Frederic Chopin. Genius piano music

 Frederic Chopin. Genius piano music
Frederic Chopin. Genius piano music

Frederick Francois Chopin - Great Polish Pianist and Composer. He was born in the small town of Zelzovs Will on March 1, 1810. Parents tried to give a talented child a good musical education. Six-year-old Frederick begins to engage in music with teacher Wojca Live. The pronounced abilities for the game on the piano and writing music made from the boy of the pets of the Great Salons Warsaw.

Pen sample - Polonaise B-DUR (1817)

Having learned that the young Frederick composed Polonaise, Prince Radziville helped writing the wrist in the newspaper. Under notes there was a note that the composer is only seven years old. Children's works of Chopin, the list of which began with Polonza, were under the strong influence of the Polish composers popular at this time - Mikhała Kleofasa Ogińskiego (Maryi Szymanowskiej).

For his creative life, F. Chopin composed 16 polonesis. But only seven of them he recognized decent public execution. Nine works that were created in the early period, during the lifetime of the composer were not published. The first three polonasis, written in the period 1817-1821, became the starting point for the formation of the composer's talent of the young musician.

Almost all of F. Chopin were solo piano works. But there were exceptions. In the "big polona es-dur" the piano accompanied the orchestra. For piano and cello, the composer composed "Polonaise C-DUR".

New teacher

In 1822, Wojcih lively was forced to admit that as a musician he could no longer give a young Chopin. The student surpassed his teacher, and the touched teacher said goodbye to a talented child. Taking part in his fate, the lively wrote the famous Warsaw composer and teacher Joseph Elsnera. In the life of Chopin began a new period.

First Mazurka

Summer 1824, Frederick spent in the town of Shafars, where the family of his school comrade was located. Here he first got in touch with folk musical creativity. Mazowiecki and Jewish folklore penetrated the soul of a novice musician. The impressions inspired them were reflected in the A-Moll Mazurka. She gained fame called "Jewish".

Mazurks, like other works of Chopin, the list of which was constantly increased, combined various musical trends. The tonality and form of the melody are harmoniously flowing out of the intonation of national singing (Mazurka in the National Polish tradition was a dance, accompanied by singing). They combine elements of rustic folklore and city salon music. Another feature of Mazurok Chopin is a combination of various dances and the original processing of folk melodies. The cycle of Mazurok has characteristic of the folk creativity of intonation and combines the elements characteristic of folk music with copyright method of building a musical phrase.

Mazurks are numerous and most famous works of Chopin. The list of them was replenished throughout the composer's creative career. In just 1825 to 1849, Chopin created 58 Mazurok. His creative heritage gave rise to interest that composers began to show to this dance. Many Polish writers tried to work in this genre, but could not completely free themselves from the charm of Chopin's music.

The formation of artist

In 1829, the concert activities of Frederick Chopin began. He successfully tours in Krakow and Vienna.

Music Austria was conquered by a young Polish virtuoso. In 1830, Chopin leaves his homeland and moves to France.

The first concert in Paris made Chopin famous. The musician was only 22 years old. He rarely performed in concert halls. But was the frequent guest of the secular salons of the French aristocracy and the Polish diaspora of France. This allowed the young Polish pianist to acquire many noble and rich fans among the French aristocracy. The popularity of Polish pianist increased. Soon in Paris everyone knew this name - Frederick Chopin. Works, a list and order of execution of which was unknown in advance even to the performer himself - Chopin loved the prolishes very much - caused Stools from a shocked public.

1830: Piano Concerts

In 1830, the composer ends the written "Concert F-Moll". On March 21, his premiere fulfillment took place at the National Theater in Warsaw. A few months later, there was a public performance of another work, a concert E-Moll.

Piano concerts of Chopin is a touching romance. They have the same three-part form. The first part is a dual exposure sonata. First, the orchestra sounds, and after it the solo role is taken by the piano party. The second part in the form of a nocturne - touching and melancholic. Final parts of two concerts are Rondo. They clearly heard the melodies of Mazurki, the couch and Krakowka - the last dance really liked Chopin, who often used him in his writings.

Many famous musicians appealed to his work and performed the works of Chopin. List - the names of piano concerts and other works are a sign of the highest performing professionalism and a good musical taste.

1835 year. First performance andante spianato

Write a concert work with an introduction (entry) Frederick Chopin conceived for a long time. He began working with the writings of "Polonza", leaving at a later time writing entry. In letters, the composer wrote that Polonaise himself was created at the turn of 1830-1831. And only five years later Introduction was written, and the essay acquired a finished look.

Andante Spianato is written for piano in the tonality of G-DUR and size 6/8. The nocturne nature of the introduction shall be the beginning of the "Polonza", in which heroic motive sounds. During solo speeches, Chopin often included Andante Spianato as a separate concert work.

April 26, in the Warsaw Conservatory, Chopin performs "Andante Spianato and Big Polonais ES-DUR." The first execution with the orchestra took place at the manshlag and had a grand success. The work was published in 1836 and was dedicated to the Baroness D'Eeste. The piggy bank of the masterpieces, in which the well-known works of Chopin were stored, the list of which has already numbered more than 150 writings, has been replenished with another immortal creation.

Three Sonatas (1827-1844)

Sonataya cycle Frederick Chopin has developed from works written in different periods of creativity. Sonata C-Moll was created in 1827-1828. Chopin himself called her "sin of youth." Like many other early works, she was published after his death. The first edition is dated 1851

"Sonata B-Moll" - a sample of monumentally dramatic, but at the same time lyrical work. Chopin, the list of compositions of which was already significant, fascinated the complex musical form. First, "Mourning march" appeared. His manuscript dated November 28, 1837. Fully Sonata was written by 1839. Its part of it relate to music characteristic of the era of romanticism. The first part is the ballad, and the final has the character of the etude. However, it is the "mourning march", the tragic and deep, became the culmination of the whole work. In 1844, another product was written in semonate form, "Sonata H-Moll".

Last years

In 1837, Chopin suffered the first attack of tuberculosis. The disease pursued him all the remaining years. Traveling to Mallorca, which he made along with not brought relief. But it was a fruitful creative period. It was in Mallorca Chopin wrote a cycle of 24 preludes. Return to Paris and a gap with J. Sand degradedly affected by a relaxed health of the composer.

1848 - Travel to London. It was the last tour of the tour. Stressful work and crude British climate finally undermined the health of the Great Musician.

In October 1849, at the age of 39, Frederick Francois Chopin died. Hundreds of admirers of his talent arrived at the funeral to Paris. According to the last will of Chopin, the heart of the Great Musician was delivered to Poland. He was unimpressed in the column of the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw.

The works of F. Chopin, the list of which is more than 200 writings, and today it often sounds in concert programs of many famous pianists. Television and radio stations around the world are in their repertoire sheets of the work of Chopin. The list is in Russian or any other language - there is free access.

"We have undergone a rage of different Moscow scarlet. Oh, why I can't destroy at least one Moskal! " Who could say these words? Semyon Petlyura? Stepan Bandera? Not. The author of these words is one of the greatest composers of the XIX century - Frederic Chopin. Fryzhek's futers, namely, called the baby, born in the town of Zelzovov Will, that near Warsaw, in the family of the Russian Empire, the French emigrant Nicolas Chopin and Justina Krzhizhanovskaya. This event occurred in 1810, but the exact date is difficult to determine. The metric does not converge with family archives - or on February 22, or on March 1. Whatever it was, the boy was lucky - his mother was a big music amateur and an extraordinary pianist. In her insistence, her husband of Nicolas acquired a pretty expensive thing at that time, the piano.

19-year-old Frederick Chopin. 1829 year. Photo:

Genius of unclean blood

And the Fryderyk was realized in the eight of the age that he was obliged first of all his career. On the first public speech in Warsaw, where Chopin played polonais of his own essay, he was awarded enthusiastic ovations of the public. After the concert, he ran to the mother with the words of gratitude. "Mom, did you hear how they were clapping? This is because you sewed a white lace collar to brown jacket - very beautiful! " - The scene, as if written off from the current advertising of bleaching agents.

The official reaction to this musical breakthrough did not suffer from childish naivety: "Chopin is a real genius of music, writing dances and variations that cause delight among experts and connoisseurs. If this Wunderkind was born in France or Germany, he would attract the present, much attention. "

It seems that Chopin's parents, and he himself, were quite aware of this - the subsequent musical career of the composer was in the middle of Poland, in the then "capital of the world" - Paris. In the same place, the events forced them to say speeches, which can now be qualified as inciting an interethnic retail. Polish uprising 1830-1831. It began pretty cheerfully and joyfully. Gordy shutters quite successfully managed to cut Russian garrisons, the personnel of which was held on the Army Vedomosti as a "disabled team". But then Moskali again mastered Warsaw and deprived Poland all the privileges, in particular the Constitution. Mountain and Chopin pain are not amenable to description. It is especially true to know the homeland again.

Chopin, 1849. The only preserved photo. Photo: / Louis-Auguste Bisson

What would be waiting for him in Poland? The compatriots could admire his giving, but in the highest light to him, the plebey, the son of the Frenchman-Goverr, the stroke was not. When he wanted to marry an aristocrat Marys Vodizign, her parents were made to understand that nothing would come. "I regret that your surname is not Shopinsky," the mother of Marysi wrote the composer, whose name has already threatened to all Europe.

A Farewell to Arms!

Paris is a different matter. The local bond takes Chopin with delight. He leads friendship with such giants as Heine, Berlioz, Bellini. They admire painter Eugene Delacroa. Warm relationships associate him with Mendelssohn. But yet with one contemporary, the farnse sheet, the relationship was not charged.

In 1836 in the cabin Marie d'Agua Chopin meets the famous writer Georges Sand.. Here's how he describes this meeting: "Mrs. face Duduevan, known as Georges Sand, is uncompatically. I didn't like it at all. There is even something repulsive in it. " However, the Sanda Hend Chopin was needed to extremes. What is the case? Why did she want to get this pole so much? The reason is simple. Marie d'Agu numeed in his lovers of the famous virtuoso and composer Ferenz Leaf.

Her girlfriend, Georges Sand, who apparently lacked not only literary glory, but I also wanted the fame of female, Marie became desperately. She urgently needed to acquire an equally famous lover. And here appears Chopin ... Two ladies drop the masks of light friendship and begin a protracted duel, weapon in which two geniuses serve. But Georges Sand is not lucky. Her "weapons" on the amazing factors was above all praise, however, in terms of physical health, Chopin was strongly inferior to the sheet. Chakhotka is a bad assistant in public speeches. But George Sand to Health Chopin was there anything. When the sheet gives his triumph concert in the hall of the Paris Conservatory, Sand takes a decisive counterattack and suits the chamber performance of Chopin in the Pleyel Hall. He, despite the discovered hemoptysis and inhuman fatigue, is forced to agree. The concert goes great. Heinrich Heine Calls Chopin "Raphael Forepianen", Georges Sanding ...

Permanent speeches finally undermined the health of the composer. "Weapon" failed. What do you usually do when the tool comes into disrepair? That's right - it is thrown out. Exactly the same fate was prepared by Chopin. In 1847 Georges Sand, realizing that the duel was lost, throws his beloved.

Grateful homeland?

Two years later, Chopin dies. But the writer continues to revenge him, as not justifying hope, even after death. In her insistence, a pair portrait, where Eugene Delacroa Depicted Chopin Implining on the piano and Georges in the role of the listener, was cut in two.

Georges Sand ordered to cut this canvas.

The posthumous fate of Chopin is full of sublime romance and bitter irony. The body of the composer rests on the Paris Cemetery of Per Lashez, and the heart, according to his will, was sent to Warsaw, where under this day is in the Church of the Holy Cross. But the Poles at the Poles himself had a strange attitude. Later than half a century after his death, the compatriots managed to forget about him completely. Russian composer Meliya Balakirev, a large talent admirer of Chopin, arriving in Warsaw, was amazed. "The house in which the brilliant Friedarch was born, I found in a terrible state of abandonment, and the current owner of the village did not know who Chopin's such ... The result of my activity was the establishment of a monument in the Zlyzlovaya War, which took place on October 14, 1894." The Irony of Fate - the Moskali Chopin, these Oriental Varvars, cared about the preservation of his heritage hardly no more than proud gels ...

Start "Nocturna" No. 18 Frederick Chopin Mi Major, Op.62 No. 2. Photo:

1838., Portrait of a brush Ezhen Delacroix

Music Chopin has lyricism, subtlety in the transfer of various sentiment; Its works are distinguished by the breadth of national folklore and genre connections. Chopin interpreted many genres in a new way. He enriched the harmony and piano invoice, combined the classical form with melodic wealth and fantasy. In its piano execution, the depth and sincerity of feelings were combined with grace, technical perfection.

Chopin - Nocturne Op.9 No.2 (Arthur Rubinstein)

Chopin (Chopin) Friedarch (March 1, 1810, Zhelyazov Volya, Poland - October 17, 1849, Paris), Polish composer and pianist. Music Chopin has lyricism, subtlety in the transfer of various sentiment; Its works are distinguished by the breadth of national folklore and genre connections. Many genres interpreted in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, opoethized and dramatized dancing - Mazurka, polonaise, waltz; I turned the scherzo into an independent work. Enriched harmony and piano invoice; Combined the classical form with melodic wealth and fantasy. 2 concerts (1829, 1830), 3 Sonata (1828-44), fantasy (1841), 4 ballads (1835-42), 4kztso (1832-42), impromptu, nocturons, etudes and other works for piano; songs. In its piano execution, the depth and sincerity of feelings were combined with grace, technical perfection.

Young genius

Born in a mixed French-Polish family; The native language of Chopin was Polish. In 1816-1822, he studied the game on the piano in the Village Living (1756-1842), whose teaching was based on music I. S. Bach and Viennese Classics. Apparently, at the same time, the first acquaintance of the future composer with Italian Belkanto took place. The unique melodic style of Chopin was developing under the cumulative influence of Mozart, Polish national music, in particular, salon plays of his senior contemporaries M. K. Oginsky, M. Shimanovskaya and others, as well as the Italian opera. The first composer experiments of Chopin (two polona) belong to 1817. From 1819, he acts as a pianist in Warsaw aristocratic salons. In 1822 he began to engage in a particular way at the leading Polish composer Yu. Elsner. In 1823 he entered the Warsaw Lyceum, shortly before the end of which published his first Opus - Rondo C-Moll (1825). In 1826-1829, Chopin studied in the class of Elsner in the Warsaw Music General School. This period includes variations on the topic of a duet from the Opera Mozart "Don Juan" for piano with Orchestra Op. 2, the first Sonata op. 4 and a series of plays. At the end of the Conservatory, Chopin was officially awarded the characteristics of the "Musical Genius".

CHOPIN - NOCTURNE NO.19, OP.72 No.1 (Richter)

House Chopin

Voluntary Exile

In 1829 and 1831, Chopin successfully concert in Vienna. Then R. Schuman enthusiastically responded in printing about the variations of Op. 2 ("Shadow's caps, gentlemen, in front of you a genius!"). The news of the defeat of the Polish uprising 1830-1831 found Chopin when he was in Stuttgart (according to a popular legend, Chopin responded to her a play, which is now widely known as the "revolutionary etude").

Chopin - Rondo à La Krakowiak, Op. fourteen

Being a convinced supporter of Polish independence, Chopin refused to return to his homeland and settled in Paris, where she soon acquired a reputation as an outstanding teacher and pianist. He was adopted in the highest circles of the Paris Aristocracy, met with popular pianists-virtuoso F. Calcbrenner and K. Pleyel (who had practical assistance in the first period of his Parisian life), musicologist F. J. Fetis, composers F. Sheet, V. Bellini, an artist E. Delacroix, writers Gayne, V. Hugo, other prominent representatives of the Paris-art elite; Among his friends were also representatives of Polish emigration. In 1835 and 1836, Chopin went to Germany (where he met, in particular, with Shuman and F. Mendelson), in 1837 - to London. Meanwhile, he developed a pulmonary tuberculosis, the first symptoms of which were discovered in 1831. Soon, Chopin actually refused the career of the virtuoso, limiting his concert activities by rare performances, mainly for a few audience, and focused on the composition, publishing his opuses simultaneously in Paris, London and Leipzig.

Near Georges Sand

Georges. Sand

Chopin - Nocturne Op.15 No.3 in G Minor (Arthur Rubinstein)

In 1837, the Roman Chopin began with the famous French writer Georges Sand, which treated Chopin in part of the motherly, as a fragile and immature creation, which is necessary for constant care. Winter 1838-1839 Chopin and J. Sand spent on Mallorca Island (Spain), which has a beneficial effect on the health of the composer. His connection with the writer lasted about 10 years. After breaking with J. Sand (1847), the health of Chopin deteriorated sharply.

Frederick Chopin - photo 1848

In February 1848, he gave his last concert in Paris. The revolution that began a few days later, forced Chopin to go to the UK, where he spent seven months, playing in aristocratic salons (including the Queen of Victoria) and giving lessons. Upon returning to Paris, Chopin was no longer able to deal with students; In the summer of 1849, he wrote his last work - Mazurka F-Moll op. 68 №4. At the funeral of Chopin in the Paris Church of St. Mary Magdalene was present about three thousand people; His preludes E-Moll and H-Moll from Op. 28 and "Requiem" Mozart. At the funeral, the orchestra played a mourning march from his second Sonata B-Moll Op. 35. At the request of Chopin, his heart was transported to Poland; It rests in the Warsaw Church of the Holy Cross.

Chopin - Prelude No.4

Museum Chopin

Virtuoso and improvisator

Almost all Music Chopin is designed for piano (among few exceptions - Late Sonata for Cello and Piano, dedicated to a friend of the composer, Cello O. Frankom, and a half dozen songs on the words of Polish poets). According to the reviews of contemporaries, Chopin was an inspired improviser. He composed in the game of the game, painfully trying to fix his musical ideas in the notes. The legacy of Chopin is small in volume, but the artistic world embodied in it is universal.

Chopin - Grand Valse Brillante

One of the poles of Chopin's creativity make up youthful virtuoso plays (including Rondo) and works for piano with the orchestra (two concerts, 1829-30, etc.), in which he still adheres to the traditional forms of romantic pianism "Big Style". Other Pole is the monumental third Sonata H-Moll (Op. 58, 1844) and the surrounding fantasy (1841), lullaby (1843-44), Barcarol (1845-6), the third and fourth ballads (1840-41, 1842) , Fourth Scherzo (1842), Three Mazurks op. 56 (1843), three Mazurks op. 59 (1845), polona-fantasy (1845-46), nocturons. 62 (1846) - Works of enormous expressive strength and nobility, innovative in shape (for late chopin, a free three-part form with a long-prepared abbreviated reprise, which usually goes into a compressed code), invoice, harmonic language. Between these two poles, etudes, preludes, nocturines, waltza, mpasters, polonesa are located, are invariably perfect in all parts and diverse, as life itself. The poet and the musician B. L. Pasternak considered this variety of a distinctive feature of Chopin and called his work "the instrument of knowing any life."

Chopin - Nocturne Op.48 No.2(Arthur Rubinstein)

Monument to Chopin

Music Chopin is almost entirely withstanding in a homophone harmonic warehouse; The absence of counterpoint in the usual sense is compensated in it rich in the game of accompanying votes, creating the effect of the finest grain polyphony. Many of his plays were written in popular household, salon, educational (etudes) genres, but under the pen of chopin, their genre prototypes acquire a completely new scale. Words of Shuman about one of the Etudes of Chopin: "This is not so much etude as a poem," applied to all the rest of the etudes, as well as to most Mazurok, Waltz, Preludes, Nokturnov, etc. (genre principle prevails over the poetic only in some early places of Chopin ). It is characterized by unusually bold tonal comparisons and modulation (often receiving the form of sudden "slipping" into remote tones), the excursions in the sphere of clean chromatics or modality. The influence of the harmonic and melodic language of Chopin can be traced in the work of such different composers as F. Sheet, R. Wagner, Forest, K. Debussy, E. Grieg, I. Albehenis, P. Tchaikovsky, A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov, K. Shimanovsky. From 1927, the International Chopin Competition is held in Warsaw.

Chopin - Nocturno EN SI BEMOL MENOR OP.9 NO.1

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    Quote communication Frederick Chopin | Genius of piano music. ("Chopin-thirst for love" (2002) Biographical film.)

    Chopin's creativity is a huge world of extraordinary beauty. Listening to him forget that listening to just one tool - piano. Unlimited windows open before you, windows are opening into unknown gave, full secrets and adventures. And I really want this new, newly opened world, never left you.

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    Frederick Chopin (Polish. Fryderyk chopin, born. Village of Zhelyazov-Wola, near Warsaw) - Polish composer and pianist virtuoso. The author of numerous works for piano. The largest representative of Polish musical art. Many genres interpreted in a new way: he revived the prelude on a romantic basis, created a piano ballad, opoethized and dramatized dancing - Mazurka, polonaise, waltz; I turned the scherzo into an independent work. Enriched harmony and piano invoice; Combined the classical form with melodic wealth and fantasy.

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    After the birth of the Son Nikolai Chopin received a teacher's place in Warsaw Lyceum (secondary school), and the whole family moved to the capital. Little Chopin grew surrounded by music. His father played a violin and flute, mother sang well and played a little on the piano. Along not know how to speak, the child began to cry out loudly, as soon as he heard the singing of the mother or the game of the Father. Parents believed that Friedarch did not like music, and they were very saddened. But soon they were convinced that it was not at all. By five years, the boy has already confidently performed simple plays, operating under the guidance of the older sister Ludwiki. Soon his teacher was famous in Warsaw Czech Musician Wojcih Vibrant.

    Warfish West (1782 - 1861), the first teacher who taught Friderik Chopin to the piano game

    A sensitive and experienced teacher, he instilled his student love for the music of classics and especially the works of I.S. Baha. Keyful preludes and Bach fugues later always lying at the composer on the desktop. The first speech of a small pianist took place in Warsaw when he was seven years old. The concert was successful, and the name of Chopin soon recognized the whole Warsaw. At the same time, one of its first essays was published - polonais for Piano Sol-Minor. The executive talent of the boy developed so quickly that Chopin did not inferlude the best Polish pianists for the twelve years. Live abandoned classes with young virtuoso, stating that nothing else can teach him. Simultaneously with the music of music, the boy received a good general education. Already in childhood, Friederik freely owned French and German languages, was vividly interested in the history of Poland, I read a lot of fiction. Thirteen years he entered the lyceum and after three years he successfully finished him. During the years of exercise, the versatile abilities of the future composer appeared.

    The young man drew well, he was especially able to cartoons. His Mimic Talent was so bright that he could become a theater actor. Already in the young years, Chopin was distinguished by a sharpness of the mind, observation and great curiosity. Since childhood, Chopin showed love for folk music. According to the stories of his parents, during country walks with his father or comrades, the boy could stand up under the window of any hut, from where folk tunes came. According to the summer on vacation in the estates of his comrades on the lyceum, Frianarch and himself took part in the performance of folk songs and dance.

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    Over the years, folk music has become an integral part of his creativity, it was cried with his being. After graduating from Lyceum, Chopin entered the Higher School of Music. Here his classes were led by an experienced teacher and composer Joseph Elsner. Elsner very soon realized that his student is not just talented, but ingenious. Among his notes, a brief description was preserved, given to the young musician: "Amazing abilities. Musical genius. " By this time, Chopin was already recognized as the best pianist of Poland. Reaching maturity and his talent of the composer. This is evidenced by two concerts for piano with the orchestra, composed in 1829-1830. These concerts invariably sound and in our time and are the favorite works of pianists of all countries. At the same time, Friderik met the young singer Constance of Gladkovsky, who studied at the Warsaw Conservatory. Gladkovsky was destined to become Freerrik's first love. In a letter to his friend, Wojcuchovsky he wrote:
    "... I can, perhaps, unfortunately, there is already my ideal to which I rightly serve, not talking to him for half a year that I dream, the memories of which adagio my concert, who inspired me to write this morning This Waltsh sending you. "

    Constance Gladkovskaya (1810 - 1889) Singer of the National Theater in Warsaw. Miniature Anna Chamets, made in 1969 in the drawing of Mozhochi Gerson

    It was under the impression of this youthful feeling of love Chopin composed one of the best songs "Desire" or "If I shine in the sky shine." In 1829, a young musician drove into Vienna for a long time. His concerts were huge success. Chopin, his friends and relatives realized that he should go to a long concert tour. Chopin could not decide on this step for a long time. He was tormented by bad premonitions. It seemed to him that he would forever leave his homeland. Finally, in the autumn of 1830, Chopin left Warsaw. Friends gave him a farewell cup filled with Polish Earth. Touching his teacher Elsner.

    Joseph Elsner (1769-1854), teacher Frederik Chopin on the theory of music and composition

    In the outskirts of Warsaw, where Chopin was drove, he, together with his students, performed a choral product specifically written to them. Chopin was twenty years old. Happy youthful time, full of searches, hopes, success, ended. Premonitions did not deceive Chopin. He broke up with his homeland forever. I remember a good reception provided to him in Vienna, Chopin decided to start his concerts there. But, despite the strengthened troubles, it was not possible to give an independent concert, and publishers agreed to print his works only for free. Suddenly, anxious message came from the Motherland. In Warsaw, an uprising began against Russian autocracy organized by Polish patriots. Chopin decided to interrupt the concert tour and return to Poland. He knew that among the rebels - his friends, maybe father. Indeed, in the days of youth, Nicola Shopin took part in the national uprising under the leadership of Tadeusus the costume. But relatives and friends persistently advise him in letters not to come. People close to Chopin are afraid that pursuit can touch him. Let it be better to stay free and serves his homeland with his art. With bitterness, the composer opated and headed to Paris. On the road, Chopin was overtakingly stolen his news: the uprising is brutally depressed, his leaders are thrown into prisons, exiled to Siberia. With thoughts about the tragic destinies of the Motherland directly related to the most famous Schopin etude, called the "revolutionary", was directly connected. It was embodied in the spirit of the November uprising, as well as anger and grief. In the autumn of 1831, Chopin arrived in Paris. Here he lived until the end of his life. But France did not become the second homeland composer. And in their attachments, and in his work, Chopin remained Pole. And even his heart after death, he bequeathed to be taken to his homeland. Chopin "won" Paris first as a pianist. He immediately struck the listeners a peculiar and unusual performance.

    Friedrich Calcbrenner (1788 - 1849). From the lithograph of Richardi. German pianist, composer and teacher. From 1824 he lived in Paris, where he was considered the most outstanding teacher of the piano game.

    At that time, Paris was flooded with musicians from various countries. Pianists-virtuosos were the most popular: Calcbrenner, Hertz, Giller.

    Ferdinand Giller (1811 - 1885) - German pianist, composer, conductor, music. Theorist, historian of music and critic; Founder of the Cologne Conservatory. Was associated with F. Chopin hot friendship (there is a bronze medal, which depicts Chopin and Giller)

    Their game was characterized by technical perfection, brilliance, stunned the public. That is why the first concert speech of Chopin sounded with such a sharp contrast. According to the memories of contemporaries, his execution was amazingly spiritualized and poetic. The first concert of Chopin has survived the memory of the famous Hungarian musician Ferinets Sheet, who also started his brilliant path of the pianist and the composer at that time: "We remember his first performance in the Pleyel Hall, when the applause, the incurrence with a doubled force seemed to not enough to express our Enthusiasm in the face of talent, which, along with happy innovations in the field of his art, opened a new phase in the development of a poetic feeling. "

    F. Sheet (1811-1886)

    Chopin conquered Paris, how once conquered Vienna Mozart, Beethoven. Like a sheet, he was recognized as the best pianist of the world. At the concerts, Chopin was mostly performed by his own writings: concerts for piano with orchestra, concert Rondo, Mazurki, etudes, nocturnes, variations on the Opera Mozart "Don Juan". It was about these variations that the outstanding German composer wrote and critic Robert Schuman: "Shadow's caps, gentlemen, before you a genius."

    Music Chopin, like his concert speeches, caused universal admiration. Only musical publishers waited. They published the works of Chopin, but, as in Vienna, for free. Therefore, the first editions did not bring Chopin income. He was forced to give music lessons at five to seven hours daily. This work provided it, but took too much time and effort. And even subsequently, being a composer, with a world name, Chopin could not afford to stop these so much extinguishing his classes with students. Together with the growing popularity of Chopin as a pianist and the composer, the circle of his acquaintances is expanding.

    F. Chopin among famous pianists of his time (1835). From left to right: stand - T. Deller, Ya. Rosengean, F. Shopin, A. Drayshok, S. Talberg; Sit - E. Wolf, A. Genzelt, F. Sheet.

    Among his friends is a leaf, an outstanding French composer Berlioz, French artist Delacroy, German Poet Heine. But no matter how interesting are new friends, he always prefers to his compatriots. For the sake of a guest from Poland, he changed the strict order of his working day, showing him the sights of Paris. For hours, he could listen to the stories about the Motherland, about the life of relatives and friends.

    With youthful insatiability enjoyed the folk Polish songs, and I often wrote music to the verses liked. Very often, these poems, turned into songs, fell back to Poland, became the property of the people. If a close friend came, the Polish poet Adam Mitskevich, Chopin immediately sat down for the piano and played for his clock. Forced, like Chopin, to live away from homeland, Mitskevich also wandered on it. And only the music of Chopin slightly weakened the pain of this separation, endured it there, far away in his native Poland. It is thanks to Mitskevich, the influsted drama of his "Conrad Wallen Star", the first ballad was born. And the second Ballad of Chopin is associated with the images of Mitzkevich's poetry. Meetings with Polish friends were especially the way to the composer and because Chopin had no family.

    His hope is marrying Maria Vodzinskaya, the daughter of one of the rich Polish nobles was not realized. Mary's parents did not want to see their daughter married to a musician, at least world famous, but mining to life for life. For many years, he has connected his life with the famous French writer Aurora Dudevan, who served in the press under the pseudonym George Sand.

    Judging by the "musical portrait" of the Constance of Gladkovskaya and Maria, Khopin, Chopin exceeded the charm of purity created by his imagination. In George Sand, it was possible to find anything, but not that. By that time she used a scandalous reputation. Chopin could not help but know it. But the leaf and his girlfriend Marie D "AGU highly appreciated the literary gift Georges Sand and that was talking about this with Chopin and Mitskevich, emphasizing that they appreciate it primarily as a writer. They also contributed to the appearance of Georges Sand at Music evenings in Chopin.

    Georges Sand.

    It must be said that about the history of the relationship of Chopin with Georges Sand is not so much reliable information. Not everyone agrees with Georges Georges, depicting the guardian angel Chopin in front of his friends and described them with their "self-sacrifice" and "maternal concerns" about the composer. The sheet in the book, published in the life of Georges Sand, very unequivocally accused her that it was she who was the cause of his untimely death. Wojca Ghezala, one of the nearest friends of Chopin, also believed that George Sand, "which poisoned all his existence," was the culprit of his death. The "poisonous plant" called her Wilhelm Lenz, the disciple of Chopin, to the depths of the soul, resentment, how bravely, arrogantly and dismissively appeared George Sand with Chopin even in the presence of outsiders. Over the years, Chopin gave concerts more and less, limited to execution in a narrow circle of friends.

    He surrendered entirely to creativity. His sonatas, scherzo, ballads, impromptu, new series of etudes, poetic nocturns, preludes and still beloved Mazurks and Polonaisa are appeared. Along with light lyrical plays, the works, full of dramatic depths, and often tragedy, were increasingly from under his feather. Such is the second sonata, with a funeral march, belonging to the number of higher achievements of the composer, all Polish music and romantic art as a whole. Yuzef Khominsky, characterizing the first two parts of the Sonata, said: "After the heroic struggle, the funeral march is already obviously the last act of the drama." Chopin considered the funeral march as an emotional result, dramatically finalizing images. We have the right to name this drama, the images of which are deployed in Sonate Chopin, the national tragedy. The funeral march of Chopin is recognized as the most prominent work of this genre. This march took a special, exceptional place not only in the musical literature, but also in the life of humanity, for it is difficult to find a more sublime, more beautiful and more tragic embodiment of the feeling of grief. The life of Chopin in Paris has developed if not happily, it is favorable for creativity. Talent reached the top.

    The publication of the works of Chopin no longer meets obstacles, it is considered a great honor to take lessons, and hear his game is rare happiness, affordable a few chosen. The last years of the composer's life was sad. His friend Yang Matusinsky died, after him - a hot favorite father. A quarrel and a break from Georges Sand made it quite lonely. Chopin could not recover from these cruel blows. The disease of the lungs, which Chopin suffered from the young age. For the past two years, the composer did not write anything. Funds dried up. To fix his heavy inventory, Chopin took a trip to London at the invitation of English friends. By collecting the last forces, the patient, he gives concerts there, lessons. The enthusiastic reception at first pleased him, hesitates vigor. But the crude climate of England quickly had his destructive effect. Restless life, full of secular, often empty and empty entertainment, began to tire him. Letters of Chopin from London reflect his gloomy mood, and often suffering:
    "I'm not worried or rejoice in no longer able to feel anything, I completely stopped something - only styling and waiting for it as soon as possible."

    His last concert in London, who turned out to be the last in his life, Chopin gave in favor of Polish emigrants. On the advice of doctors, he hastily returned to Paris. The last work of the composer was Mazurka Fa-minor, which he could no longer play, recorded only on paper. At his request from Poland came his older sister Ludwick, on the hands of which he died.