Gosloto 7 of 49 Check Ticket Last Circulation. Why half the prize fund is distributed

Gosloto 7 of 49 Check Ticket Last Circulation. Why half the prize fund is distributed

Today, the next distribution circulation of the lottery "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "in which half of the accumulated prize fund is planned to be divided among the winners. If someone does not guessed 7 out of 49, of course.

Planned distribution scheme

  • for 3 numbers to win, 62 rubles is added (totaling 187 rubles); The remaining amount is divided like this:
  • for 4 guessed numbers - 35%
  • for 5 guessed numbers - 30%
  • for 6 guessed numbers - 35%

Why is half a prize fund distributed?

The answer to this question is very simple. The organizers are required to maintain interest in the game, and most of the participants still hope to win the main prize. Since those involved in each edition is small, just 15-20 thousand tickets, so that the next worthy super prize is required to accumulate a considerable time. And to put a large guaranteed prize of the owners of the column seems to be no desire.

By the way, you paid attention to the fact that in all numeric lotteries of the Gosloto, which are currently held on the lottery, no more huge guaranteed Prizes? This is an indirect confirmation that the draws now are still honest.

Another confirmation of this also serves as a jackpot yesterday in Gosloto "4 out of 20" (the third this year, and the first, more similar to the truth) - a player from Buryatia, who made a deployed rate worth 2,500 rubles receives 47,084,178 rubles.

When will the seven?

The first circulation of the Lottery "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "was held on May 22, 2011, during which time it was 6 166 camps (now it is 6 camps a day that for a similar game is simply unthinkable) and for all this time (more than 6 years!) Nobody Never, I did not guessed 7 out of 49.

The probability of correctly noted 7 numbers (from 49) is 1 to 85,900 584 (one chance of 85 million!) And, although it is possible, literally in every circulation, but now, after the appearance of the lototron, it becomes more likely that sometime it Still happen. According to our widget "" for the entire existence of the Lottery "Gosloto" 7 of 49 ", players have already installed 153 million combinations (153 145 486), and statistically, at least one appearance of the seven could have happened.

Perhaps it will happen in the distribution of the circuit that for the rest of the participants, of course, will be offended. Let's see how today's circulation will end, summarize after 23:30

Video standardization of circulation


Winning combination: 5, 13, 14, 37, 39, 47, 48

  • 7 rooms did not guess no one
  • 6 rooms - 1 winner, win 32 410 993 rub.
  • 5 rooms - 208 winners, win every 130 808 rubles.
  • 4 rooms - 5 125 winners, win each 6 584 rub.
  • 3 rooms - 57,985 winners, winnings of 187 rubles.

722 860 tickets participated in the circulation, 1 358 924 combinations

We are glad to welcome all the players of 9687 Edition of Gosloto 7 of 49 who want to check the ticket Gosloto 7 out of 49 to win.

On this page of our portal of official results of Russian lotteries, we will publish the results of the distribution circulation of 22 hours 30 minutes, September 13, 2019.

Full official results will not be published immediately. Their publication will begin with the winning combination, the numbers of which will be known at 22:30 Moscow time and entered into the circulation table below. Next, for an hour, we completely fill in the tripping table (we will make the wins' sums), add a video definition of a winning combination and checking the distribution circuit tickets by ticket number.

Check the Gosloto Ticket 7 of 49 Edition 9687 by ticket number

Also, for an hour, it turns out whether the accumulated superprise was played in the amount of more than 233 million 787 thousand rubles in the 9687 teary "Seven". If this does not happen, the entire accumulated amount will be distributed among all the winners in a compulsory, which will significantly increase the winnings in each category.

Results 9687 of the Soroto Lottery 7 out of 49, September 13, 2019

If two or more numbers coincided in the ticket in any order, then your bet warranty won !!!

last famous circulation No. 10008 from 2019-12-17 19:00:00. Rooms: [

]. The amount of numbers \u003d 131.

Probability of winning in "Gosloto 7 of 49"

The probability of winning in the minimum category is 1 to 4.8.. The prize fund is only 50% from revenue. General mathematical probability of winning - 1 to 3.87 , consisting of 6 winning categories. Minimum guaranteed size of the super prize - 500 Million rubles.
In this lottery, only one game field consisting of 49 numbers. For winning in the minimum category, it is enough to guess the 2 numbers, and the winnings in the minimum category corresponds to the cost of the ticket. The probability of the winnings of the super prize is one of the lowest among the lotteries held, which greatly scares potential participants. Most popular with this lottery enjoys in distribution circuits.

Detailed information on the rules of participation in the lottery you can find on the official website. www.stoloto.ru. .

Changing the size of the jackpot on history 1000 Recent camps:

In the lottery "Gosloto" 7 of 49 ", the super prize win very rarely, for the first time it happened in 7924 Tirage. This is not surprising, since the mathematical probability of winning is 1 to 85900584. Drops of the jackpot graph on top of the top predominantly tell us that the superprise was drawran in this circle, but that it was another distribution circulation.

The number of combinations involved in the draw:

As a rule, players' activity slows down after a super prize draw or with an increase in the ticket costness. If the ticket costs decreases or the size of the super prize becomes quite large, then the activity is gradually increasing. In distribution circuits, the activity is sharply enhanced (in the form of a jump in the diagram). The highest activity of the participants is manifested in distribution circuits, at such moments the number of participating combinations increases ten times.

The ratio of the number of combined participation to the number of winning:

This ratio on average corresponds to the mathematical probability of winning a lottery equal 1 to 19.81 up to 9518 editions, and 1 to 3.87 Starting with 9518 editions (because changed the rules of the game in the lottery, adding the category of winnings - correspondence 2 numbers).

Circles with the lowest ratio "Number of combinations" / "Number of victories", i.e. Victory was a lot:

In the numbers present in these circulations, you can determine the most popular numbers that are used by the lottery participants. As soon as these numbers fall out, the winners immediately become more than usual.

Earlings with the highest ratio "Number of combinations" / "Number of victories", i.e. The victories were small:

In these essays, the numbers that people use are not clogged are traced. Among them are numbers: 1-6 and 40-49 . People do not like to use the values \u200b\u200bclose to the interval borders - (1, 49), and for some reason they experience fear to large numbers, especially when large numbers are simultaneously many in one combination, more than 3 pieces. When listed the listed numbers of the winners becomes less than usual.

On winning ..

You can also find out more about in which more than 120 million rubles were played.

Official results in the form of a winning combination will be available already at 23:30 Moscow time, and further within an hour will be available to the filled outline table with the benefits check, checking the ticket by number and video of determining the winning combination.

Also within an hour, it will be known whether the accumulated superprise was played in the amount of 161 million 852 thousand 988 rubles in 6167 teary "Seven". If this does not happen, then half of the accumulated super prize will be distributed among all the winners at mandatory, which will lead to an increase in winnings in each category.

Results of Gosloto 7 of 49 Edition No. 6167, November 16, 2017 at 23:30

If three or more numbers coincided in the ticket in any order, then your bet warrant was guaranteed !!!

Fallen combination: 05/13/14/37/39/47/48.

Video Gosloto 7 of 49 Edition 6167 dated November 16, 2017

The State Sport Lottery JSC holds a lot of excellent lotteries, but even among them the lottery "7 out of 49" is something special. Judge for yourself:

  • prizes are distributed daily;
  • the number of draws per day - 6;
  • the minimum sum of the super prize is 10,000,000 rubles!

No reason not to participate! Now let's tell you what is needed for this.

In the era of wireless Internet and other benefits of some kiosks, a list of places where you can buy a ticket "Gosloto" 7 out of 49, "is not limited to (however, they are there). Other ways to become the owner of a cherished ticket:

  • website lotopobeda.ru;
  • app for a smartphone;
  • partner sites;
  • SMS with the text "749" to number 9999;
  • "Baltbet", "Balt Lotto", "Russian Post", specialized kiosks, etc.

Of the 6 fields, called the first 6 letters of Cyrillic, you can fill everything out at once, one, two - how much you want. Select 7 of 49 numbers (without repeats!) For each field. There are a couple of additional options: for example, you can mark the number of editions in the specialist, if you want to participate immediately in several (maximum - 20), or to give everything into cases of the case, specifying "automatically" in a ticket from the retail point and "accidentally" / "even Numbers »/" Odd numbers "in the ticket on the site. And do not forget to keep the receipt, if you have made a purchase not on the Internet.

Watchfully share the secrets of improving the chances of winning! First, in each of the fields you can choose more than 7 numbers. On the site - up to 14, in the paper version - up to 16. Secondly, follow the news of the Lotto "7 of 49": here the so-called distribution circuits are regularly held, in which the super prize is divided into all winners.

"Gosloto" 7 of 49 ": check the ticket

The circulation is held at 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30, 21:30 and 23:30 in Moscow, sales are closed 20 minutes before the specified time. Lothotron issues a 7-digit combination at which the winners are determined. You can find out if you are one of them in different ways:

  • live broadcast on the site lotopobeda.ru;
  • in a mobile application;
  • at sales points;
  • by phone +7 499 27-027-27 and * 777.


If you have coincided from 3 numbers, more likely check with this list:

  • 3 numbers - 125 rubles;
  • 4 - 25% of the remaining prize fund;
  • 5 - 15%;
  • 6 - 20%;
  • 7 - 40%.

For the expanded rate, the conditions are special: calculated how many groups of 7 groups in it; For each, the winnings are determined, and they all are summed up.

Keep in mind that on the telephone numbers listed above, you can not only check the ticket "7 out of 49" by number, but also to find out how to pick up your prize, clarify the details you are interested in and ask questions about the draw.

How to pick up the prize

By tradition, the action of the winner depend on the size of the winnings:

  • up to 2 000 rubles - at sales points;
  • up to 100 000 rubles - in the "Stoloto" wallet or at sales points;
  • from 100,000 rubles - transfer to the personal account;
  • over 1 000 000 rubles - without a personal visit to the office.

After it remains only to pay the tax (13% for citizens of the Russian Federation and 30% - for all others) - and everything, you can decide where to spend a pleasant monetary bonus. We wish you good luck!