Gabriel Garcia Marquez years of life. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "The Great Magic Realist

Gabriel Garcia Marquez years of life. Gabriel Garcia Marquez:
Gabriel Garcia Marquez years of life. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "The Great Magic Realist

Marquez was born in a small provincial town, not far from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Colombia. His father - Gabriel Garcia, was a telegraphist, but on the formation of Marquez as a writer influenced the grandmother of the Transkillin, on which the whole house was held, and Grandfather Marquez, Colonel, Civil War Participant 1899-1903. The writer himself believes that the third factor determined by his fate is the atmosphere of the house in which he conducted a childhood, the life of the town, where fiction and reality are closely intertwined. In the eight of the death after the death of Grandfather, Marquez leaves Arachatka and studies at the boarding school of Sapacira. Here he first tries to write. In 1946, Marquez arrives at the Faculty of Faculty of University in Bogota.

The first story of Marquez was published in 1947, but the author does not think to make literature the main birth of his activities. In 1948, as a result of the murder of the Liberal Party leader, the situation in the capital is complicated, and Marquez moves to Cartagena, where he is trying to continue classes. But the law career attracts him little, and soon he refuses her at all and appeals to journalistic activities.

From 1950 to 1954, Marquez works as a reporter, the chronicles section leads. In 1951, there is a story "Fairy foliage", in which the town of Marko appears for the first time, so resembles his native arachatka. Together with the world of Materno, the theme of loneliness, central for the creativity of Marqueza, comes.

In 1954, Marquez moves to Bogota, continues to work in the newspaper, takes part in political activities, and in July 1955, as a correspondent of the newspaper El Espetovor comes to Europe. He works in Rome, at the same time engaged in directorial courses in the experimental cinematic center. From Rome Marquez moves to Paris. The coup that happened in the homeland makes it stay in the French capital. It is here that Marquez creates a story "Colonel Nobody writes", whose first version ends in 1956, and a separate publishing published in 1961

Working by the correspondent of various Latin American newspapers, Marquez traveled many European countries, lived for some time in Venezuela, and since 1961, justified in Mexico, where she finishes the novel "Nedeful Hour". For the first time, the novel, in the distorted editor, saw the light in Spain, but the full edition was carried out in 1966 in Mexico. The subject of the artistry of Marquez becomes the topic of violence and its decomposing influence on the person. And again on the pages appear the names of Aureliano Baendia, Rebeks, the image of Materno appears. Memories of childhood and thoughts on fatal communication violence and loneliness pursue Marquez, requiring artistic incarnation. So the collection of stories "Funeral Mom" \u200b\u200b(1962) appears.

In January 1965, Marquez felt that he could "begin to dictate the first chapter word for the word". For 18 months, the writer goes into voluntary imprisonment. It ended in the appearance of the novel to which the author was 20 years old. The novel "One hundred years of loneliness" saw the light in 1967 in Buenos Aires. Success was stunning, the circulation was over three and a half more than half a million specimens, which is sensational for Latin America, and in the world they spoke about the new era in the history of the novel and realism. The term "magic realism" was played on the pages of numerous literary works. That is how the narrative manner inherent in the Noman Marquez and the works of many Latin American writers were determined.

"Magic Realism" is characterized by unlimited freedom, with which Latin American writers sprout by the scope of grounding of the life and the sphere of the innermost depth of consciousness.

In 1972, a collection of stories "Incredible and sad story about the simplicity of erender and her hard-hearted grandmother" appears. Starting from this collection, Marquez starts a comprehensive study of the problem of power, the brilliant embodiment of which will give in the novel "Autumn Patriarch" (1975). It was this novel that became a grotesque summary of the facts of violence and despotism, which the history of mankind is so rich. In the center of Roman, the history of a strong person who proclaimed the unique law of existence.

In 1981, he saw the light "The history of one death, which was known in advance," and in 1982 the Writer was awarded the Nobel Prize. In 1972, Marquez became the owner of the Romulo Gallegos International Prize.

1982 - receives the Nobel Prize in literature for "novels and stories, in which fantastic and realistic combined into a richly composed world of imagination, reflecting the life and conflicts of the continent."

Gabriel José de la Concordia "Gábo" Garcia Marquez - Columbian Prosiscript writer, journalist, publisher and political figure. Laureatestadt literary premium (1972) and the Nobel Prize in Literature (1982). Representative of the literary direction "Magic Realism". Theabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1927 in the Columbia town of Aracataka (Magdalena Department) in the family of Elicio Garcia and Louise Santiago Marquez. Shortly after the birth of Gabriel, his father became a pharmacist. In January 1929, his parents moved to the city of Sucre. Marquez remained in Arachatka, where he was raised to her grandmother and grandfather on the maternal line. It is these relatives who introduced the future writer with folk legends and language features that later became an important element of his creativity. When Marquez was nine years old, his grandfather died, and Gabriel moved to her parents in Sucre, where his father owned a pharmacy.

In 1940, at the age of 12, Gabriel received a scholarship and began studying in the Jesuit College of town of Sipakira, 30 km north of Bogota. In 1946, at the insistence of parents entered the National University of Bogota to the Faculty of Law. Then he met his future wife, Mercedes Barcha Pardo.

Interrupted the study earlier in 1950, decided to devote himself to journalism and literature. Writers as Ernest Hemingway, William Falkner, James Joyce and Virginia Wolfe, were of particular influence on him.

In parallel, Marquez is engaged in writing, writing stories and filmceneurs. In 1961, he outlows the story "Colonel Nobody writes" (El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba), in 1966 - Roman "Nedeful Hour" (La Mala Hora, 1966). The world famous for him brought the novel "One hundred years of loneliness" (Cien Años de Soledad, 1967). In 1972, for this novel, he was awarded the Romulo Galhelo Prize.

In 1982, Gabriel Garcia Marquez received the Nobel Prize in literature "For novels and stories in which fantasy and reality, combining, reflect the life and conflicts of the whole continent." At the premium presentation, he said "Loneliness of Latin America". Marquez became the first Colombian who received this premium.

In 1989, the doctors discovered the writer a cancer tumor in the lungs, which was probably a consequence of his addiction to smoking - he smoked for three packs of cigarettes per day. After surgery in 1992, the disease has suspended. But the writer continued to experience health problems. A medical examination in 1999 revealed another oncological disease - lymphoma. After he had to postpone the two complex operations in the United States and Mexico and the long course of treatment. On July 7, 2012, BBC News with reference to the brother of the writer Khaima Garcia Marquez spread the news that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is seriously ill and suffers from senile dementia: "He has memory problems. Sometimes I cry, realizing that I am losing it, "said Brother writer, adding that because of health problems, Gabriel Garcia Marquez can no longer write anymore. The writer's brother also said that Marquez is in satisfactory physical form and "preserves a sense of humor and enthusiasm."

In 2002, the first book was published from the planned by the author of the biographical trilogy - "to live to tell about life", which in the Hispanic world became a bestseller. The book is written in the genre of "magical realism."

In August 2004, Marquez sold the right to the decreement of his novel "Love during Choles" Hollywood film company "Stone Village Pictures". Budget Films amounted to $ 40 million. The shooting was held in 2006 in Cartagena, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.

On January 26, 2006, together with Freye Betto, Eduardo Galeno, Pablo Milanes, Ernesto Sabato and other famous cultural figures, Marquez made a demand for the provision of independence of Puerto Rico.

Gabriel José de la Concordia "Gabo" Garcia Marquez (Gabriel José de La Concordia "Gabo" García Márquez). Born on March 6, 1928 in Arachatka - died on April 17, 2014 in Mexico City. Colombian writer-prose, journalist, publisher and political figure. Laureate of the Neostadt Literary Prize (1972) and the Nobel Prize in Literature (1982). Representative of the literary direction "Magic Realism".

Born in the Columbia town of Arachatka (Department of Magdalena) in the family of Elias Garcia and Louise Santiago Marquez. Shortly after the birth of Gabriel, his father became a pharmacist. In January 1929, his parents moved to the city of Sucre.

Garcia Marquez remained in Arachatka, where he was brought up to her grandmother and grandfather on the maternal line. It is these relatives who introduced the future writer with folk legends and language features that later became an important element of his creativity. When Garcia Marquez was nine years old, his grandfather died, and Gabriel moved to parents in Sucre, where his father owned a pharmacy.

In 1940, at the age of 12, Gabriel received a scholarship and began studying in the Jesuit College of town of Sipakira, 30 km north of Bogota. In 1946, at the insistence of parents entered the National University of Bogota to the Faculty of Law. Then he met his future wife, Mercedes Barcha Pardo.

Interrupted the study earlier in 1950, decided to devote himself to journalism and literature. Writers as Ernest Hemingway, William Folkner, James Joyce and Virginia Wolfe, were given the greatest impact on it, Franz Kafka.

From 1950 to 1952, he led the column in the local newspaper "El Heraldo" in Barranquil. During this time, he became an active member of an informal group of writers and journalists, known as a group of Barranquil, who inspired him to start a literary career.

From 1954 to 1955, Garcia Marquez operates in Bogota in the El Apetor newspaper, publishing small articles and reviews for films. As a correspondent, it is sent to Italy, Poland, France, Venezuela and the United States. In 1957, 30-year-old Garcia Marquez was a correspondent at the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students. Memories of this event are captured in the essay "USSR: 22,400,000 square kilometers without a single advertising of Coca-Cola!".

In 1959, his son is born in Bogota, in the future, the film director and the Writer Rodrigo Garcia, the winner of the Cannes Film Festival.

In parallel, Garcia Marquez is engaged in writing, writing stories and filmcensory. In 1961, he outlows the story "Colonel Nobody writes" (El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba), in 1966 - Roman "Nedeful Hour" (La Mala Hora, 1966).

World famous Marquez brought the novel "One hundred years of loneliness" (Cien Años de Soledad, 1967). In 1972, for this novel, he was awarded the Romulo Galhelo Prize.

In 1982, Gabriel Garcia Marquez received the Nobel Prize in literature "For novels and stories in which fantasy and reality, combining, reflect the life and conflicts of the whole continent." At the premium presentation, he said "Loneliness of Latin America". Garcia Marquez became the first Columbian who received this award.

During the presidency in the United States B. Clinton (1993-2001), Garcia Marquez at the personal request of President Mexico Carlos Salinas de Gortari, unofficially carried out mediation in negotiations between Clinton and the head of the Republic of Cuba.

In May 2000, in the daily Peruvian newspaper La República under the name Garcia Marquez printed a poem "Doll" (La Marioneta), which served as a confirmation of information about the deaths of the writer. The information was quickly converted by newspapers, but soon it turned out that the author of this work is not the world-famous author at all, and the Mexican Velch's Mexican, under whose creation for unknown reasons was the name of Garcia Marquez. Later, the mistakes recognized both. However, to this day, on the network, these lines signed by the name of the Nobel laureate are very often found. Sometimes not very attentive fans and authors of fan rollers for incomprehensible reasons are attributed to this poem and Paulo at all.

In 2002, the first book was published from the planned by the author of the biographical trilogy - "to live to tell about life", which in the Hispanic world became a bestseller. The book is written in the genre of "magical realism."

In August 2004, Garcia Marquez sold the right to the decreement of his novel "Love in the time of cholera" of Hollywood film company "Stone Village Pictures". Budget Films amounted to $ 40 million. The shooting was held in 2006 in Cartagena, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. In October 2004, Random House Mondadori and Grupo Editorial Norma published the last work of Garcia Marquez - "remembering my sad whores." A month before the official presentation, the book "Pirates" stole the manuscript and launched this book on sale. The writer in response to this changed the final of the story. Million Circulation was redefined for a record short time. Pirate fakes, most of which confiscated the police, now the object of hunting for collectors.

In 2006, Pedro Sanchez, the mayor of the town of Arachatka, in which Garcia Marquez was born, offered to rename the settlement in Materno, in honor of the place of action of the novel "One hundred years of loneliness". A voting was conducted, but, although more than 90% of those who voted themselves began to rename, the city was not renamed, because only half of the necessary 7400 people took part in the voting.

On January 26, 2006, together with Freye Betto, Eduardo Galeano, Pablo Milanes, Ernesto Sabato and other famous cultural figures, Garcia Marquez made a request for the provision of independence of Puerto Rico.

In 2009, the Government of Mexico recognized that the Mexican authorities led to Gabriel Garcia Marquez from 1967 to 1985 (that is, during the presidency of Luis Echverry and José Lopez Portillo) because of his relationships with communist regimes and leaders.

In the fall of 2010, a collection of previously not published performances of Garcia Marquez over the period from 1944 to 2007 "I am not here to talk about speech" (Yo No Vengo A Decir Un Discurso).

The year of Garcia Marqueza was celebrated in Russia in 2012, because at this time the following round dates coincided - 85 years since his birth, 45 years old with the first publication of the great novel "One hundred years of loneliness", 30 years old with awarding writer Nobel Prize, 10 From the moment of the first publication of the book of his memoirs "to live to talk about life."

In 1989, the doctors found a cancer tumor in the lungswhich was probably a consequence of his addiction to smoking - he smoked for three packs of cigarettes per day. After surgery in 1992, the disease has suspended. But the writer continued to experience health problems. A medical examination in 1999 revealed another oncological disease - lymphoma. After he had to postpone the two complex operations in the United States and Mexico and the long course of treatment.

On July 7, 2012, BBC News with reference to the brother of the writer Khaima Garcia Marquez spread the news that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is seriously ill and suffers from senile dementia: "He has memory problems. Sometimes I cry, realizing that I am losing it, "said Brother writer, adding that because of health problems, Gabriel Garcia Marquez can no longer write anymore. The writer's brother also said that Garcia Marquez is in satisfactory physical form and "preserves the sense of humor and enthusiasm inherent in him."

On March 31, 2014, Mexico's Ministry of Health reported that Gabriel Garcia Marquez was hospitalized due to a pulmonary infection and urinary tract infections into one of the Mexico City Clinics. Garcia Marquez was appointed antibiotics treatment.

Later it was reported that the state of Garcia Marquez is stable. April 8, he was discharged. A hospital representative of Hachelin Pineda said that Garcia Marquez still feels not very good, which is explained by his age, so at home he will continue treatment.

On April 16, President of Colombia and a close friend of Writer Juan Manuel Santos said that the information that Garcia Marquez was incurably sick with cancer, is a fictional.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez died on April 17, 2014 at the 87th year of life in his home in Mexico City from the renal failure and the respiratory disease that followed this. Until the last moment, the wife of Mercedes Barcha and two sons, Gonzalo and Rodrigo were located next to the writer.

In connection with the death of the writer, the POLUMBIA was announced in the country three-day mourning.

Works of Gabriel Garia Marquez:


Burning Hora (La Mala Hora) (1962)
One hundred years of loneliness (Cien Años de Soledad) (1967)
Autumn Patriarch (El Otoño Del Patriarca) (1975)
Love during cholera (El Amor En Los Tiempos Del Cólera) (1985)
General in his labyrinth (El General En Su Laberinto) (1989)
About love and other demons (Diatriba de Amor Contra Un Hombre Sentado Y Del Aror Y Otros Demonios) (1994)
To live to talk about life (Vivir Para Contarla) (2002).

Tale and stories:

Third Humility (La Tercera Resignacion) (1947)
Another side of death (La Otra Costilla de la Muerte) (1948)
Eve inside your cat (Eva Está Dentro de Su Gato) (1948)
Tuvalkain Kuket Star (Tubal-Caín Forja Una Estrella) (1948)
Suggesting for Troy Somnambul (Amargura Para Tres Sonánbulos) (1949)
Dialogue with a mirror (Diálogo del Espejo) (1949)
A woman who came exactly at six (La Mujer Que Llegaba A LAS SEIS) (1950)
Blue Dog Eyes (Ojos de Perro Azul) (1950)
About how Nathanael inflicts visits (De Cómo Natanael Hace Una Visita) (1950)
Nabo - Nebolenok, forced to wait for Angels (Nabo, El Negro Que Hizo Esperar a Los Ángeles) (1951)
He who grieves these roses (Alguien Desordena Estas Rosas) (1952)
Night when they were commissioned (La Nocha de Los Alcaravanes) (1953)
A man comes during the rain (Un Hombre Viene Bajo La Lluvia) (1954)
La Hojarasca (1955)
Isabel looks at the rain in Monto (Monólogo de Isabel Viendo Llover EN Macondo) (1955)
Day after Saturday (Un Día Despues del Sábado) (1955)
Nobody writes Colonel (El Coronel No Tiene Quien Le Escriba) (1957)
Sea of \u200b\u200bdisappearing time (El Mar del Tiempo Perdido) (1961)
Widow Montiel (La Viuda de Montiel) (1961)
Artificial Roses (Rosas Artificiales) (1961)
Funeral Great Mom (Los Funerales de la Mama Grande) (1961)
We have no thieves in our town (EN ESTE Pueblo No Hay Ladrones) (1962)
An unforgettable day in the life of Baltasar (La Prodigiosa Tarde de Baltazar) (1962)
Siesta on Tuesday (La Siesta Del Martes) (1962)
One of these days (un día de éstos) (1962)
Very old man with huge wings (Un Señor Muy Viejo Con Unas Alas Enormes) (1968)
Blacaman Kind, Seller Miracles (Blacamán El Bueno Vendedor de Milagros) (1968)
The most beautiful drill in the world (El Ahogado Más Hermoso del Mundo) (1968)
Last journey of the ghost ship (El último Viaje Del Buque Fantasma) (1968)
The story is not drowned in the open sea (Relato de un Náufrago) (1970)
For love of the inevitability of death (MUERTE Constante Más Allá del Amor) (1970)
Incredible and sad story about the simplicity of erender and its heartless grandmother (La Increíble Y Triste Historia de La Cándida Eréndira Y De Su Abuela Desalmada) (1972)
Chronicle of announced death (Cronica de Una Muerte Anunciada) (1981)
Happy summer Senory Forbes (El Verano Feliz De La Señora Forbes) (1982)
Footprints of your blood in the snow (El Rastro de Tu Sangre en La Nieve) (1982)
Maria Dos Prazeris (María Dos Prazeres) (1992)
Happy way, Mr. President! (Bon Voyage, MR PRESIDENT) (1992)
Tramontana (Tramana) (1992)
Augusta fears (Espantos de Agosto) (1992)
Holy (La Santa) (1992)
Light is the same that water (La Luz es Como El Agua) (1992)
Airplane Sleeping Beauty (El Avión de La Bella Durmiente) (1992)
I only came to call on the phone (Solo Vine A Hablar Por Teléfono) (1992)
Seventeen poisoned British (Dicecisiete Ingleses EnveneNados) (1992)
I'm hired to see dreams (Me Alquilo Para SOñar) (1992)
Abduction message (Noticia de Un Secuestro) (1996)
Remembering my sad whores (Memoria de Mis Putas Tristes) (2004)

Documentary works:

Secret Adventures of Miguel Littin in Chile (La Aventura de Miguel Littín Clandestino en Chile) (1986)
Live to talk about life (Vivir Para Contarla) (2002)


Juego Peligroso (1966)
El Secuestro (1982)
El Rastro de Tu Sangre en La Nieve: El Verano Feliz De La Señora Forbes (1982)
El Olor De La Guayaba (1982)
María de Mi Corazón (1983)
Erendira (1983)
Tiempo de Morir (1985)
Diatriba de Aor Para Un Hombre Sentado (1987)
Fábula De La Bella Palomera (1988)
Edipo Alcalde (1996)

Moscow, Apr 18 - RIA Novosti. The famous writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez passed away on Thursday at the age of 87 in Mexico City, where he lived for more than half a century, according to the Mexican Foro TV TV channel.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) on March 6, 1927 in the coastal Columbia town of Aracataka.

Brought up with grandmother and grandfather, who introduced him to legends, folklore and folk language, which later became an important element of his work.

In 1940 he entered the Jesuit College in Bogota. After graduating from college, he began the law career, but soon left it for journalism and literature.

In 1947, Marquez entered the University of Columbia to the Faculty of Law. In the same year in the Bogota newspaper "Observer" (Espectador), his first story "Third Failure" was published. Over the next six years, the light of more than ten stories of Marquez saw the light in the same newspaper.

Having moved in 1948 in Cartagena, the writer continued his legal education and two years later became a reporter in Heraldo (Heraldo), where he led a permanent heading "Giraffe". In 1954, he returned to Bogota and again became the reporter of the "observer".

Having worked in Europe to a freelance journalist for two years, Marquez settled in the Cuban government news agency Prelza Latina, and in 1961 he moved to Mexico City (Mexico), where he made a living with scenarios and journal articles and wrote books in his free time.

The greatest Colombian of all time Gabriel Garcia MarquezThe famous writer of Columbian origin Gabriel Garcia Marquez died on Thursday at the age of 87 in Mexico City, where he lived for more than half a century. President of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos has already reacted to this news in his microblog in Twitter: "A thousand years of loneliness and sadness because of the death of the great Columbian of all time."

As a serious crossing of Marquez first showed himself in 1955 by writing a story "Fairy foliage." The story opens an extensive prosaic cycle about Materno, a sultry coastal town, immersed in the atmosphere of disasters, epidemics and miracles. Chronicle Magono continued the story "Colonel Nobody writes" (1961) and the novel "Nedeful Hour" (1966), and she completed her famous novel "One hundred years of loneliness" (1967), which traces the fate of six generations of the Baendia family.

The novel was almost immediately translated into many European languages \u200b\u200b(in Russian - in 1970), he was recognized as a masterpiece of Latin American prose, which began the beginning of the direction called "Magic Realism". The novel was awarded numerous prizes, the writer became an honorary doctor of Columbia University in New York (USA) and moved to Barcelona (Spain).

In 1974, Marquez founded the left newspaper "Alternative" in Bogota and from 1975 to 1981, until the power of the Chilean dictator Pinochet was engaged in political journalism.

In the center of the next novel writer "Autumn Patriarch" (1975) - a hyperbolyn image of a fictional American dictator. In 1981, an innovative novel "Chronicle of the declared death" appeared.

In 1982, Garcia Marquez received the Nobel Prize in literature "for novels and stories in which fantasy and reality, combining, reflect the life and conflicts of the whole continent."

After receiving the Nobel Prize, the novels "love during cholera" (1985), "General in his labyrinth" (1989), compilations "Twelve English" (1992), "Love and other demons" (1994), "Message about abduction "(1996).

In 2002, the first volume of memoirs was published "to live to talk about life", in 2004 - the novel "Memories of my sad whores."

In 2004, the writer, who had previously refused to cooperate with Hollywood, sold him the right to the decreement of his book "Love during cholera".

In the fall of 2010, a collection of previously not published performances of Marquez had been released for the period 1944-2007 "I am not here in order to talk about speech."

In 2011, the Russian Publishing House of AST, which became the first Russian official copyright holder at Gabriel Garcia Marquez, released the first three novels - "One hundred years of loneliness", "General in his labyrinth" and "Nobody writes".

Marquez's memoirs "live to talk about life" in which he under 28 years old, for the first time came out in Russia for the anniversary of the author in early March 2012.

On March 6, 2012, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev Gabriel Garcia Marquez Order Honor for his contribution to the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of Russia and Latin America.

Marquez many years have experienced serious health problems for many years: in 1989 he had a cancer tumor in the lungs, in 1992 the writer made an operation. A medical examination in 1999 revealed another oncological disease - lymphoma. After that, Marquez suffered two complex operations in the United States and Mexico and a long course of treatment. Writer, Marquez suffered from senile dementia.

Marquez was married to Mercedes Barcha (Mercedes Barcha). He had two sons - Rodrigo (Rodrigo) and Gonzalo (Gonzalo).

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Marquez Gabriel Garcia: Books of "Magic Realism"

Marquez Gabriel Garcia, whose best books read almost everyone, - famous Colombian writer, journalist, public figure, owner of the Nobel Prize in literature.

For the world reader, he is known, first of all, as a bright representative of the direction of magical realism. Marquez Gabriel Garcia, whose books are often written in a similar genre, implement the artistic method, according to which magic elements are neatly intertwined in realistic reality. A typical such novel is the famous "one hundred years of loneliness." But if you want to get better to get acquainted with other works of Marquez Gabriel Garcia, books, the list of which is presented on the site, will come to your aid.

Marquez Gabriel Garcia: biography

Marquez Gabriel Garcia: whose biography is filled with the most different events, was born on March 6, 1927. At thirteen years, the boy began studying in college, which was located in Sipakira near Bogota, and then entered the National University of Bogota, choosing a legal specialty. However, learning to finish it was not given, since the future writer decided to devote his life to journalism and literature. As a child, he was read in Hemingway, Falkner and Joyce, these writers greatly influenced the work of the future writer.

By studying journalism, Marquez leads a column in the EL Heraldo edition, in parallel, it enters the Barranquilla writers. It was this informal association that inspired to start him to engage in literature. In 1954, Marquez operates in El Espector and the countries of Europe, the USA and Russia visits as a correspondent. But journalism did not interfere with active writing activities. And the asset of a young man is a lot of stories and scenarios for cinema.

Garcia Marquez was honored to be the first Colombian who was awarded the Nobel Prize. It happened in 1982. The wording states that novels and stories are noted in which the symbiosis of reality and fantasies reflect the life of the whole continent .. In addition, it is known that the writer read on the presentation - "loneliness of Latin America."

If you are interested in Marquez Gabriel Garcia, books, a list that you will see on the "Bookopoisk" website will delight with their incredible warmth, irony and magic.