about how to remember for 40 days.

Nevertheless, there are a number of specific rules that need to be followed by:

What is preparing for a memorial lunch

In the memorial day, the dinner organization is also obligatory as reading a prayer for a deceased person. The purpose of this lunch is to recall the deceased and help in the rest of his soul. In this case, food is not the main component on the commemoration, so it is not necessary to prepare gorgeous dishes and feed those who gathered people with delicacies.

When making a menu, you must adhere to several important principles:

Who is invited to commemorate

On the 40th day after the death of the deceased on a memorial lunch his relatives and good friends gather, To properly spent the deceased and honor his memory, remembering the bright and significant moments from his life.

On the commemoration it is customary to invite not only close and native people of the deceased person, but also his colleagues, mentors and disciples.In fact, it is not so important who will come to commemorate, it may be unfamiliar to the relatives of the deceased, the main thing that each of them relate to the deceased.

How and what are spoken by 40 days

Behind the memorial table, it is customary to remember not only the deceased person, about which everyone gathered, but also other dried relatives.And the very deceased must be submitted as if he is also on the commemoration.

Remembered to pronounce. According to the Christian tradition, it is considered obligatory to honor the departed minute of silence. It is recommended to assign a leading (good friend of the family), which will be able to control your emotions and ensure that everything in order of request can say good words about the mustache.

The presenter must prepare several phrases in advance to discharge the situation in the event that a relative's speech causes tears and strong emotions of the crowds of people. The presenter prepared by the phrases will also be able to distract guests if it is a speech of someone who speaks will also be interrupted because of tears.

Being at home, before remembrance or after them, you can contact God in your own words or read prayer to St. Ugra about the past of freedom of the deceased from eternal torment.

The duties of the presenter includes:

It is not allowed to talk about the inheritance or diseases of family members, as well as about the personal life of those present - this is not what you need to talk behind the memorial table. Pomotics It is customary to be a "gift" for the soul of the deceased, so this event should not be a reason to notify familiar and relatives about their own problems in life.

Signs and traditions

In Russia, there have been a huge number of customs who are adhered to in our day. There are various signs that it is possible and cannot be done before and after forty days.

There are also a lot of superstitions associated with 40 days after the death of a loved one. Consider the most famous of them:

For our readers: Panhid 40 days with a detailed description from various sources.

Orthodoxy considers a fortieth day after the funeral is an extremely important date, the same as the ninth. The adopted canons of the Christian faith say that it was on this day that the soul, which remained the answer about where she would hold eternity. It is believed that 40 days of the soul are still on earth, but after that day it leaves her forever and moves to the place allotted.

Commemoration 40 days after death is a mandatory event that should be done correctly.

How to treat a believer to death

In the ancient world there was no such concept as a birthday, and people did not celebrate this date. There is a theory according to which it was for this reason that the birth time of Jesus Christ was not accurately indicated. But much more important was the other date - the moment of death when the spirit met with the Creator.

Ancient people believed in the afterlife, so their whole life was prepared for this transition. Today's Christians also believe in the transition to a different life, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, so believers should not be afraid of death, because this is only the moment of meeting with God.

Commemoration on the 40th day after death is the celebration of this transition, after the forty-day training of the soul to this.

Important articles:

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  • Funeral and remembrance

Most Christian denominations believe that after leaving the soul of the body, it is no longer done to affect the eternal life, and even more so bring the Creator repentance. However, after that, emotions and memories are preserved, so the person is aware of everything.

Tip! Thus, death is the transition of the spirit from the body to another world, where he reaps the fruits of his earthly actions. That is why it should not be afraid and believers, all the more should not be horror, but everyone must prepare, making good actions and creating alms. Panokhid

Why 40 days and what time happens during this time

Why is this date so important and why exactly the number of days?

No one knows for sure. But it was the Orthodox faith that has a unique look at the afterlife and believes that the prayer for the fortieth day can affect the sentence, which God will lead to the soul.

Counting is conducted from the day of death, i.e. It is considered the first day, regardless of time, which is recorded by doctors or loved ones, even if a person died in the evening. The ninth day is also determined. Both dates, together with the day of rest, are considered to be memorable, i.e. In these dates, it is customary to remember the deceased. Christian remembers prayer, church and home, as well as lunch and alms.

Articles on the topic:

  • How to survive the death of a loved one
  • How to pray for rest
  • Prayer Archangel Mikhail about rest

Tradition say that 40 days is the time you need to prepare a soul to the adoption of the Divine Dara from the Father of Heaven. This number is repeatedly found in the Bible:

  • forty days fasted Moses before a conversation with Yahweh on Sinai, during which he was given 10 commandments;
  • 40 days after death, Christ ascended (which is especially important);
  • 40 years old lasted the campaign of the Jews in the ground promised.

Theologians took into account all these facts and decided that 40 days need a soul to get a decision from Heaven's father about where she would spend eternity. And at this time the church and relatives pray for it, trying to simplify the Creator about the grace and the purification of the deceased sins.

What happens at this time? The soul is worshiped: in the first nine days she worships God, the angels show her for the ninth day, and on the 40th day the Father Heavenly voices her sentence. During this time, the wrath of the Spirit remains to withstand the worst test - to visit hell and see how sinners suffer. It is this test that helps to withstand the prayers of the church and the guardian angel.

It is important to ask the Church prays for the deceased, so it is in the temple to order services:

  • forty store;
  • psalter for rest;
  • panhid.

But much more important to relatives and loved ones sincerely and warmly ask the Lord mercy for the deceased. In addition, you can read the saint Uuru prayer for the soul.

Prayer Saint Waru

"Oh, Holy Martyrchie Uara is a worthless, jealousy of the Lords of Christ to ignite, the heavens of the king before the torment was confused by the Esi, and the church reveals the church, Yako glorified by the Lord of Christ, Giveno, illegally, Darov , and now the prestings from the angels, and in the villagers, and the Seems are clear to the Holy Trinity, and the light of the wrong shine enjoyed, the pregnant and our conjunctions of the Tomorrow, who died in wicked, accept our petition, and I CleopatriN, the genus is wrong with your prayers from eternal flour freedom Esi, taco of the rejoicing of Elitsa, the opposite is fissary, died unresolved, sweat offend from the eternal darkness, daily DSI with a single ufa and the only heart of the Creator's premium for centuries. Amen".

Icon Martyr Uara.

Procedure: Rules for a comment

For the fortieth day, the spirit of the dead returns home for a day and after that he leaves the earth forever. Traditions say that if the Spirit does not catch a commencement, then it will be all eternity to suffer, so it's necessary to cover the table on this day and gather to remember the deceased, but it is necessary to make it right.

  1. Pray: on this day, all 40 days and further remember the deceased;
  2. Bring the priest to the grave for the service or order a prayer service in the temple;
  3. Ordering a memorial service, it is necessary to abandon any of its sin, for its own benefit and to console the soul of the deceased;
  4. Make a donation to the temple;
  5. Collect over a common table of all who are close to the late and Orthodox Christians;
  6. Prepare special dishes;
  7. Do not drink alcohol;
  8. Do not sing songs.

Commemoration is not a walk and not a holiday, it is a moment of grief and petitions. It is extremely inappropriate to drink alcoholic beverages at this time, sing songs or listen to music. They pass within 1-2 hours when believers remember the past and pray for him.

Therefore, it is important that only Christians who will be able to divide this time with his family and support them spiritually.

What to cook

The meal is simple, especially if there is a general worker post. Even if there is no post, then meat food should be avoided and in no case to sacrifice it into the temple.

Lunch can be arranged both at home and in the cafe. If the deceased was a permanent parishioner, the priest can allow me to remember in the church house after the end of the Panhid. Lunch is a continuation of the rite of worship, so it must be worthy.

There are a number of dishes that have been preparing for similar lunches from a long time. They differ simple and satisfying.

Casting is considered a mandatory dish, which is prepared in a large saucepan, and a fish that can be served in any form. Not welcome on the tables of meat in the baked or fried. It is necessary to make meals as much as much as possible to bring the benefit not only spirit, but also the body.

In addition to the buns and fish, you can put on the table:

  • pancakes feathers;
  • fish sandwiches (with sprats or herring);
  • vegetable salads: from beets with garlic, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat, Olivier;
  • cutlets: ordinary meat or with filling of mushrooms and cheese;
  • stuffed with rice and pepper meat;
  • fish bay;
  • lean cabbage rolls (filling of vegetables and mushrooms with rice);
  • baked fish;
  • pies: Fish, cabbage, rice, mushroom, potato or sweet (quarrel).

There are also a number of beverages that should be on the memorial table:

  • kvass;
  • lemonads;
  • shooting;
  • morse and juice;
  • kisel: You can boil both from berries and from oatmeal.

Important! Be sure to remember that the church prohibits driving alcoholic beverages at such events, as and leave vodka on the grave of the deceased. During the dinner, they remember the deceased, and with him and other deceased relatives and relatives. Jobs


At such a trapes, it is necessary to say, at the end of which the deceased everyone should post a minute of silence.

Best if there is a manager, someone approximate to the family, but controlling its emotions and keeping the sobriety of reason. Its responsibilities will include not only control over the preparation for the meeting (personnel control, if the event is in the cafe), but also the provision of the word by relatives.

Usually each of the family tries to say anything about the mustache. And the manager controls the time of words and order (close relatives should be the first - spouse, parents or children, etc.

Sorrow is quite expected at such an event, so the manager must prepare and distract attention from the person who has said to himself. It is worth remembering that the person did not died forever, but moved to the best life and this fact can be reminded in especially sorrowful moments.

Important! If the father was called the father, then he must serve the prayer and say the sermon. If the memory takes place in a small circle, then all the college should pray for the dead and, if possible, read the memorial and prayer or prayer. At this time, it is recommended to light church candles.

What to talk about in such a speech? The man suddenly did not make it appropriate to remember how he was, his good deeds and distinctive qualities. Do not remember the resentment and reset, if they left the offense in the heart, this is the best time to say about forgiveness. It is necessary to remember a person only with a good side, describe some joint work, remember the cheerful case or especially touching.

Measurement is a sad question, but not twisted. The person did not stop exist, just now he is in another form and the world.

Who do not commemorate

  • suicide;
  • dead in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

Important! If a person independently decided to neglect the chief of God's gift - life, the church is not entitled to remember him as a believer. For such people, you can pray in a personal order and create alms in memory of them, but they do not serve prayers on them.

Usually, questions arise, whether the church serves the prayer-friendly infants, and the ruling bishop is responsible for him: it is necessary to pray for the baby, regardless of age or the cause of death. It is believed that the Lord, taking children, protects them from severe fate in adulthood.

Parents are extremely important with humility to accept his will and pray for their child.


The tradition of the Orthodox Church says that Christians on the 40 day should disassemble the things of the deceased and distribute them to those in need.

At the same time, asking people to pray for him and asked the Lord to give him eternal life into paradise. This is a good deed, which can also affect the ultimate decision of the Lord God about the spirit of the deceased.

You can leave your family and those who are valuable as a memory of the past. If there is no person near the needy, then things can be attributed to the temple and leave the priest who will find them a new owner.

Important! Alms is a good deed, which, like prayer, is reflected in the eternal life of the deceased.

Watch the video about the commemoration

After the death of a person comes to 3, 9 and 40 days and the last date is considered the most important, since the soul falls on the court and its further purpose is solved. A lot of traditions are connected with this day that people are observed to help the deceased person in this responsible day.

What does 40 days after death mean?

The fortieth day of commemoration of the deceased person is considered a certain face that shares the earthly and eternal life. From a religious point of view, it is a more tragic date in comparison with the physical ending. 40 days after the funeral - the date that reminds people that the soul after the end of the earthly life goes to his father heavenly. Commemoration can be considered a certain act of mercy.

Where is the soul of the deceased to 40 days?

Many people point out that the first time feel the presence of a deceased person, which is manifested by the smell, sighs, steps, and so on. It is determined by the fact that for forty days the Spirit does not leave the place where he dwells.

  1. The first three soul days are free and she remembers all her earthly life. It is believed that this time it is located in places that are close. On the third day after death, you need to hold a memorial.
  2. After that, there will be a meeting with God, Saints and Visit of Paradise. From this point on, the first torments and fears begin that due to the errors, the entrance to paradise can be closed. All this lasts for six days, so the ninth day hold a memorial and commemoration.
  3. At the next stage, we begin by otaria, which are tests and obstacles. The soul on the 40th day after death will receive a decision where it will be able to spend eternal life in paradise or hell. During this period there is a comparison of positive and negative actions.
  4. Finding out what happens on the 40 day, it is worth saying about the occurrence of the most important stage - a terrible court, where the soul can no longer affect and take into account only the lived life of the deceased.

How to pray for the deceased to 40 days?

The commemoration of the dead people is the debt of every believer. According to the church, it is necessary to pray for the first forty days after death. Prayer for 40 days for the shower wires can be pronounced in the church or at home. If a person chooses a second option, then it is recommended to tie a handkerchief on the head and light the candles in front of the Lord. Finding out the rules 40 days after death and how to remember, it is worth noting that the prayer in this period helps to find faith in the soul and easier to cope with the loss of a loved one.

"The Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Sorrow, my hearter quench on the deceased slave (the name of the deceased). With a loss of grave I handle help, but grief to stand the forces give. And in the fortieth sorrow, the soul of the deceased (the name of the deceased) in the kingdom of heaven. And it will be so now, died, in the eyelids. Amen".

Is it possible to remember 40 days before?

Life is unpredictable, and often there is no possibility to carry out the planned. The priests say that if it is impossible to remember the deceased on the 40 day, it is not a tragedy or sin, because it is possible to do it in advance or even later. It is forbidden to endure a loturgy, memorial and cemetery. Many are interested in how to count 40 days from the day of death, so, the first day - the day of death, even if the cum has happened late in the evening until midnight.

What are preparing 40 days after death?

On this day, it is impeded by a memorial dinner, the purpose of which is to remember the deceased and pray for him. It is important to remember that food is not the main one, so you do not need to try to make a gorgeous menu with a lot of delicacies. The memorial lunch for 40 days, the menu of which should take into account the rules of Christianity, implies compliance with several important principles:

  1. There should be a cat in the table, which is prepared from the millet or rice, and pancakes without filler. Each this dish has its own important sacred value that helps to assess the beyond the beings.
  2. For those who are interested in the topic - 40 days after death, how to remember, you need to know about the old tradition oven pies with different fillings.
  3. If the Socialists did not fall into the post, the meat dishes are not under the ban, so you can feed the cutlets, cabbage rolls, goulash to the side dish and so on.
  4. Different dishes from fish are allowed, and it may be the first and second dishes.
  5. On the table you can put salads that include lean ingredients in the recipe.
  6. Talking in traditions 40 days after death and how to remember the deceased, it is worth mentioning that in many families it is customary to comply with the tradition, cooking a favorite dish of the deceased on a memorial lunch.
  7. As for desserts, it is best to make cheesecakes, pies, cookies, and candy allowed.

What do you carry in the cemetery for 40 days?

According to traditions on commemoration days, people go to the cemetery to say goodbye to a close man. On the grave with you, you need to take flowers, which should be a paired amount, and a candle. These objects are alive can express their respect to the mustache. It is impossible to talk loud on the grave, arrange snacks and even more so drink alcohol. Another important point relating to what is brought to the cemetery for 40 days, - as a treat for the deceased, you can take a plate of kuts from the house and leave it from the grave.

What are distributed for 40 days?

There are many traditions associated with memorial days. On a fortieth day, it is customary to distribute different treats to people so that they remembered the deceased. In most cases, there are cookies, candy and baking. The customs 40 days after death say that during the first forty days after the death, it is necessary to distribute the things of the deceased person to those who need people, asking for praying to his soul. This tradition is not described in the Bible and is a personal decision of each.

Panhid for 40 days - when to order?

On the fortieth day of the accumulation of the deceased, it is necessary to go to the temple where you can pray and order a panocide and forty.

  1. The main thing is the prayer, which is pronounced by Liturgy. During this, a bloodless victim to the Lord is necessarily brought.
  2. Conducts of the soul on the 40th day include a memorial service and this ritual serve to a special table, which is called the Eve. There are gifts for the needs of the temple and in memory of the dead. If the paneir in the fallen day is not laid, then spend a lithium about the mustache.
  3. Taking over in the subject - 40 days after death, how to remember, it is necessary to say that it is important to order a fortyst, which is carried out from the day of death and up to 40 days. When the allotted term is over, the fortyst can be repeated another one. You can order a longer time to remember.

40 days after death - traditions and rituals

In Russia, a huge number of customs have been formed, many of which they reached the present day. There are different signs that it is impossible to do up to 40 days, but it should be noted that many of them are invention and the church does not confirm them. Among well-known traditions, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Since ancient times, for 40 days, it is not recommended to carefully monitor your clothes and cut hair, as it is considered a manifestation of disrespect for the memory of the deceased.
  2. The table on the memorial dinner is served traditionally, but only do not use sharp cutlery, that is, knives and forks. Spoons are taken to put up up.
  3. The crumbs left on the table can not be inserted from the table and throw away, they are collected and belong to the grave. So alive report the dead man, which was coming.
  4. Many are interested in the topic - that they bring 40 days to commemorate, so there are no rules pointing to such commitments, but it is not forbidden to take some kind of food to your own preparation, for example, piers or pancakes.
  5. On the night, it is customary to close hard windows and doors, and you can not cry because it can pull the soul of the dead man.
  6. Many people on the table or bedside table leave a glass filled with vodka and covered bread. If the liquid decreases, it means that the soul is drinking it. Many leave vodka on the grave, but it has nothing to do with the Orthodox customs.

Why can not gnaw seeds up to 40 days?

Over the years, various customs have been formed related to the commemoration of dead people and some of them will seem strange many of them. For example, there is a ban on the fact that it is impossible to nibble seeds up to 40 days, because it is possible to braid a soul of a deceased person. There is another explanation of this signa, according to which, those who break this ban will have a long time to hurt their teeth. The third interpretation of the superstition concerns that snapping seeds can be attracted to themselves evil spirits and devils.

Why distribute spoons for 40 days?

Since ancient times, there is a custom handing out spoons of wood that people fir on a memorial dinner. In the modern world, such cutlery is not used, so we distribute ordinary spoons. The sign is explained by the fact that when a person uses such a device, he involuntarily remembers the deceased. There is another strange superstition, according to which the dishes used for 40 days should not be distributed. It is believed that she is a participant in the ritual of farewell, and if a person takes her home, he will bring trouble to himself and even death.

Signs 40 days after death

There are many different superstitions associated with this date from the day of death, and among them allocate the most famous:

  1. During this period, it is forbidden to remove the light in the house and turn off the light (you can leave the night light or a candle).
  2. It is not allowed to sleep during the allotted period on the site of the deceased.
  3. From the moment of death and up to 40 days it is necessary to close all reflective surfaces in the house: mirrors, televisions and so on. It is believed that the dead man may affect them and pick up a living person with him.
  4. After serving 40 days after death, you need to highlight the place for a deceased person at the table, putting a plate and a glass for him, putting a piece of bread from above.
  5. The widow must wear a black handker on the head for the specified time, if it is not done, then you can accumulate damage.
  6. Every day, a glass with water and a towel must be put on the windowsill. This is important for the soul to wash.

Date 40 days after the death of a person is considered very important and meaningful, since it was on this day that, in accordance with religious canons, the definitive decision will be made on his further fate and location.

Answering the question, which means such a date, as 40 days from the moment of death, we note that this is a kind of face, separating life on Earth from eternal life in the afterlime world. That is why the commemoration of a person for a fortieth is considered to be the final stage of wires of the deceased and resting his soul.

40 days after death

There are a number of certain rules for which relatives and relatives of the deceased decide in the afterlife world of his soul.

Their execution is necessary in order for the transition of a person to the world of other was as painless as possible and allowed to get a peace and eternal peace.

Before the onset of the fortieth day, tireless prayers are very important, memories and kind words in memory of him are very important.

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Compliance with the alarms, which combine both folk and purely Orthodox customs, also plays an important role in whether the deceased rest will affect.

In order to understand how to remember a person on the 40th day after death in accordance with all the rules, it is important to know what path is going on during this period of his soul, which is happening on the 40th day after death.

From the moment of death, before the onset of the fortieth day, a difficult test begins, during which the soul, continuing to stay on Earth, gets used to the existence without a corporal shell. Most often, this stage is harder than the moment of dying.

Starting from 3-4 days after the death of the shower gets used to his new state and begins to "wander" not only around the house, but also in the surroundings of the former place of residence.

At the same time, she sees everything and hears, because relatives of the deceased is undesirable to cry and grieve - it will bring him insurmountable suffering.

The best thing to be done in this situation is reading a prayer for the depletion and good memories of him.

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After 40 days, the soul is last visited by the beloved during the earthly life of the place. Many people who survived the loss of their loved ones noted that it was on this day that they were sentenced to feel the presence of the deceased or see him in a dream.

Thus, the last day on Earth is the most important thing that happens to a man's soul, the moment when she can say goodbye to earthly places and native people. A fortieth day is considered the day of the final farewell to the deceased and its wires to the heavenly kingdom.

40 days after death for the relatives of the deceased, mourning bans, which were steadily respected from the moment when a person left this world.

So, for example, only after 40 days it is allowed to start the arrangement of the grave, rearrange the furniture in the room and dispose of the dead things.

As a rule, valuable things and clothing in good condition are distributed in need, the unnecessary wardrobe items burn.

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Thus, the 40th day after death is a kind of starting point when relatives and close to the dying with death and pour into the usual rhythm of life.

Depending on how the soul of the deceased for 40 days, its further fate will be determined, and whether she will find peace or disturbing those who did not pay due attention to the rite of remember.

How to accompany the soul for 40 days

Traditionally, the first association with the phrase "commemorate for 40 days" involves the thoughts of the feast, followed by friends and relatives of the deceased.

However, it is worth remembering that the first and most important action that should be committed in order for the soul of a person to find peace in heaven is a prayer.

It is the prayers of the remaining on Earth who can determine the further fate of the soul in the event that it is not permanent to the end.

Prayers can be both home and church. For prayer at home it is advisable to use a prayer or psalter.

Important! For people committed suicide, memorial notes are not served. The exception is the blessing received from the priest in special cases.

If you decide to visit the church, you can order a fortiest on the deceased - then a father and all the parishioners of the temple present in the service will be prayed for his soul. You can also put candles from the icon, patronizing the dead, praying during the insight of the candle and asking the Lord that he gave the deceased soul to the Heavenly Kingdom.

Features of commemoration for 40 days

In accordance with the canons adopted in Orthodoxy, the commemoration of 40 days is held no earlier than the onset of this date (the fortieth day after the death of a person). However, life in the rhythm of the modern world is unpredictable and dictates its conditions, and therefore this rite is allowed for a few days earlier from the blessing of the priest.

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No matter when you decide to remember the 40 day, directly the exact date should be honored to visit the temple with a complication of prayer, as well as distribute alms for the rest in need.

The rite dedicated to the commemoration of the dead leaves its roots even in previous Christianity. The purpose of this ritual was to help the soul of a person to enter into a different world with peace and a pacification.

The essence of the rite has practically not changed since: relatives and friends of the deceased are going 40 days after death behind the memorial table, communicate, remember the good deeds of man on earth and raise prayers for the well-being of his soul.

The closest people on this day visit the church service, where prayers are served for the rest of the soul or special prayer petitions.

If we talk about the differences, which has undergone the order of the memorial rite for the 40 day, it is possible to note the possibility of organizing a memorial dinner in the dining room, a restaurant or cafe. Such a decision saves the time of those who are engaged in the organization of the commemoration.

After all, the moral state after the funeral, as a rule, leaves much to be desired, because his free time to devote to rest and prayers for the deceased.

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The commemorative feast is not decisive in such a ritual as a commemoration of 40 days, but the order of it must necessarily include at least a modest dinner for relatives and close friends of the deceased.

It is extremely undesirable to arrange an indicative lunch with expensive and sophisticated dishes.

The purpose of such a feast is not affordable and not a variety of delicacies, but to unite the relatives of the deceased for the reverence of his memory.

Therefore, choosing that it is worth preparing for 40 days, you should give preference to traditional Slavic cuisine with memorial dishes.

What to remember the soul of man for 40 day at the dinner table? Mandatory elements include such.

  1. Susta, which is made from rice, pearl cereals, wheat with adding honey, poppy and dried fruits. Thinking about what Kuda means on a memorial table, few people know that in ancient times this dish was a symbol of resurrection, eternal life, spiritual well-being.
  2. Borsch, meat broth or soup with homemade noodles (the choice of the first dish, as a rule, depends on the region of living the deceased).
  3. Pancakes prepared on water without adding milk.
  4. Potatoes with stew with meat.
  5. Meat dish (can be limited to one two options, for example, by cutlets or chicken).
  6. Fish (marinated herring or fried in a grain).
  7. Roasted and baked pies with meat, cabbage, potatoes, fruit.
  8. Compote from berries or dried fruits.

Depending on the desire and wealth of relatives, simple snacks (cheese, sausage, pickled mushrooms and pickles, fresh vegetables can also be added. As a rule, cafes and restaurants offer ready-made options for memorial menus that can be selected by their own way.

But as for alcoholic beverages, the order of commemoration does not imply use them in large quantities. It is worth remembering, a memorial lunch is not a drink, but a tribute to the deceased person. For a commemorating table for 40 days, it is optimally limited to dry wine and vodka.

The traditional part of the memorial lunch is to pronounce speech in memory of the deceased.

It is possible to speak out to everyone, but, as a rule, this task is taken by the closest relatives and friends.

What do they say in memory of a person for 40 days? Of course, only good. We are not without sin, however, the soul of the deceased has already experienced difficult tests, and good memories of her will help to find eternal peace.

As a rule, on the commemoration they talk about good deeds and the positive qualities of the late, about how he was close and roads, and that he certainly deserves eternal life in the heavenly kingdom.

Important!If you have fallen out to pronounce remembered, avoid negative judgments, gossip and rumors relating to the deceased. This is not the best option, how to remember a person for 40 days.

Useful video:

Let's summarize

So, we considered that they make relatives of the deceased on the 40th day after death. Traditional is the rite of commemorating with compulsory prayers about the mustache, prayer in the church and a memorial dinner.

Proper compliance with the traditions of commemoration will help to find deceased calmness, and relatives and loved ones - say goodbye to his soul.

40 days after death, what does this date mean by the man and his loved ones? They can reach out infinitely long or go too fast. All people have travelery stages in different ways. But we know that the soul of a man after death meets with the father of heaven. And we can help the soul of the deceased to pass posthumous tests. Therefore, it is so important to pray for a person even after his death. But how to do it right? How to behave so that the prayer about the mustache is pleasing to God? In this article, we tried to collect answers to frequently asked questions about why it was 40 days after death, it was customary to remember the well-willed relatives and loved ones.

What is meant 40 days after death

40 days - an important period that is often found in biblical history. The Prophet Moses fasted 40 days before he got the law. The Israelites wandered around the desert 40 days before the promised land came to the ground.

According to Orthodox tradition, after the death of a man's soul, he does not fall right away or in hell. Three days after the death of the soul is near the body and does not immediately leave everything earthly. Only on the third day, the guardian Angel takes the soul of a person and shows the paradise monastery. This time will last long, only before the ninth day, when the man's soul appears before God and under the severity of unskilled sins, this meeting can be for the deceased difficult. Therefore, the prayer support for native people is so important. Of course, the God is merciful, but it is impossible to represent the Heavenly Father as we represent a person. The soul can be difficult to the perfect creator from the awareness of his unnecessary. Up to 40 days, a person is watching what hell is, life without God.