How are pronouncing in English. How easy to learn pronouns in English

How are pronouncing in English. How easy to learn pronouns in English
How are pronouncing in English. How easy to learn pronouns in English

Right go:

The pronoun is called part of speech, which is used instead of the name of the noun.

Pushkin Is The Greatest Russian Poet. HE WAS BORN IN 1799
Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. He was born in 1799.

Proponation in English can be used in the proposal in the function:

Not is a doctor.
He is a doctor.

The Red Pencil Is Mine.
My red pencil.

I have not seen him.
I have not seen him.

I Cannot Find My Pencil.
I can't find my pencil.

Simple form Pretty pronouns always requires a noun and being a definition, eliminates the use of articles before this noun:

My Pencil Is On The Table.
My pencil on the table.

Absolute form Pretty pronouns is used independently - the nouns after them are never put.

This Pencil Is Mine.
My pencil is mine.

Returns pronouns stand after many verbs and correspond in Russian particle - "Sia" ("Smiling"), which joins the verbs, showing that the action goes to the actual person itself:

Not Defended Himself.
He was defended.

Don "T Cut Yourself.
Do not spine.

Proponation in English: Table with translation and examples

Table. Pronounced (pronouuns).
1. Personal
Personal PRONOUNS)
(Nominative Case)
objective case
Objective Case)
I. - I
you. - you you
he. - is he
she. - she is
iT. - he she it
we. - we
you. - you
they - they are
mE - me, me
you. - you, you, you, you
him - His, he
hER. - her, her
iT. - His, her, he, her
uS. - us, us
you. - you, you
them. - They, im
2. Pictures
Possessive PRONOUNS)
I form II Form
mu - My (I, -E, ,y)
your. - yours (-Y, -E, -Y), Your (A, -E, -Y)
hIS - his
hER. - her
its. - his her
oUR - OUR (A, -E, -Y)
your. - Your (-A, -E, -Y)
their - them
All these pronouns can also be translated by the word
mine. - My (I, -E, ,y)
yours. - yours (I, -E, ,y), your (A, -E, -Y)
hIS - his
hers. - her
its. - his her
ours - OUR (-A, -E, - and)
yours. - Your (-A, -E, -Y)
theirs. - them
3. Return and amps
mySelf. - (I) yourself, myself (-a)
yourself. - (you, you) yourself, yourself (s)
himSelf. - (he) himself, himself
herself. - (she) himself, herself
itSelf. - (it) himself, itself
ourselves. - (we) yourself, ourselves
yourselves. - (you) yourself, ourselves
themSelves. - (they) themselves, themselves
4. Mutual
(Reciprocal PRONOUNS)
each Other. - each other
oNE ANOTHER. - one another
5. Indexing
(Demonstrative pronouuns)
tHIS (these) - This, this, this, (these)
that. (those) - that, then, that (those)
such. - Such.
the Same. - the same, the same
6. Questionative
who (whom) - who will win)
whose - Chey.
what - What, what, what, who
which - which, what, who is that
7. Relative and connecting
(Relative and Conjunctive PRONOUNS)
who (whom) - Who (whom), who (whom)
whose - whose
what - what, what
which - which, what, who is that
that. - which the
8. Uncertain
some - Some, some, a little (approved.)
any. - some, some (in question and dedication. Destination), any
one. - Someone, some
all. - all, all, all, everything
each. - everyone
every - all, each
other - Other (s)
another. - Other
both. - both
many. - Many, many
much. - lot
few - Little, few
little. - few
either - Any (of two)
nO - no, none, no
none - Nobody, nothing
neiTher. - neither one, nor another, no one, nothing
1. Personal subject
SHALL SPEAK TO HIM. - I will talk to him.
I SHALL SPEAK. to Him.. - I will talk to him.
part of the tame
That Was. he.. - it was he.
2. Pictures definition
Paper Was Interesting. - Her article was interesting.
My Room Is Large, Yours Is larger. - My room is big, yours - more.
part of the tame
This Paper Is. hIS. - This article is it.
We Haven't Seen Your Paper, We Have Seen ONLY theirs..
We have not seen your article, we have seen only them.
3. Return and amps addition
I Wash mySelf.. - I wash my face.
Not himSelf. Saw IT. - He himself saw it.
NOT SAW IT. himSelf.. - He saw it himself.
4. Mutual addition
They Greeted each Other. - They welcomed each other.
5. Indexing subject
THIS Was Pleasant. - It was nice.
He Likes. tHIS. - He likes it.
part of the tame
IT WAS. that.. - It was (just) that.
I Know these Songs. - I know these songs.
6. Questionative subject
Who KNOWS THIS STORY? - Who knows this story?
What Did you See there? - What have you seen there?
part of the tame
What HAS SHE BECOME? - Who she became?
Which MONTH IS THE WARMEST? - What month warmer?
7. Relative and connecting subject
The Man Who is Sitting There Is My Friend. - A man who sits there, my friend.
I DON'T KNOW. whom He Sentue. - I do not know who he sent there.
part of the tame
The Question Is. who Will Go there. - The question is who will go there.
I DON'T KNOW. whose Paper this is. - I do not know whose article.
8. Uncertain subject
One. Must Do IT. - You need to do it.
HE TOLD US. something.. - He told us something.
Any. Student Can Do it. - Any student can do it.
part of the tame
IT IS TOO. much. For me. - It's too much for me.
Transfer: pronouns

To make their speech in a foreign language expressive, correct and diverse, as well as learn to understand what they say (write) Other people need to know English pronouns. The table (and not one) will be presented in this article with the necessary explanations to facilitate the absorption of grammatical material.

What is the pronoun and what you need

This part of the speech is used in any language to avoid tautology, revitalize dry statements, as well as make them more logical. Pronouns in English are called PRONOUNS, which is translated as "instead of nouns."

This service component performs the function of the substitute for those parts of the speech, which have already been mentioned in the oral or written text. Nouns and adjectives can be replaced, just less often - adverbs and numerals. The pronouns helps us to maintain the logicality and clarity of the presentation of thought, but at the same time not to repeat, calling again the same people, objects, phenomena, signs, etc.

What are the pronoun in English

English pronouns, like Russians, change in the face, genus and number. In addition, they are necessarily coordinated with the part of the speech replaced. For example, approval on the basis of the genus: Girl (girl) - She (she). Similarly, coordination is carried out: boys (boys) - they (they).

Now let's see more about what each type represents and how this service part of speech is able to simplify English.

Personal Pronouns

They have its name because they replace nouns - animated and inanimate. There are only seven them.

  • I - I;
  • you - You (you);
  • he - he;
  • she - she;
  • iT - it;
  • we - we;
  • they - they are.

Pay attention to the following features:

1. You are used both in the singular and multiple. Translated accordingly: "You", "You" (appeal to one person) or "you" (appeal to the group of people).

2. IT denotes not only inanimated objects, but also animals.

The above personal pronouns are given in the nominative case. And what if you need to say: "You", "me", "About us", etc. The fact that in Russian is transmitted by the rest of the case (dating, pet, proposed, etc.), in English is called in one word - subject case. Such pronouns replace the words that are not subject to the proposal. Compliance table is presented below.

Who! What?

Who? What? Who? What? By whom? Than? O Com? About what?

me - me, me, me, etc.

you - you (you), you (you), etc.

him - Him, His, etc.

her - she, her, etc.

iT - Him, His, etc.

uS - us, us, etc.

them - their, im, etc.

Start practicing a subject case when you are thoroughly challenge and learn the shape of the nominative. Otherwise, you just risk confused. In general, remember the pronouns are completely simple, and the more often you will be engaged in a foreign language, the more confident it will be to speak.


This group is the second one by frequency of use. But do not rush to scare, seeing new English pronouns. The table below shows the correspondence between personal and attractive types.

Personal pronoun

Possessive pronoun

you - You (you)

your - Your (yours)

As can be seen, the basis is almost one of all pronouns, and the differences are most often only in one letter.

It is recommended to learn and worked in the exercises first personal pronouns, then assigning, and after stretching in mixed tests, where you need to choose an option suitable in meaning and grammar: You or your Your, etc. So you are firmly all digest and you will never confuse these two Externally similar groups.

Proponation (Demonstrative Pronouns)

We continue to study pronoun in English and now go to the species that helps to navigate in space, show a specific object, direction and place. They do not change on persons and childbirth, but they have the unique forms and further in the table you will see the inactious English pronouns with the translation.

For example, if a picture hangs on the wall in the distance, then it is said about it: that is a picture. And if there are pencils next to the table, it can be designated as: These is pencils.

There is another feature of this group of service parts of speech. They can replace individual words or even entire expressions. It is done to avoid repeats. For example: Air Quality In The Village Is Better Than That In The City - the quality of air in the village is better than (air quality) in the city.

Relative pronouns (Relative PRONOUNS)

This variety can be often found in complex offers to connect the main and pressing part. Such a pronoun English with a translation and understanding of foreign speech can create difficulties. Therefore, you need to deal well on this issue. There are the following relative pronouns:

  • that - that, which (used to designate both animated and inanimate objects);
  • which - which (only to designate items or phenomena);
  • who - who (indicates only for people);
  • who - to whom who, who (in colloquial language does not occur, is used only in official speech as a speech cliché).

Interrogative Pronouns

As you can guess, this type is used in question deals. If you already know the topic "Special Questions", then these English pronouns you know well. All of them are notable for starting with the WH lettering:

  • what? - what? What? which the?
  • which? - What? which (out of two)?
  • wHO? - Who?
  • wHOM? - Who? who?
  • whose? - Whose?

Sometimes they can add suffix -ever, and then the combinations of Whatever are obtained (any, anything), WHOEVER (anyone, anyone), etc.

Pay special attention to the following features.

WHO is used in the singular and suggests the verb form IS, as well as the end of -S in the present simple time.

Who is there? WHO LIKES THIS FILM?

The exceptions are cases when a personal pronoun is in a plural (you, we, they), if the answer implies the calling of several people, objects, phenomena, etc.

Who of You Live in this House? - WE DO. (Which of you lives in this house? - We.)


Often there are situations when the information is not quite clear, or saying not confident in her truthfulness. For such cases, there is a special group of servicewords. Next you can see all the indefinite English pronouns with the translation.

Foreign objects

Inanimate subjects

anybody, anyone - anyone, someone

anything - anything, anything

everybody, Everyone - all, each

everything - all

no One, Nobody - Nobody

nothing - nothing, nothing

someone - someone

something - something

other - Other

either - Anyone (when choosing from two)

neither - none (when choosing from two)

each - each

Please note that all the pronouns listed in the table belong to the only number (even if in the translation into Russian denotes many objects or people).

The multiple number of uncertain pronouns is presented in the following words:

  • any - any;
  • both - both;
  • several - several;
  • others - others, the rest;
  • many - little;
  • fEW is not enough.

Return Pronounces (Reflexive PRONOUNS)

Used to designate actions that are performed with themselves. These English pronouns are associated with the varieties already known to you - personal and attractive. Only in this case is added particle -Self (in the singular) or -selves (in multiple).

  • (I) I - MySelf;
  • (You) You are - Yourself;
  • (OH) He - Himself;
  • (She) She - Herself;
  • (it) IT - ItSelf (about animal and inanimate objects);
  • (We) We - Ourselves;
  • (You) You - Yourselves;
  • (They) they - themselves.

How to translate on the examples is clearer.

Sometimes you can translate as "yourself", "yourself", etc.

"Why?", SHE ASKED HERSELF - "Why?" She asked himself.

We Arranged a Great Holiday for Ourselves - We have a great vacation.

In some cases, such pronoun with return particles can be translated.

A Cat Washed ItSelf - Cat washed.

Where Are you hiding yourself? - Where are you hiding?

In cases where the fact is emphasized that the action was performed by someone independently, it is possible to translate the return pronoun with the words "Sam", "herself", etc.

He Has Built This House Himself - He himself built this house.

Reciprocal pronouns

This specification includes all of two representatives: Each Other and One Another. They are synonymous.

These pronouns are used in cases where two objects make the same action directed to each other.

WE LOVE EACH OTHER - We love each other.

THEY HUGGED AND KISSED ONE ANOTHER - they hugged and kissed.

ON CHRISTMAS DAY THE FRIENDS GAVE EACH OTHER PRESENTS - For Christmas friends gave each other gifts.

In cases where it is necessary to designate a group of people who make one and the same effect in relation to each other, it is necessary to use the One Another form. For example:

We Are A United Family And Always Help One Another. - We are a friendly family and always help each other.

People of Different Generations Have Difficulties In Understanding One Another - People of different generations are difficult to understand each other.

This is what the system of pronouns in English looks like. It has nothing complicated in it, because some groups of servicewords are formed from others: Return and attracted - from personal, mutual - from uncertain, etc.

Having studied and understood the theory, start practicing in various types of exercises. The more often you will do it, the sooner achieve a noticeable result: start without thinking to use English pronoun in your speech.

The study of any topic begins with its foundations. The same applies to English pronouns. Yes, you can immediately rush into the outer with your head, studying all the subtleties of this topic. However, if you do not know how or another pronoun is translated or pronounced, it is immediately combined with a word with other members and make a proposal with them will be at least hard, but how much is impossible. Therefore, if you are just starting your acquaintance with this topic, let's consider English pronouns with translation and pronunciation to avoid problems in their further development.

English pronoun species

To begin with, it is worth noting that pronouns in English are divided into 9 species:

  1. Personal PRONOUNS or personal pronouns
  2. Possessive PRONOUNS or Holding Propheate
  3. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions
  4. Reciprocal PRONOUNS or mutual pronoun
  6. Relative and Conjunctive pronouuns or relative and connecting pronouns
  7. Demonstrative pronouuns or index pronouns
  8. Quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns
  9. Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouns or Uncertain Prosons and Negative Pronouns

Each view has a limited number of words that need to be remembered to express their thoughts. These words, as a rule, consist of not large number Letters and do not contain sounds whose pronunciation can cause difficulties at the initial stage. Let us dwell on each form more and explore the pronoun English with transcription and translation.

English pronouns with translation and pronunciation: value and transcription

  1. The main place among the English pronouns is occupied by Personal Pronouuns (personal pronouns). This is the only group in which English allows declining of cases. Table for clarity:
Face and number Nominative Objective case
1 l., units I. (ah) - I me. (mi) - me / me / me
1 l., MN.C. we. (UI) - we uS. [ʌs] (ac) - us / us / us
2 liters, units you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you
2 l., you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you / you
3 l., Units. he. (hee) - he

she. [ʃi:] (Shi) - she

iT. (IT) - this / it

him (Chem) - His / him / im

hER. (Hyu) - her / her

iT. (IT) is

3 l., MN.C. they [ðEi] (Zei) - they them. [ðm] (Zem) - their / they / them
  1. The second most important is the Possessive PRONOUNS group or a group of attracted pronouns. She also has two forms: attached and absolute. They both answer the same question ("Whose?"), And differ in that the first requires a noun, and the second is not. Compare:

As you can see, these forms have something in common, but they are written and they are pronounced in different ways. Consider a complete list of assignments:

Attached form Absolute form
my (May) - my mine (Mine) - My
your (yo) is yours yours (Yors) - Your
hIS (HIS) - His hIS (HIS) - His
hER (Hyo) - her hers (Hors) - her
iTS (ITS) - His iTS (ITS) - His
your (yo) - your yours (Yors) - your
oUR (OUE) - our ours (OUERS) - our
their [ðeə (R)] (SEA) - their theirs [ðeəz] (Zeirs) - their
  1. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions - a group of pronoun, which in Russian is translated in the meaning "self (a)" and "itself" depending on the situation:

The second part of these pronouns can remind you of the famous word "Selfie" (Selfie), which occurred from the word "SELF" (himself). The first parts repeat the pronouns of the two above-mentioned groups.

  1. Reciprocal pronouuns or mutual pronouns in English - a group, for the memorization of which, perhaps, will leave the least time. It consists of two words with the same meaning:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
each Other. each other [ˌIːtʃ ʌʌə (R)] iC AZE
oNE ANOTHER. [ˌWʌn ənʌʌə (R)] uan Enhase
  1. The Interrogative Pronouuns group or a group of question pronoun is more extensive. These pronouns, as understandable of the name, are used to educate questions:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
what what / what wat.
who who will win hu.
which which / which huich
whom whom / to hum
whose whose hus
how. as how
why why wai
when. when vEN.
where. where / where vEA
  1. Relative and Conjunctive pronouns or relative and connecting pronouns are used in complex proposals. They are not so much, but you need to know these words:

Some words of this group and a group of question pronoun are similar, but their functions and values \u200b\u200bare different.

  1. Demonstrative pronouns or pointed pronouns in English are also often found in speech. Some of them have the forms of the singular and plural:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
units. h. tHIS this / this [ðis] zys these these [Ði: z] zyz
units. h. that. tO / T. [ðæt] sET those those [ðʊʊz] zoo
only units. h. such. such sach
only units. h. (The) SAME the same sAYM.
  1. There are such pronoun in English that denote the quantity. They are called quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns. These include:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
much. many (with innumerable nouns) mach
many. many (with external existing) [Meni] mani.
little. little (with innumerable nouns) [Lɪtl] little
a Little. a little (with innumerable nouns) [ə Lɪtl] e Little
few little (with external existing fewe
a Few several (with external existing) [ə FJUː] ufu
several. some [Sevrəl] savaral
  1. The most extensive group can rightly consider Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouuns or undefined and negative pronouns. Most of them is formed by a combination of pronuches, which independently serve the functions of this group, and other parts of speech:
Proponation Other parts of speech
thing [ɪŋɪŋ] one. body [Bɒdi] where
some something (samstick) - something someone (Samun) - someone someBody (Sambadi) - someone sOMEWHERE (Samvage) - somewhere
aNY [ENI] aNYTHING (Enising) - anything anyone (Eniuan) - Someone anybody (Enibadi) - Someone anywhere (Eniva) - somewhere
no. nOTHING (NACING) - nothing no One (but Ouan) - Nobody nobody (Nobadi) - Nobody nowhere (NEMA) - Nowhere
eVERY [EVRI] everything (Evrising) - All everyone (Euryuan) - all everybody (Evurybadi) - all everywhere (Evrivea) - everywhere

As well as pronouns:

Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
other other [Ʌʌə (R)] aZE
another. [ənʌʌə (R)] enhase

These were all English pronoun with translation and pronunciation. I want to pay special attention to pronunciation. The fact is that the sounds of English differ from the sounds of Russian, so conveying how pronoun is pronounced in English is actually quite difficult.

The presented options are close to English pronunciation and added so that their understanding at the initial level is easier. With such a pronunciation you will definitely understand, however, for more correct sound, study transcriptions in English. To remember the correct pronunciation, listening to the audio with speech of carriers and the imitation of their manners of the conversation is also perfect.

Any student who is beginning to teach English from scratch independently or with a teacher, already at the first lesson learns how to answer the question " What's Your Name? "(Rus. What is your name?).

Responding My Name IS ... "(Rus. My name is ...), he does not even think that he already knows two assistant pronouns: mY. (my, my, mine. mine) and your. (Rus. Your, yours, yours, yours), without which communication is impossible to build English.

WE Use The Same Possessive Pronouuns for Everything, But Do We Own Our Lives Or Sisters Or Husbands in The Same Way We Own Our Shoes? Do We Own Any Of Them AT All?

We use assistant pronouns for everything, but do we really possess our lives, sisters or husbands as well as we have our shoes? Do we own all this?

~ Samantha Harvey

They can cause some misunderstanding from those who are just starting to study English and first collided with Possessive PRONOUNS.

In English grammar, two varieties of attracted pronouns coexist peacefully: Possessive adjectives. (attracted adjectives) and Possessive PRONOUNS. (possessive pronouns). About them today we will talk in this article.

Personal pronouns in English

Pretty pronouns help us understand that someone or something owns something. Signature on Keychains: I Am Yours (Rus. I - yours), and you are Mine (Rus. And you are my)

Let's first remember what a stronger pronoun is.

Possessive pronouns (my, your, our, and others) indicate a sign on affiliation to a certain person and answer the question whose? In Russian, they are consistent with the nouns among those, childbirth and the case.

And what about English assignments? In English there are two forms of assignments ( Possessive Adjectives and Possessive PRONOUNS) who are in writing and how they are used in the proposal.

Consider more detailed both forms of attractive pronouns in English.

Possessive adjectives

Personal pronouns in Englishresembling adjective for their role in the sentence, and which are always used with nouns, are called Possessive adjectives. (Rus. Pretty adjective).

Below is a table of formation of assignments in English and comparing them with personal pronouns.

Mattering pronouns Dependent form (Table 1)

Mattering pronouns dependent form (Table 2)

When we want to point to belonging, we can not use!

Sentence HE NAME WAS CARL (Rus. He was the name Karl) sounds strange and incorrectly both in English and in Russian. He. - This is a personal pronoun. Replace it with a suitable attache adjective hIS And get grammatically and logically correct offer: HIS Name Was Carl (rus. His name was Karl)

Sometimes this form of assistant pronouns or Possessive adjectives. Call dependent Since it cannot be used independently, without a noun.


Attractive pronoun Possessive Adjectives) In English, they are used only in conjunction with nouns and always stand in front of him.

Since dependent pronouncements resemble the adjectives in their functionality, they perform the role of definition.

Examples of proposals with attractive adjectives in English

Often beginners to learn English confused attracted adjectives with abbreviated verb forms to be:

your. and you're (\u003d You Are)

its. and iT's (\u003d IT IS)

Compare the use of attracted pronouns and abbreviated shape of the verb:


Mattering pronoun in English, which can be used in the proposal without noun, are called Possessive PRONOUNS. (Rus. Holding pronoun).

Possessive PRONOUNS. Call as well absolute or independent form of assistant pronouns. In this form, after attractive pronouns, the nouns are never set, since these pronouns are used instead of nouns.


Absolute strongest pronouns ( Possessive PRONOUNSS) In English, they are used without a noun and perform in the proposal the function of the subject, add-on or the nominal part of the facility.

Below is a table of formation of absolute attractive pronouns in English and comparing them with personal pronouns.

Holding pronouns in English Absolute form (Table 1)

Holding pronouns in English Absolute form (Table 2)

English attracted pronouns in absolute form replace the attache adjective ( Possessive adjective) With nouns to avoid repetition of information, since everything is clear without it. For example:

This Book Is My Book, NOT Your Book (rus. This book is my book, not your book)

This Book Is Mine, Not Yours (Rus. This book is mine, not yours)

As you noticed in Russian and in English, the second offer sounds more naturally. Let's look at how attracted pronouns are used in the offer.

Examples of proposals with attracted persons in English

Proposal Translation into English
What "s Mine Is Yours, My Friend. What is mine, then yours, my friend.
I Have Broken My Pencil. Please Give Me Yours. I broke my pencil. Please give me yours.
Are Those Gloves Hers? Those gloves it?
All The Essays Were Good But His Was The Best. All the writings were good, but it was the best.
The World Is Mine. The world is mine.
Your photos are good. Ours Are terrible. Your photos are excellent, and our are terrible.
These Aren "T John and Mary" S Children. Theirs Have Black Hair. These are not children of John and Mary. They are black-haired.
John Found His Passport But Mary Couldn "T Find Hers. John found his passport, and Mary could not find his own.
Is That Chair Yours? Is this chair?
I Know this Drink is your But i Need to Drink Something. I know that your drink is, but I need to drink something.

Possessive pronoun its. In absolute form, it is extremely rare, only in a bundle with the word own.:

The Cottage Sems Asleep Yet, But It May Have A Life of Its Own (Rus. It seemed that the cottage was still sleeping, but perhaps he lived his life).

My or Mine? Pretty pronoun or adjective?

On the poster, the inscription with a bright example of using assignments in dependent and absolute form: "Because my body is mine (belongs to me!)"

As already mentioned, we use mattering adjectives and pronouns When we need to express affiliation. The Russian language both forms are translated equally.

Pretty adjective ( Possessive adjective) It is always used with the following nouns:

This Is My Pen (Rus. This is my handle), where mY. - Pretty adjective, Pen is the subsequent noun.

Possessive pronouns ( Possessive PRONOUNS.) Always are used independently, without the accompanying word:

This Pen Is Mine (rus. This handle is mine), where mine. - Holding pronoun, after which we do not need a noun.

Comparative table of attracted adjectives and assignment pronouns.

The sense load does not change in these two sentences. However, when we need to focus on someone or something, it is better to use an absolute form.

Translation of English assignments

The difference in the meaningful adjectives and pronouns in English and there is no in their translation into Russian.

English attracted pronouns in dependent and absolute form is translated into Russian equally, but there are several points that you need to know.

Translation of the spent pronouns in English

In English, there is no special attracted pronouns corresponding to the Russian spelling pronoun "" His ".

Russian pronoun "" His "is translated into English appropriate attracted pronouns.

Examples of proposals in English with the transfer of pronoun

English stronger pronouns It is usually not translated into Russian when they are combined with noun, denoting parts of the body or clothing items, but necessarily present in front of the noun.

In Russian with similar noucent, attracted pronouns are usually not used. Compare English detention facilities with translation:

Special cases of consuming strongest persons

Using the structure of your

Very often (especially in American English) you can hear the following design: a Friend / Some Friends of + Mine, Yours, etc:

I Saw A Friend Of Your Last Night (Rus. Last night I saw one of your friends) \u003d I Saw One of Your Friends Last Night.

Here Are Some Friends of Mine (Rus. And here are my friends) \u003d Here Are My Friends.

suggestions I Saw One Of Your Friends Last Night and I Saw A Friend Of Your Master Night Translated will be the same "Last night I saw one of your friends." However, there is a small sense difference.

Consider on phrases "MY FRIEND" and "A Friend of Mine".

"My Friend" will tell about a close friend. If you call a person "MY FRIEND"So you have warm and trusting relationships with him. But, each of us has people with whom we just have a good relationship. It's just our friends and acquaintances. Here just we need an expression here. "A Friend of Mine".

The indefinite artict itself indicates us that "one of the friends, someone, indefinite:

This Is My Friend Jessica. ("My Friend" - before the name)

This Is Jessica, a Friend of Mine. ("A Friend of Mine" - after the name)

With phrase "And Friend of Mine" Associates one fun fact. In English-language culture there is a concept Urban Myth (BRE) or "Urban Legend" (AME). This story, as a rule, with an unexpected, humorous or instructive final, which the narrator gives out the event that has happened.

We have such stories called "Bikes" or "Forties". These incidents allegedly happen to some familiar narrator, and the name of a friend never specifies.

Most of these stories (or "Baek") begin with: this happened to a friend of mine ... (this happened with one of my acquaintances ...).

When to use your FaithFully and Yours Sincerely

Probably, you already met phrases Yours FaithFully. or Yours Sincerely. At the end of the official letter, for example:

Yours Sincerely, Mary Wilkinson (Rus. Sincerely yours, Mary Wilkinson).

When business correspondence is an indispensable phrases that need to write at the end of the letter. More about the features of business English read.

Examples of using phrases "Yours FaithFully" and "Yours Sincerely"

Using English noun in parental

Pretty nouns can be used as assigning pronouns when you need to say about belonging to someone in particular.

As a rule, the use of nouns in the attractive case does not affect the form of assistant pronouns, for example:

Whose Cell Phone Is That? - IT "s john" s. (Russian. Whose phone is? - John.)

Who Do These Computers Belong To? - THEY "RE OUR PARENTS". (Rus. Who belongs to these computers? - Our parents.)

The attitude of the belonging or involvement of one item to another can still be specified using a drawing case ( The Possessive Case.). What we will talk about in our next article.

Holding pronouns in English: video

To finally consolidate the knowledge gained, we recommend that you watch the video about the attracted adjectives and assignments.

English Grammar Lessons - Possessive Adjectives and PRONOUNS


In this article, we tried the most simply explained to the use of attracted pronouns in English and how to answer the question "Whose" in English.

We hope that after reading our article, you will no longer have questions on this topic and you can correctly use this grammar in your speech and writing.

Stay on our website, and you will discover a lot of English grammar in the world!

Exercises for assigning pronouns

And now we suggest you test your knowledge of assigning pronouns in English by following the following test.

Select the correct option (insert either a stronger adjective, or a possessive pronoun):

Jane Has Already Eaten Her Lunch, But i "M Saving Hers / Her / My / Mine Until Later.

She Has Broken Hers / Her / His Leg.

My Mobile Needs to Be Fixed, But Mine / His / Our / Their Is Working.

You / You / Mine / My Computer Is A Mac, But You / Your / Yours / My Is A PC.

We Gave Them Ours / Mine / Our / Yours Telephone Number, And Their US / Theirs / Ours / Mine.

Mine / My / Yours / Your Pencil Is Broken. Can i Borrow You / Yours / HIM / ITS?

Ours / Our / Your / My Car Is Cheap, But You / Your / Yours / My Is Expensive.

You can "T Have Any Chocolate! IT" S All Mine / My / Our / Yours!

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Greetings, dear reader.

At the beginning of the study of English, you can face such a set of all frightening and incomprehensible that it is not difficult to repel all the desire to learn. But if you approach the question competently - you can achieve significant success. Today, so that the desire to learn anywhere does not escape, the lesson will be devoted to the topic of the most "basics": "pronouncing English."

With experience, I came to the fact that any information needs to be laid out on the shelves. Therefore, I will give you everything in the table, with translation and even with pronunciation.

Let's start, perhaps.

Personal pronouns

The first thing you should get acquainted when learning a language - personal pronouns. This is what we use in speech every day. I, we, you, he, she, they, we, you ... - All this is the basis of any offer. At the initial stage, 50% of your suggestions will begin with them. In the rest there will be naturally nouns. Below in the table you can explore them clearly.

Possessive pronouns

« What my, then mine! "- or a story about how to understand that for the word something" attractive "pronouns. Mine, her, his, their, our - That's what hides behind this word. By the way, 20% of yours will begin with these words: mY. mother. - my mother,hER. dog - Her dog.

By the way, if you thought that everything would be so easy, then you were brutally mistaken, because we have not yet discussed absolute strongest pronouns.

You probably arose the question of what the difference. And the difference lies in the fact that after these pronouns we do not use nouns. Let's look at the example:

IT. iS. mY. pen. . - This is my pen.

Their pen. IS. mine.. - This a pen my.

Their balliS. hIS. - This ball his.

And notice, in sentences with assignments, the logical emphasis shifts in them Side! The importance of who owns the thing is in the first place!

Indicative pronouns

Often, the speech has to use and index pronouns. That, those, these, this - All these forms of pronoun are very often used both in writing and oral speech. Let's see more about how we can use them.

Return pronouns

What is the return pronoun, probably not everyone heard. Somewhere in Grade 3.shocked schoolchildren begin to grab the head in search of an explanation. It is understandable, because in Russian we are in principle, we rarely use them, but English is just just begin to teach.

If you still have any questions that I could not answer in this lesson, ask them in the comments. If your thirst for knowledge requires more - subscribe to my newsletter. You are waiting for regular and professional assistance in learning a language. For both children and adults, I have the most valuable and useful information from my experience.

See you!

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