ICT in musical education of preschoolers. Consultation on the topic: "The use of ICT in the work of the musical leader of the preschool institution

ICT in musical education of preschoolers. Consultation on the topic: "The use of ICT in the work of the musical leader of the preschool institution

Music director MADOU "Kindergarten № 2" Bee "

Annotation: The article refers to the need to use information and communication technologies in organizing with children of direct-educational activities in the educational field "Music" .

Keywords: information and communicative technologies, teachers DOU, Games, Interactive training, Interactive Board.


The modern world is continuously changing, and our children change with him. Today, no doubt is the fact that modern children are very different not only from those who described in their writings and, but also from their peers of the last decades. It is not surprising, after all, life, educational models in the family, pedagogical requirements in kindergarten changed fundamentally changed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity entered the new stage of its development - scientists and politicians, entrepreneurs and teachers, are increasingly talking about the occurrence of an information era. Indeed, our life is already quite difficult to submit without the use of information technology. In a dynamically changing world, continuous improvement and complication of technologies, the informatization of the field of education acquires fundamental importance. This direction of development of the educational industry, as emphasized in state documents, is recognized as the most important national priority.

Today, informatization is one of the main ways to modernize the education system. This is due not only to the development of technology and technologies, but, above all, with changes that are caused by the development of the information society, in which information and ability to work with it becomes basic value, the development of projects and programs that contribute to the formation of a person of modern society.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education provides for such competences of a modern teacher as the ability to own information and communicative technologies and the ability to apply them in an educational process.

The relevance of the use of information technologies is due to the social need to improve the quality of education, education of preschool age, practical need for use in pre-school educational institutions of modern computer programs. Domestic and foreign studies of using a computer in preschool educational institutions convincingly prove not only the possibility and feasibility of these technologies, but also a special role of a computer in the development of intellect and the individual of the child (Research Yolova, I. Pashalit, B. Hunter, etc.).

In periodic printing, for several years, for several years, the problem of developing and implementing information and communication technologies in DOU has been discussed. Leading scientists and specialists in the field of pre-school education (, and etc.) Express your position "per" and "vs" ICT. Opponents of ICT as an argument lead data on the negative impact of long-term seating at a computer for the health of children. Our experience shows that the periodic use of ICT, namely the dosage of educational use of educational games contributes to the development of volitional qualities in children, teachs "Useful" games. The expedient use of information technologies in the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers confirms the work of foreign and domestic researchers (S. Peipet, B. Hunter, etc.). Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in pre-school education is carried out in our country, since 1987, on the basis of the center of them. researchers under the leadership ,. In 2008, the theoretical foundations of the application of scientific information technologies in the educational and educational work of the DOU began to actively create programs for preschoolers. Thus, we adhere to the point of view that with the competent use of technical means, with the right organization of the educational process, computer programs for preschoolers can be widely used in practice without risk to children's health.

Realizing that the informatization of society leads to informatization of education, I realized that the development of ICT is a vital necessity for every teacher of preschool education. Music teachers should keep up with the times, to become a guy to the world of new technologies of musical education. In the practice of the work of the music director, the use of information and communication technologies is a necessary means. The use of modern information technologies makes learning bright, memorable, interesting for the guys of any age, forms an emotionally positive attitude. All of the above allows you to organically include ICT in music classes.

The combination of information computer technologies and innovative pedagogical techniques increases the efficiency and quality of educational programs, strengthens the adaptability of the education system to levels and features of the development of students. This is the direction of the Law of the Russian Federation "On education" Proclaims as one of the basic principles of state policy in the field of education.

Kindergarten is part of society, and in it, as in a drop of water, reflect the same problems as in the whole country. Therefore, it is very important to organize the learning process so that the child is actively, with enthusiasm and interest in the musical lesson. To help the musical leader in solving this difficult task can be a combination of traditional learning methods and modern information technologies, including computer.

What are the computer functions in the pedagogical activities of the musical leader?

1. Source (educational, musical) information

2. Visual manual

3. Tool for text preparation, musical material, their storage

4. A means of preparation of speeches.

I am widely using ICT in various forms:

    Selection of illustrations for classes, registration of parental corners, information material for design stands, folders moving, selection and creation of additional cognitive material for classes; registration of booklets, electronic portfolio, materials in various areas of activity; Creation of presentations in the ROWER POINT program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities of children and pedagogical competence in parents in the process of holding parental meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of work schedule or event, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of classes. I am pleased to create a series of presentations for classes, holidays, pedagogical advice, parental meetings; paperwork (lists of children, information about parents, diagnosis of children's development, planning, reports, etc.). The computer greatly simplifies the process significantly saves time; use of the Internet in pedagogical activities, with the aim of informational and scientific and methodical support of the educational process in a preschool institution; creation of media calesses that are of interest both for teachers and parents; creation of email; Participation in the contests of different levels on the Internet.

Thus, with ICT, the informational interaction between the subjects of the information and communicative subject matter, which is the result of the formation of a more efficient learning model, the motivation to the study of public disciplines increases.

Analyzing the experience of using ICT in kindergarten, it can be said that the use of multimedia turns a living action, causing unfortunately in children, enthusiasm studied by material. The child not only sees, perceives, acts, he is experiencing emotions. After all, as you know, only the fact that the preschooler interested and caused some kind of emotional response, will become his own knowledge, will serve as an incentive for further discoveries.

However, the teacher of preschool education, using ICT technologies in its work with children, should always be remembered about the sense of measure. After all, the use of modern computer technologies in the musical education of preschoolers is only an additional means for the implementation of the goals and objectives set in front of the musical leader of the kindergarten. And the values \u200b\u200bof direct communication with the teacher, live music for babies remain indisputable.


1. Gorwitz Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who will work with a computer in kindergarten // Pre-school education. - 1991. - № 5;

2. Zakharov technology in education: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. establishments. - M., 2003;

3. Kalinina, information technologies in preschool childhood // Dow Management. - 2008. № 6;

4. Novosylova, S. L. "Computer World of Preschooler" //New school. - 1997. - № 3;

5. "Pedagogical Technologies based on Information and Communication Tools" . M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. (Series "Encyclopedia for educational technologies") .

6. Komarova, T. S. "Information and communication technologies in preschool education" / - M., 2011.

7. Information and communication technologies in education. Terms and Definitions. - M: Starotanform, 2007.

Marich developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education. Methodical recommendations for pedagogical workers of pre-school educational organizations and parents of preschool children / ,. - M.: Federal Institute for Education Development, 2014. - 96 p.

Internet resources:

1. "The use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of music in elementary school.

2. Guriev computerization of children's educational institutions.

3. "Using ICT in educational process."

4. "The concept of ICT and their role in the educational process"

5. Kruglov L. "Information technologies as part of cultural and informational environment of preschool children" .

"Application ICT

in the work of the music leader

The Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education provides for such competences of a modern teacher as the ability to own information and communicative technologies and the ability to apply them in an educational process. In the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development", the use of ICT reveals great opportunities. The use of a computer in a preschool institution made it possible to significantly revive joint educational activities with children. Computer technologies expand the ability of a musical leader in the presentation of musical and didactic material provided for by the educational program of a preschool institution. Colorful informative presentations, movies help to diversify the process of dating children with musical art, make a meeting with music brighter, interesting.

Musical classes using ICT strengthen the cognitive interest of preschoolers to music, activate children's attention, as new motives appear to absorb the proposed material. In such classes, children are usually more active in joint discussion of the musical work. Music occupation becomes more meaningful, harmonious and effective.

Means of new information technology I turn on all kinds of musical activity: listening to music, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, musical and didactic games, games on children's musical instruments.

So, in the "Hearing Music" section I use computer presentations that or create or find or finding the Internet. They allow you to enrich the process of emotionally-shaped knowledge, cause a desire to repeatedly listen to the musical work, help for a long time to remember the musical work proposed for hearing. Presentations are indispensable when familiarizing children with the work of composers, in this case bright portraits, photos attract the attention of children, develop cognitive activities, diverse the impressions of children. With the acquaintance with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, in the framework of the project, the children offering watching a cartoon for the "Children's Album".(View video) Moreover, children can listen to it in different versions and with different illustrative material. Then the children are offered to draw drawings by themselves, for which I can continue to also make a video. It is very clear to children after watching a video, for example, the character of the play "Hungry cat and a well-fed cat."(View video. Questions: "How many parts in this music? Determine the character of each part")

And such examples of using ICT when listening to music.

It is very interesting to use the didactic games to identify the mood of music, for example, the game "Jablock". First, children listen to a variekteric music, give her definitions, thanks to which the vocabulary is expanding, and then guess the character of the music that sounded. Let us play this game too.(Music and didactic game "Jablock")

It is interesting, it is bright and understandable to introduce preschoolers with different types of art, such as the theater, ballet, opera, demonstrating not only the photo material, but also videos.

Singing occupies a leading place in the system of musical and aesthetic education of children of preschool age. This type of activity also implies the use of new information technologies. Thus, the condition of good diction, expressive singing is the understanding of the meaning of words, the musical image of the song, so you can use electronic illustrations to various songs requiring explanations to the text. For example, in the song "Sunny drops" we specify the concept of "drops", so you can offer to see the illustration for the song that help to understand the meaning of the word.

It is very interesting to use ICT in grinding.(Slashing "Ship", "Dino")

In working with the children of the preparatory group, you can use video cards of familiar children's songs. I suggest you to fulfill one of them.(Singing Karaoke song)

The use of ICT when performing musical and rhythmic exercises, various dances helps children to accurately perform the instructions of the teacher, expressively perform movement. The high-quality execution of dance compositions contributes to viewing of special video discs, for example, according to the program "Ko-Ko-Sha".(Display of collections and disks on the program "Ko-Ko-Sha")

The process of learning dancing using educational video discs becomes fascinating and takes less time than with a verbal explanation of movements to dances and exercises. Especially effective I use such a reception in the work of the Rhythmic Mosaic Mosaic Correctional Compensation Groups for children with severe speech disorders. And there are such video creases for educators through which the dance learning they can easily continue in the group. We, too, with you now we are learning the dance.(Learning dance "palm")

Music and Didactic Games for the development of a rhythm feeling can also be organized using colorful voiced presentations.(Holding musical and didactic games to develop a feeling of the rhythm "Two Cats", "Fedorino Mount")

The principle of constructing the following presentations: The first slide is the task, the following - checking the correctness of the proposed task.(Holding the musical and didactic game "Guess the tool")

When learning, playing children's musical instruments, you can use video recordings of concerts of the symphony orchestra, orchestra of Russian folk instruments, solo sound of various tools; Explain what orchestra, a group of tools, to acquaint with the profession of conduits. After watching the video, children appear in the well-coordinated execution of music on children's musical instruments, properly recovery. Children really like to play music instruments on video sides. "Merry Matryoshka" - children play on the metal organophone (the color of the matryoshki corresponds to the color of the metalfone plate).

"Bear and Mouse" - you can use with children of the younger group.(Game on children's musical instruments)

"Sushch, quieter, silence" - here is the connection of singing with the game of tools. (Game on children's musical instruments)

"Orchestra under the Christmas tree" - junior preschoolers can also cope.(Game on children's musical instruments)

"Kolobok" is a wonderful musical material for use in dramatization of fairy tales. (Game on children's musical instruments)

The system of musical education in kindergarten assumes not only a variety of types of musical education, but also the variability of the forms of musical activity of children. This is a joint musical and educational activities, holidays, entertainment, thematic evenings, concerts, staging, leisure evening and other. For any form of musical activity, too, there are presentations, movies, videos, slideshows, records of children's speeches on matinees, educational training films, children's cartoons. All this allows you to diversify leisure activities, attract the attention of children, call an emotional rise, create a joyful mood. Multimedia presentations were used on holidays - Defender Day of the Fatherland, March 8, May 9, Issue to school.(View video from graduation)

The use of ICT is not only in working with children. Consultations and seminars for educators also pass using presentations, slideshows. ICT makes it possible to submit documentation for educators, specialists and administrations (consultations, monitoring analysis, familiarization with the annual perspective plan and the report on the work done).

In working with parents I use a personal site, where we place consultations for parents, educators and colleagues, photos from events, the achievements of pupils, etc.(Showing site page)

Through the use of modern information and communication technologies in directly educational activities in the educational field "Music", the pupil from the passive listener turns into an active participant in the process, the occupation becomes more bright, rich and interesting. The use of information technology tools allows the process of learning and developing a child is quite effective, opens up new opportunities for musical education not only for a child, but also for the music leader.

May 07, 2015.

State budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten number 27 of the combined type of Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

"Using information and communication technologies

In the work of the music leader

Fateeva O.I.,

music leader GDDOU №27

"Each participant of the educational process

himself decides to keep up with the future

or flutter your heels back "

Anatoly Gin.

Head of International

laboratory of educational technologies

"Education for a new era"

Modern ICT and their role in the education system.

Informatization today is considered as one of the main ways to modernize the education system. This is due not only to the development of technology and technologies, but, above all, with changes that are caused by the development of the information society, in which information and ability to work with it becomes basic value, the development of projects and programs that contribute to the formation of a person of modern society. The main purpose of pedagogical teams is to create conditions for identifying and developing the abilities of each child, the formation of a personality having strong basic knowledge and capable of adapting to the conditions of modern life. Informatization of education should be considered as one of the important means of achieving the goal. At the same time, there is a solution to a number of consecutive tasks: technical equipment, the creation of didactic funds, the development of new technologies of training, etc., defining the stages of the process of modernization of the education system.

The informatization of society has significantly changed the practice of everyday life. And we, teachers-musicians, should keep up with the times, to become a guy to the world of new technologies of musical education.

What is ICT?

In practice, information technologies are called all technologies using special technical information products (computer, audio, video, movies). When computers began to be widely used in education, the term appeared "New Information Technology" . Generally speaking, any pedagogical technology is an information technology, since the basis of the technological training process is information and its transformation. A more successful term for learning technologies using a computer is a computer technology.

Computer (new information) learning technology is the process of preparing and transmitting information to a trainee, the implementation of which is a computer.

Kindergarten is part of society, and in it, as in a drop of water, reflect the same problems as in the whole country. Therefore, it is very important to organize the learning process so that the child is actively, with enthusiasm and interest in the musical lesson. To help the musical leader in solving this difficult task can be a combination of traditional learning methods and modern information technologies, including computer.

What are computer functions in pedagogical activities

musical leader?

  1. Source (educational, musical) information
  2. Visual material
  3. Tool for text preparation, musical material, their storage
  4. Tool preparation of speeches.

If we talk about the use of information technologies on musical classes, here they help solve a number of tasks:

  • Make musical material available for perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic. Thus, the music director can implement in practice the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualization of children's learning.
  • The use of a computer significantly expands the conceptual number of musical topics, makes accessible and understandable children specific sound of musical instruments, etc.
  • The base becomes for the formation of a musical taste, the development of the creative potential of the child and the harmonious development of the person as a whole.

For the formation and development of children's sustainable cognitive interest in musical classes, the task is worthwhile: make an interesting, rich and entertaining classes, i.e. The material must contain elements of an extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, causing interest from preschoolers to the educational process and contributing to the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of musical and creative abilities. After all, the process of surprise leads to the process of understanding.

The possibility of using ICT in musical education of preschoolers.

The music director can apply various ICT educational tools, both when preparing for a music activity, in class (with an explanation of the new material, learning songs, dances, repetition, to consolidate learned knowledge) and on entertainment and holidays. Great assistance in the preparation and holding of musical training has a teacher of Microsoft Package, which includes other Word text editor, also electronic PowerPoint presentations.

Using the capabilities of the PowerPoint program can be created multimedia presentations.

Multimedia presentations - electronic diameters, including animation, audio and video phrases, interactivity elements (reaction to user actions) is the most common type of presentation of demonstration materials. Using multimedia presentations is advisable both using a computer and using a multimedia projection screen. .

The use of such information technology makes it possible to efficiently develop all types of perception in children: visual, auditory, sensual. Enable all types of memory: visual, auditory, shaped, associative, etc.

Preparation of presentations is a serious creative process, each element of which should be thought out and is understandable from the point of view of the perception of children.

Using program capabilitiesPowerPoint You can develop and use presentations for all types of musical activity:

Music perception: During the acquaintance with the work of a composer, the use of portraits, video edits for musical works, acquaintance with music genres, etc.

Musically - rhythmic movements and dancing: The use of mnemotable, with which children will be able to perform various rebuildings or learn dancing elements.

Singing: According to the graphic image to learn various speakers, exercises for the development of the voice apparatus, on the pictures of the prompts to learn and teach songs.

Music and didactic games: Develop musical and auditory views, a lade feeling and a sense of rhythm, using the presentations "Fun - sad", "Three Music Genres", "Determine Rhythm" and others.

Game on dmi: Acquaintance with musical instruments, their sound recovery. According to the schemes to learn the parties in the orchestra.

On entertainment and holidays, you can also use slides as an illustrative, animated background of events. With the help of multimedia, entertainment with children and parents as "guess the melody" and "2 piano" are spectacular.

Creating multimedia presentations requires the musical leader of the ability to use computer equipment and a large amount of time, which is eventually justified by increasing the cognitive interest of children to musical activity.

But, along with the pros, there are various problems of using ICT in the work of the music director:

  • The teacher does not know how to use the computer
  • No computer in the domestic use of the teacher
  • No computer in music office dow
  • Insufficient computer literacy teacher
  • Insufficient software

So, the use of funds of information technology will make the process of learning and developing the child quite effective, will open up new opportunities for musical education not only for the child himself, but also for the musical leader.

Much to rethink and make the use of ICT in musical education takes its decent place. At the same time, of course, do not forget: in the case of musical education, the role of a musical leader, who will not be able to replace any computer!


Internet resources:

  1. Perezina N.V. "The use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of music in elementary school.
  2. Afanasyev O.V. "Using ICT in educational process"
  3. Belyakov E.V. "The concept of ICT and their role in the educational process"
  4. Kruglov L. "Information technologies as part of the cultural and information environment of preschool children."

Municipal budget children's educational institution
Kindergarten №67 "UMKA"


On the topic: Using computer technology
in the work of the musical leader

Performed: Cleless V.V.
Music leader

nizhnevartovsk - 2015.

Today it is already impossible to submit training, work and modern life as a whole without information technologies. Today, institutions, universities, gymnasiums, schools, colleges, technical schools and even kindergartens are equipped with the latest computer equipment.
The use of computer technologies is not the influence of the fashion, but the need to be dictated by modern formation.
Modern kindergarten should not lag behind the requirements of time, which means that the modern music manager must use the computer in its activities.
The work of the musical leader in the Dow is built in accordance with the duties and rights that determine the framework of professional activity. In the updated job description instruction in the Dow in 2009, it is clarified that the teacher must own information and communicative technologies. In this regard, I consider it expedient to use information technologies (IT) in your professional activities. Since the creation of all forms of documentation into electronic form allows you to quickly work with information, save working time, therefore, the quality and efficiency of activity increases.
Initially, it is necessary to master the computer at the PC operator level, so as to freely own Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point programs, educational programs.
To familiarize yourself with Glossary, since the ownership of terms accelerates the process of mastering information. Then determine the topic, objectives and tasks of work, choose user-friendly computer programs and their applications.
Examine discs from the educational collection, be sure to work out all the methodological materials of the program.
Select the topic, select the material corresponding to the program, compare with its capabilities and the vision of the study of this topic with colleagues in other DOU, plan the topic, block or partition.
Meet the Internet resources, create a personal site for exchanging experience with colleagues, communication with parents of pupils.
I have the opportunity to introduce computer music programs, which not only allow you to listen to music in high-quality entry, view fragments of works of video recording, but also give access to various information related to the world of art: painting, literature, music, folk crafts. Thus, the use of a computer is very convenient not only for the assimilation of musical material, but also to enhance the cognitive activity, the realization of the creative potential of the child, education of interest in musical culture, the formation of the spiritual world.
Internet search engines provide teachers the opportunity to find almost any material on development and training, any photos and illustrations for classes.
The functions of the demonstration material on children's matinees, leisure, and during everyday musical sessions, perform presentations created at Microsoft Office Power Point. They replace many pictures, posters and audio recordings. In my work I use presentations on the fragments of Piez K. Sen Santa. For example: "Aquarium", "Swan", "Elephant" and others. There are indispensable in the work of the presentation on the study of classic composers: (Bach, Vivaldi, Gaidn, Mozart, Beethoven), as well as composers of the era of romanticism (Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Leaf, Schumansky, Tchaikovsky, Rossini). Presentations allow you to make acquaintance with great musicians more fascinating and interesting. These presentations are suitable for many age categories of children.
Multimedia presentations allow for a training and developing material as a system of bright support images filled with comprehensive structured information in algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in the factual, but also in associative form in memory of children.
The purpose of such a presentation of educational and training information is the formation of a system of thinking in children. The supply of material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the time of learning, heels the resources of the health of children.
The use of multimedia presentations at musical classes allows you to build an educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of operation of attention, memory, mention, humanization of the content of training and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the positions of integrity.
The use of computer equipment allows you to make a musical activity attractive and truly modern, to carry out individualization of training, objectively and timely monitor and summarize. In my work, I have the opportunity to use computer music programs that not only allow you to listen to music in high-quality recording, browse fragments of the work of the video, but also give access to the large block of information related to the world of art: painting, music, literature, folk crafts. The use of ICT is very important not only to assimage the musical material, but also to enhance the cognitive activity, the implementation of the creative potential of the child, education of interest in musical culture, the formation of the spiritual world. One of the most important directions in its pedagogical work I consider vocal work. All your musical classes start with vocal greetings. Thanks to this, children smoothly move and configure themselves to music. I consider it necessary to develop in children the ability to listen to someone else's and own performance. For this, I often use a microphone and minus records of various children's songs.
Traditionally, musical occupation I start with musical and rhythmic movements. Increasingly, I use audio recordings or videos (DVD), it makes it easier for me, since at the time of learning I do not sit for the piano, and I can show a musical movement or to fix someone. New movements I can record on the video where children look a beautiful show. And in class children look and try to do the same. By this, I seek expressive qualitative performance of movements, follow the fact that the children accurately transfer the features of a particular work. This technique develops memory in pupils, attention, because the information is transmitted in an attractive form, which not only accelerates memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-term.
The perception of music is the most common type of musical activity available to everyone. Thanks to new information technology, pop music sounds everywhere: both on television and radio, and a computer, a tape recorder, on the player, in mobile phones. But very little classical music. I try to fill it up.
There are many disks, audio cassettes, video tapes: "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Top clasp, kids", iron songs, etc. I give these records to parents so that they are at home together with their children listened and looked at them.
Singing is the most massive and affordable view of the execution. To destroy the song, we first listen to her, and having leaning, listen, whether she expressively, as he sounds. This helps a camcorder or audio recording.
For holidays and entertainment, to the anniversaries of employees and the Doe is preparing very seriously - looking for songs, music, poems on the Internet.
In the computer, in the "My Documents" section, I created a folder called "kindergarten", where all plans, scripts, music, songs, photos from holidays and competitions fall, and much more.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that new information and communication technologies give impetus to the development of new forms and the content of traditional kinds of children's musical activity. The use of information technologies in the musical education of children makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational and educational process in the DOU and increase its effectiveness.

Berger N. Modern concept and teaching technique. Series
"Modernization of general education." - St. Petersburg. 2004. - P.129.

2. Bershadsky M.E. Possible directions for the integration of educational and info-communicative technologies // Pedagogical technologies. - M. 2006. №1.- P. 29-50

3. Bhannovsky Yu.S. Molchanov A.S. Pedagogical information innovation (introduction to pedagogical informatics): studies. Address. - Stavropol: SGPU, 1996.- p.221.

4. Gulak I.V. Using a computer // Dow Management. - 2006. №8. - p.36.

5. Zaväkin P. Musical Programs // Home Computer - M. 1999.№7,8.-p.30-31.

6. Zaitseva L.A. The use of information computer technologies in the educational process and the problems of its methodological support. // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2006. - September 1. http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2006/0901-5.htm.

7. Kalinina T.V. New information technology in preschool childhood // Dow Management. - 2008. №6 - p.32

8. Krasnova G.A. New information technologies in education // Problems of the theory and methods of training. - 2001. - No. 5.- p. 39-42

9. Lorenz A. Development and distribution of Internet education around the world // Higher education today. - M., 2002. - № 7 / 8.- p.42-45

10. Seleevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communications. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 208c. (Series "Encyclopedia for educational technologies").

11. Semenov, A.L. The role of information technologies in general average education [Text] / A.L. Semenov. - M.: Publishing House Mipkro, 2000. - p.12

Elena Redkin
Using ICT in the work of the music leader

Using information and communication technologies in work

musical leader in dow

Redkin E. A. -

Music leader

Municipal budgetary

preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type №46"


Computerization, gradually penetrating almost all areas of life and activities of a modern person, makes its own adjustments and approaches to the education and education of preschool children.

What are the computer functions in pedagogical activities music executive. it:

1. A means of preparation of speeches,

2. Source of educational musical information,

3. Visual manual,

4. Methodical piggy banks: "Consultation" « Work with parents» , "Poems", « Music» , "Presentations"; "Photo Albums" and etc.

5. Text preparation means musical material, their storage.

6. Registration of documentation in electronic format (Plans, Monitoring).

For the formation and development of children of sustainable cognitive interest in musical classes before the music leader is a question: How to make an interesting, rich and entertaining occupation, i.e. the material must contain elements of amazing, unexpected, cause interest from preschoolers to the creative process and promote the creation of a positive emotional environment to develop musical and creative abilities. After all, the process of surprise leads to the desire to act, study, understand. therefore using Modern ICT equipment will help successfully solve this problem. Teacher musician can apply various ICT educational means as in preparation for musical lesson, in class (with the explanation of the new material, learning songs, dances, repetition, to consolidate learned knowledge, as well as on entertainment and holidays. Great help has a teacher Microsoft package, which includes electronic Power Point Presentations, this is the most common Type of presentation of demonstration materials.

Using information technology makes it possible to efficiently develop all types of perception children: visual, auditory, sensual; Enter all kinds memory: visual, auditory, shaped, associative, etc.

Multimedia technologies are characterized by a compound of various types of information provided. (speech, music, picture) Therefore, they have the greatest impact on the formation of the child's personality.

Using Multimedia technologies on musical Classes gives a number advantages: The material is better perceived by children, interest is increasing, individualization of training, the development of creative abilities is carried out.

In Ov work with children prepared for school group on i use musical classes Multimedia presentations. Presentations help the child to manifest and develop the necessary quality: Associative-shaped and logical thinking, imagination, cognitive activity, solve the following software tasks:

Expand the ideas about state, folk and Orthodox holidays; about the arts, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; about the work of foreign composers;

Contribute to the development of aesthetic taste, the ability to appreciate the works of art, the objects of the outside world and ambient;

Develop the ability to give an adequate assessment of their own creativity and the work of their comrades.

On the musical Classes in the preparatory to school group are allocated as follows. sections: Perception music, singing music-Thermal movements, game on dmi. I turn on multimedia presentations in any section music classes.

Perception music:

Video series illustrations K. musical works, "Clowns" D. Kabalevsky, "Procession of Dwarves" E. Grig.

Acquaintance with genres music: "Everyone knows our children-sing, walk and dance."

Animated backgrounds (nature, fabulous backgrounds ")

VIDEOROLIKI NA musical composition. "Baba Yaga"!

"Children's album" P. Tchaikovsky,

Animation (Fragments of cartoons with musical instruments)

Character definition music According to colors, moods, tuckers and sun


According to the graphic image to learn various poppers: "Forty-forty, "Okuchechik", "Rainbow Arc", exercises for the development of the voice apparatus,

According to the pictures, learn and teach songs. (Mnemotable to the song "Sun")

Songs -Surprise "Little Christmas tree", "Friends" (singing under the phonogram)

Visual effects in the form of schemes, graphic compositions, diagrams.

The game "Guess the melody"

MUZ. -Dide. games: Develop music-Tell representations, the lade feeling and the feeling of rhythm,

"Find out musical instrument» . "Fun-sad", "Kolobok",

"What do children do?" "Merry Garden", "Good Master"

6. Music-Thermal movements I. dancing:

Use mnemotablitsWith which children will be able to perform various rebuildings or learn the elements of the dance.

Pictures prizes accompanied by sound effects. "Let's play in rebuildings"

Game on dmi: "Acquaintance with musical instruments, their sound removal. "

According to the schemes to learn the parties in the orchestra.

Also multimedia presentations i use on entertainment and holidays such as

"Golden autumn" "Zimushka -Zima" "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Mother's holiday", "Winter birds", "And behind the windows of spring", "Noise Orchestra", "9th May", "Prom". With the help of multimedia, such holidays look entertaining and spectacular.

IN work with parents using ICT I carry out consultative support to parents;

we develop and bring practical information music recommendations: on the protection of voices of preschoolers, the right choice musical phonotheki house. I select a repertoire for musitizing at home on dmi.

I know the councils of specialists in the field music For the organization of children musical activity at home, and in joint events we use such forms of work as: « Music Gadayika» , "How to develop musical child's abilities at home.

IN i use self-education work ICT when issuing documentation in electronic format (plans, monitoring, drawing up the script and entertainment, consultations about musical educating preschoolers for parental corners in the group, make up various music and didactic games, Mobile folders, attributes to games and holidays.

And also make a phonet for dancing, for singing and listening, for music games.

I also i use In his practice online games "Virtual Piano", "Game on the drums", "Check musical hearing»

Ready presentations can be successfully integrated into other educational region: Knowledge, reading fiction, health, artistic creativity, communication, etc. Use In the mode of dow.

Creating multimedia presentations requires music executive the ability to use computer equipment and a large amount of time that in the end is justified by increasing the cognitive interest of children to musical activity.

But, along with the pros, there are various problems of ICT application in the work of the music leader:

No computer B. music Hall Dou

Insufficient computer literacy teacher

Insufficient software

So, using Information technology funds will make the process of learning and developing a child effective, will open up new opportunities. musical Education is not only for the child himself, but also for music executive.

Used Books:

Novikov, S. P. Application of new information technologies in the educational process / S. P. Novikov // Pedagogy. - 2003. - № 9.

Andreev, A. A. Computer and telecommunication technologies in the field of education [Text] // School technologies. 2001. - №3.

Education and 21st century. Information and communication technologies [Text]. - M., 1999.