III All-Russian festival of choreographic art "Dance relay. III All-Russian Choreographic Art Festival "Dance Relay Dates and Stages of Festival Activities

III All-Russian festival of choreographic art "Dance relay. III All-Russian Choreographic Art Festival "Dance Relay Dates and Stages of Festival Activities

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1 Approve the director of the MMC to the city of Moscow M. V. Lebedeva 2016. Regulations on holding the city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Art Reference 2017" 1. General provisions 1.1. The festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Estaft of the Arts" of students in the educational institution of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow in the school year under the motto "Earth Planet of Children" and is dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the city of Moscow. This provision determines the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting the city festival of children's and youth creativity. Art Reference 2017 »Pupils of Educational Organizations of the city of Moscow in the school year Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity" Marks of Arts 2017 "(hereinafter Festival) This is the form of the artistic and aesthetic development of students, which is a necessary component of the formation of the base culture of the personality, as well as identify gifted children and the best Creative children's teams of educational organizations in Moscow The festival is held in order to implement the state "concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents" (from G., Order 827), the provisions of the "State Cultural Policy Strategy for Period until 2030 "(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from the city of 326-p)," Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 "(Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015. 996-P), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from G . 761 "On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for years", the state program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (GG.) "Development of the formation of the city of Moscow (metropolitan education)" The organizer of the festival is the city methodical center of the Department of Education of Moscow for the preparation and holding of the festival Created organizational committee. 2. Objectives and objectives of the festival 2.1. Purpose of the festival: promoting the formation of the spiritual culture of the personality of studying through the development and execution of the best samples of classical and modern arts, identifying and supporting gifted children of the festival tasks: the development of creative potential, shaped and associative thinking of students; civilian-patriotic education of children;

2 Education of an emotional and value attitude towards its peers, its city and country; the creation of aesthetically organized leisure sphere of adolescents; Attracting as much as possible children to artistic creativity. 3. Participants of the festival 3.1. All participants in the festival are divided into two leagues: League 1 Participants in the pre-school branches of general education organizations and pupils of kindergartens (Age: from 5 to 7 years) for a separate position; League 2 Participants in creative teams of general educational organizations, institutions of additional education and institutions of vocational education Department of Education of the city of Moscow (Age: from 7 to 18 years inclusive) Age categories of participants: Junior Group (Students of 4 grades); the average group (students of 5 8 grades); senior group (students of 9,1 class); Mixed group (students from different age groups). 4. Organizing Committee of the Festival 4.1. For the organization and holding of the festival, the City Organizing Committee of the Festival is created (hereinafter referred to forms the composition of the jury; advises teachers on preparation for participation in the festival; Organizes and conducts the II stage of the festival; determines the system of promotion, rewarding participants; Comes the results of the festival The work of the organizing committee is based on this provision and meets the deadline for holding the festival The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the timing of the steps of the competition festival. 5. Stages and timing of the festival 5.1. The festival is held since September 2016 to April 2017: Stage Stage: September-October 2016 G. Stage II: November 2016 January 2017. III Stage: February-April 2017 6. The procedure for holding a festival 6.1. The phase of the festival provides for a review of the separation of concert numbers in educational organizations, institutions of additional education of children (UDO) and educational institutions of vocational education, subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (intra-agency phase).

3 jury educational organizations chooses and presents the best concert numbers in the second stage. To participate in the second stage of the festival competition, educational organizations needed from January 1 to 31, 2016. Register * Application in electronic form on the link specified on the website of the city methodological center: Mosmetod.ru Methodical space "Educational work" "Festivals, contests." * Registration conducts a teacher and is responsible for issuing an application (in case of an error made by the responsible teacher when filling out the personal data of the participants, the information in premium documents will not be corrected, the claims to the organizers are not accepted). Applications are accepted only on concert numbers that were not presented in the festivals of past years. Registration of applications for participation in the festival is a confirmation of the complete and unconditional adoption of this Regulation. Taking part in the festival, teachers agree to handling personal data II stage of the festival. The second stage of the festival is carried out in the form of qualifying rounds of genres in accordance with the schedule publicly. To participate in the second stage of the festival, the creative team represents 1 (one) concert number, in one genre and in the same age group. All phonograms must be provided by sound engineers 2 3 days before the performance; On the day, the speech of the phonogram is not accepted. In the performance of the work in a foreign language, the participants will pass the jury to the translation of the text, printed on paper A4 format, Kehel 14. In the vocal genre, the members of the younger group are performed by the works of the children's repertoire only in Russian. In the genre of "Artistic reading" from each structural unit of the educational complex to the qualifying round, no more than 3 rooms may be presented. Participants read works in Russian individually without musical and video operation. The teams participating in the vocal instrumental genre, on stage II, send a reference to a video of the speech by the Methodistusching District, until December 15, 2016. Participants held on the III stage of the festival will be invited to the III decade of January 2017 on full-time view of the III stage of the festival. The urban jury carries out the viewing of district concert programs in accordance with the schedule in February-March 2017 (a concert with a duration of no more than 1.5 hours in one department). The final gala concert of the laureates of the city festival will be held in April 2017.

4 In the district gala concert, laureates of the II stage of the festival in different genres, who scored the largest points. Festival winners in genre areas: "vocal", "choral" and "artistic reading" have the opportunity to take part in urban competitions for schoolchildren held in the highest educational institutions of the city of Moscow responsibility for the life and health of the festival participants throughout all qualifying rounds and concert events The accompanying teachers, team leaders, parents (guardians) during the final concerts and the final gala concert of the laureates of the city festival are allowed to conduct video and photography. These materials can be used in the media and in the global Internet. Mention of the source (the city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Marks-2017")). 7. Festival genres 7.1. The following genre areas are offered for the participants of the 2nd League of the Festival: Vocal Genre (Academic Vocal, Pop Vocal, Author's Song). Performance duration up to 5 minutes; Choral genre (choir, vocal choral ensembles Live sound, without microphones). No more than 2 dirty works, the duration of the performance is up to 6 minutes; Folk genre (folk singing, folk ensembles Live sound, without microphones). Performance duration up to 5 minutes; Instrumental genre (orchestras, ensembles and soloists-instrumentalists, with the exception of pianists and performers on the keyboard player synthesizer). Performance duration up to 3 minutes; Dance genre (classic and modern choreography, folk and pop dance, ballroom and sports dance). Duration of performance up to 4 minutes; Art in sports Rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading (chirilding), estra-port dance, aerobics, acrobatics. Duration of performance up to 4 minutes; Original genre (circus art: tricks, pantomime, clownade, equilibristics, eccentric, circus training). Duration of performance up to 4 minutes; Artistic reading. Performance duration up to 3 minutes; Various directions of modern youth culture (hip-hop, rap, soul, r & b, bite box, break-dance, etc.). Duration of performance up to 4 minutes; Concert rooms of ethnoculture in national costumes (vocal and dance art). Duration of performance up to 4 minutes; The vocal-instrumental ensemble (songs written by professional composers and poets, as well as songs written by members of the group; Folk and folk songs; disco, rock music and its directions, synti-pop, big-bit and pop music, croerly songs of Western groups (with texts in Russian). No more than two works with a total duration of up to 8 minutes;

5 show group (concert number of the show group is a bright colorful view using different topics: folklore of different peoples, classic, pop, folk work, scenes from the musical. The main in the creative activity of the show group is the synthesis of vocal and choreographic genres. Concert number suggests The relationship of vocals, plastics, gestures, stage movement (scenography), theatricalization of thumbnails in combination with bright stage costumes). The duration of the performance is up to 6 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements for genre directions are attached (Appendix 2). 8. Evaluation criteria 8.1. The jury of the festival assesses: artistic significance, aesthetic value; Compliance with the repertoire of the age of performers; culture of performing skills, expressiveness, artistry; The complexity and quality of execution. 9. Work jury of the festival 9.1. The independent professional jury of the Festival stage of the festival viewing concert numbers by genre in accordance with the schedule, the decision of the jury is taken by the collegial, most votes, and cannot be challenged. The jury has the right to refuse to comment on its solution without explaining the reasons when the limit of the time set by the position of paragraph 7 "Genres of the Festival", the jury is entitled to stop the performance. Participants exceeding the regulations of the speeches at the stage stage are not allowed to participate in the III stage of the festival festival of the festival has the right to remove points from the final assessment of the participants: for the use of works with abnormative vocabulary; for aggressive behavior in relation to the jury and other participants; For use during the dance of indecent gestures and shouts; For the use of the subject of a concert number, affecting political or religious views in serious violation of the jury, the creative teams or soloists of the festival can disqualify. 10. Summing up and rewarding the jury summarizes the genre directions, taking into account the evaluation criteria specified in paragraph 8 of this provision, the definition of laureates and festival diplomaments is carried out on the basis of the exposed points in each genre, in each age group on the results of the jury on the results of qualifying rounds The jury identifies the best concert rooms to participate in the III stage of the festival on the basis of the work of the Jury Stage II, laureates and diploma are awarded diplomas of the Festival stage, and participants in diplomas.

6 According to the results of the work jury III stage, laureates and diploma are awarded diplomas of the city festival. By decision of the jury, participants whose concert numbers do not comply with the evaluation criteria and the conditions of this provision, are not awarded with diplomas. Appendix 1. Composition of the Organizing Committee of the Urban Festival of Arts 2017 Practice 1. Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow; 2. Dmitry Igorevich grains Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow; 3. Commissioner Liliya Gennadevna Senior Methodist of the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of Moscow; P / p. F.I.O. Methodist Interrajon Contact telephone tips 1. Krol Viktor Vao 8 (499), Viktorovich Dob Churaev Vladimir ZAO 8 (499), Ivanovich Dob Vasilyeva Olga Zelo, Dob. Anatolyevna Krojkova Tatyana SAO 8 (499), Anatolyevna Dob Burbelyuk Svetlana Svao 8 (499), Ivanovna Dob Aralia Natalya Zaza 8 (499), Anatolyevna Dob Vorobyova Irina Tinao, Dob. Vladislavovna Silina Marina Cao 8 (499), Germanovina Tso Bernikova Lyudmila Yuao 8 (499), Vasilyevna Dob Golm Yulia Yuvao 8 (499), Sergeevna Dob Golina Galina Nikolaevna Yuzao 8 (499), the Cities City Organizing Committee of the Festival is located at: Moscow, Friendly lane, d. 22, cab. 41, 46, 50, 52.

7 Appendix 2 Main characteristics and requirements for the genre directions of the festival of the "Marks relay" Methodical recommendations for the City Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Frames of Arts 2017" Vocal Genre (academic vocals, pop vocals, jazz, songs with folk oppressions in modern processing, rock - Manufacture, author's song) Academic vocals (or classic vocals) differs markedly from jazz or pop design equipment. Today, classic vocals are performed in the chamber vocal music genre, in Opera, Chapel, Academic Choir, with a symphony orchestra. However, some pop singers work in the academic manner. Academic singing is such a manner of execution that suggests that the singer owns a large number of different skills, such as: proper breathing, proper sounding (singing on the support, the use of resonators, singing dome and much more), clear diction and articulation, proper intonation and the ability to switch between registers; The artistry, emotionality and expressiveness of execution are also necessary. Distinctive signs of academic vocals Academic vocals do not imply the use of microphone and other reinforcing equipment. A vocalist thanks to complete control over their voice is able to voice the hall, without merging and without entering into confrontation with the orchestra. The competent academic vocalist distinguishes the ability to sing in a wide voice range and the ability to qualitatively reproduce the most complicated material in the musical meaning. At the same time, the slightest extra charges are not allowed: tremologists, sips, wheezing and other sound defects. Academic vocal The desire for an ideal singing manner: The singer reaches the volumetric pure voice sound. A musician working in classical technique seizes the widest palette of means of musical, vocal, artistic expressiveness. The singer is capable of reproducing the most subtle and transparent tones, and to issue extremely bright expressive compositions. At the same time, regardless of the gamma of the feelings invested in the song, it turns out harmonious, beautiful and aesthetically perfect. Pop vocals This is a special kind of modern vocal art, which combines many styles and directions, creates a rich palette of images. Pop singing This is such a manner of execution that suggests a singer's communication with the auditorium through a song created by a song created, not only through the melody and text, but also expressive movement, bright emotionality, artistry. Pop vocals differs from academic more open and more natural sound. However, singing skills, the correct position and support of the sound are also needed in the pop vocal, as in the academic. Jazz vocals, first of all, implies the perfect feeling of rhythm and harmony, as well as voice mobility and the ability to improvise. In jazz singing it is necessary to feel the form of a work, be able to present our understanding of the melodic theme,

8 Modifying it, but without leaving the necessary harmony. An important partnership of musicians, the ability to improvise on the go. The author's song (Bardov music) is a song genre, whose distinctive features are combined in one person of the author of music, text and artist, guitar support, priority of the importance of text in front of music. Choral genre (choir and vocal choral ensembles) Choir (choral team) is a singing team or a musical ensemble consisting of singers. Types of choirs: vocal choral ensemble from 12 to 20 participants; Chamber choirs from 20 to the participants; Medium choirs from 40 to the participants; big choirs from 70 to 120 participants; Summined choirs up to 1000 participants are collected for a while from different collectives. Such formulations have the status of "Heppining Performance" and do not actually relate to the executive art, as they are rather a propaganda-proximal direction. The choir is different from the vocal ensemble (vocal duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc.) by the presence of at least two (according to P. G. Chesnokov, three) or more people performing the same batch, i.e. 12 people . The chorus is headed by conductor or choirmaster. The head of the church choir is called regent. Types of choral groups under the name Type of choir understand the characteristics of the executive team on the components of the groups of singing votes. It is known that singing voices are distributed into three groups of women's, male and children. Thus, the choir, uniting the voices of one group, is called homogeneous, and a choir having combinations from female (or children's) and male voices or singing voices of all groups is called mixed. Four types of choirs are common in performing practices: female, male, children, mixed. The minimum number of singers in one choral party is 3 people. In terms of the manner of singing distinguish: academic choirs singing in an academic manner. The academic manner of singing is based on the principles and criteria of musical creativity and execution developed by the professional musical culture and the traditions of the centuries-old experience of opera and chamber genres; Folk choirs singing in a folk manner. Genre signs of Russian folk choirs are: support on the local or regional tradition of household folk singing; Use of natural register sound of votes; Precision-polyphonic songs of the song as the basis of choral polyphony.

9 The choirs may have a different status, for example, professional, amateur (amateur), church and training. Explanations for competitive audition participants: 1. Academic choirs (lively sound, without microphones): It is not allowed to use phonograms as musical accompaniment. A team can be considered a collective, as part of which at least 20 participants perform on the scene. 2. Vocal-choir ensembles of academic direction (living sound, without microphones): It is not allowed to use phonograms as musical accompaniment. The number of participants from 12 to 19 inclusive. The speech of the choir or vocal choral ensemble on the competitive listening can take place with a conductor, and without him (at the request of the head of the team). Vocal and choral groups perform up to 2 dirty works with musical accompaniment or a chapel (the work of spiritual music, the processing of a folk song, the work of Russian or foreign classics, the work of Soviet, Russian or modern foreign composers). The uniform style of the team suits is taken into account. 3. Vocal ensembles of academic direction (living sound, without microphones). The number of participants from 2 to 11 inclusive. The ensemble appears without conductor. 4. Solo singing of academic directions and small vocal forms (duets, trio, quartets): A minus phonogram is allowed as musical accompaniment and microphone. The microphone is not used under the condition of piano accompaniment of voices or maintaining another acoustic instrument. Phonograms "Karaoke" are not allowed. In the program of speaking choirs, vocal cholar ensembles, vocal ensembles and soloists it is desirable to include the work of patriotic subjects: about the Motherland, about Russia, about Moscow, about the native land, etc. Note: The appearance of the contestants must be neat, tidy. The presence of replacement shoes is mandatory for all (participants accompanying, team leaders). Students in sportswear and shoes, working and home clothing, jeans are not allowed to competitive listening. To perform the participants of the festival, it is necessary to think about the stage costume in accordance with the artistic way of the concert number. The culture of the scene is obligatory! The jury has the right to stop listening to the competitive program of the participant who violated competitive requirements. The presence on the qualifying round of the teacher responsible for participating in the festival from the educational organization is necessary!

10 Folk genre (folk singing, folk ensembles) Usually, folklore is called folk art. These are music, poetry, theater, dance that were created by the people and are closely related to traditions, religious beliefs, rites, customs and history. Music folklore is the creativity of the people, which is expressed in vocal, instrumental or vocal tool form. By content, the musical folklore is divided into epos, lyrics and drama. Main types of musical folklore song, song improvisation, song without words, epic tale, epic, dance melodies, dance gyrovki, instrumental plays and naples. The most common type of vocal folk music is the folk song Music and poetic work, one of the most ancient forms of musical artwork. In some ancient and partly modern types of folk music, it exists in unity with dance, game, instrumental music, verbal and fine folklore. The essential feature of the folk song is direct connection with life and labor activities (labor songs, accompanying various types of labor, born, constant, weeding, harvest, threshing, etc.; Ritual, accompanying agricultural and family rites and festivities, carols, passenger, spring, Kupali, wedding, funeral, gaming calendar, etc.). Beach folk songs are inseparable from a variety of folk dances. The folk song is distinguished by the wealth of genres, various by origin, nature and functions in folk life. The following thematic groups can be distinguished: 1. Songs associated with calendar, calendar holidays and rites (cursing and meeting of spring, "Larks", Earls and Summer Troitsky Horics, Song of the Ratary Strand and Senokos, congratulations on the New Year, Carols and Songs, carnival songs); 2. Songs associated with various events in the personal and family life of people (for the birth of a child, baptismal, lullaby, children's playing rounds, magnificent, wedding and recruit, funeral crying and bids, memorable, spiritual poems); 3. Epic song genres (epic, tale, squash and non-residents, some spiritual poems, ballads, historical songs); 4. Lyrical songs (songs about love happy and unrequited, tragic; broaching songs, "suffering", city songs and kanta); 5. Songs of everyday life and holidays (soldiers and student, navigation and navigation; labor Burlats, artist, peasant; festive vivatamy, bolagan, comic songs and chastushki). Larine songs received the greatest musical development in the folklore of all nations, their diversity is due to a variety of social groups that create and perform them (farmers, artisans, workers, students, etc.). Each social group of society has its own song lyrics.

11 Instrumental genre (orchestras, ensembles, soloists, instrumentalists, with the exception of pianists) types of orchestras: symphonic, brass, string, folk instruments, pop, jazz. Requirements for the composition of the orchestras participating in competitive auditions: the number of illustrators in school orchestras should not exceed 20% of the number of participants in the team; It is allowed to use only one microphone for the soloist; The use of a synthesizer or piano orchestra is permissible only as a missing orchestral vote. Concert rooms of ethnoculture (vocal and dance art in national costumes) for participation of soloists, ensembles and staff of vocal and choral and dance genres, acting in the ethnostertainment, are invited to participate. Competitors play a song or national dance of any genre. Concert numbers are presented in national costumes (ethnographic costumes or stylized suits, made by contemporaries in compliance with all traditional features and corresponding to the executable repertoire). In the execution of the competitive material, it is desirable to have an approximity of the sound and dialect to the style of singing and the goggling of that region, whose songs are executed; In dance rooms, compliance with the style features of the People's Choreography of the region. Original genre (circus art: tricks, pantomime, clownade, equilibristics, eccentric, acrobatics) The original genre on the content is not similar to any classic. It contains numbers that demonstrate the capabilities of the human body. Most often, the artists of the original genre perform in a circus or specialized show. These are acrobats, fockers, clowns, juggles, parodists, air gymnasts, trainers. They are able to call people joy, pleasure, admiration. The basis of the circus art is the demonstration of unusual (eccentric) and funny. Dance genre (classic and modern choreography, folk and pop dance, ballroom and sports dance, art in sports. Rhythmic gymnastics, chirilding) Dance One of the most beautiful types of art in which the emotional-shaped music content is embodied in the movement of the human body. This is the art of motion, the main characteristics of which are: Rhythm (fast or slow repetition and variation of movements); Figure (combination of movements in the composition); Dynamics (swing movements); Technique (degree of ownership of the body and skill of execution).

12 Types of dance Classic choreography (ballet) is a type of scenic art. The main types of ballet dance are classic and characteristic dance. Classic dance This is the main expressive means of ballet, the distinguishing signs of which are characteristic legs, hands, hulls and heads, the exact following the principles of the feeding of the legs, the verticality of the body and isolation of various parts. The movements of the classical dance tend to geometric clarity. A characteristic dance is a type of stage dance, which is based on a folk dance (or household), which has been processed by a ballerster for a ballet performance. Modern choreography direction in dance, including various dance styles and techniques of the 20th century. This is the synthesis of classic dance, elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, pantomime. Modern choreography is the author's choreography, in which there are no canonical mandatory movements and pos. The folk dance is the most common type of people's dance creativity, created by an ethnic group, transmitting its national culture and temperament. People's dance reflects ethnic features, choreographic language and plastic expressiveness of the ethnos or ethnic group, which are manifested in the nature, coordination of movements, in the musical and rhythmic and metric structure of dance, the manner of its performance. Pop dance is a choreographic work intended for concert performance on the stage. For pop dance is characterized by external expressiveness and effectiveness, entertainment, virtuosity. In the form of a pop dance is a dance miniature with a small number of performers. Ballroom dance is a type of pair dance, which has folk origins. They were performed on the balas that were held in the premises covered with parquet. From a huge variety of both elite (household historical) and folk dances in the group of ballrooms only paired dances. Sports ball dance Dance sport, combining two sports dance styles: International Standard (European): Slow Waltz, Tango, Vienna Waltz, Slow Foxtrot, Quixsthep (fast foxtrot); International Latin American (Latino): Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Pasodobl, Jive. Vocal-instrumental ensemble (VIA) The vocal instrumental ensemble consists of 3 or more people, among whom several vocalists and multi-instrumentalists are included. VIA uses the usual for pop and rock bands a set of tools: electric guitars, shock installation, various variants of electronic keyboards, such as electrical orders and synthesizers, sound operation. The repertoire VIA basically makes up songs written by professional composers and poets, as well as songs written by members of the group; Folk and folk

13 songs; Disco, rock music and its directions, synti-pop, Big-bit and pop music, croerbral songs of Western groups (with texts in Russian). Appearance Artists Via Typical Concert Clothing. Any pronounced fatal attributes, such as unusual hairstyles, tattoos, flipper leather clothing, metal accessories and other in the same spirit are definitely excluded. Various directions of modern youth culture (hip-hop, rap, Soul, R & B, Bitbox, Brake Dance, etc.) Hip-Hop (eng. Hip-Hop) Music genre. The term "hip-hop" is defined as a combination of two words HIP (Hurray) and Hop (jump). Hip-hop has a large number of directions: from enough "light" genres, such as pop rap, to aggressive hardcore rap, horroror. The content of songs varies from light and relaxed, like memories of "old good times", before raising social problems. The origins of hip-hop lie in funky, which is the main "progenitor" of this direction. However, the effect on the formation of hip-hop was also provided by other genres of rhythm-nblyuses, soul, jazz, reggae. Very often, the terms "hip-hop" and "rap" are used as synonyms, which is not correct. Rap is one of the main elements of the style of hip-hop music. Rap is a cleaner performance of poems to rhythmic music that can be used not only hip-hop by performers, but also by representatives of other genres of modern rhythm-n-blues, pop music, rapcra, nu-metal, raggamafin; At the same time, there are alternative hip-hop performers who do not use vocals in their records. Arriving as a type of SPOKEN Word style, Rap has become real art having many faces. Modern rhythm-n-blues, or modern AR-END BG R & B (English r "n" b) musical style, whose origins come from rhythm-H-blues of the 1940s, especially popular in the USA and Canada. Despite the fact that the reduction of R & B produces associations with rhythm-nblyuz music, this abbreviation is used to determine the new style of African American music, which appeared after the Disco in the 1980s. Modern Arend Bi combines the elements of the cooler, Funka, New Jack Swing, Hip-hop and dance music. Some sources define the Art End-bi style as modern city music. Soul (from the English Soul "Soul") genre of popular music of African American origin, which emerged in the southern states of the United States in the 1950s on the basis of rhythm endblusion. Characteristic emotional, well-felt, ecstatic, sometimes exalted, "spiritual" vocal manner Soul-music took from the tradition of spiritual chants of the states and Spirichels, as well as jazz vocal improvisation. In the 1960s, Soul becomes the most popular direction of Negro music. By this time, blues and rhythm end-blues, being largely borrowed and adapted white performers of rock and roll and blues-rock, were perceived as interracial genres, and African Americans began to identify themselves through soul music. Bitbox or bitboxing is the art of creating melodies with the help of voice apparatus and articulation by the RTO organs. At the same time, modern bitboxing technique

14 also includes many other areas. Most often, bitboxing is used as an accompaniment in hip-hop compositions. Bitbox is considered the fifth element of hip-hop culture. Break Dance (Break-Dance or B-Boying) Street dance, one of the flows of hip-hop culture and inside it is called "Breaking" (Breaking, English) originated in the late 1960s (Africa, Bambiata). Today, two main types of this dance are distinguished: the lower extreme dancer performs, mainly acrobatic and power tricks on the floor; The upper break-dance is based on the body of the body: this is a fantastic movement of the body in space and fixes, which at first glance contradict all the laws of physics and gravity. All dance Breeking came from New York from the south of Bronx. The term "Breakdancing" (Breakdancing) was created by musical journalists for the convenience of perception by the averages, since in English the word Breaking is different concepts and is related to different cultures. For the same reason (for identifying identification), the term "B-boying" began to use the Hip Hop environment, which comes from the word B.Boy (Break-Boy). It is believed that as a separate dance he formed by 1973. Artistic reading (or expressive reading) Artistic reading (or expressive reading) The type of art, the essence of which lies in the creative embodiment of the literary work in an effective sounding word. Imagine the work in the Word means to cause listeners in the imagination of listeners by the author of life in all its completeness and diversity, reveal the attitude of the artist to the depicted, pass the features of the artistic form, the author's style. The ultimate goal of the reader in accordance with his interpretation to reveal the listening ideological essence of the work, expressively convey to the listener the content of the work, help them to see, feel and evaluate the phenomenon shown in it as it sees, is experiencing and assesses them. Expressive reading has two sides: penetration into the meaning of the executable work, the transfer of the performing penetration to students. K.S. Stanislavsky taught: "Take the book with a book, a pencil and place your speech thaws. Click on this ear, eye and hand. Marking of speech clocks and reading on them is necessary because they are forced to analyze and delve into their essence. I do not understand it, you will not say correctly phrases. The habit of talking on the clocks will make your speech not only slim in the form, understandable for transmission, but also deep in content, as it is impossible to make you constantly think about what you say ", and you can't order the feeling, but it is necessary to achieve it in other ways Such a psychological situation should appear, which makes it possible to arise the emotional attitude of a person to a certain circle of phenomena, and this sampled emotional attitude will be experienced. " Principles of work on the text (according to Stanislavsky): Studying text, maximum briefing in its ideological and art content; social orientation, effectiveness of expressive reading; Good understanding of "tasks", which should be put in front of the listener when reading the text.

15 Reading out loud addressed to listeners. To perceive reading, it is necessary that the listeners understand what they read. Understanding is due to the presence of certain knowledge, a certain experience. The teacher must reckon with age and the development of his students. To prepare for the Competition of the Readers on the GMC website (Methodical recommendations "Expressive reading of artistic text. Speech technique" Authors: V. I. Annushkin and A. G. Zhukova, and video deck "Language Speech word" V. I. Annushkin.

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The city festival of the 2017 Arts Relay Festival is quite popular and loved by all children a competition for which the knowledge of which will help many of them to understand and take part in it.

The competition "The Marks" is scheduled from September 2016, that is, already started, and tighten until April 2017, and, therefore, you still have time to become his member.

This competition is carried out in several stages, with an accurate indication of the timing and time.

  • Stage I - September - October.
  • Stage II - November - January 2017.
  • III Stage - February - April.

It should be remembered that for each stage of the competition is not only characteristic of their time, but also conditions, that is, the order, with which we are now in more detail and get acquainted.

Stages Konourka Children's creativity.

Such conditions are characteristic of the children's competition. Now let's try to consider all the significant points relating to the participants.


All participants in the contest "The relay of art" can be boldly divided into two large leagues, with its age subgroups.

  • First, League 1. Basically, these are participants in pre-school educational institutions and pupils of kindergartens. In other words, the age of participants is from 5 to 7 years.
  • Secondly, League 2. These are members of the creative teams of schools, educational institutions of vocational education, that is, here age is from 7 to 18 years. Here, all participants can be safely divided into several age groups.

    1. Junior group - 1-4 class.
    2. Average group - 5-8 class.
    3. Senior Group - 9-11 class.
    4. Mixed group - different ages.

As can be seen, every wishes can be attended without difficulty in the competition "of the arts", the main thing is to prepare a creative and really interesting number that interests everyone.

Among the huge list of various competitions, annually organized among children and adolescents in Russia, measures should be mentioned under the name of the "art relay". This is a grand city festival aimed at identifying gifted children and youth teams of all educational institutions in Moscow. According to the organizers of the event, the "lattice of the arts" is a certain form of personality development, as one of the components of the human basic culture.

To understand all the subtleties of the designated competition, it should be considered in more detail its main aspects. So, what will be to represent the city festift of the Arts Relay 2018.


The first and most important rule of the future event - any creative teams can take part in it, if the age of participants coincides with the official framework (from 5 to 18 years).

The festival itself consists of several stages.

Festival genres

Criteria for assessing participants and work jury

Any number shown by the participants at the festival is estimated based on the age group on a 10-point scale. Evaluation criteria are specified by genres.

Especially for the urban festival, an independent professional jury is selected, viewing all numbers of the II and III of the competition stage, separated by genres.

The decision of the jury can be challenged, here only representatives of the evaluating board are entitled not to comment on the adopted verdict with regard to this or that participant. All who exceeded the regulations of their number at the stage of the festival are not allowed to its final part.

Results of urban competition

After the II stage of the competition, the jury exposes final assessments in genre areas. Based on this data, all participants who scored the greatest number of votes become contestants of the full-time phase of the festival. Individual executors and teams that participated in the second stage of the competition are assigned the status "Member of the Stage II of the Urban Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity" Art Reference - 2018 ". We are talking about an electronic certificate placed in the personal account of each applicant.

All those who managed to become diplomas and laureates of the final part of the competition are obtained.

Additional moments

Applying for participation in the festival confirms consent to all its conditions and processing personal data. Responsibility for the health and life of participants during the festival is carried by team leaders, accompanying teachers and legal representatives.

At the final gala concert of the laureates of the festival, it is allowed to conduct video and photography. Marked materials can be used in a global network and media. True, this will have to use the official mention of the source.

During the festival of children's and youthful creativity, it is strictly prohibited:

  • manifestation of aggression to other participants and members of the jury;
  • the use of abnormative vocabulary;
  • introduction into the subject of the number of political and religious views;
  • application in the dance of indecent gestures or shouts.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the city festival of children's and youth creativity, annually held in Moscow, is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their own skills and achieve some status in this regard.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The present situation determines the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting Urban Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Estaft of Arts - 2018" (hereinafter - the festival) of educational educational organizations of the city of Moscow in 2017-2018 academic year.

1.2. The festival "Art Relay - 2018" is the form of the artistic and aesthetic development of students, which is the necessary component of the formation of the basic culture of the personality, as well as identifying gifted children and the best creative children's teams of educational organizations in the city of Moscow.

1.3. The festival is carried out in order to implement the state "concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents" (from 03.04.2012 Order No. 827), the provisions of the "Strategy of the State Cultural Policy for the period up to 2030" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 29, 2016 № 326-P), "Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 No. 996-P), the state program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2018) " Development of the formation of the city of Moscow ("Metropolitan Education") ".

1.4. The festival was organized by the City Methodological Center for the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

1.5. The organizational committee is being prepared for the preparation and holding of the festival.

2. Goals and objectives of the festival

2.1. Purpose: Promoting the formation of the spiritual culture of the personality of the studying through the development and execution of the best samples of classical and modern art.

2.2. Tasks:

The development of creative potential, figurative and associative thinking of students;

Education of Russian civil identity, spirituality, emotionally value attitude to peers, its city and country;

The creation of aesthetically organized leisure activity;

Attracting more children to artistic creativity.

3. Participants of the festival

3.1. Participants in the festival are educational creative teams of general education organizations, institutions of additional education of children and educational institutions of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow aged 7 to 18:

Junior Group: Students of 1-4 grades;

˗ Medium Group: Students of 5-8 grades;

˗ Senior Group: Students 9-11 classes;

˗ Mixed Group: Students from different age groups.

3.2. Information about participation in the competition of pupils of pre-school educational organizations of the age category 5-7 years is posted on the site in the section Contests and Methodical Space Preschool Education / Projects, Contests, Festivals / Children's Contests, Festivals.

4. Terms and stages of the festival events

4.1. The festival is carried out from September 2017 to April 2018:

Stage I: September-October 2017;

Stage II: November-December 2017;

III Stage: January-April 2018.

5. Organizing Committee of the Festival

5.1. For the organization and holding of the festival, the City Organizing Committee of the Festival is created (hereinafter - the Organizing Committee).

5.2. The Organizing Committee consists of Methodists of the City Methodological Center (Appendix 1).

5.3. The work of the organizing committee is based on this provision and corresponds to the deadline for the festival.

5.4. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

Decides on the procedure for holding the festival;

Determines the conditions, deadlines, stages of the festival;

Organizes registration;

Defines the schedule and venue of the III stage of the festival;

Forms the jury of the festival, taking into account genre affiliation;

Methodical support and information and organizational support;

Consultations for members of the jury, team leaders and individual performers in accordance with the request;

Determines the system of promotion, awarding the participants of the festival;

Prepare post-release following the festival for accommodation on the website of the city methodical center.

Summarizes the results of the city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Art Reel - 2018";

Organizes and conducts a gala concert on the results of the festival.

5.5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the timing of the steps of the festival.

6. The procedure for holding a festival

6.1. I Festival Stage (School)

6.1.1. The first stage of the festival passes inside the educational organizations, subordinate to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, and provides for a full-time review of the derogatory concert numbers.

6.1.2. The jury of educational organizations chooses and presents the best concert numbers on the second stage of the festival.

6.1.3. To participate in the second stage of the festival, educational organizations need from October 1, 2017 register an application On the website of the city methodical center. - "Art Relay - 2018" By genre. For the accuracy of the information in the Personal Account, the head of the team or soloist is responsible.

6.2. II stage of the festival (correspondence)

6.2.1. The second stage of the festival provides for the correspondence of the review of concert numbers by genre.

6.2.2. To participate in the second stage of the festival, a creative team or an individual performer presents one concert number in one genre and in the same age group. In the genre "Art reading" from each structural unit of the educational complex, no more than 3 rooms are provided.

6.2.3. When registering an application on the website of the city Methodological Center Konkurs.Site - "Mark Relay - 2018" in its genre you need to download a link to a video with a participant's speech or a team on YouTube video server in closed access.

6.2.4. According to the results of the II stage of the festival, the Organizing Committee forms a list of participants in full-time III stage of the festival.

6.3. III stage of the festival (urban)

6.3.1. The III stage of the festival provides for full-time review of concert numbers by genres in accordance with the schedule posted on the website of the city methodological center in the methodical space Educational work / creative contests / festivals, contests.

6.3.2. The best concert rooms in genre areas: "vocal", "choral", "folklore", "dance" and "artistic reading" have the opportunity to take part in urban competitions for schoolchildren held by the highest educational institutions of the city of Moscow.

6.3.3. The festival organizing committee forms the composition of the jury of the III stage of the festival, which includes at least 3 experts in the genre area;

6.3.4. According to the results of the III stage of the festival, the best concert numbers recommended by the jury will be presented at the final gala concert, which will be held in April 2018.

6.3.5. For participation in the Gala concert, individual performers provide permission to the Organizing Committee to allow legitimate representatives to posting personal information (Appendix 2).

7. Genres of Festival

- "Vocal" (Academic vocals, pop vocals, author song). The duration of the performance is up to 5 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the vocal genre (Appendix 3);

- "Choral" (Choolds, vocal choral ensembles - live sound, without microphones). Participants perform from 2 to 4 different characteristics, the duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the choir genre (Appendix 4);

- "Folklore" (People's singing, folk ensembles - live sound, without microphones). The duration of the performance is up to 5 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the folk genre (Appendix 5);

- "Dance" (Classical and modern choreography, folk, pop dance, ballroom and sporty ball dance). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the dance genre (Appendix 6);

- "Art in sports"(Rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading (chirilding), pop-sports dance, aerobics, acrobatics). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Art in Sport" genre (Appendix 7);

- "Original" (Circus art: tricks, pantomime, clownades, equilibristics, eccentric, circus trains). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the original genre (Appendix 8);

- "Art reading". The duration of the performance is up to 3 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Art Reading" genre (Appendix 9);

- "Different directions of modern youth culture" (Hip-Hop, Rap, Soul, R & B, Bit-box, Brake Dance, etc.). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 10);

- "Concert Rooms of Ethnoculture" in national costumes (vocal and dance art). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the genre (Appendix 11);

- "Instrumental" (Orchestras, ensembles and soloists-instrumentalists). The duration of the performance is up to 4 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the instrumental genre (Appendix 12);

- "Vocal-instrumental ensemble". No more than two works with a total duration of up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the VIA genre (Appendix 13);

- "Show Group". The duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. The main characteristics and requirements of the "Show Group" genre (Appendix 14).

8. Evaluation criteria

8.1. The concert number presented at the festival is estimated taking into account age groups of participants on a 10-point scale.

8.2. The criteria for assessing the concert numbers of the festival are specified by genres in applications.

9. Work jury festival

9.1. Independent professional jury II and III stages of the festival viewing concert numbers by genre.

9.2. The jury's decision cannot be challenged. The jury has the right to refuse to comment on its solution without explaining the reasons.

9.3. Participants exceeding the regulations of the speeches at stage II are not allowed to participate in the III stage of the festival.

10. Summing up

10.1. The jury of the stage of the festival is summed up by genre directions, taking into account the evaluation criteria.

10.2. On the basis of estimates, the participants who scored the most points are invited to face full-time III stage of the festival.

10.3. The teams and individual performers who participated in the second stage of the festival are assigned the status "Member of the Stage II of the City Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity" Art Reference - 2018 ". In the personal account there is a certificate in electronic form.

10.4. The teams and individual performers who have become the diploma and laureates of the III stage of the festival are awarded with diplomas.

11. Additional conditions

11.1. Registration of an application for participation in the festival is consent to the terms of this Regulation.

11.2. Taking part in the festival, teachers agree to handling personal data.

11.3. Responsibility for the life and health of the participants of the festival at all stages and concert events carry accompanying teachers, team leaders, legal representatives.

11.4. During the final gala concert of the laureates of the city festival, video and photography is allowed. These materials can be used in the media and in the global Internet. Mention of the source (city festival of the children's and youth creativity of the "Marks -2018")).

11.5. During the festival, it is unacceptable:

The use of abnormative vocabulary;

Manifestation of aggressive behavior towards the jury and other participants;

Use during the dance of indecent gestures and shouts;

Using the subject of a concert number affecting political or religious views.