Inna name value. Famous women named Inna

Inna name value. Famous women named Inna
Inna name value. Famous women named Inna

Many girls are interested, which means Inna's name. At the very importance of the meaning of Inna translated from Latin means "severe water". There is another interpretation - a "storm stream". In ancient times, Inna's name was distributed only among male representatives. So called one of the Christian martyrs who were killed in the first century of our era. Call women so became due to an error that occurred when rewriting historical texts. The fact is that the Romans have the endings of female names.

There is another version that this word has happened on behalf of the Divine Being of Inanna. Innana was considered the goddess of fertility and carnal entertainment.

The name of Inna has a definite effect on the character of a growing girl and a woman. As a rule, such a child grows stubborn and unnecessarily self-confident. Sometimes the girl can compromise, but it can only be done after the internal peaceful struggle. If Inna has the middle name of Nikolaevna or Vladimirovna, her character will be very difficult.

Learning Girls may have problems. Young student can receive good assessments, but it does not experience a traction to new knowledge and the fulfillment of boring tasks of the teacher. Study is perceived by her as not too pleasant responsibility. The origin of the name Inna is fully justified.

These girls have a stormy and cheerful character, the ability to quickly forget the unpleasant moments and easily refers to the offended.

Depressive states are simply not familiar with the owners of the name of Inna. Such women require high attention to themselves, differ in an impatient temper.

Possible fate

Those who have the name of Inna differ complex, but extremely interesting fate. The activity of activity is chosen by a young woman solely on the basis of personal preferences. The characteristic of the name of Inna is such that its owner can quickly change the sphere of their professional interests.

Inna Alexandrovna Gomez (Russian actress, fashion model and philanthropist)

  • The carrier named after Inna can pass the way from the photo reporter to the school director.
  • Easy character allows you to deal with both creative and quite pragmatic activities.
  • It is believed that such representatives of weak gender can become excellent journalists, hairdressers and engineers.
  • This must be taken into account when choosing a higher educational institution.
  • Quite often, girls try to find themselves in creative activity (for example, writing poems can be not only their hobbies, but also a professional occupation).


As a rule, the carrier named Inna has strong health. Small difficulties may arise due to a complex nature, psychological disharmony. Girls are recommended to be more patient and balanced.

The weak place of girls named Inna is a tendency to the emergence of allergic reactions. In addition, women can often catch up. Parents of the girls should pay close attention to its food regimen and contact the specialists in a timely manner.

Interpole relations and life

For the name, Inna is typical, tenderness and sentimentality in relations with the opposite sex. However, the marriage union in the girl will not be simple and carefree. Women named Inna is extremely important on constant attention and praise from a loved one. If this does not happen, the quarrels begin and finding out relationships. Woman named Inna, which divorces his spouse, rarely get married again. Happy marriage is possible with Alexander, and Vladimir.

  • In sexual life, such women prefer long love preludes. At the same time, the excitement, they test not only from direct actions, but also from gentle and passionate love words. With the right approach, Innochka can become an experienced and passionate mistress.
  • Innochka loves to sleep in the morning, but tries to fight this habit, which is quite successful, thanks to its hard work.
  • Celebrated pastime for such women is unacceptable.
  • Inna's owners love to prepare a variety of dishes and spend time with children.
  • The name of Inna means the love of children, attentive to them the attitude, so the descendants of this woman are distinguished by comprehensive development and an extraordinary mind.


The representatives of the beautiful floor named Inna is recommended to wear jewels with opal. These black and fiery stones symbolize good luck for girls in love affairs, as well as a career success.

In clothes, women should give preference Blue and bright yellow color. These colors are perfectly suitable for the stormy intricate temperament, so they will be harmonized with its character and high spirits.

Thus, the innochka is a very strong and volitional creature with an adamant and extremely alive character.

Of course, the above interpretation and detailed analysis does not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200ba particular person, since each girl has its own unique features inherent in only her. However, friends, close people and acquaintances can get a common characteristic about this person, focus on it when communicating and closest relationships with these women.

Someone the name of Inna seems quite ordinary, and someone, on the contrary, but in any case it is impossible to call it everywhere. Therefore, often, solving how to name the daughter is extraordinary and beautiful, young parents pay attention to this option.

In the old days, this was the male name - Inna, the first mention refers to the disciples of the Apostle Andrei. This fact only confirms the Orthodox history of the name.

The origin of the name Inna is attributed to the Orthodox traditions. However, after a student of the Apostle Andrei, the use of such a pronunciation when contacting Karin, Hellen, Georgine, Agrippine, Dina, etc. When it began to call briefly, it became possible to call this name exclusively feminine.

The story of the name of Inna is made up of various branches. He is attributed to the Gothic, Germanic, Greek and old-circuit origin, and in all mentions it is male. Today, the church name Inna gives exceptionally to girls.

Meaning: What the name gives the owner

The meaning of the name Inna describes the translation from the Latin language - "a storm stream, floating, flow". It would seem that its owner should be quite active, possibly unpredictable, adventure, and sometimes cutting. But the flow can be different, so it is unambiguous to describe the character it is impossible. But the pressure, stability in his opinion, the desire to evolve - all this is in every thing.


The fate of the owner of this name is quite predictable - it all depends on it. The name of Inna, the value and fate it obeys this girl with a strong character. An analyst in the warehouse of the mind will always choose the activity that she will really like it: she will never agree to work without pleasure. Usually, the ability and inclinations behind it will notice in childhood, but if it did not happen, over time she will understand what she likes her, and will insist on the development of her talents.

Personal relationships. Sometimes the development of their abilities becomes for the assembler's meaning of life, and she sacrifices for this to all - family, friends, comfort. Close people often remain in the second plan, which leads to the destruction of relations, discontent and conflict. Husbands have to take home obligations.

At the same time, much, of course, depends on the man and on how much he loves his spouse: if he won't admire her talents and achievements, she herself will leave him. Find another partner for Inna is not a problem. But the complexity in the relationship will be the same ... that is why after the first divorce, it is unlikely to marry once again.

However, the characteristic named Inna promises that it can become happy. But this will happen only when it will make a truly honest and frank partner on her way.

Profession. Inna ... What does this name mean? Responsibility, talent, pressure. It can be a journalist or an excellent physician, a competent engineer or businesswoman, a photo reporter or an analytical consultant in any area. But if suddenly she understands that it is not her, new interests will appear or new talents will open, a woman with the same name will definitely change the direction of their activities and will begin to begin all over again.

Despite the fact that closest goes into the background, Inna still seeks to be a devotee, caring, especially in relation to their children. Although only one kid is born most often in the family, because mom is once to engage in a large number of crumbs - she has been in the first place work, self-realization, achieving success. As a result - misunderstanding. Adult children lose contact with mom, and over time and generally cost the minimum communication.

Interesting fact: Inna never agrees to live under one roof with her husband's mother. She is a self-sufficient person who is not ready to share her man even with his mother. Moreover, she does not want to share their power over him, over the farm, on the situation in the house. Given the desire of most mother-in-law to teach the daughter-in-law to prepare, lead the economy, etc., it is not surprising that the owner of this powerful name refuses such an opportunity.

Character of woman

The characteristic of the name Inna fully describes the essence of the personality of this girl. "Strong water, or a stormy stream" - the most suitable synonym that explains why the owner of this name never falls into depression, it does not regret oneself and does not give up. She is independent and smart, it is distinguished by sanity and a reasonable approach to solving problems.

The character of Inna is rather light and simple. It is usually considered a reliable friend, although it often chooses a favorite job, not friendship. If he speaks about the temperament of such a girl, then, most likely, it will be a sanguine - an optimistic person with a fairly active and stable life position. She knows how to adapt, without sacrificing his principles. Compromises in its implementation are intelligent and mutually beneficial. Although Inna may be frivolous, but usually it is typical of young girls who have not yet found their way in life.

Inna - the meaning of the name, his character and the fate of the owner are interrelated, and no one can challenge. The inability to hone offense only proves this: a sanguine with a slight character who does not know how to fall into depression, can remember that he was offended, but would never remember this offender and especially after he forgave him.

Pretty fundamental, stubborn, punctual Inna usually performs what promises. It builds plans and implements them, even if it takes a lot of time and perseverance. It is unlikely that you will ever see that such a girl sits idle. She will always find something to do. At the same time she is always interested in what she does.

With all the assertiveness, characteristic of most Inna owners, they never impose their opinions. Even knowing that she is right, Inna will not reproach a person in his weaknesses and vices. Although it all depends on the degree of closeness between people: she will express everything closely, because it is perfect in their business, and will not allow someone to pull her down. But in general, many consider it a positive person, so the meaning of the name Inna for the girl will be more likely positive.

What does innocence name for a girl mean? Stormy childhood. This is hot-tempered, excitable and rather capricious child. The girl constantly plays the feelings of his parents, can rush hysteria from scratch. She is stubborn, still does not know how to compromise, despite the fact that with age it is quite easy to study this.

This child is almost never apologizing. Often there are problems with peers and classmates. So far, Inna does not know how to be friends and build a harmonious relationship. But, what is interesting, she is always good: it's not late, not sleeping in the lessons, it causes respect for teachers. The girl is trying and learning hard.

Already at an early age shows the originality of the mind. Quickly learns to discuss, which demonstrates its ability to analyze and reasoned argument.

If you take it on time in an interesting business, you can avoid many problems and conflicts. Not always, Inna is capable of doing creativity, but it will distract her from stimuli, which could cause another splash of whims.

Little Inna remains a girl to the bone's brain. She is always neat and active. It is impossible to refuse her and in hard work. But at an older age, the girl is losing interest in his appearance, which can lead to problems with overweight, inability to choose clothes. And then there is another fracture, and the girl understands that her appearance is a tool. But she does not flirt: if she considers it necessary, she will say right about what he thinks and feels.

What else is the name of Inna denotes? Unpredictability, despite all sanity. The girl is independent, so to say how she will do in this or that moment is simply impossible. In adolescence and older, she learns to give up, silence about their resentment. She makes himself herself, not allowing someone to lead their lives.

Name day


The character of Inna correspond to the lemon, orange and matte tint of blue. Lemon as a derivative of yellow - the color of optimism. Indeed, the owner of this name never falls into depression. No less positive orange wears and notes of red, which indicates a dynamic and active life position.

Blue is the color of loyalty, peace, nobility and at the same time unpredictability.


Lemon and, accordingly, the buds of this tree - fully correspond to the life position of Inna. This is a flower of inquisitive, active and independent people. This is exactly the owner of this name.

Church name

Translation name

Storm stream, severe water, flow, swim, floating.

Full name

The full name of Inna - Inessa, but a brief writing is allowed - Inna. There is no larger cut. There are diminutive-caressing options - Innochka, I'm worn, Innet.

middle name

The name of Inna with such patronymic will sound harmoniously: Aleksandrovna, Bogdanovna, Borisovna, Viktorovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadevna, Dmitrievna, Egorovna, Ivanovna, Kirillovna, Markovna, Mikhailovna, Olegovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna.

Compatibility of names

Harmonious she will be paired with Alexander, Lvom, Leonid, Konstantin. It is curious that marriage with Timothy, Sergey, Paul, Maxim, Mikhail, Alexei and Prokhorom predict good luck and mutual understanding. But with Ernest, Vasily, Stepan, Nikolai, Ruslana, Peter, Mark, Ivan and Denis Inna, do not advise serious relationship.

How the name is inclined

Inna, Inna, Inna, Inna, Inna, Inna.

Famous people named Inna

Confirmation of the characterists of such a name described above the character and interesting fate can also serve as celebrities. Among them Churikova, Makarova, Gloudy, Lesnanskaya, Keshevaya, Poor, Suskal, Suslin, Wickham, Gomez, Malikova, Burduchenko, etc.

Spectacular, smart and at the same time wasteful Inna - an amazing person by nature. It is unlikely that there will be at least someone who will understand it to the end and can predict. That is why potential partners are often interested in what the name of Inna means.

The unpredictability of this woman is fascinated, but the desire for excellence and the choice of work often repels men who are looking for a wife, preferring time to spend time with family, and not at work. Although Inna is able to cook, contains a house clean, does not allow disorder and teaches it their children. But still - her interests and favorite business remain a priority in life.

Useful video about the meaning of the name of Inna


Artistry of your nature involves a certain attraction in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewels, unusual, eye accessories, all sorts of stylistic sizes. Well, it fully matches your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe the measure, not to fall in extremes, since the border between the brightness and vulgarity of rather ephemeron.

Inna compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is a pressing, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude to the partner, tenderness prevails, often rather burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering with obsessive waters. However, you are in unshakable confidence that everything makes it right and require adequate, from your point of view, reactions to your actions - thanks and admiration. Inna, you are easily vulnerable, concrete and offended, often come to the irritation state without visible reasons. With a long lack of partner "within reach", a feeling of abandonedness is visited, the insecurity is that you are happy. All you actually need is to find a person who will be like and your touching attitude, and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the first-axis of your spiritual aspiration is the desire to keep them around them. Consequently, any actions resulting from which a violation of the usual order of things can be disregarded by your nature.

But also to "fight" with those who are trying to create such an imbalance, you will not. The "thin world" for you is always "better than good quarrel", which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomaticity.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have a lot of friends, and there are practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also "wake up the best feelings" in a person configured negatively to you.

However, it is easy to know how to enroll in a particular situation - this is not a choice. Opinion must be reinforced by action. And here you often brings your indecision. This is not a timidity and not fear of consequences. Just fluctuations in the search for the best option. Life experience will help them get rid of them.

If you translate from the Latin language, the value of the name Inna is crying, a stormy stream, a raging river. This beautiful female name carries many contradictions and stubbornness. Choosing this name for the girl, parents must prepare for the fact that it will always behave in advance their desires.

Little Innochka is very wayward, appreciates his personal space, very valuable by personal belongings. Even being still quite a bluer, she, with rage unusual for a child, protects his dolls from the encroachment of foreign children. If you take a toy for her forcibly, she will satisfy such a scandal that anyone ever wants to do so.

In childhood, Inna is very tied to his mother, he constantly follows her as a tail, climbs into all the homework and asks to interpret all the actions that Mom makes. Thanks to such affection, it grows smart and erudite, as parents have to occupy it all possible ways, whatever she would give them a minute of peace.


Having matured Inna retains many of the features of a childish character, which means that in her chosen one appreciates honesty, openness, full sincerity. Also, it gives loyalty, it is always afraid to become a victim of treason, and therefore before buming jealous, and if something thought up to himself, then the young man will have to make a maximum effort to prove to her the opposite.

Love for long-term caresses, kisses, love games - the great mystery named after Inna, but no matter how skillful in caresses, she will first listen to his words, and to attribute them a somewhat overestimated meaning. Because of this, the innochka is very easy to deceive, so it should not be blindly trusted with eloquent tempter.

A family

Family life for the owner of this name is a permanent self-improvement in which it requires participation from the spouse, he simply obliged to support it, to encourage in every way, praise, and sometimes it passes all the framework. Therefore, a man with this demanding woman will be very difficult.

Because of this difficult character, her marriage is short-lived, but she will marry the second one, and maybe for the third time, and every time it will go to his ideal of relationships, a campaign, correcting the errors of previous marriages.

For children, she will become an excellent mother. This indicates that Inna will be somewhat strict, but because of this no less caring. She will bring in them decency and strict moral foundations. With a special trepidation, she will treat daughters who at least sometimes will be frustrated, but will remain hotly loved by the mother.

Business and Career

The owner of this name is very attracted to its kind of activity, which means that it will only work with what she likes, and at another work, even from under the stick, but nothing can do nothing. Therefore, during the search for your beloved business, it can very often place work, not even time to delve into all subtleties.

But when she finds a lesson in the soul, then it will come her rush hour. Inna will work without donating hands, quite independent in the material plan, it can easily start your business, and do not ruin.

The origin of the name of Inna

Ancient part of Europe - the area from where the name of Inna happened. By the way, it used to be purely male, and only in our time began to be used for representatives of weak gender. It is possible that that is why in the nature of Inna is there so much perseverance, which is rather characteristic of men.

Etymology, or, differently, the meaning of the name Inna through the prism of time leads us to the Latin translation, which means a stormy stream, a mountain river, in general, something spontaneous, irrelevine.

The story of the first, or rather the first called so men very sad, and begins in the first century of our era. He, together with two adherents of the Christian faith, was frozen in the thicker of ice on the river. This is a holy martyr, whose name will forever remain in the memory of believers.

Characteristic named after Inna

Though this woman is not very simple, but it has a lot of positive qualities, that is, as in all normal people, there are advantages and cons. On temperament, almost always a pure sanguine, Inna is very funny, even a bit frivolous, but not noisy, not showing.

It does not always come across good people in life, but if someone offended her, she simply and easily forgives, although it no longer has things to do with this person, since universal values \u200b\u200bare important for her. It is that it is not capable of longing the insanity for anyone, and there is a main characteristic named after Inna

She is very erudite, and only from it you will hear a huge amount of spontaneous, but very witty and relevant statements that will always have a significant meaning. It is easy to adapt to those who surround people, so it usually does not occur at work conflicts. Yes, it adapts to ensure attention and goodwill from strangers. For her, a very important is a desire to self-apparent, feel necessary.

But nevertheless, the nature of the Innochka is in itself a lot of riddles, and its impatience can sometimes enter into a stupor even a balanced person. But at the same time, it is absolutely not prone to depression and melancholy, so there is always a aura of happiness and joy around it.

Mystery name

  • Stone - opal.
  • Name Day - July 3, February 2.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Taurus.

Famous people

  • Inna Volovicheva - a participant in the reality show "Dom-2", which became famous and acquired many fans of a lot of 25 kg in the TV project.
  • Inna Churikova - Actress Theater and Cinema of the Soviet Union and Russia. Winner of the Russian statement in 96, People's Artist of the USSR.

Different languages

As already mentioned above, the origin of the estate Inna takes its roots from the field of ancient Europe, it usually uses its analogue - Inessa, so the translation of classical sound exists only in Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, and it is not particularly different from the Russian-speaking original, as it is translated accordingly: Іnna and іna.

In Chinese, this name is written as 尹娜 - yǐnnà, and 英娜 - yīngnà, that is, Yinna and Yugna, respectively.

The meaning of the name of Inna in Japanese, as well as in Russian - a stormy stream, and translates as 速川 - Hayakawa

Forms name

For the name, Inna, it is easy enough to come up with a diminutive-smear. For example, Innochka, Innush, we wish. In the same way, it can be called an aunt and anal, by analogy with Anna. If you want to call my daughter with a bias on Europe, then you can use the options for foreign sound, such as Inessa.

Other derivatives usually come up with parents who are very gentle, but at the same time they are very abbreviated called their baby Nyusha, and even Nyura. Another short pronunciation that can be used to the owner of this name - Nyuska, mommies often so much their daughters, putting on a special meaning.

Of course, this abbreviated word will not be able to replace complete, but its use is quite acceptable in a circle of family and close friends. The declines on cases are subject to the usual rules of the Russian language, and similar to the declinations of Anna, Yana.

According to the church, this name remains that it remains, because in Orthodoxy it is connected with the Great Martyr inna Novodua, so it will not change Orthodox and when baptism will not change.

The proverb says: "How do you call the ship, so he sails." There was a sustainable opinion in society that our particular about our character and the likely development of our fate. That is why the choice of child today takes a lot of time, includes watching specialized literature and a survey of close on the topic of purely subjective sympathies to a particular name. This female name in Russian-speaking countries is found, but still not affected. What is the origin and meaning of the name of Inna, what a nature of carriers and what astrology speaks about it, read further.

What does it and where does it come from

The answer to the question, the Orthodox name of Inna or not, will be strictly positive. The old-Russian name in antiquity was exclusively male, with time becoming purely feminine. Translated from Latin means "a storm stream". It happens in honor of Holy Inna Novodunsky, a student of the Apostle Andrei, frozen in the Ice River for the dedication of his faith.

Did you know? There is a delusion that the name of Inna is an abbreviated form from Inessa, but it is not. Inessa is the name Greek, comes on behalf of Agnes and translates as "Lamb".

Day Angel

Name Day Inna celebrates on February 2, and on some sources also on July 3. The winter date is associated with the sad stories of the saint, in honor of which this name appeared - Inna Novodunsky.

Did you know? On the day of Angel, Inna, there is a sign that it is today shows what spring will be this year. If February 2 is sunny - spring will be warm and early, but if overcast - winter retreat is not ready and it is necessary to prepare for cooling.


For affectionate appeal, there are such forms: Innush, Innushka, Intoya, Inules, Anniversary, Inex and even Inca.

Name in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

The origin of the name of the domestic, Slavic, outside of modern CIS countries the name has practically did not spread. So today the name has only three translations: Inna (in Russian), INNA (in Ukrainian), Ina (in Belarusian). In the Chinese version of writing, these options are used: 尹娜 - yǐnnà [Yinna], and 英娜 - yīngnà [Yinga], and on Japanese - 速川, which means Hayakawa, a stormy stream.

Character features, temperament and behavior

Little Inna is a terribly stubborn child. He likes to spend time with her mother, tries to help her in the kitchen. Curiously, everything is interested. It's not to endure the violation of personal borders and from an early age thoroughly reacts when they take her things. Since childhood, it is necessary to balance its stubbornness, creativity and immersion in the development of logic, critical thinking and sense of humor.

The rapid flow of emotions can contain only a sensible reason. If Inna is guided in adult life solely with his boiling feelings, it will impress a person not from the world of this and extremely hard to cope with critical situations. On the one hand, Inna is definitely a Sanguine - light and somewhat frivolous. At the same time, it is immersed in itself and is not strongly included in the external life.

Such contradictions are viewed in many features of its character. It can not be called evil or evil, but she really remembers the misdeed and poor attitude towards himself. If you somehow they guilty before the carrier of this name, then the relationship is very difficult to restore the attitude. Any explanations she can simply not listen, although it will be unlikely to take revenge - she considers revenge below their dignity.
On the one hand, Inna is light, honest, reliable, cheerful. On the other hand, she is very difficult because of the flow of emotions and feelings. Personality is passionate, positions itself with a strong and independent woman, always and all having their own opinion. Not inclined to depression and melancholy. It is quite straightforward and honest, it is rarely thinking about not to hurt the near-sharp sense. At the same time, often standing for weak, can do volunteering. Principal and stubborn, trying to keep his word, to be punctual. Generous, but not a transcription, the money is able to count.

There is ambiguity, loves to establish their rules, trying to dominate everywhere and in everything. Hot-tempered and impatient, disasters do not recognize. He loves idleness, comfort and aesthetics, but completely able to curb relaxation and quickly get together for the accomplishment of plans scheduled. It is quite active in many spheres of life, but it is rare to sport. Exception - if the sport is a quarry or vocation. In principle, it is not able to do something "just like this, the process for".
If it is passionate about drawing - it will study painting, practicing and try to draw beautiful pictures. If it is passionate about fitness - it will try to develop its technique, become a coach or at least a fitness model. In the head of Inna, the boundaries between work and hobbies are very troubled. Differences of the nature of the birthday:

  • Winter Inna is more self-confidently, less controlling their emotions. May be hot-tempered and sharp, even more than other types.
  • Spring representatives are unpredictable, full of ideas and plans, often very crazy.
  • Summer representatives have a more developed communicative component of character. They are less open and honest, can successfully weave intrigue. A little capricious, why can fall into conflicts.
  • Autumn Inna is the most serious, can keep their bubble feelings in the value better than previous types. Very curious, possess a sharp mind.
And, most importantly, - almost all theses do not like to spend time in vain, try to live an interesting and rich life, as well as realize their potential.

Study, profession and career

Career and self-realization - the main life rod of any Inna. Often, such a woman knows how to earn, because inside is very collected and clever. At the same time, a career seeks to choose according to his spiritual calling, this criterion is fundamentally important for it. Will be able to quit work for the sake of a really interesting lesson. If life circumstances do not allow her to leave with an unloved job, will feel unhappy, and negative features of character only exacerbate. The question of income and their status is important, but they can hardly be able to keep it on hated work.
As soon as the case of life is found, it will turn the mountain for him. Some carriers of this name are completely refused family in favor of career successes. If such a woman becomes bosses, it often entails gossip and split in the team. The reason for this is the ambiguity of its nature and behavior. Stormy reaction, impermanence, the desire to always leave the last word for itself - on the one hand, optimism, creativity, protection of weak, honesty and reliability - on the other. It is usually either unconditional sympathy, or unconditional antipathy, and the impression is kept for the entire period of exploring inna.

It becomes a good employee and chief in creative spheres. Always crowded with ideas, knows how to tie business contacts, present yourself and its projects, is able to infect with their enthusiasm. Vena as an employee, however, should learn not to scatter on trifles. Usually intuitively understands the mechanisms, they can be interested in, the car is well driven and confidently feels behind the wheel. Frequently implemented in such areas as medicine, journalism, engineering, as well as the photography and sphere of trade.

Health and hobbies

Hobbies for Inna It's all, this is the center of its universe. Often, work and its hobby and passion. What is unevenly breathing towards any creative, able to turn into creativity even a boring routine. Loves to cook. Particularly unusual dishes. If you decorate the house - it will try to choose some particular style, read the relevant literature and ask the Council from experts. For whatever she was taken, the result always looks beautiful.

Inna has suggestions to painting and photography, however, they are almost never expressing the needlework. Attentionally passionate about the work. At leisure, they often read thematic literature, attend the relevant events, they say and think about work. As for Inna, a folk joke is great for Inna: "All our nerves, and only syphilis - from pleasure." Brass dissonance, experiences and a whole heavy heap of contradictory emotions often causes nervous overvoltage. As a result, disorders associated with the work of the nervous system.
If it learn to control your negative character traits, learns to be more flexible, take care of yourself and close to its sharpness, impulsivity and pressure, it will be able to improve your health and spiritual health. Sometimes there is a weak, vulnerable and defenseless woman useful not only for personal life, but also for health.

Friendship, love relationships and family

Inna - woman attractive and unusual. Her charm in its contradiction. On the one hand, she is passionate and sensual, and on the other - gentle and affectionate for a beloved man. On the one hand, it is always and in all strive to dominate and loves to play according to its rules. On the other hand, a favorite person is devoted and tries to be an ideal wife. The jealous, very painful and sharply responds to the loss of interest from the spouse. Loves men formed, having some experience and looks behind the shoulders.

At the same time, can only get along with a man honest and open, sincerely her loving and values. If the marriage breaks down, the second time almost never binds itself to the bonds of legitimate marriage. Due to the strong influence on her life of such areas, as a realization of themselves, hobbies and work, often relatives are departed into the background. Exception - if relatives are also "in the subject". For it, it is important not just binding with his spouse, but also his attention and admiration. Next to a good and loving man seeks to be a devotee and faithful girlfriend, cares about him and about them. Often a bad idea is a joint accommodation with the parents of Inna or her chosen one.
Due to the advantage, the desire to do everything in its own way and sharpness in words, often creates intense relationships with the older generation when living side by side. Cook and eat loves, and there will not be anything. It is suitable for creative cooking, to the decoration of housing. Children love, to upbringing it is inspirement and responsible, writing off the offspring to all sorts of circles and courses, as well as doing themselves. But when the children grow up to adolescent age and older, then, as a rule, loses with them a common language. Often not satisfied with the children and their reluctance to meet her representation. Adult children usually love mom, but they try to start living early early, in order not to be suppressed by their independence and autonomy.

As for friendship, Inna, as a rule, is surrounded by a large number of familiar and like-minded people. In communication with unauthorized, it tries to be calm, cute and tolerant of others. But in matters of close friendship, things are different. It is independent and rarely needs advice or instructions, therefore rarely imposes their opinions to others. If the beloved becomes a friend for her, she can do without a close convergence with other people. From loved ones, it wants attention and support, it is difficult to transfer them indifference to your address.
, Vaviliv, Vadim, Evgeny, Elizar, Emelyan, Kuzma, Kupria, Matve, Milan, Nikolai, Paisi, Parfen, North, Foma.

Values \u200b\u200bof all letters in the name and numerology

Deciphering named after Inna:

  • AND: Sensitivity, kindness, desire of harmony and aesthetic environment. Often camouflated pragmatic way.
  • N.: The critical mind, the failure of meaningless activities, a critical sharp mind, diligence.
  • BUT: The symbol of the beginning, the desire to build and create, the desire for harmony and comfort.
Number of name - 5. This number gives freedom and independence, love for travel and adventure, creativity in everyday matters and the ability to deeply analyze events, philosophical thinking. Such people are very progressive. The number 5 gives material goods and a good reputation despite the possible dynamicity of character, but is revealed only when communicating with people.

Astrology named

Astrology talks about this name the following signs:

  • zodiac sign: Taurus;
  • planet: Moon;
  • color: Blue with purple overflows, matte blue, lemon;
  • tree: Lemon;
  • testament plant: lemon tree flower;
  • stone: opal black, fiery or blue fire;
  • totemny animal: Dingo dog

Name in history: famous and successful people

Since the name was distributed only within the former Soviet countries, celebrities with the same name. In particular, everyone knows Inna Churikov, Inna Makarov, famous actresses of theater and cinema. Ukrainian clever and beauty - Inna Tsiminyuk, Miss-Ukraine and Miss-Universe 2006 are also widely known. Most of the well-known women named Inna reached fame due to acting or sports career.
Here is the meaning of the name of Inna, such a character and fate in women who are wearing. Do you believe in astrological and numerological predictions about this - the question is individual. However, is it possible in this something?