Fadeev A.A. Roman "Rod"

Fadeev A.A. Roman "Rod"

Abstract on the topic:

Defeat (novel)


  • 1 Description of the plot
  • 2 History of creation
  • 3 E-shielding
  • Notes


Defeat - Roman of the Soviet writer A. A. Fadeev.

1. Description of the plot

Roman tells about the history of the partisan red squad. Events occur in the 1920s during the Civil War in the Ussuri Territory. The inner world of the main heroes of the novel is shown: the commander of the detachment of Levinson and the fighters of the squad, frozen, his wife Varia.

The partisan detachment (like other detachments) is in the village and for a long time does not behave hostilities. People get used to deceptive calmness. But soon the enemy starts a large-scale offensive, one by one thumbs up the partisan detachments, the rings of enemies are compressed around the detachment. The commander of the detachment does everything possible to save people and continue the struggle. The detachment, pressed against the bog, does Gat and goes along it in Taiga. In the final, the detachment falls in the Cossack ambush, but, the monstrous losses have lost, breaks through the ring.

2. History of creation

The novel was written in 1924-1926, then a little-known writer Alexander Fadeev.

Roman "Rod" occupies, of course, one of the highest places in the literature of Russia. And I should rightfully take much greater and be well known much more. The author gives a real picture of civil war events. There is no victorious procession of socialist ideas in the work and speech. He is about a friend: about human relations, about difficult conditions in which it is necessary to survive, and about loyalty, of course not without it. Fadeev does not accidentally choose the time to describe in the novel when the squad is already crushed. He wants to show not only the successes of the Red Army, but also its failures. Just do not immediately think about the anti-Soviet "Double Day" of the novel, this is an obvious Soviet work.

But some metamorphosis happened. One of the main positive heroes of the novel is a man by the name Levinson. Fadeev made a positive hero of his work with a Jew for nationality, according to internationalism of the 20s. But in the following years, literally in a few years, a long-term anti-Semitic campaign began in the country, and the positive hero of the Jew was no longer a worthy place in the new Soviet literature. For the school program of that time, up to the end of the 80s, the book was recommended as optional. And literary critic, consciously distorting the work, the main character was stubbornly called Levinson, but frozen. Nowadays, the Roman is studied, published and available on the Internet.

"The defeat" brought the young writer with glory and recognition, Fadeev becomes one of the leading writers of the USSR, although after this novel he had almost no time to book, as he became more literary official than the writer.

3. Shielding

  • "Youth of our fathers" (1958)


  1. "Literary Encyclopedia" T. 11 / M.: Art. lit., 1939. Article "Fadeev Alexander Aleksandrovich" - feb-web.ru/feb/litenc/encyclop/leb/leb-6411.htm?cmd\u003d2&istext\u003d1 Link from September 28, 2008
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization performed on 07/14/11 04:11:54
Related essays: defeat (Roman Emil Zola), defeat Pechenegov, Novgorod defeat, defeat the sorrhogs,

Nails would do from these people -

Much would not have been in the world of nails

(N. Tikhonov. "Ballad of nails")


The revolution is too huge on its scale an event in order not to be reflected in the literature. And only the few writers and poets, which were influenced, did not touch this topic in their work.

It should also be borne in mind that the October Revolution is the most important stage in the history of mankind - the most complex phenomena in literature and art.

With all his passion of writer-Communist and revolutionary A.A. Fadeev sought to bring the bright time of communism. This humanistic faith in an excellent person penetrated the most difficult paintings and positions in which his heroes fell.

For A.A. Fadeeva revolutionary is not possible without this aspiration in a bright future, without faith in a new, beautiful, kind and pure person.

Fadeev wrote a novel "Rod" for three years from 1924 to 1927, when many writers wrote a laudatory work on the victory of socialism. Against this background, Fadeev wrote, at first glance, a disadvantageous novel: During the civil war, the partisan detachment was crushed physically, but he won the enemies to his faith in the correctness of the chosen path. It seems to me that Fadeev wrote this novel in such a way as to show that the revolution defends not a frantic crowd of overannants, ridiculous and sweeping everything in its path, and courageous, honest people who cultivated in themselves and other moral, humane man.

If you take a purely outer shell, the development of events, then this is really the history of the defeat of the partisan detachment of Levinson. But A.A. Fadeev uses one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the partisan movement in the Far East, when the combined efforts of the White Guard and Japanese troops were made heavy blows on the partisans of Primorye.

You can pay attention to one feature in the construction of "defeat": each of the chapters not only develops some action, but also contains a complete psychological scan, an in-depth characteristics of one of the actors. Some chapters are also named for the names of Heroes: "Frost", "Motchka", "Levinson", "intelligence of Mentilitsa." But this does not mean that these individuals are valid only in these chapters. They take the most active part in all the events of the life of the entire detachment. Fadeev, as a follower of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy, examines their characters in all complex and sometimes compromising circumstances. At the same time, creating all new psychological portraits, the writer seeks to penetrate the most intimate corners of the soul, trying to anticipate the motives and actions of his heroes. Every new parties are found with each turn of events.


Frost! Looking at the appearance of a dear partisan, we experience the lucky feeling of the opening of a bright human type, which brings a truly artistic work. We are delivered to us aesthetic pleasure to follow the peripets of the mental life of this person. His moral evolution makes him think about much.

Before joining the partisan detachment, Frost "did not search for new roads, but she walked old, already calmed paths" and life seemed to him simple, unwilling. He fought bravely, but sometimes he was relatively demanding Levinson. He was generous and selfless, but did not see anything wrong to fill the bag with melons from the peasant bashtan. He could and eat up, and scrub the comrade, and rude offend a woman.

Combat life brings freezing not only military skills, but also the consciousness of their responsibility to the team, a sense of citizenship. Watching the started panic on the crossing (someone has spread the rumor that gases are allowed), he wanted from mischief "to laugh" to play men even stronger, but desighed and took order. Suddenly frozen

"I felt like a big responsible person ...". This consciousness was joyful and promising. Frost learned to keep himself in his hands, "he involuntarily acquired to the meaningful healthy life, which seemed to always live Goncharenko ...".

Much still had to overcome the frozen, but in the most decisive - this is a genuine hero, a faithful comrade, a selfless fighter. Do not flourish, he sacrificed his own life, raised his alarm and warned a detachment of an enemy ambush.


Metelitsa. The shepherd in the past, unsurpassed scout in the partisan detachment, he also chose his place in the fire of class battles forever.

In the course of work on the "defeat" the image of the Metelitsy was rethought by the author. Judging by the draft manuscript, at the beginning of Fadeev intended to show primarily the physical strength and energy of his hero. Metelitsa was angry with an old life, did not believe people and even despised them, considered himself - proud and lonely - immeasurably above the surrounding. Working on the novel, the writer frees the image of the Metality from such "demonic" devil, develops those episodes in which the light mind is revealed, the latitude of his hero's thinking. His rapid and nervous power, which could be destructive in nature, under the influence of Levinson received a loyal direction, was put in the service of a noble and humane case.

And meltsy is able to a lot. One of the key in the novel is the scene, which shows the military council, which discusses the next combat operation. Metelitsa suggested a bold and original plan, testifying to his non-Gentleful mind.


Baklanov. He is not just learning from Levinson, but imites him in everything, even in the manner of behavior. His enthusiastic attitude towards the commander can cause a smile. However, it is impossible not to notice that this study gives: the assistant commander of the detachment earned universal respect for its calm energy, clarity, organized, multiplied by courage and

dehydrantness, he is one of the people who are responsible for all the detachable affairs. The final "defeat" states that in Baklanov, Levinson sees his successor. In the manuscript of the novel, this thought has developed even more. The force moving Levinson and inspired to him the confidence that the surviving nineteen fighters will continue the common cause, was "not the force of a separate person", dying with him, "And was the power of thousands of thousands of people (which burned, for example, cormorants), then There is a force of unrepair and eternal. "


The Figure of Levinson opens the "Party People" gallery - drawn by Soviet writers. The artistic attractiveness of this image is that it is disclosed from the inside, illuminated by the light of great ideas, inspiring such people.

As a living rises from the pages of the book a low redhead person, taking not physical strength, not a snatch voice, but a strong spirit, increhensible will. Depicting an energetic, volitional commander, Fadeev emphasized the need for it to choose the right tactics, which ensures purposeful impact on people. When Levinson is powerful

the source stops the panic when it organizes the crossing through the bog, the Communists pop up in memory - the heroes of the first charts of Fadeev. But this image made a huge impression on readers by nursing with its predecessors. In the "defeat" artistic accents were transferred to the world of senses, thoughts, experiences of the revolutionary fighter, Bolshevik

leader. External noncains, Levinson's soreness are designed to lend his main strength - the strength of political, moral influence on others. He finds the "key" and to Meltelitsa, whose energy should be sent to the right direction, and to the cormorant, waiting for only a signal to independent actions, and frost, which needs strict care, and to all other partisans.

Levinson seemed to be all the "special, right breed" man, not at all susceptible to mental alarms. In turn, he was accustomed to think that, burdened with everyday petty bustle, people as it were to hand over him and his comrades the most important worries. Therefore, it seems necessary, fulfilling the role of a man of strong, "always coming in the chapter", carefully hide its

doubts, hide personal weaknesses, strictly observe the distance among themselves and

subordinates. However, the author knows about these weaknesses and doubts. Moreover, he considers it necessary to tell about the reader about them, show secured corners of the Soul Levinson. Recall, for example, Levinson at the time of a breakthrough of the White ambush: an exhausted in continuous testing, this iron man "helplessly looked around, for the first time looking for support from the side ...". In the 20s, writers often, drawing a bold and fearless commissioner, commander, did not consider it possible to depict his oscillations and confusion. Fadeev went on his colleagues, transmitting the complexity of the moral state of the commander of the detachment, and the integrity of his character, - ultimately, Levinson necessarily comes to new solutions, his will not weaken, and hardened in difficulties,

he, learning to manage others, learns to manage himself.

Levinson loves people, and this love demanding, active. The leaving of the petty-bourgeois family, Levinson crushed a sweet melancholy about beautiful birds, who, as the photographer assures children, suddenly fly out of the device. He is looking for points closer to the dream of a new man with today's reality. Levinson confesses the principle of fighters and converters: "To see everything as

it is, in order to change what is, to bring the fact that it is born and should be ... "

This principle is determined by the entire life of Levinson. He remains himself and then when with a feeling of "quiet, a little terrible delight" admires a daylight, and then when the partisan forces the partisan to get fish out of the river, or he suggests having sternly, or confiscates the only Korean pig to feed the core of the partisan.

Through the entire novel passes the opposition of an effective humanism with an abstract, petty-bourgeois. It lies the watershed between Levinson and frozen, on the one hand, and the sword - on the other. Widely using the reception of a contrasting match of the characters, Fadeev willingly faces them among themselves, checks each attitude to the same situations. Enthusiastic Pozer and Purelyl Cechoka is not aiming to strive about high matter, but the prose of life is afraid. From his watility, only harm: he poisoned the last minutes of Frolov, told about the end that he was waiting for him, arranged his hysteria when the Korean took a pig. Bad comrade, a negligent partisan, Motchka considered himself above, culturally, cleaner, such as frozen. Life check showed other: heroism, the dedication of the ordinary and the cowardice of a blonde handsome man who made a squad to save his own skin. Motchka turned out to be Antipode and Levinson. The commander of the detachment quickly understood what kind of lazy and blessing man, "Nobyemnye empty." Camex is akin to an anarchist and a desertion to see, God-fearing charlatan peak.

Fake Humanism was hated by Fadeev. He, who was rejected by abstract-romantic aesthetics, in fact not only the masterfully analyzed the real everyday life of controversial reality, but also looked at them from the height of the goals and ideals of the "third reality" as the future of bitter was called. The external, showing in the "defeat" opposes the internally significant, true, and in this sense comparing the images of frozen and the sword is extremely important.


Motchka is a frost antipode. For all the novels, their opposition to each other is traced. If the nature of the frozen in a number of episodes expresses the psychology of mass with all its disadvantages inherited from old times, the individuality of the sword, on the contrary, appears as it were to distilled, internally alien to the deep interests of the people torn off from him. As a result, the behavior of the frozen, until he acquires the features of an independent person, it turns out to be an antisocial in something, and Motchka ruins not only comrades, but also as a person. The difference between them is that the frost has the prospect of overcoming the shortcomings, and the sword is not.

Motchka, another "Hero" of the novel, very "moral" from the point of view of the Ten Commandments ... But these qualities remain in him external, they cover its internal egoism, the lack of dedication to the work class.

Motchka constantly separates himself from others and opposes himself to all others, including the closest of them, I will, peak, Vare. His desires are almost sterilically cleaned from the internal subordination to everything that seems to him ugly, with which they are laughing and what they take as due many around. And Fadeev initially even sympathically accents this desire for cleanliness and independence, this is a self-esteem, the desire to preserve his identity, the dream of a romantic feat and beautiful love.

However, the awareness of himself as a person, personality, such an expensive for Fadeeva, is completely absoluticized, cut off from the nationwide principle. He does not feel his connection with society, and therefore, with any contact with other people, it is lost - and ceases to feel like a person. Just what could be in the sword is most valuable, it completely disappears in his difficulties in real life. He is not able to be a person, be faithful to himself. As a result, nothing remains of his ideals: neither such a welcome noble feat, nor pure love for a woman nor gratitude for salvation.

No one is able to rely on the sword, he can betray everyone. He falls in love with Vary, but right about it can not tell her. The taperel shakes love Vari, is afraid to show his tenderness to her and eventually rustles her. So because of the weakness, one more step is made along the road to betrayal, according to which the nature of the sword is being developed in the book and which is shameful and scary ends with double betrayal: without making the signal shots and escaping the watch, Motchka obrives on the death and the savory frost, And the whole detachment. So degenerate and sluggish, not having flourished, the person that native juices do not eat.


In conclusion, I would like to determine the main theme of the novel and express your attitude to the novel.

I dare to insert the words of A.A. Fadeev, who determined the main theme of his novel: "In the civil war, the selection of human material takes place, all hostile sweeps by the revolution, everything that is not capable of real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, and all of the revolution raised from the genuine roots, from the million masses of the people, Eggsing, grows, develops in this fight. There is a huge alteration of people. "

The invincibility of the revolution is in her life strength, in the depths of penetration into consciousness often the most backward in the past. Like frost, these people rose to the conscious action for the sake of the highest historical purposes. This was the main optimistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragic novel "defeat".

It seems to me that the country's fate in the hands of the country itself. But as the people himself said, what of it is from the wooden floor, I look at who processes it ...

"Selection of human material" leads the war itself. More often in battles, the best - Metelitsa, Baklanov, Freezka, who managed to realize the importance of the team and suppress their egoistic aspirations, and remain such as Chizh, Peak and Traitor Mount. Infinitely, it's a pity to all the people are formed not as a result of the selection, "chopping", dropping out. In these rows of Marina Tsvetaev about the civil war, which they say that everything, in it, the losers, reflects my attitude to everything then happened in our country:

Everything row is lying -

Do not divorce

Show: Soldier

Where is your own, where someone else's

White was - red became

Blood Obagryl,

Red was white became

Death twisted.

Summary of Roman A.A Fadeeva "Rod"

1. Frost

Levinson, the commander of the partisan squad, transmits the package to his ordinary frozen, ordering to take him to the commander of another detachment by Shaldebe, but I don't want to drive the frozen, it will take place and gets around with the commander. Levinson bored a constant confusion of frozen. He takes the letter, and I advises the frost to "roll on all four sides. I don't need balamuts. " Frost instantly shortly, takes a letter, explaining to himself rather than Levinson, that he can not without squad, and, having fun, leaving me with the package.

Freezka - Shakhtar in the second generation. He was born in the mining barrack, and at twelve years he began to "roll trolley". Life went along the rolled path, like everyone else. I sat in a cold and in Kutuzka, served in the cavalry, was injured and contused, so before the revolution "dismissed from the army according to clean." Returning from the army, married. "He did everything thoughtlessly: life seemed to him a simple, degrading, like a round Murom cucumber from the Sukhansky bashtanov" (gardens). And later, in 1918, he left, taking his wife, defend the advice. The power was not able to defend, so they leaned into the partisans. After healing the shots, the frost was crawling on the top of the hill and saw that white attack the fighters of Shaldyba, and those run. "The furious Shaldyb was whipped by a wagon in all directions and could not keep people. It was seen how some broke the sneaking of red bows. "

Frost is outraged, seeing all this. Among the retreating frost, I saw a lame boy. He fell, but the fighters ran further. I could not see this frozen. He called the horse, took off to him and drove to the fallen guy. The circle whistled bullets. Freezka forced the horse to lie down, put the colrom of the wounded and picked up in a detachment of Levinson.

2. Motchik

But the saved immediately did not like the frozen. "Frost did not like pure people. In his practice, these were non-permanent, worthless people who could not be believed. " Levinson ordered to take a guy in Lazaret. In the wounded pocket lay documents in the name of Paul Kholka, he himself was unconscious. I woke up only when he was in Lazaret, then fell asleep until the morning. Having woken up, Motchka saw the doctor of Stashsky and the sister to cook with golden-rusia fluffy braids and gray eyes. When dressing the swing was hurt, but he did not shout, feeling the presence of Var. "And there was a full taiga silence around."

Three weeks ago, the County joyfully walked around the taiga, heading with a ticket in his boot to the partisan detachment. Suddenly, people jumped out of the bushes, they suspiciously reacted to the swing, without silent, according to the lightness, in his documents, initially beaten, and then took the squad. "People surrounded at all did not resemble themselves on the ardent imagination created by him. These were dirtier, sewn, tougher and immediate ... "They swore and fought among themselves because of any trifle, mocked swords. But it was not book, but "live people." Lying in the hospital, Zechka recalled everything experienced, he was a sorry for a good and sincere feeling with whom he walked into a squad. With special thanks, he took care of himself. There were little wounded. Heavy two: Frolov and Corp. The old man of peak often spoke with the sword. Occasionally came the "Miloid Sister". She truncated and covered the entire hospital, but it was especially "gently and carefully". The peak said about her: she "crumping". "Frost, her husband, in the detachment, and she blades." Motchka asked why the sister is so? The peak replied: "And the jester knows her, why she is as affectionate. Can not deny anyone - and that's it ... "

3. Sixth feeling

Freezka thought almost angrily about the sword, why are the following go to the partisans "on all ready." Although it was not true, there was a heavy "godfather" ahead. Driving past Bshtanya, frozen tears from the horse and began to hardly dial into the melon bag until the owner caught him. Khoma Egorovich Ryu-Betz wounded to find a call on the frost. The owner did not believe that the person he fed and dress as a son, she plays his bashtans.

Levinson talked with the returned reconnaissance, which reported that the Japanese squad had a lot, and now the guerrillas are sitting in Korean wintering. Levinson felt something was going on, but the intelligence could not say anything to say.

At that time, Baklanov came, Deputy Levinson. He brought outrageous ripples, spawningly talking about the act of frozen. Caused of frozen did not deny anything. He just objected Levinson, who ordered to pass the weapon. Freezka considered it too strict punishment for theft of melons. Levinson convened a rural gathering - let everyone know ...

Then Levinson asked the Rybeta to gather bread on the village and hidden to graze ten superstars, not explaining for whom. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow's horses to increase the serving of oats.

4. one

The arrival of Frost to the hospital broke the spiritual state of the sword. He thought all the time why freezing so dismissively looked at him. Yes, he saved his life. But it did not give the right to frozen not to respect the sword. Paul has already recovered. And the wound of Frolov was hopeless. Motchka recalled the events of the last month and, hiding with his head blanket, burst out.

5. Guys and "coal tribe"

Wanting to test your concerns, Levinson went to the meeting in advance, hoping to hear the conversations of men, rumors. The men were surprised that the gathering was gathered on a weekday, when there is a hot time.

Ryabets diswrong asked Levinson to start. Now the whole story seemed to him with a worthless and troublesome. Levinson saved the fact that this case concerns everyone: in the detachment a lot of local. All wondered: why was it necessary to steal - ask frost, anyone would give him this good. Mo-rose brought forward. Dubov offered to drive freezing in the neck. But the Renko's Pereono stumbled behind the frost, calling him a combat guy who passed the entire Ussuri front. "Your boyfriend will not give out, not sell ..."

They asked freezing, and he said that he did it thoughtlessly, as a habit, gave the mining word that never would never happen. On that and shaped. Levinson suggested that the time free from military operations is not worse on the streets, but to help the owners. The peasants were satisfied with such a proposal. Help was not superfluous.

6. Levinson

Levinson's detachment stood on vacation already the fifth week, overgrown with farm, there were a lot of deserters from other detachments. Before Levinson, there was a disturbing news, and he was afraid to move with this mahina. For his subordinates, Levinson was "iron". He hid his doubts and fears, always confidently and clearly giving orders. Levinson "the right" man, always thinking about the case, knew his weaknesses and human, and he also clearly understood: "We can lead other people, just pointing to them on their weakness and suppressing their hiding from them." Soon, Levinson received a "terrible relay". She was sent by the head of the headquarters of Sukhov-Kovtun. He wrote about the attack of the Japanese, about the defeat of the main partisan forces. After that, Levinson's reports collected information about the environment, and externally remained confident, knowing what to do. The main task at that moment was "to maintain at least small, but strong and disciplined units ...".

Calling to her Baklanov and Nachoza, Levinson warned them to be ready for a squad. "At any time be ready."

Together with business letters from the city of Levinson received a note and from his wife. He crossed her only at night, when all the works were finished. Immediately wrote an answer. Then he went to check the posts. On the same night, went to the next detachment, saw his deplorable state and decided to take off the place.

7. Enemies

Levinson sent the Stashi letter, which said that it was necessary to gradually unload the lazareret. From this time, people began to diverge through the villages, rolling the bladd soldier's nodules. Only Frolov, Corcuck and Peak remained from the wounded. Actually, the peak did not hurt anything, he just got up at the hospital. Mocha also already removed the bandage from the head. Varya said that he would soon go to the Levinson squad. Motchka dreamed in Levinson's squad to put himself with a confident and delight fighter, and when he returns to the city, no one recognizes him. So he will change.

8. First move

The deserters that appeared overbalamut the entire district, sowed panic, allegedly go large forces of the Japanese. But the intelligence did not find the Japanese for ten versts in the district. Freezka took over from Levinson to a platoon to the guys, and instead recommended by the Ordinar Efimka. Levinson agreed.

On the same evening, Frosty moved to the platoon and was quite happy. And at night, they stood on the alarm - the shots were heard behind the river. It was a false anxiety: they shot their own by Levinson. The commander wanted to check the combination of the detachment. Then, with all the detachment, Levinson announced a speech.

9. Motchka in the detachment

Nachhoz appeared in the hospital to prepare products in case the detachment will have to be hidden here in the taiga.

On this day, Zechka first got on his feet and was very happy. Soon he left the peak into the squad. They were welcomed benevolently and determined to platoon to the Kubra. The kind of horse, or rather Klyachi, which he was given, almost insulted the sword. Paul even went to the headquarters to express his discontent about the mare defined by him. But at the last moment I cried and did not say anything Levinson. The mare also decided to worry, without following her. "Zychikha overtook the past, hungry, non-remembered, occasionally taking advantage of someone else's pity, and Motchike gained universal dislike, as" Lododa and asked. " He came out only with Chizhom, a worthless person, yes with a peak along the old memory. Chizh Hayal Levinson, calling him short-sighted and cunning, "on someone else's humps makes a capital." Motchka did not believe I, but I am pleased to listen to a competent speech. True, he soon became a division of unpleasant, to get rid of him there was no possibility. Chizh taught the swinge to lean from the daystream, from the kitchen, Paul began to gripe, learned to defend his point of view, and the life of the squad "went past" him.

10. Beginning of defeat

Choking in a deaf place, Levinson almost lost contact with other detachments. By contacting the railway, the commander learned that echelon with weapons and uniforms would come soon. "Knowing that sooner or later, the detachment will still open, and it is impossible to winter in the taiga without cartridges and warm clothes, Levinson decided to make the first college." Dubov's detachment attacked the merchant, n "Agrowing the horses, taught the roads and, without having lost a single fighter, returned to the parking lot. On the same day, the partisans were distributed to the sinels, cartridges, checkers, crackers ... Nightly in the intelligence came County and Baklanov, I wanted to check the "new" in the case. Dear, they talked. Mischka Baklanov liked more and more. But sincere conversation did not work out. Baklanov simply did not understand the wise reasoning of the sword. In the village they ran into four Japanese soldiers: two killed Baklanov, one - Motchik And the latter ran away from the farm, they saw how from there the main forces of the Japanese are going out. All the found out, drove into a detachment.

The night was disturbing, and the next morning the squad was attacked by the enemy. The attackers had an instrument, machine guns, so the partisans had nothing left to do how to retreat in Taiga. The swinge was terribly, he was waiting for everything to end, and a peak, without raising his heads, paled into a tree. The commencer came to himself only in the taiga. "It was dark and quiet here, and strict kedral covered them with the late, cross paws."

11. Strada

Levinson's detachment is covered in the forest after the fight. For the head of Levinson appointed award. The detachment is forced to retreat. Due to the lack of provisions, it is necessary to rob the garden, fields. To feed the detachment Levinson gives the order to kill the pig Korean. For Korean, this is the food for the whole winter. To retreat and not carry the wounded Frolov, Levinson makes a decision to poison it. But Mchechka overheard his idea and spoils the last minutes of the life of Frolov. Frolov understands everything and drinks the poison proposed to him. Flagumanism is shown, its petty things.

12. Roads-road

Frolov buried. Peak escaped. Freezka recalls his life and sadness about Vare. Cooking at this time thinks about the sword, she sees his salvation in it, she fell in love with someone for the first time in his life. Menthing does not understand anything and vice versa avoids it and rudely goes away with her.

13. Cargo

The partisans are sitting and argued by the people, about a man's character. Levinson is sent to the inspection of the walking and stumps into swing. Motchka tells him about his experiences, thinks, about his dislike for the detachment, about not understanding everything that happens around. Levinson tries to convince him, but everything is in vain. Metelitsa was sent to intelligence.

14. Intelligence Metelitsy

Metelitsa went to intelligence. Almost rearing until the right place, he meets the shepherd boy. He gets acquainted with him, he learns information about where white in the village is located, leaves his horse and goes to the village. Having placed the house of the White commander, the Metelitsa overhears, but he noticed the clock. Metelitsa caught. At this time, in the detachment, everyone is worried about him and wait for his return.

15. Three deaths

The next day, Mentitis led to the interrogation, but he said nothing. Associate a public court, shepherd from whom he left the horse does not give him, but the owner of the boy gives Metelitsa. Metelitsa is trying to kill the squadron chief. Meltelitsa shot. The squad of the partisan goes to the revenue of Metelice, but too late. The man who surrendered Miltelitsa partisans caught and shot. In battle at the frozen kill horse, he gets drunk.

16. Zagox

Varya, who did not participate in battle, returns and is looking for frozen. Finds drunk and takes off with him, soothes, trying to make it up with him. The detachment is white. Levinson makes a decision to retreat in Taiga, in the swamp. The detachment quickly suits the crossing through the swamps and crossing it undermining it. The detachment broke away from the persecution of white, having lost almost all people with it.

17. Nineteen

Pick up from the White Detachment, decides to go to the Tudo-Vaksq tract, where the bridge is located. To avoid ambushes, send a passage and frozen ahead. The swinge that was caught ahead of the White Guards, he was able to escape from them. Following the riding frozen dies as a hero, but with it warned his comrades about the ambush. The fight is tied, in which the codblanov dies. There are only 19 people from the detachment. Motchka remains one in the taiga. Levinson with the remnants of the detachment leaves the forest.

"Roll" - Roman of the Soviet writer A. A. Fadeev.

History of creation

The story "Etude" "Meltelitsa", then turned into a novel "defeat", was written in 1924-1926, when there was only a story "against the current" and the story "spill" in the asset of the novice writer. Alexander Fadeev wrote that he knew well: he lived in the Ussuri region, in 1919 he joined the special communist detachment of the Red Partisans and until 1921 participated in hostilities in the Far East. He survived with his squad not only victory, but also defeats, seen not only the heroism of red fighters, but also cowardice, and betrayal; He knew the heavy life of the partisan detachments and their difficult relationship with the civilian population - all this, without embellishment, Alexander Fadeev described in his novel.

"Defeat" brought a young writer with fame and recognition, nominated the main hopes of the emerging Soviet literature; In the future, social activities left Fadeev less time for literary creativity, "the" defeat "and remained his best work.


The action occurs during the Civil War in the Ussuri Territory. A red partisan detachment under the command of Levinson stands in the village and for a long time does not behave hostilities. People get used to deceptive calmness. But soon the enemy starts a large-scale offensive, the rings of enemies are compressed around the detachment. The commander of the detachment does everything possible to keep the detachment as a combat unit and continue the fight. The detachment, pressed against the bog, does Gatch and goes along it in Taiga. In the final, the detachment falls in the Cossack ambush, but, the monstrous losses have lost, breaks through the ring.


  • 1931 - "Roll". Director Nikolay Beresnev
  • 1958 - "Youth of our fathers." Directors: Mikhail Call, Boris Knightrev

theatrical performance

  • 1969 - Moscow Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky. Directed by Mark Zakharov. Cast: Levinson - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Morozko - Igor Oklupin, Metelitsa - Evgeny Lazarev, Varya - Svetlana Miseri

Nails would do from these people -
Mute would not have been in the world of nails ...
(N. Tikhonov. "Ballad of nails")
The revolution is too huge on its scale an event in order not to be reflected in the literature. And only the few writers and poets, which were influenced, did not touch this topic in their work.
It should also be borne in mind that the October Revolution is the most important stage in the history of mankind - the most complex phenomena in literature and art.
With all his passion of writer-Communist and revolutionary A.A. Fadeev sought to bring the bright time of communism. This humanistic faith in an excellent person penetrated the most difficult paintings and positions in which his heroes fell.
For A.A. Fadeeva revolutionary is not possible without this aspiration in a bright future, without faith in a new, beautiful, kind and pure person.
Fadeev wrote a novel "Rod" for three years from 1924 to 1927, when many writers wrote a laudatory work on the victory of socialism. Against this background, Fadeev wrote, at first glance, a disadvantageous novel: During the civil war, the partisan detachment was crushed physically, but he won the enemies to his faith in the correctness of the chosen path. It seems to me that Fadeev wrote this novel in such a way as to show that the revolution defends not a frantic crowd of overannants, ridiculous and sweeping everything in its path, and courageous, honest people who cultivated in themselves and other moral, humane man.
If you take a purely outer shell, the development of events, then this is really the history of the defeat of the partisan detachment of Levinson. But A.A. Fadeev uses one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the partisan movement in the Far East, when the combined efforts of the White Guard and Japanese troops were made heavy blows on the partisans of Primorye.
You can pay attention to one feature in the construction of "defeat": each of the chapters not only develops some action, but also contains a complete psychological scan, an in-depth characteristics of one of the actors. Some chapters are also named for the names of Heroes: "Frost", "Motchka", "Levinson", "intelligence of Mentilitsa." But this does not mean that these individuals are valid only in these chapters. They take the most active part in all the events of the life of the entire detachment. Fadeev, as a follower of Leo, Nikolayevich Tolstoy, examines their characters in all complex and sometimes compromising circumstances. At the same time, creating all new psychological portraits, the writer seeks to penetrate the most intimate corners of the soul, trying to anticipate the motives and actions of his heroes. Every new parties are found with each turn of events.
Frost! Looking at the appearance of a dear partisan, we experience the lucky feeling of the opening of a bright human type, which brings a truly artistic work. We are delivered to us aesthetic pleasure to follow the peripets of the mental life of this person. His moral evolution makes him think about much.
Before joining the partisan detachment, Frost "did not search for new roads, but she walked old, already calmed paths" and life seemed to him simple, unwilling. He fought bravely, but sometimes he was relatively demanding Levinson. He was generous and selfless, but did not see anything wrong to fill the bag with melons from the peasant bashtan. He could and eat up, and scrub the comrade, and rude offend a woman.
Combat life brings freezing not only military skills, but also the consciousness of their responsibility to the team, a sense of citizenship. Watching the started panic on the crossing (someone has spread the rumor that gases are allowed), he wanted from mischief "to laugh" to play men even stronger, but desighed and took order. Suddenly frozen "felt like a big, responsible person ...". This consciousness was joyful and promising. Frost learned to keep himself in his hands, "he involuntarily acquired to the meaningful healthy life, which seemed to always live Goncharenko ...".
Much still had to overcome the frozen, but in the most decisive - this is a genuine hero, a faithful comrade, a selfless fighter. Do not flourish, he sacrificed his own life, raised his alarm and warned a detachment of an enemy ambush.
Metelitsa. The shepherd in the past, unsurpassed scout in the partisan detachment, he also chose his place in the fire of class battles forever.
In the course of work on the "defeat" the image of the Metelitsy was rethought by the author. Judging by the draft manuscript, at the beginning of Fadeev intended to show primarily the physical strength and energy of his hero. Metelitsa was angry with an old life, did not believe people and even despised them, considered himself - proud and lonely - immeasurably above the surrounding. Working on the novel, the writer frees the image of the Metality from such "demonic" devil, develops those episodes in which the light mind is revealed, the latitude of his hero's thinking. His rapid and nervous power, which could be destructive in nature, under the influence of Levinson received a loyal direction, was put in the service of a noble and humane case.
And meltsy is able to a lot. One of the key in the novel is the scene, which shows the military council, which discusses the next combat operation. Metelitsa suggested a bold and original plan, testifying to his non-Gentleful mind.
Baklanov. He is not just learning from Levinson, but imites him in everything, even in the manner of behavior. His enthusiastic attitude towards the commander can cause a smile. However, it should not be noticed that it gives this study: the assistant commander of the detachment earned universal respect for his calm energy, clarity, organized, multiplied by courage and dedication, he is one of the people who provide all the detachments. The final "defeat" states that in Baklanov, Levinson sees his successor. In the manuscript of the novel, this thought has developed even more. The force moving Levinson and inspired to him the confidence that the surviving nineteen fighters will continue the common cause, was "not the force of a separate person", dying with him, "And was the power of thousands of thousands of people (which burned, for example, cormorants), then There is a force of unrepair and eternal. "
The Figure of Levinson opens the "Party People" gallery - drawn by Soviet writers. The artistic attractiveness of this image is that it is disclosed from the inside, illuminated by the light of great ideas, inspiring such people.
As a living rises from the pages of the book a low redhead person, taking not physical strength, not a snatch voice, but a strong spirit, increhensible will. Depicting an energetic, volitional commander, Fadeev emphasized the need for it to choose the right tactics, which ensures purposeful impact on people. When Levinson's authority stops a panic when it organizes a crossing through the bog, the Communists pop up in memory - the heroes of the first charts of Fadeev. But this image made a huge impression on readers by nursing with its predecessors. In the "defeat" artistic accents were transferred to the world of senses, thoughts, the experiences of the revolutionary fighter, the Bolshevik. External noncains, Levinson's soreness are designed to lend his main strength - the strength of political, moral influence on others. He finds the "key" and to Meltelitsa, whose energy should be sent to the right direction, and to the cormorant, waiting for only a signal to independent actions, and frost, which needs strict care, and to all other partisans. Levinson seemed to be all the "special, right breed" man, not at all susceptible to mental alarms. In turn, he was accustomed to think that, burdened with everyday petty bustle, people as it were to hand over him and his comrades the most important worries. Therefore, it seems necessary, fulfilling the role of a man of strong, "always coming in the chapter," to carefully hide his doubts, hide personal weaknesses, strictly observe the distance among themselves and subordinates. However, the author knows about these weaknesses and doubts. Moreover, he considers it necessary to tell about the reader about them, show secured corners of the Soul Levinson. Recall, for example, Levinson at the time of a breakthrough of the White ambush: an exhausted in continuous testing, this iron man "helplessly looked around, for the first time looking for support from the side ...". In the 20s, writers often, drawing a bold and fearless commissioner, commander, did not consider it possible to depict his oscillations and confusion. Fadeev went on his colleagues, transmitting the complexity of the moral state of the commander of the detachment, and the integrity of his character, - ultimately, Levinson necessarily comes to new solutions, his will not weaken, and he harden in difficulties, he, learning to manage others, learns to manage himself .
Levinson loves people, and this love demanding, active. The leaving of the petty-bourgeois family, Levinson crushed a sweet melancholy about beautiful birds, who, as the photographer assures children, suddenly fly out of the device. He is looking for points closer to the dream of a new man with today's reality. Levinson confesses the principle of fighters and converters: "To see everything as it is, in order to change what is, bringing to bring what is born and should be ..."
This principle is determined by the entire life of Levinson. He remains himself and then when with a feeling of "quiet, a little terrible delight" admires a daylight, and then when the partisan forces the partisan to get fish out of the river, or he suggests having sternly, or confiscates the only Korean pig to feed the core of the partisan.
Through the entire novel passes the opposition of an effective humanism with an abstract, petty-bourgeois. It lies the watershed between Levinson and frozen, on the one hand, and the sword - on the other. Widely using the reception of a contrasting match of the characters, Fadeev willingly faces them among themselves, checks each attitude to the same situations. Enthusiastic Pozer and Purelyl Cechoka is not aiming to strive about high matter, but the prose of life is afraid. From his watility, only harm: he poisoned the last minutes of Frolov, told about the end that he was waiting for him, arranged his hysteria when the Korean took a pig. Bad comrade, a negligent partisan, Motchka considered himself above, culturally, cleaner, such as frozen. Life check showed other: heroism, the dedication of the ordinary and the cowardice of a blonde handsome man who made a squad to save his own skin. Motchka turned out to be Antipode and Levinson. The commander of the detachment quickly understood what kind of lazy and blessing man, "Nobyemnye empty." Camex is akin to an anarchist and a desertion to see, God-fearing charlatan peak.
Fake Humanism was hated by Fadeev. He, who was rejected by abstract-romantic aesthetics, in fact not only the masterfully analyzed the real everyday life of controversial reality, but also looked at them from the height of the goals and ideals of the "third reality" as the future of bitter was called. The external, showing in the "defeat" opposes the internally significant, true, and in this sense comparing the images of frozen and the sword is extremely important.
Motchka is a frost antipode. For all the novels, their opposition to each other is traced. If the nature of the frozen in a number of episodes expresses the psychology of mass with all its disadvantages inherited from old times, the individuality of the sword, on the contrary, appears as it were to distilled, internally alien to the deep interests of the people torn off from him. As a result, the behavior of the frozen, until he acquires the features of an independent person, it turns out to be an antisocial in something, and Motchka ruins not only comrades, but also as a person. The difference between them is that the frost has the prospect of overcoming the shortcomings, and the sword is not. Motchka, another "Hero" of the novel, very "moral" from the point of view of the Ten Commandments ... But these qualities remain in him external, they cover its internal egoism, the lack of dedication to the work class. Motchka constantly separates himself from others and opposes himself to all others, including the closest of them, I will, peak, Vare. His desires are almost sterilically cleaned from the internal subordination to everything that seems to him ugly, with which they are laughing and what they take as due many around. And Fadeev initially even sympathically accents this desire for cleanliness and independence, this is a self-esteem, the desire to preserve his identity, the dream of a romantic feat and beautiful love. However, the awareness of himself as a person, personality, such an expensive for Fadeeva, is completely absoluticized, cut off from the nationwide principle. He does not feel his connection with society, and therefore, with any contact with other people, it is lost - and ceases to feel like a person. Just what could be in the sword is most valuable, it completely disappears in his difficulties in real life. He is not able to be a person, be faithful to himself. As a result, nothing remains of his ideals: neither such a welcome noble feat, nor pure love for a woman nor gratitude for salvation. No one is able to rely on the sword, he can betray everyone. He falls in love with Vary, but right about it can not tell her. The taperel shakes love Vari, is afraid to show his tenderness to her and eventually rustles her. So because of the weakness, one more step is made along the road to betrayal, according to which the nature of the sword is being developed in the book and which is shameful and scary ends with double betrayal: without making the signal shots and escaping the watch, Motchka obrives on the death and the savory frost, And the whole detachment. So degenerate and sluggish, not having flourished, the person that native juices do not eat.
In conclusion, I would like to determine the main theme of the novel and express your attitude to the novel. I dare to insert the words of A.A. Fadeev, who determined the main theme of his novel: "In the civil war, the selection of human material takes place, all hostile sweeps by the revolution, everything that is not capable of real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, and all of the revolution raised from the genuine roots, from the million masses of the people, Eggsing, grows, develops in this fight. There is a huge alteration of people. "
The invincibility of the revolution is in her life strength, in the depths of penetration into consciousness often the most backward in the past. Like frost, these people rose to the conscious action for the sake of the highest historical purposes. This was the main optimistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragic novel "defeat". It seems to me that the country's fate in the hands of the country itself. But as the people himself said, what of it is from the wooden floor, I look at who processes it ...
"Selection of human material" leads the war itself. More often in battles, the best - Metelitsa, Baklanov, Freezka, who managed to realize the importance of the team and suppress their egoistic aspirations, and remain such as Chizh, Peak and Traitor Mount. Infinitely, it's a pity to all the people are formed not as a result of the selection, "chopping", dropping out. In these rows of Marina Tsvetaev about the civil war, which they say that everything, in it, the losers, reflects my attitude to everything then happened in our country:
Everything row is lying -
Do not divorce
Show: Soldier
Where is your own, where someone else's
White was - red became
Blood Obagryl,
Red was white became
Death twisted.
Summary of Roman A.A Fadeeva "Rod"
1. Frost Levinson, the commander of the partisan detachment, transmits the package to his ordinary frost, ordering him to bring him to the commander of another Shaldebe's squad, but I don't want to drive the frozen, it fell and ran with the commander. Levinson bored a constant confusion of frozen. He takes the letter, and I advises the frost to "roll on all four sides. I don't need balamuts. " Frost instantly shortly, takes a letter, explaining to himself rather than Levinson, that he can not without squad, and, having fun, leaving me with the package. Freezka - Shakhtar in the second generation. He was born in the mining barrack, and at twelve years he began to "roll trolley". Life went along the rolled path, like everyone else. I sat in a cold and in Kutuzka, served in the cavalry, was injured and contused, so before the revolution "dismissed from the army according to clean." Returning from the army, married. "He did everything thoughtlessly: life seemed to him a simple, degrading, like a round Murom cucumber from the Sukhansky bashtanov" (gardens). And later, in 1918, he left, taking his wife, defend the advice. The power was not able to defend, so they leaned into the partisans. After healing the shots, the frost was crawling on the top of the hill and saw that white attack the fighters of Shaldyba, and those run. "The furious Shaldyb was whipped by a wagon in all directions and could not keep people. It was seen how some broke the sneaking of red bows. " Frost is outraged, seeing all this. Among the retreating frost, I saw a lame boy. He fell, but the fighters ran further. I could not see this frozen. He called the horse, took off to him and drove to the fallen guy. The circle whistled bullets. Freezka forced the horse to lie down, put the colrom of the wounded and picked up in a detachment of Levinson.
2. Corps but the saved immediately did not like the frozen. "Frost did not like pure people. In his practice, these were non-permanent, worthless people who could not be believed. " Levinson ordered to take a guy in Lazaret. In the wounded pocket lay documents in the name of Paul Kholka, he himself was unconscious. I woke up only when he was in Lazaret, then fell asleep until the morning. Having woken up, Motchka saw the doctor of Stashsky and the sister to cook with golden-rusia fluffy braids and gray eyes. When dressing the swing was hurt, but he did not shout, feeling the presence of Var. "And there was a full taiga silence around." Three weeks ago, the County joyfully walked around the taiga, heading with a ticket in his boot to the partisan detachment. Suddenly, people jumped out of the bushes, they suspiciously reacted to the swing, without silent, according to the lightness, in his documents, initially beaten, and then took the squad. "People surrounded at all did not resemble themselves on the ardent imagination created by him. These were dirtier, sewn, tougher and immediate ... "They swore and fought among themselves because of any trifle, mocked swords. But it was not book, but "live people." Lying in the hospital, Zechka recalled everything experienced, he was a sorry for a good and sincere feeling with whom he walked into a squad. With special thanks, he took care of himself. There were little wounded. Heavy two: Frolov and Corp. The old man of peak often spoke with the sword. Occasionally came the "Miloid Sister". She truncated and covered the entire hospital, but it was especially "gently and carefully". The peak said about her: she "crumping". "Frost, her husband, in the detachment, and she blades." Motchka asked why the sister is so? The peak replied: "And the jester knows her, why she is as affectionate. Can not deny anyone - and that's it ... "
3. The sixth feeling of frozen almost angrily thought about the sword, why are the following to the partisans "on all ready". Although it was not true, there was a heavy "godfather" ahead. Driving past Bshtanya, frozen tears from the horse and began to hardly dial into the melon bag until the owner caught him. Khoma Egorovich Ryu-Betz wounded to find a call on the frost. The owner did not believe that the person he fed and dress as a son, she plays his bashtans. Levinson talked with the returned reconnaissance, which reported that the Japanese squad had a lot, and now the guerrillas are sitting in Korean wintering. Levinson felt something was going on, but the intelligence could not say anything to say. At that time, Baklanov came, Deputy Levinson. He brought outrageous ripples, spawningly talking about the act of frozen. Caused of frozen did not deny anything. He just objected Levinson, who ordered to pass the weapon. Freezka considered it too strict punishment for theft of melons. Levinson convened a rural gathering - let everyone know ... Then Levinson asked the ripple to gather bread on the village and secretly pressing the rides of ten superstars, not explaining for anyone. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow's horses to increase the serving of oats.
4. One arrival in the hospital violated the spiritual state of the sword. He thought all the time why freezing so dismissively looked at him. Yes, he saved his life. But it did not give the right to frozen not to respect the sword. Paul has already recovered. And the wound of Frolov was hopeless. Motchka recalled the events of the last month and, hiding with his head blanket, burst out.
5. Guys and the "coal tribe" wanting to test your concerns, Levinson went to the meeting in advance, counting on to hear the conversations of men, rumors. The men were surprised that the gathering was gathered on a weekday, when there is a hot time. They talked about their own, not paying attention to Levinson. "He was such a small, non-pieces in appearance - all consisted of a cap, red beard and Ichigi above the knees." Listening to the men, he traveled to him understanding to him one disturbing notes. I understood that you need to go to the taiga, to hide. In the meantime, set posts everywhere. Meanwhile, miners came. The people gradually got enough. Levinson happily welcomed the dazz-va - the gloomy designer. Ryabets diswrong asked Levinson to start. Now the whole story seemed to him with a worthless and troublesome. Levinson saved the fact that this case concerns everyone: in the detachment a lot of local. All wondered: why was it necessary to steal - ask frost, anyone would give him this good. Mo-rose brought forward. Dubov offered to drive freezing in the neck. But the Renko's Pereono stumbled behind the frost, calling him a combat guy who passed the entire Ussuri front. "My boyfriend will not give out, I will not sell ..." I asked freezing, and he said that he did it thoughtlessly, as a habit, gave the mining word that never would never happen. On that and shaped. Levinson suggested that the time free from military operations is not worse on the streets, but to help the owners. The peasants were satisfied with such a proposal. Help was not superfluous.
6. Levinson Levinson's detachment stood on vacation already the fifth week, overgrown with farm, there were a lot of deserters from other detachments. Before Levinson, there was a disturbing news, and he was afraid to move with this mahina. For his subordinates, Levinson was "iron". He hid his doubts and fears, always confidently and clearly giving orders. Levinson "the right" man, always thinking about the case, knew his weaknesses and human, and he also clearly understood: "We can lead other people, just pointing to them on their weakness and suppressing their hiding from them." Soon, Levinson received a "terrible relay". She was sent by the head of the headquarters of Sukhov-Kovtun. He wrote about the attack of the Japanese, about the defeat of the main partisan forces. After that, Levinson's reports collected information about the environment, and externally remained confident, knowing what to do. The main task at that moment was "to maintain at least small, but strong and disciplined units ...". Calling to her Baklanov and Nachoza, Levinson warned them to be ready for a squad. "At any time be ready." Together with business letters from the city of Levinson received a note and from his wife. He crossed her only at night, when all the works were finished. Immediately wrote an answer. Then he went to check the posts. On the same night, went to the next detachment, saw his deplorable state and decided to take off the place.
7. The enemies of Levinson sent the Stashi letter, which said that it was necessary to gradually unload the lazareret. From this time, people began to diverge through the villages, rolling the bladd soldier's nodules. Only Frolov, Corcuck and Peak remained from the wounded. Actually, the peak did not hurt anything, he just got up at the hospital. Mocha also already removed the bandage from the head. Varya said that he would soon go to the Levinson squad. Motchka dreamed in Levinson's squad to put himself with a confident and delight fighter, and when he returns to the city, no one recognizes him. So he will change.
8. The first course of the deserters rebelled the entire district, sowed panic, allegedly go large forces of the Japanese. But the intelligence did not find the Japanese for ten versts in the district. Freezka took over from Levinson to a platoon to the guys, and instead recommended by the Ordinar Efimka. Levinson agreed. On the same evening, Frosty moved to the platoon and was quite happy. And at night, they stood on the alarm - the shots were heard behind the river. It was a false anxiety: they shot their own by Levinson. The commander wanted to check the combination of the detachment. Then, with all the detachment, Levinson announced a speech.
9. Motchik in the Nachhoz detachment appeared in the hospital to prepare products in case the detachment will have to be hidden here in the taiga. On this day, Zechka first got on his feet and was very happy. Soon he left the peak into the squad. They were welcomed benevolently and determined to platoon to the Kubra. The kind of horse, or rather Klyachi, which he was given, almost insulted the sword. Paul even went to the headquarters to express his discontent about the mare defined by him. But at the last moment I cried and did not say anything Levinson. The mare also decided to worry, without following her. "Zychikha overtook the past, hungry, non-remembered, occasionally taking advantage of someone else's pity, and Motchike gained universal dislike, as" Lododa and asked. " He came out only with Chizhom, a worthless person, yes with a peak along the old memory. Chizh Hayal Levinson, calling him short-sighted and cunning, "on someone else's humps makes a capital." Motchka did not believe I, but I am pleased to listen to a competent speech. True, he soon became a division of unpleasant, to get rid of him there was no possibility. Chizh taught the swinge to lean from the daystream, from the kitchen, Paul began to gripe, learned to defend his point of view, and the life of the squad "went past" him.
10. The beginning of the defeat of climbing in a deaf place, Levinson almost lost contact with other detachments. By contacting the railway, the commander learned that echelon with weapons and uniforms would come soon. "Knowing that sooner or later, the detachment will still open, and it is impossible to winter in the taiga without cartridges and warm clothes, Levinson decided to make the first college." Dubov's detachment attacked the merchant, n "Agrowing the horses, taught the roads and, without having lost a single fighter, returned to the parking lot. On the same day, the partisans were distributed to the sinels, cartridges, checkers, crackers ... Nightly in the intelligence came County and Baklanov, I wanted to check the "new" in the case. Dear, they talked. Mischka Baklanov liked more and more. But sincere conversation did not work out. Baklanov simply did not understand the wise reasoning of the sword. In the village they ran into four Japanese soldiers: two killed Baklanov, one - Motchik , And the latter ran away from the farm, they saw how from there the main forces of the Japanese were going out. All what was going on, drove into the squad. The night was alarmingly, and the next door was attacked by the enemy. The attackers had an instrument, machine guns, so the partisans had nothing left to do how to retreat in Taiga. The swing was terribly, he was waiting for everything to end, and a peak, not raising his heads, wagged into the tree. In his senses came only in the taiga. "It was dark and quietly, and a strict cedral cover l their deceased, cross paws. "
11. Strand Levinson's detachment is covered in the forest after the fight. For the head of Levinson appointed award. The detachment is forced to retreat. Due to the lack of provisions, it is necessary to rob the garden, fields. To feed the detachment Levinson gives the order to kill the pig Korean. For Korean, this is the food for the whole winter. To retreat and not carry the wounded Frolov, Levinson makes a decision to poison it. But Mchechka overheard his idea and spoils the last minutes of the life of Frolov. Frolov understands everything and drinks the poison proposed to him. Flagumanism is shown, its petty things.
12. The roads are the roads buried Frolov. Peak escaped. Freezka recalls his life and sadness about Vare. Cooking at this time thinks about the sword, she sees his salvation in it, she fell in love with someone for the first time in his life. Menthing does not understand anything and vice versa avoids it and rudely goes away with her.
13. The partisans are sitting and argued by the people, about the man's character. Levinson is sent to the inspection of the walking and stumps into swing. Motchka tells him about his experiences, thinks, about his dislike for the detachment, about not understanding everything that happens around. Levinson tries to convince him, but everything is in vain. Metelitsa was sent to intelligence.
14. The intelligence of Metelitsa Metelitsa went to intelligence. Almost rearing until the right place, he meets the shepherd boy. He gets acquainted with him, he learns information about where white in the village is located, leaves his horse and goes to the village. Having placed the house of the White commander, the Metelitsa overhears, but he noticed the clock. Metelitsa caught. At this time, in the detachment, everyone is worried about him and wait for his return.
15. Three deaths the next day Mentilite led to the interrogation, but he said nothing. Associate a public court, shepherd from whom he left the horse does not give him, but the owner of the boy gives Metelitsa. Metelitsa is trying to kill the squadron chief. Meltelitsa shot. The squad of the partisan goes to the revenue of Metelice, but too late. The man who surrendered Miltelitsa partisans caught and shot. In battle at the frozen kill horse, he gets drunk.
16. Varya's quagus, who did not participate in battle, returns and looking for frozen. Finds drunk and takes off with him, soothes, trying to make it up with him. The detachment is white. Levinson makes a decision to retreat in Taiga, in the swamp. The detachment quickly suits the crossing through the swamps and crossing it undermining it. The detachment broke away from the persecution of white, having lost almost all people with it.
17. Nineteen tearing off the White Detachment, decides to go to the Tudo-Vaksq tract, where the bridge is located. To avoid ambushes, send a passage and frozen ahead. The swinge that was caught ahead of the White Guards, he was able to escape from them. Following the riding frozen dies as a hero, but with it warned his comrades about the ambush. The fight is tied, in which the codblanov dies. There are only 19 people from the detachment. Motchka remains one in the taiga. Levinson with the remnants of the detachment leaves the forest.

Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev - Writer, whose biography is very closely connected with the history of our state: revolution, civil war, the war is domestic.

The roman "defeat" refers to the best works of A. Fadeev of the twentieth years. This is a lyry-epic work, where the descriptions and experiences are merged in meaningful details, where even landscapes are romantic in their own way, emotional. Fadeev focused on the Tolstsky perception of the phrase in the novel, to the Tolstsky approach to the image. But as a result, it turned out a romantic and bright work. The elements of heroism and lyricism seems to be in the work from the very beginning and remains in it to the end.

Psychological dorms - this is characteristic of the Roman Fadeev. Here is one of the examples. Because White Meltelitsa, the prevailing nature, interrogates a white officer. Mestelitsa is clear that death is waiting for him, and the whole interrogation is simply opposed to him. Suddenly an officer, looking at his outdoor face, asks, as if making an unnecessary, fake for Metelitsy, a note of humanity, regret, a fragile hope, as if brings them off through the barriers: "SPEA has been sick for a long time?"

Why is this question? What is the random, not anywhere leading sentimentality? Metelitsa is annoyed, he did not take a similar relationship, playing humanism, fake humanizing the fight. He does not want to cling to life, be humiliated in front of the enemy: "He was confused because there was no bullying, no mockery in the question of the chief, but it was clear that he was simply interested in his ripple face. However, realizing this, the Meselitsa became angry even more ... "

And so in everything. Real details in the novel is fed pointedly, clearly. To identify its entity, a special situation is created, a storyline. Liminson's protothes was I. M. Pevzner - commander of a special communist detachment. The details of the climax of the novel - a meeting of a dosage freezer with White Guards - so close to the description of the real event, about which Fadeev told. He said that the small detachment of the red rushed to the ambush enemies. Shot, the fighters gave a conditional signal and saved the main forces.

In the "defeat" the latter situation is romantically transformed, sharpens. Freezka did not just shot in the enemies who threatened him directly: he grabbed the revolver and, highly raising him over his head, to hear, shot three times, as was agreed.

The real situation is very exaggerated, transformed, heroisated - before the shots of Frost, was convinced that the Motchka really betrayed him, betrayed the detachment: "Fallen, reptile ...". The hero is experiencing a feeling of their rightness in this dispute with sensed selfish, egoist, M is a deeper sense of kinship with fighters, with people entrusted to him. All this survived and the author. These three shots are three points in the storylines, in the dialogs with the Levin-Son, almost who did not impact his weapon after him after theft of Melon, with the Varai, which he still loved, finally, with a sword, invulnerable in disputes, in the art of self-defense.

The realism of Fadeeva is a crumpled realism; This realism led to all the art of concentration of action, a sharp deferenceness of the characters of Levinson, Frost, Metelitsy and their antipod of the sword.

How are realistic and romantic combined with the disclosure of Levinson's character?

The novel depicts many major and small acts in which this hero is a man of low growth, vulnerable to the blows of fate, who knows how we saw, doubts and state of powerlessness, - as if floating in the flow, by the will of events. The White and Japanese are coming to the area - he takes a detachment, hiking crackers prepares in advance. He asks Dr. Stashinsky to reduce the torment of hopelessly patient Frolov. It is necessary to feed a squad - he takes a pig from the Korean peasant. Finally, being pressed with the Cossacks to the swamp, he, saving a squad, orders to build GY. In everyday life, he rebuilds freezing, capable of stealing melons on Bakhchakh, then carefully listens to the confession of the sword, amazing one: what a set of simple pride, the consciousness of his exclusivity, disrespect for the mines' partisans, lives in it. "So on ... well - porridge!" - thought Levinson.

In one of the moments, Levinson suddenly, as the Martyr Christ, overcomes pain and suffering from his bragged body and feels a tide of the unusual forces, "I grew up in an inaccessible height." The writer, however, stipulates, saving the hero from the similarities with an unearthly Messiah: "And with this extensive, earthly human height, he dominated his ailments, over a weak body ..." But this height and this domination - in a well-known plan, it is unearthly, Generated idea, tomorrow afternoon, dream. In fact, all the time in Levinsone there is awareness of the inevitability of his earthly path. On the one hand, he sees all the poverty and poverty of the life of an old, dilapidated man living in poverty and dirt. On the other hand, he sees the world of others, is able to strengthen the will of the will to victory, to overcoming this poverty of life.

What is the meaning of this struggle that reveals the vitality of frozen and swing?

The character of frozen, Ordinar Levinson, maybe the most lively popular character in the novel. The hero passes in front of the spiritual gaze of the reader a difficult path: from the recklessness, irresponsibility before the detachment, in front of the miners to the high sense of fraternity, to understanding its dedication in love. But if the psychological life of Levinson or is hidden, or fixed in its quotation formulas about a new person, then the Mo-rose is revealed in externally mindless actions, in the situations of dramatic, in the turns of the plot.

In this comparison of the heroes - the huge truth of the novel. It seems that nothing seriously thinking freezing, who has not known his personality, who clearly forgot about it, at the end of the novel appears to us a completely different person.

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Roman Fadeev determined like this: "In the civil war, the selection of human material occurs ... everything is unable to fight ... there is a remake of people."

Such alteration and happened to all the characters of this work. No matter what contradictory is the assessment of the Civil War from the position of today, undoubted merit of Fadeev is that he showed war from the inside.