Is the wife cheating: how can you know for sure? How can you force a wife to confess to cheating when the facts are there, and bring her to clean water? Tracked down his wife.

Is the wife cheating: how can you know for sure?  How can you force a wife to confess to cheating when the facts are there, and bring her to clean water?  Tracked down his wife.
Is the wife cheating: how can you know for sure? How can you force a wife to confess to cheating when the facts are there, and bring her to clean water? Tracked down his wife.

Is there an effective way to prove adultery beloved? Perhaps, some time ago, the only help was provided by private detective agencies. Today it is possible to expose a traitor almost without outside help. Using the service of an interactive spy, you can convict your wife of treason through the phone.

When do husbands resort to tricks?

Psychologists say that there are special signs of behavior change that can be used to convict a wife of treason. For example, she noticeably changed, carefully selects a wardrobe. Her entire appearance from clothes to makeup has become more revealing. It is spent on frequent trips to the beauty salon.

External changes are by no means 100% saying that the wife has taken a lover. She may be looking to rekindle your feelings for her. But if her phone receives calls and SMS from unknown numbers, it's time to get worried.

Secret relationships always indicate insincerity of feelings. The pain of betrayal and disappointment in a loved one hurt much more painfully. Using the modern "bloodless" method of exposure, you can easily and very quickly calculate the traitor.

When playing a detective, you will not need spy stuff and special listening electronic devices. No truth serum, no lie detector or professional polygraph! Her smartphone will tell you the whole truth about your spouse, moreover, in such a way that she will not even guess about it.

Service connection

Before you throw a scandal out of jealousy and break off relationships, get substantial evidence of adultery. Bringing your wife to clean water is easy with the help of a mobile spy app. The program is installed manually, operations are tracked remotely online. Spyware is suitable for Android tablet or smartphone.

You must fulfill the following conditions for connecting the service:

  1. Get unlimited access to your wife's phone for a few minutes.
  2. Go online to a special service.
  3. Download the app to your phone and install it.
  4. Register on the online resource through your smartphone or computer.

After registration, the electronic system for remote monitoring of the subscriber's telephone activity is activated. As a bonus, the online resource provides free system testing for 12 hours. The web operator guarantees a high level of information security, confidentiality and anonymity.

You will have access to a number of functions, for example:

  • details of incoming and outgoing calls;
  • audio recording of conversations;
  • receiving copies of sent and received SMS messages;
  • determining the location of the subscriber without his consent;
  • manage applications, folders and files remotely;
  • copying information from the phone to the account.

All operations are carried out automatically. The data is updated with each new activity of the subscriber. Now you know what your missus thinks about, whom she meets, or vice versa - that she is faithful only to you.

You lived in perfect harmony, but suddenly the suspicion of your wife's infidelity crept into your head.

How do you know if your wife is really cheating on you, or is it just figment of a wild imagination?

Are all women capable of cheating?

Spouse behavior

Be careful with gadgets:

She wants sex experiments. One of the best indicators of female infidelity is a radical change in behavior in bed. She begins to sharply shun intimacy or begins to want something new.

She used to be a supporter of conservative views on sex, and suddenly began to want "extreme".

She gives you freedom. Before, your wife was ready to spend all her time with you, to be near you when you are with friends and so on, but suddenly something happened, and she has already become indifferent to what you are doing.

Gives you just a ton of freedom for no reason.

Do not rush to rejoice, for sure this is one of the signs of betrayal, which should alert you.

The fact that she began to allow you everything suggests that she now does not care, and she wants freedom for herself. The wife who gives her husband freedom expects the same in return, in order to protect herself in case the betrayal is revealed.

She gets secretive. She can say that she goes shopping in boring stores that you hate, but she herself goes to her lover. She may start wearing inconspicuous things so that her friends or acquaintances do not notice her while walking with her lover.

She is not angry with you. You begin to feel that something is not right in the relationship. You can start talking or flirting with a woman you don't know and your wife doesn't care.

How can it be that a normal loving wife does not experience anger or jealousy? This is a clear sign of betrayal.

She is happy with everything. It wasn't like that before, but now she does all the housework, cooks, doesn't grumble, leaves you alone with the TV and the football game. These are all signs that she is faking it so you don't suspect anything is wrong.

We reveal all the signs of the presence of another man:


Research shows that women behave differently, when .

However, please remember to make sure you see this in the context of all other signs of infidelity, as signs of body language are notoriously unreliable.

Here are the non-verbal signs that may fuel your suspicion:

  • your wife may look down when she is talking to you. A sign of guilt;
  • her eyes can move around trying to avoid your gaze;
  • the wife may look at you while keeping her eyes on you, because they know that if they look away, they will be suspected of lying;
  • it starts blinking more when you look at it;
  • the wife begins to hide her hands during a serious conversation;
  • reddening of the face and embarrassment are a sure sign that the wife is hiding something.

How to understand the body? Physiological signs can also tell about infidelity.

For example, if the wife came home from work, and she smells of cleanliness (there is no soul at work). There will be arrows on the tights, fluff or threads on the clothes.

From the body there may be an extraneous smell, the aroma of someone else's men's perfume. The cheater on the body may have hickeys, bruises, scratches, because in a fit of passion, lovers can strongly touch each other. Shabby hair, skin irritation from stubble is a sure sign to think.

How to determine about menstruation?

This is quite difficult to do, since the dates of menstruation do not change if another man appears in a woman's life.

The cycle may shift a little due to stress, but this is not strong evidence.

The only time you can find out is when you take oral contraceptives. Previously, she did not use them with you, you limited yourself to condoms. But suddenly your wife's cycle shifted dramatically.

This may be a sign that she has taken oral contraceptives for sex with her lover.

Age will tell

How to convict the missus of betrayal? Signs of betrayal:

How to expose treason through the phone? You can ask your friend to call his wife's phone and quickly say "I love you", "I can't this week, don't call, I'll explain later".

At this time, you can stand in the next room, and then ask who it was.

Answer: "Some kind of nonsense" or "They said they love me, I don't know who it is" will dispel your suspicions.

If the wife is excited or answers that her friend called, then this is a good reason to think. The same is possible prove and with the help of SMS. If he shows it, then there is no doubt about fidelity. He starts to get nervous, hides, deletes - a reason to suspect.

Such tricks can be done with the help of e-mail. There are also special services that allow you to find a person on the Internet by photo.

Try it, maybe your wife has long been registered in secret from you on a dating site. You can write to your wife anonymously by e-mail or on a social network with an offer to meet - another way to check.

We hope this article helps you dispel doubts with the possible infidelity of the spouse.

How do you know if your wife is cheating? Signs of infidelity:

If today there was a female version of the dictionary with interpretations of Ozhegov's concepts, then, of course, opposite the definition of "treason" would be bold, weighty Why? The fact is that the girls in reality in this regard, everything is ambiguous. Did you find out that your wife is cheating? What to do? Is there any way to prevent such a ridiculous awkwardness? These and other equally interesting questions can be answered in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.

What is considered a change?

Before considering the question of how to catch your wife cheating, it would be appropriate to analyze the term itself. The fact is that today there is no (apparently, in the future, too, is not expected) consensus on what can be attributed to treason. Directly the fact of connection with another man? Or a kiss? Or phone sex?

That is why it would be best to narrow the boundaries somewhat and discuss the signs of a newly formed novel on the side. How to catch your wife cheating? The question is not easy, but lifting. If from time to time you have an incomprehensible feeling that something is going wrong, it would be advisable to use a very interesting cheat sheet. She will definitely help you figure out who is deceiving you: a friend or a premonition? If in more than three of the above points you recognize your wife or girlfriend, you will have to admit such an undesirable fact: she has begun a new affair on the side.

No claims!

How to catch your wife cheating? Her first "symptom" is that the woman suddenly stops digging into the man. For some incomprehensible reason, she suddenly stops throwing scenes of jealousy, bitching, paying attention to the barbaric habit of a man, for example, picking his teeth with a screwdriver or trash cans that are not taken out.

How to recognize cheating wife? Of course, a man can happily assume that it was not in vain that he choked on paper under the New Year's chimes - and the wish finally came true. However, it is much more logical to explain such complaisant behavior by the fact that the focus of the woman's attention changed in a certain way, and she simply stopped paying attention to her (most likely already ex) man.

You may not even know about it!

By the way, a man may not be aware of events. Often a woman harasses him with claims, nags, and also expresses her own dissatisfaction, even if there are no good reasons for this, not at all because she is a hysteric and sadist. No need to laugh, but this is due to the fact that she clings to her man, loves very much and does not want to ever stop loving him because of absolute platitudes. By the way, in the female language, this is called "the struggle for relationships."

How to convict your wife of cheating in a conversation? Now, when her affair with another man is just flaring up, the woman has not yet had time to get entangled in unreliable alibis, break firewood and finally wallow in debauchery and lies. She is not at all ashamed - rather, on the contrary, it is good and fun. Finally, she feels interesting and alive. That is why her speech acquires lightness, immediacy and, it would seem, sincere purity. The only thing is that at the described stage, she doesn’t care about her man (everything says that the former man) and what is happening around.

What then?

How to convict a wife of treason? Spy things are not needed here, it is enough just to catch the very ignorance on the part of a woman. By the way, a little later this complaisance and spontaneity are replaced by anger. Why? The fact is that she begins to be tormented by remorse.

By the way, perhaps it is the man who will be accused of treason. It is like a protective mask, an absurd excuse for his unworthy behavior. However, it will come later. So far, there has been a blissful calm. And men should think about the fact that such circumstances should, at least, be alarming.

New girlfriends

How to understand that the wife is cheating? The second sign of infidelity is the emergence of new girlfriends. It was a long time ago that she had no one to go to a cafe or a movie with. Now, almost all the evenings of the week are occupied by incomprehensible Irishkas, Nadenkas and Olenkas. By the way, most likely, this is not a cafe at all, but a room booked in advance at the hotel. In addition, she is not with Olenka, but with some Eduard Venediktovich.

How to catch your wife cheating? It is important to note that these may actually be new girlfriends. The fact is that the old guard, most likely, will not praise her for Eduard Venediktovich, especially if your couple was formed a long time ago. Surely, her old friends have already come to terms with your candidacy and, most likely, began to sympathize with the couple in general.

How to recognize cheating wife? It is quite logical that she is unlikely to pay attention to male absences with friends and all kinds of business trips. By the way, most likely, she will even like it.

She looks great

How to catch your wife cheating? The third sign of infidelity is that a woman is sure to get prettier. blush on the cheeks, a mountain of new dresses and shoes - all this is simple and obvious, like naval pasta. By the way, dresses are, of course, good, but when a woman begins to pay close attention to what is under these dresses, it is worth considering.

It is important to note that this does not mean at all that girls are taken to do pedicures and deep hair removal, pierce the navel and buy a lot of vicious lace only when they have a lover. However, it is worth agreeing that the relationship between a man and a woman, who have been living together for a long time, is to a certain extent colored by the everyday plan of promiscuity.

It is a completely different matter if the fair sex is in the midst of a new romance. It is then that she is fully armed around the clock. It can be concluded that the life of an unfaithful wife is nothing but a continuous impromptu and challenge.

Other behavior

How to catch your wife cheating? The next sign that speaks of the wife's misbehavior is that she behaves and talks in a different way. By the way, one of the main symptoms of the presence in a woman's life of a new gentleman and the seriousness of his intentions is the sudden change in the direction of her interests and passions. In addition, in the event of the appearance of a new man, her vocabulary is significantly replenished due to new words.

In short, a man must be in considerable tension if his wife suddenly begins to argue that crucian carp is best caught in windy weather and barley when he is completely sure that she has never been interested in fishing and is very far from this topic.

Sex with a cheater

By the way, traces of someone else's influence often appear in an intimate relationship with a spouse. Today there is such an opinion that an unfaithful wife dodges her marital duty with all her might. However, this does not happen to everyone and not always.

On the contrary, a woman who is on a spree may deliberately pay increased attention to her husband in an erotic way in order to reduce his level of vigilance. No wonder they say that a satisfied man is an inexperienced man.

Does she always have a phone in her hands?

How to catch your wife cheating on the phone? Of course, you can inadvertently call and start asking leading questions when there are suspicions about her being near her lover. However, today, when social networks and other communication mechanisms have appeared, everything has become much easier.

An unfaithful woman, most likely, wants to spend absolutely all her free time next to a new man, but she cannot always afford it, in accordance with very obvious reasons. That is why the cheater seeks opportunities to maintain communication, even if it is virtually. Thus, from now on, and perhaps forever, a laptop and a phone become a woman's best friend.

Whenever you look at her, she always looks at the screen with a loving (and therefore somewhat stupid) smile and at the same time blushes pink, and then says that she is performing a very important work function or is developing an incredibly serious conversation with a friend.

It is important to note that the main commandment of the traitor is the exclusion of leaving evidence, getting rid of compromising messages and ruthlessly erasing the history of correspondence. However, this commandment is often ignored by unfaithful representatives of the fair sex. Surely, she knows that getting caught on this is easy and simple. However, the somewhat vague prospect of being exposed is nothing compared to that wonderful opportunity to reread it several times a day, how much they miss it and how they want it.

It is clear that with all her might she will try to protect her own personal life from the sudden intrusion of her husband by setting passwords on the computer and phone, entering social networks exclusively from her laptop, and also locking her own devices in the closet. That is why a completely harmless request on the part of her husband to use her tablet or phone can bring the traitor to a heart attack.

Now you know the main signs of infidelity. But do not bring your observations to paranoia. Perhaps the wife is just preparing a gift for you or she has made new friends.

Loving people, entering into marriage, hope: their relationship will forever remain honest, clean, and there will be no third superfluous in them. Men, but often, tormented by doubts and suspicions, they do not know how to reliably find out, and at the same time not destroy a love union. In this article, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • how to find out with an accuracy of up to 100% whether the wife is cheating?
  • What are the main signs of infidelity?
  • What if the betrayal has already happened?

First of all, it is necessary to understand: why doubts about the fidelity of the wife crept in right now. What was the impetus for suspicion? There are rare cases when a woman looks to the side if everything is in order in the family. And therefore, in order to understand whether there could be a betrayal, it is necessary to look at the relationship from a distance and objectively.

Possible reasons

There may be a mass

Indirect signs of treason

Men are inattentive to the external change of their halves, and in fact, by modifications, one can calculate the betrayal of his wife. There are about 15 items.

  • The first sign: the wife is in the clouds. Thoughtful, dreamy look, wandering smile, moist eyes. He laughs, then cries, not explaining the reasons for the surging emotions.
  • The woman began to carefully monitor the appearance. New hairstyle, always wearing makeup, signed up for a fitness center, nice underwear.
  • Previously, the wife threw the phone, without hesitation, in a conspicuous place, but now she does not let go, passwords of social networks have been changed, secrets have appeared - a serious reason to think. Now he doesn’t chat with a girlfriend on the phone in front of you, but retires to the bathroom and answers phone conversations in monosyllables. Even worse, the wife decided sometimes to stay overnight with a friend or sister. At the right moment, neither a friend nor a wife can be reached by phone, and only after some time the wife calls back from her mobile phone.
  • Darling began to stay late at work more often, meet friends outside the home, social hobbies appeared, although earlier the wife loved to spend time with her family. On the proposal to meet with work reacts negatively.
  • Changed sexual behavior. Having fallen in love with another man, a woman often tries to distance herself from marital obligations. There are a lot of reasons why sex will definitely be tomorrow, but not now: the woman is tired, her head hurts, she is upset about something, and so on. Sex itself changes, the woman leads in bed not like before.
  • Appeared criticality, irritability. The wife “nags” her husband because of trifles, makes a lot of claims, does not thank for the good, but notices the bad.
  • Indifference. A woman does not care when a man returns home, his well-being, how things are progressing at work, she no longer cares if a man pays attention to other women.
  • Admiration for others. A mysterious colleague, friend, husband of a friend appears in the conversation, who turns out to be smart, olfactory, and hardworking. At the same time, the wife each time clarifies that she has only friendly, friendly relations with this man, and as a man he does not attract her. This does not mean that the wife is already cheating, but still you should be wary.


There are few indirect signs to accuse a wife of treason. Therefore, you need to pay attention to physiological signs. So, how to find out if there was a betrayal by the body?

  • The girl was once again late at work. When the wife comes home, look at her appearance: disheveled hairstyle, tights with arrows, rumpled clothes, swollen lips - signs of treason.
  • Worth a look on the face. In women, after touching the male stubble, there is irritation. If there were kisses with another man, then it will be noticeable.
  • In close contact with a lover a woman absorbs his scents. Men's toilet water, body odor, if they are strangers, are noticeable. If there was sex, then the woman smells specifically: this is the smell of lubricant and sperm. But even if the wife does not smell of anything, as if she had recently left the shower, it is strange. How to check without giving unusual interest? Meet your wife at the door, hug, kiss, inhale the scent of skin, hair, body.
  • If the wife went home and took a shower, offer your help: rub your back. After sex, there will be redness, bites on the body, especially in the chest, thighs, arms.

Evidence of treason

But there are ways that allow you to be 100% sure that a girl is unfaithful. How can you be sure your wife is cheating?

  • Can you tell cheating by your underpants? Yes. There is a special set of infidelities: within 72 hours after a possible betrayal, you need to take your wife's underwear and take it to the laboratory.

Fact: after sex, fluid with sperm elements is released from the woman's genitals for another three days.

Cheating Proven

Before convicting your wife of cheating, you should talk frankly with yourself: are you ready to leave, are you ready for,. Is it not your fault that your spouse has cooled off towards you and began to look to the side? Do you love her even after the betrayal, or now you can’t live with her under the same roof? How serious was her affair? How to understand the act of his wife? What to do now?

First, sit down and talk. Find out how important these relationships outside the family are to her. Then it all depends on how you feel: if pain and resentment overpower past feelings for your beloved, then you need to disperse. Because constant reproaches still will not allow you to return a sincere love relationship.

It may turn out that the wife herself wants to go to her lover. And you also need to be prepared for this. For some, this blow may be harder than betrayal. But if the decision is made to stay together and continue to build family relationships, then serious efforts will have to be made to restore trust and understanding. You may need the help of a psychologist. But in any case, marriage will have to change a lot. This is a difficult traumatic situation for everyone. The choice is yours.

video consultation

Ten signs from Alexander Samsonov.