Georgian poets of the 19th century. §3.

Georgian poets of the 19th century. §3.
Georgian poets of the 19th century. §3.

And it's not just a delicious food and wine, warm climate and beautiful nature. Georgia is primarily friendly people, distinctive culture and ancient history. This is a country where the West and East, Europe and Asia are harmoniously combined. Solar Sakartvelo captures his guests, falls in love with himself, fills forces. I want to go back there again and again. This is a place where everyone feels like at home, in a circle of relatives and close friends.

Georgia played its special role in Russian culture. It was the region where talented writers, poets, artists and musicians from all over Russia were looking for inspiration. We will tell about some of them in our material.

Alexander Griboedov's life was closely connected with Georgia. He lived for a long time and worked in Tiflis (current Tbilisi). It was in this city that he adds his famous comedy "grief from the mind." And here the first productions of his play were successfully. Georgian nobles, just started to get acquainted with Russian culture and Russian literature, put it on the scenes of amateur home theaters. In the summer of 1828, Griboedov married Nina Chavchavadze - Georgian Princess, the daughter of an outstanding poet-romance Alexander Chavchavadze. But to live together, they were destined only a few weeks. The poet was sent with a diplomatic mission to Persia, and after six months, a furious crowd arranged a massacre in the Russian embassy in Tehran.

Griboedov's body was taken to Tiflis and solemnly buried in a pantheon on Mtatsminda Mountain. Above his grave, Mount Nina put a monument, the inscription on which he says: "Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of Russian, but why my love is survived!". Griboedov's tombstone and today is considered one of the main attractions of the city, and its name is called Tbilisi Russian Drama Theater - the world's oldest Russian theater operating outside Russia.

In Georgia was Pushkin. Alexander Sergeevich drove by Tiflis, when he caught up with a regular army who was walking on a war with Turkey to Western Armenia. Tired of a long journey through the Military Georgian Road, he decided to stay in the city for several days to gain strength, and at the same time to meet with his companions on the lyceum (many of which were in those years in Tiflis).

During these days, the poet had time to visit the famous sulfur baths of Abanotubani, take part in several noisy feasts, widowed along the winding urban streets, as well as watch the life and nuts of local residents. He left his memories of Georgia in the story "Journey to Arzrum during the campaign of 1829."

Perhaps, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was the most famous Russian "Caucasian" writer. Sent from Russia for poems to the death of Pushkin, Lermontov got into the Nizhny Novgorod Dragun Regiment, stationed in those years in the Caucasus. The impressions of the experienced and seen during his service in the regular army were strongly reflected in his personality, turning it from the metropolitan vision in lonely melancholic romance.

The beauty of nature, the life of the Highlanders and the Folk Folklore: All this imposed his imprint on him, and later both for most of its works, in many of which the action takes place in Georgia ("Demon", "MTSY", etc.) . To this day, at the entrance to Tbilisi, there is a monument to the great Russian poet-romantic, for which the Caucasus served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and Daryaal, Mtskheta and Old Tiflis became his real creative homeland.

Shortly before admission to the Caucasian army, the twenty-one-year-old Lion Tolstoy lived in Tiflis. Settling in the house of the German colonist, he began writing his first literary work - the story "Childhood". In parallel, he conducted a diary, writing his thoughts and memories of the Georgian capital in them. It was during this period of his life that he understood that he wanted to become a professional writer. Subsequently, the experience of participating in the Caucasian War and the impressions of his stay in Georgia was based on the famous story "Haji Murat", as well as other works of the Great Russian Classic.

Vladimir and Vasily Nemirovichi-Danchenko

The Nemirovichi-Danchenko brothers were born in the family of an officer in the city of Ozurgeti Kutaisa province (now - in Guria).

Children's years Vasily Ivanovich took place in a marching atmosphere - he traveled a lot in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan. As the eldest son, he was prescribed to go in the footsteps of the Father and become a military, so he was sent to study at the Alexander Cadet Corps in Moscow. In Georgia, he returned only in 1876, when in Adjara (the region adjacent to his native Guria) was converted uprising against the Turks. His impressions from what they saw reflected in the second part of the "under the hot sun". Next year, being a personnel officer of the Imperial Army, Vasily Nemirovich-Danchenko took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878, which was reflected in his famous book "Skobeliev."

Otherwise, the fate of his younger brother - Vladimir Ivanovich, who was sent to learn to Tiflis gymnasium. As a gymnasium, he, together with his friend Alexander Skybatashvili-South (the real name of Sumbatashvili), filmed a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, where young people composed their first plays and gave small ideas for friends and acquaintances. Few people could then imagine that they will subsequently become the greatest theatrical figures of Russia and the Soviet Union, one of which will be the founder of the MHT, and the other is the director of the Small Theater.

In 1876, after graduating from a gymnasium with a silver medal, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko went to Moscow to learn about the lawyer. His comrade remained in the Georgian capital, in which the same year his acting debut was held on the stage of one of the urban theaters. Subsequently, friends met in Moscow.

And Zinaida Hippius

In the summer of 1888, the twenty-one-year-old Dmitry Merezhkovsky traveled in Georgia. Arriving in the resort town of Borjomi, he met with one of his acquaintances, who during the conversation showed him a photo of a beginner poetess Zinaida Hippius. Looking at her, Merezhkovsky exclaimed: "What a face!". But ironically in just a few days later, walking on one of the city streets, he accidentally ran into an eighteen-year-old girl. She was just ... Zinaida Hippius. Six months later, they marked in Tiflis. And they lived together for 52 years, for which, according to Zinaida Nikolaevna, "not separated by any day." This strange meeting at one of the Georgian resorts began the beginning of one of the strongest and fruitful creative unions in Russian culture.

As part of its first "walking in Russia", Maxim Gorky visited Georgia. It was this country that became his peculiar literary homeland. The first story of a young writer ("Makar Miranda") came out in Tiflis. It happened in 1892, when Gorky worked in the workshops of Transcaucasian Railways. Shortly after that, the novice writer went to the construction of the Black Sea Highway to Abkhazia. At one of the deserted roads between Sukhumi and Ochamchir, a pregnant woman met, who suddenly began childbirth. The writer had to take her baby, having had a bunch of teeth. This episode of life was based on the story of the "Birth of a Man", and the obstetric feat of Peshkov (this is the real surname of Gorky) subsequently cast in bronze near the Kodori River.

Returning after that to Russia, Gorky all the time recalled Sunny Sakartvelo. During his life, he repeatedly came to Georgia, where he met with his friends and acquaintances. Together with them, taking part in traditional feasts, he sang Guriy and Kartli-Kakhetian songs, with his youth who conquered him with his beauty and sensuality, and about the country itself, with a smile on his face, said: "Georgia from the tramp made me a writer."

Mayakovsky was born in the Forest family in the village of Bagdati Kutais province (now - the city in Imereti). Up to nine years, he practically did not speak Russian - only at home with parents. Everything else, he spent his Georgian peers in the company. The situation has changed his enrollment in Kutais gymnasium, teaching in which was conducted in Russian. But just four years after the receipt in his house there was a misfortune - the father died from infection of blood, accidentally injuries to the finger with a needle.

After the death of the breadwinner, the mother decided to move to Moscow forever together with the children. Nevertheless, throughout his life, Mayakovsky repeatedly returned to his small homeland, where he had so many friends and acquaintances. The poet himself was proud that he was born in Georgia, and in some of his poems he also called himself a Georgian.

Boris Pasternak's first trip to Georgia took place in 1931, when he arrived in Tbilisi at the invitation of his friend, Pool Polo Yashvili. In the same place, he became acquainted with the outstanding Georgian cultural figures - Titian Tabidze, Lado Gudiashvili, Nikoloz Mitishvili, Simon Chikovani, George Leonidze and others. Their acquaintance turned into close long-term friendship, and the three-month stay of Pasternak in Georgia left a deep mark in his soul.

He was carried away by the culture and history of this country, he also became interested in her literature. Soon after returning to Russia, he was enthusiastically beyond the translations of the works of Georgian classics. Among the most famous works - "Shot" Vaja Pshavela and Lyrics of Nicholos Bratashvili. The friendship of the poet with the famous representatives of Georgian art lasted for almost 30 years, and Georgia itself became the second homeland for him, where he repeatedly returned throughout his life.

§ 3. Georgian literature

The second half of the XIX century is the most important period in the history of Georgian culture, in particular, in the history of the artistic word. By this time, a new generation of writers comes to the literary arena, whose work was displayed by Georgian reality until the 10th of the 20th century. It is noteworthy that this particular Pleiad of Georgian writers approved the realistic method in Georgian literature.

Ilya Chavchavadze (1837-1907) - Certainly is the central figure of Georgian literature and the socio-political life of Georgia of the XIX century. He asked the tone and determined the main directions of development of not only Georgian literature, but also ways to develop a socio-political movement in Georgia, as well as the spiritual life of the Georgian people. Ilya Chavchavadze was the leader and an active participant in all vital beginnings for the nation. As a writer, a thinker and politician, he is a completely unique phenomenon in the history of Georgia. He was rightly painted by the "non-beloved" king of Georgia.

Invaluable the contribution of I. Chavchavadze to the renewal and revival of the Georgian language and literature. He is a reformer of the Georgian literary language.

The main thing in the work of the writer is a national motive. All artistic creativity of Ilya Chavchavadze is imbued with the ideas of the struggle for the salvation of the Georgian people from degeneration, for the preservation of the national identity and unity of the nation, for increasing national self-consciousness.

The treasury of Georgian literature was enriched with unfavorable masterpieces created by Ilya Chavchavadze. This is: "Traffic notes", "Mother of Georgian", "Nice Motherland", "Vision", "Story of Beggar", "Otarov Widow", "Does he?" other.

The works of Ilya Chavchavadze, imbued with hot love of the Motherland and a call to the national struggle, served the spiritual food fighters for the freedom and independence of the Georgian people for a long time. He pointed out the Georgian people, the only way led to the achievement of a cherished goal is to restore lost state independence.

Akai Tsereteli (1840-1915). In the first rows of fighters for national freedom, together with Ilya Chavchavadze stood an outstanding Georgian writer Akai Tsereteli. He, like I. Chavchavadze, was the originator and an active participant in all vital national affairs. Poet, Prose, Publicist, Translator, Satir-humorist, Akai Tsereteli was primarily a poet - lyrics.

Poetry Akakia Tsereteli is imbued with endless love of the Motherland and the ideas of the National Movement, as evidenced by its numerous works: "Sedina", "Chonguri", "Bitter My Sudine", "Spring", "Suliko", "Dawn", "Educator", Tornnoe Eristavi, Bashi-Achuki and others.

The optimistic works of Akakia Tsereteli, penetrated by faith in the future of the Georgian people, played a big role in approving and increasing his national self-consciousness.

Jacob Gogebashvili (1840-1912). A completely special place in the history of Georgian literature and in general, in the history of Georgian culture, the activities of an outstanding figure of the Georgian National Movement, the Great Teacher and Children's Writer Jacob Gogebashvili occupies.

The creation of textbooks "Ded Ena" ("Native speech", 1876), "Georgian ABC is the first book for reading students" (1876), among the phenomena of the XIX century it should be considered the fact of much importance. Jacob Gogebashvili is the author of numerous childish stories of patriotic content, among which it is allocated: "What did Jaavnan have done?", "King Irakli and Ingilaka", "selfless Georgians" and others. These stories served as the awakening and strengthening of patriotic consciousness in children.

Lavrenty Ardaziani (1815-1870) In the novel, Solomon Isakich Medzhganuashvili depicted the process of becoming a Georgian bourgeoisie. It was a completely new topic in Georgian literature.

Rafiel Eristavi (1824-1901). The creative activity of Rafiela Eristavi begins with the 50s of the XIX century. In his work, the patriotic subject occupies a significant place. This topic is devoted to his well-known poem "Motherland Hevsura", recognized as masterpiece of Georgian poetry.

George Tsereteli (1842-1900). Creativity Georgy Tsereteli is a remarkable phenomenon in the history of Georgian literature, journalism and journalism, as well as in the history of the development of political thinking in Georgia. The worldview of the writer determine patriotic motives, the struggle for national freedom and social equality.

In his works: "Flower of our life", "Tetushka Asmat", "Gray Wolf", "First Step" of George Tsereteli drew an interesting picture of the life of the flag and subsequent era of Georgia. His work served as a statement of critical realism in Georgian literature.

Alexander Kazbegi (1848-1893). Writing and civilian courage of Alexander Kazbegi was particularly pronounced in his creative activities of the 1980s of the XIX century. In his novels and stories with a large artistic force, the inner world of heroes, their feelings and experiences were transmitted.

Alexander Kazbega truthfully portrayed the cruelty of Russian enslavers and the heavy position of the Georgian people under the oppression of the colonial regime of the royal autocracy. The tragic paintings of the life of the oppressed people and his unrestrained desire for freedom and independence with great artistic skills are depicted in the works: "Hevisbury Gocha", "Mentor", "Elgudja", "Eleiso" and others.

Vaja-Pshavela (1861-1915) - Pseudonym the great Georgian poet Luke Razkashvili. In the poetry of Vaja-Pshavela, life is an infinite confrontation of light and darkness, good and evil. In his lyrical works: "Good fortress", "Eagle", "Night in the mountains", "the old song of warriors" and others. Motherland is embodied in the image of God.

The crown of poet poets are his poems: "Snake", "Bakhtrioni", "Gogoturi and Aptream", "Alud Kethelauri", "Guest and the owner." It can be said that after Ilya Chavchavadze and Akakiya Tsereteli, it was the patriotic poetry of Vaja-Pshavela that had a great influence on the rise and development of Georgian national self-consciousness.

Egnate Ingorokva (1859-1894) In Georgian literature is known under the ninoshvili pseudonym. In the work of Egnate Ninoshvili reflected the life and life of the native land (Guri). Against the background of the beast of peasants at the time of the assertion of capitalism in Georgia, the writer shows social contradictions that exist between various layers of the Georgian society. It is this topic that the stories "Gogia Wishavili", "Mose, Rural Chericar", "Simona" are devoted.

The rebellion of 1841 in Guria is devoted to his work "Riot in Guria".

Avksie Tsacheli (1857-1902) - famous playwright, commemorner of the renewed Georgian theater.

The art films "Keto and Kote", "other times now" were discontinued on the plots of his unfavorable comedies.

In the Georgian literature, the second Ovovna of the XIX century was reflected by the people. From this point of view, the works of Anton Purceladze (1839-1913), Ekaterina Gabashvili (1851-1938), Sofrom Mgaloblishvili (1851-1925) and Niko Lomori (1852-1915). The writers who were passionateized by the people's ideas at the time were called "fans of commoner." Peru of populars belongs to the most popular works: "Lourdja Magdan", "Kajan", "Mazi".

At the end of the XIX and early XX centuries, a new generation of Georgian writers was performed on the literary field, among which, first of all, should be noted Shio Daedabrishvili (Aragvispireli), David Kldiashvili, Vasily Barnet (Bernova), Kondrate Tatarashvili (unarmed), Cholu (Bicket) Lomttatidze and Shawa Dadiani.

Shio DaedaBishvili (1867-1926) In Georgian literature is known under the pseudonym "Aragvispireli". The main theme of his work is the relationship between humans and society.

David Kladiashvili (1862-1931) - The brilliant chronicler of the life of the Georgian small nobility, which has been deprived of the economic soil and privileges at the time of the assertion of bourgeois relations. The writer with non-sullency and subtle humor shows the tragedy of impoverished nobles, who once proud of his privileged position and reached up to full impoverishment.

In the works of David Kladiashvili: "Solomon Morbeldze", "Magic of Samanishvili", "Darispan's Nevzpects" The heroes in the comic situation become victims of the tragic fate.

Vasily Barnov (1856-1934) In Georgian literature, the genre of historical novel revived. His historical novels "Zarya Isani", "Martyr love", "Destruction of Armazi" conquer the reader with deep patriotism and sublime love.

Kondrathe Tatarashvili (1872-1929) ("Unarmed") in his work "Mamluk" against the background of the tragic fate of two people shows one of the most monstrous phenomena, which took place in Georgia of the XVIII century - the purchase and sale of prisoners.

Chola (Bicket) Lomtatidze (1878-1915) I introduced the topic of the horror of prison life to Georgian literature. The most famous works dedicated to this topic: "Before the gallop" and "in prison".

Shalva Dadiani (1874-1959) He enriched Georgian literature to his dramatic work "yesterday" and the historical novel "Georgy Rusi", dedicated to the era of Queen Tamar.

At the beginning of the 20th century, future masters of the artistic word are beginning their creative activity: Mikhail Jawahishvili, Niko Lordkipanidze, Leo Shengelaia (Kancheli), Alexander Chichia (Abasheli), Galaktion Tabidze, Tizian Tabidze, Joseph Mamulashashvili (Grisheshvili), etc.

Mikhail Jawakhishvili (1880-1937) He began his literary activities at the beginning of the XIX century. He actively participated in the national movement. His first stories (Changchura, "Gabo's shoemaker" and others) are realistic and imbued with the ideas of humanism.

Niko Lordkpanidze (1880-1944) He wrote his first works under the influence of impressionism ("Heart", "Unpassed story", "To the Moon", etc.). His novels are imbued with a feeling of disappointment in the life caused by her serness and cruelty.

From early works Leo Kiacheli (1884-1963) The most significant is the brilliant sample of Georgian prose Roman "Tariel Golua", in which the social struggle found its realistic mapping.

Titian Tabidze (1895-1937) He was one of the most typical representatives of Georgian symbolism. In his work there is a connection of Georgian poetry with romantic and patriotic traditions.

Creation Galaktion Tabidze (1891-1959) - This is an inexhaustible encyclopedia of the human soul, in which the actual and unreal, human weakness and power, joy and sorrow are equally reflected.

Joseph Grisheshvili (1889-1964) He entered Georgian literature with his optimistic, patriotic poems. In his work, besides the topics of love for the Motherland, the leading place occupies the exotic types of antiquities of Tbilisi.

Georgian literature of the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries took a worthy place in the treasury of the achievements of world culture.

The monograph is the first large-scale study of the Russian-Georgian literary connections of the post-Soviet period. E. Chhaidze analyzed the development of the literary process through the prism of the political climate change, starting from the Damper period, continuing to Soviet and post-Soviet.

The author introduces the concept of "imperial literary tradition" under which the regular appeal is implied not only to the artistic literature, but also to transient and research activities in the context of relations between Russia and Georgia.

With the help of post-train / post-Soviet Studs, as well as the research of multi- and transculturalism, works of both famous and little-known Russian and Georgian writers who applied to the topic of post-Soviet conflict, to the fate of representatives of the intercultural space, as well as a review analysis of structural changes in scientific, translational and the cultural and literary environment after the collapse of the USSR.

I, grandmother, or Illarion (audio spectacle)

Nodar Dumbadze Dramaturgy from the archive of Gosperary Europefond

Radio componation The performance "I, Grandma, Iliko and Illarion" in the same name of the novel of the Georgian writer Nodar Dumbadze Zuriko - a boy from the ordinary Georgian village. The action takes place in the pre-war Georgia, where Zuriko is studying at school, for the first time falls in love, then follows the female village and meets victory.

Zuriko finishes school and goes to study in Tbilisi, but after studying again returns to his village, to the first love and friends. Leningrad State Academic Big Drama Theater. M. Gorky radio station. Director - Agamirzian Ruben.

Zuriko Vashlomidze - Tatosov Vladimir; Grandma Zuriko - Volyn Lyudmila; Zuriko neighbors: Iliko - Jurassic Sergey; Illarion - Copelian Efim; Mary, Zuriko Bride - Nemchenko Elena; Romulus, friend Zuriko - Chang George. In episodes and mass scenes - the artists of the theater.

Music - Lagidze R. Record 1965 © IDDK.

Alexander Mikhailovich Kazbegi Foreign Classic No data

Writing and civilian courage of Alexander Kazbegi was particularly pronounced in his creative activities of the 1980s of the XIX century. In his novels and stories with a large artistic force, the inner world of heroes, their feelings and experiences were transmitted.

The best pages of his novels of the "Otseubyza", "Cycia" are devoted to the life of Chechens, and the story "Eleiso" - the whole of the Chechens, to which the Georgian writer treated with the greatest sympathy, knew their life, customs and morals well. The electronic version of the work is published by the 1955 publication.


Akai Tsereteli Historical literature Absent

We offer you audiobook "Bashi-Achuk" - a historic story Akakia Tsereteli (1840-1915), an outstanding Georgian poet, writer, thinker, public figure and educator, as well as the author of words to the famous Georgian song "Suliko".

At the beginning of the XVII century, the Persians attacked the eastern region of Georgia and occupied the Kakhetian kingdom. Georgians rebelled against the invaders. The People's Georgian Hero of the Head of Bakradze, whom the enemies nicknamed Bashi-Achuk, which in the translation of Iranian means "rider with a uncoated head," bravely fights for the liberation of Kakheti from the dominion of Persian Shaha.

Holy Mist (last days of the Gulag)

Levan Berdzenishvili Biographies and memoirs Criticism and essisik

Levan Berdzenishvili in Georgia know everything. He is one of the founders of the Republican Party, President of the Non-Governmental Organization "Republican Institute", a reputable philologist-classic, a former dissident and a prisoner of the sadly famous Mordovian Dubravlag LCD 385/3-5, and now - the author of this, instantly saved on his homeland a book that brought him The glory of "Georgian Dovlatov".

To the question of a journalist about why he wrote memories of the years, held in the conclusion, Berdzenishvili responded like this: "I am not a writer - I, as characteristic of almost all Georgians, a storyteller ... In fact, this is not memoirs about the gulag, although this applies to Gulag and My arrest for anti-Soviet campaigning and propaganda ... This book is not about me, but about people I learned and loved on the zone.

Some of them may not know themselves, because it is a big truth about them than they know or think about themselves. " "Holy Mist" is not only about the trauma of such experience, but also about the joy of communication between very different people who have fallen a similar fate.

Roman Queen (Collection of Novel)

Collective authors Story Selected foreign novels

We offer you an audiosphere of the elected Novel of Writers of Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Austria, England, Sweden. Novels read the best artists Studio Ardis Vladimir Samoilov, Angelica Rain, Nadezhda Vinokurova, Tatyana Teliegin, Viktor Rudnichenko, Vladimir Levashev.

Ekaterina Gabashvili Owners of the estates (I. Darcho and his horse; II. Section) per. From Georgian, he reads Nadezhda Vinokurov Adam Shiman Srul from Lubartov Pen. From Polish E. and I. Leontyev reads Vladimir Samoilov Kiyosti Wilkun in harsh Lapland feathers.

from Finnish R. Markovich reads Vyacheslav Gerasimov Yuho Reionen explanation in love per. From Finnish R. Markovich reads Vyacheslav Gerasimov Ivan Yakovlevich Franco The story of Tuluup Per. From Ukrainian forest Ukrainka reads Victor Rudnichenko Emil Peshkaau Roman Queen Per.

The owner himself is calling and scolding, threatening to calculate Nikita, a silent guy about twenty-five years old, a worker of a lazy and walking. Annice, and Annie, their ten-year-old daughter, runs up with rage, their ten-year daughter, runs out of Matrena and Akim's arrival story, Nikita's parents.

Having heard about the upcoming Nikitinian marriage, Anice was even more angry with Peter, thinking by any means to upset the wedding. Akulin knows the secret intentions of the stepmother. Nikita opens Anisier father's desire to be forcibly marking him on the girl Sirot Marinka.

Ansya says that as Peter will die, she will take Nikita to the owner's house ... State Academic Small Theater. Recording 1958 Peter, man rich - Gorbatov Boris; Aksinya, his wife - Chuvaeva Olga; Akulina, Peter's daughter from the first marriage - Dalmatova Electra; Anyutka, the second daughter - Blokhina Claudia; Nikita, their relative - Doronin Vitaly; Akim, father Nikita - Ilinsky Igor; Matrena, his wife - Shatrov Elena; Marina, girl-orphan - Burygina Julia; Mithrich, old man worker, retired soldier - Zhar Mikhail; Cuma Anice - Orlova Valentina; Neighbor - Yartseva Anna; Swat - Chernyshev Sergey; Marina's husband - Georgian Alexander; 1st girl - Novak Valentine; 2nd girl - Alexander Shchepkin; Diekarinik - Vanyukov Timofey; Swachy - Karnovich Natalia; Street - Calabin Sergey.

In mass scenes, the artists of the theater and students of theatrical school named after M. S. Shchepkin are occupied.

Erl Akhvletediani

"Vano, Niko and Hunting"

Once it seemed that it seemed that Vano Bird, and he himself was a hunter.

Vano worried and thought: "What to do, I'm not a bird, I am Vano." But Hiko did not believe, he bought a double rifle and began to look at the sky. He waited when the Vano takes off to kill him. But the sky was empty.

Vano really was afraid to turn into a bird and take off; He dragged the stones in his pocket so as not to take off; a little much to not take off; did not look at the swallows so as not to learn to fly; I did not look at the sky so that I wanted to fly.

Hiko, "said Vano Hiko," Throw this rifle and do not look at the sky. I'm not a bird, I am Vano ... What is I bird?

You are a bird, and over! Take up as soon as possible, I will shoot. I am a hunter.

Hiko, "said Vano Hiko," well, what is I bird when I am Vano.

I get bored, "Hiko smoked," don't get bored, and then a shot. " We will be land - still a shot, as if you just landed.

Vano silent and left.

Having come home, Vano talked tightly, mastered a lot of pockets on the shirt, stoned them with stones and thought.

"Probably, Hiko does not know what a bird is, otherwise I did not turni would be in a bird.

Nodar Dumbadze


This story began in August forty first and ended exactly two years later.

The harsh breath of war our village felt in a month. The collective farmer, accustomed to the wealthy life, could not immediately comprehend the whole horror of what happened, did not calculate his capabilities, and it happened that barns and lari in many houses were empty in August, but in our house and before ...

Exhausted by Water, grandfather Spiridone and nights sat down by the fireplace, and all worries were afraid about my shoulders. What is the farm! I have now begins to break the back, as I remember, how much I ran out of wood and twig from the forest: it would disappear a poor old man without heat.

On August 25, the last piece of msci was eaten. Grandfather extracted from the wall cabinet clogged by a bare-tiel bottle with vodka and said:

Put in the basket, go to Choshatauri and exchanging on the pendant of corn. One who will offer less, fool this very vodka, break the bottle and come back home ... Vodka is here, and there are eighty degrees in it, you must understand! .. That's how.

Miho Mosulishvili

"Dance with a rock"

"If in the eternal snow forever you

You lie - over to you, how close is

Ridge ridges

The most durable in the world of Obelisk. "

Vladimir Vysotsky, "To the top" (Mikhail Hergiani Memory).

Once, in the fall of 1968, Uncle took me, - the boy of six years old - to look at the training of climbers in the Tbilisi Botanical Garden.

And then I, sitting at an exclusively elite place, in the "bed of Benoire", that is, on the uncle, saw a stunning spectacle.

No, it was impossible to call climbing.

It was a dance on a rock! Or with a rock! Oh, as Filigree, in feline, one of them was especially moving. And the truth - as if dancing, deftly climbing up the rock. One finger joined the protrusions that others did not notice.

Who is he? - asked uncle.

Which the? - Picky eyes wrapped in the sun, looked at me.

Won one who dances on the rock.

And you liked it? - Ogunya was delighted. - He is a tiger cliffs!

Why tiger?

In the newspapers, they wrote that for their skill with incredible speed to pass the sophisticated rock routes from English climbers a nickname "Tiger Rock".

And who is he in truth?

Misha Hergiani!

Truth? And I, too, Misha! - I was delighted.

Yes, you are the tests! - I laughed uncle. - And they also say that if he clings to his finger alone for a naked ledge of the rock, a whole week will hold over the abyss and will not leave the moan ...

Akai Tsereteli

(historical story)

Chapter first

From somewhere, from the unawarded Dali rushes, wriggling the snake, Burling Aragva and, punching his way, violently, with a swing shelter on a sheer cliff! Ducklied by the disadvantaged hardness, stunned, stunned, she stops her jog here, as if to translate the spirit, and, while on the spot, it rushes forward again, but there is already slower, carefully, with a groan and rocomes, carrying out their waters in the valley.

At the top of this sheer cliff, cutting the clouds, a huge impregnable castle rushes, as if reliable clock, looking from the height of the neighborhood. The castle is acquired by a high strong fence, and only from the east, a balcony stretching along the whole wall.

The castle was already deprained. Erytva, the honorable old man, sat, pursing his legs, on the tachta, stood in the corner of the balcony, and moved the rosary.

Immediately, having moved the chair to the most railing, the spouse of the Ban was read "Canon Passions". Psaltry lay on her knees; After reading the Psalm, - and she had to repeat it, after another, forty times, the princess was baptized and moved another nodule on the lace, which replaced her rosary.

Alexander Kazbegi.


Young and playful, rampant and deserted, wayward and beautiful Eleanor, the daughter of the rich feudal of Wahtaga Heltubnel, was the subject of dreams of the youth.

Everyone who was nice enough, rich and brilliantly, relentlessly looking for her hands, everyone dreamed of honor to become her spouse, Introducing thousands of ways to please her. But Eleanor, in charge of her beauty and proud to the fact that her father was the ruler of the whole edge, took place from the most relevant kind in the country and possessed with an indispensable wealth, laughed at his fans, at the same time attracting them to himself, focused on the fire of love , without conquering anyone. A lot of young people surrounded a beautiful girl, they sighed, languished on her, devoid of sleep and peace, but everything was in vain. Their fiery words, deep-deemed actions and fire-sparkling views were unable to soften the hearts Eleanora, could not melt ice armor around her.

Anna Antonovskaya

"Great Mooravi"
(Roman-epic in 6 books)

Book first "Awakening Barca"

Part one

Above the abyss of the sullen rock with suede sides. Suddenly, Berkut broke down with his slightly fitted shoulder. Missing seemed forged from black

iron wings and angrily Opening a curved, like a brought the tip of a spear, beak, predator rushed to the sun. The stunned sun was shaken and fell, and the VMIG spreads to pieces, dropping red-green-orange splashes on

didgore's brother heights.

"Oh! .. ho! .." - the arba nickel from the thickets from the thickets. Touching with wrinkled necks yoke, two buffaloes, slightly fed convex eyes, indifferently stumbled to the mountain forest. Papuna Chivadze, raised, wanted to express his opinion about the impolite behavior of the Berkut, but ... what did it spread on a steep ledge?

Not that leopard, not the other unknown sunny beast with molten stains

on like smoking skins. Decided Papuna Chivadze to advise the sun to

leaving it picked up his clothes, but something fell from Arba and hit

roadside stone. Picking up a bowl and throwing it into place, Papuan Chivadze was going to think about the rules of communication of the Earth's travelers with overhead and heaven, but suddenly in the branches of the misfortune of oak, the pink bird and the thought of Papuna moved to a small house where the "bird", similar to Pink, Waiting for the promised beads. He wanted to the twig hurry the buffaloes, but he thought and betrayed the contemplation of the crumbling forest.

Sun rolled over the top, the Berkut disappeared, the memb of Bars. Lightway

the night went down on the ground, the raincoat was dragging, stolen not that flickering

fireless, not the stars.

Konstantin Gamsakhurdia

"Dandy of the Great Masters"


The Military Georgian road -Craising in the world, Dardimani - a wonderful horse, and horse riding is the best holiday for me. When a sharply, widthor, aqueous spear, alert ears, looks at me, I wake up inexhaustible energy in me, and it seems that I was again born on the light and did not have time to taste at this beautiful land of delight from the rapid horse run and the joy of movement.

I am ironing small, like beech leaves, Dardimani's ears, I look at his black eyes and infecting that irrepressible force, which the nature of the mother generously awarded him ...

Once it happened that my unfortunate horse suddenly grown up and came to such a rage that at least to the most Kara-kums would jump on him a quarry.

Widely opening its beautiful big eyes on shiny cars, chumadic trucks, it absorbing space, carried me away. I am not inclined to pour out Dardimandi for the fact that the hot blood of the tireless horse boil ...

Tbilisi has grown in our eyes to a big city. Lights of electric lamps are sparkling on the mountain of St. David, in the Park named after Stalin. Electric balls reflected in the waves of chickens, ride near the bridge of the heroes and along the wide embankment of Stalin. And so, when the car with blind headlights were roaring directly in the ears, running along the tarbed highway, the factory sirens, tractors tractors, walking in the collective farms, and cheerfully called cyclists, a powerful Dardimani began to rapidly shudder, smoothly snort and gnawing. Neudar nor the mouthpiece does not hold it. Having stretched curved, like a swan, neck, he rushed forward. I tried to curb him impulse, take to hand, but he, bring the croup, suddenly went sideways.

Guram daughterashvili

"Thousand Small Care"

They could not agree.

Come when you want, - again and again repeated an accountant.

And when after all, you do not sit here from morning to evening!

Here is a man! Once I say, it means that I will.

Can you really not say for sure?

When you like ... well, man! When you think up, then come ...

And if you do not find you? - annoyedly interrupted by the accountant Sandro. - I have time to edit.

Do not worry, will be forced. Is there a cigarette?

Both were lit and as if calmed down; The accountant even leaned down on a chair, with pleasure, launching smoke to the ceiling, but Sandro again doubted and asked as if by the way:

But in fact, in the first half of the day we are or in the second?

Listen, friend ... - Accountant is clearly offended. - I tell you, come at any time. I will not be in place, you will love that you have sled ...

So I knew, - Sandro drifted, - all day I lose it tomorrow! Understand, we leave the day after tomorrow in the morning.

In the morning? And Margo said - in the evening.

This is the evening, and I'm with the car to go in the morning ...

Okay, okay, calm down. You will come tomorrow and get - money will be discharged.

Please do not forget about money for the topograph.

I will not forget how I can forget! Do not worry!

Gram Megrelishvili


Stage I. How it all began

Like the majority of young representatives of my generation, as a result of Lurevelan, games in cards, Domino and Backgammon, smoking the grass and coachable drunken, I fell into the deepest depression. In my vocabulary with an increasing frequency, such phrases began to appear as: - Everything, I hung ... The whole end ... nothing pegs ... I'm already flying ... Everything is before Fenia ... and so on. In addition, I turned out of the surprise In conflict, malicious and ruthless person.

I had problems in my relationship with my parents (I hate: - Dad, give two lari), I began to do not tolerate relatives in the spirit (they went ... What kind of rods?!), Hated the neighbors (and this loach has such a car?! ) And almost became a policeman.

My nerves went might and main. Neither work, nor prospects to find a job, no prospects for the appearance of prospects to find a job. In short, the only dream that I was left - would quarrely and die. And then the American book of wise thoughts fell into my hands. It was written in it:

Stage II. What was written in the American book

wise thoughts: "If you don't know what to do - marry!"

Leo Kiacheli

Almasgir Kibbulan

On Lenherry logging, where Khuberchant is in the Inguri, the Svawa worked. Gathered their man ten. Almazyir Kibibulan was here, a resident of a remote village Halde. Almasygir has sharply stand out among the countrymen with his hedgehog addiction - so the old tower rises over ordinary Svan's houses.

His son Hivergil came with Kibulan. Sedoselian people called the young man "Dali Gazal", which means "son Dali" - such he was a lucky hunter!

Hivergile was barely fifteen years old, and the father first took him on logging.

Almasygira called his relative of Bimurzole Margvelani from the village. He was also a birth from Halde, but he lived now constantly in Lenherher.

A year ago, Bimurzole agreed with the old Contractor Kaiza Pipia that, by the beginning of the future, the summer passed him in the village of Jvari, hundreds of selected pine logs of a certain size. By signing the agreement, Bimurzole received a deposit from the contractor and permission to the forest harvesting. In addition to Almazgira Kibulana and Hivergile, Bimurzole attracted the work of several more former neighbors - experienced lumberjacks.

Gram Petriashvili

"Malym dinosaur"

In the long-standing time, dinosaurs grave on the endless plain.

Huge-superimathers were dinosaurs, each - once in ten more elephant.

Clumsy, smooth, they are superfluous to be lazy to do. Having stretched your long neck, the day-day drove heads from side to side. Just plucking all the grass in front of them, reluctantly steamed.

Passed so dinosaurs.

Slowly, slowly moved and moved by jaws.

Why were they rushing?

Herbs - how much do you want, the equilion of the end-edge is not visible.

It is imperceptible to the time stretched.

Dinosaurs-kids appeared, they studied to pinch grass, grew, became big dinosaurs, and, like all others, from morning to evening her grass, chewed and chewed.

But once some kid raised his eyes from herb. Then stretched the neck and threw the head even higher.

Oh, as wonderful, it turns out, look up.

Niko Lomuri


I remember when I was still quite small and could not confidently keep in my hand not the fact that the shepherd beach, but even a rod, who drive the oxen; At the time, when I would not have trusted not only the flock, but even a piglet in the field, "I had one cherished desire: I wanted to visit the forest. All I decided to express my desire, invariably raised me on laughter.

Eka think unprecedented - forest! What are you, kid, treasure there burned or grain pearl sowed?

Casket! Pearl grains! At that time I did not even understand the meaning of these words. My wishes did not stretch so far.

Usually my father and three of my uncle brought me from the forest, then pigeons eggs, then the bunny, then the little squeaky quivering; They gave me a handful of forest nuts with dense juicy nucleoli - my favorite delicacy; They brought me and bunches of reddish flexible scyed rods, of which I knead then small dams for fish, visiting our robust. I received every spring as a gift a small ringing dude, skillfully carved from the cane.

I felt at that time unlimited happy.


"Gogia Uysvili"

Again to our village set "Ecutu". Today, the headman did everyone announced and announced: we must make a ten rubles from the house, and still firewood, hay, corn, and so on! - With pain and hopelessness in the voice spoke Marina to her husband Gogry in the evening, when he returned from work.

How! Again "Cottage"! .. You're crazy you left, Baba! If again they put "Ecutu" to us, our focus will cool! .. - said Gogia, and his face frowned.

You're angry with me, for sure I am guilty! - reproached her husband Marina.

Fallen! I'm angry with you! Understand what I'm talking about! You had to say this anathema: ransom, they say, for the barbecue of pay, and the church tax on the maintenance of the population of fee, and the postal tax of pay, and the road tax pay, and not list what the taxes should be supplied to our hump. A little to them seemed, you, they say, the robbers are hidden, they took and put the past year "Ecutu", ruined our village. That's what you had to tell him! - So spoke Gogia, putting on the hearth.

Otar Chilaladze

"Iron Theater"

The land was taken by Arbach. In the holes bubbled water. Between the pits were scattered seedlings with scattered in a rag root: some cudak-German conceived smash the garden on the sand. In the port, a few half-jammed bars grabbed onto the sides of each other. The twisted reflection of the mast was swayed on greenish marine stroy. The seagulls shouted, poured laughter. A dead horse was lying on the shore. It suddenly popped a rat, cut the air like a projectile, and fluttered in the world. "Straight to Turkey," said Dad. But all the most surprising was the milkman. The dairy bidon teased it, turning a white, smoking tongue. At the same milkman, the head was lined with a babbie, and a long motley tube was oppressed, which he gladly sat down with a whistle. "I will put you in this ass - the native father will not find out the forego!" He spoke with a smile. Together with an empty bidon, he carried the residues from yesterday's table. After it, it remained on the balcony the smell, warm and wet. So started the morning.

Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani

"O Wisdom Fiction"

There was no time the king, whose deeds no one is able to imagine; He copied in his heart with kindness and the beneficialness so much mercy that he himself could not measure it. The ardentity and cruelty of their angry heart, he won the blessing blow of God-fearing, the generosity quenched the heat is more than the clouds carrying moisture; Abundant rain falling from heaven, there were gifts, which he awarded people.
Fear and trepidation in front of him embraced all the land; People were afraid of his more thunder, according to his mercy and caressing were captivating and sweet than her mother's nipples for the baby.
The name of this great and glorified king was Finesis.
He had Vesir, his wisdom reached heaven. He measured his mind along and across the earthly tumper, the scholarship penetrates the marine abyss, air phenomena and the stellar journey he drawn on the srices of his heart. He told the gloomy of his speeches, like wild animals, likeing them to people. According to the word, his cliffs melted, like wax, birds told human voices.
The name of this Vesir was Sedrak.

Chabua Ammaregi

"Soroka Gossip"

Fox, downtry and cuckoo led to the court to Lion Sokok.
The lion yawned, put on glasses and said:
- What guessed forty?
Lisa said:
- Soroka dismissed the rumor about me, that I am bumping out. I thought: the tail-tail is higher, everyone will see that I have a tail, and I will not laugh at me more. Since then, I have been used to walking. Hunters see me from afar. And what is me now, a dear judge, without a tail to live, suggest yourself! ..
Lisa laid the tail on the table in front of the tail, the whole sweeper and broken fraction. The lion corrected the glasses, carefully examined him, sighed and said:
- What was the lush tail! This, like a fox, the tail has no beast!
The lion turned to forty and asked:
- Why did Lgala?
- How did I know that she has such a magnificent tail? I was wrong, forgive me! - answered forty.

Daniel Chonkadze

"Suram Fortress"

Last summer, when, intense with unbearable heat, the inhabitants of Tbilisi were looking for coolness outside the city, several young people, and among them and your humble servant, persuaded to gather every night in the sands, behind the river, against the Ancholhata Church, and having fun there time until late night . In the perspective there was such a condition: everyone had to tell some legend, parable or a tale from Georgian life.
There was one of those beautiful evenings that so often in our country are replaced by hot days. Young people just bathed in the river; Some drank tea, others were still dressed, the rest were surrounded by D. B., - he, putting the tari on his knee, was playing something and fished in a low voice. After a while, when everyone got drunk and servants began to cook for dinner, young people remembered that this evening had not yet heard the next story. Began to find out whose today; It turned out that everyone already told something. Asked one, asked for another - but the hunters were not. I had to throw lots. One of us, rising from the place, began to consider: "Icylo, Bicycle, Shroshano ...", etc., the belch ended in Niko D.
- Congratulations, Niko! Congratulations! - shouted all in a mixture.
- No, friends, get rid of me today. Right, I do not know what to tell, not prepared.
- Eh, nico! Looking God and start: "Lived, were ...", and then it will go, I assure you! - said by the letter tone Syo.
- Okay ... So listen to the same! - And Niko began.

Mikhail Lohvitsky

"Searches for the gods"

Of the summer of 1867, March of the month, seventh day from the Nativity of Christ, in the Gregorian calendar, or the first day of the month of Zul Kaada, 1233, on Muslim, or two weeks before the head day of the first month of the new, non-law from the Ringing of Adygov Sun, Church of the Adygh, over the mountains of the Caucasus, the blue sky, soaked in hot radiance, low and slowly floating daylight shining.
Hot rays have paid the ice on the top of the mountain top to the sun, the rods of the serpents were filled under the thickness of the slaughtered snow, blurred his connection with the frozen earth, and huge, like a nasty horse-alp, avalanche, barely heard sighing, rushed to all accelerating running on a steep slope , sealing air. Snow and air broke the rock from the base of the cliffs, cut off, as if blades, curves of Dubka, spruce, fir, and the gorge was announced by a quiet stroke of horror.

Lado Mrelashvili

"Boys from Ikalto"

In a thunderstorm
Thunder rumbled with such a force that he drown out a crackling and creaking of trees, bent under the gusts of the wind. Shower whipped like a bucket. Noisy streams broken heads rushed along the rocks and lowered in the osculto ravine, where they foam and growled, spinning stones, discarded flow. There was no soul around. On balconies of houses and under the balconies, bugged the noses into warm fluffy tails, laggy dogs were lying. And only behind the Occolic, near the forest, in the old, abandoned Sarage of Zipper highlighted two boyish faces, judging by their expressions, the boys were the bottom of the thunderstorm and the wind, raging over the walls.
- Well, a nose! - Speak one of them and sank on the straw, asking the entire barn.
- Yes, we got here on time, I did not dry us off until the morning.
- ha ha ha! At home are now sure that I have. And your old people think you are ...
- Potache, Gogi, do not laugh so loud!
- Nothing, Sandro, in such noise anyway no one will hear.

Gura Panjikidze

"Seventh heaven"

Early July morning.
The air above the airfield is transparent and clean.
The Tu-104 ladder is crowded and passengers talk loudly. Stewardess, understanding all the hopelessness of his efforts, trying to calm them.
- Comrades! Comrades, do not hurry. Everyone will have time.
Levan Hidasheli stands, and silently looks at his restless fellow travelers. He does not like fuss.
With buzz, like bees, passengers disappear one by one in the dark hole input.
Now the last disappeared, and Levan was still not moving away from the place. The stewardess sighed with relief and only now noticed him. Levan felt his eyes. Machinely reached for his pocket, I wanted to pull the box with Papiros, but suddenly remembered that it was impossible to smoke the aircraft. With annoyance, waved his hand and raised his sports bag.
- Are you in Tbilisi? Asked Stewardles, looking at the ticket.
Levan answered nothing.

Niko Lordkpanidze


Prangulashvili has long been famous over the entire lower Imereti of his heroic strength. No wonder they were often called murmup. And in fact they possessed the same monstrous force, as many and monstrous voraciousness. In the battles, Muhapidze was never attracted to the championship, but the dagger, magnitude with a buffalo yarm, was wrinkled as if it was a light twist.
And they used this weapon peculiar. If the enemy squad approached by Guskom, Prangulashvili was painted enemy right in her chest or belly, not sacrificing, in the bone or flesh, one blow was embraced on the edge of the dagger in two or three people and gave them, precisely piglets. If the enemy has fallen by the deployed system, they beat back from the right ear to the left thigh, crushed one blow of two opponents, and the third rolled himself to the ground, or from horror before the sparkling blade, or the overturned by the air wave.
Only one warrior was usually sent to Prangulashvili war, nor more, no less, since all their genus consisted of one family.

Grigol Abashidze

"Long night"

Georgian Chronicle of the XIII century

Children played at the stream flowing along the stone gutter. Among them was the young man, probably not older than sixteen years, although in appearance, and tall, and the width of shoulders, and serious thoughtfulness in his face, he looked much older than his years. The young man diligently admitted a toy mill wheel. He stuck on both sides of the stream subtle fork on both sides, put on them the axis of the wheel and now gradually lowered it to the bright, flying along the smooth jet jet behind the lightweight wooden blades. Suddenly he took his hands, straightened. The wheel is spinning, splashing small cool drops on the grass. Children crowded in a wonderful mill, kneading and preventing each other.
Having straightened, the young man really turned out to be high, broadly, slim. He stood over a stream as a giant over a big river, leaning his legs on different shores. And the water, and the children, their screech and cheerful laughter were somewhere below, and the young man did not see the water-flying water, nor a cheerful wheel, nor children's faces. For close noise and laughter, he was distinguished by the distance that such that made him alert and listen. Then he darted to a wide goal, coming out just for a driving road.
On the way, the cluster of the Lopouchius donkey. It was not old on him yet, but, as you can see, a wicked, loose man. He was pale with the painful pallor, which appears if a person moves little, sees little sun and fresh air.

History of Georgia (from ancient times to this day) Vachnadze Merab

§3. Georgian literature

§3. Georgian literature

The second half of the XIX century is the most important period in the history of Georgian culture, in particular, in the history of the artistic word. By this time, a new generation of writers comes to the literary arena, whose work was displayed by Georgian reality until the 10th of the 20th century. It is noteworthy that this particular Pleiad of Georgian writers approved the realistic method in Georgian literature.

Ilya Chavchavadze (1837-1907) - Certainly is the central figure of Georgian literature and the socio-political life of Georgia of the XIX century. He asked the tone and determined the main directions of development of not only Georgian literature, but also ways to develop a socio-political movement in Georgia, as well as the spiritual life of the Georgian people. Ilya Chavchavadze was the leader and an active participant in all vital beginnings for the nation. As a writer, a thinker and politician, he is a completely unique phenomenon in the history of Georgia. He was rightly painted by the "non-beloved" king of Georgia.

Invaluable the contribution of I. Chavchavadze to the renewal and revival of the Georgian language and literature. He is a reformer of the Georgian literary language.

The main thing in the work of the writer is a national motive. All artistic creativity of Ilya Chavchavadze is imbued with the ideas of the struggle for the salvation of the Georgian people from degeneration, for the preservation of the national identity and unity of the nation, for increasing national self-consciousness.

The treasury of Georgian literature was enriched with unfavorable masterpieces created by Ilya Chavchavadze. This is: "Traffic notes", "Mother of Georgian", "Nice Motherland", "Vision", "Story of Beggar", "Otarov Widow", "Does he?" other.

The works of Ilya Chavchavadze, imbued with hot love of the Motherland and a call to the national struggle, served the spiritual food fighters for the freedom and independence of the Georgian people for a long time. He pointed out the Georgian people, the only way led to the achievement of a cherished goal is to restore lost state independence.

Akai Tsereteli (1840-1915). In the first rows of fighters for national freedom, together with Ilya Chavchavadze stood an outstanding Georgian writer Akai Tsereteli. He, like I. Chavchavadze, was the originator and an active participant in all vital national affairs. Poet, Prose, Publicist, Translator, Satir-humorist, Akai Tsereteli was primarily a poet - lyrics.

Poetry Akakia Tsereteli is imbued with endless love of the Motherland and the ideas of the National Movement, as evidenced by its numerous works: "Sedina", "Chonguri", "Bitter My Sudine", "Spring", "Suliko", "Dawn", "Educator", Tornnoe Eristavi, Bashi-Achuki and others.

The optimistic works of Akakia Tsereteli, penetrated by faith in the future of the Georgian people, played a big role in approving and increasing his national self-consciousness.

Jacob Gogebashvili (1840-1912). A completely special place in the history of Georgian literature and in general, in the history of Georgian culture, the activities of an outstanding figure of the Georgian National Movement, the Great Teacher and Children's Writer Jacob Gogebashvili occupies.

The creation of textbooks "Ded Ena" ("Native speech", 1876), "Georgian ABC is the first book for reading students" (1876), among the phenomena of the XIX century it should be considered the fact of much importance. Jacob Gogebashvili is the author of numerous childish stories of patriotic content, among which it is allocated: "What did Jaavnan have done?", "King Irakli and Ingilaka", "selfless Georgians" and others. These stories served as the awakening and strengthening of patriotic consciousness in children.

Lavrenty Ardaziani (1815-1870) In the novel, Solomon Isakich Medzhganuashvili depicted the process of becoming a Georgian bourgeoisie. It was a completely new topic in Georgian literature.

Rafiel Eristavi (1824-1901). The creative activity of Rafiela Eristavi begins with the 50s of the XIX century. In his work, the patriotic subject occupies a significant place. This topic is devoted to his well-known poem "Motherland Hevsura", recognized as masterpiece of Georgian poetry.

George Tsereteli (1842-1900). Creativity Georgy Tsereteli is a remarkable phenomenon in the history of Georgian literature, journalism and journalism, as well as in the history of the development of political thinking in Georgia. The worldview of the writer determine patriotic motives, the struggle for national freedom and social equality.

In his works: "Flower of our life", "Tetushka Asmat", "Gray Wolf", "First Step" of George Tsereteli drew an interesting picture of the life of the flag and subsequent era of Georgia. His work served as a statement of critical realism in Georgian literature.

Alexander Kazbegi (1848-1893). Writing and civilian courage of Alexander Kazbegi was particularly pronounced in his creative activities of the 1980s of the XIX century. In his novels and stories with a large artistic force, the inner world of heroes, their feelings and experiences were transmitted.

Alexander Kazbega truthfully portrayed the cruelty of Russian enslavers and the heavy position of the Georgian people under the oppression of the colonial regime of the royal autocracy. The tragic paintings of the life of the oppressed people and his unrestrained desire for freedom and independence with great artistic skills are depicted in the works: "Hevisbury Gocha", "Mentor", "Elgudja", "Eleiso" and others.

Vaja-Pshavela (1861-1915) - Pseudonym the great Georgian poet Luke Razkashvili. In the poetry of Vaja-Pshavela, life is an infinite confrontation of light and darkness, good and evil. In his lyrical works: "Good fortress", "Eagle", "Night in the mountains", "the old song of warriors" and others. Motherland is embodied in the image of God.

The crown of poet poets are his poems: "Snake", "Bakhtrioni", "Gogoturi and Aptream", "Alud Kethelauri", "Guest and the owner." It can be said that after Ilya Chavchavadze and Akakiya Tsereteli, it was the patriotic poetry of Vaja-Pshavela that had a great influence on the rise and development of Georgian national self-consciousness.

Egnate Ingorokva (1859-1894) In Georgian literature is known under the ninoshvili pseudonym. In the work of Egnate Ninoshvili reflected the life and life of the native land (Guri). Against the background of the beast of peasants at the time of the assertion of capitalism in Georgia, the writer shows social contradictions that exist between various layers of the Georgian society. It is this topic that the stories "Gogia Wishavili", "Mose, Rural Chericar", "Simona" are devoted.

The rebellion of 1841 in Guria is devoted to his work "Riot in Guria".

Avksie Tsacheli (1857-1902) - famous playwright, commemorner of the renewed Georgian theater.

The art films "Keto and Kote", "other times now" were discontinued on the plots of his unfavorable comedies.

In the Georgian literature, the second Ovovna of the XIX century was reflected by the people. From this point of view, the work represents Anton Purceladze (1839-1913),Ekaterina Gabashvili (1851-1938), Sofrom Mgaloblishvili (1851-1925) and Niko Lomori (1852-1915).The writers who were passionateized by the people's ideas at the time were called "fans of commoner." Peru of populars belongs to the most popular works: "Lourdja Magdan", "Kajan", "Mazi".

At the end of the XIX and early XX centuries, a new generation of Georgian writers was performed on the literary field, among which, first of all, should be noted Shio Daedabrishvili (Aragvispireli), David Kldiashvili, Vasily Barnet (Bernova), Kondrate Tatarashvili (unarmed), Cholu (Bicket) Lomttatidze and Shawa Dadiani.

Shio DaedaBishvili (1867-1926) In Georgian literature is known under the pseudonym "Aragvispireli". The main theme of his work is the relationship between humans and society.

David Kladiashvili (1862-1931) - The brilliant chronicler of the life of the Georgian small nobility, which has been deprived of the economic soil and privileges at the time of the assertion of bourgeois relations. The writer with non-sullency and subtle humor shows the tragedy of impoverished nobles, who once proud of his privileged position and reached up to full impoverishment.

In the works of David Kladiashvili: "Solomon Morbeldze", "Magic of Samanishvili", "Darispan's Nevzpects" The heroes in the comic situation become victims of the tragic fate.

Vasily Barnov (1856-1934) In Georgian literature, the genre of historical novel revived. His historical novels "Zarya Isani", "Martyr love", "Destruction of Armazi" conquer the reader with deep patriotism and sublime love.

Kondrathe Tatarashvili (1872-1929) ("Unarmed") in his work "Mamluk" against the background of the tragic fate of two people shows one of the most monstrous phenomena, which took place in Georgia of the XVIII century - the purchase and sale of prisoners.

Chola (Bicket) Lomtatidze (1878-1915) I introduced the topic of the horror of prison life to Georgian literature. The most famous works dedicated to this topic: "Before the gallop" and "in prison".

Shalva Dadiani (1874-1959) He enriched Georgian literature to his dramatic work "yesterday" and the historical novel "Georgy Rusi", dedicated to the era of Queen Tamar.

At the beginning of the 20th century, future masters of the artistic word are beginning their creative activity: Mikhail Jawahishvili, Niko Lordkipanidze, Leo Shengelaia (Kancheli), Alexander Chichia (Abasheli), Galaktion Tabidze, Tizian Tabidze, Joseph Mamulashashvili (Grisheshvili), etc.

Mikhail Jawakhishvili (1880-1937) He began his literary activities at the beginning of the XIX century. He actively participated in the national movement. His first stories (Changchura, "Gabo's shoemaker" and others) are realistic and imbued with the ideas of humanism.

Niko Lordkpanidze (1880-1944) He wrote his first works under the influence of impressionism ("Heart", "Unpassed story", "To the Moon", etc.). His novels are imbued with a feeling of disappointment in the life caused by her serness and cruelty.

From early works Leo Kiacheli (1884-1963) The most significant is the brilliant sample of Georgian prose Roman "Tariel Golua", in which the social struggle found its realistic mapping.

Titian Tabidze (1895-1937) He was one of the most typical representatives of Georgian symbolism. In his work there is a connection of Georgian poetry with romantic and patriotic traditions.

Creation Galaktion Tabidze (1891-1959) - This is an inexhaustible encyclopedia of the human soul, in which the actual and unreal, human weakness and power, joy and sorrow are equally reflected.

Joseph Grisheshvili (1889-1964) He entered Georgian literature with his optimistic, patriotic poems. In his work, besides the topics of love for the Motherland, the leading place occupies the exotic types of antiquities of Tbilisi.

Georgian literature of the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries took a worthy place in the treasury of the achievements of world culture.

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by Vachnadze Merab

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From the book History of Georgia (from ancient times to the present day) by Vachnadze Merab

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