Horoscope at exact date. Character and fate by date of birth

Horoscope at exact date. Character and fate by date of birth
Horoscope at exact date. Character and fate by date of birth

Each of us is born under certain zodiac constellations. It is said that it is it that it has an incredible impact on the human life predetermines further fate and the main features of character. Experienced astrologers can tell a lot about the visitor, just to know the day of his appearance. You can make sure in the truthfulness of the above, while looking at any and comparing the characteristic written in it. 90% of people recognize that such astrological forecasts are absolutely true.

It's no secret that the signs of the zodiac are divided by the dates. We will tell you more about this below in the article.

Aries: March 21 - April 20

Purposeful, attentive, hardworking and balanced Aries are capable of literally roll over the mountains. They never stop on the achieved, do not listen to someone else's opinion and can independently build a dizzying career from scratch. Sometimes such a stubborn character plays with them a dick joke that especially affects personal life.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Very kind, patient, friendly TVs are excellent companions and comrades, faithful companions of life and just wonderful people. Often they become a soul of the company, but do not assume that they can be used without a conscience. Their inquisitive mind perfectly distinguishes sincere friends from envious enemies.

Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Direct, sincere, merry and sociable twins are excellent employees and family mans. They are inherent sincere desire for loyalty, so it is precisely with them that you can build strong, durable marriage bonds. But the leaders of them are perfect due to excessive exhaustion and even some impulsivity.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Noble, disinterested and patient crayfish prefer the blue in the hands of the caravil in the sky. They treatively belong to each step, thinking on the situation in advance and deeply surviving failures. Excessive caution sometimes deliver significant inconvenience to them, but at the same time protects against dangerous and risky incidents.

Lion: July 23 - August 21

G. horde, powerful and energetic lions love to lead, lead the process, control the situation. Their irrepressible energetic is impossible to resist, and persistence can be envied. It seems that even the stone wall is able to move away under their pressure. In this case, the true king of animals is inherent in innate nobility.

Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Practical, smart, logical identities, born under the sign of the Virgin, are distinguished by unshakable character and mindfully straightforwardness. They will never build a goat, try to believe in an innocent man or build happiness on someone else's grief. However, their desire for bare truth does not always like the surrounding society.

Scales: September 24 - October 23

Friendly, soft and elegant scales are distinguished by an incredible luck and love of life. They never see anything bad in the interlocutors, colleagues, buddies and loved ones, which sometimes turns bad outcome. On the other hand, they are very lucky, so every day proceeds unforgettable.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

Characteristic, reasonable and slightly rigid scorpions are characterized by an uncompromising attitude to all life areas, from work to love relationships. From their pride and some cynicity sometimes suffer from relatives and native people. On the other hand, their innate sense of justice can not be assessed.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

Energetic, carefree and smiling archers have an explosive character. They are unrestrained travelers who can break at any time, and their ease of lifting is truly amazing. It is comfortable and convenient with them, and stunningly cheerful temple infects with its optimism from the first second.

Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

The amazing morality of the Zodiac Capricorn simultaneously helps him and spoils fate. But patience and resistance to all kinds of problems and difficulties cannot but please. Before the last, steadily fight against opponents and to withstand even the most unpleasant events - this is Capricorn with an estate to teach anyone.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

The continuous state of sincere love in everything, ranging from the profession and ending with his hobbies, characterizes romantic water. Their lifelong passion and some ease of thoughts guarantee continuous emotion and events. The only thing they lack are seriousness.

Fish: February 20 - March 20

Soft, sensitive, sophisticated fish, born in spring dates, often become led. However, there are unsurpassed custodians of homemade, wonderful mistresses and patient, sensitive parents. It is easily and cozy with them, but for stalking emotions and insane acts should not count.

The zodiac horoscope and the description of the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac is considered very popular in European civilization. It is difficult to find a person who would not know his sign of the zodiac. And even people who claim that they do not believe in horoscopes, from where they know the characteristics of the sign of their mother-in-law or wife.

Zodiac signs by date of birth

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

No one knows the exact appearance of Western astrology, it appeared at about 1 century. n. e., and since then has not changed any special changes. It originated as pagan science and developed in the occult direction of the flow of life, possessing a pronounced religious tint.

In ancient times, people believed that the gods live in heaven, and watching the sky they become closer to them. Ancient astrologers found that life on our planet is subject to rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies. Many centuries of the priests watched stars and planets, and accumulated huge knowledge, which was based on the zodiac horoscope.

The basis for the construction of Western astrology and characteristics of the zodiac horoscope is 12 constellations of the zodiac, which represent special groups of stars. Ancient astrologers after long observations it was found that all events occurring on Earth are very closely connected with Sunny Svyatil. They calculated 12 cycles corresponding to the twelve zodiacal constellations that the sun's dial passes during the year. The path that the sun passes along the constellations was called in Western Astrology - zodiacal circleand twelve constellations - 12 signs of the zodiac. In each zodiac sign, cyclic characteristics with different features were reflected, which were reflected in the state of the subtle world and the universe.

The zodiac horoscope is 12 signs of the zodiac, the characteristics of which depends on the date of birth of a person. To be more accurate of the zodiacal constellation at the time of the sun finding in it, at the date of birth of a person.

Characteristics of zodiac signs In the horoscope, reflects the fundamental traits of the nature of a sign of the zodiac. Therefore, for a more detailed horoscope, astrologers are ordered by an individual horoscope, which, among other things, takes into account the influence of the planets at the time of birth.

In the zodiac horoscope, the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac are associated with four terrestrial elements that make the signs of the zodiac with certain energies. Western astrology allocates elements - fire (Lion, Aries, Sagittarius), water (scorpion, fish, cancer), air (scales, twins, aquarius) and land (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Each sign is endowed with certain energy characteristics, properties and temperament.

As a result, the Western Zodiacal horoscope takes into account many different parameters, the influence of the position of the Sun in the passage of 12 constellations, the energy influence of the planets. The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac also depends on the earth's elements that additional properties add to it. The accumulated knowledge of Western astrology gives us the opportunity to more deeply know themselves and the solid world around us, which is hidden from the look of our eyes.

1. Natal map.

Natal map - the main working tool of the astrologer - a diagram on which all the elements are depicted, which are analyzed by the signs of the zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between the planets. Houses are considered on the Koch system. In the calculations of the northern lunar node, its average value is used. On the right of the card, all the calculated data are given: the position of the planets in signs and houses and the rooms of the houses they control, the positions of the vertices (cascaders) of houses in signs and planets that they manage. If you are interested in astrology only with a practical purpose - to get the information you need, you can go immediately to the 2nd section.

2. The main features of the person

Nowadays, due to the development of technologies, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become common. However, in most cases, this is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is characterized by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and significant influences and individual "bricks" of the natal card are revealed in a holistic picture. To do this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods that we use in this section to compile a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner of the horoscope and its main features.

First we define the qualities and natural characteristics that are initially present and laid from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in signs and manifest themselves at child age:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The relationship of elements in the horoscope allows you to determine the temperament and the main psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (crosse balance). The prevailing cross in the horoscope defines a preferred strategy of actions.
  • Prevailing character traits (dominant sign). The character depends not only on the solar sign, especially if the moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of the individual will manifest itself and implement in life, which areas will be most needed and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here is the exact time and place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The implementation of the implementation (balance of the hemisphere) indicates a tendency to individualism or support for the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion and care for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and the type of experience determines that he drives the person, what are the main incentives and needs that will look for implementation in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main spheres of life (dominant house). The highlighted horoscope homes indicate more specifically on the main areas of interest, the circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there is a horoscope of energy and which not only determine the main trends of character, classes, circumstances, the direction of the human life, but can help or interfere with it to achieve maximum implementation. It may be power, wealth, but also the vertices of art, science, spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be the predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planet directly in various ways, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully examine the materials of the previous section, the main features and characteristics of the individual will be already known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all planet factors symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The sun, the moon and the ascendant constitute the identity core and determine the main character traits:
    • Sun - detriment, consciousness, will, spirit, vitality,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, safety, security,
    • Ascendant is the image of "me", the role, image, self-treatment, the appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. Personal planets complement the picture:
    • Mercury - Mind, Intellect, Thinking, Means of Communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars is the power of will, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person manifests as a social being.
  • Higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) define spiritual ideals and needs, problems and objectives of the Spirit and irresistible transformation forces.

4. Spaces of implementation and circumstances of life

In this section, we consider the horoscope and practically the same factors, but under a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how the circumstances and life will be in specific areas: health, finance, family, children, etc. To do this, we explore the horoscope in the structure of its homes (fields), each of which symbolizes and as if "answers" for certain areas of life. Signs in which houses fall, symbolize background properties and qualities characterizing the circumstances of the house. The planets falling into the house brings their energy and directly affect this area of \u200b\u200blife, and the position of the planets-ruler of the house shows which other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of texts

To describe various horoscope elements, we use fragments of books and reference books of famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Francis Sakyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and distributed on the SIS expanses among other translations of foreign directories and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors have more or less quoted or retelling this reference book.

Grant Lewi is the famous foreign astrologer, striving to achieve goal - make astrology accessible to millions. His book "Astrology for millions", from the quotation of which is a horoscope, has become a bestseller and reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations of German authors Xayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book "Astrology: key concepts", published in Russia in 2002. These are extremely clear and modern interpretations. Interpretation of the position of the planets in the houses of Bill Herbsta is deep and also very modern.

According to books and lectures, Absaloma underwater studied, probably many astrologers 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in the style by which you can unmistakably determine their author.

Descriptions of the elements, types of houses are partially borrowed from the book of Stephen Arroyo "Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements".

1. Natal map.

Natal map - the main working tool of the astrologer - a diagram on which all the elements are depicted, which are analyzed by the signs of the zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between the planets. Houses are considered on the Koch system. In the calculations of the northern lunar node, its average value is used. On the right of the card, all the calculated data are given: the position of the planets in signs and houses and the rooms of the houses they control, the positions of the vertices (cascaders) of houses in signs and planets that they manage. If you are interested in astrology only with a practical purpose - to get the information you need, you can go immediately to the 2nd section.

2. The main features of the person

Nowadays, due to the development of technologies, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become common. However, in most cases, this is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is characterized by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and significant influences and individual "bricks" of the natal card are revealed in a holistic picture. To do this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods that we use in this section to compile a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner of the horoscope and its main features.

First we define the qualities and natural characteristics that are initially present and laid from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in signs and manifest themselves at child age:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The relationship of elements in the horoscope allows you to determine the temperament and the main psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (crosse balance). The prevailing cross in the horoscope defines a preferred strategy of actions.
  • Prevailing character traits (dominant sign). The character depends not only on the solar sign, especially if the moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of the individual will manifest itself and implement in life, which areas will be most needed and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here is the exact time and place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The implementation of the implementation (balance of the hemisphere) indicates a tendency to individualism or support for the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion and care for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and the type of experience determines that he drives the person, what are the main incentives and needs that will look for implementation in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main spheres of life (dominant house). The highlighted horoscope homes indicate more specifically on the main areas of interest, the circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there is a horoscope of energy and which not only determine the main trends of character, classes, circumstances, the direction of the human life, but can help or interfere with it to achieve maximum implementation. It may be power, wealth, but also the vertices of art, science, spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be the predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planet directly in various ways, their strength and significance.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully examine the materials of the previous section, the main features and characteristics of the individual will be already known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all planet factors symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The sun, the moon and the ascendant constitute the identity core and determine the main character traits:
    • Sun - detriment, consciousness, will, spirit, vitality,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, safety, security,
    • Ascendant is the image of "me", the role, image, self-treatment, the appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. Personal planets complement the picture:
    • Mercury - Mind, Intellect, Thinking, Means of Communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars is the power of will, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person manifests as a social being.
  • Higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) define spiritual ideals and needs, problems and objectives of the Spirit and irresistible transformation forces.

4. Spaces of implementation and circumstances of life

In this section, we consider the horoscope and practically the same factors, but under a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how the circumstances and life will be in specific areas: health, finance, family, children, etc. To do this, we explore the horoscope in the structure of its homes (fields), each of which symbolizes and as if "answers" for certain areas of life. Signs in which houses fall, symbolize background properties and qualities characterizing the circumstances of the house. The planets falling into the house brings their energy and directly affect this area of \u200b\u200blife, and the position of the planets-ruler of the house shows which other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of texts

To describe various horoscope elements, we use fragments of books and reference books of famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Francis Sakyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and distributed on the SIS expanses among other translations of foreign directories and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors have more or less quoted or retelling this reference book.

Grant Lewi is the famous foreign astrologer, striving to achieve goal - make astrology accessible to millions. His book "Astrology for millions", from the quotation of which is a horoscope, has become a bestseller and reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations of German authors Xayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book "Astrology: key concepts", published in Russia in 2002. These are extremely clear and modern interpretations. Interpretation of the position of the planets in the houses of Bill Herbsta is deep and also very modern.

According to books and lectures, Absaloma underwater studied, probably many astrologers 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in the style by which you can unmistakably determine their author.

Descriptions of the elements, types of houses are partially borrowed from the book of Stephen Arroyo "Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements".

The coincidence of descriptions of characters with the real state of affairs is surprising high.

In contact with


People born during this period do not like controversy and fussiness, tied to their loved ones, patient and hardworking.

They never envy others, try to achieve everything on their own, because very ambitious; Often they need peace and sense of security; Possess such qualities as politeness, honesty, justice, innovation, they like attention, most often enthusiasts and never give up.

Very logical, talented and smart people. A person's word, appreciates education and does not lose their skills; Easily tolerates his creative ideas into everyday life and quickly knows how to determine what you need, and what is not.

If necessary, it may be tough in communication; In addition to thinking in different directions at the same time; It has the talent of observation; Successful in work.

January 20-29.

The person born during this period possesses the following qualities: frankness, ingenuity and originality at the same time; values \u200b\u200bstrong friendship, but knows how to control his feelings and is working logical; Thinks often and productively.

Quickly teach, practical, with an analytical warehouse of the mind; It goes ahead of its time and easily overcomes difficulties; Does not like restrictions.

January 30 - February 8

Characteristic features for the person of this period: Clearness, rapid thinking, honesty and goodwill to people, so he does not like insincere people.

The ability to study foreign languages, eloquent and easily knows how to attract attention in any society. It has a developed sense of humor. The smart and owns the power of conviction, without difficulty adopters the experience of other people, achieves results with a short way.

Appreciates science and adores disputes and discussions.

Representatives of this time of the year are constantly striving to experience new sensations, they value freedom and are innovators in almost everything: adore new places, they are following fashion and can create original and attractive things, so they hate the routine.

Have a wide range of friends, but very selective; Good observers and like the opposite sex.

It is distinguished by positive attitude and developed creative abilities, it tries not to condemn and is ready to change himself. In difficult situations, it is able to move on, without losing landmarks. Admired deeply feeling, romantic and generous in love.

A man who born in early March is characterized by increased sensitivity: he solves the emotions and feelings of other people, while respecting them. Appreciates the family, but prone to bad habits.

Sometimes is inconsistent, humble enough and love to society. Maybe with your head plunge into love; It is not capable of bad actions and is experiencing a long time if someone reacted to him unfairly.

Versatile talented and has developed intuition; Evoids demand from the opposite sex.

March 11-20

This is a man with a rich fantasy that can be successful in almost any field, because Can turn a dream into life.

He directs his vitality to the realization of good and beauty. It has the gift of foresight and supernatural abilities, strengthening which he allows the time spent alone.

Can affect people; It has powerful positive energy and easily enters trust.

These people are very strong in terms of physical development. Clearly see the goals delivered and unshakably moved to them; Requests for their high, and they never refuse the desired.

Do not like to obey orders and are ready to go only on the path planned; Attractive, sexy and rarely lonely.

Very living and characteristic people: Personality, from which the river pours creative energy. Of these, excellent actors are obtained, because They can express themselves.

Good managers can easily influence others; able to achieve the desired; Know how to live and enjoy life.

These people like to study and explore the unexplored. They are open and love communication, friendly, faithful, generous and responsive. Have confidence in themselves, fair, love praise; Tells with the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200band sometimes excessive money.

A man born in late April loves beautiful, high-quality and attracting things - briefly speaking, sensual estret, a thin gentle and loved by society.

For him, material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare important, which he is ready to defend. These people get great pleasure from participating in secular life, love to surround themselves with beautiful things and good friends. Do not like quarrels, disputes and disagreements, because In their lives, "everything should be beautiful."

This is a person of high mental abilities, which appreciates in other people the same thing - mind and education; It has a strong intuition.

Concentrate on its own interests, but at the same time, loves to watch the world around; Extremely eloquent. Easily solve people; owns excellent skills organization and knows how to work in a team; Environment listened to him; connoisseur freedom.

During this period, very reliable and honest people capable of strong and deep emotions. They can be trusted in love, because They appreciate the partner.

At the same time, realists and self-sufficient, hardworking and are aimed at achieving success, beauty has a value for them, observational; do not like clusters of people and injustice; Not boastful.

These people are diversified and possess resourcefulness, logical and consistent.

Welcome innovations and enjoy new acquaintances. Appreciate information, curious and greedy to knowledge, have a sharp mind, excellent oratorical abilities. Clear enough to defeat the enemy alone.

Born in early June is aware of the importance of relationships in society, take weighted decisions, smart, tactful and ready to compromise.

Could enjoy the moment. Tender and able to feel fine, but they can act constructively; Love innovations, comfort and quality, ordinary things they do not like, they appreciate friendship and love.
June 11-21

These people have modern thinking, capable of thinking objectively and impartially; They attract people to themselves, quickly get closer to them and can agree with many, but long friendly relations are more important for them. Freedom-loving; They act logical and thoughtfully.

They are attracted by all unusual and original. Many people like how they think, so support from society is always ensured; Volosses, creative, with a developed sense of personal dignity. Not ready to put up with injustice.

The characteristic features of man of the end of June can be described as follows: Loves safety, is sensitive and able to compare.

Close and families are of great importance for him, so they are always under his protection and are surrounded by care. Constantly on the side of the truth and justice, but in relationships it comes to a compromise. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare important for him; it is able to easily affect people.

Born in early July likes to reflect, possesses excellent intuition. It is progressively thinking and positively configured. His inner light makes it possible to tune in to a good way, disappointing doubts not only its own, but also around.

Does not endure superficial people, often prefers to check before starting to trust someone. Knows how to focus on the development of the power of will and mental abilities; Appreciates security and strength.

Artistic abilities, a tendency to art, pity and compassion - here are just some features of the character of man in mid-July. The idealist, with a good imagination, always tries to surpass himself.

With a good heart and sensual perception of the surrounding world. Unfortunate and able to plunge into love with his head.

Representatives of this period are self-confident and independent leaders. Appreciate their origin, noble and proud, love attention and are always noticeable in society.

They are characterized by excellent organizational abilities and devotion to beloved, artists and creators by nature. Their internal attitude is always on the face, they do not know how to play. However, it is important for them to be loved; Easily express their thoughts.

It is pleasant to talk to these people, they are cheerful and easy to rise, able to distract from everyday problems; Good, but love to silence money, appreciate the quality.

Rarely offend others and distinguish with enviable generosity. Love to travel and open something new. Strong spirit. They can trust the secret, because This is a true friend. Freedom-loving and do not endure when they indicate.

These people - fighters in nature, are able to sacrifice themselves, energetic and usually achieve their own, thanks to their mind and courage. They are not ready to put up with injustice. Aware of the need for innovations.

They are characteristic of enterprise and intelligence, they know what and when to do. Come to survive and physically developed. Do not love to wait, adore new projects and planning.

These are resourceful and smart people who can think logical and easily find a common language with others; However, they do not like problems. For them, loving relationships are significant. They like elite institutions and high-quality service, they do not tolerate ignorance.

Possess observation and are able to determine the shortcomings in one glance. They are interested in the causes of a particular event; They are sociable, susceptible and want to know everything and understand.

Such a person seriously belongs to life and tries to make solid decisions. His requirements and expectations are logical and quite real, and he himself is hardworking and plans its future. Disciplined, responsible and is ready to make efforts to fulfill the goals or duties.

Also has experience in professional matters, tacty; It is important for him to trust, because He himself holds his word.

The representative of the late September is a strong person who speaks only in the case. Able to love and can feel a partner. The gentle, balanced and attractive, passionate in love. Good and more prefers calm.

Loves to communicate, but without exaggeration; It is able to indifferently reflect.

These people are adherents of beauty, luxury and quality - themselves are characterized by beauty and attractiveness. They know what love is and how to love, very sociable.

Adorable fresh ideas. Do not regret money on pleasure and rarely refuse to ourselves in anything, so you often experience difficulties related to these. They are interested in travel and new acquaintances. In their lives, it is often a chance to realize dreams.

People born in early October are always interesting, attractive and unusual from the point of view of others. They, like air, needs freedom, and they hate the rules.

They give the importance to social relations, they themselves are of interest and always stand out from the crowd.

They shine that they are not like others; They enjoy independent decisions. They monitor changes and innovations in the world and use them successfully.

October 14-23

A man born in mid-October is developed mentally and physically. He is able to actively and quickly move in life; What he says is interesting, and his mind is able to solve many problems.

In love, instead of excessive sentimentality, it is capable of transmitting the voice of logic; Always expresses your feelings.

Respets cooperation and easily converges with people if necessary. Prefers to use new gadgets. Own sexuality and attractiveness are not in last place for him.

Women representatives of this period are very attractive, men are very charismatic. Interested in mystics and unknown, sometimes possess abilities in this area. Various innovations, transformations and changes not alien to them.

They can defend their rights, sometimes cutting, but confident in themselves. Love accuracy and discipline. Easily can explore the secrets of others, but they can save them in secret. People with a strong character.

For people of the beginning of November, sensuality, romanticism and passionism are characteristic. Always adhere to their ideals, possess intuition, which can successfully apply in life.

They like to grow and develop with a loved one for whom they are ready to go on a lot; Responsive and able to find solutions to problems for other people. Sympathy and empathy to them are not alien. They have a strong character capable of fighting.

These individuals possess impressive qualities: honesty and justice. Able to fight for the truth and "fly to the light of truth"; The attention of people is always drawn to them, thanks to their attractiveness and social position.

Good luck follows them everywhere, possess the gift of foresight. After severe situations, they are easily going with the forces to continue the life path. They are inherent developed sixth sense; Patriots and value family.

The moral qualities of these people are incredibly high: they are honest, self-confident, possess a strong faith and live according to conscience, respect the feelings of others and appreciate the education and knowledge. Optimistic, may foresee the situation.

Despite the fact that not very dependent on love, always protect and appreciate their relatives. Elegance and readiness - this is what attracts them in other people. May indicate the right path and become a good mentor.

December 2-11

Representatives of the beginning of December are very bold and active people who do not accept anything, in what they are not sure, love to argue and fight for justice. Targeted and not dependent on anyone, rarely listen to the advice, but are quite true and quite disinterested, keep the word.

Possess powerful sexual attractiveness, passionate and can start a relationship with any person like; Sometimes impatient and happened.

Such a person is endowed with life experience and is formed, which allows it to easily influence others. The horizons, intuition and the passion of this person are impressive to knowledge and research. Despite the ability to control their feelings, loves praise and manifestation of interest.

In relationships focuses on its desires, dominant; does not like to make mistakes; Opened art and innovations. Gord and can stand up for yourself.

People born in late December may take responsibility, clearly know what they want and make the right and relevant decisions. Disciplined due to which large difficulties can overcome.

They can be trusted; Sometimes pessimists are susceptible to self-analysis. Can adapt to the rules and conditions. Trust and respect in love for them are paramount, they appreciate and care about the partner. The developed leadership and organizational qualities are characterized, successful.

In contact with