Fallout: New Vegas: I will sell a new California republic! Fallout: New Vegas. Passage of the game Fallout New Vegas Solar Power Plant

Fallout: New Vegas: I will sell a new California republic! Fallout: New Vegas. Passage of the game Fallout New Vegas Solar Power Plant
Fallout: New Vegas: I will sell a new California republic! Fallout: New Vegas. Passage of the game Fallout New Vegas Solar Power Plant

Scene line in Fallout: New Vegas. Surprisingly short. Regardless of the faction, our fate will decide exactly there.

The essence of the game in the side missions. Mojave - the place is unsafe, and from any NPC or grouping can be expected to be aware of help. The new California republic is one of these distinguishing factions, albeit the largest in all empty. They all do not care about their power in the region - prisoners capture prisons, legionnaires attack the blocks, the civilians themselves arise to protect their homes, because there are no more hope for anyone. The honor to revive the former greatness of the NKR fell to you, the benefit of the faction commanders will not be bought by instructions. And the reward sometimes acts not only valuable experience, but also unique weapons. Only to find all the missions and in the process not to lock the execution of another quest - the task is not easy ...

  • No good nor bad
  • Serving Fatherland!
  • We are looking for unchecked quests

Short training, the last instructions of the dock, and now we are standing on the porch of the old hut, the roast desert sun shines in the eyes, we see single rural residents engaged in everyday affairs, and we feel the atmosphere of rustic peace.

But together with the first breath of fresh air, we begin to realize that something is wrong with this world. While our hero is just admirement of deserted landscapes and does not know that government power in the face of the NKR is fascinated by the seams, gangsters are operating in the district, mutants are fruitful with mad pace, and savage from the east is about to break through the last frontier of the defense of non-resident republicans.

A bright sun shines in Gudspons, and somewhere in the south already smoke is already smoke - surely the legionnaires disappear. The neighboring town in the hands of thugs, and the brave military only bred by their hands, as if they are waiting for their radicalpion in one place is terrible. And nothing in this world will not change until the courier comes from the porch of the village house. Only our person can make fate - to protect or join the beating, stretching the hand to help or put a bullet in the forehead and, finally, save the world - or destroy it.

If you are the first to face, it means that uncompressed Californians need to be re-educated - at least a good word and a gun, and even though fists with miniga. But the military is better to inspire their feats, the blood of the devils and the Legion - this is exactly how we will pass through the career ladder from the "favorite" to the "idol" and we will refund the former majesty of the republic. But before you need to thank those who saved us from death.

There is no good nor bad ...

... there is only our own choice

Coming out of Dr. Mitchell's hut, we immediately find ourselves before choosing - where to go, what to do, to whom to help, and who is better to unpin. Gudspings - the place is quiet and peaceful, but even here sometimes there are unexpected conflicts.

After passing a learning job "Campfire" We go to the Salon "Studyer" and become witnessing verbal rewriting between the hostess of the institution and the leader of the demolitions. The reason for the dispute is a merchant hidden by citizens from evil unuse. Here is our first chance to declare yourself: we become noble, we help the local to defend your town from those who rolled the lip of demolitions or go to the bloody way, enlisting the location of a weak, but numerous Mojave grouping.

    Shooting in the Ghost City (Caravan Ringo). The divering traveler hides at the gas station to Gudspings and asks to enlist the support of citizens. Sunny agrees without questions, the rest must be convinced by a word or ability. Tubes requires eloquence 25, Cheto Trader - Barter 25. Summary will give dynamite with the skill of explosives 25, Mitchell dock will help free, but if you convince it with medicine 25 - shares doctoral sacques. Then you need to beat off the attack on the town. Try only to hurt your enemies, leaving a chance to the control shot by local militias - the loss of karma from demolitions will not be so big. You will become "Kumir" Gudspings (gives little in the future), and the ringo will give a reward of 100 covers (we will get 150 for another when we find it in the "red caravan").

    It is interesting:in the saloon, the "prospector" does not work radio (this is one of the unchecked quests of the game). For its repair (repair 20), labor will give us 50 covers, and if we are frozen (barter 20) - it will throw 25 more from above.

    Flowed streams ... (Joe Cobb's demolition). Quest opposite to the previous one. First you just kill the rhingo caravan. Then we produce medicines from Mitchell (Medicine 25) and ammunition at Chet (barter or eloquence 25). Final Operations - Stripping of the city from revocible inhabitants. As a reward, we receive a reputation as "lovers" from demolitions (at Hudspings, we lose it) and discounts on the goods in the Ceta shop.

New California Republic (NKR)

The dominant fraction in the game (present in Fallout 2 and Van Buren). The Federation in Northern California, founded in 2196, consists of five states. The capital of the NKR is the city of the same name, previously known as Shadi-Sands, is located in the northeast of California and is managed by the father of Aradesh. The population of the republic is about 700 thousand people. President - Aaron Kimball.

On a note:knowledge of the history of the NKR will be useful during the execution of one of the quests on Friside. One of the squatters will ask you a few questions to make sure your accessories to Republicans.

State institutes of the NKR are similar to the structure of the Board of the USD. The republic was strong in its industry, traded weapons, mechanisms and technologies with other peoples of empty. There was no state religion in the country, but any beliefs (except for those that demanded sacrifice) were not proceeded.

The NKR can be considered the heiress of the California Republic ("The Republic of Bear Flag"), which existed in the XIX century on the territory of California from June 14 to July 9, 1846. This small province was part of Mexico, but thanks to the uprising in it, independence was proclaimed. Later, the state was annexed by the United States during the US Mexican War.

Serving Fatherland!

... I comply with the law and believe in doubtful ideals

Most of the territory of Mojave is under the control of the new California republic, therefore it is not surprising that the largest amount of side tasks fell to the share of this faction. True, judging by the general picture, it is difficult to say, at the expense of which this grouping is breathing here at all, because literally every externalpost and the NKR camp begs us about help.

The first serious strengthening of "new Californians" on our way will be the Avanpost Mojave. The place is quiet and inconspicuous, famous only to a huge statue of the glands and our potential Cassian companion, sprinkling in the local dining room. Intrigrant tasks here also should not be expected.

    Show sympathy (Ranger Jackson). Simple linear quest. Kill insect groups on the road nearby - we get covers, a little gear and karma NKR.

    In pursuit of the prize (Sniper Ghost). Another walk - you just need to get shattered in Nipton, find out the reason for smoke over the city. We run, talk with a demolition and return to the ghost for experience.

    It is important:in no case, do not let the honeycomb in the first meeting - otherwise, when performing the task "Wheel of Fortune" refer to the bug (the necessary options in the conversation with the demolitioner do not appear), leading the quest in a dead end.

If you are not distracted by the study of the world, and to follow the story chain, the ruins of the town of Boulder City should be the next stop. Here we will sooner or later lead the main quest "Investigation".

    Bay in Boulder City(Lieutenant Monroe). It is required to settle a conflict between the NKR and the Great Khans. If everything goes smoothly - we will get good karma from both fractions. Everything that needs to be done is to persuade the leader of the gang to free hostages (eloquence 45), and then ask the lieutenant to let go of the Khans with the world. With the developed skill of barter or eloquence, this will not be difficult.

And now the time is the time to visit the research complex "Helios One", where the warriors from the NKR during the day and night guard the station as a strategically important object for the republic. The problem of them is alone: \u200b\u200btheir chief researcher (idiot in all senses) cannot achieve the sun to shine brighter, and the complex has produced more. It was his main goal - now this task for us.

    Sun glare(Lieutenant Haggerty). Bulk mine clearance and fighting robots at the beginning of the mission are offset by a large bouquet of ending in the final. It all depends on how we distribute the generating energy at the Helios One station.

    • McCarran and Strip - do not get anything, except experience and Karma NKR, there are no thanks from fiction.

      Frymont and Westside - Ignacio encourages a good word and medicines (plus a kind karma from followers).

      The whole region is all of the above and book "Science for All".

      Archimedes - a little medicine and experience, the ability to take possession of a powerful gun in the future.

      The whole region (critical version) - the factory was disabled, except for medicines and experience, nothing threatens us.

    On a note: If we program the installation on the Archimeda gun, then in Friside, where children chase each other, the boy named Max you can buy an unusual pistol: it works as a target designator for the Archimeda orbital laser, and it can be activated once a day. Very effective thing against the accumulation of strong opponents, but only works in the open area.

At the east of the scientific complex there is a camp of the Fall-Hope, where the full basket of his problems is. Soldier NKR depressed - there is nothing to eat, there is nothing to fill into enemies, it looks like a slaughterhouse more like a slaughterhouse, and even these reptiles, Legionnaires Caesar, captured Nelson and act on the nerves, sending their camp to the camp. The guardian angel and Messiah in one person should again become precisely we.

    Return of hope (Major Poltyli). If you do not want to spoil relations with the Legion, you will need secrecy skills. Before you take food from the box, remove the satellites away, then go back, sneeze and take the stealth battle. Taking the supplies, carefully, without falling on the eyes, slip past the legionnaires. At the next stage, developed medicine skills will be required. It is easier to collect medicines in the tent of the Dock of Richards and to cure patients with their help, but it is better to do it without the help of supplies - get more experience. The quest final suggests Nelson's sweeping from legionnaires, but even here you can do without losing karma on their part. Leave satellites behind, and accompany Sergeant Cooper yourself. You can shoot and wander the opponents, but just do not kill them - otherwise there is bad glory. When all the enemies are dead outside - run into the barracks and sharply back to lure the deane of the Dead Sea on the fresh air and the Troops of the NKR. Select a unique machete from the body of the leader and come back to the Major with good news.

    Medical history(Dr. Richards). We take the quest during the execution of the previous task. It is necessary to find a thief. This is one of the ranks, it often caresses near the barracks. If you ask the doctor about the signs of the use of "Hydra" (medicine 50), we can split directly in the conversation - otherwise you must wait for the night and catch it with political. The bastard can be killed, agree to his bribe, pass to the doctor or make the authorities surrender to the authorities. The last option is more profitable - we will get more experience and karma from the NKR.

    Boomerang(Sergeant radist Reyes). In the course of the task, you need to break up almost all Mojava and visit the posts of Rangers NKR. The only fork and moral choice appear only at the end - with any scenario we will receive 500 experiences, so it makes no sense to provoke the Rangers commander for suicide.

    A little bit of South Nelson is the post of Rangers of the NKR, where the local leader is already waiting for our hero. He recommends that we have failed, but we are convinced that we can help. Performing the next quest can be combined with the task "Return of Hope".

    Come back home(Ranger cute). It is required to free the hostages crucified on the crosses in Nelson, which can be done in a peaceful way. Find two generators in the city, wait for the night and turn off them, extinguishing lights that illuminate the central square. Undinate to the scaffold, unnoticed all the prisoners (legionnaires in the camp automatically become hostile, but you should not notice) and run away quietly after them. Despite the bloodless outcome of the task, the bad glory of the Legion you will receive, but it will be much less than when scolding the city.

    It is important: If you kill the leader of the legionnaires in Nelson, Dean Dead Sea, the Quest will be unavailable "Legion Name to me." This task is mirror opposite to the mission "Return of Hope".

Golf camp - a picturesque place on the shore of a clean lake, rather similar to a sanatorium than a strategic military object. In this paradise, we will definitely be trapped one of the Quests of Fallorn-Hope; Here is the main headquarters of the Rangers in Mojave and the camp of ordinary employees almost at the lake. In "Paradise" the problem is one - the recruits do not want to serve, and their comrades are related to neglect. Sergeant McCridi is tired of this, and he addresses us for help.

    From defeat to victory one step (Sergeant McCridi). Here are four endings, our choice affects the final roller of the game. It is necessary to combine the detachment of yellow Yents under the primacy of one of them. Punk Razz agrees to become a leader, if we get a drug addict (the hotel's number is located nearby), Pindekster - hack a computer and fake reports (you need to use one of the terminals: one in the floor at the first floor (hacking 75), another in the hotel lobby (bad Slava NKR)), O'Hanrahan - to establish relations in the team (eloquence of at least 40), and MAGS is to conduct training on the shooting range (weapons 45; explosive 45). Whatever choice we do - the number of experience will be equally.

From the camp of the golf hand to send to the farm of the NKR riders - our next destination. Farmers and problems appropriate - the harvest is weak, the water is missing, and why - it should be found out.

    Hard luck(Morgan Blake). The quest will lead us to the most terrible location of the game - asylum 34, sising with pules of varying degrees of fatty and complete radiation. We are looking for two flooded compartments - dive into each of them and from the corpses of technicians to take passwords. Then go to the terminal and pump out the water. We return to one of the previously flooded compartments and open the door to the post "A" security service. After a heavy fight with luminous guys and resting the caretaker (a gun-machine gun - a good weapon against him), we open the door in the weapon on the terminal, but first go to the target reactor. The endings are two: to help the edulicers (good glory of the NKR), or transfer the refuge management of the surviving group.

    It is interesting:if you chose the second, the survivors can be met in a couple of days in the AeroTech business park in the block 300. We can listen to their history and tell you that you saved them.

Walking by the central lands of Mojave, it is difficult not to notice the huge base of the military - camp at McCarran airport. This is the very heart of the NKR, the main headquarters and just one of the most huge locations of the game, so finding all the quests will not be easy. Major Dartri usually walks near the airport entrance, Lieutenant Gorobets - in one of the tents, Colonel Shu and Dr. Hilderna are looking for on the first floor in the cabinets, and Lieutenant Boyd interrogates the captured dean of the Legion floor above.

    Do not grow grass(Dr. Hildern). We will have to run a lot on the shelter maze 22 in search of access maps and terminals blocking different doors. To start, repair the elevator (you need a repair 65) and immediately go to the fourth level, in common rooms, where you unlock two doors in the elder room using the terminal. Then our path lies at the lowest level - there are plenty of mantis and predatory plants. Find a red terminal at this level and download a part of the data, then look for an entrance to the cave, where we are waiting for a lot of livelihood and rescue by a scientist Kiel. The researcher will order us to set fire to the gas to kill the disputes at the lower level, but there is one incorrect - the explosive wave covers us. Solution: Take the satellites into a room where we downloaded the data, throw a grenade or dynamite to the location of the gas accumulation and quickly slam down the door. And in the end we are waiting for a conversational battle with Kili - you can lie to her about copying data, but it is better to convince (science 70). If barter is above 50 - you can demand Hilderly an increase to award. For the salvation of Kili, the award will give Miss Williams.

    Headhunting(Major Darti). The Quest is simple in terms of election plan - you need to "only" to destroy the three features of the devils: Chef, Vylit and Drivers of Nephi. When murder, try not to go to your head, because it is necessary to bring Major as evidence. Before the murder of Chef, talk to the little packet in the camp McCarran - he will say that if you kill the beloved Brain of the cook, he will begin to kill everyone in a row without parsing, and in his lair you can find a culinary recipe. Upon returning to the camp, talk to Capral Betsy - it will thank the covers, then give the trophy by Major.

    On a note:another sacrifice of the chef is inhabited at the Westside Hotel - Sarah's Poguers. If the hell is killed - she will thank us with covers and steamed.

    Heal(Lieutenant Gorobets). Sniper Betsey from the 1st Interijalon received a serious psychological trauma during one of the special operations, we need to return the location of the Spirit. We need a skill of medicine 40 or eloquence of 60 - after a conversation with it it remains only to report to the lieutenant and go to New Vegas's medical clinic, the quest will be completed there.

    Spyware(Colonel Shu). In the main headquarters, "Mole" began, we need to calculate it. Conversations with Curtis and the staff of the camp will lead us to the control tower (the access key to it can be obtained from Lieutenant Boyd). We are waiting for the night (from midnight to two o'clock) and we see how the Carta Cartyis is followed on the tower, we go behind it and eave negotiations. Then I quickly run to Monorail and in the fan of trains we find and neutralize the bomb (explosives 35 or science 45), we return with the report to the Colonel. This is the perfect version of the passage, but there is a development: Captain You can kill and pick up the code of activation of the bomb - when neutralizing the skills of science and explosives will not be needed; You can inform the Kertis yourself before the ambush, and then on the tower he will arrange a trap, we will kill him, report to the colonel, but the train will explode.

    Searches White(Lieutenant Boyd). Start linear - travel at the specified points, asking about the missing soldier. The trace will lead to the character named Tom Anderson (well, hello, neo!), And we will appear before choosing: I will regret the murderer, filled with the death of White on a gang of scorpions (a kind of glory of the Apocalypse followers); to hand over his lieutenant Boyd (Karma NKR); persuade to surrender to yourself (a little more experience and karma NKR). Also, at any outcome of the events, Boyd will give the key from the box with confiscate.

Near the main headquarters of the NKR is located a business park "Aerotheh" - the refugee and victims of gambling on Strepe. Captain Parker complains that people began to disappear in his department, and apart from us to deal with a problem at a reason.

    Coyota(Captain Parker). Spoken quest. We go to the hotel Westside and speak Saint James (if he is in the room - wait until it comes out, otherwise it will attack and the mission will fail), then we run on the second floor for a conversation with a candy. For 200 covers, it will reveal the secrets of our suspect, and for 250 will sell the key from his room. If there is a feature of "fur-la-fam" (or "women's" - for male characters) - I get the key for free. Penetrate the room, take the evidence (you can also visit the Dermota room) and return to the parker for the award. You can still "talk to souls" with the help of weapons, but dividends will not bring it.

When all problems in the region are solved - we will go to the Northeast Mojave, where on the former territory of the Great Khans, in Bitter Springs, settled the shelter for children and refugees, now the republic. To anyone's camp, there is no case - the supplies are switched out, there are not enough people to protect, and even some sniper started - regularly reduces the population of the base. And even the flag is turned upside down as a symbol of disaster.

Cynical scene: The captain complains about the lack of food in the camp, and the day shoves the day.

    More a little(Captain Housing). First of all, we will deal with supplies and people for the protection of the camp. Food in the caves under the protection of ants and night hunters, one suitcase is irradiated, but it can be cleaned with medicine or a level of level 25. With reinforcements, problems will not arise if the quests in McCarran camps are passed, Fallar Hope and Golf.

    Mountains, only mountains(Captain Housing). For attacks worth the Great Han Raider - you can either kill it, or convince you to eat 50. If you have a bun in the partners and you want to solve the problem of the world - leave it outside, near the cave, otherwise it will immediately open the fire.

    Bitter Springs: Hospital Blues(Lieutenant Markland). On the orders of the field doctor, we need to get three doctoral saczoes and two books on the treatment of children and refugees. Books can be bought from Blake in the "Red Caravan". And if you have in your companions, Arkeid Gennon, instead of the books, it will be possible to consult him. In addition to experience as a reward, we get to choose medication, money or karma.

The last quests for the NKR should be sought in the south-east, in the Serchlight camp, where insidious legionnaires blew up the radiation bomb and the town from the fortified checkpoint of the NKR turned into the head of the Guli, former soldiers of the republic. From the entire garrison, only a squad of Sergeant Astor remained in the ranks. He fixed in a tent nearby and patrols in the district, waiting for us when we turn to it for quests.

    We are together(Sergeant Astor). The goal of the mission is to collect 10 tokens with Guli, the former NKR warriors, now having freely in the village of Serchlight, where full radiation. 9 Guli with tokens are configured hostile - they will have to be bother. The last Gul did not lose the mind and lives in a house near one of the churches - convince him to give you a token (eloquery 60 or power 7), and then help get rid of Radskorpions - get an additional experience. For each ton of sergeant, get 25 covers, and for all 10 - a trophy rifle.

    Wheel of Fortune(Logan prospector). A boring task, you need to run a lot, and the privileges are dubious. In the basement of one of the churches of Serchlight, we get acquainted with an inadequate Logan, we wake a computer, running in Nipton to the merchant, then in a secret cave warehouse. We take anti-radiation costumes, we return to the diligence - he gives the key from the police station, and we must collect items with the note "NKR" according to his order. After harvesting in the police building, we repeat the procedure in the fire department, but there is a high level of radiation and radicalpion-uterus - be prepared for difficulties. In any case, the quest ends for Logan and his team is sad - he climbs into a fight and dies, peacefully solved the discussion. But if Logan falls in battle, the quest automatically certifies us, and his partners will go with the world (if enemies do not be buried).

    This is a bug:in the version of the game, there is still a bug that does not allow completing the quest under a certain condition. If you visited Nipton before and distributed the Mesh honey, at the next meeting, he will not say anything else and the task will go to a dead end. It is treated only by Cheat code: enter the ResetQuest 131E7C in the console, but do not take the message "Marathon".

    An eye for an eye(Sergeant Astor). Our goal is the legionnaire camp in Cottonwood-Cove. To begin with, install the bug and write data from the camp. Difficulties will begin only at the end - you need to destroy the camp, and make (ideally) it is without losing karma. This is real, but first it is necessary to fulfill the task "loneliness" (buy off the prisoners from the worker). Close to Cottonwood height, to a broken van with nuclear waste. Open the back door ... and see how all the legionnaires run on the roar and die from radiation.

The last side mission for the Republicans is waiting for us just north of the Tchattika mine, where the partners of the ordinary rinold were captured by cunning legionnaires.

    Wherever I wander ...(Private Rinolds). Free up hostages and not spoil relationships with the Legion is very difficult, but there is one scheme. Put the Caesar armor and along with satellites go to the mine. We go to the hostages - along the way you can cut a pair of dogs, - we wake the locks (hacking 50) and in open reveal the prisoners. A fight is tied, your partners open fire, legionnaires are trying to kill prisoners, and we are struggling to exit. It is necessary to come running to Rinolds before someone from his comrades will be killed in the mine. Quest is delivered, it remains only to use the rapid move to pull the satellites from the enemy's log house.

    It is important:even if you managed to heal somewhere, after visiting the strip, the center of New Vegas, all the key groups will simulate all past errors - the karma will become neutral.

Family friend

In Novaya Vegas, it is beneficial to be friends with everyone, and positive reputation sometimes helps more than a tricky arsenal in his own backpack. Who will come to the rescue, if we call, who will give the keys to the mystery of the secret apartment. We carry out orders, we make gifts - mutually beneficial friendship. Now let's see who and what can please us.

The secret apartments of the faction are a place where you can deal with ammunition and cells for storing your own good.

    NKR - With a positive charm, they will give us a walkie-talkie, and we will be able to call the soldiers to help (not acting inside locations), and when I become a "favorite" - the keys to the secret apartment.

    Legion Caesar - With a positive reputation, a task is regularly issued for the collection of excess equipment formed from them, with a "favorite" - the keys to the apartment.

    Hudspings - Discount on food and drinks in Salun "Studyer".

    Demolvers - with some frequency will give us dynamite with positive karma.

    Novak - Keys of the room at the hotel on the second floor.

    Bombists - Ability to use their store, as well as the suit of the fraction.

    Brotherhood of Steel - After the completion of the quest "In ignorance", the elder gives the keys to the secret apartment, and after the entry into their ranks you will teach your ability to wear power armor.

    Followers of the apocalypse - With good karma, we will be able to buy magazines from Julie Farkas in the Mormon Fort, after the entry we get the keys to the mystery apartment.

    Kings - If you do the good deeds in Friside, the messenger king will sometimes make us small gifts (provisions, medicines), after entering us, local bandits are stopped.

    Strip - Skip to a closed section of the casino "Ultra-Lux".

    Great Khans. - Good than fame is needed to take some quests.

We are looking for unchecked quests ...

... carry out informal orders of the republic

In addition to open requests for the help of officers and simply, the servants from the NKR can upload us with their minor problems and suspicions. They are not even displayed in the journal of tasks, but are mentioned only by a small note. The marker does not indicate a target, all instructions will only learn from conversations. This kind of task is usually completely trifling, their execution takes a few minutes, but there are also very curious instructions. And consider them.

    In Novka, Ranger Andy will ask us check the post "Charlie"Where it was not possible for a long time. In the headquarters we find two audio recordings, we find out that the legionnaires killed everyone, and one girl was captured. Returning to Andy, we get 200 covers, karma Novak and NKR, the feature of the "Ranger's throw".

Several minor tasks can be obtained in the Sloan:

    Near the hut workers happressed manual crotokrys Nyukhach, he is lame. With medicine, 30 cure a paw and report to the Lewis, get the good glory of the NKR. And if you talk to the workers, the Camp Marker of the Great Khan will appear on the map.

    At the administration building costs broken electric generatorserving energy in a quarry. Chavk Lewis complains of his malfunction. The unit can be disassembled, but the award will not be for it, and if I fix it (repair 35) and report to the brigadier - we get 200 dollars of NKR and karma.

    The main attack for the brigade of workers - claws of death, flooding career. It is necessary to eliminate two individuals - alpha male and the uterus. To fulfill the contract, a powerful weapon is necessary: \u200b\u200ba sniper rifle with armor-piercing cartridges or a nuclear grenade launcher "Tolstik" is suitable, and more good to make her companion - so that he distracted claws on himself. In the award, we get from the brigadier 500 dollars of NKR and positive karma.

We go to Fallene Hope.

    Intensdunt Meys asks to bring it all found nKR tokens. For each instance, it will give a symbolic fee - two covers. For the first token additionally get some experience, good glory and some surplus.

    On a note:the same tokens can be handed over Awerlee from Cottonwood Cove, award - a reputation for Legion Caesar.

    Private Sexton from the barracks to raise the combat spirit conducts a funny competition between the fighters - who will kill more Caesar's servants. As proof of murder we need to bring him ears legionnaires, one for each warrior. There are no awards for this, but from now on some legion meters can be unscrewed ears (more precisely, find them in the inventory of the fallen).

    On a note:the ear can be treated far from each killed, and it does not depend on whether the head is damaged and who will be a killer - you or your companion.

Our next stop - McCarran camp, there are also non-obvious tasks.

    Double order from the cook base of the NKR - agree on meat supplies and spices I. repair processor for cooking food. We go to the "Red Caravan", bowing to the collaboration (eloquence 75). To fix the processor, you need either a lot of details or repair skill 80. In the award, the cook Fabber will sell food with a discount.

    Christina Morales tragedy - her husband fell in an unequal battle with hell, and now these reptiles use the body as a bait for NKR troops. You need to find an externalpost of the republic near the headquarters of Pryfonn, talk to one of the soldiers and Return them to the bodyBy interrupting the devils. We go to the place of ambushes, kill snipers and a tested corpse on an externalpost. We return to my wife and get a plus to the reputation of the NKR.

    Republicans captured Caesar Centurion, but Lieutenant Boyd cannot split it and to reveal valuable information. We're glad help in question. Options Two: Place Hama to a penultimate unit of life or just talk (intelligence 8 or eloquence) - the result will be one everywhere. As a reward, we get experience, 300 covers and the good glory of the NKR.

    Colonel James Shu complains of leader of the devil - Motorcock "And offers a reward for his head, or rather a helmet." We must bring it to the NKR officer as proof. This work was charged to Ranger Anders, but he all broke and captured to hell. Our goal lives in shelter 3, in the ruins of South Vegas. If we have a quest "Honeymoon in Aba-Daba" (gives a dive from the Red Rock Lab) or eloquence more than 64 - devils will miss you to your leader. The motorcycle row can be killed, buy it with a helmet for 200 covers (150 - if intelligence 10) or demand to pay it itself (eloquence 75). In the award, we get experience and 300 covers.

    On a note:Bryce Anders was wounded and sits in one of the shelter rooms. It can be cured with the help of Doctoral sacrifice, and then or send to the camp, or call for help (only if you want to kill the motorcycle racing), but you can leave to die, but lose karma NKR. And in the residential sector, there are three caravantes: if they are released (hacking 75), we get a password from the caretaker's room.

    The most confused of all unaccounted quests - transaction with Contreras. It is bilateral - it is possible or to pass the underground merchant, or to enter into collusion, but you can first work on it, and then pass. The variants are set, I will describe optimal in terms of benefits and morality. We take the task of Lieutenant Boyd, agree to help the Contrerassa (with the skill of eloquence of 50, he gives the first order), we go to the "gunsmiths", we are looking for Isaac or near the Torgotron, or in a house nearby, we convince it (eloquery 80), we get the covers in the award. The next order of the merchant is to pick up the parcel in the "Red Caravan". We are interested in Blake about drugs about the drugs, about the same in the Conterat itself - after that we can at any time pass by the underground Likhach Miss Boyd. And we can not pass, but wait two days, then go to the last instruction. We agree, we go to Lombard Miguel (Westside), we must fight with Keller (under the cover), we convince the fact that you can cooperate with Conteras, return to McCarran. The endings are two: to hand over the Boyd merchant (she will give for this a unique "car" rifle) or eloquence to convince the Contrerass that the Keller needs to cooperate (but the car "Machine" will give you a merchant only in the event of Keller's murder).

The last incoming Quest for the NKR faction is waiting in the Aerochi Business Park.

    We help Captain Parker expose Shulera. It is necessary to simply talk to the whale, with the help of Barter 45 and eloquence 60 to display information from him (or climb into the table and find so corrupted deck of cards, but we will lose karma). It remains to inform about all Parquer, to accompany him to the Whale and witness the murder of the latter.

Scene quests are highlighted in bold. In addition to the usual, in and the game, there is also "incoming quests", in PIP-Boy, they are entered into the category "Miscellaneous" in the form of notes. They differ in that they have no markings on the map, you need to independently search for the desired thing or character. In the list, such quests are marked with a icon (-).

On a white map, those locations are highlighted where there are many quests. All others are random caves, lonely houses, natural objects, attend them not necessarily. The entire card will open at the 20th level, if you take the Perk "Researcher".

Quest selection menu:

Miscellaneous: broken radio

Trudi will tell that the bandits broke her radio. We can explore it, it stands behind the bar counter. If there is the ability to "repair" more than 20, then we can repair it. If not enough, we can buy a magazine "I do", it will temporarily add +10 repairs. Reward: 50 covers (if there is "barter 25" get another +25 covers), 25 experiences, + glory in Hudspings.

Quest: Shooting in the Ghost City

Ringo trader hid in the building of the gas station, in the north-west of the city. At the first meeting, he can teach us a mini-game "Caravan". After that, ask him about the gang of demolitions, he will suggest destroy them so that they do not terrorize the town. If you agree, you will need to find more volunteers for the battle:

Sunny - We will find it in Salun or near, will agree immediately. She will tell about the rest of the people, and will give us 3 hairpins - the laystering, for hacking the safe in an abandoned school.

Dock Mitchel - We ask him medicines, you need a "conversation 25".

Raby Peit. - We ask him dynamite, you need the skill of "explosives 25".

Chet. - Need a "conversation 25", or buy leather armor for 1000.

Trudy - Need one of the skills: "eloquence 25" or "secrecy 25", and it will lead with you a couple of nameless inhabitants.

(To fulfill the quest is better a little later, when we visit the headquarters of the demolitions in the NKR correctional colony, and let's see all their quests. Then they will not miss us, but will decide).

By going through all the inhabitants, we return to the Ringo refueling, we inform you that everything is ready. Sunny will immediately connect, and tell that 6 gangsters entered the city. We go to Salun, all together we defend the town.

After the victory, we will raise a reputation in Gudspings - "Loves", and sinks the demolitions in the gang - "Desultable". Search the corpses of enemies, collect all things. Do not wear trophy armor demolitions, otherwise the locals will begin to attack us. Ringo will pay us 100 covers, and goes to New Vegas to the "Red Caravan" camp. Barmers have more than 50 covers (+25 for high barter).

Miscellaneous: Safe at school

Sunnya handed us 3 hairpins, go to an abandoned school to learn them to apply. For hacking this safe, you need a skill "hacking 25". If not enough, we read a book that temporarily boosts, or drink a potion, temporarily promoting the characteristic "Attention".

During hacking, gently press the "Right" key for the gradual turn of the castle. The movement of the mouse is chosen the correct rotation of the cloth, where it will not tremble. If you quickly rotate the lock in the wrong position, you can break it. Inside the safe: several drinks, menata (Tablets to enhance the characteristics), stealth battle (invisible hat, temporary).

Miscellaneous: flowing streams

We help Joe Cobbo to capture the city for demolitions. Reward: 100 experience, + reputation of demolitions, -Repotation of Hudspings.

1. Gudspings :.
Broken radio (-).
Safe at school (-).
Flowed streams.
Death claw eggs (-).
Nyukhach (-).
Generator repair (-).

8. Legion: Cottonwood Cove:
NKR tokens for the Legion (-).
Fights in the arena (-).
Sergeant Teddy (-).
Finger pointing.

9. Bombists: artillery schedule (-).
Into the sky! .
Bad ants.
Boogie Woogie .
Young hearts.
Nellis. Scrap (-).
Medic Bombistov (-).
Mr. Friend (-).
Children of bombers (-).

10. Great Khans: Helping Helping.
Do not make me ask me.
Red-rock chemical laboratory:
Honeymoon in Aba-Dab.
Refuge 19:
Why don't we be friends?
Mount Black:
Gul old quenching.
Guess who I saw! .
Lily and Leo (-).
An unfair conversation.

11. Brotherhood Steel: In ignorance.
Blind eye.
Solid worries.
Do not fall into other people's affairs.
Computer virus (-) .
Missing laser gun (-).

12. Dam Hoover: Extra. Quests grouping The grace of Caesar.
Mercenary Caesar.
Reliable assistant (-).
Emergency frequency.
Do not be a bear! .
Behold Caesar's wrath! .

12-2. For Legion Cesar Cesarean .
It is impossible to penalize.
Arizona killer.
Came, saw, won.

12-3. For Mr. Hause Casino always win .
All or nothing .

12-4. For Jes Mane Joker: TUZ in sleeve .
Joker: Change of manual.
Casino - Lid! .
Joker: Are you and the army? .
Joker: Make your bets.
Joker: Finishing Barcode.
Neither gods or gentlemen.

2 Option - help Joe grab the city.

3 option - do not enter into conflict, and we will remain neutral to both groups.

When we leave the Hudspings of the village, it will be possible to change its initial characteristics and skills 1 time. We go on the road to the south, the next city of Primam. At the root of the road there is a "parachuting school of Jean" - a small house and a runway. There are several demolitions around this place. When you enter into battle, the robot Victor will come to help us again.

Miscellaneous: Barton Thorn

On the side of the road to the right, we will meet a guy with glasses, he will ask to save his girl from the pack of gecko. We can help or pass by. Agreeing, climbing the hill with a fallen radio haze, we go to the right. On the way, shoot at about a dozen gecko. After the victory, Barton will run to us, and it turns out that he deceived us - he needed to kill monsters to return to his lair. Kill it, take a 9-mm pistol. On the hill avoid trapping, inspect boxes and refrigerators, inside the useful trash.

To the left of the road there is a gorge with radioactive puddles. We pass through the gorge to the dead end, under the destroyed machine we collect trash, sacqued, thicket.

Location: Sloan

This is a miner village north of Hudspings. Worker Chavk Lewis will warn us that this expensive can not go to New Vegas, on the way there are many dangerous monsters of the claws of death.

Miscellaneous: Death Claw Eggs

In the Sloan in the local bar talking with Jes Wilkins, she will tell about the melting recipe from the eggs of death. The egg rarely falls out of any such monster. We can kill them only at 20-30 levels of the hero. In the award we get Recipe "Easy Omelet Rose" (+12 Health, 1 minute).

Miscellaneous: Nyukhach

In the village of Slone lives a manual crotocry. If there is "medicine 30", we can handle it wound. We tell about this by Chavku Lewis, we get a reputation in the NKR.

Miscellaneous: Career Stripping

Chawl Lewis in Slone will tell that workers cannot enter the quarry due to the flock of claws of death. Just pumping around, we go to clean the quarry. You can climb the hills of the type of excavators, and from there it is safe to shoot enemies. Among the monsters we kill two unique: the death claw - the male alpha, the claw of death - the uterus. We return to Chavku, tell about it, we get 5x100 dollars, + reputation in the NKR.

Miscellaneous: generator repair

In the slave to the left of the administration of the administration is the generator.

1 option - disassemble it for parts: 5 scrap metal, touch module, conductor. Collect back it will not work.

2 option - if there is "repair 35", we can repair it. Washing Lewis will get a reward: 2x100 dollars, + reputation in the NKR.

2. Pramm.
Follaut: New Vegas. Passage

Quest: Investigation

The search for killers will lead us to the next town in the south. Half of the city is engaged in NKR soldiers, the second half is demolitions, in the middle of a neutral bridge and a couple of houses with survivors. Without having demolition armor, you can go to the NKR camp in the south. On the bridge we look under your feet, mines installed there. In the tent we speak with Lieutenant Hayes, he will tell about the situation with the gangsters.

We go to the northern part of the city. If the reputation for demolitions is spoiled, you will have to kill several bandits on the streets. To the right building "Mojave Express", the wall lies the killed courier, take it from him Delivery disposal (4/6).

Left enter the Vicky and Vance casino. Inside, talking to Johnson Nash - he owner "Mojave Express", I will find out from him to know the prehistory of the order, because of which we almost killed. There were only 6 couriers, everyone delivered her thing. Our killer saw the local assistant Sheriff Beagle, but he did not talk to him, now he is in captivity of the bandits in a casino on the contrary, it is necessary to free it. For the plot, it is enough or save the beat, or inspect his body.

Other features in the city:

Johnson Nash - We can stretch, play "Caravan".

Ruby Nash - Johnson's wife, can prepare a scorpion dish - Ruby casserole (radiation +2, health +1 for 30 seconds), for this you need to bring 5 radicalpion glands. Scorpions can be found in the desert south of the city.

Prim-Slim - Robot guide, can learn more about the city.

In the side room casino in the table stuck a battle knife, we can steal it, spending karma.

Quest: ED-E, my love

We enter the residential house of Nash, we will see a damaged robbobz on the table, for repairing the "Repair 65" skill is needed. If there is a skill "Science 55", then the condition will decrease to "repair 35". In a nearby building, we speak with Nash, he will allow us to pick up a robot with me.

Partner: ed-e . Gives the ability of "aggravated feelings" (the enemies are seen on the radar from afar). Robot can be used as a portable workbench, cartridge manufacturer. In battle, the robot attacks the laser. It flies through the air, and invulnerable to enemies with a near attack. A little later, we will fulfill several actions with him:

1. We bring a robot to Gibson's landfill in Novak. When you approach the landfill, the Robot Ed-e will automatically turn on the audio recording. We learn that the enclave data is laid in the robot.

2. When we go to the strip to the very end, I will find the workshop of Michael Angelo on the right, the Ed-Eh robot will tell us the next portion of his audioshrum.

3. We return to Hudspings with a robot, through his radio heard a message from Lorenzo from the brotherhood of steel. We go to the north-east of Gudspings - in Hidden Welley. When you approach closer, I will contact Eypril Martimer from the followers of the Apocalypse on the radio, it will offer to bring her robot, and not to communicate with the Brotherhood of Steel.

1 Option - Brotherhood Steel. After performing the initial quests of the Brotherhood, we give Lorenzo Robot Ed-e a few days. Later he will return it in an improved form - reinforced armor.

2 Option - followers of the apocalypse. Enhanced weapons.

Miscellaneous: Vance Brochure about weapons

Robot approx Slime will tell about the main exhibit of the Kosnika casino - this is a car and a Personal Pistol-Machine Vance. We look at the showcase in front of the machine, it is broken. We tell the robot that the weapon is kidnapped, but he does not believe. Having the skill "Science 50", learn that the robot hacked, +50 experience. We can read the "spoiled memory block of the memory-slope." The weapon stole a couple: a male Sam and a woman's woman.

Robbers will find north of Westside, inside a separate residential building in the field. Inside, speak with Pauline, apply "eloquence 55" to dissuade them from a casino robbery, or just kill them. We wake a safe or use the suggested code, inside 9 mm Vancen Machinery Pistol (damage 14, weight 4).

Quest: The city that I like

Assistant Sheriff Bug holds the fallen criminals at the Bizon Steve Hotel, you need to free it. There are many enemies inside the building, it is better to sneak into them, to lure one by one. If it is pumped by hacking locks, we will be able to go through locked corridors, without entering the main hall, where the most enemies. One of the enemies will find a darned key. Killing the leader, we can pick it up Flamethrower insian. Boot will find connected in the kitchen. Having "eloquence 25", we can persuade him to kill the remaining bandits together, but there are few benefits from him, it is better to immediately go to the street. In one of the rooms there is a transition to the 2nd floor, there are some more enemies.

Returning to the casino "Vicky". We ask the beat about a person in the checkered costume, we learn that he left in the direction of the cities of Nipton and Novak. This is enough for the main quest "investigation".

Please assistant:

Bigl will ask to find the city of a new sheriff. Candidates:

1 option - Myers (demolitions). It is necessary to have neutral relations with bandits, or put on their armor to visit the NKR correctional institution. Myers will ask to go to the cashpost, and ask the amnesty from Major Knight, you need "eloquence of 30" IL 200 covers. Myers will expect at the stop at the center of the Acception. His candidate will satisfy everyone.

2 Option - Lieutenant Hayes (NKR). It is necessary to bring a reinforcement detachment from the Mojava advance, in the southwest card. Having come there, speak with Major Knight, need a "barter 20" skill. Return to Haesu, +300 experience. In the city will be restored, but not everyone will like life according to the statute. Bug will be fired, Nash will become more ammunition on sale, but it will raise prices due to taxes. When I come a little later, the gang of Deserters Leila will attack the city, but learning about the Sheriff NKR, they will retreat.

3 Option - Primm Slime (robots). Need a skill "Science 30" or 3 nuclear batteries and 4 conductor to reprogram the robot guide in the sheriff. Neutral option.

Finding a sheriff for the city of Prima, a little later we return here. We enter the casino, after us will enter the gang of Deserters and Marauders, whom Leila is headed. In a conversation with them we can fight, pay off for 100 covers, use eloquence, or tell about the new sheriff. They immediately abandon the city in fear.

Big Kush: Wick and Vance

When you find a sheriff for the city, the local casino will start working again. We can play in: 1) one-arorated bandit, 2) Blindjack, 3) roulette. For a certain winnings in this casino we will receive bonuses:

625-1249 chips - additionally 20 chips.

1250-1874 chips - 1 stealth battle.

1875-2499 Chips - 1 leather armor, reinforced.

Location: NKR correctional institution

Doses - security guard, there is a key of inf. Center.

Myers is a former sheriff, sitting in the first building.

Administration. Hannigan, Eddie (admin key), omelet. Safe next to a painted portrait. The terminal of the head of the prison.

Prison block A. Carter (key from block B).

Prison block V.

Quest: Path Fix

Having become acquainted with demolitions, we can start working for Eddie, he heads part of prisoners who want to stay in this place. Perform several of its tasks:

1. In the south of the prison, find Chavez, he arranged a bed under the car. If there are "eloquence 30", we can drive it, otherwise we kill.

2. At the crossroads of roads is a suspicious merchant. Having "eloquence of 30" or "Intellect 6", we can talk it. In fact, he is a hunter for heads, looking for demolitions. Or run it, or kill it.

3. We go to Prima, learn the plans of the NKR. Lieutenant Hayes in the tent will not tell us anything, but he from his pockets you can steal the text "military orders". Reward: 100 covers.

When I execute the quest "Path of Correction", the prison will begin to storm the NKR troops. If we help to defend the colony, we will get the status of "your own man", and the leader of demolitions - Eddie will start constantly supplying us gunpowder and dynamite.

Location: Post of the Nevada Road Patrol

Around a few gangsters from the gang of Shakalov. Inside the building there is a workbench for the equipment of cartridges. In the chamber, locked the corpse, he will find a couple of cards and other trash.

Location: Nipton Road Parking

Outside there are radicalpions. In a road store near the cashier lies the diary of the Mayor of Stina - the entry "they guessed, to whom she was lucky, it was said that he helped Legion Caesar, earned several thousand covers, and straightened to Hibaru in front of Nipton.

Location: Avanpost Mojave

At the entrance there is a huge statue, in honor of the transaction of the desert Rangers and the NKR. In the post Sergeant Kilborn, he will tell who where you can find here.

Lacey is the shop saleswoman, in the first building.

Cass - a spidaling girl who lost the caravan. I will advise us to find the branch of the "Red Caravan" - the quest "Payment on the accounts".

Major Knight - in the second building, repairing armor, weapons. It is with him that it is necessary to negotiate to bring the support of the NKR into the Primam, while the skill of Barter 20 is needed.

Location: Nipton Pete Stop

On the way to Nipton, we will meet the ruins of buildings, the gang of Shakalov lives among them. A little further see how the girl Jacklin kills Thomas. According to her, he suddenly attacked her. We look at the body, read the Diary of Thomas, it is written in it that they recently met, and Thomas did not plunge anything bad. We will also see that she sipped Thomas amulet, try to return them, and she attacks us. Award: Necklace - 9 covers with a star.

How to get Fallout: New Vegas

In the city there are bonfires and the flags of the Legion Caesar are hung. Oliver Sienik - runs out to us from the city, according to him, he won in the lottery, but nothing will explain and run on.

Quest: Marathon

In a universal store we will meet a commodity, he took 2 place in the lottery, for it he just broke his legs. Everyone else was either burned, or hung on the crosses, or took into slavery. The merchant asks us 15 honey to treat, we can give 1 dose, karma increases for it.

The commodity told us that Legion Caesar led some people from Nipton to captivity, you need to free them. We go to the east, for the development of the road will find the location of the "Matching Camp of the Legion". In the camp itself, several legionnaires, single legion fighters patrol around in the fields. You need to either kill enemies or sneak at night. Two prisoners are sitting in the center of the camp, freeing them. +110 experience, + authority from demolitions.

Quest: Cruel heart

In the center of the Town Hall, we will meet a detachment of Legion Caesar, Wulpes Incult will speak with us. He will tell that the inhabitants of the city were weak, for which they were killed. We will also be alive for us to tell about this incident in other cities.

You need to talk about the whitmen of the Legion. To do this, it is enough to return to Zava, to a large monument of two Rangers, we speak with the sergeant Kilborn. +150 experience.

City Hall. We can enter inside, legionnaires are no longer there, but their dogs remained. At the rack with the boxes, find a darned key, with it we can open the door to the basement, where there are trash and medicines. On the 2nd floor there are still dogs, one of the corpses is mined. In the upper office we can read the records in the Faucet of the Mayor of Stina, in front of the computer are pills, magazines, a book (+3 science). There is a closet Laser pistol.

In the southern house there are many traps, in the bath there is a safe, you need "hacking 25", inside: Magazine +10 explosion, 40-mm grenade. After opening the safe, the cell will open in the hall, we will attack 3 wood scorpions.

In the eastern house we attack the robot prototype Mistra Gatsey. In the computer we can read the records of the local programmer. Nearby there is a workbench. All other houses are empty, but we can collect ears from the bodies of legionnaires, and tokens from the bodies of the NKR fighters.

From Nipton we go to the east. The gang of Gadyuk gang will be attacked on us from above, so it's better to go on the road, but immediately climb higher in the mountains. Among the enemies there are a pair of grenaderans. Red cones on the road are mined, do not approach them.

Location: Roccasle fall location

Far in the south-east of Nipton behind the hill there is a fallen helicopter, around a lot of strong robots, if we can quickly run past them, then take a laser bazona from the helicopter Prototype "Tesla-Biton" (76 damage, email charge, -50 health).

Location: Camp Serchlight

At the entrance to the city of Soldiers NKR, they warn that Legion blew up a nuclear charge here, a strong radiation background can kill us. All soldiers in the city turned into burnt gulles. If there is an antiradiating suit or medicine Antirad, we can examine the city.

Quest: We are together

1 Option - Killing Edwards, Take a token. We use "eloquee 60" to deceive and put the gole on their soldiers. - Karma.

2 option - Apply "eloquee 60" or "force 7" to pick up a token without a fight.

3 Option - I ask about the reasonable Gule from Sergeant Astor, he will tell about the echo camp, where serves a few Guli. We give this information Edwards, and he will leave the city. Before that, you need to kill 3 Radasorpions so that it does not die along the way. Relieved token will stay house on the floor. + karma.

4 Option - Having learned about the camp, we can persuade Astor to take a guil into a detachment, you need "eloquence 50" or "Intellect 7". +50 covers, + karma.

Award: 1 Tokens - 25 covers, 10 tokens - an old rifle.

Quest: Eye for the eye

The first sergeant Astor will ask us to get into the legion camp in Cottonwood-Cove, and put a listening bug. If relations with the Legion are not yet corrupted, we can enter them into the city without a fight, otherwise you will have to disguise, wear their clothes.

1 Option - On the Balcony of the Buildings, we find Aureliya from Phoenix, tell him about the task of the NKR, we give bug. We get + reputation in the Legion.

2 options - we go to the building of the headquarters, in the desk we take the "Notes of the Legion Patrol", in the file cabinet we take the "Legion Speech Plans", inspect the radio on the table, put a bug. We return to the schlight, we get 150 covers. Then Sergeant Astor will instruct us to kill all legionnaires in Cottonwood Cove. Award: 200 covers, 1000 experience.

Quest: Fortune Wheel

In the camp Serchlight in the basement of the NKR warehouse, we will meet stalkers led by Logan, he will ask us to hack a warehouse computer (average password level) to find out where antiradiatic costumes are stored. From the records we learn that the delivery was stolen somewhere near Nipton.

Returning to Nipton, we speak the store with the surviving local resident of the shop, he will tell that the legionnaires dragged the boxes with the goods to the nearest cave in the north. Inside the cave, we will find a radiation costume - a package, we refer it to Logan to the Serchlight.

The Logan detachment is equipped with suits. We get the key from the police station, together we go to inspect the building. Inside you need to find all 7 things tagged with NKR: Grenade Lantaging in stock, automatic in prison, gun on the corner table, 3 parts of the computer in the desktop in the center, and 1 part in the side table.

We go to the fire station, inside the 2 dead legionnaire, here we will see how the whole city has become infected. On the second floor of the building we collect NKR things: a gun-machine gun on the shelves, a gun on the table, a helmet on the bed, a part of the radio on the stool, a computer part of the computer in sports bags. When everything is gathering, Logan will attack us, kill him, and the quest will end.

Location: Serchlight Airport

In the south of the infected city. You can enter the take-off site only by the underground tunnel. Inside a few scorpions. The ruins of the airport building lie two chests, there are about 500 caps.

East airport has acid swamps, they are a dead prospector, on his body will find a nuclear base "Tolstik" (damage, weight 30, cartridges: nuclei-c).

Fallout: New Vegas. All quests

The whole town is a Dino Dee-Lite Motel, with a statue of a dinosaur, and a few more houses around. In the abandoned gas station there are 2 types of workbenks.

Jenny Mei Krowford is a motel owner, she can buy a room, ask for other guests and the nearest plants. From her we find out that the checkered jacket was held here, and his people spoke with Manney - a local sniper.

Manny Vargas - Day Sniper, on duty in the mouth of the dinosaur. It was he who communicated with our killers when they passed by. For information about them, he asks to help him. For the main plot, it is not necessary to fulfill, we can simply see the entry in the computer Mainney. We learn that the Great Khans went to Boulder City.

The rest of the residents:

Dr. Ada Strauss - can cure from diseases and dependencies for 50 covers. If we raise your fame in the town, it will begin to sell us medicines.

Daisy Whitman is an old woman with a gun, a former pilot.

Cliff Brocha - the seller of souvenirs inside the statue of the dinosaur.

Bruce Isaac - a musician, lives in the room on the 2nd floor. Hiding from Bishop, who has been competently taken away the money for work.

Miscellaneous: midnight attacks on the ranch

Dusty and Alice McBride - Farmers Family in the south of the town. In the conversation, we find out that some of the midnight someone kills one of their animals.

Nareu Nunan - Local Madness, Lives in the Hibar in the north. He will tell me that the invisible monster attacks the farmers. After his words, we go inspect the pen with animals, and in fact we will see the shadow with the effect of invisibility. We kill this monster until I ran away, we take the audio recording of the "shouts of the barmina" from his body, miniga weapons. Show the record to farmers, we will get the reward: 75 covers, 10 steak from the barmine in the refrigerator, + reputation in Novak.

Miscellaneous: Check the post "Charlie"

Ranger Andy - a disabled person who was excluded from the NKR, lives in Novak in the room on the 1st floor. He will ask for his friends from NKR. If there is a skill "eloquence 30", he will teach us abilities "Ranger Ranger. After this conversation as "Charlie", you will find that all dead. We report to Andy.

Quest: Abduction

Boon - Night Sniper. His wife kidnapped legionnaires, he suspects that someone from the locals was with them in collusion. Bun asks to find the guilty.

Asking Buna all residents about his wife. Chief Witness - Madness of the Nareu Nunan, he will tell you what to search the hall of the motel. In the lobby we go beyond the rack, a safe was built in the floor, we wake it up, we will find a "contract of sale" among the money, we take away the evidence. It turns out that Jenny May Croports sold a girl into slavery.

Having found the guilty, waiting for the night when the Boon will stand in the post. We speak to Crawford so that she goes for us (the phrase appears only at night). At the site before the dinosaur, we put on the buna, it will be a signal that we led the perpetrator, and the sniper will shoot Crawford. We get +275 experience. Boon is going to leave Novak to destroy legionnaires, we can talk to him, and make your own partner.

Partner: Bun . Gives the ability to "gunner" (when aiming, all enemies are highlighted in red silhouette). In battle acts as a sniper, so it is only good in the open area. When the bun in the detachment, he will shoot on the legionmers without warning. So, if there are plans to join the Legion, then the bun will be superfluous.

Quest: I forgot to forget

You need to take the sniper bun to the partner. After that, ask about his past, about events in Bitter Springs. Bun will not answer. To talk him, together with him, I perform the Quests of the NKR against the Legion. You need to dial 5 memory points for the following steps:

In the camp McCarran kill the legionnaire during interrogation (+1).

Quest "Spyware": demining the train (+1), kill the spy (+1).

Quest "Marathon" (+2).

Kill crucified fighters in Nelson (+1) or save them (+2).

Quest "OKO OK": Kill all legionnaires in Cottonwood Cove (+2).

Reset radioactive barrels on Cottonwood Cove (+2).

Kill Aureliya in Cottonwood-Cove (+1).

Kill Vulpes Incult (+1).

Kill Caesar in the Fort Legion (+2).

Shortly after that, Bun will talk, he still feels guilty for a terrible slaughter in Bitter Springs. We go to this camp, in the northeast of the card. We screw on the Koyote Tail Ridge, we will see a legion detachment at night, heading to Bitter Springs for new slaves. Coming into battle, you need to kill 10-15 legionaries and 5 dogs. After the victory, the Bun admits that he now became easier. Award: Choose a new armor for Buna - "Blossomy of the 1st Interijalon" or "Assault Armor of the 1st Interijalon."

Quest: Let's fly

Sniper Manni Vargas asks to help clean the local missile polygon from Guli, so that people can calmly get scrap metal. From Novak we go to the west. On the way there will be a checkpoint at the bottom of the bridge, we can collect cartridges from several boxes. At the top of the bridge there are medicines. Then the Guli will meet (people who mutated from radiation attack only their hands) and the body of shadows (big blue human-like monsters, attack fittings). Let's go to the rocket complex, go to the central doors.

Reponn. Inside the building on the radio transmitter, the Gul man will contact us with us, and will order climbing the top floor. Search the entire 1st floor. In the office room we can read messages on your computer. It turns out that the company "Roboto" was served here, they sent a party of stealth fighting, which give temporary invisibility, and now they actively use shadows. In the office of the director, we inspect the computer, find a password to safe: R3pcon. Near the wall there is a safe, you need skill "hacking 50", inside: 2 stealth battle. We go to the northeastern corner of the building, in the big hangar climb the stairs, they speak the intercom to the top, and we will skip us.

Chris Heverese is a man who considers himself a hum. All others are real hums, followers of Jason Bright. The world leader will tell us about the "Great Journey" and "Beautiful Dali", where they want to fly out of this world. Jason will tell that invisible demons begin to attack them. Gul asks to clean the basement from the shadows, we get the key.

1 option - we kill. We go down to the basement, we kill all the shadows. In the eastern part of the basement, a prison is equipped, the shadow of the jailer or in a dead end on the shelf will find the key from prison, let down lower, in one of the lateral cameras we will find the dead Gul Captive. In the northeast, enter the Davison leader's room. If before that we have already managed to kill any shadow, he will not speak with us, enter into battle, with his body we will take Big Sword (21 damage), key Davison. In the back room we can press the button on the wall, the descent to the sewage will appear.

2 option - negotiate. Go down to the basement, but not attack the shadows. We go into the office of their leader Davon, find out what you need to leave the factory. Shadows want to collect all the devices of Stels-battle here, they are in the northern room where Gul Single swallowed. Agreeing to help, we get the key from this room.

Gul Single:

We go to the north of the basement, unscrew the door with the key, get into a multi-storey room. There are many traps and traps from below, and from above Gul-loner Harland.

1 Option - Kill Guly.

2 Option - help hum. Harland asks to find his girlfriend. If you did not kill the shadows, you need to imperceptibly get into their prison, and inspect the body of the girl. We tell that she is dead in prison, and the Gul will run up to the rest of the monsters.

We rise above, we will find a message in the terminal that stealth battles were delivered here by mistake, and they were returned to the warehouse, there were only 5 such devices in the building. We go to report on this shadows, and they will leave the plant.

We return to the top floor, we repeat Bright about the stripping of the basement. All the hums will come there, we go next. In the room behind Daveson, we descend into the sewer, pass through it in the starting mine, the side has a quick access to the surface. Bright will tell you that they are going to fly on rockets. Scientist Chris asks us to get a couple of missing spare parts:

1. Isotope-239. Through the Map menu, we return to Novak, in the statue of the dinosaur we buy 1 souvenir missile. Then buy the key from the field for 80 covers (having a barter 30 or science 40, you can lower the price), we will pass for the counter, we will find more hundreds of souvenirs in the room, we take only 5. or can go southeast from Novak - in Clark- Field, "I will find a corpse in a bright yellow suit, take free from him isotope and Antiradiasis suit.

2. Module for control of thrust. From Novak we go to the north, on the dump Momashi Gibson, we buy the desired thing at the old woman in -500 covers. Having eloquence 50 "or" barter 50 ", we can reduce the price. If there is not enough money, we can kill the saleswoman and her dogs, and pick up a thing. If there is a perk" Genebian ", you can pick up a thing without money.

We return to the rocket mine, you can immediately through the secret output under the radar. We give two things to Chris. Having "eloquence 50", we can persuade him not to help the guys. Let us agree on the launch.

We rise to the top floor, where Guli had previously dwell. Screw the last door with the key. Let's go to the control room. On the right, you can configure the navigation system if there is a "science 55" skill, two possibilities will appear:

1 option - Read more examine navigation data, make a trajectory more precisely (+ karma).

2 option is to make rockets face each other when starting (-carma). In any case, the Brotherhood of Guli will leave the missile complex. +55 experience, + reputation in Novak.

We return to Novak, we repeat Snayper Manny about the stripping of the plant from Guli, + reputation in Novak. If you have not learned, I ask where the gangster went to the checkered costume, Manney will tell.

Location: Mamash Gibson Dump

The saleswomen can buy many cards for the deck. When you approach the landfill, the Robot Ed-e will automatically turn on the audio recording. We learn that the enclave data is laid in the robot.

Location: Nelson (Legion)

At the entrance, the NKR checkpoint, the main Ranger cute. If there is a "eloquence 25" skill, we get a task from it. You need 20 doses of "psycho" to strengthen the combat spirit of soldiers.

Quest: Go home

Ranger Milo will tell that the NKR does not knock down Legion from the city of Nelson, because the enemies have hostages. He suggests imperceptibly to penetrate the enemy's rear, and kill 3 hostages on the crosses, so that nothing prevented the attack. If you go secret, only 3 enemy will fall on the way, eliminate them silently. For the murder of prisoners will not lose karma. Award: +165 experience, 50 covers.

Quest: Wherever I wander ...

From Nelson we go south on the road. We will meet ordinary Rinalds, he will tell that part of the NKR soldier holds in captivity of the Legion, in the nearest cave - the Mine "Techattika". If you agree to help, we kill all legionnaires inside, we rise above, we open two castle, we free 2 soldiers.

Location: Camp Fall-Hope (NKR)

Quest: Medical history

Dr. Richards - find it in a medical tent. He will tell that at night he disappears the medicine "Hydra". If there is a skill "Medicine 50", learn: those who use the hydra, the skin becomes purple. Private Stone has such a complexion, but it needs to be caught polishing.

We remain on duty before the medical center until 2:00 o'clock in the morning. Soon we will see the progress of Stone. He will tell that he needs painkillers to forget about the horrors of war. We choose what to do with it: 1 - persuade to come with the obedient "eloquence of 60" (+ karma), 2 - blackmaid (money), 3 - We demand to stop stealing. We repeat the doctor. 300 experience.

Quest: Boomerang

Those. Sergeant Rais - Radine in a separate tent. She will ask for new codes for all Ranger stations. You need to visit 6 posts: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot.

Lenk's communications officer - at the first meeting, she will take us for the bouncer from Omert. If we lie, we can pick up the domestic domestic - 250 covers, -cam, -Repotuduation of the NKR. Having "eloquence 30", we will be able to learn about this debt, and get a girl, get 30 experience, + karma. Book (+3 explosives).

Tilden's communication officer, in this camp deliver surplus of cartridges.

By going through everyone, we return to Rayene, she will tell about strange anxious news from three posts, we go to check. Everywhere everything will be fine, come back. Raisa will send us to the golf camp, where all reports are signed. We obtain 300 covers, 300 experiences.

Commander Henon - find it in the building, on the 2nd floor on the balcony. We ask him about false reports, he presses us to talk to his office. Hennon felt reports so that the NKR send more people, so the old man was preparing for a decisive battle with the Legion.

1 Option - Issue the commander of the authorities. He will lead us to the hall, it will work himself in his office, reads his last speech on the radio, and selflessness. Quest will be failed.

2 Option - We leave Hentle's sweeps in secret. 500 experience.

Quest: Return of Hope

Major Poltyli is the head of the camp, in a big tent. If you take it to help, at first he will send us to solve problems in stock.

Intensdunt menes is a warehouse manager. With him you can play "Caravan". He will tell that he sent a detachment behind the supplies to the neighboring camp "Helios One", but they never returned. We go to search.

We reach the power station, ask Lieutenant Haggerty about the squad, she will say that they got provisions and went back. We return, halfway in the desert we will see the dead squad, we take 2 letters from them, take the camp stocks from the box. We will attack 2 legionnaires, fight off, and go to the camp.

For the second time, Major Poltyli will send us to help in Lazarut. Need a skill "Medicine 20", if not - Dr. Richards will send us back to the headquarters, if there is a skill - we examine 3 wounded fighters. For treatment, you need a skill "Medicine 35-75" or a set of 3 things. It is necessary to have a honey and superstimulator with you, and the other things (whiskey, harness, tweezers, tire, saw) will find near the tables.

After completing 2 requests from Major Polatli, we can order him to start the assault of the city of Nelson. The number of our fighters depends on the requested requests and the reinforcements, the maximum 5. Together with them we go to the storm in the city, we will meet several enemies outside, and 3 legionnaires inside the buildings of the barracks. 300 experience.

Miscellaneous: NKR tokens

Intensdunt Maes in Fall-Hope will ask us to collect fabrics of the fallen NKR fighters to know the statistics for the dead, and properly distribute resources. For each 1 tokens we will receive 2 covers. If you bring it 15 tokens, then it will give a premium in 100 covers and 6 bottles of beer. If we give up the award, we get +5 karma.

Miscellaneous: Legionnaire ears

Private Sexton - sits in the barracks of the Shadlon-Hope camp. He is responsible for raising the combat spirit, for this he came up with the competition - who will kill enemies more. As evidence, it is necessary to bring ears of legionnaires. You need to collect 30 ears. The more you collect, the more the soldiers will attack Nelson. Having produced 30 ears, we get: 100 covers, 6 beers, +3 NKR reputation.

Quest: Legion name me

Having a normal relationship with legionmers, we enter the city of Nelson. We are talking to the Dean of the Dean of the Dead Sea, he will give a task alone to destroy the NKR troops in the Forlorn-Hope camp.

Location: Golf Camp (NKR)

Inside the building on the 1st floor in the terminal there is a line "Correction of the control system of varnishes 38".

Quest: From defeat to victory one step

McCridi Sergeant in the Golf camp complains that he got the worst recruits - a squall detachment, we can help him rally the team.

Pontrexter - Changarik, will offer to hack the computer and replace the results of passing standards. If there are "eloquence 40", we find another way.

Oh "Hanrahan - will offer to make friends of all recruits, agree.

MAGS - Ranger, you need "eloquery 40", we convince her with respect to relate to others.

Razz - a former mercenary, asks to bring him a dose. We go to the Jack Red Rock, buying goods, refer to the romance. 200 experience.

Location: Helios One (NKR)

Quest: Solar glare

Lieutenant Haggerty will forbate us enter the power plant building. If there is a skill "Science" or "eloquence 35", we will be able to negotiate. In the building, we examine any computer, find records about the protective system "Archimedes". In the bedroom on the table and in the chest will find Password to the Eastern Terminal. In the far, we communicate with fantastics, which was accidentally given by scientist, but he cannot launch a solar power plant. He will ask us to get into the tower, turn on the device, and send energy to McCarran and Streep. From fiction we get Password to the Western Terminal.

Near the corridors we will meet a real scientist Ignacio Rivas. Having "eloquence 35", we can talk it. He advises us evenly distribute energy when we configure the station. Ignacio will tell about the secret organization to which he belongs - "followers of the apocalypse." They collect old technologies, and distribute them to all so that no one has advantages. The organization also includes: Camp in Frieside, Usanaga Clinic near the "Red Caravan", a guy in AeroTej, Tom Anderson in Westside.

We go to the rear fenced yard of the power plant. Among the set of reflectors mirrors there are two cabins with terminals, inspect them, neutralize the trap. In both computers, select the line "Restore the connection". After that we can enter the tower.

Tower. Inside us attack 2 tures "Mark V", and a couple of robots Mr. Kravets. We can quickly run into the room to the right, hack the computer, and turn off the turret. During the sewage, we go down below, there we will meet robots protectors.

In the basement there is a computer, but at first it needs to be powered by energy. Nearby there is a repair robot Python, we can include it - skill "Science 45" or ID card. To the right of the computer there is a small generator, we can repair it yourself - the "Repair 35" skill. We launch the computer, choose where to distribute energy:

1) McCarran and Strip Las Vegas (Choosing NKR).

2) Frymont and Westside (help to poor people).

3) The whole region (choice of Ignacio).

4) Archimedes II (Destruction of NKR).

5) the whole region, the critical level.

Also, we can include the protective system of Archimedes, all the NKR fighters on the power plant will die from this. So, playing for the NKR, do not touch this option.

We rise to the top of the tower, we will find the control panel. We wait for the bright sun - from 9:00 to 15:00 hours, activate the panel, and the power plant will start working at full capacity. +350 experience.

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Passage of all quests of the main game:
DLC: Dead Money. Honest Hearts. Old World Blues. Lonesome Road.
Secrets. Cheat codes. Achievements . Questions - Answers.

The quest takes at Lieutenant Haggerty, standing at the central entrance of Helios alone, which refers to a certain "idiot in glasses", filling everything at the station. Something he can't run the station to full power and he does not prevent more qualified help.

We go, focusing on the marker, according to the simple labyrinth of Helios to the goal. Just after a couple of answers to your questions, when talking with fantastics (this is the name of "idiot ..."), it becomes clear that this type is not that "non-compressed" ... he is not at all in the teeth in the things for which he took ... the level of his knowledge in Electrician - maximum screw the bulb into the cartridge, and then under the supervision of the brigade of rescuers.

However, they don't care about how the frames in the NKR are selected ... Our task, having toed the work of a grief-scientist on his shoulders, unrest this problem to himself.
To begin with, we need to connect two terminals located on the territory of the site with mirrors to the main computer in the tower of Helios. Access codes can be found by talking with fantastics (oriental terminal) and Ignacio Rivas (Western Terminal), an Idiot Assistant. You can also find password recordings and in Helios corridors.
When talking with Ignacio, we learn an even more deplorable position from the station manager, and at the same time on an alternative distribution of energy. Fantastic will order to send it only to McCarran and Strip, settlements falling into the area of \u200b\u200binterests of the NKR, and Ignacio is evenly distributed throughout the region, without managing other towns and villages in order not to decline. So, Ignacio can be pounded in more detail (early, superficially, you can learn from the service terminals encountered on the power station) about a certain secret project developed before the war - the secret weapon Archimed. We find out that it belongs to the followers of the apocalypse and warns us about the danger of the application of this project, in case of opening information about it, the militant factions (including and the NKR).

We go, to start, connect the auxiliary terminals on the site. Approaches to one mined mine and stretching with self-sewing, secure which, in principle, is not difficult. But the second, protected by aggressive to the GG service dogs of the NKR, plundered me slightly. I didn't want to spoil relations with the NKR, but it expects, in the case of a radical solution to the problem ... All the surcharges of NKR fighters, after the death of at least one dog, become hostile-tuned to the GH. I remembered and helped the pop-up hint, when you start the game - that you can preserve the loyalty of the faction, when killing one of its members, if you do without witnesses. Stealth battle and cutting glove served a good service and retained the location of the NKR.
After all the manipulations with the terminals in the mirrors, go to the tower, to the main computer, distributing energy and the launching (optional) Archimedes. For an early, from conversations with the Persians described above, we already know that the approaches to it blocks the security system - "friendly hello" from Brattsva Steel, who once hosted at the station and were removed from the NKR.
In my case, with a shortage of stealth fighting and absence, at that time, the Piece "Robothechnic", which would have greatly relieved the task, had enough to protect the path to himself, only disabling the Sat Turrel at the terminal. Next, I had to break through with the fight, traveled in different ways of radical neutralization of security robots.
Finally, we have the main computer, but for its activation lacking energy - we repair the next-standing generator (repair 35) or launch at the top level of the room, the repair robot (science 45). Do not hurry, remember the advice of Ignacio and the careeristic order incurred and fiction: where to distribute energy by choosing the option on the computer - to solve now, the second opportunity to redistribute it, if you change your mind, you will not be. You decide. Next, after initiating the distribution console on the observational site, only the Archimedes function will be available - another dilemma: to spoil the relationship with the NKR now or make a bit.
In the case of a priority supply of energy to McCarran and Strip, we rent a quest to fantasy if you decide the NKR not to indulge and distributed it evenly throughout the region - the quest closes Ignacio ...
Ahtung! If you further want to use the goalkeeper "EUKLIDE algorithm" And when choosing the distribution of electricity, another consumer was set (target), he will remain just a piece of iron ... re-rewind energy will not work.
It is best or wait until this "rangefinder" will not fall to you ... Like the quest from Veronica "Solid Cares", then you will scare on it in Friside; or activate Archimedes II immediately
And IMHO, you can like, with proper manipulations, no more than two charges per day.