Divination by date of birth: find out how your destiny will be. There are several methods, how can you understand that a person is intended to you fate

Divination by date of birth: find out how your destiny will be. There are several methods, how can you understand that a person is intended to you fate
Divination by date of birth: find out how your destiny will be. There are several methods, how can you understand that a person is intended to you fate

Everyone dreams of real happy love for life - for this just you just need to learn to hear the call of my soul. If you are tired of solitude so hard that you want to cry, if all the time you come across wrong and non-permanent people, if you feel ready for a meeting with a person who is interested in fate, it's time to find out how it is really easy and quickly To do!
Our fate has many possible events development options and a meeting of their person - one of the most important pages in life. We are looking for the only and unique, people close to us, native soul, but not everyone knows that there are much more such people than we think.
All this native souls who live are rejoice and suffer from us, who are ready, like a magnet, attracted you, just to start acquaintance ... And it is worth starting, because it is then you will immediately feel each other, the spark and a spark of such strength will light up What in the future you can create a happy family together, and life will be filled with meaning.
The main thing is to learn to see my souls! For some signs, it can be recognized:
1. Employ

Our appearance is the reflection of our soul. The soul will be similar to you externally: on the structure of the body, according to the facial features, by the state of the skin and many other parameters so hard that the surrounding will notice your similarity.
2. Interests
The principle of similarity in happy relationships is the most important and with a related soul you will have in most cases the coincidence of interests and preferences in all spheres of life. The difference in flavors will not cause intolerance.
3. Meetings
Most often you can meet your fate through friends, as well as how strange it did not sound, but through the social network (not through the dating site!). It is extremely small likely to meet your destiny in those places where you just do the main activity: university, work. The same applies to places where people have fun: concerts, clubs.
4. Clearness of the meeting

Despite the fact that in the framework of our routine and events, it is hard to meet a relative soul, sometimes life itself creates such circumstances when suddenly people pay attention to each other. Most often these are critical situations, for example, at work stuck together in the elevator, or together lost tickets to the concert and the like ... in such cases it is fate.
5. Incidentally communication
It is known that with the most close people we will always find a topic for conversation and new thoughts will not have the end. Having met his destiny, you will immediately find common topics for a conversation that will delay the long hours, there will be awkward pauses and the desire to quickly escape.
6. Activity fatigue
A suitable person will never take energy from you more than you give him. After meeting with their native soul, there will be no feeling of fatigue and emptying, on the contrary, there will be a tide of strength and the desire to see again as soon as possible.

7. Date of birth
But! If people are incompatible, then all of the above loses its meaning, because real relationships are always well suited to each other. Identify your compatibility with a person and the possibility of a successful union with him can, knowing only one of his date of birth. That is why the same social networks are good, because in them, except for the marital status, you can always find out when a person was born, just looking at the profile. You need to learn how to determine compatibility with people, or to know those who can do it.

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A strong bond established between lovers will allow them to very much to feel each other's energy. In search of a response to a question, how to understand that this is your man on fate, remember how often you, without claiming, they gained a phone number each other or at the same time were a favorite in a dream.

How to find out a man dedicated to you

How to understand he or she is your judge, how to find out that you met real love, and not the next fleeting hobbies for a person will help answers to simple questions. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and do not try to attract the situation for the ears. Test a chosen one:

  • When is the necessary help, he is near or busy "urgent matters"?
  • Are you discussing complex or important questions?
  • Does he call the first if something serious happened?
  • Are you familiar with his relatives and friends?
  • Does the favorite expression "we" in conversation use?
  • How often do you have to go for concessions?

You can talk about strong and mutual feelings only if the answer to each of the six main questions will be in your favor. If the subject of adoration often requires "to understand and forgive him," is not in a hurry to acquaint you with loved ones and friends, as well as forever busy at the moment when you ask for help, it is not your person!

Many women think that love is the ability to sacrifice yourself or the willingness to forgive insults and humiliation. However, the risk that you are tritely used in your own interests, too large. Mutual love involves the exchange of energies and readiness not only to give, but also to get something in return. A mutually in love with a man will never demand victims from you and understanding to his problems. On the contrary, it will try to apologize even for what his straight guilt is not. If, in the love game you took the role of the victim, then the feelings will soon cool, and your place will take more curtain rival.

Ritual to find out fate whether he

Each woman wants to know whether to continue relations with a man, fight for his love, give birth to a child from him, to build plans for the future. A strong rite that can be held on any day of the lunar calendar will give a faithful answer to the question. The only limitation, the ritual cannot be held on Friday 13th.

In order to fulfill the rite you need to get the hair of your chosen one and acquire a consecrated candle in the church. Next, the candle put in the center of the table, ignite from the match, and the hair is beloved in the left hand and whisper the conspiracy:

"Help me the top forces to learn. Give an answer to the question: on fate whether to me (the name of the beloved) or not. Open the truth in front of me whether this person will be with me! Amen"
Men's hair burned on the candle so that you can feel the smell of smoke. After that, you need to go out into the street and set the first oncoming any question that requires the answer "yes" or "no" (for example, did he read the latest news in the country today?). If you are answered in the affirmative, the rite was successful and your favorite is ready for long-term relationships. When the answer is received, "you need to accept the fact that this is not your man on fate.

Who is intended to you fate

There are a lot of effective ways, how to understand a person on fateand check the authenticity of the sense of chosen. For example, you can try to "let go of the situation" and do not remind some time at all. Next, look at the reaction of your loved one: if worried and offers help - loves and appreciates you, if it comes in response as well, and also offended, where it disappeared, the relationship "raw" and not worthy of serious attention.

About how strong the love between you will tell and your subconscious. Tell yourself honestly, what you pay more attention to: on his appearance, the ability to be with him more often or on the essence of your conversations and the warmth of the relationship? If you are not interested in his hobbies and the inner world, it means that you are deceiving yourself: there is no real love, attracts his social status in a man and nothing more.

If you want to ask the highest strength, as far as those relationships with a man who you have in reality will live, make such a ritual in full moon. Under the pillow we put a photo of a mandated person with the words: "If you love - dream if there is no love - away and do not come back. I will ask for help from the sky, I will invite my beloved to sleep. What will dream, so be! "

After that, go to bed calmly, and for the next morning try to solve what you dream. A good sign, if you dream, water, park, blooming tree, stork, fragrance of expensive perfumes, pair of shoes or young moon.

War down, if you dream rain, dolphin, the eclipse of the sun or the moon of unusual color, the wedding (its own or someone else's), your own nude body, earth, stones, sand or dark room without light. If you have not been able to remember the dream at all, it means that the time for a serious relationship with a man has not yet come.

Also watch the whole day and listen to the prompts of fate, perhaps the exact answer to your question will come in a completely unexpected form.

In contact with

In the horoscope of the birth of each person is encrypted the inner rod of his fate, determining the life lessons. It is described by the position of the lunar knots - from the southern to the North. Every one and a half years, the position of the lunar nodes is changing. In 18-19, 37-38, 55-56, they return to the initial position. These are crisis years that make a person evaluate the experienced and adjust plans. Find your own southern knot / northern knot by date of your birth and find out what your karmic goal is.

Southern knot in Aries / Northern knot in scales

17.06.1958 - 15.12.1959; 08.01.1977 - 05.07.1978; 01.08.1995 - 25.01.1997

Gift: Demanding, leadership, passion for life.

Complexity: Deafness to the needs and borders of others.

What to do: You need to learn to establish harmonious relationships with others, hear and respect their opinion.

Southern knot in the scales / Northern knot in the Aries

27.01.1949 - 26.07.1950; 20.08.1967 - 19.04.1969; 10.05.1986 - 02.12.1987; 27.12.2004 - 22.06.2006

Gift: Feeling equilibrium, harmony, beauty, spiritual refinement.

Complexity: Refusal of your own needs in order to preserve relationships.

What to do: You must not be afraid to express your personality.

South Knot in Taurus / Northern Knot in Scorpio

05.10.1956 - 16.06.1958; 11.07.1975 - 07.01.1977; 02.02.1994 - 31.07.1995; 31.08.2012 - 18.02.2014

Gift: Ability to lay a strong foundation.

Complexity: A person is extremely stubbornly resisting any changes.

What to do: It is necessary not to be afraid of cardinal changes and deep transformation.

South Node in Scorpio / Northern Knot in Taurus

03.08.1947 - 26.01.1949; 20.02.1966 - 19.08.1967; 12.09.1984 - 09.05.1986; 15.04.2003 - 26.12.2004

Gift: The ability to spirituality, healing, understanding the death process.

Complexity: You are so captured by change, which provoke them, risk, play with fire.

What to do: You need to strive to put roots, not too tied at the same time to the existing position of things.

Southern knot in the twins / Northern knot in Sagittar

04.04.1955 - 04.10.1956; 28.10.1973 - 10.07.1975; 02.08.1992 - 01.02.1994; 04.03.2011 - 30.08.2012

Gift: Thirst for knowledge of the world, a sharp mind.

Complexity: Difficulties with a generalization of information, because of which you can easily find yourself in the position "for everything is taken and nothing knows."

What to do: Learn to collect information and systematize it.

South Node in the Sagittarius / Northern Knot in Gemini

04.12.1945 - 02.08.1947; 26.08.1964 - 19.02.1966; 17.03.1983 - 11.09.1984; 14.10.2001 - 14.04.2003

Gift: Strong belief system.

Complexity: If you do not accept someone else's worldview, it is produced by arrogance.

What to do: Share information, respect the opinion of others.

Southern knot in cancer / northern knot in Capricorn

10.10.1953 - 03.04.1955; 28.04.1972 - 27.10.1973; 19.11.1990 - 01.08.1992; 22.08.2009 - 03.03.2011

Gift: Compassion, the ability to take care of others.

Complexity: The role of eternal benefactor, who helps, even if he is not asked about it.

What to do: Learn to think about yourself.

Southern knot in Capricorn / Northern knot in cancer

12.05.1944 - 03.12.1945; 24.12.1962 - 25.08.1964; 25.09.1981 - 16.03.1983; 10.04.2000 - 13.10.2001

Gift: sense of independence, personal responsibility, practicality.

Complexity: Emotional closure, closedness.

What to do: You need to open your heart to emotional connections, allow others to take care of you.

South Knot in Lev / Northern Knot in Aquarius

29.03.1952 - 09.10.1953; 03.11.1970 - 27.04.1972; 23.05.1989 - 18.11.1990; 19.12.2007 - 21.08.2009

Gift: sincerity, courage, confidence.

Complexity: Dependence on recognition, fame.

What to do: It is necessary to realize that collectivism does not mean loss of individuality.

South Knot in Aquarius / Northern Knot in Lev

22.11.1942 - 11.05.1944; 11.06.1961 - 23.12.1962; 06.01.1980 - 24.09.1981; 21.10.1998 - 09.04.2000

Gift: Personal freedom and tolerance to others.

Complexity: Head manages heart, you are too idealistic.

What to do: It is necessary to understand that all people around you are equally unique and deserve recognition.

South Knot in Virgo / Northern Knot in Fish

27.07.1950 - 28.03.1952; 20.04.1969 - 02.11.1970; 03.12.1987 - 22.05.1989; 23.06.2006 - 18.12.2007

Gift: Strict analytical mind, understanding of the laws of the material world.

Complexity: Excess materialism, excessive criticality.

What to do: Learn to compare, forgive and reduce the criticalness of the approach to everything.

Southern knot in fish / northern knot in the Virgo

25.05.1941 - 22.11.1942; 16.12.1959 - 10.06.1961; 06.07.1978 - 05.01.1980; 26.01.1997 - 20.10.1998; 13.11.2015 - 09.05.2017

Gift: Compassion, the ability to heal.

Complexity: Attempt to use spirituality to care from responsibility, pressing care.

What to do: It is necessary not to avoid difficulties and problems, but to improve the world through spirituality.

And he never gives you to forget that in his life you are the main miracle. He will constantly remind you of his feelings and will not force for a second in this doubt. Because a man who really loves and tied to a woman will prove it not only in a word, but also by action.

He will always support you

A man who loves you will never make doubt their own, ideas, desires and beauty. He will support you, advise and help realize the consequences of your choice. And it is correct, because his main task is to make the life of a loved woman happy and safe.

He inspires and motivates

First of all, a man always inspires her woman with his own example. He is not afraid to fight for the place under the sun and shows you that failures can happen, but success will come only to those who deserve it. And he knows what you deserve.

He continues to evolve

If five years ago, his main dream of his dream was to buy his own apartment for a feature of the city, now this guy is marked in the leading positions of a large company, chooses a new car and finds out about the coolest places for recreation. Next to him you know exactly what together you achieve all your goals, so you are not afraid to dream.


He conquers your trust

Trust is one of the whales to build healthy romantic relationships. Without trust, there can be no love, so it is important not only once to conquer you, but also to save. Your man knows this and strive for you to feel comfortable and confident next to him.

He always tells you that you are beautiful

Surprisingly, beautiful, wonderful, charming - all these words in your address. And you know that he really thinks so! His burning eyes, gentle hands and warm words can not lie, right? No matter, sports pants on you or a luxurious dress - for him you always look great! It is expensive, take care of such a man.

He carefully refers to your desires.

Maybe on your phrase "That Would fly to Mars, he will only smile ironically, but never misses the opportunity to hear you in more landmark desires. Mentioned that long dreamed of visiting a new cafe? He will definitely remember and will soon invite you there. Men make little things that are important to you.

A man does more than says

Sitting and arguing about love can every fool, but to create a strong family, to become her chapter and support can only a loving man who acts. And you respect him for it, because he holds back his promises and words to the wind does not throw.

He never happens to be cruel

In all pairs there are conflicts and disagreements, but your man will never go to personality, insulting your dignity. In any way, he will not hurt you: neither physically nor morally. Mature and loving husband will strive to solve the problem, keeping the world, love and respect in the Union.

Next to him you want to be ourselves

And you will not lie to him, what delaying at work, although you have been walking with my girlfriends. You know that it is important for him to make you happy, and you will answer him the same. You are not shy of your body, your shortcomings or funny stories that have happened to you. He always stays next to you, and nothing is scared with such a man.

The first few months of many pairs are developing perfectly: joint walks, flirting, touching courtship, first kisses. But what will happen then? Beautiful wedding and happy life together? Or endless conflicts, as a result of which you will break up "just friends"? Entering the relationship with what is your person?

Why many unite into couples not with "their" people

Going on a date can be pleasant almost with any representative of the opposite sex (if he, of course, does not cause antipathy): sunny weather, cozy atmosphere in a cafe or cinema, melodic music create an illusion that you are good together. It often happens no time to reflect on the question: "How to understand that this is your person on fate?" Is it worth worrying about tomorrow when you can enjoy today's?

However, a long-term novel with a partner, whose views on life are very different from yours, can hardly be called happy. Gradually, both sides begin to understand that they made a mistake. The guy and the girl notice the shortcomings with which they can not reconcile. The rupture of relationships most often passes painfully for both.

It would seem that the scenario of unhappy love is familiar to everyone. None wants to get into it. Why then many girls and guys make a serious mistake - come into a long relationship with the partners inappropriate for them? There are many reasons for this, among which the following are most common:

1. Fear of public opinion. Many girls fear that if they stay alone for a long time, the surroundings will consider them "flawed" and "no one needed." Giving too great importance to others, they are in a hurry to enter into relations with a new partner, without sobering in their feelings as it should.

2. Pressure from parents. Most mothers and fathers find it difficult to paint the "incorrect" behavior of Chad or give him a "good" advice. Young young men and girls are difficult to distinguish between their parental opinion. Therefore, they often choose partners attractive for the older generation, and not for them themselves.

3. "Love" in any one quality of the second half: wealth, spectacular appearance, popularity. At the early, the positive feature of the partner may seem so significant that numerous minuses remain unnoticed for a long time.

4. The conviction that with the creation of the family need to hurry. Many girls, "stunned in the brides," are ready to accept the proposal of hands and hearts, even from an unloved person.

5. Unplanned pregnancy. The future birth of a child often forces lovers as soon as possible to register marriage. The groom is the father of the kid who will be born very soon. Therefore, girls in this situation are often thinking over the question "How to understand what is your person."

6. There are many young men and women, in the soul considering themselves unworthy love and happy marriage. They do not want to part with unsuitable partners, as they think that no one will not find anyone.

What does the second half mean? She is one?

Among the romantic girls and young people, the opinion is common that a person can have only one real love. Is it really? In fairy tales, the plot is often found: an excellent beauty is intended for an excellent prince of fate. Having met, at first glance, they understand that all their lives were waiting for each other, and decide to get married.

In real life, however, there are many refutations to the fact that the "second half" of a person is only alone.

First, women and men fall in love most often no longer over their life, and with each partner they are happy.

Secondly, young people usually do not have to travel around the whole world in search of the "only" or "only". A loved one is usually found in his hometown: visiting friends, at work, on the street.

Thirdly, to recognize the "His" man or "your" woman in the first minutes of dating difficult. Relationships are developing gradually. Again and again we ask for a question: "How to understand that this is your man" in life ""?

In addition, psychologists argue that for each guy and girls on the planet there is at least several thousand people with whom he or she can be happy in the marriage. Thus, the myth of the only "second half" cannot be considered wealthy.

Signs that he is "yours"

Entering a romantic relationship with the opposite sex representative, pay attention:

  • what feelings do you feel in relation to it;
  • how he keeps himself with you;
  • how relationships develop.

At first glance, it may seem that you are mutually in love. But how to understand what is your man for life?

This will indicate the following signs:

  1. Together you can easily and comfortably. You are experiencing a sympathy for each other.
  2. There is a community in the interests and hobbies. Your views on life are largely similar.
  3. The second half is not indifferent to your opinion.
  4. The motives of his actions are understandable to you.
  5. You are pleased to all not only talk, but also silence.
  6. You are not annoyed by the shortcomings of the partner, he also calmly refers to your "fades."
  7. In general, you are confident in the feelings of your loved one. You do not have to think about why he behaves just like that, and not otherwise.
  8. You give each other about an equal amount of attention.
  9. Your relationships begin to resemble married: general affairs, plans, similar points of view on various issues. You easily negotiate with each other.
  10. People notice that you look like your loved ones. You see it myself.
  11. Style and look like.
  12. You feel that even if your beloved is seriously ill or remains without work, he still will not lose his attractiveness in your eyes.

Signs that the relationship is likely to become

1. It openly flirts with you with other girls.

2. Some particular features are badly annoyed, I want to "re-educate" it.

3. You like any special partner quality, such as spectacular appearance or wealth. But in the depths of the soul you understand: it will cease to be attractive in your eyes, having lost its advantage.

4. He regularly does not fulfill promises given to you.

The guy can be very good, but not in school, nor in universities explain how to understand that this is your person. Psychology of relations, however, full-fledged science. Researchers of this sphere are known many methods and tricks, helping to find an answer to an important mystery of fate.

Try, for example, use such ways:

1. Imagine how you already live together: in the morning you welcome each other, start a new day. Pay attention to the details: who first takes the bathroom, what do you eat for breakfast? Imagine, how do you solve household questions, agree on plans for the evening, distribute the budget, relax? Visualizing a possible future, pay attention to what feelings you feel at the same time.

2. Tell your guy of stories about problem situations (real and invented) from the life of different people. Ask unobtrusively questions to understand how your chosen one himself entered under similar circumstances.

3. Carefully ask how your loved one has been a relationship with girls in the past. For what reasons he broke up with former passions? Do not, however, raise this topic in conversations more than once.

4. Suggest a chosen one to do something together, for example, to invite friends and prepare for a party in advance. Pay attention as you both feel and behave in a situation where you need to do anything together.

From the point of view of Orthodox religion

How to understand what is your person? Orthodoxy recommends contacting the Holy Scripture for this. The stories of the Bible point to the fact that his half does not choose that God sends it to him.

The priests resemble:

  1. Making a choice, it is important to remember about God and God's will.
  2. You can contact the Most High asking for help to make a right decision.
  3. Young should keep loyal to each other, live in sincere love and harmony, not committed even in thoughts. Therefore, the selection of the spouse should be considered responsibly.
  4. Christianity is not approved, but also does not blame a strictly conclusion of marriage with a person belonging to another faith. It is extremely undesirable to marry only atheist.
  5. It is impossible to choose a satellite of life, focusing only on his physical appeal or property position. When choosing a pair, it is important to take into account the community of worldviews.
  6. Marriage should hold on harmony, respect and cooperation.
  7. It is important to find out how beloved belongs to religion. The right family life, according to the laws of Christianity, is when the husband and the wife will honor God together, know him through their love, pray together.

How to understand that this is your person on fate? Orthodoxy helps to make a right decision.

From the point of view of esoteric

Many people to solve important vital tasks, do not turn to religion, but to another knowledge. Of course, how to understand that this is your person on fate, Esoteric will not immediately give an accurate answer. But by contacting this teaching, you will learn to "order" the universe fulfillment of your desires.

Esoterics recommend pronounced words, addressing their highest strength, in which you believe and from which you expect help (angels, universe): "Please make sure I knew for sure, is this man." Specify the time period during which I would like to receive an answer. Many people practicing communicating with the highest strength reported that a clear and clear "response" from the Universe came to them in the first minutes after the request was formulated. The answer came in the form of an accidentally heard phrase from the conversation, a fragment of the TV show, a brief advice from a stranger, an unusual event.

However, the answer of fate may not contain an unambiguous "yes" or "no". The "Universe" may recommend, for example, to independently reflect on the problem or talk to anyone on an exciting topic.

Signs of Fate

If you believe in fate and pay attention to her signs, you will immediately feel something special to happen in life. When you enter into relationships with a guy, you want to know how to understand that this is your person. Solving this difficult task, pay attention to whether your connection has the following signs:

  1. You encounter many times with this guy on the street or visiting familiar, not at all striving for it.
  2. It seems like someone from your old, long forgotten friends.
  3. If you have a desire to part, there are new circumstances that clearly interfere with it.
  4. You get amazing hints of fate that you will be together. For example, accidentally comes across the article in a magazine or a film, the plot of which reminds the story of your relationship.

It should be borne in mind, however, that if fate faces you with a guy, it is not at all a guarantee that your relationship will later be happy and will continue all your life. It is possible that the universe needs your connection to the short period. For example, in order for an unusual child as a result of it.

Dream analysis

How to understand that this is your person if you regularly see and remember specific dreams? Night vision can give a lot of valuable information. How to work with it?

  1. Waking up, immediately write a dream. Fix all the details of the night vision on paper: the sequence of events, the relationships of the characters, the objects of the situation that are remembered, their feelings. It is especially important to note "oddities", which could not happen in reality. Often, just in them and lung on the meaning of night vision.
  2. In order to interpret sleep, you should re-read the recorded. By the way, people often understand the meaning of night vision is already when it is fixed on paper its content.
  3. Do not hurry to contact dreambooks. Most often they contain incorrect interpretation of characters. Pay attention to how professional psychologists and fortune-tales on the Internet disassemble the plots. Try to take their experience.
  4. Think which areas of life concerns a night vision: love relationships, careers, creativity, health? The girls for whom the question is very important about how to understand that this is your person on fate, often see dreams on the relationship of men and women.
  5. Invent the title to the recorded history.
  6. Drink the characters with which I met in a dream. Unfamiliar people and creatures invent names. Try to guess why they could appear in your night vision.
  7. Pay attention to the incomplete situations and feelings that arose in a dream

Analyzing night vision, you will understand a lot about your relationship with the opposite sex.

From the point of view of astrology

Is it possible, having studied the secrets of stars, get reliable information about whether you will be together? How to find out what is your man by date of birth? Do not rely only on this method and treat forecasts too seriously. However, you can play with numbers and find out what your relationship with your loved one is unique.

Write your date of birth and the date of the partner's birthday figures.

If the result is a two-digit number, its numbers must be folded again: 5 + 2 \u003d 7.

1 - You are both leaders and subconsciously always fight for the main one.

2 - Relations are based on a material basis. Such families are usually very consistent, because a business partnership is formed between the spouses. Even just talking with each other, you can generate ideas as to how to increase common wealth. But there are few passions and sensuality in such unions.

3 - the number of impermanence. Partners communicate a lot with each other, but irregularly. Can be repeatedly combined in a couple and part again.

4 - the number of home comfort, warmth, comfort. Partners together are very easy. However, uniting, they are aimed at cooperation, but for a joint holiday. "Fours" often inhibit professional development of each other.

5 is a very romantic union in which there is a place and gentle kisses, and talking about souls. About such people they say: "They married great love."

6 - both partners are ready to jointly strive for financial prosperity, help each other solve problems of different kinds of problems. The number is favorably not only for marriage, but also to joint business creation. Often, men and women in such pairs, even parting, continue to communicate with each other as comrades and partners.

7 - the girl and the guy are perfectly agreed with each other. Everyone behaves diplomatic towards another. But some optional is characteristic of "seven": lovers often do not fulfill promises, these to each other.

8 - A strong mutual attraction arises between people in such an alliance, but one partner always manipulates others.

9 - Relations of two "philosophers". A man and a woman affect each other in such a way that both "fall out" from real life. Their favorite occupation is for a long time to talk about imminent dreams.

Your guy is a mystery? But now you know how to understand that this is your person on fate. By the date of birth of you both!

Magic rituals allowing you to learn "your" person

How to understand that this is your person on fate? The fortune telling helped our grandmothers from time immemorial. There are rites to help determine whether you are destiny to be together.

Try one of the magic rituals described below:

"Conversation with the highest strength"

Light a candle. We say the words: "The Angels of Love, open the truth to me, ... (Your name), will I be together with ... (Selected Name)." Inhales the aroma of the candle. After that, you need to go out into the street and the first oncoming person to ask any question assumed the answer "yes" or "no". For example:

  • Do you have a clock?
  • From this entrance now a man now went out?
  • Did you choose this beautiful suit?
  • Do you live in this house?
  • Do you have a brother (sister)?
  • Have you ever rested in Bulgaria?

If a person responds positively, you are destined to be with the chosen one. If negatively, then you will most likely break out.

"Pendulum of Fate"

Take a small item that can play the role of a plumb (bolt, pebbles, heavy buttons, needle), tie a thread to him. Take the resulting pendulum in hand. Wait when he is lit. Ask the "pendulum", whether he is ready to "talk" with you. If the subject tied to the thread began to swing, then approaching you, then alive, it should be interpreted as an affirmative answer. If he moves from left to right and on the contrary, the answer is negative. At the moment when the pendulum is ready to "talk", you can ask any questions about the chosen one.

"Magic conspiracy"

This method used our great-grandmothers, always knew how to understand that this is your person on fate. Conspiracy will help if they pronounce it above the molding water.

First you need to prepare such water. To do this, pour into the ordinary glass glass of non-carbonated mineral water and put into the freezer. Wait for complete frozen liquid. Then get a glass with water out of the freezer and wait to the water thawed. When only a small ice cube remains, removing it from a glass and throw out. Water from a glass can now be used for conspiracy.

Leaning over her, you need to say the words: "Higher power, give me, ... (Your name), to know for sure, is this man. Answer in 24 hours. " After that drink water. The answer will soon come.

Some magicians claim that the conspiracy in poetic form is stronger, such as such:

Leaning over the water

I urge: my house,

Angel of Light, come,

Get up for me, behind.

And hours through ...

Please know:

Who is on the heart of the Casov

My mind will disrupt.

If you already meet with a guy who you like, how to understand what is your person? Listen to yourself and your feelings. If you are designed to be together to be together, then all doubts will very soon disappear by themselves.