Integrated speech development and drawing on the topic: "What is good and what is bad? Lapbuck "What is good, what is bad? What is good that bad illustration.

Integrated speech development and drawing on the topic:
Integrated speech development and drawing on the topic: "What is good and what is bad? Lapbuck "What is good, what is bad? What is good that bad illustration.

Of course, the phone number of his parents can be specified. In addition, the work should not be mint, torn, and the like (this also had to face the organizers of the competition). Everyone who brought their drawing, received a gift card from the Vēsma cafe network, which could be exchanged for one of five types of disco-pizza (diameter 20 cm) and a glass of refreshing CIDO kvass. A total of 1000 gift cards were presented. Further, under the terms of the competition, the drawing was published on our website. But we draw your attention to that only those work that corresponded to the requirements of the contest can be posted on the site.

Taking into account the huge number of participants, the organizers extended the timing of the competition and increased the number of participants admitted to the final to 30 (instead of the planned 20).

So, here are our finalists:

From these drawings, the jury will choose three, the authors of which will be awarded valuable prizes. The jury meeting will take place on June 14, and the award will be held on a holiday, which will hold the heroes of the children's program for young artists "What is good and what is bad" Kleva and cool. The authors of all 30 works falling into the final are invited to the holiday.

Sandra Waivodisha, Grade 5,

Polish gymnasium

Lina Nikitina, 8 years old,

Russian Wed School-lyceum

Karina Rumyantseva,

3. Kindergarten

Boris Manoshin, 13. Wed school Irina Yastrebova

Iluta Yurevich, 5b class,

basic School "Vienibas"

Johanna Zlobin, grade 9

Evita Horbik, 5b class,

basic School "Vienibas"

Ekaterina Agureikina, 1A class,

9. Wed. school

Evita Vavilova, 2b class,

9. Wed. school

Anastasia Poddubnova, 13 years Elizabeth Letko Maria Murevich Elina Lipiny

Alisa Prokhorov, 8A class,

9 cf. school

Nikita Tarasov, 8 years old

2b Class, 9. Wed school

Tanya Budrevich, 2a class,

9. Wed. school

Arina Golubev, 11 years old,

Anastasia Gavrilenko, 3b class,

13. Wed school

Inessa Golubeva, 3G class,

Polish School

Integrated occupation

on the development of speech and drawing on the topic:

"What is good

and what is bad? "

Etc. content. Develop arbitrariness, observation, self-control, the ability to deeper to understand yourself and others, form an adequate self-esteem.

Material, Books L.N. Tolstoy: "Boy Erach Sheep", V.V. Mayakovsky: "What is good and what is bad?"

Travel course:

Oh. - Guys, the day came. Smile to each other and think: how good is that we are all together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are always healthy.

    Inhale deep and forget with a sigh, all yesterday's insults, anxiety, malice.

    Exhale freshness and beauty of autumn nature, sun rays, purity of rivers.

    And I wish you a good and careful relationship to each other.

    And now quietly sit down their places, the backs of straightening, put the feet of the track and listen.

Today we will remember the story of L.II. Toleful "Boy Elevate Sheep."ABOUTwho says in this story?

Right! In this work, the "joker - a shepherd", who deceiving people, called them to help defend herd from wolves. People threw all things, resorted to him, and he laughed at them. But when the wolves actually appeared, the shepherd began to call for help, and people were not

they believed him and did not help.

If you deceive adults, friends, then soon they will stop believing you and will consider such a person dishonest.

And now we will focus on another work V. V.

Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad"

Children read a poem on a chain.

If the roof wind is breaking,

If hail zhurped, -

Everyone knows - this is

For walks bad.

    What is this part of the poem? (About the weather, about bad weather).

    How can you call such a wind? (Gusty).

    What is the rain? (Water droplets).

    What is snow? (Frozen water droplets).

    As you can call in one word: hail, snow, rain? (Precipitation).

In what weather, according to the author, walk badly? (When a gusty wind knocks hail).

    Well done! L. Now listen to the next passage of the poem. The rain shook and passed,

Sun in general light.

It is very good

And big and children.

    What is this part of the poem?

(The rain passed, and the sun came out).

If the son is black in the night,

Dirt lies on the face, -

Clear it is bad very

For the guys, the skin.

And if the boy loves soap, and cleans the teeth, this boy does well.

If there is a grain damp

Weak boy

51 I do not want this

Even insert into a book

    Who is Drachun? (Who always holds).

    Would you like to be friends with such guys? (Children's responses).

This shouts: "Do not rode,

Those who are less than the growth "

This boy is so good

Ploy just!

    Is this part of the poem?

    Does the boy go well?

    Who needs help, protection?

Animals need, pans, plants need help.

    Imagine that you went to walk and saw a bird with a baked wing. What would you do? (Answers).

    You go down the street and see a broken church. What do you do? (Children's responses).

    Well done boys! Protect weak well.

Olga Vyatlev


Didactic allowance Lapbuch "What is good, what is bad" is a plastic folder 40 * 40 cm, and 4 reversal 20 * 40 cm. On the folder's pages there are various pockets, round discs and cards in which information on the topic is collected.

Explanatory note:

Didactic Lapp allowance "What is good, what is bad" is intended for children of preschool age.


Development of social skills of interaction in preschool children;

Consolidate children's knowledge about the basic fire safety requirements;

Formation of ideas about good and bad deeds;

Consolidate knowledge of children about road rules;

Introduce children with the rules of etiquette in different model situations and in the game form to teach these rules to apply;

Develop the skills to analyze and change your emotional state;

Development of fantasy, testing of negative experiences, removal of emotional stress.



Introduce children with good behavior rules

Teach children to foresee a dangerous situation, be able to avoid it if possible, but if necessary, to act;


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and dilution;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communicative skills;

Promote the development of children's speech, replenish the active and passive dictionary of children.

Develop a connected speech;


Educate personal safety skills and good behavior rules;

Relieve a sense of responsibility.

In the leptback, materials are collected for developing classes with children of preschool age.

It includes 13 developing tasks:

1. Pockets - game "Cheerful and Sad Caterpillars"

2. Pockets - Coloring "Draw your mood"

3. Pockets - game "Rules of etiquette"

4. Pockets - split pictures "Golden Mask".

5. Pockets - game "Fire and Water"

6. Puzzles - Find my shadow "Well yourself ..."

7. Disk "Mood Mirror"

8. Disk "Horsicika emotions"

9. Disk "Come up with emotion"

10. Pockets - game "Pick up the boy's mood"

11. The book "What is good, what is bad"

12. Pockets - the game "Friend and evil" game

13. Pockets - pictures "It's very bad ..."

"Rules of etiquette"

Objective: To introduce children with the rules of etiquette in different model situations and in the game form to teach these rules.

Consider the 4 most common situations.

1. You go to the theater

Gathering to the theater, do not forget to get dressed, careful hairstyle and pure shoes are also required.

The theater comes 15-20 minutes before the start of the performance. On your place they are facing already sitting spectators, they can stand up, if you easily skip you.

During the performance, it is not accepted to talk, even with a whisper, singing the artists or stump foot in the tact of music, also can not speak on a mobile phone.

There is indecent in the auditorium, especially during the presentation. Rustling of paper and other sounds interfere with others.

During the intermission, the audience can go to the buffet, where they are interested in the queue and speak in a low voice.

It's not good to break away from the place with the latest words of the artist or the final chord of the music and rush to the wardrobe.

After the end of the play, the audience applauds and give artists in advance brought flowers. Then the audience quietly leaves the auditorium.

2. You were invited to visit

It is necessary to come to visit neatly and elegantly dressed in exactly the appointed time. To be too early or late indecent.

The covered table is better not to start moving games, and if you were invited to the table, do not run to him run and do not pushe, dissolving in places.

At the table, eat neatly, do not speak with a full mouth. Correctly use cutlery, do not overlap yourself too much food.

Indecent treats from the table to put in pockets, carry home.

Do not forget, getting out of the table, thank the owners for a delicious treat, but, going home, say goodbye.

3. Transport behavior rules

No matter how hurrying, do not throw a breaking head to approaching transport, it is dangerous. Before entering the bus, give the road to the coming passengers and do not forget: the first to transport people are older, then the youth, while the boys pass forward girls. The boy, if he rides the girl, comes first and gives her hand.

Enter the bus, do not hurry to sit on a free place. Offer his older person or woman, the boys are inferior to the girl.

In transport it is impossible to talk loudly, laugh and include music. With friends, communicate in a low voice, and if they are far away - do not shift on the whole salon.

It is unacceptable to eat during the trip ice cream, pies, seeds, drink water from the bottle, so you can be stained by a number of passengers and to mood in the buses cabin.

4. How to behave at home

The house will always be order, comfort and respect, if all family members are striving for this.

Everyone in the family must have their own duties. For example, the son makes garbage, vacuuming in the rooms, supports order in toys, and the daughter cares for flowers, washing the dishes, helps mom in the cleaning of the apartment.

The care and attention of all family members to each other should manifest themselves in everything: hurry to the doors to help mom remove a coat, take her bag with products to the kitchen, find the lusted glasses, play with younger children.

If someone in the family arrived to rest, the rest behave quietly, do not play noisy games, do not include music.

No matter how hungry - do not eat straight from the pan, do not drink water from the nose of the kettle, also unacceptably eat jam directly from the bank. Cleanliness and order are observed in the kitchen - they are supported by all family members.

In the hallway, do not scatter the upper clothes and shoes, each thing should be your place.

Leaving the house and on return, always say goodbye and greet all close, and if you stay somewhere, warn your parents about it by phone.

Option 1

For the game you will need 4 big cards, in the center of which are depicted certain topics: "In the theater", "visiting", "in transport", "at home". Players distribute these cards among themselves, one each. Small cards with plot pictures are mixed and put on a pile. The presenter takes one small card and offers players. The child, whose topic refers a card, takes it to himself, explains the plot in the picture and assesses the behavior of the heroes in this situation.

In the case of the correct behavior of the characters, the player puts a small card on his big map near the green arrow, and in case of incorrect - near the red arrow.

One who first fills the big card correctly and correctly analyzed the behavior of characters in the pictures.

Option 2.

1-4 people play and lead.

For the game you need 4 big cards with themes and small cards with plot pictures.

Players take themselves on the big map, think about and remember their topic.

Small cards are mixed and put on the table face up, not overlapping each other. At the signal of the leading children choose cards by their topic and lay them on the big map. In the case of the correct behavior of the heroes in the picture, the player puts a small card near the green arrow, and in the case of forbidden behavior - near the Red Arrow.

After all the players filled great cards, the lead offers to everyone to analyze the plots on their small cards and to assess the behavior of the characters.

Won the one who first closed the big card correctly and bestly explained the situation on the plot pictures.

Option 3.

1-4 people play and lead.

Children distribute among themselves themes "in the theater", "visiting", "in transport", "at home" and make up a connected story about the rules of behavior in this situation. His story players can illustrate small plot pictures that are pre-selected.

Wins the one who has turned out a more complete and interesting story.

In the case of difficulty, the lead helps children with additional questions on the plot pictures.

Game "Fire Good and Angry"

Didactic game for children 5-7 years

Consolidate the knowledge of children about the history of fire;

To form in children a versatile concept of fire - about its benefits and harm.

Consolidate children's knowledge about the basic fire safety requirements;

Material: "Good" layouts and "evil" lights; Cards with illustrations.

Rules of the game:

I Option:

2 people participate in the game.

Children should remember how the fire came to our house, and lay out pictures in the correct sequence.

II Option:

The game participates from 3 to 6 people.

Children are distributed cards with illustrations of various types of fire. Then they must tell what fire is depicted in the picture, and put the card to the layout of one of the lights.

III Option:

The game involves 3 to 10 people.

For children, cards with an illustration of the "good" light, and the cards with the "evil" flame are laid out on the table. Each child must carefully consider an illustration on the card. Then they tell about the appointment of the light, which can happen if you do not comply with the rules of fire safety and what to do if a fire happened. After the story, they find the opposite card on the table (the candle - the Christmas tree caught fire from the candle). For the correct answer get a chip.

Game "Cheerful and Sad Caterpillars"

Purpose: Formation of ideas about good and bad deeds.

Through these games, you can consolidate the knowledge of children about road rules, consider various situations and select the right decision.

Rules of the game: pick up, to a fun caterpillar, pictures where the characters follow the rules of the road, and to a sad caterpiece - pictures where the characters violate traffic rules.

Puzzles - find my shadow "Well yourself ..."

Objective: Teach children to find the specified silhouettes by overlay. Formation of ideas about good behavior.

Develop cognitive activities. Develop a visual perception, attention, thinking. Develop a visual imposition. Develop attentiveness, observation, memory and perfection.

Game traffic:

Pictures are hidden in the pocket. The educator invites children to consider them. Next, the tutor shows the shadow of any picture. Children should find among the available pictures, the one that matches the desired silhouette and impose a shadow on the available picture.

Game "Fire and Water"

Purpose: Development of logical thinking in preschool children.

Fasten the ability to distinguish the concepts of "vertically", "horizontally" and "diagonally" from senior preschoolers. Master the logical operations; Consolidate the account, form and improve children with spatial representations; Stimulate the development of the mental abilities of children in the process of familiarization with various mathematical actions; Develop mental operations: perception, memory, thinking, attention.

Promote the development of small motility of the hands, the development of attention, logical thinking, memory and speech of children; Cause joyful emotions;

Game traffic:

Players take turns stick on loose drops of drops and fire. Wins the one who first built in a row of 3 of their drops (fire) vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Game "Golden Mask".

Purpose. To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holistic image of the subject, to teach correlate the image of the presentation with an integral manner of the real object, fold the picture cut into 4 parts.

Equipment. Cutting pictures of emotions from 4-parts.

Game traffic:

Pictures of masks cut into 4 parts. These parts turn over, mixed. Children, choosing one by one, must again collect a mask. Wins the one who will gather a mask faster

Game "pick up a boiler mood"

Objective and task: to introduce children with various emotions of man; Learn to see and determine what denotes a certain emotion (sadness, joy, anger, surprise, delight, calm, admiration, resentment); Learn to emotions to determine the mood of other people; form the concepts of "positive" or "negative" emotional attitude;

Games: Children move pictures on which various emotional states of the boy are depicted, put them in turn and describe that the boy is experiencing at the moment.

Game "Mirror of Emotions"

"Today we will try to meet with your smile in the mirror. Take the mirror, smile, find it in the mirror and finish the sentence in turn: "When I am glad, my smile looks like ..."

Emotion Chasiki game

Objective: Enrich the emotional status of a child, the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of another person, be emotionally responsive.

The conversation is pre-conducted "What my mood and from what it depends".

Game traffic:

At the beginning of the game, children are given the opportunity to choose a smiley, which they will be with the help of facial expressions.

Images are hidden in color circles. Each of the children chooses a color and shows emotion that is hidden behind this color circle, then the child explains when it is such a mood and with which it is connected, based on fantasy, memory, associative thinking.