Famous winged expressions from the comedy "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov

Famous winged expressions from the comedy "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov

Winged phrases in the comedy "Woe from Mind" Griboedov

Mount from the mind - in the name of the comedy, the meaningfulness of the interpretation is laid. Griboedov puts a mystery to contemporaries and the future generation. Why is the hero feel bitterness of frustration and "Millon Torzaniya"? Why did not understand him, did not admit it? Because he considered dangerous his mind, breeding new ideas, unacceptable light, like unnecessary, uncomfortable, impractical and even dangerous for this society. It is a treatise that there is generally the mind, which is reasonable, which is true.

Theme "Mind" in the play "Mount from the mind":

1. The mind, the sharper knowledge - the phrase of Chatsky. For him, this is the highest value.
2. Hours - Here is a plague, a scholarship - this is the reason ... Magazus MSU opposes the foundations of the serf nobility.
3. Ah, if he loves who whom, why look and ride so far? - Sophia with sentimental sensitivity.
4. The scholarship does not overeat - for the scalosis, the main thing is iron discipline.
5. The mind with a heart is not in Lada - the phrase of Chatsky. It is broken by contradictions, alienation from people, loneliness.
6. Million of torment - the phrase of Chatsky. The approach of Chatsky to the last fatal draw, to which he led to honest ministry of truth, the laws of reason.

Chatsky winged phrases in the play:

1. A little light - on the legs! And I have your feet (D.1 Yavl.7)
2. Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world! (D.1 Yavl.7)
3. Where is the age that innocent (D.1 Yavl.7)
4. And in whom you will not find spots? (D.1 Yavl.7)
5. And the smoke of the Fatherland of us is sweet and pleasant! (D.1 Yavl.7)
6. I use a minute (D.1 Yavl.7)
7. And however, it comes to the degrees of famous, because now they love wordless (D.1 Yavl.7)
8. I hurry to you, the head of the break (D.1 Yavl.7)
9. And yet I love you without memory (D.1 Yavl.7)
10. Mind with a heart is not in Lada (D.1 Yavl.7)
11. Male in the fire: I will go for lunch (D.1 Yavl.7)
12. It would be pleased to serve nausea (D.2 Yavl.2)
13. And accurately began the light stupid (D.2 Yavl.2)
14. Century of the current and century passed (D.2 Yavl.2)
15. Fresh legend, and hardening with difficulty (D.2 yawl.2)
16. And who are the judges? (D.2 Yavl.5)
17. Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges! (D.2 Yavl.5)
18. Mind, Accommodation Knowledge (D.2 Yavl.5)
19. I can climb into the loop, and it is funny (D.3 Yavl.1)
20. I am strange; And not strange who is? (D.3 Yavl.1)
21. I would not wish my personal enemy (D.3 Yavl.1)
22. Hero ... not my novel (D.3 Yavl.1)
23. I'm nonsense not a Reader (D.3 Yavl.3)
24. Village - Summer Paradise (D.3 Yavl.6)
25. They scold here, and there thank (D.3 Yavl.9)
26. Million Torzany (D.3 Yavl.22)
27. Improtection against the elements of the elements (D.3 Yavl.22)
28. Listen! Vriy, yes know the same measure (D.4 Jawl.4)
29. There is from what in despair come (D.4 Yavl.4)
30. And now public opinion (D.4 Yavl.10)
31. Svidanya Hourly extended (D.4 Yavl.10)
32. Silent bliss in the world! (D.4 Yavl.13)
33. Dreaming from the eye by one - and sleigh slept (D.4 Yavl.14)
34. Where fate threw me! (D.4 Yavl.14)
35. Here I am no longer a ride (D.4 Yavl.14)
36. Where offended there is a feeling corner! (D.4 Yavl.14)
37. Careet me, carriage! (D.4 Yavl.14)

Famouse winged phrases in the play:

1. And nothing but leprosy and the wind on the mind (D.1, Yavl.2)
2. Hit, whims are started! (D.1 Yavl.2)
3. And in the readings, it is not great ... (D.1 Yavl.2)
4. Fucking as like tremendous (D.1 Yavl.4)
5. Not needed a different sample, when in the eyes an example of a father (D.1 Yavl.4)
6. Monastic known leaders! (D.1 Yavl.4)
7. Horrible Age (D.1 Yavl.4)
8. These languages \u200b\u200bwere given to us! (D.1 Yavl.4)
9. Who is poor, you're not a couple! (D.1 Yavl.4)
10. There are strange dreams, and in reality is strange (D.1 Yavl.4)
11. Increase nonsense from the head (D.1 Yavl.4)
12. Where miracles, there is little warehouse (D.1 Yavl.4)
13. The custom is my such: signed, so with the shoulders of the one (D.1 Yavl.4)
14. Well, you threw the joke! (D.1 Yavl.9)
15. In doubt I introduced me (D.1 Yavl.9)
16. Parsley, forever you with a new clothes (D.2 Yavl.1)
17. With feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement (D.2 Yavl.1)
18. We would study, on older looking (D.2 Yavl.2)
19. He fell hurt, got up great (D.2 Yavl.2)
20. What does say! And he says how he writes! (D.2 Yavl.2)
21. Yes, he does not recognize the authorities! (D.2 Yavl.2)
22. On the shot to approach the capitals (D.2 Yavl.2)
23. Depraved not tolerant (D.2 Yavl.2)
24. Not in the years and Chin envy, now tomorrow General (D.2 Yavl.3)
25. And the free ideas of these quack (D.2 Yavl.3)
26. Give God Health to you and General Chin (D.2 Yavl.5)
27. And Batyushka, admit that it is barely where the capital is reached as Moscow (D.2 Yavl.5)
28. VOCS, Batyushka, excellent manner (D.2 Yavl.5)
29. There are all its laws (D.2 Yavl.5)
30. For Father and Son Honor (D.2 Yavl.5)
31. All Moscow has a special imprint (D.2 Yavl.5)
32. And ladies? - Sun who, try, master (D.2 Yavl.5)
33. Give God patience, because I myself was married (D.2 Yavl.5)
35. Human learning is the plague, the scholar is the reason (D.3 Yavl.21)
36. Not in its plate (D.3 Yavl.22)
37. Ba! Familiar All Persons (D.4 Yavl.14)
38 Best Half (D.4 Yavl.14)

Winged phrases Sofia in a play:

1. Who is born in poverty (D.1 Yavl.4)
2. Who wants and judges (D.1 Yavl.5)
3. From the hands will come down (D.1 Yavl.5)
4. Fate as as if Besked (D.1 Yavl.5)
5. And the grief is waiting for the corner (D.1 Yavl.5)
6. He did not speak the words of the smart one (D.1 Yavl.5)
7. I do not care what for him, that in the water (D.1 Yavl.5)
8. From the depths of the soul sighed (D.1 Yavl.5)
9. And the eye does not reduce me (D.1 Yavl.5)
10. Ah, Batyushka, sleep in hand (D.1 Yavl.10)
11. Happy hours do not observe (D.1 Jawl.3)

Winged phrases of Lisa in the play:

1. Need an eye yes eye (D.1 Yavl.1)
2. And the fear does not take them! (D.1 Yavl.1)
3. Ah, Amur Damned! (D.1 Yavl.1)
4. And Barsky Anger, and Bar Love (D.1 Yavl.2)
5. Girls have a dream morning so thin (D.1 Yavl.2)
6. Now it's not to laughter (D.1 Yavl.5)
7. Sin does not matter, the rumor is not good (D.1 Yavl.5)
8. And the Golden Bag, and Metit to the generals (D.1 Yavl.5)
9. Where is it worn? In which edges? (D.1 Yavl.5)
10. He is not in his mind (D.3 Yavl.14)
11. How Belmo in the eye (D.4 Yavl.11)
12. Love for tomorrow Beach (D.4 Yavl.11)

Winged phrases of Molchalin in the play:

1. Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol (D.2 Yavl.2)
2. I do not dare to advise you (D.2 Yavl.11)
3. In my summer should not be a mixed judgment (D.3 Yavl.3)
4. Very often we find the patronage where we are not methim (D.3 Yavl.3)
5. I do not see a crime (D.3 Yavl.3)

Winged phrases of the scalosis in the play:

1. We did not serve together (D.2 Yavl.5)
2. I just got to the generals (D.2 Yavl.5)
3. Marry? I'm not hurt (D.2 Yavl.5)
4. The scholarship does not overeat (D.4 Yavl.5)

Illustration of D. N. Kardovsky. 1912

"Woe from Wit" - Comedy in verses A. S. Griboyedov. The work that made its creator a classic of Russian literature. The comedy combines elements of classicism and new for the beginning of the XIX century romanticism and realism.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" - satire on the aristocratic Moscow society of the first half of the XIX century is one of the vertices of Russian drama and poetry; In fact, completed the "comedy in verse" as a genre. Aphoristic style contributed to the fact that she "sorted by quotes."

Museum autograph "grief from the mind" (the name is shipped by the author from the Mount Muh). 1st page


The young noralian Alexander Andreevich Chatsky returns due to the border to his beloved - Sophie Pavlovna Famusova, who has not seen three years. Young people grew together and since childhood loved each other. Sophia was offended by Chatsky for the fact that he unexpectedly threw her, went to St. Petersburg and "did not write three words."

Chatsky comes to the Famousov's house with the decision to marry Sofye. Contrary to his expectations, Sophia meets him very cold. It turns out that she is in love with another. Her chosen is the young secretary Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin, living in her father's house. Chatsky can not understand, "Who Miles" Sofa. In Molchanin, he sees only the "most painful creature", not worthy of love Sophia Pavlovna, who does not know how to love fervently and selflessly. In addition, Chatsky despises Molchally for the effort to please everyone, for sinking. Having learned that this person conquered the heart of Sophia, Chatsky is disappointed in his beloved.

Chatsky pronounces the eloquent monologues, in which the Moscow Society is denied (the ideologist of whose father of Sofia Pavel Afanasyevich Famuses). Okomnako in society there are rumors about the madness of Chatsky, brushed outstanding sofy. At the end of the play, Chatsky decides to leave Moscow.

Only 2 classical units are observed in the comedy: the place and time (the action takes place in the Famous house during the day); The third unity - actions - absent, in the work of 2 storylines: the love of Chatsky and the confrontation of the Chatsky and Moscow society. The main idea of \u200b\u200btragicomedia: protest the free person "against the vile Russian reality." (A. S. Griboedov).

Jubilee's posterKiev City Theater (1881)

"Woe from Wit" - One of the most cited texts in Russian culture. Pushkin's prediction came true: "Half of the verses should be included in the proverb." There are a number of continuations and alterations "grief from the mind", including the "Return of Chatsky to Moscow" E. P. Rostopchina (1850s), anonymous, so-called. The surrounding "grief from the mind" (the end of the XIX century; Wed. Mention and some quotes in the PLUCER-SARNO article) et al.; For a number of productions, the text of the comedy was radically processed.

Many phrases of the play, including its name, became covered.

Winged phrases and expressions:

  • And however, he comes to the degrees of famous

Words of Chatsky: (D.1, Yavl. 7):

And however, it will reach the degrees of famous,

After all, today they love wordless.

  • And because patriot

Famusov's words (action. 2, Yavl. 5):

And who saw her daughters, hanging his head! ..

French romances sing you

And the top remove notes,

To military people and flax

And because patriotics.

  • And mix two of these crafts / there is darkness of the arts - I am not from their number

Words of Chatsky (action. 3, Yavl. 3):

When in affairs - I am from merry, hiding;

When to fool - fooling;

And mix two of these crafts

There are darkness of the arts - I am not from their number.

  • And who are the judges?

Chatsky's words: (D.2, Yavl.5):

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,

Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

  • Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol

Words of Molchalin. (D.2, Yavl.11).

  • Ba! Familiar all persons

The words of Famusov. (D.4, Yavl.14).

  • Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!

Words of Chatsky. (D.1, Yavl.7).

  • There are strange dreams, and in reality is strange
  • To the village, in the wilderness, in Saratov!

The words of Famusov addressed to her daughter (d. 4, Yavl. 14):

Not to be in Moscow, do not live with people with people;

Submitting it from these grips.

To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov,

There you will grief grief,

Behind the hoop to sit, yawning for the soles.

  • My summer should not shine / your judgment have

The words of Molchalin (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

  • Century current and century past

Century century and century passed:

  • View and something

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

In magazines you can, however, find

His passage, look and something.

What do you mean something? - About everything.

  • Purchase, genus

Reputilov's words addressed to Chazza (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

Perhaps laugh at me ...

And I have an impulse of you, the rod is ailment,

Love some and passion,

I am ready for the soul proactic

That in the world you won't find yourself such a friend.

  • Times Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable.

Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers

Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

  • Everything is lying calendars

Words of the old woman whip (d. 3, yawl. 21).

  • You, current, well-tip!

Famusov's words addressed to Chatskom (d. 2, Yavl. 2).

  • Where, specify us, the Fatherland fathers, / which we must take for samples?

(action. 2, Yavl. 5).

  • Hero not my novel

Words of Sofia (d. 3, Yavl. 1):

H and c k and y

But scalosis? Here is a look:

For the army stands the mountain,

And the reimbursement of the mill,

S o f b

Not my novel.

  • Yes, waterville has a thing, and so on all the gil

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 6)

  • Yes a clever person can not be not a swarm

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4), who speaks of one of his comrades:

Night robber, Duelist,

In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,

And firmly in hand is unclean;

Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.

When it is about honesty high

Some kind of demon inspire:

Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,

It is crying, and we all sob.

  • The door is detached for the names and unwanted

The door is offped for signed and unwanted,

Especially from foreign.

  • Day per day, tomorrow (now) how yesterday

The words of Molchalin (action. 3, Yavl. 3):

H and c k and y

And before you lived?

M about l h al and n

Day back, tomorrow, like yesterday.

H and c k and y

To Peru from cards? And to the cards from the pen? ..

  • Distance of huge size

Words Colonel Scalozeb about Moscow (d. 2, Yavl. 5).
In the original: the distance is a huge size.

  • For large stations

Scalozub pronounces speech relative to the plans for the "reform" of the education system in Russia (3, Yavl. 21):

I'll get you up: Universal Molver,

That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;

There will be only to learn in our opinion: once, two;

And the books will remain like this: for big fasteners.

  • Houses of new, but prejudice old

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

Houses of the new, but prejudice old.

Reprove, do not destroy

No years, nor fashion nor fires.

  • There is from what in despair come

Chatsky, interrupting reheetal, tells him (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

Listen, vria, yes know the same measure;

There is from what to come in despair.

  • And here is a public opinion!

The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 10):

Through what kind of witchcraft

Whose cookie!

Believed fools, others pass,

Old women Bute

And here is a public opinion!

  • And the smoke of the Fatherland to us sweet and pleasant

Again to see them destroyed by fate!

To live with them getting tired, and in whom you will not find spots?

When you want, turn home,

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.

  • Screaming women: Hurray! / And in the air caps threw

Chatsky's words (d. 2, yawl. 5).

  • Milong Torzany

Yes, urine No: Milong Torzaniy

Breasts from friendly vice,

Foot from scolding, ears from exclamations,

And the head of the head from all sorts of trifles.


Words of the Maid Lisa (d. 1, Yavl. 2):

Ah, from the Lord's apartment;

They have troubles for all in every hour,


And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

  • Silence bliss in the world!

The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 13).

  • All Moscow has a special mark
  • Will not last praise

Chatsky's words (d. 3, yawl. 10).

  • Is it possible for walking / away to choose shots

Famusov's words (d. 1, Yavl. 4).

The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

How will you posing to the baptism, to the town,

Well, how not to try to a native little man?

  • About Byrone, well, about mothers important

Reetales tells Chatsky about the "secret meetings" of a certain "most serious union" (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

They say loud loudly, no one will discern.

I myself, how to grab about cameras, jury,

About Byrone, well, about mothers important,

I often listen, without sprinkling the lips;

I am not under my brother, and I feel stupid.

  • Signed, so with the shoulders

The words of Famusov, addressed to his secretary of Molchalin, who brought paper, requiring special consideration and signature (d. 1, Yavl. 4):

I'm afraid, sir, I am one deadly,

So that the many have not accumulated them;

Give the will to you, it would fall out;

And I have something that is not the case,

My custom is this:

Signed, so from the shoulders.

  • I go to look for light, / where offended there is a feeling corner!

Chatsky's words (d. 4, yawl. 14):

Where offended there is a feeling corner!

Careet me! Care!

  • Meril, we do not guys with you, / Why are the opinions of others only holy?

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

  • Listen, vria, yes know the same measure!

The words of Chatsky, addressed to the reheetle (d. 4, yawl. 4).

  • Singing, send and disperse

Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 5) On the old days of the Frontards who go

To that, to this, but more often for nothing;

Sorry, send and ... will disperse.

  • Pofoforming - the mind will be

Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 1):

Where as wonderful light created!

Pofoforming - the mind will be;

Then we take care, then lunch:

Eat three hours, and at three days it is not welded!

  • With me, employees are very rare; / More and more nursing, baking kids

The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

  • We used to believe we, / that we have no salvation without the Germans

The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):

As you used to believe,

What we have no salvation without the Germans!

  • Last Living Filler Features

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

And where foreigners are not resurrected

Last lived in good features.

  • Slavish, blind priest

Chatsky about adoration of all foreign:

So that the Lord has destroyed the unclean

Empty, slave, blind priest.

  • Reason contrary to the elements

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22), which speaks about the "alien mod", forcing Russians to adopt European clothing - "Improvement, against the elements of the elements".

  • Fresh legend, but hard to believe

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 2):

How to encounter, yes see

Century century and century passed:

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

  • The word in simplicity will not say, all with a surfacing

Famusov's words about Moscow ladies (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

  • Would be happy to serve nauseous

Chatsky's words (d. 2, yawl. 2).

F and m y with about in

I said, first of all: do not wish

Ween, brother, do not control the laugh,

And, most importantly, drinking a service.

H and c k and y

It would be glad to serve sissing.

F and m y with about in

That's the fact that you are all pride!

We would study, on the older looking ...

  • Languages: French with Nizhny Novgorod

The words of the Chatsky, which is ironic over the Galomanian of the Russian nobility, which was often combined with the bad knowledge of the same French (d. 1, Yavl. 7):

Here now tone what?

At the congresses, on large, on holidays arrival?

Merrates more mixed languages:

French with Nizhny Novgorod?

  • Happy hours do not observe

Words of Sofia (d. 1, Yavl. 4):


Look at the clock, fly up the window:

Walit people through the streets for a long time;

And in the house knock, walking, whitewash and clean.

S o f b

Happy hours do not observe.

  • Here I am no longer a ride!

The words of the last monolor of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 14):

Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride!

Run, do not look around, go to look for light,

Where offended there is a feeling corner ...

Careet me, carriage!

  • There is good where we are not

Sophia and Chatsky's conversation:

S o f b

Gone to Moscow! What does it mean to see the light!

Where is it better?

H and c k and y

Where we are not.

  • That tell love the end, / who will leave for three years

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 14).

  • Oli evil stop preventing, / pick up all books would fuck

Famusov's words (d. 3, Yavl. 21).

  • Mind with heart is not in Lada

So Chatskyy speaks about himself in a conversation with Sofia (d. 1, Yavl.7)

  • Moderation and accuracy

The words of Molchalin, who describes the main advantages of its character (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

  • Hours is the plague; scholarship - this is the reason

The words of Famusov (d. 3, Yavl. 21):

Well, the great trouble,

What will drink an excess man!

Hours is the plague; The scholarship is the reason.

  • I would have learned on older looking

Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 2):

Would ask how did the fathers do?

We would have learned on older looking.

  • Feldwebel to Voltaires give

Words of the scalosis (d. 2, yawl. 5):

I am prince - Gregory and you

Feldwebel to Voltaires Dame,

He will build you in three ranks

And picnet, so mig leave.

  • French from Bordeaux

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22):

In that room, a slight meeting:

French from Bordeaux, having a chest,

Gathered around him rush

And told how equipped on the road

To Russia, to Barbarars, with fear and tears ...

  • Threshing, price cheaper

The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):

Cotton pick teachers

By the number of more, the price is cheaper.

  • What says! And he says, as writes!

Famusov's words about Chazkom (d. 2, Yavl. 2).

  • What a commission, creator, / be an adult daughter father!

Famusov's words (1, Yavl. 10).

Here "Commission" - from French, the words Commission, meaning "Order" (duty).

  • What will Marya Alexna say?

The words of Famusov - the final phrase of the play (d. 4, Yavl. 15):

Oh my god! What will say

Princess Marya Alekshna!

  • That the word is a sentence!

Famusov's words:

And our old men? how they will hurt them,

Sat on business: that the word is a sentence!

  • To have children, / who lacked the mind?

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3):

Oh! Sophia! Solvely wondered her!

And what is not a husband? The mind in it is only little;

But to have children

To whom the mind lacked ...

  • Went to the room, got into another

Pharmuses, Zolllylin's room near the Sophia Room, angrily asks him (d. 1, Yavl. 4): "You are here, sir, why?" Sofya, justifying the presence of Molchanlia, says Father:

I am anger than your no frown,

He lives in the house here, great attack!

She walked into the room, hit another.

  • Noise, brother, noise!

Povelov's words (Dayt. 4, Yavl. 4):

H and c k and y

Yes, from what, tell me, are you feel so much?

R e p e t and l about in

Noise, brother, noise ...

H and c k and y

Do you like - and only? ..

  • I'm not nonsense, / and exemplary

Winged phrases and expressions in Comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

And however, he comes to the degrees of famous

Words of Chatsky: (D.1, Yavl. 7):

And however, it will reach the degrees of famous,

After all, today they love wordless.

And because patriotics.

Famusov's words (action. 2, Yavl. 5):

And who saw her daughters, hanging his head! ..

French romances sing you

And the top remove notes,

To military people and flax

And because patriotics.

And mix two of these crafts / there is darkness of the arts - I am not from their number

Words of Chatsky (action. 3, Yavl. 3):

When in affairs - I am from merry, hiding;

When to fool - fooling;

And mix two of these crafts

There are darkness of the arts - I am not from their number.

And who are the judges?

Chatsky's words: (D.2, Yavl.5):

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,

Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol

Words of Molchalin. (D.2, Yavl.11).

Ba! Familiar all persons

The words of Famusov. (D.4, Yavl.14).

Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!

Words of Chatsky. (D.1, Yavl.7).

There are strange dreams, and in reality is strange

To the village, in the wilderness, in Saratov!

The words of Famusov addressed to her daughter (d. 4, Yavl. 14):

Not to be in Moscow, do not live with people with people;

Submitting it from these grips.

To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov,

There you will grief grief,

Behind the hoop to sit, yawning for the soles.

My summer should not shine / your judgment have

The words of Molchalin (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

Century current and century past

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 2):

How to encounter, yes see

Century century and century passed:

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

View and something

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

In magazines you can, however, find

His passage, look and something.

What do you mean something? - About everything.

Purchase, genus

Reputilov's words addressed to Chazza (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

Perhaps laugh at me ...

And I have an impulse of you, the rod is ailment,

Love some and passion,

I am ready for the soul proactic

That in the world you won't find yourself such a friend.

Times Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable.

Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers

Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

Everything is lying calendars

Words of the old woman whip (d. 3, yawl. 21).

You, current, well-tip!

Famusov's words addressed to Chatskom (d. 2, Yavl. 2).

Where, specify us, the Fatherland fathers, / which we must take for samples?

(action. 2, Yavl. 5).

Hero not my novel

Words of Sofia (d. 3, Yavl. 1):

H and c k and y

But scalosis? Here is a look:

For the army stands the mountain,

Not my novel.

Yes, waterville has a thing, and so on all the gil

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 6)

Yes a clever person can not be not a swarm

Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4), who speaks of one of his comrades:

Night robber, Duelist,

In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,

And firmly in hand is unclean;

Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.

When it is about honesty high

Some kind of demon inspire:

Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,

It is crying, and we all sob.

The door is detached for the names and unwanted

The door is offped for signed and unwanted,

Especially from foreign.

Day per day, tomorrow (now) how yesterday

The words of Molchalin (action. 3, Yavl. 3):

H and c k and y

And before you lived?

M about l h al and n

Day back, tomorrow, like yesterday.

H and c k and y

To Peru from cards? And to the cards from the pen? ..

Distance of huge size

Words Colonel Scalozeb about Moscow (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

In the original: the distance is a huge size.

For large stations

Scalozub pronounces speech relative to the plans for the "reform" of the education system in Russia (3, Yavl. 21):

I'll get you up: Universal Molver,

That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;

There will be only to learn in our opinion: once, two;

And the books will remain like this: for big fasteners.

Houses of new, but prejudice old

Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

Houses of the new, but prejudice old.

Reprove, do not destroy

No years, nor fashion nor fires.

There is from what in despair come

Chatsky, interrupting reheetal, tells him (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

Listen, vria, yes know the same measure;

There is from what to come in despair.

And here is a public opinion!

The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 10):

Through what kind of witchcraft

Whose cookie!

Believed fools, others pass,

Old women Bute

And here is a public opinion!

And the smoke of the Fatherland to us sweet and pleasant

The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):

Again to see them destroyed by fate!

To live with them getting tired, and in whom you will not find spots?

When you want, turn home,

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.

Screaming women: Hurray! / And in the air caps threw

Chatsky's words (d. 2, yawl. 5).

Milong Torzany

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22):

Yes, urine No: Milong Torzaniy

Breasts from friendly vice,

Foot from scolding, ears from exclamations,

And the head of the head from all sorts of trifles.


Words of the Maid Lisa (d. 1, Yavl. 2):

Ah, from the Lord's apartment;

They have troubles for all in every hour,


And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

Silence bliss in the world!

The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 13).

All Moscow has a special mark

The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

Will not last praise

Chatsky's words (d. 3, yawl. 10).

Famusov's words (d. 1, Yavl. 4).

The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):

How will you posing to the baptism, to the town,

Well, how not to try to a native little man?

About Byrone, well, about mothers important

Reetales tells Chatsky about the "secret meetings" of a certain "most serious union" (d. 4, Yavl. 4):

They say loud loudly, no one will discern.

I myself, how to grab about cameras, jury,

About Byrone, well, about mothers important,

I often listen, without sprinkling the lips;

I am not under my brother, and I feel stupid.

Signed, so with the shoulders

The words of Famusov, addressed to his secretary of Molchalin, who brought paper, requiring special consideration and signature (d. 1, Yavl. 4):

I'm afraid, sir, I am one deadly,

So that the many have not accumulated them;

Give the will to you, it would fall out;

And I have something that is not the case,

My custom is this:

Signed, so from the shoulders.

I go to look for light, / where offended there is a feeling corner!

Chatsky's words (d. 4, yawl. 14):

Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride!

Run, do not look around, go to look for light,

Where offended there is a feeling corner!

Careet me! Care!

Meril, we do not guys with you, / Why are the opinions of others only holy?

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

Listen, vria, yes know the same measure!

The words of Chatsky, addressed to the reheetle (d. 4, yawl. 4).

Singing, send and disperse

Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 5) On the old days of the Frontards who go

To that, to this, but more often for nothing;

Sorry, send and ... will disperse.

Pofoforming - the mind will be

Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 1):

Where as wonderful light created!

Pofoforming - the mind will be;

Then we take care, then lunch:

Eat three hours, and at three days it is not welded!

You see where the truth is and where it is not true, and I definitely lost sight, I see nothing. You boldly solve all the important questions, but tell me, dove, not because you are young, that you did not have time to reine any of your questions? You are safely watching forward, and not because you don't see and do not expect anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes?

She loves you, you like it, and I don't know, I don't know why you will definitely keep away each other. I do not understand!

I am a developed person, I read different wonderful books, but I can't understand the directions, which I actually wants to live me or shoot, actually, but nevertheless I always wear a revolver with him.

Humanity goes forward, improving his strength. Everything that is inaccessible for him now, someday becomes close, understandable, just need to work, help with all the forces to those who are looking for the truth.

All seriously, in all strict faces, everyone speaks only about important, philosophy, and meanwhile, everyone in the eyes of workers eat disgusting, sleep without pillows, on thirty, forty in the same room, everywhere bugs, Smraff, dampness, moral unclean ... And, obviously, all the good conversations with us for only to take away your eyes and others.

These clever cleansings are all so stupid that you are not talking to anyone.

You boldly solve all the important questions, but tell me, dove, not because you are young, that you did not have time to reine any of your questions? You are safely looking forward, and not because you do not see and do not wait for anything terrible, since life is still hidden from your young eyes?

I do not have a real passport, I do not know how old I am, and everything seems to me that I am young.


And my and your soul does not have common points of contact.

Every disgrace has its decency.

And what does it mean to die? Perhaps a person has a hundred feelings, and with death only five well-known for us die, and the last ninety-five remains alive.

... got into flock, bark not bark, and walle the tail.

If a lot of money is offered against any disease, this means that the disease is incurable.

And what to hide or silent, I love it, it is clear. I love, love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without it.


And you, sir, I ask you really / there not to complain either straight or a settlement!
Cited as a form of ban to someone be somewhere.
Famusov's words (action. 4, Yavl. 14).

And however, he comes to the degrees of famous
Allegorically about an unworthy person, who is asked, flattery and showing humility, since this is conducive to both the views and interests of the bosses and the public atmosphere as a whole (Sark.).
The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):
And however, it will reach the degrees of famous,
After all, today they love wordless.

And because patriot
An ironic commentary to whose attempts to justify its simple everyday calculations with high patriotic words.
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
And who saw her daughters, hanging his head! ..
French romances sing you
And the top remove notes,
To military people and flax
And because patriotics.

And mix two of these crafts / there is darkness of the arts - I am not from their number

Cited as a form of refusal to engage simultaneously different, often mutually exclusive things.
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3):
When in affairs - I am from merry, hiding;
When to fool - fooling;
And mix two of these crafts
There are darkness of the arts - I am not from their number.

And who are the judges?
About contempt for the opinion of the authorities, which are no better than those who are trying to pursue, criticize, etc.
Words of Chatsky (D.2, Yavl.5):

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,

Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

And I have that the matter is that is not the case, / the custom of my such: / signed, so from the shoulders
Ironically about bureaucratic jurisdiction in the institution.
Famusov's words (action. 1, Yavl. 4).

Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol
The words of Molchalin (d. 2, Yavl. 11).

Ba! Familiar all persons
Used to express surprise at an unexpected meeting with anyone (joll.-Ion.).
The words of Famusov. (d. 4, Yavl. 14).

Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!

It is ironically about who are too unnecessary, unreasonably trusting or about who is too seduced by their rainbow plans and hopes.
The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7).
It is likely that this expression is a paraphrase from the Gospel of Mark (Ch. 16, Art. 16): "Who will believe and be baptized, will be saved."

There are strange dreams, and in reality is strange
Allegorically about the strange, amazing development of events, which seems incredible. Allegorically about the strange, amazing development of events, which seems incredible.
Famusov's words (d. 1, Yavl. 4).

To the village, in the wilderness, in Saratov!
Allegorically about the desire to leave urban vanity, "Heap of affairs, turmoil phenomena," find a quiet shelter, where you can think, to concentrate, relax, translate the spirit.
The words of Famusov addressed to her daughter (d. 4, Yavl. 14):
Not to be in Moscow, do not live with people with people;
Submitting it from these grips.
To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov,
There you will grief grief,
Behind the hoop to sit, yawning for the soles.

My summer should not shine / your judgment have
It is used as a comment on the behavior of a person who for a number of reasons (timidity, fear of higher) does not have his own, personal opinion on this or that matter or afraid to declare it, defend, argument. V. G. Belinsky (article "The Poem of M. Lermontov"): "... the crowd is a meeting of people living on legend and reasoning on authority, in other words - from people who cannot make their judgment to have."
The words of Molchalin (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

Century current and century past
Allegorically about the past and present time in order of their comparison.
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 2):

View and something
Ironically about blurry reasoning without a solid knowledge of the subject.
Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4):
In magazines you can, however, find
His passage, look and something.
What do you mean something? - About everything.

Purchase, genus

Justly ironically about the unconscious, not controlled by the mind of the addiction to anything or anyone.
Reputilov's words addressed to Chazza (d. 4, Yavl. 4):
Perhaps laugh at me ...
And I have an impulse of you, the rod is ailment,
Love some and passion,
I am ready for the soul proactic
That in the world you won't find yourself such a friend.

Times Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea

It is ironically about something hopelessly outdated, relating to long-standing, timeless times.
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years
To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable.
Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers
Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

Everything is lying calendars
Quoted ironically about all kinds of newspaper forecasts, meteorological supplies, predictions of astrologers, interpretations of dreams, etc.
Words of the old woman whip (d. 3, yawl. 21).

You, current, well-tip!
Citizates as reproaching and at the same time a challenge to the younger generation on the face of the senior: Can young people do something worthy in their lives, as old men made (Iron).
Famusov's words addressed to Chatskom (d. 2, Yavl. 2).

Where, specify us, the Fatherland fathers, / which we must take for samples?
Citizes about the "Pilts of the Company", the domestic "elite" and "fathers of the Fatherland", which do not at all correspond to such self-discharges (ion.).
The words of Chatsky, addressed to Famowov (Action. 2, Yavl. 5).

Hero not my novel
Allegorical: not in my taste.
Words of Sofia (d. 3, Yavl. 1):
H and c k and y
But scalosis? Here is a look:
For the army stands the mountain,
And the reimbursement of the mill,
Face and voice - hero ...
S o f b
Not my novel.

Yes, waterville has a thing, and so on all the gil
It is used as an ironic commentary about whose addictions to base spectacles, entertainment, as well as, as a low estimate of this kind of entertainment (predel.).
Reputilov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 6).
It is assumed that this phrase was borrowed by A. S. Griboedov, at the Watervilist of the first quarter of the XIX century. A. I. Pisareva (1803-1828).

Yes a clever person can not be not a swarm
Citizates as an ironic commentary to anyone else's unacceptable actions or cynical life principles.
Povelov's words (d. 4, Yavl. 4), who speaks of one of his comrades:
Night robber, Duelist,
In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,
And firmly in hand is unclean;
Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.
When it is about honesty high
Some kind of demon inspire:
Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,
It is crying, and we all sob.

The door is detached for the names and unwanted
Allegorically about the so-called open house where you can come at any time without an invitation, about the owner who accepts everyone without parsing, about the "passing yard" house, where there are dubious personalities, etc. (neoprug.).
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
The door is offped for signed and unwanted,
Especially from foreign.

Day per day, tomorrow (now) how yesterday
Allegorically about the routine, monotonous time.
The words of Molchalin (action. 3, Yavl. 3):
H and c k and y
And before you lived?
M about l h al and n
Day back, tomorrow, like yesterday.
H and c k and y
To Peru from cards? And to the cards from the pen? ..

Distance of huge size
It is used jokingly in relation to a large, incommensurable difference between anything.
Words Colonel Scalozeb about Moscow (d. 2, Yavl. 5).
In the original: the distance is a huge size.

For large stations
Allegorical: for special, solemn, rare cases (joll.-Ion.).
Scalozub pronounces speech relative to the plans for the "reform" of the education system in Russia (3, Yavl. 21):
I'll get you up: Universal Molver,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There will be only to learn in our opinion: once, two;
And the books will remain like this: for big fasteners.

Houses of new, but prejudice old
Allegorically: On the external changes and the unchanged inner essence of something (morbid).
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
Houses of the new, but prejudice old.
Reprove, do not destroy
No years, nor fashion nor fires.


There is from what in despair come
It is used as a characteristic of a complex, confusing state of affairs; As a reaction to unpleasant circumstances (ion.).
Chatsky, interrupting reheetal, tells him (d. 4, Yavl. 4):
Listen, vria, yes know the same measure;
There is from what to come in despair.

Evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol!
The meaning of the expression: moral suffering, which are brought to the man slanders, wanders, etc., are sometimes worse than physical flour and death itself.
The words of Molchalin (action. 2, Yavl. 11): "Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol!"

And here is a public opinion!
Allegorically about the rumors, speculation, gossip, prejudice, which should not be taken into account (Irons., Greet.).
The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 10):
Through what kind of witchcraft
The absurdness of everything in my voice is repeated!
Whose cookie!
Believed fools, others pass,
Old women Bute
And here is a public opinion!

And the smoke of the Fatherland to us sweet and pleasant
Allegorically about love, attachment to your Fatherland, when even the smallest signs of their own, they cause joy, lunizing.
The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):
Again to see them destroyed by fate!
To live with them getting tired, and in whom you will not find spots?
When you want, turn home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.

Screaming women: Hurray! / And in the air caps threw
It is used as the journey-ironic characteristic of public lifting.
Chatsky's words (d. 2, yawl. 5).

Milong Torzany
Justly ironically: in relation to all kinds of nervous, long, diverse hassle, as well as difficult thinking, doubts about any important thing.
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22):
Yes, urine No: Milong Torzaniy
Breasts from friendly vice,
Foot from scolding, ears from exclamations,
And the head of the head from all sorts of trifles.
The expression has become a winged due to the broadly fame of the article "Millon Torzaniya" (1872) of the writer Ivan Goncharov (1812-1891), who rethought in her the Griboedovsky expression in the spirit of its time - spiritual torment, moral.

Allegorical: It is better to stay away from the special attention of people from whom it depends, because from their love before their hatred is one step.
Words of the Maid Lisa (d. 1, Yavl. 2):
Ah, from the Lord's apartment;
They have troubles for all in every hour,
And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

Silence bliss in the world!
Contemptuously: about the situation, when not bright, uncomfortable personalities flourish, and gray, faceless conformists, careerist officials, reptiles in front of their bosses.
The words of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 13).


All Moscow has a special mark

Allegorical about what is typical of all Muscovites, which distinguishes them from residents of other Russian cities. It is used (according to the position of the speaker) or as approval, or as the renewing of these special features of Muscovites.
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

Will not last praise
Allegorically about tactless, stupid praise, which bring more harm, rather than use.
Chatsky's words (d. 3, yawl. 10).

Well, how not to try to a native little man?
Ironically about family, couch, protectionism.
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
How can you represent to the baptism, to the town,
Well, how not to try to a native little man?

About Byrone, well, about mothers important
Justly ironically about any important, "scientist" the topic of conversation.
Reetales tells Chatsky about the "secret meetings" of a certain "most serious union" (d. 4, Yavl. 4):
They say loud loudly, no one will discern.
I myself, how to grab about cameras, jury,
About Byrone, well, about mothers important,
I often listen, without sprinkling the lips;
I am not under my brother, and I feel stupid.

Signed, so with the shoulders
The words of Famusov, addressed to his secretary of Molchalin, who brought paper, requiring special consideration and signature (d. 1, Yavl. 4):
I'm afraid, sir, I am one deadly,
So that the many have not accumulated them;
Give the will to you, it would fall out;
And I have something that is not the case,
My custom is this:
Signed, so from the shoulders.

I go to look for light, / where offended there is a feeling corner!
Usually jokingly exaggerated about their insult, disappointment.
Chatsky's words (d. 4, yawl. 14):

Where offended there is a feeling corner!
Careet me! Care!

Meril, we do not guys with you, / Why are the opinions of others only holy?
Allegorical: the Council respect himself and his own opinion, his right to think independently.
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

Listen, vria, yes know the same measure!
The jangle-ironic council to temper your fantasy, at least somehow convert your fiction with the requirements of plausibility.
The words of Chatsky, addressed to the reheetle (d. 4, yawl. 4).

Singing, send and disperse
Ironical commentary on empty, meaningless conversations, discussions.
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5) about the old days, which
... go down
To that, to this, but more often for nothing;
Sorry, send and ... will disperse.

Pofoforming - the mind will be
Usually used as a form of a joking (ironic) failure to discuss any complex, inconsistent (from the point of view of the speaker) questions.
Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 1):
Where as wonderful light created!
Pofoforming - the mind will be;
Then we take care, then lunch:
Eat three hours, and at three days it is not welded!

With me, employees are very rare; / More and more nursing, baking kids
Phrase-symbol of family, courage, circular bail.
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

We used to believe we, / that we have no salvation without the Germans
Citizates as a comment on the blind adoption in front of foreign experience, the lack of self-esteem, faith in own forces (Iron., Disinforced, squeak.).
The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):
As you used to believe,
What we have no salvation without the Germans!

Last Living Filler Features

Allegorically about the past, which outraged the speaker and to which he does not want to return.
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
And where foreigners are not resurrected
Last lived in good features.
Slavish, blind priest
Chatsky about adoration of all foreign:
So that the Lord has destroyed the unclean
Empty, slave, blind priest.

Reason contrary to the elements
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22), which speaks about the "alien mod", forcing Russians to adopt European clothing - "Improvement, against the elements of the elements".

Fresh legend, but hard to believe
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 2):
How to encounter, yes see
Century century and century passed:
Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

The word in simplicity will not say, all with a surfacing
Famusov's words about Moscow ladies (d. 2, Yavl. 5).

Would be happy to serve nauseous
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 2):
F and m y with about in
I said, first of all: do not wish
Ween, brother, do not control the laugh,
And, most importantly, drinking a service.
H and c k and y
It would be glad to serve sissing.

Languages: French with Nizhny Novgorod
The words of the Chatsky, which is ironic over the Galomanian of the Russian nobility, which was often combined with the bad knowledge of the same French (d. 1, Yavl. 7):
Here now tone what?
At the congresses, on large, on holidays arrival?
Merrates more mixed languages:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Happy hours do not observe
Words of Sofia (d. 1, Yavl. 4):
Watch on the clock, take a look in the window:
Walit people through the streets for a long time;
And in the house knock, walking, whitewash and clean.
S o f b
Happy hours do not observe.

Here I am no longer a ride!
The words of the last monolor of Chatsky (d. 4, Yavl. 14):
Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride!
Run, do not look around, go to look for light,
Where offended there is a feeling corner ...
Careet me, carriage!

That tell love the end, / who will leave for three years
Words of Chatsky (d. 2, Yavl. 4).

Oli evil stop preventing, / pick up all books would fuck
Famusov's words (d. 3, Yavl. 21).

Mind with heart is not in Lada
So Chatsky speaks about himself in a conversation with Sofia (d. 1, Yavl.7)

Moderation and accuracy
The words of Molchalin, who describes the main advantages of its character (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

Hours is the plague; scholarship - this is the reason

The words of Famusov (d. 3, Yavl. 21):
Well, the great trouble,
What will drink an excess man!
Hours is the plague; The scholarship is the reason.

I would have learned on older looking
Famusov's words (d. 2, Yavl. 2):
Would ask how did the fathers do?
We would have learned on older looking.

Feldwebel to Voltaires give
Words of the scalosis (d. 2, yawl. 5):
I am prince - Gregory and you
Feldwebel to Voltaires Dame,
He will build you in three ranks
And picnet, so mig leave.

French from Bordeaux
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 22):
In that room, a slight meeting:
French from Bordeaux, having a chest,
Gathered around him rush
And told how equipped on the road
To Russia, to Barbarars, with fear and tears ...

Threshing, price cheaper
The words of Chatsky (d. 1, Yavl. 7):
Cotton pick teachers
By the number of more, the price is cheaper.

What says! And he says, as writes!
Famusov's words about Chazkom (d. 2, Yavl. 2).

What a commission, creator, / be an adult daughter father!
Famusov's words (1, Yavl. 10).
Here "Commission" - from French, the words Commission, meaning "Order" (duty).

What will Marya Alexna say?
The words of Famusov - the final phrase of the play (d. 4, Yavl. 15):
Oh my god! What will say
Princess Marya Alekshna!

That the word is a sentence!
The words of Famusov (d. 2, Yavl. 5):
And our old men? how they will hurt them,
Sat on business: that the word is a sentence!

To have children, / who lacked the mind?
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3):
Oh! Sophia! Solvely wondered her!
And what is not a husband? The mind in it is only little;
But to have children
To whom the mind lacked ...

Went to the room, got into another
Pharmuses, Zakollyn's room near the sofya room, angrily asks him (d. 1, Yavl. 4):
"You are here, sir, why?"
Sofya, justifying the presence of Molchanlia, says Father:
I am anger than your no frown,
He lives in the house here, great attack!
She walked into the room, hit another.

Noise, brother, noise!
Povelov's words (Dayt. 4, Yavl. 4):
H and c k and y
Yes, from what, tell me, are you feel so much?
R e p e t and l about in
Noise, brother, noise ...
H and c k and y
Do you like - and only? ..

I'm not nonsense, / and exemplary
Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 3).

I'm strange, and not strange who is?

Words of Chatsky (d. 3, Yavl. 1):
I'm strange, and not strange who is?
One who is on all fools looks like;
Molchanin, for example ...

Posted by A.A. Bestuzhev: "I'm not talking about verses, half - must enter the proverb."

Many Aphorisms Griboedov entered everyday speech:

We use cinema expressions, no longer thinking about their authorship.

Of course, quotes from "grief from the mind" were popular not only thanks to the talent of Griboyedov. After the 1917 coup in 1917 included theaters in school programs and repertoons.

The winged phrases of the Griboedov shown below are correlated with the actors of the play. They turned out their characteristics through the winged phrases. In total, the list of eighty proverbs.

The titles are the most popular, and, consequently, the most relevant proverb.

Lisa - MOUNT us the way of all the peasants and the Barsky anger, and the Bar Love

Magovyov - That's what you are all pride!

She's no sleep from French books,
And I hurt from the Russians.

And all the Kuznetsky Bridge, and the eternal French.

Not needed a different sample
When in the eyes of the father's example.

Horrible eyelids! You do not know what to start!

Oh! Mother, do not finish the blow!
Who is poor, you are not a couple.

He fell hurt, got up great.

What a commission, the creator,
Be an adult daughter with father!

Read not as the Ponoloire,
And with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement.

Pofoforming - the mind will be.

What the aces in Moscow live and die!

Ween, brother, do not control the laugh,
And, most importantly, drinking a service.

That's the fact that you are all pride!

My custom is this:
Signed, so from the shoulders.

Not to be in Moscow, do not live with people with people;
To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov.

He wants to preach!

With me, employees are very rare;
More and more nursing, presenters of kids.

Well, how not to try to a native little man! ..

You behaved properly:
Long colonels, and serve recently.

Summary will send, and ... will disperse.

Here you go! Great trouble
What will drink an excess man!
Hours - here is the plague, the science is the reason.

Or if evil stop preventing:
Pick up all books would he burn.

Ba! Familiar all persons!

What says! And he says, as writes!

Oh! Oh my God! What will say
Princess Marya Alekshna!

Sofia - Hero is not my novel

Chatsky - And who are the judges?

A little light on the legs! And I have your feet.

And so for the feats of the reward!

Oh! That tell love the end,
Who for three years in the distance will leave.

Where is it better? (Sofia)
Where we are not. (Chatsky)

When you want, turn home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

For more, the price is cheaper?

Musuals are still mixed languages:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

Tell me to the fire: I'll go like for lunch.

It would be glad to serve sissing.

And however, he will come to the degrees of famous,
After all, today they love wordless.

Who serves the case, and not to persons ...

When in affairs - I'm hiding from merry,
When to fool - fooling
And mix two of these crafts
There are darkness of the arts, I am not from their number.

Houses of the new, but prejudice old.

And who are the judges?

Screaming women: Hurray!
And in the air the caps threw!

But to have children
Who lacked the mind?

Ranks are given by people
And people can deceive.

Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!

Melt, we do not guys
Why are the opinions of others only holy?

It will not be silent.

Not! I am dissatisfied with Moscow.

Improving contrary to the elements of the elements.

Although the Chinese would have to take a few
They have a dismissed of ingenians.

Listen! Vrii, yes know the same measure.

Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride.
Run, do not look around, go to look for light,
Where offended there is a feeling corner! ..
Careet me, carriage!

Rockozub - in my judgment, the fire contributed to her a lot to decorate

Molchanin - ah! Evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol

Khlestov - Everything is lying calendars

Reheetles - look and something

Princess - He is a chemist, he is nerd

Ranks do not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd ...