Evgeny cat dance everything. Evgeny Kot (Evgeniy Kot)

Evgeny cat dance everything. Evgeny Kot (Evgeniy Kot)

CLUTCH journalists managed to communicate with the charismatic Ukrainian dancer Zhenya Cat. In a frank conversation, the artist told about why he tied his life with dancing, and told about the first professional defeat. He also admitted what the most romantic act committed for his beloved and in what relationship is now located with a partner on "Dance Girl 2017" Nadi Dorofeeva.

Zhenya Kot.

About dance

How did you disclose the world of dancing?

- Parents said that I always loved music and was plastic since childhood. When I turned 11, I began to be interested in dancing. My whole days, I listened to the Finnish group "BOMFUNK MC's" (it was an electronic music with hip-hop elements) and tried to learn to spin on the head. And at the age of 12, I decided to change the school and, despite the fact that in my family no one danced, I decided to flow into the lyceum of arts.

Remember your first defeats and achievements in this area?

- I think my first achievement is that I was able to catch up with my peers in the liberal in just a couple of months. And this is despite the fact that I began to study the dance azam only in grade 8, and they danced from the first. After just 2 years, I entered the Kiev pop-circus college with maximum points.

But the first place is injury. I was 18 years old, and I already worked in Ballet in Tina Karol. During one of the acrobatic tricks, I broke both brushes on the scene. I had to qualify the number in which there were support with Tina - could not let down the team.

When the speech came to an end and I went down to the scene, my hands already looked like two swollen washers. Of course, to the public that day I no longer went out. After the concert, I was put on plaster on both hands. But it was just a third concert in a tour, in which more than 20 speeches were planned, so after a couple of days I removed the gypsum and went further to work with Tina.

Zhenya Kot.

What do you think the ability to dance is a talent or still skill, which is achieved by stubborn labor?

- This is talent, and skill. To become a professional dancer, you need to have physical data, love for your business and tremendous hardworking. But if you want to dance for yourself, you have time and a great desire, clarity in the work will allow you to achieve excellent results.

Any dancer can become a choreographer's director? What else do you need?

- No, of course, not everyone. When I put a number, I see a story and roughly understand how I want to tell her. It is always much easier to invent a speech for someone. You see from the side that it turns out, and what is not, - and you understand how to improve the choreography.

But not all dancers can think in a suitable bed. For example, there are very strong performers who need to ask the right direction, tell the story, and they will already bring their vision and a unique manner into it.

About the play "Vartsі Mriy"

In the show you are a choreographer, and one of the main characters. It was difficult to combine these roles?

- Always want more - there is no limit to perfection. It is difficult for me to assess your own work, objectively it can only be done by the viewer. Judging by the reaction of the visitors of the play, it seems to me that I will cope with my duties and on the stage, and for her.

Why did you choose the role of an evil dragon? Do you have any similarities with him?

- Hardly we have similar traits of character. In fact, we could not find the performer for a long time, and I proposed my candidacy. Kostya Tomilchenko said that I am too kind to embody the antihero. But the deadlines were pressed, and I saw how you need to beat this image, and I understood that I could do it.

Zhenya Cat in the image of an evil dragon for the "Vartsi Mriy" show

What was the most difficult in the preparation for the play and, in particular, to the role?

- The first season of the performance we launched the team: I, Konstantin Tomilchenko, Maxim Pekna and Yuri Piety. We had a very short time - I began to work out my role when there was not much time before the premiere.

It was hard to master the tricks on the pylon, because I did not do it on this projectile before. The second and third season "Vartovy Mriy" I happened to run on my own. And the main difficulty was to be able to simultaneously follow the entire process as a whole and wage to work out their own role.

What is the "Vartsi Mriy" 2018 differ from previous seasons?

- We have almost completely replaced the composition this year. I took the main role of the homeless boy of Max, I took two young performers - 11-year-old Nikita Malaki and 12-year-old Vlad Saint.

This character is almost all the time on stage and at such a young age it is difficult to cope with similar loads. Nikita and Vlad work shifted.

We have further complicated makeup - our masters have been trained at the Merma Creator for such franchises as "Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings". Therefore, now my character looks still more frightening.

About personal life

How did you get acquainted with your spouse? Was it love at first sight?

- We met on the project "Ukrainiana Mait Talent-7". Natasha was a finalist, and I am a director director. At the first meeting, I came tired, discussed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number with her, agreed to meet the next day. And on the first rehearsal, I realized how lucky I was.

What is the most romantic act did you commit for your beloved?

"It seems to me that my most romantic act is still ahead." I have already made Natasha offer and really want to play our wedding on Tahiti Island. We were there a couple of months ago and literally fell in love with the incredible nature of this place. If you manage to do everything as I want, it will be the most romantic act for your beloved.

Zhenya Cat with his wife Natalia

On participation in the show "Dance C ZIRKI 2017"

Recently ended the dance project. Would you like to get back again and still get victory?

- Of course, I would like to win. And if I return to this project, I will try to do everything to achieve the desired one. Definitely. But if it would be possible to go back and change something, I would not change anything in our rooms with Nadi.

We reached the final, fought for first place. We gave way to Natalia Mogilev - and, I believe that she deservedly received the title. No one worked as much as she, and no one wanted this victory as she wanted.

How were your rehearsals? There were conflicts and quarrels with Dorofeeva?

"No, she trusted me from the very beginning." I promised to bring it to the final, and it turned out. With Nadi we moved very quickly. I think that my tandem with Dorofeeva was the best for the entire history of "Dancev Zіrki". There were no conflicts during the preparation.

Nadia Dorofeeva and Zhenya Cat

What number was the most difficult for you?

- The most difficult was the final number. We rehearsed only at night because of our graphs. Prepared one version of the production, we did not like. Made the second option - and again it was not what we wanted.

Then we changed dramaturgy, I called my friends - wonderful choreographers Andrei Glushka and Jan Abraimov - they came to us from Europe at 2 am.

Nadia then sore, slept with a temperature on the chair-bag in the hall. And I unreal my spin sick. We tried so much support that I just could not raise her. But despite this, Yana and Andrey helped a lot - and we managed to do everything as we wanted.

About relations with Nadi Dorofeeva

Your spouse was not jealous of you? After all, in the network went a lot of rumors about the novel with Dorofeeva?

- It was just rumors. Natasha Professional. She helped us a lot and even criticized during the rehearsal of the sexual number - Rumba in the bathroom. He said, where it is necessary to become closer to each other, where a look is more passionate, the audience and judges believe us.

Vladimir Dantes, Katya Saddy and Zhenya Cat

And Vladimir Dantes did not cause you a "serious male conversation" about the hot dancing with his wife?

- Vova with Natasha often came to us at the rehearsal, supported us. None of any jealousness was. Already after the project, I invited Dorofeyev and Dantes to "DIM TAIAєMNIX SEE", but Nadya could not come and we went to the show together with Vova. Perfect time!

Choreographer Zhenya Cat was one of the strongest participants in updated dancing with stars Who will be the judges of the new dance season with the stars. He remembered the audience not only interesting numbers with the singer Nadya Dorofeeva and complex tricks, but also an excellent physical form. Whether we will see Eugene next season of the show, remains a mystery. While TV was lucky to meet with a talented dancer and ask about the secrets of his excellent form.

Wife Evgenia - Natalia Tatartseva - also a dancer, as well as a certified nutritionist. She constitutes a diet, and his wife sticks it.

"When we met, I ate sausages, sausages, everything ... And at the same time I did a lot. When I started living with Natalia, she didn't take anything to me. I myself looked at it and took an example from her. We love it very much. But right ! We give preference to good products, always buy them in one place. We eat a lot of vegetables and always there are eggs in our diet - we have their grandmother (Smiles)"," The cat shared.

Wife Evgeny Cat Natalia

Diet dance couple is built on the following principles.

keep balance

"I try to keep the balance throughout," says Zhenya. "And I think that you need to maintain an acid-alkaline balance - that is, there are different products. My personal nutritionist is my wife Natalia. In the season. Westerns it does not use medicines at all. When I or she is sick, then just starting there are certain products, for example, alkaline. All our weeds, plants are all alkaline products. And we are quickly at such a diet. We constantly eat it in winter, we buy in the markets, we find and support yourself in the markets form. "

To drink a lot of water

"Water needs to be drunk in sufficient quantities. With the help of water, we can derive toxins that accumulate, feeding irregular food. Someone smokes, someone drinks a lot of coffee - all this needs to withdraw from the body."

know the limits

"We do not sit on diets. And it is still very important not to overeat. There is such a common mistake. For example, in the summer they decided that strawberries, cherries, watermelons - useful, and people start there are kilograms. And it's not worth doing that, allergic may arise, Food intolerance. "

Breakfast and dinner

"For breakfast, I will definitely eat two eggs. And I love when the yolk remains liquid. The yolks contain useful cholesterol, and in liquid form it is better saved. The account of dinner, then we can always eat when hungry. You can not go to bed if you want to eat . Therefore, our dinner can be after 22-00, as well as after midnight. The main thing is not to go right after dinner in bed. It is best to go out after that walk. And it is still not to overeat. "

There are often not very large portions

"Many people make a big mistake when they want to lose weight. They cease to eat. And then the body falls into the state of stress. And then, when we feed it - he begins to accumulate it all in the form of fat."

Simple products - minimum preparation

"We are trying to eat very simple products - a piece of meat or fish, buckwheat, rice, other cereals. Without sauces, without excessive processing. And recycled meat, with food additives, it is better not at all. This has long been proved by scientists."

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Charming, attentive to women, young talented dancer Evgeny Cat, told Miss about his hobbies, life values \u200b\u200band creative plans.

We know that your character, Ramkopf - a sneaky, cunning, fearful, besides, and Lovilas. In one of the interviews, you said that in life is not very similar to your character, with the exception of one thing - you are also, as well as he loves women too much ...

Ramcopf loves women's attention and pays her attention to women. I also love women's attention (probably, like every man), and I am ready to give my own - all women in the world ... For example, at rehearsals, I can't help you not approach the girl and not to tell her that it smells like it or She is so beautiful today.

And they willingly believe your seductive compliments?

Yes. After all, I always tell them the truth! I just really like to give my attention to girls and in response to get the same.

What happens in your personal life now? Do you have a girlfriend?

Not. It was, but passed. I work a lot, everything changes quickly ...

Do you use girls for your personal goals?

No, I'm not at all! I am a Monogamous. All my parting in the relationship was not initiated, but my half. I do not even know why everything was so worked ...

What do you appreciate in girls?

I like simplicity and naturalness. I do not like an excessive makeup. Do not welcome painted hair. Good when beauty is the most natural possible. Modern technologies are creating miracles, but for me naturalness - above all! Here, for example, girls spend a lot of money for good cosmetics, allegedly emphasize their beauty, but in this way they kill it, - grow faster ...

Are you probably against plastic surgery?

Looking at what cases. If this is really necessary: \u200b\u200bsome or something else or something else, then of course, plastic can help a person ... I am not against such an intervention. But Botox, Silicone, etc., to create it seems like a "beautiful" body is unnecessary. I think it is ugliness and utopia!

Did you hardly be born into the image of Ramcopf? When you were invited to the Baron Münhgausen show, maybeHave you seen yourself to someone else?

When invited to the project, I did not know that there would be such a character like Ramcopf. I didn't count at all about what role, because I didn't fit for Baron and under the Ferofila (and I myself understood it), but I didn't know about other main male characters. I thought I was invited simply in the corps, and it was quite satisfied with me ... I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthis project, so I really wanted to dance. But after they said that I was casting on the role of Ramcopf, I began to study this character hardly.

It must be said that he was given to me very difficult. The first months of rehearsals I did not understand who he was, this Ramcopf, and what he should be ... I didn't like to play it.

Have you seen the movie "That Münhgausen" for dating a character?

Sure. But we have a little different in the performance. In a film or a performance, using speech, everything is much easier. The character of the character can be conveyed and showing completely different ways than in dance. Here, all emotions, I have to show my plastic, facial expressions, gestures. And it is more difficult.

How difficult it is to feel the yoke of a negative character? Are you not afraid that the actor label is sticking to you, which plays negative characters?

I'm not afraid. Yes, sometimes it happens, I'm so living in the image that I fool over the guys as it would have done the RAMCOPF. But this is an excess of my image, no more. I am sure that after the end of the speeches, I completely "go out" from this character, and I will return to "myself".

Probably, such an impressionability regarding the reincarnation on the stage is characteristic of all novice actors, and then everything will go like on the oil: played and forgot?

We probably see.

Do you have any other hobbies in life except dancing and girls?

I like to make productions of various choreographic rooms, in other words, the director. For example, I have already managed to work on the STB channel for projects "Dance" and "Ukraine", first, the director's assistant, then as a director. On the second season, Ukraine Maj Talent was taken to the staff of the channel Stb assistant creative producer. Throughout these two projects, I have done the formulation of various choreographic and circus numbers that I like no less than dancing. I understand that in the future I can grow from the dancer in the choreographer-director, on what I will work.

Wish readers:

Eugene began to engage in dances at 13 years old. The first educational institution in its choreographic education was the lyceum of arts, then the Kiev pop-circus college. Already in the second year of study, Zhenya worked as part of the ballet, in the ballet JB, filmed in the clips of famous artists (Natasha , Margo, etc.). In the third year, he worked with And on the fourth left the ballet on tour to Germany.

After returning to the Motherland, Eugene began to cooperate with Tina Karol. Popularity and performing skills grew; Zhenya received suggestions for a job in various foreign show, but responded with refusal. And not in vain, because the bright events were waiting for him in Ukraine - participation in the final of the popular Ukrainian television show "Dance everything". Eugene says that this project gave him a lot: "Starting from incredible professional growth to popularity." His skills were highly appreciated by millions of spectators, and a strict authoritative jury. Zhenya The cat entered the 20th dancers of Ukraine, and he got him deservedly.

"After participating in" Everything dance! " There was a sea of \u200b\u200bcool and unforgettable events! - says Zhenya. - I participated in the all-Ukrainian tour "Dance everything!", In which we drove about 35 cities. During the tour, my dream came true - I danced solo before the three thousand spectators on the biggest scene of Ukraine! I started to put the dance rooms and the rooms of the original genre on the project "Ukraїna Mait Talent!" Played one of the main roles in the first Ukrainian dance 3D show "Baron Münhgausen". It turned out that in the image of Ramcopfa, more than 60 performances with full anchlats were dug. Was invited to a creative group

projects "X-factor" and "Ukraine Mait Talent!" on the channel STB. In short, I felt like a real artist. Believe it, it is so cool! "

Today, Eugene has not only popularity, but a huge base of knowledge and experience. Training in such masters of modern choreographic art, like Francisco , Patrik Chen, Tovaris Wilson, Annes Kirpih, Ton Gretton, Nick Wlson, Sonya Tea, helped his wife master various dance directions at a professional level. Zhenya loves fishing and summer: "I would go on shorts and slaps all year round."