Where can I put a bet on football online. How to make bets on football matches

Where can I put a bet on football online. How to make bets on football matches

Football is not only interesting, but ... profitable! Bookmakers are ready to prove this rule: if in the general shaft of options to choose the right bets and competently make forecasts, you can consistently get sufficiently high incomes. However, this kind of "earnings" has both advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of them, as well as the ability to distinguish the types of bets, analyze the future match and choose a faithful strategy of actions, helps to achieve the desired result very quickly. So, bookmakers for football, let's talk about them in more detail.

Pluses of football bets

Today, all major bookmakers offer over hundreds of different rates for any match in the usual football championship (for modest leagues there is a smaller number of varieties). All of them have pretty high limits. Football is a very popular game, and you can put up to 10-50 thousand dollars for one match! If we are talking about "in the two fights", then the bets can be higher, and this means that the income can be higher.

However, the optimal limits are far from the only plus of football rates. They are also characterized by such features as:

1. The presence of a low margin.
Bookmakers in any city are a lot, and in order to somehow get around competitors, they overestimate "football" coefficients by 5-6 points. This allows players to receive greater income from football in case of good luck in contrast, for example, from less popular volleyball or hockey.

2. Availability of broad painting.
The football line even a very modest office will be larger than the magnitude of other sections in other sports. If we are not talking about a rank match, but about the Europa League, the World Championship, the Champions League, the painting of one game and will take 2-3 pages on the line. At the same time, in it will be often incredible offers! For example, it is quite possible to make a bet on who from the players will first throw out out.

3. Mass of television broadcasts.
Track the game bets in football so easy! This is the most broadcast sport in the world, so it is enough just to sit in your favorite bar or on your favorite sofa, and literally playing "live", making football online betting and changing your strategy in the course of the development of the events of the match.

4. Minimum number of force majeure situations.
It is primarily about the events that their participants can affect - that is, football players and teams. In those sports where the player is only one (for example, in tennis), on the outcome of the game, his bad well-being or even mood can affect. In football, this will all be insignificant factors: the state and position of individual players in the final result are not reflected.

Thanks to these benefits, it can be argued that risks in football in many parameters are minimal. However, they are still there, and they should be calculated immediately.

Minuses of football rates

Despite the fact that, in general, football bets offer overestimated coefficients, the total number of "Valuev" is still not too large. Bookmakers constantly monitor each other, so quotes are constantly "praised", and there will be no cardinal differences in different offices. To meet a supernatural coefficient from some separate bookmaker and cannot be found in others only in a modest league, but even in this case, the upper limits of bets will still be extremely low.

Another drawback flows out of this - the rapid reaction of bookmakers for changes in pre-aromatic defolds to the side that is beneficial for themselves. The offices hardly do not instantly adjust the proposals, tracking:

  • the beginning of the "apparent" games of any team
  • injuries of key players
  • replacement on the field
  • unexpected diseases of football players

Sometimes they learn about it even before it becomes known to the audience - the system of alerts of the bookmaker's office is unusually powerful and an order of magnitude uses the capabilities of many deep insiders. As a result, the line can be corrected faster than even the most respected expert will have time to adjust the changes in the development of the match.

Where is the best betting on football online?

If you are already tired of reading theory and want to quickly make your first bet, then do it only in proven offices. Actually, for this purpose, this site has been created - to provide players as an objective information about existing bookmakers. We have created a detailed rating with which you can read on the main page and easily choose a high-quality office that is suitable for you. However, why go far, look at the top 5 companies in the table below.

Leem bookmakers

Bookmakers Overview Bonus Rating check in
1 4 000 ₽ 9.5
2 10 000 ₽ 9.1
3 20 000 ₽ 8.9
4 1 000 ₽. 8.5
5 10 000 ₽ 8.4
6 1 000 ₽. 8.2
7 Not 8.3
8 5 000 ₽ 8.0
9 10 000 ₽ 7,9
10 not 7.2

What are the soccer bets?

Considering that their varieties of hundreds, novice players worth knowing at least the main options. It:

1. Bet on the outcome of the match - It can assume any result of the main game time (draw or victory of one of the teams). At these rates, the lowest margin and the highest ratio are usually offered. And it is on the outcomes of the players and put most often.

2. Bet for - That is, the goals difference at which the fight will end. Forms are positive (if the team did not lose more than the number of goals specified in the rate) and minuses (if the command won at least the specified number of goals). In essence, this is a bet on the result, but with adding to the account value of the fory. In such a situation, it is necessary that the outcome of the game does not go into minus, taking into account the selected fory. So, for example, the player who put on it will receive his money back if the match is 1-0, and the Fora on the winner is exhibited -1.

But still give a small example. Suppose Schalke Barcelona play and you bet on the first team victory with Form 2. Figuratively speaking, it means that the match begins not with a score of 0: 0, but with a score of 2: 0 in favor of Schalke. I hope now exactly understandable.

3. Bet on Total - That is, on the total number of heads in the match. Total indicates a bookmaker, and players make rates for more or less importance.

4. Bail at the exact account - For victory you need to guess the exact outcome of the game. The coefficients at such a bet will be very high, but most often achieve the winnings hard.

In addition, the office may include in the line and other suggestions. You can put on the results of the fight in each half, the number of red and yellow cards, on the number of offside, fouls, replacements, on the authors of the first heads ... There are also unique offers that are very interesting, and which can play very unexpectedly.

Premature analytics. When it is important to think?

The answer is simple: always! But bookmakers on football topics are both good that the analyst in them is not so complicated as in the bets on solitary duels. However, this does not mean that it forgets frivolism. Exact predictions are not a consequence of luck (although sometimes it is important), it is a result of a thorough analysis, and before putting on any proposal, you will have to study such aspects as:

1. Physical form of rivals - To do this, it is better to look at the teams comprehensively, assessing their behavior in 2-3 previous matches. If the solution must be made quickly, then you can explore at least the final figures of previous games. It is advisable to evaluate both home and away matches, see how each team behaves visiting and at home. Also important detail - recently published interviews of representatives of clubs, coaches, football players themselves ... They will also help make faithful conclusions.

2. The story of the former full-time confrontations - In other words, earlier fights of the same teams with each other. There is a concept as "uncomfortable rivals", and it happens that the teams that are for each other are such, can give a completely unpredictable move of the match. In any case, the evaluation of previous joint games will reveal the eyes on the tactics of football players and will help to predict the possible development of the game. In this case, it is also necessary to explore the behavior of teams at home and on the road.

3. Motivation of each team and its tournament position. Motivation is extremely important (especially for championships in Eastern Europe). It happens that a successful leader team simply gives glasses to rivals, because she has already decided all their tasks in the championship.

4. The composition of the players, the number of disqualified and injured. Very often in front of the team's matches are certain "losses" - football players can be injured (and not only during the previous games, but simply in ordinary life), skip matches, hurt and just get disqualification for a certain number of fights. These features should be taken into account in the forecast.

And, of course, the preammed analytics involves the study of the arbitrators of the match. It seems that this is not an important factor at all, but the referee can largely change the course of the game due to his refereery style. Teams can play differently - purely or rudely, and the judges also act in the same way. There are loyal arbitrators, there are tough and adamant. Moreover, different clubs have a special relationship with specific referee: it happens that the successful team is experiencing difficulties in the game that the judge believes belonging to it. Such an arbitrator can give foul for the minimum touch of the ball, it can simply create an atmosphere of voltage on the field ... and all this will affect the outcome.

If you take into account the style of refereeing, the features of the work of rivals on the field, special conditions (it is worth assessing even the arena itself, the time of year, weather), you can make a forecast no worse than that of the most vivid football analysts. And this forecast will play on perfectly, bringing a long-awaited success at the betting office at the bookmaker.

Here, perhaps, all that can be said about football betting. Although, of course, in fact, you can talk about them for a very long time. Some amart lovers can talk about them on the span. However, this is already a completely different format, we are with you, sure more than enough information described above. I hope it was interesting and useful. With you was Dmitry Schukin, while!

FirstlyYou do not need to stop blindly, just hoping for an attractive coefficient. Good luck - a very slippery thing, and count on it very risky! Sooner or later, she will select all your money from you!

Always look through the statistics, make the analysis of the past games and, if there is an opportunity, news regarding the position within both teams. Most often, the bets are incorrectly determined by the current state of affairs at this time, but only justified by the rating, popular either by the position of the club in the tournament table. However, the team can go to the decline, it can have disqualified or injured key players, etc.!

SecondlyIn nature, there are no 100% winning rates, like 100% confidence as a result of the match!

Try to designate for yourself that the maximum that may be 90-95% confidence as a result of the game (this is the greatest probability, and often no more than 50%). 100% can never be! If such a thought hoves in your head, then you need to do everything so that it disappears ... Find the prerequisites for the fact that such a result may simply do not happen ... Find a weak place that is always!

Thirdly, not be lazy to learn the weather, which will allegedly be on the day of the game. It is playing a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing about weather conditions, you can expect an approximate flow of the game of both teams.

Snow or rain are an unequivocal advantage in the defense tactics, destroying in such conditions is much easier than attacking ... Therefore, the result is as an ordinary or dry draw, when one and opponents play for the sake of non-examination - most likely!

Repeatedly, not knowing weather conditions, lost very likely rates ... Rain or snow should be a surprise for anyone, but not for you! If at least something hints on the fact that there will be change in weather for the worse, then the optimal exit will be ashamed than just to believe in Mrs. Fortune!

Fourth, Learn detailed information from the mills of two rivals. Disqualification, non-appearance, injuries - all this will help as accurately possible to predict the outcome, and, in turn, put your money right!

If there was a disqualification or injury of support midfielders or defenders, then this itself speaks about possible problems in defense and potential missed goals.

If the disqualification or injury was the main player attack or the captain of the team, then the question arises: Will the players be able to score which they will make the permutations in the tactics of the game, will be able to implement a standard that will bring them forward.

However, if the main executive of standards was injured or disqualified, it can also make you think.

In this way, try to study the future state in the composition of the players as detail.

Fifth, you should not bet on a dry victory of the club, traveling to play someone else's field.

One of the most common losers is the situation when the favorite goes to the middle snone / outsider team, and eventually brings home one point ... Players of a stronger team often can't customize themselves for a serious attitude to the outsiderAnd those in turn want to squeeze the maximum to get closer to the leader even more.

The most frequent situation occurs when the club from the top lines of the table plays the outbound match, scores once and tries to complete the match, practically without playing and not wasteful for nothing, and the enemy uses this slack and compares the account at the very end.

Therefore, the bet on winning a guest club, where the opponent was not in the championship table, is always a risk, and the risk always needs to be minimized! Therefore, the rate of X2 is one of the key options for consideration of this kind of layouts!

At sixth, repeatedly weigh all your options and take an adequate solution before the immediate bid on what the club will score on the road!

To implement such a bet, you must first read and execute 1-5 points of these rules-secrets.

If you really are 95% sure that the club leaving to play in someone else's stadium will definitely score, then feel free to put!

But do not forget about the homework, because its task is also worth scoring the goal!

V-seventhYou should not put on too small and large quotes "to win", especially when you like to play express bets!

Small and large coefficients are almost 100% loss in express.

Better not to put on:

- Big (above 1.85): Exodus is unlikely! If you think that the probability is quite large, then it is worth carefully familiar with such a match, and it is likely that you can understand why the bookmaker puts such an overestimated quotation! Everything else, remember both the matches agreements!You probably do not know about them, however there are people who earn in this enormous money!

- Little (1.09 and lower): Because it will not have weights in the express rate, and only one of this fact should already dissuade you. What is the unjustified risk in one bet to the whole chain!And more often, simply are based on positions in the championship and ratings, as they are unable to carefully track all championships, tournaments and cups (this situation does not concern the most popular championships. In them, everything is calculated scrupulously, and any change that can affect The result will be taken into account) ...

In eighth, no need to put on pure victories in friendly or pre-season, insignificant games!

The optimal option will not pay attention to such matches at all. However, if you still really want to put on a similar game, then consider that the likelihood of victories in such matches is reduced by half or tripled !!! You will ask why? And because the plans of the coaching composition on these games are unknown to anyone. Perhaps he wants to try a new defense tactics, maybe he wants to experience young subjects, allowing a respite to leaders, and the like. And maybe players are simply not configured, which happens most often!

V-ninth, It is not necessary to recruit express from a huge number of games! Than games are less, the more the chances of your victory are growing!

The best will be express from 2-3 games. Playing express rates is a very big risk, and if you think about playing 8 - 9 matches, then the likelihood of victory largely sends that it is not appropriate !!! If you still raise a big knish, risk, but the result will be sad for you! Fortune can smile only once, but soon you will still give your money on the idiot! (It is in mind that the express system).

V-tenth, It is not necessary to include an incomplete result or a result with a small share of probability in an express rate ...

A rather common mistake - when you chose all the matches who wanted and calculated, but the coefficient came out much less, What were your expectations, or he simply is not round or ugly, and then you are deliberately inserting the express that the outcome that did not even look! And what, in your opinion, the result will not justify hopes? In-eleventh, do not chase for a large coefficient! The best express is the one that consists of 2 - 3 games, with a total quotation of 1.5-3.5.

Do not take a big coefficient! Do not swear to yourself financial pit!

In-eleventhIf still the desire to score a lot of matches overcame your common sense, then it makes sense to explain to you the so-called "system" ...

If you have viewed the line of the matchmaker's matches, and you are interested in the games for which you wanted to put, however there are more such matches than 7-8, then the express in this case will be most likely to lose ... it's better to simply install the "system" !!! The probability of winning the money from the "system" is much higher, since it is often in such a large express that one or two results may not converge!

Welcome to you, dear readers online magazine "Site"! Today it will be about football bets and forecasts: where you can take free football forecasts from professionals experts and how to make bets on football matches online, using work strategies and rates.

This article is intended specifically in order to help correctly make a bet, introducing spent money and get not only moral satisfaction from winning a favorite team, but also add rusting bills to the wallet.

Having read it with her, you can significantly increase your chances of winning, guided not only by intuition and experience of the fan, but also relying on statistics, following special strategies for football rates .

The article turned out to be volumetric, so we recommend using short content below. So, we start!

How to make bets on football matches online and where you can find football forecasts for free from professional kapper (experts) for today and coming days - read in this issue

1. Football rates / football matches as a way to receive income

It is an opinion that it is impossible to seriously earn money, making sports rates in the bookmaker. Many believe that tote game it's just hobby And one of the ways to get a portion of adrenaline.

Indeed, at first glance, it seems that the likelihood of a major win in this case is as small as a lottery or casino. However, reading the article to the end, you will understand that this is not at all. By the way, we told about Tom in the past issue.

Football Not in vain is considered the most popular sports game in the world. No important event in this sport has been bypass the traditional and electronic media. The key games of the largest tournaments are riveted. million specialists and fans. Therefore, with the rules of the game, almost everyone familiar from childhood.

Why not try the fortune, aligning a devotee with the ability to really replenish the budget? After all, with the right approach, your passion can become a source if not the main, then quite tangible income. Professional players who have made competition with bookmakers with a source of permanent earnings are called handicipers .

How to become a professional kapper?

First of all It must be remembered that even a large foolish experience and some prediction gift is not enough to develop an accurate forecast that can bring a fortune. Anthropometric data of football players and team statistics mean not all.

In this sport solves a lot emotional mood players and many other nuancesbecause of which to be mistaken in the outcome of the match even The most star in the past athlete or the most experienced trainer.

Moreover , do not forget that you play with the bookmaker, whose specialists who are at their disposal super- Production computershave long been calculated what can be calculated by laid statistical risks in the proposed coefficients. But it is still necessary to analyze all possible information. You just need to make the right conclusions from it.

Entering the thorny path of the Handicapper, it is necessary to psychologically prepare themselves to be possible at the initial stages defeat .

No matter how cool, until all the subtleties of the professional game are not comprehended, you will have to be guided, in many ways, intuition . And she, in this case, not always Reliable assistant.

But, if you firmly follow the target target, despite the loss, constantly improving the analytical abilities, detecting the causes of failures and comparing the sequence of events and results, the success will certainly come and the big kush will be faded!

So, the decision is made, and you are already taking into battle. Recall once again that you will need to achieve the result:

  1. The desire to constantly recognize new and learn from your own mistakes.
  2. The ability to maintain composure, not leaving temptations.
  3. Certain knowledge in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics.
  4. Stress resistance that can cause a slightly loser in a row.
  5. The desire to compare facts and analyze diverse information.
  6. The ability to think out of independently.

There is another important nuance. There are many sites offering on the network offering (on the outcomes of matches and tournaments). If there is a temptation to take advantage of their services, remember the well-known saying about cheese and mousetrap.

It is enough just to turn on the mind to make the suggestion: If the computer is sitting on the computer on the other side of the network, why he is trying to make enough money on you, when it could easily secure a comfortable life, making bets alone. Everyone will immediately rise in place.

And one moment. Never make bets on your own or on emotions. A real handicapper always controls himself and does not make thoughtless steps. This is not the type of activity where the hurry can bring the result.

In more detail about how to do to make money, we wrote in the last article.

Main types of betting on football matches

2. Types of football rates - Top 7 most popular

There is not a single sport specifying such a variety of types of bets like football. With the BC (Bookmaker), you can bet on which of the teams first will hit the opponent's gate, in which time it will be clogged or not scored a goal, whether the strict judge of the football player or even the coach will delete and how many times will show the players "mustard".

On the list of offers a newcomer sometimes difficult Even just navigate. Therefore, starting a handicapper career, risk serious amounts, putting on such exotic proposals, should not be. The probability of winning here is not too large.

True, sometimes especially awesome lucky ways huge Kush., risking a very small amount, due to the fact that the coefficients for incredible results are usually very impressive.

The bulk of the players prefers to put on understandable and more predictable events. The most popular type of bet is considered competition Rate . Everything is simple here. Probable outcomes of any football match in the main time can only be three:

  1. the victory of the owners - P1;
  2. victory guests - P2.;
  3. draw H..

In the case of a game on a neutral field, P1 There may be any of the teams at the discretion of the bookmaker.

In addition, there are several more types of bets that are consistently highly popular.

View 1. Total match

Under the word "Total" It is understood by the number of heads that rivals score into each other's gate for the entire match. BC offers to put money into two outcome. One of themTBIt assumes that the goal will be the balls more than the amount established by the bookmaker. Second Exodus TMwill bring the winnings to the one who will put on a smaller number of heads.

Control digitis usually determined from statistics scored and missed balls by today's rivals per five or more matches With amendment on the average performance of these teams in games among themselves.

In addition, you can conclude bet on the number of headsthat will be clogged with one of the teams by the same scheme. At the same time, it does not matter in whose favor will be a final account on the scoreboard. One of the rivals can give up for example , 2:5 but you will get a win if you have chosen a bet TB 1,5 on him.

You can additionally progress, stopping at the rate with a guarantee when the control number is not fractional, but whole view. In this case, the BC returns money if the resulting result turns out to be equal to the value of the total.

Making a similar bet, a lot of reasons should be taken into account. Efficiency in each particular match depends on the class and shape of goalkeepers, the mood and skill of the attackers.

Separate conversation about weather conditions. Any long-range blow to a real master on slippery after the rain lawn carries a serious threat to the gate. In summer, the players move less, to keep the strength to the end of the game. It means that the probability of abundance of goals in the first case increases, and in the second, on the contrary , decreases.

It is not worth building a strategy at the rates. Firstly The coefficients are not too high here, because not only bookmakers are able to read and follow statistics. Secondly , the temptation is too great to put on a favorite team, from which the productive and bright game is treated. However, the installation of the coach to a particular match can be completely different.

View 2. Total of individual football players

By analogy with bets on the total team, the bookmakers are offered to conclude bet on performance separate Footballer. It can be like star forward and a spare player, defender or goalkeeper. The main thing is that he was declared for this match.

Will the footballer be able to score at all difficult. A large number of diverse factors can affect it:

  • the presence of microtrams;
  • emotional mood;
  • accumulated for the championship fatigue;
  • and even how well he slept on the day of the game.

Much also depends on the class and the sports form of the rivant goalkeeper. In general, similar rates should not be done beginners, although the coefficients here are quite tempting .

If you decide to risk listen to the next advice: In matches at home stadiums Often, local young and ambitious players are "shooting", seeking to show themselves before "their" stands, on which a lot of familiar and relatives. In games on the roadEspecially with serious and fundamental rivals, experienced football players are more often clogged.

View 3. betting on the number of angular

This rate, like betting on the number of warnings, will be interesting to everyone who is fond football statistics. It can be done both on a separate team and the match as a whole.

With all the seeming simplicity, the result predict is not so simple. Much will depend on the strategy and tactical alignment chosen on the match by the coaches.

It is worth remembering that if the team on which it is planned to put, has a lot of fast "edges", on the entrance to which long attachments are made, there will be a lot of angles, there will be quite a lot, because the advocates of the opponent in such a situation are forced to constantly play the podcast and on the removal, interrupting the passages and canopies in the penalty area.

View 4. Bets on the outcome of a half and match

Another popular type of bet offered by the BC are rates on the outcome of the first half and the whole meeting in general. This is a rather complicated forecast with a very interesting coefficient. It is not easy to make it, but the winning can be impressive.

Of the possible nuances you need to highlight the following:

  • In the game of equal rivals to expect a hail of the heads in the first half, it is not worth it. With great probability it will end in draw While the teams will look closely to each other and identify weak places in defense.
  • Even the Outsider team, victims of a few defeats in a row, is able to tune in and issue a fantastic first half on his field, behaving in the match in the match with the championship leader. True, after a break, everything usually falls into place, and the victory goes to the favorite.
  • The teams from the southern regions in the summer heat and on the usual lawn are able to win at the collective standing in the table above, making it at the expense of endurance in the second half, after the player played.

In general, with a carefully performed analysis and study of available information about rivals, it is quite possible to risk.

Note. One of the most fantastic football cambanks happened in 2012 Manchester city, leading in the championship of England, met then with a modest inhabitant of basements of the standings CRC (Queens Park Rangers). Mancunians, who lost the first half, the victory brought the championship, but by the beginning of the 90th minutes they were inferior 1:2 . For 150 next seconds Aguero and Djeko scored TWO Goal, becoming the creators of a small miracle.

View 5. Which rivals will score first

This is also a very interesting betting, which is offered a completely acceptable coefficient. Here is possible mass options. The greatest win will bring the bet on the fact that the first goal will score the team by the rank below, especially if she came to visit the famous rivals.

On matches with an outsider, the leaders are always tugged hard, and the temptation beat the opponent in full, is always very serious. Not burdened with pressure of the tribune and their own authority, less famous teams are often applied by the first to break. True, as a result, more often lose, and sometimes they are torn off by the intestinal favorite.

View 6. Fora

This type of bets was developed by bookmakers specifically to make attractive to players bet on matches with the participation of obviously unequal rivals.

Ordinary thotal A similar meeting is unlikely to be interested in a meager coefficient, with the exception of the small category of players who will venture to put on an obvious outsider in the hope of a miracle. Putting on negative oge Regarding the strongest team, you can win even in case of losing it with a serious account.

The mechanism of betting, upon closer, simple. By choosing one of the proposed BC of the values \u200b\u200bof the shape, you bet. Let it be -2 For a stronger team. If the leader wins with a score 2:1 , the coefficient of the forow will be deducted from the heads scored. Thus, the bid will play, because 2:1 turns into 0:1 or virtual defeat of Favorita.

View 7. Rate at the exact account

This is one of the most sophisticated Football bets. If you predict the outcome of the game Experienced Handicapper, using analytics of cyber pieces, will be able to a fairly high probability, then to predict the exact account is very and very difficult. The share of chance in determining the proper prediction is extremely large.

Often do such rates can except players with fantastic intuitionendowed with the gift of foresight. However, the proposed coefficients are really good. Therefore, from time to time the risk can afford everyone.

Based on all the above, it is not difficult to conclude that it is seriously played without a certain system, throwing from one type of betting to another, it will not work. You can disrupt a couple of times decent amounts, but then it is very quickly to lose them and, in general, to go into minus.

So it has come time, having received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of football rates, talk about the strategy, without which the most honed tactic will not bring success.

Best Soccer Bar Strategies in Bookmakers

3. Strategies and Soccer Systems - Top 8 Working Gaming Systems

Only targeted and strict adherence of the selected game strategy can lead to an impressive result. This path will not be simple and glad. Handicaper needs to be armed patience and stress resistancebecause local lesions are inevitable. But even they should not shake confidence in general success.

The Plan game will allow greater efficiency of current rates and will provide stable income in the medium and long term.

Betting on football is especially attractive yet by the fact that attention to the matches of significant tournaments million Fans. The BC addresses many people who want to win, which means that the maximum level of the rate increases and can reach a very impressive amount, right up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Consider several of the most famous gaming systems and strategies of football betting.

1) Martingale Strategy

This system has another name used in the spacious, - dogon . The essence of it is simple. In the event that the rate did not play, the new bet is lies in the amount twice exceeding loss.

Football is attractive for followers of Martingale in that the bookmakers significantly raise the maximum rates on matches even highly medium teams.

The strategy is applicable both for various football tournaments and for bets for one team throughout the championship. No matter what you will betray: outcomes of matches, total or performance. Success will come in any case. This system is often used by playing on public Betach , or, in other words, the most popular bets on the central matches of the day.

In an interesting way to make the coefficient more attractive, it is considered rate on express To which several public-bets and the games of the obvious favorites against obvious outsiders will be included. In this case, the coefficients move it Between themselves, and the ability to increase the level of profitability due to very predictable outcomes.

Note! Although theoretically, the strategy is considered win-win, there is one BUT. Loins in the case of its use will be more than winnings. In order to compensate for the loss required enough large bank. Therefore, in the early stages of the career of the Handicapper, the Martingale system is in its pure form it is better to go around the party.

2) Oscar of Greyda

The strategy is considered an option for the previous system. It implies not doubling rates, but increase profits on a percentage defined by the player. In this case, the following after losing betting in some situations will be based on outcomes, predictable with greater probability, including totals for specific tournaments and public-beta with suitable coefficients.

The rate is doubled only after successful iteration. Optimal coefficient should not be lower two , and risk allowed not more than 5 % bank.

The purpose of the strategy is the winning of the two consecutive rates. After that, the cycle is considered completed and the next one begins.

Optimal coefficient Bets consider not lower 2 . If there is no suitable option in the line, you should wait until it appears.

3) Strategy 60%

Another subspecies of the system Martingalea implies the conclusion of betting on the top matches of a game day with coefficients, not exceeding 1,7 Thanks to which, probability of more than four losses in a row, killer for the system, significantly decreases.

All those wishing to follow this strategy should advise with special care treats to the selection of games that will be rates.

Ideally, the system should bring about 60% arrived per month, provided that daily three rates. Experienced handicappers advise never to start a new strategy cycle until the previous iteration is fully completed.

4) Danish strategy

The strategy under this title implies increased bets B. arithmetic Progression. Even if one bet will end with losses, losses will be compensated by a high coefficient of another winning bet. Danish system Suitable for inventive players who are distinguished by a non-standard approach.

The most interesting factors will need to search among not too popular types of rates. Some of the experienced handicapper prefer to put against Favorites, others on the exact result of the game. For lovers of these types of bets, the strategy is interesting because the probability of losing minimizes . Because at least one of the rates with a high coefficient will definitely benefit.

The system is considered very reliablebecause, with strictly followed by its rules, the Bank is able to withstand up to 14 lesions contract. For a handicapper, suitable for the game seriously, such a number of successive misses is unlikely.

Especially attractive looks like by followers of the Danish strategy expressbecause the optimal coefficient for the game, in our case, will correspond to the value 2,5 . To do this, you need to collect two very predictable match in the block and one game where the favant on the favorite will be equal to no more than 1,6 . Play in a row 13 Such expressions, a person who makes bets regularly, agree difficult.

Some prefer to put on this system on totalwhere the coefficients are large enough. The main thing is not to conclude odnumless bets for dubious outcomes.

5) Practical Flat and Careful Daember

Two more subspecies of the main strategy Martingalea. FLET system involves the use of a fixed share in the game from the amount of the bank, which, usually does not exceed the value 20 % . The optimal coefficient is considered 1,5 . The actual rate of the rate increases with the growth of the bank, but in percentage remains unchanged.

Dalamber Strategy even more careful and perfect for newbies . Here the minimum rate called one is usually not exceeding 1 % of the amount of the bank with which the cycle begins, determines the player himself. The rate increases per unit after losing and decreases after winning.

6) Strategy of the Anti-Kit or Contuffal

This strategy will be interested in handicipers preferring not ordinary, but blocks . It is used in the event that several matches included in the Express ended favorably, and only one game remained not played. At the same time, the bet is made on the outcome, which is the opposite indicated in express.

Thus, the material losses do not threaten the Handicaper in any case, since one of the forecasts will surely shoot. It is important here to correctly calculate what amount you need to put.

The formula is quite simple: The expression coefficient is multiplied by the value of the expression rate and is divided into a counterusticity coefficient.

Control It is very good as insurance in cases where key players team get injuries before the game, which can change the alignment of the strength and refute your initial forecast.

No less interesting and method called tank Strategy . The Favorites of the Football Championships protrude in the role of formidable cars. The likelihood that two or at least one of your chosen for exampleThree Grand will benefit from the middle aged, very large.

The cycle can be repeated several times, it is only necessary to remember that at successfully the "tank" should be put all The amount obtained by them during the previous iteration.

7) Miller Financial Management

This type of strategy will undoubtedly like careful handicapper and beginners who has no experience of battles with bookmakers. The degree of risk when it is used is minimized, since the creator of the system offers rates not exceeding 1 % bank.

The strategy is quite simple and excellent for football. True, to apply it in practice, you will have to work hard, looking for in the Lines of BC undervalued rates on matches with a fairly predictable outcome. Ideally, the coefficients of the selected games should as much as possible to approach 2 What means 50 % The probabilities of a successful result.

To improving the sum of the rate called in the strategy "Raising Plateau", Miller refers no less conservative. Considering the rather high probability of both prosperous and adverse outcomes, it proposes to increase the base rate on 10 % Only after your bank will grow on the same 10%. Well, in caution and reasonable risk there is its own charm.

8) rates against drawbacks

Very interesting strategy for experienced and weathered players allowing you to achieve stable results. Apply the system better for rates performed in mode Live..

The situation in the football match is constantly changing, respectively, the bookmakers correlate the coefficients to the outcomes of the meeting. Making bets against a draw is recommended at the peak of their values, in the last 10 -15 Moment minutes with an equal score on the stadium scoreboard.

There are several rules that should be followed to minimize the level of risk:

  1. It is better to choose matches in which rivals are encountered, different high effectiveness.
  2. Desirable maximum well To understand the game of rivals and know the possibilities of football players who can at the end to replace.
  3. Bookmaker coefficients on a draw must be less 4,2 , but for winning Favorite below 2 .

If you decide to try your hand, using this strategy, do not forget about several important principles . You should choose a couple of teams that are most simplified in the market. Profit is recommended to display immediately after the goal entering the first favorite of the meeting.

If the first ball becomes an outsider, the deal is better to close after 15 Standby minutes with minimal losses. When the favorite compares the score to this gap, you should not withdraw a profit until the coefficient falls to the draw 2 .

Now that you have received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe most popular and reliable gaming strategies, it remains only to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Over time, they can be changed, but not worth it Do it too quickly, desperate from possible local failures. In order for the system to start to give the result, a rather long time interval is required.

8. How to bet on football online - 13 steps put a bet over the Internet

Of course, in our time almost no one goes into real bookmakers (ground rates reception) To make bets on the outcome of a sporting event. With the advent of modern technologies, there is no need to leave the house to make money on a game of some kind of team.

In order to make bets, you can use the Internet and services. online bookmakers . They often have various shares, including a bonus account associated with a bonus account (the player appears the opportunity to try his hand at virtual Depositwithout investing real money)Also, their coefficients may be slightly higher, due to the fact that you do not need to rent a room and hire a lot of employees.

Despite all the external ease of process, make bets on the Internet not always It is very simple, because you need to take into account the many nuances and do not succumb to the imaginary simplicity of the process, because it is always easier to part with numbers on the screen and make rapid rates in 1 clickthan to sit in the real bookmaker and give real bills.

So, in order to begin with football rates, it is necessary to act on a specific algorithm.

Step 1. Collecting the starting capital and the choice of the maximum size of the game budget

As mentioned earlier, money should be allocated from unused volume and cannot be removed, eg , from the family budget or taken from someone in debt. About how and we wrote early in one of our articles.

Such warnings are relevant solely because very many players were collected with their loved ones due to the desire to increase their playful bank. In such things it is necessary to rely on ourselves, which means you need to independently find the maximum amount that will not be very insulting to lose in case of failure.

It is important to note It is not worth starting with solid starting capital, but also small amounts as a bankroll simply limit game opportunities.

Experts argue that for most simple strategies the amount is suitable 35 000 rubles. It is enough for a quick start and the optimal number of rates at the initial stage.

Step 2. Determining the size of the bet for one outcome of a particular match

In this case, we are talking about the optimal strategy for the novice, which was discussed earlier. Flat. implies a choice fixed betwhich is not very big, in comparison with the bank itself.

Start advise with 3-5%In order to cover several events at once, because no professional player advises to bet with the bookmaker only about one outcome of a particular match.

It is best to share risks by choosing the average rate of interest equal to 1750 rubles. Under a budget of 35 thousand. This will be 5%. In turn, it will provide an opportunity, following the constancy strategy (FLET), make 20 identical rates.

Step 3. Selection of the most effective betting line

In this case, we are talking about selecting events in which money will be invested. All sorts of statistical data argue that the most effective and profitable in the long term are betting "Match Result" and "Total". In the first The case will need to determine the winner command or to stop your attention to the niche. In second We'll have to predict how much heads will be clogged.

At the very beginning of the Handicapper career should not be sprayed on exotic rates (Asian total, double result, etc.). Of course, beginners are advised to avoid bets by type "Accurate result"where you need to specify the final account. The coefficient in these bets is the most attractive, but without proper experience you can lose everything.

Step 4. The process of preliminary study of the outcome of the sports event

Of course, no one exactly can say with what score will end the match, and who will be the winner. The thing is that a large number of factors affect the outcome. Despite this, the likelihood of a particular gaming event may vary from 0 % (it is impossible) to 100 % (the rate will accurately pass).

In practice, you can never store any of these extremes. In the sum of the probability of the outcome of the same event should give 100%.

for example if the victory of the team number 1 is estimated at 70%, and the second is 10%, then the chance of draws in this case is 20% . However, it does not say that the first football club will be the favorite. This only indicates that the chances of his victory above.

The same thing is with the rates "Total more / less than 2.5". In the amount of their probability should be equal 100 % , because the game will be clogged or more balls than 2.5 (for example, 3, 4 or even 5), or less (from 0 to 2).

In fact, the likelihood of a particular outcome determines the faith in it not only by the players themselves, but also specialists (forecasting experts), With the opinion of which you can get acquainted without any problems on the thematic sites on the Internet.

It is especially important to view all existing forecasts, as well as try to evaluate chances of a particular event in order to understand what to put on everything still.

Selection of a resource with free football forecasts from experts with analysis

Step 5. Search for a website with forecasts from specialists

In order not to guess with the rates, it is necessary to rely not only on your opinion and the available coefficients, and also on the thoughts of professional handicappers, most of which lead their blogs, and people dealing with mathematical statistics.

Need to find a site with maximum realistic forecasts for football. At the same time, it is best when the difference with the opinion of bookmakers is the greatest, because in this case it will be possible to get maximum profits.

Step 6. Study of available "fixed coefficients"

You need to choose those bookmakers who offer on the selected outcome of the events gallest The coefficient, because it will depend on it that the size of the final profit will depend.

Fixed coefficients are for rates "Match Result" and "Total" .

For example, suppose That the bookmakers were drawn 3.6, to win the guests - 5.8, and the owners win - 1.5. Thus, it will be possible at a rate of 1750 rubles for the most anticipated event with a 1.5 coefficient of obtaining as a fee 2625 rubles. Of course, it is additionally necessary to subtract the size of the initial rate.

Step 7. Consideration of communication between coefficients and probabilities of certain outcomes

Any player is clear that multipliers (coefficients), which should be multiplied by the rate for calculating profits, are calculated in a certain way through the chance of the appearance of a certain event, expressed as a percentage.

To understand this dependence, you can use the previously described example with commands. First you need to determine the inverse figures for the coefficients: 1 / 5.8, 1 / 3.6, 1 / 1.5, and then multiply the obtained numbers per 100.

As a result, we obtain the following probabilities: At the victory of the hosts 68%, guests - 17% and on a draw - 27%. The strangeness at first glance is that in the amount there will be not a coinage 100%, but 110 %. Actually it not a mistake, but the most marga Reported earlier. In fact, the profit of bookmakers is laid in this difference, if all the events will make rates about the same number of people.

Step 8. Selection of the bookmaker on the Internet

At this stage, the most interesting thing begins.

Of course, it is best to start playing in the bookmaker office in which you are offered best Focus on the rates chosen for a particular sporting event.

At the same time, there is no need to visit the sites of all existing organizations dealing with the conclusion of betting on the sport. It is best to find special information sites with sport forecasts and bookmaker ratings along with their coefficients.

Step 9. Comparative analysis of existing coefficients with probabilities of various outcomes

In fact, before the start of the game, be sure to multiply a specific coefficient with the chance of his draw to obtain a kind of performance indicator of such a bet.

In the theory, everything looks like this: The larger the number is, the higher the probability of profit. In this case, we are talking about multiplying the coefficients not to the bookmakers' chances of events, but to the personally predicted (or taken from the site of the famous Handicaper).

For previously discussed numbers, eg , obviously overestimated by a player regarding the guest victory, because the work is obtained equal to 1.45 (5.8 * 25%), despite the fact that the event is less likely than the victory of rivals (those who play at home).

Step 10. Search for a potentially profitable bet

To find the optimal rate of bet, you can use a simple formula, storing everything you need into it.

Betting size calculation: Rate \u003d 1/100 * Game capital * (chance of events - (100% - chance of events) / (gaming coefficient - 1)).

As a result, with test numbers (coefficer \u003d 3, probability \u003d 40%) we obtain the amount 3500 . Considering the fact that the rule above was limited to the top threshold of rates, the selected direction will be invested exactly 1750 rubles.

Step 11. Analysis of the quality of the league forecast

The more accurate the prediction of the result of the next game on the elected information resource, the better.

Football forecasts from experts

At the same time, it is best to pay attention to sites with the right forecasts, but with big differences in essence with bookmakers to get big profits.

Step 12. Forecast of unexpected factors

On the outcome of the match affects the busy nuances that you need to try to take into account: Diseases, injuries and transfers of players, the type of match itself, its value for the team, etc.

It should be noted that the forecasts of comrade, as well as the main mass of cup games are mainly unreliable.

Step 13. Rate and profit

At this stage, the player remains to transfer money to the bookmaker and take his income after the victory.

Basic sources of paid and free football forecasts

5. Where to take paid and free football forecasts - 3 main sources

Now the time to talk in more detail about forecasts for football matches . As mentioned in this article, the network space is flooded with suggestions from various predictors. Not all of them take money for this, following the advice given, you can and win , I. praw .

Eye or not to use the services of such assistants to each player decides for themselves, experiencing the accuracy of predictions by betting.

So, all the forecasts are customary to divide into three categories. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Source 1. Network Community of Bettors

On such forums can be published experienced playersbased on the experience of battles with bookmakers and newbies, Only stuck on the way of the Handicpera. There are a lot of similar sites on the Internet, so it is difficult to conduct a qualitative analysis of forecasts there.

It should be remembered that let's give advice and set forecasts here anyone: From the challenge of the player's genius, in whose assets, for verification, not a single win, to the gameman. The latter are especially convincing. They not only make forecasts, but also try to engage newcomers in doubtful adventures Type joint rates. Some are just trying to ride on gullible and inexperienced players own strategies.

Not so long ago, one of the ways were well earned underestimated For various reasons, the bet. After all, even the most modern computers, not to mention people, sometimes mistaken and give the striking coefficients.

A strategy based on the use of similar flats is called Value Betting.. Of course, the software bookmakers are also constantly improving, but the betting monsters will find all new ways to beat the BC.

Source 2. Bookmaker Tips

No matter how fantastic it sounds, the BC also often publish their forecasts. The main goal that is prosecuted is by no means a desire to help you win, losing your own money. Such a way new players are simply attracted.

Indeed, predicting a clearly guessable result, the coefficient to which will be low, the bookmakers can lose quite a bit, but the newcomer feels the smell of money.

Imaginary ease of winning will wake up greed and will make a new bet on a large amount and a high ratio. And here is already lucky. But at the bookmakers, a new permanent client will definitely appear.

It is clear that the use of forecasts of the BC in the long term will not lead to the receipt of stable income. In the most favorable case, victories will be replaced by defeats. Therefore, it is better not to pay attention to such tips, building a strategy on them, but to rely on own experience and intuition.

Source 3. Professionals Analytics

In fact, people who can make a fairly accurate forecast for the result of a football match quite a lot. Professionals like Bridge and Carpin, Bubnov and Semin, perfectly disassembled in all the intricacies of the game, constantly do it in television shows and on the pages of sports publications.

However, a clean gaming forecast is not exactly what is needed Handicaper. It does not take into account the specifics of the accrual of coefficients in the BC and many more technical nuances, having a very medium level of passability.

Analysts professionally dealt with the preparation of forecasts are suitable complex. But the trouble, find the real pro among the mass of amateurs and fraudsters seeking to get started at the newcomer, quite not easy . In addition, the most authoritative of them work in english-language Internet segment.

Such specialists called still capera , give advice on the basis of the coefficients offered by the BC. Forecasts from them arrive after mailing after subscription. The services of the well-known plus kapper are quite and very expensive. Such a newbie can simply not be. In addition, one interesting feature is seen: After the subscription is issued, the impact of the forecasts falls.

Conclusion from the above can only be one: No matter how great was the temptation to use other people's tips, it is better to live by your own mind.

Improving analytical abilities, increasing knowledge luggage and accumulating invaluable experience, you can receive income from playmakers. If you still decide to use the forecast, then choose analysts-professionals with a steady reputation.

Practical advice that will help novice players understand how experts are given exactly

6. How to determine the accuracy of free forecast for football from expert professionals - 5 useful tips

Before building the game on foreign forecasts, it is necessary to understand that their effectiveness you can evaluate only after a certain period of time expires. Kopper needs to be chosen not in a hurry and careful because, in a certain sense, you buy "Cat in a bag" .

There are several tips, following which it is easier to find a sufficient reliable forecover, with which to actually work for the future.

After certain intervals, carry out an analysis of the efficiency of bets made based on the forecasts of the capper.

It may well be that plusoy The balance is achieved only due to the taking time from time to bet with high coefficients, and the rest of the predictions come true with a probability. no more than 50%. Predictions with such a level of passability are capable of doing themselves.

Do not risk and often put on the games of football teams of exotic leagues. Believe methat Capper predictions on the matches of the second group of the championship Nigeria or Vietnam, it disassembles the situation is no better than you. At best, statistics are taken from sites of national football federations and local media.

The alertness should also cause a capper that its predictions are based on reliable insider Information About contractual meetings and other near-football frauds. IN 99 % Cases are just a bluff and an attempt to fill a price. Possessing a similar exclusive, anyone will earn on it self.

Note. Insiders who can receive truly important information are much more willing to sell it for serious BC money and never give it to a penny to some forexistors.

It is always useful to know what people who have already used its services speak about the forexist. Comparing the opinions, it is not difficult to make an idea of \u200b\u200bhis professionalism.

True, no underwater stones do not cost here. Entering fraudsters will easily fill the profile by the most favorable reviews. The abundance of appeals to work with this kapper, speaks rather about the entrepreneurial of the owner of the page on the Internet than about his qualities as a specialist.

Council 4. Make a choice in favor of forecasts with analytics

To get additional confidence in the efficiency of the capper, it is worth choosing a specialist accompanying the forecast analytical calculation. After examining the application, it is not difficult to conclude how professionally it approaches the preparation of the forecast and what is based on.

True, there is a network and superprofessions that are limited to sending only forecasts, without any clarification. But everyone knows them, because such confidence needs to be able to deserve.

Tip 5. You are always aware of events.

Even working with a professional, try to constantly be aware of the events of championships and other football tournaments. The most popular koppers are the same people not insured from serious miscalculations and mistakes. On time the adjustment in the prediction can save your money, and then earn it well.

Summarizing all this one should note that the tips from the Guru of Betting, of course, can seriously help at the initial stage of the Handicapper career. However, rely solely on the forecasts of a specialist do not do it. Always better to double-cry, because, unlike the capper, you risk ownmoney.

The main stages of purchasing forecasts for football matches with analysis of professionals

7. Where and how to buy forecasts for football today, tomorrow with analyzing professional kapperov - instructions in the 5th stages

Handicipers who do not have time or desire to conduct a thorough analysis of football statistics on their own, appropriate calculations, as an addition to forecasts, offer sites of professional kapperov . In order to take advantage of their services to pass five uncomplicated stages.

Stage 1. Select event for betting

Most networks offer forecasts for matches of a wide variety of football tournaments, from italian Series BUT and IN, spanish Examples and Segunde, russian championship, Before drawing cups african and asian Confederates. Such a "versatility" testifies rather about a superficial approach to the preparation of forecasts.

These professionals specialize in total at several national championships. It is worth choosing these kappers, since the likelihood that they really studied all the nuances of local football, in this case, significantly rises. Having stopped at one of the leagues, it is worth concentrating on it, and in this niche to implement the selected strategy.

Note. Teams participating in the championship of Holland are characterized by rapidity and effectiveness. It is very profitable to make bets on thotal.

Stage 2. Selection of the site

On request, the search engine will instantly display the address of several dozen sites with a proposal of kapper services. Unfortunately, not all of these "specialists" truly understand the case. Among them are often observed fraudsters .

Best look for professionals called typeers , in the English-language network. The probability of running on the passing in this case is significantly reduced.

Stage 3. Selection of forecast

Experienced handicappers prefer to navigate flair and professionalism forexistant. They don't care what to bet, if only she became successful and brought income.

The idea of \u200b\u200bhow effective the tool predictions is not difficult to compile, having studied the data published on the page.

Completely eliminate falsifications, of course it is impossibleBut still, thanks to certain technical restrictions, the explicit subtaching of statistics on foreign sites is impossible.

But from proposals that guarantee the profitability of rates made on the basis of the proposed forecasts promising more than 20% Monthly profitability, it is necessary to refuse immediately. The norm even for the most successful handicapper is 5 -10 % margin per month.

Stage 4. Payment of football forecast

All without exception tusters and capper Work on principle full prepayment . While the artist will not receive your money, the forecast will not be shipped. Exceptions from this rule does not happen.

A more reliable way is considered to pay for the forecast through the site. Translate money directly to the personal account specified by Kapper, pretty risky. This can be done only when you work with a high-reputation specialist for a long time.

For instanceTypes Top-The level prefer this method of calculation. However, there we are talking about enough decent amounts, sometimes exceeding $ 500 per month.

Stage 5. Obtaining a forecast

The paid forecast comes to the mail in the time specified with the customer, with the desired reserve in order to make a bet in the BC.

It is worth considering That the coefficient that the tightner indicates may differ from the value in the bookmaker line, which are free to change it before the event starts. Therefore, if the forecast is acceptable for one-time bet, then when using the strategy, it may not give the necessary result.

As practice shows, the game, based exclusively on paid forecasts, brings noticeable profits quite rarely. For a truly professional prediction, you need to pay decent money. As a result, it may well be that the amount of winnings for the period will not exceed the cost of the Capper services.

8. Where it is better to make a bet on football on the received forecasts - Overview Top 4 bookmakers

Each Handicapper chooses a bookmaker for himself, good, in the network of offers abound. Several dozen BCs are offered to make bets with them, offering extensive lines to football matches.

However, all that is associated with money requires certain caution and accuracy. Therefore, play better in proven officeshaving a steady reputation and honestly listed the winner's winner.

№1. 1xstavka.

BC 1 Square It is included in the organization of bookmakers and registers rates through the Cupis. She gained popularity from handicapper due to her reliability and compelling in relation to players.

The BC attracts the breadth of the proposed line and the detailed painting of games of teams speaking in the championships leading football powers. The coefficients are very high, winnings are paid without delays.

A peculiar highlight from bookmakers office is considered live.-The PlayZone type. You are offered to predict which of the events in the match on a certain segment will happen before others:

  • a warning;
  • crashing goal;
  • removal;
  • penalty;
  • either out.

Newcomers are provided with a reciprocated bonus 2000 R.

№2. BC league betting

The bookmaker office refers to the number of rating favorites at once in several criteria. This is I. impeccable reputation, I. undoubted tolerance to the authorities of the Gosnadzor, and absolute loyalty Regarding customers. It's nice to play on this platform, and all problems are promptly allowed by the relevant services.

The organization is included in the self-regulating union of bookmakers. It means that all interactive rates are recorded in the special center of their accounting - ZUUPIS. Playing here, you do not violate the law, and therefore, you can not worry about the payment of prizes.

The coefficients offered by the BC will be interested in not only a novice, but also a handicapper with experience. Lash concludes the upcoming football matches and current games in mode Live.. New players are offered "Welcome Freibet" - Bonus for the amount 500 r., Which is then rejected.

Number 3. Leon.

The company has a formal license to organize and conduct gambling in the territory of the Russian Federation, and it consists in SRO "Association of Bookmakers". Thus, the activities of the BC are completely legitimate, the conditions are transparent, payments are guaranteed.

You can start playing and making rates on the official website of Leon BC.


BK is one of the patriarchs of the Russian bookmaker market. For more than 20 -Ench period of work, she deserved popularity and found permanent playersthat make bets only on this site.

Despite the fairly average level of coefficients, the preference of the phonbet, who deserved a high reputation, gives many. The painting here is not distinguished by special details, it is proposed a lot of bets on the most different statistical indicators of teams and individual football players.

Another attractive moment is regularly conducted by the totalizer . It involves a very significant number of players, the pool often reaches 10 millionand jackpot sometimes reached and up to $ 1,000,000.

Below you can familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristic of the leaders of the Russian bookmaker's rating and make the optimal choice for yourself in favor of one of them.

Comparative table of bookmakers in the main indicators:

Name of bk Reliability Arguments pro. Contra arguments
1 1 Schedule 5 It has a license and mobile application, offers high coefficients and bonus Released tax with prizes, lack of TV broadcasts
2 League rates 5 Licensed, has a mobile version, newcomers are offered a bonus There is a tax on winnings, the coefficients could be higher
3 Leon 5 Licensed, has a mobile version, various bonuses are offered. There is a tax on winnings (as in all official BC)
4 4 High reputation, variety of bets, tote with large pool and jack-sweat Medium coefficients, not too detailed painting

9. How to successfully bet on football matches - 5 important rules

Completing the article, it is impossible not to say about several rules, following which the newcomer will be able to become a successful handicapper receiving solid income using own experience, acquired skills and intuition.

Rule 1. The key to success in analytics

Today, traveling on the Internet, it is easy to find any information about football, which correctly use which can be done winning bid. .

First of all, the sites should be carefully examined, on the pages of which are published free forecasts and independent analytics And choose among them a few most, in your opinion, reliable.

Various data on physical condition and injuries of players of football clubs offers a number domestic and foreign Paid sites. Having achieved a certain level when the amounts of bets become quite serious, they will have to resort to their services repeatedly, because the error price will be great. Do not neglect any reliable source of information, scrupulously analyzing literally everything.

Rule 2. Do not risk the whole bank

Following the selected strategy requires Handicapper cool and calculability. Never make rates exceeding 1,5 % of the amount of funds you have to play. Whatever the temptation, it is impossible to retreat from principle.

If one or two times it will be possible to disrupt Kush, the excitement will make risks again and again. A series of the following losers will not only deprive the prizes, but also the entire bank. It is best to hone the skill and run through the strategy on the small bets.

Rule 3. Handicapper fan not brother

Experienced players never bet on the results of matches with the participation of football teams for which they are sick. Abstracted from personal sympathies in this case is very difficult. Meanwhile, the exact forecast requires cold Heads. Just enjoy the game of your favorite team, and earn money on its competitors.

Rule 4. Always keep composure

Emotions are considered not the best advisers for the Handicapper, and the most dangerous of them is azart. In fact, it is at the expense of it and earn a BC.

Note! Any person who has made an unsuccessful bid and has lost some amount covers the desire to compensate for the damage as soon as possible. Moreover, on the emotional lift, it seems that it is extremely easy to do.

Only a handicapper capable of crossing themselves, accustomed to seeking the cause of defeats, not trying to break his head to restore the status kvoOver time, it will definitely be a player with a capital letter.

Rule 5. Avoid the bids for supermatchi

This rule may seem somewhat strange, however, upon closer and extremely simple.

Football players are preparing for decisive matches of any tournament. They are inflated physically and emotionally. Accordingly, any statistics and analyst leaving here on the second plan. In the final, they won not those who experience and stronger, but those who want it more and possess will to achieve the result.

Therefore, the probability of victory of one of the rivals isometric . For any of your chosen strategies, it is clearly not what you need. In addition, the bookmakers offer not too attractive coefficients to decisive matches. So simply sit down for the TV and the Bol.

So, observing non-good rules, you can protect yourself from serious gaming troubles, save and multiply bank. Sober calculation and the absence of emotions will be the key to the fact that the bet made will bring a win.

10. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) at rates and forecasts for football

As practice shows, at novice players, at the initial stage, as soon as they pass from Theory to Practice, certain questions arise. In this section, answers will be answered to the most common ones.

Question 1. Where to find free football forecasts from professionals for today and on the coming week?

Of course, each player wants to rely not only on his opinion, but also on the thoughts of experts regarding the upcoming match. On the Internet there are sites ( eg, vprognoze.ru etc.) where you can get everything Necessary forecasts 100 percent for free, as well as useful information that will make the most successful and profitable bet.

It should be noted that such thematic sites contain analytical materials for both matches that will be held in the coming days and in a week.

Everything else should be added that it is important to take into account not only the match of the match "will win the team A", but also forecasts regarding goals to diversify their bets and make the game in the bookmaker's office more and more profitable.

Question 2. What is Fora, Thotal, time-match in football rates?

All listed terms relate to species of betting which were reviewed earlier in the relevant section. Let's try to briefly describe them again.

Fora - The rate, which is also referred to as a handicap and implies the choice of a certain event of events (the result of the match) with adjustment. She can be like positive for obvious outsiders and negative For the Favorite team.

At the same time, the phra is also glasses, and for seconds, however in football Used for heads.

In fact, everything is much easier than it seems: This kind of rate (handicap) wins when the described outcome of the event is performed even taking into account the addition of the correction indicator, which for explicit winners will be negative.

for example , Bookmakers are confident that the team A will win, so they register the "Fora -1" bet for it. As a result, the player who chooses it will have to expect a result, in which the difference from the poppy will be at least 2 goals.

Thotal - a type of bet that implies the choice of the number of goals in the match. At the same time, the player has to decide which outcome is more likely: TB2.5 or TM2.5.

The first means "totaling more than 2.5", that is, 3 and more goals will be clogged, and the second "total is less than 2.5", that is, for the entire match at the gate will be less than 3 goals.

There is a similar type of football bet to the main line and is available in almost all bookmaker offices.

Time Match - a type of bet that requires a player to predict the outcome of both the first half and the entire match as a whole. As a result, he needs to actually predict the outcome, taking into account how events will develop.

Consider a small example. The rate "p2p1", where P deciphered as "victory", but numeral means team number, It will mean: in the first half, the club number 2 will score more goals, but in the match as a result, the second team will be a favorite.

Question 3. How to play a football tote?

Tote It is considered the most popular type of bet that the bookmaker office is offered to the player. It is played by both professional handicappers and ordinary people, moving by the desire to disrupt an impressive bank, many times higher than the rate.

What is a football tote?

First of all, it is worth understanding what the essence of this game is, and what is its rules. Basically, tote - this is an integrated rateincluding, usually, from 12 before 15 Football matches, the outcome of which is offered to predict. All of them are reduced to one coupon.

Football Tote

Usually, Tota draws appear on the BC sites a week before the start of the matches, and you can make a bet in a few minutes before the whistle of the referee, testifying to the beginning of the first game time included in the coupon.

Opposite the title of each match, three fields are placed. P1, P2. or H.. Putting a mark in one of them, you bet on victory any rival either draw. Preposing in a similar way the results of all matches included in the tote, it remains only to specify the amount of the bet and arrange a coupon in the BC.

The minimum amount of the bet on the tote is set to each offset at its discretion. Its average level is 40 R. The player has the opportunity to increase the likelihood of winning, putting immediately on 2 , and even on everything 3 The outcome of the most difficult to predict the match.

but In this case, each additional forecast automatically increases the minimum rate in arithmetic Progression. So, specifying in the coupon on 14 matches one way for each game you pay 40 R. For 15 options amount the rate will be already 80 r., when 16 – 160 r., when 19 – 1280 R. etc.

Totalizer attracts the opportunity to rip the large bank by making a minor rate. For the minimum win, it is enough to guess, as a rule, 9 Exodues. The more results you predict correctly, the most impressive prizes.

Guessing all outcomes takes more {!LANG-fdd6de767434f96a5a8b4c08ddf5d71b!}{!LANG-1f29e94629d6eced7dec73299041f408!}


  • {!LANG-422f929c2e8b480cadca8ca36655e5d1!}
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  • {!LANG-8e85cd87cfb7cd0cf380190f34cc0fba!}
  • {!LANG-be757f718d8f2b5a244fe90df243f42c!}


Note.{!LANG-c624af23c23a2369771d8500f621b720!} in 2012{!LANG-35bbd144eeafaab2fa9ad0d8c68f9988!} {!LANG-b43ff2843ec7f6bd69f39832b45fe96d!}


{!LANG-32fc6b482100b0cd5cb1fae97707c361!} {!LANG-4659c9e53d859869ebb29e798c1ebe0c!}{!LANG-78d59217efe24c7265ab3cc05ae49da2!}



{!LANG-a371981bb8f3f13496cd2ceb5540862d!} {!LANG-27b87332233cc2e0b03fe367685c11fa!}{!LANG-009bbe907b384351350e9184579bc584!}


{!LANG-938fb013f00beb2676c7c520d62fa35f!} {!LANG-101f79c31660ef59d3e3aaf6f09a22ad!} {!LANG-7322f3ff972f9813d3d8c4777ba0ab94!}{!LANG-eb1b2d552d1665a991a3729e5228a0d5!} {!LANG-85c26d0a366d9cb3388327bc18daa29d!}{!LANG-ca15506bda3e07be23e47a27cd239e00!}

For instance{!LANG-2e25cd25beac288ba2211483c341d26d!} 1000 {!LANG-e0fad5b142370823b6b4e79dbb910287!} 2 {!LANG-3943791d3ba4f246ecea6821ca4722a7!} 1000 {!LANG-de3f7ffabc11f0cf6ef1ddaffa4f3177!} {!LANG-4f2a20ea8bfe7d8497745e3dc487418f!}{!LANG-537d447223939f6d2661e6b4dfd9d0f7!} 3 2000 {!LANG-10b5378334e9da44851a17940ba104fe!} 1,5 500 R.

{!LANG-c16397dbb7bec2ca5658f78f7d9e09ce!} {!LANG-25c988acc451472d1e409a26dc598e0b!} or {!LANG-34d03aeb4bc2195ac2a10dffd5eb044f!}{!LANG-9f2e26674b09c47b972cf1fccb9acab2!} {!LANG-acdbb97e404adc64b9c4b7cd26a340c7!} {!LANG-62798ab103665d890cd073cce600ecec!} {!LANG-e36a2a61406a6d47c89a672ac7c79c83!}{!LANG-bb3b3655085fdf86c9f363cd2202922d!}

{!LANG-82b304a58e6b13cf362437b915c362cc!} 20 {!LANG-fed55992040438effa0460513bf62cb8!} 1/20*100 {!LANG-3eaa70aa571c0ea6b22e9d862ace88bf!} 5 .

{!LANG-95ed39dc171124cd8bd8d1cbc81a371b!} {!LANG-24ff1faaa3037a606e5652c9b1654d43!}{!LANG-1f02f0487c70978b271e79f3d0db6aa1!} {!LANG-8504495f5de96daa0f5e8dd40aab6988!}.


{!LANG-b4d636d6dd3b2fd5af9eb580be30dfc8!} {!LANG-e43edff8f83a24dc25c65707b44ce20c!}.


{!LANG-c44512a606afb055070ff1866e142588!} {!LANG-34175a9eb15c9212c8c886e556187b5f!} {!LANG-66804018f8c26d12f331615194eb5d01!}

{!LANG-870f5b273495cbd22607a980ca9fb404!} {!LANG-5ba4f907328164243bd1b96cadde041d!}{!LANG-1ce99584d3ec82f2bf067065f00be75d!}



  1. {!LANG-35f00d8ca7f9fe021b21334c59c440a1!}
  2. {!LANG-85b50940615979b75fb4620c11012af3!}
  3. {!LANG-73c861e0fc997385d40bf3d0eb21d8de!}
  4. {!LANG-ef93e26d03fe6492f14c72b0cdff13ba!}
  5. {!LANG-c2e964c0b942e11c8c55abad52d75525!}

{!LANG-cc397d158172d3e8cce24107bab5f330!} {!LANG-613727c6aba5abf39009e8a2523544b0!} {!LANG-1b8b05f08e9d6e2e7082e622338cb498!} .



{!LANG-0ccf2d4173a41605639760a1b5857d21!} "{!LANG-df92f4afdadbdb9c9b7ab5211cb8e13b!}" . {!LANG-419bc6b5c1f5487fae27bdbc0c624801!}

{!LANG-c4ac27a3f959ef1434d4978fadae502e!} {!LANG-4d73cb0324a8703f6cd6f08c6440ef01!} {!LANG-8ea372e471a7a5140fd5192325a884e7!} {!LANG-3f809a26109359c427fa52a1859db3fa!}{!LANG-64daff27b59d095d302d20037569c89c!} {!LANG-b702750492c23f049e687c9780f3a8e2!} {!LANG-65d06a20c91af6c671bacc813f83c878!}

{!LANG-918967a1f5ac32d0b1e67ee47e4cc30c!} 2016 {!LANG-8130312161544a21c3d585f3ad10cdeb!}


{!LANG-93b0aa60517ba87657af36024e47af23!} Live.{!LANG-70f43be2cded1c106dae1d7f95aae47f!}



{!LANG-525f977cc0e0570b0c19f4df39799ec8!} {!LANG-7506ea31878a4d5dff3baa634cd96d9c!}.

{!LANG-b339015b317ea204015752326d8d5168!} {!LANG-2c1f6f62ce6ff7ecc25df915ca69d2d6!}{!LANG-836941fc0a71bee67ae004c6627e87cf!}














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  • {!LANG-598d21f46d36a18ad6faf1cfc594c9a3!}






  1. {!LANG-161e284ecbe105be736475cd858be7ef!}
  2. {!LANG-823575e03634a3ae57cae95c2fce9864!}
  3. {!LANG-ed7d5edaa3e672cf80f73a279255fdfe!}
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  5. {!LANG-760d91b78aabd6b9ebe98235e40f8f92!}
  6. {!LANG-ed90ed660c22d526deb8fcd07cd60176!}


  1. {!LANG-123da3ed43096516922bcffc724e115e!}
  2. {!LANG-a2edb8e3411db27ad63917ea029f1df7!}
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  • {!LANG-2c926f982cc752261cd3f6c6303b0a1c!}
  • {!LANG-b87cca5b4b3da5a9c569b92cc25658d7!}








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  2. {!LANG-9a51a994629b126b7ba957fa2c7f441b!}
  3. {!LANG-5366e8b64d41fcbc4d8c8b2a65afa391!}
  4. {!LANG-be343c840252938957a928456d887bda!}
  5. {!LANG-5c7deba56a9603887e5d8d90e1cbe331!}












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