Which area includes black square Malevich. Under the "black square" Malevich found the initial name of the picture

Which area includes black square Malevich. Under
Which area includes black square Malevich. Under the "black square" Malevich found the initial name of the picture

Specialists of the Tretyakov Gallery found that the picture of Kazimir Malevich "Black Square" 1915 was written on canvas, where two images were previously held. In addition, art historians managed to read the author's inscription on scenic work.

"It was known that under the" black square "there was some kind of underlying image. We found out that such images are not one, but two.

And they proved that the initial image is a cubaceuturistic composition, and the color of which you see in the crakhelur, which is the color of which you are in collare, "said the" Culture "TV channel, a researcher of the GTG scientific examination department.

She also reported that, together with their colleagues, Irina Rustamova and she managed to decipher the inscription on the "black square", which is considered the author.

The inscription states: "Battle of blacks in a dark cave."

This phrase sends a picture of the French journalist, writer and artist Alfons Alla "Battle of Blacks in the Dark Cave of Deep At night", written in 1882 and representing a completely black rectangle.

"Malevich's complex tangled handwriting and some letters are written in the same way:" H "," P "and even" and "in some texts are very close to writing. We work on the second word. But the fact that the first word "battle", you can see everything in the exposition, "Voronina explained.

"Black Square" is the most mythicized work of the visual art of the XX century. His interpretations are incommens. Of course, one thing: the picture is perceived as aesthetic manifest of the whole generation of artists and as a symbol of the most important aesthetic era.

Malevich himself on questions about the meaning and sense of the "Square" answered what is called, evasively. He said that he did not expect such an effect and does not quite clearly understand that all this may mean.

Some researchers were pushed these words to the idea of \u200b\u200bsupernatural, mystical origin of a picturesque symbol.

However, it is believed that for the first time the image of a black square appeared at Malevich in 1913 in sketches of decorations to the formulation of a futuristic opera and "victory over the Sun". In 1915, the square was presented in the form of a complete pictorial canvas in a number of other geometric works, which, in general, marked the emergence of a new artistic direction - Suprematism.

The work was first made public at the Futuristic exhibition "0, 10", which opened in St. Petersburg on December 19, 1915.

Supramat paintings Malevich occupied a separate hall there, and "Black Square" hung in the so-called red corner - the place of the room, where the icons kept in the Russian skeins.

The latter circumstance was many critics and journalists perceived as a challenge and a subpople under the moral foundation. Subsequently, many skeptics tried to explain the "black square" pragmatically - the fact that the artist wrote something on the canvas, and he crushed the image as he had occurred to him at that moment.

This bold hypothesis, however, contradicts the fact that Malevich has repeatedly made the author's repeating "Square". Today we know about four repetitions: two are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, one thing in the Russian Museum, one more thing - in.

Thus, apparently, the current find of art historians from GTG is important for the history of Malevich's masterpiece, but exactly nothing adds to our understanding or misunderstanding of the painting. Is that straight

The name Alla, of course, in connection with sounded before. Its four works of 1882-1883, which are blue, black, white and red rectangles with names like "the first communion of the anemia of girls in the snow," were shown at the exhibitions of "Torn Art". In connection with Malevich, it was all often remembered, but it was not quite clear how the playful French undertaking refers to the monumental Russian symbol of new art. Now, apparently, you can perceive the search for Russian avant-gardeists, in particular, and as a response to French things.

Kazimir Malevich. Black Suprematic Square. 1915, Moscow.

About the paradox of the "Black Square" Malevich was conceived by everyone.

It is impossible to come up with nothing easier than the Black Square. There is nothing easier than painting a black square. Nevertheless, he is recognized as masterpiece.

If today he gets open auction, it will be ready to buy for $ 140 million!

How did such a "misunderstanding" arose? The primitive image of all art historians is recognized as masterpiece. They conspired?

Obviously, there is something special in the "Black Square". Invisible to the usual viewer. Let's try this "something" to detect.

1. "Black Square" is not as simple as it seems.

This only at first glance it seems that such a masterpiece could create each. Both child and adult without art education.

The child would not have a patience to paint in one color such a large surface.

And if seriously, the adult could hardly repeat the "black square", because not everything is so simple in this picture.

Black square is not really black

"Black Square" in fact is not a square. His parties are not equal to each other. And the opposite directions are not parallel to each other.

In addition, "Black Square" is not entirely black.

Chemical analysis showed that Malevich used three homemade paints. The first is a burnt bone. Second - black ocher. And the third is another natural component ... a dark green shade. More Malevich mixed chalk. To remove the gloss effect inherent in oil paints.

That is, the artist did not just take the first black paint and crushed the drawn square. At least he spent the day for the preparation of materials.

There are four "black squares"

If it were a randomly written picture, the artist would not copy it. Over the next 15 years, he created another 3 "black square".

If you have seen all 4 pictures (two are stored in the Tretyakovka, one in the Russian Museum, one more - in the Hermitage), then probably noticed attention to how much they are not like.

Yes Yes. Despite all their simplicity, they are different. The first "square" of 1915 is considered the most energetically charged. It's all about the successful selection of shades of black and white, as well as in the composition of the paints.

All four pictures are not similar to neither size nor the color. One of the "squares" is larger in size (1923 creation, stored in the Russian Museum). The other is much black. In color, it is the most deaf and all-consuming (also stored in the Tretyakovka).

Below are all four "squares". The difference in reproductions is difficult to understand. But suddenly it will inspire you to see their live!

From left to right: 1.Black square. 1929 79.5 x 79.5 cm. Tretyakov Gallery. 2. Black square. 1930-1932 53.5 x 53.5 cm. 3. Black square. 1923 106 x 106 cm. Russian Museum. 4. Black square. 1915 79.5 x 79.5 cm. Tretyakov Gallery.

"Black Square" closes two more pictures

On the "Square" of 1915, you probably noticed cracks (crackers). The lower layer of paint is visible through them. These are the colors of another picture. It was written in proto-absorbamatic style. Something like "ladies have a lamppost."

Kazimir Malevich. Lady of lamppost. 1914 City Museum of Stretchek, Amsterdam

That's not all. Under it - another image. Already the third on the score. Written in the style of Cubal feast. That's how this style looks like.

Kazimir Malevich. Grinder. 1912. Art Gallery of Yale University, New Haven

Therefore, the crackerels appeared. Too thick layer of paint.

Why are such difficulties? As many as three images on the same surface!

Perhaps this is an accident. It happens. The artist falls the idea. He wants to express her immediately. But at hand it may not be canvas. But even if there is a canvas, it needs to be prepared to primitive. Then there are insignificant paintings. Or those that the artist considers unsuccessful.

It turned out such a picturesque matryoshka. Evolution. From cubobuturism to cuboupematism and clean suprematism in the "Black Square".

2. Strong theory of strong personality

"Black Square" was created in the framework of a new direction in the painting in painting. Suprematism. Supreme means "Excellent". Since the artist considered it the highest point of development of painting.

This is a whole school. How . Like academism. Only this school was created by one person. Casimir Malevich. He brought a lot of supporters and followers to his side.

Malevich knew how to clearly and charismatically talk about his brainchild. He Ryano agitated to completely abandon figurativeness. That is, from the image of objects and objects. Suprematism is an art that creates, and does not repeat, as the artist said.

If you remove the pathos and look at his theory from the side, then we cannot not recognize its greatness. Malevich, as he likes to genius, felt in which direction the wind blows.

The time of individual perception has ended. What did it mean? Earlier, only the favorites admired the works of art. Those who owned them. Or could afford to reach the museum.

Now the occurrence of the eyelid of the mass culture. When simplified forms and clean colors are important. Malevich understood that art should not be lagging behind. Or maybe even able to lead this movement.

He came up with, in essence, a new picturesque language. The commensurate coming time that is about to come. And the language has its own alphabet.

"Black Square" is the main sign of this alphabet. "Zero forms," \u200b\u200b- as Malevich said.

Before Malevich, there was another alphabet, invented at the beginning of the XIV century. This alphabet and was the basis of all art. This is a prospect. Volume. Emotional expressiveness.

Jotto. Kiss Judah. 1303-1305 Fresco in Capella branches in Padua, Italy

Malevich's tongue is completely different. Simple colorforms in which the color is endowed with another role. He is not in order to convey nature. And not in order to create an illusion of volume. He is expressive in itself.

"Black Square" - the main "letter" in the new alphabet. Square, because it is a primroform. Black color because it absorbs all colors.

Together with the "Black Square" Malevich creates a "black cross" and "black circle". Simple elements. But they are also derived black squares.

The circle appears if the square rotate on the plane. The cross consists of several squares.

Pictures K. Malevich. Left: Black Cross. 1915 Pompidou Center, Paris. Right: Black Circle. 1923 Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

Pictures K. Malevich. Left: Black Square and Red Square. 1915 Museum of Contemporary Art, New York. In the middle: Suprematic composition. 1916. Private collection. Right: Suprematism. 1916 Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

In the style of Suprematism Malevich wrote for several years. And then incredible happened. He denied the figurativeness so long that ... he returned to her.

It would be possible to regard it as inconsistency. Like, "played" in a beautiful theory and enough.

In fact, the language created by them has crafted applications. Applications in the world of forms and nature. And Malevich obediently returned to this world. But I also depicted it with the help of a new Suprematism language.

Pictures of Kazimir Malevich. Left: Athletes. 1932 Russian Museum. In the middle: Red House. 1932 ibid. Right: girl with crest in her hair. 1934 Tretyakov Gallery.

So "black square" is not the end of art, as sometimes it is denoted. This is the beginning of a new painting.

Then the new stage has come. Language wanted to serve people. And he switched to our lives.

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3. Huge impact on living space

Having created Suprematism, Malevich did everything so that he would not dust in the museums, and went to the masses.

He drew sketches of dresses. But during his life I was able to "wear" them only on the heroes of their paintings.

Kazimir Malevich. Portrait of an artist's wife. 1934 Russian Museum

Left: Services of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory, created according to Malevich's sketches (1922). Right: Fabric sample with Malevich drawing (1919).

In the language of "black square" spoke Malevich's supporters. The most famous of them - El Lisitsky, who invented printed fonts, as well as a new design book.

He was inspired by the theory of Suprematism and the Black Square Malevich.

El Lisitsky. Cover book Vladimir Mayakovsky "Good!". 1927

This design of books seems natural to us. But only because Malevich style firmly entered our lives.

Our contemporaries, designers, architects and fashion designers do not hide that all their lives drew inspiration in the works of Malevich. Among them are one of the most famous architects, Zha Hadid (1950-2016).

Left: Dominion Tower. Architect: Zha Hadid. Construction 2005-2015 Moscow (m. Dubrovka). In the center: Table "Malevich". Alberto Lepor. 2016 Spain. Right: Gabriel Kolalylolo. Spring-Summer Collection 2013

4. Why "Black Square" causes bewilderment and why he still masterpieces

Almost every viewer is trying to understand Malevich using the usual language of the inventory image. Of the one who came up with Jotto and which developed artists of the Renaissance.

Many are trying to evaluate the "Black Square" at unsuitable criteria. Like - do not like. Beautiful - not beautiful. Realistic - not realistic.

An awkwardness appears. Discouragement. Because the "Black Square" remains deaf to such estimates. What remains? Just condemn or ridicule.

Daub. Nonsense. "The baby is better drawn" or "I can also", "and so on.

Then it will be clear why this is a masterpiece. It is impossible to "black square" to evaluate in itself. And only with the space he serves.


Malevich was known in life. But he did not receive material benefit. Going out in 1929 to the exhibition in Paris, he asked the authorities to let him go there ... on foot. Because he did not have money on the road.

The authorities realized that Comrade Malevich who came to Europe will undermine their authority. Therefore, 40 rubles on the trip were allocated.

True, in 2 weeks, he was urgently called the telegram back. And on arrival immediately arrested. On denunciation. As a German spy.

The latest methods of tomographic scanning helped the experts to detect a hidden image under the paint layer explaining the mystical magnetism of the Black Square. According to Sotheby's registers, the cost of this picture is estimated at todayin 20 Million dollars.

In 1972, English critic Henry Weight wrote:
"It would seem that it may be easier: on a white background black square. Anyone, probably, can draw this. But here's a riddle: a black square on a white background - the picture of the Russian artist Casimir Malevich, created at the beginning of the century, still attracts to himself and researchers, and lovers of painting as something sacred as a myth, as a symbol of the Russian avant-garde. What explains this mystery? ".
And continues:
"They say that Malevich, writing" black square ", for a long time told everyone that he could neither eat or sleep. And he does not understand what this did. And indeed, this picture is the result, apparently, some difficult work. When we look at the black square, then under cracks we see the bottom colorful layers - pink, purple, ocher, - apparently there was a certain color composition, recognized at some point failed and recorded with a black square. "

Tomographic infrared scanning showed the following results:

The discovery made up art historians and cultural scientists, forcing them to turn back to archival materials in search of explanations.

Kazemir Severinovich Malevich was born in KievFebruary 23 18. 79 years. He was grew by a child, and in school essay wrote: "My dad works managers on a sugar factory. But his life is not sweet. All day he listens to how workers are worrying when they are going on the braids from sugar. Therefore, returning home Dad often revealed to mom. Therefore, when I grow up, I will become an artist. This is a good job. It is not necessary to relent with workers, it is not necessary to carry gravity, and the air smells paints, and not sugar dust, very harmful to health. A good picture is a lot of money, and you can draw it in just one day. ".
After reading this essay, Mother Kozy, Ludwig Alexandrovna (in the Galinovskaya Maiden) gave him a set of paints on the 15th anniversary. And at the age of 17, Malevich entered the Kiev drawing school N.I. Murashko.

In August 1905, he arrived in Moscow from Kursk and filed a petition for admission to the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. However, he was not accepted in the school. Return to Kursk Malevich did not want, he settled in the artistic commune in Lefortovo. Here, in the big house of the artist Kurdyumov, about thirty "Communards" lived. Pay for the room accounted for seven rubles per month - Moscow standards, very cheap. But this money, Malevich often had to be borrowed. In the summer of 1906, he again filed documents to the Moscow School, but he was not accepted and the second time.
From 1906 to 1910, Casimir visited classes in the studio F.I. Rerberg in Moscow. For this period of his life, the light of the letter of the artist A.A. Extra Musican M.V. Matyushina. One of them describes the following.
For the amendment of his finance, Kazimir Malevich began work on the film cycle about the female bath. Pictures were not expelled expensive and demanded additional costs for simulators, but these were at least some money.
Once, worked with the simultaners all night, Malevich fell asleep on the couch in his workshop. In the morning his wife entered there to take money from him to pay for a grocer account. Seeing the next canvas of the Great Master, she boiled from indignation and jealousy, grabbed a large brush and painted the canvas of black paint.
Waking up, Malevich tried to save the picture, but unsuccessfully - black paint was already dried.

Art historians believe that it was at that moment Malevich had the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Black Square.

The fact is that many artists long before Malevich tried to create something like that. These paintings were not widely known, but Malevich, who studied the story of painting, was undoubtedly knew. Here are just some examples.

Robert Fladd, "Great Darkness" 1617

Bertal, "View of La Hog (Night Effect), Jean-Louis Petit", 1843

Paul Bilhod, "Negro Night Dravel in the basement", 1882

Alfons Alla, "Philosophers catch a black cat in a dark room", 1893

Allephon Alla, French journalist, writer and eccentric humorist, the author of popular aphorism "Never delay that you can do the day that you can do the day after tomorrow.
From 1882 to 1893, he painted a whole series of similar paintings, without hiding his humorous attitude towards these "creative studies of venomerial realities."
For example, absolutely white canvas in the frame was called "Malok Girls, going to the first commander in a snowy bere." Red canvas was called "Apoplexic Cardinals, collecting tomatoes on the shores of the Red Sea", and the like.

Malevich undoubtedly understood that the secret of the success of such paintings was not lighted in the image itself, but in his theoretical justification. Therefore, he did not exhibit the "black suprematic square" until he wrote his famous manifesto "from cubism to suprematism in 1915. New picturesque realism. "

However, it was not enough. The exhibition was pretty sluggish, because various "suprematists", "cubists", "futurists", "Dadaist" "conceptualists" and "minimalists" by that time in Moscow divorced quite a lot, and they already tired of the public.
The real success came to Malevich only after in 1929, Lunacharsky appointed him "People's Commissar from Narkompros." As part of this postMalevich took his "black square" and other work at the exhibition "Abstract and surrealistic painting and plastic" in Zurich. Then his personal exhibitions were held in Warsaw, in Berlin and in Munich, where his new book "Peace as a freeness" was also published. Glory about the Black Square Malevich went throughout Europe.

From Moscow colleagues did not cover the fact that Malevich used his position not so much for the international propaganda of Soviet art, as for the propaganda of his own creativity. And on returning from abroad in the fall of 1930 Malevich was arrested by the NKVD on denunciation as a "German spy".
However, thanks to the intercession of the Lunacharsky, he spent only 4 months in prison, although he broke up with the post of "People's Commissioner of Fine Arts" forever.

So, the first"Black Suprematic Square", about which here and was discussed, dated 1915, now it is located in the Tretyakov Gallery.
The second "black square" Malevich drew in 1923 specifically for the Russian Museum.
Third - in 1929. He is also in Tretyakov.
And the fourth - in 1930, especially for the Hermitage.

Other works of Malevich are stored in these museums

Kazemir Malevich, "Red Suprematic Square, 1915

Casemere Malevich, "Black Suprematic Circle", 1923

Kazemir Malevich, "Suprematic Cross", 1923

Casemir Malevich, "Black and White", 1915

However, it should be noted that the name Malevich is forever insisted in the history of art quite deservedly. His "Creativity" is the brightest illustration of the laws of psychology, according to which the average person is not able to think critically and independently distinguish "art" from "insecurity", and in general, the truth is not true. In its estimates, the mediocre majority is guided mainly by the opinion of generally accepted authorities, which makes it easy to convince public opinion in loyalty of any, even the most absurd assertion. In the theory of "psychology of the masses", this phenomenon is also called "the effect of a black square". Based on this phenomenon, Goebbels formulated one of its main postulates - "False, repeated in newspapers a thousand times becomes true." The sad scientific fact is widely used for political PR and in our country, and today.

Kazemir Malevich, Self-portrait, 1933,
State Russian Museum

Exactly 100 years ago, December 19, 1915, the public was first represented by the Casimir Malevich's canvas "Black Suprematic Square" at the last futuristic exhibition "0.10" in St. Petersburg.

For the anniversary of the most recognizable paintings of the Russian avant-garde, the Tretyakov Gallery put rarely exposed graphic work Malevich and artists of his circle.

Record "Citizability Index"

Experts study new versions of the creation of "Black Square"In one of the white fields, the picture was detected by a partially lost inscription, made by a pencil for a drying layer of paint, and therefore several versions of the creation of the Black Square Malevich appeared.

A simple quadrilateral at the beginning of the last century attracted increased attention, was named almost a new time manifest. The secrets of the popularity of the painting and its secret meanings are still trying to explain art historians, finding all new confirmations of the uniqueness of the work.

This is the embodiment of the "absolute zero", and the end of the traditional substantive thinking, and the transfinite start, and the zero color expression, and the declaration of freeness, and the mystical magnetism of Suprematism, and the challenge of society, and the project of the world's stylistics - Thank you for reading this phrase. But if briefly, Malevich made a revolution in art.

If you collect everything that Malevich's "black square" is written (and this is impossible, but simply suppose), then the obvious uniqueness of the work will be just in the "index of cite".

Foreign experts can learn "Black Square" in the TretyakovkaThere are no specific agreements with other museums yet, but there are plans to make an international project, in which museums would participate who have early suprematic things, reported in the Tretyakov Gallery.

1. Malevich's square is not unique - it is at least second

For 20 years before, there was a black picture of Alfons Alla "Battle of Blacks in a cave deep at night." An eccentric French artist and a humorist in his cloth of secret meanings did not invest, explaining everything in the title.

And before that there was a black quadricle of Robert Flading. The alchemist philosopher even at the beginning of the XVII century illustrated them the "Great Mystery of the Great Darkness" - what was before the creation of the world.

In 1843 Bertal (real name - Daearn Charles Albert), French portraitist and illustrator, wrote a picture of La Hog at night "- a horizontal rectangle, almost completely covered with vague black signs. Later were the "Twilight History of Russia" Gustava Dore (in his view, the history of the origin of Russia is lost in the darkness of the centuries), the comic picture of the black challenge in the basement "Paul Tilty and the already mentioned" Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep at night. "

2. "Black Suprematic Square" is not really black

Even, as they say, the naked eye, it can be seen that the canvas is not uniform black (it was described in detail above).

3. Square Malevich is not really square

It is not even a rectangle, but rather a trapezium. There is not a single straight corner in it. This is really a black quadrilateral - as the author called him in the original version.

4. "Black Square" is the primacy of the form, not the content

Whatever hidden meanings we did not look for in the picture, in it, in fact, there is almost nothing but dark and some abstract lines under it. Contents - zero, the main thing is to admonish the form. Moreover, at the same exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1915, other Malevich works were also shown (in the form of a black circle and cross). However, the artist himself considered them secondary, when years later wrote the works about the black square philosophy.

5. The product Malevich is a revolution in painting

Again, the controversial thesis, but for a long time everything is used to him that this statement is perceived as a given. At first, Malevich himself insisted on his thoughts about his Bunte in art - in the famous manifesto "from cubism to suprematism. New picturesque realism." 100 years ago, Malevich actually founded a new direction in painting - Suprematism (translated from Latin - "highest"). This course should have become the top of all creative search for artists (according to Malevich again). Decades later, art historians dedicated to the study of this direction numerous treatises.

"Black Square" is a simple but brilliant PR project

We remember that black rectangles were already created to Casimir Malevich, and in some cases it was not even as a joke, but as a completely conceptual work.

But only Malevich managed to stay in centuries the creator of the famous "black square". Fortune Lee, whether the ability to get at the right time to the right place, calculate the requests of revolutionary art - all this led to the fact that Kazimir Malevich, expressing the modern language, found and launched a new trend. And later, he repeatedly told and wrote about the philosophy of his painting.

"Everyone says: Square, square, and the square has already grown legs, it already runs through the light" (from the conversation Malevich with students). "Square I consider your door that discovered for me a lot of new" (from the letter K. Malevich M. Matyushina)

As a result, his creation is estimated at tens of millions of dollars and is considered to be the most recognizable work of not only the Russian avant-garde, but also the whole Russian artistic creativity as a whole.

August 22, 2013, 16:34

It is not necessary to be a great artist to draw a black square on a white background. Yes, anyone can so! But here is the mystery: "Black Square" is the most famous picture in the world. Already almost 100 years have passed since its writing, and disputes and stormy discussions are not stopped. Why is this happening? What is the true meaning and value of the "Black Square" Malevich?

"Black Square" is a dark rectangle

For the first time "Black Square" Malevich was submitted to the public to the public at the scandalous futuristic exhibition in Petrograd in 1915. Among other colors of the artist, with mysterious phrases and numbers, with incomprehensible forms and jams, highlighted its simplicity, black square in a white frame. Initially, the work was called "Black Rectangle on a White Background". Later, the name was changed to the "square", despite the fact that in terms of geometry, all sides of this figure of different lengths and the square itself is slightly twisted. With all these inaccuracies, none of his parties are parallel to the edges of the picture. And dark color is the result of mixing various colors, among which it was not black. It is believed that it was not the negligence of the author, but a fundamental position, the desire to create a dynamic, moving form.

"Black Square" is a failed picture

For a futuristic exhibition "0.10", opened in St. Petersburg on December 19, 1915, Malevich was supposed to write several paintings. Time has already been pressed, and the artist either did not have time to finish the picture to the exhibition, whether it was not pleased with the result and, sneaking, stuck it, drawing a black square. At this point, one of his friends came to the workshop and, seeing the picture, shouted "ingenious!". After that, Malevich decided to take advantage of the case and invented a certain sense to his "black square".

Hence the effect of cramped paint on the surface. No mysticism, just did not work the picture.

Attempts have repeatedly performed to explore the cloth for finding the initial version under the top layer. However, scientists, critics and art historians considered that the masterpiece could be caused by irreparable damage and in every way prevent further examinations.

"Black Square" is a multicolored cube

Kazimir Malevich repeatedly stated that the picture was created by them under the influence of the unconscious, some "cosmic consciousness". Some argue that only a square in the Black Square see people with a weak imagination. If, when considering this picture, go beyond the traditional perception, go beyond the visible, then you will understand that you are not black square, but a multicolored cube.

The secret meaning invested in the "Black Square" can then be formulated as follows: the world around us, only on the first, superficial, looks like flat and black and white. If a person will perceive the world volume and in all of the world, his life will change dramatically. Millions of people who, according to them, instinctively attracted to this picture, subconsciously felt the bulk and multicoloriness of the Black Square.

Black color absorbs all other colors, so see in the black square multicolored cube is quite difficult. And see the black white, the truth behind the day, for the death of life is more complicated many times. But to the one who succeeds to do this, the Great Philosophical Formula will open.

"Black Square" is a riot in art

At the time of the appearance of the picture in Russia was the dominant of the artists of the Kubist school.

Cubism (FR. Cubisme) - the modernist direction in the visual arts, characterized by the use of geometrized conditional forms, the desire to "crush" real objects for stereometer primitives. The founders and the largest representatives of which were Pablo Picasso and George Marriage. The term "cubism" arose from a critical comment on the works of J.Brack that he drives "cities, houses and figures to geometric schemes and cubes."

Pablo Picasso, "Avignon Devians"

Juan Gras "man in a cafe"

Cubism reached its apogee, already fed to all artists, and new artistic directions began to appear. One of these directions was Malevich's Suprematism and "Black Suprematic Square" as his bright embodiment. The term "Suprematism" occurred from Latin Suprem, which means dominance, superiority of color over all the other painting properties. Supramat paintings are impossible painting, an act of "pure creativity."

At the same time were created and exposured at the same exhibition "Black Circle" and "Black Cross", representing three basic elements of the spamatic system. Later, two more suprematic squares were created - red and white.

"Black Square", "Black Circle" and "Black Cross"

Suprematism became one of the central phenomena of the Russian avant-garde. His influence experienced many talented artists. It is concerned that Picasso cooled to the cubism after he saw the "Malevich Square".

"Black Square" is an example of a brilliant PR

Kazimir Malevich has crushed the essence of the future of contemporary art: no matter what, most importantly, how to file and sell.

Artists experimented with black "solid", starting with the XVII century.

First tightly black artwork called "Great Darkness" Posted Robert Fladd in 1617

After him in 1843 followed

Bertal and his work " View of La Hougue (under the cover of the night) ". More than two hundred years. And then almost without interruptions -

"Twilight History of Russia" Gustava Dore in 1854, "Negro's night fight in the basement" Paul Bilhold in 1882, completely plagiarism "Battle of blacks in a cave of deep at night" for the authorship of Alfons Alla. And only in 1915 Kazimir Malevich presented his "Black Suprematic Square" to the public. And it is his picture known to everyone, while other familiar knows the historians of the arts. Extravagant leakage glorified Malevich in centuries.

Subsequently, Malevich drew at least four versions of its "black square", differing in the pattern, texture and color in the hope of repeating and multiply the success of the picture.

"Black Square" is a political course

Kazimir Malevich was a subtle strategist and skillfully adjusted under the changing situation in the country. Numerous black squares drawn by other artists during the Tsarist Russia and remained unnoticed. In 1915, Malevich's square acquired a completely new actual meaning: the artist offered a revolutionary art for the benefit of the new people and the new era.
"Square" to art in his usual understanding has no almost no relationship. The very fact of his writing is the declaration of the end of traditional art. The Bolshevik from Culture, Malevich went to meet the new government, and he believed him. Before the arrival of Stalin Malevich, he held honorable posts and successfully passed to the People's Commissar from the drug addict.

"Black Square" is a refusal of content

The picture marked the obvious transition to the realization of the role of formalism in visual arts. Formalism is a refusal of literal content in favor of artistic form. The artist, drawing a picture, thinks not so much the concepts of "context" and "content", how much "balance", "perspective", "dynamic stress". What Malevich acknowledged and did not recognize his contemporaries, is de facto for modern artists and "just a square" for all others.

"Black Square" is a challenge to Orthodoxy

The picture was first introduced at the Futuristic exhibition "0.10" in December 1915. Together with the other 39 works of Malevich. "Black Square" hung in the most prominent place, in the so-called "red corner", where icons hung in Russian homes according to Orthodox traditions. There are critics-art historians "stumbled". Many perceived the picture as the challenge of Orthodoxy and the Antichristian gesture. The largest artistic critic of that time Alexander Benua wrote: "Undoubtedly, this is the icon that the Lord Futurists put in return Madonna."

Exhibition "0.10". Petersburg. December 1915.

"Black Square" is a crisis of ideas in art

Malevich is called almost a guru of contemporary art and accused of the death of traditional culture. Today, any umbrella can call himself an artist and declare that his "works" have the highest artistic value.

The art of healing itself and many critics converge in the opinion that after the "black square" anything outstanding has not been created. Most artists of the twentieth century lost inspiration, many were in prisons, references or emigration.

"Black Square" is a total emptiness, a black hole, death. They say that Malevich, writing "Black Square", for a long time spoke to everyone that he could neither eat or sleep. And he does not understand what this did. Subsequently, he wrote 5 volumes of philosophical reflections on the topic of art and being.

"Black Square" is a quarrel

Charlatans are successfully fascinated by the public, forcing it to believe that there is really no. Those who do not believe them, they declare stupid, backward and not understanding stupid, who is not available high and beautiful. This is called the "Effect of the Golly King". Everyone is ashamed to say that it is garbage, because you will learn.

And the maximum primitive drawing is a square - you can attribute some kind of deep meaning, the space for human imagination is simply boundless. Not understanding what the great meaning of the "black square", many people need to come up with him to make it anything to admire when viewing the painting.

The picture written by Malevich in 1915 remains perhaps the most discussed picture in Russian painting. For someone, "Black Square" is a rectangular trapezium, and for someone - this is a deep philosophical message that entertained the great artist.

Alternative opinions worthy of attention (from different sources):

- "The most simple and essential idea of \u200b\u200bthis work, her composition-theoretical meaning. Malevich was a famous theorist and teacher of the theory of composition. The square is the simplest figure for visual perception - a figure with equal sides, while it is precisely starting the steps of beginner artists. When they give the first tasks on the theory of composition, horizontal and vertical rhythms. Gradually complicating tasks and forms - a rectangle, a circle, polygons. Thus, the square is the basis of everything, and black, because it is impossible to add anything else. "(FROM)

- Some comrades argue that This pixel (In a joke, of course). Pixel (English Pixel- reduction from PIX Element, to Nec. East PIsTure Cell) - the smallest element of the two-dimensional digital image in the raster graph. That is, any drawings and any inscriptions that we see on the screen with an increase consist of pixels and Malevich was something in something.

- Personal "Arrangement" of the artist.

The beginning of the 20th century marked the epoch of the great shocks of the turning period in the world of people and their attitude to reality. The world was in a state when the old ideals of excellent classical art fumbled finally and the return to them was no longer observed, and the birth of the new one predicted large coup in painting. There was a movement from realism and impressionism, as the transmission of sensations, to abstract painting. those. At first, humanity depicts objects, then the sensations and, finally - ideas.

Black square Malevich turned out to be a timely fruit of the artist's insight, which managed to create the foundations of the future language of art by this simplest geometric figure, which pays many other forms. Rotating square in a circle, Malevich received geometric shapes of the cross and a circle. When rotating along the axis of symmetry, the cylinder received. Flat elementary, with appearance, the square contains not only other geometric shapes, but can create bulk bodies. Black square, closed in a white framing, is nothing but the fruit of the Creator's insight and his reflection about the future of art ... (c)

- This picture is undoubtedly there will be a mysterious, attractive, always alive and pulsating object of human attention. It is valuable in that it has a huge number of degrees of freedom, where Malevich himself is a special case of explaining this picture. It has such qualities, filled with such an energy, which makes it possible to explain and interpret its infinite number of times on any intellectual level. And most importantly, provoke people to work. As for the "black square", a huge number of books, articles, other things, created many paintings inspired by this thing, the more time passes from the date of its writing, the more you need this mystery, which does not have a deposit or, on the contrary, having their infinite number .

p.S. If you look at, then there are other tones and colors through the collaborates. It is possible that under this dark mass and was a picture, but all attempts to enlighten this picture did not end with success. Of course, only the fact that there are some kind of figures or patterns, a long strip, something very fuzzy. That it may well be not a picture under the picture, but simply the lower layer of the square itself and the patterns could form during the drawing process :)

And what idea is closest to you?