International family Mikhail Shufutinsky. Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky: Biography, Career and Personal Life Mikhail Shufutinsky Biography Family

International family Mikhail Shufutinsky. Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky: Biography, Career and Personal Life Mikhail Shufutinsky Biography Family
International family Mikhail Shufutinsky. Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky: Biography, Career and Personal Life Mikhail Shufutinsky Biography Family

Shufutinsky Mikhail
74 selection, of which 1 this month


His creativity can be called the synthesis of the thorough and bard song, and the city romance. Mikhail Shufutinsky has its own orchestra, a ballet group, he performs the songs of the most famous Russian composers. Born in Moscow in 1948 he graduated from the Music School of Bayan and the Music School named after Ippolitov - Ivanov in the specialty Conductor - Khorovik. He performed with various ensembles in Moscow in the restaurants "Warsaw" and "Metropol", accompanied the vocal - comedy Duet Shurov and Rykunin, then in 1971, together with the musicians: Igor Logachev, Drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, Saxophonist, Valery Katsnelson and Singer Nikolai Kasyanov went to Magadan. In the Magadan restaurant "Northern" M. Z. Shufutinsky became not only to play, but also sing. The repertoire consisted of songs Alexander Vertinsky, Peter Leshchenko, from the popular songs from popular in this environment: "Sailor Spanish", "Route", "Kolyma Track:", "Standing Ships", etc. After returning from Magadan (1974 ) For some time he worked as a pianist in the Quartet "Accord", made arrangements for this ensemble. Then M. Z. Shufutinsky became the head of VIA (vocal - instrumental ensemble) "Pole, a song", which, mostly, performed songs Vyacheslav Dobrynin. M. Z. Shufutinsky made arrangements, accompanied, but he did not sing himself. One of the songs of V. Dobrynina - "White Cherry will be spinning:" - with an ensemble I recorded Anna Herman. In 1978, VIA "Pija, the song" took the first place at the All-Russian Competition by the Fast Song Performers in Sochi. In February 1981, M. Z. Shufutinsky, together with his family, emigrated to America. About ten years old played in the composition of various ensembles in the restaurants "Russian hut", "Pearl", "Arbat", "Moscow Nights", became the highest paid singer of emigration. He performed as an accompanist at the singer Nina Brodskaya. Two solo albums Anatoly Mogilev, who worked earlier in the ensemble "Gems" at Yuri Malikova, Albums Mikhail Gulko: "Blue Sky of Russia" and "burned bridges" (Emigrant - White Guard Topics). M. Z. Shufutinsky created his own show - the Ataman - Band group (as well as the Ataman restaurant), and in 1989, the first album "Escape" was recorded at the Prince Enterprises studio. For the first time, since emigrated, M. Z. Shufutinsky arrived in Russia in the summer of 1990 - played on tour, accompanied by the Express ensemble. The company "Melody" has released a plate "Mikhail Shufutinsky in Moscow", which includes such songs like: "Roman" (A. Rosenbaum), "Old Cafe" (V. Gorbatov), \u200b\u200b"Lucy" (S. Berezin). Since 1993, M. Z. Shufutinsky is constantly coming to Russia on tour, nevertheless he records his albums in America. At the same time, he now prefers pop songs. Conducts a contract with the firm "Russian Supply" for the release of the album "Kisa, Kisa". In the TV program "Song - 93" performed the song Vyacheslav Dobrynin "Two Candles". Starts cooperation with ARS. Mikhail Shufutinsky actively cooperates with the composer Igor Cool, performs many of his songs: "How the rains of Kosy", "3 - E September", "Velvet Season", "Let you dream of a palm tree de Majorca", "let go. In 1996 - 1997 Shufutinsky tours in Russia, along with Igor steep records a new song album. The repertoire of Mikhail Shufutinsky included songs of such authors as: Oleg Mityaev ("Night Guest"), Alexander Rosenbaum ("Gop - Stop", "Khreshchatyk"), Oleg Gazmanov ("Putana") and many others. Video clips were removed on the songs "Night Guest" (1993, director T. Keosayan), "Marina" (director S. Salvsky), "Autumn in Philadelphia". Since 1996, he will produce a "taste of honey" duet, which performs at Mikhail Shufutinsky concerts. One of the soloist - Tatyana Anis - worked in the show - the group Mikhail Shufutinsky "Ataman". The second participant in Duet - Alena Ivantsova - starred in the clip "Rain Man", which was removed shortly before the formation of the group. Family M. Z. Shufutinsky lives in Los Angeles. The eldest son David works successfully in a large television company. The younger son Anton lives in Hawaii, studying the doctor; participated in the creation of a song "h

The e-gun "(in the style of rap). Mikhail Shufutinsky received the" silver calosh "for his contribution to the show - business.

"Escape" (1989)

Mikhail Shufutinsky in Moscow "(1991)

"Kisa - Kisa" (1993)

"The best songs - 1" (1993)

"Ataman" (1994)

"Island of Love" (1994)

"The best songs - 2" (1994)

"The best songs - 3" (1994)

"White Stork" (1994)

"Stars of Russian emigration sing songs I. Reznika" (1994)

"Love, similar to sleep. Creative evening I. Cool" (1994)

"My only" (1994)

"My Life" (1994)

"No problem (1994)

"Moscow Evenings" (1994)

Collection "Speech"? 2. Russian Soul Melodies "(1994)

"Thank you, Sasha Rosenbaum!" (1994)

The wife of Shufutinsky - Margarita Mikhailovna Shufutinskaya, died on June 5, 2015. In marriage with his wife, Mikhail Zakharovich lived 44 years. It is not easy to postpone the loss, and even after 3 years, the executor of Chanson jeeps and suffers from his native person. What is aware of Zhufutin's wife? What did she do and what is the cause of her death? We will tell about this in detail in our article.

Margarita Shufutinskaya

Margarita married Mikhail in January 1971 in Magadan, where Shufutinsky just worked on distribution. In a joint marriage, the couple raised two children - the son of David, born in 1972, as well as Anton, who was born in two years later. Sons, in turn, gave Mikhail Shufutinsky and his wife seven granddaughters and grandchildren.

Margarita Mikhailovna lived in the United States of America, engaged in raising the guys.

Children spouses

The eldest son with his wife and children lives in the capital and is engaged in producing sound in kinocartines. His wife is Angela Petrosyan. The younger Son served as an officer of the Special Army troops in the United States of America. His spouse is an African American named Bandy, gave birth to him daughter and three sons. They live in Philadelphia, where Anton is engaged in teaching at the university, and also works on the conclusion of the dissertation. The whole family was regularly going together in Los Angeles or in Moscow.

Cause of the death of his wife Shufutin

Woman died on June 5, 2015 in Los Angeles. At the time of the death of Margarita Mikhailovna turned 66 years old. The cause of the death of Sufutin's wife is acute heart failure. According to Mikhail, at that moment the trouble did not foretell anything. The singer was on tour and could not reach Margarita for a long time. But she considered that this is due to a big time difference.

Margarita Mikhailovna was in Los Angeles, and Mikhail Zakharovich was in Israel. When he found out that his spouse did not become, he canceled all the concerts and flew to Los Angeles to say goodbye to his wife.

The organizers of the concerts brought their apologies and confirmed the information about the death of Margarita Mikhailovna. All the money that was reversed from the sale of tickets, returned the audience back. Shufutinsky was intended to perform in Haifa, Beer Shev and Tel Aviv.

Who first found out about the death of Margarita?

Anxiety scored the younger son of the spouses, he called the first to the police. When the police found themselves in the house, the woman was already died. She was buried at the local cemetery. Only the closest people were attended at the ceremony.

Despite the fact that the Spouse has passed quite a long time, Mikhail Zakharovich still feels pain from the loss of his native person. He recalls the time when he was happy with his wife. It happened that they were in separation for a long time. However, now everything is different. Sometimes Mikhail Shufutinsky wants to call and talk to his wife, but, alas, it is impossible.

What a pity that people die. The family was a tree, and his beloved spouse - the earth, from which the tree grows and brings fruit. Complete with loss is not so simple.

In addition, Mikhail Zakharovich always argued that Margarita Mikhailovna was also a cementing material connecting his whole family. Also, the executor of Chanson believes that his wife was the Great Martyr. She always went everywhere behind him, although it perfectly realized that her husband had a difficult, difficult character.

After the death of Margarita Mikhailovna, Shufutinsky acquired mansion in Philadelphia, not far from the cottage of the younger son Anton. In addition, he has an estate in the style of Ranch, which is located in Los Angeles. It was there that the spouse Mikhail Zakharovich lived.

Shufutinsky Mikhail Zakharovich (R.13.04.1948) - pop singer, composer and poet, musical producer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2013). Winner of the Chanson Year premiums.
Born in Moscow. He graduated from the Bayan's Music School and Music School named after Ippolitov-Ivanov in the specialty Conduger-Khorovik. He played the composition of various ensembles in the restaurants "Warsaw", "Metropol". Accompanied the vocal comedic duet of Shurov and Rykunin.
In the early 70s, together with the musicians, Igor Logachev, Drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, Saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and the singer Nikolai Kasyanov moved to Magadan. Speakers in the restaurant "Northern", by performing songs from the repertoire of A. Vertinsky, P. Leshchenko, there also makes his first tape records. Returning from Magadan, worked by a pianist in the "Accord" ensemble. Then he became the head of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Pole, the song", the repertoire of which was built mainly on the songs of V. Dobrynin. In 1978, the team took the first place in the All-Russian Competition by the Fast Song Contractors in Sochi. In February 1981 emigrated with his family to America. As an accompaniment, N. Brodskaya singer. As part of the various ensembles played in the restaurants "Russian hut", "Pearl", "Moscow Nights".
Two solo album A. Mogilevsky (ex- "gems"), albums M. Gulko "Blue Sky of Russia" and "burned bridges". Assess his own orchestra "Ataman Band" and in 1984 at the Studio "Prince Enterprises" recorded the Debut Album "Escape".
In the summer of 1990, he began to tour in Russia, speaking accompanied by the Express ensemble. Recorded on the company "Melody" Planku "M. Shufutinsky in Moscow". Since 1996, he will produce a new group "Taste of Honey".
Since 2003, Mikhail Zakharovich constantly lives in Moscow. His eldest son David with his family also lives in Moscow and is engaged in producing sound in movies. The younger son Anton and his family live in Philadelphia, where Anton teaches at the university and works by the head of the Department of a large pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately in June 2015, Margarita Shufutinskaya went away. The family is often going together in Moscow and in Philadelphia.

Children and grandchildren:
Senior son David (1972) married to Angela
Granddaughter Anna (2006)
Grandson Andrey (1997)
Grandson Mikhail (2009)
Junior Son Anton (1974) married to Brandi
Grandson Dmitry (1996)
Grandson (2002)
Grandson Zakhar (2009)
Granddaughter Hanna Rene (2012)

Mikhail Shufutinsky. Biography.

Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky Born on April 13, 1948 in Moscow. He graduated from the Music School of Bayan and Music School in the specialty Conductor - Khorovik. The career of the generally accepted king "Russian chanson" began with Jazz, Shufutinsky still in his student years became a regulance of the Moscow jazz parties.

In 1971, together with the musicians Igor Logachev, the drummer Leonid Lobkovsky, Saxophonist Valery Katsnelson and the singer, Nikolai Kasyanov went to Magadan. It did not go through the stage, as many were leaving at the time, but exclusively in their will. It was this trip that became the basis for numerous legends about the prison past Mikhail Shufutinsky. In Magadan, he worked in the best restaurants and it was there that he began not only to play, but also sing. This period of life bored in the soul of the artist's love for the music, which many years later will bring him fame and recognition of millions of fans - to chanson.

In 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky returned from Magadan to Moscow and worked for some time with a pianist and an arranger in the Accord Quartet, and then became the head of VIA "Pieri Song". Shufutinsky accompanied, made arrangements, but he did not sing himself. Basically, "Lyeya Song" performed songs Vyacheslav Dobrynin, and one of the songs - "White Cherry will be spinning" together with the ensemble recorded Anna Herman. Already after Shufutinsky, it was in this famous ensemble that Nikolay Rastorguev ("Lube") and Valery Kipelov ("Aria" began their creative activity ("Aria"). Because of the beard and pronounced appearance, Shufutinsky was inconsistent with the then television leadership, so "songs" tour in 1975-1980. were permanent, but TV ether was not at all. But to shave the beard for the sake of fame to TV Mikhail refused categorically. In addition, Via did not produce any foreign tour, even in Bulgaria. In 1978, the group simply tried to take off the competitive program in those days of the All-Union Competition of the Estra Finnish Songs in Sochi, and the group, despite this, took 1st place there.

After all these events, Shufutinsky decides to emigrate and in 1981 leaves with his family first to the land promised to Israel, and then to the United States in New York. And here he decides to continue the restaurant practice tested in Magadan and in the composition of various ensembles acts in numerous restaurants. It was at that time that Mikhail Shufutinsky finally becomes a vocalist, and not just a musician and an arguer.

In 1982, the first album of Shufutinsky- "Escape" was recorded at the Prince Enterprises studio, which became a real bestseller in the emigrant circles of America. This first album appeared very ordinaryly - Mikhail's friend - Alexander Maisman asked him to record his songs on the tape and he himself financed the record. By the mid-80s, Shufutinsky became a US citizen, and his records began to leak into the USSR, where they made the effect of a broken bomb. The cassettes began to put the union, and the artist became the super-star of the "emigrant song".

For the first time, after emigration, Mikhail Shufutinsky arrived in Russia in 1990. The first tour was collected 75 stadiums and they decided to return to Russia. The first songs released on the right become superhitis and literally for 2 years Shufutinsky reaches the status of the most-selling artist of the nineties. All his plates diverge giant editions, literally every of his song - "Two Candles" Dobrynin, "The Third of September", "Velvet Season", "Palma de Mallorca", "Letye" Igor Cool, "Putana" Gazmanova, "Gop Stop" , Khreshchatyk Rosenbaum - become folk.

In 1998 he wrote an autobiographical book: "I still stand at the line ..."

Despite the fact that it has an indisputable authority and dedication to the multi-million dollar audience, Shufutinsky does not calm down - he experiments ("black gun", "Macho Maine," will produce the duet of the "Taste of Honey". With the appearance of the poet of Alexander Polarnik, Shufutinsky returns to the classical Chanson and his album 2002 "Nagelochka" and the concert program "I will go once in Russia" are an indisputable confirmation of the fact that Mikhail Shufutinsky will still be on top of the pop Olympus.

Since 2003, M. Shufutinsky constantly lives in Russia.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Member of the annual National Prize Chanson Year in the Kremlin March 26, 2011.

The repertoire of Mikhail Shufutinsky includes songs of such authors as: Vyacheslav Dobrynin ("Two Candles", "Cubes"), Igor Cool ("September 3", "Palma de Mallorca", "Moscow taxi", "Moscow tears I don't believe "), Oleg Mityaev (" Night Guest "," Muscovite "), Alexander Rosenbaum (" Khreshchatyk "," Come to us on the light "," Gop-stop "), Nikita Dzhigurda, Alexander Novikov (" Vise me, Machinery "," Porto Street "), Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Zubkov, Igor Kisil (" You're far from me "), Vaclav Lisovsky, Olesya Atlanova, Karen Kavaleria, Mikhail Zvezdinsky, Kirill Krastoshvsky, Ivan Kononov (" Left Bank of Don ", "I adore you, I love", "And above Don gold domes") and many others.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2013)

Official website:

Mikhail Shufutinsky - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a repeated winner of the Chanson Year Prize. Piece singer, composer, pianist and producer born in 1948 in Moscow.

He graduated from a music school and a school together with A. B. Pugacheva. In 1981, emigrated to the United States. More than ten years acted in various teams. Since 1990, he has become on a permanent basis to come to tour to Russia, and after thirteen years he moved to Moscow to a permanent place of residence.

Personal life

In January 1971 he married Margarita Shufutinskaya, which died in June 2015 in Los Angeles. After the death of his wife lives in a civil marriage with Svetlana Uzazova.

The eldest son David lives in Moscow, married to Angela Petrosyan. Couple has three children: Andrei, Anna and Mikhail.

The younger son Anton lives in Philadelphia, married to an American brandy of African American origin. A couple of four children: Dmitry, Noah, Zakhar and Hannah.

Schufutin's houses in the USA

After the death of his wife, Mikhail decided to move closer to the youngest son and bought a magnificent cottage next to the Anton House in Philadelphia. Also, he has a living space in Los Angeles (in this estate in the style of Rancho, Margarita lived).

In one-story estate, bright interiors and classic style in the design. The most modern room here is a kitchen. In the rest of the rooms reigns the unchanging classic: elegant furniture on the legs with the image of lions, soft chairs and comfortable deputies.

House Mikhail Shufutinsky

A two-story mansion is located in the suburbs in the village of Vnukovo. House with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 800 square meters. meters built for about three years. In order for everything to go correctly and on time, professional workers and experienced architect Konstantin Kozlovsky were hired, which was followed by accurate performances of the tasks.

On the ground floor there is a spacious living room with an original marble fireplace. This zone is made with the so-called second light and from a high ceiling hangs the volume chandelier three meters made of crystal. Here is a large soft area with armchairs and a sofa, an ancient dresser from the valuable tree and an integral part of the living room in all creative people - Piano.

The entire interior is made in bright white or beige tones using gold elements and flower prints. There is no completely deaf walls here, all zones are separated by white columns, passing through which you get into a light living room, in the middle of which is a magnificent table, custom-made in Italy.

Near the dining room is a kitchen in classic design. This room is filled with all technical innovations to simplify the preparation of a variety of dishes. To work in the kitchen, the family has a special assistant, but the owner meat dishes prefer to prepare himself.

In the left wing there is a dressing room and an entrance hall. There is also a guest room with a toilet, the Cabinet Mikhail, in which many rare things are collected.

In the same wing, a pool and sauna were built. To swim the owner of the mansion learned only after built this pool and hired a special coach.

On the second floor leads a magnificent staircase with openwork railings. Here are three bedrooms: the main host and two children, in which the grandchildren of Shufutinsky stop.

The third floor (attic) appeared almost at the end of construction. Initially, it was not on the plans, but in the end it became clear that the attic would be very to the place. It was decided to equip a spacious billiard room, storage room and plans to establish a home theater.

There is a separate cottage for staff on the site, as more than twenty people are being followed - Assistants by housekeeping, nanny and security, working in three shifts. Also on the site a special solid mangan zone was built. Here is not only a brick brazier, but also wooden furniture under a canopy and a separate house that can be used as a guest.

According to Cyan, similar houses in Vnukovo cost from 26 to 160 million rubles.

In 2017, in the forever of its 70th anniversary, the famous chanson invited one of the most popular transmissions about repairs for alteration of the already existing arbor. Wooden gazebo turned out to be the most visited room and not always accommodates all guests. It was decided to significantly increase it in sizes and remake to the upcoming anniversary.

According to the project designers, the old structure decided not to demolish, and on the basis of it to make a more spacious and modern structure. For this, a part of the open veranda was destroyed, and in its place built a new, solid part of a natural tree with a belt foundation.

The construction was divided into three functional areas: a living, living room and an open veranda. The living part was insulated in order to take guests here and in the cold period. All over the perimeter, there was an open veranda with a panoramic roof.

The living room was divided into a soft zone and dining. The overall interior was decorated with alive colors, textured fabrics and additional lighting, and the exterior complemented alive shrubs and trees.

The central place indoors was taken by a fireplace with a trim under brass, opposite the soft sofa and chairs. Also here organized a place for barbecue, San. knot and shower. The walls were issued by the Italian tile under the white marble, and the kitchen apron is the same tile, but already in black.

Mikhail Shufutinsky is a singer whose name has long managed to become a legend. A bright repertoire, heartfelt voice and a restrained manner of performance - all these qualities made this artist with one of the most famous chanson in the history of modern Russia. Today, his name is well known on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. But what enabled this extraordinary performer to achieve such vertices? How did his pop career developed, and what was his life before he became a famous pop artist? You can find out all this by reading our today's biographical article.

Early years, childhood and family Mikhail Shufutinsky

The future artist was born in Moscow in a Jewish family. His father - Zakhar Davidovich, worked as a doctor. He almost did not know her mother - the woman died when the boy was only five years old.

Mikhail Shufutinsky - People live

Due to the complex work schedule of the Father, all the burden of raising the future chanson fell on his grandparents and grandfather's shoulders - Berti Daviden and David Yakovlevich. They were his main advantages and friends in the first years of life. Seeing in his grandson to art, Grandfather and Grandma advised him to develop his talent and go to study in a specialized school. Mikhail acted and entered and already very soon began to play the game on the accordion in one of Moscow's music schools. It is very noteworthy that, unlike other students who engaged with him together, Shufutinsky always loved the classes in the "music". The study was given to him easily, and at all concerts and speeches he was hardly the first star.

Thus, after graduating from a secondary school, the young artist did not even think about who he wants to become in the future. Having gathered all the necessary documents, Mikhail went to the Music School named after the Ippolitov Ivanov and was already enrolled in the Conductor Faculty. It is very interesting that during this period the other future celebrity was studied in the parallel group with Shufutinsky - Alla Pugacheva.

Star Path to Chanson Mikhail Shufutinsky

After graduating from the school, Mikhail Shufutinsky began to perform in various bars and restaurants. During this period, such institutions as a restaurant "Warsaw" and "Metropol" became its permanent job. Here, the artist performed as an accompaniment with various musical groups. However, some time later decided to change the situation somewhat and, together with other friends, Musicians moved to Magadan. In this place, he first began not only to play musical instruments, but also sing. Most of his repertoire at that time were songs written in the genre of the "Blunt" chanson. Some time later, this kind of song was almost all his repertoire.

Returning from Magadan in 1974, Mikhail Shufutinsky began to earn money again, speaking in restaurants as a pianist. In the next few years, he often appeared on stage along with the group "Accord", as well as the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Pierce Song". It is very noteworthy that, as part of the last of the named teams, our today's hero even became a laureate of the All-Russian Competition Executive Songs in Sochi.

Three years later, after that success, Mikhail Shufutinsky moved to the USA, where he also began to work as a "restaurant" singer and a musician. However, oddly enough, it was in the United States of America, the artist became very popular. In the period from 1982 to 1990, our today's hero immediately recorded ten studio albums, which were literally one after another. Speaking at the restaurants "Arbat", "Moscow Nights" and some other other Mikhail Zakharovich found his audience and very soon established himself as the highest paid singer among Russian emigrants.

In 1990, the Shufutinsky arrived with concerts in the USSR as well-known Artist. Since then, chanson has regularly appeared with performances in Russia and other former countries of the Soviet Union. Some time, a popular musician lived in fact in two cities, constantly extinguished in Moscow and Los Angeles. However, in 2003, Mikhail Zakharovich decided to finally leave the United States and move back to Russia.

In total, for his long singing career, Shufutinsky released about thirty studio albums, as well as a huge number of different collections. In his repertoire, there are songs of such well-known songwriters as Igor Cool, Oleg Mityaev, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Karen Kavaleria, Oleg Gazmanov and many of many others. After approved as one of the most famous chanson on the Russian and American stage, Mikhail Zakharovich often collaborated with many famous performers, together with whom Duet songs recorded.

M. Shufutinsky - Palma de Mallorca

After writing a huge variety of touching and sincere songs, Shufutinsky became a real "folk" singers in Russia and Ukraine. For his contribution to the musical art, famous chanson was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Completing the conversation about the work of Mikhail Zakharovich, it is worth noting the fact that two autobiographies written and published in 1997 and 2004 are also indicated in his air service listed.

In addition, as an interesting and extraordinary moment in the work of the musician, it is also possible to allocate work on the sounding of one of the heroes of the famous Hollywood cartoon "Brave Heart" and shooting in the film "Moscow on the city", in which he fulfilled an episodic role.

Personal life Mikhail Shufutinsky

In his life, one of the most famous chanson was married only one day. On the second January 1971, he was combined with a marriage with his old girlfriend Margarita. As part of this Love Union, two sons appeared to the world - David (David), 1972. And Anton (born in 1976). Currently, both sons of our today's hero are married and grow their own children. So, in particular today, Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky immediately six grandchildren, two of whom are directly related to the music.