Cheated with a girl at the resort. Is it worth it to let your wife go alone ...

Cheated with a girl at the resort.  Is it worth it to let your wife go alone ...
Cheated with a girl at the resort. Is it worth it to let your wife go alone ...

A woman is the main adventure of a man in his life. A man is the main character in a woman's life. How can human life continue without these two? - Not!

The eternal story of the adventures of these two creatures paints life with colorful paints ...

"Rendezvous with a Stranger"

It all started so banally…. An ordinary family (he, she, two children) rush to the station. Everyone (except the man) goes on vacation. The man stays because he is not allowed to go on vacation. Just before leaving, the spouses quarrel (the man drove the car very hard so as not to be late, and they almost got into an accident).

Let's get to know them, because everything, thank God, worked out ...

Lenochka and Igor are excellent parents who have been living together for many years!

And Alinka and Seryozhka are their beautiful children! The most important thing, it turns out, is hidden not in their names and surnames.

At the station, the Kubolkin family met a woman who played a very important role for them. Sveta! She also, it turns out, went to rest there. The coincidence made me happy: I went on vacation in a neighboring train trailer!

They come to a very beautiful place and are happy to settle down there. Then they go to the beach, where handsome men enthusiastically play beach volleyball. Lena immediately liked one of them. But, of course, she didn't show it. She simply watched him secretly and hid every glance from him.

While her friend went to watch what the kids were doing, the stranger of her dreams approached and approached her (with a cocktail in his hands). They have a sweet and casual conversation. What were they talking about? Nothing! Jumping from one topic to another.

They were together, Lena cheated on her husband with Sasha ... Once!

It happened just before leaving home. But she didn't regret it at all. She was as happy as anyone else. But I knew that everything would be over as soon as they returned home.

The husband met them and was glad to return. Lena was afraid to look Igor in the eyes. It seemed to her that he would begin to suspect her of something "foreign". When Lena was sorting things out, she found a note in her purse with the words: “Thank you for a wonderful night! Sasha". Lena didn't know where to go. But the nightmares were just beginning to haunt her. Sasha constantly called her, asked for a meeting. He was not at all embarrassed that Lena refused. He came to her house with a huge bouquet of roses! The woman persuaded her lover to leave ...

The next day, when she was leaving the negotiation building with her partners, she noticed an inscription on a concrete slab:

“Lenka, I love you! Sasha!

The business woman stood at a loss. At that moment, she wished that it was all a dream and flew by in a "fleeting" moment.

The lover became (literally) her shadow...

Gifts, attention, surprises, prayer for meetings…. But Lena explained to Igor that everything was over, that she did not want to leave the family. The man decided it was time to give Lena a taste of revenge. After all, he managed to become attached to a married beauty. He loved her like a boy! Alexander Sergeevich could not believe that the beauty took advantage of him.

What dish of revenge did he cook? - Killed Elena's wife!

Killed and wanted to escape. Did not work out. They put him in for a long time...

Igor was buried, and the woman fell into a deep depression. She blamed herself for everything. She didn't want to live. She dreamed of leaving earthly life, but the children who loved her very much "kept" her.

This story "speaks" that you need to be more careful with the establishment of holiday romances

All the bad things come back with “millions of boomerangs”. All good things too. You can already guess what category treason and infidelity belong to!

What to do if the holiday romance has already “spun”?


  1. Stop and cut it off. Do it, no matter how difficult it is, so as not to harm yourself later.
  2. Continue the affair, but divorce your husband (if you have a man with whom you meet or live, divorce your spouse!).
  3. Find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bminuses in that person in order to be specifically disappointed in him and try to forget.

It's better not to start such novels! Leave them for movies and for books. Or for those who will not take such a “transiency” of relationships so seriously.

What are the advantages of a holiday romance?

  1. Such rendezvous are never forgotten, remaining in the memory in a "fresh" form for a very long time.
  2. Lots of romance! Sounds funny, but true. Because every moment is appreciated.
  3. A novel of this "type" gives people the opportunity to enjoy short-term, but burning happiness.
  4. Holiday romance is like a real fairy tale. It is during the "resort" period that a woman meets her ideal man.
  5. A resort romance is a time of bright, unforgettable and impressive love adventures.

What if you (after such a rendezvous with a man) found out that you were in a position?

Anything! Only not a vacuum and not an abortion!!! You don't have to kill a child. It's not his fault that things didn't work out for you.

People will say... "Walked"?

What's the difference to you, really? Let them say whatever they want! Live the way you want, not for the sake of public opinion! Gossip can appear out of nowhere!

You will have a pretty baby. Maybe a baby too! Will always be by your side. Isn't it wonderful? You will only remember the good things. And this also needs to be learned. Children are the meaning of life!

Do not miss. . .

Interesting stories about Lovers -


Many psychologists are trying to understand this issue and find answers. If in the past the word of a man had indisputable weight, then in the modern world, year after year, this word has less and less weight. If earlier a woman went against the opinion of her husband, then she could simply be left without a livelihood.

A divorced woman until quite recently was considered almost flawed, and she had very few chances to start a new life. The stigma of "divorcee" stuck firmly and forever. Because of this, women tried to keep the family together by any means and held on to their man with all their might, sometimes turning a blind eye to his various tricks, such as infrequently dropping by to visit some unmarried person on the side.

Women in those years did not even think about their pleasure, therefore there were practically no betrayals on their part. It is impossible to agree with the opinion of some supporters of equal rights that the betrayal of a man and the betrayal of a woman are the same in their sin.

Therefore, let's try to figure out whose fault is stronger. To do this, we will analyze the train of thought of a man and a woman who decided to betray their half. So…

Cheating at a summer resort

If partners let their soul mate rest alone, it means that they completely trust each other, without thinking about jealousy. So such halves turn out to be in neighboring rooms of a boarding house in a resort town, no matter in which country of the world.

So, a man with money is far from home, left to himself, among many beautiful girls and a guarantee that no one will convict him of treason. Caught in the company of a beautiful girl, a man, to seduce her, tries to be a gallant gentleman, trying with all his might make an impression. Moreover, there is no all-seeing eye of the mother-in-law and no less all-seeing eye of the wife, or, at worst, one of the mutual acquaintances.

He makes an appointment with her. Gradually, a romance begins to develop, growing into a romance and ending with a bed.

Let's analyze the train of thought of those who decided to cheat - both men and women, the second participant in this process, which allowed the man to translate light flirting into a horizontal plane.

Men's thoughts before treason

To understand the course of male thought, let's go back to his youth, it was then that his desire to quickly grow up and seduce all the girls around him was at the peak of its development. Eating with the eyes of girls of all ages, and periodically self-satisfying under the covers, the boy dreamed of becoming a real macho and showing what his grown-up friend was capable of.

At the same time, mind you, the guy did not think to love them all, meet, communicate, spend all their free time together, give birth and raise children with them, he only wanted to satisfy his lust with beautiful girls.

In general, the whole life of a man is aimed at pleasing women. Athletic taut figure, pumped up abs, expensive beautiful car, all this is not to impress your household with this, but exclusively for the surrounding women.

Let's return to the holiday romance. So. As soon as one romance ends, a man immediately wants to continue it in society with another lady, and often representing the exact opposite of the previous one. At the moment of betrayal, a man sees before him not a woman, but the possibility of realizing his childhood dream of becoming a real man. Even if in the morning he does not remember who he was with, then for the sake of what it happened - he will have it forever.

A man by nature is a dreamer-realist. His thoughts are more earthly than women's, the man sets a very real goal - to drag a woman into bed and then part with her without regret, while being completely sure that he does not do anything reprehensible, since he had no global plans, and it can not be. A woman who cheats on her partner is driven by completely different thoughts.

Women's thoughts before treason

Despite the fact that we are all human, yet men and women think completely differently. A woman will never go for treason just like that for physiological satisfaction or confirmation of her attractiveness. She definitely needs a strong incentive, which she finds in a potential partner. If an existing partner has any disadvantages, then the lover, whose attention she wants to attract, will be completely deprived of them.

This suggests that a woman, when changing, does it quite consciously, guided by her principles, and not like a man, driven by physiological needs that have their roots in a half-forgotten childhood.

What do girls dream about before marriage? That's right, about a prominent handsome guy with money, a position with which you can not worry about anything, feel like behind a stone wall, give birth to children and live happily ever after. It turns out that the union, which she is cheating on, was not created according to the rules, but this is a deception from the very moment of its creation.

A significant spiritual component is invested in sex with a new man, which is why the inner feelings of women who have crossed the line are so strong.

It should be noted that female infidelity is much rarer than male infidelity, having meaningfulness, forcing a woman, going to bed with a partner devoted to her, to constantly compare whether she did the right thing by entering into a relationship with a stranger.

Justifying the betrayal in her eyes, at the same time she endows the new lover with such qualities and traits that he is guaranteed free entry into her bedchamber.

So what exactly is the difference?

According to the generally accepted rules of modern society, treason is a grave sin before another person, before God, before public opinion. However, at the same time, a man who is cheating is called a dog, a reveler, a womanizer, and all in the same spirit. At the same time, women's definitions of a traitor are much more categorical and always have a very offensive character. For example: walking, fallen, whore. Among these epithets there is not a single word from which any petting form can be made.

It is impossible to imagine that in bed someone said - you are my slut. This will definitely be taken as an insult. But - you are my reveler - it sounds almost like praise, especially in our age, when male independence and dignity are everywhere reduced to nothing.

A woman subconsciously seeks more experienced man who can give her pleasure in bed much more than a nerd who is positive in all respects.

It seems that many of you know men who have a reputation as walkers, who do not hide their love for the female sex and at the same time do not feel any inferiority. Rather, on the contrary, they are the objects of attention of women and respect in the circle of their male friends.

However, if some girl also openly made connections with men, then she would undoubtedly be at the very bottom of this life in the shortest possible time, because few people would want to communicate with such a woman, even in bed. Such a diametrically opposite approach in evaluating the same act depending on gender may seem wrong to someone, but this is not at all accidental. And that's why.

Why can a man cheat and a woman can't?

In the animal kingdom, the strongest and most qualitatively expressed males have the most beautiful females. Moreover, one male has a large number of different females. Thanks to this, each new generation acquires new properties of the body, aimed at improving the breed.

At the dawn of civilization, man lived according to this principle. Even under matriarchy, women for mating chose the strongest and most beautiful men, whose offspring, thanks to their selective qualities, eventually took away from women their dominance over men.

However, in recent years, women have somewhat pulled the blanket over themselves, having received first equality, and now a slight advantage in universal human relations.

A woman, choosing a partner, often strives for social security, rather than choosing a sire to improve the breed and get healthier offspring. To put it simply, it strives more often for a fat wallet than for a developed physically promising father of his children.

This situation gives rise to a genetically weak generation, because there are many times more rich patients than rich, but healthy ones, and this is a fact.

Almost any woman today will enter into an alliance with almost any man who has money or power, regardless of its external and internal content, while the percentage of men who do so is negligible. This is precisely what justifies the subconscious desire of men to possess the maximum possible number of women, who, in his opinion, are the standard of quality for the reproduction of offspring. A woman in this case is driven by mercantile interests, even when the male is really pronounced and well developed.


A male who walks up is usually always coming home if he is not obstructed. This also cannot be unequivocally asserted about a woman who has gone on a spree. A man subconsciously cheats not with an individual, but with a collective female image, so that any woman that more or less satisfies his taste will be suitable for satisfying physiological needs.

Cheating women is strictly aimed at a certain type of men. She is fully formed in order to fill the missing gaps in relations with men.

Thus, male infidelities are spontaneous and transient, while female infidelities are meaningful, forward-looking actions.

Physical intimacy on the part of a man is only a desire to satisfy sexual arousal. As for women, they are driven by something more than the desire to have fun. These are just words when a woman says: “fuck it to hell, change is just a waste of time.” There is a lot of hypocrisy in this expression. In life, everything is completely different.

Without justifying the cheating men, I still want to note that if you put male and female infidelity on the scales, then the male will be much easier, because its components are not burdened by anything. The betrayal of a woman, in turn, is always weighed down by her conscious component, pursuing the goal of getting a better life in this life by choosing a male with a higher rank than the one currently available.

In the video below, you can learn about the various causes of female infidelity:

And then HE appeared! my first lover! For the first time in a long time, I started losing weight without noticing it! I started to wear loose hair, and I have it long enough, paint my eyes ... the changes were on my face! those. I wanted to be looked at! and I knew they were watching! and what they see - like it! from this, respectively, and I began to get high))

It was a friend of her husband (!) They were not friends for long, 2-3 years. all this time and I knew him. we talked… and, apparently, from quite close communication, something in my mind began to push me to interesting fantasies… and I really like to fantasize. I would have known that then not only in my head there were such sexual fantasies))) it turns out that we had sympathy almost at the same time, but no one dared to say. and perhaps nothing would have happened if it were not for problems in family life ... constant reproaches, scandals, misunderstanding, etc.!!! so enough!!! about divorce soaps began to appear almost every day! but then a more compelling argument surfaced - children! and here is a man who looks at me with hungry eyes, ready at any time of the day or night to rush even to the outskirts of the city to take me home, who listens to me for hours, worries with me, advises, lives in my thoughts ... I again felt something, how she felt when she met her husband.

Before the first "bed" we met for a month. these secret dates, in restaurants and cafes that I would never go to)) nightly texts ... fleeting glances at people ... it all drove me crazy. I was just having fun! in my life there was something ... different! something that made the heart beat faster, adrenaline went through the roof !!

When we kissed for the first time, I felt so excited!!! warmth in the lower abdomen, dizziness ... how I missed these emotions!
at that time I was ready to give myself to him right in the car! the lack of time stopped me, and quite frequent calls from my husband began to suspect something. I decided not to risk it and went home.

We were in nature, rested in a big company. the time was late, everyone was leaving for their homes, the three of us went. He lives next door. came to our house to sort out things, and my husband lay down with one of the children, he was tired during the day, he works for wear and tear. and falls asleep very quickly. we went outside to "smoke")) started kissing... consciousness was clouded by alcohol anyway, and then there were his kisses... I decided to just "turn off" my head! so that she does not interfere with me, and does not get high moral reproaches !!! without asking, he confidently dragged me into his apartment, put me on his soft bed ... what I did with him ... in the morning I was even ashamed to remember! either I wanted it so much and for a long time, or I just wanted new sensations ... we tumbled in bed for 2 hours! only in the morning I realized how much I risked ... but at that moment I just didn’t care what was happening in the whole world!
then I just got dressed and went home, where my husband and children were sleeping peacefully ...

Summer, heat, beach, girls, guys, sea… Such a good time for rest and entertainment. But with the end of summer, the end of the family often comes - according to statistics, at this time the largest number of divorces occurs because of a holiday romance, which is accompanied by betrayal on vacation. What is it that affects couples? It's no secret that at this time one of the spouses starts a holiday romance. Let's talk about whether to change on vacation and what consequences of a holiday romance you are expected to do if , or .
Before you go on vacation, you should first decide whether the vacation will be joint or separate. Separate rest - husband rests separately from his wife, as psychologists say, has a miraculous effect on marriage. For a whole year, bored with each other, the spouses can lose their temper, forget life and have time to miss their beloved half. On the other hand, if your couple is one of those who are never bored and you have many common interests, then you should go on vacation together. This will not harm you at all, but will make your vacation even better.
Psychologists evaluate holiday romance differently. Some say that it is even useful for couples. That after betrayal, you only understand how dear your beloved husband or beautiful wife is to you. Others say, on the contrary, that everything will lead to a divorce, since a person who has cheated will not be able to live with a “clean” conscience.
As for whether everyone is capable of treason? Yes, psychologists say. Being on vacation, a person is among strangers, which means you can behave as you like: when you want, go to bed, have fun, flirt. Around are beautiful and tanned people with whom you want to get acquainted and communicate. The whole air is saturated with the smell of freedom and fun. And how to behave in such a situation - it already depends on the person himself, how much he can cross the line, will resort cheating or not.
Is holiday romance really that bad? If he destroys families, then, of course, bad. However, it is a completely different matter if lonely people start a romance on vacation - this makes them happier. After all, it already turns out no cheating on vacation. But there is one piece of advice from psychologists: never build illusions, because women often have such stories when a holiday romance turns their heads, but it turns out that this is only a temporary and permanent relationship and does not smell. All hopes of marriage are shattered, the heart is broken. It can even lead to depression. That's why do not plan and dream, starting a romance on vacation. Remember that fleeting attraction is not love, why should you plunge headlong into a sea of ​​​​feelings and emotions. First, think carefully about whether you need it. Because the deplorable consequences after a holiday romance are inevitable in most cases.

We hope that our advice and advice from psychologists will help you avoid problems in the family, and you will manage without cheating at the resort.

It is traditionally believed that the most frequent cases of adultery occur on the part of men. Yes, once in past centuries it was difficult to argue with this. But now is the 21st century! And already the stories that not the husband, but the wife cheated on her husband at the resort, do not surprise anyone. It's just that men are more often caught cheating because of their natural negligence. In this regard, it is more interesting to deal with the causes of women's infidelity.

There is an opinion among men that it is difficult to persuade a woman to commit adultery at first, but it is even more difficult to stop later. How true this is, no one knows. Not a single man, having slept with a married lady, can guarantee that he is her first sin, and not the tenth. And the woman herself, of course, in 90 cases out of 100 will swear that she has never had anyone except her husband.

But female infidelity happens! It is a fact. It was hard or easy to decide to cuckold your faithful, only the "keeper of the hearth" herself knows. But it will be useful to know some common reasons why a wife cheated on her husband at a resort, at work, and even in her own bedroom. As they say, if forewarned, then there is a chance to avoid membership in a large club of cuckolds.

There are many reasons, but many of them are so formal that they are only suitable for excuses for those women who are best suited for a characterization under the capacious name “bitch”. Such representatives of the fair sex have a myriad of claims against their own husband, but they are all invented by her sick imagination. But in fairness, several of these "reasons" should also be listed:

And everything else in the same not very serious spirit. But it happens! Everyone will remember among his entourage such an acquaintance or girlfriend who has only one thought, and her panties are always wet with lust. These are often said to have uterine rabies.

Now about the reasons for the betrayals of quite adequate women who once marry their beloved men and swear an oath to their betrothed in eternal fidelity. Not by calculation, as is widely accepted now. What makes such women forget about vows and indulge in love adventures on the side?

Blood for blood

One of the most "honest" reasons that can be justified deep down is cheating on her husband in revenge for his adventures on the side. Having learned about this, for most women, almost the first thought is the implementation of just such a revenge. Although psychologists can put forward their own counterargument to this: “If you thought so in the first place, it means that the wife has candidates for incarnation and therefore she is also not completely sinless. At least mentally, but she herself was ready to cheat on the right occasion. But you never know what anyone thinks! Thoughts in themselves do not become criminal if they are not translated into action.

Married not for love

Unfortunately, there are stories in life when girls have to marry not the one she loved. Love, as you know, is evil. Such couples often enter into marriage, in which one of the partners loves at best, and the other allows himself to be loved. The worst case is when no one feels love for another. And you don’t need to procrastinate questions like: “Why then marry the first person you meet?” or “Is it worth getting married if there is no love?”. That's not what we're talking about now. You need to accept what happens in life, and marriages not for love are not uncommon.

You can predict only one thing in such a marriage: cheating cannot be avoided. And most likely on both sides. The wife will finally fall in love, and the husband will get tired of the coldness of his wife.

Husband is at work

A loving husband and father wants to provide a comfortable life for his family. And rest seems to him some unworthy act. If business, then day and night, and in the first place - thoughts about its development, drawing up business plans, caring for equipment, supplies, sales and competitors. If this is a job in production, then thoughts about additional earnings come to the fore (where are workers decently paid now?), Credits and the possibility of repaying loans and borrowings. And at the same time, do not forget that more funds are needed to ensure that the family lives with dignity. As a result, the wife is forgotten, three hours of sleep, no sex and no desire.

Meanwhile, the wife, meanwhile, has the very peak of sexuality, a bunch of anxious male colleagues at work and their admiring glances at her charms, unambiguous hints of a harmless picnic in the country or dinner in a cafe. Water, as you know, sharpens a stone, not like a thin female nature. And there will be a gentleman, in the end, so that she wants to feel like a desirable woman for at least an hour. And she starts to change.

Many women complain that their own husbands no longer pay attention to their attractiveness, do not make compliments about this. Much more often admiration for their beauty comes from strangers, which, of course, amuses the heart of a beauty. Here, in order to make sure of their irresistibility and confirm it personally for themselves, women inferior to especially persistent womanizers from the side. Usually such women need only one affair a year.

The temperament of the husband does not correspond to the desired

This topic is the most common among both women and men who are not particularly faithful to their halves. In this case, I want to ask where they used to be? Surely (in our time of sexual freedom) not virgins got married and the so-called wedding night was not the first ten precisely between the future spouses. It worked before, but now it doesn't? In the old days, many girls saw their future husbands only on the eve of the wedding, and received their first sexual experience only after the wedding, sometimes in the presence of a matchmaker, whose role was to confirm the virginity of the bride.

According to statistics, most often any betrayal occurs at work. Husbands, wives, as well as future brides and grooms cheat here. Or rather, in the workplace it is not always convenient to do this in the full sense of the word "treason", but all the prerequisites for this arise precisely there. And it is not necessary to make love at work (although this is often practiced), there are plenty of places for this outside of work (hotels, bachelor apartments, dwellings of dedicated colleagues, rented apartments, summer cottages). There would be a desire, but there is a place.

  • cheating at the resort;
  • novels in a sanatorium;
  • romantic stories of seaside holidays;
  • novels with close friends at home.

At a resort or in a sanatorium, if the wife is on vacation without her husband, many factors accompany infidelity. Some of them special attention should be paid to all husbands because they are the most common.

It must be said separately that, according to statistics, cases of female adultery in sanatoriums most often occur with really beautiful women. At the same time, they often change with men from the medical staff of the sanatorium. Here, of course, there is a banal use by male doctors of their position to seduce patients. And if a woman does not have willpower and endless love for her husband, then betrayal most often occurs under the pressure of an unscrupulous medical worker.

Women who ignore the saying that they should not make love to strange men where she lives with her lawful husband are most likely won't like the end of no romance on the side. Even the risk of having a lover in your city is too great to save a family, let alone bring him to your house and put him in a marital bed.

This is even for reckless wives, which was already mentioned earlier, bust, and for normal ones it is generally an unacceptable version of treason. But there are facts, and even more so than the named situation. How about a family friend at a party together, after which the husband fell asleep in the bedroom, and his wife in the next room passionately gives herself to a late guest?

adultery- the hardest test for family relationships, often ending in divorce and even the complete exclusion of any intersections in life between former spouses. “Traitors and scoundrels have no place next to children,” the wife categorically declares to her cheating husband during a divorce on his legal requirement to spend time with children on weekends. But deceived husbands often try by hook or by crook to deprive their stumbled wife of motherhood, not disdaining even the most unworthy for men methods to achieve this goal.

Never be like animals. For both women and men, the well-being and stability of their own family should be in the first place. You can always improve relations between spouses so that there is complete trust in each other. And if someone’s betrayal suddenly happened, then comprehend the situation and stop in time. There is nothing special in another man that his own husband would not have. Often one conversation and understanding is enough to give up adventures on the side.