Hans Golbien Jr. "Ambassadors" is an outstanding masterpiece of the Renaissance. Vanitas Hans Golbaine, Ambassadors - Dark and Fluffy Second Skull on the Picture of Ambassador

Hans Golbien Junior.
Hans Golbien Jr. "Ambassadors" is an outstanding masterpiece of the Renaissance. Vanitas Hans Golbaine, Ambassadors - Dark and Fluffy Second Skull on the Picture of Ambassador

Portrait of French ambassadors

The main portrait of French Ambassadors Jean de Danteville and George de Selva, one of the largest (206 x 209 cm) and the magnificent pictures of Hans Golbienn younger, created during the heyday of his work. Double portraits were popular with the German painters of the Northern Renaissance from the end of the XV century. But for the Holbein, this canvas is rather an exception.

Diplomats from France are depicted in natural growth and surrounded by luxurious accessories. In the office lush rich drapery, numerous items and parts, emphasizing the intellect of these young, energetic people, their character, tastes and inclinations. Weekly poses, without prefabricated manners, emphasizes the dignity. Jean de Danteville and his friend were the heads of the French Embassy in England. Georges de Selva - 24-year-old Bishop Lavursky, was not only a diplomat, but also a scientist, a big music lover.

Golbaine depicted two people equal to his public situation. In those days, this was attached to this. The artist solved this task, placing the appearance of ambassadors symmetrically with respect to the center of the composition. Moreover, they do not look at each other, do not contact, but positive in front of the viewer, by raising insightful views on him. And if you try to divide the picture in two, you will get two independent, equal portraits.

The only thing about the models between themselves is flavoring the paintings - an exquisite color scheme, which includes dark green, black, pink and deep brown tones. Rich clothes, precious fur and velvet do not suppress their luxury, in this picture nothing speaks about the high cost of items, but only about their purpose, these are the attributes of science and arts, and not wealth as such. The formation of diplomats is emphasized by the heads of the European University graduates.

The picture was ordered by the diplomats themselves. Messengers dressed in the front clothes calmly and confidently look at the viewer. Golbaine is not deepening into the inner world of its models - they seem closed, restrained, as applied to aristocrats at the court of the king. And yet the evolution shows us noble aristocrats formed with versatile interests.where the spiritual person is interested in secular sciences, astronomical and geographic devices. Globe, musical instruments, a plot textbook of mathematics - emphasize the acquaintance of these young and very educated people with the humanistic ideas of the Renaissance era.

Hans Golbien Jr. (1497-1543 ) - Painter, one of the greatest German artists. The most famous representative of this family.

It One of the best portrait of your time. His drawing accuracy of the image was so good that the English king of Heinrich VIII, (who changed six wives), before it once again married, sent first to the bride of Hans Golbein, so that he painted her portrait.

But he became famous for others. The fact is that he included puzzles in the paintings, imperceptible or incomprehensible at first glance. Golbien had his own cipher, which other had to solve. ..

Z. golbein's outpatch in German art increases the fact that he suffered inGermany The flourishing of Italian Renaissance, without having lost its national nature - in his works are noticeable paths scheduled in portraitsDürera..

Today we will get acquainted with one of these paintings of the "ambassadors" 1533.

This double portrait of Golbein's brush is an outstanding masterpiece of the Renaissance.

Left, as installed, - 29-year-old French ambassador in EnglandJean de Dentievil, on right - Georges de Selv, Bishop Lavua, visiting London in April 1533. A young man is 25 years old, amazing how important missions he was entrusted at this age - he was a messenger at the Venice Republic and inVatican.

With many details of the picture, written by the artist extremely realistic, contrastly compared the strange item placed in the foreground of the canvas. It forms a symbolic series of this work, turning out to be a detailed consideration - a human skull distorted in perspective.

A lot of this skull in the 20th century is written - actually, it was he who did a masterpiece of Golbien so popular in the newest time.

The so-called anamorphosis is an optical deception. Of course, at the reproductions, this focus should not be done, but if, looking at the original painting, step by a couple of meters to the right and get up almost close to the wall, on which the picture hangs, the skull will take its natural shape. It can even take a picture.

Art historians argue that in the picture you can find three skulls! One - anamorphosis, the other - the brooch on the batch of de detectville, and the third - in the Anamorphosis Skull, you just need to look at a certain angle.

C. yerep is a symbol of death. By this allegorical, crossing the good part of the picture by the image, the artist spoke to everyone who could understand it: scientific discoveries, progress, church svaars, high positions, courses, money, power - everything is meaningless before the end that is waiting for each of us.

Whatever, always the end is one -death? Memento Mori. "This is the motto of Jean de Deterville."

This approach to the masterpiece of the Golbien makes the picture of the piercing allegories "fuss fuss."

So, on the table, next to a person standing on the right, a multifaceted sundial is lying. They (although it is not typical of the sunny clock) with its three arrows show the date of creation of the picture - April 11, 1533. The arm of the ambassador rests on the book, on the root of which the inscription is made on Latin: "He is 25 years old." The age of the second ambassador, (standing on the left), was inscribed in the pattern of dagger in his right hand. From there it is clear that he is 29 years old.

Globes, cards and measuring devices - tribute to a surge of scientific and geographical discoveries of that era. After all, only 41 years ago, Columbus opened a new light, but only 12 years before writing a picture Captain Juan Sebastian Del Kano, the first heated the globe on the ship "Victoria" than and proved in practice that the earth is round.

N. and the lower shelf rushes in the popular then musical instrument - lute. She is broken by one string. The researchers believe that the torn string symbolizes the church split associated with the reforms carried out at that time by Martin Luther.

The artist himself confirms this guess by placing a book with verses of Latin anthem, translated into German by Martin Luther.

So Golbaineshows the views of the Bishop of Selva and their views on the religious situation that existed then is to reform the church, but not separated from the Vatican.

Man if you want to be happy
And stay in God forever
You must adhere to the Ten Commandments,
Data to us by God.

And no matter how to confirm this, the crucifixion looks out of the velvet green curtain, God always follows us.
In this way Golbaine realizes the image of a double vision in its work - with the "direct" view of a person immersed in the routine of household life and not wanting to deal with the tragic metaphysics of earthly existence, death seems to be an illusory spot, which is not worth paying attention - but with "special"

(It is understood - the right, deep) look everything changes up to the opposite - death turns into a single reality, and the usual life in front of the eyes is distinguished, the values, acquiring the character of phantom, illusions.
Other works of the artist:

Venus and Cupid.

Portrait of Anna Klevskaya.

Portrait of Thomas Mora.

Henrich eighth sweat.

Portrait of Edward Sixth in childhood.

Portrait of a lady with a squirrel.

Portrait of a ferrette.

A little about the "ambassadors" of Golbien

When there is a conversation about the "ambassadors" of Golbien, first of all recall the "strange stain in the foreground of the picture", which at a certain angle takes on the outline of the skull.

Detail of a catchy - but in the "ambassadors" is interesting not only.

Two words about positive. The name "Ambassadors" Picture was quite late - art historians managed to establish who exactly depicted on this double portrait, a sibling of the work of the Golbein with a drawing of a French artist Jean Clou, on which on the reverse side it was stated that the model was served Jean de Dizhville:

In 1533, Jean de Dyntiewevil, who was "only" 29 years old, ended his stay as a ambassador at the English courtyard. Driving home, to France, he drove a friend, Bishop Lavorian Georges de Selv, 26 years old. He received bishoprosis in 1526, when he was only 17 years old. (According to all the rules, the duties of the bishop could not fulfill a person under 25 years old - but the king was interested in the translation and diplomatic talents of de Selva - and the churches had to come to terms).

The composition of the double portrait of the Golbaine written on the order of Jean de Dainville itself is unusual. Obviously, in drawing up a program for this picture and "configuration" (about the lower) astronomical instruments laid down on the table, Holbein helped his friend, astronomer and mathematician Nicaus, who worked at the English yard.

On the rack (or table), which is based on portrayed, decomposed: below - objects associated with the earthly, ridicular world, at the top - objects associated with the world of mountain, sky and astronomical observations: 2 gnomon

Their testimony allows you to accurately set the moment to which the scene presented in the picture is attached: this is April 11, 1533, a passionate Friday, 4 hours in the afternoon.

Thus, the presence of a crucifix in the upper left corner of the paintings becomes clear:

In this case, the composition chosen by the Golbean for the portrait is clearly correlated with the upcoming Cross of Our Lady and Apostle John:

Grunevald. Crucifixion 1523 - 1524.

In fact, the composition "ambassadors" is built on the effect of a significant absence: it is expected to be in the center, but not depicted - the cross on Calvary.

The courage of solutions of old masters is sometimes striking. The decision chosen by the Golbein is akin to the fact that it is involved in the Memling in his Diptyja Martin von Newvenkov, where Donator, represented on the right sash, is written in the mirror, hanging behind the back of Our Lady.

Memling. "Diptych Martin von Newvenkov." Detail

If you imagine that the Golbein portrayed on the picture is coming, it will become clear, by virtue of what the skull is present in the composition of the picture.

The Golbaine Skull clearly "reads" inside the picture, if you look at it at a certain angle, standing on the right of the canvas:

The optical effect used here is a golbean - anamorphosis, was rather known to the painters of that time. So, in one of the Franciscan monasteries, you can see the fresco, which, if we look at her frontal, perceived as a landscape:

And only at a certain coal of view, it acquires its "true" appearance:

It presents the Savior, the Bogman with the baby, the apostles Peter and Paul, St. Francis, taking stigmatics ...

Once in the Tretyakov Gallery, I heard the conversation of my mother with a small daughter in front of the picture of Vasily Surikov "Boya Morozova". Mom explained to the girl: "This is a rich lady, she is dressed in fur coats and goes in a carriage. And around the beggars and she does not look at them. " So that your child or friend has never heard a similar interpretation we begin the heading "Popcorn Art".

On the eve of the emerging spring depression, our edition decided to seek inspiration to the picture of Hans Golbienn of the younger "ambassador" and explain its meaning. So, consider it from all sides.

In the London National Gallery around the two-meter in the width and the length of the painting roam people. They bypass it from all sides and with a fading heart stop nearby. All this they do to solve the mystery hiding at the bottom of the painting.

German artist Hans Golbien Junior studied painting from his father - Hans Golbien senior, was the court painter King Henry VIII and wrote many portraits to order. One of them is a double portrait of the "ambassador" depicting two friends. On the left - French Ambassador Jean Detelville, the customer of the painting, on the right - the bishop of Lavura Georges de Selva.

With a careful consideration, the picture surprises us with an infinite number of details. Both friends are extremely versatile personalities, such as the Lomonosov of the XVI century. Objects on the shelf speak of their hobbies: astronomy (astronomical globe, gnomon, quadrant), geography (cards, globe, circulation), music (lute, flute case). Young people (both no more than 30) really engaged in the most different things, and also read a lot and traveled. Their lifestyle is ideal for a modern person: love for their work, immersion in intellectual life, eternal action and desire for development. This picture expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance and harmony - the forces of spiritual and physical, earthly and heavenly.

In general, the picture is static. First of all, the stability give vertical and horizontal straight, formed by the figures of young people, a shelf, the line of the edge of the carpet hanging from the shelters, carpet on the floor, drapering the curtains. But there is a diagonal that give the picture to the dynamics: the hands of the bishop and ambassador, lute and globe, the fold on the bishop's clothes, well, and, of course, a sharp diagonal of obscure origin at the bottom of the picture highlighting against the background of a realistic picture.

Hans Golbien Jr. was the world's first in the world, who used the anamorphosis technique - intentional form distortion to encrypt additional meaning in the picture. If you go away to the right edge of the picture and put on it with the right cheek (until the caretaker noticed in the gallery), you will see the perfect shape of the skull. The brilliant decision of the artist to capture in this way the symbol of death leads us to the design of the painting: life is full of interesting things and classes we are passionate about; We do not see and do not want to notice the death that is near. We immersed in our earthly affairs, we present death as something blurred and unclear. She is forever and invisibly present somewhere nearby, her outlines are foggy and dare. But that moment when she takes an ideal form, the rest of his life immediately distorts and becomes meaningless. Momento More.

This picture is encrypted about the appeal and continuous development. Live with a clear goal, stand firmly on the legs and be in harmony with earthly and heavenly. The inevitable will happen, but before that you have time to take your own life.

My friend recently opened a new way to me to go to the gallery, which is called "visit one picture." To do this, it is necessary to decide in advance which picture you want to see, come to her, stand up 20 minutes and immediately leave the museum. The way to penetrate and forever remember the impression donated by the brilliant canvas.

"Ambassadors" is one of those paintings that it is so important to see live. The doors to the National Gallery are always open, and the entrance is free, so feel free to take tickets to London and fly to visit this beautiful picture.

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Hans Golbien Jr. (1497-1543) - painter, one of the greatest German artists. The most famous representative of this family.
He is one of the best portraits of his time. His drawing accuracy of the image was so good that the English king of Heinrich VIII, (who changed six wives), before it once again married, sent first to the bride of Hans Golbein, so that he painted her portrait.

But he became famous for others. The fact is that he included puzzles in the paintings, imperceptible or incomprehensible at first glance. Golbaine had his own cipher, which others had to solve ...
The value of the Golbaine in German art increases the fact that it suffered a flourishing of Italian revival to Germany, without having lost its national nature - in his work, the paths scheduled in portraits of Durer are noticeable.

Today we will get acquainted with one of these paintings of the "ambassadors" 1533.
This double portrait of Golbein's brush is an outstanding masterpiece of the Renaissance.
On the left, as established, - 29-year-old French ambassador to England Jean de Dentiev, right - Georges de Selv, Bishop Lavua, visiting London in April 1533. A young man is 25 years old, striking how many important missions he was entrusted at this age - he He was a messenger at the Venice Republic and in the Vatican.

With many details of the picture, written by the artist extremely realistic, contrastly compared the strange item placed in the foreground of the canvas. It forms a symbolic series of this work, turning out to be a detailed consideration - a human skull distorted in perspective.
A lot of this skull in the 20th century is written - actually, it was he who did a masterpiece of Golbien so popular in the newest time.

The so-called anamorphosis is an optical deception. Of course, at the reproductions, this focus should not be done, but if, looking at the original painting, step by a couple of meters to the right and get up almost close to the wall, on which the picture hangs, the skull will take its natural shape. It can even take a picture.
Art historians argue that in the picture you can find three skulls! One - anamorphosis, the other - the brooch on the batch of de detectville, and the third - in the Anamorphosis Skull, you just need to look at a certain angle.

Skull is a symbol of death. By this allegorical, crossing the good part of the picture by the image, the artist spoke to everyone who could understand it: scientific discoveries, progress, church svaars, high positions, courses, money, power - everything is meaningless before the end that is waiting for each of us.
Whatever, always the end of one is death? Memento Mori is such a motto Jean de Deterville. The approach to the masterpiece of the Golbein makes the picture of the piercing allegories "fuss fuss."

So, on the table, next to a person standing on the right, a multifaceted sundial is lying. They (although it is not typical of the sunny clock) with its three arrows show the date of creation of the picture - April 11, 1533. The arm of the ambassador rests on the book, on the root of which the inscription is made on Latin: "He is 25 years old." The age of the second ambassador, (standing on the left), was inscribed in the pattern of dagger in his right hand. From there it is clear that he is 29 years old.

Globes, cards and measuring devices - tribute to a surge of scientific and geographical discoveries of that era. After all, only 41 years ago, Columbus opened a new light, but only 12 years before writing a picture Captain Juan Sebastian Del Kano, the first heated the globe on the ship "Victoria" than and proved in practice that the earth is round.
On the bottom shelf, the musical instrument is striking the musical instrument - lute. She is broken by one string. The researchers believe that the torn string symbolizes the church split associated with the reforms carried out at that time by Martin Luther.

The artist himself confirms this guess by placing a book with verses of Latin anthem, translated into German by Martin Luther.
So Golbaine shows the views of the bishop of Selva and their views on the religious situation that existed then is to reform the church, but not separated from the Vatican.
Man if you want to be happy
And stay in God forever
You must adhere to the Ten Commandments,
Data to us by God.

And no matter how to confirm this, the crucifixion looks out of the velvet green curtain, God always follows us.
Thus, the Golbaine in its work realizes the image of double - with the "direct" view of a person immersed in the routine of household life and not wanting to deal with the tragic metaphysics of earthly existence, death seems to be an illusory spot, which is not worth paying attention - but when special "
(It is understood - the right, deep) look everything changes up to the opposite - death turns into a single reality, and the usual life in front of the eyes is distinguished, the values, acquiring the character of phantom, illusions.

Text with illustrations.http: //maxpark.com/community/6782/content/1912116