Grine and Swabrin What are they different. Essay: "Grinev and Swabrin - comparative characteristics of heroes"

Grine and Swabrin What are they different. The writing:
Grine and Swabrin What are they different. Essay: "Grinev and Swabrin - comparative characteristics of heroes"

Written in 1836 by Pushkin Tale "Captain's daughter" is a logical continuation of the topic of the "insignificant hero", a private man who cannot boast of great wealth, influential or serious relationships. The main character is close to the people, has positive character qualities, kind, fair. The story is based on a rebellion under the leadership of Pugachev, but Pushkin did not at all put a goal to recreate historical events, on their background, he described the life stories of ordinary people.

General characteristic GRINEVA

Peter Grinev - a naughty family leaving, but his parents are poor, so he grew up in the situation of provincial-local life. The hero can not boast of good upbringing, admits that he grew up. Since the father was a retired military, then Peter became an officer. This is a conscientious, soft, kind and fair young man looking at all through the scatter, and he understands how the world is actually arranged.

Thanks to the moral alarm, even from the most difficult and dangerous situations is income and unshappy Peter Greenv. The characteristic of the hero shows his rapid spiritual growth. A man managed to consider Mironovaya MirroVal Personality in Masha, he had enough courage to ask for forgiveness from Serf Savelich, Peter saw in Pugachev, not just a rebellion, and a fair and generous man, I understood how the Schwabrin is actually low and meanly. Despite the terrible events that were going on during the internecine struggle, Grinevas managed to preserve the honor, humanity and loyalty to his ideals.

General characteristics of Swabrina

Characteristics Greeneva and Swabrina allow the reader to deal with who is actually. Alexey Ivanovich on the origin of the nobleman, he is revived, Mujl, not very beautiful. At the time of arrival of Greeneva to the Belgorod fortress, Shvabrin was served there for five years, he was transferred here for death. Everything speaks of his meanness, arrogance and heartlessness. At the first meeting with Peter, Alexey Ivanovich introduces him to the inhabitants of the fortress, opposing everyone with contempt and mockery.

Schvabrin is very smart and much more educated Greennev, but there is no kindness. Many compared this character with a row-field, a man without a family who could only adapt to different circumstances. Nobody loved him and did not wait, but no one needs him. At the end of the story, the Black Hair of Schvabrin after the survived unrest we were launched, but his soul remained black, envious and evil.

Greeneva and Swabrina

In each story there should be an antagonist of the main character. If Pushkin had not created the image of Swabrin, then the spiritual growth of Greeneva would not be so noticeable, besides, it would be impossible to develop a love line between Maria and Peter. The writer opposes two young officers of noble origin. A brief description of Swabrina and Greeneva shows that even the service in the fortress they hit for various reasons. Peter here served to serve as a father, so that the offspring sniffing the real gunpowder, served in the army. Alexey in Scelled for the murder of Lieutenant.

The expression "Military Duty" each of the heroes understands differently. Schvabrina is still someone to serve, if only he was good. During Alexey immediately moved to the rebels, forgetting about the oath and honor. Grineh under the fear of the death penalty refuses to swear on loyalty to the rebels, but a natural kindness saved him. The fact is that once he gave Pugachev a hare's Toulup and filed a glass of wine, and he pays gratefully in response and retains Peter's life.

For the heroes, the captain's daughter became. Grineh and Swabrin loved Masha, but their love is very different. Peter composes poems for a girl, and Alexey criticizes them, spreading in the fluff and dust. This is understandable, because he likes Mary himself, but did a sincerely loving person could put his beloved in the bad light and recommend the opponent to give her earrings instead of poems so that she came to him at twilight.

Relationship of Swabrina and Mary

Alexey Ivanovicha likes the captain's daughter, he cares for her, but when he gets a refusal, dissolves dirty and false rumors about it. This person is not capable of genuine, good and clean feelings, Masha is needed only as a beautiful doll, which can be removed on his way. The characteristics of Greeneva and Swabrina show how much people dissuant on each other. Peter would never allow himself to slander or force for something his beloved.

Alexey is a sneaky and cowardly, acting by workarounds. On a duel, he wounded the sword Greeneva in the chest, then conveyed to Petra's parents about the fight, so that those banned her son marry Mary. After the transition to the side of Pugacheva, Schvabrin uses his power, forcing the girl to become his wife. Even at the end, he cannot admit the happiness of Greenieva and Mironovaya, therefore he pricks to Peter.

Relationship Greeneva and Masha

Peter Andreevich nourishes the brightest and clean feelings to the captain's daughter. He caught the whole soul to the family of the Mironov, who became native for him. The young girl immediately attered to the officer, but he tried to act delicately, composed poems for her to conquer the heart of beauties. Characteristics Greenhouse and Swabrina give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of honor from these two people.

Alexey Ivanovich watched the Mironovaya, but he received a refusal, he could not admit his defeat with dignity, so he tried to mention the reputation of the girl with all their might. The Grinev in turn protects the beloved, causing an enemy to a duel. Peter life is ready to give the sake of Masha, risking, he will handle the girl from the imprisonment of Schwabrin, takes it out of the fortress. Even in court, he tries not to stain the honor of Mironovaya, although he threatens a lifelong cat cargo. This behavior speaks about the nobility of the hero.

Greeneva's attitude to Pugachev

Peter Andreevich does not approve of the actions of the rebels and Ryano protects the fortress from them, during the execution of officers, he refuses to swear to loyalty to Pugachev, because he serves the Empress. Nevertheless, Grinene admires generosity, justice and organizational abilities of the Raster of the Rebuins. The hero with Pugachev added their own, somewhat strange, but friendly relations based on mutual respect. The rebel remembers the kindness of Greeneva and pays him the same. Although Peter did not move to Pugacheva, but he remains good opinion about him.

Schwabrin's attitude to Pugachev

The characteristic of Swabrin and Peter Greeneva shows a different attitude towards the honor of the military among these officers. If the main character and under the fear of the death penalty did not want to betray the empress, then for Alexey Ivanovich, his own life is most important. As soon as Pugachev called on officers to go to him, Schvabrin immediately moved to the side of the rebels. For this person, there is nothing saint at the right moment, he is always ready to substitute the footboard to others, therefore the recognition of the power of the rebounds is nothing more than an attempt to save his life.

The spiritual formation of Greeneva and the fall of Schvabrin

Throughout the story, the reader follows the spiritual growth of the main character. Characteristics Greeneva and Swabrin speak for themselves: if there is nothing saint for Alexey, he is ready to cross through anyone to achieve his goal, Peter conquers his nobility, kindness, honesty and humanity.

Peter Grinev Alexey Shvabrin
Appearance Young, beautiful, not devoid of masculinity. Embodies the features of a simple Russian man Young, static, not high growth, with dark, ugly, but moving face
Character Manly, hardy, brave, decent, straight, noble, fair and conscientious. Cynical, cheeky, sharp, gusty, emotional, cowardly.
Social status Educated nobleman, officer. Educated nobleman, officer
Life position Being a decent officer, honestly serve as a state, protect the weak, predict the inconsistency. Take a significant public place. Prove your right way to prove any ways. Search for benefits in everything.
Relationship to moral values Carefully refers to morality. Trying not to follow Contrary to its principles. It does not value moral values, often crossing them.
Relationships to material values Not chasing for wealth, but accustomed to noble life in prosperity. Appreciates money and wealth.
Moral Moral, honest, conscientious. Immoral, shamelessly, all prizes. Forgets about his debt and honor.
Attitude to the family of Mironov They became him a real family. He fell in love with his own parents. Did not honor them anything other than charity and mockery. Ivan Ivan Ignatievich, insulted Maria.
Attitude to the oath Brave refuses to swear Pugachev and kiss his hand. Ready to die, but not to become a traitor. Without any meditation breaks the oath. Moves to the side of the Buntovshchikov.
Behavior on duel They are moving justice and nobility. He is offended by the honor of the girl, and he, as an officer, must protect it. Hears honest, brave battle. This is not the first of his duel. Behaves dishonest. Puts, at the time when the opponent is defenseless.
Attitude towards Mary Mironova In love, respects the feelings of Mary, ready to wait for her reciprocity and fight for love. Saves her life, protects against interrogation. It is hardly high love feelings. Decisions her, insults, keeps locked up. Easily gives out the enemy.
Behavior with Pugachev High keeps his head and does not want to humiliate. Bravely answers provocative questions. Keeps an officer valor. Puts out freedom, crawling in the legs of Pugachev. It is humiliated and reptiles in front of him.
Relationship At first, Schvabrin causes some sympathy in Greenland. But then sharp statements about the family of Mironovy, and then further actions set up Greeneva against Schvabrin. In addition to contempt there are no feelings. He considers Greennev weak. First, trying to impress him. But the further development of events turns them into antipodes.
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  • Legendary Roman A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", first of all, considers the problem of honor, dignity and human virtue. To penetrate into the essence of people and give the reader more opportunities to observe the evolution of the character of heroes, the author places them during the times of Pugachev's uprising. Pushkin encounters among themselves the two main characters of the novel - Greeneva and Schvabrin.

    At first glance, these young people have a lot in common. Both of the noble origin, both got a good education, are interested in poetry. They even like one girl - Masha Mironova. But on this, their similarity ends. The Grineal fell into the fortress because his father wanted the Son to "sniffed gunpowder," became an officer. Schwabrin was also referred to the Belogorsk Fortress for the murder of Lieutenant.

    Love for Masha Mironova became the stumbling block, which was crashed by the possible friendship of young people. From this point on, the characters of the characters begin to disclose more and more. Masha refused Schvabrin, and his rotten nutrole began to appear in all its glory. Schvabrin began to dissolve evil rumors about Masha, without bending after that he was sitting at the table with her family. He also tried to put Greeneva in her eyes fool, criticizing his poems and mocking them.
    Peter, offended in his feelings, causes Schvabrin on a duel, where the villain tried to attack him from his back. After Dwely, Shvabrin wrote the parents of Greeneva, the letter sprustering his letter, in the hope that it could upset their relationship with Masha.

    In the fully, the characters of the characters are revealed at the moment when Pugachev captures the fortress. Schvabrin immediately moved to the side of the aggressor, while Grinene refused to serve Pugachev even under the fear of death. It seemed that Peter's death was inevitable, but he was generously pardoned for a generously composed Grievous Pugachev Schinel and a charm of wine.
    But on this, Shvabrin does not stop. Left in the fortress one on one with Masha, Alexey Ivanovich is trying to force her for marriage, using his high position with a new government. Masha was lucky that loving Her Grinemen managed to get respect to Pugachev, who helped him to free her from chain hands of a scounding.

    A red thread through the whole novel is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual growth of our hero. The image of Schvabrin perfectly shalls this growth, without this hero he would not be so noticeable.

    Alexander Sergeevich probably wanted to show her Roman Alexander Sergeevich to show that the person who kept the dignity and faith in his ideals could overcome any difficulties. And a person who failed to resist his low-lying instincts, can lose not only freedom or life, but the most essence, the soul, no matter how high it, he climbed. And this is the most terrible end.

    The main characters of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", are two completely opposite to the human qualities of the Green Enginee officer and Swabrin. Despite the fact that both young people came out of the noble clan, in which, as well as, high values \u200b\u200band morality were embarned since childhood, one was honest and noble, and another heter and turning.

    Schvabrin protruding in the work of a negative character enters the service in the Belogorsk fortress due to committing the murder. During the passage of the service, when the rebellion of Pugacheva began, he, without thinking and not taking care of his debt into his ranks. He also does not care about the feelings of his people around him. On the will of his love to Maria Mironov, not paying attention to the attention that feelings are not mutual, he solves the power to force the girl to be with him. The treacherously enters the attitude and to his friend, plotting against the conspiracy and pretendation.

    Grinyov is the exact opposite side of the Swabin. He is in his will eat up the service in the fortress distant from the city, in everything he listening and obeying his father. It feels incredible devotion and reverence of their parents. He also clearly followed by the instruction, which states that honor needs to be preserved. With the uprising of Pugacheva, without fear of his life, Grinyov clearly makes it clear that it is not for what, will not go into his ranks, since he gave oath with Empress and be faithful to serve only her.

    Pushkin in this work clearly gives to understand the reader, what such as Schvabrin follows only devastation, which will certainly lead to the collapse of his kind, as well as the whole country. And Grinyov is a stronghold in building a healthy and developing society with high moral stood and positions that guarantee will lead to a happy and carefree future.

    Comparative characteristics of Greeneva and Swabrin

    Peter Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin are heroes of the story "Captain's daughter".

    These two young people from wealthy families. They are officers and both in love with the captain's daughter Masha Mironov.

    Peter Grinoves got to serve in the Belogorsk Fortress at the request of his father. Alexey Shvabrina was transferred to the fortress for death. During the duel on the swords, he broke a single lieutenant.

    Peter Grnev sincerely loves Masha Mironov and she replies to him. He is ready for her to make decisive and bold actions.

    Alexey Shvabrin without achieving the location of the girl and receiving a refusal from it, behaves extremely unworthy. He negatively responds about the family of Masha, allows himself to mock her girl and dismisses a bad cullet about her.

    Peter Grinsky quarrel with the Swabrian because of his unworthy behavior towards Masha. Wanting to defend the honor of the girl, Peter fights with a screw on a duel. On a moment, turning to the shock of his servant, he gets a cunning blow in his back from Schvabrin.

    They understand their duty to the deception in different ways. When the fortress stormed the gang of Emelyan Pugacheva, Peter was ready to fight until the latter. He bravely behaved and was not afraid says Pugachev truth in the face.

    Schvabrin on the contrary, without thinking, switched to the side of the villains. He Lebesil and reptiles in front of Pugachev.

    When Shvabrina appoints the fortress commandant. He, being for a person, enjoys his new position. He brutally appeals to Masha Mironova, keeps her locked and forcing him to marry him.

    Peter Grinov from the letter Masha will know about it and immediately goes to challenge the girl from captivity of Swabrin. Thanks to his revelation and courage, he deserves the location and respect of Pugachev.

    Peter generous and bold man. Throughout the story, he is worthy and selflessly fighting for his rights and for his love.

    Schvabrin false and hypocritical, he is ready to strike a blow and betray his comrades. He repeatedly tried to pump Peter and wrote a denunciation on him.

    Both were arrested on suspicion of collusion with Pugachev. Schvabrin and here led himself extremely not decently, he tried to slander Peter. As a result, Greenv is justified and freed. In this, his beloved Masha contributes to him. He marry her. Schvabrin also remains in conclusion.

    A. S. Pushkin on the example of these two, young and secured guys managed to show how different people are.

    Option 3.

    These two officers are the exact opposite of their human qualities. Both are taking place from the kind of nobles, so there is no doubt about their upbringing. But the differences begin where it ends.

    Schvabrin plays a negative role. He is in the service in the Belgorod fortress. There he is sent because he committed murder. When the rebellion of Emelyan Pugacheva begins, he supports the rebel without any doubt. Since his main qualities are cunning and cunning, then moral debt does not care at all. There is nothing to talk about feelings around him. His beloved Maria Mironova does not respond to him and he decides to take her strength. But, as it looks not as it should be an officer, it is not difficult to predict his actions. Conspiracy and pretense against his friend, who has more chances of Mary's hand, do not make themselves waiting!

    Grineh completely opposite to him. His decision to go to this fortress was guided by duty to the fatherland, and not various tricks or crimes. He listens and subordinate to his father and therefore he considers him a good son. All instructions obtained before county are observed immaculately. Wragging the honor of the Smoloda, Grinevo wants to become a good officer and commander. And since the oath is not an empty sound for him, then during the uprising he begins to act like the faithful Warrior of the Empress. Why does Maria choose an honest person? To understand, it is worth carefully to look at both of them.

    Peter does not want to make adhesion, but on the contrary wants to prove his love actions. Therefore, he is drunk on various actions that are beneficial to allocate on a general background. Then, as Alexey Shvabrin, after receiving failure, begins to be extremely negatively responding about the Baryshne itself. Moreover, he secretly lets negative rumors that affect the reputation of the girl. Because of this, the quarrel of two young people begins. But the honor of the girl for Peter is not an empty sound and he appoints a duel after clarifying all the circumstances. But fate is not on the side of decent people. For a moment, turning away, Greeneva expects a blow to his back, which turns out to be decisive in this confrontation. Duel ends with the victory of Alexey.

    After the start of the siege, it was with the support of Swabrin Pugachev to take the fortress in his hands. Having assigned it to the main thing, he actually unlock his hands. And since he is also reptiles in every way, it is not required to evidence in loyalty. Maria falls into a kind of captivity, which shifts her actions. Alexey begins to force her by force to marry him. When the Grinehist knows about this in the letter, he immediately rushes to the girl's revenue. What causes respect not only with her, but also at the rebel himself.

    Based on these words, it can be understood that Peter Grinev moves decency, honor, courage and dedication. Then, as Alexey Shvabrins drives lies, hypocritical and blows in the back. And repeated donos only confirm that such people are simply not needed even in the ranks of those who are solved to go against the crown and the state.

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    Pavel Grinev was born in the family of the retired premier of Major and the daughters of the nobleman. The father always wanted to see the military in his child and recorded him in Semenovsky regiment Sergeant long before his birth.

    Schvabrin also grew up in the noble family, but he did not have an example of military behavior. Therefore, the feeling of honor was poorly developed in this person.

    Grinyov received good upbringing and education. First, represented by Uncle Savelich, who taught his everyday wisdom and Russian diploma. Then - Frenchman Bopre.

    Attitude towards the service and military honor at the main characters differently. Grinyov refers to the service responsibly and remains faithful to Empress to the end, showing devotion to the oath. Schvabrin also referred to military service irresponsible, immediately moving towards Pugacheva.

    The attitude of the heroes to the woman and the feeling of love is also different. Grinyov sincerely loved Masha and opened in her feelings. Love Shvabrin is peculiar. Having experienced a heroine, he unfriendly responds about Mother Mary. And Masha is afraid of Schvabrin because of his cunning and arrogance.

    The main Pushkin heroes reveal their characters, first of all in relation to the Pugachev Bunut.

    Grinyov to the end remains an officer. Brought up in an officer family, he does not drop his honor and dignity in difficult times. Believes his satisfaction, oath and military duty. He believes that the young officer who broke the oath is a criminal.

    Schvabrin was deprived of these high principles and became a supporter of the Buntar not because of ideological beliefs, but from mercenary purposes.