Eugene onegin summary retelling. Roman Eugene Onegin: we read a short retelling

Eugene onegin summary retelling. Roman Eugene Onegin: we read a short retelling

Pushkin began work on the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823. The novel was completed in October 1831. We bring to your attention a summary of the chapters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin.

A young frivolous nobleman becomes the sole heir to his uncle. Eugene Onegin goes to look after the dying, thinking that fate has played a cruel joke with him. Evgeny is unhappy with the fact that he will have to look after the dying. However, the young man cannot but admit that he was very lucky - his uncle made him his heir. Pushkin calls Onegin a "young rake", which is an exhaustive characterization of a young man.

Here, the reader gets to know the protagonist better thanks to information from his biography. The life of Eugene Onegin, in general, was no different from the life of other noble children. Onegin was born “on the banks of the Neva”. His father was not rich, then he completely went bankrupt. Pushkin says that he personally knew Eugene, calls him "my good friend."

The young man received a traditional education for children from noble families. When he was very young, he was raised by Madame; as the child grew older, the Frenchman Monsieur PAbbe began to teach. However, apparently, the teacher himself did not have sufficient knowledge. Therefore, it cannot be said that a young man received a good education.

As an adult, Onegin follows fashion closely. Eugene fully met the requirements that were imposed on young people of that time - he knows French; knows a little Latin; reads various books; dances well; has excellent manners. That is why they began to consider him an intelligent and very pleasant person to talk to.

Pushkin says that Eugene perfectly mastered the "science of tender passion." Learned early to "hypocrite"

"To conceal hope, to be jealous,
Dissuade, make believe,
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent! "

In a word,. Eugene would have had no difficulty in conquering any girl. Eugene led a free life. The main and main occupation was entertainment. From early in the morning, Eugene was brought invitations to various social events.

Evgeny's life is easy, it looks like an eternal holiday. He often visits the theater, admires the beautiful ballerinas. Onegin considers his lifestyle to be completely normal and correct. It never occurs to him to give up his usual entertainment.

Pushkin says that Onegin attached great importance to his appearance. He always surrounded himself with beautiful things; wore fashionable and expensive clothes. It would seem that Eugene has everything he needs to be happy. However, alas. The idle life began to bore him in order. Pushkin himself says that the main character cannot be called a happy person. He was bored with the eternal cycle of entertainment.

“No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was bored with the noise of the light;
The beauties were not long
The subject of his usual thoughts;
Managed to tire treason;
Friends and friendship are tired ... "

Onegin was seized by the "Russian blues". He lost interest in life, his usual activities no longer aroused his former interest. Onegin suffered from boredom. But, alas, I could not find a worthy occupation for myself. Eugene tried to read, "he set up a shelf with a detachment of books." But, alas, reading did not capture him. Onegin tried to write. But for writing, he did not have enough perseverance and patience. Therefore, he could not write anything. Even the beauties, who willingly gave him their favor, became bored with Eugene. It was at this time that the author met Eugene. And it was with great pleasure that he communicated with this gloomy and gloomy man. Of course, Eugene Onegin has many positive qualities. But they have not received a decent development. And so the owner himself is mired in melancholy and despondency. The author says that he was going to travel with Onegin. But fate decreed that they parted. Just at this time, Onegin's father died. Eugene was forced to pay his debts. Since the young man hated litigation, he left an inheritance to pay off debts. And then fate showed its favor to Eugene - he received a message that his uncle was dying. And leaves him all his inheritance.

When Eugene came to his uncle, he, alas, had already died. Now Onegin has become the only and rightful heir. Paradoxically, Onegin quickly got used to a new - rural - life. True, he did not become happier. He was still very, very bored.

Despite the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, the author cannot but admit that Eugene was extremely lucky. He happened to live in a wonderful place.

“The village where Eugene was bored,
There was a lovely corner;
There is a friend of innocent delights
I could bless the sky. "

At first, Eugene tried to occupy himself with something. The changes in his life seemed to him a worthy reason to find something to his liking. The young man began by transforming his estate. He replaced the corvee with a light quitrent, which caused great joy to the peasants. Neighbors, looking at Eugene's innovations, decided that "he is the most dangerous eccentric."

At first, all the neighbors tried to get to know Eugene. However, he purposefully left, as soon as he found out about the visitor. This led to the fact that various rumors began to circulate about Onegin, one worse than the other.

Eugene himself was not at all worried about the negative attitude towards him from others. He lived in solitude, not trying to change anything. But suddenly it happened that young Vladimir Lensky settled in the neighborhood. He was an ardent and enthusiastic young man. These were his native places, in which Vladimir had not been for a long time, because he studied in Germany. Lensky is completely different from Eugene. He is naive, sincere, not very well versed in people, idealizes them.

The surrounding people willingly began to communicate with Lensky. After all, he was an enviable groom, and many had daughters for marriage. However, the educated and sophisticated young man was bored with the villagers, whose interests were very limited. Only Onegin, who himself was an educated and intelligent person, could appreciate all the wealth of Lensky's inner world. It so happened that these two became friends - naive and enthusiastic Lensky and disappointed in everything Onegin.

“They got together. Wave and stone
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves. "

At first, Onegin and Lensky "were boring to each other." But then it happened that they began to find special pleasure in communicating with each other. Despite the obvious differences, they had something to talk about, because both were smart, educated, erudite.

The relationship between Lensky and Eugene was very peculiar. Onegin treated the young poet condescendingly, with a smile, although deep down he envied his enthusiastic attitude towards life. Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky talked about a variety of things.

Lensky, almost from childhood (until his departure abroad) loved one of the local girls, Olga Larina. Pushkin characterizes the feelings of the young poet:

"Ah, he loved, as in our years
They don't like it anymore; as one
Crazy poet's soul
Still condemned to love. "

Olga was sweet, but in general the most ordinary girl. Therefore, the special attitude towards her on the part of Lensky was explained not so much by her merits as by the romantic nature of the poet himself.

From the point of view of Pushkin, nothing special could be said about Olga. She was a modest, sweet girl, cheerful, obedient, simple-minded. Blue eyes, a smile, flaxen curls ... According to the poet, in any novel there will certainly be a description of such a girl. The elder sister, Tatiana, seems much more interesting to the author. At first glance, there was nothing remarkable about Tatiana.

She was not beautiful, so outwardly, unlike Olga, she could not attract attention. Tatiana is silent, sad, shuns communication. Even in her own family, she seems to be a stranger. She was reluctant to play with children, could not find a common language with adults. Tatyana often and for a long time sat by the window.

Tatiana is a brooding and sad girl. She lives in her inner world, and the fun of her friends is of little interest to her. Tatiana reads a lot and readily. True, the choice of books is quite peculiar. The girl is absorbed in love affairs, however, like many girls at her age.

Tatiana and Olga's parents were simple patriarchal people. They followed all the traditions known from ancient times. On Shrovetide Larins baked pancakes; fasting twice a year; loved such folk entertainments as swinging, songs, round dances. They often had guests, people as simple and patriarchal as themselves. And so their whole life passed. They have grown old. By the time of the events described, the girls' father had already died.

Lensky had known Larins since childhood. Dmitry Larin, the father of Tatyana and Olga, nursed him in his arms as a child. Lensky was greatly upset by his death. Vladimir said that his father had long read Olga for him. But, alas, he did not live to see this day.

Lensky wanted more than anything else to marry Olga. The girl seemed to him an ideal that one can only dream of.

Onegin continues to see Lensky often. But he now seeks to spend all his free time with the Larins. This surprises Onegin. He does not understand how a simple patriarchal family can attract an educated youth. Onegin speaks caustically about the alleged conversations in the Larin family:

"Jam, eternal conversation
About rain, about flax, about a barnyard ... "

For Onegin, such conversations are boring. He openly despises provincial landowners. For Lensky, communication with the Larins is a real pleasure, because his ideal, his beloved girl, lives here.

Onegin asks Lensky to introduce him to Larin. Vladimir happily agrees, although he may not immediately believe that Onegin seriously wants to communicate with a simple Russian family. In fact, Onegin wants to see what kind of beauty conquered Lensky's heart. And so they went together to visit the Larins. They were very warmly received, treated as it should be in patriarchal Russian families.

After meeting Larins, Onegin is a little disappointed. He asks Vladimir Lensky: is he really in love with his younger sister? Onegin thinks the older one is more interesting. And a romantic like Lensky should not fall in love with the dim-witted and uninteresting Olga.

Vladimir was very offended by his friend for these words. Meanwhile, the appearance of Onegin in the Larins' family caused a variety of rumors. Neighbors began to say that he was interested in Tatiana, although in reality all this was not so. Meanwhile, Tatiana, seeing Eugene Onegin, fell in love with him. The girl lost her peace and sleep. She thinks about Eugene all day and night. Tatiana has lost interest in the usual fun and entertainment. She reads romance novels and imagines herself in the place of the main characters. One night Tatyana calls the old woman to the nanny, asks to tell about whether she loved someone in her youth. The nanny says that in those years she had never heard of love. She was married at 13, the groom was even younger. Tatiana tells the old woman that she has fallen in love. The nanny looks at her sadly.

Tatyana was desperate to receive even the slightest sign of attention from Onegin. And then she decides to write to her beloved to talk about her feelings. Tatiana writes that she is aware of the absurdity of her act. In her own opinion, Onegin has every right to "punish" her with "contempt". The girl says that at first she wanted to be silent. And she would never admit her feelings for anything in the world. But this would be possible only if she could see Onegin at least from time to time. Tatyana says that it would be the greatest joy for her:

“Just to hear your speeches,
You have a word to say, and then
Think about everything, think about one thing
And day and night until we meet again. "

Tatiana understands that Onegin is bored with them. After all, they are simple-minded people who have nothing to attract the attention of a person like him.

The girl complains that he even appeared in her life. If she had not seen him, love would not have settled in her soul. Then everything would have turned out completely differently. She would get married, be a faithful wife and a caring mother. But now she realizes that she will not be able to give her heart to anyone in the world. Tatyana sees a sign of fate in the fact that she met with Eugene.

The next morning Tatiana asked the nanny to send a letter to Onegin. So, the letter has been sent. Now Tatiana is waiting for an answer with bated breath. But a day goes by, there is no answer. Another day passes, again the girl does not receive an answer. Tatiana is expecting a visitor in the morning. But, alas, only Lensky comes. She asks where his friend is. He says he was going to be today. But, apparently, something prevented him.

For several days Yevgeny did not come to the Larins. Tatyana no longer knew what to think. And finally, Onegin came to the Larins. Tatiana ran into the garden in dismay.

In the garden, the maids pick berries and sing a song. Tatiana met Eugene in the garden.

At the beginning of the chapter there are lyrical digressions in which Pushkin discusses the essence of love.

“The less we love a woman,
The easier she likes us
And the more surely we destroy her
Among seductive networks. "

Pushkin says that Onegin has not fallen in love with anyone for a long time. However, after he read Tatyana's letter, long-forgotten feelings began to stir in his soul. He remembered his youth, when he himself repeatedly became "a victim of violent delusions / And unbridled passions." However, now everything has changed. And the letter of a young girl could hardly change his nature.

Onegin met with Tatiana in the garden. They were silent for several minutes. Then Evgeny went up to the girl and said:

“You wrote to me,
Don't deny it. I've read
Souls of trusting confession,
An innocent outpouring of love. "

Onegin said that Tatyana's sincerity was dear to him. She made me remember "long-gone feelings." However, Evgeny was not going to praise Tatyana. He was determined to tell her everything honestly. Btsegin says that if even for a moment he thought about the home circle, about what he wants to become a father and a spouse, then he would not be looking for another bride, he would have given preference to Tatiana. But, alas, it is not created for family joys. And no matter how beautiful and sweet his wife is, he will quickly get bored with her. Onegin admits that he is not worthy of a girl like Tatiana. He says marriage will be a pain for them. As soon as he gets used to his wife, he immediately stops loving her. She will cry. But this will only annoy Onegin.

“What could be worse
Families where the poor wife
Sad for an unworthy husband
And in the afternoon and in the evening alone. "

Onegin says that he does not want such a fate for Tatiana. He admits he loves her

"Brother's love
And maybe even more tender. "

Eugene consoles the girl. She says that she, so young, has her whole life ahead of her. She will love another. He advises her to be more restrained. Otherwise, an unkind person can take advantage of her innocence and inexperience.

Tatiana in tears listened to Evgeny's rebuke. His words severely wounded the girl's sensitive soul. Of course, Onegin's words were true to a certain extent. But how hard it was for a young girl in love to hear them! After this conversation, Tatiana was not herself. The girl was no longer interested in anything. She. as if she had lost the meaning of life. The usual affairs and entertainment ceased to excite her. The surrounding people could not help but notice that the girl was not herself. And everyone decided that Tatiana needed to get married. Meanwhile, Olga and Lensky's romance is in full swing. Young people love each other. You can't help admiring this beautiful couple. It seems that there is no one in the world happier than them. They have everything for their future life to be one continuous holiday - youth, wealth, love. Lensky is exclusively occupied with Olga. He does not notice anyone except his beloved. He is next to her every minute. And he sees no other happiness for himself. With Onegin, he now communicates much less often.

But Eugene is not at all worried about this. He lives in solitude and is very glad that he is deprived of the need to communicate with anyone. Eugene is quite happy with his own life. He gets up early, goes to the river, swims for a long time, then returns home, has breakfast, starts reading. Onegin forgot "the city, and friends, / And the boredom of festive ventures."

Summer is coming to an end. Autumn has come. And now the "boring time" is approaching, "November was already at the yard." It is especially boring in the village at this time. Onegin still spends most of his time alone. And now, after a long break, Lensky comes to have dinner with him. Eugene set the table and prepared wine. The conversation goes unhurriedly. Onegin asks Lensky about how the Larins live, like Olga, like Tatiana. It is unlikely that he really cares about it. But Lensky enthusiastically begins to say that Olga has become extremely prettier. Vladimir also reports that Eugene is being invited to the Larins for Tatyana's name day. Eugene was trying to get out of the trip. But Lensky does not understand his refusal. Vladimir himself is in high spirits. His wedding day has already been set. This happy event should happen in two weeks.

Life seems amazingly beautiful to him. Vladimir treats the people around him in the best way. There is neither envy nor anger in his soul.

The chapter begins with a description of nature. The author says that winter was late, it was autumn for a long time. Snow fell only in January. Tatiana loved winter very much. And now the time for fortune-telling has come. Tatiana decided to find out her future. The dream that the girl saw was downright frightening.

Tatyana in a dream walks through a clearing covered with snow. The atmosphere is ominous, it is dark around. And only gloomy snowdrifts surround her. Despite the winter and frost, a stream murmurs in the snowdrifts. He, like the whole environment, seems ominous. A small bridge has been laid across the stream. It's scary to walk on it, it looks unreliable, flimsy. Tatiana stopped in front of the bridge, does not dare to step on it. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, a bear crawled out of the snowdrift. The girl was very scared. The bear held out his paw to Tatyana. She had no choice but to lean on her. So Tatyana got over the stream. The bear followed her. The girl tries to walk as quickly as possible. But the bear does not lag behind her a step, he is in such a hurry that he breaks trees while walking. It is quiet around, the trees are covered with snow. The road is not visible. A blizzard blows everything around. Tatiana goes into the forest, falls into the snow while walking. She's scared. The branches of the trees are clinging to her, she has already lost her gold earrings, her shoes are stuck in the snow. Tatiana dropped her handkerchief, but she had no time to pick it up. Tatiana was already exhausted and fell into the snow. Then the bear picked her up and carried her. The girl does not resist, she has no strength. She dares not breathe for fear. Suddenly a hut, covered with snow, appeared. In the darkness, it was clear how the window was glowing. Voices and noise came from the hut. The bear said: "Here is my godfather: warm up with him a little!" After these words, he left Tatiana in the hallway. The girl carefully opened the door. She saw a truly terrible picture: monsters were sitting at the table.

"One in the horns with a dog's face,
Another with a cock's head
Here is a witch with a goat beard,
Here the skeleton is prim and proud,
There is Karla with a ponytail, but
Half-bull and half-cat. "

Here are even more terrible monsters - "cancer riding a spider", "a skull on a gooseneck", a dancing mill that flaps its wings. A loud noise is heard: "Barking, laughter, singing, whistling and clapping, / Human rumor and horse top!"

What he saw frightened Tatiana very much. But how surprised she was when she saw Onegin among the monsters. It was evident that he was in charge here.

“He will give a sign: and everyone is busy;
He drinks: everyone drinks and everyone shouts;
He will laugh: everyone laughs;
Frowning eyebrows: everyone is silent;
So, he is the master, that's clear. "

Tatiana opened the door a little harder. But the wind blew and the lamps went out. The monsters began to look around. Onegin left and went to the door. Tatiana is scared, she is trying to run. But she has no strength. Eugene opened the door and everyone saw the girl. Everyone reached out to her, began to shout: “Mine! my!" But Eugene threateningly said: "Mine!" All the monsters immediately disappeared. Tatiana stayed with Onegin. They were sitting on a bench, he bent his head on her shoulder. Olga appeared, Lensky followed her. Onegin became very angry, began to scold the intruders. Tatiana was very scared. Suddenly Eugene grabbed a long knife and killed Vladimir. The hut staggered. Tatiana woke up terrified. Olga entered the room and asked her sister whom she saw in her dream. But Tatyana, not paying attention to Olga, leafs through the book - the interpreter of dreams. Tatiana tries to unravel the dream. But, alas, it cannot. However, the girl understands that the dream portends future troubles. He was too frightening and incomprehensible.

And then Tatiana's name day came. The guests arrived - provincial landowners, narrow-minded and uninteresting. At least for Tatiana herself. Pushkin very eloquently describes the guests.

"With his burly wife
Fat Trifles arrived;
Gvozdin, excellent master,
Owner of beggar men;
Skotinins, a gray-haired couple,
With children of all ages, counting
From thirty to two years. "

Right there is the "district frantik Petushkov"; familiar to all Buyanov; "Retired adviser to the Flyanov"; Monsieur Triquet, who, like a true Frenchman, "brought a verse to Tatiana." The company commander also arrived, who was the idol of mature young ladies. Everyone greeted his appearance with joy.

Evgeny also arrived. It so happened that he was put directly opposite Tatiana. The girl was pale and did not dare to look up at him. Onegin saw Tatiana's condition. He realizes that the girl is extremely excited. Eugene could not stand "tragic and nervous phenomena, girlish fainting, tears." That's why he got so angry. At the holiday, the fun was in full swing. Only the birthday girl and Onegin were not up to the fun. Eugene was bored to be among these people, who, in his opinion, were too simple and uninteresting. Tatiana was not herself. This, of course, was noticed by the rest of the guests. But they were too busy with the treats, so they did not think about what had spoiled the birthday girl's mood so much.

Guests are having fun - dancing, playing cards. Onegin decided to take revenge on Lensky for being forced to be here. Eugene did not find anything better than to invite Olga to dance. He dances with her, whispers to her "vulgar madrigal". Lensky is indignant. He intends to challenge Eugene to a duel.

Lensky leaves the holiday in anger. As soon as Eugene noticed this, he became bored again. Onegin is quite pleased with his revenge. Olga searches for Lensky, but does not find it. The holiday ends. Tatiana is awake. She reflects on Onegin's behavior. The girl, firstly, is surprised by his very appearance; Secondly, she cannot understand why Eugene behaved this way with Olga. Tatiana is in sad thoughts.

Meanwhile, Onegin received a challenge to a duel. He did not object.

Deep down, Onegin was dissatisfied with himself. His conscience was troubled. He blamed himself for joking so casually with the girl's love. In addition, Eugene understood that the hot-tempered young man Lensky was still too young, which means that he did not always do the right things. The challenge to a duel was just such a rash act. But now it was too late to change anything. Onegin understood that Lensky was angry, expecting a duel in order to take revenge on the offender.

In fact, Lensky was so shocked by the behavior of Olga and Onegin that he even decided to hate his bride. Before the duel, he was not going to meet with Olga. But then his heart could not stand it, and he went to the Larins. Vladimir thought Olga would be embarrassed. But she happily greeted him, was as cheerful, playful and careless as before. Olga asked Lensky the first question: "Why did the evening disappear so early?" After this question, Lensky realized that the naive Olga did not see anything wrong with her behavior. She is too young and simple-minded. Her coquetry with Onegin was just a game. Lensky was happy that he was still loved.

What a pity that Vladimir could not understand this right away. It's too late now, the duel cannot be canceled. Lensky spent the evening before the duel with Olga. He did not say a word to her about what he had to do tomorrow. Olga saw that something was happening to her lover. But he didn't answer questions. After returning home, Lensky prepared pistols. And he began to remember Olga. He took a pen, wrote poetry. He understood that tonight might be the last. Meanwhile, Eugene was sleeping peacefully. He was not worried about the duel. In the morning, Onegin hastily dressed and went to the appointed place. Lensky had been waiting for him for a long time. Now yesterday's friends have become enemies. But quite recently they spent together "leisure hours, meals, thoughts and deeds." And now they look at each other with hatred. There is still an opportunity to end the duel, stretch out your hands to each other and disperse amicably.

“But wildly secular enmity
Afraid of false shame. "

Onegin fired ... Lensky fell and dropped the pistol. The young man died instantly, no one really had time to understand anything. Onegin is horrified. After all, he just killed his friend.

Pushkin talks about how sorry the young poet is. After all, he died in the prime of life, full of hope and strength. Lensky was a kind, noble and honest man, before him was his whole life. He had everything for happiness. The author says that Vladimir Lensky could have been born "for the good of the world" or for glory. Now no one will know. However, the poet admits that it is quite possible that Lensky would have faced the fate of an ordinary provincial. He would forget poetry, get married, do the housework. But, alas, he was killed by the hand of his friend. And now no one will know how his life could have turned out. A simple monument was erected by the stream in the dense shade of Lensky.

In the village, life goes on as usual. Almost no one remembers Lenskoye anymore. Olga did not grieve for long. She was carried away by another, got married and is quite happy. After Olga married an ulan and left her father's house, Tatiana was left alone. She remembered Eugene for a long time. I understood that now I had to hate him. But she couldn't. Once, during a walk, Tatyana went to Evgeny's house. The maid let her in. Tatyana ended up in Onegin's office, began to read books, where he left his notes. And she began to understand why Eugene behaved this way and not otherwise.

"Creation of hell or heaven,
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it an imitation
An insignificant ghost, or else
Muscovite in Harold's cloak,
Interpretation of someone else's quirks,
Full vocabulary of fashionable words? ..
Isn't he a parody? "

Such reflections allowed Tatyana to forget a little, to escape from sad thoughts. She understood Yevgeny's character better, and this gave her the opportunity to look differently at his words and behavior.

While Tatiana indulged in sad thoughts, her mother worried about the fate of her eldest daughter. Mother said that Olga is younger - and already married. Tatyana's mother decided that it was impossible to hesitate any further. Tatyana is already in years, it is high time for her to get married. Buyanov, Ivan Petushkov, and the hussar Pykhtin wooed her. But they were all refused. The mother decided to go with her daughter to Moscow, to the fair of brides. This required money. But the mother decided that her daughter's happiness was worth serious expenses. Tatiana did not want to go to Moscow. But, as an obedient daughter, she could not object to her mother.

Before leaving, Tatiana began to spend more time in the forest. She says goodbye to her native places, to everything that is dear to her.

In Moscow, the Larins meet with relatives and friends. Here the usual bustle of big cities reigns, to which they are not accustomed. Tatiana is gradually getting used to the new society.

At one of the balls, Tatiana was interested in some important general. This caused great joy among the relatives.

At the beginning of the chapter there is a lyrical digression, in which Pushkin reflects on poetry and his own destiny. He says that in the days of his youth, a muse began to appear to him. So his further path was predetermined. Once the poems of young Pushkin made an impression on the venerable poet: "The old man Derzhavin noticed us / And, going down into the coffin, he blessed us."

"Anxiety took over,
Hunt to wander. "

He left his village, where everything reminded him of the tragedy that had happened, and went on a journey. When travel bored him, he returned to the capital. And again he began to often attend balls, although he was tired of social events for a very long time.

At one of the balls, Eugene saw Tatiana. He did not immediately recognize her. Tatiana has changed a lot compared to what she was in her youth. Onegin turns to the prince with a question:

"Tell me, prince, do you not know,
Who is there in the crimson beret
Does he speak Spanish with the ambassador? "

The prince looks at Onegin with surprise. He is amazed that Onegin has not been in the world for so long that he does not know the latest news. The prince says that his wife is wearing a malitsovy beret. His words cause great surprise to Eugene.

The meeting with Onegin left Tatyana indifferent. He was surprised by this. Now Eugene is looking forward to the next ball to see Tatiana. Onegin sees that Tatiana from a timid simple girl has turned into an unapproachable goddess who is admired by everyone. Tatiana has mastered all the secular manners. And now no one and nothing can make her mad. Onegin fell in love with the one that had previously left him indifferent. Now he has lost peace and sleep. Eugene thinks about Tatyana day and night. Every day he drives up to her porch just to see his beloved. It becomes happiness for him if he manages to throw a boa over her shoulder, touch her hand, or at least lift her handkerchief.

Tatiana does not notice him. She's not pretending. Now she is actually indifferent to him, accepts him at home, talks to him at a party. It can be seen that she treats him as she does to everyone around her. That is, friendly, benevolent. And that's all.

Onegin "dries up", doctors suspect he has consumption, send him to the water. He refuses to follow the orders of the doctors. He himself understands that he is close to death. He seemed to have lost the meaning of life. And, like a straw, it grabs only one hope. Onegin sends Tatiana a "passionate message" in which he expresses his hope for understanding. At the very beginning of his letter, Onegin says that he understands that the letter can cause contempt in Tatyana, it can even offend her. But he cannot resist and express his feelings. Eugene writes that a long time ago, when he noticed a spark of tenderness in a young girl, he did not take it seriously, did not want to lose his freedom. In addition, circumstances developed in such a way that Onegin became the cause of Lensky's death. After that, he had no choice but to leave everything and go far, far away.

“Alien to everyone, not bound by anything
I thought: freedom and peace
A replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished! "

And now to see Tatyana, to observe her smile, eye movements for him is happiness. Onegin writes that he considers her to be perfect and is ready to do anything for the sake of fleeting attention from her. Eugene says that his days are numbered. And the last joy is the opportunity to see your beloved.

“I know: my century has already been measured;
But to prolong my life,
I must be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ... "

Onegin asks forgiveness for his prayer. He says he cannot control himself and his feelings. Tatiana did not reply to the letter. Onegin wrote the second, then the third letter. And they went unanswered. Onegin decided to personally see Tatiana and went to her house. She greeted him sternly, "surrounded by the Epiphany cold." It was evident that Tatiana was barely holding back her indignation. Onegin tried to see compassion in her, sympathy for him. But alas. Only anger is read on Tatiana's face.

Onegin understands that Tatiana has absolutely no feelings for him. Meanwhile, he himself only thinks about her. He is no longer interested in anything. Once Onegin, exhausted and sick, went to Tatiana's house. Eugene already looks so bad that he looks like a dead man. In the hallway, he did not meet anyone, went into the hall. And suddenly he sees a strange picture. The princess is sitting alone, reading something and crying bitterly.

Tatiana read Onegin's letter. It was evident that she was overwhelmed with feelings. She can't help crying. Now the proud and unapproachable princess again resembles that young girl that Yevgeny knew.

Onegin fell at her feet. Tatyana was silent. Then she asked him to get up and decided to explain herself. Tatyana recalled how once, in the alley, she listened to Evgeny's rebuke.

"Onegin, then I'm younger,
I think I was better
Iya loved you; and what?
What have I found in your heart,
What answer? one severity. "

Tatyana says that Eugene did not need the love of a naive girl, because he answered her coldly and sternly. However, she doesn't blame him. On the contrary, I am grateful that he acted so nobly. Tatyana understands that Onegin did not like her in the village. And he wonders why now he began to pursue her. Tatiana Assumes that Eugene's interest is caused by her noble position, wealth. It revolves in high society, is known to everyone. Now any of her actions will be condemned by everyone. Tatiana asks Onegin if he is in love with her because it can create a favorable reputation for him in the world.

Tatiana says that she is not interested in social life, fashion house, evenings.

“Now I'm glad to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this shine and noise and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home
For those places where for the first time
Onegin, I met you. "

Tatiana says that happiness was possible and close. But fate decreed that now nothing can be returned. Now she is married and, despite the fact that she loves Onegin, she cannot do anything. Tatiana says she will always be faithful to her husband.

After these words, Eugene was definitely struck by thunder. He realized that there was no hope for him; that if some feelings remain in Tatyana's soul, then she will never and for nothing give them free rein. In the depths of Tatiana's soul, there is love for Eugene. Tatiana is mistaken in thinking that Eugene is attracted by her position in society. Not at all. Onegin is really in love. But fate decreed that this love will be unrequited.

At the end of the work, the author says goodbye to the reader and to his heroes, as if summing up his work. Nothing is said about the fate of the main characters. The reader can only guess how the fate of these or those characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin" has developed.

A beautiful, well-groomed socialite, 26 years old. Dresses according to the latest fashion, monitors his appearance. Spends at the mirror up to 3 hours a day. Knows how to like people, seduce women. Quickly loses interest in people, yawns with boredom, is cold and calculating . Home upbringing and education, spoiled by teachers, does not show interest in learning. Disappointed in life, corrupted by luxury. Understands all the emptiness and deceit of high society, Gloomy, gloomy and closed character, hard and cold. Does not believe in love, rejects friendship, despises people with their weaknesses.

Onegin receives an inheritance from his uncle and decides to live on the estate.

He is bored in the village, looking for something to do. He does not like the land, as he grew up in the capital, Onegin does not understand the peasants, landlord life, he is not interested in him. He avoids neighbors, allows Lensky to make friends with him, but does not get close to the rest.

Lensky introduces Onegin to the Larins' family, two charming sisters, Olga and Tatiana. Lensky has an affair with Olga, his younger sister, and Onegin visits the Larins for company. Frequent visits to the family and all neighbors gossip about the imminent weddings of Olga and Lensky, and Onegin with Taliyana But Tatyana falls in love with Evgeny and reveals her feelings to him. Onegin is cold and honest, he teaches Tatyana a lesson in life, rejecting her feelings. Tatyana is crushed, but grateful for Evgeny's honesty. Tatyana's name days, a sea of ​​guests. Onegin brings Lensky, despite him Out of boredom, Eugene flirts with Olga, dances and talks to me, jealousy flares up in Lensky and he challenges his friend to a duel.

Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel, as he offended his feelings, frivolously joking at Lensky, deciding to just annoy him. The reason is insignificant, but Lensky is a romantic and believes in nobility, ideals and is ready to act like a knight, "to save the ideal."

The duel is honest, everything is according to the rules, only the rivals are not equal, Onegin is experienced, cold-blooded and for him a duel is just entertainment,

impetus to a new stage in life.

Ice and fire, they are incompatible! Onegin breaks the parallel, kills a friend in a duel, regrets and regrets, but the friend cannot be returned, he is buried and quickly forgotten by everyone. Onegin ruined the holy soul, killed the ideal person of that time, Onegin is alien to the feeling of compassion, he is boring and is busy with himself. The death of Lensky is a blow for Onegin, who did not take this fight seriously until the last, he almost overslept the duel. He did not refuse the shot, believing that everything that was happening was not serious.

Onegin hastily leaves the village after the duel, Olga marries an ulan and leaves the estate, Tatyana is left alone and thinks about Onegin for a long time. She tries to sort out her feelings, to understand Eugene, and she begins to study the books that Onegin read. She regularly comes to the estate. Eugene and visits his library. The choice of books seemed very strange to Tatyana, and reading his comments, she begins to understand what kind of person Onegin is. Realizing that her idol is not the person she seems, Tatyana is disappointed in the chosen one, but you cannot order your heart.

Refusals of all the grooms lead to the fact that the Larins decide to go to Moscow, to the “fair of brides.” Spending a lot of time in visits and acquaintances, Tatyana loses interest in secular society.

Numerous "gatherings" bore the girl, she hides behind the columns while everyone is dancing and having fun. She tries to be in the shadows, not to attract attention. The aunts find a brilliant game for Tatiana, she marries the general, accepting her fate.

A few years later, Onegin returned to St. Petersburg, halfway across Europe. One day a lady with a general arrives at the ball, all the attention of society is riveted on a stranger. To his surprise, Onegin recognizes Tatyana in the "legislator hall". Onegin is shocked, Tatyana is the wife of a prince, a relative Eugene. The simplicity and calmness of a society lady drives Onegin crazy, he loses his head from love. Tatyana is cold and restrained. Having received an invitation from the prince, Onegin rushes to visit, but Tatyana is unapproachable.

Onegin writes a letter to her, as she once did, but does not receive an answer. He sends several more letters, but there is no answer. Having lost his patience, Onegin pays a visit to Tatyana and finds her in tears, she read his letters. It is Tatyana's turn to give a lesson to Onegin. The princess confesses her love, but remains adamant about marriage.

"I love you (why dissemble?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him for ages "

Tatiana asks not to persecute her and parted with Onegin forever.

Retelling plan

1. Introduction-dedication.
2. Expanded exposition: acquaintance with the hero and his way of life.
3. Onegin's life in the village.
4. The beginning of the second storyline: Onegin's acquaintance with Lensky.
5. The Larins family. Olga and Tatiana.
6. The beginning of the first storyline: Onegin's acquaintance with Tatiana.
7. Tatiana's letter to Onegin.
8. Onegin's explanation with Tatiana.
9. Lensky's romantic love for Olga.
10. Tatiana's dream.
11. Tatyana's birthday.
12. The culmination and denouement of the second storyline: the duel of Onegin and Lensky; death of Lensky.
13. Tatiana in Onegin's empty house.
14. Departure of the Larins to Moscow. Tatyana's marriage.
15. Return of Onegin to the capital after long wanderings. Meeting with Tatiana.
16. Onegin's letter to Tatiana.
17. Explanation of Tatiana and Onegin.


The novel opens with a dedication to Pushkin's friend Pletnev:

Accept the collection of variegated heads,

Half funny, half sad,

Common people, ideal,

The careless fruit of my amusements ...

Chapter 1

The hero of the novel travels to the village to his dying uncle in the hope of an inheritance. The story of the hero's life is told:

Onegin, my good friend,
Born on the banks of the Neva ...
I once walked there too:
But the north is bad for me.
Serving excellently, nobly,
His father lived in debt,
Gave three balls annually
And he skipped at last.
Evgeny's fate kept:
At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur took over.
The child was cut, but sweet.
The author describes the young Onegin:
He is in French perfectly
I could express myself and write,
Easily danced the mazurka,
And bowed at ease;
What is more to you? The light decided
That he is smart and very nice.

Onegin was “in the opinion of many” “a scholar, but a pedant,” “he knew enough Latin to disassemble epigraphs,” “read Adam Smith / And he was a deep economist”. "But in what he was a true genius ... / There was a science of tender passion":

How early could he be a hypocrite
Conceal hope, be jealous
Dissuade, make believe,
To seem gloomy, to languish ...
How early could he disturb
Note coquette hearts!

Onegin's life is "monotonous and variegated", painted from evening to morning: receptions, restaurants, theater; "There will be a ball, there will be a children's party" - "It's no wonder to keep up everywhere." Onegin's office is described in detail: Amber on Tsaregrad tubes, Porcelain and bronze on the table ... Combs, steel files, Straight scissors, curves

And brushes of thirty kinds ... Second Chadayev, my Evgeny ... There was a pedant in his clothes And what we called a dandy. Onegin goes to the next ball. The description of the ball is interrupted by a lyrical digression:

Alas, for different fun
I have ruined a lot of life!
... Ah, legs, legs! Where are you now?
Where are you crumpling spring flowers? ..
The happiness of young years has disappeared,
Like your easy trail in the meadows.
Diana's chest, Lanita Flora
Lovely, dear friends!
However, the leg of Terpsichore
Something more charming for me ...
I remember the sea before the storm
How I envied the waves
Running in a friendly line
Lie at her feet with love! ..
The words and gaze of these sorceresses
Deceiving ... like their legs.

Onegin returns from the ball in the morning, when "Petersburg is restless already awakened by the drum." But the "fun and luxury child" is not at all happy:

No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was bored with the noise of the light;
The beauties were not long
The subject of his usual thoughts ...

"... Russian blues / He took possession of him little by little," he "lost interest in life." Onegin tries to find at least some occupation: “I wanted to write - but hard work / He was sick of it”, “I set a shelf with a detachment of books, / I read, read, and everything was useless: / There is boredom, there is deception or delirium; / In that conscience, in that there is no sense ... "

I made friends with him at that time.
I liked his features
Unwitting devotion to dreams
Inimitable oddity

And a sharp, chilled mind.
I was embittered, he is gloomy;
We both knew the passion of the game
Weighed down the life of both of us;
In both hearts, the heat died away ...
Onegin was ready with me
See foreign countries;
But soon we were destiny
Divorced for a long time.
His father then died.

The father's inheritance had to be given to the "lenders" for debts. Soon his uncle died, leaving him a large inheritance.

Here is our Onegin - a villager ...
And I'm very glad that the old way
Changed to something.
Two days seemed new to him
Secluded fields
The coolness of the gloomy oak tree ...
To the third grove, hill and field
He was no longer interested ...
Then he saw clearly
As in the village, boredom is the same ...

The chapter ends with a lyrical digression:

Love has passed, a muse has appeared,
And a dark mind cleared up.
Free, looking for union again
Magic sounds, feelings and thoughts ...

Chapter 2

The village where Eugene was bored,
There was a lovely corner ...
He settled in that peace,
Where is the village old-timer
For forty years he scolded with the housekeeper,
I looked out the window and crushed the flies.

Onegin tried to take up the farm: "He replaced the old corvée / Obrok with a light one ...", so the neighbors decided "that he is the most dangerous eccentric." Onegin was burdened by the acquaintance with his neighbors, so “everyone stopped friendship with him”: “Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy; / He is a freemason ... "

To my village at the same time
A new landowner galloped up ...
Named Vladimir Lensky ...
Handsome man in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet ...
He was an ignorant dear at heart ...
He believed that his soul was dear
Should connect with him ...
He believed that friends were ready
For his honor to take the shackles ...
He sang love, obedient to love ...
He sang parting and sorrow
And something, and a hazy distance,
And romantic roses ...
He sang the faded color of life
Nearly eighteen years old ...
Rich, good-looking Lensky,
Everywhere he was accepted as a groom.
But Lensky, not having, of course,
Hunt the bonds of marriage,
With Onegin I wished heartily
Acquaintance is shorter to reduce.
They got along. Wave and stone.
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves.
First by mutual difference
They were boring to each other;
Then I liked it; after
Traveled every day on horseback
And they soon became inseparable.
... Between them, everything gave rise to controversy
And attracted to thought:
Tribes of bygone treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil ...

Lensky is in love with Olga Larina: “he loved, as in our years / no longer love ...” “And the children were predicted by the crowns / Friends-neighbors, their fathers”. Olga:

Always modest, always obedient,
Always, like morning, cheerful ...
Eyes like the sky are blue
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
Everything in Olga ... but any romance

Take it and find it right
Her portrait ...
Her sister was called Tatiana ...
Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not have attracted the eyes.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, fearful ...
She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger to a girl ...
And there were childish pranks
She is alien: scary stories
In the winter in the dark of nights
More captivated her heart ...
She liked novels early;
They replaced everything for her ...

The story of Tatiana's mother, who was married to an unloved one, is described, but soon got used to it, took up the household, began to manage not only the house, but also her husband: "A habit from above is given to us: / She is a substitute for happiness."

They kept a peaceful life
The habits of a sweet old man ...
And so they both grew old.
And they opened at last
Before the spouse, the doors of the coffin ...

Lensky, standing at the grave of Dmitry Larin, recalls how he promised him Olga as his wife.

The second chapter ends with a lyrical digression:

Our time will come, our time will come,
And our grandchildren in a good hour
They will oust us from the world too!
For now, revel in it,
This easy life, friends!
... And, saved by fate,
maybe it won't sink in Summer
stanza composed by me ...

Chapter 3

Lensky is going to see the Larins. Onegin is surprised that his friend spends every evening with them, but then asks to introduce him to Larin. Returning from the Larins, Onegin and Lensky talk about the sisters:

"Are you in love with the smaller one?"
- And what? - “I would choose another,

When I was like you, a poet.
Olga has no life in her features ...

She is round, red in face,

Like that stupid moon

In this stupid sky. "

Vladimir answered dryly

And after that he was silent all the way.

The neighbors began to “read the groom to Tatiana”; "About Lensky's wedding long ago / They have already decided."

Tatiana listened with annoyance

Such gossip; but secretly

With inexplicable joy

I involuntarily thought about ...

The time has come, she fell in love ...

The soul was waiting ... for someone.

And she waited ... Eyes were opened;

She said: it's him!

Tatiana re-reads novels in a new way. All the heroes merge for her into the image of Onegin, and she also presents herself as the heroine of a love story. Pushkin, in a lyrical digression, addresses his heroine:

Tatyana, dear Tatyana!

With you now I shed tears;

You are in the hands of a fashionable tyrant

Already gave up her fate.

Tatyana cannot sleep, she asks the nanny to tell about her youth, about how she was in love. The nanny tells the story of her marriage:

- And that's enough, Tanya! These summers

We have not heard of love;

Otherwise I would have driven it out of the light

My deceased mother-in-law.

My Vanya

I was younger, my light, And I was thirteen years old. But Tatiana no longer listens, she is all burning with love: "I'm not sick: / I ... you know, nanny ... in love!". Tatiana writes a letter to Onegin. In a lyrical digression, the author defends Tatiana from society's condemnation:

Why is Tatyana more guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no deception

And believes the chosen dream?

That she is so trusting

What is gifted from heaven

Rebellious imagination,

Alive with mind and will,

And a wayward head

And with a fiery and tender heart?

Tatyana's letter is imbued with love and fear of being misunderstood:

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now, I know, in your will

Punish me with contempt ...

Another! .. No, no one in the world

I would not give my heart!

Then the highest council is destined ...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

The faithful meet with you;

I know you were sent to me by God,

Until the grave, you are my keeper ...

Who are you, my guardian angel

Or an insidious tempter:

Resolve my doubts.

Imagine: I'm here alone

nobody understands me...

I freeze with shame and fear ..

But your honor is my guarantee,

And boldly I entrust myself to her ...

Tatiana asks the nanny to send her grandson with a letter to Onegin. She anxiously awaits an answer:

But the day has passed and there is no answer.

Another came: everything is not as not.

And meanwhile the soul ached in her,

And the languid eyes were full of tears.

Suddenly a stomp!., Her blood froze.

Here is closer!

They are jumping ... and into the yard Eugene!

"Oh!" - and lighter than shadow
Tatyana jumped into other hallways,

From the porch to the courtyard, and straight to the garden,

Flies, flies; look back

Doesn't dare ...
And breathlessly on the bench

Fell ...
She trembles and burns with heat,

And he is waiting: will he not?

But finally she sighed

And she got up from her bench;

I went, but only turned

Into the alley, right in front of her,

Shining eyes, Eugene

It stands like a formidable shadow ...

Chapter 4

The chapter opens with Onegin's thoughts: "The less we love a woman, / The easier she likes us ..." Onegin:

In his first youth

Was a victim of violent delusions

And unbridled passions.

This is how he killed eight years,

Losing life is the best color.

He did not fall in love with beauties,

And he dragged himself somehow ...

But, having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was vividly touched ...

Perhaps the sentiment ardor is old

He took possession of him for a minute;

But he didn't want to deceive

The credulity of an innocent soul.

Now we will fly to the garden,

Where Tatiana met him.

Onegin's explanation with Tatiana:

Take my confession:

I give myself to you for judgment ...

Whenever life is at home

I wanted to limit ...

That, it is true, besides you alone,

I was not looking for another bride ...

But I am not made for bliss;

My soul is alien to him;

Your perfection is in vain:

I am not at all worthy of them.

Believe (conscience is a guarantee),

Marriage will be a torment for us.

I, no matter how much I love you,

Having got used to it, I will stop loving you immediately.

And they were looking for that

Are you a pure, fiery soul?

There is no return to dreams and years;

I will not renew my soul ...

I love you with my brother's love

And maybe even more tender ...

You will love again: but ...

Learn to rule yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like me;

Inexperience leads to trouble.

After Onegin's explanation, "Love's crazy sufferings / Didn't stop worrying / Young soul ..." Pushkin sympathizes with his heroine:

Involuntarily, my dears,

I am embarrassed by regret;

Forgive me: I love it so much

Tatiana, my dear!

Description of the happy love of Olga and Lensky:

Intoxicated with love

In the confusion of tender shame

He only dares sometimes

Emboldened by Olga's smile,

Play with a developed curl

Or kiss the hem of your clothes ...

Meanwhile, Onegin continues his usual life on the estate:

Onegin lived an anchorite ...

Walking, reading, deep sleep ...

Solitude, silence:

Here is Onegin's holy life ...

Landscape sketches:

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

Less often the sun shone
The day was getting shorter ...

And now the frosts are already cracking ...

The first snow flickers, winds,

Falling like stars on the shore.

Lensky comes to Onegin:

"Well, what about the neighbors? What about Tatiana?"

That Olga is your frisky? " -

Oh, darling, how prettier they are

Olga has shoulders, what a chest!

What a soul! ..
Why ... what a fool I am!

You were invited to them that week.

"I AM?" - Yes, Tatiana's name day

On Saturday.

Lensky says only about Olga: “In two weeks / A happy time has been appointed” - a wedding. "He was loved ... at least / So he thought, and he was happy."


Landscape sketch:

That year the autumn weather

I stood in the yard for a long time

Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.

Snow fell only in January ...

Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,

On the woods, it renews the path ...

Tatiana (Russian soul,

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

Loved the Russian winter ...

Tatyana believed in legends

Common folk antiquity,

And dreams, and card fortune-telling ...

It was Christmas time. What a joy!

Windy youth guesses ...

Guesses old age through glasses ...

Description of Christmas divination. Tatyana also wonders:

Tatiana, on the advice of the nanny,

Gathering at night to enchant,

Quietly ordered in the bath

Set the table for two devices.

At night she has a prophetic dream:

She dreams that she

Walking through a snowy glade ...

But suddenly the snowdrift began to stir.

And who came from under it?

Big disheveled bear;

Tatyana ah! And he roars ...

Tatiana into the forest; bear behind her ...

She runs, he follows,

And she no longer has the strength to run.

Fell in the snow; bear nimble

She grabs and carries ...

She came to her senses, Tatyana looks:

There is no bear; she is in the hallway ...

She looks quietly into the crack,

And what does he see?., At the table

Monsters sit around ...

Bark, laugh, sing, whistle and clap,

Human rumor and horse top!

Onegin sits at the table

And furtively looking at the door ...

He's the boss there, it's clear ...

Everybody got up; he goes to the door.

And she is scared, and hastily

Tatiana struggles to run:

There is no way ...

The door was pushed by Eugene:

And the gaze of hellish ghosts

The maiden appeared; fervent laugh

It rang out wildly ...

Everything points to her,

And everyone shouts: mine! my!

My! - said Eugene menacingly,

And the whole gang hid suddenly.

Onegin quietly captivates

Tatiana to the corner ...

And bows his head

On her shoulder; all of a sudden

Olga enters,

Lensky followed her; the light flashed;

Onegin waved his hand ...

Grabs a long knife, and in a moment
Lensky is defeated ...

The hut staggered ...

And Tanya woke up in horror ...

She unsuccessfully tries to unravel the meaning of sleep with the help of a dream book. Name day is coming. Guests are arriving. Their description resembles the description of the monsters from Tatyana's dream. Onegin is "put directly opposite Tanya":

Tragic-nervous phenomena,

Girlish fainting, tears

For a long time I could not stand Eugene ...

He swore to enrage Lensky

And take revenge in order.

Ball description:

Monotonous and insane

Like a whirlwind of young life,

A noisy whirlwind is spinning a waltz ...

Approaching the minute of revenge,

Onegin, secretly grinning,

Comes up to Olga.

Quickly with her

Spinning around the guests ...

Again with her he continues the waltz;

Everyone is amazed. Lensky himself

Doesn't believe his own eyes.

Coquette, windy child!

She knows the trick,

Already taught to change!

Lensky is unable to bear the blow ...

Steam pistols

Two bullets - nothing else -

Suddenly, his fate will be resolved.


Onegin is pleased with his vengeance. He returns home. Tatiana is disturbed by a premonition of trouble. The next day, Onegin receives a duel challenge from Lensky through Zaretsky. Onegin "said he was always ready." Left alone, Onegin "blamed himself in many ways":

Loving the young man with all my heart,

Had to lend myself

Not a ball of prejudice

Not an ardent boy, a fighter,

But a husband with honor and intelligence. ...

"But now
It's too late; time flew away ...

Besides - he thinks - in this matter

The old duelist intervened;

He is angry, he is a gossip, he is talkative ...

But the whisper, the laughter of fools ... "

And here is the public opinion!

Before the duel, Lensky goes to Olga, thinking to embarrass her. But she is "playful, carefree, cheerful, / Well, exactly the same as she was."

Jealousy and annoyance disappeared

Before this clarity of gaze ...

I'm ready to ask her forgiveness ...

He is happy, he is almost healthy ...

On the night before the duel, Lensky writes poetry:

Where, where have you gone,

Are my golden days of spring?

What is the coming day for me?

Will I fall, pierced by an arrow,

Or will she fly by

All is good ...
A warm friend, a welcome friend,

Come, come: I am your spouse! ..

Early in the morning Lensky, together with Zaretsky, arrives at the place of the duel and waits for Onegin, who "was sleeping like a dead sleep at that time." Finally Eugene arrives. When Zaretsky asks who will be his second, he points to his servant.

Enemies! How long have we been apart

Has their lust for blood taken away?

Do they not laugh until

Their hand was not stained,

Shouldn't we disperse amicably?

Now the pistols have already flashed ...

Onegin shot ...

Timepiece: poet

Silently drops the gun

He puts his hand quietly on his chest

And it falls. Foggy gaze

Depicts death, not torment ...

In the anguish of heart pangs,

Clutching a pistol with my hand
Eugene looks at Lensky.

Reasoning about how the fate of Lensky could have developed if he had remained alive:

Maybe he is for the good of the world

Or at least he was born for glory ...

Or maybe that: a poet

An ordinary one was waiting for his fate ...

The chapter ends with a lyrical digression:

Summer tends to harsh prose,

Summer minx rhyme is driven ...

Dreams Dreams! Where is your sweetness?

Where, the eternal rhyme to her, youth?

But so be it: let's say goodbye together,

Oh my light youth!

Chapter 7

The chapter opens with a picture of spring:

A clear smile of nature

Through a dream meets the morning of the year ...

How sad is your appearance to me,

Spring, spring, time for love!

The story of Olga's fate:

My poor Lensky! Languishing,

She did not cry for long ...

Ulan managed to capture her,

Ulan is loved by her soul ...

The Larins fell silent in the family.

Ulan, his share slave,

I had to go with her to the regiment.

Tatiana is left alone:

And alone cruel

Stronger her passion burns,

And about Onegin distant

Her heart speaks louder.

She will not see him;

She must hate in him

The murderer of his brother ...

It was evening. The sky grew dim.

The waters flowed quietly ...

I'm immersed in my dreams

Tatyana walked alone for a long time.

She walked, walked. And suddenly in front of me

From the hill the master sees the house ...

"Is it possible to see the manor house?" -

Tanya asked ...

And Tanya enters the empty house,

Where our hero lived recently.

Tatiana with a tender look

He looks around at everything,

And everything seems priceless to her

All languid soul lives

Semi-agonizing joy:

And a table with a faded lamp,

And a pile of books ...

And Lord Byron's portrait,

And a column with a cast-iron doll

Under a hat with a cloudy brow

With hands clenched in a cross.

A day later, Tatiana again comes to Onegin's house:

And in a silent office,

Forgetting everything in the world for a while,

Finally left alone

And she cried for a long time.

Then I started working on books.

At first she had no time for them,

But the choice of them seemed

She's strange. Indulged in reading

Tatiana with a greedy soul;

And another world was revealed to her ...

Stored many pages

Marking sharp nails ...

Everywhere Onegin's soul

Unwittingly expresses itself

Either in a short word, or in a cross,

That is an interrogative hook.

And it starts little by little

My Tatiana understand

It's clearer now - thank God -

The one for whom she sigh

Condemned by the fate of the imperious:

A sad and dangerous freak

Creation of hell or heaven,

This angel, this arrogant demon,

What is he? Is it an imitation

An insignificant ghost, or else

Muscovite in Harold's cloak,

Interpretation of someone else's quirks,

Words of fashionable full lexicon,

Isn't he a parody? ..

Tatiana's mother is concerned about her future:

Attach a girl, she-she,

It's time; what should I do with her?

Everyone is absolutely the same:

Neidu. And she is all sad

Yes, she wanders through the forests alone.

“Well, mother? What has become of it?

To Moscow, to the bride fair! "

Tatiana sadly says goodbye to her dear native places:

Changing sweet, quiet light

To the noise of the brilliant vanity ...

Forgive you too, my freedom!

What does my fate promise me?

After a long gathering, the day of departure came: "The servants came running at the gate / Say goodbye to the bars." "And our maiden enjoyed it / Road boredom completely: / They drove for seven days."

But now it’s close. In front of them

Already white-stone Moscow,

Like heat, with golden crosses

Old chapters are burning ...

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny

Moscow, I was thinking about you! Moscow!

How much of this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much it echoed!

Finally the tedious journey ended: "To the old aunt, / Fourth year patient with consumption, / They have arrived now."

Sick and caress and fun

Tatiana is touched; but she

It's not good for housewarming

Accustomed to her upper room ...

And so: at related dinners

They take Tanya every day ..

Relatives who have arrived from afar,

Everywhere an affectionate meeting ...

And grandmothers chorus repeating:

"How our years fly by!"

But there is no change in them;

Everything in them is on the old sample:

Everything is whitewashed Lukerya Lvovna,

All the same lies Lyubov Petrovna,

Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid

Semyon Petrovich is just as stingy ...

Tatiana wants to listen

In conversations, in general conversation;

But everyone in the living room is occupied

Such incoherent, vulgar nonsense;

Everything about them is so pale, indifferent;

They slander even boringly ...

And even stupidity is funny

You will not meet in you, the light is empty.

She is also brought to Sobranye.

There is crampedness, excitement, heat ...

Noise, laughter, running around, bows,

Gallop, mazurka, waltz ...

Not noticed by anyone

Tatiana looks and does not see

The excitement of the light hates;

She's stuffy here ... she's a dream

Strives for field life ...

And in the twilight of linden alleys,

Where he appeared to her.

And meanwhile he does not take his eyes off her

Some important general ...

But here we congratulate you on your victory

Tatiana my dear ...

Chapter 8

The chapter opens with a lyrical introduction:

In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum

I bloomed serenely

I read Apuleius willingly,
And I have not read Cicero,

In those days in the mysterious valleys

In the spring, at the clicks of the swans,

Near the waters shining in silence

The muse began to appear to me ...

And the youth of days gone by

She dragged violently behind her,

And I was proud among friends

My windy friend ...

Suddenly everything changed around,

And here she is in my garden

She appeared as a young lady of the district,

With a sad thought in the eyes

With a French book in hand ...

And now I am a muse for the first time

I bring you to a social event ...

But who is in the crowd of the chosen ones

Is it silent and hazy?

- Why so unfavorably

Do you comment on him?

For the fact that we are restless

We bother, we judge everything ...

Talking too often

We are happy to accept for business,

That stupidity is windy and evil,

That important people care about nonsense

And that mediocrity is one

We are on the shoulder and not strange?

Lyrical digression:

Blessed is he who was young from a young age,

Blessed is he who ripened in time,

Who gradually lives cold

Over the years, he knew how to endure ...

But it's sad to think it's in vain

Youth was given to us,

That they cheated on her every hour

That she deceived us ...

It is unbearable to see in front of you

There is a long row of dinners alone,

To look at life as a rite of passage,
And following the decorous crowd
Go without sharing with her
No shared opinions, no passions.

Killing a friend in a duel,
Having lived without a goal, without work
Until twenty six
Languishing in idle leisure
No service, no wife, no deeds,
I didn't know how to do anything.
Anxiety seized him
Wanderlust ...
And he began wandering without a goal ...
And travel to him,
Like everything in the world, they are bored;
He came back and got hit,
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.
But then the crowd hesitated
A whisper ran through the hall ...
The lady was approaching the mistress,
An important general is behind her.
She was leisurely
Not cold, not talkative,
Without an insolent gaze for all,
Without a claim to success ...
Everything is quiet, it was just in her ...
“Really,” thinks Eugene:
Is she really? .. "
"Tell me, prince, do you not know,
To there in a crimson beret
Does he speak Spanish with the ambassador? "
...- Aha! You haven't been in the world for a long time.
Wait, I'll introduce you. -
"Who is she?" - "My wife".
... The princess looks at him ...
And whatever embarrassed her soul ...
But nothing changed her:
It retains the same tone
Her bow was just as quiet.

But also traces of Tatyana's former
Onegin could not find ...
Really that same Tatiana ...
The girl he
Neglected in a humble lot,
Was it really possible with him now
So indifferent, so brave?
...What about him? What a strange dream he is in!
What stirred in the depths
Cold and lazy souls?
Annoyance? Vanity? Or again
Is the care of youth love?

Onegin catches every opportunity to see Tatiana:

But my Onegin evening is a whole
Tatiana was busy alone,
Not this timid girl
Lover, poor and simple,
But an indifferent princess,
But an unapproachable goddess
Luxurious, regal Neva.
... How Tatiana has changed!
How firmly she entered her role!
... Doubts for years: alas! Evgeniy
In love with Tatiana as a child ...
He chases after her like a shadow ...
She doesn't notice him
No matter how he fight, even die ...
And he is stubborn, does not want to be left behind,
He still hopes, bothers;
Brave the healthy, sick,
To the princess with a weak hand
He writes a passionate message.
"I foresee everything: he will offend you
A sad secret explanation.
What a bitter contempt
Your proud look will portray!
... Accidentally meeting you sometime,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare to believe her ...

I thought: freedom and peace

A replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how I was punished.
No, to see you every minute
Follow you everywhere ...
To die in agony before you,
To fade and fade ... here is bliss!
I know: my century has already been measured;
But to prolong my life,
I must be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ...
If you only knew how awful
To languish with a thirst for love ...
It's all decided: I'm in your water
And I surrender to my destiny. "
No answer. He is a messenger again.
To the second, third letter
No answer...
... He renounced the light again.
... He began to read again indiscriminately ...
So what then? His eyes were reading
But thoughts were far away ...
And he did not become a poet,
Not dead, not crazy.
Spring lives on him ...
He rushed to her, to his Tatiana
My uncorrected eccentric ...
The princess before him, alone
Sits not cleaned, pale,
Someone reads a letter
And quietly pouring tears like a river ...
Who is the former Tanya, poor Tanya
Now I wouldn't recognize the princess!
In the anguish of insane regrets
Eugene fell at her feet ...
A long silence goes by
And finally she quietly:
"Enough; stand up. I must
To explain to you frankly.
Onegin, then I'm younger
I think I was better
And I loved you; and what?
What have I found in your heart? ..
... but you
I don't blame: in that terrible hour
You acted nobly ...
You didn't like me ...
Why are you persecuting Me now?
As with your heart and mind
Be the feelings of a petty slave?
... Now I'm glad to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this shine and noise and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home
For those places where for the first time
Onegin, I saw you ...
And happiness was so possible
So close! .. But my fate
Already decided ...
I got married. You should,
I ask you to leave me ...
I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.
She left. Eugene is standing,
As if struck by thunder ...
But the spurs ringing suddenly rang out,
And Tatyanin's husband showed up
And here is my hero,
In a minute, angry for him,
Reader, we will now leave,
For a long time ... forever.

The novel ends with an address to the reader, farewell to the characters:

Whoever you are; oh my reader,
Friend, foe, I want with you
To part today as a friend ...
Forgive me too, my strange companion,
And you, my faithful ideal,

And you, alive and constant,
Even a little work ...
Blessed is he who is the holiday of life early
Left without drinking to the bottom
Glasses full of wine
Who has not finished her novel
And suddenly he knew how to part with him,
As I am with my Onegin.

Pushkin began work on the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823. The novel was completed in October 1831.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is, from the point of view of VG Belinsky, a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, which is taken in one of the most interesting moments of its development. The critic wrote that Pushkin “took this life as it is, without distracting only its poetic moments from it; took her with all the cold, with all her prose and vulgarity. "

Belinsky calls "Eugene Onegin" the first truly national-Russian poem in verse. He says that there are more nationalities in this work than in any other. Belinsky recognized the importance of the novel "Eugene Onegin" for all Russian literature as a whole. He wrote: "Together with the contemporary genius creation of Griboyedov -" Woe from Wit ", Pushkin's poetic novel laid a solid foundation for new Russian poetry, new Russian literature ..."


A young frivolous nobleman becomes the sole heir to his uncle. Eugene Onegin goes to look after the dying, thinking that fate has played a cruel joke with him. Evgeny is unhappy with the fact that he will have to look after the dying. However, the young man cannot but admit that he was very lucky - his uncle made him his heir. Pushkin calls Onegin a "young rake", which is an exhaustive characterization of a young man.

Here, the reader gets to know the protagonist better thanks to information from his biography. The life of Eugene Onegin, in general, was no different from the life of other noble children. Onegin was born “on the banks of the Neva”. His father was not rich, then he completely went bankrupt. Pushkin says that he personally knew Eugene, calls him "my good friend."

The young man received a traditional education for children from noble families. When he was very young, he was raised by Madame; as the child grew older, the Frenchman Monsieur PAbbe began to teach. However, apparently, the teacher himself did not have sufficient knowledge. Therefore, it cannot be said that a young man received a good education.

As an adult, Onegin follows fashion closely. Eugene fully met the requirements that were imposed on young people of that time - he knows French; knows a little Latin; reads various books; dances well; has excellent manners. That is why they began to consider him an intelligent and very pleasant person to talk to.

Pushkin says that Eugene perfectly mastered the "science of tender passion." Learned early to "hypocrite"

"To conceal hope, to be jealous,
Dissuade, make believe,
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent! "

In a word,. Eugene would have had no difficulty in conquering any girl. Eugene led a free life. The main and main occupation was entertainment. From early in the morning, Eugene was brought invitations to various social events.

Evgeny's life is easy, it looks like an eternal holiday. He often visits the theater, admires the beautiful ballerinas. Onegin considers his lifestyle to be completely normal and correct. It never occurs to him to give up his usual entertainment.

Pushkin says that Onegin attached great importance to his appearance. He always surrounded himself with beautiful things; wore fashionable and expensive clothes. It would seem that Eugene has everything he needs to be happy. However, alas. The idle life began to bore him in order. Pushkin himself says that the main character cannot be called a happy person. He was bored with the eternal cycle of entertainment.

“No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was bored with the noise of the light;
The beauties were not long
The subject of his usual thoughts;
Managed to tire treason;
Friends and friendship are tired ... "

Onegin was seized by the "Russian blues". He lost interest in life, his usual activities no longer aroused his former interest. Onegin suffered from boredom. But, alas, I could not find a worthy occupation for myself. Eugene tried to read, "he set up a shelf with a detachment of books." But, alas, reading did not capture him. Onegin tried to write. But for writing, he did not have enough perseverance and patience. Therefore, he could not write anything. Even the beauties, who willingly gave him their favor, became bored with Eugene. It was at this time that the author met Eugene. And it was with great pleasure that he communicated with this gloomy and gloomy man. Of course, Eugene Onegin has many positive qualities. But they have not received a decent development. And so the owner himself is mired in melancholy and despondency. The author says that he was going to travel with Onegin. But fate decreed that they parted. Just at this time, Onegin's father died. Eugene was forced to pay his debts. Since the young man hated litigation, he left an inheritance to pay off debts. And then fate showed its favor to Eugene - he received a message that his uncle was dying. And leaves him all his inheritance.

When Eugene came to his uncle, he, alas, had already died. Now Onegin has become the only and rightful heir. Paradoxically, Onegin quickly got used to a new - rural - life. True, he did not become happier. He was still very, very bored.


Despite the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, the author cannot but admit that Eugene was extremely lucky. He happened to live in a wonderful place.

“The village where Eugene was bored,
There was a lovely corner;
There is a friend of innocent delights
I could bless the sky. "

At first, Eugene tried to occupy himself with something. The changes in his life seemed to him a worthy reason to find something to his liking. The young man began by transforming his estate. He replaced the corvee with a light quitrent, which caused great joy to the peasants. Neighbors, looking at Eugene's innovations, decided that "he is the most dangerous eccentric."

At first, all the neighbors tried to get to know Eugene. However, he purposefully left, as soon as he found out about the visitor. This led to the fact that various rumors began to circulate about Onegin, one worse than the other.

Eugene himself was not at all worried about the negative attitude towards him from others. He lived in solitude, not trying to change anything. But suddenly it happened that young Vladimir Lensky settled in the neighborhood. He was an ardent and enthusiastic young man. These were his native places, in which Vladimir had not been for a long time, because he studied in Germany. Lensky is completely different from Eugene. He is naive, sincere, not very well versed in people, idealizes them.

The surrounding people willingly began to communicate with Lensky. After all, he was an enviable groom, and many had daughters for marriage. However, the educated and sophisticated young man was bored with the villagers, whose interests were very limited. Only Onegin, who himself was an educated and intelligent person, could appreciate all the wealth of Lensky's inner world. It so happened that these two became friends - naive and enthusiastic Lensky and disappointed in everything Onegin.

“They got together. Wave and stone
Poems and prose, ice and fire
Not so different among themselves. "

At first, Onegin and Lensky "were boring to each other." But then it happened that they began to find special pleasure in communicating with each other. Despite the obvious differences, they had something to talk about, because both were smart, educated, erudite.

The relationship between Lensky and Eugene was very peculiar. Onegin treated the young poet condescendingly, with a smile, although deep down he envied his enthusiastic attitude towards life. Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky talked about a variety of things.

Lensky, almost from childhood (until his departure abroad) loved one of the local girls, Olga Larina. Pushkin characterizes the feelings of the young poet:

"Ah, he loved, as in our years
They don't like it anymore; as one
Crazy poet's soul
Still condemned to love. "

Olga was sweet, but in general the most ordinary girl. Therefore, the special attitude towards her on the part of Lensky was explained not so much by her merits as by the romantic nature of the poet himself.

From the point of view of Pushkin, nothing special could be said about Olga. She was a modest, sweet girl, cheerful, obedient, simple-minded. Blue eyes, a smile, flaxen curls ... According to the poet, in any novel there will certainly be a description of such a girl. The elder sister, Tatiana, seems much more interesting to the author. At first glance, there was nothing remarkable about Tatiana.

She was not beautiful, so outwardly, unlike Olga, she could not attract attention. Tatiana is silent, sad, shuns communication. Even in her own family, she seems to be a stranger. She was reluctant to play with children, could not find a common language with adults. Tatyana often and for a long time sat by the window.

Tatiana is a brooding and sad girl. She lives in her inner world, and the fun of her friends is of little interest to her. Tatiana reads a lot and readily. True, the choice of books is quite peculiar. The girl is absorbed in love affairs, however, like many girls at her age.

Tatiana and Olga's parents were simple patriarchal people. They followed all the traditions known from ancient times. On Shrovetide Larins baked pancakes; fasting twice a year; loved such folk entertainments as swinging, songs, round dances. They often had guests, people as simple and patriarchal as themselves. And so their whole life passed. They have grown old. By the time of the events described, the girls' father had already died.

Lensky had known Larins since childhood. Dmitry Larin, the father of Tatyana and Olga, nursed him in his arms as a child. Lensky was greatly upset by his death. Vladimir said that his father had long read Olga for him. But, alas, he did not live to see this day.

Lensky wanted more than anything else to marry Olga. The girl seemed to him an ideal that one can only dream of.


Onegin continues to see Lensky often. But he now seeks to spend all his free time with the Larins. This surprises Onegin. He does not understand how a simple patriarchal family can attract an educated youth. Onegin speaks caustically about the alleged conversations in the Larin family:

"Jam, eternal conversation
About rain, about flax, about a barnyard ... "

For Onegin, such conversations are boring. He openly despises provincial landowners. For Lensky, communication with the Larins is a real pleasure, because his ideal, his beloved girl, lives here.

Onegin asks Lensky to introduce him to Larin. Vladimir happily agrees, although he may not immediately believe that Onegin seriously wants to communicate with a simple Russian family. In fact, Onegin wants to see what kind of beauty conquered Lensky's heart. And so they went together to visit the Larins. They were very warmly received, treated as it should be in patriarchal Russian families.

After meeting Larins, Onegin is a little disappointed. He asks Vladimir Lensky: is he really in love with his younger sister? Onegin thinks the older one is more interesting. And a romantic like Lensky should not fall in love with the dim-witted and uninteresting Olga.

Vladimir was very offended by his friend for these words. Meanwhile, the appearance of Onegin in the Larins' family caused a variety of rumors. Neighbors began to say that he was interested in Tatiana, although in reality all this was not so. Meanwhile, Tatiana, seeing Eugene Onegin, fell in love with him. The girl lost her peace and sleep. She thinks about Eugene all day and night. Tatiana has lost interest in the usual fun and entertainment. She reads romance novels and imagines herself in the place of the main characters. One night Tatyana calls the old woman to the nanny, asks to tell about whether she loved someone in her youth. The nanny says that in those years she had never heard of love. She was married at 13, the groom was even younger. Tatiana tells the old woman that she has fallen in love. The nanny looks at her sadly.

Tatyana was desperate to receive even the slightest sign of attention from Onegin. And then she decides to write to her beloved to talk about her feelings. Tatiana writes that she is aware of the absurdity of her act. In her own opinion, Onegin has every right to "punish" her with "contempt". The girl says that at first she wanted to be silent. And she would never admit her feelings for anything in the world. But this would be possible only if she could see Onegin at least from time to time. Tatyana says that it would be the greatest joy for her:

“Just to hear your speeches,
You have a word to say, and then
Think about everything, think about one thing
And day and night until we meet again. "

Tatiana understands that Onegin is bored with them. After all, they are simple-minded people who have nothing to attract the attention of a person like him.

The girl complains that he even appeared in her life. If she had not seen him, love would not have settled in her soul. Then everything would have turned out completely differently. She would get married, be a faithful wife and a caring mother. But now she realizes that she will not be able to give her heart to anyone in the world. Tatyana sees a sign of fate in the fact that she met with Eugene.

The next morning Tatiana asked the nanny to send a letter to Onegin. So, the letter has been sent. Now Tatiana is waiting for an answer with bated breath. But a day goes by, there is no answer. Another day passes, again the girl does not receive an answer. Tatiana is expecting a visitor in the morning. But, alas, only Lensky comes. She asks where his friend is. He says he was going to be today. But, apparently, something prevented him.

For several days Yevgeny did not come to the Larins. Tatyana no longer knew what to think. And finally, Onegin came to the Larins. Tatiana ran into the garden in dismay.

In the garden, the maids pick berries and sing a song. Tatiana met Eugene in the garden.


At the beginning of the chapter there are lyrical digressions in which Pushkin discusses the essence of love.

“The less we love a woman,
The easier she likes us
And the more surely we destroy her
Among seductive networks. "

Pushkin says that Onegin has not fallen in love with anyone for a long time. However, after he read Tatyana's letter, long-forgotten feelings began to stir in his soul. He remembered his youth, when he himself repeatedly became "a victim of violent delusions / And unbridled passions." However, now everything has changed. And the letter of a young girl could hardly change his nature.

Onegin met with Tatiana in the garden. They were silent for several minutes. Then Evgeny went up to the girl and said:

“You wrote to me,
Don't deny it. I've read
Souls of trusting confession,
An innocent outpouring of love. "

Onegin said that Tatyana's sincerity was dear to him. She made me remember "long-gone feelings." However, Evgeny was not going to praise Tatyana. He was determined to tell her everything honestly. Btsegin says that if even for a moment he thought about the home circle, about what he wants to become a father and a spouse, then he would not be looking for another bride, he would have given preference to Tatiana. But, alas, it is not created for family joys. And no matter how beautiful and sweet his wife is, he will quickly get bored with her. Onegin admits that he is not worthy of a girl like Tatiana. He says "that marriage will be a torment for them. As soon as he gets used to his wife, he will immediately stop loving her. She will cry. But this will only annoy Onegin.

“What could be worse
Families where the poor wife
Sad for an unworthy husband
And in the afternoon and in the evening alone. "

Onegin says that he does not want such a fate for Tatiana. He admits he loves her

"Brother's love
And maybe even more tender. "

Eugene consoles the girl. She says that she, so young, has her whole life ahead of her. She will love another. He advises her to be more restrained. Otherwise, an unkind person can take advantage of her innocence and inexperience.

Tatiana in tears listened to Evgeny's rebuke. His words severely wounded the girl's sensitive soul. Of course, Onegin's words were true to a certain extent. But how hard it was for a young girl in love to hear them! After this conversation, Tatiana was not herself. The girl was no longer interested in anything. She. as if she had lost the meaning of life. The usual affairs and entertainment ceased to excite her. The surrounding people could not help but notice that the girl was not herself. And everyone decided that Tatiana needed to get married. Meanwhile, Olga and Lensky's romance is in full swing. Young people love each other. You can't help admiring this beautiful couple. It seems that there is no one in the world happier than them. They have everything for their future life to be one continuous holiday - youth, wealth, love. Lensky is exclusively occupied with Olga. He does not notice anyone except his beloved. He is next to her every minute. And he sees no other happiness for himself. With Onegin, he now communicates much less often.

But Eugene is not at all worried about this. He lives in solitude and is very glad that he is deprived of the need to communicate with anyone. Eugene is quite happy with his own life. He gets up early, goes to the river, swims for a long time, then returns home, has breakfast, starts reading. Onegin forgot "the city, and friends, / And the boredom of festive ventures."

Summer is coming to an end. Autumn has come. And now the "boring time" is approaching, "November was already at the yard." It is especially boring in the village at this time. Onegin still spends most of his time alone. And now, after a long break, Lensky comes to have dinner with him. Eugene set the table and prepared wine. The conversation goes unhurriedly. Onegin asks Lensky about how the Larins live, like Olga, like Tatiana. It is unlikely that he really cares about it. But Lensky enthusiastically begins to say that Olga has become extremely prettier. Vladimir also reports that Eugene is being invited to the Larins for Tatyana's name day. Eugene was trying to get out of the trip. But Lensky does not understand his refusal. Vladimir himself is in high spirits. His wedding day has already been set. This happy event should happen in two weeks.

Life seems amazingly beautiful to him. Vladimir treats the people around him in the best way. There is neither envy nor anger in his soul.


The chapter begins with a description of nature. The author says that winter was late, it was autumn for a long time. Snow fell only in January. Tatiana loved winter very much. And now the time for fortune-telling has come. Tatiana decided to find out her future. The dream that the girl saw was downright frightening.

Tatyana in a dream walks through a clearing covered with snow. The atmosphere is ominous, it is dark around. And only gloomy snowdrifts surround her. Despite the winter and frost, a stream murmurs in the snowdrifts. He, like the whole environment, seems ominous. A small bridge has been laid across the stream. It's scary to walk on it, it looks unreliable, flimsy. Tatiana stopped in front of the bridge, does not dare to step on it. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, a bear crawled out of the snowdrift. The girl was very scared. The bear held out his paw to Tatyana. She had no choice but to lean on her. So Tatyana got over the stream. The bear followed her. The girl tries to walk as quickly as possible. But the bear does not lag behind her a step, he is in such a hurry that he breaks trees while walking. It is quiet around, the trees are covered with snow. The road is not visible. A blizzard blows everything around. Tatiana goes into the forest, falls into the snow while walking. She's scared. The branches of the trees are clinging to her, she has already lost her gold earrings, her shoes are stuck in the snow. Tatiana dropped her handkerchief, but she had no time to pick it up. Tatiana was already exhausted and fell into the snow. Then the bear picked her up and carried her. The girl does not resist, she has no strength. She dares not breathe for fear. Suddenly a hut, covered with snow, appeared. In the darkness, it was clear how the window was glowing. Voices and noise came from the hut. The bear said: "Here is my godfather: warm up with him a little!" After these words, he left Tatiana in the hallway. The girl carefully opened the door. She saw a truly terrible picture: monsters were sitting at the table.

"One in the horns with a dog's face,
Another with a cock's head
Here is a witch with a goat beard,
Here the skeleton is prim and proud,
There is Karla with a ponytail, but
Half-bull and half-cat. "

Here are even more terrible monsters - "cancer riding a spider", "a skull on a gooseneck", a dancing mill that flaps its wings. A loud noise is heard: "Barking, laughter, singing, whistling and clapping, / Human rumor and horse top!"

What he saw frightened Tatiana very much. But how surprised she was when she saw Onegin among the monsters. It was evident that he was in charge here.

“He will give a sign: and everyone is busy;
He drinks: everyone drinks and everyone shouts;
He will laugh: everyone laughs;
Frowning eyebrows: everyone is silent;
So, he is the master, that's clear. "

Tatiana opened the door a little harder. But the wind blew and the lamps went out. The monsters began to look around. Onegin left and went to the door. Tatiana is scared, she is trying to run. But she has no strength. Eugene opened the door and everyone saw the girl. Everyone reached out to her, began to shout: “Mine! my!" But Eugene threateningly said: "Mine!" All the monsters immediately disappeared. Tatiana stayed with Onegin. They were sitting on a bench, he bent his head on her shoulder. Olga appeared, Lensky followed her. Onegin became very angry, began to scold the intruders. Tatiana was very scared. Suddenly Eugene grabbed a long knife and killed Vladimir. The hut staggered. Tatiana woke up terrified. Olga entered the room and asked her sister whom she saw in her dream. But Tatyana, not paying attention to Olga, leafs through the book - the interpreter of dreams. Tatiana tries to unravel the dream. But, alas, it cannot. However, the girl understands that the dream portends future troubles. He was too frightening and incomprehensible.

And then Tatiana's name day came. The guests arrived - provincial landowners, narrow-minded and uninteresting. At least for Tatiana herself. Pushkin very eloquently describes the guests.

"With his burly wife
Fat Trifles arrived;
Gvozdin, excellent master,
Owner of beggar men;
Skotinins, a gray-haired couple,
With children of all ages, counting
From thirty to two years. "

Right there is the "district frantik Petushkov"; familiar to all Buyanov; "Retired adviser to the Flyanov"; Monsieur Triquet, who, like a true Frenchman, "brought a verse to Tatiana." The company commander also arrived, who was the idol of mature young ladies. Everyone greeted his appearance with joy.

Evgeny also arrived. It so happened that he was put directly opposite Tatiana. The girl was pale and did not dare to look up at him. Onegin saw Tatiana's condition. He realizes that the girl is extremely excited. Eugene could not stand "tragic and nervous phenomena, girlish fainting, tears." That's why he got so angry. At the holiday, the fun was in full swing. Only the birthday girl and Onegin were not up to the fun. Eugene was bored to be among these people, who, in his opinion, were too simple and uninteresting. Tatiana was not herself. This, of course, was noticed by the rest of the guests. But they were too busy with the treats, so they did not think about what had spoiled the birthday girl's mood so much.

Guests are having fun - dancing, playing cards. Onegin decided to take revenge on Lensky for being forced to be here. Eugene did not find anything better than to invite Olga to dance. He dances with her, whispers to her "vulgar madrigal". Lensky is indignant. He intends to challenge Eugene to a duel.


Lensky leaves the holiday in anger. As soon as Eugene noticed this, he became bored again. Onegin is quite pleased with his revenge. Olga searches for Lensky, but does not find it. The holiday ends. Tatiana is awake. She reflects on Onegin's behavior. The girl, firstly, is surprised by his very appearance; Secondly, she cannot understand why Eugene behaved this way with Olga. Tatiana is in sad thoughts.

Meanwhile, Onegin received a challenge to a duel. He did not object.

Deep down, Onegin was dissatisfied with himself. His conscience was troubled. He blamed himself for joking so casually with the girl's love. In addition, Eugene understood that the hot-tempered young man Lensky was still too young, which means that he did not always do the right things. The challenge to a duel was just such a rash act. But now it was too late to change anything. Onegin understood that Lensky was angry, expecting a duel in order to take revenge on the offender.

In fact, Lensky was so shocked by the behavior of Olga and Onegin that he even decided to hate his bride. Before the duel, he was not going to meet with Olga. But then his heart could not stand it, and he went to the Larins. Vladimir thought Olga would be embarrassed. But she happily greeted him, was as cheerful, playful and careless as before. Olga asked Lensky the first question: "Why did the evening disappear so early?" After this question, Lensky realized that the naive Olga did not see anything wrong with her behavior. She is too young and simple-minded. Her coquetry with Onegin was just a game. Lensky was happy that he was still loved.

What a pity that Vladimir could not understand this right away. It's too late now, the duel cannot be canceled. Lensky spent the evening before the duel with Olga. He did not say a word to her about what he had to do tomorrow. Olga saw that something was happening to her lover. But he didn't answer questions. After returning home, Lensky prepared pistols. And he began to remember Olga. He took a pen, wrote poetry. He understood that tonight might be the last. Meanwhile, Eugene was sleeping peacefully. He was not worried about the duel. In the morning, Onegin hastily dressed and went to the appointed place. Lensky had been waiting for him for a long time. Now yesterday's friends have become enemies. But quite recently they spent together "leisure hours, meals, thoughts and deeds." And now they look at each other with hatred. There is still an opportunity to end the duel, stretch out your hands to each other and disperse amicably.

“But wildly secular enmity
Afraid of false shame. "

Onegin fired ... Lensky fell and dropped the pistol. The young man died instantly, no one really had time to understand anything. Onegin is horrified. After all, he just killed his friend.

Pushkin talks about how sorry the young poet is. After all, he died in the prime of life, full of hope and strength. Lensky was a kind, noble and honest man, before him was his whole life. He had everything for happiness. The author says that Vladimir Lensky could have been born "for the good of the world" or for glory. Now no one will know. However, the poet admits that it is quite possible that Lensky would have faced the fate of an ordinary provincial. He would forget poetry, get married, do the housework. But, alas, he was killed by the hand of his friend. And now no one will know how his life could have turned out. A simple monument was erected by the stream in the dense shade of Lensky.


The chapter begins with what the author says about the coming of spring. Snows melt, muddy streams run down from mountains. The meadows are flooded with water. Nature wakes up, meets warmly. The skies are clear, the sun is shining brightly. The forests are starting to turn green.

In the village, life goes on as usual. Almost no one remembers Lenskoye anymore. Olga did not grieve for long. She was carried away by another, got married and is quite happy. After Olga married an ulan and left her father's house, Tatiana was left alone. She remembered Eugene for a long time. I understood that now I had to hate him. But she couldn't. Once, during a walk, Tatyana went to Evgeny's house. The maid let her in. Tatyana ended up in Onegin's office, began to read books, where he left his notes. And she began to understand why Eugene behaved this way and not otherwise.

"Creation of hell or heaven,
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it an imitation
An insignificant ghost, or else
Muscovite in Harold's cloak,
Interpretation of someone else's quirks,
Full vocabulary of fashionable words? ..
Isn't he a parody? "

Such reflections allowed Tatyana to forget a little, to escape from sad thoughts. She understood Yevgeny's character better, and this gave her the opportunity to look differently at his words and behavior.

While Tatiana indulged in sad thoughts, her mother worried about the fate of her eldest daughter. Mother said that Olga is younger - and already married. Tatyana's mother decided that it was impossible to hesitate any further. Tatyana is already in years, it is high time for her to get married. Buyanov, Ivan Petushkov, and the hussar Pykhtin wooed her. But they were all refused. The mother decided to go with her daughter to Moscow, to the fair of brides. This required money. But the mother decided that her daughter's happiness was worth serious expenses. Tatiana did not want to go to Moscow. But, as an obedient daughter, she could not object to her mother.

Before leaving, Tatiana began to spend more time in the forest. She says goodbye to her native places, to everything that is dear to her.

In Moscow, the Larins meet with relatives and friends. Here the usual bustle of big cities reigns, to which they are not accustomed. Tatiana is gradually getting used to the new society.

At one of the balls, Tatiana was interested in some important general. This caused great joy among the relatives.


At the beginning of the chapter there is a lyrical digression, in which Pushkin reflects on poetry and his own destiny. He says that in the days of his youth, a muse began to appear to him. So his further path was predetermined. Once the poems of young Pushkin made an impression on the venerable poet: "The old man Derzhavin noticed us / And, going down into the coffin, he blessed us."

"Anxiety took over,
Hunt to wander. "

He left his village, where everything reminded him of the tragedy that had happened, and went on a journey. When travel bored him, he returned to the capital. And again he began to often attend balls, although he was tired of social events for a very long time.

At one of the balls, Eugene saw Tatiana. He did not immediately recognize her. Tatiana has changed a lot compared to what she was in her youth. Onegin turns to the prince with a question:

"Tell me, prince, do you not know,
Who is there in the crimson beret
Does he speak Spanish with the ambassador? "

The prince looks at Onegin with surprise. He is amazed that Onegin has not been in the world for so long that he does not know the latest news. The prince says that his wife is wearing a malitsovy beret. His words cause great surprise to Eugene.

The meeting with Onegin left Tatyana indifferent. He was surprised by this. Now Eugene is looking forward to the next ball to see Tatiana. Onegin sees that Tatiana from a timid simple girl has turned into an unapproachable goddess who is admired by everyone. Tatiana has mastered all the secular manners. And now no one and nothing can make her mad. Onegin fell in love with the one that had previously left him indifferent. Now he has lost peace and sleep. Eugene thinks about Tatyana day and night. Every day he drives up to her porch just to see his beloved. It becomes happiness for him if he manages to throw a boa over her shoulder, touch her hand, or at least lift her handkerchief.

Tatiana does not notice him. She's not pretending. Now she is actually indifferent to him, accepts him at home, talks to him at a party. It can be seen that she treats him as she does to everyone around her. That is, friendly, benevolent. And that's all.

Onegin "dries up", doctors suspect he has consumption, send him to the water. He refuses to follow the orders of the doctors. He himself understands that he is close to death. He seemed to have lost the meaning of life. And, like a straw, it grabs only one hope. Onegin sends Tatiana a "passionate message" in which he expresses his hope for understanding. At the very beginning of his letter, Onegin says that he understands that the letter can cause contempt in Tatyana, it can even offend her. But he cannot resist and express his feelings. Eugene writes that a long time ago, when he noticed a spark of tenderness in a young girl, he did not take it seriously, did not want to lose his freedom. In addition, circumstances developed in such a way that Onegin became the cause of Lensky's death. After that, he had no choice but to leave everything and go far, far away.

“Alien to everyone, not bound by anything
I thought: freedom and peace
A replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished! "

And now to see Tatyana, to observe her smile, eye movements for him is happiness. Onegin writes that he considers her to be perfect and is ready to do anything for the sake of fleeting attention from her. Eugene says that his days are numbered. And the last joy is the opportunity to see your beloved.

“I know: my century has already been measured;
But to prolong my life,
I must be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ... "

Onegin asks forgiveness for his prayer. He says he cannot control himself and his feelings. Tatiana did not reply to the letter. Onegin wrote the second, then the third letter. And they went unanswered. Onegin decided to personally see Tatiana and went to her house. She greeted him sternly, "surrounded by the Epiphany cold." It was evident that Tatiana was barely holding back her indignation. Onegin tried to see compassion in her, sympathy for him. But alas. Only anger is read on Tatiana's face.

Onegin understands that Tatiana has absolutely no feelings for him. Meanwhile, he himself only thinks about her. He is no longer interested in anything. Once Onegin, exhausted and sick, went to Tatiana's house. Eugene already looks so bad that he looks like a dead man. In the hallway, he did not meet anyone, went into the hall. And suddenly he sees a strange picture. The princess is sitting alone, reading something and crying bitterly.

Tatiana read Onegin's letter. It was evident that she was overwhelmed with feelings. She can't help crying. Now the proud and unapproachable princess again resembles that young girl that Yevgeny knew.

Onegin fell at her feet. Tatyana was silent. Then she asked him to get up and decided to explain herself. Tatyana recalled how once, in the alley, she listened to Evgeny's rebuke.

"Onegin, then I'm younger,
I think I was better
Iya loved you; and what?
What have I found in your heart,
What answer? one severity. "

Tatyana says that Eugene did not need the love of a naive girl, because he answered her coldly and sternly. However, she doesn't blame him. On the contrary, I am grateful that he acted so nobly. Tatyana understands that Onegin did not like her in the village. And he wonders why now he began to pursue her. Tatiana Assumes that Eugene's interest is caused by her noble position, wealth. It revolves in high society, is known to everyone. Now any of her actions will be condemned by everyone. Tatiana asks Onegin if he is in love with her because it can create a favorable reputation for him in the world.

Tatiana says that she is not interested in social life, fashion house, evenings.

“Now I'm glad to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this shine and noise and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home
For those places where for the first time
Onegin, I met you. "

Tatiana says that happiness was possible and close. But fate decreed that now nothing can be returned. Now she is married and, despite the fact that she loves Onegin, she cannot do anything. Tatiana says she will always be faithful to her husband.

After these words, Eugene was definitely struck by thunder. He realized that there was no hope for him; that if some feelings remain in Tatyana's soul, then she will never and for nothing give them free rein. In the depths of Tatiana's soul, there is love for Eugene. Tatiana is mistaken in thinking that Eugene is attracted by her position in society. Not at all. Onegin is really in love. But fate decreed that this love will be unrequited.

At the end of the work, the author says goodbye to the reader and to his heroes, as if summing up his work. Nothing is said about the fate of the main characters. The reader can only guess how the fate of these or those characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin" has developed.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a realistic work, which reflects the era in all its manifestations. It is no coincidence that the novel was called "the encyclopedia of Russian life." The characters of the main characters deserve close attention. Belinsky gave such an assessment to Eugene himself: “Onegin ... not a demon, not a parody, an unfashionable quirk, not a great man, but simply“ a good fellow, like you and me, like the whole world ... ”“ ... He is no good in genius, does not climb into great people, but inactivity and vulgarity of life stifle him; he does not even know what he needs, what he wants; but he knows, and knows very well that he does not need, that he does not want what he is so pleased with, so happy is the proud mediocrity. " Belinsky calls Onegin a “suffering egoist”; says that he is "unwillingly selfish." This was his fate.

Belinsky interprets the image of Lensky as follows: “Lensky was a romantic both by nature and by the spirit of the times. Needless to say, this was a being, accessible to all that is beautiful, high, a pure and noble soul. But at the same time, “he was an ignoramus with his dear heart,” always talking about life, he never knew it. Reality had no influence on him: his joys and sorrows were the creation of his fantasy. He fell in love with Olga - and what a need he felt, that she did not understand him, that if she got married, she would become the second, revised edition of her mother, that she didn’t care for the poet, a companion of her childhood games, and for happy with yourself and your lancer horse? "Lensky adorned her with virtues and perfections, attributed to her feelings and thoughts that she did not have and which she did not care about."

Belinsky's interpretation of the image of Tatyana: “Tatyana is an exceptional being, a deep nature, loving, passionate. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss, or the greatest disaster in life, without any conciliatory middle. With the happiness of reciprocity, the love of such a woman is an even, bright flame; otherwise - a stubborn flame, which, perhaps, willpower will not allow to break through, but which is the more destructive and burning, the more it is squeezed inside ... "" For Tatiana, there was no real Onegin, whom she could not understand, nor know; therefore, she needed to give it some meaning, borrowed from a book, and not from life, because Tatyana could neither understand nor know about life. " From Belinsky's point of view, Tatiana does not like light. She would gladly leave the light forever, stay in the village. But since she is forced to communicate in the light, she must listen to his opinion, it becomes an idol for her, "and the fear of judgment will always be her virtue ...".

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1823-1831. The work is one of the most significant creations of Russian literature - according to Belinsky, it is an "encyclopedia of Russian life" of the early 19th century.

The novel in Pushkin's poems "Eugene Onegin" refers to the literary direction of realism, although in the first chapters the influence on the author of the traditions of romanticism is still noticeable. There are two storylines in the work: the central one is the tragic love story of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina, and also the secondary one is the friendship of Onegin and Lensky.

main characters

Eugene Onegin- a prominent young man of eighteen years old, a native of a noble family, who received a French "home education, a secular dandy, who knows a lot about fashion, very eloquent and able to present himself in society, a" philosopher ".

Tatiana Larina- the Larins' eldest daughter, a quiet, calm, serious girl of seventeen years old, who loved to read books and spend a lot of time alone.

Vladimir Lensky- a young landowner who was "almost eighteen years old", a poet, a dreamy personality. At the beginning of the novel, Vladimir returns to his native village from Germany, where he studied.

Olga Larina- the youngest daughter of the Larins, beloved and fiancée of Vladimir Lensky, always cheerful and sweet, she was the complete opposite of her older sister.

Other characters

Princess Polina (Praskovya) Larina- mother of Olga and Tatiana Larin.

Filipyevna- Tatiana's nanny.

Princess Alina- Tatiana and Olga's aunt, Praskovya's sister.

Zaretsky- Onegin and Larin's neighbor, Vladimir's second in a duel with Eugene, a former gambler who became a "peaceful" landowner.

Prince N.- Tatyana's husband, "an important general", a friend of Onegin's youth.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" begins with a short author's address to the reader, in which Pushkin gives a description of his work:

“Accept the collection of variegated heads,
Half funny, half sad,
Common people, ideal,
The careless fruit of my amusements. "

Chapter one

In the first chapter, the author acquaints the reader with the hero of the novel - Eugene Onegin, the heir of a wealthy family, who hurries to his dying uncle. The young man was "born on the banks of the Neva", his father lived in debt, often hosted balls, which is why, as a result, he completely lost his fortune.

When Onegin was old enough to go out into the light, high society welcomed the young man well, since he spoke French perfectly, easily danced a mazurka and was able to freely talk on any topic. However, it was not science and not brilliance in society that interested Eugene most of all - he was a "true genius" in the "science of tender passion" - Onegin could turn the head of any lady, while remaining on friendly terms with her husband and fans.

Eugene lived an idle life, walking along the boulevard during the day and visiting luxurious salons in the evening, where famous people of St. Petersburg invited him. The author emphasizes that Onegin, “afraid of jealous condemnations,” was very careful about his appearance, so he could be in front of the mirror for three hours, bringing his image to perfection. Eugene returned from balls in the morning, when the rest of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg rush to the service. By noon, the young man woke up and again

"Until the morning his life is ready,
Monotonous and variegated. "

However, is Onegin happy?

“No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He got bored with the noise of the light. "

Gradually the hero was seized by the "Russian blues" and he, like Chide-Harold, appeared gloomy and languid in the light - "nothing touched him, he did not notice anything."

Eugene closes himself off from society, locks himself at home and tries to write himself, but the young man does not succeed, since "he was sick of hard work." After that, the hero begins to read a lot, but realizes that literature will not save him: "like women, he left books." Eugene from a sociable, secular person becomes an introverted young man, prone to "caustic argument" and "joke with bile in half."

Onegin and the narrator (according to the author, it was at this time that they met the main character) were going to leave Petersburg abroad, but their plans were changed by the death of Eugene's father. The young man had to give all the inheritance to pay off his father's debts, so the hero remained in St. Petersburg. Soon, Onegin received the news that his uncle was dying and wanted to say goodbye to his nephew. When the hero arrived, his uncle had already died. As it turned out, the deceased bequeathed a huge estate to Eugene: land, forests, factories.

Chapter two

Eugene lived in a picturesque village, his house was located by the river, surrounded by a garden. Wishing to somehow entertain himself, Onegin decided to introduce new orders in his possessions: he replaced corvée with “light quitrent”. Because of this, the neighbors began to treat the hero with apprehension, believing that "he is the most dangerous eccentric." At the same time, Yevgeny himself avoided his neighbors, in every possible way avoiding acquaintance with them.

At the same time, a young landowner Vladimir Lensky returned to one of the nearest villages from Germany. Vladimir was a romantic nature,

“With a soul straight from Göttingen,
Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet ”.

Lensky wrote his poems about love, was a dreamer and hoped to reveal the riddle of the purpose of life. In the village of Lensky, "according to custom," they were mistaken for a profitable groom.

However, among the villagers, the figure of Onegin attracted Lensky's special attention, and Vladimir and Eugene gradually became friends:

“They got together. Wave and stone
Poems and prose, ice and fire. "

Vladimir read his works to Eugene, talked about philosophical things. Onegin listened with a smile to Lensky's passionate speeches, but refrained from enlightening his friend, realizing that life itself would do it for him. Gradually, Eugene notices that Vladimir is in love. Lensky's beloved turned out to be Olga Larina, with whom the young man was familiar as a child, and his parents predicted a wedding for them in the future.

“Always modest, always obedient,
Always fun as morning
As a poet's life is innocent,
How sweet is the kiss of love. "

The complete opposite of Olga was her older sister, Tatyana:

“Dika, sad, silent,
As a forest doe is fearful. "

The girl did not find the usual girlish amusements funny, she liked to read the novels of Richardson and Russo,

“And often the whole day alone
I sat silently by the window. "

In her youth, Tatyana and Olga's mother, Princess Polina, was in love with another - a sergeant of the guard, a dandy and a player, but without asking her parents married her to Larin. At first the woman was sad, and after that she took up the household, “got used to it and became happy,” and gradually calmness reigned in their family. Having lived a quiet life, Larin grew old and died.

Chapter three

Lensky begins to spend all the evenings with the Larins. Evgeny is surprised that he has found a friend in the society of a “simple, Russian family,” where all conversations boil down to a discussion of the economy. Lensky explains that he is more pleased with home society than the secular circle. Onegin asks if he can see Lensky's beloved and his friend calls him to go to the Larins.

Returning from the Larins, Onegin tells Vladimir that he was pleased to meet them, but his attention was more attracted not by Olga, who "has no life in her features," but her sister Tatyana "who is sad and silent, like Svetlana." The appearance of Onegin at the Larins' became the reason for gossip that, perhaps, Tatyana and Eugene are already engaged. Tatiana realizes that she has fallen in love with Onegin. The girl begins to see Eugene in the heroes of the novels, to dream of a young man, walking in the "silence of the woods" with books about love.

One sleepless night, Tatiana, sitting in the garden, asks the nanny to tell about her youth, about whether the woman was in love. The nanny says that she was married by agreement at the age of 13 to a guy younger than her, so the old woman does not know what love is. Looking at the moon, Tatiana decides to write a letter to Onegin with a declaration of love in French, since at that time it was customary to write letters exclusively in French.

In the message, the girl writes that she would be silent about her feelings if she was sure that she could at least sometimes see Eugene. Tatyana argues that if Onegin had not settled in their village, perhaps her fate would have turned out differently. But he immediately denies this possibility:

“This is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
Meeting of the faithful with you. "

Tatyana writes that it was Onegin who appeared to her in her dreams and that she dreamed about him. At the end of the letter, the girl "hands over" her fate to Onegin:

“I am waiting for you: with a single gaze
Revive the hopes of the heart
Or interrupt a heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach! "

In the morning Tatyana asks Filipyevna to give Yevgeny a letter. Two days from Onegin there was no answer. Lensky assures that Eugene promised to visit the Larins. Finally Onegin arrives. Tatiana, frightened, runs into the garden. Having calmed down a little, he goes out into the alley and sees Eugene standing "like a formidable shadow" in front of him.

Chapter four

Eugene, who in his youth was disappointed with relationships with women, was touched by Tatyana's letter, and that is why he did not want to deceive the gullible, innocent girl.

Having met Tatyana in the garden, Yevgeny spoke first. The young man said that he was very touched by her sincerity, so he wants to "repay" the girl with his "confession." Onegin tells Tatiana that if "a pleasant lot ordered him" to become a father and a spouse, he would not have looked for another bride, having chosen Tatiana as a "friend of the sad days." However, Eugene "was not created for bliss." Onegin says that he loves Tatyana like a brother and at the end of his "confession" turns into a sermon to the girl:

“Learn to rule yourself;
Not everyone will understand you like me;
Inexperience leads to trouble. "

Discussing Onegin's act, the narrator writes that Eugene acted very nobly with the girl.

After a date in the garden, Tatiana became even sadder, worried about her unhappy love. There is talk among neighbors that it is time for the girl to get married. At this time, the relationship between Lensky and Olga is developing, young people spend more and more time together.

Onegin lived as a hermit, walking and reading. One of the winter evenings Lensky comes to see him. Eugene asks a friend about Tatiana and Olga. Vladimir says that their wedding with Olga is scheduled in two weeks, which Lensky is very happy about. In addition, Vladimir recalls that the Larins invited Onegin to visit Tatiana's name day.

Chapter five

Tatyana was very fond of the Russian winter, including Epiphany evenings, when the girls wondered. She believed in dreams, omens and fortune telling. One of the Epiphany evenings, Tatyana went to bed, putting a girl's mirror under the pillow.

The girl dreamed that she was walking through the snow in the darkness, and in front of her a river was rustling, across which a "trembling, disastrous bridge" was thrown. Tatiana does not know how to cross it, but then a bear appears on the other side of the stream and helps her cross. The girl tries to run away from the bear, but the "shaggy footman" followed her. Tatyana, unable to run any longer, falls into the snow. The bear picks it up and brings it into the "wretched" hut that has appeared between the trees, telling the girl that his godfather is here. Recovering herself, Tatyana saw that she was in the entryway, and outside the door one could hear "the screaming and clinking of a glass, as at a large funeral." The girl looked through the crack: there were monsters sitting at the table, among which she saw Onegin, the host of the feast. Out of curiosity, the girl opens the door, all the monsters begin to reach out to her, but Eugene drives them away. The monsters disappear, Onegin and Tatiana sit on the bench, the young man puts his head on the girl's shoulder. Then Olga and Lensky appear, Eugene begins to scold the intruders, suddenly pulls out a long knife and kills Vladimir. Terrified, Tatyana wakes up and tries to interpret the dream according to the book of Martyn Zadeki (a fortuneteller, interpreter of dreams).

Tatyana's birthday, the house is full of guests, everyone is laughing, crowding, greeting. Lensky and Onegin arrive. Eugene is put in front of Tatiana. The girl is embarrassed, afraid to look up at Onegin, she is ready to burst into tears. Eugene, noticing Tatyana's excitement, got angry and decided to take revenge on Lensky, who brought him to the feast. When the dancing began, Onegin invites exclusively Olga, without leaving the girl even in between dances. Lensky, seeing this, "flares up in jealous indignation." Even when Vladimir wants to invite the bride to dance, it turns out that she has already promised Onegin.

“Lenskoy is unable to bear the blow” - Vladimir leaves the holiday, thinking that only a duel can solve the current situation.

Chapter six

Noticing that Vladimir had left, Onegin lost all interest in Olga and returned home at the end of the evening. In the morning Zaretsky comes to Onegin and gives him a note from Lensky with a challenge to a duel. Eugene agrees to a duel, but, left alone, he blames himself that he shouldn't have joked about his friend's love. According to the terms of the duel, the heroes were to meet at the mill before dawn.

Before the duel, Lensky drove to Olga, thinking to embarrass her, but the girl happily met him, which dispelled the jealousy and annoyance of her beloved. Lensky was absent-minded throughout the evening. Arriving home from Olga, Vladimir examined the pistols and, thinking about Olga, writes poems in which he asks the girl to come to his grave in case of his death.

In the morning Eugene slept, so he was late for the duel. Vladimir's second was Zaretsky, Onegin's second monsieur Guillot. At the command of Zaretsky, the young men came together, and the duel began. Evgeny is the first to raise his pistol - when Lensky just started aiming, Onegin is already shooting and killing Vladimir. Lensky dies instantly. Eugene looks at his friend's body in horror.

Chapter Seven

Olga did not cry for Lensky for a long time, soon fell in love with the lancer and married him. After the wedding, the girl and her husband left for the regiment.

Tatiana still could not forget Onegin. Once, walking in the field at night, the girl accidentally went to Evgeny's house. The girl is greeted by the courtyard family and Tatiana is allowed into Onegin's house. The girl, examining the rooms, "stands for a long time in a fashionable cell as enchanted." Tatiana begins to constantly visit Eugene's house. The girl reads the books of her beloved, tries to understand from the notes in the margins what kind of person Onegin is.

At this time, the Larins begin to talk about the fact that it is high time for Tatyana to be married off. Princess Polina is worried that her daughter is refusing everyone. Larina is advised to take the girl to the "fair of brides" in Moscow.

In winter, Larins, having collected everything they need, leave for Moscow. They stayed with an old aunt, Princess Alina. Larins begin to travel around their numerous acquaintances and relatives, but the girl is bored and uninteresting everywhere. Finally, Tatiana is brought to the "Sobranye", where many brides, dandies, hussars have gathered. While everyone is having fun and dancing, the girl, “unnoticed by anyone,” stands by the column, recalling life in the village. Then one of the aunts drew Tanya's attention to the "fat general".

Chapter Eight

The narrator again meets with already 26-year-old Onegin at one of the social events. Evgeniy

“Languishing in idleness of leisure
No service, no wife, no deeds,
I didn't know how to do anything. "

Before that, Onegin traveled for a long time, but he got tired of it, and so, "he returned and got, like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball."

A lady with a general appears at the evening and attracts the general attention of the public. This woman looked "quiet" and "simple." In a secular lady, Eugene recognizes Tatyana. Asking a friend of the prince who this woman is, Onegin learns that she is the wife of this prince and really Tatyana Larina. When the prince brings Onegin to the woman, Tatiana does not show her excitement at all, while Eugene is speechless. Onegin cannot believe that this is the same girl who once wrote him a letter.

In the morning, Eugene receives an invitation from Prince N. - Tatyana's wife. Onegin, alarmed by the memories, eagerly goes to visit, however, the "stately", "careless Legislator Hall" does not seem to notice him. Unable to bear it, Eugene writes a letter to the woman in which he declares his love for her, ending the message with the lines:

“Everything is decided: I am in your will,
And I surrender to my destiny. "

However, no answer comes. The man sends a second, third letter. Onegin was again "caught" by the "cruel blues", he again locked himself in his office and began to read a lot, constantly thinking and dreaming about "secret legends, heartfelt, dark antiquity."

One spring day Onegin goes to Tatiana without an invitation. Eugene finds a woman crying bitterly over his letter. The man falls at her feet. Tatyana asks him to get up and reminds Eugene as in the garden, in the alley she humbly listened to his lesson, now it is her turn. She tells Onegin that then she was in love with him, but she found only severity in his heart, although she does not blame him, considering the man's act a noble one. The woman understands that now she is in many ways interesting to Eugene precisely because she has become a prominent socialite. Farewell Tatiana says:

“I love you (why dissemble?),
But I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever "

And leaves. Eugene "seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt" by Tatiana's words.

“But the spurs suddenly rang out,
And Tatyanin's husband showed up
And here is my hero,
In a minute, angry for him,
Reader, we will now leave,
For a long time ... forever ... ".


The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" amazes with its depth of thought, the volume of the described events, phenomena and characters. Depicting in the work the customs and life of cold, "European" Petersburg, patriarchal Moscow and the village - the center of folk culture, the author shows the reader Russian life in general. A brief retelling of "Eugene Onegin" allows you to get acquainted only with the central episodes of the novel in verse, therefore, for a better understanding of the work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full version of the masterpiece of Russian literature.

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