Own names in proverbs and sayings. Research on "Names own in proverbs and sayings" Proverbs in which the name Dmitry is found

Own names in proverbs and sayings. Research on "Names own in proverbs and sayings" Proverbs in which the name Dmitry is found


Main part

1.1 Proverbs and sayings: The history of the emergence of the similarity and difference.

1.2 The role of the name in human life and in Russian folklore.

2.1 Male and female names in proverbs and sayings.

3.1 Names of cities in proverbs.

4.1 Names of rivers in proverbs and sayings.




In the literature lessons, we studied the section "Oral Folk Creativity". From the elementary school I was interested in the genre of proverbs and sayings. The name is one of the important components of the human life path. That is why I decided to take the topic of "own names in Russian proverbs and sayings."

And why do you need our own names in proverbs? Take an example of the proverb: "Fedot and not that." So they say about a person who knows nothing? Or about a person who is lying a lot? Fedot name used for rhymes? (Fedot is not the same).

The purpose of the study is to find out what the role of the names of its own in Russian proverbs and sayings.

Research tasks:

To define the concepts of "proverb" and "saying".

From a huge number of Russian proverbs and sayings, make a sample with the names of their own.

Find out why male and female names are needed in proverbs and sayings.

Analyze the names of our own, denoting the names of cities and rivers.

Object of research - Russian proverbs and sayings

The subject of the study is the names of own (male and female names, the names of rivers and cities).

Research methods - reading educational, popular science and reference literature; Search for information in global computer networks; analysis; etymological analysis; Generalization and systematization.

Main part

Proverbs and sayings: the history of the emergence, similarity and distinction.

Oral folk creativity, or folklore, was born in deep antiquity, in the complementary era. In countless creations, the nameless authors who have been folded and retelling epics and legends, fairy tales and parables, lullaby and crying, sweeters and carols and many other products of different genres, and amazing talent, real wisdom, humanity and beauty, mischief and kind humor of the people . No wonder the live roots of folklore fifth the work of such masters of the word, like Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov and Tolstoy, and continue to pour a live stream into the language of modern writers.

Proverbs and sayings are considered among the most popular small genres of folklore. Usually they put them near, although there are clear differences between them.

Proverbs are brief folk sayings in relation to various phenomena of life. They arose during the primitive-free building, long before the emergence of the first literary monuments. Since they were transmitted from mouth to mouth, then their main feature was accuracy and conciseness of the content. To convey the necessary information, the authors of proverbs had to be extremely careful in choosing certain words.

Usually the proverb consists of two or three parts. The first part contains a reasonable description of the phenomenon or subject, and in the second - its expressive assessment. Most often, the proverb has a dual sense: direct and portable. A direct meaning is associated with a specific observation and its assessment, the hidden reflects the centuries-old experience of the people, so in some cases the proverb must also solve the riddle: "Know the cricket of your sixth."

The source of proverbs may be not only everyday conversational speech, but also literary works. Thus, in the comedy, A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" according to the observations of researchers there are approximately 60 expressions that have become proverbs.

The first proverbs appeared for a very long time. They were the ordinary Russian people. Many of the proverbs were used in the ancient chronicles and works. One of the first collections of proverbs was also compiled by Aristotle. In Russia, the collections of proverbs appear at the end of the XVII century and almost immediately begin to publish. The most famous meeting of the "Proverbs of the Russian People", containing more than 25,000 texts, composed by V.I. Del.

The saying is phrase, reflecting any phenomenon of life, often has a humorous character. A distinctive feature is to connect the shortness and brightness of the assessment or description. In contrast to the proverb, does not contain a generalizing instructive meaning and is not a complete proposal. The saying can usually replace the word. For example: "Lyku does not knit" instead of "drunk", "the porch did not invent" instead of "fool".

Unlike proverbs, many sayings came to everyday speech from literary works and began an independent life as a folk genre.

Sometimes they completely lose touch with those works where they came from. Here, for example, the expression "from the ship to the ball". All directories indicate that its source is an affair in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Meanwhile, it was known in Russian as early as the XVIII century, since Peter I appeared in the reign and has already managed to become a saying. It was in this meaning that A.S.Griboyedov was used in the comedy "Mount from Wit".

Some proverbs and sayings appeared in connection with historical events. So in folk spokes, the times of the period of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the events of the Russian-Swedish war of the beginning of the XVIII century, the Patriotic War with Napoleon, the civil war of the beginning of the 20th century, the Great Patriotic War with Hitler Germany.

Part of the proverbs and sayings originated from the works of Russian folklore - songs, fairy tales, riddles, legends, jokes. For example, proverbs and sayings came out of fairy tales: "The broken nate lucky luck", "Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done." Some proverbs arose from church books. For example, the saying from the Bible "Lord Dada, Lord and Otty" was translated into Russian: "God gave, God and took."

What is the main difference between the proverb and the saying?

So, the proverb is a whole proposal, and the saying is only phrase or phrase. This is the main sign that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.

The proverb contains moraling, morality, instruction. The saying is simply an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by in other words.

For example:

"Small spool but precious". (Proverb) "Mal, yes delete". (Proverb)

"Not knowing the brody, do not fall into the water" (Proverb) "Stay with the nose" (saying)

In the process of research, we noticed that proverbs and sayings are often confused. The title is written: "Proverbs and sayings", and in the text itself only alone proverbs. To not be confused, you need to know the definition of these terms.

1.2. The role of the name in human life and Russian folklore.

Proverbs and sayings are hardly the first brilliant manifestation of the creativity of the people. Amazes the omnipresence of proverbs - they concern all items, invade all areas of human existence. It did not go around the folk creativity with their attention and the "registered" topic.

Our name is the history of the Russian people, and the part of the Russian language. The role of the name in a person's life is very large. Everyone can be called differently as by name, so all his good or bad deeds are made in public domain thanks to the name. A significant role in communication of people the names played in all the epochs. Personal own names of people are part of the history and universal culture, since they reflect their life, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples.

Poetic creativity, represented by proverbs and sayings, truthfully reflects the original, rich mind of the Russian people, his experience, looks for life, in nature, to society. In the oral language creativity, people captured their customs and morals, hopes, high moral qualities, national history and culture. So, the rhymed sayings with names that have become a permanent characteristic: Aleha is not a trick; Andrei Rotosa; Afona-quiet, Fedul lips puffed; Filat is not guilty and others. The proverb and the saying is applied in life to a particular situation and to a specific person who has its own name, which does not match the name in the proverb. It is this collision of two names - the present and "unreal" - a generalization is achieved. Thus, the prescription name is a generalization of the characteristic properties of a person.

2.1. Male and female names in proverbs and sayings.

We investigated 220 proverbs and sayings with our own names. They can be divided into 3 groups:

1) Personal male and female names.

2) city names

3) the names of the rivers.

The first group includes 170 proverbs and sayings with male and female names. Of the 170 proverbs were 129 with male names. The most common name was Thomas. It was used 15 times.

In proverbs and saying, the name of the Thomas was given to indicate such character traits as nonsense (they say about the foma, and he is about Eres.), Stubbornness (Erama in the water, thoma for the bottom: both stubborn, from the bottom there were no.), Inattention ( I was driving to the rubbish, and I drove to Kum.), Irresponsibility (beat the foma for Eremin's guilt), scattered (good to the fome came, and gone away), laziness (someone, and a fome to the Dulls), inadequacy (people like people , and froms like a demon), self-criticism (loved to joke and over the foma, so love both over himself.) And a person with a memorable appearance (know the foma and in the corporal row).

This name was very popular in the XIX - early XX century, especially in the province and in the village. Now the name is almost not used, probably, because its sound energy is fully preserved in Russian sound and amazingly accurately conveys the character of the apostle of the thoma, nimbled by unbelievers.
Thomas - holy Apostle, 19 (6) of October. Saint Thomas was a Galilee fisherman who followed the Lord Jesus Christ and became his student and the apostle. According to the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, the Apostle Thomas did not believe the stories of other students about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the eighth day after the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to the Apostle Fome and showed his wounds, after that, the apostle convicted in the truth of the bright Resurrection Christ exclaimed: "My Lord and My God." For church legend, Saint Thomas preached Christian

faith in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parphy, Ethiopia and India. For appeal to Christ's Son and Spouse, the ruler of the Indian city of Meliapore (Melipur), the Holy Apostle was concluded in the dungeon, suffered torture, died, pierced with five spears.

In the proverbs, the Russian people represents a foma dull, stupid and lazy man.

In second place, the name of the Eremee used 13 times. In the text, the name was used in abbreviated form: Erama, Ermoshka.

The name of Eremee has ancient European roots, in translation indicates the "tested by God." The name is borrowed with the adoption of Christianity, it was subjected to adaptation to the features of the phonetics of ancient Russian. In an extensive layer of proverbs, Yeremy's name appears together with the name of Thomas; These paesia are rethinking folklore "Tale of the Fome and Yereme" - the literary work of the XVII century.

Erema - the hero of the literary work, which tries his strength in different classes, is trying to take up everything at once, but nothing comes out. This manifests itself in proverbs. "Erema, Erema, I would sit at home and sharpened spindle." "Erema, Sitie House - Weather Huda." "He is understanding about himself about himself: when to sow, when to press when you throw in the skir." These proverbs refer to the need for timeliness of certain actions.

And in this proverb, Yerema is an envious person. "Eremeev tears about someone else's beer are poured."

Characters with the name of Yeremy in proverbs make up a portrait of a loser.

On the third most popular the name Makar. The name of male, Greek origin, translated "Blessed" "happy".

In the Christian nameslo, the name of Macarius corresponds to several early Christian saints, among which the most famous Macarius of the Great (IV century) is a hermit, an author of several spiritual essays. Macarius Alexandrian, who was his contemporary and a friend, is also revered in the face of Rev.. Macarius Antioch donated and referenced to the reign of Julian apostate (361-363 years). Martyr Macarius is also known for confessing Christianity in 311 under the emperor gallery.

In proverbs and sayings, the name Makar met 9 times and was used to indicate such traits such:

Luck. "Yesterday Makar Rudda dug, and now Makar in the governor fell." I believe that the proverb is associated with the meaning of the name itself.

Makar is connected not only with good luck, but also with misfortune. "On the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying - and with pines, and from the Christmas tree." Looks like the history of Martyr Makaria.

"They will drive there, where and Makar did not chase." Previously, cows, calf graze far on the meadows or fields. That is, very far, where the calves did not chase.

It looks like the history of Antiochsky Makaria, which was sent to the link.

"Makaru Bow, and Makar on seven sides." It describes the case when a person is applied.

There are also proverbs that have the same meaning, but they use different names. "Rich Ermoshka: there is a goat and a cat." "In the house of Makara Cat, Mosquito Yes Moshka. Proverbs indicate poverty of characters.

We have reviewed another 43 Men's name: Vavil, Nikita, Ivan, Vlas, Philip, Peter, Pavel, Arseny, Ilya, Kuzma, Fedot, Isai, Gerasim, Danilo, Aksen, Demid, Klim, Filat, Mose, Yakov, Avedea, Gregory , Maxim, Boris, Martyn, Savely, Andrei, Trifon, Nikola, Afonya, Anton, Pahom, Taras, Kirilo, Avoska, Nesterka, Egor, Sidor, Nazar, Stepa, Fock, Emely, Sema, Pades, Ipat and Trofim.

These men's names met in proverbs and sayings from one to five times.

In the process of research, we studied 41 proverbs and sayings with female names. Among them were such as Agrippina, Akulin, Antipa, Barbara, Mina, Katerina, Fedor, Ulit, Malania, Gagula, Masha, Olena, Alyona, Aksigna, Ustinia, Pelagia, Fekla. Some names in our time are practically not used.

Malania's name is complete Malania - the most common in proverbs and sayings with women's personal names. Used 6 times. Translated from the Greek Language of Malania means "dark, black".

The origin of the name is associated with ancient Greece, very common in English-speaking countries. On the territory of Slavic states received its distribution in the early Christian period.

Often with age admiration for the talent and indulgence of whims, which took place in childhood, contributes to the development of not the best qualities in the nature of adult Malania. She grows into a self-satisfied and egocentric woman, intolerable to the shortcomings of others. Malania's selfhood comes to funny and sometimes introduces friends and acquaintances in bewilderment. She also plays the public, loves to laugh loudly, to grow emotions threshing and pay attention. I must say that this Malania gets pretty good.

These character qualities are used in proverbs and sayings. For example: "To dress up that Malania is on the wedding." "They gave the hungry malaney pancakes, and she says: baked impudent."

In Proverbs, Malania is a picky and selfish girl.

On the second consumption frequency of the name aculin. Also used in abbreviated form: shark and shark.

Akulina has straightness and hardness. Usually such a woman is very purposeful, energetic, she knows how to stand up for himself. Do not like to cry and complain about life.

I think that such a description is more suitable for a man. This can be seen in the proverb. "If it were not good, the shark would be called."

Despite such tough character traits, pity was experiencing.

"Sorry for Akulin, and send to raspberry." Because Malina was collected in the forest, and she was very striking.

The remaining female names were used for one time, except for five names: Antipa, Barbara, Mina, Katerina and Fedor, who met twice.

3.1. Names of cities in proverbs.

The second group includes 43 proverbs and sayings with the names of cities. In the process of research, we met sayings and proverbs with the mention of such cities as Moscow, Kiev. Peter, Kazan, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Tver, Yaroslavl.

The most common own name was the capital of Russia - Moscow. Made this name 25 times.

"In Moscow, everyone will find, except for Father and Mother"

"In Moscow, money is not engaged in ourselves"

"Everyone in Moscow does not cross the way"

"And the new handkerchief is put on, but half of Moscow does not guide."

"Moscow does not believe in tears, she file business."

"For thanks, Kum Peshi went to Moscow."

"For the saying, the man in Moscow there was a pesh."

"Moscow is vested far away, and the heart is nearby"

In proverbs, Moscow is represented by a large, majestic city. She is far away, but people still remember and respect her. Not in vain says: "Moscow - all cities Mother". Probably, therefore, Moscow in proverbs was brought with other cities.

"Kazan-Town - Moscow Corner"

"Yaroslavl - town - Moscow Corner."

"Moscow beats from the sock, and Peter Boca will upgrade."

Often the name of the city is used to indicate the advantages of each edge:

"In Tula, with your samovar do not go"

"Kazan - sturgeon, Siberia sings to praise"

"Kashira was chosen by all Rogozy, and Tula in Napti shoes."

Names of rivers in proverbs and sayings

In the third group, 7 proverbs with such own names as the names of the rivers were investigated. In most cases, the Volga River has met.

"Each country has its own national river. Russia has a Volga - the largest river in Europe, the queen of our rivers, - and I hurried to worship her Majesty River Volga!" - so I wrote about the great Russian river Alexander Duma. Home Kormilitsa and Podilice of European Russia, and Moscow, including. One of the truly Russian natural wonders is the Great Volga River. One of the largest and most beautiful rivers in Europe is especially loved by the Russian people. Volga-Mother - so gentlely called it not only in Russia.

More than half of the industrial enterprises of Russia are concentrated in the Volga basin. And on the Volga Earth, almost half of the food required by our population is produced.

And she is really Queen rivers. The power and greatness, the fabulous beauty of the surrounding nature and the richest history glorified the Volga for the whole world in the most ancient times.

Probably because of its great glorification, the Volga River is most often used by the people in proverbs and sayings.

"Volga - all Mother River"

"A lot on the Volga water, a lot and troubles"

"What is not in the Volga, then all for the Volga"

"When the Volga flows down"

"When there is nothing to pay a debt, go to the Volga"

"Mother Volga's back will burn, but gives money"

The last two proverbs suggest that the work on the river makes it possible to earn money, the Volga-Kormilitsa will not give to die with hunger.

Also, the name of the Volga is used to compare with the Danube River.

"The Volga is to swim for a long time, and the Danube is wide." This proverb talks about the length of the Volga and the latitude of the Danube.


After analyzing the groups of proverbs and sayings, including their own names, you can draw conclusions:

All the analyzed names used in proverbs and sayings had ancient European, Greek or Latin roots and were adapted to the adaptation of the phonetics of ancient Russian.

In proverbs and sayings, the life of the people and historical events are reflected: "I drove to the Fome, and I drove to Kuma," "Seven will go - Siberia will take."

Each name in the proverb or saying means its character and is used to ridiculate the shortcomings, the comparison of various qualities of character or indicates the advantages of a person.

Men's names are used to ridiculate the shortcomings: "Foolish Avdaehought the neck", "Good to the Fome came, and gone left"; For the manifestation of pity: "There was a filio in force - all the friends were piled up to him, and trouble came - everything is off from the courtyard," "On the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying - and from pines, and from the Christmas tree"; To indicate positive qualities of character: "Dobro Savva is good and fame."

In proverbs and sayings with female names, the people most often fools over the heroes: "And our deer has become either Pava, or Crow," Babushka Varvara for the world for three years he was angry; So died that the world did not know. "

The most common male names were Thomas: "By whom, and the fome to the Dude"; Eremeye: "Each Eremee is about yourself."; Makar: "Makar went to Kut, where calves graze"; Women's names: Akulina: "Sorry for Akulin, yes send by raspberry"; Malania: "Dress up that Malania is at the wedding."

In proverbs and sayings, the pair use of their own names is often found: "The lambs at the Malashka, and two sons of thomas", "of owners, phases, curve Natalia".

Own names can be used in proverbs and sayings for rhymes: "Ananya and Malania, Thomas Yes Kuma and the place occupied." (Ananya - Malania, Thomas - Kuma); "Take yes painting, and will come out Gerasim" (painting - Gerasim).

The names of the cities are used to indicate any disadvantages of the city: "To Moscow to Brest - the last penny to bear." But most often emphasized: "Kashira of all Hergegus was heed, and Tula in the lapti shoes," "Kiev is the mother of the cities of the Russians," "Mother-Moscow Belokamennaya, Zlatagnaya, Grocery, Orthodox, Warring"; Or for comparison: "Moscow beats from the sock, and Peter Boca will upgrade," "Kazan - sturgeon, Siberia sings praise."

Most often occurs the name of the city of Moscow - 28 times. In the proverbs, the magnitude of Moscow is emphasized: "no in Moscow is not overlapping", "our town - Moscow Corner", "Yaroslavl - Town - Moscow Corner.

In proverbs with the names of the rivers, the Volga name met the largest number of times - 7 times.

  1. Bibliography
  2. Anikin V., Selivanov F., Kidrid B. Russian proverbs and sayings. - M.: "Fiction", 1988.- 431 p.
  3. Zaraich I., Tubelskaya, Novikova E., Lebedeva A. 500 Mysflows, sayings, readers, sweetes. - M.: "Kid", 2013.- 415 p.
  4. Zimin V., Ashurova S., Shanshan V., Shatalova Z. Russian proverbs and sayings: academic dictionary. - M.: School - Press, 1994.- 320 p.
  5. Kovaleva S. 7000 Golden proverbs and sayings. - M.: LLC "Publishing House AST", 2003.- 479 p.
  6. Rose T. Big Dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language for children. Edition 2 recycled. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2013. -224 p.

List of Internet resources

  1. http: // riddle- middle.ru/pogovorki_i_poslovicy /
  2. http: // znachenie
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Scientific and practical conference

for students of grades 6

section Humanitarian

nomination literary studies

"Own names in proverbs and sayings"

Performed: Student 6 "in" class MBOU Lyceum №21

Subyov Egor Sergeevich

Leader: Wildanova Svetlana Grigorievna

Subject: Own names in proverbs and sayings


Chapter 1

The role of the name in man's life

Chapter 2 Names in Russian proverbs and sayings

2.1. An prescription as a rhyme agent in the structure of sustainable sayings.

2.2. Adclusive name as a generalization of the characteristic properties of a person

Chapter 3.

Anthroponyms in Russian proverbs and sayings

3.1. Anthroponyms, their functions in Russian proverbs and sayings.

3.2. Studies of proverbs containing anthroponyms, their classification.



The creativeness of the people is rooted in deep antiquity. It is enough to remember the rock paintings and stone idols of primitive people. The need for creativity occurs in people from the desire to decorate their life (painting, carving, weaving, embroidery). In a few degree, this applies to spiritual life (dance, singing, playing musical instruments). A special place in the life of people is speech. With the help of the language, people communicate with each other. They transmit their everyday experience, their knowledge, sorrow and hopes, their mood. Oral folk creativity is varied: epics, songs, fairy tales, sayings and proverbs. Proverbs are a special place in creativity

Proverbs and sayings are common and viable genres of oral folk art. They have the most close, direct communication with the language, being figuratively speech expressions used in oral and written speech.

The earliest information about the creation and use of some proverbs and sayings are found in the chronicles.

In the year 6370 (862): "Our Great and is abundant, but there is no order in it." (from the "Tale of Bygone Years")

In year 6453 (945): "Delock, hearing that he was going again, held advice with the prince with their small:" If a wolf is having to sheep; That will take out the whole herd until it is killed "." (From the "Tale of Bygone Years")

There is no doubt that the ancient belongs to the part of the folk spacing, in which the pagan beliefs and mythological ideas were reflected: Mother Cheese Earth is impossible (faith in the mysterious forces of "living" land); The prophetic dream does not deceive; Screaming like led; The road is blocked by the road.

In some proverbs and sayings, the norms of serfdom are captured: a man is not a cumkin - knows when Yuriev lives the day.

In Yuriev Day (autumn, November 26, under Art. Art.) Peasants were allowed to move from one landowner to another. In 1581, Tsar Ivan IV temporarily banned the transition, and Boris Godunov completely forbidden - the peasants were fixed. All this was reflected in the proverb: here you are, grandmother, and Yuriev day!

The people had proverbs, in which the events of the liberation struggle with external invaders were captured: empty, as if Mamay passed; Cossacks came to Don Yes, Dae Lyakhov (the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov in 1612); He died (disappeared), as a Swede under Poltava (1709). Especially many proverbs arose about the Patriotic War of 1812: It flies goose to the Holy Rus (about Napoleon); Kutuzov came to beat the French; Hungry Frenchman and Voronene is glad; On the Frenchman and forks - a gun; Disappeared (killed), like a Frenchman in Moscow.

In proverbs and sayings, bravery, courage and heroism of the Russian people are captured: Russian does not joke with a sword, or Kalach does not joke; Cheek brings success; Herbrom happiness helps; Wolves fear and not to go to the forest.

In folk sayings, labor is glorified, man's diligence and beats laziness: there is no fetus without difficulty; Labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

Proverbs and sayings arose, in which the social and material inequality reflection was reflected (one with a compassion, and seven with a spoon; rich - as I want, and the poor - as it can; bribery of judges and officials (all kinds of subiabli loves Kalach hot; the greed of clergy (the ass that Sheaf that stack - all one (all of little);

In proverbs and sayings are condemned to flattery, fahamism, faith, and a chanting. They expressed hope for the truth of truth, justice: the truth will clean myself; True will take it.

Even in the conditions of material and social inequality, the labor people did not leave a high sense of honor: goal, yes not a thief; Money is not a penny, yes glory is good; Poor, yes honest.

Thus, proverbs and sayings arising as a genre of folk poetry in ancient times live an active life for many centuries: Some - no change, others - gradually changing and rethinking; Outdated forgotten, their place is occupied by newly created.

Proverbs and sayings are the encyclopedia of folk knowledge, as well as the "Moral Code" of the people, who folded the proverbs and about the proverbs themselves: the good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but directly to the eye; Stump is not a gossip, but a stupid speech is not a proverb;

Our special attention was attracted by proverbs in which their own names are found. For what purpose are they used in proverbs?

Hypothesis: Names in proverbs are used for rhyme and consonance, while receiving a generalizing, typical, none value, or a presses of the characteristic is inextricably linked with specific personal names.

Purpose: Analyze Russian proverbs and sayings, reflecting the evaluation of human behavior, which bears a specific personal name, characteristics of its character.


1) to study Russian folklore deeper

3) to analyze the thematic group of proverbs and sayings, including personal names in its structure,

4) classify proverbs containing anthroponyms;

5) Find out which traits of the character of a person were reflected in these language units

Object of study: Dictionary V.I. Delia "Proverbs of the Russian People";

Subject of study: Proverbs and sayings, including personal names in their structure.

M. etodyudes Research:

study of scientific and reference literature on Russian folklore, Internet resources

analysis of the collected material,

classification of proverbs and sayings containing anthroponyms.


Chapter 1

"The fate of a person can transform

for us, the sound and meaning of the name "

L.V. Suspensky

The role of the name in man's life

It is known that every person has a name. Three-membered naming of people - a name, patronymic, the name - came to the peculiarity of the Russian language back in the Petrovsky era.

What is the name? Looking into the dictionary of S.I. Yohegov, we learned one of his meanings that the name is "the personal name of a person given at birth, often in general the personal name of the living being"

Personal names of people linguists are called anthroponyms. The section studying anthroponyms is called anthroponymics

Names, as a rule, are not inserted, but are formed from nominal names or borrowed from other languages. With the sound of a familiar name, we do not think about his meaning and origin, we represent a person who are talking about or to which we appeal. The people are very correctly assessed by the person's name, as such. "The person does not recognize himself in his face, and the name knows his name," says in one of the Russian proverbs (p. 442). However, we must study the history of their own behalf, its origin, meaning and meaning in the same way as we need to know the birth roots of their family and the country. Our name is the history of the Russian people, and the part of the Russian language.

How the world is changing, and how I change myself,

Only the name one all my life I called.

The role of the name in a person's life is very large. Everyone can be called differently as by name, so all his good or bad deeds are made in public domain thanks to the name. Hence the possibility of portable use of the word name. They say: "Lychy Lychim is called, and good good commemorate"

It is impossible to submit to the vocabulary of any language without names of one's own .. Names Own can be social signs, some names were distributed only in certain social layers. Thus, in Russia, the 19th century, the names of Agafia, Fükla, Efrosinya, Porfiry, were found only among the peasants and merchants, and in Pushkin times, even Tatiana was considered common. Personal names can be fashionable or, on the contrary, not accepted by society. Nowadays, many parents choose simple, folk names: Ivan, Ignat, Egor, Maria, Daria and those like it. But beautiful names are Rosalind, Evelina, Romuald and others are not popular.

Interest in the names, knowledge of their origin and meaning to raise the feelings of patriotic involvement, love of the Motherland, to the people, his language and culture of communication.

Chapter 2.

Names in Russian proverbs

2.1. An prescription as a rhyme agent in the structure of sustainable sayings.

Poetic creativity, represented by proverbs and sayings, truthfully reflects the original, rich mind of the Russian people, his experience, looks for life, in nature, to society. In the oral language creativity, people captured their customs and morals, aspirations and hopes, high moral qualities, national history and culture.

For the external clothes of proverbs you need to attribute personal names. V.I. Dal believed that they were mostly taken by a commit, either for rhyme, consonance, measures: such, for example, proverbs, in which they commemorate: Martyn and Altyn, Ivan and Balvan, Grigory and Mountain. [P. 14]

So the proverbs emphasize the "chance" name. One name could be replaced by another or chosen in most cases "under rhyme".

Did the name of the person's own generic image created? Russian folklore is widely used sustainable saying with the name of their own, which contains an assessment of human behavior, characteristics of its character. Often, the names fell out of fairy tales, stories, where people of well-known properties usually wear the same name, followed by the same importance in the proverbs: Ivanushka and Emel fools; Fomka and Sergey Thorough, Pluts; Kuzka Gorryka. There were expressions from these concepts: to solve-deceive to fool, to obristia- pushing the deft, cunning; Fomo, in the language of fraudsters, is called a large chisel or one-handed scrap for hacking locks; To bribe a hurt, deceive, offend.

2.2. An presnant name as a generalization of the characteristic properties of a person.

The value of a personal name in the structure of the proverb and sayings is different on behalf of in everyday communication. There is no familiar communication name with an individual person. The proverb is applied in life to a specific situation and to a specific person who has its own name, which does not match the name in the proverb. It is this collision of two names - the present and "unreal" - a generalization is achieved. Speech in the proverb when it is applied in life, it is not about the presses of Emela, Fome, Fome, Yerema, Kirukh, Yeroch, etc., but about specific life characters, which come as Emel, Phil, Thoma come, Kiryukha, etc. Anthroponya acquires a generalized meaning, which is nominated to the name. Development of the shape of the name, its rethinking occurs on the basis of random associations. In the future, these associations are fixed in popular memory as a generalization of any properties of a person.

Social assessment of many names deeply dye in the language. Often, knowledge of this assessment helps to understand the proverb.

For example, the Greek name of Philip, turned into Russian soil into phyu, filter, phyuha, bars often called their servants. Remember the Famine appeal to your filter: "You, Filk, are you a straight chubban, I made a lazy tetter in the Swiss ..."? It is not surprising that the typified name of the servant replenished a synonymous series with the meaning "stupid and lazy man." This was also facilitated by the use of Phil's name in Russian proverbs, where his owner acts as a simpler, loser, dies: "Fili drank yes phyu and beat", "Philipples accustomed to everything", "File shook in the damn Napti (deceived)" "Sleeps filming without a bedding", etc.

Equally deep contradiction is concluded in the name of Sidor, which goes back to the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture Isis. Greek Isidor, transformed with us in Sidora, means "Dar Isida", that is, a rich, generous gift. But in Russian proverbs and sayings Sidor is usually rich, but stingy and petty man. Maybe therefore, as the proverb says, "no trouble has come to Sidora," after all he has a penny for any hungry year. Knowing social associations associated with the name Sidor, it is easy to understand the motivation of the expression "to fuck like Sidorovka": the sick-owner even the small spell seems to be a big disaster. Skoddy nature of the goat constantly pulls her in the garden. The stubborn desire of the owner to wean her from this habit and entered the saying. However, another interpretation of this expression is known: perhaps in it, "the desire of revenge sidorah affected him, if he is inappropriate, then let his goat be thoroughly".

For the bad character of Sidora, his goat is fused. The poor Makaru, as a rule, has to be the "scapegoat". Russian proverbs give a detailed unflattering characteristic of this honeycomb. He is poor ("Makara is only a russian (ie.) Couple", "not the hand of Makar Kalachi is") and a reasonable ("Makar is getting to the evening from dogs in the Kabak"), languages \u200b\u200b("Do not Makar's hand with boyars I mean "), obedient and respectful (" Makaru Bow, and Makar on seven sides "), and the main thing is irresponsible (" On the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying "). The proverbs emphasize that it is usually engaged in severe peasant labor: "Makar Rudda dodged, and now Makar in the governor." So gradually there was an image of a poor prostacy and nonsense Makara.

Approximately the same qualitative associations are characteristic of the name Kuzma in Russian proverbs. Kuzma is evil and dramatically: "Our Kuzma hits the evil", "" Do not threaten, Kuzma, not trembling Corchma. " He is poor, so he gets all the worst and unsuitable "that chromo, that blindly, then a goat" (we are talking about a poultry sacrificed on the goat day). He is incomprehensible: "This proverb is not for Kuzma Petrovich." The origin is of the same low and poor, as well as Makar: "Before Kuzma, the gardens dug, and now Kuzma in the governor", "Gorky Kuzyneka is bitter and song". Being the son of a darling and poor loser is not particularly nice. Unless the extreme need forced to admit such a relationship: "Wait - and I will call Kuzma." Apparently, the expression "show Kuzkin Mother" summarizes the unflattering idea of \u200b\u200bparents and close loser Kuzma.

Thus, we see that the presses of the name is a generalization of the characteristic properties of a person with such a reaction. Unfortunately, I note that mostly proverbs with personal names captured negative traits of a person. The same name reflects most often the same characteristic. For example, Avedea in the Russian Councils - Dobryak, the Smarty Man, all the proverbs, which include this anthropony: "Our Avddy is not an villain," the Avedea disappeared from evil people, "" Stupuly Avdiya Khedi's neck. " The characteristic of the dreamy pre-ferret Andrei is confirmed by the sayings: "Our Andrei is not a villain," Andrei - Rotosa "," Our Andryushka has a half-one, "a friend of friend - everything is on Andryushka." Meschak and Balagen Taras retains his temper in the following statements: "Our Taras for loyalty (additives) Muzzles", "Taras Pleshy - Man Justice", "Our Taras on everything is much: and drinking vodka, and a rallies," not asking ", etc.

Chapter 3.

Anthroponyms in Russian proverbs and sayings

3.1. Anthroponyms, their functions in Russian proverbs and sayings.

Anthropony (Dr. Greek. Ἄνθρωπος - man and ὄνομα - name) - single name Own or combustibility of names of own identifying person. In a broader sense, this is the name of any person: a fictional or real, which is officially assigned to a separate person as its identification mark.

According to the origin of the anthroponym, in the mass of its own, they are every way. Some of them still retained the meaning in the language of the carrier (for example, faith, hope, love),

Anthroponyms contain the following signs:

  1. An indication of the fact that the anthroponym carrier is a person, for example: Mary, Mikhail.

  2. Note to belong to national - language community, for example: Vladimir, Jean.

  3. An indication of half a person, for example, Peter, unlike Anastasia.
Anthropony performs another important feature in proverbs and sayings, it creates the effect of dating one of the participants in the speech act with the carrier of this name. Talking includes recipients in his personal sphere. This indicates the name of the name, the assistant pronoun - our, which combines the addressee and the addressee, which is included in the prescription situation.

Even if the speaker is trying to summarize what is happening, to which the determinant pronoun can be indicated in conjunction with anthroponym, it can be assumed that the proverb characterizes the actions of a particular person. For example: all Fedorca has their own excuses; There is a saying on all EMGOR; Each Moses has its own undertaking; In all pylates, your fans.

Personal names are used in proverbs and sayings in a generalizing meaning:

  1. any person: in any Paul his truth.

  2. a young man: there were money - loved Seine girls.

  3. my husband: I had a husband Ivan, not to bring God and you.
Or wife ..., son, bride and groom ...

Personal names, in proverbs and sayings, are called a person characterizing him in signs:

  1. appearance: Growth (Velika Fedor, yes under the corner of the subjo), face (Paras, that the eyes have a lamb) ...

  2. intelligent abilities: mind / nonsense (Ivan is not a freeze)

  3. attitude to work: hardworking / laziness (Gagula Gagula Girl Pour Yes Surplus ...

  4. interpersonal relationships: (beat the foma for Eremin blame) and others.
3.2. Studies of proverbs containing anthroponyms, their classification.

Proverbs are a genre of folklore, in which the features of this or that people, its cultural and religious traditions are most clearly reflected, its cultural and religious traditions, family features. For the reconstruction of the views of the person of the past and the present, the names of their own are particularly important in the folk text. They are the most specific element of the folklore, with which a model of behavior of a representative of a certain people in various life situations is created. In this regard, my study is an attempt to characterize the views of the Russian people reflected in proverbs containing their own names.

In the process of the study, we were analyzed by proverbs and sayings, which can be divided into three groups:

1) implanting human defects;

2) depicting the life of the Russian people;

3) the characteristic of the character is due to the exclusively random associations of its behalf under the influence of the rhyme.

The most numerous group consists of proverbs that tell me about human defects, namely:

stupidity and stubbornness ("Great Fedor, yes, the fool (yes under the corner of the subway)", "Yerema in the water, thoma for the bottom: both stubborn, from the bottom there were no that the world did not recognize "," Danilo with Motovilo, and the mind was either with Shilo, "Ipat Gorbat will fix the coffin"; "He is talking about the pop, and he is about Emeyel-fool");

ungrateful and ignorance ("Given the hungry malaney pancakes, and she says: baked is wrong", "In people Ilya, and a pig house"; "Everyone's houses are about yourself,"

friendship from the korear and treason ("was filial in force - all the friends came to him, but the trouble came - everything is away from the courtyard"; "Like Semyushki two money - so Semyon yes Semyon, and Senyushka has no money in any seed ";" There were money - they loved the Seine girls, and did not become the money - they forgotten the Seine of the Girls ";" As a foma, the victims are flooded, so foma and people will leave ");

len and negligence in the work ("Gagula Gagula Gagul was spinning yes and fell asleep"; "Live, a little, sleeves later"; "Nesterka's husband, yes children of six: work lazy, and stealing, - how do you live?");

drunkenness ("Was Ivan, and he became a boy, and everything wine is guilty"; "Tatyana's wanderers is drunk", "Tatiana fucked, drinking her husband");

adultery ("see on the belly, which is fissulous by Cum");

vanity and Gordin ("And our deer has no wrap, no crow");

emief with neighbors, scandals, curses, keenness ("Dmitry Yes, Boris for the vegetable garden");

slander, condemnation, slander ("headfilled, hit Akulin about Peter");

mismanitality ("Good to Fome came, and he left");

doing good deeds at the same time ("Uncle Filat presented a couple of ducklings: Won, says, fly").

In a number of proverbs, there is an idea that everyone has what he deserves ("What Ananya, is also Malania"; "What Dema, this is also at home"; "What is Martyn, he has Altyn"; " What a steamer, such is the hat on it ";" What Savva, such as Glory ";" What Axinha, such and Botvinya ";" What is on the foma, such and yourself ").

It is especially noteworthy that proverbs, praising a person for any positive qualities are significantly less: "Business Mella and to lunch with a busty comes."

Incoming into the second group of the proverb, draw pictures of a serious life of the Russian people: "Rich Ermoshka: there is a goat yes a cat (got a cat yes a cat)", "Hungry Fedotal and empty humps to hunt (and radish with kvass for honey)", "Delivery Makar Gorodes (ridges) dug, and now Makar went to the governor "," When Ivashka has a white shirt, then Ivashka and a holiday ".

The third group includes proverbs, giving an assessment to the personality qualities of the character, based on the random associations of his name under the influence of the rhyme: "At least a Bolon, yes Ivan," the "Large mind", "in the people of Ananya, the houses of the canaly", "Dema, Dema , I would sit at home, "" was kvass, yes drank Vlas. "

Analyzing the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn: most of the proverbs containing the names of their own, hurry human defects and disadvantages (51% of proverbs), foolishness and stubbornness, ungratefulness and ignorance, as well as drunkenness; The proverbs depicting the life of the Russian people make up 27% of the total number of the parees under consideration, this group of proverbs tells about poverty, hopelessness and severe labor conditions of simple people; The most small group consists of proverbs characterizing characters based on random associations of their names under the influence of rhyme (22% of proverbs); The names of the names found in the last group of proverbs, whose supports are "lower estates", represent their owner as a stupid man, a simple and loser.


I have been studying, by questioning your classmates. The survey was built in the form of reasoning on the theme of the names of their own in Russian proverbs and sayings. " To do this, several proverbs with traditionally used Russian names were selected, as anthroponyms of Russian proverbs and sayings.


1 What Associations have caused these proverbs.

2 What properties in your opinion is the hero.

3 The character of the hero in different proverbs in your opinion is similar or different.



The studied proverbs

Analysis of questionnaire


Egor (from Greek. Agriculture) in Russian dialects - 'passable, a person of questionable behavior.

"Fedor does not go for Egor; And Fedor is coming, yes, Egor does not take ";

"There is a saying on EMGOR";

"Not any saying for our EGRACK"

"He said Egor with a mountain, and everything is not at the time."

13% consider it positive

46% consider it a negative

41% consider him a person of dubious behavior

27% believe that proverbs are similar

73% believe that proverbs are different


He acts as a simple, loser, duplicate.

"Fili drank yes phyu and beat"

"Philip is accustomed to everything"

"File shook in the damn Napty (deceived)"

"Sleeps filming without bedding"

18% consider it positive

56% consider his dysfil

27% consider him a loser

96% believe that proverbs are similar

4% believe that proverbs are different


Makaru has to be a "scapegoat". He is poor and reasonable, languages, obedient and respectful, and the main thing is irresponsible ("all the bumps on the poor Makara.

"Makara is only a resume (i.e.copla.) Couple"

"Freshing Makar to the evening from dogs in the Kabak"

"On the poor Makara all bumps are lying"

4% consider it positive

24% consider it negative

17% consider his scapegoat

55% consider it poor

72% believe that proverbs are similar

28% believe that proverbs are different

Conclusion: In a situation with the names of Philip and Makar, the importance of a personal name in the structure of the proverb and the sayings differs on behalf of in everyday communication. There is no familiar communication name with an individual person. The proverb is applied in life to a specific situation and to a specific person who has its own name, which does not match the name in the proverb. Anthropony acquires a generalized meaning, which is nominalized to the name. Development of the shape of the name, its rethinking occurs on the basis of random associations.


After analyzing the thematic group of proverbs and sayings, including personal names in its structure, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Proverbs in the public life play an important role: they serve as guidelines; They refer to justifying their actions and actions, they enjoy to charge or chill others.

Personal names in proverbs are important, as they specify a certain quality, help to compare different people and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of a person.

Most of the names that are used in oral folk creativity are not invarious Russians, they are borrowed mainly from Greek, Hebrew, Latin.

The most common names in proverbs and sayings are the names of Ivan, Thomas, Yerem, Makar and Malania, who have a common importance and create an image of a stupid, lazy person, a simple and jester.

In Russian folklore, sustainable sayings are widely used with the name of their own, in which personal names are used for rhyme and consonant measures: such, for example, proverbs, in which are coming: Andrei - Rotosa, Vavilo - Ryl, Ivan - Bolon, Martyn - Altyn, Roman - Pocket, Savva - Glory, Fedor - fool, etc.

In all pressesses, people of famous properties usually wear the same name, for which one value was entrenched: Andrei - Rotos, Ivanushka and Emelya - fools, Fomka and Sergey - Thieves, Pluts, Kuzka - Gorryka, Petrak - Petrack, etc.


Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people. M.: Drop, 2007. 814 p.

Kondratieva T.N. Metamorphosis of own name. Kazan, Linguistics, 1983. 238 p.

Lazutin S. G. Poetics of Russian Folklore. M.: Higher School, 1989. 345 p.

Mokienko V.M. In the deputies. M.: Enlightenment, 1995. 256c.

Parfenova N.N. Personal names in small folk genres in the aspect of linguocultureology. M.: Education, 1995. 295 p.

Dictionary of Russian folk govors / ch. ed. Filin F.P. - 3rd ed. L.: Science, 1998. 1047c.

Uspensky L.V. You and your name. L.: Children's literature, 1972. 264 p.

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution

Secondary school № 67

Tyumen Cities named after the Hero of the Soviek Union Boris Konstantinovich Tanygin

(Maou School No. 67 of Tyumen)

City Scientific and Practical Conference "Step to Future - 2016"

Direction: Philology

Work on the topic: "Own names in Russian proverbs and sayings"

Performed: Long Anastasia,

student 6 "g" class

Maou Sosh No. 67 of Tyumen

Scientist: Vlasova E.S.,

russian language and literature teacher

Tyumen - 2016.

Table of contents

Introduction 3.

Basic part 4-11

1.1 Proverbs and sayings: The history of the emergence of similarity and difference 4-6

1.2 The role of the name in human life and in Russian folklore. 6.

2.1 Male and female names in proverbs and sayings. 7-10.

3.1 Names of cities in proverbs. 10-11

4.1 Names of rivers in proverbs and sayings. eleven

Conclusion 12-13.

List of references ............................................................................................................................................14


In the literature lessons, we studied the section "Oral Folk Creativity". From the elementary school I was interested in the genre of proverbs and sayings. The name is one of the important components of the human life path. That is why I decided to take the topic of "own names in Russian proverbs and sayings."

And why do you need our own names in proverbs? Take an example of the proverb: "Fedot and not that." So they say about a person who knows nothing? Or about a person who is lying a lot? Fedot name used for rhymes? (Fedot is not the same).

Purpose of the study - Find out what the role of the names of its own in Russian proverbs and sayings.

Research tasks:

    To define the concepts of "proverb" and "saying".

    From a huge number of Russian proverbs and sayings, make a sample with the names of their own.

    Find out why male and female names are needed in proverbs and sayings.

    Analyze the names of our own, denoting the names of cities and rivers.

Object of study - Russian proverbs and sayings

Subject of study - Names of own (male and female names, the names of rivers and cities).

Research methods - reading educational, popular science and reference literature; Search for information in global computer networks; analysis; etymological analysis; Generalization and systematization.

Main part

    1. Proverbs and sayings: the history of the emergence, similarity and distinction.

Oral folk creativity, or folklore, was born in deep antiquity, in the complementary era. In countless creations, the nameless authors who have been folded and retelling epics and legends, fairy tales and parables, lullaby and crying, sweeters and carols and many other products of different genres, and amazing talent, real wisdom, humanity and beauty, mischief and kind humor of the people . No wonder the live roots of folklore fifth the work of such masters of the word, like Pushkin and Lermontov, Nekrasov and Tolstoy, and continue to pour a live stream into the language of modern writers.

Proverbs and sayings are considered among the most popular small genres of folklore. Usually they put them near, although there are clear differences between them.

Proverbs are brief folk sayings in relation to various phenomena of life. They arose during the primitive-free building, long before the emergence of the first literary monuments. Since they were transmitted from mouth to mouth, then their main feature was accuracy and conciseness of the content. To convey the necessary information, the authors of proverbs had to be extremely careful in choosing certain words.

Usually the proverb consists of two or three parts. The first part contains a reasonable description of the phenomenon or subject, and in the second - its expressive assessment.Most often, the proverb has a dual sense: direct and portable. A direct meaning is associated with a specific observation and its assessment, the hidden reflects the centuries-old experience of the people, so in some cases the proverb must also solve the riddle: "Know the cricket of your sixth."

The source of proverbs may be not only everyday conversational speech, but also literary works. Thus, in the comedy, A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" according to the observations of researchers there are approximately 60 expressions that have become proverbs.

The first proverbs appeared for a very long time. They were the ordinary Russian people. Many of the proverbs were used in the ancient chronicles and works.One of the first collections of proverbs was also compiled by Aristotle. In Russia, the collections of proverbs appear at the end of the XVII century and almost immediately begin to publish. The most famous meeting of the "Proverbs of the Russian People", containing more than 25,000 texts, composed by V.I. Del.

The saying is phrase, reflecting any phenomenon of life, often has a humorous character. A distinctive feature is to connect the shortness and brightness of the assessment or description. In contrast to the proverb, does not contain a generalizing instructive meaning and is not a complete proposal. The saying can usually replace the word. For example: "Lyku does not knit" instead of "drunk", "the porch did not invent" instead of "fool".

Unlike proverbs, many sayings came to everyday speech from literary works and began an independent life as a folk genre.

Sometimes they completely lose touch with those works where they came from. Here, for example, the expression "from the ship to the ball". All directories indicate that its source is an affair in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Meanwhile, it was known in Russian as early as the XVIII century, since Peter I appeared in the reign and has already managed to become a saying. It was in this meaning that A.S.Griboyedov was used in the comedy "Mount from Wit".

Some proverbs and sayings appeared in connection with historical events. So in folk spokes, the times of the period of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the events of the Russian-Swedish war of the beginning of the XVIII century, the Patriotic War with Napoleon, the civil war of the beginning of the 20th century, the Great Patriotic War with Hitler Germany.

Part of the proverbs and sayings originated from the works of Russian folklore - songs, fairy tales, riddles, legends, jokes. For example, proverbs and sayings came out of fairy tales: "The broken nate lucky luck", "Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done." Some proverbs arose from church books. For example, the saying from the Bible "Lord Dada, Lord and Otty" was translated into Russian: "God gave, God and took."

What is the main difference between the proverb and the saying?

So, the proverb is a whole proposal, and the saying is only phrase or phrase. This is the main sign that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.

The proverb contains moraling, morality, instruction. The saying is simply an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by in other words.

For example:

"Small spool but precious". (Proverb) "Mal, yes delete". (Proverb)

"Not knowing the brody, do not fall into the water" (Proverb) "Stay with the nose" (saying)

In the process of research, we noticed that proverbs and sayings are often confused. The title is written: "Proverbs and sayings", and in the text itself only alone proverbs. To not be confused, you need to know the definition of these terms.

1.2. The role of the name in human life and Russian folklore.

Pthe cavity and sayings are hardly the first brilliant manifestation of the creativity of the people. Amazes the omnipresence of proverbs - they concern all items, invade all areas of human existence. It did not go around the folk creativity with their attention and the "registered" topic.

Our name is the history of the Russian people, and the part of the Russian language. The role of the name in a person's life is very large. Everyone can be called differently as by name, so all his good or bad deeds are made in public domain thanks to the name. A significant role in communication of people the names played in all the epochs. Personal own names of people are part of the history and universal culture, since they reflect their life, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples.

Poetic creativity, represented by proverbs and sayings, truthfully reflects the original, rich mind of the Russian people, his experience, looks for life, in nature, to society. In the oral language creativity, people captured their customs and morals, hopes, high moral qualities, national history and culture. So, the rhymed sayings with names that have become a permanent characteristic: Aleha is not a trick; Andrei Rotosa; Afona-quiet, Fedul lips puffed; Filat is not guilty and others. The proverb and the saying is applied in life to a particular situation and to a specific person who has its own name, which does not match the name in the proverb. It is this collision of two names - the present and "unreal" - a generalization is achieved. Thus, the prescription name is a generalization of the characteristic properties of a person.

2.1. Male and female names in proverbs and sayings.

We investigated 220 proverbs and sayings with our own names. They can be divided into 3 groups:

1) Personal male and female names.

2) city names

3) the names of the rivers.

The first group includes 170 proverbs and sayings with male and female names. Of the 170 proverbs were 129 with male names. The most common name wasThomas . It was used 15 times.

In proverbs and saying the nameThomas It was given to indicate such traits such as nonsense (They say proFoma , and he is about Yeros.), Stubbornness (Erama in the water,Thomas Both: both stubborn, there were no bottom from the bottom.), Inattention (drove toFome , and drove to Kum.), irresponsibility (beatFoma for Eremina guilt), scattered (good toFome came, and her hands left), laziness (to whom what, and Fome before the dord), inadequacy (people like people, andThomas how demon), self-criticism (loved to joke and overFomoy , so love and above yourself.) And a person with a memorable appearance (knowFoma and in the corporal row).

This name was very popular in the XIX - early XX century, especially in the province and in the village. Now the name is almost not used, probably, because its sound energy is fully preserved in Russian sound and amazingly accurately conveys the character of the apostle of the thoma, nimbled by unbelievers.
Thomas - Holy Apostle, 19 (6) of October. Saint Thomas was a Galilee fisherman who followed the Lord Jesus Christ and became his student and the apostle. According to the testimony of the Holy Scriptures, the apostleThomas i did not believe the stories of other students about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the eighth day after the resurrection, the Lord appeared to the apostleFome And she showed his wounds, after that, the apostle crashes in the truth of the bright Resurrection of Christ: "My Lord and my God." For church legend, Saint Thomas preached Christian

faith in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parphy, Ethiopia and India. For appeal to Christ's Son and Spouse, the ruler of the Indian city of Meliapore (Melipur), the Holy Apostle was concluded in the dungeon, suffered torture, died, pierced with five spears.

In proverbs, the Russian people representFoma Synfile, stupid and lazy man.

In second place name Ememyused 13 times. The name was used in the abbreviated form: Erema, Ermoshka.

Name Ememy He has ancient European roots, in translation indicates the "tested by God." The name is borrowed with the adoption of Christianity, it was subjected to adaptation to the features of the phonetics of ancient Russian. In an extensive layer proverbs name Ememy appears together with the name Thomas; These paesia are rethinking folklore "Tale of the Fome and Yereme" - the literary work of the XVII century.

Erema "The hero of a literary work, which tries to have his own strength in different classes, is trying to take up everything at once, but nothing comes out. This manifests itself in proverbs. " Yerema, Erema, Would you sit at home and sharpened spindle. " "Erema, Sit at home - Weather Huda. " "Anything Ememy I know about yourself: when to sow, when to press when you throw in the skir. " These proverbs refer to the need for timeliness of certain actions.

And in this proverbErema - Envious man. "Eremeev tears about someone else's beer are poured."

Characters with name.Ememy In proverbs make up a portrait of a loser.

On the third most popular nameMakar. . Namemale, Greek origin, translated "Blessed" "happy."

In christian named name Macarium correlates with several early Christian saints, among which the most famous MacariumThe Great (IV century) is the hermit, the author of several spiritual essays. Macarium Alexandrian, who was his contemporary and friend, is also revered in the famine. MacariumAntiochian subjected to tortures and reference to the reign of Julian apostate (361-363 years). Also known martyr Macarium, executed for confession of Christianity in 311 under the emperor gallery.

In proverbs and sayings the name Makar. met 9 times and was used to indicate such character traits:

    Luck. "YesterdayMakar. Ridge dug, and nowMakar. In the governor hit. " I believe that the proverb is associated with the meaning of the name itself.

    Makar. It is connected not only with good luck, but also with misfortune. "On the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying - and with pines, and from the Christmas tree." Looks like a martyr's storyMacaria.

    "They will drive where andMakar. calves did not chase. " Previously, cows, calf graze far on the meadows or fields. That is, very far, where the calves did not chase.

Looks like a story Macaria Antioch, which was sent to the link.

    « Makaru Bow, A.Makar. seven sides. " It describes the case when a person is applied.

There are also proverbs that have the same meaning, but they use different names. "Rich Ermoshka : There is a goat yes cat. " "In the house of Makara Cat, Mosquito Yes Moshka. " Proverbs indicate poverty of characters.

We have reviewed another 43 Men's name: Vavil, Nikita, Ivan, Vlas, Philip, Peter, Pavel, Arseny, Ilya, Kuzma, Fedot, Isai, Gerasim, Danilo, Aksen, Demid, Klim, Filat, Mose, Yakov, Avedea, Gregory , Maxim, Boris, Martyn, Savely, Andrei, Trifon, Nikola, Afonya, Anton, Pahom, Taras, Kirilo, Avoska, Nesterka, Egor, Sidor, Nazar, Stepa, Fock, Emely, Sema, Pades, Ipat and Trofim.

These men's names met in proverbs and sayings from one to five times.

In the process of research, we studied 41 proverbs and sayings with female names. Among them were such as Agrippina, Akulin, Antipa, Barbara, Mina, Katerina, Fedor, Ulit, Malania, Gagula, Masha, Olena, Alyona, Aksigna, Ustinia, Pelagia, Fekla. Some names in our time are practically not used.

Malania's name is complete Malania - the most common in proverbs and sayings with women's personal names. Used 6 times. Translated from the Greek Language of Malania means "dark, black".

The origin of the name is associated with ancient Greece, very common in English-speaking countries. On the territory of Slavic states received its distribution in the early Christian period.

Often with age admiration for the talent and indulgence of whims, which took place in childhood, contributes to the development of not the best qualities in the nature of adult Malania. She grows into a self-satisfied and egocentric woman, intolerable to the shortcomings of others. Malania's selfhood comes to funny and sometimes introduces friends and acquaintances in bewilderment. She also plays the public, loves to laugh loudly, to grow emotions threshing and pay attention. I must say that this Malania gets pretty good.

These character qualities are used in proverbs and sayings. For example: "To dress up that Malania is on the wedding." "They gave the hungry malaney pancakes, and she says: baked impudent."

In Proverbs, Malania is a picky and selfish girl.

On the second consumption frequency of the name aculin. Also used in abbreviated form: shark and shark.

Akulina has straightness and hardness. Usually such a woman is very purposeful, energetic, she knows how to stand up for himself. Do not like to cry and complain about life.

I think that such a description is more suitable for a man. This can be seen in the proverb. "If it were not good, the shark would be called."

Despite such tough character traits, pity was experiencing.

"Sorry for Akulin, and send to raspberry." Because Malina was collected in the forest, and she was very striking.

The remaining female names were used for one time, except for five names: Antipa, Barbara, Mina, Katerina and Fedor, who met twice.

3.1. Names of cities in proverbs.

The second group includes 43 proverbs and sayings with the names of cities. In the process of research, we met sayings and proverbs with the mention of such cities as Moscow, Kiev. Peter, Kazan, Ryazan, Tula, Rostov, Tver, Yaroslavl.

The most common own name was the capital of Russia -Moscow . Made this name 25 times.

"INMoscow All can be found, except father and mother. "

"INMoscow money take care - do not hold yourself "

"Some B.Moscow Do not overlap "

"And the new handkerchief is put on, yes halfMoscow does not guide. "

« Moscow I don't believe in tears, she is a case. "

"Thanks Kum Peshi inMoscow went down. "

"For the saying a man inMoscow Peshies went. "

« Moscow Veinsist far away, and the heart is near

In Proverbs Moscow Posted by a large, majestic city. She is far away, but people still remember and respect her. Not in vain says: "Moscow - all cities Mother". Probably, therefore, Moscow in proverbs was brought with other cities.

"Kazan-Town - Moscow Corner »

"Yaroslavl - town - Moscow Corner.

"Moscow beats from the sock, and Peter Boca will upgrade."

Often the name of the city is used to indicate the advantages of each edge:

"In Tula, with your samovar do not go"

"Kazan - sturgeon, Siberia sings to praise"

"Kashira was chosen by all Rogozy, and Tula in Napti shoes."

    1. Names of rivers in proverbs and sayings

In the third group, 7 proverbs with such own names as the names of the rivers were investigated. In most cases, the river has metVolga.

"Each country has its own national river. Russia has a Volga - the largest river in Europe, the queen of our rivers, - and I hurried to worship her Majesty River Volga!" - so I wrote about the great Russian river Alexander Duma. Home Kormilitsa and Podilice of European Russia, and Moscow, including. One of the truly Russian natural wonders is the Great Volga River. One of the largest and most beautiful rivers in Europe is especially loved by the Russian people. Volga-Mother - so gentlely called it not only in Russia.

More than half of the industrial enterprises of Russia are concentrated in the Volga basin. And on the Volga Earth, almost half of the food required by our population is produced.

And she is really Queen rivers. The power and greatness, the fabulous beauty of the surrounding nature and the richest history glorified the Volga for the whole world in the most ancient times.

Probably because of its great glorification, the Volga River is most often used by the people in proverbs and sayings.

« Volga - All Mother River "

"Many onVolga Waters, many troubles

"What is not in Volga then all forVolga »

"When Volga Up flows "

"When there is nothing to pay a debt, it will go toVolga »

"Mother-Volga The back is oppressed, but the money gives "

The last two proverbs suggest that the work on the river makes it possible to earn money, the Volga-Kormilitsa will not give to die with hunger.

Also name Volga Used to compare with the riverDanube.

« Volga - Slow long, andDanube - Wide. " This proverb talks about the length ofVolga and latitudeDanube.


After analyzing the groups of proverbs and sayings, including their own names, you can draw conclusions:

    All the analyzed names used in proverbs and sayings had ancient European, Greek or Latin roots and were adapted to the adaptation of the phonetics of ancient Russian.

    In proverbs and sayings, the life of the people and historical events are reflected:« I was driving to the pet, but I drove to Kuma, "" Seven will go - Siberia will take. "

    Each name in the proverb or saying means its character and is used to ridiculate the shortcomings, the comparison of various qualities of character or indicates the advantages of a person.

    Male names are used to rinse the shortcomings: "Stupid Avdaehought the neck ","Good to the Fome came, and gone away";for the manifestation of pity: "There was a filio in force - all the friends of him were piled, and trouble came - everything is off from the courtyard,""On the poor Makara, all the bumps are lying - and with pines, and from the Christmas tree"; To indicate positive qualities of character: "Dobro Savva is good and fame."

    In proverbs and sayings with women's names, people most often fools over heroes: "And our deer has become either the Pava, or Crow, "Grandmother of Barbara for the world for three years he was angry; So died that the world did not know. "

    The most common male names were Thomas: "By whom, and the fome to the Dude"; Eremeye: "Each Eremee is about yourself."; Makar: "Makar went to Kut, where calves graze"; Women's names: Akulina: "Sorry for Akulin, yes send by raspberry"; Malania: "Dress up that Malania is at the wedding."

    In proverbs and sayings, the pair use of own names is often found: "Trucks at the Malashka, and two Sumy at Thomas, "" Vlad, Fame, Krivoy Natalia. "

    Own names can be used in proverbs and sayings for rhymes: "Ananya and Malania, Thomas Yes Kuma and the place occupied." (Ananya - Malania, Thomas - Kuma); "Take yes painting, and will come out Gerasim" (painting - Gerasim).

    The names of the cities are used to indicate any disadvantages of the city: "In Moscow, Brest is the last penny penny. " But most often emphasized: "Kashira of all Hergegus was heed, and Tula in the lapti shoes," "Kiev is the mother of the cities of the Russians," "Mother-Moscow Belokamennaya, Zlatagnaya, Grocery, Orthodox, Warring"; Or for comparison: "Moscow beats from the sock, and Peter Boca will upgrade," "Kazan - sturgeon, Siberia sings praise."

    Most often occurs the name of the city of Moscow - 28 times. In the proverbs, the magnitude of Moscow is emphasized: "no in Moscow is not overlapping", "our town - Moscow Corner", "Yaroslavl - Town - Moscow Corner.

    In proverbs with the names of the rivers, the Volga name met the largest number of times - 7 times.


    Anikin V., Selivanov F., Kidrid B. Russian proverbs and sayings. - M.: "Fiction", 1988.- 431 p.

    Zaraich I., Tubelskaya, Novikova E., Lebedeva A. 500 Mysflows, sayings, readers, sweetes. - M.: "Kid", 2013.- 415 p.

    Zimin V., Ashurova S., Shanshan V., Shatalova Z. Russian proverbs and sayings: academic dictionary. - M.: School - Press, 1994.- 320 p.

    Kovaleva S. 7000 Golden proverbs and sayings. - M.: LLC "Publishing House AST", 2003.- 479 p.

    Rose T. Big Dictionary of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language for children. Edition 2 recycled. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2013. -224 p.

List of Internet resources










And indeed, none of the proverbs are devoid of all-consuming passionate interest to everything that concerns. For each of them you see those who judge, riselines, argue, hangs, mocking, balagurit, sadness, grieves, rejoices, brune, - represents the multiplicity of cases and life scenes. It did not go around the folk creativity with their attention and the "registered" topic. Proverbs, sayings and even. That's what a remove to collect:

Russian proverbs and sayings

Arinushka Marinushka is not worse.
Good daughter Annushka, Kolya praises mother da granny.
What Axignya is, such and the Botvinya.
Each Alenka praises his burenk.
Our Andrey Nikom is not a villain.
Our Afonya in one balachon and in the feast, and in the world, and in the bottomroom.
What ananya, such is also Malanya.

Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village Selikan.

Varlam lomit in half, and Denis with all sorts of sharing.
Our barbarian does not like a breath without Navar.

Any mushka has their own divids.
Do not be proud, Gordes, you are no better than people.

What Dema, this is also at home.
Two demida, and both do not see.
Dmitry yes Boris for the garden rushed
Our Marya Your Darius is a cousin Paraskovia.

Orobei Eremeye - offended and sparrow.
He said Egor from the mountain, but everything is not at the time.
There is a saying on Echorka.
Each Eremee is about yourself.
Ephraim loves horseradish, and Fedka - radish.

On the poor Zahar, all sowing beats.

In people Ilya, and at home - pores.
There is no Talalan anywhere in our Ivan: I came to the dinner - the dinner went down, I came to the dinner - had met.
Our vanyukha on a bunk bark.
When Ivashka has a white shirt, then Ivashka and a holiday.
The mare runs, and Ivashka is lying.
Ivan was in the Horde, and Marya will tell.
Ivan in the Duda plays, and Marya comes with hunger.
On Ivan Glory, and Savva is to blame.
Ipat made a shovel, and Fedos sell suffered.

Retset Katerina to his perin.
Princess - Prince, Cat - Cat, and Katerina - His child (Mile)
Rejoice in Riothe, the grandmother will have a pirushka.
Before Kuzma gardens Kopal, and now Kuzma in the governor fell.
Majet Klim Telah, rides in Crimea on the turnip.

Martyn Aliegy Poltil is not waiting, stands Martyn for his Altyn.
What Martyn, this is also Altyn.
Our mines are not prevailing and in three clubs.
Our teddy bear does not take line.
Makaru bow, and Makar on seven sides.
Each Makara will have its own chavronia.
Lazy Mikishke is not all before the book.
What is Malania, these are also pancakes.
Grandfather Moseja loves fish without bones.
Greed Maxim near Osin.

Do not boast, Nastya: A little tense, and even then lost.
Not everyone will put Naum to mind.
Our Naum is on my mind: Listen - listens, but Know the hubbles.
Nesterka's husband, yes the children of the six, steal afraid, work lazy, - how to live here?
People from the bazaar, and Nazar on the bazaar.
Each Nikitka bothers about his belongings.

There is no bit of our illness where it took.
And our deer has become either a fellow, no crow.
He welded Okulina about Peter.

Every Paul has its own truth.
Such a fucking panels, and two more fun.
Not all Potap on the paw.
Our steamed with Moscow is familiar.
What a step is like that and the hat on it.

Hood novel when empty pocket.

Savva ate fat, chasing, locked, said: he did not see.
What Savva, such as he and glory.
Like Semyushki, two money, so Semyon and Semyon, and the Sveneshki either money - seeds.
All kinds of semen about himself was a smart.
On Senka - and the hat, on Eroxke - the cap, and in Ivashka - and shirts.
And it sees to see that sazon call.

One speaks about Taras, and the other: the devices of the one and a half.
Not all Taras sob hard.
Our Taras is no worse than you.

I woke up Ulyana is not late, not early - everyone goes from work, and she is here like here.
Lacoma Ustinya to Botviny.

Fedyushka gave money, and he and Altyn asks.
I sent Philip on Linden, and he drags out to Olhu.
And pleased Philip that the cake is great.
Fedot plowing the mouth, and it's not a need for a needle.
Not from Camera honey, nor from Fofan the Senwar.
Our Faddey is neither for themselves.
Our filat is not to blame.
Praying Fekla, and God did not inserted glass.
He loved to joke over the foma, so love and over himself.
People are like people, and froms like a demon.
As the foma, the attacks are flooded, so foma and people will leave.
Do not bay foma for Emerming.
As will come to Flora Unboriga, it will come to Florich to Lich.

Hariton from Moscow escaped with the news

Glad Yakov that poppy pie.

Ukrainian proverbs and sayings

On Tobі, Gabrilo, Scho Meni Nemilo.

There is no one to judge anyone, I won't know that.
Pan s poses, and Ivan z іvan.

Your Katerina Our Orinі Dvvorіdna Odka
Zbagatіv Kondrat - Zabv, de Joghr.

A couple - Martin That Odar!
Yak Mikita Will MAV, then Mikita Kumuvav.

Kazav Naum: Vіzmi to mind!

Rosumna Paramya for all invassed.

Vlіtka I am a pitch pitch, and in the winter I am lost not to bother.
To yom about Taras, and Vіn - PivoTorst.

For our Fedot is not a terrible robot.

Hold on, Homa, _de winter!
Hto about Homu, and Vіn about Yareu.
Yakby Homі Grošі, Bouv Bi th is a good, and the little ones - every min.
Somehow, Chved, then Hern, then radish.

Sayings "

student 9th grade


Rujabov Rustam Muradalievich,

russian language and literature teacher

first qualifying category

from. Halag 2015

Chapter 1. Proverbs and sayings

1. 1.Apported as a genre of oral folk creativity. ... ................................... 5

1.2. Sayings as a genre of oral folk creativity ........................................ 7

Chapter 2. Own names in proverbs and sayings

2.1. Research of names of own in proverbs and sayings ............. 11

Conclusion .............................................................................. ..18.

LITERATURE................................................. .................................................. .........nineteen


Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom, they express the truth, tested by the centuries-old history of the people, the experience of many generations. "And what is the luxury, that for the meaning, what a lot about our saying! What kind of gold! " - so spoke of Russian proverbs A.S. Pushkin. "The proverb is no wonder", "the folk wisdom says. They are expressed in joy and grief, anger and sadness, love and hatred, irony and humor. They generalize various phenomena of the reality surrounding us, help to understand the history of our people. Therefore, in the texts of the proverb and sayings, they acquire special importance. They not only strengthen the expressiveness of speech, give sharpness, deepen the content, but also help to find the path to the heart of the listener, reader, conquer their respect and location. Possession of the bright language is a sign of high culture, erudition, the latitude of the horizon, readiness. Therefore, the study of their own in proverbs and sayings is relevant.

Russian proverbs and sayings are a taught expressions invented by the Russian people, as well as translated from many ancient written sources, as well as borrowed from a variety of literature, in a short form, expressing wise and deep thoughts. Many Russian proverbs and sayings consist of two or more proportionate, rhymes. Proverbs, as a rule, have a direct and figurative meaning. Often there are several options for proverbs with the same morality (moral invariant). Proverbs differ from the saying so to thank a higher summary meaning. The most ancient of the works of Russian writing, containing proverbs, are dating in the XII century.

Purpose of the study - to identify the role of their own in proverbs and sayings, the frequency of their use.

Research tasks:

Reveal the artistic features of the proverb and sayings;

Many successful expressions from works of fiction become proverbs and sayings. "You don't observe the happy hours," how not to please my native person, "" silent bliss in the world "," not to decrease from the shaggy praise, "" the number more, the price of cheaper "- here is a few sayings from Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", gone in the language as proverbs. Love has no age; We are all looking at Napoleon; What will pass, it will be cute; And happiness was so possible - all these lines from the works of A. S. Pushkin often can be heard in oral speech. Man exclaiming: "There is still gunpowder in the Porokhnitsa!" - Maybe sometimes not to know that these are words from the story. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

I.A. The wings, leaned in their work on a lively spoken language and often introduced folk proverbs and sayings to their fables, created a lot of presses: "And Vaska is listening, yes eats"; "And nothing has changed"; "And I didn't notify an elephant"; "Helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy"; "The cuckoo praises a rooster for praising his cuckoo"; "What is the bitterness to consider, no better for ourselves, kuma is torn?".

The saying is a well-established phrase or phrase, a figurative expression, metaphor. It is not used independently.

Sayings are used in sentences to impart bright artistic facts, things and situations.

1.2. Art features of proverbs and sayings

By virtue of its specifics, the proverb, striving for the most vivid expressiveness, quite often resorts to the comparison of two items or phenomena, the people either compare them, or opposes ("Speech as a honey, and things like wormwood", "sleep with a pendan, and get up "Affectionate word that spring day" ...).

Antiteza is one of the most characteristic artistic agents. The proverbs show a desire to morally and ethically affect the listener, showing that it is possible that it is impossible, that it is good that it is bad that it is useful, that is harmful, i.e. The proverb, describing the phenomenon, gives it an assessment (the work feeds, and Leng spoils, ledge the light, and beaches darkness).

Less often than comparison and antithesis used in proverbs epithet ("Life is given to good deeds", "Every Master's business is afraid," "Long thread is lazy seamstress" ...).

The favorite reception in the proverbs is to use the names of their own: "Our Andiff has no half-one," our Pelagia has all new ventures. " This is a species of syneforous.

In proverbs, a variety of forms of tautologies are widely used: "Healthy everything is great," "Play Yes, do not fuck, write yes do not write down, serve do not deserve"

A typical form of artistic imagery in proverbs is irony. This is the module, which was noted by A.S. Pushkin, defining the features of a national character, reflected in our language: "turnip stomach is not in progress", "a lot of summer - and there are no many", "not the right to the bear that the cow will eat, not the right And the cow that went to the forest. "

With the peculiarities of proverbs as a genre is connected and specific language style. On the style of the proverbs, it affected, first of all, the desire to teach, give advice. It was brightly manifested in the selection of verb forms and in the overall syntactic structure. The proverb widely uses the type of generalized and personal proposals with imperative forms of the verb: "Web live a century", "I do not teach the pike to swim." The instructional nature of the proverbs is absolutely clear


The use of a number of sayings is limited not only by a certain circle of situations, but also is associated with a certain context. The main feature of the content of the sayings is that the thought in them is not expressed directly, but idiomatically, with one or another deviation from the standard component value of the phrase - through the image, hyperbola, irony, indirect conclusion, inexpensive (truncation) or "unnecessary" elements and T.P.

Accordingly, according to the nature of the ratio of the aggregate meaning of the saying with its component value, it is possible to allocate figurative sayings built on a metaphorical rethinking; Ironic sayings, the meaning of which is directly opposite to their component value; sayings, the meaning of which is indirectly derived from their component value; Sustainably truncated sayings; Classes, the objective content of which is exhausted by their first part.

The proverbs also need to distinguish the saying, which is approaching idiom, to the chassis of speech and does not have a sharply pronounced teacher, didactic nature. "The saying," says Dal, - an area expression, a portable speech, a simple allegory, an objection, a way of expression, but without parables, without condemnation, imprisonment, applications: This is one first half of the proverb. " Instead: "He is stupid" she (saying) says: "He is not all at home, there is no one riveting, he is nailed on the color, three not a cross." In live speech p. You can reject before the saying, as well as the saying can develop in P.: "Fall from a sick head to a healthy" - saying; "It's not obliged to hide from a sick head to healthy" - P. (example of Dalya). So. arr. P. There are poetic accommodation aphorism, saying - speaking, speech turnover, a movement.

Today at our disposal is significantly the number of collections of folk verts. The most significant of all collections of proverbs recognized the collection of Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya "Proverbs of the Russian People", published for the first time in the "readings of the Society of History and Antiquities of Russian at Moscow University" (1861 - 1862) (Last edition - M., 1957). The collection was ready for 1853, but Gal had to postpone "Many Nataris", overcome the resistance of censorship and conservative Acad. Circles before the book saw the light. Sources for her served several printed collections of the last century, the meeting I. Snegiva, handwritten notebooks of records delivered to Gal from all sides of Russia, and, above all, the live speech of the Russian people. Dahl, according to him, the whole of his own occasion was collected "in a bit, what he heard from the teacher of his living Russian". In the title collection, the result of thirty-five-year-old work - contains more than thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, checkouts, additives and other "small" genres of Russian folklore. He grouped the proverbs and sayings on the thematic principle, seeking to characterize the opinion of the people and peculiar phenomena of nature and society: "The arrangement of proverbs according to the concepts gives the faithful moral essay of the people, it will be composed of a non-heated imagination of one person, but by whole generations inverted in the field of life and hardened in Morning experience. "

The artistic nature of the proverb is conciseness, hurdity, remembrance. Laconism, brevity, easyness of the proverb. As a whole, in the amount of a single statement - this is what determines the syntactic side of the proverb. If a long proverb is remembered, then it is later beginning to pronounce without contracting to the end. In the proverb "I had a pitcher on the water to walk, there he and head break down" the second part is often descended. There are P. and books, but they immediately give themselves their syntax. The proverb skillfully uses his own names, beating them with rhymes and consonents: "From solved to kineshma, you will dock the eyes!"

Chapter 2. Own names in proverbs and sayings

2.1. Investigation of names in proverbs and sayings

After analyzing proverbs with names selected as a research material. These are fifty proverbs (Appendix No. 1). Of these, the name Ivan is used in sixteen proverbs. This proves that the name Ivan was the most popular and common in Russia. Other Male Names: Bogdan - 2 times, Roman - 2 times, Sasha - 2 times, Vasily - 3 times, Makar - 3 times. In proverbs, the female name is used - Maria (7 times). Thus, we can conclude that the proverbs reflect the most common names of Ivan and Marya.

Ivanov, like mushrooms of froths.

All damn Ivan Ivanovich.

Foku yes Yakov and forty knows.

It became bad: a pointer of Anaha.

Aleha is not a trick; Sdura is straight.

Mashka goat da Vaska goat.

Vaska goes, the beard shakes.

Roman - leather pocket.

Our Demid does not look there.

Petka-cock on the eggs of the rubbish.

Pavlushka - Copper forehead.

Marya Marina is a pigeon's eyes.

Meli, Emelya, your week.

Vanyushka marry and night short.

Where Makar calf did not chase.


Folk wisdom is an experience gained by hundreds of years of development of humanity. Each people on the planet Earth are characterized by certain manners of behavior, singularities of communication, mentality. In terms of all other things, each people have their own set of proverbs and sayings. The proverbs and sayings were the true embodiment of folk wisdom. Thanks to proverbs you can easily decide how to enroll in a difficult situation. Guided by proverbs you can be sure that you do it right. Proverbs and sayings were invented for a long time and were also tested for a long time, so I am doing so how folk wisdom makes it difficult to make a mistake. The main thing in this business is to understand what the proverb says or saying.

The basis of the proverb or saying is an example of a life situation and sometimes a hint, sometimes direct indication of the correct decision. Proverbs and sayings made up many centuries and embody the whole history of the development of the people.

The paper included some folk genres, related proverbs and sayings, for a more accurate distinction of the studied paremia. I highlighted the pressesses, sentences (void), dining, booms (empty), promscar, riddles. After analyzing the data collected by me, I came to the conclusion that as genres, related sayings, you need to consider all the above genres, except for the presses, which, on the contrary, are close to the properties of the proverb.

Now you can select the distinguishing features of the proverb and sayings.


3. Built according to the above formulas. Can't contain the function P - interpretation.


1. Grammatically and logically completed offer.

3. Built according to the above formulas. It cannot contain a function C - teaching and z - judgment.

The derived formulas may already be a classification.

As a result, you can characterize the proverbs and sayings, which will better clarify their differences.

The study of folklore is important for the development of many sciences. Linguists, historians, psychologists, sociologists are treated for folklore. Ordering, knowledge accumulation in this area is necessary to strengthen national science and culture.


I. Buslaev F., Russian proverbs and sayings. Archive of historical and legal information, ed. N. Kalachev, t. II, vol. II, M., 1855.

2. Glagolevsky P., syntax of the language of Russian proverbs, St. Petersburg, 1874.

3. Dal V., Proverbs of the Russian People, Sat. Proverbs, sayings, rivers, progresses, cleanrs, additives, mysteries, belts, M., 1862 (ed. 2, SPb, 1879, 2 TT.);

4. Dikarev M. A., Proverbs, sayings, take the attention and beliefs of the Voronezh lips., Voronezh Ethnographic Collection, Voronezh, 1891.

Illustras I. I., the life of the Russian people in his proverbs and sayings, ed. 3, M., 1915.

5. Kazarin G., Collection of French proverbs and sayings (with translations and a dictionary), no. I and II, 1915.

Appendix No. 1.

With the name Ivan, Unnamed - Bolon.

Baby is not baptized - Bogdan (custom).

Born, not baptized, so Bogdashka.

Captured Pop Ivan, yes, people nicknamed.

Ivanov, like mushrooms of froths.

All damn Ivan Ivanovich.

Ivan bad and in teyah (Ivan-tea, Cophorish tea).

There are no names against Ivan (MN.); No icons against Nicol.

One Ivan - should; Two Ivan - you can; Three Ivan - it is not possible (the German said Ivan Ivanovich Ivanova).

On the Vanka will not leave (pervolors in St. Petersburg).

Ivan Marya is not a comrade. Ivan Marya ordinary friend.

Foku yes Yakov and forty knows.

Fofan with the belonging, and Sidor with a fiber.

And on the road to know that the season is called.

Uncle Moseja loves fish without bones.

Emel fool. Ivan the Fool. Mottery fool.

It became bad: a pointer of Anaha.

Fomka Thief: Fish Fish Fish.

Sergey (Seryozha) - Ear Prouch (Plut).

In people Ananya (Las), and the houses of the canal.

Aleha is not a trick; Sdura is straight.

In the three brothers, fools - Ivanushki, and single - Emeleya da Afoni.

Filim Ivanovich and Marya Ivanovna (Filin and Owl).

Mikhail Potapovich Toptygin (bear).

Matrena Mikhailovna Toptygin (Medveditsa; She is Avdota, Akulina, Marfushka, Matrona).

Mashka goat da Vaska goat.

Marya Vasilyevna da Vasil Vasylich (goat with a goat).

Vaska goes, the beard shakes.

Makar Yes Cat - Mosquito Yes Moshka.

Vanka, stand up; Seven, let's go; Yes, go and you, Isai!

You, Isai, go up! you, Denis, go to the bottom; And you, Gabrillo, will carry out for my though!

Roman - leather pocket.

There are no thieves against novels, there are no drunks against Ivanov.

Our Demid does not look there.

Foku's side, and the Demide looks straight.

Gorky cousin is bitter and dat.

On the poor macar and the bumps are lying.

Stepanidushka will make all the tail.

Kathersa Katerina - a leg of Golubin.

Petka-cock on the eggs of the rubbish.

Pavlushka - Copper forehead.

Marya Marina is a pigeon's eyes.

Sasha, Masha - Fu, what's the giant!

Sasha - Cancas, Mashki - Bukashki, Marinushki - Ringale.