Rakhmaninov's estate in Switzerland. Rahmaninov's relatives are waiting for Russia's decisions about the purchase of "Senar

Rakhmaninov's estate in Switzerland. Rahmaninov's relatives are waiting for Russia's decisions about the purchase of
Rakhmaninov's estate in Switzerland. Rahmaninov's relatives are waiting for Russia's decisions about the purchase of "Senar

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuying a villa in Switzerland Rakhmaninov suggested Oscar Rysevan (Bernhard Oskar Von Riesemann, 1880-1934) Biographer of a composer of German origin, who studied, in particular, at Moscow University and just living in the confederation.

Fortunately for this country, the Great Pianist and the composer managed to realize this idea. What is happening with the Villa Senar? Journalists are practically not allowed for it, but an exception was made for the representative of our portal.

In Switzerland, S. Rakhmaninov has already been, for example, at the resort of Arose, he rested after the tedious concerts in the winter of 1912/13. Having left Russia, the composer was thinking about living in Germany, but his spouse, who did not favor the Germans, begged not to buy real estate in this country.

In August 1930, Rachmaninov finally found themselves in Switzerland. For some time they drove around the surroundings and carefully examined the proposed sites. Finally found a good place. I really liked Sergey Vasilyevich very much, and he immediately bought it.

According to the emerging memories,

"And my wife, and daughters seemed that it was too far from all friends in France. Spouse Natalia Alexandrovna, who grew up in the Steppe Strip of Russia, loved the attorney, an open place; The thought, which will have to live in the mountains, painted it. Nevertheless, I had to reconcile with the fact of the fact. "

The new estate of Rachmaninov called Senar, taking the first syllables from their names (Sergey and Nataliya) and adding the initial letter of the name (Rakhmaninov).

The purchased plot was, in fact, a solid rock with an area of \u200b\u200babout two and a half hectares. Rachmaninov knew that they would have to invest a lot of money to bring it in order. But the composer really wanted to move to Switzerland. Understanding that construction work will last at least two or three years old, the composer decided to build a fluege at the garage and temporarily settle in it, controlling the course of work.

By the beginning of August 1931, the Flegel was ready, and Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov and his wife came to Switzerland, where she lived for about two weeks before the next concert season in America, at the end of which immediately returned to the shores of the Fatroldstet Lake.

As the cousin sister Sophia Alexandrovna Satina writes in his memoirs (1879-1975),

"The steamers on which excursions from Lucerne were held on the lake were made a special hook to show excursions from the lake. The view of Senar with his trees, roses and an extraordinary home, and before the huge gate of the estate constantly stopped pedestrians to admire the roses in the garden."

In May 1932, Rachmaninov wrote to lovely Alfred friends and Catherine Soban:

"When are going to us? We have without deception: there is a lake, there is a fish, walks and rain rushes. There is a magnificent little hotel, not far from us, where the conditions are the same that you have and where you will also live alone, because there is no other other. Do you have rheumatism? And then in this hotel wonderful baths - four days ago began there course treatment. Do not import and arrive. "

In August, the Svawa went to Rachmaninov:

"The corner that he chose on the shore of the lake was very beautiful, but, like most places in Swiss lakes, somewhat crowded and united. Rachmaninov was very happy. He showed us with a huge delight all kinds, all corners, obviously, pleased that he has finally, his own corner, and besides Safe. He felt the unreliability of the global situation and firmly believed that Switzerland was the safest place in Europe. "


The new home was beautiful and Uyugen, built in modern style and was the last word of technology and comfort of that time. Automatic oil heating, elevator, bathroom with each bedroom, wonderful kitchen, laundry room, room to dry up linen, etc. Three large terraces where sunny baths can be taken, opened views of the lake, on the mountain Pilatus on the one hand , and Mount Riga - on the other.

But the best room was Sergey Vasilyevich Studio, located on the west side of the house. This is a fairly large room with huge windows that give generous access to the Sun, of which it was visible to the lake, Mount Pilatus and Snowy Verse Alps.

From the windows there was also a new marina for a motor boat. Rachmaninovs were big flowers lovers. They perfectly planned the garden, putting more than a thousand species of roses, many other colors and flowering shrubs, various trees.

Flowers, in perspective with a gardener from Lucerne, were constantly replaced by new ones. Favorite trees that Sergei Vasilyevich planted near the house, there were three birch. They were not particularly well assumed and caused him a lot of trouble. A relatively small plot was reserved at the end of the garden for fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currants.

The establishment of life in the Senater demanded about four years, but at the end of this preparatory work, Rachmaninov really felt that he had a house that he could, as dreamed, settle in place.

Rachmaninov willingly invited himself to Senar friends, opening the doors to such outstanding people as the Dutch conductor Willem Mengelberg (Willem Mengelberg; 1871 - 1951), Italian musician and conductor Arturo Tuscanini (Arturo Toscanini; 1867 - 1957), American Cellist Russian Origin Grigory Pavlovich Pyatigorsky (Gregor Piatigorsky; 1903 - 1976) and others.

"What happy watches we spent in the hospitable Rachmaninov house in their wonderful house in Switzerland! ... who did not know Rakhmaninov in this intimate setting, did not know him at all. "

(From the memories of A. V. Greiner).

Having arranged everything according to her wishes, feeling that he has real fabrication, Rachmaninov immediately began to compose.

It seemed to many that by this time the talent of the composer in it was already UGAS. In fact, he prevented a rich concert activity, a lack of time, a wandering life, but the desire to write never cooled.

Starting work on July 3, 1934, he already ends one of his best creations - Rhapsody on Paganini for Piano and Op Orchestra. 43. And in the spring of 1935, he begins to write his third symphony.

Last concert

In the spring of 1939, the stay in the estate of Senar was overshadowed by an accident. Rachmaninov slipped in the dining room and fell. From the memories of the wife of Sergey Vasilyevich, Natalia Rakhmaninova:

"Sergey Vasilyevich ... put in bed. From Lucerne, the doctor was called, who ordered him to lie; He said that, apparently, there was no fracture. Having arrived on another day, the doctor was convinced that in addition to a strong bruise and shocks from falling there is nothing. He said that Sergey Vasilyevich could stand up and soon he can start playing. "

Completed and general political situation. In the air smelled of a new war. Rachmaninov was very afraid to get stuck because of the war in Europe, worried and wanted to return to America as soon as possible. But he did not give peace of mind that the daughter of Tanya with grandson would remain alone in France, and her husband, being a French citizen, may be called up to the army.

In addition, to leave Europe, he prevented a promise to perform at the Music Festival in Switzerland, who was after Avshlus Austria moved from Salzburg to Lucerne.

The concert took place on August 11, 1939 with the participation of Sergey Rakhmaninov and Swiss conductor Ernest Ansermet; 1883 - 1969). Rachmaninov played the first concert of Beethoven and his Rhapsodia.

It was then nothing more in Europe in Europe, Rakhmaninov went to Paris, and from there August 23 in New York. When it became clear in the impossibility of returning to the Swiss estate, Rachmaninov moved to the estate in Long Island, where the summer of 1940 and 1941 stayed.

Is Searar for Rakhmaninov "The Second House"? Construction of Villa Senar, who took so much strength at Rakhmaninov, was certainly caused by his desire to gain a "native corner". But the house in Switzerland was only a temporary "oasis". The World War II was deprived of Rakhmaninov and this refuge.

Save Spirit and Music

And what about today? What are the prospects for Villa Senar? In order to learn this, we took advantage of the helpful invitation of the General Director of the Sergey Rachmaninov Foundation (SERGE Rachmaninoff Foundation) Ettore F. Volontieri.

In modern Switzerland, Villa is located on the territory of the Veggis municipality (Weggis) on the opposite of Lucerfa Lake Aruna. Mr. Volunteeri welcoming the gate, leading to a plot surrounding the villa in front of the journalist.

Until recently, the grandson of the composer Alexander Borisovich Rakhmaninov - a lawyer, founder and president of the Rahmaninov Foundation, managed everyone here. In 2012, he died. Now all current cases of Senar's estates are in the hoses of the Fund. Mr. Volontieri holds a small excursion around the house, from which, as it seems, Rachmaninov himself came out a few minutes ago.

Examining the memorial, we remember the latest events associated with Senar, in particular, that in 2013, after the death of A. B. Rakhmaninov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the Russian media reported, "instructed the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to study the question of The possibilities of acquiring Russia's ownership of the archive Sergei Rakhmaninov and the estates of "Senar" in Switzerland. "

Question This Russian pianist Denis Matsuev, who is also an art director of the Foundation. S. Rakhmaninova, raised at the meeting of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art, held in October 2013.

But the time passed, and, as you can see, the question of this from the Russian side is so resolved and was not. As reported, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky in mid-2014 explained that

"The villa had many heirs who are guided by material considerations and want to separately sell the piano composer at the auction, his notes belonging to him. With this approach, Russia has no interest in buying a villa. "

Ettore volunteer, however, claims that the issue of selling separately some relics from the heritage of Senar was not stood in this form.

Now everyone proceeds from the fact that the villa should continue to be what it was, and that she should remain an authentic monument of culture, in which the spirit of the Great Composer will continue to live.

"The problem, or, let's say, the feature of the situation is at the moment that the one who buys this object will not have the right to redo them. We would not like anyone to start building, say, on the site in front of the house pool or produce some restructuring in the house itself, especially since the whole villa, in addition, is officially under the protection of the authorities of the Canton Lucerne, "

Stresses E. Volunteeri. On the other hand, he says

"We want to make a place from Villa Senar open to the outside world. Creative people could come here in order to work in silence, which, despite all urban development around, remained almost the same as in the times of Sergey Vasilyevich. At the same time, we are pragmatic, and therefore the Foundation could imagine the opportunity to carry out large banks or concerns of iconic public events or at the highest levels.

Specialized tourist groups in the composition of the experts and lovers of classical music could come here in general and the creativity of Rachmaninov in particular. "

However, as once again emphasizes E. Volunteeri, it is impossible to change anything in the estate, and this, of course, makes such an object not very attractive for the real estate market. What is the way out? Most likely, the Director General of the Rakhmaninov Foundation, the future of Senar, will soon be solved soon, and this will be "triune".

It will be attended by the Foundation and relatives (children) of the composer, on the one hand, the authorities of the canton and the city of Lucerne, on the other, and some leading industrial companies working in the canton, with the third.

How real is the solution? On this question, Mr. Voluntery responds almost confident in the sense that now it is the most "realistic option." This means that the Spirit and Music of the Great Rakhmaninov will continue to live in Switzerland, on the shores of the Firwaldstest Lake.

And of course, says E. Volontieri, we have always been hoping, so continue to hope and believe that in some form the Russian Federation will also be able to be part of this decision.

In the meantime, at this weekend Villa Senar will open his doors before all those who want to look back where the history of world music was happening. And this is a regular practice in Switzerland - the people of the canton should know what his money can go. As it seems, the composer himself would have taken such an approach with understanding. He knew better than others, which is hard, their own work earned money.

The Saintar site was used as a source when writing the material. The author thanks for the support of the Rakhmaninov and E. Volontieri Foundation.

Sergey Rachmaninov in his Swiss Senar

Idea to buy a villa in Switzerland Rakhmaninov suggested Oskar Von Riesemann, 1880-1934) Biographer of a composer of German origin, who studied, in particular, at Moscow University and just living in the confederation.
Fortunately for this country, the Great Pianist and the composer managed to realize this idea. What is happening with the Villa Senar? Journalists are practically not allowed for it, but an exception was made for the representative of our portal.
In Switzerland, S. Rakhmaninov has already been, for example, at the resort of Arose, he rested after the tedious concerts in the winter of 1912/13. Having left Russia, the composer was thinking about living in Germany, but his spouse, who did not favor the Germans, begged not to buy real estate in this country.
In August 1930, Rachmaninov finally found themselves in Switzerland. For some time they drove around the surroundings and carefully examined the proposed sites. Finally found a good place. I really liked Sergey Vasilyevich very much, and he immediately bought it.

According to the emerging memories,
"And my wife, and daughters seemed that it was too far from all friends in France. Spouse Natalia Alexandrovna, who grew up in the Steppe Strip of Russia, loved the attorney, an open place; The thought, which will have to live in the mountains, painted it. Nevertheless, I had to reconcile with the fact of the fact. "
The new estate of Rachmaninov called Senar, taking the first syllables from their names (Sergey and Nataliya) and adding the initial letter of the name (Rakhmaninov).
The purchased plot was, in fact, a solid rock with an area of \u200b\u200babout two and a half hectares. Rachmaninov knew that they would have to invest a lot of money to bring it in order. But the composer really wanted to move to Switzerland. Understanding that construction work will last at least two or three years old, the composer decided to build a fluege at the garage and temporarily settle in it, controlling the course of work.

Rachmaninov in Senar in a family circle, 1931

By the beginning of August 1931, the Flegel was ready, and Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov and his wife came to Switzerland, where she lived for about two weeks before the next concert season in America, at the end of which immediately returned to the shores of the Fatroldstet Lake.
As the cousin sister Sophia Alexandrovna Satina writes in his memoirs (1879-1975),
"The steamers on which excursions from Lucerne were held on the lake were made a special hook to show excursions from the lake. The view of Senar with his trees, roses and an extraordinary home, and before the huge gate of the estate constantly stopped pedestrians to admire the roses in the garden."
In May 1932, Rachmaninov wrote to lovely Alfred friends and Catherine Soban:
"When are going to us? We have without deception: there is a lake, there is a fish, walks and rain rushes. There is a magnificent little hotel, not far from us, where the conditions are the same that you have and where you will also live alone, because there is no other other. Do you have rheumatism? And then in this hotel wonderful baths - four days ago began there course treatment. Do not import and arrive. "
In August, the Svawa went to Rachmaninov:
"The corner that he chose on the shore of the lake was very beautiful, but, like most places in Swiss lakes, somewhat crowded and united. Rachmaninov was very happy. He showed us with a huge delight all kinds, all corners, obviously, pleased that he has finally, his own corner, and besides Safe. He felt the unreliability of the global situation and firmly believed that Switzerland was the safest place in Europe. "
The new home was beautiful and Uyugen, built in modern style and was the last word of technology and comfort of that time. Automatic oil heating, elevator, bathroom with each bedroom, wonderful kitchen, laundry room, room to dry up linen, etc. Three large terraces where sunny baths can be taken, opened views of the lake, on the mountain Pilatus on the one hand , and Mount Riga - on the other.
But the best room was Sergey Vasilyevich Studio, located on the west side of the house. This is a fairly large room with huge windows that give generous access to the Sun, of which it was visible to the lake, Mount Pilatus and Snowy Verse Alps.
From the windows there was also a new marina for a motor boat. Rachmaninovs were big flowers lovers. They perfectly planned the garden, putting more than a thousand species of roses, many other colors and flowering shrubs, various trees.
Flowers, in perspective with a gardener from Lucerne, were constantly replaced by new ones. Favorite trees that Sergei Vasilyevich planted near the house, there were three birch. They were not particularly well assumed and caused him a lot of trouble. A relatively small plot was reserved at the end of the garden for fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currants.
The establishment of life in the Senater demanded about four years, but at the end of this preparatory work, Rachmaninov really felt that he had a house that he could, as dreamed, settle in place.

View of the villa of Senar, the middle of the 30s

Rachmaninov willingly invited himself to Senar friends, opening the doors to such outstanding people as the Dutch conductor Willem Mengelberg (Willem Mengelberg; 1871 - 1951), Italian musician and conductor Arturo Tuscanini (Arturo Toscanini; 1867 - 1957), American Cellist Russian Origin Grigory Pavlovich Pyatigorsky (Gregor Piatigorsky; 1903 - 1976) and others.
"What happy watches we spent in the hospitable Rachmaninov house in their wonderful house in Switzerland! ... who did not know Rakhmaninov in this intimate setting, did not know him at all. " (From the memories of A. V. Greiner).

Having arranged everything according to her wishes, feeling that he has real fabrication, Rachmaninov immediately began to compose.
It seemed to many that by this time the talent of the composer in it was already UGAS. In fact, he prevented a rich concert activity, a lack of time, a wandering life, but the desire to write never cooled.
Starting work on July 3, 1934, he already ends one of his best creations - Rhapsody on Paganini for Piano and Op Orchestra. 43. And in the spring of 1935, he begins to write his third symphony.
In the spring of 1939, the stay in the estate of Senar was overshadowed by an accident. Rachmaninov slipped in the dining room and fell. From the memories of the wife of Sergey Vasilyevich, Natalia Rakhmaninova:
"Sergey Vasilyevich ... put in bed. From Lucerne, the doctor was called, who ordered him to lie; He said that, apparently, there was no fracture. Having arrived on another day, the doctor was convinced that in addition to a strong bruise and shocks from falling there is nothing. He said that Sergey Vasilyevich could stand up and soon he can start playing. "
Completed and general political situation. In the air smelled of a new war. Rachmaninov was very afraid to get stuck because of the war in Europe, worried and wanted to return to America as soon as possible. But he did not give peace of mind that the daughter of Tanya with grandson would remain alone in France, and her husband, being a French citizen, may be called up to the army.

In addition, to leave Europe, he prevented a promise to perform at the Music Festival in Switzerland, who was after Avshlus Austria moved from Salzburg to Lucerne.
The concert took place on August 11, 1939 with the participation of Sergey Rakhmaninov and Swiss conductor Ernest Ansermet; 1883 - 1969). Rachmaninov played the first concert of Beethoven and his Rhapsodia.
It was then nothing more in Europe in Europe, Rakhmaninov went to Paris, and from there August 23 in New York. When it became clear in the impossibility of returning to the Swiss estate, Rachmaninov moved to the estate in Long Island, where the summer of 1940 and 1941 stayed.
Is Searar for Rakhmaninov "The Second House"? Construction of Villa Senar, who took so much strength at Rakhmaninov, was certainly caused by his desire to gain a "native corner". But the house in Switzerland was only a temporary "oasis". The World War II was deprived of Rakhmaninov and this refuge.

And what about today?

What are the prospects for Villa Senar? In order to learn this, we took advantage of the helpful invitation of the General Director of the Sergey Rachmaninov Foundation (SERGE Rachmaninoff Foundation) Ettore F. Volontieri.
In modern Switzerland, Villa is located on the territory of the Veggis municipality (Weggis) on the opposite of Lucerfa Lake Aruna. Mr. Volunteeri welcoming the gate, leading to a plot surrounding the villa in front of the journalist.

This is how Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninova is looking for today. Piano in place. Chair too. Nothing is sold

Until recently, the grandson of the composer Alexander Borisovich Rakhmaninov - a lawyer, founder and president of the Rahmaninov Foundation, managed everyone here. In 2012, he died. Now all current cases of Senar's estates are in the hoses of the Fund. Mr. Volontieri holds a small excursion around the house, from which, as it seems, Rachmaninov himself came out a few minutes ago.
Examining the memorial, we remember the latest events associated with Senar, in particular, that in 2013, after the death of A. B. Rakhmaninov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the Russian media reported, "instructed the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to study the question of The possibilities of acquiring Russia's ownership of the archive Sergei Rakhmaninov and the estates of "Senar" in Switzerland. "
Question This Russian pianist Denis Matsuev, who is also an art director of the Foundation. S. Rakhmaninova, raised at the meeting of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art, held in October 2013.
But the time passed, and, as you can see, the question of this from the Russian side is so resolved and was not. As reported, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky in mid-2014 explained that
"The villa had many heirs who are guided by material considerations and want to separately sell the piano composer at the auction, his notes belonging to him. With this approach, Russia has no interest in buying a villa. "
Ettore volunteer, however, claims that the issue of selling separately some relics from the heritage of Senar was not stood in this form.

Now everyone proceeds from the fact that the villa should continue to be what it was, and that she should remain an authentic monument of culture, in which the spirit of the Great Composer will continue to live.
"The problem, or, let's say, the feature of the situation is at the moment that the one who buys this object will not have the right to redo them. We would not like anyone to start building, say, on the site in front of the house pool or produce some restructuring in the house itself, especially since the whole villa, in addition, is officially under the protection of the authorities of the Canton Lucerne, "
- emphasizes E. Volunteeri. On the other hand, he says
"We want to make a place from Villa Senar open to the outside world. Creative people could come here in order to work in silence, which, despite all urban development around, remained almost the same as in the times of Sergey Vasilyevich. At the same time, we are pragmatic, and therefore the Foundation could imagine the opportunity to carry out large banks or concerns of iconic public events or at the highest levels.
Specialized tourist groups in the composition of the experts and lovers of classical music could come here in general and the creativity of Rachmaninov in particular. "
However, as once again emphasizes E. Volunteeri, it is impossible to change anything in the estate, and this, of course, makes such an object not very attractive for the real estate market. What is the way out? Most likely, the Director General of the Rakhmaninov Foundation, the future of Senar, will soon be solved soon, and this will be "triune".
It will be attended by the Foundation and relatives (children) of the composer, on the one hand, the authorities of the canton and the city of Lucerne, on the other, and some leading industrial companies working in the canton, with the third.
How real is the solution? On this question, Mr. Voluntery responds almost confident in the sense that now it is the most "realistic option." This means that the Spirit and Music of the Great Rakhmaninov will continue to live in Switzerland, on the shores of the Firwaldstest Lake.
And of course, he says E. Volontieri, we are always hoping, so continue to hope and believe that in some form the Russian Federation will also be able to be part of this decision.
In the meantime, at this weekend Villa Senar will open his doors before all those who want to look back where the history of world music was happening. And this is a regular practice in Switzerland - the people of the canton should know what his money can go. As it seems, the composer himself would have taken such an approach with understanding. He knew better than others, which is hard, their own work earned money.
The Saintar site was used as a source when writing the material. The author thanks for the support of the Rakhmaninov and E. Volontieri Foundation.

Igor Petrov, swissinfo.ch

So, today we have Saturday, April 22, 2017 and we traditionally offer you answers to "current issues". Issues we are found both the simplest and quite complicated. Quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we simply help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the right answer option, out of four offered. And we have another question in the quiz - Who gave the name "Senar" in Switzerland?

  • Writer Nabokov
  • Composer Rachmaninov
  • Jeweler Faberge
  • Great Princess Anna Fedorovna

Correct answer to - composer Sergey Rachmaninov

After the death in early November 2012, Alexander Rakhmaninova (1933-2012), the grandson and the only heir of the composer, the relatives planned to set the Searar's estate in Switzerland to the auction, followed by the sale in parts of the property and unique items of cultural heritage S. V. Rakhmaninov. In these circumstances, Russian pianist Denis Matsuev raised Vladimir Putin to the President of the Russian Federation, the question of redemption of the estate in favor of Russia for the device of the composer Memorial, holding music master classes, festivals and competitions. The issue price, according to expert estimates, is approximately 630-650 million rubles. President Putin agreed to make efforts to implement this idea

Thin thread connecting culture and Russia, the life and work of Sergei Rakhmaninova flew. Surprisingly, traveling on one of the richest countries in Europe, you can find a wonderful place, which will have to do with each Russian. Falling from the Bolsheviks, it was at Villa Senar who found his refuge Sergey Rakhmaninov, a great composer and a musician.

The estate of the famous artist of art is located on the shore, in the small town of Harangestein, in the canton, occupying the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10 hectares. There are two residential buildings here, and you can also find a well-kept garden and a small berth with several engine boats, to which a great musician has a weakness. With some part of confidence, it can be argued that this picturesque area precisely thanks to Ville Senar and acquired world fame.

A bit of history

In the 1920s, wishing to be closer to the daughters who settled in Paris, Sergey Rachmaninov bought a plot with a house in. From this point on, the history of Villa Senar begins. 10 years later, in 1931, capital construction begins. Then the name of the villa was invented. "SENAR" - Acronym from the names of Sergei and Natalia Rakhmaninov, and the last letter "P" means surname. Building Villa was burdened by many difficulties - the musician wanted to repeat the estate left in his homeland in the town of Ivanovka, on Tambovshchina. A garden was scheduled on the territory of the estate. To do this, I had to blow up a part of the rock and bring some trucks from the ground.

The project of the house of Rachmaninov was personally discussed with the architect, bringing many details and wishes to it, equipping this family nest. He was very proud of the fruits of his works, and on this wave of elevation and inspiration in the first year of living in Villa Senar, he wrote a famous Rhapsody on Paganini. Unfortunately, seeking to avoid the war, in 1939 the Rachmaninov family leaves the estate forever. The musician arrested after death to be buried on the territory of Senar, but fate ordered somewhat differently.

Villa Rachmaninova today

Despite all the aspirations, the appearance of the estate is little like a classic Russian estate. Today it is a two-story building, externally trimmed with white plaster, with a variety of terraces, huge windows and flat roof. The house is designed in modern style, which at that time hardly gained popularity. In the villa, Senar now everything has been preserved, as in former times - genuine furnishings, original furniture, legendary Piano Steinway. Some other cultural values \u200b\u200bare also kept here - various musical instruments, diaries, notes and correspondence of the Great Musician and Composer.

In 1943, the estate passed into the inheritance of the grandson of the composer - Alexander Rakhmaninov, who founded the Foundation S.V. Rachmaninova. After his death, the heirs wanted to sell all the property and values \u200b\u200bof the villa of the villas in parts, but due to some collision between the laws of Switzerland and Russia, these plans were somewhat deposited. It made time to the heads of the Foundation S.V. Rakhmaninova put the question to V.V. Putin, the question of the ransom of Senar in favor of Russia, with the further arrangement of the Memorial in honor of the musician and the composer, as well as the organization of the International Cultural Center. According to experts, the cost of the Rakhmaninov estate is about 700 million rubles.

Firwaldstättersee (Vierwaldstättersee) Literally with German means "Lake of the Four Lands" or "Lake of Four Cantons". This name is given because the waters of this lake wash the shores of the four cantons at once. Although often tourists call it just Lucerne Lake - According to the most popular and large city on the shore.

This lake is often referred to as Switzerland fjords - his winding shores are so picturesque. In essence, the Firwaldstechta lake consists of four pool connected by narrow straits, and the hood is formed by the ancient glaciers, descended from the mountains. Transparent water saturated blue in summer warms up to 18 - 20 degrees.

The best time is August 1 - to meet a salute at the Lucerne Lake in honor of the formation of Switzerland. After all, it was on the shore of the Fatroldststett Lake and a perpetual union agreement was signed, which became the source of Switzerland.

Villa Senar and Rachmaninov

Thanks to the natural barrier on the path of cold northern winds in the form, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Veggis, there was its subtropical microclimate - palm trees, figs and magnolias grow naturally. So this place is a wonderful summer resort, popular among the honorable public.

In this area, in the town of Herlenthein, Commune Veggis, built himself a villa Saintar composer Sergey Rachmaninov. In it, with views of Mount Pilatus and Cirodenststett Lake, he lived in the summer months from 1932 to 1934, and at then a fully moved to this villa and lived here until 1940, the layout of the villa and the two-story house - estate from nostalgic reasons of the emigrant It corresponded to the estate left in Russia in Ivanovka (Tambov region), was divided by a similar garden with the same trees - apple trees, cocks and chestnuts. In this villa, the composer wrote "Rhapsody on Paganini", one most famous and often executed in the 21st century of their works. Here Rachmaninov wanted to be buried, but in connection with the beginning of the war, he was forced to move to the United States, where he died and was buried.

By 2013, in the exemption Senar, genuine furnishings, furniture, musical instruments, Piano Steinway, presented to the composer V. Steinweight, unique cultural heritage items S. V. Rakhmaninova - diaries, notes, correspondence, archive. At the moment, the issue of redemption of the villa for the heirs to the Russian Federation and turning it to the composer museum is discussed. The issue price is about 18 million Swiss francs.

Cruises for the Fatroldstet Lake:

Cruise through all Fatroldstett Lake occupies 4 hours in one direction (from to). To Vitznaau Cruise lasts about 1 hour. Ships go all year round, but in winter less than flights. There are thematic circular cruises.

Cruise schedule for the Lake of Ciriza:

  • Cruise schedule in winter in the period 11. December 2016 - 13. April 2017
  • Cruise schedule in spring in the period 14. April - 24. May 2017
  • Cruise schedule in the summer in the period 25. May - 10. September 2017
  • Cruise schedule in autumn in the period 11. September - 22. October 2017
  • Cruise schedule in winter in the period 23. October - December 9, 2017

Cruises from Lucerne:

Map of routes of cruises for the Cirodstskta Lake:

The cost of tickets for cruises on Lake Lucerne:

Cruises on the Cirodststett Lake have tickets: Generalabonnemente, n. In this case, you do not need to pay extra.

50% discount on the lake ticket can be obtained with tickets:

Children 6 - 16 years old - tariff 50%.

Children under 5 years old inclusive - free.

The cost of tickets in 1 side 2 class on an adult:

  • Cruise Lucerne - Veggis: CHF 19.60
  • Lucerne Cruise - Vitznaau: CHF 27.00
  • Lucerne Cruise - Beckenried: CHF 31.00
  • Cruise Lucerne - Brunnen: CHF 39.00
  • Cruise Lucerne - Rutley: CHF 41.00
  • Cruise Lucerne - Zizikon: CHF 43.00
  • Lucerne Cruise - Tellplatte: CHF 44.00
  • Lucerne Cruise - Flylelen: CHF 46.00
  • Cruise Lucerne - Alpnakhstadt: CHF 27.00
  • Cruise Lucerne - Kyutnakht Am Riga: CHF 27.00

TagesBillett (for the whole day):

  • Adults: CHF 72.00 / CHF 108.00 2nd and 1st grade, respectively
  • With Halbax, children: CHF 36.00 / CHF 54.00 2nd and 1st grade, respectively
  • Raising class from 1 on the 2nd: CHF 18.00

Ticket to Panoramic Yacht Saphir (1-hour Circular Cruise from Lucerne)

  • With Halbaxk: CHF 15.00
  • No Halbax: CHF 25.00
  • T GA / SWISS TRAVEL PASS / INTERRAIL / EURAIL and children 6 - 16 years old: CHF 12.50

SPAZIER- UND STADTSHIFF (HOPP ON, HOPP in the Lucerne region of the lake) - for the whole day:

  • With Halbaxk: CHF 12.00
  • No Halbax: CHF 24.00

TELL-PASS in Central Switzerland:

Free travel on trains, buses, ships and mountain lifts

  • 2 days CHF 170.00 / CHF 100.00
  • 3 days CHF 200.00 / CHF 130.00
  • 4 days CHF 220.00 / CHF 150.00
  • 5 days CHF 230.00 / CHF 160.00
  • 10 days CHF 280.00 / CHF 200.00
  • Kinder-Tell-Pass (Fix. Price for 2 - 10 days) CHF 30.00 / CHF 30.00

Hayking around the Fatroldstesto Lake:

Around the company's Lake there are many excellent routes for Hayking with excellent views and any level of complexity. In good weather is the perfect place for walking. For example, Rutli's meadow, where the agreement on the "eternal world" was signed by representatives of the three forest cantons, and the Switzerland was born.

The route along the coast of Lucerne Lake is very lightweight, even the children are wisched. In order to enjoy panoramic views of the lake, it is worth climbing the mountains. Wide panoramic view opens with. You can generally enjoy views from Panoramic windows of the thermal baths of Riga Caltbad. From Pilatus, the view is addictive at the expense of sticking cliffs, but not so panoramic. An excellent view of the lake also opens from Burgentok.

Rigi (1797 m)

In summer:

  • On any side: 41 CHF one way, 66 CHF in both directions. Day ticket - 66 CHF.

In winter:

  • Ski and snowboard (Skipas for full day and day from 11:45):
  • Adults: 47 CHF / 42 CHF
  • Children 6 - 16: 23 CHF / 19 CHF
  • students: 36 CHF / 33 CHF


  • adults: 47 CHF
  • children 6 - 16: 23 CHF