Irina Vacivskaya - Ten lessons of consistent translation with the use of translation coppering. Educational and Methodical Recommendations - Technique of Translation Sieve - File Alibek T of T W.doc

Irina Vacivskaya - Ten lessons of consistent translation with the use of translation coppering. Educational and Methodical Recommendations - Technique of Translation Sieve - File Alibek T of T W.doc

  1. Introduction

  2. Types of abbreviations

  3. Possible use of types of abbreviations in UPS

  4. The main goals of UPS.

  5. UPS - history and application

  6. Registration of UPS

  7. Oops in practice

  8. UPS: Practical section

  9. Application UPS in various situations of oral translation

  10. How to deal with yourself to work out the skills of UPS

  11. Practical application:

    1. Recommendation method

    2. A little about the development and history of UPS

    3. Additional information about the use of UPS and its signs / characters

    4. Language lapsus

  12. Glossary


Data learning- are intended for practical classes on the subject of "Technique of Translation Coppering" in teaching students of linguistic universities, translation offices and faculties, as well as for independent work on the development of oral transformation skills through the use of universal translation cursor in a situation of bilateral communication and the use of various types of interpretation .

The scurry system proposed in the manual is based mainly on various types of abbreviations in combination with symbols and signs.

The deficiency task is not a literal recording of speech, rather, the transfer of its main content, major thoughts, the creation of reference memory points.

The translating speed can be used not only by the interpreter, but also a journalist, a student when writing speeches, lectures, as well as in the office - assistant manager, secretary to record dictated letters, documents, memorable notes (Memo), other documentation.

Therefore, the system of translation curtains is called universal.

For better digestibility the material after the explanation and discussion of the theoretical foundations on themes seems to be more expedient to translate from the sheet to class additional materials in English (Appendix), discuss the problems affected by them and / or ask for students to make a summary of the materials translated in the classroom with further verification and assessment.

To create its own UPS system, the Glossary of the Anglo-American Most Used Words is attached (which can be easily confused with each other).
^ 1. Universal translation rapid.

Types of abbreviations and their possible use in translation curtain.

The proposed sorting system is based mainly on the different types of abbreviations in combination with symbols and signs. The deficiency task is not a literal recording of speech, rather - the transfer of its main content, main thoughts, the creation of support points of PA-mint.

Selective analysis of the Russian press revealed a wide use of abbreviations, abbreviations in the names of political parties, society, economic, sports and international organizations and institutions (see examples).

In workI. Fadeeva (Military University) "System of operationalno write(POPs) and its use in various fields of human activity ",(M., 1992) The most common method of processing information without the help of technical means is also recognized by the "translation record", and in relation to the translation specificity of the recording system developed by R.Minyar-Belorochev. I.Fadeev based on the experience of observing the translation activities of professionals proposes to highlight the following components of POPs: 1) reduction; 2) signs; 3) Combined components.

Types of abbreviations:

In the dictionary of the Reduction of the Russian language edited by prof. DI. Alekseev varies their following types:

but) alphabetic (initial) reductions of all structural varieties
. For example: USSR, university, Foreign Ministry, IMF, Ministry of Emergency Situations, HPP, CHP;

b) Comprehensive syllable words: Gazprom, Goskomstat,
Ministry of Trade, State Property Committee,

in) borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bcomprehensive words and investigations

oral cuts of various structures: NATO, BBC, Radar, Laser, PR:

d) conditional graphics reductions of different structural varieties

stay: G., i.e., 6-ka, dezh \\, deputy, head.

e) single Bucked cuts, regularly used when labeling
any class of machines, technical products, etc. For example:
D-road car, K- large, in East.

e) Comprehensive words of mixed education: VNIUGIDRO-1.
coal, sambo;

g ") Separate partially abbreviated words consisting of partnew words that differ in any particular features in the category of kind, decline, etc., for example: Pache" ha, grooves, Mossovet, Vice Rector, Rack:, Lenk.It seems that the first five types of abbreviations are most suitable for OPS purposes.

Among thematic and semantic groups of abbreviations on consumption frequency can be distinguished by three main types:

  • Name of political parties, various international,
    military, public, economic, sports and other organizations
    nizations, associations, unions, etc.;

  • Name of central and local state-owned organizations JJ
    the regulations and their departments, the management of the committees;

  • Geographical and administrative names of states,
    groups of countries, regions, districts, etc.
The frequency of consumption of abbreviations in the language of English-speaking presats is significantly higher compared to Russian newspapers, which is explained by the specifics of English-speaking journalism (its greater regulativity, language features, tradition).

It is with these types of abbreviations most often faced translator.Knowledge of the most common abbreviations is a prerequisite for the implementation of its professional activity at the proper level. Using abbreviations is necessary with consistent translation, even without using UPS (or its partial use). Based on the various ways to reduce the words, the translator creates its own, understandable words understandable to him, or one-boreny reductions to designate certain concepts, phenomena, or symbols. Analysis of the journalistic vehicle of the languages, from which and for which the translation is made sufficiently freely, makes it possible to more freely navigate the field of society-political, economic and banking and financial spheres, etc. and most effectively use them.

^ The main goals of UPS.

A). The adequacy of the transmission of precision information in the UE (100% ideally, or less depending on the pragmatic setting of the translation situation). OPS should be learned and apply at least for the sake of writing precision information (see section on the transfer of PN) - the main component of business meetings, conversations and negotiations. C). Maximum possible transmission of logical relationships of the "cohesion" statement (from "cohesion") without disrupting the course of thoughts, the consistency of the argument, the internal logic of statements, as well as stylistic techniques while maintaining the status of the statement, of course, as far as possible. If the speech is amorphous, illogical, feeding the thoughts of the knocker and inconsistent, then the translation, even in its oral version, may (and sometimes even) improve, in order to rule the original, at the same time putting the part of the statement in a more correct logical order, sometimes Part of non-relevant information, reversals (the lattes are not styled-style).

C). The execution of all shades of modality of statements both simple and especially complex modal relations.

P.S. It is especially worth paying attention to the designs: Must Have Been, Could Have Done, Might As Well Have Said, Would + Infinitive, Used to + Infinitive, which are sometimes hard to recognize in the speech stream.

Basica task UPS- Creating support points for instant learning from the memory of translating information that has already arrived in his brain through auditory receptors.

There is a theory that a person remembers everything, literally from the moment of the appearance of the light - for all types of income information, both visual and auditory, are postponed in our brain.

Task - when necessary, return it almost completelyfrom the "black box" of our consciousness (or subconscious) in other words - "INPUT IS Absolute, Output Is Relative"- One of the eternal puzzles of Psi Holinguistics in its application to the UE process.

The special task of oral translation is to make this "output" as fully as possible, the rapid and most acceptable in shape.
Maximum help in the implementation of this task is called reworker.

The speed can be used not only by the interpretation-com, but also a journalist, a student when writing speeches, applications,

Lectures, as well as in the office - assistant manager, secretary to record dictated letters, documents, memorable notes (MeMO), other documentation.

Therefore, our cereal system is called universal.

^ Universal translation rate - history and application.

The translation rate appeared in the 30s, in the era of the heyday of a consistent translation, but the principles of UPS were scientifically supposedly and developed at the end of the 50s in Switzerland, and for the first time the wife in the book J.-F. Rosana. Further development, the speed has received in the works of A. Van Hoo, including "Theorie et Pratique de l" Interpretation ", Munich, 1962.

In our country, the system of translation curtains on the basis of the Russian language was first set out in the book of R.Minyar-Belo-Ruchov "a guide to the interpretation (entries in a consistent PE-revode)", which appeared in 1969. The UPS proposed by us is trying to reflect the changes since then the changes and new achievements of IT when using a somewhat different approach based on the experience of practical use.

^ Translated speed - The thing is purely individual, although it has certain patterns. At the same time, it is specific, as your handwriting is specific, although the letters of the alphabet are understandable to everyone who owns a diploma.

Mistress is not an end in itself, but a means. It does not need anyone, besides you, and "lives only twice": once you recorded the in-formation and reproduced it and reproduced - if you used it to compile a recording of a conversation or other material.

Speed \u200b\u200b- not a panacea (Cure-all), but a flexible tool, the use of which depends on you and your assessment of the situation. Probably, it is probably not always necessary to resort to it (sometimes it is enough to use partially to record key information). It's your decision.

Nevertheless, mastering and widespread use universal Translation Sieve (UPS)an order increases the degree of adequacy of translation, removes the load on memory, reduces stress, increases the return of the translator; It also allows in the case of necessary | 1mo _ ether to make a detailed recording of the conversation and / or its summary ^ e _ izum), and also make a general report on the business trip, other documents (final communiqué, press releases).

In some circumstances, such as conducting the most important ^ TST of the Russian political negotiations or discussion of complex issues of economic or banking, when the requirements are sharply increased; OVA _ The adequacy and competence of translation, as well as it is assumed to record conversations for discussing its results and possible decision-making by management, work with OPS seems to be possible.

As a rule, it is on the translator that it is difficult to make a record of the conversation quickly and efficiently, often sacrificing with rest, so that by the morning to present it to the stakeholders ^ Ho _ it would be in the draft version.

Do not miss the main or UPP in action.

UPS is different from Stenogram what allows write sh ^ jNO The main thoughts, and not the words, helping to allocate the main information of Dia, in addition, the time for deciphering the transcript is required by the time whom it is simply not.

At the same time, UPS is not and theses, For more connected, logic can fully transmit information.

^ From abstract UPS is characterized in that when noting, ska. Well, lectures have to omit what you think for with power or unimportant. The transferring cannot allow such "luxury". In any case, the ability to separate the information | "Grains from the Treven" comes with experience, depends on the general situation,\u003e making and recipient requests for information.

Registration of UPS.

It is important to pay attention to the correct design of UPS, which contributes to improving the quality of translation and allows you to subsequently! More effectively use it to record a conversation.

1. Paper format: A4 - for negotiations, official conversations,
work at the table, etc.; Notepad A8 - for working standing (at the press conference
rencia, speech, lectures or with less official events
yations where the record is still required).

For additional convenience, speed and clarity of the recording, it is good to use linic notepads with a hard cover, which can be put on your knee, say, when you sit in the hall at the table or are behind the back in the translated.

  1. It is advisable to put a date and even time (if the day passes
    how many meetings). For example, 29.9.00, 15.00 (right at the top).

  2. Mark the place and topic of conversation / negotiations.

  3. NB! Special attention to the composition of the meeting participants with both
    their sides - names, positions, etc., because No one loves to hear
    his distorted surname or "downgrade". Wisdom
    use visiting cards, staying, your own
    previous entries / mark. This is very important when mutual representation
    participants at the beginning of the negotiations when you are not completely oriented
    in the situation, are not familiar with people.

  4. NB! Oops - step-diagonal,from above
    down. So your marks will be easier to be perceived and "read."




The first step is a group of the subject, the second is a group of the faded, the third is a direct addition, the fourth is indirect, in the column - one-native members of the sentence.





Object (Indirect)

6. He Frost Paper! Pick records freely, leaving large fields and empty space for easier perception of

Records, as well as for additional notes as needed.

  1. Useful to use punctuation signs at the end of each "step"
    and suggestions (,;?.!) For a more visual logical connection of the semantic

  2. Do not forget to numbered the pages not to engage in
    kami needed in the process of translation, nor all the more at the later
    processing information.
10. If the tutu of sheets run out, turn it over and numerate clean
side of Roman numbers I, II, III, etc. in reverse order.

^ Remember, there are no trifles in Oops!

Each sign, even his absence, is also significant information, because Each part of the second of the second is important in UPS, each detail helps, and on the other hand, any omission is prevented both in shape and in essential.

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Translated speed (TJ. translation record, universal translation rate (UPS), translation notation, translation semantography) - The set of rules and recommendations, as well as the system of fixing the translator content of the translated performance in order to reproduce it in the translation language.

The translating rush acts as one of the main skills that the conference translator is obliged to own. The record system is mainly used in consecutive translation when working with long performances, as well as during the negotiations, when the translator also needs to prepare a transcript or recording of the conversation content. Some rapid receptions are used in synchronous translation, as a rule, to record precision information.

The first detailed description of this skill is given by Jean Erber in the "Interpreter Directory" (Geneva, 1952). There are information about the use of cerebrals by translators of the League of Nations, on whose experience Erber and relied. Subsequently, in more detail aspects of the translation notation were considered in the works: "System of records in the sequential translation" of Jean-Franc Rosana (1958) and "Record in a sequential translation. Short course "Andrew Gilliz (2005). In our country, the translation records were engaged in our country, first of all, Rurik Konstantinovich Mignyar-Beloruchev in the book "Records in a consistent translation" (1969) and Andrei Pavlovich Chuchakin, who owns the authorship of the term "Universal Translation Museum (UPS)".

Distinctive features of translation creep

Despite the fact that the translation speed of almost the same tasks as other types of abbreviated recording, this system has a number of fundamental differences.

First, unlike stenograph, UPS is used to record thoughts and their interrelations than the sound form of the word. Stenopography, of course, makes it possible to reproduce the original message in its entirety, but even the experimental stenchists are not able to decrypt their records at the speed required for the implementation of interpretation. In addition, the stenographic record does not distinguish between individual thoughts or blocks of content, which may be critical if the task is to summarize the said.

Secondly, in contrast to the outline, UPS provides more freedom in the methods of organizing records and aimed at fixing the progress of the speaker's thoughts, rather than the specific formulations used by him. Also, the translation rate always meets the requirements of imyarchiness, that is, the translator uses it directly upon completion of the translated segment (or speech entirely) - it is not necessary to reproduce the translation in a week or even a couple of days. In view of this, the translator fixes only the most important (reference, relief) elements of speech - so H. "Semantic peaks" - which allows you to better focus on the perception and memorizing said.

Finally, although we are talking about UPS as a "system of records in consecutive translation," this is nothing more than a promotion of recommendations that a professional translator should be aware. At the same time, each specialist applies these recommendations in its own way and, depending on the specific work situation. This is due, first of all, with the fact that the memory and mnemonic (associative) mechanisms have different people in different ways, and therefore the set of necessary techniques will vary.

It is also important to note that UPS, being, of course, a very important skill is only a tool in the translator's activities. This means that the speed is performed only an auxiliary role and cannot replace nor translation, nor memory, nor the ability to translate.

Basic principles of cogvis

With all the pronounced individuality, which the speed is acquired by each translator, there are a number of basic principles that should be adhered to, namely:

see also

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  • Chuzhakin, A. P. World of Translation-7: Applied Oral Translation Theory and Translation Sieve.
  • Alikina, E. V. Translated semantography.
  • Krasovsky, D. I., Chuzhakin, A. P. Conference Rendering (Theory and Practice).
  • Minyar-Beloruchev, R. K. Records in sequential translation.
  • Chuzhakin, A. P., Spirina, S. G. Fundamentals of consistent translation and translation coppering.
  • Gillies, Andrew. Note-Taking In Consecutive InterPreting - A Short Course.
  • Herbert, Jean. The Interpreter "s Handbook.
  • Rozan, Jean-Franc. Note-Taking In Consecutive Interpreting.

Trailer characterizing translation

- Oh, beauty, and Kaka-Aya! .... And what is it - heaven? Oh Ma-Amochka! .. - enthusiastically, but a girl was very quietly singing, as if afraid to knock out this incredible vision. - And who lives there? Oh, look, what cloud! .. And the rain is golden! Is it happening? ..
- Have you ever seen the red dragon? - Leah negatively woven his head. - Well, you see, and I happen, because this is my world.
- And then you, what is God ??? "But God cannot be a girl, however?" And then, who are you? ..
Questions poured out of her avalanche and Stella, who did not have time to answer them, laughed.
Not engaged in "answering questions", I became a quietly examined around and completely struck by an unusual world that opens me ... It was the truth of the real "transparent" world. Everything around sparkling and shimmering some kind of blue, the ghostly light, from which (as it should) for some reason did not get cold, but on the contrary - he warmed some unusually deep, penetrating the soul with warmth. Around me, from time to time, transparent human figures floated, then compacting, then becoming transparent, like a glowing fog ... This world was very beautiful, but some kind of inconstant. It seemed that he had changed all the time, definitely not knowing how to stay forever ...
- Well, are you ready to "walk"? - I snatched me from my dreams. Cheerful Stellin's voice.
- And where will go? - I woke up, I asked.
- Let's go to look for the missing! - The baby smiled cheerfully.
- Cute girls, and you still allow me to post your dragon, until you walk? "If not wanting to forget him, having filled his round eyes, asked for a little Leah."
- Okay, decellers. - graciously allowed Stella. - Only do not come on anyone, otherwise he is still a baby and can be afraid.
- Oh, well, about you, as you can! .. I will love him very much until you come back ...
The girl was ready to be just out of the skin to lasset won, just to get his incredible "wonder-dragon", and this "miracle" bored and puffed, apparently trying his best, as if he felt that it was about him ...
- Do you ever come? Do you come very soon, cute girls? - In secret, dreaming that we will come very soon, the baby asked.
We were separated from them a shimmering transparent wall ...
- Why start? - seriously asked the girly at ridiculously. - I never met this, but I'm not so long ago here ... Now we have to do something, is it true? .. We promised!
- Well, let's try to "wear" their images, how did you offer? - Without thinking for a long time, I said.
Stella Something quietly "was dead," and in a second she became like a round liu, well, and I, naturally, got my mother, that I was very launched ... And we put on myself, as I understood, just energy images, using which we hoped to find the missing people we need.
- This is the positive side of the use of other people's images. And there is also a negative one - when someone uses it in poor purposes, as the essence that put on the Babushkin "Key" to beat me. I explained all my grandmother ...
It was funny to hear how this tiny girl was a professorial voice outlined such serious truths ... But she really belonged to everything very seriously, despite her sunny, happy character.
- Well, went, "Liya girl"? - I asked with great impatience.
I really wanted to see these, others, "floors" while there was still enough forces. I have already managed to notice what a big difference was between this, in which we were now, and the "top", stellin "floor". Therefore, it was very interesting to quickly "plunge" in the next unfamiliar world and learn about it, if possible, as much as possible, because I was not at all confident whether it was once again.
- Why is this "floor" much more tight than the previous one, and more filled with entities? I asked.
"I don't know ..." Stella shook his fragile shoulders. "Maybe because only good people live here, who did not make evil while they lived in their last life. Therefore, they are here and more. And at the top there are essences that "special" and very strong ... - Here she laughed. - But I'm not talking about myself if you thought it! Although grandmother says that my essence is very old, more than a million years ... This is horror, how much is it true? How to know that there was a million years ago on earth? .. - the girl said thoughtfully.
- Maybe you were not at all on earth?
- And where ?! .. - stalk asked Stella.
- Well I do not know. Do not you see? - I was surprised.
It seemed to me that everything was possible with her abilities! .. But, to my great surprise, Stella shook her head negatively.
"I still know how very little, just what Grandmother taught." - No matter how regret, she replied.
- And you want, I will show you my friends? - I suddenly asked.
And not giving her to think, turned into a memory of our meetings when my wonderful "star friends" came to me so often, and when it seemed to me that nothing more interesting could not be ...
"Oh, this is the beauty of Kaka-Aya! ..." Stella exhaled with delight. And suddenly, seeing the same strange signs that they showed me many times exclaimed: "Look, this is how they taught you! .. Oh, how interesting is it!"
I stood in a completely frozen state and could not pronounce a word ... taught ??? ... did you really have any important information in my own brain, and instead of something to understand it, I Like a blind kitten, floundered in his small attempts and guesses, trying to find some truth in them ?! ... And this all long ago I had "ready-made"? ..
Not even knowing what it was taught me there, I just "burly" from outrage to myself for such an oversight. To think only, I revealed some "secrets" right in front of the nose, and I did not understand anything! .. Probably, they were not exactly discovered !!!
- Oh, do not be so killed! - laughed Stella. - Show your grandmother and will explain to you.
- And you can ask you - who is your grandmother all the same? - Easy that I go to the "private territory," I asked.
Stella thought, ridiculously wrinkling his spout (she had this fun habit when she thought about something seriously), and did not spoke very confidently:
"I don't know ... Sometimes it seems to me that she knows everything, and that she is very, very old ... We had a lot of photos of the house, and she was the same everywhere - the same as now. I have never seen what it was young. Strange, right?
- And you never asked? ..
- No, I think she would tell me if it was necessary ... oh, see-ka! Oh, how beautiful! .. - Suddenly, suddenly, delighted the baby, showing his finger on the strange, sparkling sea waves. It was certainly not the sea, but the waves and the truth were very similar to the marine - they hardly rolled, overtaking each other, as it were, playing, only in place in the scene, instead of a snow-white sea foam, here everything sparkled and blurred with worber gold By spraying with thousands of transparent golden splashes ... It was very beautiful. And we naturally wanted to see all this beauty closer ...

As a special system of high-speed fixation of information when translating a translating speed today has almost a century-old history, which is sufficiently described in linguistic literature, in particular, in the works of I.S. Alekseeva, E.V. Alikina, A.P. Chuzhakina et al. In this regard, we find it appropriate to list here only the main milestones in the development of conversion copper systems, leaving more detailed consideration and study for independent elaboration.

According to researchers, at the beginning of the 20th century, use or not the use of recording was considered a personal matter of each translator.

As consciously and professionally used admission of written fixation of information in the implementation of oral translation, the translation rate appears in the 1930s of the 20th century, which is associated with the work of the nations. At the meetings of the League of Nations, there were performances in two languages: French and English, and the translation did not interrupt the speech, but was carried out immediately after his end. As a result of such an organization of meetings, the requirements for the volume of orally translated texts increased, on the one hand, and to the accuracy of the translation, on the other hand. In 1941, at the Geneva University, a professional school of translators is being created, which representatives of which are being developed by the basic rules for the translation record. The development of this school is connected in the history of translation with the names of J. Erbera and J.F. Rosana, M. Lederier, D. SELESKOVICH. Training of translation creep with consistent translation remains the profiling direction of the work of this school preparation of translators to this day.

The most famous Russian version of the transient cursor system was proposed by R.K. Minyar Beloruchev in 1969.

In Germany, the development of the technology of translation creep is primarily due to the name of H. Matisseca (University of Heidelberg), also offered its comprehensive system of translation record in the 1970s of the 20th century.

According to a consistent study and comparison of these and some other transformation record systems, each subsequent of them was a kind of improved version of the previous one. Each subsequent system, on the one hand, was based

on the leading principles of the previous one, on the other hand, it was offered new methods and strategies for fixing information based on new scientific achievements in the field of linguistics, psychology and information theory.

So, J. Erber suggested borrowing signs and symbols for conducting translation curtains from other areas of science, and also formulated the following regulations for writing:

 start fixing from the moment of the start of the speech;

 carry out a logical analysis of speech through the allocation of the main, underscore, imprisonment into brackets;

 use translation language in recording;

 use abbreviations, abbreviated to record multivalued numbers;

 Luggage upon denial.

In 1956, J.-F. Rosan, follower J. Erbera, illustrated these principles in his book on specific examples, proposed his symbols to designate individual grammatical categories, in particular, time and collateral at the verb, kind and number among the noun, and also formulated the principle of the vertical location of the recording on paper .

R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev, based on the already existing system of signs of a sign record, developed a functional classification of signs of translation creep, namely, allocated predicative, modal symbols, time symbols, quality symbols, etc.

In the 80s, in France, the translator, D. SELESKOVIC, described the mnemonic function of the translation record from the psycholinguistic positions, i.e. The role of recording in memorization processes, actualization in consciousness and subsequent reproduction of information with interpretation.

A.P. Chuchaquin has improved the principle of verticalism, offering a step-diagonal location of signs on paper. In accordance with its concept, first should be recorded a group of the subject, under it the right - a group of the faugible, to her right - a direct addition, under it the right - an indirect addition. Uniform membership members should be recorded on the paper by a column, one under another in order of their following in speech.

E.N. Sytkovskaya continued to improve the principle of verticalism, proposing to rely on the step-diagonal arrangement of symbols on paper not on the syntactic, but on the semantic side of the statement, namely: the semantic subject is fixed, the semantic object is right under it [by: Alikina , 2006: 12-18].

She promised in one of the posts to tell about the curtains. I fulfill a promise.

So, what is the translation rate (or sequential translation)?

This is the most efficient auxiliary means memorytranslator. It is effective because it stimulates the memorization, activating the mental processes at the time of recording. It is effective and because it saves the reference points for memory at the time of playing the original text.

Usually ask a question, and for what is the translation rate, if stenography has already been invented?

The answer to this question is well formulated by Henri Van Hoof in his book "Theory and Practice of Oral Translation": "The literal record would entail it, naturally, literal reproduction, i.e. the refusal of the basic principles of translation. That is why we are not acceptable by stenograph. Being a recording system based on the Word, it would prevent the translator to focus on the main thoughts developed in speech, and, therefore, give a satisfactory translation. " We add to it that the stenographic recording of each word hides the thought, which is not expressed by a sequence of words at all, but the sequence of "Favorites" values, key for the meaning of words. And finding such keywords in the stenographic record is a painstaking job that requires an analysis of the recorded, which is not time in consistent translation.

Not suitable for translation cursor neither a summary, which sometimes lead diligent students nor the protocol
work of bureaucrats. The abstract or protocol records the basic content of the above, and the translator does not have the right to part with the phrases that did not like it. It is obliged to fix all the information intended for transmission, and create yourself economical reference memory points. This requirement and spawned its own records from leading parliamentary translators of the 20s - 30s. Moreover, many asces of consistent translation claimed that the recordings are individual, and each translator himself must invent certain rules, signs and symbols of the coggling. So it lasted until 1959, when a small book was released Jean-Francois Rosana, in which he tried to summarize all that the best
europe translators were invented to facilitate their fate in the process of consistent translation. And it was invented by the following by this time:

- it is not necessary to write down words, but thoughts;
- write words if it turns out to be inevitable, will have abbreviated;
- in the records you need to show a link between recorded words or symbols;
- negation is most convenient to show the crossing of the recorded;
- for the qualitative characteristics of recorded reference points to use various types of underlining;
- recording plans vertically;
- Vertical location of records combine with their

These techniques and hurried to fix J.-F. Rosan. To the symbols that are found in the records, the author of the first book on the translation creep refers is very restrained and advises them not to abuse. His students
he proposes to remember only ten characters. Examples of records in the book J.-F. Rosana is given in English, practically he advises to record records in the language on which the translation is carried out.

As for the receptions and exercises on mastering the translation spokeshirt, they are detailed in the book R.K. MINYAR-BELOROCHEVA "Assistance for interpretation (sequential translation)" 1969, in which most students in the translation faculties of our country studied and learn. Here I repeat the basic principles and techniques:

1) Refusal to write vowels In the middle of the word and dual consonant reduces an alphabet record by 38-40%. Recorded without vowel words are easily read, especially in a well-known context, as is the case in consistent translation. Here is an example of such a record: PRMBLNT and SLSK. The facility of the NDVlnley Plan PRV. Plagdia.

2) there is even more effective reception - the recording of the meaning supports not letters, but with the help of characters. What is a symbol? The symbol in the record system acts as a carrier of a sign inherent in a group of concepts close to each other. So, if you take ordinary quotes ", then they are intended to mean a direct speech in the writing. Therefore, quotes can be used to designate a large number of words related to speech, such as, for example, speech, speech, toast, report, speaker, conversation, newspaper, magazine, book, speak, write, talk, etc. Cases when the translator owns the situation, i.e., well understands what he says, whom he should translate, use quotes to replace any of the listed, as well as some other words, is quite justified.

3) Symbols choose the translator itselfand more often does not just choose, and invents depending on his vision of certain concepts. So, some designate everything connected with the war, the army through the an image of the gun, others - through fireworks lights, third - through crossed swords drawn in the form of the printed letter "X". That is why symbols in the learning process are not imposed.

And finally the exercise

R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev propose, for example, such a way of training for mastering the translation speed:

Choose an interesting story, a message in a newspaper, consisting of several hundred words, and try to fix it on paper without words, i.e. using drawings, symbols, symbols, or, in other words, with the help of your subjective-visual code. Invent, imagine, but do not resort to words. At the first stage, work with texts in your native language, later go to foreign texts. Soon you will notice that you will be easier to allocate the main thing in the text and memorize it on the basis of its shaped memory.

P.S. When I mastered the speakers in the student, I used such techniques when recording lectures and abstracts. So I remembered: when the records were completed with me, had to decipher the written one-laugure. True, then they are accustomed :).

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Course work on the topic:

Translated speed


Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Limk Krasikov, E.A.


Student c. GPa 31.

Dyachkova D.Yu.


Conclusions on chapter 1

2.1 Initial stage

2.3 Introduction Language

Information displayed on paper

Conclusions on chapter 2

Conclusions on chapter 3

Conclusions on chapter 4


List of references:

Attachment 1


A modern oral consistent translation is a complex process that requires a specialist-translator working in this area of \u200b\u200bspecial skills and training. To successfully carry out such a type of translation, it is required to study and master such a technique as a universal translation rush, which allows you to fix and reproduce speech of any duration. Now this technique can be defined as a system of auxiliary records used by the translator when translating.

Development and study of the scurry is conducted from the beginning of the last century. The emergence of this technique was associated with the increased need for oral consistent translation during international communications on the basis of such sites as the League of Nations.

In the future, the speed has been intensively developed, including all new methods and approaches to optimize the translator's work, working with such a complex and special responsibility to the view of the translation.

To date, this method of fixing and reproduction of oral speeches is considered comprehensively, using such industries of science as experimental psychology, neuropsychology and comparative linguistics.

Relevance The topic is that today the universal translation rate not only did not lose their applied value, and even more strengthened its positions of the most important tool of a specialist working in such a responsible and difficult sphere as an oral sequential translation.

In addition, today this technique of fixing and reproduction of information has been paid to the attention of the whole range of other sciences, such as: as experimental psychology, neuropsychology, comparative linguistics. It is explained by the fact that every year the importance of the oral consecutive translation in the processes of intercultural communication, international negotiations and speeches on the basis of numerous international associations is only increasing.

Speeches of speakers at such sites as, for example, UN, requires the intensive work of the translator, which is why the development of universal translating cursor techniques is a permanent process in which specialists and translators and scientists are involved in psychology, semantography and other industries of science. All this amount of work is aimed at fulfilling one goal - the development of such a system for fixing information, which will contribute to the most efficiency and convenience of the translator.

Tasks This work is:

1. Familiarization with the history of the formation and development of universal translate techniques

2. Study of the main methods of cerebrals used and described by recognized specialists of oral consistent translation

3. Detection of current trends in the development of universal translating

4. Description of the main practical elements of translating

Object Research is a study of universal translating cocopus technique with oral consistent translation.

Thing This course work is the main methods and elements of universal translation cursor, consideration of their main use.

When writing this course work, I was used: the monograph of a domestic specialist Rurik Konstantinovich Minyar-Belorucheva - the general theory of translation and interpretation, as well as various scientific literature and training aids on universal translating cogvopysius and a verbal consecutive translation (Alikina E.V. Translation sealersography. Record with oral translation, Buruli S.A. Translation record: Tutorial (for students of the IV course of the translation faculty, Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. How to become a translator?, Minyar-Beloruchev, Records in consecutive translation, etc.)

translator Linguistics symbol

Chapter 1. The history of the formation and development of translation creep

1.1 The initial stage of development of the cogvopius. Geneva School of Translators

In the modern world, characterized by the intensification of globalization and ubiquitous integration processes, increasing attention is paid to issues of intercultural communication, and this in turn strengthens interest in translation activities.

Since the beginning of the last century, the role of oral consistent translation increases, and one of the constituent translation competence in this area is the possession of a special type of recording that allows you to fix and further reproduce the performance of any duration.

This entry refers to the number of "professional secrets of consistent translations".

It is also worth noting that in the literature you can meet a variety of terms denoting professional records of the translator. Among them, "Translation Record" (E. N. Sladkovskaya, S.A. Bully), "Brief Record" (V.N. Commissioners), "Spear" (R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev).

In foreign literature, the unity of terminology is traced: "Notes-Taking" in English and "Notizentechnik Fur Dolmetscher" - in German.

The term "La Prise de Notes" used by French-speaking authors is in a broad sense means "a record with a view to maintain the main thing from the heard or read."

The emergence of the translation record falls on the 30s of the XX century. - The heyday of the oral consistent translation associated with the activities of the League of Nations, at the meetings of which the performances in two languages \u200b\u200bwere envisaged: English and French, and speech speakers were not interrupted by the translation, but alternated with him.

This provision has put forward a sufficiently long speech segment (up to 30 to 30 minutes), which generated the need to compressed and brightly fix the incoming information, inventing a variety of rules, signs, symbols, and was an impetus for the development of recording systems and concepts of its theoretical justification. .

The first theoretical provisions associated with the translation record are found in the works of the representative of the famous Geneva School of Translators - J. Erbera.

He calls the record the main factor in the technique of serial translation, which in turn protects the translator from the forgetting of the text. At the same time, as J. Erber notes, the recordings are intended for immediate use as a landmarks in the statement, the memory of which is still fresh in memory.

In 1956 in Geneva Zh.-F. Rosan, follower and colleague Erbera, released a separate book dedicated to the record in which the seven basic principles of fixation (decaying ideas, the use of abbreviations, the binding of the arrows, denial of the crossing, increasing the emphasis, the vertical location of the "stepbecker"), was systematized and illustrated. Rosan introduced ways to designate some paradigm categories: time, genus, numbers.

Further development, the speed has received in the works of A. Van Hoo, including in "Theorie et Pratiiique de l" Interpretation ", Munich, 1962.

1.2 Domestic and Modern Scralography Studies

In our country, a system of translation cursor based on the Russian language is being built, which was first set out in the book of R. Minyar-Belorochev "A guide for interpretation (records in sequential translation)", which appeared in 1969

Minyar-Beloruchev has developed its recording method in which it uses its own functional classification of characters.

The basis of this classification is the division of symbols by the method of designation of concepts for alphabetic, associative, derivatives and main purpose to predicative, modal, time symbols and symbols of quality. All Symbols proposed by the author meet the three requirements: the cost-effectiveness, visibility, versatility.

The location of the records, according to Minyar Beloruchev, is built according to the syntax principle, that is, the main elements of the suggestion syntax (subject to the subject, supplement) are recorded.

R.K. Minyar Beloruchev, according to many researchers, it was possible to give the most detailed theoretical substantiation of the record, based on data from phonology and syntax, as well as methods of learning recording, showing the importance of applying records in the process of oral sequential translation.

In the 1980s, the traditions of the Scientific Geneva School continued the French teachings and practitioners practitioners M. Lederier and D. SELESKOVICH. The latter, in particular, was engaged in learning a professional recording from the position of psycholinguistics and gnoseology in order to identify the patterns of speech, language and memory.

D. SELESKOVICH pointed to the need to combine these various scientific disciplines, such as experimental psychology, neuropsychology, comparative linguistics, and observations from translation practice - to penetrate into the essence of the translation process, including with the use of the record. D. SELESKOVICH was able to mainly describe the mnemonic function of the latter, while noting the prospect of the development of this problem in the gnoseological line, at the junction of theory and thinking. So, D. SELESKOVICH for the first time delivered the problem of a comprehensive record study.

A.P. Chuchaquin has improved the principle of verticalism, offering a step-diagonal location of signs on paper.

In accordance with its concept, first should be recorded a group of the subject, under it the right - a group of the faugible, to her right - a direct addition, under it the right - an indirect addition.

Uniform membership members should be recorded on the paper by a column, one under another in order of their following in speech.

E.N. Sladkovskaya put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bimproving the principle of verticalism, proposing to rely on the steps-diagonal arrangement of symbols on paper not on the papers, but on the semantic side of the statement, namely: first fixed the semantic subject, the action under it is the effect, the semantic object is right.

Conclusions on chapter 1

Thus, analyzing the history of the development of translation curtains, it is worth noting the contribution of the founders of this method of fixing information - representatives of the famous Geneva School of Translators: J. Erbera and J.-F. Rosana.

On the basis of their works describing the basic elements of the curtains, such as: Election of ideas, the use of abbreviations, rolling with arrows, negating crossing, strengthening emphasis, vertical arrangement "Studyness", modern scientists (R.K. Mignyar-Beloruchev, D. SELESKOVICH, E . N. Sladkovskaya) There were further developments with the use of a whole complex of disciplines: experimental psychology, neuropsychology, comparative linguistics and others.

This made it possible to withdraw the study of universal transfers to a completely new level and optimize translation semantography for the greatest convenience of the translator with oral sequential translation.

Chapter 2. The main stages of preparation and organization of recording with oral sequential translation

2.1 Initial stage

According to Minyar-Beloruchev, the author of the cerebral-based system based on the Russian language, the main advantage is that with the help of the cursive, the translator may briefly record the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement, and then by reference points on paper to reproduce as close as possible to the original.

Before proceeding directly to the study of the record system, you should carefully prepare for it, collecting the remedies and analyzing the situation. Researchers offer various options for organizing records, consider one of them proposed by Alikina E.V.

Translated speeds are used with oral sequential translation, as well as two-way translated. Examples of such situations: performances at conferences, presentations, lectures (for monologic sequential translation); Official conversations, interviews, negotiations (for bilateral translations).

Starting recording is recommended together with the beginning of speech sound, but it is not forbidden to pause at the beginning to catch the idea of \u200b\u200bthe speaker.

The main thing is that the statement and record ended in the same moment, and the translator voiced the thought recorded on paper during a pause.

As for the volume, it is recommended to pay special attention to the first phrases, since they contain the largest amount of information. After writing in detail the first part of the statement, the translator gets the ability to record the following phrases in short, as much will be clear.

2.2 Required tools tools.

It is impossible to leave replacement tools. At first, this question is not paramount. However, it should be remembered that each detail is important when recording, and any funds rationalizing the translator should be used.

In the conditions of bilateral translation, when the translator has the opportunity to sit at the table, it is worth using a sheet of A4 format, laid horizontally and in advance divided into three equal parts. Such a location will allow you to write a rather long statement, it is easy to find any moment of recorded speech and avoid turning. Here E.V. Alikina recommends doing to fix information on one side of the sheet so that the records are echoed with each other.

In a situation where the translator stands in front of the microphone and he does not have the ability to make records, leaning on the table, is suitable for a smaller format notebook, but necessarily in a hard cover to be convenient to write on weight. Also E.V. Alikina advises to take a notepad on the spring to speed up the turning.

As for the recording tool itself, it is best for this pencils with an eraser (for possible information adjustment) or a light handle.

2.3 Introduction Language

This is one of the most controversial issues. There are several contradictory points of view. Some authors believe that the recording should be conducted in the language of the source, others in the language on which the translation is made. According to the third - in the language on which the recording system was studied, and in the opinion of the fourth - in English as the most common language, which has a large number of generally accepted abbreviations. The fifth believed that the mixed language was the most suitable option. But in this matter, of course, it all depends on the preferences of the translator.

2.4 Information displayed on paper

In order to recreate the maximum full picture when transferring, it is necessary to refuse to write "empty" words, the value of which is understandable from the context or is easily reproduced by memory. For the translator, the meaning of the word, transmitting the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement, precision vocabulary (names of own, names of the days of the week and months, numeral). It is also important to pass up modality and logical connections between the elements. When writing to the translator, an example for imitation is telegraph style, concise and understandable. It is necessary to remember the time sequence of events (semantic milestones).

Conclusions on chapter 2

The recording process when translating requires careful preparation. At the same time, several factors should be noted at once, among which: underwear, the language, which will record, as well as functionality and convenience for the perception of information outlined on paper. When the preparation for the record is completed, you can proceed to the main stage - the study of coggling techniques.

Chapter 3. Basic Molding Socks

The main techniques of the coggulation are:

1) Semantic Analysis

The semantic analysis is the allocation of the main thought of this text, its "economical" formulation, which is compiled from the reference memory points. To create reference memory points, there are three methods:

1) the choice of words with the greatest semantic load (foreign names and surnames, geographical names and other names are own, as well as numeral)

2) transformation method (transformation of impersonal proposals in certain personal, replacement of complex words and designs easier synonyms)

3) the choice of relief words (emphasis on words with a special emotional color or realities).

2) abbreviated letter record

"Economical" wording consists of words that in turn can be reduced. Because of this, it seems that in many words (especially long) there are extra letters. Thanks to this, it is proposed to record not all letters in the word. At the same time, the specifics of the Russian language does not allow to do without the first letters that are starting points for information. For example, words starting with pr- in Russian more than 2500. Instead, it is possible to refuse, for example, from vowels in the middle of the word, which allows you to reproduce the entire word when translating. You can also exclude double consonants, and the most common consoles and suffixes are replaced with one symbol (such as -tion, -logy and logs, philo- and philo, psyho- and psycho).

Cut records can be reduced using telescopic names. For example, page - p. Maybe - M.B. other.

Abbreviation is another known way of reducing records. For example, USA, MES, MIA and many others.

An important occupancy entry point is the numbers. Specively recording the numbers, you can reduce the recording several times. For example:

1) Nutitive:

15 "\u003d 15 thousand

15 "\u003d 15 million

15 "" "\u003d 15 billion

2) ordinal:

1) \u003d first

B) "03 \u003d beginning of 2003

0 "3 \u003d mid 2003

03 "\u003d end 2003

4) Names of months:

I - January, II - February, III - March, IV - April, etc.

5) Names of the days of the week:

Monday ,? - Tuesday, ? - Wednesday, etc.

3) the principle of vertical location of records

Entries are a visual memory support. That is why it is important to find such a support point that would have rushed into the eyes and did not complicate the visual perception. The vertical record can be considered effective, since such a type of recording saves the time (you do not need to drive left right and back) and allows you to combine thoughts into groups in their lexical communication. Also, the vertical record adds the effectiveness of the linguistic probability. Linguistic probability is called the likelihood of the appearance of one or another phenomenon, a language unit. In this case, the order of words that perform key syntactic functions is most important for the translator. The direct order of words suggests that in most cases a group of the subject will be in the first place, and behind it the group of the facid. Analysis and processing of the sentence take place not only with the consideration of its grammatical framework, but also to search for a shorter formulation. This is especially useful for long sentences, since such a method allows you to highlight the main idea and step by step to write the chain of events in the sentence. R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev offers to put a group of the subject, and on the second place (line below and slightly to the second) group of the facility. As for the secondary members of the sentence, they are located to the right of the word to which they relate (if this is not a coordinated definition). If there are several words to the same word, they are recorded one below the other, regardless of whether they are homogeneous or not. Separate suggestions are proposed to indicate in brackets.

Complex proposals can be viewed as two or more simple proposals. Accordingly, each of these simple proposals is recorded one under the other from the beginning of the line.

The greatest complexity represents the recording of complex proposals. R. K. Minyar Beloruchev draws attention to the following features of the recording of a complex proposal:

1) Functions of the colon. The colon in the sentence is a link between the supply parts (the introductory part and the continuation that reveals it). The colon eliminates the recording of the union and some significant words.

2) causal attitude. They express a sequence of actions and are usually denoted by unions (because, as a result,, etc.) in translation records, they are expressed by a sloping feature.

3) Relative subordination. In speech, there are sometimes two different suggestions, with this one of them is summarized the second. Such proposals are called relatively dependent. They are easily turning into a complex proposal using subordinate unions. In translation records, they are recommended to separate from each other horizontal feature. In case, in the second sentence there is a composite legend, a sign of equality is placed under the line.

4) comparison. In a broad plan, this is the idea of \u200b\u200bcomparing and comparing statistical data, as well as a means of expressiveness. On the paper they are fixed by two vertical lines.

5) purpose pointer. It is believed that progress towards goal is accompanied by movement. That is why the records are invited to denote by the movement "arrows".

6) Conditional structures. In speech, usually such designs are denoted by the Union "If" or turnover "if", "subject to", etc., which are replaced by the English Union of IF or French Si to save space.

7) Sustain. Grammar Especially allocates the relationship between action and a special condition, i.e. The condition that is an obstacle does not create interference. Such a "concession" gave rise to the term "yield". The idea of \u200b\u200ba yield is the opposite of the idea of \u200b\u200bcausality, thereby it annuls causal relationships. Thus, a special designation appeared - twice crossed inclined trait.

8) Questions. To record a questionnaire, it is recommended to use an inverted question mark (Spanish question mark), which is put at the beginning of the sentence. This contributes to the achievement of two goals at once. First, at the initial stage of the analysis of the proposal, it becomes clear that the proposal contains a question. Secondly, it will allow you to refuse to write questioning members of the proposal (question words and expressions: what? From where? How? Is it? For what purpose?, Etc.)

9) Intelligent offers. By analogy with question deals in order to detect an exclamation in advance, an inverted exclamation mark is put at the beginning of a sentence. Also in exclamation proposals it is proposed to use the "arrows", replacing the words-goals. "Arrows" are divided into two groups: positive and negative. Positive "arrows" stand in front of the word-purpose ("Long live", "forward", etc.), and negative crosses these words ("Down", "against", etc.).

10) Negative offers. A negative proposal expresses the lack of communication between statements. And the absence has its own symbol - the crossing of that member of the sentence, which is worth the "not" particle.

11) lines footnotes. With the vertical location of the records, the word that is used several times can be made by special footnish lines to avoid repetition of the word and save time.

Conclusions on chapter 3

The main methods of the translation record are the semantic analysis, a shortened letter record and a vertical recording system. The semantic analysis allows you to highlight key points in the record and saves time, allowing you to not pay attention to "empty" words. As for the abbreviated letter record, its dignity is that it excludes "extra" and repeated letters, the absence of which does not prevent the meaning of the word. The vertical recording system retains syntactic and logical connections in the text without occupying a lot of space.

Chapter 4. Symbols in the translation

4.1 Characteristics of the symbol and its grammatical redundancy

The word as a sign is the designation of not one specific subject, actions or phenomenon, but a whole group of objects having a similar value. Words vary with each other by the ability to generalize. So, for example, in the group "Names of own" much less words than in the group "Nimes". The degree of generalization of the second, in turn, is not the same: the word "fruit" summarizes much more than the word "apples". But even words with a high degree of generalization (for example: relationship, remedy) are not economical.

In order to speed up the recording process, it was decided to create a system of symbols - economical and easily recognizable signs that generalize the most common concepts. (See Appendix 1)

The main characteristic of the symbol is its economy, visibility and versatility. The absence of one of the above items will question the eligibility of using a symbol with a translator to record records.

1) the economy of the symbol is simultaneously simplicity of execution and a large number of concepts that it denotes. For example, a familiar symbol "O" can be a meeting, a congress, meeting, etc.

2) The clarity of the symbol consists in its recognition, the frequency of use in ordinary life, as well as in the fact that it should produce many associations at the mention.

3) The universality of the symbol is that they are carriers of lexical meaning, showing extreme flexibility and indifference in grammatical terms. In addition, the same symbol can be used by carriers of different languages \u200b\u200bwithout loss of meaning.

According to V.P. Berkov, a significant part of the grammatical information is redundant. The practice of translation records confirms this conclusion. The most important for the translator are syntax connections that are displayed using a vertical record. "Classification information" records are not taken into account, as explicitly excessive, it follows from context or is insignificant for this situation, and therefore may not be designated.

The main syntactic links are expressed by the order of the arrangement of characters and words. It is not necessary to denote the number of verbs, the genus of nouns and other signs of words, as it is easy to reproduce with memory and context. If in the current situation it is necessary to indicate, for example, on the multiple number of one or another nouns, "Double" is installed above it. The designation of categories of objects and modal values \u200b\u200bof verbs in the records is not grammatical information.

4.2 Classification of characters according to the method of notation of concepts

The symbol for the designation of this or that concept chooses the translator itself, only in this case it will become an effective auxiliary means for it. For characters, absolutely new signs are not invented. R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev recommends using such signs with which the translator faces daily and can easily learn and "decipher." For this principle, the characters are divided into three main groups:

1) alphabetic symbols. Letter symbols are used in cases where the word does not cause bright associations. Usually, the first letter (or two or three first letters, to avoid errors in understanding, is taken to indicate this word. For example, GB - United Kingdom, TN - Tennessee, etc. The lack of alphabetic symbols is their semantic limitations.

2) associative symbols. This is the most numerous group of characters that meet the best possible requirements of the cost-effectiveness, visibility and versatility. The symbols of this group are chosen according to some features characteristic of a number of concepts united in the image or associations they cause.

A bright example of an associative symbol is the arrow. The arrow may indicate "Movement", "transition from one state to another". By changing the direction of the arrow, the translator can designate the concepts of "transmit", "get", "deliver" and many others.

3) derived symbols. There are several ways to form derivative characters:

A) expanding the symbol taken as the basis. For example, in translation records, the symbol "-" means "talk", "broadcast". When entering this symbol in a circle, the translator expands its value to "print", "Radio".

B) Specification of a common value with the help of an exercise sign.

C) an anthony approach or denial of the value of the source symbol (crossing).

D) a combination of several source characters. The combination, as a rule, has a more specific value than the value of the components of its characters.

E) rethinking the meaning of the predicative symbol. So, if you turn to the arrows again, the arrow directed up, denotes "height", a double arrow, directed up, denotes joy, success, prosperity, etc.

Thus, the group of derivatives of symbols includes symbols based on already familiar characters.

4.3 Classification of characters according to their main value

There are four groups of characters allocated by their main meaning:

1) predicative characters. Most of the symbols included in this group denotes the action and, accordingly, is a fault in the proposal.

The main symbol of this group is an arrow having a large number of lexical values \u200b\u200bdepending on its direction and context.

Another frequently used character is quotes. According to Zh.-F. Rosana, quotes are a symbol of the word. He also writes: "When someone's words are given, they are put in quotes. Consequently, the natural symbol of the word will be quotes. "

2) time symbols. Several temporary symbols used most often can be defined in one group. Temporary relations in this case are perceived in their overall understanding, and not in connection with the category of time.

3) modal characters. To express the relationship speaker, special modal characters are used. They denote "(not) the opportunity", "necessity", "(not) confidence", etc.

4) Quality symbols. The value of many words in speech is enhanced or weakened. For example, a small country, a weak opponent, etc.

To refer to various characteristics of the word, quality symbols are used. At the same time, it is absolutely optional quality symbols replace only adjectives. In some cases, they can replace other parts of speech that enhance or weaken the meaning of the word.

It should be noted that the characters included in the above groups are far from all existing characters. The remaining symbols not described in the classification are general purpose symbols. Their number and designation entire depends on the author of the record and the sphere in which it works.

Conclusions on chapter 4

Symbols are divided into groups by value signs that help economically issue a translation record. They can transmit lexical importance regardless of the source language. For characters, familiar signs, letters or cuts are used.

By the method of designation, the characters are divided into alphabetic, associative and derivatives. By its main value, the characters are divided into predicative characters, time symbols, modal symbols and quality symbols. The remaining characters are included in the large group of general purpose symbols.


The oral consecutive translation is one of the most complex types of translation, this is confirmed by the fact that the specialists of the highest class are working in its field, especially if it comes to activities at the international level. That is why translators' toolkit is intensively developing, an important element of which is the technique of universal translating sopper. On the one hand, the methods of fixing and reproduction of information are purely individual character, on the other hand, during the years of training in the art, they were systematized and scientific substantiation from scientists in various spheres of science.

This is also visible from the history of the development of universal translation cursor. Analyzing it, it is worth noting the contribution of the founders of this method of fixing information - representatives of the famous Geneva School of Translators: J. Erbera and J.-F. Rosana. On the basis of their works describing the basic elements of the curtains, such as: Election of ideas, the use of abbreviations, rolling with arrows, negating crossing, strengthening emphasis, vertical arrangement "Studyness", modern scientists (R.K. Mignyar-Beloruchev, D. SELESKOVICH, E . N. Sladkovskaya) There were further developments with the use of a whole complex of disciplines: experimental psychology, neuropsychology, comparative linguistics and others. This made it possible to withdraw the study of universal transfers to a completely new level and optimize translation semantography for the greatest convenience of the translator with oral sequential translation.

The process of preparation for the process itself is also important, it is necessary to note the basic methods used during the cursor: meaning analysis, abbreviated letter record and vertical recording system. The semantic analysis allows you to highlight key points in the record and saves time, allowing you to not pay attention to "empty" words. As for the abbreviated letter record, its dignity is that it excludes "extra" and repeated letters, the absence of which does not prevent the meaning of the word. The vertical recording system saves syntactic and logical connections in the text without occupying with it a lot of space.

Analyzing the foundations of the developed translation techniques. Special attention should be paid to the system of symbols that is undoubtedly not universal for everyone and each specialist adapts it to its manner of translation and introduces its own characters, it is still a certain base for the preparation and simplification of the speeding process. Developed special semantography was such experts as, for example, R.K. Minyar Beloruchev and at the moment is an integral part of learning this technique.

Symbols in this system are divided into groups of signs, helping economically make a translation record. Symbols can transmit lexical value regardless of the source language. For characters, familiar signs, letters or cuts are used.

By the method of designation, the characters are divided into alphabetic, associative and derivatives. By its main value, the characters are divided into predicative characters, time symbols, modal symbols and quality symbols. The remaining characters are included in the large group of general purpose symbols.

Having considered and seemingly the translator system, the translator must bring to automatism the skill of economical fixation of the text on paper using special exercises. According to R.K. Mignyar Belorchev, you can fully assimilate the proposed system for 2 months of daily training.

List of used literature

1. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. General translation theory and interpretation. - M.: Milivdat, 1980 - 237 p.

2. Bullya S.A. Translation record: Tutorial (for Students IV Course of the Translation Faculty). - M.: R-Valent, 2001 - 160 s.

3. Commissioners V.N. Theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching translation. - M.: Rem, 1997 - 244 p.

4. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. General translation theory and interpretation. - M.: Milivdat, 1980 - 237 pp.

5. Alikina E.V. Translated semantography. Record with oral translation. - M.: AST: East-West, 2006 - 160 c.

6. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. How to become a translator? - M.: Gothic, 1999 - 237 c.

7. Chuzhakin A.P. Oral Translation XXI: Theory + Practice, Translated Speed. - M.: The world of translation, 2000 - 256 pp.

8. Minyar-Beloruchev, sequential records. - M.: Prospekt-Up, 1969 - 176 c.

9. Sachawa O.S. Translated speed: theory and practice. Tutorial. - SPb.: Publisher of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, 2011 - 321 p.

10. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. Consecutive translation. - M.: Milivdat, 1969 - 288 c.

11. Zender L.F. About linguistic probability. In Sat: "Questions of speech statistics", LSU, 1958 -576 p.

12. Collection of 11 "Materials on mathematical linguistics and machine translation", Moscow State University 1963 - 199 p.

13. J.-F. Rozan. La Prise De Notes Ein Interpretation Consecutive. Geneve, 1959 - 71 p.

14. Collection of 11 "Materials for Mathematical Linguistics and Machine Transfer", Moscow State University 1963 - 199 pp.


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