The gospel about the calling of the apostles. Vocation Peter, Andrei, James, John and Matthew

The gospel about the calling of the apostles. Vocation Peter, Andrei, James, John and Matthew

The vocation of the first apostles

(John. 1: 35-51)
After the temptation from the devil, the Lord Jesus Christ again went to Jordan to John. Meanwhile, on the eve of his arrival, John gave a new solemn testimony about him in front of the Pharisees, no longer as the coming only, but as about the coming Messiah. This is about only the evangelist John in 1 ch. Art. 19 - 34. Jews sent the priests and Levites from Jerusalem to Jerusalem to ask who he was not Christ, for, according to their ideas, only the Messiah Christ could be baptized. "And the confession and not the receding: and the confession, Jaco, believe Az Christ." To the question of who he then, not the Prophet Lee, he himself call himself a "glare of the flavory in the desert" and emphasizes that the baptism of his water, like all the ministry of his only preparatory, and to remove all the questions, in conclusion of his answer Solemnly announces: "Altogether it is worth it, you're not Vesta," you are not welcome "(Art. 26)," He performs his service after me, but has eternal being and divine dignity, and I am not enough to be even his slave. " This testimony was given in Vifavar - where the numerous people were glasses in John (Art. 27-28).

Another day after that, when Jesus, after the temptation from the devil, came again to Jordan, John says a solemn testimony about him, calling him the "Lamb of God, grieving the sins of the world" and certifying that this is the one, about the arrival of whom he and I preached, and that he was convinced that this was the killing of the Holy Son of God, because he saw the Spirit descending from the sky, like a dove, and staying on it (Ioan.1: 29-34).

Another day after that, already a personal testimony of the coming Messiah, the Son of God, the sins of the world, John again stood with two of his students on the shore of Jordan. Jesus also passed along the coast of Jordan again. Seeing the Lord, John repeats his yesterday's testimony again: "CE Lamb of God" (John 1: 36). Calling Christ of Christ, John refers to him the wonderful prophecy of Isaiah in 53 ch., Where the Messiah is represented in the form of a sheath, led by a mortgage, a lamb, a lackless pre-haunting (Article 7).

Consequently, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis testimony of John is the one that Christ is a sacrifice, bringing by God for the sins of people. But in words: "swallow the sins of the world" this great living victim is represented by the High Priest, who is sacred himself: takes over the sins of the world and sacrifice himself for peace.

Hearing this testimony of John, two of his students this time followed Jesus there, where he lived, and held the time with him from the tenth hour (in our opinion from the fourth afternoon) until late evening in hearing the conversation of him, the unshakable conviction that he is a Messiah (38-41). One of these disciples was Andrei, and the other - the Evangelist John himself, never calling himself when narrated about the events in which he participated. Returning home, after a conversation with the Lord, Andrei first announced his brother Simon that he and John found the Messiah (Art. 41). Thus, Andrei was not only an overnight student of Christ, how it is called, but he and the first of the apostles preached him, drew him and led to Christ the future of the first apostle. When Andrei led to Christ Christ, then, leen on him with his testing eyes, the Lord Nare His "Kifoyu", which means how the evangelist himself explains, "stone", in Greek, Petros. Another day after the arrival of Andrei and John Christ, Christ went to go to Galileo and called for the following Philip, and Philip, finding his friend Nathanaila, wished him and herself to follow Christ, saying him: "Jegee Moses in law and prophesions, The found of Jesus Son Josephov, and from Nazareth "(Art. 45). Nathanael, however, did it objected to him: "Can Nazarei can well be good?" Apparently, Nathanal shared the total of many prejudice to many people that Christ, as the king with earthly greatness, will come and will appear in glory among the highest Jerusalem society; Meanwhile, Galilee enjoyed very bad glory among Jews, and Nazareth, this little town, who even never mentioned in the sacred Scripture of the Old Testament, seemed to no matter the birthplace and the phenomenon of the Mesia prophets. Philip's believing soul, however, did not find it necessary to refute this prejudice of a friend. Philip provided him to make sure of his words himself. "Priyi and all!" He said to him. Nathanael, as a frank and sincere person, wanting to explore how correctly, what a friend tells him, now he went to Jesus. And the Lord witnessed the simplicity and the infertility of his soul, saying to him: "He is truly an Israeli, in the less thangotten." Nathanail expressed surprise, from where the Lord can know him, seeing him for the first time. And then the Lord in order to finally dispel his doubts and attract him to himself, he is his divine Growing to him, hinting at one mysterious circumstance, the meaning of which was not known to anyone, except for Nathana himself: "Suns under the figuction of the types of Ta". What happened to Nafanail under the figures, it was concealing from us and, as it can be seen, it was such a secret, which, except Nathana himself, could know only God. And it struck Nathanaila that all doubts in Jesus instantly scattered: he realized that he was not a simple person before him, but someone, gifted by the Divine Alliance, and he immediately believed in Jesus, as in the Divine Messenger-Messia, expressing this exclamation , full of hot faith: "Rabbi (what does:" Teacher "), you are the Son of God, you are the king of Israel!" (Art. 49). It is assumed that Nathanal had the custom to make a molded prayer under the figures, and probably somehow experienced special experiences during such a prayer, which he was brightly remembered and about which none of the people could know. That is why the words of the Lord and awakened in him at once such a hot faith in him, as in the Son of God, who was discovered by the hidden states of the human soul.

On this exclamation of Nathanaila, the Lord, turning no longer to one person personally, but to all his followers, pre-promptly: "Amen, Amen Verkolol You: Speaken the sky open, and the Angels of God, ascending and descending over the Son of God." The Lord wanted to say these words to his disciples that they tear his fame with spiritual eyes, which turned the ancient prophecy about the union of the sky with the land of the mysterious staircase, which the Old Testament Patriarch of Jacob saw in a dream (Gen. 28: 11-17) through the embodiment of the Son of God Now "the Son of Human." By this name, the Lord began to call himself often. In the Gospel, we have about 80 cases when the Lord calls ourselves so. This Christ positively and irrefutably claims to Humanity and at the same time he emphasizes that he is a person in the highest sense of the word, the perfect, universal, absolute person, the second Adam, the investigation of the newly updated by him through his godpanis. Thus, this title does not express only the humiliation of Christ, but rather, along with this, it expresses his elevation over the general level, indicating the ideal of human nature in it, the person of this whom it should be, on the thought of the Creator and the Creator of His God.

MF., 9 Zac., 4: 18-23.

Why are people in our time so hurry?

To see the successful result of your work as soon as possible. And success comes and passes, and leaves the track of sorrow.

Why are human sons in our time so hurry?

So as soon as possible to shake the fruits of your works. And the fruits come and pass, and leave behind the feet of bitterness.

And when death comes, the people of our days see themselves completely belonging to the past only, they see the progress they have achieved, are forgotten, united fruits - exult. With death they die and the last traces of their works and their crop are dying. Those that come for them, in the same hurry sow, in the same hurry climb and absorb the fruits and with the thief of their void their lifetime.

This is a human method - but not God. Seeing the difference between the way the human and the way of God, people said: "God is slow and achievable." God is slow - he can be slow for one generation, but he will not slow on the entire life of all generations. Often he sows in one generation, and in the other reaps. And the generation in which God sow, believes God very slow, while the generation in which he comes will, considers him very fast. Is there any harvest in our human affairs, than plowing, sowing, weeding, digging and tense expectation when the fruit matures? But God is not slow and not soon. He has his own measure, and it does not retreat from this measure. Ant looks - and only sees an anthill; The farmer is looking - and sees all the Niva.

If Christ came alone in human, he would choose the apostles not twelve fishermen, but the twelve kings of earthly. If he only wanted to immediately see the success of his business and shake the fruits of his works, he could be eager to baptize the twelve most powerful kings on earth and make them with his followers and apostles. Just imagine how the name of Christ instantly was disclosed worldwide! How quickly his teaching would spread throughout the Earth! How hurrying on the royal statements would be destroyed by idols, and the Kapigi would turn into the temples of Christian! How to stop bringing animals to sacrifice the gods, and smoking blood would be replaced by smoking incense! With what ease would be established by the Church of God Zhivago and one in all humanity! Without any sufferings, Christ could then recreate at the only royal throne, from which through twelve submissive kings, as through its governors, all the peoples of the Earth and the whole world - from the East to West and from the North to South. Then violent Jews without any work recognized the king of Christ as their expected Messiah and walked to him.

But think what would happen in the end with such a terrestrial kingdom, created on the force of the force and the genius of one person? It would have happened as the same as with all the earth kingdoms before and after the coming of Christ. Together with its founder and it would be on the mortal apparent, and the world would again find himself in the same place, from where he started. Or, even clearer, it would also have happened that with a huge oak, which a certain Giant snatched in the mountains and transplant to the valley. While the giant stands near the transplanted oak and supports him, His Higher, it is worth the oak; But as soon as the Giant goes out of oak, the winds will come down, and the oak will collapse on the ground. And people, gathering near the fallen oak, will be surprised how such a powerful Oak succumbed to the winds, while the low hazel bushes around him won and remained standing? And people shake their heads and say: "Truly, low hazel bushes, slowly growing out of the seed, are stronger and resist the winds with more ease than the biggest oak when his giant hand will translate, and then leave." The root of the tree is deeper in the underground darkness, the tree is stronger, stable and more durable.

How many wisdom is that Christ began to be from below, and not from above! How many wisdom is that he began to build his kingdom not with the kings, but from fishermen! How well and saving for us living two thousand years after his business on earth that during his earthly life he did not see the ultimate result of his work and did not shock the fruits of his work! He did not want a great tree to immediately transplant a huge tree into the ground, but he wanted like a simple farmers, bury the seed of a tree into the underground darkness and go home. So he entered. Not only in the darkness of simple Galilee fishermen, but the Lord seed of the Tree of Life and left in the darkness before Adam himself.

And the tree grew slowly, very slowly. Frash winds swayed it, trying to break, but could not. The enemies cut the tree under the root, but the root allowed more and more shoots; And the more it fell, the faster and faster it grew. The enemy power was deeply underground, deeper catacombs to snatch the root; But the more she jerked him, the root became stronger, the more violently appeared the processes. Therefore, the tree of Christ, an incense, and not humanly, and today, two thousand years later, it blooms, covered by foliage, and brings people and angels of sweet fruits, and shines freshness and redness, as if planted no more than a hundred years ago.

If the Lord, our Jesus Christ came as people do, he, indeed, would be much faster among people, but we would not be saved. But he did not come for a human glory - the sound of a swirl, which today plays, and tomorrow will be thrown into the fire - it did not come for the glory of human, but for the salvation of people. He came to the people not as a giant on the theater representation to show his strength and art and achieve applause, but as a friend and the doctor came to our hospital to visit us, talk to us alone and offer us advice and medicine. Therefore, the benefit of mankind from the beginning to the end of the time that the Lord entered God's Ladies and elected no twelve great kings with his apostles, but twelve small fishermen. And about how he chose them, tells today's evangelical reading.

Passing near the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean, he saw two brothers: Simona, called Peter, and Andrei, his brother, throwing the network in the sea, for they were fishermen.

Why the Lord was in the Galilee Sea, the evangelist explains us earlier. Having heard that John the Baptist was given to custody, he left Judea and retired to Galileo, to the despicable edge of the Israeli lands. Anticipating the bloody end of the Great Warrior and Forerunner, he is his removal, as if retreat, prepared a victory over the enemy. And if he is in Galilee, does he naturally settle in Nazareth, in his fatherland, where most of his earthly life passed? But what prophet is accepted in his fatherland? He came to Nazareth, but there he wanted to overthrow down the top of the mountain. Resting again from premature human atrocities, he finally settled with the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, within the vendors and non-Phone, among the most abandoned and despicable, among people in the dark and in the country and the shadow of death. In this great darkness, he first blocks the seed of the fertile trees of the Gospel of his.

Evangelist John writes that Andrei followed the first to the Lord, and in Judea. Andrey was a student of John the Baptist, and when John pointed to Christ as the strongest herself, Andrei left his first teacher and went for Christ. Immediately after Andrei found his brother of his Simon and told him: we found the Messiah, which means: Christ; and led him to Jesus. Even then, Christ called Simon Peter, or a stone, firm stone of faith (In.1: 35-42). Does not contradict this case written by the evangelist John what the evangelist Matthew says in today's gospel, that is, the fact that Christ called these two brothers only on the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee? According to the Gospel of John, Andrei followed Christ, and then Peter, while the Gospel of Matthew comes out that Christ found and called them at the same time, and Peter is mentioned first. Is it an obvious contradiction? No: in no way. Obviously, meanwhile, the saint John Zlatoust also interprets that two different events are described here. The first thing that happened in Judea, when the baptist was free, and the second, formerly later in Galilee, while the baptist was thrown into the dungeon and when the Lord our Jesus Christ settled in Kapernaum, on the seashore of the Galilean. John describes the earlier meeting of Christ with Peter and Andrey, and Matthew - later. This is clear from the fact that Matthews speak about Simone, called PeterWhat means: The Lord previously called Simon Peter. This, ex-before, and the first - the meeting of Peter with Christ occurred in Judea, when Andrei brought his brother to Christ. This first meeting John describes the following words: and led it (Andrew) to Jesus. Jesus, looking at him, said: You are Simon, Son Ionin; You will need a kifa, which means: Stone (Peter). Evangelist Matthew, now describing the re-meeting the sons of Ionina with the Lord, knows about it, because he says: Simon called Peter. He mentions Peter before Andrei due to the fact that Peter on temperament was more alive than his brother, and from the very beginning he was stronger than him. The fact that John and Matthew described two different events, and not the same thing, it is clear to anyone who read both the Gospel. If Matthew describes the decisive vocation of Peter and Andrei to the apostolic ministry - go for me- that John, rather, talks about the meeting and acquaintance of these brothers with Christ, the reason for which the words of the forerunner served: here is the Lamb of God.. It is clear that after meeting this, they broke up with Christ and otherwise, or in other times they went to Galilean, where the Lord again found them when they were engaged in their fishing work.

And he says to them: go for me, and I will make you cathers. And they immediately leaving the network, followed him. The Lord knows the hearts of them: like children, these fishermen believe in God and conquer the laws of God. They are accustomed to not lead and order, but only work and obey. They are not proud of them, their hearts are performed humility and obedience to the will of God. But, although they are simple fishermen, the souls of their raids and eager as much truth as possible and truth. We see that Andrei once left his fishing nets and followed the John Forerunner, becoming his student. And as soon as John pointed to Christ as the strongest herself, Andrei left John and followed Christ. These are the living souls seeking the increasing and greater truth of God and the kingdom of God. Therefore, Christ and commands them: go for me. In the same way, God comes with all of us. He does not want to drive us to the path of salvation, but first gives us the opportunity to choose salvation or death. However, when God, seeing the hearts, will notice that our hearts lean towards the path of good, to the path of salvation, then he strongly attracts us to this path. When our hearts completely shy away on the path of death and evil, God leaves us, and Satan becomes our master. So it was with a juda traitor. When his heart completely bent down to evil and chose the gloomy path of death, Christ did not try to dismiss him from the way; On the contrary, seeing that Satan entered Judea, the Lord told him: what do you do rather. Thus, neither in the case of Peter and Andrey, nor in the case of the Lord in no way limits the freedom of human self-determination, but only after people have decided in the choice of good or evil, he strongly says: Peter and Andrei - go for me, and Judea - what do you do rather.

And I will make you cathers. This means: As so far, you have their own networks with their depths of the depths of the waters of the sea, so from now on, I will also catch people from the depths and darkness of the Evil of this world. All good will remain in these networks, and everything is unsuitable or will not be able to enter these networks, or fall out of them.

Hearing the call of Christ, Peter and Andrei immediately, leaving the network, followed him. See how many hearts of two brothers have already decided on the choice of good? They do not ask: "Where are you calling us? What will we eat? And who will feed our families?" They like all their lives just waited, listening: when will this call sound? Simplely, like children, they pin all their concerns on God, leave everyone and follow the call of Christ.

From there, going further, he saw other two brothers, James Zejedeeva and John, his brother, in a boat with Zezedhem, the father of them, holding his own networks, and called them. And they immediately leaving the boat and their father, followed him. And again - not two kings, but two fishermen! Without the royal crown on the head, but with the royal heart in the chest. So the Lord collects pearls in darkness. So he elects small and nomads, in order for them to post the great and wise; And the poor choose the Lord to post the rich. See how poor Jacob and John are poor: they themselves with their father will repair their networks! But the souls are rich in the Alcbian and the thirst for God; Their hearts are addressed to good and are waiting. Because only Christ called them, they immediately left their occupation, and a boat, and father, and networks and followed by him.

In the inner sense of fisherman means the catcher of spiritual products, the network - the soul, the sea - the world of this, the boat is the body. Throwing the nets in the sea, these fishermen are looking for spiritual food, the spiritual food, or the kingdom of God, stretching and immersing their soul in the depths of this world in order to catch these benefits somewhere. The repair of networks means their work to correct their soul. The fact that the first two left their networks and followed Christ, it means that they left their dilapidated and sinful souls and went for Christ in order to be updated to them, reborn and gain a new soul and a new spirit. And it still means that now they will look for and catch spiritual benefits not by the efforts of their own soul, but Christ, not on their own, but by the power of God, not with her mind, but Divine Revelation. And the fact that the other two left the boat and the father of their own, means that they left their sinful body and their bodily father, so that henceforth take care of the salvation of the soul and go to the Father's resignation to their Heaven as adopted by God's grace.

And Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching them in the synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdoms, and healing all sorts of illness and all sorts of weakness in people. After the thirty years of the secluded life of the Lord, our Jesus Christ now begins his divine ministry, and begins zealously and decisively. On this indicate words: walked throughout Galilee. His ministry was in the interpretation of the Old, in the preaching of the new and in to confirm both other wonders, healing people. The law was given through Moses and the prophets, and he was witnessed by many wonders, so that people believed that this law was from God. But the interpreters of the law, murdering his soul, completely dying and the meaning of this law. That is why the Old Testament Act of this was dead and no matter how existing. Nowadays, our Jesus Christ, the prechistan and sinless, is like a single true legist and a genuine interpreter of that first law. He interprets his meaning and opens his spirit, closed for sinners. Now he is an interpreter of the Spirit, as Later, the Spirit will be his interpreter. He does not reject the Old Testament Law of God - how can he reject him when he himself and gave him? But on the basis of his true spiritual and prophetic meaning, he now gives a new law of salvation, preaching the good news of the kingdom. The Old Testament Act is similar to the good and fertile land, which people launched so much that her face completely disappeared under the thorns and wolfes, squeezed people, that is, false interpreters. So that everyone disgusted his eyes and his heart from this launched land. Nowadays, the Lord praises this land and sows a new seed. And people look at him with fear and surprise. And both the Old Testament law was witnessed by many divine wonders and this new law of the Lord Our Jesus Christ as the legislator witnessed by many wonders. Miracles are not committed for idle and vain to show their strength, but in order to bring true benefits to people. They all consist in healing of bodily and mental illnesses and transfecting human. For the Lord visited us not as a magician, but as a friend and a doctor.

All of you, accurate and thirsting truth and love of God, in vainly catching this truth and love with their souls, like networks, in the sea of \u200b\u200bthis world, hear the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he calls you how once called the fishermen near the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean: go for me. And, hearing the voice of this, do not hesitate not a minute, but immediately leave all your old efforts and all your old love and follow him. He is the only one friend and doctor; All other, located outside it, essence or ignorant, or charlatans. He encourages you as a king, nor as shepherds, nor as rich, nor as poor, nor as scientists, nor as uneducated, but as people performed diseases and informs. The cause of the diseases and weakness of our - sin. Therefore, fall to the Lord to our Jesus Christ and reconcile to him, as no time numerous sore and weak: Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinners! Forgive me, Lord, forgive with countless my sins. Cleaning me by forceful, drink to your life-giving your bread, deeply enter me, like fresh and clean air into the stuffy room, and I will be healthy, and I will be healthy and alive! May the Lord will be glorified in the fortress of the soul and purity of the body, with the Father and Holy Spirit - the Trinity is a one-way and inseparable, the help of the holy apostles of the Holy Apostles, now and are confused, at all times and forever. Amen.

From the Sretensky Monastery issued by the publishing house. You can purchase the publication in the "Considering" store.

Vocation Peter, Andrei, James and John on the apostolic ministry

(Matthew, 4: 18-22; Mark, 1: 16-20)

(18) Passing through the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean, he saw two brothers: Simona, called Peter, and Andrei, his brother, throwing networks in the sea, for they there were fishermen, (19) and tells them: go for me, and I will make you people. (20) And they immediately leaving the network, followed him. (21) from there, walking Next, he saw other two brothers, Jacob Zerecedheeva and John, brother his, in a boat with Zezedhem, the father of their, holding their own networks, and called them. (22) And they immediately leaving their boat and their father, followed him.

(MF. 4: 18-22)

First of all, it requires clarification of the chronology of events related to the calling of future apostles to ministry. The given fragment from the Gospel of Matthew says: "Simon, called Peter." From this expression it is clear that even then Simon wore this nickname. From the story of John, we find out that Jesus called Simona, Brother Andrei, when they were the first meeting, when they were still students of John the Baptist: "(40) One of the two heard from John about Jesus and followed him, was Andrei, Brother Simona Peter. (41) He first finds his brother of his simon and tells him: We found the Messiah, which means: Christ; (42) and led him to Jesus. Jesus, looking at him, said: You are Simon, Son Ionin; You will need kifa, which means: stone (Peter) "(in. 1: 40-42). ("Kifa" - the word Siro-Chaldean, and "Peter" - Greek; and that and the other means "stone". Subsequently, Jesus Christ explained why he called Simonon. He said: "You are Peter (that is, a stone), And on this stone I will create the church of my, and the gates of hell will not overcome it "(Matt. 16:18). See Presentation of keys Peter.)

So, comparing the testimony of Matthew and the brand about the calling of Peter, Andrei, James and John (details that expand these evidence, leads Luke; see Wonderful catch) with the story of John about the vocation of Andrei, Peter, John, James, Philip and Nathanaila, which happened earlier (in. 1: 35-51), it should be concluded that after the first calling, the disciple of Jesus did not always follow him during his travel, and Sometimes they returned to their former classes. But after the second call, they became unable to its satellites, and soon and elected in the number of twelve apostles.

Many students of Jesus before their calling on the apostolic ministry were fishermen. Jesus could call them "Cathesians", as if hinting at their former profession. In addition, he compares the kingdom of heavenly with a nemid, thrown into the sea and capturing fish of various kinds (Matt. 13:47).

Matthew and Brand's most complete story illustrates Vatican fresco Domenico Girlandiao.

Domenico Girlandiao. The vocation of the apostles Peter and Andrei (1481).

Vatican. Sicstinskaya chapel.

And although it is known as the "vocation of the Apostles Peter and Andrei", at least the artist also depicted the vocation of James and John. In other words, on the fresco, three points of this story are captured (Christ goes on the shore of the lake from left to right (in relation to the viewer) - "From there, going further ..." (MF. 4:21); the episodes of the story also follow ): In the left side of the frescoes in the background of Christ. addresses to Peter and Andrei in the boat; In the center in the foreground, Christ, obviously, pronounces its main words: "Go for me, and I will make you the cathers of the people", the apostles face the crankshafts (both of these scenes are found in Western painting as separate iconographic types of the vocation of the first apostles); Finally, in the right part of the fresco in the background, Christ is already accompanied by Peter and Andrei appeals to Jacob and John, sitting along with their father in the boat. G. Schiller claims that Peter and Jacob are in the center of the crankshafts (
Schiller G.., R. 155). It seems to be incorrect, since the same two students we see among the accompanying Christ at the moment when he only calls Jacob and John.

Although the plot of the vocation of Peter and Andrei is found in Western painting most often, examples of illustrating the vocation of the second pair of students - James and John, sons of Zezeda. Such is the picture of Marco Bazati: Christ stands on the shore of the lake; He was accompanied by Peter and Andrei who followed him; From the boat and John and John comiating to the shores of the boat, the first one already bowed his knee in front of his blessing Christ. Despite the fact that both Matthew and Mark, whose stories could keep in mind the artist, unanimous in approving that Jacob and John left the "boat and father of their own", Bazaati depicts how he, their father, also takes a step from the boat towards Christ .

The image of the crowd of people in this scene is Liberty Girlandian. The gospel does not speak this case about the presence of other students of Christ or other people. A crowded society on the shores of the lake, which portrayed Girlandian, does not fall under the definition of "workers", which Mark Mark mentions, speaking about Zroweja, which somehow could be interpreted as an indication of a crowded at the time of the vocation of the apostles. Some justification of this liberty of the artist gives another story - Luke - about the vocation of Peter and Andrei: "Once, when the people crowded to him to hear the Word of God, and he stood at Lake Gennisret, (2) he saw two boats on the lake; And fishermen, coming out of them, washed the network "(Luke 5: 1-2) (see Wonderful catch). In the characters destroyed in Florentine clothesXV century, the artist's contemporaries found a lot of similarities with their fellow citizens.


Domenico Girlandiao. The vocation of the apostles Peter and Andrei (1481). Vatican. Sicstinskaya chapel.

Marco Bazati. Calling the sons of Zezeda (approx. 1500). Venice. Gallery of the Academy.

© Alexander Makar.

There is a legend that entered the Russian Orthodox Church as a certain belief that the Holy Apostle Andrey was very prolonged when he was identified that part of the world, in which he had to go, visited the places of Kievan Rus, and was on Kiev hills, and blessed These hills, and said that here, on these hills, the wonderful city will be erected, which will turn to Christ. And therefore, the name of St. Andrew, the Apostle of the First Called, is of absolutely particular importance for the Russian man, for the believer, and has always been in the history of Russia so that Andrei was the first-surveyed was the apostle, which began, can be said, the baptism of Russia, Watering the cross on Russia. For a thousand years, almost before, before the Baptism of Russia has been accomplished.

How is it amazing! It was a heavenly omen, heavenly directions, because it was even before it was carried out. In prayers, when the Holy Apostle Andrey moved from this life to another, he became even before the baptism of Russia, he was already a prayer officer for her, as she would prepare her, praying before the throne of God in heaven for Russia. It was as if heavenly Russia, which was embodied on the days of St. Olga and St. Vladimir.

And here we should pay attention to the gospel, which is read on the day of St. Andrei's St. The Holy Apostle - calling it. And when he first sees, listening to the words of his first teacher John the forerunner that Jesus, as John the Forerunner showed, is that the Lamb of God, who takes on the sins of the world, he goes to Jesus himself, and Christ calls him to the Apostle . And he goes and calling his brother Simon and tells him: "I found the Messiah, Christ."

The vocation of the apostles Andrei and Peter. Painting of the Pokrovo-Nikolsky temple of Klaipeda, Lithuania. Photo:

He saw Christ, and after that, Simon goes to Christ, and Christ for the first time gives him the name Peter - Stone, Rock. And later says: "On this rock I will erect my church, and the Gate of Adov will not overcome it." At the faith of Peter, when Peter confesses him later. Interestingly, Andrei confesses before, Peter later, not at that time. And he gets these amazing words of Christ that the church will never be overcome by the gates of hell, later, after the Apostle Andrei. And it is interesting that the gospel is further talking about what is also called Nafanal, and as Nafanal comes and first does not believe, doubts. And Christ says to him: "I know you, I saw you under the fig tree."

Each of us is such a moment when we can say that we are under the fig. It's a secret. The mystery of our and the mystery of God, when something is done that we are absolutely sure: there is some power of God. We do not know what was then with Nafanal under the fig tree, whether he prayed whether he had a response from God or, on the contrary, there was anything, some vision was - this gospel does not say to us, but it is clear that there was such a moment, Mysterious and divine.

And napanal, when he hears these words, he learns the one who saw him under the fig tree, spiritually. And he says, confessing: "You are the king of Israel, you are the Son of God." You see how on one side a person sees God in the face of Jesus Christ, like Andrei. And God sees a man, as in the case of Nathanaila, under the fig tree. And this is a connection in this gospel narration, the combination of the human and divine, which is carried out and embodied in the personality of Christ himself.

So and we need to look with you on the one hand, as Nathanailova was told: "Prick and look, come and everyone", so we are talking about many: "Come and see, look, listen, read the gospel and see Christ then Who and what he is. It is on the one hand, and on the other hand, keep in mind that God sees you always, everywhere, even under the fig tree, and maybe it is under the fig tree, that is, at that secret moment that you think, only you belong to one " .

May the Lord will give all of us to be true and true crawls of the truth, so that the Lord opened to us, as he opened with his apostles and how he called on St. Andrew the First-Called, First Baptist Rus. Amen.

Jesus reassured Peter, saying to him: " Do not be afraid. Following me now, you will then in a word, to attract the minds of the minds and the hearts of people; After stopping being a fisherman, you will become a catcher of people; from now on you will catch people(LK. 5, 10) ".

Hearing this call, Peter, and after him Andrei, Jacob and John pulled their boats ashore and, leaving on the spot and network, and caught fish, went for Jesus.

Evangelical Matthew and Mark, telling about the same vocation of the apostles, silent about the fact that the wonderful fish catch was preceded by this vocation, as a result of which their narratives, quite consonant among themselves, seem not quite consonant with the narration of the Evangelist Luke. For comparison, we give the story of the first two evangelists

Matthew. 4. 18-22: Mark. 1. 16-20:
Passing near the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean, he saw two brothers: Simon, called Peter, and Andrei, his brother, throwing the networks in the sea, for they were fishermen, and says to them: go for me, and I will make you people with people. And they immediately leaving the network, followed him. From there, going further, he saw other two brothers, James Zejedeeva and John, his brother, in a boat with Zezedhem, the father of them, holding his own networks, and called them. And they immediately leaving the boat and their father, followed him Passing near the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean, saw Simon and Andrei, his brother, throwing the nets in the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them: go for me, and I will do that you will be the catches of people. And they immediately leaving their networks followed him. And, having passed from there a little, he saw James Zejedeyeva and John, his brother, also in the boat reminishing networks; And immediately called them. And they, leaving the father of their zezeda in a boat with employees, followed him.

From the comparison of these quite consonants among themselves narratives of evangelists Matthew and a brand with the story of the evangelist Luke found that the vocation of students took place on the shore of the lake, called the sea, while they were in boats with fishing nets; The discrepancy is only that, according to the story of Luke, Peter with comrades were called upon after catching fish, and in the story Matthew and Mark, the vocation took place when Peter and Andrey drew the networks at sea, and Jacob and John revenge their networks.

There is no reason to believe that the evangelists Matthew and Mark say not about the event that the evangelist of Luka tells, as it is incredible that Jesus Christ calls the same students twice with such similar circumstances. Therefore, the apparent disagreement in the narratives of evangelists should be explained by the fact that the first two evangelists meant to tell onlyabout, as,at the call of Jesus, Peter, Andrei, Jacob and John left everything and went after him; Talking the same onlyabout this vocation, they could bypass the circumstances preceding this important event in their eyes.

Trendated by three evangelists, the vocation of students could be considered as firstthe vocation of Peter, Andrei, James and John following Jesus as his disciples, if the Evangelist John, who complemented the first three gospels in general, did not tell us about the vocation of Andrei, Peter, John, James, Philip and Nathanail, who had previously happened after Solemn testimony of John the Baptist about Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God (John 1, 35-51).

Comparing these two calls with the circumstances preceding the second calling, it can be concluded that after the first calling, the disciple of Jesus did not always follow him during his travel, and sometimes they left for their former classes; After the second call, they became unable to be satellites, but soon and elected, among the twelve, apostles.

The meaning of the synagogue

Jesus often taught in Jewish synagogues. The synagogue was called a house for religious assemblies: reading the law and public prayers. Although Moses commanded to commit worship services and sacrifices in one place where the skin was located (transferred after the first temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem), but during the Babylonian captivity, away from Jerusalem, in a foreign land, the Jews felt extreme necessity in public meetings with religious purpose; If in such meetings and it was impossible to bring sacrifices to God under the law of Moses, then you could, at least, jointly read the books of the law and pray. Houses for such meetings were called synagogues. The synagogues were made as such as the necessary affiliation of every Jewish settlement, which, for the liberation of Jews, they were arranged everywhere, where Jews were sent, not only in Palestine, "but also in the places of Jewish scattering.In the synagogue were: the ark in which the books of the law were kept; The department with which the law and prophets read and seating places. They gathered in the synagogue on Saturdays and holidays. To read and interpret the law and the prophets could anyone recognizing himself capable of that. The reading usually stood during reading, and when I started explaining the read, he sat down.

Listening to the dead word of his teachers, which were mostly Pharisees, Galilean were extremely surprised when heard the living word of Jesus; Those said as slaves of the law, and Jesus - like power having (MK. 1, 22). The scribes and the Pharisees distorted the meaning of the law, they themselves did not understand him, and therefore they said not convinced and not convincing. Jesus said Hiswhat heard from his father, and therefore spoke to powerfully, convinced and convincingly. It is clear what a strong impression was made by his speech on unbiased listeners.

Evangelist Luke complements the story of the evangelist Mark, saying that Jesus in Capernaum taught ... on days Saturday (Lux. 4, 31), that is: Every Saturday of his stay in Kapernah, he taught in the synagogue.

At the time when Jesus taught in the synagogue, was there man who had an unclean breath of demon (Lux. 4, 33), or, as the evangelist Mark says, obsessed with the spirit of unclean (MK. 1, 23).

About the undersigned at all

Unnecessary existence of evil spirits are rejecting, of course, the possibility of the presence of them in man; They say that the contemporaries of Jesus and Jesus himself took the crazy over the understeed or obsessed with an evil spirit.

In the chapter of the temptation (p. 146-147) it was said that the devil, evil spirit or demon, does not have power over a person, and if he wins him, he does not force, but deception, seduction. A man is given by the mind and freedom of will, and he can fight this weapon with the temptations of the devil; But if he is amenable to the influence of an evil spirit, subordinates his will and performs what he will indicate him, it becomes obsessed with an evil spirit.

"The shortcoming can not be mixed with any physical illness; This is a special state of the soul. The disorder, noticed in the ability of the launched, is not due to the painful state of the brain or other organs, but from the violent and destructive action of some kind of higher will; Therefore, the healing of the launched does not depend on medical science and can only be accomplished by the moral impact of the Spirit in the Spirit. True, the launcher was accompanied by common diseases; Some feelings remained inactive: the launched or did not see anything and did not say, or was subjected to corts and sections; But this disorder of the organic life of the launched was depending on the violent action of the Spirit, who possessed them; The unity that connects the soul and the body is such that the disorder of spiritual entails and an organic disorder "(from the writings of Didon" Jesus Christ "). Courts of criminal and psychiatric professionals are known cases of scoring and completely incomprehensible attachment of a person to commit any brutal crime, mostly murder. The attached to such anglement is not immediately subordinated to him; Often he leads a fierce fight against him, but at the same time he feels like his will gradually weaken how he is still less and less resisting this impulse, as he finally succumbed to him, becomes his slave, goes and commits aimless, insane, not justified by any considerations murder; And almost always makes it particularly brutally and as if quite calm, coolly. There have been cases when the unfortunate wondered by such annexation went to the hospital, spoke of his varying and unrestrained desire to kill someone (indifferent - who exactly), and in despair praying doctors about salvation.

Professor S. Korsakov In his "Course of Psychiatry" (p. 253), leads the following case of such an insurmountable attraction to committing the murder. "Back in February (says the patient) I had the idea to kill children. For months, I pursued me; I have something pushing me; I could not get rid of it during the day nor at night or at work. For three nights, I got up with bed to kill children. On the first night I ran out to the courtyard to expel this thought; After half an hour, I calmed down and lay down in bed, on the other night I also came out and, returning to the candle, I took a razor and, having watked back and forth on the room, looked at the children with bloodthirsty; Finally, I put a razor in place and went to the barnyard ... For the third night I went out several times and went again to finish: I was completely ready ... I entered the room of children, holding a candle in one hand, and in another intercession ... I looked, in the bed of a son; He was absent. The curtains of the beds of my daughters were captured, and I saw that they were in bed. I approached, put my left foot on the chair to have a support, and began to put one blow after another on their heads ... They slept, did not make a single movement ... I don't know how many blows I struck ... before murder I didn't think about anything as soon as you kill and run; After I did not look even on the corpses, but I felt a very great relief, which continued until I came to the forest. Then I felt the decline of the forces and shouted: "I was the deceased man" ... "later the patient said:" It should have happened; I could not prevent myself to do this case, murder "...

Calling such inclined with violent or intrusive,professors. Korsakov says: "The patient is aware that his attraction is completely insane, but can not fight him. He foresees all his consequences, but cannot overcome that torment, which is experiencing to satisfy his reckless, harmful for himself and for those surrounding attractions "(p. 251). "Sometimes obsessive desection reaches the highest degree of stress so quickly that they are moving almost simultaneously with how this attraction achieves consciousness; However, at the same time, a person does not lose consciousness: he subsequently remembers what he did, but he could not decide to understand how he did it and what had attracted him. "

When they ask doctors at court, it is possible to recognize the crazy accused who committed the murder under the oppression of such an attraction, they, in most cases, based on the study of the preceding life of the accused and the circumstances accompanying the commission of the crime, they say: the accused acted with the full consciousness of the crime committed by him, and remembers all the most perfect details perfect with all the smallest details; But his will was suppressed by obsessive and violent deposit, and he could not resist this attachment. And if he committed a crime, contrary to his will, under an irresistible pressure of something, obviously, an outsider, that is, who is someone else's will, then this is this terrible, criminal, hellish will evil? Will the Spirit we call evil? And this unfortunate, who committed against his will, the insane killing often even unknown by him, isn't he obsessed with an evil spirit?

Many are asked: "Why in the times of Jesus Christ were standnight, and now they are not?"

Responding to this question, we must notice that it contains a major mistake: Obsess evil spirit and the undersigned always were, and now there are a lot of them; But on those obsessed, which do not show violence, we almost do not pay any attention. Remember the loud criminal case about the murder of the Roshovshchka of Dimant, who delivered pleasure to admire the helplessness and the death of victims of his usury. Recall the Sheiloka (although not existing in reality, but created as a type of Shakespeare's genius), with Hello Cool Cooling Cut Pound Meat Near the Heart of his debtor Antonio. Isn't it obsessed with an evil spirit? And if obsessed becomes violent and, consequently, dangerous to others, they are hiding from us to the house for insane, where they are imperceptible to us and die.

There is no doubt that many so-called madmen lose weight due to any bodily diseases, mainly of brain diseases; But it is also undoubtedly the fact that among the contents in homes for insane many sufferers only suffering from the disease of the will; And if their will is subordinate to the invisible creature for them, they should be considered an obsessed evil spirit.

Healing is confused

Obsess evaporated spirit and during the times of Jesus Christ did not always raise; Only the most violent were removed from cities and villages to desert places, others continued to live in their families. One of these, not particularly violent, sneaked into the synagogue to Capernaum, when Jesus had collected the gathered there, and unexpectedly shouted to everyone with a loud voice: leave; What do you do before us, Jesus Nazaryan? You came to destroy us; I know you who you are, Holy God. This cry made a stunning impression on everyone, except for Jesus, who was calm and, at the same time, the powerful spirit told an evil spirit (under whose influence was shouted): saluch and get out of it! (Lux. 4, 35). The launched fell in the middle of the synagogue, but immediately got up completely healed, since the evil spirit, obeying the command of Jesus, left him.

Nothing like this was seen before those in the synagogue, and therefore attacked all horror (Lux. 4, 36).

The rumor about the extraordinary healing of the infant exile from it of an evil spirit quickly spread throughout the surrounding places, as a result of which all those who had patients with various diseases led them to Jesus.

In this event, the expulsion of an evil spirit is particularly drawn to the fact that it was apparent to Jesus, an obviously not obsessed with a demon, and the demon himself; The obsessive only performed unquestionably the will of the demon, said that he inspired him; And Jesus Christ, saying: Get out of it, - said these words to evil spirit. Blessed Feofilakt in his interpretation on the Gospel of Luke says that the demon, preliminated the Lord reproach, wanted to captivate him, thinking that the Lord would leave him; Therefore, he says: i know you who you are, Holy God. But the Lord does not take testimonies from Besa, I teach us the same, and says: silent and get out of it(Blessed Feofilakt. Interpretation on the Gospel of Luke. P. 66).

And how often we give in to flatter the devil, which is exciting pride in us, excessively self-conceived, reaching sometimes to mania of greatness! To avoid such a detrimental seduction, we should always remember that we cannot be our judges, and that if we ourselves are too high about themselves, then this opinion is not our own, but you cares about the testimony of which should not be trusted.

The case with a rampant occurred or at the end of the teachings, or his extravalence prevented him, only, according to the evangelist, Mark, Jesus soon out of the synagogue. He was accompanied by four student, Simon, Andrei, Jacob and John, secondaryly designed after the wonderful catch of fish and now did not leave him.

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