Guides and secrets Nier: Automata - how to get the quest memories of Emil, collect all the flowers of the moon tears and get the Lunar Tar trophy. Passage of Quest of the Legacy of the past in Nier: Automata - Location of relics

Guides and secrets Nier: Automata - how to get the quest memories of Emil, collect all the flowers of the moon tears and get the Lunar Tar trophy. Passage of Quest of the Legacy of the past in Nier: Automata - Location of relics
Guides and secrets Nier: Automata - how to get the quest memories of Emil, collect all the flowers of the moon tears and get the Lunar Tar trophy. Passage of Quest of the Legacy of the past in Nier: Automata - Location of relics

IN. Nier: Automata..

"Pascal Asked You to Collect Information Pertaining to the Old World. Bring Back Any Interesting Tidbits That You Find."

"The Information Pertained To Nuclear Weapons From The Old World. It Could Be Dangerous in The Wrong Hands, So It Might Be Best to Hand It Over to the Commander. Make a Choice and Deliver The Intel to Either Pascal or the Commander"

"You Attempted to Deliver The Nuclear Weapon Intel to Pascal, But He refused to Accept Such Dangerous Information"

"You Delivered The Nuclear Weapon Intel to Commander, Who Promised to Store It in Safe Location. AS Token of Appreciation, Maintenance Materials Have Been Placed in 9s" S Room. "

Data On The Old World Objectives

  1. Find Archives ABOUT THE OLD WORLD
  2. Deliver The Information on the Old World to Pascal
  3. Decide If You Should Give Nuclear Fission Information to Pascal or the Commander

Data On The Old World Rewards

  • 8,000G.

Nuclear Fission Information Given to Pascal:

  • 3,000G.
  • 1,300 Exp

Giving The Information to Command:

  • 5000G.
  • Stun +6 chip.

Data On The Old World Walkthrough

  • This Quest IS Available on Your Second Playthrough, When You Are 9s and Can Access Locked Chestes.
  • Find All The Archives Related to Old World Information. These Are Locked and Hidden Inside Chestes Around The World.
  • The Only Old World Information You Need to Find to Complete The Quest Is The Nuclears Arms Manual. The Locked Chest Containing This Is Located Near The City Ruins: Near The Tower Access Point, Inside A Nearby Destroyed Building with Large Tree Roots Wrapped Around It. After Transporting to the City Ruins and The Building Will Be Ahead of You. The Chest Is Located Within The Lowest Accessible Floor of Three Floors.
  • Once You Obtain Information on Nuclear Weapons, a Choice Is Available: Give The Information to Pascal or to the Commander. Giving It to Pascal Has No Negative Effects, As He Refuses The Information and Rewards You Anyway.
  • This Ends The Quest


  • Using Chapter Select If You Haven "T Turned in Data On The Old World You Have to Get The Book Again from the Cext Even If You Already Have The Archive / Item Item It" S Associated With (If You Load A Savefile That Had Gotten It You CAN TURN IT IN).
  • You can Simply Locate and Turn in the Nuplear Weapons Information Wort Obtaining All Old World Information. Pascal Will Give You g for Each Piece of Information, But Only The Nuclear Weapon Manual Is Necessary to Complete The Quest.

Life in orbit is unitualized, although the androids develop not only with the help of modern technologies, but also reading books from the long forgotten past. But their main goal is the war.

Square Enix pleasantly surprised all the fans of the creativity of Yoko Tarot and gave him a second chance, stretching out of his big "bag" of the beautiful games of the past year the name and decent budget. Yoko himself told about it not very willingly and, according to him, the Square ENIX bosses were impressed with fanatical followers of the first part, as well as the concept of a new game he put on the table.

Production threatened and staying on paper, and Tarot himself was preparing to leave, but the leadership of the Japanese company took the final decision to approve the continuation of one of the most ambiguous games in the one's "bag of masterpieces" Square Enix, which was facilitated by a good financial situation in the company. Tarot rehabilitated for past failures or not, I will try to tell about it further.

Nier Automata has already entered the PS4 and PC, and although our review was slightly delayed, we prepared you really have a volumetric material without extremes and fanvisu. For the first time we decided to go for the format of previous reviews and this time we will tell even the story of this mysterious and strange universe, because many of our subscribers who have not previously encountered this series, when the Automata could not know why everything happened and how I was here .


So, you will be surprised, but the beginning of the history of the Nier Universe lies in the fifth ending of the Drakengard game, which went on PS2 under the guidance of the same Yoko Taro. According to the plot of Drakengard, in modern Japan 2003 at the time of the game is released, or rather in Tokyo, a giant Queen Beast moved and a heroine of the game was dealing with her.

However, this did not end with this, and after the death of monster the city was added a monstrous epidemic that kills all the living and turning people in the Berserkov-Shadows. The disease was called "white chlorination syndrome" and spread very quickly in the city. Most contaminated turned into the shadows, becoming uncontrolled and crazy creatures. They were called the Legion, with whom he had to fight unreleased people.

Infection covered the whole country, and scientists could not find a medicine from the disease, therefore it was decided to develop a Gestalt plan, the purpose of which consisted in cloning people, and put the souls infected into the clones. For this, both Androids have created, which should have been controlled by the cloning process.

Events in Tokyo, deployed in 2003, caused the emergence of Laura Nier.

The "Gorsalt" initiative moved successfully, and at one fine moment the clones (or "replicants) gained the ability to feel, unfortunately for ordinary people. From that moment on, humanity was doomed to slow extinction, and a few years later, it was finally ceased to exist.

The world was in the authorities of the replicant clones, and in 3361, even before the extinction of people, in fact, the events of the first Nier game occur, where, as in Drakengard, several endings are provided, and one of them is a continuation of Automata.

The main hero of NIR by ignorance becomes the project "Gestalt.

As in Drakengard, four endings were provided in the game, and Automata is a continuation of the fourth of them (ending D). The protagonist of the Games of the Nier begins to repair the obstacles to the Gestalt project and encourages people for extinction, although replicants continue to exist in different parts of the planet. Then the threat was made to the ground in the form of alien machines, and for several thousand years, people still lost and fled to the moon.

From there they send android combat teams to stop the invasion of cars.

So the earth looks like in the 12th millennium in Tarot Fantasy, tormented by endless wars.

So, 11941 years of our era (and this is that you understand, almost 8 thousand years after the events of the first game), and another Android team called Yorha goes to the ground. Among its members and two protagonists: 2B and 9S.

The goal is to destroy the cars and the return of mankind to the native cradle, which became quite someone else's for the human race, since the mechanical puppets-invaders dominate on the Millennium planet, who here build their own independent life from those who have gone into oblivion of the owners, which you will learn more in the game .

Following the instructions of the Yorha headquarters, which is located on the orbital station, two protagonists will face the "robosocium", which only in the first glance seems cold and metallic, but for the millennium wars, even alien machines can be tired of battles, and their artificial mind evolving through the system failure .

But the key task will remain unchanged - it is to return to humanity and know absolutely the whole truth, and for this you will need to go through the game several times. Two androids are planted on the ground and, helping local forces resistance-android, begin their routine work. But everything changes when 2B and 9S will learn more about the dolls that the same fate as the creators of android have suffered. What, ask you - to solve this riddle you will have to get the game more than once, because if you want to know the whole truth, get ready for a very long journey and testing. And those people who will still be unsatisfied, it is worth running away and look for gestalt or replicant, so much carefully translated by fans on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Without protocols, the owners artificial intelligence began to develop himself on the helix of human history.

To quite avoid spoilers, the first passage is just a small part of the game that puzzles you even more than you will find answers. The story will continue as soon as you start the second passage, but for another android. It is there that the developers are at least more clearly, they will answer the basic plot issues, including the background, and once again, but with another approach, indirectly retell the Gestalt final.

Many famous gaming journalists and reviewers are custody when they tell you that after the first passage you will feel some kind of inactive and dissatisfaction. Nothing like this. In fact, the path to the rayster only begins. You have to get answers to all significant events not only covered by the AUTOMATA period, but also previously taking place in the universe series.

What happened to people? What is the goal of adroids? What drives alien machines and who created them? What is this creature and why war is going on by millennia? Are there any dreams of android?

In general, the plot is simple and susceptible to the strong influence of the West in contrast to the predecessor, but the individual plot elements deserve admiration. It will not be ploty pyruets, as in the first part, but the developers, as I believe, deliberately went on such a way, borrowing the story of the story of the Western scientific fiction games, and Yoko Tarot himself may well read and just adore writers of the Cyberpank genre, handwriting which slip up as AUTOMATA passing.


Many players who have passed the demo version and not played to the first Nier, it would be mistaken to be an opinion that the game is linear and completely corridor, but this is not so.

Prologue was really so, but everything changes as soon as you land on the open location, where you immediately hint that it is primarily RPG with an open world and unhurriedly studying locations, and not a speed slash like Ninja Gaiden. And besides, seasoned at once with several genres - SHOOT EM UP with Bullet Hell and platformer, though, mostly waiting for you to race overlooking the third party.

The game world AUTOMTA is at the same time plus and minus games. Plus lies in the striking beauty, effectively replacing each other locations throughout the passage, and minus is the emptiness of objects on these locations.

Suppose, in the game there are many buildings, floors, broken stairs and mountains of garbage, where emptiness is present, and it is very striking, even when you do, for example, the same grind that is necessary because in many empty rooms is valuable for you Lout.

Of course, here the chain is still drawn and graphic problems, together with the terrible for 2017 textures that would not be noticed simply will not work, as well as ignore this deficiency when making a final assessment. But the empty world partly smoothes a magnificent soundtrack, which I will also write about later, as well as the amazing inhabitants of its inhabitants, created by the unrestrained fantasy of the Chief Head of the Joco Tarot Development.

An example is an example - an amusement park, where the exhausted war robots in beautiful outfits are performed by carnival dancing, let out salutes and support the similarity of the past human life, despite the fact that everything comes in running. And already in the next location, you will explore the settlement of Pascal overlooking the side, as in Platformer, along the way, amazing new visual techniques that Platinum Games are thinking so carefully.

Stunning views in Nier: Automata are few, but you will call you a whole storm of emotions.

Of course, the Game World of Automata did not cost without self-photography, but in the modern gaming industry, it does not seem indecent, if, of course, it is appropriate and appropriate for certain events. So, the loyal fans of Tarot creativity in the first hours will see the familiar locations from Nier: Gestalt or Replicant (depending on which version of which version is played). And although these landscapes were visited and brought into a new world, the quality of the game does not suffer from this and definitely causes nostalgic feelings from veterans, and someone will make them make dust from the forgotten disk of the first part.

Game mechanics

Your Android 2B, like other protagonists, is the so-called "motherboard" on which you can arrange the chips necessary for strengthening and skills (plugins).

These are elements that will simplify your passage and are divided into several categories:

  • Systemic (HUD). Allows to display the level of enemies, text with the current goal on the screen, automatically hide the HUD element in certain situations, the outbreak of the icon that will tell you that in this area it is possible to manually save from the menu, display exp, etc..
  • Attacking. There will increase the chance of a critical damage, add a shock wave to weapons, allow you to calculate the movement in order to apply the maximum oncoming damage, increase the power of charges, the strength of the far and near attack, and under certain conditions, if, suppose your health has dropped below 25%
  • Protective. Everything is also clear here. You need to pick up and configure chips to reduce the damage that you missed from the enemy and up to restoration / improve your own HP.
  • Support. Auto-attack, which can only be used in the easiest level of complexity, and also increase the experience gained, movement speed, dodaming distance, objects falling, recharging your POD and other
  • Breaking into. The most sophisticated chips in my opinion. Allowed at a distance to bring the enemy in order by hacking its processor, like stunning, fire, explosion and remote control.

The game will delight in the first passage of the good-quality slash, but do not share - Action RPG with tactical solutions will be surprised in the new passage.

It is worth noting that your motherboard on which the above is installed is not infinite and you will have to unlock for the currency on it a new place. This is necessary to install chips that occupy depending on the efficiency of more space. Similarly, for money, you will have to buy chips themselves, if you do not want to knock them out in battle.

In addition to chips of improving your attack, you will also be offered to improve your weapons, increasing its level and factor damage. To do this, you need to search for the necessary items to improve, however, you can test another weapon that is sold from merchants to union bases or is in secluded places on game locations. In the game you can make beautiful and powerful combo from a set of two types of weapons that you have in the menu. You can switch between them, the effect of this will exceed all your expectations.

Do not stop on the same set, buy and other weapons, experiment and you get your perfect combo, which will be a weighty argument in an exciting battle with another boss.

The elements of the slash are not always present, the second protagonist will not be effective blows - you will take up tactical actions at a distance, allowing your partner 2b to be almost the only shock force, and at this time you will penetrate into the enemy processor, taking control of its main functions I'll tell you next.

Get ready, now there will be a Shoot Em Up in a crazy rhythm, flavored Bullet Hell.

In the journey, along with the partner-android, your personal POD will always be nearby - this is such a small flying robot that provides you with support both in the fights and in the study of different parts of the world.

This robot is very useful in battle, it has all firearms, both weak and powerful - requiring recharge. Powerful skills can be like offensive (shot with a laser that causes a big damage one or a group of opponents) and defensive (shields and security systems with damage, which are spinning around your android).

Programs for powerful attacks can be bought from android at bases, which also represents greater variability in the fights. Pods are divided into several types: with a basic weapon that cannot be replaced, but at the start you will only have a POD C Gatling, and with laser weapons that make more damage to certain types of machines.

In the journey, along with the partner-android, your personal POD will always be nearby - this is such a small flying robot that provides you with support both in the fights and in the study of different parts of the world.

In the game there are three protagonists, like three full-fledged plot-related passages, and many events echoes each other. In the Nier Automata, together with the change of the character, also changes the game mechanics, to get used to which it is hard. If 2b prefers a close contact battle and slash, then 9s loves to keep the enemy at a distance and uses much more tactics than his "girlfriend". The guy can successfully continue to the enemy robot and after the victory in a mini-game for a time called hacking, blow up the enemy in the thick of his partners, applying damage around the square, or intercept the management of the robot and use all his fighting capabilities (the player fully intercepts the robot management ), And believe them is not a little, or just make it fight side by side.

Together with the new protagonist, the interaction in the surrounding world is changing - now you can crack and open pelleted boxes with a valuable melt, the doors that you can find rare weapons and opponents with chips. In other words, the game for 9s will give you a million new sensations, including the basic genre variety of slasher and Action RPG, despite the fact that in fact repeats the history of the previous protagonist in terms of identical quests.

All your experience, items and so on after the first passage will be transferred to a new game with 9s, so you can always return to those quests, the difficulty of which inspired you horror at the first passage.

In the sea, using Pod, you can catch as a fish that is valued well from traders, as well as someone else's POD with a laser.

The game is greatly using other genres, especially the Shoot EM UP, seasoned by Drive Bullet Hell - in the first passage, the developers are trying to keep the balance, but already for the second protagonist will allow plenty of satisfaction with such stylized patients.

You will also meet the mission overlooking the side, but the platformer in the game is much weaker than other brought classical mechanics. Perhaps the main drawback is the engine of the game, and in the "platform" fights you can easily lose your character in the thick of the battles on the limited square of the location and skip the enemy attack that will be fatal. And if you will be little Bullet Hell in the first passage, the beginning of the game with 9s will pay a deficiency in it.

The game has fallen android players, they can be fixed and they will fight with you, or extract useful lout and money. The second option is more preferable.


The game has a stunning soundtrack written by the ingenious Katie Obaland and Monaka Studio. It is possible to state with solid confidence that it is the music that is the strongest side of the game and almost always smoothes abundant graphic flaws that do not allow to fully enjoy the atmosphere of a distant future.

In each location, the melodies are replaced: in the post of the apocalyptic city there are calm and almost pacifying melodies, which all sounds and the surrounding picture symbolize the serenity of what is happening on the screen and the remains of the once powerful human civilization.

In the amusement park, the melody replaces the solemn, as if you are really present in the center of the big holiday, just instead of human voices and happy smiles, you see silent elegant robots, spreading confetti and dancing your strange dance. The same applies to other locations - the composer sensually picked up the necessary sound for each of them.

I note that such a feed may not like many, however, developers are trying to maintain interest, by portions also adding gameplay elements and new features previously inaccessible in the previous passage.

Recommend the new project Yoko Tarot, you can both fans of his creativity and other players who are not afraid of experiments and new ideas in games where you need not only to read between the lines, but also in part yourself, spinning your imagination.

The review is written on the basis of a digital copy provided by the beech distributor.

After a conversation with the head of the resistance, you will get your next quest. It will lead you to flooded city (flooded city). Here you have to destroy the huge car of Goliath, dismissing his Amy generator. And at the end you need to fight the boss - Eve. Want to know how to cope with it easily and just? Read on!

Flooded city.

Move towards the Red Marker, jumping over the ruins, because the whole city is flooded. You will find open space with robots, you need to first be divided with them. After that, you will receive a commander's message that you should help the carrier of the supplies. Using a flying device, fly to the ruins of the city. Destroy on your way all enemies have not yet achieved the carrier Blue Ridge II.

The following task is to destroy 25 levels of flying goliath. After his destruction, the enemy will appear much more serious and it will be able to completely destroy the carrier in the ocean. First you need to place the sensor, Amy generator on the back. Slowly fly around, avoiding the attacks of the laser and destroy the generators. You need to destroy the four burning balls and one big in the middle. This is Amy Generator. As soon as you destroy everything, go to the center and use the gun on the shore, shoot right in the mouth of the enemy. After that, he will come ashore and 9s will offer another strategy for its destruction. Return and re-destroy the generator again.

You can see a large generator on top on the back. As soon as you destroy it, the next attack from the gun will destroy the enemy finally. Having come into consciousness, head to the resistance camp and talk to their leader on dynamic scanners located the location of weak signals of black boxes. Find in the twin camp and discuss the scanners with them. Relieve the device with new features using the menu commands - Skills\u003e Pod Programs: Pod A\u003e A170: Scanner. Wide again in Flooded City on the coast, activate the scanner and move around to find survivors. Approaching the target, your device will flash. Looking around on the sides until you find a soldier near the broken bus, he will tell you about the location of 9s. Follow the marker, and it will lead you to Copied City.

Copied City.

The passage of Copied City is pretty simple, you only need to follow the red marker at the bottom of the card. Combate with Adam, his attacks are too predictable, and you can easily reject them. Despite the fact that this is a 25-level enemy with a high level of health and damage, you will not be difficult to defeat it. By killing it, go to 9s. You will receive a message from the commander about the new task 2b. Players will need to collect secret information about the strange behavior of the machines. Pascal will give the coordinates of an abandoned factory, where it will be necessary to investigate.

Twisted Religion.

Go with Pascal, on the way you will meet a bunch of robots, talk to the priest and follow him. Later you need to fight them at the lowest level of the factory, the robots will be a lot and your task is to escape through the elevator. Follow the marker to the top level of the factory. When you finally achieve the goal, on your way will be the Goliath of the 30th round form with the energy field around itself. As soon as 9s turns off the electrical network, you can defeat the opponent. Go to the roof past the elevator, and then to the resistance camp.

In the next scene, you will see how the hermit robots kill the camp members. Destroy them and talk to the leader. When you go out into the street, then come across the level of the 28th level and it will turn into a round metal ball, and you have to fight simultaneously with it and other attacking robots from all sides. At this moment, 9s will come to your aid, destroying the car.

The next fight with the twin Adam - EVE. It is surrounded by robots that are applied by numerous attacks, so you need to kill them in the first place. EVE will then run away, but you can easily find it with the help of markers. Use different types of attacks, and you can get out of this fight with the winner.

Nier: Automata - role-playing action game. Deployed around the invasion of cars on the planet, enslaved humanity. But not all people fell in spirit and created resistance camps. Players can manage the main heroine android 2B, and sometimes its partner 9s.

A new game from Platinum Games, famous for its Vanquish, Bayonetta and Metal Gear Revengeance takes us to a distant future. The land is captured by the aliens who used for this machine. Humanity escaped to the moon and, creating, droids are trying to regain their planet.

We are waiting for the open world, many tasks, just an excellent musical row and hurricane gameplay. The main feature of the game is a constantly changing camera angle and the very display of occurring events, which adds a variety of what is happening on the screen. However, if someone decides to pass the game in difficult or higher, it will not seem such a positive chief, because the damage can be obtained from behind the back, where at the moment the player just may not see and, accordingly, do not wait for the trick. To pass on platinum it is not necessary, so calmly put the "normal" level of complexity and try to return to the land to people. There is still an easy game mode, but it's extremely interesting on it, because The game turns into a tire.

The game is interested in the plot. Events occurring during one campaign passing are shown for different characters and woven into the canvas so that it seems that you have already passed the game for four times. Around the middle of the game, we are waiting for a very interesting interchange, from which it becomes even more interesting. And what a delightful soundtrack in this game ... sometimes, in the location you return just to listen to music.

Graphics of stars from the sky is not enough and it can be seen that the game is being developed alreadyoh, however, the general picture looks worthy and the image of an abandoned planet is transmitted worthy. In the game 40 species of different weapons with their combo, which, besides, can also be "pumping". As the plot, you will manage 3 androids, everyone has their own ways to deal with the enemy, so it will not have to miss either. The game stuck a lot of endings (in all the letters of the English alphabet), only some of them are truly interesting, the rest for the tick.

For lovers of trophies and platinum, I will note the innovation, Presented for the first time in my practice of Trofihaanter - this is the purchase of trophies, Yes, you did not hear. In Nier, you can buy all the trophies, of course, besides the plot. Otherwise, few people played into the game. To do this, you need to pass the game and through the choice of chapters to get into the camp of resistance and buy trophies. The price of them ranges from 50,000 to 200,000 local rubles, which by the standards of the game after its passage the amount is ridiculous. How exactly to play to solve you, I strongly advise that you not only have passed the game, but also most of the additional missions, there are a lot of information on the world of the game, his plot and hid interesting bosses and weapons, which in the store does not buy. This guide will help you navigate in the interesting receipt of platinum.

    The complexity of receiving platinum: 2/10 (Easy game complexity)

    Approximate time of receipt of platinum: about 20 hours (buying trophies) and about 60 hours (playing without buying)

    Trophies: 48 (32 , 13, 2, 1)

    The number of transmitted trophies: no, any chapter can be replayed

    Buggy trophies: no

    Does the complexity of the game affect the platinum: no

    Minimum number of passes: 1 time campaign

Step one. Rapid receipt of platinum.

We pass the game on easy difficulty. After that, you need to replay the very end of the moment "Battle between 9S and 2A" to get the trophy in the ending and for the fact that all titers are viewed. Then you need to download any chapter from the middle of the game with the aim of getting into Resistance Camp and visiting the store to buy missing trophies in the game, and with them and platinum. If there is not enough money, then download the save in the cloud, sell everything and buy trophies. If it still missed, ship saving from the cloud and again buy all the trophies again. Why in the cloud? Because at the time of buying trophies, the game immediately keeps progress, overwriting your save.

Step second. Normal passage of the game.

Passing campaign and obtain most trophies for the first passage, many of which are plot.Just pass the game, enjoying the music, I delve into the plot and feel all hopelessness as it moves along the plot. Some trophies in addition to the plot will turn out by themselves, which, we describe below. There is no translation of trophies, therefore, a little explanation for each we give as a trophy has been made.

Resuscitated Body. - Stare Into Space from the Bunker. Completed prologue.

Vestiges of Prosperity - Arrive at the city ruins. You arrived in the destroyed city.

IT "S a Healthy Baby Boy! - COMPLETE THE DESERT AREA. You passed the desert.

We Await Your Next Visit - Complete The Amusement Park Ruins. Passed amusement park.

Creation and Insurrection. - Complete The Alien Ship. The head of the aliens passed.

The Mechanical Kingdom. - COMPLETE THE FOREST CASTLE. Castle passed in the forest.

Ruler of the Deep - Complete The Flooded City. Cured flooded city.

Those Who Love Humans - Complete The Copied City. The city has passed the city.

Iron Soul. - Complete The Abandoned Factory. Cured abandoned factory.

One Battle Ends. - ACHIEVE Ending A. View the ending of A.

After that, the titers will go and the game will begin again, but for the character 9s. Some missions will be the other and the character's ability different compared to 2b, so despite the repetition will be interesting. In addition, it will be possible to break up enemies and cars and locked chests. Bosses (some) can also be hacked, which is especially valuable at the difficult level of passage.

The result of this passage for the 9s will be only one trophy:

A New Battle Begins - Achieve Ending B. View the ending B.

Final Wish. - Watch 2B Die. See death 2b.

After that, the trophy will choose which character to play, for 9s or a2. Choose any android, because This is part of the campaign, you will still play both of them.

Treacherous Blade. - CONTROL A2 FOR THE FIRST TIME. Start the game for A2.

Farwell, Pascal - GRANT PASCAL "S Final Request. Perform the last request of Pascal.

Justice. - Stop All Resource Recovery Units. Stop all resource collectors.

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. - Watch The Final Moments of Devola and Popola. See the last moments of the devolts and Popola.

After the tower there will be a choice for whom to play, 9S or A2. First select 9S, then A2. So get trophies in chronological order. After graduating from the game, move the last battle for A2 and finish the final game in the credits. After perishing and offer to surrender, choose the answer is not always. Then help help, agree. Titres will pass and enjoy the final.

Leaving for the New World - Achieve 9S "s ending. The ending is obtained for 9s.

Beautiful World. - ACHIEVE A2 "S Ending. The ending is obtained for A2.

THE MINDS THAT EMERGED - View The Final Credits. View the latest titles.

It is necessary to finish a mini-game in credits. Do not give up and do not give up help.

Below we describe the receipt of trophies that do not represent difficulties and special efforts. Some pop up with a machine gun, almost plot, you can say:

First Errand. - Complete Your First Quest. The first quest is completed.

Scene trophy, because to go through the game will need to complete not one quest.

The Circle of Death - Have Your Body Collected. Pick your own body.

Need to die. The place of death will be marked on the map. Back to the place and pick it up.

Cherish Our Resources. - Have 100 Bodies Collected. Pick 100 tel.

In the course of the game, you will meet a lot of real players. Need to pick them 100 times. This is the first item in the menu. You need to play online, so you can see the deaths of players. In addition, you will be given a random BAU, and the deceased player will fully recover health. Why not do good deeds?

Ruler Of The Skies - 255 ENEMIES DESTROYED USING A FLIGHT UNIT. 255 enemies are killed during flights.

You can say the story trophy. We will fly often and enemies will be much. Get machine gun.

Fighting "S NOT MY THING - Play Your First Hacking Game. Play in a hacker game for the first time.

Scene trophy. This ability is 9S. Activated by pressing a triangle.

Harvest King. - Materials Gathered At A Hidden Harvest Point 10 Times. Collect 10 hidden materials.

For this trophy you need a scanner. It will be given when promoting the plot. Just keep L1 and run resources looking for. Nothing valuable is usually not hidden, so clean for trophy.

Pod Hunter. - All Pods Found. Find all drones.

These drones assistants are only 3. One is from the start. One must endure in the location flooded coast and the latter lies in the desert desert.

Desire Without Emotion - AT Least 100,000 G in Possession. Have 100,000 g in the wallet.

At first, it seems a big amount, but in the course of the game without problems it will accumulate much more. Scene trophy, you can say.

Animal Rider - Any Animal Ridden for 5 Kilometers. Drive 5 km on any animal.

We buy bait, put it up before animals and go 10 minutes of real time.

A Round by The Pond - 20 Different Kinds of Fish Caught. Catch 20 types of fishing items.

In the credit there is everything that is caught on the hook and fish and wheels, and batteries with pipes. Total about 40 items. A good place for catching this area of \u200b\u200bthe flooded city, especially since you need to catch one of the POD.

Wait! Don "T Kill Me! - 10 Friendly Machine LifeForms Destroyed. 10 friendly cars are destroyed.

The first opportunity will be in the amusement park. Do not be afraid to make a trophy, the bots will appear again.

What Are you doing? - 2B "S Secret Discovered 10 Times. Secret 2b is opened 10 times.

Very interesting trophy. Need 10 times to look under the skirt of the main heroine. Make it is not so simple, but terribly interesting.

NOT THAT I MIND ... - 1 Hour Played with 9s in a Certain State. Conduct for 9s 1 hour in a certain condition.

Simple trophy, if you know what to do. It is necessary to self-suck with l3 + r3 and spend 1 hour of the game without pants. Please note if you use rapid movement, then the pants will need to be destroyed.

Come Take A Look! - Emil "S Shop Used for the First Time. Emil's shop visited for the first time.

Emil will appear in the city after the mission in the forest castle. Find it on the map, hit that he would stop and visit his store.

Lunar Tear. - The Place of Memories Has Been Visited. The place of memories is visited.

You need to go through the quest Emil, after it appears on the map. Find 5 lunar flowers and it will give you the key from this place in a big store.

Step Three. To achieve trophies.

The remaining trophies already require the choice of chapters. However, if you paid attention to Side Quests, and just played "by Fan" some trophies may have already been received by you.

Transcendent Being. - All endings achieved. See all endings.

Although it is a bronze trophy, but the most freezed in the whole game and a little stupid. Total endings 26, 20 of them are connected with the flight from the battlefield or the murder of friends. One ending [Y] secret and 5 endings A-E are plot.

Naughty Children. - Emil Destroyed. Emil killed.

To get this trophy, you need to perform 2 quests: Emil "S Memories and already kill Emil himself. Watch the video How to get this trophy.

A SCANNER "S Power - 100 Machine LifeForms Destroyed by Hacking. 100 cars are destroyed by hacking.

Trophy can be obtained playing for 9s. We wake the enemy per triangle and it is destroyed (in battle), or select (Detonate) outside the battle. Enemies are counted only those who died of an explosion. To kill "thick" enemies and bosses you need a few hacks.

Machines VS. Machines. - 50 Machine LifeForms Destroyed by Remote Control. 50 cars are destroyed by remote control.

Trophy can be obtained playing for 9s. You need to crack cars outside the battle, then they can be administered under control, for example, in the amusement park. Then clamp L3 + R3. Repeat 50 times.

The Power Of Hate - 50 Machine LifeForms Destroyed With Berserk Mode. 50 cars are destroyed in Berriser mode.

This ability is A2. Activated by pressing L3 + R3. We kill 50 enemies and get a trophy.

THE MERCENARY. - 80% of all quests Completed. 80% of all quests are made.

Total 60 quests. For some, rare materials are given, for some weapons and programs for POD "s. Yes, and simply perform them interesting and not difficult. Open the card more often and look for mission marked by the Rhombic. The plot tasks are marked by a quadruple romb. After some plot missions, the tasks fail, therefore Think well before performing a plot without passing by the on-mission. The percentage of execution can be viewed in statistics.

Information Master - 80% of all Archives Found. 80% of all archives found.

Some archival data are obtained by the plot, some are in locked intensity (open which can only 9S). Percentage of execution can be viewed in statistics.

DESTRUCTION IS MY JOB - 80% of all unit data unlocked. 80% of these enemies are disclosed.

The data is obtained from the killed enemies. Conducting locations by passing side missions and plot will meet new enemies and, thus, to receive their data. The trophy takes closer towards the end of the game. Percentage of execution can be viewed in statistics.

Chip Collector - 80% of all plug-in chips collected. 80% of chips are obtained.

Some percentage of chips already have from the game start. Some are sold in stores, some are given for tasks, etc. Starting to play for 9S, a new directory will open - hacking. It will have new chips. Thus, the receipt of trophy will not be difficult.

Weapons Maniac - All Pod Programs Obtained. Get all POD programs.

They are not so much, but they are not easy to find them. Some can be bought in the store, others are given for the implementation of side missions, others are only available in choosing chapters after completing the game.

a little bit later

Supreme Support Weapons - All Pods Upgraded to the Highest Level. All POD "are maximally improved.

Drones are only three, but the problem lies in the other. Their improvement requires rare resources (pure water, for example) and exclusive parts called Power Up S, M, and L. It is not so simple.

List of locations:

a little bit later...

Tools of the Trade - Any Weapon Upgraded to the Highest Level. Any weapon is as improved as possible.

INORGANIC BLADE. - All Weapons Upgraded to the Highest Level. All weapons are as improved as much as possible.

Total 40 combat units considered weapons. Maximum level of weapons 4. Make it can only blacksmith in the location "Forest Castle: Royal Chamber". The problem is not even in a large number of resources (after the passage of the game, especially if you have no hurry, you will have many resources or money to buy missing) and where this weapon is and how to find it. I once advise you to buy a chip on automatic resource collection And money lying on Earth. This will speed up significantly and simplifies the collection. Well, about where and how to get all the weapons can get acquainted on the video, there is also shown where there is a blacksmith Masamune.

List of all weapons:

1. Virtuous CONTRACT - Starting weapons for 2B and A2
2. Cruel Oath - starting weapons for 9s
3. Beastbane - Merchant in Resistance Camp
4. ANCIENT OVERLORD. - Merchant in Resistance Camp
5. Beastlord. - Merchant in Resistance Camp
6. Type-3 Sword - Devola & Popola in Resistance Camp
7. Type-3 Blade - Devola & Popola in Resistance Camp
8. Machine Sword.
9. Machine Axe. - Merchant in Pascal's Village and Blacksmith Masamune in Royal Chamber
10. Machine Spear - Merchant in Pascal's Village and Blacksmith Masamune in Royal Chamber
11. Type-3 FISTS - Emil's Shop Playing for 2A
12. Angel's Folly - Emil's Shop Playing for 2A
13. Virtuous Dignity - on the way to the location of Amusement Park
14. Virtuous Treaty - Near the entrance to Abandoned Factory
15. Phoenix Sword. - Start location for 9s
16. Phoenix Dagger. - Suspension bridge, down
17. Fang Of The Twins - Desert, house sector
18. Phoenix Lance - Desert, need a scanner
19. Type-40 FISTS - Resistance Camp Khakay Cheek 9s
20. CYPRESS STICK. - Chest in the forest
21. Dragoon Lance - Cave in the forest
22. Virtuous Grief. - Location Forest, Secret Zone
23. Iron Will - Zone flooding, need a scanner
24. TYPE-3 LANCE - region flooded coast
25. Faith. - 2nd resource collector on the flooded coast
26. Cruel Lament. - Improve any weapon before the 4th level of the Blacksmith Masamune
27. Machine Heads. - plot for 2A, then go to the village of Pascal and buy
28. DEMON'S CRY - Amusement Park at the bottom of Khakay Cheek 9s
29. Cruel Blood Oath - Desert Zone under the ground, Khakaz the door for 9s
30. Cruel Arrogance - abandoned factory secret zone, hakazh door for 9s
31. Engine Blade. - Abandoned Factory Secret Zone
32. BEASTCURSE. - Forest Castle Secret Zone Khakay Chest for 9S
33. Iron Pipe. - You can extend in the sewage
34. Emil Heads. - You need to fulfill the edge of Emil and kill him at the end
35. Spear of the USURPER - Complete the side quest Heritage of the Past
36. Type-40 blade - Sidkvents Data Analysis Freak 1-2 Operator 210 AS 9S
37. Yorha-Issue Blade - Sidkvest 11'B at the very beginning of the game bunker
38. TYPE-40 Sword - Sidkventives Sorting Trouble 1-3 in Resistance Camp
39. Type-40 Lance - Scene Mission Yorha Betrayers for 9S
40. Bare Fists. - From start

I think that trophies with endings, drones and weapons will be the last in the game, after receiving you, and only you developers will say:

"Thanks for the game! Because you have not bought trophies!"

nier Automata Roadmap Guide Trophy Passage Trophy Travel Guide Guide Guide

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In prologue, you have to go on training to the mechanics of the game Nier: Automata. From the very beginning you will find yourself in the heat of battle. After the opening cat-scene, you will take your flying apparatus and will fight back from robots. With the R1 button, you will shoot from guns, and R2 will help to avoid balloons flying in you. Also using a triangle, you will attack the cutting blow - it helps it very much if the enemies closeered to you too close or lined up in a row.

Having understood with the first group of enemies, you are transformed into a plane. Carefully fly through all the obstacles, passing back from robots. Having understood with robots and flying some more dangerous places, the plane breaks about the wall. And then the control will go directly to 2B already in location Abandoned Factory. (Abandoned factory).

Abandoned Factory / Abandoned factory

In this location, your learning will continue (for those who played the demolism of the game, the location will not be difficult). And the first of your opponents will be small robots. Remember: this is a training, the further you will move through the game, the stronger your enemies will be. They are very slow, but if suitable, they will begin to quickly wave their hands, some models can shoot energy balls - in general, these opponents can be very irritable, especially if not prudent. After small robots, robots are attacked more - they are already delivering a decent damage and move faster than smaller counterparts. Destroying opponents, you will be waiting for the first battle with the boss - BuzzSaw..


It is a giant crane, at the end of which buckets rotate. Let at first glance it seems that he looks awesome, but actually destroy it is quite simple. Fit and run away from the attacks (at the same time shooting the boss), after the buckets stop, attack the sword, destroying the buckets.

Act on this uncomplicated tactics and defeat the car. After that, the cat scene will start, where you will get to know the future partner 9s.

Talking with an ally, run in the area that has opened for you. To overcome the break, shoot the yellow crane from above to make a bridge. As soon as the platform falls, you will attack flying robots - it is difficult to get enough to them with a sword, but for such cases you have POD. Thinking, run on, just do not miss the rotation to the right. Cuting an angle, destroy small robots, and then climb the stairs up to the mechanical door. Passing through the door, you will need to destroy robots. This time there will be much more. By killing them, move on to the next similar arena. There you will be waiting for robots with shields, which means that your bullets will be ineffective, but enough for several blows with a sword, and the shield will be destroyed. Clearing and this zone, go out through the opened door. Coming out of the building, climb the stairs up. Once on the platform with a chest, we have a well-down and go down. Downstairs continue running on the long bridge, so you run the cat-scene and the battle with the boss.

Boss: Goliath.

First, the battle with it will be held the same as with the first boss, but slightly in the complicated version. Such cranes are now two, escape from them more difficult. But the path to victory is still simple - while at the time of his attack, run away and shoot when the blades do not move, attack the sword. By destroying them, you will go to the battle with Goliath (Goliath).

The first attack will be the launch of numerous energy balls (carefully - dark balls can not be destroyed). After he will beat you with his mechanical hand (sometimes two at once), after this attack, Bates his sword. Related by a large amount of health of the boss, 9s will join you. The boss itself will become stronger, but in addition to the increased damage it will dive under the water, at this moment run towards the camera. When Goliath remains a quarter of health, he wures your partner, and it will turn off. Watching the cat-scene, pick up the giant robot. Obtained several small robots, the cat-scene will begin, and after it - the final stage of the battle. This time you will manage the flying apparatus. Now fighting a gigantic robot will become even easier. At the end you will only remain right Goliath his own hand.

The Bunker / Bunker

After passing the prolobe, you will be on board Bunker is the Yorha space station and part-time their main base. There are all the necessary private rooms for Android, the command center for communication with land and terminals with various goods.

By defeating Goliath, the cat scene will begin, and after it you will find yourself directly on board the spacecraft. Run to the right and talk with your partner 9s, and after watch the explanatory movie and configure the game settings (language, brightness, etc.). After completing the setting, leave the room and run to the right. After a few meters, you will find the access point - you can save the game, read the message and quickly move to another point of access (opens later). After preserved, go to the next door, it leads to the headquarters of the command, go down on the lift and talk to the commander. From her you will get a new task - will go to the camp of resistance on earth. Before you go there, a hotel is a good room - they can find useful things in them, and also buy a first-aid kit in the terminal if necessary. Having finished cooking, climb the elevator (the red point on the map will be marked) in the hangar and sit down to your plane. Before landing on Earth, you will need to defeat several combat vehicles.

THE CITY RUINS / Urban Ruins

Landing on the roof of the building, in a small video you will be shown the nearest neighborhoods, and then show the advice about the mini card. And the first thing you need to do is descend down. You can simply jump, but do not forget to press the jump button so that the POD slows down slowly. But it is better to move to the next building and go down there, jumping into the holes in the floor, all because in this building you can find useful items, searching floors. Going away, you can freely explore the open territory, destroy weak enemies to get experience, as well as fish if you find a water.

Widow inspected the surroundings, go to the resistance camp (will be marked on the map), do not forget to activate the access points on the way (marked on the map of the red dot) to get information about the terrain and preserve. Reaching the camp, talk to their Anemone leader. You will receive an order from it - to help two traders in the camp. Talk to marked merchants and agree to help them. After that, go to the marked places and destroy robots there to get the necessary resources. Collect them, go back to the camp and give resources to merchants. Now they will be able to trade with you. By completing the Anemone instructions, talk to her and agree to go to the desert (the entrance will be noted there, after you leave the camp). Before you go there, do not forget to preserve and stock first-aid kits.

Desert Zone / Desert

In the desert, the path is not close, first you need to cross the city ruins, weak enemies can be caught on the way. Run to the northern part of the map to a small camp with a trader and access point. Follow past the camp, then - through the cave. Go further through the sand-diluted structure to Android named Jackass (the pipeline will lead you to it). Talking to her, go through the passage done by the explosion. Behind the gorge will begin the real desert.

All the same robots live here, but with their own characteristics. Now they wear masks, raincoats and swords, in addition to that they apply a bigger damage, and can also make an ambush out from the ground. Your task is to clean the marked zones from enemies. At the last point there will be a robot level 13, but before you destroy it, it will start running away. Follow him through the cave in Desert Housing - here the desert has not yet completely absorbed destroyed at home.

Jump down and run in the ruins of the houses to the specified point. There you will find a runaway robot. Persoading it, pass through the way, destroying enemy cars. In the end, he will lead you to the crater. Going down at the bottom, robots attack you. They will be more and more, do not let yourself be in the corner, run and shoot them. From a huge crowd robots will save you a cat scene, which will begin after the robots become too much.

Boss: Adam

After the roller you will start the battle with the boss, which is a new view of android. Although it is not huge sizes, but still presents a great threat. His strength is that it adapts to each attack, along the battle will increase its level and learn how to reflect your shots. In the battle with him, try to keep it closer and attack after successful evasion, so you can easily win it.

Having won the roller, when it ends, quickly run into the cave upstairs to avoid the collapse. After passing the cave, climb up the rock up and move the metal box to go to the already familiar zone. From here, come back to the resistance camp.

Amusement Park / Entertainment Park

Selecting from the desert and replenishing the supplies in the resistance camp, go to the new task zone (will be marked on the map after you leave the camp). It is not necessary to run away, hold on the right side of the card and do not miss the rotation to the right, there will be a descent in the sewer. Go down the stairs down.

It is difficult to get lost in the sewage in view of the fact that the path will be only one, the remaining passes are littered. Selecting from there, go to the gate of the park. Go through the entire amusement park is quite simple. You can just run past all robots, they will not attack you, but if you begin to attack one, everyone else will become aggressive (with the exception of some). After passing the main gate and climbing the steps, you will go to the locked gate. Return a little back and go through the open gate on the side of the main road.

Narrow streets will bring you to the non-working attraction, with its help, bring through the fence on the other street.

After moving through the challenge, you will have to fight with a tank. It will be not difficult to defeat it, everything you need, it is as soon as possible to jump onto the roof of the tank and destroy the robots sitting in it, so it will stop letting the energy balls, and it will not finally be difficult. On the close distances, beware of shocks of caterpillars and a shot from the main tool on the tower (to evade difficult). By destroying the tank, climb the steps and go on one of the wagons. During the movement, do not relax - while you are traveling, you will attack flying robots.

Boss: Opera Robot Singer

A giant robot resembling an opera singer attacks you immediately after a short roller. In the first stage of battle, you need to shy away from the bullets and attack it (attacking your head or body, you will apply more damage than in an armored dress).

Having received a large amount of damage, it will jump back to the stage, and the bodies of other androids will appear. For a while you have to destroy these androids that will try to hack you, the release of rays on a large radius. If you still go, you still have a chance to break out when a mini-game starts, shoot in a black ball, destroying it, you will be free. Having lighted a mini-game, get big damage. When the boss returns, the second stage of battle will begin. Now, in addition to ordinary attacks, it will try to hack you, so try to shy away from such rays, and better run back. Having waited comfortable moments for attack, apply the maximum damage, combining light and heavy weapons. Having won, pick up the items on the floor and go out. You will find yourself near the most locked gates, but now through them you can pass. Immediately talk to them with a robot that is waving a white flag, go to his village with him (you see that he spent you).

Machine Village / Machine Village

The robot will take you to the village of machines in which friendly robots live. Here you will meet Pascal, it is the head of the local community of robots, which are the cessation of many years of war. Talk to her and take the fuel filter. If you need, there is a point of access, a weapon trader and supplies.

After replenishing the supplies, you can also take up the implementation of additional tasks, which are many here, and they are performed quite easily. Having finished explore the village, come back to the resistance camp. To do this, go to the bridge back (where you talked to Pascal) and hold the left trail.

Passing the path, you will be at the destroyed house. Having reached the iron barriers, find the passage there, which turned the box. Slide it that open the short path between the village cars and the city ruins. Speaking with the resistance leader, return to Pascal through an open cut. Speaking with her, the attack of machines will begin to the city ruins, move to the specified point.