Games for the New Year in the Club. New Year's games for children

Games for the New Year in the Club. New Year's games for children
Games for the New Year in the Club. New Year's games for children

In this material we give New Year's fun who you can entertain your guests. To participate in games and competitions, the gathered reacted with enthusiasm, let them get a little comfortable: chat, sit at the festive table, drink. And only then invite everyone to participate in the entertainment program of the evening.

"This item is needed to ..."

The lead calls to the participants any item (for example, a blanket, handle, etc.), and they should take turns to say how to apply a mandated thing, starting the phrase from words: "This item is needed to ..." The game becomes interesting, When all the obvious functions are ending and have to invent them on the go. Lost the one who could not come up with the use of things.

On bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is already coming to an end and the guests want to be a bit aroused. Two-three participants are issued two sheets of paper. It is "bumps", and the floor indoors is "bog". It is possible to go through it only coming in turn on each piece, and the other moving forward. Players should move as quickly as possible to the other side of the "bumps", not advancing the floor.


Old and all familiar game you can change a little. Participants can get out of the "caps" of Phanti with funny tasks: to portray the animal - the symbol of the upcoming year, sing a New Year's song, call the Snow Maiden loudly, etc. This is, so let's say a traditional approach to this game.

But it is possible to change the meaning of the "phantas" slightly. Write various states of man on leaves, but try to pick up only original and funny. For example, the "puppy delight", the "stormy split", "languid thoughtfulness", etc. The player who stretched out Phanti must depict written without words, and the rest of the participants - guess what he shows.

Color Kaleidoscope

This game is movable, at least 5 people can participate in it. Very fond of similar entertainment children. After the lead calls colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), players should grasp some kind of object called. The presenter at this time considers to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

Blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in an arbitrary order, one of two partners tie their eyes and give a handle, pencil or felt-tip pen. Your drawing device "Blind artists" must be kept in an elongated hand. Second participants are issued sheets of paper, the topic of future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw a geometric shape) to a rather complicated (create a New Year's landscape). Then the "silent" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the second participant of the writing object squeezed in the hand. At the same time, the "blind artists" should not move by hand. After the end of the tender, the eyes are unleashed by them, and the winners are determined for the better and most precisely displaying reality drawing.

Football players

The presenter announces guests that a competition will be held on the best football player, and everyone can participate in it. Then playing air balls. The task is not to give a "ball" to fall on the floor for some time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "minimize" the ball head, and the most awakens will simply blow on it from below, maintaining in the air. If you cannot identify an unambiguous winner, then the game can be complicated: distribute the "football players" to another "ball". He wins the one who did not fall on the floor on the floor.

Oh, these fairy tales! Oh, these fuzzles!

This competition develops speaking skills and creative abilities of participants. On the cards you need to write the names of different fairy tales (for example, you can take the "kolobka", "Red Hat", "Sleeping Beauty", etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of leaf and remembers the plot of the fairy tales. The participants then must tell what they remembered, but at the same time should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written in the card). For example, "Red Cap" in a different way in the genre of detective, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the genre of melodramas. Wins the most inventive narrator.

Fair-sale men

For this competition, there will be no less than three men, "sellers" are selected for each of them: one or more women. As requisite, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various decorations, cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up your "product" as much as possible and original. You can create any recognizable image: for example, Casanov. No more than 3 to 5 minutes is given to the execution of this task. Then the "sellers" must vote "the product" to potential buyers, they can even carry out an improvised auction. A team that best coped with the task receives a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game it is better not to participate - it's a shame when you are not shared with you! Participants get up in a close circle face to each other, while their hands should be behind her back. The center becomes driving. The players begin to imperceptibly transmit from the hands to the apple (with other culinary preferences it is possible to replace the apple to the banana, cucumber, a piece of sausages, in the end). A man who fell into the center of the circle, at the same time should guess, who has a fruit at the moment. The complexity is that from the apple you need to bite on a piece - naturally, when it does not see. If a happy fruit owner is "catching with political", then it comes to get up in the center of the circle. And so continues until the whole main object of the game is eaten.

"Show elephant"

Very funny, but quite hard draw. The host climbs the well-known game: you need to make an animal, depict it without words, and all the college should understand who the participant depicts. The lead displays any suspect sacrifice over the door and explains that it will be necessary to show an elephant (or any other animal that is enough to portray). At the same time, you need to have time to inform the remaining that the player will depict such an animal, and their task - in no case is not called, "not guess", offering any other versions. Next, some time can be enjoyed the view of the surprised member, who can not understand, whether he himself is poorly depicting an elephant, or no one ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

Playing broken on a couple. The presenter announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut from paper snowflake. Participants are issued scissors and paper. If you are afraid that the guests will cut up with scissors, then distribute convolutions, packaging paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should grasp each other, hug, leaving free only one hand. Thus, the "halves" are connected to one two-friendly integer. And now they must fulfill the task. We defeat those who are faster and high quality will make their work.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for y, b, ъ, s, o opaque container. The presenter announces the preparation for the press of a special festive dictionary. Each participant takes turns in turn on one card and immediately calls the word New Year's subject, starting to the letter retrieved. It is also desirable together with all playing to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are recorded so that later it was possible to create a dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's Songs

The presenter folds into an opaque bag or in a cap written on individual Word-related Word Packed, "Sosillak", "Snowman", "Frost", "Snow", "Horovod", "Gift" and etc. Participants take turns pull out cards, and then try to remember and run the lines from some songs with a given word, getting glasses for it. Wins the one who gains more than all points, i.e. remember more songs.

Snow Tir

It is necessary to prepare in advance the "snowballs" as possible - balls, rolled out of paper, cotton wool or, better made from papier-mache. Can be used as snowballs for ping pong. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one of each group) get up on the chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to get "snowballs" to the goal. At the same time, players on the chairs can move, in every way to dodge from "enemy shells." Wins the most skipping team.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to check if they have a chance to survive harsh winter frosts. Participants put on the issued warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fastest all buttons. He who quickly coped with the task is the winner. The rest should be saved from the cold with another way - pour something hot on a glass.

Jump to the future

Draw a "scale" in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large "line", i.e., place it in centimeters.

And now connect your fantasy and write some new year wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be wonderful if you cook something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from place in length, see how they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game reminds of its essence, a television show that went on our screens a few years ago. The collectives are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people each). Teams are built in two rows. The presenter transfers the first participants in the cards on which phrases are written, preferably inverserase. It is necessary to quietly and quickly convey the next player on the ear content of the card. He reports the following, etc. The last participant should say loudly out loud what he heard. A team wins, which will fulfill the task faster and, of course, will not lose when transmitting the meaning of the phrase.


This game will need to prepare in advance. It is necessary to cut various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to guests, and it will be necessary to make a connected story from them.

It will be fun, especially if the trained passages will both concern policies and show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will fully depend on the fantasy of the participants.

Who said "GAV"?

All participants become in a circle, in the middle it is worthwhile with tied eyes. According to the team "Sneilly" dance begins to move in a circle, on the other team - freezes. A participant standing in the center must blindly indicate on any other player, and one thing is put together. After that, the leading should guess to whom he showed his hand. If he is right, then the "Havage" rises in his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, as it is difficult to determine the speaker in a short word. Then "Gav!" Can be replaced by the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove!

The presenter writes in advance on the leaflet of the conceived word (for example, "Santa Claus", "Christmas tree" or something else on a New Year's subject). All the gathered should, not knowing the mandated, say what this subject is similar to. Then the lead announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the mandated thing is really reminded what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus looks like a sofa, because it is the same big and soft."

Active New Year's game for the company "Share the ball"

The guys are divided into two teams. Between the teams stretched tape at the height of the person playing. On the other side lies 5-10 balls. The task of players is to transfer all their balls to the side of the enemy. It is forbidden to transfer balls to someone else's side under the ribbon. At the command of the leading "Stop", children must measure and remove their hands behind the back. The presenter proceeds to count the balls. On whose side of the balls will be less, he won.

The game is very fun, dynamic, causes a storm of emotions, with whom children sometimes cannot cope. Therefore, the presenter should warn that if, after the "Stop" command, children will continue to move balls with their hands or pushing them with their feet, the offender team will be considered a loser. During the game, the balls are often mercilessly blamed, it is not necessary to pay attention to it. The main thing is the end result.

Active New Year's game for the company "Transfer"

You will need:

- 2 litter of cardboard size with a playing card.

Players are divided into two teams and are built into two lines. The presenter gives the first players in the line cardboard cards. Task: Transfer a card from one player to another, holding it in the mouth.

The team that coped with the task is first wins. The loser team should have a "penalty". Then the piece is taken away from the cards, and the game is repeated.

Active New Year's game for the company "Talking the rope"

This common, cheerful, noisy game is most often between children and parents. Children terribly like to compete with their parents, they have no doubt that they will win, and (of course, not without the help of parents) won. But it also happens that the participants of the holiday so fall into the taste that the whole championship is arranged to drag the rope between families, dads, mothers, etc.

Active New Year's game for the company "Letter"

Players become in the circle and take hands leading - in the center of the circle. One of the players says: "I send a letter ..." - and calls the name of any player standing in a circle. "Letter" he conveys the invitations to the right or left neighbor. Player whose hand shook should pass the charge to the next player. When the player who was sent by the "letter" would feel a charge, he must say: "Received!" - Will to declare in turn to whom he sends a letter.

The task of the lead is to intercept the "letter". For this, he must point out a person who currently transmits the "letter". It is quite difficult to make it, because the presenter does not know, in which direction "Letter" sent. If the lead coped with his task, he becomes a circle, and the place of the lead occupies a player caught during the transfer of "letters".

Active New Year's game for the company "Try, puncture!"

One or two balloons are tied to the leg or to both the feet of guests. The task of players is to pierce anyone's balls and protect their own.

Active New Year's game for the company "Try, disconnect!"

The presenter proposes to approach him a strong and bold boy. He gives him the hoop into his left hand, and the right, asks to push him. In this hand, he also gives the hoop. Hoops for this fun should be small - about 40-45 cm in diameter. It can be a rim from a teenage bike, appropriately prepared for the competition. "Now try to disconnect them," says the presenter, "only you cannot tear off the hands from the hoop." Nevertheless, it is possible to free themselves, and this is not so difficult, as it seems. The hoop, which the viewer holds in his left hand, needed, put on his head, skip through all the body, and then get out of it. This is how this task is solved.

Active New Year's game for the company "Put the box"

2-3 inverted stools are placed on the floor, participants are 2m from her. Everyone has four boxes with matches in their hands. They should come to a stool with closed eyes and put boxes on the legs of the stool. Wins the one who will make it faster and without mistakes.

Active New Year's game for the company "Kisses"

You will need:

- scarf;

One player sitting on the chair and tie his eyes. The rest in turn begin to kiss it. A player sitting on a chair is trying to determine who it was.

Important! Kissing the sitting should all players, regardless of gender.

If the name is guessed correctly, players change places and the game continues.

Active New Year's game for the company "Rainbow"

Players are in a circle. Lead calls colors, for example, says: "Yellow! Once, two, three! "," Blue! One two Three!" etc. During the time the leading leaders, players must touch the things called.

Important! Players must find the thing of the specified color without leaving the circle formed by the participants.

One who last touched the things of the right color, leaves the game. The winner is the participant who remains in the game.

Active New Year's game for the company "Once to DUN"

In this simple, but fun competition you can get a prize, as children are sometimes expressed, on Fu Fu. It is only necessary to try and blow as follows ... on what will happen at hand: on balls from mint napkins, on corks from wine bottles, on empty matchboxes ...

On a flat floor or an empty table, two items are put on one line, suppose two empty matchbox. Competed stand on one distance from them and the leading signal is strongly blowing once. He who will answer again automatically loses. Wins the one whose item flew on.

And you can also compete like this: push a little blank cardboard box out of the box, put the boxes to the mouth (to put, and not shove in your mouth!) And to blow. This competition, whose "shot" will turn out to be more distant. And you can put some target - a box, a bucket, a saucepan and, standing in full growth, from a certain distance to fall into it. Each time is given five "shots".

Active New Year's game for the company "Scout"

You will need:

- 2 children's rattles;

- 2 chairs;

- Rope.

The presenter invites two people to participate in the game. Each player to the belt is attached to the rope baby rattle. The length of the rope should be such that the rattle is at the knee level. At a distance of 2 m from the start, 2 stools are installed. The task of participants is to pass the distance, bypassing the chair and go back. The participant wins the participant who has turned out to pass the distance with the smallest noise.

Active New Year's game for the company "Most Bold"

You will need:

the grades "for courage and the fight against prejudice."

The presenter proposes to create women's and male teams. According to the signal of the leading players, they begin to remove clothing from themselves and lay it out in one line.

Important! Each team has its own line.

The task of players is to lay out a line out of clothes longer than rivals. The winning team gets a diploma "for courage and fight against prejudice."

Can not live without you

You will need:

records with quick dance melodies.

Playing are divided into pairs. Women are becoming forming an inner circle, men - outdoor. The presenter includes music, and both circles start moving in opposite directions. When the music is interrupted, the lead command: "Hand to hand!" After that, partners should find their own pair as soon as possible and nourished their hands to each other. The couple that the latter will perform this task is dropped. The game continues, and every time the presenter gives new teams, for example: nose to the nose, hand to the knee, ass to the priest, ear to the ear, etc.

The winning couple receives a prize - Santa Claus Cap and the crown of Snow Maiden. After all, such mutual understanding arises only when you spend more than one century together!

Active New Year's game for the company "The most insult"

You will need:

chairs - by the number of participants;

inflated balloons;

the gram "the most insult".

Ball balls are tied to the seats of chairs in advance. Then the participants occupy places - each near his chair. At the command of the leading players should sit on the ball and crush it.

Important! The presenter does not explain until the end of the game, how will the winner be determined.

This task only seems simple at first glance. It invariably causes a lot of laughter, both in the participants and the fans. Wins the player who managed to do the last. He is given as a prize to the air ball and the letter "the most insulting".

Active New Year's game for the company "Harvesting"

The task of players of each team is as quickly as possible without the help of the hands to transfer to a certain place of oranges.

Active New Year's game for the company "Snipers"

You will need:

- matches - 10 pieces for each participant;

- Cardboard box from under shoes;

paper tubes for each player;

prize - "Sniper Diploma."

First you need to prepare the "shells" - cut the sulfur heads from the matches. Then each player is distributed by 10 matches prepared in this way and paper tube. The box from under the shoes is installed on a chair 2 m from the participants. Using paper tubes as brass guns, participants should get into it with matches. For each participant there is a separate account. The winner is the one who managed to throw in the target most of the "shells". It is he who is awarded the "Diploma Sniper".

Active New Year's game for the company "Snow Wire"

You will need:

- Rope.

Participants are becoming each other and keep with her left hand for the rope. The purpose of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. If he managed to do this, the last player becomes the first number and the game continues.

Choose a gift

- rope;

- durable silk thread;

- scarf;

- scissors;

- Many small gifts. This game is known to many, but it does not get less fun. A set of small prizes should be suspended on the stretched rope: toys, candy, fruit.

Participants are built up at a distance of 2 m from the rope with gifts. The first participant tie his eyes, give the scissors in the hands and several times scroll around their axis. His task is to approach the rope and cut a gift. Then the scissors are transmitted to the next participant. So continues until gifts are completed. The most difficult task is the last participants: this moment of prizes remains a bit and it is very difficult to determine where they are.

Active New Year's game for the company "Dancing in the Dark"

You will need:

scarves - by the number of participants;

10 empty bottles.

Players are divided into two teams. Determine the start and at a distance of 4-5 m - the finish. Dogged from the start to Finish, there are 5 empty bottles. Players tie their eyes, after which they must pass the distance without knocking down the bottle.

Important! The team must pass the distance, holding hands.

For each non-protected bottle, the team gets 1 point. That team that will earn more points is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company "Theater of Shadows"

You will need:

large sheet of paper;

table lamp;

various household items.

A sheet of paper acts as a screen, behind the lamp is installed behind it. Light is sent to the screen. Between the lamp and the screen place various household items (scissors, spoon, alarm clock, handle, a cup, etc.). The task of participants is to determine the subject

Active New Year's game for the company "2 dumbbells"

Players are divided into two teams. The start and finish is determined. Task for each player: Stop the dumbbell and, pushing out one foot, "get there" to the finish. There you should take a dumbbell in your hands, return and transfer it to the next player. The team wins the team that could overcome the first distance.

Active New Year's game for the company "Thin Nature"

You will need:

- 3 tools;

- 3 opaque packages;

- walnuts;

- scarves;

- Diploma "Thin Nature".

To participate in the game, the lead invites three women. Participants tie their eyes and say that the goal of the game is to determine how well the sensitivity is developed. In the meantime, they put three-strokes in a row, each lay from 2 to 5 nuts, and they are covered with an opaque package on top. Cooking for the game is finished. Participants are searched on stools, and for the music for two or three minutes they must determine how many nuts on their stool. The one wins, which will be able to call the exact number of nuts, it is she deservedly receives a diploma "thin natura".

Active New Year's game for the company "Guess who?"

The collests are divided into two equal commands. One team begins the game, make some abstract concept, for example infinity, castle, vacuum cleaner, etc. Representative of the opponent team. This person should not tell his native team that he was fed, but shows this word with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Very funny watching a man who depicts, for example, a drunken penguin!

Active New Year's game for the company "Training shooting"

You will need:

big umbrella;

tennis ball.

First, they note the start line, at a distance of 3-4 m from it the umbrella handle up. The task of each player is to throw the ball so that it remains inside the umbrella.

Important! The first time the ball is thrown simply into the umbrella, in the second - from the bitch from the floor.

Wins the player who has the best result of two tasks.

Active New Year's game for the company "Grab"

You will need:

- 2 chairs;

- Rope with a length of 1 m.

The presenter puts two stools back to each other and invites two participants. The rope is placed under chairs. At the command of the leading players who are sitting on the chairs should grab the rope as soon as possible and pull it out from under the chair. The winner is the one who managed to do it first.

Active New Year's game for the company "Bearing"

You will need:

- 4 empty bottles;

- 2 chairs;

- pieces of rope.

Two teams participate in the game, and in each should be an even number of players so that you can crash. At a distance of 3 m from the start, there are chairs, and in front of each chair at a distance of 1 m and 2 m - empty bottles. Players are associated with a rope: the left foot of the partner standing on the right, with the right foot of the one who stands on the left. In this position, the pair should go along the route "Snake", bypassing all the bottles and chair.

Important! If players dropped a bottle or chair, they must return to the start and start their stage anew.

The team wins the first to be the scheduled route.

Important! Participants do not announce the audience the contents of the note.

Active New Year's game for the company "Honor of Warrior"

You will need:

- teaspoons;

- balls from ping pong.

The presenter invites 3-4 participants and gives them tea spoons and balls from ping pong. Each player must take a teaspoon in the mouth, and put the ball on it. Task - to shoot down the ball of opponents and do not let your knit.

Important! Players should not help themselves.

That player who will last will remain with a false ball, - winner. It was he who managed to protect the honor of the warrior.

Active New Year's game for the company "Six for sobriety"

You will need:

- chairs - by the number of players;

- glasses;

- alcohol.

Players are sitting on the chairs, closely moved to each other. Each player must put his left hand on the right knee of a neighbor on the left, and the right one is on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. The extreme players put one hand on their knee (from the side where there is no neighbor). The right extreme player claps on his knee, then playing need to clap so that the cotton is distributed in a row. When the queue comes to the second extreme player, it bleats twice in his knee, and the game goes in the opposite direction. Gradually, the pace of the game is accelerated. Those players who made their turn are dropped out of the game. The last three remaining participants are announced by the winners, at the moment they are the most sober in the company. Winners should drink "penalties" in order not to differ much from the rest of the company.

Active New Year's game for the company "Chef"

Leading for a while leaves the room. From among the other players, the "chef" is selected. All participants get up in a circle and invite the lead. After his return, the "Chef" begins to show various movements, and the remaining players repeat behind him. The goal of the lead is to guess who is the "chief". If he managed to do this from two attempts, the "chef" becomes the lead, if not, the presenter leaves the room again, and the players choose another "chef".

Active New Year's game for the company "Shuster Seller"

It would be nice if the sellers in the store acted so deniming as children during this game.

Competition participants are divided into two equal commands. All remove their shoes in the next room and fold into a shared hand. This is a store store. After that, players return back and turn into "buyers". Complete teams - "Sellers". Their business to find out what shoes should be brought, and not make a mistake in choosing a couple.

According to the signal of the leading children, one begins to describe the shoes that they need to bring. They naturally describe briefly and ask to bring their pairs. As soon as the information from the "buyer" received, the "seller" immediately rushes to the "warehouse" and brings the desired pair.

Player, i.e. "Buyer", should behave like in a good store: lack shoes, but only to put the leg, the "seller" himself fell. The task of the "seller" is to quickly bring shoes and shoes all team members.

If the "seller" brings not that pair, then, of course, runs after another. During the runner "Seller" should behave correctly with his colleague, not to push him, they should not face the door. And "Buyers" - briefly and accurately describe their shoes. The team wins, whose captain will finish the case first.

Active New Year's game for the company "Eh, pumping!"

You will need:

The game participates two teams of three people. Market starts and at a distance of 4-5 m - Finish. Each team gets the ball, one of the players becomes on him, and two others support it under elbows. At the signal of the leading player begins to roll the ball, crossing it. The task of each team is to finish the first one.

Active New Year's game for the company "Young firefighters"

Competed two. They sit on chairs at a distance of 2 m back to each other. On the backs of the chairs hang jackets or jackets with the sleeves turned inside out. This is "Form." The chairs are a rope, the ends of which just reach the legs of the contestants. This is a fire hose. According to the sign of the leading "young firefighters", they give their "shape" in order, they put it on, stamped all buttons, ride around the chairs three times, while loudly counting: "Once, two, three!", Sit on the chairs and twitch for "firefighters hose". In whose hands he remained, he is the winner, that is, "Young fireman."

Active New Year's game for the company "Apples"

You will need:

Players are divided into pairs. The rope is tensioning so that the apples attached to it were at the level of the belt. Task for each pair: eat an apple as soon as possible.

Important! It is impossible to help yourself.

The game is allowed "dirty techniques" - push and unpuck the elbows the neighboring couples are not reborn. The couple wins, which first coped with the task.

The air ball with the help of a rope is attached to the player anklet. The task of the participant of the game is to clap someone else's ball and do not crack yours. To protect your ball, the player is issued a newspaper.

Important! Clear balls can be only legs. If the player burst the ball, he drops out of the game.

The last player who has a ball remained is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company "Ltinka - Ltinka Rastay"

You will need:

pieces of ice - by the number of participants; The gram "The Hottest Heart".

All participants are issued on a piece of ice.

Important! All pieces should be the same size.

Task - Ice to melt as soon as possible. You can do it with your hands, you can put the cheek, you can rub on the chest - there are no restrictions! The first who can cope with the task receives a diploma of the "hottest heart".

Active New Year's competition for the company "Auto racing"

It is necessary to draw two bands, denoting the start and finish. For the game will be useful to the same rings. Only one way we will give a toy machine, and the other end will be tied to the middle of a 30-centimeter stick (you can use a piece of the twist from the mop).

Two competitors try to wind up a stick on a stick so quickly, rotating her with two hands so that the machine, tied to another end, came to the finish line first.

Active New Year's contest for the company "Akraty"

For this contest, make some kind of gentle dish - for example, jelly. The task of participants is to eat it as quickly as possible with matches or toothpicks. Santa Claus, a lead and commentator, awards one who will do it carefully.

Active New Year's competition for the company "Running in a bag"

Probably there is no adult who would not at least once in his life participated in this competition. It seemed that this was the subdue competition forever remained in the past. No! Today it is increasingly found on mass holidays and in school gyms. And participants of the holidays respond to it with enthusiasm.

The essence of the competition is very simple: rivals put on the feet of the bag, which is kept in their hands or tie on the belt. "Run" in the bag is possible only if you place your feet in the corners of the bag and stretch it well. In this case, the runner resembles a stroned horse. Some prefer, stretching the bag, jumping like a kangaroo. In any case, a man running in a bag produces a very funny impression. At the same time, the excitement inherent in the competition makes this competition as beloved as "pulling the rope". Wins the one who will faster to the finish.

In the future, 2019, the "management" of the planet will turn to the next symbol, in the list of 12 lords of the Eastern Horoscope - an earthen pig. The marked animal is distinguished by a welcome, courage, faith in people, tranquility and humility. Therefore, the passions of the current 2018, it will be time for gratitude and peace. According to astrologers, this animal promises to constantly drive frustration and trouble from humanity.

To back up a announced symbol of next year, you should know how to please it. For example, it is bright and unforgettable to celebrate the best holiday in the year - the new 2019 year. To do this, it will be pretty to work hard for such a long-awaited event as fun and happy. For such purposes, interesting contests for the new year 2019 for adults may be needed.

Ideas of festive entertainment

If a future holiday will take place in the company of good friends, you should hang at the entrance to the room planned under the feast, Watman, near which the marker will hang on the roller. Each coming guest will be able to write congratulations on a similar "canvas" for the hostess or host of the house, or the considerations that he would like to get as a New Year's gift. A great solution is to fill the sheet with bright pictures.

No less intriguing idea - a box with wishes. To carry out such a competition, you will have to make a small container in advance, decorating it with bright, festive elements. Then it should be put on a similar product on the table, so that for the battle of the chimes, each guest could put his own, most cherished desire. The marked box will be stored at the housewife at home until the next New Year's Eve, in order to exactly through 365 days to check the fulfillment of desires, and just posstalgate.

An interesting solution, create for all guests a feast of unique invitations, in which all information about the place, accurate time and holiday format will be filed as an encrypted secret password. To do this, you will need a little patience, creative ideas and a mass of priests. It is worth clarifying - it is not necessary to create too bad crafts, otherwise guests will not be able to disassemble that from them, their own, is required.

Feast game for team

It is very important to choose some interesting contests and tasks used during the friendly eating of salads and drinking alcohol products. This is done so that guests do not bounce during the feast itself.

  • Grandma Egypt. All guests or the team are divided into two teams. In each team, it is necessary to choose the captain, which will be subsequently awarded the main attributes of the competition, that is, bucket and mop. At the same time, both participants must become one foot in a bucket, with the other hand hold it and hold the mop. It is in such a posture that the captains should fly to a certain turn and return back. The game is considered to be finished when the last participant coped with the task.
  • Task Surprise. This competition is required by training, so it was necessary to write small tasks in bright leaflets in advance, which then twist and shovel into the air ball. Balls are inflated and awarded each arrived guest. Guest must necessarily burst the ball and find a task in it, which it must be done. The main interest and fun is that tasks can be completely different. The most relevant and common can be called the following. It is rock and roll, sing a song, tell the poem, standing on the chair, show how they beat the chimes, guess the riddle.
  • Crocodile. It is worth noting that this contest is considered one of the most popular and in demand on any corporate parties and events. The essence lies in the fact that all participants should divide into two teams. Each team should come up with a Caverzny word, which she falsify a volunteer from the opponents team. He in turn should call or portray this word so that his team guess it. But, while everyone should be silent, especially those who try to convey to their team this word. Believe me, it turns out very funny and fun.
  • New Year's prediction. This competition also loves many, and mainly it is always held at the end of the feast. To hold it, you need to buy or bake the pie, cut it on the number of holiday guests present and in each piece to shove the message in the form of a small tube can even with an illustration. Moreover, it is best to use the drawing instead of words, it's easier and more fun to interpret what awaits you. What pictures and objects to predict the future are most often used.

  • The glass is a holiday and fun.
  • Machine - long-awaited purchase.
  • Heart - love.
  • Man's face is a new acquaintance.
  • Lightning is a variety of different events that should be expected in your life.
  • The letter is an unexpected news.
  • The book is new knowledge, experience.
  • Arrow is the achievement of the goal.
  • A gift is an unexpected surprise.
  • The sun is success in all endeavors.
  • Coin - financial well-being.
  • Watches - change in life.
  • Stroller - replenishment in the family.
  • Ring - marriage.

In order to find out what awaits you in the future you need to easily eat a piece of cake. Although guests are better to warn in advance about what they expect them.

  • Guess-Ka. For this contest, paper and handle will need. Each present must write about himself something that sitting at the table is very little known. After these notes are folded and folded into the basket. Then each in turn pulls out a note, reads, and everyone should guess about whom it is talking.
  • Drunk checkers. This competition is suitable for the most real intellectuals who prefer to drink with special pleasure. To do this, you will need the real chessboard, and instead of the figures there will be stacks with wine. On the one hand, white wine is pile in the stacks, and with another black. Further, everything goes, as in ordinary checkers, that is, he quit the enemy checker - drank it.

As can be seen, competitions for organizing cheerful, and most importantly, the new year's holiday is a big set, which will help you make this evening and the event truly unmatched

Family New Year's games

To make a family festive feast more cheerful, it is worth a small contest, consisting of mysteries about the symbol of the advancing 2019 - yellow pig.

Shins bright lights, on the walls, windows, outside the window.
She is generously decorated with a Christmas tree, dressed up the house outside.

Snowman - the sovereign of the courtyards, is blinded from large balls.
Nose will replace deftly very tasty ... "

"Ice girl in a dress blue
With Grandfather Moroz to us comes to the house.
(Snow Maiden)

Red nose and beard, he walks there and here,
He brought all gifts, who is it? ..
(Santa Claus)

Eats chowder from the bodied,

Grush loudly not afraid.

Nose: Strug Piglet,

Tail: curled hook,

On his back, her bristles, children know it ...

Instead of nose - Piglet,

Instead of tail - hook,

Thick abdomen

Little ears,

Pink back

This is our ...

Who climbed with his feet into a cup,

I cleared my face?

Loudly chavokets: "Hrew, Hrew".

What I want, I'm doing.

I do not want to be so me.

What is her name?..

Another interesting version of the New Year's game for the whole family is a festive song.

To carry out this task, you need to prepare some cap, pencils and colored paper. Each of the participants receives a leaflet on which you should write any word or phrase concerning winter, New Year's subjects. After that, all the leaves are folded into one headdress, mixed and alternately pulled out by guests present at the holiday. The word written on the leaflet should be part of a certain phrase invented by lightning and part of the future song. Such phrases need to come up with all the leaves in the hat with the words so that as a result, it turned out a very funny festive composition.

On completion, it remains only to add that any holiday will be much more dynamic, more fun and happy if it prepares in advance. Therefore, choose different options for games, prepare the details and let the upcoming New Year's Eve be the beginning of something unimaginably good and desirable. Happy holidays!

  1. Santa Claus. Players are distributed slices of ice of the same size (we froze the cubes in cells from under the candy). The task of players: as long as possible not to melt them, while tightly holding the cubes between the palms. The one who will have at least a small piece of ice when the rest of it melts - wins.
  1. Warm heart. The initial data is similar, but the participant wins, which will faster the cube.
  2. Energetic song. Another game proposes to remember the motive of the song "chicken fried" and fulfill it with new words and new content.

    We have in the south
    On hot south
    The sun shines all year round.
    And everyone is dancing,
    Everyone is having fun
    When they meet the new year!

    Everyone sing a song, and then the presenter says: "Right hand!" And it means that everything once again executes this "river", but at the same time they will shake the right hand. With each regular performance of the songs give new tasks: Right shoulder, left hand, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body.

  3. Fire extinguishers. Players are tied on rope belts, to the ends of which are attached or match boxes, or moistened wool. The players are put on a burning candle. Competitors need as quickly as possible without the help of hands to put out the candle.
  4. Sniper. The game is as follows. 3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. For the game requires empty beer bottles of 0.5 liters. In the number of players. Participants are tied to the belt fresh carrot in such a way that it hangs in front at the knee level. At the team of men, the men should hit the carrot in the neck of the bottle in such a way that then picking a bottle on the rope for which carrot is tied.
  5. Bogatyr. Music, slow minutes for 9-10. Couple, a man holds a girl on his hands. What a couple will last longer, she won. When manifestation of fatigue players or guess, or they suggest putting a partner over the shoulder, put on the shoulders, etc.
  6. Eat apple. From among the guests, several pairs are selected, preferably a guy-girl, their eyes are tied, they get together opposite each other and, holding each in her hand on the apple, try to feed each other with them. The victorious is the couple, apples that were eaten faster, and the fingers were not bite. During the game, it is advisable to ensure that the participants do not eat apples that are in their hands.
  7. Alcohol. In the "close" company, two "preheated" men are invited to check who is more drunk. For this, they are issued markers, and behind them - a scale drawn on Watman, where the increasing degrees are indicated - 20, 30, 40 degrees and higher. The task of the participants is flaming, stretching the hand to the "spiromer" between the legs, mark the degrees on the scale. Everyone wants to be more sober, so degrees on the scale have from a larger number to a smaller thing so that the players pull their hands above.
  1. Accurate shooter. Players on the waist are strengthened belts to which an apple is suspended on the rope. The players put a board with nails. It is necessary as quickly as possible "folding" an apple on a nail (plant).
  2. Orchestra. Girls to the belt are tied with spoons and herbs, men - covers and saucepans. To the music of "shock" are accepted for work. Girls swing spoons, and men - covers and saucepans. That couple wins, which will last longer in the game (that is, making sounds to the music), while maintaining a serious look.
  3. Caution! egg! Couples get back to each other. Between the backs of the egg. Task - gently lower it to the floor. Wins a couple from which the egg remains the whole. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball. At the same time, the competition wins the pair, the ball with which, touching the floor, did not lead to the side.
  4. Hrew-Khrew. For this contest, make some kind of gentle dish - for example, jelly. The task of participants is to eat it as quickly as possible with matches or toothpicks. Possible option: eat, removing your hands behind the back.
  5. Yield. The task of players of each team is as quickly as possible without the help of the hands to transfer to a certain place of oranges.
  6. Sleight of hand. One hand right or left is still to break the newspaper into small pieces, the hand is stretched forward, it is impossible to help free hand. Who will work fine.
  7. Story. When you have at least 5-10 guests (the age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler - the better, ideally suited - "Ryaba chicken", "Kolobok", "Rack", "Teremok", etc.). Choose the host (it will be a reader). From the books on separate leaflets, write all the heroes of the fairy tale, including, if the number of people, trees, hemp, river, buckets, etc. allow. All guests pull papers with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters "come to life" ...
  8. Joke. All guests are in a circle and put hands to each other on the shoulders. Leading to everyone in the ear says "Duck" or "Goose" (in the scatter, "duck" to say a greater number of players). Then explains the rules of the game: "If I say now:" Goose "- then all the players who I called the way, press one leg. And if the" duck ", then the players, whom I called" duck ", press both legs." A bunch of mala is guaranteed.
  9. Chest. Each of the two players is their chest or a suitcase, in which various clothing items are folded. The players tie their eyes, and on the team lead they begin to wear things from the chest. The task of players is to dress up as quickly as possible.
  10. Keep melodia. In this game, everyone should sing, except for one person - the lead. Everyone remembers a favorite song. Cotton leading players start singing, but to themselves. But when the presenter slammed twice, everyone continues to sing aloud and as louder as possible. The main thing is to keep the melody and do not confuse words, despite sound interference. After some time, the presenter repeats the actions: slaps one, and then again twice. Won one who will slow the song to the end, never having gotting up!


And even more fun if the clothespins are only 9! It causes excitement from the player and just tantrum in the audience knowing what's the matter!

10/28/2004 10:42:59, akasha

it seems that the creators of such sites have discharged games with
One book

09.12.2003 00:06:38, Tatjana

I can offer another game: the players are divided into pairs (better in different ways), everyone ties eyes and cling to clothes 10 clothespins. The task of steam - as soon as possible to collect all 10 clothespins from each other. It turns out very fun if at the last moment when the eyes are already tied up, replace partners.

17.12.2002 14:08:44, Ugly Elsa

Comment Article "Funny games that will be suitable at the New Year's party"

How to spend a cheerful New Year's party with games and contests. Print version. Energetic song. Another game proposes to remember the motive of the song "chicken fried" and fulfill it with new words and new content.

New Year at work. New Year's quest. And here's a whole week, urabs, carefully closing the screen of the computer from the positive ... New Year's quest at home. For the last new year, I myself wrote a quest for the whole family and we are friendly and fun wanted gifts half the night.

New Year is a gangster party. Good afternoon. We decided in the class to hold a new year in the format of a gangster party. It seems to be scenario sketched, contests came up with, but the whole head broke over the words-congratulations to Santa Claus.


If Santa Claus can get out with a guitar and in not exactly a traditional costume (for example, with a bandaged eye), that is, in songs about pirates:

Alexander Gorodnitsky - Pirate:
"Pirate, forget about the side of the native
When the signal "To the attack!" comes to.
Correction masts over the wave,
The sun flashes on foam crests.
Earthly unknown to us longing
Under the flag with crossed bones,

Swing shone above gear!

Tremble, Lisbon merchants,
Its fats are shaken,
Creeping, Royal Palaces
And scared London City, -
On a noisy holiday of guns and blade
We will be unrivaled guests,
(2x) And we will never die while
Swinging shone above gear! "

Grandma Pirate:
"- our dear feeder,
Sokol one-eyed,
You look at the board
Nearby not climb.
Do not visit without need
In vain orphans do not hurt
Take care of cartridges,
No snack rum do not drink -
It is very harmful.
And always go with the bube,
If there is no stroke.
Silver put in the chest,
Gold - in the pillow ... "

Berkovsky Victor Brigantine:
"We drink for violent, for non-corporate,
For the desired gross comfort.
Merry Roger goes in the wind.
Flint people sing singing.

And in trouble, and in joy, and in the mountain
Just a little sick of eyes -
In Flibuster Far Blue Sea
Brigantine raises sails. "

Section: Professional Holidays (Competitions on a disco in school for high school students). Who can help with the contacts of organizations for the New Year's disco for 8 classes at school.

Scenario of the New Year - contests for the children's holiday at school and at home. New Year's Scenario - Pirate Party with Competitions Section: Leisure, Hobby (New Year competitions for children in school). Tell me interesting contests for children 10-11 years old so that they can be ...


Just had a light of ours: the contest "MOD" -dable, pre-prepared elements of clothing fell into a bunch, two teams on the signal are thrown to disassemble and dress up their model, the condition - should be a headdress, the top-shirt is some and accessories , Win who is better pricked by. Contest "Magnetism", teams in a row, every cocktail straw, tightening the air straw from one to another transmitting a paper napkin (should stick to the straw :)))) whose napkin will fall less and faster to the last Player, do not help your hands!

New Year's fairy tale improvisation. Scenarios, poems, toasts. Holidays and gifts. New Year's fairy tale improvisation. Hello!!! For an adult holiday, you need to hold a fun New Year's party with games and contests. Print version.

At school for the New Year will be "minute of glory." Please advise, with which the third grader from the conversational genre can be made? Some kind of very original fables, a humorous poem or story.

Contests for the New Year Scenario - New Year's holiday at school, class, at work. Competitions for teenagers and adult parties. Snail - a new performance of the first theater for children from 10 months to 4 years.


And what no one remembered the game in the crocodile, in which we were 7th played at a meeting in the forest?
We must crash into two teams. A representative of one other team tells some phrase or proverb, and he portrays it all without words. We must guess.
I still remember, as I portrayed "Chickens of the Autumn consider"! And they guess! :)))

21.12.2000 02:20:10, Marina P.

First spell text with lots of places for definitions. For example, in this ... Night ... OUR YEAR ... COMPANY ... Gathered in ... home ... Name, which, besides ... Host-well, and so on, and the like. Nobody sees text except lead. The presenter requests those present to call the adjectives, by the number of passes in the text. Than Bolot creatively the guests will treat the choice of adjectives, the more it turns out. Then everything in order inserted into the text and read.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe second is to play a scene from the song, and the salt is that every word should be his actor, even at prepositions, it turns out very funny.
Again, there are eternal phantas assignments, you can pick up on the necessary subject.

The new year is not far off, the time of ubiquitous corporate events is nearing. And at home, many companies of friends will surely want to diversify their vacation games. And now is the time to choose contests for the new year 2019.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate party. And at home you can afford more than in the same restaurant.

New Year's competitions for home holiday

In small companies, it is worth preferred to those competitions for the New Year, which imply the inclusion of all those present so that no one is missing. Yes, and take 5-7 people in one contest is not so difficult.

Take care in advance by prizes. Even an adult man wants to get some physical proof of his victory. Let it be the most common candy, tangerines or simple souvenirs with a symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants may consider who collected more prizes. This is also very fun.

New Year melody

For this contest, several identical bottles will be required, in which the water is poured into different levels. It turns out a kind of musical instrument. Bottles are exhibited on the table, and guests are offered using a regular spoon to fulfill any New Year's melody on these bottles. The one who, by the general opinion, the extrepete is most like a melody.

Anecdote with beard

Each person in the company is in turn begins to tell some joke. If someone from the rest says that he knows this anecdote and really continues him, then the storytellor is put on a cotton beard. Wins in the end, by whom "Beard" are shorter than all. And the "bearded" itself can be appointed by Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition for the New Year. To do this, you will need to purchase a car flavoring in the form of a tree. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hiding somewhere in the room, and guests should find the subject by smell.

Hold snowflake

In this competition, a little wool will need again. It is necessary to make a kind of little and light snowflakes. It should be possible to keep the air flow on the weight. Snowflake throw up, and participants must blow on it from below, not giving falling. Wins, naturally, the one whose snowflake will later fall to the floor.

New Year's gift

In this competition, 3 people can participate at the same time. The sexuality of the participants does not matter. One of the three put in the center of the room. He will be a New Year's gift. Two others are bred along different directions from the "Gift" and tie their eyes. One is given in the hands of the ribbon, he must touch the gates to the touch. The second also to the touch should be untied.


This competition is designed for a pretty warm company. On the floor put a paper canvas long, but not too wide. The roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Further, women are offered to overcome the "river", not to sleep legs, that is, to go through his two shores, spreading legs wide. For the first time, women try to do it with open eyes, the second time - with closed.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes "Rouh", the rest should be outside the room. When a woman finishes the test, but have not yet untied her eyes, one of the men present will be launched on the "rodёk".

Woman unleash her eyes. She sees a man and naturally embarrassed. Now the next woman is invited to participate. The first sees how the contest actually passed, calms down and laughs.

I have in pants

This is just the rare case when the benefits can bring ordinary newspaper headlines. Journalists are now especially competing in originality. Cut the most unexpected and put into the envelope. Further, this envelope is started in a circle. Each participant takes one heading and says "And I have in my pants ..." and reads the title from the pulp.

New Year's contests for a small company in the restaurant

In this case, there are features. Funny contests for the new year in the restaurant can be quite movable, but not too much to damage the furniture and dishes. Therefore, you should not use all those present in contests at once. It is better to attract 2-3 people. Contests are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can even have fun where there is no special agreement.

Congratulations on the alphabet

Offer guests in turn to congratulate the gathered and say toast, but not just so, but by alphabet. The first one speaks to the letter "A", the second - on "b" and so on. The most cheerful, naturally, begins, closer to the end of the alphabet, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe letters "y", "s", as well as a solid and soft sign. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast will be the most fun.

In the original it is supposed to a contest with a butaforsky, drawn pie, on each piece of which are written or painted predictions. So, drew a penny foreshadows wealth; heart, of course, love; Envelope - News, Izvestia, and so on.

You can conduct a contest with a real pie, in each piece of which such prediction is hidden. Divination and predictions invariably enjoy success. People always want to know what is waiting for them in the future. And even if the fortune telling is comic, it gives a lot of pleasure


The ideal competition for the new year in the restaurant. First, guests will not have to get up anywhere, secondly, it is quite fun and interesting. Remind guests the plots of several famous fairy tales, offer to choose for yourself one and retell, but slightly changing the genre. It may be a detective, thriller, love romance. If you wish, you can spend several rounds, changing fairy tales and changing genres. In each round, the winner is selected by the author of the most interesting version.

Two oxes

Two participants are selected. They put back to each other, they are tied with a rope rope on the strife manner. Before each participant, a chair or table with a prize is set at a distance of several meters. The task of participants to drag the opponent and grab your prize first.


For this cool competition for the new year you will need some kind of gentle product: jelly, cold, soufflé. The task of participants to eat their portion as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not imply getting up from behind the table, pretty leaned for both participants and audience.


Another "sitting" competition. Each participant is given a handle and a paper, where it should write down all the New Year's dishes, for example, the letter "H". When the lists are ready, the participants alternately read them. Wins one whose list is longer.

You can slightly upgrade this contest. Participants do not constitute the preliminary lists, and simply in turn call their dishes. Cannot be repeated. Who makes it difficult to answer - leaves. Wins the latter. This competition awakens appetite very well, and it is convenient to spend it, for example, between snacks and hot dishes.

New Year competitions for corporate events

Corporates usually suggest the presence in one place of a large number of people unfamiliar among themselves. It is here for the first time employees of various departments that in ordinary life cannot contact each other in ordinary life, and then they are all entrusted at all. Therefore, contests for New Year's corporate standards should unobtrusively bring people. Here in the course of team entertainment, steam contests and the like things.

Chief Accountant

On the poster, the communities draw various cash bills in a variety of currencies. Banknotes should be recognizable. The task of participants to recalculate the bills starting with the first and ending the latter. Moreover, all currencies should be considered at the same time: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euros, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. One who wins the one who never betrays.


Since under corporaterates most often remove a separate room, here you can usually afford and mobile contests. For the "Diver" contest, two pairs of flippers and two binoculars will be required. Participants go to the start of two, wear flippers, take binoculars and, looking at him from back the parties, try to overcome the distance as soon as possible. It is quite difficult, so it is not worth making a distance too long, and even more difficult, with a lot of turning and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

In meaning, it looks like the previous one. Participants put one leg in the bucket, and hold it with hand. In the second hand they give a mop. Baba Yaga in a stage with a lady is ready. It remains only to find out which of two (three) more advantages and faster.


Good also for New Year's corporates, team contests. For example, the next one. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is handed a ball. First, the teams open a new planet, that is, the resulting ball is inflated. And then take markers in the hands and begin to settle this planet. That is, draw on the ball in the inhabitants. When the allocated time ends, the presenter considers the inhabitants on both planets. The team wins with the largest population.

Spoiled Phone and Association

Do not forget about old good, tested games. For example, spoiled phone. Participants sit down in a circle or chain, depending on the capabilities of the hall. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers to his neighbor's ear. Usually advised to do it quickly and unintelligible. But in fact, no matter how you utter a word, there are many people who heard him not like this in a long chain. The whisper does not contribute to the intelligibility of speech. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final word.

The game of the Association is not too different from the "phone". In this case, the participants do not repeat the heard word, but they say neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - Gifts - holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit is sitting

This competition is better to spend closer towards the end of the evening, when the guests have already slightly drunk, acquainted with each other and are ready for truly fun contests. Pre-prepare bag with various funny clothes: boots, scarves, brazers, family pants, diapers for adults, vitro, glasses with mustache and so on. The participants of the competition sit in the circle, and the bag with clothing is transmitted in a circle while the music sounds. When the music silences, the person who has a bag, without looking, takes out one thing from there and puts on himself. The winner is announced on whom the least "competitive" clothing. However, by the end everyone looks fun.


Participants are again divided into two teams and distribute them 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own color balls. For example: red and blue. On the balls are written with a marker of the letter so that the word "snowman" in the end was obtained.

From these 8 balls, other words can be made. This will deal with teams for speed. The presenter sets questions, the answers to which you can lay out from the specified letters. The point earns the team that will quickly cope with the task. Wins a team that scores more than the opponent.

Paper dress

In this competition, participate in pairs. The task of a man is to create a dress with toilet paper for your model. You can not use anything except paper. But with her you can do anything: twist, plug, tie into the bow. Contestants are removed in a separate room, then the girls go out and demonstrate outfits. Please note the model must go into it. Winners choose viewers.