Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala. Signs, rituals, conspiracies

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala. Signs, rituals, conspiracies

From July 6 to July 7, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, washed with many stories, legends, myths and even horror stories. On this occasion, the editorial office traditionally publishes important information about what can be done on Ivan Kupala, as well as no less relevant information about prohibitions: what can not be done on Ivan Kupala. About this and about traditions on Ivan Kupala, read more in our material.

For those who are interested, Ivan Kupala what this holiday is responsible: - one of the most mysterious and unpredictable in the cycle of summer holidays in the church calendar of July. On July 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate, who dubbed Jesus Christ. But since the ancient pagan, Slavic and Christian traditions are closely intertwined in folk culture, there are important regulations on what to do to Ivan Kupala, and also that is prohibited to Ivan Kupala 2018.

What a holiday Ivan Kupala: Traditions

  • By tradition, July 6 should be removed in the house to meet the purchase of the 7th purity. On the evening of July 6, it is necessary to come to the reservoir to celebrate the holiday, not bathing.
  • In Kupali night, they usually collected, which exactly at this time are filled with healing force. A special demand was used by a thousandths of St. John's wort and chamomile. Herbs can be bursting at home, and they will be real family oversets.
  • Also within the framework of what they are doing on Ivan Kupala, magic has been popular. In particular, this day is accepted, so the unmarried girl with a special trepidation is waiting for a cotton night. Collect flowers for fortune telling - rogue. Finding a flower, the girl put it under the pillow. The blossomed bud testified of the soon marriage, and faded said that the next year marriage would not.
  • Girls who are allowed on the water. By tradition, it was necessary to give 12 different types of plants and made a wreath of them. If he picks up - the girl will not marry this year; If sailed from the shore - the groom goes very close.
  • As soon as the sun was sake, the youth bit a huge bonfire and a couple, holding hands, jumped through it. If young people managed to do this without spreading hands, then they are destined to be together, on the contrary - the pair will soon dispel. For married and married jumps through fire means that health will be strong all year.
  • At sunrise, on July 7, it is necessary to wash or swim in the river. This procedure will make all diseases from the body strengthen the immune system.

What can not be done on Ivan Kupala

On this day there are prohibitions that should not be done to every person, otherwise the consequences of actions may be irreversible. Read more about what you can not do on Ivan Kupala.

  • The traditions of Slavs suggest that Forest and Water evil is wakeged on Ivan - Witches, snakes, water, mermaids, hoars, - so you can not sleep on this night. It is impossible to swim on Ivan, because water can tighten into the water.
  • Also on the night of July 6 to July 7, it is worth staying away from the water pregnant, children and old men. Water evil spirits can harm the weak organisms of these people and even master their consciousness.
  • It was believed that the Witches watches water, which was boiling with the ashes of Kupaal Fire. Slipping her on Ivan Kupala, the witch could safely fly, where she would do.
  • In order to welfare of the family, it is better not to give anything to Ivan Kupala, not to sell and not lent. And if a person finds money on the road - even a major amount - he can not take them in any case.
  • What to do on Ivan the girls could not be used, so it's not to visit the evening fire: just the witches do it.

What you need to do to Ivan Kupala

For those who are interested, Ivan Kupala - what they do in this holiday, we inform: the most brave on this night are looking for the mythical flower of fern, because in this magical time the plants gained charming, medical and healing properties. Only in the cottage night on the ferner, a magic fire flower of happiness was bloomed - a journey.

Who will snew it, then everything in the world will know, will get all the treasures without difficulty, charm the best girl will have the highest harvest, will not be afraid of evil forces, it will have a miracle power to do everything with that hand that threw the flower of happiness. But you need to be ready for the shocks of the unclean, which this flower is guarded. Learn also, which is now observed Orthodox Christians.

Now you know interesting information about the traditions and bans on Ivan Kupala.

Photo: Open sources online

The holiday begins to celebrate on the night of July 7, which people consider special - only on this night you can find a mystical flower of fern, which will bring a man happiness and wealth.

As a holiday arose

The bright People's Day of Ivan Kupala takes its origins from paganism, although its origin is definitely not established. Ivan Kupala, presumably, occurred from the pagan rituals of purification, ablutions, which occurred in rivers and lakes on the day of summer solstice.

In the ancient Slavs, Ivan Kupala had a holiday of the sun, the maturity of summer and green bow. Therefore, he was associated with the day of summer solstice, which in the old style fell out on June 20-22.

© Photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitaleev

After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, Ivan Kupala, who was timed to one of the greatest Orthodox holidays - Christmas of John the Forerunner, began to symbolize the Christian baptism rite.

The future prophet, who will predict the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ, and then baptizes him in the waters of the Jordan River, born in the family of the Jewish priest of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth on July 7 (according to old style on June 24).

Centers were held - the holiday of Ivan Kupala, who has undergone changes and lost its true astronomical time, people continue to celebrate wide and bright.

According to ancient tradition, a holiday to this day is celebrated in many countries, including in Europe, in Baltic States, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and so on. In many countries, the holiday of Ivan Kupala today is both a church holiday and folk, although they call it differently.

Traditions and rites

The holiday, which in the people called Ivanov's night or Ivanov's day, the traditions begin to celebrate with the onset of the night - people spent numerous rituals and rites associated with water, fire and herbs, and of course, gadal. By the way, many of these rituals have been preserved to this day.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, the main tradition was mandatory swimming in the water, since the old people thought that, starting from that day to Ilyin of the day (on August 2, on a new style), all the evil spirits left the water of lakes, rivers and reservoirs.

Therefore, water on this night was considered healing and possessed magical power. Accordingly, she helped to cleanse from any evil, heal and acquire good health.

© Photo: Sputnik / Konstantin Chalabov

In those villages where there was no reservoir nearby, people flew bathers in which they were bathed and washed away from the uncleani, and bath brooms who were harvested on this day, used until the next day Ivan Klapala. People believed that plants on this day are of particular strength and beneficially affect the health of people.

The people believed that it was at this time that water enters the Holy Union with fire. It was considered a huge natural force, whose symbol became a bipower bonfires, which were burned on the shores of lakes, rivers and reservoirs and today.

For popular beliefs, fire, like water, on the night of Ivan Kupala possessed a big magical and cleansing force. Therefore, on the banks of rivers, lakes and water bodies, large bonfires were divorced, which could protect people from any unclean.

The people believed that in the Kupalie night it was impossible to sleep, since it was all that night all the extremes - the lords, mermaids, hoists, kimikors, houses, water, etc., went out and could harm people, so they tried to defend themselves Fire from fires.

The youth drove rounds, danced around the fires and of course he jumped through the fire of the fire. By tradition - who will jump above and will not hit the flame, will be happy. Men also chased the goal to become lucky and bolder, and girls and women - to strengthen health, add beauty and attractiveness.

The older generation spent its home cattle between the Kupali fires in order for their death and illness. And the mother was burned in the fires underwear, shirts and clothes, removed from sick children so that no birth would take them.

It was also popular to wait for the wooden wheels or resin barrels, which later rolled out from the mountain or wore on long sixtes, symbolizing the sun.

Nowadays, the most popular tradition of Ivan Kupala is the most popular, as people continue to believe that the water is washes away and cleans a person. However, the church does not welcome the pagan rites.

Value of colors and herbs

The magical, healing force on the night of Ivan Kupala also had flowers and herbs, so there were many rites associated with their gathering. But, it was necessary to collect grass before dawn, otherwise all magic properties disappeared.

© Photo: Sputnik / Egor Eremov

In particular, the flowers and herbs collected in Ivanov's night, put under the Kupavskaya Dew, then dried and used as needed. Healing decoctions were pierced by sick people, fured out the huts, expelled evil spirits, attracted good luck and wealth.

According to beliefs, some plants could give the ability to talk to birds and animals. Some of the most popular herbs that were collected on this night were nettle, mother-in-law, oregano, a rustic and wormwood. These herbs fought with unclean power and used in various magical rites.

According to legend, the main flower on this night was fern, which blooms very long. According to popular beliefs, a blooming fern, which was considered one of the most mysterious, witchcraft plants, not only fulfills the innermost desires, but also helps to find the treasures.

It was believed that not only the fern flower possesses magic, but also a flourishing flight-grass. Flight-grass, according to popular belief, can be transferred for thirty lands. And if on the night of Ivan Kappava, you will eat the enemies on the night, then you will not be terrible.

Divination, beliefs and signs

The most common to Ivan the battered is fortune-telling using wreaths. Wreaths flew from various herbs - burdock, bearish ears, Bogorodskaya grass (chamber, thyme) or Ivan-da-Marya, which inserted burning small rays or candles. Then we descended on the water and carefully followed them.

If the wreath started to quickly sail from the coast, it meant a happy and long life or a good marriage, and if the wreath was silent, meant that the girl would not marry this year or squeezed it.

© Photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Koktysh

The happier of everyone could become a man whose wreath was swimming further than others, and the longest lives everyone - whose candle or rauchka in a wreath will leave longer than others.

The nettle people were protected from the encroachment of various evil spirits on this night - for this, the plant laid out on the threshold at home and on the windowsill.

In Kupalskaya night, people always stored their horses who were especially vulnerable on this night, as the witches hunted them to go to the bald mountain, from which the horses were alive were alive.

On the night of Ivan Kapahu, people were looking for anthills and collected ant oil, which by legend on this night was given by large healing properties.

Ivan-da-Marya flower, torn on the night of Ivan Khapov, it was necessary to invest in all the corners of the house - people believed that they were defended by this from the thieves' encroachments.

According to one of the legends, the flower of Ivan-da Marie is a brother and sister who fell in love with each other, and were punished for it, and turned into a flower. Brother and sister will talk, and it will move the thieves.

It is believed that on the night of Ivan Khapov, the trees can move from one place to another, talk to each other with a rustle of the leaves. This also applied to the grass and flowers. Even animals on legends on this night talk to each other.

According to one of the following, at midnight you need not looking at the color and put under the pillow, and in the morning to check whether the twelve of different herbs or not. If it got, this year the maiden married.

A tributant (plantain) is put under the head, saying: "Failure-Freight, you live on the road, you see small and old, say my narrowed!"

On Ivanov, the day before the sunrise you need to carry your head through my flock and buried in the middle of the courtyard, then there will be no passage among the cattle.

And if Ivanov is a day to climb through twelve gardens, any desire will come true.

Strong dew on Ivan Kapahu - to the crop of cucumbers, if there will be many star-gribes on Ivanov night.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The customs of the holiday of Ivan Kupala and signs associated with this day have reached this day. He survived the arrival of Christianity, surrounded the times of complete denial in the country of religion and continues to worry the imagination of many people. His mysteriousness simultaneously manites and scares like a fern flower who has become a symbol.

Folk signs on Ivan Kupala

On the holiday, Ivan Kupala signs and customs were observed very strictly, because he dedicated to God fertility of the buy. Initially, it was celebrated on the longest day of the solstice on June 21-22, the summer code enters the full strength and the sun has a special force. After adopting the Slavs of Christianity, the holiday did not disappear, but he was tied to the birthday of John the Forerunner (John the Baptist) and began to celebrate on June 24. Another change in the date of the celebration occurred during the transition from Julian to Gregorian. And at present it is celebrated on July 6-7.

The holiday is enveloped by a variety of mystical and mysterious phenomena. He binds together the strength of fire and water. These days, people with the help of these elements are striving for clearing, for which the balloon is visited on the eve of the holiday with special brooms from healing herbs. And during the celebration, cleansing passes during the ritual jumping through the fire. But at the same time it is believed that this night is particularly active indefalious, and therefore swimming can be dangerous due to mermaids, and the witches are going to their on bald grief. Signals were considered particularly strong to Ivan Khapov, so they were paying close attention.

Signals for Ivan Kupala - Weather

At all times for farmers, the weather in the summer was the most important factor of survival and the challenges about her were first prior to:

  • rain on Ivan Kupala's sign is that there will be a meager harvest of bread;
  • a clear day with the playing sun foreshadowed late autumn;
  • many stars in the clear sky - you can wait for a rich harvest;
  • rainbow in the sky - wait for happiness.

Signs on Ivana bathed for money

Signs on Ivan Kupala were connected with the acquisition of money and wealth. The main one of these was the mystical flower of fern. For whom it was lucky to find and disrupt this flower, all the treasures hidden in Earth at any depth. This person gained the opportunity to understand birds and animals, gained power and witchcraft.

There were other signs of money on Ivan Pouche:

  • if you collect all the money in the house, folded in one place next to the bed, and in the morning for a long time and carefully recalculate them, then the money will not be translated into the next Ivanovo;
  • the arrival of guests to the holiday was alone the owners wealth, such guests were struggling to be treated;
  • sleeping in Ivanov Night can not be, otherwise the dearth penetrates into the house and carries trouble and poverty.

Signs on Ivana Kupala for unmarried

Unmarried Girls always built the most bold plans for this day. They diligently observed all the signs and rites at Ivan Khapov:

  • girls whipped wreaths from a special set of herbs, attached a candle and dug around the river. The drowning wreath meant that squeezed out. If the wreath sailed away and the candle did not go out, then be a wedding and a long happy life. The rogue candle threatened the disease.
  • if after the Bath Bath of a broom of herbs to quit behind his back, then his top will indicate, in which side the girl will marry;
  • to learn about marriage this year, you need to collect grass at night and hide under the pillow. In the morning to revise the grass if there are 12 different herbs, you can prepare for the wedding;
  • if, jumping through the bonfire, the pair does not open the hands, they will certainly marries.

Signs on Ivana Bath for Married

Married women are also very important to know what commences for the day of Ivan Kupala them are more important to them:

  • the morning dew was very strong, collected in Ivanov's day. Women should have gathered her unclean, not swears. Such dew washed to gain health, lost beauty and youth. This dewy Kropyi has a house so that it lived happily, satisfying and without trouble;
  • if babies are sick, then it is necessary to burn the sick child's clothes in this holiday, the disease will pass;
  • to return the husband, who looks aside, you need to cook a special porridge and in the morning together with my husband eat from one plate, while you need to feed your husband with a silver spoon and pronounce conspiracy.

Signs on Ivana Kupala for conception

The deity Ivan Kupalah in Slavs was a patron saint of love and marriage, and therefore this holiday was allowed to have been allowed, which in common time for girls and women were impossible. Women who wanted to have children, especially those who have done it did not work, tried to conceive this night.

  • signs on Ivan's Day Kupala convinced that the child, winner on this day, will be beautiful, rich and happy;
  • women who were preparing to become mothers gathered herbs to then bathe their children for health and good luck in them. The composition of Kupalish herbs included chamomile, nettle, lomies, wormwood, Iva, a chamber;
  • to recover from infertility, you need to jump through the Kupan bonfire.

Born on day Ivan Kupala - Signs

Not only conception, but also a birth in Ivanov a day confessed from long happiness. Signs and superstitions on the purchase argued that the child born this day would not only grow up rich and happy, but will have supernatural abilities, they will be able to conjure and communicate with spirits.

Of the children born, philosophers grow up, they are loving and welcoming. But there is a danger that they can get carried away by the material component of life and become scopidomes. Signs and customs on Ivan Kupala live many centuries, they may vary for different areas, but all these signs are combined with one common goal - to be cleansing so that life is reborn from year to year

Ivan Kupala is considered one of the most important holidays dedicated to the Sun, Fire, Water and Nature. Since ancient times, on this day thanksgiving the Sun, people sat down folk festivities, peaked out rites, bonfires were bonflaws. According to legends, it is in Ivanov the day the wedding of the goddess of the morning dawn and the God of the Sun.

As with any other holiday, the signs on Ivan the battered warned, preserve, predict what fate predicts you.

The folk fun and festivities were dedicated to the wedding of the gods and one of the main acts of the act, there were swimming in the water, from which the name "Kupala" went. If you swim at dawn, then you will leave the blessing of the goddess dawn, it will give you longevity, you will retain youth and beauty. Therefore, there is another tradition - wash and walk on dew barefoot. And if you swim at sunset, then the brother of the goddess dawn will take you under their guard and protects from the unclean, the evil eye and trouble.

When there are circles on the water during swimming in the river around you, it means that the forces of nature give you purity and happiness. In general, the sign of the circle for the holiday of Ivan Kupala is attached great importance: a circle, he is Kohlot, according to the pagan belief, is the chariot of the Sun of God and when you see somewhere around - in the water, the round track left after the rain drop fell in Sand or on the road, it is considered a happy sign.

Signs on Ivana Kupala in most of the spirits are associated with the rampant spirits, which also celebrate the Divine Wedding and do not always behave well towards people. So, if you heard some voice that comes from nowhere, it is a misfortune, misfortune. If you dreamed a strange dream, and you will talk in it with an invisible interlocutor - it is also unfortunately.

In some areas of our country, there is a tradition to light up an ordinary church candle for the night, which will help you protect yourself from the fun of the spirits. If the candle proceeds to the end without disturbed - it promises good luck in affairs and personal life, and if it suddenly goes out, and not dozhores to the end - to be trouble.

If on the night of Ivan Kupala you hear in the house or in the courtyard song Cricket - you are waiting for good news.

When you already leave the holiday, you can not look around to the fire, otherwise the witch will attach you and will harm you all year until the next holiday battle, feeding your life force.

It is impossible to eat berries on this day, because It is believed that by this you carry the berries from your deceased relatives and on that light they will not be able to enjoy them.

If all the sky in the bathing night is sleeping with stars - there will be a rich mushroom harvest, and if the thunderstorm passes the thunderstorm - do not wait for nuts.

Abundant dew on Ivanov Day to a rich crop of cucumbers.

Children born in a bathing night have witchcraft talents, may be in spirits and from birth, they are protected by gods - Dazhbog and Dawn.

Young and unmarried girls can be paid out in Kupalskaya night: go out for the threshold of the house and not looking, make a bouquet of flowers, which then put under the pillow. If in the morning you woke up and counted flowers and it came out 12 or more, then this year will marry, if less - you will have to wait yet.

If at night you hear cuckoo - autumn will be cold, if not - warm and protracted.

If you have a lacaround on this day with water or drops from the tree, you will be lucky all year.

Do not take gifts from unfamiliar guys, especially delicious presents - candy, cakes. Signs to Ivan Kupala says that in such "gifts" a very strong spell, which made an experienced witch. Also, you should not take any things on this day at all on this day, on which there may be damage taken from other people's hands and troubles. Do not forget that it is the day of Ivan Kupala that gives the power of all the wits and is not a fact that a good wizard will meet on your life path.

The night from July 6 to July 7 is one of the most mysterious per year. At that moment, the twilight is condensed on July 6, swimming night enters into their own rights, during which all wonders may happen! Three main symbols of Ivan Kupala are fire, water and grass. On this night, they acquire a special magical force and are capable of not only to clean the soul of a person from sins, but also to heal and rejuvenate his body. Maybe you want to try all the power of the ancient rites and rituals Ivan Kupala? As for them, you will not need to go for the tried lands or master the art of real magicians and sorcerers.

Mass bathing.
Traditional rites on Ivan Kupalah have a lot, but the main of them is massive bathing. With the coming of the holiday, all the evil and the bad guys from the lakes and the rivers leave, and the water immediately acquires magical properties!
Of course, the night on Ivan Kupala must be found in nature in a noisy company, on the banks of the river or lake, and not in the proud loneliness of the house, lying in the bathroom. Immersing in living water, you must feel the feeling of joy and thanks for giving you health, beauty and vital energy. Coming out of the water, do not wipe away with a towel, let the wonderful and healing moisture impresses each cell of your body!

Ritual bonfires.
On the banks of the rivers, where the Ivan Kupala is celebrated, ritual bathing cables that distingate evil spirits are traditionally laid out. In this magical night, even two most powerful elements, fire and water, forget their enmity and become friends. Jump through the bonfires (just carefully, do not make them too high), play the burners, run away, ride songs, communicate. This night celebration of light and love! Also traditionally in ritual fires burn the clothes of sick people. It is believed that this rite can get rid of any hands.

Herbs and healing bath.
Another ritual on Ivan Kupala is a real bathhouse with brooms from the healing herbs collected on the eve of the evening. Such brooms are called Ivanovo and they have simply miraculous medical properties. War down with such a broom all year - and health problems will not. And just hang a wreath of dried bathing herbs in your apartment. Happiness from you will never turn away! But if you see the fern on the night of the battle, - then consider that you are completely lucky: somewhere nearby is valuable treasure! Looking for immediately!

Ritual for money.
Have fun from the soul, just do not sleep until dawn! On this night, all the evil forces of nature so hunt for you, building insidious goats. Do not let them make your black things. But at the dawn, you can relax a little. But before you get to sleep, do not be lazy and spend another interesting ritual for attracting money. Collect all the coins and bills that you have, and put them in a secluded place. When you wake up, recalculate them in a quietly and slowly, without hurrying anywhere and getting pleasure from your exercise. Then, according to ancient trial, wealth will come to your house and will not leave it until the next meal for Ivan! You will be surprised, but it really "works"!

So, what can not be done on Ivan Kupala?

First of all, until day, on July 7, it was impossible to swim in the reservoirs. And only with the arrival of Ivan Kupala swimming was allowed - all the prohibitions were filmed, but throughout the holiday, the ban continued to operate on certain groups of the population. People were played on Ivan, pouring each other with water, but it was impossible to spray pregnant women and old people. It was believed that the evil who was removed from the water for the holiday Ivan Kupalah, still can harm them, because both women in the situation, and in children, and in the elderly, the body is not so strong.

It was impossible to sleep on Ivan Kupala, because the evil spirits would not sleep either, but he tries to build goats to people and their home cattle. At any moment they can pick up houses, water, left and mermaids (these mythical creatures that have come to this day from Slavic-pagans, prove how strong the pre-Christian component Ivan Kupala). To protect yourself from evil spirits, our ancestors have dispublished in homes and hlevar nettle, lovers, Barwin, willow, hemp, wormwood ... and even mirrors and torn men's pants. And in some regions even stuck in front of a hute aspen count. The most effective tool was considered Ivan-da-Marya, as if her flowers at night talked among themselves and so scared the evil.

On Ivan Kupala could not be given, selling or leaving anything, as the family could have tolerance.

Ivan Kupala: What you can not do (from history and legends)

In general, the special cattle on this day is special. So, it was forbidden to beat the cow with a stick on Ivan, and then the udder dries down (did Gutsul believed in it).

And in order not to get into the chain trap paws (the mythical creation accepting the appearance of a beloved person), you can not raise the found things on the road, it is better to leave them in place.

It was impossible not to come to the Kupali fire, where everything was going to the village. Women who did not appear at the celebration considered witch.