Where died bazaars. The symbolic meaning of the death of Bazarov

Where died bazaars. The symbolic meaning of the death of Bazarov
Where died bazaars. The symbolic meaning of the death of Bazarov

"To die as the bazaars died, it is like to make a great feat," said D.I. Pisarev. Can I agree with this statement? Of course, you can. We will try to prove the truthfulness of the words of the famous critic.

Why did the bazaries die? The main character broke his finger while the corpse of a typhoid man opened, and besides Evgeny was able to cover the wreck after four hours after opening. Quite a large period of time. ... Obviously, blood infection has occurred.

And Bazarov understood it very well. Nihlist asked his father's head of hell, manifesting a very little hope of salvation. But he was sure that he became infected. The replicas of the hero himself confirm my words. Bazarov says: "... and now, truly, and the hellish stone is not needed. If I got infected, so now it's too late. "

It is worth comparing the reactions of the Father and Son. Father, Vasily Ivanovich, understood all the terrible consequences of infection, but he did not want to take the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitable death of Eugene, trying to teach himself with all sorts of hoping. For example, Vasily Ivanovich said Bazarov: "God is with you! You caught a cold…". When Eugene showed the Father Red Spots, Vasily Ivanovich replied: "... And yet we will cure you! ".

As for the Bazar himself, there is a completely different situation here. Evgeny understood that sooner or later he would die. Unlike Vasily Ivanovich, the main character did not master herself with empty hopes and illusions and tried not to teach his loved ones. So, for example, he spoke to his father: "Starina .... Odno my stupid. I am infected, and a few days later you will bury me. " Analyzing the data of the Bazarov's words, it can be noted that Yevgeny had no fear before his death, he was ready to die, part with life, there was no excitement in it. The proof of my words are the following spelrs of the hero: "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow my brain ... I will give a resign", "... I won't see the tail." Dying, bazaars remained faithful to himself and his beliefs. For example, he agreed to communion, but only in a state of infamous when he would not be able to respond for his actions. Bazarov said: "... After all, both fearless fit."

Bazarov was not afraid to die. But Evgenia was annoying that he would die very early, and without making anything useful for Russia, for the people, for the public good. The hero said: "I did not expect that so soon die; This is an accident, very, to tell the truth, unpleasant ... ". He very regretted that he never managed to use all his strength on purpose. "Strength, force ... Everything else is there, but you need to die," said Bazarov. The hero had a lot of plans for the future, but, alas, these plans will never come true ... He said Eugene with pity: "And after all, I also thought: a lot of things, I don't die, where! The task is there, because I am a giant ... ".

Thus, I managed to prove that the death of Bazarov is a feat.

Updated: 2018-01-31

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Roman "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev finishes the death of the main character. Understanding the reasons for which the author completes its work is exactly possible through the analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov". "Fathers and children" - a novel, in which the death of the main character is definitely not accident. Perhaps such a finale speaks of the insolvency and beliefs of this character. So, let's try to figure out.

Who is such a bazaarov?

An analysis of the episode of the death of Bazarov is impossible without understanding what this character is. Due to the fact that he is talking about Eugene in the novel, we imagine a smart, confident, cynical young man who denies the generally accepted moral foundations, ideals. Love he considers "physiology", in his opinion, a person should not depend on anyone.

In the future, however, Turgenev opens up such qualities in their hero as sensitivity, kindness, ability to deep feelings.

Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who denies all generally accepted values, including he does not share enthusias of lovers in his opinion, significantly only what brings practical benefits. He considers everything beautiful. His main Evgeny denotes "labor to society." His task is to "live for the great goal of updating the world."

Attitude towards others

Analysis of the episode of the death of Bazarov in the Roman of Turgenev "Fathers and Children" cannot be carried out without an understanding of how the relationship between the main character with people who made up its circle of communication were arranged. It should be noted that the bazaars belonged to those surrounding with contempt, he put others lower than himself. This manifested, for example, in what things he spoke Arkady about himself and his relatives. Affection, sympathy, tenderness - all these feelings Eugene considers unacceptable.

Love Bazarov

An analysis of the episode of the death of Bazarov requires to mention that with all its disregard for sublime feelings, he, Ironically, falls in love. His love is unusually deep, as evidenced by the explanation with Anna Sergeyevna Odintova. Realizing that he was capable of such a feeling, bazaarov ceases to treat him as physiology. He begins to consider the existence of love. Such a change of views could not pass without a trace for Eugene, who lived in the ideas of nihilism. His old life is destroyed.

The explanation of the Bazarov in love is not just words, it is a recognition of your own defeat. Nihilistic theories of Eugene are divided.

Turgenev considers it inappropriate to finish Roman with a change in the views of the main character, and decides to complete the work of his death.

The death of Bazarov is an accident?

So, in the final of the novel, the main event is the death of Bazarov. An analysis of the episode requires to recall the reason why, according to the text of the work, the protagonist is dying.

His life becomes impossible due to an annoying chance - a small cut, which received bazaars at the opening of the body of a peasant who deceased from typhus. Ironically, he, a doctor, which is useful, cannot do anything to save his life. Awareness that he will die, gave the main hero time to evaluate his achievements. Bazarov, who knows about the inevitability of his death, calm and strong, although, of course, being a young and energetic person, regrets that it remains so little to live.

Bazarov's attitude to death and to themselves

An analysis of the episode of the death of Bazarov is impossible without a deeper understanding of how the hero refers to the proximity of its end and death at all.

No one can calmly realize the approach of the final of his life. Eugene, being a person, of course, strong and confident in himself, is no exception. He regrets that he did not fulfill his main task. He understands the power of death and speaks of the last few minutes with bitter irony: "Yes, look, try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta!"

So, the death of Bazarov is nearing. An episode analysis, which is one of the key in the novel, needs to understand how the character of the main character has changed. Eugene becomes kinder and sentimental. He wants to meet with his beloved, once again say about his feelings. Bazarov softer than before, refers to parents, understanding now their significance.

An analysis of the episode of the death of Bazarov shows how long the main character of the work. He has no close man to whom he could convey his beliefs, therefore, there is no future at his views.

Understanding true values

Before death change. It comes to understanding that in life is really important.

Analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov" on the novel by I. S. Turgenev requires an understanding of what values \u200b\u200bthe main character now considers true.

The most important thing for him is now - parents, their love for him, as well as his feeling for Odse. He wants to say goodbye to her, and Anna, without having to get infected, comes to Eugene. With her bazaarov shares intimate thoughts. He comes to understanding that he does not need Russia at all, she needs those who take ordinary every day.

Bazarov is heavier to reconcile with his death than any other person, because he is an atheist and does not believe in life after death.

Turgenev completes its romance to the death of Bazarov. The principles for which the hero lived was destroyed. More stronger, new ideals at the Bazarov did not appear. Turgenev notes that the main character ruined precisely the deep commitment to Nihilism, which made him abandon the universal values, allowing to live in this world.

Death Bazarov

The main hero of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" - Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - dies in the final of the work. Bazarov - the son of a poor county Lekary, who continues his father. Eugene's life position is that it all denies: looks for life, a sense of love, painting, literature and other arts. Bazarov - NiHist.

Initially, the novel occurs conflict between the Bazarov and Brothers Kirsanov, between the nihilist and aristocrats. Bazarov's views are sharply different from the beliefs of the Brothers Kirsanov. In disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Bazarov wins. Therefore, there is a gap on ideological reasons.

Eugene meets Anna Sergeyevna Odentova, with a smart woman, beautiful, calm, but unhappy. Bazarov falls in love, but having loved, understands that love appears before him no longer as "physiology", but as a real, sincere feeling. The hero sees that Odintsova highly appreciates his own calmness and the measured order of life. The decision to break up with Anna Sergeyevna leaves a heavy trail in the soul. Untreated love.

For "imaginary" followers of Bazarov include sittles and kukshin. Unlike them, for whom denial is just a mask, which allows to hide inner vulgarity and failure, bazaars with confidence in their abilities defends his eyes close to him. Vulgarity and nothingness.

Bazarov, having arrived at the parents, notes that it becomes bored with them: He cannot talk to him with his father, as he speaks with Arkady, even argue as he argues with Pavel Petrovich, so decides to leave. But soon comes back, where he helps the father to treat patients of peasants. People of different generation, different development.

Bazarov like to work, for him work is satisfaction and self-esteem, so it is close to the people. Bazarov loves the children, servants and men, because they see a simple and intelligent person in it. The people are his understanding.

Turgenev considers his hero doomed. Bazarov has two reasons: loneliness in society and internal conflict. The author shows how Bazarov remains lonely.

The death of Bazarov became the consequence of a small cut, which he received, opening the body of the deceased peasant. Eugene is waiting for a meeting with his beloved woman to once again admit to her love, as it becomes softer with her parents, in the depths of the soul, probably, still realizing that they always occupied a significant place in his life and worthy of a much more attentive and peaceful relationship. Before death, he is strong, calm and calm. The death of the hero gave him time to appreciate the made and realized his life. It was not impaired by his nihilism, because his life itself is now denying and death. We are tested to the Bazarov not pity, but respect, and at the same time remember that before us is an ordinary person with his fears and weaknesses.

Bazarov - Romantic in the shower, but considers that romanticism is not a place in his life now. But still fate made a coup in the life of Eugene, and the bazaarov begins to understand what has once rejected. Turgenev sees it unrealized by the poet, capable of the strongest feelings with the power of the Spirit.

DI. Pisarev argues that "Bazarov is still bad to live in the world, even though they fell and disapplied. No activities, no love, - therefore there is no pleasure. " Also, the critic claims that it is necessary to live, "so far lives, there is dry bread, when there is no roast bending, to be with women, when you can not love a woman, and do not dream of orange trees and palm trees, when the snow drifts and cold tundra are under your feet.

The death of Bazarova is symbolic: medicine and natural sciences were insufficient and natural sciences were insufficient to live. But from the author's point of view, death is natural. Turgenev determines the figure of the Bazar, as a tragic and "doomed to death." The author loved Bazarov and repeatedly said that he was "clever" and "hero". Turgenev wanted the reader to love Bazarov with his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.

He regrets his unprinted strength, about the unfulfilled task. All his life of Bazarov dedicated to the desire to benefit the country, science. We present it clever, judicial, but deep down with a sensitive, attentive and kind person.

According to its moral convictions, Pavel Petrovich causes Bazarov to a fight. Feeling awkward and, understanding what the principles come, the bazaarov agrees to shoot with Kirsanov-seniors. Bazarov slightly wounds the enemy and gives him first aid. Pavel Petrovich keeps well, even fools over himself, but at the same time he, and Bazarov awkward / Nikolai Petrovich, from which the true cause of duel was hidden, also behaves the most noble way, finding an excuse for the actions of both opponents.

"Nigilism", according to Turgenev, challenges the imperrupt values \u200b\u200bof the spirit and the natural basics of life. This is seen by the tragic wines of the hero, the cause of his inevitable death.

Evgenia Bazarova cannot be called an "excess person." Unlike Onegin and Pechorin, he does not bored, but it works a lot. Before us is a very active person, he "in the soul is immense". One work is not enough for him. To really live, and not to own a miserable existence, like Onegin and Pechorin, such a person needs a philosophy of life, her goal. And she has it.

The worldviews of the two political areas of the Liberals and Revolutionaries-Democrats. On opposing the most active representatives of these areas of the Bazar's allocating and nobleman, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova built the plot of the novel. According to Bazarov, the aristocrats are not capable of action, there is no benefit from them. Bazarov rejects liberalism, denies the ability of the nobility to lead Russia to the future.

The reader understands that there is no one to convey to the Bazarov, but the most expensive thing that he has - his beliefs. He has no close and expensive person, and therefore there is no future. He does not think himself by county ladder, but also to be reborn, he also cannot become like Arkady. He has no place in Russia, and abroad, perhaps, too. Bazarov dies, and his genius dies with him, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and beliefs. But the true life of infinite, the flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm it. Life is infinite, but only true ...

Turgenev could show how Bazaarov gradually refuses their views, he did not do this, but simply "killed" his main hero. Bazarov dies from blood infection and before death recognizes himself unnecessary to Russia. The bazaars are still alone, so doomed, but his power of the Spirit, courage, persistence, perseverance in achieving the goal makes it a hero.

Bazarov does not need anyone in anyone, he is alone in this world, but absolutely does not feel his loneliness. Pisarev wrote about this: "Bazarov one, in itself, stands on a cold height of a sober thought, and he is not hard from this loneliness, he is all absorbed by him and work"

In front of the face of death, even the strongest people begin to deceive themselves, to fastened by unrealized hopes. But Bazarov boldly looks into the eyes of inevitability and is not afraid of her. He only regrets that his life was useless, because he did not bring any benefit to his homeland. And this thought gives him a lot of suffering before death: "I need Russia ... no, you can not need it. And who needs? The shoemaker is needed, the tailor is needed, butcher ... "

Remember the words of Bazarov: "When I meet a man who would not save me, - then I change my opinion about myself." There is a cult of power. "Hairy", "Pavel Petrovich himself spoke about the friend of Arkady. It clearly cords the appearance of the nihilist: long hair, balachon with brushes, red eaten hands. Of course, bazaars - a labor man who has no time to engage in its appearance. It seems to be so. Well, if this is "intentioned good taste"? And if in this challenge: as I want, I'm dressing and happily. Then it is bad, immodestly. Union disease, irony over the interlocutor, disrespect ...

Arguing purely humanly, bazaars are not right. In the house of a friend, he was welcomed by welcoming, however, Pavel Petrovich his hands did not give. But the bazaars will not ceremony, immediately joins a hot dispute. His judgments are uncompromising. "Why am I will recognize authorities?"; "The decent chemist is twenty times more useful than the poet"; He reduces high art to "art to make money." Later will get to Pushkin, and Schubert, and Rafael. Even Arkady noticed a friend about uncle: "You insulted it." But NiHist did not understand, did not apologize, he did not even doubt that he was overlooking himself, and condemned: "Imagines himself with a suitful man!", Sounded before putting his life on a map of women's love "," We, physiologists, know, " What are these relationships "between a man and a woman ...

In the X head of the novel during a dialogue with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov managed to speak in all fundamental issues of life. This dialogue deserves special attention. Here the bazarov argues that the social system is terrible, and you can not disagree with this. Next: God as the highest criterion of truth is not, and therefore, do what you want, everything is allowed! But not everyone agrees with this.

There is a feeling that Turgenev himself was confused, exploring the nature of the Nihilist. Under the pressure of the Bazavost strength and hardness, the writer was somewhat embarrassed and began to think: "Or maybe, so it is necessary? Or maybe I am an old man who has ceased to understand the laws of progress?" Turgenev clearly sympathizes to her hero, and the nobles are already conducive to nobles, and sometimes satirically.

But one thing is a subjective look at the heroes, another thing is the objective idea of \u200b\u200ball the work. What is she? About tragedy. The tragedies of the Bazarov, who in the thirst "for a long time to do," universal values \u200b\u200btrampled in their god-science. And these values \u200b\u200bare love for another person, the commandment "do not kill" (shot on duels), love for parents, indulgence in friendship. He is cynical in relation to a woman, mocks the Sitnik and Cushina, people who are notxalized, feet, poor, but still people. Eugene excluded his high thoughts and feelings about the "roots", we feed, about God. He says: "I look into the sky when I want to sneeze!"

The tragedy of the hero is also in full alone and among their own, and among others, although he is sympathetic and the Fennica and the emancipated servant Peter. He does not need them! The men who called him "Juda Gorokhov" feel his inner contempt for them. His tragedy and that it is inconsistent and in relation to the people whose name is covered by: "... I hated this last man, Philip or Sidora, for which I should climb from leather and which I will not even say ... And why thank you for me? Well, he will live in a white hollow, and it will grow from me to grow - well, and then? "

Interestingly, a forest recalls bazaars before death, that is, the world of nature, which he used to essentially. Even religion now he calls for help. And it turns out that the hero of Turgenev in his short life passed past everything that is so beautiful. And now these manifestations of genuine life seem to be triumphant over the bazaarov, around him and rise in it.

At first, the hero of the novel makes a weak attempt to fight the disease and asks his father's hellish stone. But then, realizing that he dies, he stops clinging for life and rather passively gives himself to his death. It is clear to him that console yourself and other hopes for healing is in vain. The main thing now is to die worthy. And this means - do not hone, do not relax, do not give in to a panic, do not indulge in despair, do everything to facilitate the suffering of old men. Not at all deceiving the hopes of the Father, reminding him that everything now depends only on the time and pace of the course of the disease, he nevertheless brings the old man with his own resistance, talking about a professional medical language, counsel to contact philosophy or even religion. And for the mother, Arina Vsessuyevna, its assumption is supported about the witness of the Son. This concern before the death of loved ones is very elevated by Bazarov.

The Hero of the novel has no fear before his death, there is no fear of parting with life, he is very courageous in this watch and minutes: "I don't care: I won't become a tail," he says. But he does not leave the resentment for the fact that his heroic forces are in vain. In this scene, the Motive forces of Bazarov is especially emphasized. At first, he was transferred in the exclamation of Vasily Ivanovich, when the bazaarov pulled out a tooth from a walking paveter: "Edaya power of Eugene!" Then the hero of the book itself demonstrates its power. Relaxed and extinguished, he suddenly raises the chair behind the leg: "Forces, the power is all else here, and you need to die!" He strongly overcomes his half-year and speaks of his titanium. But these forces are not destined to express themselves. "Broke a lot" - this task of the giant remained in the past as unrealized intention.

Very expressive, and a farewell meeting with Odentova. Evgeny no longer holds out himself and says the words of delight: "nice", "so beautiful", "generous", "young, fresh, clean." He says even his love for her, about kisses. He places such a "romanticism", which would have previously led him to indignation. And the latest phrase of the hero becomes the highest expression of this: "Dunge on the dying lamp, and let it go out."

Nature, poetry, religion, parental feelings and sonneal attachment, beauty of women and love, friendship and romanticism - all this takes over, wins.

And then the question arises: why is Turgenev "kills" his hero?

But the reason is much deeper. The answer lies in the life itself, in the social and political situation of those years. Public conditions in Russia did not give opportunities to implement the stripping of the differences to democratic transformations. In addition, their conclusion was preserved from the people, to which they were drawn and for which they fought. They could not carry out the titanic task that was put in front of them. They could fight, but do not win. Printing doomed lying on them. It becomes clear that the bazaars was doomed to the impractix of his affairs, for defeat and death.

Turgenev is deeply convinced that the bazaars came, but their time has not come. What remains an eagle when he can not fly? Think of death. Eugene among his everyday life is often thinking about death. The infinity of the space and the eternity of time he unexpectedly compares with his short life and comes to the conclusion about "his own insignificance." It is amazing that the author of the novel cried when he ended his book by the death of Bazarov.

According to Pisarev, "die as the bazaries died, it is like to make a great feat." And this last one will make the Turgenev Hero. Finally, we note that the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia arises in the death stage. It is tragic that the Motherland loses his big son, of the present titan.

And here you remember the words of Turgenev, said about the death of Dobrolyubov: "It's a pity of the deceased, in vain spent strength." The same author's regret is felt in the scene of the death of Bazarov. And the fact that powerful opportunities turned out to be in vain spent, they make the death of the hero in a special tragic.


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Evgeny Bazarov ... Everyone who studied in high school, knows this name well. In some, he causes a sense of admiration, others have a feeling of indignation, but almost no one leaves indifferent. Interest in the mysterious novel I.S. Romegenev does not weaken today, however, without understanding the main character of "fathers and children" in particular, it is impossible to catch the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Work as a whole.
What is the difficulty of perceiving the image of a basar? What episodes of the novel related to it seem to us incomprehensible? Of course, above all, the scene of an unexpected death, which the author dedicates the whole chapter.
"Where is the riddle here?" The reader will ask. "During the opening of the corpse, a finger cut and infected with a typhoid. That's why this could happen with everyone." That's right. Indeed, in life, this happens very often, but in the literary work there should be nothing casual, incomprehensible, especially inexplicable. Artistic truth does not always coincide with the vital truth. Doesn't it seem to us that the author deliberately kills his hero and that it would be quite possible to keep his life?
How to explain all this? Is there a definition of the death of Evgeny Bazarov? To answer these questions, let us turn first to the school textbook M.G. Kachurin and D.K.Motolskaya. This is what it is written there: "And only an article by D.I. Pisareva" Bazarov "helped contemporaries to correctly understand Turgenev's novel" 1. And nothing more. In the section "Disease and Death of Bazarov" a new textbook, Yu.V. Lebedeva is noted only that "life has been orphaned with the death of the hero: and happiness - quickly, and the joy - raging" 2. Allowance for teacher "Study of Russian literature in the 10th grade", as well as the program on literature do not make clarity in this problem
We also have to both many researchers creativity by I.S. Romegenev, refer to D.I. Pisareva. "Without the opportunity to show," the famous critic argues, "as the bazaars live and acts, Turgenev showed how he dies. To die as the bazaries died, it is like to make a great feat ... The whole point of the novel is the death of Bazarov . If he struck if he had changed himself, all the character would have covered him otherwise: there would be an empty brand, from which it is impossible to expect in the event of a certain resistance or determination; the whole novel would be slander for the younger generation ... Basaarov I did not slip, and the meaning of the novel came out of this: the current young people are fond of and falling into extremes, but in the hobbies themselves, fresh strength and incorporated mind are affected; this power and this mind, without any unauthorized benefits and influences will bring young people on a straight road ... " 3.
As can be seen from the article by D.I. Pisarev, the death scene allegedly shows spiritual power, the indomitable energy of the hero, who, he lived for ten years, found where to apply their huge forces. So it is so, but is it the meaning of the whole head of the novel "fathers and children" dedicated to the disease and death of the central hero? Did the Pisarev defer the death of Bazarov's death, and therefore "the whole meaning of the novel" 4? Did he expressed the same trendy thought in the "bazaarov", as it turned out in the article N.A. Dobrobrubova "When will the real day comes?"
Be that as it may, one undoubtedly: the course of the wrong interpretation of the ideological content of the whole work was given.
After all, there was no wonder I.S. Romegenev repeated more than once in his letters, that "Bazarov quite understood only two people: Dostoevsky and Botkin" 5. I did not reach the letter of Fedor Mikhailovich, where he disassembles the Turgenev Roman, however, Ivan Sergeyevich's response letter is known: "You're fully and finely grabbing what I wanted to express to Bazarov that I only arranged my hands - and pleasure. For sure you I also entered the soul and even feel that I did not consider it necessary to extract ... God forbid, so that everyone saw, although a part of what you saw! "6
Not only D.I. Pisarev, but also many famous contemporaries did not "see" the main thing in the novel "fathers and children." "Write me, the sake of God, about Bazarov a long explanatory letter ... Why did Bazarov infected himself and did it deliberately or not and what did you want to say this?" 7- asked A.F. Pishemsky, already known at the time writer. Whether the answer was the answer on this letter, we do not know. In various conflicting statements about his novel, the author does not disclose the secret of the twenty-seventh chapter.
So they understood F.M.Dostoevsky and V.P. Kotkin? What did they find such in the "fathers and children", inaccessible to their contemporaries and for subsequent generations? Is it possible to "see at least part of that" what did Dostoevsky saw?
It seems to us that it is possible, even more, but for this it is necessary to comply with some conditions. First, it should be reminded to the reader, under what circumstances a novel "Fathers and children" appeared.
It is known that in the 1950s - 60s of the XIX century, there was a placement of revolutionary and liberal trends in Russian public life. This process could not but affect literary circles, and in artistic works. I.S.Turgenyev, one of the main employees of the "contemporary", by the summer of 1861 interrupts, and then stops relations with the magazine and his editor N.A. Nekrasov. The reason was the case published in the "contemporary" article N.A. Dobrobrubova "When will the real day comes?" In which Turgenev Roman "On the eve" was interpreted from revolutionary democratic positions. "I ask you convincingly," Turgenev addressed to Nekrasov in his letter, "not to print this article: she can't do anything in addition to trouble, she does not know and cutting - I will not know where to go if it is printed." 8. But Nekrasov did not obey, nevertheless published an article in his journal, thus refused Turgenev not to lose Dobrolyubov. The true reason for the rupture of Turgenev with the "contemporary", like L.N. Tolstoy, however, was that they did not perceive the ideas of the leaders of the revolutionary democracy - the ideas of social reorganization of public life by a bloody revolution. "Turgeneva," said V.I. Lenin, "he pulled to the temperate monarchical and noble constitution, he was played by the Menzitsky democracy of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky" 9.
Already at the beginning of 1862, the novel "Fathers and the Children" saw the light. Naturally, it was necessary to affect the attitude of I.S. Romegenev to the Democrats of the allocations and the upcoming revolution. Secondly, we should look for a raysterity not in critical literature, but in the text of the artwork, as did Dostoevsky and Botkin made it.
So, from the Pisarevsky explanation of the causes of the death of Eugene, we refuse, because it is very unsubstate and does not proceed from the artistic concept of the novel. In fact, what kind of "feat - die as the bazaries died"? Many in such a situation die in such a way, humanly: this is the mother of Fencakes, and those two of Maryina who died from no less terrible disease - from cholera. Pisarev argues that the death scene reveals the potential opportunities of Bazarov, but then there is no need to kill it: not everyone die from typhus, and it would be enough to show a heavy form of a disease with a loss of consciousness, the Hero's confidence in the fatal outcome, and then gradually recovering.
In the art and composite structure of the novel, the 27th chapter really plays a special role, you can say a key one. "The death of Bazarov," wrote Turgenev to Slochevsky, "she should, in my opinion, put the last line on his tragic figure" 10. Such a tragic finale is predetermined. Bazarov could not but die, he had to go off the scene. And he is not killed by the author, and the hero does herself for the death.
The few actors of the Turgenev work can be divided mainly into two groups. The first group make up people simple, idle, closely related to nature, which are not overlooking the circle of the duties and opportunities from the circle, and the second group - the ideological people, "vigorous" 11, torn off from nature, and therefore the nature of the person himself. Kirsanova Nikolai Petrovich can be attributed to the first group with the son of Arkady, the old people of Bazarovoy, Fuenus, Katya, Anna Sergeevna to some extent. Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich are represented by the second group, the difference between which consists only in the fact that one of them protects the ideas of revolutionary democrats, and the other - those who have learned the ideas of the conservative part of the liberal nobles, but both were in captivity of biased principles, theoretical provisions, in no way compatible With the natural aspirations of a normal person. From this point of view and Evgeny Bazarov, and Pavel Kirsanov- "Faces tragic" 12.
The infectious Bazarov disease begins not by chance and not after he cut a finger, but predetermined and much earlier, long before May 20, 1859, what can be guessing, reading the first chapters of the novel. No wonder the author, as it seems to us, compares this disease with smoking. "What is the air here! How nice smells! .. Nowhere in the world so does not smell like in the local edges!" 13- admires arkadium native nature. But this wonderful air poisoned himself, however, the poison receives from the hands of Bazarov: "Arkady immediately lit the way, spreading such a strong and sour smell of grinding tobacco around him, which Nikolai Petrovich, who was not smoking, unwittingly ... turned his nose" 14. So, representatives of the second group and almost all adjacent to it, such as Euddoxy Kukshin, Victor Sitnikov, smoke tobacco, poison clean air surrounding people, as well as their own body, thereby bringing her premature death to themselves. Undoubtedly, this artistic detail symbolizes here any idea, biased and contagious, which, like tobacco, gradually kills his carrier and poisonously poisonous others. And ordinary heroes, as a rule, are not fond of smoking, it means they are not amazed by the idea of \u200b\u200bcomplete denial and destruction.
In fairness it is worth noting that Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov also smokes. Does this happen? Unlikely. He also partly infected by the proud mind, sticking over the heart. Under the influence of the pious spouse, he only until time shows humility, and after the death of his son, he rebelled against God, "Ivanovich's sudden frenzy was buried." I said that I would crawl, he shouted hoarsely, he shouted with a flaming, widged face, shaking in Air fist, as if threatening to someone, - and will take it, will take! "15
In Evgenia Bazarov, two people are struggling with each other: a simple, natural and human ideological person. And so, when natural, that is, "a wide life wave, continuously rolling and around us and in our ourselves" 16, breaks out, bazaars as it were to get rid of an infectious idea disease, recovering for a while, so it seems to him that "cigark Not tasty "17, and he" throws it into the dust of the road "18. This happens to him when he fell hopelessly in love with Odintsov, when he turned from rationale in Romance. Not shown by bazaars smoking and before death. Dying, he recovers, gets rid of "infection" 19, so it becomes more natural, humane.
The lines of the contagious balsions of people, about the defeat of the ideological characters by various ailments, now and then are found in the novel. They prepare the soil for the emergence and development of the fatal disease of Bazarov: Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich, the person of the principle that set "on the map of female love all his life" 20, suffering from the seas, "as poisoned, wandered from place to place" 21; "Residents ... The province managed to get used to the discoveries of cholera" 22; The ideas of revolutionary democrats act on society as a typhoid, like cholera, "and this infection has already spread far away" 23.
Turgenev's secrets decrypt with difficulty, only with a thorough analysis, it would seem, minor facts explaining the author's thought. So, for example, Turgenev does not emphasize a heavy, painful warehouse and baza carriage, and Pavel Petrovich, using only for their characteristics, one-sized words with a negative meaning: "The bull face" 24, "was gorgeous" 25, "all yellow and evil" 26, "Boiling bile" 27 ... You should pay attention to the next artistic detail: bazaars, a smart person, it does not accidentally lose in the cards. And to whom? Again, representatives of the first group. This suggests that he loses them in life, the ideas of nihilism led him to the defeat.
"Follow the thread of the novel after the death of Bazarov, I do not intend. When such a person died ... Is it worth watching the fate of people like Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich? .." 28- Looks up Pisuses. And our contemporary, author of the textbook Yu.V. Lebedev, after Pisarev says to Nigilista, a panegyric speech, adopts him on behalf of the people and seriously argues that "Great People's Love will consecrate the grave of Bazarov" 29. And in vain. After all, after the death of the revolutionary, events occur, without which the novel would not end and it would not be possible to understand the author's concept. What are these events? But what.
"Two weddings took place: Arkady with Katya and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenzka" 30. Arranged his family life and Anna Sergeyevna: She also married. Even Peter, "Occurned from Stupidity and Importance" 31, married and, maybe, with time, will challenge a little bit. During the life of Bazarov, in the days of his stay in Maryina, there was a doctor there not only between him and Pavel Petrovich, but also between Kirsanov and peasants, but as soon as Eugene died and the imperceptible spread of his infectious idea, as soon as Nikola Petrovich and Fenzhechka The adultery, marked in the church, as soon as the second source of infectious idea disease, Pavel Petrovich, left Maryino, immediately recovered by the violated balance, and the "farm" 32, previously brought some losses, began to "bring a rather significant income" 33. These simple, idle people acquire family happiness, pass their love to some extent to their children, and the thread of life is not breaking. And bazaars? He never managed and did not have time to marry, did not give her spiritual heritage to children. So, he does not have a future market.
True, there is a terrible episode in the novel, where the bazaarov communicates with the peasant children, it can be unconsciously inspiring them the theory of destruction, and this scene, all allegorical, is designed primarily on the thinking reader. The yard boys are interested, for which Barina needs frogs. "But for what," the bazaarov answered, "I am a frog, I'll see that she is being done inside; and since I and I have the same frogs, I just go on our feet, I will know that we have inside done. " - "Yes, what do you want?" - "And in order not to make a mistake if you enter and I have to treat you" 34. If you think about it, it's about destruction.
One, low form of life for the sake of prosperity of another, highest. Biolean-medical experiences of Bazarov easily projects on a social plane. He denies everything, "expressing more precisely, destroys" 35 so far in words, and later his followers, professional revolutionaries, the Bolsheviks, will be experienced on millions of people: destroy others in the name of the life of others, because people are the same frogs!
The living "dead" 36 Pavel Petrovich also turned out to be lonely, the aristocracy brought him into a life deadlock. He also does not have a family, there are no children, although there is a "undoubted similarity" of 37 with the princes Nelly R., it could become his wife, but this does not allow "prunps" 38.
And Nikolai Petrovich, the same nobleman, like his brother, standing outside the idea, out of principles, so he married the daughter of a simple official, then after the death of his wife, loved his housekeeper, Fedos Nikolaevna, who, who having married, gave birth to him Son.
The final of the novel shows that fathers and children who are not cut off from nature, from God, gain human happiness that temporary conflicts between them disappear and friendship and love. "Everyone was very good," Turgenev writes about them. "They are starting to recover them ... Nikolai Petrovich managed to love Katya without memory, Fenusheka after her husband and Mitya does not love anyone like his daughter-in-law" 39. Arkady and Katya called their son Kolii not "in memory of Bazarov" 40, and in the sign of respect and love for Nikolai Petrovich.
Arkady has already managed to forget about his former "teacher" 41: not he, and his young wife offers a toast in memory of Bazarov, and then only with a whisper. It is believed that Eugene himself breaks relations with Arkady, seeing. As his "student" 42 turns into a "family bird" 43. "I was waiting for you a completely different Directorate" 44, "says bazaars and continues to root him in the fact that Arkady" Do not Doros "45 to Nigilista revolutionary. Meanwhile, the young Kirsanov himself moves away from his teacher, from his views and teachings, it was not long before the final gap he managed to miss under one shelter with the bazaarov, and Dropped Him "46, but Arkady" still wants to be useful, but already Not there is looking for their ideals, where I was looking for them before, "47.The Kirsanov's hedied organism rejected the disease of the Bazarovshchy. And Nikolai Petrovich's nature is not predisposed to it, which you can not say about the bazaar. He is really genetically so designed, which is inclined to deny and destroy. "I adhere to the negative direction - by virtue of the feeling," he says sincerely his best student, we note, in a relaxed setting. "I am pleased to deny, my brain is so arranged - and Basta! Why do I like chemistry? Why do you like apples?" - Also in The power of the feeling. This is all one. Deeper, people will never imbued. Not everyone will say it, and I will not tell you another time "48.
Thus, the Bazarov to destroy the two forces: the false idea of \u200b\u200bthe revolution and the initial tendency to denial and Napoleonism (even in the card game, according to the Father, he follows the "Napoleonic rule" 49), which means that the tendency and striving for unlimited power. Katya is no wonder compares him with a strong predator. "This can not want ... Here your buddy does not want this, but in it it is" 50, "she says Arkady. The traits of the predator are shown in the scene of explanations in love. In the bazaarovka flashes "a heavy passion like an angry and, perhaps, akin to her ..." 51
He "throws a devouring eye on a woman" 52. This scene is becoming more important if we compare it with a similar episode, where Arkady is also confessed in love, but very desciously, modestly and politely. The animal in the bazaareas wakes up and during a quarrel with his friend. Satanic pride, "the bottomless disappearance of pride" 53 Bazarov, who considers himself a giant and God, do not allow him to give it to his student in the dispute, although Arkady in all right. Exhausted all the arguments, the teacher is ready to go into the course of "rude Mongolian power" 54. His face becomes sinister, eyes light up like a predator.
Turgenev does not believe that bazaarovs can reorganize life, bring relief to the people. It would seem that the thoughts about the "necessary reforms" 55
In Russia, must be disturbed primarily by the Bazarov revolutionary. Paradoxically, but the fact: Arkady thinks about them! So, not the happiness of the people worries the bazaars. Through the artistic fabric of the work makes its way completely different thought: destruction, that is, a bloody revolution, you need to bazaar for self-affirmation, to obtain an unlimited power over the people. Isn't that the words of the Nihilist said not in the provoking stop that we observe in a dispute with Pavel Petrovich, and again in a calm, frank conversation with your closest friend? "And I hated this last man, Philip or Sidora," he says, "for which I have to climb from the skin and who will not even tell me ... Yes, and what thanks it to me? Well, it will live in white hollow And from me burst to grow; well, and then? "56 Now it becomes clear why the thoughts about the transformation The author transmits Arkady, and not to Bazarov: only people like young kirsanov, educated, good, humane, loving and compassion, be able Something to change in the positive direction, and people affected by the whole ideological infection and the inclined to the "fight" 57 can lead society to the tragedy if they are expensive to power. In Basareas, we see the predica of the Bolshevik leaders. fathers of peoples, etc.
Of all the above, it follows that Bazarov there is no need to oppose Paul Petrovich. They are not antipodes, most likely antipodes are Arkady and his teacher, as well as Brothers Kirsanov. True, such opposition is connected only with one of the values \u200b\u200bof the novel, among which the family-household, social, historical, political, philosophical and religious can be distinguished. In the family meaning "fathers and children" are parents and their sons and daughters, such as the old men of the bazaarov and the only son of Eugene. In the social meaning of "fathers and children" is the older generation and young people who do not always have mutual understanding. In the historical meaning of "fathers and children" - this is the conservative Russian noblemen of the 40s - 60 years of the XIX century and the revolutionary democrats, the differences, between which the irreconcilable struggle was. In the novel, they are presented by Antagonists Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny Vasilyevich. In the philosophical meaning of "fathers and children" - it is an old, dying and new, nascent, and there is a close connection between them, but the old one is never inferior to his place without a fight, and new, becoming in his place, and also becomes over time. In the political meaning of "fathers and children" - this is the dominant, guiding force in society and her born opponents. In the religious meaning of "fathers and children" are believers, that is, wise, highly moral people, and atheists, blasphemy, prodigal sons, who, however, the ability to return to his father.
The historical meaning of the name of the novel lies on the surface and everything is clear. Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov are indeed antipodes and antagonists, but for Turgenev is more important than another value - religious. And then both hero, who temporarily joined the younger Kirsanov, are in the same camp, but Arkady still managed to escape from it. The prodigal sons of Pavel and Arkady, must be assumed, returned to his father with his repentance, and the prodigal son of Eugene did not return after a long wanderings to his father, did not repent in front of him.
Bazarov refers to the people skeptical, and his student is in Christian, with sympathy; Eugene does not recognize the arts, the beauty of God's world, and Arkady, the soul, everything is fine; The teacher actually does not honor his parents, which is a direct violation of the fifth commandment of the Law of God, and the student of the soul does not have a fellow in his father; The first of them is unhappy in love, for it sees in a woman first of all the object of pleasure (it is said: "Do not commit adultery", Executive 20:14), and the second found it happiness, because a man respects a woman; Bazarov exists and dies, and young Kirsanov lives and flourishes.
Is the tragedy of their position of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov? To some extent, it is certainly, but they can no longer escape from the captivity of the principles and ideas coming against the Orthodox faith. They are their slaves. Therefore, Misanthrop Pavel Petrovich "" rushes to the sofa and remains immobile, almost with despair looking into the ceiling, and to live hard ... it is hard, than he suspects "58.
But still at the end of the novel, he remains alive, maybe, because in Dresden, the Russian church begins to visit the Russian church and "almost unnoticed" 59, and the Bazarov dies, as it blasphemes, responding to his father: "I'm looking to the sky only Then, when I want to sneeze "60. And finally, he deliberately refuses the communion before death, and when Vasily Ivanovich invited Vasily Ivanovich, and without him, I invited the servant to bold the Son, "one eye was revealed and, it seemed, at the sight of a priest, smoking Kadyl, a candle in front, Something similar to horror shudders instantly reflected on the sacrificent face "61.
Thus, the work of Turgenev, reflecting the inability of liberal nobles to a positively change in the life of society, as well as the emergence of new strength on the historical arena, revolutionary democrats, at the same time puts forward the most important socio-philosophical problem by Christian understanding - the problem of transforming existing orders . The revolutionary path is unacceptable. He makes everyone in a dead end, bringing to the tragedy, leads to death. The novel is also aimed against any idea acting against the Orthodox faith, with the nature of the person himself. The more he violates the natural course of his aspirations, the desires prescribed by the commandments of Christ, the more "breaks herself" 62, that is, sinners, the faster the soul is approaching, to self-disconnecting as a person.
The death of Bazarov is a legitimate result of the split person, the result of the suppression with the help of proud of the spiritual principle. Each of us should live, without inventing theories incompatible with Christian teachings, not complicating their sins of their stay on earth, but on the contrary, simplifying him and following the Holy Scripture. Such are shown peasants who soul understood it and therefore did not perceive the Bazarov, and his parents, according to Herzen "Absolve and living" 63. They are so created, they want to live like that, and their son is different, he has other sensations, he is in a different way. Three factors influenced the formation of his personality: first, nature, that is, he is the same person, the same "romantic" 64, like many other mortals; secondly, theory, idea, knowledge, or the forbidden "knowledge of good and evil" (Gen. 2:17), with the help of which it wants to curb and remake the nature given by the Lord; Thirdly, a special heredity, which determined such a "warehouse" 65 - the desire to criticize, deny and rule.
The nature rushes him to nature, to the beautiful, love, to God, and false knowledge, the theory prevent this, with the third factor - a kind of heredity, - the acquired, maybe from grandfather, who "the land" 66 contributes to the second factor, And sometimes contradicts him under the influence of the nature, that is, the bazaars sometimes do not believe himself, his thoughts. He criticizes himself, doubts himself not as in a person, but as in a nihilist, revolutionary, infected by "Trichins" 67 of destruction.
Everyone awaits the decay, premature death, who is trying to remake himself and others by the will of his own, and not the Lord who is trying to escape from the fact that the nature is released to us, that is, God, - all, including human communities, and humanity itself. This is what the meaning of the novel "68" fathers and children "- a brilliant foresight of the consequences of the revolutionary events of the 20th century in Russia and at the same time a formidable warning of revolutionaries of all stripes.

Death test. This latter Test Bazarov also has to go parallel to its antagonist. Despite the prosperous outcome of the duel, Pavel Petrovich has long been spiritually dead. Parting with Fuenus broke the last thread that brought him to life: "Lighted with a bright daylight, his beautiful washable head lay on a white pillow, like a dead man's head ... Yes, he was the dead." It comes from life and his opponent.

Surprisingly persistent in the novel of mention of the epidemic that does not spare anyone and from which there is no salvation. We learn that the mother of Fennica, Arina, "died from cholera." Immediately at the arrival of Arkady and Bazarov, the Best Days of the Year "," the weather was beautiful. " "True, a cholelery threatened to be threatened again," the author is meaningfully stipulated, "but the residents of *** ... The province managed to get used to her visits." This time, the cholera "pulled out" two peasants from Maryina. The presenter itself was the danger - "a rather strong fit happened to Pavlom Petrovich". And again the news does not amazeless, does not scare, does not disturb the Bazarov. The only thing that hurts him as a doctor is to refuse to help: "Why didn't he send him?" Even when his own father wants to tell the "curious episode of the plague in Bessarabia," the bazaars decisively interrupts the old man. The hero behaves as if for him one cholera does not represent any danger. Meanwhile, the epidemic has always been considered not only the largest of the earthly adversity, but also the expression of God's Will. The favorite fables of the beloved Turgenev Basinowski Krylov begins with the words: "Litty Beach Heavens, the nature of horror - the sea is rampant in the forests." But the bazaars are convinced that himself builds his fate.

"Every person has its own fate! - I thought a writer. - As the clouds first are compiled from the vapor of the earth, they will rise from the depths of it, then they are separated, alienated from it and bear it, finally, grace or death, so near each of our ourselves<…> the nature of the element, which is then destroying or saving on us<…>. Speaking simply: everyone makes his fate and everyone does it ... "Bazarov understood that it was created for the" bitter, tart, the bare "of the life of a public figure, perhaps the revolutionary agitator. He took it as his calling: "I want to mess around with people, at least scold them, but messing with them", "We give others! We need to break others! " But how to be now, when the previous ideas were failed, and science did not give an answer to all the questions? What to teach where to call?

In Rudina, the insightful Lenznev noticed what idol is just true "acts on the youth": "To her conclusions, the results, even incorrect, and the results!<…> Try to tell young people that you can not give her full truth, because you yourself do not own it<…>, youth will not listen to you ...\u003e. It is necessary that you yourself<…> They believed that you have the truth ... "And the bazaars are already - does not believe. He tried to find the truth in a conversation with a man, but nothing happened. Too condescendingly, Barskie-arrogantly drawn a nihist to the people with a request to "present their views on life." And the man burns out Barina, introducing a stupid, submissive idiot. It turns out, it is not for the sake of sacrificing such a life. Only in a conversation with a friend, the peasant of the soul will take, discussing the "pea jester": "It is known, Barin; Does he understand? "

It remains - work. Help Father in a tiny immibra of several souls of peasants. You can imagine how all this should seem small and insignificant. Bazarov makes a mistake, too small and insignificant - forgets to root cut on the finger. Rank, resulting from analizing a decompanying man's corpse. "Democrat to the brain of bones," the bazaarov invaded the life of the people boldly and self-confident<…>What turned against the "healer" himself. So is it possible to say that the death of Bazarov is random?

"To die as the bazarov died, it is like to make a great feat," said D.I. Pisarev. With this observation can not disagree. The death of Evgeny Bazarov, in his bed, surrounded by relatives, no less majestic and symbolic than the death of the Rudine on the barricade. With a full human self-relocation, in a medical brief, the hero states: "... my crappy thing. I am infected, and a few days later you will bury me ... "I had to make sure of my human vulnerability:" Yes, then try to deny death. She denies you, and Basta! " "I don't care: I won't see the tail," says bazaars. Although no "no one is doing to this", the hero can not afford to go down - while "he has not lost memory yet<…>; He still fought. "

The proximity of death for him does not mean the refusal of cherished ideas. Such as an atheistic rejection of God's existence. When Religious Vasily Ivanovich, "Having dropped to his knees," begged the sons to commit confession and cleanse from sins, he externally carelessly replies: "Hurry up yet for what ..." He fears to offend the father directly refusing and only asks to postpone the rite: "After all, they are silent … I'll wait". "When it was bored," Turgenev says, "when the Holy Miro touched his chest, one eye revealed him and seemed to be a priest<…>, Kadyl, candle<…> Something similar to horror shudders instantly reflected on a donated face. "

It seems a paradox, but death frees a lot of Bazarov, encourages not to hide more of their real feelings. Just and calmly he can now express his love for parents: "Who is crying there? …Mother? Someone she will feed now with his amazing borscht? .. "Laskoy-tuning, he asks Vasily Ivanovich affected by Grief to be in these circumstances by philosopher. Now you can not hide your love for Anna Sergeyevna, ask her to come to accept his last sigh. It turns out that you can let in your life with ordinary human feelings, but at the same time not "clarified", but to become spiritually stronger.

Dying bazaarov utters romantic words with which true feelings express: "Duny on the dying lamp, and let it go out ..." For the hero, this is an expression of only love experiences. But the author in these words sees more. It is worth recalling that a similar comparison comes to the mouth of Rudin on the threshold of death: "There is already all over, and there are no oils in the lamp, and the lamp itself is broken, and now the wick is now smoking ..." Turgenev has a tragically torn life like a lampada, As in an old poem:

Filed a midnight lamp before the shrine of good.

The thought of his uselessness from the life of Bazarov, unnecessary: \u200b\u200b"Thought: I don't die where! The task is there, because I am a giant! "," I need Russia ... No, it is not necessary! .. You need a shoemaker, the tailor is needed, the butcher ... "Mostuting him Rudin, Turgenev recalls the general literary" ancestor ", the same self-dedicated skeleton of the Don Kiheot. In his speech "Hamlet and Don Quixote" (1860), the author lists the "birth features" of Don Kihotov: "Don Quixote Enthusiast, a minister of the idea, and therefore wielding her radiance," "He lives out of himself, for his brothers, For the extermination of evil, to counter hostile humanity forces. " It is easy to see that these qualities make up the basis of a bazaar character. According to the largest, "Donkoyotovsky" account, his life is not forgiven. Let the Don Quixhots seem funny. It is this warehouse that people, on the thought of the writer, move humanity forward: "If they are not, let them close the book of history: there will be nothing to read in it."