Dirty sex interpretation dreams. Dream book

Dirty sex interpretation dreams. Dream book
Dirty sex interpretation dreams. Dream book

Wash in a dream dishwasher means the onset of unwanted events for you.

If you see, how wash the car or other technique - come across a dirty business or unclean on your hand.

Wash in a dream hand means you get rid of many worries that do not give you peace.

If you wash in a dream legs - I will get a good protection.

A flown fresh face means a pleasant company, interesting interlocutors.

Another, dirty man in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that can undermine your reputation.

Wash in a dream with warm water - a sign of a hypocrisy that will be sideways to see such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious ailment.

If you wash in the river - this is to the hassle associated with money.

Wash in the bath foreshadows strong disappointment with unfulfilled promises.

If you wash in the bath with a man - this means strong excitement because of the fear of losing the location of your beloved person.

Wash in a baby's bath - revealed to be deceived by going to a long trip with random fellow travelers.

Wash in a bath - to an unexpected illness away from the family and at home. To see in the bath a lot of washable men together with women - you are waiting for the motley society of people of various interests and tastes.

Wash in the pool - get an unexpected premium or prize and universal admiration.

Wash in the dream of animals foreshadows good health and abundant feast away, where you will soon invite you.

Wash under the hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid.

Cold souls foreshadows a pleasant surprise. If you wash, getting under the shower in clothes, is to the disease and the mistress of enemies.

Wash, latching the whole body, - you will have someone on the blisters, if you are scattered - you will become a victim of a pattern of deception and treachery from the imaginary friends.

To wash a rigid washcloth - in reality trying to rod your guilt in front of my husband demonstrating repentance and unquestioned humility.

If you are my child with a soft sponge - you will have to come with your principles for the acquisition of a strong patron.

Wash in a dream head - sign of married treason.

If when washing a head, you use a good shampoo - it means that you shake into a dirty case under the threat of blackmail and exposing a mystery of a love link.

Wash my head someone or see her wash others - soon go on an interesting trip, which will take you a lot of pleasant.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash in a dream and receive satisfaction from this - the foresight of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foreshadows that all your sorrow will be washed away with this water and joy and happiness will visit you. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new clothes. If in a dream you are without constraints wash in sight of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be trembled on every corner. If you dreamed that you wash warm water and it is unpleasant to you, then we are afraid of diseases, troubles or prison. Only sick people such a dream is useful, as he foreshadows recovery.

Wash in clothes in a dream - a sign of domestic troubles, severe illness or humiliation. Swim in a large, clean reservoir - a sign of joy, purification, recovery of the spirit and body. In general, the dream is about what you wash rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place, you are experiencing inconvenience, constraint, etc. Usually after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be careful with money and take our goodness from thieves. In addition, the dream of washing often foreshadows the hassle associated with money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See Interpretation: Water, Bath, Soap.

Interpretation of dreams

The floor in a dream symbolizes the ordering of the real life of the dream and his relationship with people. If you want to know what the dirty floor dream is, it is important to pay attention to all the details of the dream.

If you tried with all my forces to put a dirty floor in order, you will soon be able to get a good profit. You should expect guests if you swept the broom not too dirty floor. This dream is favorable for married couples on the grain of the divorce, since it promises them to reconcile.

The dream in which you saw the dirty floor in the house of your friends, warns that they can soon get sick. It is also possible that you have a relationship with this person for a long time.

If there was a dirty floor in your favorite person's house, about which you were swollen, then certain difficulties will arise in relationships with his parents.

An unfavorable dream, in which you soap the dirty floor in the apartment of a deceased friend or relative. It seems that a serious illness will come to your house, be careful with your well-being.

In his Gresses, a dirty floor with unclean water? Most likely, you will be slandered, and, by a person who enters your home. Sgraded rag a large amount of garbage from the floor? So your calm course of life will be violated in the very near future. To the protracted problems dream, as you smeared the dirt on the floor. If you clearly seen your dirty hands, then you should protect health.

Guest in which you saw dirty traces on the floor, shows that in your family life is not so good, as it seems at first glance. There is a chance that your second half does not appreciate your merit.

If you grabbed a dirty floor in the workplace, you are waiting for a cardinal change. The more garbage on it was, the better for you. However, it is necessary to make a lot of effort to be prepared for the sake of improving and gaining wages. Saw how the dirty floor washed someone from colleagues? In real life with him it should be careful. Most likely, he wants to sit you.

If you were erased from the floor some stain, then this means that you have a certain mystery. Looks like you are very afraid that someone will be known about it, so all your efforts are aimed at hiding it.

To disappointment in real life, see dreams, in which when washing a dirty floor there was a feeling of disgust and squeamishness. It is possible that the actions of your relatives will put you in a dead end.

Blood on the floor promises random income that will come, most likely from relatives. If you could not laundel some stain, then you will find an interesting acquaintance in real life.

Did the dirty floor in the corridor or the entrance? This dream shows that all your thoughts are engaged in some one question. Unfortunately, his decisions wait for you for a long time. In addition, it symbolizes your tension and nervousness about this.

If you tried to clean the dirty floors in a completely unfamiliar place, then be prepared for the fact that your actions will not be approved.

Dream dirty floor

Unpleasant when you step by dirty floor. One thing, if this happens in a public place, and completely different when in your own home.

And what dreams dirty floor? Interpreters consider such a vision to be unfavorable. It promises a general deterioration of the sleeping person.

Trash on the floor

The interpreters of dreams believe that if in a dream you see dirty floors, then well-being will deteriorate sharply. You will quarrel with the surrounding people, chaos and mess will dominate in your business.

Make a dream

If in the night vision you made cleaning, closed, soaps, they were cleanliness, then the prediction can be completely different. In this case, the dream book will predict to you a general improvement in affairs, the appearance of a goal, certainty. This night vision is promoting long-awaited help.

Where the floor was located

For interpretation, the place is important in which there were dirty floors. Then the dream book will be able to make a prediction that will touch you personally.

Dirt in the workplace

If you have dreamed that you have dirty floors in the work office, then such a vision is primarily talking about your reluctance to work. The cases of a sleeping person are in complete launch, he does not want or cannot systematize affairs, does not cope with the tasks set by the leadership.

It is worth thinking about whether you chose the sphere? Your carelessness will soon turn into dissatisfaction with the bosses.

If you do not try to change anything, then everything can end up at best discontent your leadership, and at worst - dismissal.

Dream dirt on the floor

Dirt on the floor in his own home

If in a dream you see that there is a dirty floor in your private house, then such a vision describes your today's mood. The life of the dream was completely different as he planned himself.

Also, the vision can say that you are negatively looking at the surrounding people, you need too much from them.

If the floor was dirty in someone else's house, then the surrounding bias belong to you.

Dirt in the apartment

It is suddenly noted that the floor in the apartment is covered with mud - prepare for the fact that quarrels and conflicts will arise in the family. They can take a rather serious character.

In dreams there are information that you are in constant voltage. Some nuisance does not give you peace, you just stay in constant stress. This requires urgently to solve something.

See in a dream Flooring in the mud

The main thing - you should not immediately stronger on your loved ones. Dream Interpretation believes that the conflict may arise with an unfamiliar man. The behavior of a neighbor will be launched from themselves, they will enjoy utilities or simply advertising pedders.


Try to remember what you did in a night vision. This must be done to help interpreters to make a forecast or warning for the future.

Wash the floors

My dreamed dirty floor - it is worth looking at your health carefully. The interpreter believes that you need a vacation, and physical, and moral.

If you do not listen to the Council, then soon the risks are seriously ill.

Particularly negative is the vision in which you soap the floors in the house of the late friend. In this case, a serious illness awaits you.

Use in a dream mops for cleaning

Sleeping man performed washing with a mop - he risks to get into a rather uncomfortable situation.

For a woman to see her spouse, the floors are washes - an important warning. Your husband has already found a different woman and is looking for a way to get out of the family.

If in a dream you swept

According to the dream book, dirty traces that sleeping man tried to sleep from the floor, they are familiar that he is ready for fundamental changes. They may concern both work and personal sphere. The main thing is that, according to Dreamnik, they will lead to improvements.

Dream dirty floor in the apartment, do you carefully sweep it? Soon, you can get a pleasant news, your life will work out, you will also be able to cope with your phobias and fears.

Walk in a dirty floor

Often there is an opinion in the interpreters of dreams that seeing the dirty floor in a dream means suspicious to everything. You do not even trust those people who have already supported you already.

I happened to walk on the dirty flooring - your distrust has long turned into mania.You do not even trust your best friends.

The interpreter advises you to stop afraid of everything, even your own shadow, it is worth looking to look at life.

What else have you seen in a dream

If in a dream you soap the floors with dirty water, so even more polluting it, then a certain person, which is a permanent guest of your home, will be blown away about you false rumors.

To collect rubbing garbage into a big bunch - literally through a day - one and a half your calm life will end, and you will be forced to constantly prove someone.

What else can mean sleep:

Let's sum up

If you wash the floors in the house in other people, then your hopes are uncomfortable. You will not succeed to achieve your goals. If you have done it with your hands, then you will have to go through the humiliation.

Clean the floors in school - your life will work out, there are positive changes in front, the authorities will appreciate you.

In a night vision, you just slept floors in the house, but suddenly noticed dirty traces - your spouse or spouse change you. In the sooner future, you will learn about it.

Finally, I would like to add a few predictions provided by the most popular dream interpreters:

  • bulgarian Vedian Vanga believed that if in a dream you soap the floors, then you will be able to climb the career stairs;
  • Sigmund Freud believed that walking on the dirty floor or remove him - a sign that you should cause your soul mate to a frank conversation and discuss your intimate life;
  • Medea so answered the question of what dreams of walking on a strongly polluted floor: to the fact that the dreams are not able to sort out his own life, he completely confused, lost the landmarks.

What dreams of walking and pick up the garbage from the floor - you came to the conclusion that you urgently stand something to change in life. Pretty think over the plan and proceed to its implementation.

To understand what the dirty floor is dreaming in the house, it is worth studying the interpretations of famous dreams. This dream can be foreshadowed both getting rid of problems and difficulties in relationships with relatives.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

To see the dirty floor means, suspicions of a loved one or a business partner will be tormented.

What dreams dirty floor - depends on who sees a dream. For a free girl, such a dream predicts a quick marriage, however, if she sees in a dream that the floor in the house of the future husband is too dirty - problems with his parents and misunderstanding on their part are possible.

Female dream book

If you see the mud on the floor in service, it speaks about fatigue, reluctance to work, possibly, difficulties in relationships with the bosses.

Wasten the floor, clean in the house - the vision predicts a quick deliverance from the problems that disturb you recently. If in a dream you can't for some reason, wash the floor or dirt too late and is not washed away - this is a warning that you need to seriously treat health, you urgently need rest.

Gypsy dream book

Revenge the floor in a dream by Gypsy Dream - you can overcome some family problems.

To see the dirt on the floor in the house or apartment and not to remove it - to the alarms, quarrels with loved ones, and the quarrels will be associated with material problems.

Careful floor cleaning in a dream can also foreshadow the emergence of guests from afar, whose arrival will be a surprise for you.

Dreams with washing of floors are usually positively dispersed in cases where the cleaning process itself does not cause any negative emotions from sleeping. Favorable forerunners are dreams, where the procedure is carried out by very clean fresh water. What a dream is still to wash the floors, it is further described.

  • In Millerian dreams, the floors wash the floors with a dirty cloth - to problems at work. In real life, someone set the goal to spoil his career a dream or simply to blame him before the surrounding people and especially before the bosses. It happens that in a dream, a person is picked up on a freshly made surface and painfully falls. This is a clear sign that he needs to abandon lightning solutions and think more, think about each of them.
  • Vangu in the dream interpretation of a dirty floor is always promulit positive changes in the dream of a dream. For example, success in work affairs. It will be possible to achieve large altitudes to a person in the event that it will be a fitful, understanding will show condescension and patience to colleagues even at the moments of serious conflicts.
  • In the work of the flower, it is noted that the washing of floors is very dirty sliced \u200b\u200bwater symbolizes death. But this interpretation is relevant only for those cases when there are seriously ill relatives in the family of sleeping or he himself suffers from a dangerous illness.
  • Interesting information about the plots with washing floors is published in Maya's dream book. Typically, such dreams are considered precursors of the onset of financial stability. To preserve your sustainable financial situation for a long time, the Indians advise to take a handful of corn flour and scatter it right on the threshold of their home from the inside. The product can not be dumped during cleaning.

If you have to wash not only dirty, but also broken sex, it means that relationships with close friends or parents will ruin in the very near future. The dreams will lose the confidence of people, from whose opinions depended and on which he used to always rely. It will lead to excessive hasty in making important decisions and the desire to stand out among familiar.

Very dirty floor

Often, very dirty floor appears in the dream of sleeping both floors. This plot is considered to be a harbinger of health problems or indicates that in reality, a person is too lack of accurade in affairs. This concerns even the most important life issues. If, as a result, the dream managed to take and make the floor perfectly clean, it means that there are also positive changes in it - with all the problems will be able to quickly cope.

  • Wash the dirty floor with muddy dark water - to uncertainty in your future. A person is constantly suffering from premonition of danger. He cannot relax even alone with close people. It is necessary to sort out yourself and find the true cause of such a puhat.
  • Footprints of dirt on freshly made coating foreshadowed a man or woman quarrel with the second half. The main culprit will be the second person, and not sleeping. Most likely, treason will happen.
  • Having strongly evapriced the carpet on the floor? Probably, in reality, the reality shows excessive suspicion and distrust of those people who help him in important matters. Such an attitude may eventually hurt with responsive buddies and even unscrew them from sleeping.

I dreamed that I or someone else washes the floors in the house

Often in the search engine there are requests: "I dreamed that I was my floors in the house what it means." Such a plot is complicated for interpretation. To solve it correctly, you need to take into account a lot of trifles.

For example, in which house was cleaning:

  • Washing the floors in his own house in a dream means that sleeping with all possible forces tries to clear his life from negative. The person is very sensitive and strongly suffers from any quarrel, gross statements in his address, skirmishes with the bosses and other similar situations.
  • Cleaning in someone else's house indicates that a man or woman needs urgent rest. Sleep overwork.

I had to observe how the floors wash someone else? It's time to leave attempts to change your soul mate. They are completely useless.

At work, in the entrance, outside the house

Excellent if in a dream I had to wash the floors in the workplace. You can be sure that all the efforts of Sleeping will soon be appreciated by the leadership. There is a chance that it will get a desired increase.

Washing floors in the entrance - a hint that you need to listen to the advice of others relating to some important life issue. Especially if they are given relatives, native people.

Wet floor mop or cloth

I had to wash the floors in a dream mop in your own home? This is a clear tip that the man's appearance is slightly disappointed in his own life. He was bored by the ordinary, he feels that the miring in Routine.

A diligent washing of carpet with a cloth suggests that to achieve the desired life success, a man or a woman will have a lot to work.

Cleaning in the apartment with the help of a detergent vacuum cleaner is an excellent sign. In reality, we can expect a long-awaited improvement in housing conditions.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the color of the floor

Sometimes it is important for interpretation even the color of the floor, which had to wash.

If you managed to recall such detail, it is also necessary to consider:

  • Dark coverage tones suggest that a man or woman is awaiting strong spiritual experiences. In fact, they will turn out to be the result of delusions and man's populatory. But at the same time, the nerves will significantly spoil him.
  • Light colors indicate that the sleeping is in the right direction. He adequately and wisely perceives everything that happens around him, takes exceptionally the right decisions.
  • White pure floor, which man is re-washed, symbolizes his calm and ability to keep himself in his hands.
  • But the red coating, on the contrary, suggests that the dreams are too aggressive.