And n nikitin artist paintings. School encyclopedia

And n nikitin artist paintings. School encyclopedia
And n nikitin artist paintings. School encyclopedia

"There is also good master masters from our people," Petr responded the first of the "painter Ivan", whose work was the subject of the pride of the emperor for the depreciation. Ivan Nikitich Nikitin became the founder of a new stage in the development of Russian picturesque art. Art historians, experts in the field for many years connected the work of this artist with his namesake. Historians are relatively recently studied archival materials, of which the middle name of the painter has become known. Also, a circle of works of nikitin was defined, the belonging of the paintings of his brush was established.

Antique painting Ivan Nikitina. Biography of the artist

The exact date of birth of the artist is unknown. It can only be argued that Ivan Nikitich was born in the mid-1680s in Moscow in the family of the priests of close to the court. Nikitin's childhood passed in Izmailov, in the estate of the royal family. There is an assumption that Ivan has studied painting in the Armory Chamber, but even the earliest works of the artist demonstrate to us the influence of European art. The name of Nikitin's mentor is known - A. Shhonebek, Engrar from Holland. With the translation in 1711 of the Armory of Moscow to St. Petersburg, "Personal Master" Ivan Nikitin moved to the new capital of the Russian Empire. There he worked when typography, independently studying the technique of writing through copying vintage paintings famous masters. Later became a teacher of drawing school.
Ivan Nikitin visited the border - in Venice, Italy and Florence. There the painter replenished his knowledge and skills. Upon returning to Russia, he was awarded the title of Hofmaler, and also recognized as a painting master. Ivan Nikitin was the first famous portrait of his time throughout Europe.

After the death of Peter the Great, the fate of his beloved artist of the emperor was tragically. In 1732, the Protopop of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow, Irodion and his brothers - Rodion and Ivan Nikitin were arrested. They were accused of insulting Feofan Prokopovich, Vice-President of the Holy Synod by spreading Paskville on him. Five years have stayed brothers in the Peter and Paul Fortress, exposed to torture and interrogation. Next followed the link to Tobolsk. Ivan and Rodion received rehabilitation in 1741, after the death of Empress Anna John.
Ivan Nikitich Nikitin died in 1742, presumably, on the way to Moscow.

Vintage paintings Ivan Nikitina. Creativity by artist

The first works that brought fame to the author were written by Nikitin while working in the printing house. They resemble the old painting of the previous century - dark background, plane image, bright colors stains. With the characteristic picture of the last conventionality of the lighting and the absence of depth, portraits of Nikitin's brushes are perfectly solved compositionally. It is worth noting that the work of the artist does not distinguish the characteristic parade portraits of the time to flatter. Examples of the works of the early period - "Portrait of Tsarevna Praskovi John" (1714), "Portrait of the Tsaritsa Praskovy Fedorovna" and "Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alekseevna" (1716). In the 1720s, the best works of Nikitin saw the light. During this period, warm shades appear in the color solutions of the paintings. The most famous works - "Portrait of Peter First" (beginning of the 1720s), "Portrait of Chancellor G.I. Golovkin "and" Portrait of an outdoor hetman "(1720th)," Peter first on the mortal bed "(1725), portrait of a young baron s.g. Stroganova (1726).
The last portrait of Peter the Great, written on January 28, 1725, is a strong pictorial work. It is created by the like-mindedness of the emperor, who cited a huge loss.
Nowadays, the paintings of Ivan Nikitich Nikitin are historical and cultural value.

Nikitin Ivan Nikitich (1680-1742)

Ivan Nikitich Nikitin - "Personal Master", Favorite Artist Peter I, the subject of his patriotic pride in front of foreigners, "so that they knew that there are good masters from our people." And Peter was not mistaken: "Painter Ivan" was the first Russian portrait of the European level and in the European sense of the word.

I.N.Nikitin took place from the family of Moscow clergymen. Initial art education was probably in the Moscow Armory Chamber and the Engraving Workshop under the leadership of the Dutch engraver A. Schonebek. In 1711, together with the engraving workshop, he was translated into St. Petersburg. Writing portraits, apparently, learned independently, studying and copying foreign masters in Russia. Thanks to his talent (and maybe relatives who served in the court churches), Nikitin quickly took a solid position at the court. Peter the Great noticed his abilities and gave to the teaching to I.G. Dangaeru.

In the early (until 1716), the works of the artist will feel the relationship with Persunov - Russian portraits of the late XVII century, with their rigid and fractional letter, deaf dark backgrounds, image flatness, lack of spatial depth and convention in the distribution of light and shadows. At the same time, there are also undoubted composite skills, and the ability to effectively drag into the shape, convey the texture of various materials, harmoniously coordinate saturated color spots. But the main thing - from these portraits there is a feeling of some special realistic persuasiveness and psychological reliability. Nikitin is completely alien to flattery, ordinary for the front portraits.

In 1716-20 I.N.Nikitin, together with the younger brother Roman, also painter, is in Italy. They visited Florence, where they were under the leadership of Tommazo Radi, Venice and Rome. Roman Nikitin, moreover, worked in Paris, N. Largerer. From Italy, I.N.Nikitin really returned to the master. He got rid of the shortcomings of the drawing and conventions of early work, but retained its main features: the general realism of painting and direct psychological characteristics, rather dark and saturated flavor, in which warm shades prevail. Unfortunately, it is possible to judge this by very few things that have come to us.

He wrote portraits of the emperor himself (several times), his spouses, the great Prince of Anna, Elizabeth and Natalia and many other high-ranking persons. The artist was familiar with the receptions of the dominant style of the era - Rococo, lung and playful, but used them only when it really corresponded to the nature of the model, as in the portrait of Young Baron S.G.STrohanova (1726). But perhaps, the best work of nikitin on the beauty of painting, in the depth and complexity of the psychological characteristic is the "portrait of a floor hetman" (1720th).
In 1725, Nikitin last writes from Nature of the king. "Peter 1 on the mortal bed" (in the Museum of the Academy of Arts) - in essence, a large etude, performed freely, but one-piece, thoughtful and monumental.
In the reign of Catherine I, he settled in Moscow, where his brother, who returned from abroad, was later engaged in church painting.

In 1732, Ivan Nikitin, together with the Roman and Irodion brothers in Moscow, was arrested on charges of spreading Pasquille at the vice-president of the Holy Synod of Feofan Prokopovich, by the way, too, the promoter and companion of Peter. Perhaps this was indirectly contributed to the unsuccessful marriage of the artist and then followed the divorce: the relatives of the ex-wife sought to harm Nikitin in every way. Yes, and so many did not love for a direct and independent temper. After five years of the caasemates of the Petropavlovsk fortress, interrogations and torture brothers are sent to the link. Ivan and Roman found themselves in Tobolsk. They waited for rehabilitation after the death of the Empress Anna John in 1741. But the elderly and sick artist did not return to his native Moscow. He probably died somewhere on his way to her. Roman Nikitin died at the end of 1753 or early 1754.

Documents of the Petrovsky era testify to the numerous portraits of the king owned by Ivan Nikitin's brushes. However, neither about one of the existing portraits of Petra cannot say with 100% confidence that he was created by Nikitin.

1. Peter I on the background of the marine battle. Located in the Winter Palace, at the end of the 19th century. It was transferred to the royal village. Originally feared the work of Yana Ketovsky, then Tannauer. The attribution of Nikitin first arose in the 20th century and, it seems, still not supported by anything.

2. Peter I from the Uffizi Gallery. I already wrote about him in the first post about Nikitina. For the first time, he was investigated in 1986, published in 1991. In favor of the authorship of Nikitinna, the inscription in the portrait and technical examination data of the Roman-Corsakova is testified. Nevertheless, most art historians do not hurry to recognize the portrait of Nikitin, referring to the low artistic level of the canvas.

3. Portrait of Peter I from the Collection of Pavlovsky Palace.
A.A. Vasilchikov (1872) considered it by the work of Karavakka, N.N. Wrangel (1902) - Matveev. Radiogram data seems to be evidenced in favor of Nikitin authorship, although not 100%. Dating work is not clear. Peter looks older than on portraits number 1 and2. The portrait could be created both before Nikitina's trip abroad and after her. If this is certain nikitin.

4. Portrait of Peter I in a circle.
Until 1808, belonged to the Archpriest of the Russian Church in London Ya. Smirnov. Until 1930 - in the Stroganovsky Palace, now in the timing.
The attribution of Nikitin arose when transferred to the Russian Museum. The foundation: "Trusting by Facey and the eye, art historians deliberately determined the author - Ivan Nikitin." The attribution was questioned by molaomier and whiteutin. According to the examination, the technique of writing is different from Nikitin technology and generally Russian portraits of Petrovsky time. However, the author's corrections are forced to believe that the portrait is written from nature. (IMHO is really so that you can't tell about the three previous portraits).
Androsov concludes: "The only artist who could create the work of such depth and sincerity was Ivan Nikitin"
The argument "reinforced concrete", what can be said here))

5. Peter I on mortal app.
In 1762 he entered the Academy of Arts from the Old Winter Palace. In Obia 1763-73. It was as "Portrait of a written Susopshago of the sovereign of Emperor Peter Velikago", the author is unknown. In 1818, was considered the work of Tannauer. In 1870 P.N. Petrov attributed to Nikitin's work on the basis of the note A.F. Cockerinov. Note that none of the researchers from the researchers except Petrov, and the same story is repeated here as in the case of a "portrait of an outdoor hetman."
Then, until the beginning of the 20th century. The authorship of the portrait "Deli" Tannaauer and Nikitin, after the authorship of the latter was established.
A technological study conducted in 1977 by Roman-Korsakova confirmed that the author is Nikitin. From myself I note that the flavor of the work is very complex, Taoy is almost not found in other works of Nikitin (for example, the portrait of Stroganova, written at about the same time). Peter is depicted in difficult perspective, but the drape, which is covered by his body looks shapeless. It makes you remember other reliable work of Ivan Nikitin, where the artist refuses to model the body and folds and covers the torso depicted by the cloth.
There are other images of Peter I on the mortal bed.

One canvas is attributed to Tannauer. Here, the deceased emperor lies at about the level of the eye of the painter, who refuses the difficult angle (with which Nikitin coped very well). At the same time, the drawing and painting is confident, and personally I like this work even more than Nikitinskaya.

The third picture is a free copy from the second and in some sources is also attributed to Nikitin. Personally, it seems to me that such an attribution does not contradict the famous Nikita canvas. But could Ivan Nikitin simultaneously create two images of Dead Peter I, and so different in artistic advantages?

6. There is another portrait of Peter I, previously considered the work of Nikitin. Now he is attributed to the caravakku. The portrait is very different from all previous ones.

7. Another portrait of Peter I attributed to nikitin. Located in the Pskov Museum-Reserve, for some reason, is dating from 1814-16.

Summing up, I note that the portraits of Peter I are attributed to nikitin, both in terms of skill and the style of execution. The appearance of the king is also transmitted very differently. (In my opinion, some similarities are only between "Peter on the background of the sea battle" and "Peter from the Uffusion"). All this makes it think that portraits belong to the brush of various artists.
Some results can be summed up and express some hypotheses.
Myth "Ivan Nikitin - the first Russian painter" began to form, apparently at the beginning of the 19th century. For a hundred years, expired from the era, when the artist worked, Russian art made a huge step forward and portraits of Petrovsky time (as well as painting as a whole) seemed very primitive. But Ivan Nikitin was supposed to create something outstanding, and, for example, the portrait of Stroganov such people 19 V. obviously did not seem. In the future, the position has changed little. Talented, masterfully performed works, such as "Portrait of Chancellor Golovkin", "Portrait of Peter I in a Circle", "Portrait of Outdoor Hetman" was attributed to Nikitin without special evidence. In the same cases, when the artistic level of work was not too high, the authist of Nikitin was questioned, while even obvious evidence was ignored. Moreover, this situation remains to date, which is the evidence of portraits of Peter and Catherine from the Uffizi.
All this is pretty sad. Art historians can easily ignore such evidence of authorship, as the inscriptions in the paintings and the results of the examination, if this data does not fit into their concept. (I do not argue that such evidence is absolutely reliable. Simply, if not they, then what? Not the notorious art historical flair, which gives very different results). The essence of all concepts is often determined by the conjuncting moments.

Ivan Nikitich Nikitin (about 1690 - not earlier than 1742) - Russian painter-portraitist, founder of the Russian portrait school of the 18th century.

Biography Ivan Nikitin

Born in Moscow, the son of the priest Nikita Nikitina, who served in Izmailov, Brother of the priest of Irodion Nikitin, later Protopopa of the Archangel Cathedral in the Kremlin, and the painter of Roman Nikitina.

He studied in Moscow, apparently, with the Armory Chamber, perhaps under the leadership of the Schonebek Dutch in the engraving workshop.

In 1711 he was transferred to St. Petersburg, he studied at Johanna Tannaauer, a German artist who was one of the first to accept the invitation of Peter the First to move to St. Petersburg to teach the promising painting of Russian artists. Quickly conquers authority at the court.

In 1716-1720 to the state retirement, together with his brother Roman sent (among twenty people), study in Italy, in Venice and Florence. He studied from such masters as Tommaso Redi and I. G. Dangauer. After returning becomes a court artist. So, nikitin belongs to the portrait of the dying Peter of the first. In 1732, together with the brother Roman, also an artist, was arrested in the case of the spread of Pascville on Feofan Prokopovich. After five years of preliminary conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress, there was a beat of his whip and exiled to Tobolsk for life.

In 1741, after the death of Anna John, received permission to return to St. Petersburg. I left in 1742 and died on the way.

Creativity Nikitin

There are only three signed works of Nikitin, along with those that they are attributed to, about ten.

Early works still contain traces of Parsuna, the former portrait style in Russia in the XVII century.

Nikitin is one of the first (often called the first) Russian artists who left the traditional iconographic style of Russian painting and began to write pictures with the prospect, as they wrote in Europe at that time. Thus, it is the founder of the tradition of Russian painting, continuing to the present.

Famous artist's work

  • Tsarevna Praskovya Ivanovna, 1714, State Russian Museum.
  • Portrait of a Cossack in Red Kaftan, 1715, Kharkiv Art Museum.
  • Tsarevna Natalia Alekseevna, 1716?, State Tretyakov Gallery.
  • Portrait of Chancellor Golovna, 1720s, State Tretyakov Gallery.
  • Portrait of Peter First, 1725, State Russian Museum.

  • Portrait of Baron Stroganova, 1726, State Russian Museum.
  • Portrait of outdoor hetman, 1720s, State Russian Museum.
  • Portrait of Anna Petrovna, State Russian Museum.
  • Portrait of S. P. Strogonov, State Russian Museum.

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