Imagine Dragons: group composition, discography and interesting facts. Group Imagine Dragons - Composition, Photo, Clips, Listening songs Imagine Dragons Download all tracks

Imagine Dragons: group composition, discography and interesting facts. Group Imagine Dragons - Composition, Photo, Clips, Listening songs Imagine Dragons Download all tracks
Imagine Dragons: group composition, discography and interesting facts. Group Imagine Dragons - Composition, Photo, Clips, Listening songs Imagine Dragons Download all tracks

The music of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS carries some kind of supernatural charge of a positive, which magnetically attracts music lovers with absolutely different tastes.

The main styles in which the participants of Imagine Dragons are played - alternative and indie rock. But the musicians are not limited to these genres. There are many pop rocks and electronics in their work, and even folk rock and hip-hop in some places.

Unlike young rock bands, which years cannot move from garages to the stage, this unusual team almost immediately declared itself as a new star in the world of modern rock music.

Start history Imagine Dragons

The frontman of the group Imagine Dragons Dan Reynolds (Dan Reynolds) began to make his first steps in music in the form of a piano for another 6 years. Then at the age of 13, he secretly joined the elder brother's computer to enable the sound recording feature and make sketches of songs about their teenage experiences and disappointments.

But actually the history of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS began a little bit later - in 2008When Reynolds meets Andrew Tolman's drummer (Andrew Tolman) while studying at the University of Brigham Yang.

Having found the similarity of musical tastes and life aspirations, two students decide to create a group, which is joined by the guitarist Andrew Back (Andrew Back), Basist Dave Lameke (Dave Lemke) and Keyboard / Aurora Florence (Aurora Florence).

The fluidity of the composition of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS

In the next 9 years, the composition of Imagine Dragons changes repeatedly. Therefore, if you are not a fan that wants to know all the smallest details from the history of the group, you can skip the next two paragraphs.

Without waking in the group and year, BEK and Florence go. Then in 2009, Tolman invites you to Wayne Sermon (Wayne Sermon) into the team for the role of a guitarist of his school friend. A little later, Andrew leads to the group of his wife Brittany Tolman, which takes place behind the keys and sings on back-vocals. After that, lemk goes and the place of bassist is occupied by Ben McKee (Ben McKee) at the invitation of Surmin.

In 2011, Spouses Tolman leave the group. Macca invites Driel Platzman to the place of Driver Platzman, and instead of Brittany on the keys comes Teres Flaminio (Theresa Flaminio) so that only six months later go away. After her, the group did not have a permanent keyboard player, but Ryan Walker (2012-2015), William Wells (2015-2017) and Eliot Schwartzman (2017- ...) were invited for concert tours.

Today is permanent The composition of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS - Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Dan Reynolds (the only one who was delayed in the group from the moment of its foundation and to the present day), guitarist Wayne Sermon, bassist Ben Mackey and Drummer Daniel Platzman.

Through thorns to the stars at the accelerated option

Imagine Dragons began his musical career with the fact that they won in the university "battle of groups" and several other contests of the local value (in the state of Utah).

The first song "Speak to Me" Imagine Dragons is recorded in the year of creating a group (2008) in its original composition.

Then Rainolds makes the decision to carry the group (already with an updated composition) in Las Vegas to home. The team begins to regularly performTrue, at first, mostly at night - in casino and strip bars.

But after speaking at festivals Vegas Music Summit (as headlines, in front of a 26-thousand audience) and Bite of Las Vegas (the most sought-after group 2010), everything changes: Invitations for radio-esters; Loud ranks ("Best Indi-Group 2010", "Best Plate 2011", etc.), awarded by authoritative music editions; Contract with a major recording label (Interscope Records).

Until the signing of the contract, the Group has time to record three mini albums. The Debut EP "Imagine Dragons" is released on September 1, 2009. Next year, June 1, the second EP "Hell and Silence" comes out. The third mini-album "IT'S Time" was released on March 12, 2011.

The fourth EP "Continued Silence" is already available on the Interscope label (02/12/12). Track №1 «Radioactive» Lightningly conquers top positions in music charts Worldwide, nominated by one and a half dozen awards (4 wins) and later becomes a business card of the team. In the US, this track received the status of a diamond Following sales (more than 10 million copies).

All 4 mini-albums are quite warmly perceived by critics and listeners. (especially "Continued Silence"). Subsequently, Rainolds reports that with the help of these releases, the group "proven" the soilTo release a really cool debut album.

What actually they did - September 4, 2012 comes out "Night Visions", recorded under the leadership of the alex yes Kida producer.

Did not have time to go out like immediately began to "shoot cream": 1st place - in Scottish Albums and three Top Charts Billboard ("Rock Albums", "Alternative Albums" and "Catalog Albums"); 2nd - in Billboard 200 and British Chart; Other top places in weekly charts are 20 more countries.

In just 2 weeks, 83,000 copies were sold, which made the record the most successful debut album since 2006.

Following the sales, the album Imagine Dragons "Night Visions" took Gold in 7 countries. And "Platina" in 14. Of these - 4 times 2 times "platinum" (Austria, Mexico, Sweden, USA) and once 3 times (Canada)!

Also among the achievements of the Debut Album Imagine Dragons, the Billboard Music Awards of 2014 is a victory in the Top Rock Album nomination. And the "Radioactive" composition, which Longplay inherited from the previous EP, the magazine Rolling Stone called the "biggest rock hit of the year."

Repeated, not so deafening, but still success

Before released the second album, Imagine Dragons decided to go on the proven path of "tillage tackling" - releasing mini-releases.

At first, EP "The Archive" (February 12, 2013) was released. The group then wrote three soundtrack: "Monster" - for the IOS-game "Infinity Blade III"; "Battle Cry" - for the film "Transformers: Epoch of extermination"; "Warriors" - for film "Divergent, Chapter 2: Insurgent".

And finally after the release of three more singles ("I Bet My Life", "Gold" and "SHOTS"), when the musicians realized that most of the new tracks "went" to listeners and critics, the output of the second plate was announced.

The release of the album Imagine Dragons "Smoke + Mirrors" took place on February 17, 2015. The world tour has passed in its support for almost a year (12.04.15-05.02.16).

Also, a video concert "Smoke + Mirrors Life" was removed to the album's outlet. He was shown in cinemas around the world on March 2, 2016.

This time, criticism against the album was more mixed - For the most part positive, but there were also evaluations with the mark "Middlely". In particular, Metacritic rated Smoke + Mirrors to 60/100.

As for the chart achievements of the second album, he mostly repeated the success of the debut plate, I lifted the bar even above: 1st place in Canada, Scotland, Britain and three charts of the American Billboard.

And here with sales this time I went a little more modest - just "golden" status in 7 countries. Although, agree, to call such results to failure the language still does not rotate.

Fresh portion of indie rock from group Imagine Dragons

Fans of the group can already cook their ears: new album "Evolve" (The name is stylized as ǝvolve) will come out very soon - June 23.

The fact that the record will turn out to be high-quality, one can judge the already released singles.

In 2016, the songs of Imagine Dragons "Sucker for Pain" and "Levitate" came out. The latter continued the soundtrack "tradition" and sounded in the film "Passengers".

And this year the group pleased with the compositions "Thunder", "Whatever IT Takes", "Walking the Wire" and undisputed hit "Believe", in the clip on which Dolph Lundgren. And if the rest of the songs will be at the same level, we are simply an excellent album.

In addition, Dan Reynolds argues that in comparison with the two previous full-length Evolve is the evolution of Imagine Dragons.

Also in support of the third album is scheduled to be scheduled, which starts on September 26. True, while the musicians plan to restrict themselves with the cities of America.

It is still for us that it remains to wait for the release to publish on the same day) and hope that someday the group of Imagine Dragons will look with the concert and in our edges.

Several interesting facts about Imagine Dragons

1. The creative process in the group is usually reduced to the imposition of each participant of its batch on a pre-created computer model. After the information, according to the frontman of the Dan Reynolds group, from this peculiar puzzle and the composition is obtained in the form in which it already comes to the ears of the listeners.

Therefore even the performers themselves do not know what the next song will beuntil you finish it.

2. The "Old-timers" groups have quite interesting features.

Macca does not feel taste Spices and is fond of sewing hats.

Sermon suffers from insomnia And composes music at night.

Reynolds - Mormon.And he also suffers from depression and anxious behavior. In addition, he has a joint and wife of Aja Volkman (Aja Volkman) Project Egyptian.

3. Although the translation of the name of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS ("Present Dragons" or "Imagination of Dragons") is self-sufficient, in fact this is anagram, the decoding of which only the musicians themselves know.

But it did not stop the fans from hypotheses. The most popular - "accumulated orgasm" ("Gained in Orgasm"), "twins are so great" ("A Gemini SO Grand"), "desiring mango" ("Desiring a mango") and "Radio for men in age" (" Aged Men's Radio).

4. The team has a total of nominated 73 times on various musical awards, having received 23 Victory.

5. In addition to those already mentioned in the article, the Group Imagine Dragons "noted" and in other film works and games. Their music in total is used as the soundtracks in almost five dozen movies and "toys".

The most famous: Movies "Iron Man 3", "Self-suicide detachment", "Legend", "Guest", "Frankenvini", "Continuum", "Kung Fu Panda 3", "Angry Birds in Cinema"; The series "Strela", "Vampire Diaries", "Lucifer", "Sota", "True Blood", "Beauty and the Beast", "Riverdale", "Orange - Hit of the Season"; Games "Assassin's Creed III", "FIFA 13", "Battlefield: Hardline", "Uncharted 4".

Last updated: August 9th, 2017 by Rockstar

An incredibly sought-after American team, who conquered all sorts of musical charts, who won the hearts of millions of fans is Imagine Dragons. The composition of the group is not the coherent boys, which were popular in the 90s, and ordinary guys who simply love to write music and make it very high quality and with a soul. They are called indie rock band, because it is quite difficult to fit such diverse and unusual creativity into the framework of some particular genre. The history of the formation of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS, by the way, also not from banal.

From religion to music

Dan Reynolds, the future founder and ideological inspirer of the group, was born in a large family of Mormons in 1987. He was the seventh son of nine children whose parents were very conservative. This imposed a strong imprint on the psyche of the young man, and he tried his experiences to throw out his work. After graduating from school, Dan with a religious mission was sent to Nebraska and also studied at the University of Brigham Yang (Utah), in the town called Provo. It was there that a religion went to the background, and not the first music came out when Reynolds became friends with Andrew Tamen. Young people in 2008 founded their group, which soon got the name of Imagine Dragons. The group of group changed the first time, while the participants searched for themselves, their direction, fulfilling a cable, trying to compose original music. An interesting fact known to all fans of the team's creativity: the name is an anagram, but as it is decrypted, no one, except the participants themselves, does not know, although the fans have shifted thousands of options. It is possible that there is also true, that's just the musicians did not confirm none, and it is hardly done.

Guys from Vegas

So, by the beginning of 2009, two very talented and ambitious guys began to collect a musical team. Soon the school comrade Tolmann was joined - Guitarist Uyen Sermon. He brought his friend from Berkeley - bass guitarist Ben Metka. That was the first composition of the group of Imagine Dragons. In September, they released their first mini-album with the same name, and the next two years also produced one EP (mini-album per year). But besides persistent work on creating your own music, the team fought diligently for their own survival and was taken for any speeches, one day they opened even a concert of Mim.

Becoming in Utah, the guys moved to the native city of Dan - Las Vegas, where their main concert venues were casino and strip clubs. There, they performed mostly cavities, including the program and composition of their own essay. Soon about the group spoke, they began to invite to various festivals. And a little later, one of their mini-albums fell into the hands of the famous producer Alex de Kida (who worked with Eminem himself), who became interested in an unusual team, saw their potential and offered them cooperation.

Teaching frames

Over the years of becoming, the composition of the group of IMAGINE DRAGONS has repeatedly changed. The names of Rainolds and Surmons remained unchanged, but at different times at the team visited Andrew BEK in 2008 (specialization - electric guitar and vocals) and Dave Lamk from 2008 to 2009 (specialization - bass guitar and vocals), and even whole Three Aurora Florence girls (2008, keyboards, violin, vocals), Brittany Tolman (2009-2011, keyboards, vocals) and Teresa Flaming (2011-2012, keyboards).

By the way, one of the founders of the Dragons (as the fans call), Drummer Andrew Tolman, left the project in 2011 along with his wife Brittany, and a little later they created their own group. To his flourishing, the composition of the group IMAGINE DRAGONS was: Dan Reynolds, Wayne Sermon, Ben Mackey and Drummer Dan Platzman, who came to replace the past Tolman. It remains unchanged to this day.

Climbing Music Olympus

In 2012, the dragons released two more mini albums, which finally began to bring financial fruits. The group was very diligently and carefully prepared for the output of a full-fledged plate. And in September of the same year, this significant event happened. The Album "Night Visions" was on the record lines at the top of all charts, for a long time was in the top and was twice platinum.

Imagine Dragons were named the brightest star 2013, and the output of the album is the most striking event of the year. All sorts of awards fell on them as an abundance horns, including the most prestigious musical Permia "Grammy". The Radioactive Track became the biggest rock hit of the year according to the magazine version it was a real starry hour in the biography of the group Imagine Dragons.

Work, work and work again

Without stopping at what was achieved, the team toured very actively, conquering all new hearts of fans, filmed clips and prepared material for a new album. Almost a three-year break between the outputs of the plates was very saturated. And in September 2015, a second album appeared in the biography of Imagine Dragons. "Smoke + Mirrors" did not become a platinum as the "firstborn", but received a deserved "gold" and his share of grand hits and, of course, brought the team new awards. And in less than two years later, the musicians pleased the fans of the third plate called "Evolve", which was submitted to the general public in May 2017. There were no four months, and the main topic of the album, "Believe", has already become the "best song in the rock / alternative genre" and received a reward on Teen Choice Awards.

Dragon music

This unusual team can be safely considered a record holder in the number of use of their songs as soundtracks. Some IMagine Dragons projects recorded songs specifically, in others used existing, but, anyway, a list of popular films and TV shows, where the music of the dragons sounds, is incredibly impressive. ONLY "RADIOACTIVE" What is worth! It can be heard in the movies "Guest", "Continuum", "the warmth of our bodies", the series "Strela", "Vampire Diaries", "hundred", "Real Blood", as well as in the game "Assassin's Creed 3" and so on . Before the release of the first full-fledged album, Imagine Dragons produced several soundtracks to large-scale projects of cinema in the form of singles. Among them were "WHO WE ARE" for the film "Hungry Games: and flames will flash" and "Battle Cry" to the fourth "transformers". Also as the Soundtracks of the Dragon Song sounds in the series "Gossip", "Beauty and the Beast", "Force Maja", "Riverdale" and many others, and among the films you can find in Insurgent, Iron Man 3, "Good To be quiet, "" suicide detachment "," passengers "and even in Panda Kung Fu 3, and this is not the entire list.

This article contains the most important information about the group Imagine Dragons: biography, composition, discography. But this is not all that fans would like to know about favorite musicians, because personal life, habits, favorite idols of idols are interested in fans no less. So, some interesting facts about the participants of the group:

  • Rainolds is married, he has the eldest daughter Arrow Yves and two newborn baby koko and Jia, and, together with his wife, Aidges Volkman, he is engaged in another musical project called Egyptian. This is their family hobby. All his life, the singer is fighting depressed, but it is in such a state that he writes his hits. It claims that the family is his best medicine from a long-time illness.
  • Surmons call the "wing", his wife is Alexander's wife, and he is a happy father of two sons of the weather: River James and Wolfgang. The musician at night instead of sleep compounds songs (he has insomnia).
  • Mackey - Hat Master. Sewing is his hobby.
  • The group adores the drums, actively engaged in charity, loves to "hang" in social networks and communicate with fans.

Imagine Dragons - Popular Indi-Rock Group from America, which has become a real sensation and does not cease to surprise their listeners around the world for many years. Their music unites people with absolutely different tastes. All this is due to the unreal charge of positive energy, drive, feeling the completeness of life in their texts and feed. These guys won recognition from the very beginning career and hold it so far. The phenomenon of their popularity is due to what they do what many missed: high-quality bright music in the rock genre, combined with life-affirming meaning.

Brief history of the group

It all started in 2008, with the acquaintance of the future main soloist Dan Reynolds with Andrew Tolman, who played the drums in the private Mormon University Brigham Yang, where they were both student. Young people decided to unite and invited other participants to their team: Andrew Beck (guitar), Dave Lemk (bass) and Aurora Florence (keyboards). Soon the first victories came to the university "Battle of Groups" and similar contests. Few people know that in the same year this composition was released a mini-album of five songs called "Speak to Me". And already at that stage, the group had many fans in the US state of Utah, especially in the city of Provo, where the university of its founders is located. But in the same 2008, Beck and Florence left the team.

2009 was marked by the arrival of a new guitarist - Wayne Sermonon, part-time than the old friend of Tolman, who graduated from that time a musical college. For the performance of vocal parties and games on the piano, the wife of the Brittany Tolman drummer was invited. A little later from the makeup leaves the lemk. His place will take a friend of Ren Macca College, playing on the bass guitar.

The performers decide to move to the homeland of Solist - Las Vegas. During this period, two plates were released: "Imagine Dragons", "Hell and Silence". Then the group appears most often in the entertainment facilities of the type of casino and striptease-bars. However, in a new place the chance of success was more.

The wider fame came by the will of the case: the soloist of the recognized Rock group Train seriously fell shortly to the largest Bite of Las Vegas 2009 festival. Imagine Dragons performed instead of them before the audience more than 26 thousand people! A year later, they will be invited to the same event as "the most demanded group 2010". Now Imagine Dragons can be heard on the radio, they get the titles of the "Best Indi-Group 2010". The third album called "IT" S TIME "2011 issued a team of the first contract with a large label, as well as a prize for the" best plate of 2011 ". Tolmanov's family leaves the team to which Daniel Platcomans will be joined in And Teresa Flaminio (keyboards). The latter stayed in the composition for a long time and in early 2012 left the team, making it a quarter, which it remains to this day. Since then, this is a male group.

The fourth album "Continued Silence" is released in collaboration with Interscope for the Day of St. Valentina 2012. This, as well as the previous three EP (mini-album), are well accepted by professional critics and ordinary listeners. According to Reynolds, thanks to these releases, the musicians were able to understand how it was better to develop in the future to make the most cool album.

And they got them! 09/04/2012 A large debut plate "Night Visions" came out, which immediately occupied all the honorable places in the charts of more than 20 countries of the world. For two weeks, 83 thousand copies sold out. This is the most triumphal debut since 2006. The album became "gold" in seven states, and Platinum in fourteen, including four of them "twice platinum": in the United States, Mexico, Sweden, Austria. In Canada, the release has become such a three times! He received the title of the best rock album according to the Billboard Music Award, and also nominated as an international album of the year on the Juno Prize. The Billboard edition called the performers "the most bright new stars 2012", as well as presented them with the status of a "breakthrough group of 2013".

In order for the next full-scale album to be as successful, the musicians went through the distributed way of editions of mini-releases, experimenting in them by checking the reaction of the public. At the beginning of 2013, EP "The Archive" was released. Soundtracks were recorded: "Battle Cry" (for the new film "Transformers"), "Warriors" ("Divhegent, Ch. 2: Insurgent"), "Monster" (to the game "). In addition, individual singles were presented. In most cases, the creativity of this period in the people was made well. Artists began to write the second largest record.

In the same year, Imagine Dragons went with a tour of Europe and America, which was called Night Visions, presenting its same album. Their glory was so great that the organizers had to add to the planned concerts 13 more. The tickets were excavated by everything, and the price remained democratic. Even at the same time fees were huge. As a result, the musicians fell into the top 20 concert tours according to Pollstar. According to the results of these trips, release was released with the recording of live performances.

Artists have repeatedly admitted that they write music they are on the road. The road gives a sea of \u200b\u200bbright impressions and inspires them for creativity. Relatively soon after completion of the tour, the fresh plate "Smoke + Mirrors" appeared (02/17/2015). In conversations with journalists, Reynolds marked their overall inclination for perfectionism, work on the second studio album was thorough. The guys care about their creative reputation.

The result of this work was tour worldwide, a duration of more than 9 months. In this case, it did not follow that deafening success. Critics found it "Middle", the disk was sold by somewhat smaller than the circulation.

After the work done, the Group announced his resting care for about a year, leaving fans a whole film about their concert life "Imagine Dragons in Concert: Smoke + Mirrors". However, this promise did not succeed. After a few months, two soundtrack came out. A large response was caused by the "Sucker for Pain" composition, in contrast to the sensory film "Self-suicide" for which it was recorded.

Singles to the third studio album became real hits: "Believe", "Thunder", "Whatever IT Takes". The frontman himself appreciated the work done, as an exit to a qualitatively new stage of development. However, the critics do not dorm, some of them the record with the speaker name "Evolve" seemed an attempt to divert the masses of fans, and not the realization of the potential. Be that as it may, but many tracks really fired. Great here is a combination of genres. Thanks to him, every listener fell in love among the songs released something his own.

Interesting Facts

  • According to the soloist, each musician separately writes its part of the future track. Until his none of them knows how the final version will sound.The ideas and demo versions of many tracks are recorded by artists during the tour.
  • The performers often leave Easterhouse to the future album in their social networks, offering a fan to guess their meaning. Often, the first guess sent some prize.
  • Frontman Dan Reynolds told that at the time of writing a song He is immediately born the idea for a video clip.
  • Ben Mackey (bassist) has golden hands: loves and knows how to sew. Oddly enough, he is a pro in the manufacture of hats.Another feature of this man is the insensitivity of taste receptors: it practically does not feel spices.
  • Wayne Sermon (Guitarist) often suffers from insomnia. However, he knows how to use it for good, writing music at night.
  • Dan Reynolds Despite the good, optimistic songs, is subject to panic attacks and depression. Creativity helps him to cope and find the right path.He was born in the Mormon family. Mother and father adhered to strict views on raising children, which influenced the boy. He was trained in Mormon organizations.Dan was a seventh child of nine.The frontman participates in parallel in general with his wife Ajia Volkman Music Association Egyptian.
  • Artists carefully monitor the reaction of the public to their activities. So, Reynolds studies all mention of them in the Instagram social network after the speeches.
  • The name of the collective consists of a real and quite logical phrase. Translated from English, it means "imaging dragons." However, this anagram, the meaning of which is not known to anyone except the guys themselves. Fans come up with a lot of comic versions, but the truth remains hidden.
  • The group has more than 70 nominations for a variety of music premiums. Of these, 23 victories.
  • Caverits - this is what loves to execute the group. It was from them and the career of the guys began.
  • Reynolds with his brothers and sisters as a child shot all sorts of video, some of which entered the clip on the song "Roots". Creativity was inherent in the future singer from an early age.

Best songs

Select a small number of the best compositions from the whole set is very difficult. The fact is that all the creation of the group is very original and interesting. Didnave diverse work.

  • One of the loudest hits of Imagine Dragons is undoubtedly " RadioActive." It was from her for a musical team that the road to the world glory was opened in 2012 ODU. The song received fifteen nominations in various charts, in four of them won a confident victory. According to the Rolling Stone edition, this is the "biggest rock hit of the year." More than 10 million copies were sold in America. This track love fans so far. He sounds fresh, instills faith in his own strength, contains the most powerful charge of energy.

"Radioactive" (Listen)

  • « Roots." Good, sentimental track dedicated to its roots: family, hometown, place, where a person has grew. The musical component is estimated far from unambiguously, but it's an art to be perceived by each in their own way, but still the emphasis here on the atmosphere. Strengthens the impression of the clip, which combines the video sequence of childhood and touring life, underlining longing to distant and love people.

"Roots" (Listen)

  • « GOLD." Song with a truly charming chorus from Smoke + Mirrors album. The message is that not always concise material benefits are the key to true happiness. Having a lot of wealth, a person can lose all human in himself.

"GOLD" (Listen)

  • « Sucker for Pain." This composition was recorded on the film from the Marvel "Self-suicide detachment" together with the Hip Hop group of performers, including Lil Wein. On the day of publication, the song was published on her (06/24/2016). The chaining track, with a particularly memorable melody of Imagine Dragons. The song is warmly encountered critics and fans.

"Sucker for Pain" (Listen)

  • « Believer" The strongest entry from the disk "Evolve" is as popular as the first in this list. The text rises an eternal topic of fighting with all obstacles, the way forward despite the pain obtained in the break. Dan Reynolds vocals reveals here in full power. This is the main hit of the last album.

"Believe" (Listen)

Films and games in which Music Imagine Dragons sounds

Movie / game


"Rivertail" (serial, 2017)

"Thunder", Believe "

"Passengers" (2016)


"Suicide Squad" (2016)

"Sucker for Pain"

"See you with you" (2016)


"Angry Birds in Cinema" (2016)

"On Top of the World"

"Kung Fu Panda 3" (2016)


"Hungry games: and flames will flash" (2013)


Iron Man 3 (2013)


"Assassin's Creed III" (game, 2012)


"League of Legends" (Game, 2014)


"Transformers: Epoch of extermination" (2014)

"Battle Cry", "All for You"

"Continuum" (2015)


Imagine Dragons is an unusual rock band. It cannot be seen in the sugary beauties, in which girls from all over the world would have fallen in love. However, these guys were able to win love and recognition due to their sincerity, charisma and dedication. Vocalist's voice at concerts is even more beautiful than in the record. Artists are not standing in place: each release marks the new stage of their creativity, brings the original sound and video sequence. We hope that their energy and potential is enough for many years.

Video: Listen to Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons is an American group whose genre is difficult to determine in one word. Thanks to a unique musical style, which reflects the elements of rock and roll, indie rock, alternative trends and pop music, "Dragons" so love all over the world. At the moment, the group of 4 participants: frontman Dan Reynolds, bassist Ben Maki, guitarist Wayne Sermon and drummer Dan Platzman.

History of creation

The founder of the band Dan Reynolds was born in a large, religious and very conservative family, which is not welcomed by the open expression of your emotions and feelings. Studio for the creative boy was a passion for the music he devoted his whole life. At the age of six, he began to master the game on the piano, and in Thirteen Thai, he was chosen to the computer of the senior brothers to record the sketches of his first songs.

In 2008, the young man became acquainted with the striker Andrew Tolman, who also studied at the University of Brigam Yang. The guys quickly agreed on the soil of identical musical addictions and decided to organize their own group. Soon they were joined by guitarist and vocalist Andrew Pro, Keyman, and part-time violinist Aurora Florence and Basist Dave Lamka.

The team was decided to name Imagine Dragons, which is an analog, the value of which is known only to the first participants in the group. Of course, fans are building many theories, among which there are absolutely insane options: "Aged Men's Radio" (radio for older men), "Desiring a mango" (Wishing mango), "A Gemini So Grand" (such huge twins). The initial phrase is still kept in secret, the musicians only claim that during which time there were so many interesting versions that the original will probably seem boring fans.

The main stages of creativity

In 2008, the guys with enthusiasm began rehearsals, and after a few months they won the university musical competition. In the same year, Imagine Dragons recorded their first SPEAK TO ME single, the release of which was the first step towards success.

The group was unexpectedly left Beck and Florence, and the place was taken by Andrew Tolman, the long-time buddy Reynolds on a college, and his wife Brittany. Later, the buddy of Vocalist Daniel "Wayne" was joined by Vocalist, and the group in the renovated staff moved from Utah to Las Vegas, Dan's hometown. There the musicians rented the studio and started writing a debut album, in parallel playing casino and nightclubs.

Their first noticeable success was the performance at the Bite of Las Vegas festival, where they replaced the TRAIN group, which was replaced by the frontman's disease. Almost thirty thousandth crowd of the audience, who came to the concert, was warmly met by anyone who was not a well-known group, and musical critics broke out by the flow of flattering reviews about their speech.

Imagine Dragons received several local awards, including the "best album of 2011" according to the VEGAS 7 edition, the "best local India group" according to Las Vegas Weekly magazine. They were to invite them to television, and soon the musicians signed a contract with the Label Interscope Records.

By that time, they had three successful mini albums and was ready for the fourth material. Before that, the musicians were not solved to start recording a full-fledged plate and told the soil, but the success of the next EP "Continued Silence" finally convinced them in the correctness of the selected direction.

The Single Radioactive became an absolute leader in world music charts, nominated for fifteen awards (won four) and received a diamond status in the US sales for 2012.

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

All this time, the staff of the team constantly changed. Ben Mackey came to the lemk to the group, and the village of Tolmanov took Dan Platzman and Teresa Flalamio. The latter was delayed for only six months, and after her departure, Imagine Dragons turned into a quartet, in which only Dan Reynolds, ideological inspirer and founder of the group remained from old participants.

Frequent rotations did not affect the quality of the musical material, and in September 2012, a full-length album Night Visions was released, the producer of which Alex da Kid spoke. Even before his appearance, two singles from this plate came to the prestigious list of the Billboard, and the clip on the song "IT's Time" became a nominee for the MTV Award. In parallel, the musicians recorded the soundtracks to the films "Hungry Games", "Divergent" and "Transformers", as well as musical accompaniment to the FIFA video game.


It is not surprising that the first eighty thousand copies of the long-awaited album of the group were borne in the first week, which became an incredible indicator for debutants. Night Visions was recognized as the best rock album in the United States and took leading positions in all world charts. According to the results of sales, the record has become gold in seven countries, platinum - in fourteen.

In support of the album Imagine Dragons, they went to the Grand World Tour, which passed with a deafening success. Already at the very beginning of the tour, the musicians started creating a material for a new collection, recording the demo version of new songs in the intervals between performances.

Interview with Imagine Dragons (Europe Plus)

Artists were inspired by the impressions obtained during traveling in various countries and continents, which could not not affect their work. By the end of the tour, they were ready for about fifty a wide variety of songs, of which they had to choose the foundation for the next album.

In the fall of 2014, the fans were able to evaluate the Single "I Bet My Life" from the new collection (Dane Dekhan starred on the song), and at the end of the year, the next album "Smoke + Mirrors" was widely announced in social networks. In February 2015, the disk entered official sale, and in the summer the group went to another large-scale tour, which visited Russia. When the interest of fans has reached apogee, the light saw the Evolve experimental album. The collection of half a year lasted in the top ten Billboard and was nominated twice on Grammy. At the same time, many critics called him the weakest album of the summer of 2017 and scolded for the complete absence of harmony and poverty.

Collaboration with other artists

  • Radioactive in the Dark - Imagine Dragons Ft. fall out Boy
  • Sucker for Pain - Imagine Dragons Ft. Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Logic, Ty Dolla Sign, X Ambassador


  • Night Visions (2012)
  • Smoke + Mirrors (2015)
  • Evolve (2017)

Group Imagine Dragons now

In the fall of 2017, the team went to the touring tour in America, and in the summer of 2018 he planned to visit Moscow and Kiev. In March 2018, the performers recorded a clip for the song "Next to Me".

Imagine Dragons - Next To Me