Hannah: singer before and after plastics (photo), biography, real name, career, personal life, love story with husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), child birth. Hannah's love story and Pasha: What is about the relationship of one of the most beautiful pairs of show business

Hannah: singer before and after plastics (photo), biography, real name, career, personal life, love story with husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), child birth. Hannah's love story and Pasha: What is about the relationship of one of the most beautiful pairs of show business
Hannah: singer before and after plastics (photo), biography, real name, career, personal life, love story with husband Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), child birth. Hannah's love story and Pasha: What is about the relationship of one of the most beautiful pairs of show business

Pasha is the director of the well-known Russia and beyond the BLACK STAR music label. True name of a man - Pavel Kuricanov. Paul was born on September 16 (according to Virgo Horoscope) 1983 in the city of Moscow.

His family was very consistent and for this reason they did everything possible to give their son a worthy education. True, by nature, the boy turned out to be very restless and restless. His parents have repeatedly caused the director. But, despite all this, Paul studied very well.

Taste of adult life

As soon as Pasha ends up a school with sufficiently high points, he decides to go to the college at the Faculty of Finance. After studying in college, he is translated into a specialized university, in order to become a minister of finance in the future.

Paul from childhood was independent. Another 9-10 years he earned his first money, which the parent gave him for cleaning the apartment. So they tried to develop a feeling of diligence in the boy. All the money earned, he spent on gifts to relatives, friends and parents, making it nice not only to them, but also for themselves.

Acquaintance with Timati

The first meeting of Pasha with Timati took place in a nightclub. After some time, they begin to face more often, talk and spend more time with each other. Thus, they become friends "not spilling water." In 1998, Timati together with Pasha based rap group "VIP77", which included such famous performers as: Dominic Joker, Baby Lee, Master Spent, etc. The group of the group went very well, and after some time they produce such hits as: "I need one" and "Fiesta".

To date, Timati's career is very successful, he has a large luggage of various projects, as well as much scheduled for the future. Of course, such success came not without the help of his friend's colleague Pasha.

Personal Front Pasha

In fact, much about the personal life Pasha remains unknown. But in 2015, he knows about the wedding of the popular singer Hannah with the CEO of Black Star. For the first time Anna (real name Hannah) noticed Pasha in one program on the MUZ-TV channel. She noted his appearance and a nice voice.

Two months later, they are found in Turkey, where the girl wins the beauty contest. Sitting in a restaurant, she notices her future man along with Timati, who were sitting at the next table. Thus, they exchange numbers and for 2 years they simply communicate, since Anna had a young man at that time, and Paul had no plans for a serious relationship. But after some time, they again encounter and understand what is irrevocably in love.

Star quarry on stage - the dream of many young and talented. The desire for all means, to rise to the musical Olympus often leads to the fact that young performers and performers are solved on plastic surgery. Lip plastic, nose, facial contour change, breast shape, hair colors have become the usual way to create an ideal image.

Anna Ivanova Hanna

Is it possible to consider these magic transformations true way to success? As often, the face and figure are customized under the trendy pattern, and as a result, an amazing original actress becomes the same as millions of glossy pop stars, practically not distingurable from each other. In the series of such "remaining without a face" of young stars - singer and fashion model Anna Ivanova, speaking under a beautiful stage name. Hannah before and after plastics: Careful surgeons are able to make a mega-star actress?


Hannah, she is Anna Ivanova - a native of the city of Cheboksary, it was born in 1991 in an incomplete family. Golden girl, grandfather and grandmother, Anna was always surrounded by love and care of loved ones.

From an early age, Anna showed itself as a creative and versatile nature, easily combined music, vocal art, sports and ballroom dancing. Additionally, Anna took the lessons of scenic art. The girl was to the soul of performances on stage: a solo game on the piano, performances in the ensembles, concerts of the dance team. Anna is a permanent participant of public events and sports competitions. In the photo of Hannah, the young cute face is surrounded by light curly hair.

Start of the Star Path

Already at the 15th age, Anna decided to seriously engage in sports dancing. From Cheboksary, she moved to Moscow and began to engage in the professional dance group "Aleko", quickly achieved the title of candidate in the master of sports in sports dancing. Already at the age of 15, she became the owner of the Cup of Novorossiysk, then the Caucasian Cup and other awards.

However, at 16, Anna stops dancing and begins to try himself as a model. And here the girl was waiting for a quick success.

The victory in the Miss Cinema competition, the first photos in fashion magazines, the crown of the winner of Miss Chuvashia contests, Miss Volga, Miss Kemer International and other brilliant victories. Looking through bright and emotional photo reports from these contests, you can see how Hannah looked to plastics.

Hannah to plastics

Then Hannah passes training in the United States, then goes to Ukraine, plays his first roles in the cinema. Having tried in different roles, Hannah makes a decision to return to vocals and stops at the singer's career.

New face

Hannah before and after

The first clip of the singer Hannah, submitted to the audience's court, was removed in 2013 on the song "I'm just yours." The charming girl turned into pop-diva from the cover: the shape of the nose changed noticeably, the rounded cute face became narrow, the cheekbones, lips were significantly emphasized. Expressive features of the face and a new look of Hannah - the result of a skilled contour facelift.

Hannah before and after plastic

After transformation in the plastic surgery clinic, even the form and color of eyebrows have changed. If you compare photos before and after the transformation in the hands of plastic surgeons, we can say that the girl has become almost unrecognizable. Now she carries a new face!

Hannah before and after breast

Hudai and tightened figure of Hannah - on her recognition, the result of stubborn workouts and fitness classes, as well as the transition to the Vegan diet.

Fans noted that the photo of Hannah in the magazine "Maxim" issued another secret of the transformation of the singer - the shape and size of the breast changed unequivocally. Such an "upgrade" strikes stunning results, but at the same time Hannah is more difficult to learn among thousands similar to each other pop stars.

Personal life

Since 2013, Hannah has been producing new songs and clips annually.

In 2015, the girl played a wedding with a businessman Pavel Kuryanov, and a young hot beloved husband at the same time became her producer.

Every year, the singer Hannah produces several new songs and clips. In each she is new: the hairstyle, the color and length of the hair is changing, but the accurate face and figure remain unchanged.

Svetitsa Hannah and CEO of Black Star Label Pasha will become parents. In anticipation of this event, we decided to remember how their novel developed.

Anna has seen Pasha before official acquaintance. The girl watched the release of the transfer, in which the future chosen one was interviewed. Already then she felt how melted at the sight of a charming blond. It happened two months before the fateful meeting. But you should notice the events. Of course, Hannah was not rushed in search of an influential guy with Black Star. Young people brought a happy case.

Anya and Pasha were inadvertently met in the restaurant, then they still did not know that this meeting was fateful
Photo: Instagram.

The singer at that time participated in the beauty contest in Turkey. In the morning, sitting at breakfast in the restaurant, Anna noticed Pasha. There was a conversation between young people and, a little smoking, they exchanged phone numbers. However, at that time, the director of the musical label was spoiled by female attention, and Hannah was not going to surrender quickly, so the guys were simply occasionally talked as friends.

Spouses constantly travel, it seems that they have tripped the whole world
Photo: Instagram.

During this time, changes have happened in the life of Anna - she has already thought over to agree to the proposal of the hands and hearts received from the other. And in one of the evenings, fate again brought young people, again in the restaurant. Already tired of standing parties, warming drinks and women, Pasha looked completely differently in Any. They realized that they no longer want to part. Hannah immediately refused to Kavalera, who wanted to take her under the crown, and moved to live to a future husband.

In Kidsve Anna engaged in sports dancing and engaged in vocals
Photo: Instagram.

The guys lived together for a long time, laying a brick for a brick of the foundation for the future family, because Paul from the very beginning built plans for the marriage and birth of children. During the collaborative life, Anna turned into Hannu and began to engage in a musical career. And her husband, like a producer, helped her every way. It was a difficult stage of "wipes" between the beloved. Spouses had to learn to distinguish between family life and work. At first it turned out poorly - there were quarrels, and tears, the desire to stop working together. But after a day, Anya and Pasha managed to negotiate and build relationships so that everyone was comfortable.

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Photo gallery: How the singer Hannah changed: photo before and after plastic operations


Today, the Russian stage is very difficult to find the performer who has not resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Almost every pop diva changed the shape of the nose, increased her chest or made "magic" injections. But the desire to comply with the standards of beauty played a cruel joke with some ascending stars. "Upgrade" made them faceless and deprived of individuality. For example, it happened to the singer Anna Ivanova, serving under the creative pseudonym Hannah.

What did the singer Hannah looked like

A talented girl was able to succeed in the field of professional sports dancing. In 15 years, Anna left the province to Moscow, where he continued to build a career in this direction. At first she became part of the "Aleko" club (the oldest team of ballroom dance), and then became a candidate for the master of sports in sports dancing. But the joy was short, the girl had to quit a favorite occupation due to illness.

In addition to the model industry, an ambitious girl tried himself in acting, but the episodic roles did not bring her fame. By 22, she decided to return to one of its main hobbies - vocals. It was then that a beginner singer first turned to professionals in the field of "beauty surgery".

Photos Hannah after plastic

Solo Career Hannah began with songs "I'm just yours." In the video, it appeared with an updated appearance.

The model has lost weight, made rhinoplasty and increased the lips.

Anna's nose became more elegant and subtle, which brought it closer to modern standards of beauty. But on this girl did not stop. Comparing its old and new photos, you can notice the change in the shape of the cheek: the cheeks became absurd, and the features of the face are more expressive. Most likely, it did not cost without contour plastics, which there are almost all media personals today.

The shape of the star of the star she changed repeatedly.

(26) and general director of the group of companies Black Star Pavel Kuryanov (33) (Pasha.) We associated ourselves to marriage. Two years have passed (congratulations on a paper wedding!), And their feelings seem to be only stronger every day. told Peopletalk. how Pasha. Made her an offer and how the solemn ceremony was held.

How did you meet Pasha?

For the first time I saw Pasha. on TV. My mother and I were sitting in the kitchen, and one of the music channels was the program with his participation. I immediately liked it, and I told my mother that I want that I had such a husband - a beautiful and purposeful. A week later I went to the beauty contest in Turkey. After the victory in the competition, I stayed for a couple of days for shooting jewelry, and we met one of these days for breakfast. The first thought, when I saw him, is fate.

How did he care for you? Was it love at first sight?

After dating for a long time we just talked. Sometimes quite accidentally faced each other in different countries. Learning that I was interested in the musical sphere, Pasha. I introduced me to the guys, with whom I later recorded my first Damki. I felt the care that arose literally from the first days of our dating. I can say for sure that the sympathy was at first glance, and when we learned each other better, love arose. During our communication, he has changed a lot, I know for sure that I can always rely on it and entrust all the secrets.

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Did you have to fight with some habits to save the relationship, or he always took you the way you are?

Pasha has always accepted me as I am. I never wanted to pretend to me, I was always myself. The only habit with which I said goodbye after we began to live together, is a habit of sleeping. Sometimes I want to be lazy a little, lie down in bed, but I look at him and I can not afford it. Pasha. I am very motivated. He on a personal example showed me that each of us can get everything he wants, if it works on himself from day to day, surrounded himself with targeted people and keep the right thoughts in the head.

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How did he make a sentence?

It was B. Valentine's Day. Pasha. invited me to a romantic date. We sat on the windowsill with a gorgeous view of the night Moscow And they talked about plans for the future. Knowing that I do not drink alcohol, he handed me a glass of champagne and asked to do at least a sip. At the bottom of the glasses, I saw a wedding ring.

What was your wedding? How many guests were?

The place of the wedding we had defined long until the moment Pasha. Made me a sentence. Several times we flew together on the island Capri And they fell in love with this incredibly romantic and beautiful place. June 10, we painted in the Kutuzov registry office, and in a month they celebrated the wedding on the island Capri. Only the closest friends and relatives were invited to the celebration. Total about 50 people. It was a very warm family celebration in a circle of the most expensive people.