Green peas. Benefit and harm

Green peas. Benefit and harm
Green peas. Benefit and harm

A familiar to everyone since childhood is a delicacy, the constant component of Salad Olivier and Vinegret, useful and "fast" snack - continues to be at the peak of popularity. Soups, salads, side dishes, pies, vegetable stew many can not imagine without this universal product, which is perfectly combined with meat, fish, any vegetables, mayonnaise and other sauces.

Grow peas people became still deep antiquity. This unpretentious curly bean plant did not require complex care and in difficult times literally saved from hunger. Even royal people did not dishes dishes from peas. So, one of the popular French royal dishes was peas cooked on Pig Sale. Trapza of the Russian king Alexei Mikhailovich quite often included pea pieces, peas with fused oil.

Useful properties of canned peas

Interestingly, peas in the stage of dairy maturity is considered to be vegetable, and peas, reaching full maturity - a gentle-born culture. At the same time, taste quality and dietary value differ significantly. The polka dot collected at the time of dairy maturity is characterized by soft, tenderness, juit, maximum concentration of vitamins and sugar. The protein composition is perfectly balanced, and carbohydrates are in an easily digestible form.

The canned pea contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, iron and other minerals, the total number of which reaches 26. It is rich in vitamin B1, which is beneficial to the state of the nervous system. Vitamin B2 enhanced in its composition improves intracellular exchange, vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the heart of the heart and the state of the vessels, vitamin A improves the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, the peas contains starch, dietary fiber and fats.

Peas conservation technology in the factory conditions implies its growing processing. The process of sterilization and pasteurization allows you to preserve vitamins unchanged, thanks to which the canned peas is recommended, including for dietary food. The high content of fiber in it contributes to a decrease in cholesterol levels, optimizing the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and the conclusion from the body of slags.

Quality requirements and requirements

Experienced hostesses are known a lot of "secrets" of purchasing high-quality canned peas. In particular, they prefer to acquire this product in glass banks, where not only the size, shape and stage of the maturity of grains are visible, but also the degree of transparency of the fill. By the way, the muddy fill testifies only to the high content of starch, and not about the spoilness of the product, as some think. For canning, as a rule, peas of brain varieties is used. Depending on the species, the color of the peas in the bank varies from light green to olive and yellowish.

On sale enters the canned peas of the highest, first and table varieties. The products of the highest grade are characterized by the minimum content of crumpled grains (not more than 6%). For the first grade, this figure is 8%, for a table - all 20%. White precipitate at the bottom of the bank allows you to suspect the manufacturer in violating technology; In turn, the incredibly transparent fill may indicate preservatives. The composition of the product should be listed on the label, and ideally, there should be nothing, in addition to water, salt, sugar and peas itself.

The highest quality products are obtained from the peas canned immediately after the collection, i.e. Spring or early summer. If canned food is made in autumn, their taste is left to desire the best. The date of manufacture can also be viewed on the label. And one more important point: on the banks of some manufacturers you can see the inscription "corresponds to GOST", on others - "worked out according to TU". Products made according to GOST is canned polka dots made by technology, grained decades. And that (technical conditions) each manufacturer establishes for itself.

Who is contraindicated canned peas

Looking at this cute delicacy, to which most of the population nourishes the most sincere feelings, it is not even believed that in some cases it can cause harm. But, nevertheless, this is so. Overdue canned food used outside the expiration date can be a source of serious problems. It may also be a completely benign canned peas, if he is carried away with over all measures. Such impotence can turn into a swollen and even in some cases obstruction of the intestine.

This product is not recommended to use people prone to meteorism suffering from colitis. Persons with urolithiasis need to be careful with canned peas, because It has a diuretic action and can provoke an attack of the kidney colic, spontaneous sanding of sand from the urinary tract.

Preparing canned polka dots on your own

The best way to be confident in the benignness of the canned peas is to harvest it at home. An important condition for cooking is the maximum compliance with the purity bordering sterility. The fact is that at the canning plant, the cans sterilize in autoclaves at high temperatures and under pressure. At home it is impossible, so it is necessary to do everything so that in banks it is not developed by the bacteria of botulism.

Recipe for canned peas for short-term storage in the refrigerator

The peas prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator or cellar for 3-4 weeks. It is not recommended longer, because Manufacturing technology does not imply long-term heat treatment.

Green peas pods wash in running water, grain to deprive, rinse again and omitted in a saucepan with salted boiling water for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, prepare the required number of glass half-liter cans, wash and sterilize. Blanched peas fill banks without reaching 1 cm from the edge. Pour salt boiling water (on liter boiling water to take 1 tbsp. Salt spoon). To add 1/3 hours to each jar. Spoons of acetic essence and immediately seal sterilized covers. Leave at room temperature to full cooling and place in the refrigerator.

Durable Powder Recipe

Prepare brine. To do this, take on each liter of water to one and a half tablespoon of salt and sugar and bring the solution to a boil. Polka dot deeper from the pods, shifting into a colander and rinse thoroughly under cold running water. Immerse the peas prepared in such a way in boiling brines no more than 3 minutes and hot to pack into sterilized half-liter banks. Pour almost to the very top of the boiling brine, in which citric acid was added at the rate of 3 g per liter.

Next, the canter can be sterilized. To do this, it is necessary to cover their tin lids and put them in a water container, where to maintain a temperature of 106 peris for 3.5 hours. Let you not surprise this temperature. It can be achieved if adding a table salt for sterilization to the sterilization at the rate of 350 g per liter. At the end of the sterilization, the banks must be rolled, put upside down, give cool at room temperature and transfer to the cellar.

Green peas is considered one of the first food crops that people began to grow. Archaeologists are confident that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt.

If earlier polka dot consumed dried, today it is more in demand in fresh or canned form. One of the reasons for the wide propagation of green peas is its unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

Frozen, dried and canned, it does not lose nutrients, textures and colors.

Green peas is famous for not only low cholesterol content, saturated fats and sodium, but also wealth of manganese (36%), copper (12%) and phosphorus (16%). This is a good source of vitamin A (22%), ascorbic acid (32.5%), vitamin B6 (15%), vitamin K (44.6%) and folic acid (21.6%). It also contains nutritional fibers useful for digestion (30.3%).

All about benefits

  1. For heart. This is a beneficial property of green peas due to the high content of folic acid, B6 and K vitamins, Lutein. The listed nutrients are rightfully considered the main defenders of the heart and blood vessels. Keeping green peas is at least 4 times a week, you are 22% reduced the risk of ischemic disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  2. Against cancer. In one glass of purified pea contains 10 mg of kulisterol - the most powerful antioxidant, which suppresses the growth of cancer cells. It is especially effective against stomach cancer. In addition, the product is rich in antitumor phytonutrients.
  3. Digestive benefits. High doses of protein and fiber in this culture helps to adjust the rate of metabolic processes, contribute to the digestion of heavy food, split starch on simple sugar, improve the intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  4. For the health of the bones. Green peas can provide an organism up to 50% of the recommended daily rate of vitamin K and a good dose of manganese. These substances strengthen the bones and prevent their calcification.
  5. For good vision. (Natural vegetable pigment) and vitamin A in the composition of the product nourish the organs of vision, protect against the cataracts and dystrophy of the yellow stain, and the retina from damage.
  6. For weight loss. Green peas is a low-calorie product with lots of fiber. It contributes to the rapid appearance of a feeling of satiety and purifies the intestines from toxins. Try to add it to heavy fat, so that there is less and not to experience hunger.

Possible harm

The product contains purines, which exacerbate the course of certain diseases. People with gout or stones in the kidneys are better to refrain from its consumption.

Green peas - Universal Food Culture. It can soar, cook, fry, bake and stew. Choose!

The article is about the benefits of green peas and the methods of its conservation for the winter.

"Pulls hang, at the ends of the hooks. In the middle of the smoky nuclei. " In this children's mystery, we are talking about green peas, leggings of legs, useful and culinary properties of which many are underestimated. Meanwhile, it can be called a food product, which is obliged to be present in the diet of each person in fresh or canned form.

The benefits of green peas of fresh and canned

The vegetable family of legumes is diverse and numerous. One of his representatives, taste and useful qualities of which humanity estimated thousands of years ago, is the peas of ordinary (green). This is an annual curly grassy plant from India, but today it is grown everywhere.

Important: Before the appearance of potatoes, it was the green peas that was the main food product in Russia. He was called "king"

Peas - the plant is unpretentious, it grows almost on all the gardens and summer cottages. Residents of the villages will be taped with fresh and raw, only torn from the bed. In the season, they prepare pea soups and salads, stew stew, bake patties.

The urban was lucky slightly less - if they did not have time to stock up with a fresh peas from the market, they have to be satisfied with the fact that it is sold to routine banks. Is it useful in the same way as fresh? After all, it is known that during conservation, some of the substances in the product disintegrate. It is necessary to consider this question more detailed.

In the fresh green peas have a lot of vegetable protein and other nutrients.

First, you need to go through the composition of the fresh product:

  1. Protein (vegetable) in the product is quite a lot, from 5% to 7%. It is quickly and fully digested by the body and is consumed to build its new structural units. If a person for some reason does not eat meat, he needs to take care that the peas is at the table at least a couple of times a week
  2. Fat in peas Minor quantity, up to 1%
  3. Carbohydrates represented by sugars (glucose, maltose, sucrose) and starch, the product contains 10-14%. They are also well absorbed by the body and processed into the energy necessary for him for vital activity
  4. Dietary fiber in the product up to 5%
  5. The product is distinguished by a high percentage of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, valine, other) and organic acids (omega 3 and omega6, palmitic, olein, stearin, linoleic and linolenic (
  6. 70 - 75% green peas consists of water
  7. Micronutrients in the composition of pea are vitamins (A and beta carotene, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, K, RR), micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, potassium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, other, total 26)

Important: Those who are watching weight, green peas does not hurt: 100 g contains only 73 kcal

Preservation of green peas is a way to keep the product to use it outside the season. The billet is possible in domestic and industrial conditions. Unfortunately, some use of peas during the conservation process is lost.

During temperature treatment, a part of the protein is disintegrated under the influence of acid and salt, some vitamins are destroyed, and the amino acids in the product becomes less practically half. Nevertheless, in winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, canned peas is still able to fill the deficit of vitamins and minerals in the human body.

The use of green peas of fresh or cannedish has a positive effect on important systems of man organs:

  1. Vegetable protein is necessary for building new cells by the body
  2. Vitamins of group B and Pyridoxin, contained in the peas, have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain and the human nervous system.
  3. The product has an anticipant property
  4. Antioxidants in peas prevent radio nucleotide in the body, which turns the product into the anti-cancer
  5. Water in the pea and a small percentage of dietary fibers allow you to use it as a diuretic, choleretic and soft loss
  6. Polka dot cleans the vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves the tone of blood vessels, stabilizes the work of the heart
  7. The use of pea stimulates regenerative processes throughout the body, it has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
  8. In folk medicine and cosmetology polka dot in the form of mashed potatoes, tincture from its tops are used externally for skin care, skin allergies, dermatitis, skin peeling, fastest healing of wounds

Harm green peas of fresh and canned

Fresh green peas, if it has grown in an ecologically clean place, did not deteriorate and is used in moderate quantities, does not harm the body. If you eat it too much, it is possible:

  • stomach upset
  • owl of belly
  • flatulence

Important: Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat fresh polka dots, because it has a lot of useful. But it is necessary to try to try it gradually, observing the reaction of its own trader and the child's reaction. Mom baby, who has colic, from the use of peas should be temporarily refused. It is also necessary to watch that the product does not give an allergic reaction: its probability is minimal, but exists

As for the peas canned, everything is ambiguous here.

  1. To harm the human body can not be the product itself, but mistakes and violations of technology during its workpiece and storage
  2. High confidence causes homemade peas in banks, there is nothing, except for the product, salt, sugar and water (sometimes vinegar). In industrially manufactured banks often contain preservatives
  3. Canned food is often not made of fresh, but from dry pea. Dimge treatment reduces its food value. To progress yourself, when choosing canned food, pay attention to the date of their manufacture. It should be a "pea season" - from May to July

Calorie green peas canned

Depending on the method of workpiece and brand-manufacturer Caloriciness of green peas canned ranges from 50 to 70 kcal per 100 g.

VIDEO: Canned Benefit and Harm Polka Dot

Recipes of canned peas

Preparing polka dots for the winter by conservation at home in different ways:

  • use only sugar and salt
  • use citric acid
  • use vinegar

IMPORTANT: It seems that brushing peas for a very long time? There is a simple and fast way! You need to pour pods into a saucepan with boiling water and peak for 5 minutes. The pods will open, the peas are easily separated from them. It will be enough to catch and throw out the peel, and the peas are thrown into a friend

RECIPE: Canned green peas sweet

It is necessary (by 1 jar with a volume of 0.5 l): Green peas purified - 300 g, water - 1 l, salt - 1 h. Clips, sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

  • water is poured into an enamelled saucepan
  • sucked into the water polka dot, add sugar and salt
  • conduct water to boil, peas are booed 15-20 minutes
  • at this time, banks and covers sterilize
  • wrap up a boiled polka dot on a colander
  • the decoction is filtering twice through the gauze
  • peas are decomposed on prepared banks, poured decoction
  • put banks sterilize for 20-30 minutes
  • after they roll with sterile covers
  • canned peas cans cooled inverted on the lid

IMPORTANT: Cars sterilize so: they are put in a pan, filled with water so that it covers the banks for three quarters. At the bottom of the pan must be a silence of a diaper. Banks must be covered with covers, but not sunk. Conduct water to boil and withstand in it cans with peas required amount of time

RECIPE: Canned peas with lemon acid

In this case, citric acid acts as a preservative, so peas prepared in this way does not need sterilization.
It is necessary (by 1 jar of 0.5 l): green peas purified - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon, citric acid - 1 h. spoon.

  • from water, salt and sugar are preparing marinade and put it boiled
  • in the boiling marinade suck the washed green peas
  • polka dot Quarter, five minutes before turning off, add citric acid to marinade
  • after shifting peas in sterile banks so that they are not completely filled, 2 cm no reaching to the top
  • banks rush with sterile covers, cool and placed in the refrigerator, where it should be stored

VIDEO: PEAS. GREEN PEA. Marinated green peas in winter

Canning polka dots for the winter: a recipe with vinegar

With vinegar Green peas turns out a spicy, so it is well suited for salads and snacks.
RECIPE: Marinated green peas with vinegar

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bpeas purified - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. A spoon, vinegar 9% - 0.3 glasses.

  • polka dot cope in boiling water for 5 minutes
  • separately boiled marinade - water with salt, sugar and vinegar
  • sterile banks laid out polka dots and pour marinade
  • cover cans with sterile covers and sterilize for half an hour
  • roll up banks
  • cool banks inverted, under a towel

Video: green polka dot canned. Billets for the winter

Peas is one of the most ancient legs cultivated leguminous crops. One of the most beloved spring-summer delicacies for children and adults is young, sweet and fresh green peas, just with a bed, so it will be worth learning than this plant can please us, in addition to the excellent taste.

Taste quality and appearance

Bright green skills are enclosed in an oblong, cellular pod, consisting of two halves of at least rich color. Young legumes possess the sweet, gentle taste, juicy and soft pea. In cooking, brain and sugar varieties are the most valuable, they are frozen and can be preserved for the winter.

Chemical composition

As part of a green peas, a bit of organic acids, but almost the entire list of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as fiber and natural sugars.


Peas contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, N, PP.


  • Macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, chlorine.
  • Microelements: aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, tin, selenium, fluorine, chrome, zinc.

Calorie Product

One hundred grams of the product accounts for only 55 kilocalories.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

  • Proteins - 5 g.
  • Fats - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 8.3 g

Did you know? Austrian biologist, botanist and monk Order of Augustine Gregor Mendel, conducting experiences on the pea, proved the existence of genes and the transfer of hereditary signs. Despite the fact that in 1865, it was skeptical to his discovery, today the scientist is called the founder of the science of heredity.

What is the benefit of fresh green peas

Nutricatives are told about the benefits of the product, and the folk healers use the green plants in numerous medicinal recipes.

For adults

The product is useful and even recommended by doctors to people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, liver disease and kidney disease, avitaminosis. Dishes with bean are useful for cleaning blood from cholesterol, cleaning the liver from toxins, nitrates, drug decay products. Peas are considered a preventive tool against atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, bone fragility. The composition saturated with minerals and vitamins the composition normalizes the work of the endocrine system, hormonal background, which will benefit on the health of the reproductive system.

For kids

The product can be introduced into the children's lore with eight months if the baby has already tried vegetables, cottage cheese, meat. In the raw form at such a young age, peas are undesirable, better after heat treatment in the form of a puree, for example. From one and a half years you can give fresh small portions.
The advantage of the young peas in front of the old in a smaller quantity for the delicate fiber digestive tract, also has a smaller allergenity. The product is useful for the growth of muscular, bone and connective tissues, the mobility of the joints. Thanks to iodine, he normalizes the work of the thyroid gland, improves the work of the brain. The polka dot satuates the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthening the immune, cardiovascular, central nervous system, favorably affects the gastrointestinal organs.

Is it possible to eat peas pregnant and nursing

Fresh green peas is saturated with many useful for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development with elements: folic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, zinc and other. Therefore, it is necessary to eat the product to women in the position, however, it is not necessary to overdo in order not to cause meteorism.

The same composition of the useful substances will help a nursing mother to recover after delivery, protect immunity and fill the stock of vitamins and minerals. Insert the fresh product to the diet follows in small portions, watching the behavior of the baby.
When using a frozen product, it is not necessary to defrost it in the microwave, it is better to leave for a time for natural defrost. Canned peas can be harmful due to the presence of chemical additives in it: preservatives, stabilizers and others.

Harm and contraindications

Purines in the culture of culture for damage form urinary acid, so use is not recommended for such states:

  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • middle diathesis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Important! Excessive drinking can cause bloating, gravity in the stomach and increased gas formation.

Rules for choosing a quality product

The culture ripening period begins in May-June, depending on the climate in the region. If you choose, it is better to give preference to pods in which the peas will retain the juiciness and useful elements longer, and not already purified product. About freshness says such qualities:

  • bright green color;
  • the absence of yellow and dark spots;
  • soft and elastic peel pod.
Fresh peas are stored in the refrigerator, without shaking out of the pods, the term is about a week. The lined product is stored until six months in the refrigerator in a convenient capacity. In this case, the container cover does not need to close to ensure air access.

How to save polka dot for winter



Ingredients (for six cans 0.5 l):

  • green peas - about 2,800 kg;
  • sugar -1 Art. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 9% vinegar - 100 ml.


Did you know? The appearance on its tables of green peas, the French are required by Mary Medici. The future queen brought with her personal chefs, and their own recipes of dishes, where the product occupied not last.

More about benefits: how to make a mask from a young peas

The cosmetic properties of the culture are due to the presence of vitamins of beauty: A, C, E, as well as a large amount of minerals participating in the structure and regeneration of cells, including skin and nail plates, which are beneficial affecting the condition of the hair.

For skin

Mask for dry skin.Mashed out of two tablespoons of the boiled product mix with the same amount of apple juice and yolk. Mass applied a thin layer on the face, wash off when the mixture will dry up, and starts to pull the skin. After washing, apply nutritious cream light texture. For severe skin, the mask is used three times a week for a month.
For normal skin.Dried polka dot crushed into flour, one tablespoon of flour mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil and a yolk. Mass are applied to the face and area of \u200b\u200bthe neck for twenty minutes, wash off cool water. You can apply twice a week.

For oily skin.Two tablespoons of peas are crushed in a puree, add two tablespoons of serum, mix. On the purified face and the neck are applied for twenty minutes. Wash off warm water.

Many people are confident that canned foods are absolutely no useful food that does not contain anything good. But in fact, if such dishes are cooked correctly, they can saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. They can be included in their casual diet in the absence of contraindications, as well as prepare on their basis a variety of delicious dishes. One of the most popular products of this type is considered green peas canned, the benefits and the harm of which today will be prompted by us. We also tell me that cooking from green peas (canned).

The benefits of canned green peas

Whether the case is green peas, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable ... And here it is canned, it means there is nothing but the fiber. So many mistresses grumble. But everything is not quite so.

Modern methods of cooking canned peas make it possible to keep in it most vitamins and minerals. Such a product is a source, provitamin A and. In addition, it contains satisfied a lot of carotene, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Green peas has in its composition a lot of dietary fibers, natural sugars and starch.

Consumption of such canned helps to eliminate and prevent kidney disease. Polka dot effectively displays an excess of fluid from the body (treats the swelling) and contributes.

Turning on canned green polka dots in your diet, you can warn hypovitaminosis. Such a product has in its composition vitamins of group B, extremely important for the normal operation of the nervous system. Therefore, green peas will benefit people encountering with stress, emotional overvoltage, as well as with severe mental loads. It is remarkably neutralized fatigue and improves the quality of the night recreation.

Canned peas will help cope with the unpleasant consequences of the hangover.

What is dangerous green polka dots canned, harm from his needs?

Such a product can harm the body if a person has disorders of digestion, including meteorism. In addition, canned peas provokes health violations if it was preparing either stored incorrectly. So if the bank with such a product looks deformed or swollen, it is better to abandon its purchase. It may be developing toxin botulism in it and you can get sick.

Canned green peas dishes

Canned green peas soup

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare three hundred fifty milliliters of chicken broth, a pair of potato, one hundred fifty grams of peas, one hundred grams of onion-row and one middle carrot. In addition, use one hundred milliliters of decade-free cream, one hundred and fifty grams of fresh champignons, seventy grams of celery root, some vegetable oil, black ground pepper and salt.

Grind carrots, leeks, potatoes and celery root. Fill prepared vegetables with broth and boil until ready. Clean the champignons, wash and cut the plates. Touch in vegetable oil for seven-ten minutes.

Canned polka dots grind the blender to the condition of mashed potatoes. In the same way, grind the boiled leek, carrot, celery root and potatoes. Connect both mashed potatoes, mix, salt and pepper. Pour the cream in a saucepan, add champignons, mix and warm up to the desired temperature. It is possible to serve such a soup with pieces of meat.

Salad with sardine and peas

To prepare such an unexpected and interesting salad, it is necessary to prepare a hundred gram of green peas, thirty grams of the replied onion, one hundred grams of fresh cucumbers, a jar of sardines in oil (240g), three boiled boiled eggs, one hundred potato grams and four mayonnaise tablespoons.

Cucumber grind small cubes (if the skin is solid, it is worth cleaning it). Also apply a bed of eggs. Potatoes boil in uniform and grind the cubes. Onion Suitoriate on a coarse grater. From sardines, drain the liquid, break it with a fork. Connect the sardine with peas, potatoes, mayonnaise, onions, eggs and cucumber. Severe mayonnaise, score and mix.

Wheat porridge with green peas

This is a very interesting dish with an unusual taste. For his preparation you will need three luckers-shallot, two hundred grams of bacon, two hundred fifty grams of wheat cereals and two hundred fifty grams of green peas. In addition, use one lemon, fifty grams of butter, one broth cube, eight hundred milliliters of water, a certain amount of salt and black ground pepper.

Clean and make a lump onions. Creamy oil melt in a small saucepan. It is frightened with a bacon, crushed with thin plates, wheat cereal and prepared onions for a few minutes. Clean the lemon and squeeze juice out of it. Dissolve a bouillon cube in eight hundred milliliters boiling water. Put a break with bacon and a bow in a saucepan, pour broth and lemon juice to it. After the porridge boils, pumped into it green peas. Boil on moderate heat for about twenty minutes. Cooked porridge pepper and sprinkle.

Canned green peas is a useful product that can be the basis for many very tasty dishes.