Indian fables read. When lucky luck

Indian fables read. When lucky luck

Brother Ambe and Brother Rabe in one big house there lived a cat, and there was a lot of m ...

Witch lived - there was an old witch. She walked in the world, looking for small children and ...

Riquid wives
The faithful wives lived in the same village of Brahman, and his wife had. They lived for a long time and ...

Magic Ring
The magic ring lived in the light of the merchant. He had two sons. As soon as the merchant mind ...

Magic Peacock
Magic peacock in some kingdom, in some state there was a king. With ...

Crow on the same tree two birds lived: Crow and Sparrow. The nests were row ...

Thief, Tiger, Bear and Shakal
Thief, Tiger, Bear and Shakal lived was a rich. He had a lot of cows and big-pr ...

Ganesh winner
Ganesh-Winner at Ha Shiva and Goddess Parvati were two sons - cardikia and Ganesh ...

Sleepy cat
A stupid cat tells that in a lion cave started the mouse once. At night, Kog ...

Stupid brahman
Stupid brahman from one brahmann was a grumpy wife. When neither look, she is eternal ...

Stupid son-in-law
The stupid son-in-law was in one village in one person in one person. Once, ...

Stupid crocodile
The stupid crocodile lived-was in his hole near the river Shakal. He often walked to p ...

Pigeons and hunter
Pigeons and hunter lived in the forest. Pigeon with a dove. They are whistles themselves on the tree nest ...

There was an old woman. She once went to the pot and bought four pots. Returned ...

Penny servant
A penny servant lived was the king. He had three sons. And he had a garden. What tol ...

Dara and Starost.
He lived in one village of Old Town. He was in the service of a person named Dara. Gift...

Two brothers
Two brothers lived once a rich merchant, and he had a son. The merchant in it is the soul not cha ...

Two trees
Two trees once, when the sage parade after traveling to the ground returned to ...

Der sail
Der-Sail lived there was a king. He was a master to all sorts of fiction. Once it came to his mind ...

Children in Barzuchea Nore
Children in Barzuchie Nore has lived for many years with his wife Angara from the village of ...

Good Dgir Sinh
Good Dgir Sinh lived, there was a king. Called him suucpal, which means "the keeper of happiness ...

Good Sivie
Good sewing in the long-standing rules in India, the king named Shivi. His subjects ...

Life-giving mantra
Life-giving mantra rules of the once-rich country condada king Kota-Party. Wife...

There was a sparrow
There was a sparrow, there were a sparrow with Sparrow, and there was a king. Built in ...

Cepete mystery
The cherished mystery of one king was two wives - two queens. For a long time it was, in those ...

Zamarically, one person lived badly, before he was spoiled, that just Zama ...

Golden fish
Golden fish on the shore of a big river lived in a tree with a halary old man and an old woman. Be ...

Testing Um
The test of mind lived, there was a king, and his son was. I came to king it's time to die. Lies ...

How the sparrow cat overheut
As a sparrow Cat overweight lived, there was a sparrow with her sparrow. Once her ...

As a tiger needle ruined
As a tiger needle ruined for a long time it was. The needle and tiger were quarreled because of something ...

Like Pluts spent
As Pluts spent lived, there was a peasant, called His Mokhn. His wife had the beauty ...

How Shakal Reached Lion
How Shakal reached Lion in the same forest lived a big, angry lion. Every morning

Cusar Shakal
The cunning jackal lived was in the Shakal Forest. He made dirty to everyone. Once at the very end ...

Goat and here's another story happened to the Helem melaman. Somehow an eye ...

The root of good will not dry
The root of good does not dry for a long time it was. There was a great king named Waramadi ...

Cat Tenali Ramakrishna
They also say that the Great Tsar of Krishiakheva-Raiy called for himself once his ...

Who is afraid of?
Who is afraid of? Not far from one village grew high tamarind. On this der ...

The doll lived in the light of four friends: a carpenter, tailor, jeweler and priest Brahman. Back

Kurumba Parrog
Kurumba Parrot in ancient times lived in Cigarette County, near the village of Tichgar, man ...

What gives greed
What makes greed in one Indian village, not far from the sea, lived the couch ...

Lakhan-Patzari arches Yamaraj's times, Lord of the Merbal Kingdom, with a sage of n ...

Lalmala lived in one village poor shepherd. And he had a son. Called his Akhun. ...

NAPTA and JAPTU in one city lived two monkeys. They were very scattered. One ...

Lachchchi and thief
Lachchi and thief lived, there was a girl, called her Lachchi. Once she went with under ...

Legend of wine
Legend of fault long ago it was. I decided somehow one man to navigate the wines. Folded ...

Lazyna tell, lived somewhere a guy. Married him. We became young to live in the world ...

Fox and Shakal
Lisa and Shakal lived in the forest Fox and Shakal. They were standing around, and they became such ...

Mayanagari in ancient times north of the Narmada River was a big city. Lived in ...

Maybe the princess in the house will give?
Maybe the princess in the house will give? When the daughter-in-law filed a tray with food, Syama ...

Moto and Mungo
Long ago in one village in the north of India, in Punjab, two sisters lived - Moto and ...

Wise Birbal
Wise Birbal Probably, you all heard about Padishak Akbare and his wise advisor ...

Wise judge
A wise judge lived once a boy named Dinak. Every day he walked into the forest, r ...

Peak Peak Mouse
In the jungle of India, he lived yes there was one very carefree mouse. Domik served to him ...

Residently woodcase
Responsible woodcutter has long been it. In the village of Pithar, near the dense forest, ...

Resourceful hare
The resourceful hare in ancient times was in one country a big beautiful forest. ZVE ...

Resourceful fox
The resourceful fox happened once that the Lord of the Beasts - Leo - Dangerous Ill ...

Bride Shakala
The jewel jackal walked along the river, she walked and looked into the sky. He walked, and yes ...

Bad bargain
The unprofitable transaction has long lived on the outskirts of the village old man with an old woman. Hundred ...

There was a king. He had four sons. Three sons were married, and the younger did not marry. That sometimes the king died. Having sat on the throne eldest son. He loved his younger brothers more than life. And his wife had evil and envious. She was a little thing before Tsarevichi, and the most younger was the older in the care - so she began to mock her day. What he will ask, she in response:
- Go, bring an analar queen - a grenade girl. Let she dangle under your dull.
Did not squeezes Tsarevich her passage. I took and gone slowly where the eyes look. "I will find an Anarzadi, then I'll be back with her," he thought. "And no one will see me here."

He lived in one village a peasant with his wife. They did not have children. The peasant worked all day in the field, in the evening he returned home, dinner and walked again in the field. He had no time to be sad about the fact that he would not care about the assistant. But the wife of his day and night crushed it about it.
Somehow, at noon, she got ready to go to the field - to carry her husband dinner - and thought: "Ah, if we have a son, I would not need to go to the field! He would consider the father of Lunch."
So, sorely reflecting, she went to the door, but suddenly he heard, as the Armbus lying in the corner quietly said:
- Give me a lunch, Mother, I will take his father! At first, the woman was frightened, but then gathered with the Spirit and answered:
- After all, you are so small, you will be hard. But watermelon insisted:
"Put me on the head of a knot with meals, mother, and tell me where to go and how to learn my father."

In one village there was a weaver. He had a wife - a woman is simple and worker. Both of them worked without flexing their backs, and they did not get out of poverty. Once the wife says to her husband:
- Make a way, look, look around the edges. Maybe at least a luck will fall there.
Weaver agreed and began to gather on the road. The wife gave him a big thick cake with him. With this laying weaver and went to other regions. He walked, she walked and went away. It was in the evening. Takes tired. Thinks - where to relax? Looks - the road has a well. He went to the well, washed and sat down. He had already wanted to eat for a long time. He took out his pellet, broke her into four pieces and began to reflect out loud:
Did one ie at once? Or three, il all four?

Not harder friendship with evil, only evil from him.
The road leading to the city of Ujaini grew a big tree, and they lived on it two old buddles - aist and crow. The tree was branched, and the travelers who held on the road were always stopped and rested in his shadows.
It happened once so that the hunter passed on the road. The day was hot, the hunter was tired, and he wanted to rest. He arrived under the tree, put his onions and arrows beside himself and soon fell asleep.

A cat lived in one big house, and there was a lot of mice in the house. The cat caught mice, ate them and lived abolished. A lot of time passed, the cat aged, and it was difficult for him to catch mice. He thought, thought, how to be, and finally came up with. Convened mice and says:
- Mice, mice, that's why I called you. I confess, bad I lived and offended you. I am ashamed, I want to change. I will not touch you. Run yourself in the wild, but do not be afraid of me. I demand one of you: every day you go past me one after another and bow to me, and I will not throne you.
Mice were delighted that they would not touch the cat, and they agreed on joy. Cat sat in the corner, and the mouse was one after another passing by him: pass and bow to him. And cat sits younger.

Never start friendship with those who do not know who he is and what is his habit.
There are on the shore of the Bhagirathi rock, which is called the rolling pin. At the top of this cliff is a big, spreader tree. Once there was a vulture, therefore got the rock such name. But there was time, the birds died, and alive alive one old gradation, named Ja-Radgav. From the old age, the gradation has long been blind, the claws were fucked, and he could no longer mine food.
And once the birds that lived on the same tree, squeezing over Jarabawa, told him:
- Come on, jaradgall, do this: you will look after our children when we fly away somewhere, and we will bring you food and feed you. And you will be fed, and our children will be supervised.

He lived, there was an old witch. She walked through the light, looking for young children and eaten them. One day she was walking through the forest and at the foot of the mountain on the big glade saw a shepherd with a flock of goats. The shepherd was a handsome, healthy boy.
The witch came to him and said:
- May your long life, son! Let me get fruit from this tree.
- How can I get if I don't know how to climb on the trees? - answered the boy.
"And you stand up with a dry branch, and enough for the green hand," said the witch.

He lived in one village Brahman, and his wife had. They lived for a long time and even become old, and they didn't even have children - no son, nor daughter. Very burned about it. Here in the end Brahmansh and tells her husband:
"Go to Ganges, plunge into her holy water." Maybe then God will help our grief.
Brahman listened to the words of his wife, thought and began to gather on the road. He took the money with him, the food in the knot tied and went.
And Brahmanshi has this lover, young brahman from the same village. And so, as a husband left to the Gange River, Brahmansh had fallen on every night to run to his beloved on a date, and they were kissing in a secluded corner and pretty until the morning.

Indian fairy tales

© 2012 Publisher "Seventh Book". Translation, preparation, retelling and editing.

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by LITRES (


Rules sometime in one of the ancient Indian kingdoms of Raja. And he had four sons. Three of them have been for a long time, as with his wives, but you could not even marry the younger: he doesn't like the girl, he does not want to marry.

Over the years has come to Raja, and then he left this world at all. Then the country of the Senior Son Raji is managed. He loved her brothers more than his life, and killed them as he could. That's just his wife he was envious and soul. Without end, she brother younger reproached that he was in care of her husband.

Sometimes how it starts to mock it: "Well, and what are you rushed without doing, waiting for you to bring everything to you? It would be better to go, he looked for anArzadi - "Girl from a grenade". Let it bring you everything. "

It was angry at somehow the younger brother to such an attitude. He did not want to continue to endure endless bullying, and therefore decided to leave his kingdom. "I'll go, and I will find my anales. And with her, he will come back with beauty. And before that - my legs in the kingdom will not be. " And left…

How long, briefly, the prince was short and, finally, he got into the forest dense. It goes through the forest, looks: And in front of him, Sadhu Hermitting at the fire sits. Immediately the prince somehow calmly in the soul. "Give me," thinks, "go!".

I saw him sadhu, surprised: "What," says, - are you in a sort of wilderness? "

"Not sad," Sadhu smiled, "for you, I will do anything. Stay with me, rest. And I will help you anarchive find "

Prince bowed with gratitude and sat down by the fire.

"You wait for me here. And I go to the village for meals, I will treat you "- I turned to a sadhu, and left.

The prince sat, waiting for hermit, and it's not all. He became a prince around himself looking around, suddenly sees: next to him a bunch of seven keys lies. Curiously became a prince from what they are. It looks, and the hermit has seven barnings behind the housing. She waited for another prince of hermit, then he took a bundle of keys and decided to look that she keeps hermit in his buildings. And he began to open one after another.

Opens the first: and he is full of bread. Second - molasses. Third rice. In the fourth barn found the prince of a whole mountain of gold bricks. In the fifth - mountain of silver bricks. In the sixth barn there were silk of unprecedented beauty. It was interesting to the prince, which is stored in the seventh barn. He opened it, and barely stood on his legs.

The seventh barn was full of skeletons! And how the skeletons began to laugh at him!

"Why do you laugh at me?" - Prince asked in bewilderment.

"And we ourselves exactly the same as you were," skeletons are responsible. "We also came to look for anArd. But never reached. Now, and you will be between us "- and skeletons were crushed with even greater force.

"What should I do? As alive to stay "- the prince asked frightened.

Skeletons cleared, and decided to help the good young man.

"Listen carefully," they say - this is a sadhu, and not a hermit, but the evil spirit, whom the light has not yet drank. First, he cares you, treats, and then kill will not forget! "

"How does he do it?" - Looking around, whisper asked the younger brother from the royal family.

"Look at the depths of the courtyard. There, the furnace is token, and on it there is a boiler with butter. He will treat you sadhu, and then asked to go Yes See: boils oil or not. You will be in the boiler to look, and he will come back, and you will push you there. " And here quite, the prince alone became: "How can I escape?"

"And you answer that princes are no one to engage in such matters. Let him look at her oil looks. Tell me that you do not know how it should boil. And when the villain is coming there, you will be in a boiler and push it! "

"Thank you, skeletons!" Said the prince, and quickly began to close all the castles.

And here and sadhu returned. They sat down with the prince by the fire, he fed him, and then he says: "Stay-ka you, prince, see if oil boiled in the boiler. And then I really became the old one, I walk in the shortness. "

"Yes, where to me, dear sadhu! I'm a prince! I also did not see it, how the oil is boiling. Better you go and see. "

I got sad and went to the oven, went to the boiler, and the prince grabbed him from behind! And pushed into boiling oil boilers. "So you, the villain! Will you know how to deceive the princes! " Shouted hermit, shouted, and he was welded.

And the prince sighed, and went his way. He walked, she walked, suddenly sees: one more hermit-sadhu sits, and contemplates what around is happening.

"Well, no," I thought the prince, "I now immediately do not believe anyone." Suddenly, this same villain. " He came closer. Yes, only here to look at the elder is difficult, such radiance comes from it. He noticed the Prince, and says: "How did you get here, son?"

- I, Father, I go in search of my Anarzadi.

- But how could you stay alive? I know that on the way to me sat down in the ambush Rakshas - the evil spirit, which the hermit and the sage pretend. They say he kills all the princes.

- The truth is spoken by Father. Yes, that's just I won him!

And the prince began to talk about what happened to him.

"It is also necessary," sadhu said happily, "you are brave prince!" For this I will tell you as an anazadi to find. Not far from me there is a lake, on the shore of which a pomegranate tree grows. Exactly at midnight comes to swim per. As soon as she goes into the water, you immediately have a flower with a grenade and tear. Hide it for the sinus. And quickly leave from there. There will be a peri punishment, called a gentle voice. But you do not wrap it in any way! Otherwise, immediately die. Understood me?

"I understood," answered the prince. - Thank you, sadhu! And what to do next?

- And I'll tell you when you come back. Stay, Prince! Good luck to you!

Exactly at midnight made our hero all that the old man said to him. Began to move away from the lake. Hears, and his peri calls: "Prince! Prince! Why don't you take me with you? Look like I am beautiful, Prince! Wrap! ". The prince of Sadhu was dismissed, turned around, and immediately fell.

Waiting for Sadhu Prince Day, waiting two days. He does not come. Then I understood the old man, what happened, and went to the lake. Sees: the prince there is dead. Sealed sadhu, which heard his well done, but decided to revive him.

Municipal State Community Institution

"Baranovskaya Secondary School"

Project by history

"India - Motherland Tales

about animals"

Performed learning class 5

Ivanova Kristina

Leader: Grigorova L. M.,

history teacher and social studies

from. Baranovo.


1. Sacred Animals of India

2. Tales of animals, their features and varieties


Information sources



India is one of the most amazing countries of the world. Perhaps no country can compare with its richest culture, its customs, traditions, religions. Acquaintance with India has begun since childhood, when I read the fairy tale R. Kipling "Mowgli". And then we studied India in the history lessons.

India is located on the Industan Peninsula. It has a rich floral and animal world. India is a "wonderland". She gave the world a lot of amazing discoveries: cotton fabrics, cane sugar, seasonings, chess, numbers. India is a multinational country. Each people have their culture, language, traditions. India is a country with rich religious traditions.


Why did the tales of animals appear in India?

purpose My project: Find out the connection of religious beliefs and Indian folklore.

find information on the topic;

establish a link between religious beliefs and plots of Indian fairy tales;

4) select and systematize the necessary material;

5) Create a literary booklet of Indian fairy tales and recommend his classmates for reading.

I chose the topic of this project not by chance. I and all the guys of our class love fairy tales, especially fairy tales about animals. In the lesson of history, we learned that the birthday of fairy tales consider India. "Why exactly?", "Thought and decided to learn more about it in more detail and acquaint the guys.

Sacred animals of India

Hinduism is one of the ancient and major religions of India. Hinduism is faith in myths and legends, worshiping gods that are several thousand, but the main three - Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Hinduism is a way of life where a special place occupies a respectful attitude towards animals. All animals were considered the brothers and sisters of a man, whose common father was God. Hinduism emphasizes the relative proximity of a person with all animals, and this makes it impossible hostile or even indifferent attitude towards animals. Indians believe in the resettlement of the shower - this is called reincarnation. If a person is cruel to handle animals, then after death, his soul moves into the soul and this animal and will also be subject to violence. For the same reason, most Indians are vegetarians - do not use meat into food.

Special place in the religious beliefs of the Hindu is the worship of the sacred animals. The most revered animal in India is a cow.This animal everywhere turns out to be the greatest respect. She can move freely bystreets , creating traffic jams. Normal spectacle for Delhi and Bombay streets are the situation when the cow blocked the movement, lay down to relaxacross Roads. And cars, in turn, are waiting patiently whenanimal Give the road. The killing of cow in India is considered the most terrible crime. Estimatedbeef There are so many serious years of suffering awaithow much Cow has hairs on the body. In many temples of India, holidays are held oncow . On this day, the cow is decorated with expensive beautiful fabrics and garlands, they present various eats.Cow personifies abundance, cleanliness, holiness. Just like the mother Earth, the cow is the principle of disinterested donation. It gives milk and other dairy products that serve as the basis of vegetarian food.

Elephants use special attention and respect for Indians. According to Hindu traditions, any person causing an elephant evil enthusiasm. One of the most revered and common deities in Hinduism is the rally combine god Ganesh. It brings wealth and prosperity. Helps in business and eliminates all sorts of obstacles.

Today, the elephant is a hardworking assistant for peasants. Recently, regular censuses of these giants began to carry out regular censuses in India. In the passport of the elephant, the floor is indicated, age and special signs. Along with the passport, it is supposed to introduce workbooks, where all the acts on the field of serving people will be recorded. Elephant festivals are held in India. Elegant elephants - giants proudly sled through the streets, participate in various competitions and even dance. And in the fall marked the birthday of Ganesh. Fruits, milk, flowers bring to the statues of elephant god.

Another sacred animal is rat. In the place of the chek, in Rajastan there is a unique temple created specifically for these animals. He carries the name of Carni Mata, Hindu saint. She lived in the XIV -XVI centuries, and brought the world many miracles. Her mission is a victory over bargains, pain and suffering, protection, as well as the destruction of everything that prevents development.

According to local residents of rats there are more than twenty thousand. These are the happiest rats in the world. People do not sway, do not shout from horror when they approach them. On the contrary, pilgrims from all over the country flock here to bring tribute to rats, feed, express their respect. This is the only corner in the world where people worship rats. Indians with love and respect belong to these animals, they believe that they will bring happiness. Candy-covered candy, is considered a sacred kushan.

The halo of holiness in India is surrounded and monkeys who live in India everywhere. According to the legend, the Kingdom of Hampi in Goya once ruled monkey, two brothers Bali and Sugriva. Angry Bali drove his brother, and Sugriva with his devoted comrades joined the troops of King Rama. Rama helped him take the throne. A friend of Sogriva Khanuman became a faithful assistant frame. It was he who tied a torch to his tail to consecrate the battlefield, and help the frame to defeat the evil demon. Despite its holiness, the monkeys often cause irritation from Indians with their annoyance, curiosity and spawn. A few years ago, not far from Jaipur, a monkey appeared, which robbed at home, having tapping at the door.

The sacred cobra is considered sacred in Hinduism. According to her legend, God Vishnu, the patron siest and the law be resting in the waves of the World Ocean. Cobras wrap over the neck of the All-Siviva. Covered with their rings and hands and head. Under the bloated hoods of a multi-headed Cobra, a Buddha was sitting during the sermons, turning her before this on the path of good for his exercise.

Snake caster is a special castle in India. They can be seen at all fairs and market streets of India, as well as in places visited by tourists. They sit in squatting in front of their round baskets, of which swaying cobra stick out, and play on his dulls. Sometimes cobra begins to get out of the basket and try to escape. But they are immediately catching and returned back.

Tales of animals, their features and varieties

Fairy tales are one of the main genres of Folklore India. Folklore is poetic creativity, which grows on the basis of mankind labor activity, which reflected in itself the Millennium's experience.

Fairy tales are epic, mostly prosaic works of a magical, adventurous or domestic nature with fiction. Their beginning was lost in the darkness of primitive times. Not any fiction became a fairy tale. According to the traditions of generations to generations, only what was in themselves important to people were transmitted. Fale tales expressed the wisdom of their people, his desire and dreams. Hence the originality and uniqueness of fairy tales.

The diverse and rich nature of India greatly influenced the popular culture of its regions. The common name of the wild impassable nature in India is jungle. Indian Nature was the subject of numerous fairy tales and fables, such as Panchattra and Jataki.

Genres of fairy tales are different: household, magical, fairy tales, legends, animal fairy tales. Fairy tales are copyrighted, folk. There are fairy tales instructive, good, sad, merry. But all of them are magical. People believe in the magic, and that good, truth and purity of thoughts will necessarily observe over evil, lie and pretense, and peace of mind, love and justice will reign in the world.

The fairy-tale is based on religious beliefs and diversity of the animal world of India.The characters of the Indian folk tale about animals are represented, as a rule, images of wild and domestic animals. Images of wild animals prevail over the domestic images: it is a fox, panther, etc. Pets are much less common. They appear not as independent characters, but only in conjunction with wild: cat and ram, bull and pig. There are no fairy tales about pets in Indian folklore.

The authors of fairy tales endowed animals by human character. They speak human language and behave like people. In fairy tales, animals suffer and rejoice, love and hate, laugh and swear. Each character is an image of a certain animal, followed by one or another human character. For example, jackal - cunning, cowardly; Tiger - greedy and forever hungry; Lion - strong, domineering; The mouse is weak, harmless. The work won over wealth is true - over false, good - over evil.

Fairy tales glorify the best human qualities: courage and resourcefulness, hard work and honesty, good and justice. All negative: selfish, sassay, misfortune, laziness, greed, cruelty - inevitably impose defeat. Fairy tales are full of humor and everyday life situations, differ in their rich plots.

Each row is impregnated with the love of the people to its own culture, describe in detail the life of the inhabitants of ancient times.

For a long history of its existence, India turned out to be under the nest of Muslim rulers, which imposed a considerable imprint on folk creativity.

After the liberation of India from the colonial negle and the formation of the republic in different ends of the country - in Bengal, Bihara, Punjab, Bra Hell began to appear new collections of fairy tales. In the new collections, the folklore is given mostly, not in translations, but in those dialects on which the gatherers of fairy tales were recorded. Ethnographers and linguists - researchers of small peoples and their languages \u200b\u200bhave a great job of collecting folklore.


Thus, during the work, it was possible to learn a lot of new and interesting.

In the folklore of the peoples of the world, fairy tales are the most amazing creation.

Fairy tales are the centuries-old encyclopedia of the people's life, but encyclopedia is lively, entertaining. Magic and true, funny and instructive fairy tale passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

Indian nature was the subject of numerous fairy tales, such as Panchattra and Jataki. In India, the characters of fairy tales are animals, which residents were afraid, therefore they worshiped.

Indian fairy tales are distinguished by their saturated, fascinating plots. Like India herself, attracting his mysteries and her fairy tales, leave a long, good, unforgettable impression. Tales of Ancient India were translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, interesting films and cartoons were removed by their plots.

The finished product of the work on the topic "India - the Motherland of Tales On Animal" was the literary booklet "What the beauty of these fairy tales" was the literary booklet. In it, I recommend to read the fairy tale, which is in school and the Baranovsk rural libraries. These are not only folk Indian fairy tales, but also a fairy tales written by the English writer by Rudyard Kipling. He was born and grew up in India. All fairy tales are interesting, and most importantly instructive.

Information sources

    Children's encyclopedia "1001 Question and answer", Moscow, "Onyx", 200

    Brief history of India's literature. L., 1974.

    Materials from the site were used to prepare this work.

Appendix number 1. The sacred animal of India Cow.

Appendix number 2. Sacred Animal India Elephant.

Appendix number 3. Sacred animal india rat.

Appendix number 4. Sacred Animal India Monkey.

Appendix No. 5. Sacred Animal of India Cobra.

Appendix No. 6. Collections of Indian fairy tales of Panchattra and Jataki.

Appendix No. 6. Books of the Baranovsky Rural Library

The book was composed of fairy tales and folk stories of various peoples of India, selected from the books of the series, which was published by the Indian Publishing House "Sterling Publisherz" in English. The translation is accompanied by an introductory article and notes. For teachers and students, as well as a wide range of Indian culture lovers.

01. Santalov tribe
How time was divided for day and night | Wind and sun | Hares and people | Son thief | As the bride was conquered | Riddles | Good lesson | Two brothers and pouch | Bride, failed | Ruler Bhianov
02. Madhya Pradesh
Earth | Cesar and Kachnar | Sakt | Sly debtor | Wise older village | Lightning | Mali beg
03. Bikhar.
History Arrach | Weaver | Vir Kumar | Old man and heavenly elephant | Black wooden doll | Surathi
04. Uttar Pradesh
Four faithful friends | Maternal love | Four Slepts | Wise Shakal | Pot GHC | Vigilant jat | Kana Bhai.
05. Assam
Rani Kamala Corori | Tedportola | Fairy Tale of Four Wighs | Legend of the goddess Kamakha | Thief renounced in his sin | How to appear on the ground of Peacock | Falls of Likai | Moreover, the eclipse of the Sun | Siem devoted to his wife | At Loch Rindi and Ka Lych Dohkha | Legend of the hill egneling beng
06. Nagalland
Screwer knives and cancer | Skin change | Why a tiger with a cat is not friends | Man and soul | Two brothers
07. Tripura
How to appear River Tuichongong | Giant and orphan | The history of twins | How deer lost their tails
08. Mizoram
Girl and man tiger | History of Lazy Lakcher | Palked typeng | The pleasure of monkey | Perfume animals
09. Manipur
River Rupa Tilly | Lost melody | Dog and goat | Girl and her snake father | Laikhut Shangbie
10. Haryana
Why the battle described in Mahabharata occurred on the field of Kurukhetra | When Raja Kuru owned a golden plow | Skikard Lodi and Kurukhetra | Yes, there will be salt! | In unity - power | RUE and bass | Mastery of Narada | Kalnyuga and Satyayuga | Why the wheels stopped talking? | Why there are flies in the panicate? | Who marry? | Saranda | Responsive guest | Jackal and narrow strip of paper
11. Rajasthan
Testament | When smiling luck | Fate finger | Witness | Rustic girl from Rajasthan
12. Gujarat
Lotus History | King and his brave enemy | Sacrifice | Donkey | Goddess of Fate | Dar of God Shiva | Mother village | History of deer | Rupali Ba.
13. Kashmir
Himal and awards | What is better wisdom or wealth? | Revenge | Pearls | Magic spell | Maharaj Kashmir
14. Himachal Pradesh
Labor & Gold | Blind and hump | Mion dog | Honest official | Legend of Gorilla | Fool | Raja Bana Bhat | Beautiful sleep | Impatient Rostovist | Revelation worth one varnish rupees | Sheila | Cala Bhandari | Mom | Three brothers
15. Andhra Pradesh
The move coma | Ungrateful and grateful creatures | Stick that did not grow | Powie and needle | Logic shepherd | Parrot sowing
16. Tamilada
Somanathan from drove | Brahman and Tiger | Sage and Seller Oil | Legal lesson | Cunning servant | Rustled bull | When recall | Two strikes for one rupee | Mirror | Husband Dobreye Wife | Wife kinder husband | Deaf, Blind and Donkey | Resettlement | Hunchback
17. Carnataka
Queen Warrior | Obamma | Happiness and mind | Rajachey | Good lg | Appaji | Bouncen and his wife
18. Kerala
Origin of caste and tribes in Kerala | Festival Thiru-Oim | Great actor | Birth of a great poet | Innovation minister | Quick sinner | Man who caught a leopard by tail | Man in well | Two servants | Uncle and nephew | As a man overwriting an elephant | Silence - Gold | Little child position | Servant who has always spoken the truth | Nambudiri who traveled by train | Great poet born fool
19. Orissa
Revenge wound | Noble sacrifice | Four rules of behavior | How Casalia met Kapil | Sudarsan acquires wisdom | Why the English captain bowed the leader of the rebels
20. Maharashtra
Sati Godavar | Why do not birds live in homes? | Rupee Tree | Legend of the tribe of Bhilov about the creation of the world | Fear of death | Pavandeva and his wife | Killer thousand