Christmas group when formed. But, "Chanson", in general, from French, is a "song"

Christmas group when formed. But, "Chanson", in general, from French, is a "song"

18-19 The group "Christmas" will spend in Kiev. And now I post a selection of video on the songs of this group.

More detailed about the group "Christmas" can be found on her website -

It all started at the end of the distant - distant seventies! I heard somehow the cotton, a very beautiful, melodic song from the box, under the proud name of the rigon, was such a convergek in those distant years, and then he fell in love with this beautiful song under the mysterious name oriental song that sang it from morning to evening with unforgettable Valery Ozodzinsky! And dreamed of a cotton when sang this song on holidays from a stool for mom, that when we grow up, I will be the same as he !!! And there was this cotton no one else like your human servant Gennady Seleznev! But so he did not, and why is it? The most important event is the birth of a dream !!!

Time went, the years flew, we stepped into a new century ...

And finally, once the originating dream began to turn into reality! Somehow in the city of Moscow fell your humble servant to a musical studio to another cotton, according to one musical affairs, because I composed then and sang Gennady my songs only under the guitar! And the cotton was not anyone else like the buddy Andrei Nasyrov! He listened to Gennady then and suggested that he musically emphasize the works to the right, song forms! That's, then the friends grew handy hand in hand: to be the birth of our group and called her Gennady "Christmas" - as a sign of all the new born on earth, and also in the yard, the leaf in the calendar was from January 6 to 7!

This is how fate itself all dictated them!

Since 2007, the Christmas group began to rehearse, arrange, invent and create his first album called "One of you". All songs of this album are impregnated with love, friendship, faith in the future and that the soul is eternal. The participants of the group changed, but each left their mark, for which they are male thanks. Thanks to Andrei, Litvyakov, Slava, Zakharov Sera!

Special thanks to Oleg Kobsev, who helped us and continues to help, as well as Lyudmila Naumova, who added new paints to the music of the group and provides invaluable assistance in working on the second album!

To date, the main figures of our team are:

→ Pavel Forces - he studied at Moscow State University, but he does not remember in which year! Solemnly plays on shock and percussions.

→ Gennady Seleznev - came to Moscow State University, but he got into the Purga! He organized the group "Christmas", selflessly devoted to her, writes music, poems, and sings them.

→ Victor Boyarintsev - did not want to learn in Moscow State University! He graduated from Gnesink and a lot more, and then took, and he left for distant America, fortunately, not forever! Victor stands at the origins of the birth of the group "Christmas", her spiritual mentor, curator, editor, back-vocalist, guitarist, saxophonist, clarinetist and just a wonderful and competent musician!

→ Andrei Nasyrov - Applicant MSU! As well as attentive, responsive musical teacher, part-time. All the rest of the free time dedicating the group "Christmas" !!! Her arranger, sounding, music stylist and not a replaceable bassist! And in general, he, in my opinion, plays all you can!

Currently, the group managed to make friends and speak at their friends, such as: La Minor TV channel, radio station. Good songs, Radio Chanson, and continues to be friends with them! And all this thanks to our friend and director of the Vadik Kozayev group, who purposefully knows the subtleties of the show - the world, does not sleep for days and nights and a bouquet of the bright future of the group "" Christmas "! Thanks to his trouble, a business document was signed with CD Land, represented by her The main man Yuri Zeitlin !!!

Mikhail Shufutinsky: "I want to jump with a parachute!"

Mikhail Zakharovich recently, on April 13, celebrated his 71st birthday. And exactly a week - April 20 - the Legend of Chanson in Russian will rise to the Kremlin scene to get the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. On the eve of the celebration, the artist told, for which he loves Instagram and does not like the Palaces of Sports, why was afraid to work with the "All Around The World" hit and what he dreams of 71 years old.

Time is inexorable rushing forward. Already on this Saturday, April 20, a show will be held in the State Kremlin Palace, which all the admirers "Radio Chanson" would be waited, all those who are not indifferent to our genre and just lovers of good songs. I'm talking about the solemn ceremony of presenting the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. For artists who will receive figurines with a gold guitar margin, this is also not an ordinary event. Alexander Marshal believes that this is a common star reward and fans.

It is possible that in the near future drivers at the entrance to the intersection will have to not only reduce the speed and follow the interference on the right and left, but also to dig in wallets. At the International Navigation Forum, they will discuss the idea of \u200b\u200btaking a fee for the unimpeded passage of loaded crossings. However, it is at will. If there is time, no one bothers to stand in traffic. Is free.

Do you know what a UMO is? This is not the control of mobile detachments, no corner of a young optimist. This is an in-depth medical examination. The procedure that athletes are required to pass. But only the conditions of passage will somehow differ. Our glorified snowboarder, the winner of the Olympic Games and the winner of the World Cup Alena Zavarzina to pass by UMO could not. That is, she was reported after the Olympic Games in Pchenchhan, where she showed the best among Russians - the fourth. Here is such a UMO, to ...

In the new release of the program, the Lead Alexander Cruz will meet with soloists of the group "Christmas" - Gennady Seleznev and Andrei Nasyrov. Guests will tell about the history of the collective, about their work and the presence of God in life. Video clips will also be demonstrated.

The Roman speaker Mark Fabi Quintilian said: "Music is inseparable from the things of the Divine." Today, your music will share with us a wonderful team "Christmas" and his soloists Andrei Nasyrov and Gennady Seleznev.

Gennady, Andrey, Hello!

Gennady Seleznev:

Very nice!

Andrei Nasyrov:


The group "Christmas" has existed since 2008, from the moment the meeting of Solist Gennady Seleznev and Bass Gitarist Andrei Nasirova occurred. For many years, Gennady composed songs, but did not demonstrate his talent with a wide audience, then doing business, then working as a taxi driver. Once, deciding to record your songs at the studio, he met Andrei Nasyrov, where to start the Christmas project.

To date, the group "Christmas" is a popular team, actively touring Russia and neighboring abroad. In the arsenal of a group of five albums, their songs can often be heard on the radio. Today, the group "Christmas" is the guest of the Canon program.

Christmas is a kind, bright and joyful holiday of birth of a new life, the birth of the Savior. Tell me, why did you call your team so much?

Gennady Seleznev:

When Andrei and Andrei, Andrew said that let's create a group (we often told it), we thought for a long time, as we would be called. Andrei says: "You are older, you think." At that time I worked in a taxi, so when I got into the car, I look at the calendar on January 6-7, it was Christmas 2008. I call Andrei and I say: "For us, everything invented the Lord. So we will be called. " We are not just "Christmas", we still have a butterfly. Letter "F" in a butterfly.

Andrei Nasyrov:


Gennady Seleznev:

Such as a logo. I thought, I thought, and somehow came that the butterfly is the birth too new. For us, Christmas is not what Christmas, a holiday, this is the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the birth of everything new things: ideas, children, thoughts, creative plans, Christmas is still all this. And we have such a butterfly appeared. In general, this group appeared.

Tell me, you said that for a long time we worked in a taxi. When did your taxi come to the station called "Music"?

Gennady Seleznev:

In Moscow taxi, I worked for six years.

- And before this music did you professionally do?

Gennady Seleznev:

No, I sang in the kitchen, on the street, like everything, Labal on the guitar. In a taxi, I came to work in 2004, and somewhere in 2007 I got to you? (Addresses to Andrei.)

Andrei Nasyrov:

In 2007, yes. We met a little earlier, and began in 2007.

Gennady Seleznev:

Yes, we met a bit early. Fate led me to Andrei in the studio, there we recorded vocals, one of my songs. Just-all started, and the will of fate, from God's blessing, Andrei Anatolyevich forgot to turn off the microphone, because when we stay there after writing, I was singing, we sang songs, our friends arrived. And then I came to Andrey in a couple of days, we listened to what they recorded, I really liked it, and Andrei Anatolyevich says: "A minute, and now listen to this." And they heard our night gatherings, and there was a lot of songs.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Our tea drinking is more precise.

Gennady Seleznev:

Yes, tea drinking under the guitar, and Andrei asked: "Where are all these poems, songs?", I say: "Most". He says: "Then we will enjoy you now, focus, focus (laughs).

Andrei asked: "Where?" After all, was some life baggage? Tell us about yourself. Just so people do not begin to write poems.

Gennady Seleznev:

Probably yes. At first I worked at the Moscow Trade Company "Star Path". He was engaged in red caviar, supplied it at the best stores - well, everyone already knows about it. It was a very troublesome event, I was tired for all these years and then went to work in a taxi to relax from it all. Because in a taxi I paid only 850 rubles for the "Volga" per day, and my head was no longer sick - only about my passengers and the rules of the road.

There, just I had the opportunity to surrender to myself, roughly speaking, because to contain a company, accounting, couriers, managers - not before that. That is, this is a complex business, it is Sakhalin, the fifth-tenth, - in general, you can tell for a long time, and in a taxi I read my poems passengers, looked at their reaction.

Then, when Andrei got acquainted with Andrey, the first blanks appeared, recovery records, they already have it, they have listened. And so in the taxi was born gradually. The Lord sent me there such people there, whom I knew would never see in my life, unfortunately, just came up and a man came out, but he spoke such things that I had to hear. I believe that all this signs that were sent from above.

Andrei Nasyrov:

It was an unbiased opinion of the disinterested man who sat down and came out. This is very valuable, by the way.

Gennady Seleznev:

"You know, I have to admit that for the first time your song" How I want to live "I also heard in a taxi.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Minibuses and taxis are also a music distribution environment.

- There are a majority of time.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Gennady Seleznev:

I want you to say more. When in 2013, we acted at the bottom of the police in the Kremlin, it turned out that we made, and then all got into the car to our director and went home to her, to Ninochek, and watched on TV all this. When we watched this performance and when the whole hall got up and our president fearfully ... yes ...

Song sounds "So you want to live."

You know your team attribute to the format of chanson, but looked through the disc, if you run by album names: "One of you", "bright angel", "under what star", "and I believe", "be or not to be" Still, there is some depth here. There is not just a rampant song.

Gennady Seleznev:

I want to tell you, you know, one was sketching with us. We somehow performed, remember, in Anapa, in my opinion? (Addresses to Andrei.) And before the concert we went on the embankment, walked, talked with the public. And here is one lady: "Oh," Christmas "! Oh how nice!" I say: "In the evening we will perform here, come." "Oh, I know your three songs!" I say: "great." Here is a concert running. And there we still got something happened, yes? Something like that, with sound, something went wrong.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Some time was.

Gennady Seleznev:

The moment of some kind of technical went, it was necessary to publish the hall to take. I am with them - poems while Andrei there ... And Andrei, we have a technical person, responsible for the sound, for all this economy. No, there is a sound engineer, but Andrei Anatolyevich, he is also over all. And so, while he fought so that everything sounded correctly, I worked with the hall. Then everything went concert, and everything is fine. And when we finished, the guys are cleaned the scene, I went to distribute autographs, to be photographed, this lady comes to me, looks at me and says: "Forgive me, my native, I just did not know what else there are other songs. Now I am your fan. "

Then she wrote in the network "Vkontakte" if she sees us - God for her health, she will probably remember. She says: "I found all your songs." Therefore, Chanson is not chanson ... Somehow Andrei spoke at the beginning, for us it, in my opinion, is not particularly important. Now Andrei makes the arrangement of the album, I am amazed that he does, there is practically nothing chanson. Well, on the other hand, this word does not scare us. Chanson is also beautiful ...

"But" Chanson ", in general, from French, is a" song ".

Gennady Seleznev:

Beautifully write Chanson you also need to be able to, really because?

- Sure.

Gennady Seleznev:

I will never forget exactly that night when we sat in the studio with Andrey for the first time, I got acquainted, it was something, and came to his comrade, a musician, and says: "It's chanson. But what caxon! " I liked so much. Then a year or two passed, we also met with him, but he is a good man, without envy, he is a wonderful guy and an excellent musician. And he fits and says: "I also compose, but why are your songs listen, but not mine?" Although he also has beautiful songs. I say: "I don't know how it happens, I do not understand."

And what goals do you still pursue your creativity, besides the fact that the music brings urgent bread? Is there any mission home?

Gennady Seleznev:

If we thought about the bread, at the very beginning of the road, probably, we would not sit and did not speak. Because initially when Andrey collected musicians who came to us gradually to us, you know, I noticed at the time in the guys ... That is, I wrote a song, happy with a guitar, we have a rehearsal, all the guys were going, there were for creativity, It seems to me that it is to speak as musicians. That is, it was a project that ...

- Wash?

Andrei Nasyrov:

He was interested in creatively every person.

Gennady Seleznev:

Yes, that is, a man came to the orchestral pit, he was given notes, and you play, but there is no. Here we are all gathered, and every time the new songs listen to everything, everyone begins to negotiate, Andrei has already begun to collect everything on her ears. Therefore, it was such a process very interesting, and I and Andrei scare meals full tables, and then everyone came to create. Three times a week we were going, after that I took all the musicians on a taxi at home, in different ends of Moscow, and then drove further into the Moscow region. And so almost three years continued.

Now we have a little different process, yes? (Addresses to Andrei.)

Andrei Nasyrov:

But, in general, yes, it supplied to the rails, already like running around.

Gennady Seleznev:

And at that time, no one thought about money at all. In short, what is the problem? I compose songs more than Andryukha managed to rearrange. That's what we have a race: "Come on, come on," and he says: "Yes, wait." Therefore, while we write a new album while Andrei begins to do it, I am still writing. And already those moved away somewhere, these were already climbed and left somewhere again.

Andrei said a wonderful phrase once: "It would be what to arrange." You must compose, and then his artistic canvas.

- You have such Lennon and McCartney.

Gennady Seleznev:

Andrei Nasyrov:

No, not at all. Still, Lennon and McCartney were two author.

- Tell us about your creative way before you met with Gennady.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Yes, everything, in principle, was boring, I was engaged in music all my life, then the gene appeared - that's the whole creative way.

- And painted life.

Andrei Nasyrov:

He was engaged in music, played in different projects, Chanson never practiced, if you call our Chanson group.

Gennady Seleznev:

You were rocker.

Andrei Nasyrov:

Yes, it was a rock, case, English-speaking music, Russian Rock. Then I began to collect my studio, was interesting to sound recording.

Gennady Seleznev:

Andrei plays almost all musical instruments, he has a very good ears, and when people say that ... Sorry, I interrupt you (addresses to Andrey). I just praise him now. When they say that on stage, it is sometimes boring on stage, I say: "He listens to all the musicians." Therefore, Andryusha we have such.

- Thin musician.

Gennady Seleznev:

Yes, well, if, if he wants, the bunny can turn on, jump (laughs).

In the song, which became your business card, which we have already remembered today, "You know how to live," there are such main, in my opinion, the most important words: "Only forgiveness - salvation, I know." In essence, you expressed the chief postulate of Christianity. Can you say when the Orthodox faith has become an integral part of life for you? When did you come to God?

Gennady Seleznev:

Oh, you know, I'll tell you so, my friends. I am baptized, I went to school, the eight-year was in my city where I live. Now people look at me and think: "What school, what kind of eight years old?" I finished the first school, it was an eight-year apartment, and at that time, even with a cross, it was also dangerous, but I always wore my silver cross on the rope, which my grandmother kept stored. I probably did not understand something at that time, but she said to me all the time: "Do not remove." Therefore, when the pioneer tie from above, and there the cross, at that time I hid it, but I was worried about and I understood that there was something else. Therefore, at that time I could not answer it, but my grandmother always said me: "God sees everything."

And then, probably, with mature, at 35, I accidentally met one woman, the kingdom of heaven, her, however, no longer, and I studied the Bible with her. I was ashamed that such a global "bestseller", and I do not understand anything in it, that is, I read and ...

- Maybe simple, it was not time? You just reached it.

Gennady Seleznev:

Yes, everything is your time. At 35, I studied the Bible for a whole year, asked questions, and then I saw some changes. But it still took several years, then the losses of loved ones and the like, so everything is not so simple.

- Andrei, and in your life what place is faith?

Andrei Nasyrov:

Somehow, too, the understanding came with time, lately I began to perceive everything in a different way, treat it more seriously.

Gennady Seleznev:

Probably you know, Andryukh, because we still grew up, I think, like Andrei, and in childhood there was not this in families. Because my mother, she was a believer, the kingdom of her heavenly, but not to such an extent to bring me to the temple. This is a piece of that time, you need to understand. This is the 60-70s, this is a generation that was ...

Andrei Nasyrov:

Yes, then it was impossible. My house lies such a yellow cross, he still lies, and Mom says: "This is the cross, which you baptized." I never wore it, but he still lies.

Gennady Seleznev:

I am ashamed to say some other time, because in our time, when I was a young puppy, you can say, and there a congestion, you, we are young, not me, but the eggs were thrown. Now I am ashamed for this, but at that time no one understood it because I had a hoolie faith. And then it was necessary to just get into some frighting. When I left to serve at the age of 18 on the fleet, my grandmother in the door told one prayer. She says: "I understand that, probably," our own "you are unlikely to learn on the threshold, but I will tell you one prayer. You just remember. " And I remembered her. I had a moment - who served on the fleet, he understands, is 1982, and nothing remained for me, except that I remembered this prayer. I just, I, like the Ponoloire, tag, if only these clouds left me. You know, everything ended, everything went somewhere. And at that moment I already understood that, indeed, here he, the Lord, he sees me.

And then once, the light, everything went - and you forget again, while you are a rooster again ... And then, over the years, you begin to understand that the Lord is visible.

Song sounds "I repent."

The countdown of the history of the Moscow group "Christmas" has been conducted since 2010 - it was then that her first album "One of you" came out. It is noteworthy that the initial steps of the musicians did in Ukraine - there was their first concert in the house of officers, as well as the first performance on the radio. Yes, and now the group "Christmas" about our country does not forget - on the eve of the Ukrainian tour, her soloist Gennady Seleznev gave the voice of the interview. - Gennady, for sure, you are not just a guest vocalist, but directly involved in the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a group "Christmas" ... - The group was created by chance, according to God's destruction. At that time I worked in a taxi and wrote poems for a familiar girl. By the way, this song "Flowers for Masha" later entered the third album, and then I needed to write vocals. The person who now works with a sound operator, led me to Andrei Nasyrov. He had a studio, and he was now one of the leaders of the group. - And bass guitarist ... But how did events develop that you decided to unite efforts? - We recorded vocals on this song, and then Andrei offered to sit with other musicians. Our tea drinking under the guitar successfully dragged up to 5 am in the orphanage of creativity, and he forgot to turn off the microphone and everything was recorded. Then he turned on me to listen to this party and asked: "Where did everything come from?", And I replied: "These are my songs." Then he said: "Let's try to them"Extract" and we will make a group. "I sat in the car and saw that on a cake calendar - January 6, the eve of Christmas. I called Andrei and suggested:" We will not come up with nothing, let's call "Christmas". It all happened in early 2008. - You mentioned that we worked as a taxi driver. And who else do you have a musical education? - I was also director of the Star Path trading company, which was engaged in selling red caviar. Then he threw it all and went to the taxi, because I wanted freedom. And indeed at the new work in early 2000, I began to compose songs and sing them with my passengers, watching the reaction. By the way, I left a taxi, only when the group went out already the second album. Then I decided for myself: if the music does not start feeding me, I just don't need her. And poems wrote from childhood, but did not go to the music school. I think if I knew notes, I could not create so now. All other musicians of our group - with musical education. - When did you change everything so much in your life, taking music, did your loved ones and friends believed in you? - I started doing what I wanted, in 43 years old. At first there were no livelihoods. Mom helped me, but soon she died. Kingdom to her heavenly. Before his death, she said: "You have been engaged in some kind of business, the songs were your hobby, and this is the present." I listened to her, and all twisted. As for friends, those who are familiar with me are not surprised, as they know that I am in the life of Sorvigolov. But recently there was a meeting with a person with whom he had not seen 20 years. He came to me at the presentation of the album to Moscow with a bouquet of roses and said:« When we learned that you sing, then the pause from surprise was dragging for a day». - You write texts and melodies. Where does inspiration come from? - I describe or personal moments that survived, or stories that heard from friends the edge of the ear. Inspiration comes from the sky, from space. At first I am writing poetry, they are currently in stock more than melodies. Many characters from my texts really exist, they are from life. After I compose words and melodies under the guitar, Andrei engaged in arrangements with musicians. We recently released a new album"I believe." In total, we already have 50 songs, officially published in four albums, not counting remixes. - Recently, your first official clip came out, which was removed near Kiev in the Pushcha Vodice. What were guided by choosing a place of filming? - The choice is obvious: "Christmas" everybody is called the Ukrainian group, because Kiev has opened us in 2011, when we first played in the office of officers. Also in Ukraine, our first radio ester occurred, there are a lot of friends here. When they thought, where to shoot, immediately decided that on this earth - we like it here. The shooting of the clip was held at night, it was heavy rain, I stood in a pond for two hours in the water, there were horses, dogs. Italian director Luke Fakini before coming on the shooting of the clip, fell from the stepladder and broke his leg. So his ideas embodied two fragile women - Copod Irina Fomenko and Ukrainian producer Natalia Blue, known by television program"Eagle and rush". I like the result that I turned out, the philosophical clip came out. - He was shot on the song« So I want to live» from the first album. They say somehow at a concert in the Kremlin, dedicated to the Day of the Police, Russian President Vladimir Putin struck during her performance ... - Yes, he fell. Then it was impossible not to be partitioned, the situation in the hall, video sequence was located. It was Requiem. - What are your songs most often asking for the public? - The other day in Bryansk at the concert asked" The pencils ". Often want to hear"YOUTH", " So I want to live» - they became folk songs who live their lives. - And you are satisfied with the number of students who have a group"Christmas"? - At the concert, which was held in Kiev on November 29, there were no extra free stools. Also, the Bitcho Hall was naked, for example, in Penza. November 28 played in Bryansk - the hall was filled with 85 percent. Now we are going to a tour in Ukraine. By the way, we had already traveled according to your cities in the spring. Here - a wonderful audience: in Poltava, carefully listened to words, in Sumy - get up and sang. Ukraine, really, singing. - Reviewality quickly came to you? - In Russia, the ringtones on our songs were already swung in the face, and in the face"Christmas" no one knew. When the group accidentally invited to a radio station"Chanson" in Kiev, her director looked at us and said:« Wow, in the charts of the song rattles, and no one knows you». At the end of 2011, we were awarded a reward in the ice palace in St. Petersburg and the viewer, going to the scene with flowers, whispering:« Finally, we saw them in the face». Glory and popularity is God's God, it means that our path was supposed to be so folded. - And what musical genre do you consider your work? - This is the synthesis of lyrical rock, mixed on the waves of Chanson and Popes. Our work displays all five musicians - group members. Who was fond of in the music direction, then there is: there is chanson - it is"Pears my pears", "pencils". But "Birds fly away", "Kamasutra" - what is Chanson? In one album, we may have different songs. In general, we carry something new, we have our own face. - Why "christmas" calls himself a Moscow group, not the Russian? - Just in St. Petersburg, too, there is a group"Christmas", which plays folk. We appeared at one time and decided that you had to differ from them in the title. - In Ukrainian, you do not plan to sing? - While we think about it, because you need to sing beautifully, I would not want to put the tongue. We have experience in Italian - somehow I sang with a sheet and people in Italy said that I have a normal neapolitan accent (laughs - ed.). Probably, we will try in Ukrainian, I want to make a national hit so that the head shave. - Do you agree with the statement that music is either good or bad? - To be honest, I sometimes don't even know what your name is a musician, but if it is pleasant for the ears and the heart, I listen to him. Of course, you need to treat all colleagues in the musical workshop with respect, and I wish you all good! Let there be more good songs, and we will go their own way. Each our song is adjusted by musicians, we have no passing compositions. I believe that we are not easy guys marked by God's grace. The participants of our group are so brilliant that if they ask them, they will play in any style, in any format, but all the songs that fall into our albums are familiar with great responsibility. For example, Saxophonist Victor Boyarintsev - a curator of my poems. - By the way, you work without a producer ... - Yes, we had a producer, but he was short-sighted. Because of him, for example, a song« So I want to live» lay in the table for a year! We arrived twice with these rakes and tried to cooperate with the producer, but now themselves. Financially hard, of course, but I have long revised my life. Of course, we need money, I will not say that I am altruist, but they themselves come when necessary. The Lord will not give his warriors by no one, and we are his servants, and he sees all this from above. We are happy to do your favorite thing and grateful to the sky. - Apparently, Gennady Seleznev is a believer, but there is no religious subtext in your songs ... - All my songs are about love. They are written for a simple person by a simple language, although, in fact, there is a lot of latter. In each song there is something that a person should believe in a bright, good, kind. - What will you do on New Year's Eve and in the New Year? - In 2014, we will continue to create, sing, let's release the fifth album. On the eve of the New Year, I want to be at work. Houses are bored, what is there - salads? Even after the holidays we will go skiing.

Mikhail Shufutinsky: "I want to jump with a parachute!"

Mikhail Zakharovich recently, on April 13, celebrated his 71st birthday. And exactly a week - April 20 - the Legend of Chanson in Russian will rise to the Kremlin scene to get the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. On the eve of the celebration, the artist told, for which he loves Instagram and does not like the Palaces of Sports, why was afraid to work with the "All Around The World" hit and what he dreams of 71 years old.

Time is inexorable rushing forward. Already on this Saturday, April 20, a show will be held in the State Kremlin Palace, which all the admirers "Radio Chanson" would be waited, all those who are not indifferent to our genre and just lovers of good songs. I'm talking about the solemn ceremony of presenting the "Chanson Year - 2019" award. For artists who will receive figurines with a gold guitar margin, this is also not an ordinary event. Alexander Marshal believes that this is a common star reward and fans.

It is possible that in the near future drivers at the entrance to the intersection will have to not only reduce the speed and follow the interference on the right and left, but also to dig in wallets. At the International Navigation Forum, they will discuss the idea of \u200b\u200btaking a fee for the unimpeded passage of loaded crossings. However, it is at will. If there is time, no one bothers to stand in traffic. Is free.

Do you know what a UMO is? This is not the control of mobile detachments, no corner of a young optimist. This is an in-depth medical examination. The procedure that athletes are required to pass. But only the conditions of passage will somehow differ. Our glorified snowboarder, the winner of the Olympic Games and the winner of the World Cup Alena Zavarzina to pass by UMO could not. That is, she was reported after the Olympic Games in Pchenchhan, where she showed the best among Russians - the fourth. Here is such a UMO, to ...