Hackers posted Buzova without censorship. The network was merged by the private correspondence of Olga Buzova and her intimate video

Hackers posted Buzova without censorship. The network was merged by the private correspondence of Olga Buzova and her intimate video
Hackers posted Buzova without censorship. The network was merged by the private correspondence of Olga Buzova and her intimate video

Olga Buzova Sex video from a phone without retouching Original: All personal secrets of the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova became public. This is the work of the hands of hackers, which, according to preliminary data, hacked the star of the stars. Along with the incredible success of his first solo track, television travels full collapse in his personal life. The divorce is already soon, Olga Buzova filed a statement to the capital registry office.

Olga Buzova Sex video Watch without retouching: the file contains correspondence with mom, sister, husband and Dmitry Nagiyev, who became the "pillow", in which Olenka was crushed after parting with Tarasov. The TV presenter did not deny the fact that he was rewritten with Buzova. On shocking audio recordings that have hit the network, there are many data on the causes of parting of the Taraisikov. In addition, it became known that Dmitry changed Olga with Anastasia Kostenko.

Olga Buzova Sex video from a phone without retouching Original: In addition, the hackers were published and intimate photos and videos on which televisar shows their charms. Olga Buzova responded to it calmly, saying only one thing that was delighted and cruel.

based on: Chto-Proishodit

For many fans of Olga Buzovoy, her marriage with Dmitry Tarasov was an example for imitation, because their couple seemed to them perfect. But, as it turned out, happiness was short-lived, and their beautiful and gentle relationships are only "Instagram Fake."

However, the devotees of the tele-club fans do not realize that the weddings of Oli and Dima could not be at all. In his time, Olga Buzova, and now - Tarasova, was very persistent and simply did not leave Dima of another way out, how to make her an offer. But he was not going to marry at all, because by that time could not move away from an unsuccessful marriage with the first spouse Oksana. The athlete offered Olga, which fell in love without memory, free relationship, but she set him an ultimatum - they will play a wedding and only in official marriage she will give birth to him. Tarasov, cutting a big and happy family, took her conditions. But this time he turned out to be more prudent - during the day before the trip to the registry office, they made up and concluded a marriage contract. According to this document, in the event of a marriage termination, the leading telestroy will not claim any property of Tarasov. And she, by the way, impressive - three expensive cars of Mercedes brand, a few land plots, a chic mansion, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich reaches 800 square meters and the Moscow apartment. The blonde was on the seventh heaven from happiness - she completely confessed his beloved, because she was sure that their happiness would last forever. And the football player was simply already taught bitter experience, because after the divorce with the first wife, he lost two-bedroom apartments in the capital.

However, time went, but the little "Tarabusika" in the family did not appear. Friends of the Star Pair consider this the main reason for their parting. Now the TV presenter moved to removable accommodation in the center of Moscow. As people from their surroundings told, Dima shot this apartment and he also offered Ole to live separately. By the way, the same acquaintances also told that Tarasov regularly sent his spouse to the medical center for surveys, and she did not have any problems with the reproductive system. Just the girl was too passionate about himself and his career, and the birth of a child in her plans was not included.

But Olga, passionately loving to share his happiness with the public, did not tell about his misfortunes. And all this as a result turned out for her grand exposure. Hackers hacked her cloud storage and gained access to all personal materials of the finest. However, only their studying attackers did not limit themselves - they immediately posted her spicy pictures, videos, as well as correspondence into the World Wide Web. And all this they were entitled as: "Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune. "

Thanks to all these materials, it became known that the secular lioness is now big difficulties with money. In particular, her audio recordings that were extracted by the asselliers from its correspondence in a popular messenger. Olga appeals to their advertising agent and asks him to take all proposals on cooperation. Also, the blonde reports its "Napoleonic" plans for the "seizure" of Europe.

Also in their audio messages, the television is asking for his PR director Anton Support, and tells him what Tarasov really vigilants.

A man soothes her and tells what it is wonderful.

Then Buzova recalls the correspondence with his mother and sucks himself with reproaches for not kept and wrote to her.

Judging by another screen, Tarasov also does not like that Olya writes his mother, and he asks not to touch her.

Among the many promulgated screenshots have and Oli Correspondence with her mom, which simply begs his child to keep relations with Dima. She asks the star to change and stop being spooley, because the mess of the house also affects the relationship in the family.

In addition to all this, Mamu Buzova is interested in the same white "Mercedes", which Dima presented his spouse. She even suggests her to follow the example of Andrei Arshavin Julia Baranovskaya and create his own show.

Not shunted in the expressions and sister of Teediva - Anna Buzova, who expressed its dissatisfaction with the behavior of Mom Tarasov.

Together with these messages and proceedings, anonymous users unveiled spicy pictures and videos. On them, the leading houses-2 dresses their dresses and shows the spicy parts of their body. This video was recorded that day when Olga was invited to the anniversary of his loved ones. It was there that she first hinted on the reason for the gap with Tarasov, when he began to reason about memory and treason.

Curiously, but on one of the video, Olga tells about the fact that she intends to make several procedures to increase his cheekbones and lips, and also boasts its sexy stockings. But with all this in public, always emphasizes that it is a supporter of natural beauty.

The network has shocking sex compromising on the leading show "Dom-2" Olga Buzov.
Correspondence, photos and videos who published cybercriminals, suggests that 30-year-old blonde after parting with a football player Tarasov was looking for consolation in the arms of the main sex character of the Russian television screen - Dmitry Nagiyev.
If you believe the published data, Buzova asked Dmitry about a personal meeting in an intimate setting, recorded candid video for him, and the leading show "Voice" gave her valuable advice on how to remove stress, namely: "Sleep, walk, jerk." "Life" publishes a sensational correspondence two stars of the Russian screen.

Nagiyev cared that the correspondence with Olga did not learn in the press

To remove stress, Dmitry offers Buzovo to make masturbation

At the offer Buzova, fly to her in Marbella Dmitry replied that he had a lot of work

It was about such pictures that Olya TV presenter

Disgusting feeling of nastiness

Life contacted Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke about relations with Olga Buzova and confirmed that he corresponded with his wife Dmitry Tarasova.
"This is such a nasty story, which is right here I gadko in the soul," Nagiyev shared with the "life". - Gadko from the fact that there are people who are interested in bringing into a personal life, disgusting feeling. This does not concern Olga Buzova, it applies to all life. The disgusting feeling of nastiness and fall into the abyss. If someone is interested in looking, reading or listening, then this is all the inner muck of that person to whom it is interesting.
- Olga contacted you after the correspondence was published?
"We are not so closely friends with Olga so that she contacted me." Olga and I saw five times in life, and we do not associate friendly relationships, believe me. About correspondence, then I think everyone would do, supported a person. But as for the video, then before me they, fortunately, or unfortunately, did not reach, because it has the ability to emit. As for support, I am ready to support it at any time, because, it seems to me, it is a slight and frank person.

Tarasov: I guessed about cheating!

Footballer Dmitry Tarasov was shocked when I learned about the Pompiscus of Buzova with Nagiyev, but at the same time admitted that he suspected his wife in infidelity.
- I think now you can officially consider me a free man. All my doubts were confirmed. We never managed to create a real family: I want children, but unfortunately, for this you need the desire of two people. And from her video I'm about ... (in deep shock), "an athlete admitted" life ".

Recently, hackers are increasingly hacking the ICloud storage on celebrity phones. In 2014, the network had personal photos of many Hollywood stars in the network, after which the world found out how actress Jennifer Lawrence shakes his boyfriend in front of his boyfriend, and Kirsten Dunst photographed half-lit in the mirror. Russian celebrities were also injured: in early 2016, the public learned the details of the correspondence of TV host Ksenia Sobchak with their friends. Diva discussed its former and released in her former comments on the general acquaintances. So, a certain Polina Ksenia with a girlfriend in the correspondence was called a "chopped horse", "coarse, ugly, Music rudeness with huge requirements and complaints." Also, several intimate selfie Ksenia fell into the network, which, however, quickly disappeared from there.

This time it was the turn of another famous TV presenter - Olga Buzova. The compromising on her literally blew up the Russian Internet. Shortly before the correspondence got into the Internet, Buzova went away with his husband - a 29-year-old football player "Locomotive" Dmitry Tarasov. And while the star couple fans came up with "reconciling" flash drives in social networks and wrote a buzzal ton of support words, hackers hacked her phone and published a correspondence in which Buzova is still a husband "scum" and asks an unknown person named Anton to write her what he thinks Regarding their rupture. Also Buzova writes Mama Tarasova - Olga, sending her photo Anastasia Kostenko, Vice-Miss Russia-2014, with which Roman Dmitry is attributed, accompanying the image with the words: "Nerludi. Animals. God of you judge. To all of you. See you in court. "


From a person recorded in the phone as a "husband", Buzova received an SMS with the warning "Do not touch mom":


And Olga's mother hints his daughter that in their parting with her husband there are her wines. For example, calls it "dirty".


However, those screenshots discussed in all this history were the screenshots, on which Cubsova Correspondence with the famous Showman Dmitry Nagiyev. Olga complains a friend on how bad she is asking to come and even sends intimate photos. In response, Nagiyev complains that he has a tour, he offers a friend "Write and call" him and ... advises more often to engage in masturbation.


Some, however, do not believe the sufferings of the stars and believe that all this story is nothing like a self-esteem. After all, somehow "draining" her correspondence coincided with the release of a new song Buzova, which is called "under the sounds of kisses" and tells about unfortunate love.

  • Olga 30 years old, four years of which she held as a member of the reality show "Dom-2".
  • In 2007, the wax figures of the most popular "House-2" participants Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared at the Moscow Museum of Waxing Figures.
  • Olga has released four books, everything is about yourself.

Hacked hackers. Piquant's journalists got into the hands of journalists, and sometimes sensational information about Olga's break and her husband, Dmitry Tarasova's football player.

Apparently, the situation around the family problems Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasova fucked up to the fact that some craftsmen tried to hack the smartphone leading to clarify the situation. As a result, the reporters of Life.ru turned out to be a personal correspondence, voice messages and even intimate video and photos of Buzova.

Next, a female voice changed the topic with a working person. Turning to the interlocutor named Anton, the girl asks him to support and advice, tells that he has lost confidence in himself and scolds a certain man by the name of Tarasov. "Anton, Anton, Anton, he scum is not a man. You look at this scum. You can me like a man, explain that he nah ** does. Write me voice. You are welcome. Write at least something, your thoughts, "asked a girl with a voice, like a buzzish voice.

In response, a man is trying to calm the woman: "He is with a trauma, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but you and I have already discussed it, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is one hundred percent of your merit. Locomotive fans They love you, respect. I started this message from the fact that you are Oh *** Naya, he now loses everything completely. After some time, he will understand it. You are Olga Buzova. You are the name of the nominative. You are the one oh *** Naya Chick ".

Next, the girl calms down and mentions correspondence with his mother, reproaches itself for incontinence. "In vain, yes, I wrote his mother, of course? I now understand. Well, tell me, I shouldn't write her? Well ***, I am a woman. I can't not write her, realizing that she knew that he had **** another Babu, "the girl complained.

Reporters published screenshots of the girl's correspondence. One of the addresses under the name "Olga Tarasova", the girl sent a photo of Anastasia Kostenko's models, the very vice-miss of Russia - 2014, with which they attribute Roman Dmitry Tarasov, accompanying the image with the words: "Nerudi. Animals. God of you judge. To all of you. Mom, farewell. See you in court. "

There is a correspondence with the address "Husband". He asked his mother in a tough form.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp have and messages expelled from the number recorded as "Mamuly-Nazep". In the frank correspondence, the sender tries to convince "Olyshka" to preserve the marriage, reproaches itself in the fact that he did not adapt his daughters to the comfort, raised them with slightly and tries to immediately induce that the unsettled life could cause tense relations in the family.

Along with the messages in which there were family disassemblies and experiences, reporters publish photos and sensational video of a personal character on which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzov, demonstrates their intimate parts of the body - that shroud of T-shirt, then a dressing dress, demonstrating on Genital chamber.