Galina Volchek that with health. Why Galina Wolchek in a wheelchair: health problems and nervous work

Galina Volchek that with health. Why Galina Wolchek in a wheelchair: health problems and nervous work
Galina Volchek that with health. Why Galina Wolchek in a wheelchair: health problems and nervous work

On December 19, Galina Borisovna Volchek turned 85 years old by a remarkable actress and artistic director of the Sovremennik theater. Students, friends, and colleagues came to congratulate the talented woman with this significant date. A huge bouquet of flowers was presented by birthday President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Did not miss the birthday of his close girlfriend and Alla Pugachev.

The celebration in honor of the birthday girl was arranged in the walls of her native theater "Contemporary", which Volchek is led since 1972. Galina Borisovna was awarded a telegram signed by the first person of the state.

"Faith in a high purpose of art, responsible attitude towards his vocation, love for his native theater and viewers - fully embodied in your inspirational work, in the ministry of Russian culture, people, and the country, have gained continuous authority and great respect for you," the message quotes Russian president Kremlin press service.

His director and teacher congratulated Christina Orbakayte, who recently plays the main role in the play of Galina Volchek "Two on the Swing." And Alla Borisovna Pugacheva prepared felt speech for his expensive girlfriend.

Legendary women closely communicate over long and often appear together at various events. Looking at the photo, many did not fail to note that in their 85 Galina Volchek looks no worse than Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, which is preparing for the 70th anniversary. The director moves mainly on a wheelchair, but it does not prevent it from productively lead the theater.

Galina Volchek stood at the origins of the formation of the theater "Contemporary". Together with the group of young artists, under the leadership of Oleg Efremov, she created a troupe, which made a stream of fresh air into a sharp theatrical world. His first performance Galina Borisovna delivered when she was only 29 years old. It was her that the team of the theater entrusted the leadership when Oleg Efremov offered to lead MCAT.

The first husband of Galina Volchek was the famous artist Evgeny Evstigneev. In this marriage, their common son Denis appeared. The family union lasted only nine years. Evustagneyev had a romantic passion on the side, and the wolf itself gathered him a suitcase. Soon Galina Borisovna married Doctor of Technical Sciences Mark Abelian. He was a smart and subtle man, but terribly jealous his star spouse. Across nine years and this marriage broke up.

Now the wolf in everything relies on the help and support of his son. Denis Evstigneev made a successful career in a movie as director, operator and producer.

The Moscow Theater "Contemporary" is considered one of the best in Russia. Thanks to the star cast and of course, the artistic leader, who has recently, is not easy to work. Why is Galina Wolche in the wheelchair and how does she manage to cope with the duties?

These and many other questions are trying to respond to people who have noticed sharp changes, both the appearance of the actress and the arthritus and its lifestyle.

health State Galina Wolf

Photo: Rosenberg_david.

In fact, you should not panic, feels a woman quite self-sufficient. There are many health problems, however, in its solid age is normal. December 19, the artist was 85 years old. She managed to survive older "Contemporary", among which we remember Oleg Efremova, Nina Doroshin, Oleg Tabakov ... Moreover, Galina Borisovna is older than all those who started an acting career with her many years ago: Valentin Gaft, Leia Ahacedzhakova, Marina Neelova ...

Panhid took place in her native theater, and many colleagues on the workshop came to say a few forgive words by Nina Mikhailovna.

Among them was Galina Volchek, who for many years he heads the "contemporary". The present noticed that Galina Borisovna looked exhausted and sick.

84-year-old wolf brought to a mourning ceremony in a wheelchair. She barely held back tears and hid the swimming eyes under the dark glasses. The view from Galina Borisovna was so painful that many seemed to be paralyzed.

In fact, the famous actress and director for several years has not been fully walking due to strong pain in the back.

Experts put Galina Volchek diagnosis - intervertebral hernia. Reminted hernias disks poorly fix body vertebra in physiological axis, increasing the load on the muscles and causing unbearable pain. With this diagnosis, an urgent operation is sometimes assigned.

Galina Borisovna appealed to the Israeli Center for Spinal Surgery, where one of the most famous specialists in the world in this area - Surgeon Ilya Pekarsky.

At one time, he made an operation on the spine Evgeny Plushenko, helped Stanislav Govorukhin and other Russian stars. The main problem is that the wolf does not have a very strong heart, so the operation can lead to fatal consequences.

In recent years, the wolf has emerged several times in the intensive care unit with various diagnoses. The position of the artistic director of the complex creative team daily brings stresses and nervous situations.

On the Panihid on Nina Doroshina Khratuka Theater "Contemporary" Galina Volchek brought in a wheelchair. Black glasses and a mourning handkerchief added a mournfulness of the already distant actress and director from the blooming type. It seemed exhausted and sick.

Galina Borisovna this year will celebrate the 85th anniversary. She is older than all the leading artists of the Sovremennik - Lii Ahacedzhakova, Valentina Gafta, Marina Nelaova. And I survived everyone, with whom I began to build a "contemporary" - Nina Doroshin, Oleg Tabakova, Oleg Efremova. But over the years she is more difficult to lead, put the performances, stay in the ranks ...


Galina Volchek has big health problems. Many, first seen her in a wheelchair, even whispering that the famous director was paralyzed. In fact, it has serious problems with the spine - the intervertebral hernia. Wolf - a lady with forms, so the weight of her body presses on intervertebral discs, creating unbearable pain and interfere with move without support. Moreover, since 2014, the disease is said in the theater, progresses.

Wolchek was observed at Dr. Ilya Pekarsky - one of the most famous vertebrolov and spinal surgeons in Israel and the world, who at one time he treated Evgeny Plushenko. But from the operation Galina Borisovna refused. After all, everything is familiar with this problem know that the operations on the spine are one of the dangerous. MRI is carried out, and only if it turns out that hernia squeezes the spinal cord or its root, surgical intervention is assigned, but it does not guarantee 100% success. And the wolf is performed interferes with the sick heart. It is worth noting that constant stress and nerves in the life of the Derukok and the director also led to the problems light and to hypertension.

Galina Volchek at its age has time for everything. It is a popular actress, theatrical and cinemalampics of which are known to many admirers of her artistic talent.

Artist raised not one generation of the most prominent actors and actresses of the Russian film industry. A talented woman awarded a large number of diverse awards. Among them, at a special place, it is worth the title of "People's Artist of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" and the Order received for merits to the Fatherland.

In its piggy bank, the premiums of the most prestigious film festivals, including some of the leader. She is a self-sufficient person who has achieved everything. Her life and creative fate are interested in many lovers of Soviet and Russian cinema.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Galina Volchek

This dramatic actress has become famous in the past century. Fans of Soviet cinema was already known to all about it, including growth, weight, age. How many years Galina Volchek is also not secret for seven seals. Soon the star of the Russian film industry will celebrate its 84th birthday. But to talk about the age of our heroine does not like. She declares, then this is not interesting for anyone, but the memory itself is in oppressing about the number of lived years.

The artist has an increase in 163 cm with a weight of 63 kg. But recently, weight data is constantly changing. This is due to the health status of the artist.

Galina Borisovna Volchek, a photo in youth and now which is significantly different, recently chained to a wheelchair. But the admirers of her talent and loved ones hope that this strong woman will be able to cope with health problems.

Biography and personal life of Galina Volchek

Children's years actresses fall into the most severe years in the history of our country. The girl was born at the end of December in 1934. She was born with black hair, so parents decided to call it a check mark.

She remembers that it was terribly proud that Moscow became the capital of the Soviet Union. On the formation of a famous actress provided her family. Father - Boris Israelich Volchek was famous in the Soviet Union filmmaker. He wrote scenarios to many Soviet films and then removed them. Mother - Faith Isaakovna Mimin was a very famous screenwriter.

From childhood, young girl was fond of reading books. Exercising perfectly at school, our heroine goes to study at MCAT, where the biography and personal life of Galina Volchek began. Since 1955, the star of Soviet and Russian cinema works in the "Studio of young actors". Its colleagues are popular in the future artists: Oleg Efremov, Evgeny Evstigneev and many others. Later from this "Studio" appeared to the well-known "contemporary".

Our heroine has conquered the public with its theatrical roles. For example, she brilliantly played in "Three Comrades" and "Ordinary History", with whom almost the whole world came across and conquered her talent of the theater and critics.

In marriage, our heroine joined twice. For the first time her spouse became a colleague in the "contemporary" Evgeny Evstigneev, from whom she gave birth to a sole son. For the second time, the woman married a scientist. But they were very different, which led to the divorce.

Family and children Galina Wolf

Our heroine is proud that she was born in a creative family. Father and mother were constantly engaged in work. But it did not prevent them from paying great attention to their daughter a tick, as they called it. The girl dreamed that her family and children would be very happy. Parents supported the girl in her desire to become an artist.

In the media that era it was written that the family and children of Galina Wolchek are a forbidden topic for our heroine, but it is not. She always told in detail about loved ones.

The only thing that the star of the theater and cinema regrets is what was able to give birth to only one son. Denis is very popular now. He is a famous director and producer. Currently, he lives a civil marriage with a girl named Catherine.

Son Galina Volchek - Denis Evstigneev

Galina Volchek his only son at the end of October 1961. Interestingly, for 2 weeks, the boy did not have a name. The young mother herself wanted to call him Alexey, and her husband - Evgeny Evstigneev wanted to name the firstborn Vladimir. Help the mother of Galina. She suggested calling the boy as fate says. Having writes 15 names on paper, parents pulled a note with the name Denis, so the boy was so named.

Son Galina Volchek - Denis Evstigneev is now a very famous director. He is the owner of numerous awards not only to the Russian Federation, but also the Soviet Union.

Denis was never married. He was on the threshold of this several times, but every time he pretended to him. He has no children, but Galina Volchek hopes that the Son will ever give her grandson or granddaughter.

Former husband Galina Volchek - Evgeny Evstigneev

A boy was born into one of the autumn rainy days of 1926. The family lived poorly. Just after a few classes in school, Evgeny went to work. Father made him at the plant, in which the future popular artist of the theater and the cinema worked for several years. The only invented young worker was to participate in theatrical circle at the native factory. Immediately after the war, he enters one of the theater schools.

It also got acquainted with the future wife. They needed to play a married couple. After a kiss, in the stories of the Evgeny Evstigneev himself, he as an honest person was obliged to marry. Soon the happy union strengthened after the birth of the son of Denis. In the early 70s, popular actors were drove, but until the end of the days Evgenia Evstigneev, they communicated like friends.

The former husband of Galina Volchek - Evgeny Evstigneev played in a large number of movies. Movie lovers still watch them, although the popular artist died in the early 90s of the last millennium.

Former husband Galina Volchek - Mark Abaleev

The second spouse of the popular artist was in no way connected with the movie and the theater. The boy was born in the mid-30s. According to the passport, his birth falls on 35 years old, but in fact the boy was born in 1934. For what reason it was recorded for a year later, unknown.

From the children's years he had a dream to tie his life with science. The young man graduated from the Moscow Technical University.
Galina Volchek met with Mark on one of the parties among common friends. What attracted her in a man, the movie star is now difficult to answer. Soon they began to live together. But after a few years the marriage collapsed.

Now the former husband of Galina Volchek - Mark Abaleev writes annually scientific work. He is the director of the center engaged in innovation. After the divorce with Galina, Abelian never married, he had no children.