Ivan Urgant disappeared after flight to Israel. Causes of the absence of the program "Evening Urgant" on the first channel Why Ivan Urgant left from the first channel

Ivan Urgant disappeared after flight to Israel. Causes of the absence of the program "Evening Urgant" on the first channel Why Ivan Urgant left from the first channel

The sensational news was shielded by Russian media - one of the most beloved leading in the domestic television screen Ivan Urgant became a citizen of Israel. According to the Russian-speaking Israeli edition of "Vesti", he flew to the country on June 10 and received a certificate of identification of a citizen of Israel right at Ben-Gurion airport, in a special department for repatriates.


At the same time, new citizenship with Ivan Urgant received his wife and children. According to Israeli "news", leading will return to Russia already on June 11. The publication does not specify - this is the final escape from Russia or simply receiving an additional passport. At the same time, the Father Showman on his plans, as it turned out, did not know anything. "I can't clarify it, because I do not know, honestly," the company "says Moscow" quotes Andrei Urgant.

Did not comment on the situation and the lead itself. Fans noticed that he had not previously showed any activity on the net. On his page in Instagram did not appear new pictures. Subscribers began to guess where Ivan Urgant was missing.

The leadership of the Russian first channel took a completely adequate decision in the situation in which Russia was due to inadequate jokes of the leading Ivan Urgant.

The scandal continues around the Russian TV host Ivan Urgant. Today it became known that the leadership of the first channel broke the contract with the showman and suspended the shooting of projects leading to which he was.

According to the source in the first channel, the reason was yesterday's statement of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which indicated that the behavior of Urgant was undermining the relations of two fraternal states. During when negotiations on joining the Customs Union are underway, the channel does not want to be attributed to a person whose jokes can cause a breakdown of international agreements.

On the other hand, Ivan himself does not try to resolve the conflict. On Twitter Account, he published a few more jokes about Ukrainians, and during the filming of the next transfer "Evening Urgant", the lead constantly dumped jokes about Kazakhs, Bulgarians, Baptists, orphans and people of Alzheimer, reports reports.

We will remind, on April 13, on the ether of the culinary show "Smak", Ivan Urgant said the phrase: "I bane the greens like the Red Commissioner of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village." Guest Program Director and actor Alexander Adabashyan In response to these words, I joked, cleaning the knife from Celery: "And I shake the remains of the inhabitants." The dialogue was accompanied by a lief hall.

The Deputy of the Ukrainian Party "Batkivshchyna" Nikolay Tomenko sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, which asked to pay attention to the offensive statements of the Russian TV host. The deputy from the Batkivshchyna faction and the head of the editorial board of the Ukrainian TV channel TVI Nikolai Knyajatsky said: "It is impossible to manage yourself to people whom we invite you to television and pay them money."

Ivan Urgant evening on Monday apologized for what was said through his twitter: "I apologize to all the inhabitants of Ukraine, whom my inappropriate comment in the last release of the Smak program (" Taste "- Ukr.). As a self-telling I undertake to prepare only borsch, dumplings in this program, dumplings in 2018 inclusive. And all children born from this moment, regardless of the floor, call Bogdan. Your Ivan "Urgant" Urgant. I am ashamed, Vanya, a shame ... "

The scandal continues around the Russian TV host Ivan Urgant. Today, the media exploded the news that the leadership of the first channel broke the contract with the showman and suspended the shooting of the projects leading to which he was written by a report. The reason for the statement of the media, yesterday's statement of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which indicated that the behavior of Urgant was undermining the relations of two fraternal states. During when negotiations on joining the Customs Union are underway, the channel does not want to be attributed to a person whose jokes can cause a breakdown of international agreements. Note that the edition of the primary source, published the news about the dismissal of Urgant specializes in the "yellow" topics and fictional news reasons.

Noun official comments from the leadership of the First Channel has not yet been received. Therefore, information about dismissal has not yet been confirmed.

We will remind, on April 13, on the ether of the culinary show "Smak", Ivan Urgant said the phrase: "I bane the greens like the Red Commissioner of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian village." Guest Program Director and actor Alexander Adabashyan In response to these words, I joked, cleaning the knife from Celery: "And I shake the remains of the inhabitants." The dialogue was accompanied by a lief hall.

The Deputy of the Ukrainian Party "Batkivshchyna" Nikolay Tomenko sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, which asked to pay attention to the offensive statements of the Russian TV host. The deputy from the Batkivshchyna faction and the head of the editorial board of the Ukrainian TV channel TVI Nikolai Knyajatsky said: "It is impossible to manage yourself to people whom we invite you to television and pay them money."

Ivan Urgant evening on Monday apologized for what was said through his twitter: "I apologize to all the inhabitants of Ukraine, whom my inappropriate comment in the last release of the Smak program (" Taste "- Ukr.). As a self-telling I undertake to prepare only borsch, dumplings in this program, dumplings in 2018 inclusive. And all children born from this moment, regardless of the floor, call Bogdan. Your Ivan "Urganok" Urgant. Actually, Vanya, is a shame ... "

Updated: Journalists of the Edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda called the first channel, but they refused to comment on the situation. However, as he managed to learn "Komsomolskaya", no one dismissed Urgant and is not going.

Ivan Urgant once again asked for forgiveness on the air of the Russian First Channel, is now completely serious.

Ivan Urgant, TV presenter:

I want to ask for forgiveness from all the inhabitants of Ukraine and all who hurt my statement in the TV shows "Smak". I just said stupidity, not thinking.
I could not imagine that this phrase could provoke an international scandal.
Good night. Until the following meetings.


More recently every night from Monday to Friday half an hour before midnight, Ivan Urgant accompanied this day with us. With good mood, good music and those people who are interesting to him.

In January 2018, the transfer disappeared from TV screens and the audience was worried and began to put forward different beliefs of the closing of the transfer ...

Where did the transfer to the "Evening Urgant" in 2018: why not showed?

The "Evening Urgant" program was sent on vacation planned, and not closed due to the scandal, which occurred in one of the last issues of this season - this was reported by the leadership of the Channel One.

Recall, in one of the last gears, the presenter allowed himself to pain a familiar word of three letters. Which, of course, "shoved", but everything, of course, heard and understood.

The audience was divided into two camps. Some scolding a television supper: a cultural person should not allow himself similar, especially on the first. Other jokes were appreciated - after all, the participant of the transfer was the scandalous singer Sergey Cers, famous for his love for Russian people. And Ivan just played the heroes of the program, adjusting to them.

Historian fashion Alexander Vasilyev, for example, said: "What are you cut! And what are your sandals! " It means that Vanya will now start Tomno in the public or completely will change his wardrobe.

The leadership of the first left the incident with the mother word without attention.

Now the question is solved more global: whether the "Evening Urgant" will return on the air in the new season? Is the audience interest in the "solo strike" of Ivan? After all, it is no secret that many complain: they are just unmasked by Urgant's jokes. Yes, and the ratings of the program indicate this very definitely.

Where did the transfer to the "Evening Urgant" in 2018: when the first issue?

Hurray, happened ...!

Look today on the first channel at 23.20 the program, about which the Russians worried about the fate.

Today, visiting Valery Meladze, Anna Netrebko and Yusif Evazov.
Evening Urgant. First channel. 23:20

First issue in 2018! Away mentor a new season show "Voice. Children", Singer Valery Meladze, as well as a wonderful marital couple - Opera performers Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov.

And you still wait for a new release of the heading "Look below", the music number from Valery Meladze and a lot of interesting things!

The transfer returned to the television screens, the winter holidays ended!

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