What dreams of lipstick in the dream book. What dreams to paint the lips of red lipstick: interpretation

What dreams of lipstick in the dream book. What dreams to paint the lips of red lipstick: interpretation
What dreams of lipstick in the dream book. What dreams to paint the lips of red lipstick: interpretation

Lipstick for the lips is the most important element of the female seductive arsenal according to all fashion lawmakers. The presence of lipstick completely changes the image of a woman, makes it interesting and attractive.

In a dream, lipstick often dreams of a pleasant acquaintance and means a relaxed communication, light flirt, sexual attraction. Consider the main values, what dreams of lipstick in dreams.

Main values

It matters if you use lipstick in everyday life. If this is part of your everyday toilet and in a dream you look like in reality, you should not give the appearance of a special additional value.

Pay attention to unusual details, color changes. For example, if you usually acquire cosmetics in a boutique, and in a dream you buy a tube with orange paint in the transition - this may mean a ridiculous flirt with a courier, a security guard or a pedalication of water in reality.

If in a dream you mining the brilliance from the jar with your finger right in the restaurant and drive your finger on the lips, although you know perfectly well that it is somewhat per graveyard - prepare to the role of a cunning seducer and the observers of the Ustiv.

  • Wash the cosmetics with a napkin - at the bottom to give up the received rules, lead your game.
  • Buy in boutique, choose - to meet, readiness for flirting. It is important to the environment, where exactly you buy lipstick - on a cheap sale, in a supermarket, in a specialized store or in an expensive branded shop. Surroundings shows how you feel about how to save on beauty and your needs. If you choose cheap cosmetics of any shade, you dial a whole mountain of different colors - you are extremely undemanding and do not know how to appreciate yourself, only try your hand on the Flirt and Coquetry field. By and large, you have not yet decided on choosing a cavalier and glad to any sign of attention.
  • If a man dreams that he buys lipstick - this means either a masquerade, or a complete inability to care for women, the desire for dictates and control, greed.
  • Hygienic lipstick without color is limitless confidence in their abilities. You are not ready to consider yourself as a woman and require yourself a serious relationship, as a man. With all due respect to such a position, it is worth noting that to attract a man will not work in this way. Only this, which himself sympathizes strong men or is looking for a reliable patronage.
  • Collect lips - pretense. You gladly play different roles in your own theater. Perhaps it makes sense to revise the repertoire and search for new interesting roles. Acting and makeup courses will be by the way in real life.
  • Lose favorite cosmetic bag or lipstick - to disappointments in trifles. Perhaps you will learn something unpleasant about the facility and you can not give these facts to the values, but in vain. The little things are often better characterized by a person than the hottest words and fervent outposts.
  • Broken, break the coloring column - to disappointment in the best hopes.
  • Open tube - You may have a lucky rival. Do not too believe the man, he is sly.
  • Pleasant smell of lip balm means good luck. If cosmetics rang, it smells unpleasant - there is a danger to disgrace on a date.
  • It matters the color of lipstick in a dream. Classic red - you appreciate yourself highly, consider all the options and select the most worthy. Scarlet, bright - dream Rather to run to the most important date of your life. Looks like you are ready to make the main bid. It is possible that you are tuned to an equal relationship and you will be disappointed. Orange - love to fool young people, flirting without serious intentions. Burgundy, brown - serious attitude. You are ready to take the initiative in your hands. Pink - calcality. No code, natural - love to pretend and actor, do not confident. Aggressive colors - green, purple, black - tendency to the cliff. You like to experience people.
  • Bright, juicy colors mean a decisive attitude, willingness to serious relations without halftone. Pearl, sequins give out indecision and doubt.

Interpretation of authorities

Freud's dream book did not pay attention to the phallic shape of lipstick for the lips and the fact that the bright lips on the face of a woman cause quite certain associations with excited female genital organs. Collect lips lipstick in a dream means oral sex and the most unequivocal hint. Coloring lips in a restaurant - readiness for the continuation of the evening, stormy sex.

Female dream book believes that lipstick in a dream means a mystery. Perhaps you will have a married lover with high demands for female beauty. Classic tube - to flirt. A jar - to the disease. Glitter in the bottle is an unsuccessful date. Collect her lips with a tassel - to deception, drawing.

Winter's dream book is considering painted lips in a dream as a sign of deception.


Lipstick in a dream stands as a bright seduction tool. To dream of lipstick means readiness for new adventure. Colorless lipstick means something like a vegetarian hunt - you depict flirting, but seriously get acquainted and build relationships are not ready. Purchase of lipstick means readiness for new victories.

On the other hand, victory on the love field can be considered as a defeat. France of the relationship in which you are put forward exorbitant requirements, ties with married men. What you consider how a fascinating game at first may seriously change your life.

What dream of lipstick

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Lipstick in a dream - a sign of false feelings.

To see in a dream someone's made-up lips - a sign that you should not trust the feelings of this person.

Strangers with painted lips - suggest that some kind of not very serious deception can distract you and somehow prevent your plans.

Collect her lips yourself - says that you are insincere in your feelings.

Wrapped in a lipstick - a sign that your inaccier in love relationships in the end can be welted by side.

What dream of lipstick

Newest dream book Ivanova

Lipstick - to a secret romantic date with a married (married).

Use lipstick to lip disease.

What dream of lipstick

Spring dream book

Lipstick - to a date.

Lipstick - to the kisses secretly.

What dream of lipstick

Summer Dream

If you in a dream, you can't choose yourself the desired tone of lipstick - show challenging towards young people.

If you dream that you can't choose in the store the right tone of lipstick is indecisive in love affairs, you are not a risky woman.

What dream of lipstick

Autumn dream book

Buy lipstick in the store - to get acquainted with a young man.

Paint in a dream lips - to the disease.

What dream of lipstick

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To paint in a dream lip lipstick - means that you bow to intimate intimate proximity to you who is not considered, but it can do a lot for your career and well-being.

Brightly allay lipstick - foreshadows sexual problems, and unmarried indicates the correctness of their decision, foreshadowing love and respect from the future husband.

Parloous, casting lipstick - suggests that soon you will have to reassure in your own inconsistency, which will cause an accident. Pale, calm tones Lipstick - foreshadows disappointment from a gift at all in your taste.

In a dream, lipstick - I will flatter you, but you will be able to see the external location to see insincerability and envy. A dream in which you give lipstick - means that you will soon be invited to a new society, where you will get acquainted with an interesting person who will immediately show you her love, and you will answer him reciprocity.

What dream of lipstick

Esoteric dream book

Lipstick choose - to prepare someone to seduce.

Mind lips - self-affirmation. Your actions are managed by the "incompleteness complex".

What dream of lipstick

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Lipstick impose, smearing - strong surprise.

What dream of lipstick

Lowish dream book

To see in a dream lipstick - a symbol of some kind of mystery.

For example, if a woman dreamed of lipstick, which she paints his lips, then in real life she never opens to the end, even in front of his loved ones, realizing that there should always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and forgetting that only sincerity may truly attract.

If in a dream of lipstick of bright red, then, most likely, this woman is not sure of himself and trying to divert attention from its own compactness of not quite suitable means.

Lipstick - if you dreamed that you buy cheap lipstick on the market, then in real life people around you often catch you on lies - you are always trying to seem to those who you are not really.

If a man dreams that he buys lipstick as a gift, it means that he expects the fact that relations with his beloved will soon move to a new stage (for example, it is preparing to make her proposal).

Lipstick - If a woman dreamed that she lost his lipstick, then in reality she would have to survive frustration and loneliness - and the wines of everything will have its own complexes and whims.

What dream of lipstick

Large dream book

Lipstick - impose, smear blush - strong surprise.

What dream of lipstick

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of lipstick - the young woman dreams that there is a wide variety of lipstick in front of it and it is difficult to choose the most suitable - the sleep promises this woman the widest opportunities in life; There will be many tempting perspectives, of which you still have to choose one. Woman dreams that lipstick dried in her - because of the inattention and forgetfulness, this woman will soon fall into an awkward position.

What dream of lipstick

Online dream book

What is the dream of lipstick? This item - symbolizes your attraction to someone you prefer to hide.

To paint her lips - a sign that someone decided to seduce you.

It dreamed that they bought it - this is a warning that you will want to seduce with beautiful speeches.

Get her as a gift - a hint that someone will be interested in friends in the company of friends, who will interest you.

The dream in which you acquire lipstick, "warns of some misunderstandings and minor conflicts with your chosen one who will be spoiled because of your claims.

You use glitter scarlet - very soon you will meet the person with whom a very stormy novel happen to you, the relationship will be full of passion and romance.

If a woman dreams that she delivers lipstick - this is a faithful sign that she has a career growth prospect and rapid enrichment, but for it she will need to give his love to the one who does not do her at all.

If it is bright-scarlet color - this is a good sign of change for the better, achieving the desired and, as a result, full of contents with your destiny. Now you need to enjoy life, to conceive grand projects, and at the same time you need to stay from everything that can stick to you.

What dream of lipstick

Universal dream book

When you want to emphasize anything, you are trying to attract attention to this. Lipstick - symbolizes the desire to pay attention to your words? Do you feel more attractive when you put lipstick? Who do you want to attract and what? Do you want to emphasize your sexuality, or is it just a makeup element?

What dream of lipstick

Dream Morozova

If a woman paints his lips in a dream - in reality it will experience great surprise from some news. Another meaning is: It is possible for her intimate proximity to a person who can help her in a career, money or other life circumstances, but will be absolutely not interested in her as a sexual partner.

Lipstick in night dreams carries a special meaning. Lipstick for the lips means that the dreams wants to look good and like others. In some dreams, lipstick indicates that seeing sleep wants to hide his true intentions. For women, lipstick in a dream usually promises changes in personal life. Sometimes lipstick serves as a warning. Sleep, in which lipstick was hardened, should be interpreted, paying attention to all the details.

To correctly disperse seen in a dream, you need to consider whether the woman uses lipstick in real life:

  • If the person, which usually avoids this item of decorative cosmetics in make-up, paints lips in the night vision - this is a sign of change. The views on life will be tested, and as a result, priorities will be placed otherwise.
  • If lipstick dreams with a lonely girl, who in everyday life enjoys lipstick, her personal life will be afraid. Such a dream is promoting the appearance of a promising fan, relations with which will be achieved successfully.
  • If a woman is not alone and in a dream, he enjoyed lipstick, then her sexual life will be filled with a pleasant variety.

In case the lipstick dreamed of a man, dream interpreters offer the following interpretations:

  • If a man sees in a dream on his wisdom lips in red, their relationship will rapidly develop. You can not doubt that his feeling is mutually.
  • If a man dreamed that he buys for her beloved this is a means of makeup, he was waiting for changes in the professional sphere. To achieve new peaks in a career, you will have to revise some principles.
  • Sleep, in which a man-dreams uses lip lipstick, foreshadows the receipt of shocking news.

Signs about what the lips are scratching in guys and girls

2 What was the lipstick

To expand the dream, you need to remember, in what condition was a cosmetics:

  1. 1. The appearance in a dream of a new lipstick, which has never been painted, indicates that a person lacks attention from the opposite sex.
  2. 2. If the outdoor bottle is dreaming, it is better to be careful in relationships with others and not be too trusting.
  3. 3. To see the closed battle of lipsticks symbolizes the secret that the dreams will soon find out.
  4. 4. To see the crushed lipstick in a dream - to cope with your inner fears, become more relaxed and forget about old complexes.
  5. 5. If in the dreams of lipstick smells unpleasant, you need to beware of random connections. But if the smell was pleasant to a person - warm friendly communication will soon raise his mood.

If a person dreamed of a broken lipstick - a lie and betrayal should be feared. In this case, the dream book recommends using my best qualities and show myself from a good side - then there is a chance not to get into the unpleasant situation. If the dreams himself inadvertently broke lipstick - his desire will not come true, he will remain halfway.

Why dream kissing with the dead man?

3 color lipstick

The color of the cosmetics plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams. Shades of lipstick a lot, as well as the values \u200b\u200bthat can bear the dreams. Dreams offer such interpretations:

  1. 1. Pink shade means love, no darkened love feeling. Pale pink color lipstick says that seeing sleep is too much in the clouds. A bright pink shade may indicate that the dreams wants always and in everything to follow fashion, as well as on its complacency.
  2. 2. Red lipstick symbolizes passion, stormy feelings. There are other interpretations. In some dreams of lipstick of red color - a sign that false appeared in the relationship.
  3. 3. To see brightly aloud lipstick in a dream means experiencing a strong emotional tension. This may be a nervous breakdown signal.
  4. 4. Decorative lipstick of purple color in night visions characterizes a dream as a creative person. Such a dream promises new ideas and a source of inspiration.
  5. 5. If a burgundy cosmetic means has dreamed, it suggests that in the future, a person will survive a difficult situation and acquires valuable life experience. A burgundy tint of lipstick in a dream symbolizes peace, wisdom.
  6. 6. Brown shade symbolizes calm, stability in the life of a dream.
  7. 7. Black lipstick for lips in night dreams - a sign that seeing sleep is completely defenseless before the intrigues of others, it is distinguished by the simplicity and lack of tricks.
  8. 8. The lips for lips with glitter throws a dream dream.
  9. 9. To see a cosmetics with a pearl-person - a person will have to eliminate the consequences of his erroneous actions.
  10. 10. If the lipstick in Night Greeks Matte is promulit a full calm in relationships.
  11. 11. If a transparent lipstick has dreamed, Man Hiter and knows how to pretend well.
  12. 12. Any unnatural shades, such as green, blue, purple, Black, foreshadow. It follows with particular attention to your health.

What dreams of a girl - interpretation of dreams

4 dream scenario

When deciphering a dream, you need to consider what exactly happened in a dream. This will solve the secret meaning of the vision and avoid inaccuracies in interpretation:

  1. 1. If the dreams in a dream constantly paints his lips, tinting contours, it indicates its insecurity, the cause of which is its appearance. It is necessary to learn to take yourself as it is, and life will give a lot of pleasant surprises! If, when tapping, the sleeping clearly seeks to increase the contour of the lips, the dreams may suffer from its vanity and excessive ambitions.
  2. 2. Collect lips in a dream and get painted - the probability of making a small slip.
  3. 3. Make the makeup of lips in a public place - in his behavior, man imites someone.
  4. 4. If the dream of lipstick is not suitable in the dream of lipstick, it is worth thinking and analyze your life. Such a plot of night vision may mean that the dreams are unable to independently make decisions that seriously affect his life and defend their interests.
  5. 5. But if the applied shade in a night vision harmoniously complements the appeal - the dreams are quite a successful person and manages his life. Hard difficulty it will reach unprecedented heights.
  6. 6. If you dreamed that the man in front of the mirror paints his lips in red - he is waiting for a meeting with his beloved, but these relationships are secret. However, if it prefers preference to dark shades in a dream, this is a signal that you need to move to decisive actions to achieve the desired one.
  7. 7. If in a dream, sleep sees another person with painted lips, it promises obstacles in affairs. There is a chance that it will be deceived.
  8. 8. Choose in the store this makeup means means that the location of a man who occupies thoughts can be achieved by applying all charm and female spells. But, most likely, these relationships will be short. If the attempts of a woman choose lipstick were not crowned with success, it suggests that she has too high demands for the partner, and it prevents her to build strong relationships. This dream also personifies indecisiveness in choosing a life satellite. But if the dream is still a choice in favor of a pink shade - to a romantic meeting.
  9. 9. If a person dreamed that he was looking at the storeflines of the store bottles with means for lips, it foreshadows a quarrel in the family.
  10. 10. May also dream and the fact that the dream is painting lips, but the color is unpleasant. This signals that a person is trying to impose a certain way of thinking. Such a dream may foresee that they will be performed, and the surrounding will instruct it.
  11. 11. Sleep, in which the dreams found this means of makeup for lips, promises a pleasant love adventure.
  12. 12. If you have dreamed that the lipstick was stolen - a person will get the desired, but there will be obstacles on the way.
  13. 13. If in night Gresses slept dropped a cosmetic agent, it foreshadows that it will soon happen an important event that will determine the near future. If a man raised the fallen lipstick in a dream, it symbolizes successes in any endeavor. But if the lipstick remained on the floor, it promises a dream of a problem both in personal life and in his career.

5 Dream of Juno

Dream Juno gives the following interpretations of dreams in which lipstick appears:

  • Color lips sweet - to the scandal or to parting, the reason for which the actions of the dream will become.
  • If, when applying a cosmetic agent, the person drank - he was dishonest and will soon regret it.

Sleep, in which a person paints lips lipstick, this is just a warning. If this sign is correctly interpreted, you can avoid many troubles.

And a little about secrets ...

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The need for a dream is the physiological need of any body with higher nervous activity.

From the point of view of psychology and psychiatry, sleep and dreams are peculiar protective mechanisms that in a state of sleep can help solve an exciting issue, vitality, or suggest how to act in a difficult life situation. This is a kind of subconscious tip, which knows exactly the answer.

Painting in a dream lips - what it means

Each part of the body seen in a dream carries information about a vital problem, opens feelings and emotions that are often hidden in real life.

  • The lips dreamed in a dream are a sign of sensual nature and the need for the opposite sex.
  • Painting lips lipstick in a dream is interpreted as the desire of a woman to attract the desired man to ensure the attention of the opposite sex, diversity in the already existing relationships.
  • It also speaks of insincerity, coldness and insensitivity, the existence of problems in the relationship and the possible appearance of the third "superfluous" person in a pair.
  • In addition, painting lips lipstick in a dream means either excessive narcissism and narcissism, or an underestimated self-esteem in revealing depending on the color of the lipstick, which dreamed.

It should also take into account the emotions that were present in a dream and the understanding of the girl that she paints them in front of the mirror in the store, on the street or in front of the mirror at home.

To interpret dreams, such dreams are used that lips to paint in a dream is dispersed as:

Dream Interpretation Miller.

  • Indifference, false and insincerity to the close surrounding of people, a loved one.
  • If the color in the dream does not like a woman - a clear sign of low self-esteem.
  • If the lipstick was a stranger - the desire to conquer someone else's man.
  • If a woman dreams of black lipstick - it says about the desire to stand out, become more noticeable and desire to challenge fate.

Dream Vangu

  • Sulit of temptations in existing relationships.
  • As well as the insincerity and desire of a woman hide their real feelings towards her man.

Dream Sonnik Z. Freud.

  • According to Freud, the beloved women are not satisfied with the relationship, but does not speak about it. Subconsciously reads in his behavior and is expressed in dreams, where a woman paints lips to lipstick.

Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov - interprets in a dream about a sudden event and a strong surprise of the dreams.

Dream Interpretation V. Melnikova

  • If you dream to paint your lips, it foreshadows successful romantic relationships with a man who will be very useful in life.

Dream Birthdays The prediction of the disease is promoting, but not long.

Dream of Junoinclicts such a dream as an omnation for a quarrel and even separation with a loved one. You should be careful in words and emotions.

Dream Interpretation Phonda - Lack of attention from men in life and need for affection, care, love.

Painting in a dream of a red lipstick lips

According to various interpretations of dream books, in a dream, the lips of red lipstick speaks about the desire of a woman stand out and like the opposite sex.

  • In addition, it is important how the anewdit fell on the lips, if carefully, then the relationship is no longer in a shaky condition, if the application was in a hurry, passibly, with divorces, it promises a breakdown of relationships.
  • If you had dreamed of painting the lips of the red lipstick, it says about the inner struggle with the complexes and the desire to hide his shortcomings, and in real life is not to those who are truly.
  • If red lipstick is dreaming on other lips, this means the appearance in the life of a person with unkind and selfish intentions, should not trust such a person.
  • If a man dreams of his beloved with red lips, then this is to strengthen relations.
  • If a man in a dream paints lips lipstick, then it speaks of humiliation from the outside people in life - relatives or colleagues.
  • If you dreamed of painting them with pink lipstick, it could be a signal of the beginning of a new relationship, and also dream of purposeful personalities who try to listen to themselves and achieve their goals.

What dreams to paint lips bright lipstick

  • To paint in a dream of a bright lipstick lipstick in the case, if they want to declare themselves, but for some reason it does not happen in real life, hence the exit through dreams finds the subconscious, trying to compensate for the lack of attention among friends and in persons of the opposite sex.
  • Such a dream girl can see when carefully monitors and does not have complexes, but at the same time she often hides their real feelings and emotions.

What dreams to paint lips

  • Lipstick can be obtained in a dream as a gift that, in general, means changes in the professional career, in communicating with others.
  • Buying or finding lipstick in a dream for lonely girls can turn into strong, romantic relationships.
  • If I dreamed of theft of lipstick, then this is the omen of the "thorny" and the hard path to its goal.
  • Paint the lips in a dream in front of the mirror can mean a fateful meeting. To paint in front of the mirror can also mean the manifestations of egoistic and narcissistic nature, which hides the true attitude towards others.
  • In addition, a dream can dream, in which a girl, a woman cannot dwell on choosing a specific color, which speaks of excessive picky and criticality towards others. This is especially true if the "bar" is too high and loneliness in life is the usual state of a woman.
  • If you had dreamed of painting his lips expensive lipstick, it foreshadows a rich man. In the case of old or cheap - to difficult periods in life.

A very important nuance is a color that dreams:

  1. Burgundy color - to stability.
  2. Bright scarlet shade - to family, sexual problems, and unmarried to the right choice of the future chosen one.
  3. Beige or pink shades - to the desire to experience gentle, sincere feelings.
  4. Purple color - to the need to internally calm down and concentrate on yourself, hear yourself.
  5. Blue color - to the life search for goals and yourself.
  6. Green color personifies hope, awakening.
  7. Brown shades are starred in case of constancy, when the dreams are firmly on Earth.
  8. The black color is an expression of the inner emptiness, understated self-esteem and not the ability to hear himself.

What dreams lips glitter paint

  • The French dream book interprets a colorless shine as a sign that a man will appear in the dream life who will deceive him. A woman can also deceive himself or hide from those surrounding the subject of his reeble.
  • Also using brilliance in a dream - a sign of burning desire to be in the center of male attention, to increase your authority. In some cases, it is a sign of reduced self-esteem and the hope of increasing its own significance.


Lipstick for the lips is the most important element of the female seductive arsenal according to all fashion lawmakers. The presence of lipstick completely changes the image of a woman, makes it interesting and attractive.

In a dream, lipstick often dreams of a pleasant acquaintance and means a relaxed communication, light flirt, sexual attraction. Consider the main values, what dreams of lipstick in dreams.

Main values

It matters if you use lipstick in everyday life. If this is part of your everyday toilet and in a dream you look like in reality, you should not give the appearance of a special additional value.

Pay attention to unusual details, color changes. For example, if you usually acquire cosmetics in a boutique, and in a dream you buy a tube with orange paint in the transition - this may mean a ridiculous flirt with a courier, a security guard or a pedalication of water in reality.

If in a dream you mining the brilliance from the jar with your finger right in the restaurant and drive your finger on the lips, although you know perfectly well that it is somewhat per graveyard - prepare to the role of a cunning seducer and the observers of the Ustiv.

  • Wash the cosmetics with a napkin - at the bottom to give up the received rules, lead your game.
  • Buy in boutique, choose - to meet, readiness for flirting. It is important to the environment, where exactly you buy lipstick - on a cheap sale, in a supermarket, in a specialized store or in an expensive branded shop. Surroundings shows how you feel about how to save on beauty and your needs. If you choose cheap cosmetics of any shade, you dial a whole mountain of different colors - you are extremely undemanding and do not know how to appreciate yourself, only try your hand on the Flirt and Coquetry field. By and large, you have not yet decided on choosing a cavalier and glad to any sign of attention.
  • If a man dreams that he buys lipstick - this means either a masquerade, or a complete inability to care for women, the desire for dictates and control, greed.
  • Hygienic lipstick without color is limitless confidence in their abilities. You are not ready to consider yourself as a woman and require yourself a serious relationship, as a man. With all due respect to such a position, it is worth noting that to attract a man will not work in this way. Only this, which himself sympathizes strong men or is looking for a reliable patronage.
  • Collect lips - pretense. You gladly play different roles in your own theater. Perhaps it makes sense to revise the repertoire and search for new interesting roles. Acting and makeup courses will be by the way in real life.
  • Lose favorite cosmetic bag or lipstick - to disappointments in trifles. Perhaps you will learn something unpleasant about the facility and you can not give these facts to the values, but in vain. The little things are often better characterized by a person than the hottest words and fervent outposts.
  • Broken, break the coloring column - to disappointment in the best hopes.
  • Open tube - You may have a lucky rival. Do not too believe the man, he is sly.
  • Pleasant smell of lip balm means good luck. If cosmetics rang, it smells unpleasant - there is a danger to disgrace on a date.
  • It matters the color of lipstick in a dream. Classic red - you appreciate yourself highly, consider all the options and select the most worthy. Scarlet, bright - dream Rather to run to the most important date of your life. Looks like you are ready to make the main bid. It is possible that you are tuned to an equal relationship and you will be disappointed. Orange - love to fool young people, flirting without serious intentions. Burgundy, brown - serious attitude. You are ready to take the initiative in your hands. Pink - calcality. No code, natural - love to pretend and actor, do not confident. Aggressive colors - green, purple, black - tendency to the cliff. You like to experience people.
  • Bright, juicy colors mean a decisive attitude, willingness to serious relations without halftone. Pearl, sequins give out indecision and doubt.

Interpretation of authorities

Freud's dream book did not pay attention to the phallic shape of lipstick for the lips and the fact that the bright lips on the face of a woman cause quite certain associations with excited female genital organs. Collect lips lipstick in a dream means oral sex and the most unequivocal hint. Coloring lips in a restaurant - readiness for the continuation of the evening, stormy sex.

Female dream book believes that lipstick in a dream means a mystery. Perhaps you will have a married lover with high demands for female beauty. Classic tube - to flirt. A jar - to the disease. Glitter in the bottle is an unsuccessful date. Collect her lips with a tassel - to deception, drawing.

Winter's dream book is considering painted lips in a dream as a sign of deception.


Lipstick in a dream stands as a bright seduction tool. To dream of lipstick means readiness for new adventure. Colorless lipstick means something like a vegetarian hunt - you depict flirting, but seriously get acquainted and build relationships are not ready. Purchase of lipstick means readiness for new victories.

On the other hand, victory on the love field can be considered as a defeat. France of the relationship in which you are put forward exorbitant requirements, ties with married men. What you consider how a fascinating game at first may seriously change your life.


Support points:

  1. Red lipstick…
  2. Who painted lips
  3. Buy or get as a gift
  4. If she disappeared ...

Red lipstick…

The bright red color of the dreaming lipstick points to your closs, unwillingness to be frank and inability to sympathize. If you dreamed bright lipstick, not causing, then an unpleasant surprise ahead. Glitter or lipstick in pearl shades foreshadow the troubles provoked by your frivolity. Clothes in a dream, evaporated with lipstick, characterizes complexity in relationships. See yourself with ancillary lips and at the same time the color did not go to you - to achieve the location of the person you like, you go to any tricks and tricks.

Who painted lips

A dream in which you painted lips Lipstick, indicates the presence of a fan that does not advertise his feelings for you. About the deception warns a dream, about an unfamiliar woman, coloring lips. They dreamed of the lips of the child, painted by lipstick - such a vision predicts ridiculous rumors about you. A man painting in a dream of his lips predicts the appearance of the face of the opposite sex, which will try to take advantage of your trust.

Buy or get as a gift

Purchase of lipstick in a dream symbolizes your credulity and paddiness to flatter - be careful, the situation will arise when these qualities will play with you a cruel joke. Choosing it in a dream - you will soon realize that your chosen one is not the one who gives out. About the new novel says the lipstick you received as a gift. Found a tube with her predicts a small romantic adventure, remember which you will be very long.

If she disappeared ...

Lose her in a dream - it means that the case will help you avoid trouble. To see the ending lipstick, or an empty tube from under her - you are insincere, so you will not have real relationships for a long time. If a you have stolen it, then the appearance of a strong rival is possible. To give your cosmetics to anyone - clarifying relationships with the second half will take away from you a lot of strength.

Painting in a dream lips lipstick means that you bow to intimate proximity to you, which is not suitable for you, but a lot can do for your career and well-being. Brightly allay lipstick foreshadows sexual problems, and unmarried indicates the correctness of their decision, foreshadowing love and respect from the future husband.

Pearl, casting lipstick, says that soon you will have to repent in your own inconsistency, which will cause an accident. Pale, calm tones lipstick foreshadows disappointment from a gift not at all in your taste.

In a dream, lipstick - I will flatter you, but you will be able to see the external location to see insincerability and envy. A dream in which you give lipstick, means that you will soon be invited to a new society, where to get acquainted with an interesting person who will immediately show you her love, and you will answer him reciprocity.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation - Guba.

Beautiful lips in a dream to see - to good news and strong health. But if they are painted, then beware of saying more superfluous, so as not to stick the trouble. Dry and cracked lips in a dream mean that quarrels are waiting for you and the subsequent parting behind them. If, in a dream, your lips have become more complete or more (but without ugliness), then the addition of the family is waiting for you. Albeit lips in a dream means you need to blame yourself in the situation. See interpretation: mouth.

Interpretation of dreams Interpretation of dreams from Esoteric Dream

What does the sleep of lipstick mean

Lipstick - choose - to prepare someone to seduce. Mind lips - self-affirmation. Your actions are managed by an inferiority complex.

Interpretation of dreams from a cannel depression

Sleep about lipstick

If you in a dream, you can not pick up the desired tone of lipstick - - show challenging towards young people.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation dreams

What does it mean in a dream lipstick

Painting in a dream lips lipstick means that you bow to intimate proximity to you, which is not suitable for you, but a lot can do for your career and well-being. Brightly allay lipstick foreshadows sexual problems, and unmarried indicates the correctness of their decision, foreshadowing love and respect from the future husband.

Pearl, casting lipstick, says that soon you will have to repent in your own inconsistency, which will cause an accident. Pale, calm tones lipstick foreshadows disappointment from a gift not at all in your taste.

In a dream, lipstick - I will flatter you, but you will be able to see the external location to see insincerability and envy. A dream in which you give lipstick, means that you will soon be invited to a new society, where to get acquainted with an interesting person who will immediately show you her love, and you will answer him reciprocity.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Value of dreams of lipstick

Lipstick in a dream: a sign of false feelings.

See someone painted lips: a sign that you should not trust the feelings of this person.

Strangers with painted lips: suggest that some kind of not very serious deception can distract you and somehow prevent your plans.

Collect her lips yourself: says that you are insincere in your feelings.

Write a lipstick: a sign that your inaccier in love relationships in the end can get you sideways.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

That in a dream means lipstick

If a woman paints his lips in a dream, in reality it will experience great surprise from some news.

Another value is: It is possible for it intimate proximity to a person who can help her in his career, money or in other life circumstances, but it will be absolutely uninteresting to her as a sexual partner.

Abuse lipstick (very strongly and brightly paint lips, rumbling cheeks) - suffered because of your own insincerity.

Buying lipstick - find fault in the trifles to her husband, lover or fan.

If a man buys lipstick, in reality he needs to be caring and more carefully for his beloved woman, otherwise she will leave him.

Interpretation of dreams