Intellectual questions for children 10 years. Logic questions for children

Intellectual questions for children 10 years. Logic questions for children
Intellectual questions for children 10 years. Logic questions for children

Entertaining children's quiz for ten-year guys compiled in the form of questions and answers

"Magniki and Mistnie"

1. Can a crocodile climb on a tree?
2. What is the name of the chair on which the king sits?
3. What way does it make everyone lick?
4. What optical device is sitting on the nose?
5. When longer than day: in winter or summer?
6. Do you really say that striped fleas can be found on striped zebras?
7. Which homemade animal facilitated the work of the tractor?
8. Without what a person cannot live?
9. How was the semolina cereal on the field?
10. What animals is the focus on the work of a film?
11. What is the name of the eighth month of the year?
12. What person is called "White Vorona"?
13. Can a dike shoot with their needles in enemies?
14. Is it true that the capital of France is London?
15. Glass house for fish?
16. Is it possible to fly into space on a balloon?
17. What is the name of the young sheep?
18. What makes the plane?
19. How many paws have a bumblebee - five or seven?
20. What tree in the spring will be diagnosed?

1. Yes. Young. 2. Trone. 3. Staircase. 4. Points. 5. Equally. 6. No. 7. Horses. 8. Unnamed. 9. Wheat. 10. With dogs. 11. August. 12. Which is something different from others. 13. No. 14. No. Paris. 15. Aquarium. 16. No.17. Lamb. 18. Plane tree. 19. Six. 20. Birch.

Purpose:remember with the guys your favorite fairy tales, develop a desire to read more and replenish your knowledge about fairy tales.

Registration:event title; pictures with fragments of fairy tales; Music design ("There is a lot of fairy tales in the world").

Event flow

You imagine a moment,
How would we live without books?
What would the student would do
If there were no books,
If everything disappeared when
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
Before Merry News ...
You wanted to dispel boredom,
To find the answer to the question.
Pulled the book hand
And it is not on the shelf!
No, it is impossible to imagine
So that such a moment originated
And you could leave
All heroes of children's books.
(Mikhalkov S.V.)

Guys, today we have a small holiday: we are visiting a fairy tale. We gathered so that you remember your favorite fairy tales. Maybe someone from you find out today something new for yourself, and someone after our game will want to read new fairy tales.

In order to find out who of you more and carefully reads fairy tales, we have three teams that will compete with each other; There are fans, among which will also be contests and there is a jury that will strictly evaluate the teams. For bad discipline, the jury can shoot 3 points from the command of the command.

1 . So, the first stage of our game is the presentation of the teams.

Guess how the team is called. (Kolobok, Repka, Teremok)

(Children show prepared house fragment from a fairy tale)

2. Second stage - warm-up .

Teams will alternately be asked to which they must quickly answer. Listen carefully questions.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

    Who sang: "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather" (Kolobok)

    What fairy tale means of movement - stove? (By magic)

    What was the name of a woman from ice in a fairy tale Andersen? (The Snow Queen)

    Girl out of snow in the Russian folk tale? (Snow Maiden)

    What was the name of the cat from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino"? (Matroskin)

    What fairy tales played the wishes of the fish? ("About fisherman and fish", "By whining kettling")

    What boy was called "Uncle"? (Uncle Fedor)

    Who goes to visit in the morning? (Winnie the Pooh)

    What was the name of piglets from the fairy tale "Three Piglets"? (NIF-NIF, NUF-NUF, NAF-NAF)

    Does the movement of women Yaga? (Stupa and Pomelo)

    What is the death of the blasphemy of the immortal? (Needle egg-duck-hare-cheese-cheese oak)

    Fabulous creatures of small growth? (Gnomes, elves, trolls)

    What medicine preferred Carlson? (Jam)

    Which breed was the dog of Artemon in the Golden Key fairy tale? (Poodle)

    What is the name of the city in which Dunno lived? (Floral)

Musical pause.

3. Portrait of a hero.

Well done! In the next competition, participants mustguess the fabulous hero and draw his portrait.

    One morning, the baby woke up and remembered with bitterness that he still had no dog. Dad and Mom went to the store, and the only friend with whom he spent so much time, Shalil, scared on the roof of the thieves, re-released the evil fused side, flew away, and now she does not appear. He is remembered in every house, such a cheerful, never dull. (Carlson)

    This fabulous hero went to the youngest son of Melnik. But thanks to his quiet, tricks and dexterity, he managed to deceive not only the king, but also an evil wizard and achieved happiness not only for his owner, but also for all residents of the village. (Puss in Boots)

    There was a lot of tests for this fabulous hero: he did not want to study, but the trick, the intelligence helped him cope with his enemies and on the field of wonders in the country of fools, and in the Dark Chulana, and escape from the director of the puppet theater, and open the magic door ... ( Pyratino)

At this time, fans help their teams.

Fairy tales ask:
- And now you, friends, learn us!

    Opened the door of Kozdyat
    And ... everything went somewhere!
    ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    In the fairy tale sky blue,
    In the fairy tale birds are scary.
    Ratchy, save me
    Ratchy, save me.
    ("Swan geese")

    Pulled the word -
    Rolled the stove.
    Right from the village
    To the king and princess.
    And for what, I do not know
    Lucky lucky.
    ("By magic")

    Baby yes kolotil
    On a plate nose -
    Nothing was swallowed
    And stayed with a nose ...
    ("Fox and Zhuravl")

    And the road is far away
    And the basket is not easy
    To sit on the pencil
    Eat the pup's ...
    ("Masha and the Bear")

    Oh you, Petya - Easy,
    Spook a little
    Did not obey cat
    Looks out in the window ...
    ("Cockerel Gold Scallop")

    There is no river nor a pond.
    Where to get drunk?
    Delicious water
    In a hole from the waters! ..
    ("Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka")

    Krasno Girl is sad
    She does not like spring,
    She is hard in the sun!
    Tears pour a poor thing!
    ("Snow Maiden")

    The house has found a house,
    The soot was:
    In the house, in the end
    Many residents have become.

    On sour cream disturb
    On the window booze,
    Round side, ruddy side,
    Rated ...

    Near the forest, on the edge,
    Three live in the hut.
    There are three chairs and three circles,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without tips,
    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
    ("Three Bears")

    Here it is what
    I decided to pull it out.
    Lester one dragged.
    But sat down firmly.
    Who is it?

4. Relomize the names of fabulous heroes .

    ymokachevoyev (Thumbelina)

    kyalkopha (Shapoklyak)

    nichep (Pechkin)

    skarkanyokchashpa (red hat)

    incuntorstok (cat Matroskin)

    deadfold (Uncle Fedor)

At this time, the fans guess the riddles.

Everyone in the world he wants
He treats patients with animals,
And once hippopotamot
He pulled out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous.
This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

He cheer like balalaika,
And his name is ... (Dunno)

In my bag I do not have a pussy,
In my bag I have Larisa.
Harmful to be love passion like
And I call ... (Shapoklyak)

Grandma girl loved very much.
Red hat gave her a hat.
Girl name forgot your own.
Mostly tell me her name.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Father had a boy strange
Unusual - wooden,
But loved dad son.
What strange
Man wooden
On the ground and under water
Looking for a gold key?
Everywhere the nose is long.
Who is it? (Buratino)

The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies all above.

Together with Carlson jumped with roofs
Our chaluncia ... (kid)

She is beautiful and mila,
And her name from the word "ash". (Cinderella)

A girl appeared in a cup of flower,
And there was that girl a little more nogot.

He is a cat - the star of the screen.
Practical, wise and deliver.
Agricultural plans
It is famous for all Russia.

There was a villain to be a beard.
In the theater of all dolls, he always tormented!
"Let me give me a missile!", - His bass thundered.
Tell me rather, who is he? (Barabas)

In the forest lived in the hut funny fat man,
With him was an indisputable neighbor-patch.
He read the crib to his friend aloud.
Tell me who he is? (Winnie the Pooh)

Musical pause.

5 . Crossword from fairy tales

(If you correctly answer questions, then you will have a keyword)

    Nick a fabulous horse.

    He was trying to eat five, and managed to sixth.

    Sister Ivanushki.

    Reptiles with three heads.

    The death of this hero in the egg.

    Male name in fairy tales.

Competition for fans"Guess a fairy tale in several striches and name the author"

    "Put, granddaughter, a pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and herself adhering next to me. You are right, very tired? "
    ("Red Cap", Sh. Perro)

    "If you are late for at least a minute," she said, "Your coach is made again a pumpkin, a horse - mice, lackeys - lizards, and your magnificent outfit will turn into an old, patted dress."
    ("Cinderella", sh. Perro)

    "The cradle made from a shiny lacquered walnut shell. Instead of the period there were several violets there, and instead of a blanket - rose petal. In this cradle, the girl was laid on the night, and in the afternoon she played on the table. "
    ("Thumbelina", G.-H. Andersen)

    "That's what, sons, take on the arrow, go out in a purely field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your fate. The sons bowed to the Father, took on the arrow, went out into the purely field, stretched onions and fired ... "
    ("Princess Frog")

    "Only said - buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself. "
    ("By magic")

    "Jadged the head, made his handles, legs, shook off the snow and left the snowdrift of a living girl."
    ("Snow Maiden")


Our journey comes to an end, members of the jury summarize.

    Fairy tales walk through the light,
    Night harnessing in the carriage.
    Fairy tales live in glazes,
    They roam a dawn in the fogs.

    And the prince Snow White will love
    And the greed of Koscheya will destroy ...
    Let evil on the tricks of tricky,
    But all wins good!

    The world of illuminating wonders,
    Fairy tales fly over the forests,
    On the windowsill sit down,
    In the windows, as in the river, look.

    And Cinderella will help the fairy;
    There will not be a grinding snake ...
    Let evil on the tricks of tricky,
    But all wins good!

    Fairy tales with me everywhere
    They will never forget.
    It is worth a close eyelashes
    Suddenly, the Squa Burk will dream.

    And the month will light clear
    In the eyes of Vasilisa beautiful ...
    Let evil on the tricks of tricky,
    But all wins good!

Awarding ("most resourceful", "the most friendly", "most fun").


    Ageev I.D. New riddles about words for all children's holidays - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2003.

    Blinova I.V. Entertaining fabulous materials for literary reading lessons and mathematics in 104 classes - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Mishchenkova L.V. Gaming programs and holidays in elementary school - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.

    Yarova L.N., Zhirenko O.E., Barykina L.P., Obukhova L.A. Extracurricular activities: grade 2 - Moscow: Wako, 2007.

Anna Gladkov
Quiz for juvenile 14-18 years old "on the pages of favorite books"

State state institution

social Services of the Krasnodar Territory

"Otradnensky social and rehabilitation center for minors»

Subject: "By pages of favorite books»

Form of: quiz.

The target audience: juvenile 14-18 years old.

Form and methods of work: quiz, the exercise "Greeting", conversation on the topic.

purpose book - Source of Knowledge.


Attach children to K. books

Felt commonwealth for heroes

book And carefully treat it.

Expected Result: knowledge will expand juvenile about some fairy tales.

Equipment: books.


5. Introductory part: Greeting, Exercise "Greeting".

6. Beginning of classes: conversation on the topic.

7. Main part: Holding quiz.

8. Final part: Reflection, summing up, reading a poem.

Quiz"By pages of favorite books»

purpose: Contribute to understanding that book - Source of Knowledge.


Develop cognitive interest in children;

Correction of the skills of partnership relations, analytical thinking, basic emotion, interest;

Attach children to K. books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity;

identify kids about fairy tales;

Felt commonwealth for heroes, fasten the ability to listen carefully, to answer questions, briefly convey the content of works;

Bring up a desire to communicate with book And carefully treat it.

Travel course.

Start classes.


Exercise "Greeting"

Purpose of exercise: warm-up, greeting of each other's participants.

Participants are invited to form a circle and divided into three equal parts: "Europeans", "Japanese" and "Africans". Then each of the participants goes in a circle and greets with all the "own way": "Europeans" shook the hand, the "Japanese" bow to the "Africans" rubbing noses.

The introductory part.

Educator: Today guys, we will travel pages of your favorite books. Somebody loves to read fairy tales, someone fiction and adventure, and someone books about animals. We will visit your guests favorite heroes. So, sitting comfortable, we go.

Main part.

I. Concurs "Fabulous workout"

Name a fabulous character, leather leather (Princess Frog)

What is the name of the aircraft on which the woman first rose into the air? (broom, stupa)

What is the name of the fairy tale, which tells the story about the long path of the bakery product to the consumer? (Kolobok)

Remember the storyteller, who had his own horse? (P. Ershov)

What is the most reliable tool in fairy tales replaces the compass for which the road is found? (clew)

What is the name of the fabulous table on which a delicious food appears? (Tablecloth Selfrank)

Name a fabulous character who burst at the sight of a unskilled constructed bridge. (bubble)

In which Russian folk fairy tale is described the life of a large communal apartment. (Teremok)

What source product is needed for cooking fabulous and porridge? (ax)

Name the name of the king who lived so long ago that no one believes in it? (peas)

Which king had income from the nut shell? (Dodon)

What are the details of the female dress, in which objects are placed. (sleeves)

II. Competition "Who is bigger"

On a word card "COMPOSITION". What words can be made up of this word.

III. Competition add the name of the literary hero "

Dad--- (Carlo)

Home ---- (Kuzya)

Postman--- (Pechkin)

Signor --- (a tomato)

Dwarf--- (nose)

Tsarevna --- (swan)

Iron--- (woodcutter)

Old man--- (Khotabych)

There is a goby, swinging

Sighs on the go

Oh, the board is touched

Now I fall (4) Agniya Barto

Which writers made the chief hero of a Boy-Boy (2 (Rodari)

Who owes the appearance of the village of Step (6) (S. Mikhalkov)

Who wrote a storykudyumochka7. (1) (H. Andersen)

5. Heroes of this writer loved to fantasize. They were so called - fantasies? (3) (I. nose)

6. Which of these writers is name Samuel? (5) (Marshak)

7. What writer on the phone is animals talking about? (Chukovsky)

8. Who came up with the topic, Cheburashka, friends from Prostokvashino? (8) (Uspensky)

1. Andersen 4. Barto

2. Rodari 5. Smarzhak

3. N. Nosov 6. S. Mikhalkov

7. Chukovsky 8. Uspensky.

V. Competition "Fans"

1. Singing a kolobka song.

2. Singing a goat's song, which she sang a gantry.

3. Call Sivka - Burku.

4. Call sister Alyonushka.

Vi. Competition "Insert the missed word into the fairytale text.

Lives a bastard in a pop house, sleeps on ___ (straw) Eats for ___ (four) Works for ___ (seven). Before it all dances, the horse damages. The strip will plow. The furnace floods, everything prepares, buy. Bald's bodies will not be picked up Popovna about the Bald only sad. Call calls him ___ (toy) The porridge will brew, nursing with the aid.

Only pop one ballet ___ (not loves) Never ___ (Title)

About the board thinks often;

Time goes, and the term is already ___ (nearby)

Pop has in advance ___ (crack)

VII. Competition "Captains"

How would you comfort the fabulous heroes in such situations.

A) Grandfather - after when pulled out a turnip, and she turned out to be rotten.

B) Wolf with a torn tail after it was broken due to fox.

C) a hare after the rooster kicked the fox from the hut, and a lot of garbage and dirt remained in the hut.

D) a girl in Zhenya, who had all petals are squandered»Flowery-sevenflower»

VIII. Competition "Cat house"

From each team overlook 1 person. Spectators screaming: Tili Bom, Tili Bom, caught a Cat Skykin House - Participants dress clothes cooked on chairs, who are faster.

IX. Competition. Guess and draw

Magic items in fairy tales there are:

Well, try, and you are my friend

Magic items to collect the body.

I remember, do not yaw

This subject is present.

Exactly seven petals

No Flower Penrery,

You will turn off the petal

It will fly to the east,

And north and south

And he will come back to us.

You're galance

Exercise expectations

What is this flower

Buttercup? lily of the valley? Sparkle?

A lot of miles ahead

How would they quick to go through?

You try to confuse them

Will overwhelm the path.

If you put it on,

You can at least where to go

And at the same time not

Can not find you in it.

Baked granny grandfather

Grandfather stayed without lunch

In the forest, the boy ran away

On the sock of the fox fell.

X. Competition "Who quickly"

Which of the literary heroes has spent 28 years old on an uninhabited island? (Robinson Crusoe)

Fidget-shorts from the flower city? (Dunno)

In what work S. Mikhalkov told about a man of great growth? (Uncle Step)

Toy-main hero bookswho gave a very funny name, because he fell from the table? (Cheburashka)

In what product is the girl in the winter going beyond flowers? (12 months)

Heir to three fat men? (Tytti)

Queen with a cold heart? (The Snow Queen)

Fabulous kidnappers children? (Swan geese)

Who from the freak turned into handsome? (Ugly duck)

What was the name of the bride who escaped from the blind and greedy groom? (Thumbelina)

Dad, who removed the chips from his son (Dad Carlo)

Wolf tail served as a cord for a call (IA)

Veterinarian visiting Africa? (Aibolit)

Tale where losing shoes? (Cinderella)

Name the fairy tales in which the inhabitant of the river performs all the whims of the main character? ( "By whining the vein", Fairy tales about fisherman and fish.

4. Final part.

That ended our journey "By pages of favorite books» We are accustomed to K. book, Rarely thinking about her, as a wonderful treasure and it happens that they do not always appreciate and escape it.

But think about it. After all book - This is a reliable means of transmitting knowledge from generation to generation. Books Not only introduce us to the past, but also allow you to figure it out in the present and. Like wings, we carry us into the future. This is the only one "Time Machine"with which you can make exciting travels, book - It allows you to visit any parts of the globe, to get acquainted with the life of wonderful people.

Comes book in the house of any.

Touch it pages

She speaks with you

About the life of animals and birds.

You will see the river spills,

You hear horse hood.

And Chuk and Gek come to you

Timur and Uncle Step.

Well, when it sternly suddenly,

Do not be sad too:

As the best, loyal friend.

Displays boredom book.


Announcement of winners.

Quiz script for children

"All about everything"

Purpose: Curious formation in children


Make interest in science

Interest interesting tasks

Check the knowledge of children in different fields

Develop the logic of children

Equipment: A4 sheets with names Rubrics ("Nature", "History of St. Petersburg", "Fairy Tales", "Entertaining Mathematics", "Logic" and "Profession"). Envelopes (three for each heading) with questions. Watman or Large sheet, divided into three columns for calculating points.

Event flow:
Hello guys! Today we spend a quiz "Everything about everything"

What quiz without a competition? Now we ask everyone sitting in the hall to divide the teams (if children remain, offer them to be consultants for any team and charge the "team of fans / viewers team)

Excellent, teams are ready. Each team must have a captain. You have a minute to decide who will be the captain in your team. (children choose Captain)

Finished? I ask the captains to come forward for us to remember you.

Excellent! And now - the rules of our quiz (listen carefully and remember!)

You see a 6 heading(Show headings): "Nature", "History of St. Petersburg", "Fairy Tales", "Entertaining Mathematics", "Logic" and "Profession". In each rubric there are questions of three levels of difficulty: "simple", "moderate severity" and "for the smartest". You also see a sheet for calculating points. The initial "bank of points" of each team is 10 points(On a sheet for counting red, the figure is spent ten in each column).It is replenished by him just answers to questions. For questions of different levels of complexity, the team receive a different number of points: for "simple" - 10, for "moderate severity" - 20, and for "for the smartest" - 30 points. Questions are numbered, so the choice will be completely yours. You call the selected rubric, the level of complexity and the number of the question. In each category 12 questions, 4 for each level of complexity.

If the team does not answer the question within a minute, then the right to answer is transmitted to other teams. If another team responds correctly, they get half points from the cost of the question. If none of the teams could answer correctly, then the answer is provided to our fans.(Of course, if they are). The team of the auditorium is accrued separately.

There is also a category of questions "Cat in a bag." These questions are in any category. Their price is 20 points. You do not know which area will be the question and how difficult it will be. The main feature of the "Cat in the bag" - it can be how to leave himself and transferring to another team. In addition, 20 points will be filmed for the wrong answer to the question of the category "Cat in the bag". Trying to respond or transfer it the right to another team - to solve you!

Did everyone understand the rules?(If children do not understand, the rules are explained again)

Ready? So the first team!

Commands are in turn choose the headings, the level of complexity and the number of the question. Earned scores are written on a sheet red, if the points are subtracted - blue. When the questions ends (or after an hour), points are calculated. The team that turns out the greatest number of points wins.

So, the team № ______ won! Congratulations to the winners and hand them with sweet prizes!

But prizes for the second and third place in our quiz "Everything about everything"!
And thank you very much for the support of the audience!

We hope you enjoyed our quiz! Goodbye, guys!

"Fairy tales"

  1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk fairy tales lived? (In the thirtieth kingdom, in the thirtieth of the state)
  2. What is the real name of the princess, frogs? (Vasilisa to do)
  3. Name the name of the fabulous king of the long-liver. (Koschey)
  4. It has 38 parrots, 6 monkeys and 1 elephant. Who is it? (Break)


2. Name the birthplace of the bun (oven)

3. What are the "workplace" of the Scientist Cat? (oak)

4. Name the terrible weapon of the nightingale of the robber. (whistling)


1. What are the only heroine of the Fairy Taja "Repka", whose name is known? (Bug)

2. What kind of fabulous headdress can not be drawn? (happiness-invisible)

3. What fairy tale tells about the serious consequences of the poor state of fire safety facilities? ("Cat house")
4. Name the Russian folk fairy tale, in which there were 3 assassination attempts and one murder? ("Kolobok")



  1. To whom all people remove the caps?

(In front of the hairdresser.)

  1. Who burns at work?


  1. Who lives and works?



  1. Representatives of what profession will learn in trouble?


  1. Question category cat in bag
  2. Name the only specialist who knows how to disassemble doodle doctors.


  1. Resuscitation machine - this ... Who?

(Auto Mechanic.)


  1. Who is allowed to turn to the king's back?

(Kumor, and now Shofor.)

  1. Name the name of the most famous veterinarian in our country.

(Aibolit, because he treated beasts.)

  1. Representatives of what profession all the time ask young people questions who know the answers themselves?


  1. Professional prompt in the theater?


"Entertaining mathematics"


  1. Screwing egg should be boiled for 5 minutes. How much time you need to cook 6 eggs screwed? (5 minutes.)
  2. What mathematical example does the saying "Clear, like ..." (twice two)
  3. What figure can characterize both a fool and excellent student? (a circle)
  4. Shepherd had ten sheep. All but nine, chalk. How many sheep remained at the shepherd? (9 sheep.)


  1. On two hands 10 fingers. How many fingers are ten hands? (fifty)
  2. Earth satellite makes one turn in 100 minutes, and another turnover in 1 hour 40 minutes. How to explain it? (1 hour 40 min. \u003d 100 min.)
  3. Question category "Cat in bag"
  4. What letter of the Latin alphabet is all the time lose and ask to find a teacher algebra? (x)


  1. There are 12 cups and 9 saucers. Children smashed half cups and 7 sauces. How many cups left without dryers? (4; example: 12/2 - (9-7) \u003d 4)
  2. In the family of 7 brothers, everyone has one sister. How many children in the family? (8; all brothers are the same sister)
  3. One boy hunted in the kitchen on cockroaches and killed five, and wounded three times

more. Three cockroaches a boy wounded deadly and they died from wounds, and

the rest of the cockroaches were recovered, but they were offended by the boy forever and went to

neighbors. How many cockroaches went to the neighbors forever? (12. Example: 5 * 3 - 3 \u003d 12)

  1. What mathematical thermal is the secretly characterized by a secretive and unavimary person? (closed)



  1. Can an ostrich call himself a bird? (No, he does not say)
  2. What bird throws your egg to other nests? (cuckoo)
  3. What plant is preparing favorite delicacy of many children - popcorn? (From corn).
  4. Question category "Cat in bag"


  1. What animals can we say that they "get out of the skin out"? (about snakes)
  2. Question category "Cat in bag"
  3. What legs at the giraffe is longer - front or rear? (the same)
  4. What kind of cereal plant grows on the field, specially filled with water? (Fig).


  1. Kit and Dolphin are fish? (no, mammals)
  2. What is eating in winter toad? (nothing, she sleeps)
  3. What happens to the bee, after it is horrid? (dies)
  4. What is the highest grass? (bamboo)



  1. When does a person be in a room without a head? (When it gives it out of the window)
  2. What finish the day and night? (Soft sign)
  3. What stones in the sea are not? (Dry)
  4. Where is the edge of the world? (Where the shadow begins).


  1. What should be done to four guys stay in one boo tree? (Remove from each boot)
  2. Question category "Cat in bag"
  3. The person - one, near the crows - two, at the bear - not one. What is it? (Letter "O)
  4. What month is shorter than everyone? (May - three letters).


  1. In which month, the talkative Masha says the least? (In February, he is the shortest)
  2. What belongs to you, however, do others use them more often than you? (Name)
  3. Question category "Cat in bag"
  4. What hand is better to stir tea? (Tea is better stirred by a spoon)

Hello, dear readers of the site of the Baby! Today we have the day of questions and answers. Logic questions for children! We train logic!
Easy logical questions, short logical issues make the kid's brain think, analyze, compare, compare, find the subtext and establish patterns.

Logic questions for children

  • In addition, non-standard thinking, memory, intelligence, develop speech perfectly.
  • With the help of logical games and tasks, a child without much difficulty will be able to solve complex tasks in physics and mathematics at school and not only. The ability to think logically, come in handy and in life in difficult life situations.
  • And if the parents begin to engage in time with a crumb and train it, then by the beginning of the school year, the child will be discovered in the development of his peers.

Practice shows that children who are constantly seeking answers to short logical issues are faster and easier draw conclusions, or rather reason.

Teachers, children's psychologists have come up with and invent different questions, games, classes that contribute to the development of logic. Some are completely simple, they are designed for small children. Some more complicated - for more adults. The main thing is to do and engage every day.

  • If a child cannot immediately find an answer to the question, you do not need to rush it. It is better to give crumbling time to think, to get together with thoughts and only then express your opinion on this issue.

  • Let him justify his answer, so the kid learn how to reason loud and will understand the logic of solutions. Adults should praise the child - after all, he tried so much.
  • If the answers were wrong, find something else for which you can and need to praise. Maybe for a good sense of humor, for ingenuity or for courage.

Do not immediately say the answer. First, ask the lead questions that will help the child to find the answer independently. The main thing is to make classes in interesting, cheerful.
And those offered on our page will help you with this.